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NOISID3U • Z!+'itta S'IVIIddY 3O Q?IVOU F 0 H.LRONRIVA 30 HMO L ;i •_ ' VA..4° ;. 'u 3s Z � Clark, Sandi From: Grylls, Mark Sent: Monday, December 17,2018 1:19 PM To: 'Lou Massi'; Inkley, Brad Cc: Clark, Sandi; Hill, Linda; Knapik, Daniel;whitten@capecod.net Subject: RE: H&K Trees Thank you Sir. I appreciate you moving the project forward. Talk soon. Merry Christmas, Mark MARK GRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508) 398-2231 x 1260 From:Lou Massi [mailto:lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.com] Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 1:17 PM To:Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us>; Inkley, Brad<binkley@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc:Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us>; Hill, Linda<LHill@yarmouth.ma.us>; Knapik, Daniel <dknapik@yarmouth.ma.us>;whitten@capecod.net Subject: RE: H&K Trees Hi Mark, Thanks for the approval and I'm sorry my actions caused this commotion. I will make sure we replant the trees to comply with the by-law. Best Regards, Lou Massi From:Grylls, Mark lmailto:mgrylls@varmouth.ma.us] Sent:Monday, December 17, 2018 1:06 PM To: Lou Massi<lou@cataniahospitalitvaroup.com>; Inkley, Brad<binklev@varmouth.ma.us> Cc:Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us>; Hill, Linda<LHill@varmouth.ma.us>; Knapik, Daniel <dknapik@varmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE: H&K Trees Thank you Lou. I have signed the C.I. for this year based on this email.The liquor license approval should move forward assuming all other criteria is met for departments involved. I will follow up in April as you are currently still in violation of the bylaw. I expect that the trees will be planted in April and that the matter will be resolved then. I do not know the original placement of the trees but would like to remind you that compliance with the bylaw as written today will be adhered to.Any deviation from the standards required in today's bylaw would require relief from the ZBA in the form of a variance. 1 •i There will be no fines assessed at this time. If compliance is not achieved in the timeframe agreed to,fines will be considered as the property is still in violation. Very truly, Mark MARK GRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/ BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508) 398-2231 x 1260 From: Lou Massi[mailto:lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.com] Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 12:10 PM To: Inkley, Brad<binklev@varmouth.ma.us>;Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc: Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE: H&K Trees Hi Brad, Whitten landscape will provide four- 3-'/=inch caliber red sunset maple trees to replace the trees that were removed at the H&K Yarmouth Plaza. The trees are not available this time of year. We will replant in April 2019 if that meets your approval. Best Regards, Lou Massi Director of Operations Catania Hospitality Group 141 Falmouth Rd. Hyannis 02601 508-771-0040 x 130 508-274-1889 cell From: Inkley, Brad [mailto:binkley@yarmouth.ma.us] Sent:Thursday, December 13,2018 8:39 AM To:Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@varmouth.ma.us>; Lou Massi<lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.com> Cc:Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject:RE: H&K Trees Hello Lou; Brad Inkley here we need a schedule for installing trees in the front of your business,forward me a copy of your proposal of size and type,after receiving your plan I can have release your certificate of inspection . Thank you brad From:Grylls, Mark Sent:Wednesday, December 5,2018 3:13 PM To: 'Lou Massi'<lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.com> Cc: Inkley, Brad<binkley@yarmouth.ma.us>;Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE:H&K Trees 2 • ✓I Hi Lou, Sandi listened to the meeting minutes and the ZBA apparently left the enforcement up to me. The zoning bylaw section 301.4.4 indicates the caliper of the trees and their required location. I have attached a list of trees that may be planted.This list was obtained from the Conservation Agent, Kelly Grant.The proposed trees do not appear on this list. 301.4.4 Parking areas for five (5)or more cars shall be separated from any street line, or any residentially zoned property line, by no less than a twenty(20)foot wide buffer and from any other property line by a ten (10)foot wide buffer. These buffers shall not contain any paving except for entrance and exit driveways and shall be planted with vegetation or maintained with other landscaping material, as approved by the Site Plan Review Team. Existing trees of at least 4" caliper within these prescribed buffers shall be retained(judicious pruning would be allowed), unless removal is approved by the Site Plan Review Team due to the condition of the tree or for sound landscape design reasons. If such trees do not exist,3"(three inch)caliper trees(with expected mature height of at least 20')shall be planted at intervals of at most 20' in all buffers. Planted trees which die shall be replaced. If you have any questions, I am out of the office for the next couple of days and will return on Monday. Thank you, Mark MARK GRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/ BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508) 398-2231 x 1260 From: Lou Massi [mailto:lou@cataniahospitalitygroup com] Sent:Tuesday, December 4, 2018 9:02 AM To:Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> Cc: Inkley, Brad<binkley@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject:FW: H&K Trees Hi Mark, I heard you have been on vacation so you may have missed the email I sent last month (see below). Please replay or give me a call and let me know what I need to do to get back in compliance. Best regards, Lou From: Lou Mass' Sent: Friday, November 9,2018 1:54 PM To: 'mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us'<mgrvlls@varmouth.ma.us>; 'binkley@yarmouth.ma.us'<binkley@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: H&K Trees Dear Mark and Brad, 3 We withdrew our application at last night's ZBA hearing and have decided to replant the trees that were removed. Whitten Landscape has recommended we use 3" caliper Bradford Pear trees. Would this put us back into compliance with the bylaw? He will order them as soon as we get permission. Best regards, Lou Massi Director of Operations Catania Hospitality Group 141 Falmouth Rd. Hyannis 02601 508-771-0040 x 130 508-274-1889 cell 4 Clark, Sandi From: Inkley, Brad Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2018 8:39 AM To: Grylls, Mark 'Lou Massi' Cc: Clark, Sandi Subject: RE: H&K Trees Hello Lou; Brad Inkley here we need a schedule for Installing trees in the front of your business,forward me a copy of your proposal of size and type,after receiving your plan I can have release your certificate of inspection . Thank you brad From:Grylls, Mark Sent:Wednesday, December 5,2018 3:13 PM To:'Lou Massi'<lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.com> Cc: Inkley, Brad<binkley@yarmouth.ma.us>;Clark,Sandi<SClark@yarmouth.ma.us> Subject: RE: H&K Trees Hi Lou, Sandi listened to the meeting minutes and the ZBA apparently left the enforcement up to me. The zoning bylaw section 301.4.4 indicates the caliper of the trees and their required location. I have attached a list of trees that may be planted.This list was obtained from the Conservation Agent, Kelly Grant.The proposed trees do not appear on this list. 301.4.4 Parking areas for five(5)or more cars shall be separated from any street line, or any residentially zoned property line, by no less than a twenty(20)foot wide buffer and from any other property line by a ten (10)foot wide buffer. These buffers shall not contain any paving except for entrance and exit driveways and shall be planted with vegetation or maintained with other landscaping material, as approved by the Site Plan Review Team. Existing trees of at least 4" caliper within these prescribed buffers shall be retained(judicious pruning would be allowed), unless removal is approved by the Site Plan Review Team due to the condition of the tree or for sound landscape design reasons. If such trees do not exist,3"(three inch)caliper trees(with expected mature height of at least 20')shall be planted at intervals of at most 20' in all buffers. Planted trees which die shall be replaced. If you have any questions, I am out of the office for the next couple of days and will return on Monday. Thank you, Mark MARK GRYLLS DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVICES/ BUILDING COMMISSIONER TOWN OF YARMOUTH (508)398-2231 x 1260 From:Lou Massi fmailto:lou@cataniahospitalitygroup.comj Sent:Tuesday, December 4, 2018 9:02 AM To:Grylls, Mark<mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us> 1 Cc:Inkley, Brad <binklev@varmouth.ma.us> Subject: FW: H&K Trees Hi Mark, I heard you have been on vacation so you may have missed the email I sent last month (see below). Please replay or give me a call and let me know what I need to do to get back in compliance. Best regards, Lou From:Lou Massi Sent: Friday, November 9,20181:54 PM To:'mgrylls@yarmouth.ma.us'<mgrylls@varmouth.ma.us>; 'binkley@yarmouth.ma.us'<binklev@varmouth.ma.us>-. Subject: H&K Trees Dear Mark and Brad, We withdrew our application at last night's ZBA hearing and have decided to replant the trees that were removed. Whitten Landscape has recommended we use 3" caliper Bradford Pear trees. Would this put us back into compliance with the bylaw? He will order them as soon as we get permission. Best regards, Lou Massi Director of Operations Catania Hospitality Group 141 Falmouth Rd. Hyannis 02601 508-771-0040 x 130 508-274-1889 cell 2 TOWN OF YARMOUTH % 0 ',c BOARD OF APPEALS •N Arc.rrA dT; APPLICATION FOR HEARING Appeal#: tit77t7 Hearing Date: 11/8/18 Fee$ $200.00 Owner-Applicant: Hearth 'n Kettle Properties LTD PTR u Names-including d/b/a) 141 Falmouth Rd. Hyannis 508-771-W4U Lou(a�cataniahospitalitygroup.com (Address) (Telephone Number) (Email Address) and is the (check one) Q Owner 0 Tenant 0 Prospective Buyer 0 Other Interested Party - Property: This application relates to the property located at: 1196 and 1198 Route 28 and shown on the Assessor's Map#: 60 as Parcel#: 4 Zoning District: If property is on an un-constructed(paper)street name of nearest cross street,or other identifying location: Project: The applicant seeks permission to undertake the following construction/use/activity (give a brief description of the project. i.e.: "add a 10'by 15'deck to the front of our house"or "change the use of the existing building on the property"): RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant seeks the following relief from the Board of Appeals: Replace four trees with smaller plantings I) REVERSE THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR OR THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR dated attach a copy of the decision appealed from). State the reason for reversal and the ruling which you request the Board to make. 2) SPECIAL PERMIT under § of the Yarmouth Zoning By-law and/or for a use authorized upon Special Permit in the "Use Regulation Schedule" §202.5 .(use space below if needed) 3) X VARIANCE from the Yarmouth Zoning By-law. Specify all sections of the by-law from which relief is requested, and,as to each section, specify the relief sought: Section: 301.4.4 Relief sought: Replace four trees with smaller shrubs Section: Relief sought: Section: Relief sought: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please use the space below to provide any additional information which you feel should be included in your application: waive requirement of certified plot plan v • FACT SHEET Current Owner of Property as listed on the deed(if other than applicant): Name&Address Title deed reference:Book&Page# 100 page 89 or Certificate# Land Court Lot# Plan# (provide copy of recent deed) Use Classification: Existing: no change §202.5# H 10 & H 11 Proposed: §202.5# Is the property vacant: no If so,how long?: Lot Information Size/Area: 1.92 Plan Book and Page / Lot# Is this property within the Aquifer Protection Overlay District? Yes No X Have you completed a formal commercial site plan review(if needed)? Yes No X Other Department(s)Reviewing Project: Indicate the other Town Departments which are! have/or will review this project,and indicate the status of their review process: Building dept Repetitive Petition: Is this a re-application: no If yes,do you have Planning Board Approval? Prior Relief: If the property in question has been the subject of prior application to the Board of Appeals or Zoning Administrator,indicate the date and Appeal number(s)and other available information. Include a copy of the decision(s) with this application: See Attached Building Commissioner Comments: ppli ant's/Attorney/Agent Signature Owner's Signature Address: 141 Falmouth Rd. Hyannis, MA Phone 508-771-0040 x 130 //f E-Mail: Lou • cataniahos•itali •rou•.coets4 Buil•i *'►. i s issioner Signature Date arne eW09-04 YU" CI-IG _. r October 24th, 2018 We are requesting a variance from Yarmouth Bylaw 301.4.4. Four trees were removed, without knowledge of the existing bylaw, to allow the free standing sign to be visible from the road. We would like to replace them with evergreen shrubs that will provide a sufficient buffer between the road and parking lot without obscuring the sign from view. The trees were obscuring the sign from view to the vehicles driving past the plaza. I have heard from several guests that they drove by multiple times looking for the plaza and were not able find the plaza or see the sign. I would think many summer visitors new to the area that were potential customers also drove by without seeing the sign and went on to shop and dine with near buy competitors instead. (Proves condition one for variance; financial hardship) Our lot has multiple mature trees and shrubs at either end of the property that provide a buffer without obscuring the sign. The shrubs we would like to plant will be tall enough to hide the parked vehicles in the lot and low enough to allow the sign to be visible. Moving the sign to increase visibility would not be allowed under the existing sign code. (Satisfies condition two for variance; unable to move sign/structure) The lot is somewhat unique in that it is below grade which helps to hide it from view of the road. The lot is and will be fully landscaped with lawn, mature trees and shrubs and flower beds in the front by Route 28 and also shrubs and trees near the buildings for eye appeal. We would like to add Japanese holly, mountain laurel, hydrangea and azalea. This would satisfy the intent of the bylaw by using landscape vegetation to provide a buffer between the lot and the road. (Satisfies condition three for variance; landscaping will provide buffer sought by the bylaw) Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 -'Vision1D:8609 _Acco_un_t#8609 Bldg#: 1 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 3 Print Date:09/01/2017 00:26 CURRENT OWNER TOPO. UTILI ItWNER I 1 : It CURRENTASSEScM` ENT HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value GO H&K MANAGEMENT4 Gas LOMMERC. 3220 1,041,900 1,041,900 875 141 FALMOUTH RD — LOM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 YARMOUTH,MA 6 Septic I'OMMERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 HYANNIS,MA 02601 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEI154E-G ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M 308701_824730 ASSOC PIM! Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u yr SALE PRICE V.0 PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 1 Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U I 890,000 1B 2018 3220 1,041,9002017 3220 1,041,9002016 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORYW 1 0 2018 3220 388,1002017 3220 388,1002016 3220 388,100 2018 3220 25,8002017 3220 25,8002016 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int • APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Town Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 535,700 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 3,800 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 23,300 J/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) - 388,100 NOTES Special Land Value 0 HEARTH&KETTLE REST • SEATS 200 Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 PLAZA/PND FRNT/CRDI Valuation Method: C FIREPLACE DECORATIVE,NO FLUE NN 0 40 X 30 BAS RENOV 2004 Adjustment: Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Tire IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 11-1393 05/10/2011 OP Use&Occupancy UNIT H-ART GALLER'02/10/2014 DK 00 MeasurhListed 10-403 10/012009 OP Use&Occupancy UNIT C-THE DEAD ZC01/012014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 08-597 11/07/2007 OP Use&Occupancy JEWELRY STORE UNI 06/28/2004 GM 00 Measur}Listed 04-1466 06/29/2004 OP Use&Occupancy MENS RETAIL 03/05/1997 BD 00 Measur+Listed 04-769 12/29/2003 CM Commercial 122,00 06/28/2004 I 0 03/01/2004 RENOVATE INTERIOI05/15/1996 DH 00 Measur+Usted 04-563 11/04/2003 DE Demolish INTERIOR 03-1062 05282003 CM Commercial I 0 01/01/2004 USE&OCCUPANCY LAND LINE VALUAHON SECTION B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAdj II Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor SA. Dist C.Factor Idr Ad/. Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adj.Unit Price Land Value 1 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 43,560 SF 8.25 1.0000 .1 1.0000 1.00 J 0.95 SITE 1.00 7.84 341,400 22( 3220 E 0.92 AC0.00 1.0000 J J 1.000 .1 0.95 1.0000 50,801.25 16700.00 46,700 Acre Total Card Land Units:l 1.92 ACI Parcel Total Land Area:11.92 AC I Total Land Value: 388,100 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 _ Acco_unt#8609 Bldg#: 1 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 3 Print Date:09/012017 00:26 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL _ CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 30 Restaurant :AS Model 94 Comm/1nd °M • Grade 06 Excellent ' AS Stories 1 i BM Occupancy 1 MIXED USE 45 40 Exterior Wall 1 13 Pre-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage :AS 2e Exterior Wall 19 Bdck Veneer 3220 RETAIL>10K SF 100 BM a Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip , 43 ° Roof Cover 10 Wood Shingle 35 gliti Interior Wall 1 03 Plastered ° ° Interior Wall 2 06 Cost Wd Panel COST/MARKET VALUATION Interior Floor l 05 Vinyl/Asphalt Adj.Base Rate: 93.91 '7 ' Interior Floor 14 Carpet 653,341 Heating Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 0.00 Heating Type 04 Forced Air-Duc Replace Cost 653,341 5 AYB 1970 AC Type 03 Central Dep Code G BAS 7, Bldg Use 3220 RETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating Total Rooms Year Remodeled Total Bedmvs 00 Dep% 18 -2 Total Baths 0 Functional Obslnc D External Obslnc Cost Trend Factor Heat/AC 01 HEAT/AC PKGS %Complete Frame Type 02 WOOD FRAME Overall%Coed 82 Baths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Apprais Val 535,700 Ceiling/Wall 06 CE1L&WALLS Dep%Ovr D. - - � Rooms/Prtns 02 AVERAGE Dep Ovr Comment "a'" Wall Height 10 Misc Imp Ovr D ". ,,; I Misc Imp Ovr Comment �. '—sem"• ' Comn Wall 0 Cost to Cure Ovr D Cost to Cure Ovr Comment ,yr, ira.' Am,Y. M OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) ..tom t +""=3�r+ `a r'' » Code Description Sub Sub Descript //B Units Unit Price Yr Gde Dp Rt Cnd %Cnd Apr Va6re 69 � LTI LIGHTS-IN W L 2 0.00 1975 0 50 700 SGN2 DOUBLE SIDI L 30 35.00 1975 0 50 500 , v:. ^ yr✓ a �iP:T SGN3 W/LNT LIGHT L 48 7100 1975 0 50 1,800 - - PAVI PAVING-ASP' L 30,001135 1965 0 50 20,300 _ _ CLRI COOLER B 96 20.00 1997 1 100 1,600 "'•"� � ti~ — ,i.." f ' CLR2 FREEZER TEl B 96 28.00 1997 1 100 2,200 ` 4 °'„�„'^ctI�w.... ile a - . - . pe n BUILDING SUBAREA SUMMARY SECTION • " -s- .""` f ,, - .* Code Desert tion Lilt_Area Grass Area EL Area Unit Cost Unde,rec. Value , C. e re + .-# - - -. ^�11°°� - ♦s:: BAS First Floor 5,660 5,660 5,660 93.91 531,538l — . e . _ FBM Basement,Finished 0 2,038 1,019 46.96 `r. ^ FEP Porch,Enclosed,Finished 0 18 9 46.96 845 FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 598 150 23.56 14,087,,,.. UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 597 119 18.72 11,175,;, . " r.`eas. • • T2 Gross Liv/Lease Area: 5,660 8,911 6.957 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 _Acco_unt#8609 Bldg#: 2 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 3 Print Date:09/01/2017 00:26 CURRENT OWNER TOPO UTILITIES STRT✓ROAD LOCATION =BENT ASSESSMENT HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value C/O H&K MANAGEMENT 4 Gas LOMMERC. 3220 1,041,900 1,041,900 815 141 FALMOUTH RD — - IAM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 YARMOUTH,MA 6 Septic COMMERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 HYANNIS,MA 02601 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( VISION�'`JISION PLAN NUMBEI154E-G ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M 308701 824730 ASSOCPID# Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE I q/u v/i SALE PRICE V.C. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 1 Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U 1 890,000 IB 2018 3220 1,041,900 2017 3220 1,041,900 2016 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORY W 1 0 2018 3220 388,100 2017 3220 388,100 2016 3220 388,100 2018 3220 25,800 2017 3220 25,800 2016 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type .scription Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total: Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 131,900 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracin Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 2,500 J/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 NOTES Special Land Value 0 SMALLER STRIP MALL ATT TO - Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 1 VACANT UNIT 1280 SF Valuation Method: C THE DEAD ZONE , Adjustment: 0 — Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit/D Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date _' %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 02/10/2014 DK 00 Measur+Llsted 01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 06/28/2004 GM 00 Measur Listed 03/05/1997 BD 00 Measur+Listed 05/15/1996 DH 00 Measur+Llsted LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION B Use Use Unit Acre Si SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price L Factor S.A._Disc C.Factor Ids Ad/. Notes-Ad/ Special Pricing Fact Adi. Unit Price Land Value 2 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 0 SF 12.00 1.0000 J 1.0000 1.00 0.00 .00 12.00 0 • Total Card Land Units:I 0.00 ACI Parcel Total Land Area:11.92 AC ITotal Land Value: 0 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 -_Account#8609 ` Bldg#: 2 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 3 Print Date:09/01/2017 00:26 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 15 STRIP RETAIL Model 94 Comm/Ind BAS 54 Grade 02 Below Average UBM Stories 1 Occupancy 2 MIXED USE Exterior Wall 1 13 Pre-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 19 Brick Veneer 3220 RETAIL>10K SF 100 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip Roof Cover 10 Wood Shingle Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet • Interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION 40 40 Interior Floor 1 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 59.55 ' Interior Floor 2 05 Vinyl/Asphalt 160,793 Heating Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 0.00 Heating Type 04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost 197,793 AC Type 01 None AYB 1972 Dep Code G Bldg Use 3220 RETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating Total Rooms Year Remodeled 54 Total Bedtms 00 Dep% 18 FOP Total Baths 0 Functional Obslnc 0 External Obsme 8 Cost Trend Factor 54 n Heat/AC 00 NONE Comp %Complete Frame Type 02 WOOD FRAME Overall%Cond B2 Baths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Appnis Val 131,900 Ceiling/Wall 06 CELL&WALLS Dep%Ovr D Rooms/Prtns— 03 ABOVE AVERAGE Dep Ovr Comment Wall Height 8 Misc Imp Ovr D Comn Wall 0 Misc Imp Ovr Comment c{; Cost to Cure Ovr 0 - •p Cost to Cure Ovr Comment t! OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) - - 1 t -_ ' ' l, rAiL Code Description Sub Sub Descript )/B Units Unit Price Yr Gde Dp Rt Cod %Cnd Apr Value \�( dey, WDK1 FREESTDNGI L 520 8.00 1995 0 50 2,100 -� ••,�i/J.< " -' SHDI SHED FRAME L 96 8.00 2004 0 50 400 • ' • r)4 Pr t�t•:•o airs -.i • .1 BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION v. Code Description Living Area Gross Area Eff Area Unit Cost Undeprec. Value •'tk rs -�r ,..,.s"'x BAS First Floor 2,160 2,160 2,160 59.55 128,634* f..:," t } v FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 432 108 14.89 6,432 e s F :,..,.t., UB67 Basement,Unfinished 0 2,160 432 • 11.91 25,727 �- r E „ r . - a tt: T ' • Tit Gross Liv/Lease Area: 1160 4.752 2,700 160.793 ...",..t ......,: .- Property ation:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 _Account#8609 Bldg#: 3 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 3 of 3 Print Date:09/01/2017 00:26 CURRENT OWNER TOPO. UTILITIES STRT/ROAD LOCATION CL/RRENT4,SSESSMENT t HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value GOH&KMANAGEMENT 4 Gas LOMMERC, 3220 1,041,900 1,041,900 815 141 FALMOUTH RD COM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 6 Septic YARMOUTH,MA fOMMERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 HYANNIS,MA 02601 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE IN . BETTERMENT VISION SION PLAN NUMBEI154E-G . 11J 1 , ZIP CODE 2664 . GIS IH: M 308701 824730 ASSOC PIM Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BR-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE V.0 PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HIS TOR HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD I'TR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 1 Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assesved Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U I 890,000 1B 2018 3220 1,041,9002017 3220 1,041,9002016 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORY W 1 0 2018 3220 388,1002017 3220 388,1002016 3220 388,100 2018 3220 25,8002017 3220 25,8002016 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description • Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Total. Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 370,500 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 0 J/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 NOTES ,Special Land Value 0 2 GIFT SHOPS H&R BLOCK Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 JEWELRY SHOP Valuation Method: • C 1 VACANT UNIT 02/14 S UNITS Adjustment: 0 ECO=MKT Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 02/10/2014 DK 00 Measur+Llsted 01/01/2014 01 I BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 06/28/2004 GM 00 MeasurfListed 03/05/1997 BD 00 MeasurFUsted 05/15/1996 DH 00 MeasurfListed LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAdj ft _Code Description Zone_,D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor S.A. Disc C.Factor Idx Adj._ Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 3 3220 RETAIL>IOK SF E 0 SF 12.00 1.0000 J 1.0000^ 1.00 0.00 .00 12.00 0 Total Card Land Units:l 0.00 ACJ Parcel Total Land Area:jl.92 AC I Total Land Value: 0 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision MA1609 _ Account#8609 Bldg#: 3 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 3 of 3 Print Date:09/01/2017 00:26 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description Style 15 STRIP RETAIL BAS 60 BAS 128 Model 94 Comm/Ind UBM Grade 03 Average Stories 1 40 4040 40 Occupancy 5 MIXED USE Exterior Wall l 13 Pre-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 2 19 Brick Veneer 3220 'RETAIL>10K SF 100 60 128 Roof Structure 03 Gable/111p FOP 18g e Roof Cover 10 Wood Shingle 0 Interior Wall 1 05 Drywall/Sheet interior Wall 2 COST/MARKET VALUATION Interior Floor 1 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 53.94 Interior Floor 05 Vinyl/Asphalt 451,801 Heating Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 0.00 HeatingType04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost 451,801 AYB 1972 AC Type 01 None Dep Code i G Bldg Use 3220 RETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating Total Rooms Year Remodeled Total Bcdnns 00 Dcp% 18 Total Baths 0 Functional Obslnc D External Obslnc Cost Trend Factor Heat/AC 00 NONE Condition % Frame 02 WOOD FRAME /Complete _ 7YPeOverall%Cond 32 Baths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Apprais Val 370,500 - ------ Ceihog/Wall 06 CELL&WALLS Dep%Ovr D ------— Rooms/Pnns 03 ABOVE AVERAGE Dep Ovr Comment "� - Wall Height B Mise Imp Ovr D _ _- _ _ .__ _ _ ___ - y e 1,# Ys Comm Wall 0 Misc Imp Ovr Comment .e v l `1_�.yal'r let-}��- '"a Cost to Cure Ovr D '•'. Y -- i' P Cost to Cure Ovr Comment . - y !' p,:, r� f l ### OR-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEA.TURES(B) tA''y; #},: �' '' : r Code Decal tion Sub Sub Descriit B Units Unit Price Yr Gde D•RI Cnd %Cnd A r Value 1 �.+ 3,�` r .i"„ f Is K `,' t t� xr k .s# .-:',","` ! 4 r it f . , 14 '" jl�!►srjeogi J R S Y .n Waw ere? j .J BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION Code Description ILiving Areal Gross Area I F•#:Area Unit Cost IUndeprec. Valne _ - 4 xs BAS First Floor 7,520 7,520 7,520 53.94 405,629 - FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 1,504 376 1149 20,281 UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 2,400 480 10.79 r -c r-' • *se. ; a Tit Grim Liv/Leave Area:I 7.5201 11,424 . 8.3761 I 451.801 ..'/" �.� -''�"`�r� i. .. s ..-. , _.. _..�.,..�,..... Untitled Ma -�<_ .�, -ti .," - -.ems,,,,,.• `.,: 'q Four trees were removed from center island. Two on each side nearest the evergeen near the center of the island. 4 „..L tia � : Legend "^ _ ••'. -, yam,• ."_��- ,� 'i: "It . ;' •'� r^t- . -.. 4. K-••+ .'' ,. • 0'•� ' _ `';;s ry`. Y1 ' 41.- .-v ' 'r. - ..fir-r'•�G:>r,4• _ •" ,• '114I - . ...t..•-•,,Lt ItLt�r .. •+-1.'" I - .• t.• 3•,f- rte,,A••• '., . ...... �G! y •.•' ` +R�. 3: •y_ rt�•� . Vr :�i5 ..•" -- 7: • � + i 7-� J ���, �r `4 �'``..Y ., >,J;_ �,•,�f `. '12y� :C�+� 'y;...f'. ' J t!:,:-- '~`i-• Y. : • - , ' - -'�_. 1196 MA 28 .5 :, V� w. -, z y. .•;_;--.--:-•••.-..-, ;:= "Y•''j , -`l,•. `•4,,. ..- -.-., 4 -ro' 1 i" *`c _ -. - _ '�y�yJ•y. .4' v - `S `-, '`. _'b�""a •-7...,...1-.......,„%z...„; ',-4,.._ ....,.. ..,• L. - •r, I_ �:... -'.�. V ' • h • ^�.y„..•�r -.,,•.._•• •l,! �.4...;,._•: t• 3 �-. Ate, ‘ irgik' ` 4� � l i\\ .- i 4, ipp It r •.�rz'J 1�,..Z�j•7n i • j ' 1 ) �' -�/ - --t __ . • ^ ^ � I/w _ is .. . .. _. .� ,: T _--' �` ;��.- .. 111`, - 'r -.-..:, y • • I. '•• ''7 is• -,•:11.1.,,,,v‘.1,,..,•-.. - •••: ��`�'�"ql!'".'^,�r .. k V '^ ti &, '.4 �1!! -�M'. '' -:.,ter �•-`�r" R t ,-...• '•`Y%`�.; vi. ;i • „' ' r"it .. . 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'--14...... ..-5 .__= "...__S4:,,.• __WINI16.==±=frgii, • .., Feb 2017 ,.;,t=..":5 - .,. '0.; • . Note that bare trees do little to hide the parking lot from view. We would add evergreen shrubs and dwarf trees that would hide more of the parking lot. -•-`. .e..--- - - ...s _ •4',.,;::-,7--.1,-; . 7artiiii,..ii, ,."..,,.... ...;:r • ..„,i4,„, -,,. -... . -,:t.• • It... ,...... Niue./_ , : ri ..,,o,,,t.„, ,.- . • . .. ..,-rt. 't 14'.41;:41''a--- '‘ .: , .. " • ,..0 ‘r.j• ' . " ••• I *4-144 4' "-'' 01' • a -,'i : . r-• •_. • Legend III .,1.fc+_,.:!-,--..-0-.. ., -3 •.•‘. 7. -a''. ' 4. ,••••4 . hi- ."' r!'• r - .1 • *. ..,',:ii...,r2. •-•-.1.• -, 5:- •-tst,-;‘,-;i,,. ,"0/ ,--.;7--;'::::*\ .'N----.-', )c 1.-A. I" .,,,._,1- -, •RV-s- 'ft- . #,„_,A., .. - , -re.' ••• .'.' ''''-. -....."."-' "•. 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W•ti,.....11..,.,,, • ??, •.....rryt;, .. 4%17"...r.a...= ' -.1 00 ft I - •i_ • •-i...._ • IIIM . .• t ' 13 7'3.4 1 4"..,• . .0. .t_- 1`.-. - - -..." r _ ,'. ,,___,-.• , t..•,-_...'_ '', _ A it an .... Iv .:"... I . "~ - , I. TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02 .L . • 508-398-2231 ext. 1261 Fax 508-398-08 Office of the Building Commissioner ZONING VIOLATION NOTICE Lou Massi Catania Hospitality Group August 27,2018 141 Falmouth road Hyannis, MA 02601 RE: 1196 Route 28 South Yarmouth,Ma,02664 Dear Mr. Massi; This letter constitutes an Official Notice of Zoning Violation. On August 22,2018 the Town of Yarmouth Building dept.received a complaint about the required trees in front buffer which were removed. Section 301.4.4 of the Town of Yarmouth Zoning bylaws requires trees to be replaced. 301.4.4 Parking areas for five (5) or more cars shall be separated from any street line, or any residentially zoned property line, by no less than a twenty(20) foot wide buffer and from any other property line by a ten (10) foot wide buffer. These buffers shall not contain any paving except for entrance and exit driveways and shall be planted with vegetation or maintained with 33 other landscaping material. as approved by the Site Plan Review Team. Existing trees of at least 4"caliper within these prescribed buffers shall be retained(judicious pruning would be allowed), unless removal is approved by the Site Plan Review Team due to the condition of the tree or for sound landscape design reasons. If such trees do not exist, 3"(three inch) caliper trees (with expected mature height of at least 20') shall be planted at intervals of at most 20'in all buffers. Planted trees which die shall be replaced You are hereby ordered to cease and desist in this use and abate or correct said violations r,ithir: seven (7) days. Failure to comply with the Town of Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw is subject to fines and penalties as allo\\ed per section 101.3 101.3 Penalties.Any person violating any of the provisions of this bylaw shall he fined not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00/for each offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. To remedy these violations make proper application for the required relief' from the Zoning Board of Appeals for these alleged violations. You are required to respond within 7 days. Questions regarding this matter may be directed to this department Very tru • ?II 0 . B •aI? kley Local Inspector Town of Yarmouth RECEIVED OCT 19 2018 YARMOUTH EiOARP OF APPEALS .... I)F , GQ r],r,�rr . BP'O9S?4-0007 95-03-01 2'09 #10181 t,\YV��..' rte(...._.. z. 1.S i..,«t.- I DEED I I, Gregory W. Drake of 40 Keel Cape Drive, Yarmouth (South) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, for consideration paid, of Eight Hundred Ninety Thousand and no/100 ($890,000.00) Dollars, grant to Hearth 'N Kettle Properties Limited Partnership c/o Daniel Webster/Hearth and Kettle Management Corporation, 141 Falmouth Road, Hyannis, Massachusetts, with QUITCLAIM COVENANTS, the land together with buildings thereon situated in Yarmouth (South) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: On the Southeasterly from a stake at the corner of Route 28 y and Rose Road; " Thence, S 61°50'50" W six hundred fifty-nine and 98/100 (659.98) feet more or less; CC Thence, N 15°41'20" W one hundred seventy-nine and 00/100 (179.00) feet more or less; VII Thence, along James Pond two hundred sixty-nine and'00/100 (269.00) feet more or less; nI Thence, from an iron pipe N 78°19'00" E one hundred ninety- y - ---- nine and 94/100 (199.94) feet more or less; 41 Thence N 61°50'50" E one hundred eighty and 04/100 (180.04) r feet more or less; v - Thence, S 24°49'00" E one hundred thirty-two and 05/i00 J (132.05) feet more or less to the point of beginning. r All as shown on Plan recorded in Book 100, Page 89 with the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds as Lots A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 but excluding said Lot 5 and that portion of said Lot 4 shown as Parcel A on a plan of land recorded with said Registry of Deeds " in Plan Book 264, Page 5, said Parcel A being reserved to the 4 Grantor. d For title, see deed duly recorded with the Barnstable County A Registry of Deeds in Hook 3719 Page 204. a. WITNESS my hand and seal this .2.1 day of Febiso.rti , , 1995. et. fe 4 . %.4. • J /i .,- — Greg-, y Dra e • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BARNSTABLE, ss. fb6n,an 2C , 1995 Then personally appeared the above-named Gregory W. Drake, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his free act and deed, before me RR'"`+��" Notar Pub cc 4.4p 0.M!W"ugthd ,° I ' 'J . .%�\•J E?&CT_SE `G``� M.. (q'-q j My Commission Expire e: P _.. HL8.1151,,- 229. 2a- t'ipn( 22, '00() tit4a,Y_-.._ —J i DEEDS REG 01 ARNSTABLE /11,3EIDS3 -0 r3vs).. .c.9E TAX 304 CHCK 3043.80 9197A000 15,07 BARNSTABLE REGISTRY OF DEEDS EXCISE TAX Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/41// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 _Account#8609 Bldg#: 1 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 - Card 1 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 CURRFNT OWNER " TOFU UTILITIES .' STRTJROAD LOCATION `- CURRENT ASSESSMENT HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 1 Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description I Code Appraised Value' Assessed Value C/O H&K MANAGEMENT 4 Gas - COMMERC. 3220 1,041,900 1,041,900 815 141 FALMOUTH RD - - - - - - - - —COM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 YARMOUTH,MA _ 6 Septic COMMERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 IIYANNIS,MA 02601 SUPPLEMENTALDATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/1/ VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANCES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT - VISION PLAN NUMBEI154E-G _ VISION ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_308701_824730 ASSOCPID# Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORDOFOWNERSHIP t BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE KC - ---PREVIOUSASSESSMENTS(HISTOR HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 - I Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code _ Assessed Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U I 890,000 1B 2019 3220 1,041,9002018 3220 1,041,9002017 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORY W I 0 2019 3220 388,1002018 3220 388,1002017 3220 388,100 2019 3220 25,8002018 3220 25,8002017 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total:' 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 EXEMPTIONS ' `-OTHER ASSESSMENTS ' This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. . APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Totals - Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 535,700 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 3,800 NERD/SUB NB/ID Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 23,300 J/A - Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 388,100 `NOTES- Special Land Value 0 HEARTH&KETTLE REST SEATS 200 Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 PLAZA/PND FRNT/CRDI Valuation Method: C FIREPLACE DECORATIVE,NO FLUE N/V 40 X30 BAS RENOV 2004 Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD - VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp._ Comments Date - Type IS ID __Cd, _Purpose/Result _ 11-1393 05/10/2011 OP Use&Occupancy UNIT H-ART CALLER'02/10/2014 DK 00 Measur+Listed 10-403 0/01/2009 OP Use&Occupancy UNIT C-TIIE DEAD Z(01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY CYCLICAL 2014 08-597 1/07/2007 OP Use&Occupancy JEWELRY STORE UNI 06/28/2004 GM 00 Measur+Listed 04-1466 6/29/2004 l OP Use&Occupancy - MENS RETAIL 03/05/1997 BD 00 Measur+Listed 04-769 2/29/2003 CM Commercial 122,00 06/28/2004 1 0 03/01/2004 RENOVATE INTERIM 05/15/1996 DH 00 Measur+Listed 04-563 1/04/2003 DE Demolish INTERIOR 03-1062 5/28/2003 CM Commercial 1 0 01/01/2004 USE&OCCUPANCY - - --- - - - LAND LINE VALUATIONSECTION - - B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAd; # Code Description ,Zone D Front Depth Units Price L Factor S.A. Disc C.Factor ALT Ad/. Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adj. Unit Price Land Value 1 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 43,560 SF 8.25 1.0000 J 1.0000 1.00 J 0.95 SITE 1.00 7.84 341,400 1 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 0.92 AC 71,300.00 1.0000 J 1.0000 0.75 J 0.95 SLOPE TO POND 1.00 50,801.25 46,700 Total Card Land Units: 1.92 ACI Parcel Total Land Area:11.92 AC I Total Land Value: 388,100 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 __Account#8609 Bldg#: 1 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 1 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 '-' CONSTRUCTION DETAIL 'CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch. Description .tyle 30 Restaurant 'M odel 94 Comm/Ind It rade 06 Excellent .tones 1 aBM • cupancy 1 M/XED USE 45 40 I tenor Wall I 13 Pre-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage :AS 2; • tenor Wall 19 Brick Veneer 3220 RETAIL>IOK SF 100 BM x 1...f Structure 03 Gable/Hip - r 43 P oof Cover 10 Wood Shingle 35 •. s 8 ,, interior Wall I 03 Plastered 3s interior Wall 2 06 Cust Wd Panel • COST/MARKET VALUATION OP 1 nterior Floor I 05 Vinyl/Asphalt Adj.Base Rate: :3.91 r7 nterior Floor 2 14 Carpet 53,341 eating Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 1.00 Ieating Type 04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost 53,341 5 1 AYB 1970 •C Type 03 Central BAS Dep Code 7 m ldg Use 3220 RETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating otal Rooms Year Remodeled otal Bedmis 00 Dep% 18 •2 • otal Baths 0 Functional Obslnc 1 External Obslne Cost Trend Factor eat/AC DI HEAT/AC PKGS Condition 40 Complete name Type 02 WOOD FRAME Overall%Cond :2 itaths/Plumbing 02 AVERAGE Appeals Val .35,700 I eiling/Wall 06 CEIL&WALLS Dep%Ovr i 'ooms/Prtns D2 AVERAGE Dep Ovr Comment 1 all Height 10 Misc Imp Ovr 1 _ .. '/e Comn Wall D Misc Imp Ovr Comment - Cost to Cure Ovr 1 - , Cost to Cure Ovr Comment ( • > -} — OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) .....0"4-: .r - °-i , i - Code Desert.lion Sub Sub Desert.t w3®Unil Price MG*, D. RI Cnd %,Cnd Air Value =~ IR °+ .fill ' Ti I IGHTS-IN W . X90.00 1975 i 00 si *, .GN2 rOUBLE SIDE s0 r5.00 1975 i .00 - . - ,,, *b"" �_ .GN3 /INT LIGHT •8 7.00 1975 1 1,800 �- , PAV1 PAVING-ASPS 100011.35 1965 1 •0 001. '• 7- e «--., s LRI OOLER : :6 .0.00 1997 1 0 1.600 rit. '.: +t"` +".- . S LR2 I REEZER TEF :6 .8.00 1997 1 0 0,200 'n' ftse-oe•at ': a == "2' 4MC•Yr - a-t"* E^ fE. - BUILDING SUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION . r �r X. . ` " _{:. Code Descri.tion Elvin:Area Gross Area E .Area Unit Cost nde.rec. Value - '#P• !y liss $LL "4,-`�'"r^': ...0, :^ nAS I irst Floor 5,660 5,660 5,660 93.91 531,538• 'y -Y �a r `# a 1 BM P.asement,Finished 0 2,038 1,019 46.96 95,696 '� 1 EP Porch,Enclosed,Finished 0 18 9 46.96 845 -t.... -+` • .41 1 OP 'orch,Open,Finished 0 598 150 23.56 --.. ..•..... .. 4,7_•4;:,"- "`. u."'P p.[ '�"� BM nascmen4 Unfinished 0 597 119 18.72 11175 ' ''a—w:}"''�� kie3 .14 T A raa.. 7'^• TIL Gross Liv/Lease Area: 5,660 8,911 6,957 653,341 s '" '"'" ' "'"`" ' ' '" y`"'�' Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 Account#8609 Bldg#: 2 of 3 Sec#: 1 of I Card 2 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 CURRENT OWNER TOPO. UTILITIES STRT✓ROAD LOCATION CURRENT ASSESSMENT HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 1 Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value C/O H&K MANAGEMENT — 4 Gas COMMERC. 3220 1,041,900' 1,041,900 815 141 FALMOUTH RD — COM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 YARMOUTH,MA 6 Septic CO81MERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 HYANNIS,MA 02601 SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEI 154E-C ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_308701_824730 ASSOC PILO Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u yr SALE PRICE V.C. PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTOR HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 I Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U I 890,000 1B 2019 3220 1,041,9002018 3220 1,041,9002017 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORY I 0 2019 3220 388,1002018 3220 388,1002017 3220 388,100 2019 3220 25,8002018 3220 25,8002017 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 EXEMPTIONS _ - ' :r OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. - APPRAISED VALUE SUMMARY Tocol- Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 131,900 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBHD/SUB NBFID Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 2,500 J/A - Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 `NOTES Special Land Value 0 SMALLER STRIP MALL ATT TO Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 1 VACANT UNIT 1280 SF Valuation Method: C THE DEAD ZONE Adjustment: 0 Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 - = BUILDING PERMIT RECORD - - VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date _ Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. Comments Date Type IS ID Cd. Purpose/Result 02/10/2014 - DK 00 feasur+Listed 01/01/2014 01 1 BH CY YCLICAL 2014 06/28/2004 GM 00 easur+LIsted 03/05/1997 BD 00 teasur+Listed 05/15/1996 DII 00 feasur+Listed LAND LINE VALUATION SECTION - - B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor S.A.i Disc C.Factor Idx Adj. Notes-Adj Special Pricing Fact Adl. Unit Price Land Value 2 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 0 SF 12.00 1.0000 .1 1.0000 1.00 0.00 .00 12.00 0 Total Card Land Units:I 0.001 ACI Parcel Total Land Area:11.92 AC 1 Total Land Value: 0 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 - Bldg Name: MAP ID:60/4/// State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 _Account#8609 Bldg#: 2 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 Card 2 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL �:'CONSTRUCTION DETAIL(CONTINUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Cl:. Description Style 15 STRIP RETAIL Model 94 Comm/Ind BAS 54 Grade 02 Below Average UBM Stories I Occupancy 2 - MIXED USE Exterior Wall I 13 Pre-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 19 Brick Veneer 3220 RETAIL>IOK SF 100 Roof Structure 03 Gable/Hip Roof Cover 10 Wood Shingle 40 Interior Wall I 05 Drywall/Sheet Interior Wall COST/MARKET VALUATION 40 Interior Floor 1 14 Carpet Adj.Base Rate: 59.55 Interior Floor 05 Vinyl/Asphalt 160,793 Heating Fuel 03 Gas Net Other Adj: 0.00 1 Heating Type 04 Forced Air-Due Replace Cost 160,793 AC Type 01 None AYB 1972 C Dep Code Bldg Use 3220 RETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating Total Rooms Year Remodeled 54 Total Bedrms 00 Dep% IS FOP Functional Obslnc D 8 Total Baths 0 External Obslnc Cost Trend Factor 54 li n Heat/AC 00 NONE V.Compl Frame Type 02 WOOD FRAME Overall%Gond Si Baths/Plumbing D2 AVERAGE Apprais Val 131,900ete '..' Ceiling/Wall. 06 CEIL&WALLS Dep%Ovr D Roomc/Prtns D3 ABOVE AVERAGE Dep On Comment Wall Height B Misc Imp Ovr 0 Misc Imp On Comment %Comm Wall D i- Cost to Cure On D Cost to Cure Ovr Comment OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XE-BUILDING EXTRAFEATURES(B) Code Description Sub Sub DescriDt Lai units unit Price Yr Gde Op Rt Gad %Cnd Apr Pattie WDK1 FREESTDNG[ L 520 8.00 1995 �0 50 2,100 �,,., ar r '- SHDI SHED FRAME L 96 8.00 2004 0 50 400 *.: I r BUILDINGSUB-AREA SUMMARY SECTION " �. r .. ......« x Code Description Living Area Gross Area ET Area Unit Cost Unde�ree Value . ,x'; - 1, 7. , ; ,`tt' ' ''-",.: ' ` r " ° ¢-"' BAS First Floor 2,160 2,160 2,160 59.55 128'634 .,, y, -+' rr +,� .+ FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 432 108 14.89 6432 ""' '" r k .rte + s'* n.„ '.;. ra rwi°5. nrt� "" UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 2,160 432 11.91 25:727, ,-� ' : "` '"' '' ~ 2,700i .� ^' L= s �yrita 1 ? 4,Ll p i r ?a ' ., ' hkav , t . ` 2 # �. . rk , .e4 .-' itH y24 § 191-oie,A �fr w '> '. .t " ..5 , u ;L n ' a� "+.. *.° .1607931'''2,160 4,752 TL Gross Liv/Lease Area: Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 - MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609Account#8609 Bldg#: 3 of 3 Sec#: 1 of 1 - Card 3 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 CURRENT OWNER -ITOPO. UTILITIES STRTJROAD LOCATION CURRENT ASSESSMENT HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR I Level 2 Public Water 1 Paved 4 Bus.District Description Code Appraised Value Assessed Value CIO H&K MANAGEMENT .4 Gas LOMMERC. 3220 1,041,900 1,041,900 875 141 FALMOUTH RD COM LAND 3220 388,100 388,100 6 Septic YARMOUTH,MA P COMMERC. 3220 25,800 25,800 HYANNIS,MA 02601 - - SUPPLEMENTAL DATA — Additional Owners: Other ID: 52/Y001/// VOTE MISC 190 VOTE DATE CHANGES PRIVATE R( BETTERMENT VISION PLAN NUMBEI154E-G ZIP CODE 2664 GIS ID: M_308701_824730 ASSOCPID# Total 1,455,800 1,455,800 RECORD OF OWNERSHIP BK-VOL/PAGE SALE DATE q/u v/i SALE PRICE V.0 PREVIOUS ASSESSMENTS(HISTORY) HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR 9574/ 7 03/01/1995 I Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value Yr. Code Assessed Value HEARTH N KETTLE PROP LTD 03/01/1995 U I 890,000 IB 2019 3220 1,041,9002018 3220 1,041,9002017 3220 1,041,900 DRAKE GREGORY W 1 0 2019 3220 388,1002018 3220 388,1002017 3220 388,100 2019 3220 25,8002018 3220 25,8002017 3220 25,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 Total: 1,455,800 - EXEMPTIONS OTHER ASSESSMENTS This signature acknowledges a visit by a Data Collector or Assessor Year Type Description Amount Code Description Number Amount Comm.Int. _ -<APPRAISED.VALUE SUMMARY Total Appraised Bldg.Value(Card) 370,500 ASSESSING NEIGHBORHOOD _ . Appraised XF(B)Value(Bldg) 0 NBHD/SUB NBHD Name Street Index Name Tracing Batch Appraised OB(L)Value(Bldg) 0 J/A Appraised Land Value(Bldg) 0 NOTES` Special Lend Value 0 2 GIFT SHOPS H&R BLOCK Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 JEWELRY SHOP Valuation Method: C 1 VACANT UNIT 02/14 5 UNITS Adjustment: 0 ECO=MKT Net Total Appraised Parcel Value 1,455,800 BUILDING PERMIT RECORD " . . 'VISIT/CHANGE HISTORY Permit ID Issue Date Type Description Amount Insp.Date %Comp. Date Comp. ,Comments Date Type IS ID _Cd. Purpose/Result 02/10/2014 DK 00 Measur+Listed 01/01/2014 01 1 Bll CY CYCLICAL 2014 06/28/2004 GM 00 Measur+Listed 03/05/1997 BD 00 Measur+Listed 05/15/1996 DH 00 Measur+Llsted LANDLINEVALUATIONSECTION - B Use Use Unit Acre ST. SAdj # Code Description Zone D Front Depth Units Price I.Factor S.A. Disc C Factor Idx Ad/. Notes-Ad/ Special Pricing Fact Ad!. Unit Price Land Value 3 3220 RETAIL>10K SF E 0 SF 12.00 1.0000 .1 1.0000 .1.00 0.00 .00 12.00 0 i Total Card Land Units: 0.00 Ad Parcel Total Land Area:1.92 AC i Total Land Value: 0 Property Location:1196&1198 ROUTE 28 MAP ID:60/4/// Bldg Name: State Use:3220 Vision ID:8609 Account#8609 Bldg#: 3 of 3 Sec#: 1 of I Card 3 of 3 Print Date:10/23/2018 09:45 CONSTRUCTIONDETAIL -CONSTRUCTJONDETAIL(CONT/NUED) Element Cd. Ch. Description Element Cd. Ch Description Style IS STRIP RETAIL BAS 60 BAS 128 Model 94 omm/Ind UBM I Grade 03 verage Stories I 40 4040 40 Occupancy 5 MIXED USE Exterior Wall I 13 I're-Fab Wood Code Description Percentage Exterior Wall 19 I:rick Veneer 3220 RETAIL>10K SF 100 60 128 Roof Structure 03 able/h ip - FOP 188 Roof Cover 10 ood Shingle 8 188 F Interior Wall 1 05 a rywall/Sheet Interior Wa112 COST/MARKET VALUAT/ON:: � Interior Floor I 14 arpet Adj.Base Rate. 57.94 Interior Floor 2 05 inyl/Asphalt 451,801 Heating Fuel 03 as Net Other Adj: 0.00 j Replace Cost 451,801 Heating Type 04 orced Mr-Due AYB 1972 AC Type 01 one Dep Code G Bldg Use 3220 'ETAIL>10K SF Remodel Rating '. Total Rooms Year Remodeled Tout Bedrms 00 Dep% IS Total Baths 0 Functional Obslnc 0 External Obslnc • Cost Trend Factor Heat/AC DO ONE Condition I %Complete Frame Type DS 'OOD FRAME Overall%Cond 32 Baths/Plumbing D2 VERAGE Apprais VaI 370,500 _ Ceiling/Wall D6 EIL&WALLS Dep%Ovr 0 _ --- - -- s Rooms/Prtns D3 ROVE AVERAGE Dcp Ovr Comment 4 Wall Height B Misc Imp Ovr D v . %Como Wall D Misc Mp Ovr Comment - p{ t x+1} k4 Cost to Cure Ovr D - r M Tyle v r jib r Cost to Cure Ovr Comment tr,.t_ -y f J OB-OUTBUILDING&YARD ITEMS(L)/XF-BUILDING EXTRA FEATURES(B) z , 1a Rr "' `' ^'-c= p t A , -4 a .S '' " 'aa�.7,12 0, n Code Description Sub Sub Descript LIB Units Unit Price YrL Gde I DO RI Cnd %Cod Apr Value 4° d r v 1 ' ,. v *.- .,a, ,g,. _ 's" o .,,�.,.c...... is t BUILDING SUBAREA SUMMARPSECT/ON ;2. 'is'i";, «'` ``: "'"'` - , _ '"s" "1,"1,7 " Code Description Living Area Grass Area EJT.Area Uni(Cos( Undepree Value _ Er), rt x� *, r k'. .: „, e BAS First Floor 7,520 7,520 7,520 53.94 405 629 ;.i FOP Porch,Open,Finished 0 1,504 376 13.49 20 281 ''''"O''''';p n3 Sr . + j "" '+ °'!'-r *e ' ' '-?- % UBM Basement,Unfinished 0 2,400 480 10.79 25 891 x • " + s ` :, r s; 1 K. ,f t ti C#.E .. n r r..' j M. ,#E t rim"' r 1'n w '� 's '-5- at r-- "i 7 ` .r^x_* as, art : ,a ' r > y,774,;‘,274:,-4:,;(4.4.6-. yay v Slnk t . rhe., ,tt W 1.: $'0.;;.1'. 1..;:.. "1!t:4)". --:-.:—.,,--- ' r.,q . au v stttl.r: `"a i1. . ,.- f•,". � r " z c k' '4 ..st ' s ,t— ate' "^- 's«. T1LGross Liv/Lease Area: 7,520 11,424 8,376 451,801 J YARMOUTI# BOARD OF APPEALS ABUTTERS LIST Petition# 177/ Naln4,4r4iitfr, Filing Date: /0.72,49 Hearing Date: /7—S—/ Property Location://7416/79/ r��oll Notices must be sent to the petitioner(applicant), abutters, and owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, and abutters to the abutters (only within 300 feet of the property line)of the petitioner as they appear on the most recent applicable tax list. Provide only the abutters map and lot number . Postage charges for all applications will be determined by multiplying the number of abutters (and the parcel (s)in Question) times .56e. which is the current cost for the two required mailings. Add that to the application fee and include your check with the application. Map Lot Number Map Lot Number Number Number Applicant# 0 �L Abutters #'s � rZvi 2 Labels-1 Hard Copy Assessors Field Card with photo Andy Machado,Director of Assessing •J 60/ 2/ / / 60/ 89/ / / COMMONWEALTH OF MASS CROWELL EDWARD T DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 9 CARTER RD I ASHBURTON PLACE SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 BOSTON,MA 02202 60/ 3/ / / 60/ 90/ / / Please use this signature to certify this list of properties GOODE JAMES R TRS FITZGERALD EUGENE C abutting within 300'of the parcel located at: GOODE KAREN E C/O FALLON MARK M P 0 BOX 670 36 GILMORE RD 1196& 1198 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 EAST DENNIS,MA 02641-0670 SOUTHBOROUGH,MA 01772 Assessors Map 60, Lot 4 4n4 71Xackro%9 60/ 4/ / : / 60/ 270/ / / Andy Machado Director of Assessing HEARTH'N KETTLE PROP LTD PTR TOWN OF YARMOUTH C/O H&K MANAGEMENT 1146 ROUTE 28 141 FALMOUTH RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 .. HYANNIS,NV,02601 . _ 60/ 5/ / / 60/ 6.1/ / / LAMONICA DEBORA A TR LEGERE CHRISTOPHER P LAMONICA REALTY TRUST 15 ROSE RD 76 REGATTA DR SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 CENTERVILLE,MA 02632 60/ 11/ / / 60/ 7.1/ / / TOWN OF YARMOUTH NAUTICAL PRPTY GROUP LLC MUNICIPAL C/O GRELLA MICHAEL L 1146 ROUTE 28 15638 20TH AVE SW SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4463 BURIEN,WA 98166 60/ 26/ / / 60/ 8.1/ / / TROY DECLAN GANDERSON NORMAI TROY CLAIRE 5268 WETHERSFIELD RD 24 BEECHMONT PL JAMESVILLE,NY 13078-9727 NEW ROCHELLE,NY 10804 60/ 27/ / / 60/ 9.1/ / / CHEGLAKOV ALEXANDER TOWN OF YARMOUTH C/O FARLEY CONSTANCE 1146 RTE 28 114 WOOD RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4422 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 60/ 84/ / / 60/ 10.1/ / / MURRAY NANCY M JENNEX JUDITH A 18 ROSE RD 11 SMITH RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4423 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4424 60/ 85/ / / 60/ 269.1/ / / GRIGNON DONALD J ALL SEASONS LLC C/O NEGRON JACOB RIVERA 1 199 ROUTE 28 14 ROSE RD SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664 60/ 88/ / / 60/ 268.1.1/ / / SURABIAN STEVEN TR DAMEO LLC THE RICHARD SURABIAN IRR TRUST 5 THEATRE COLONY LN 1198 ROUTE 28 UNITE SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664-4483 SOUTH YARMOUTH,MA 02664