HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDG-15-003575 / -`_T I IVWJAAl:r7UJ t I is U NI rurJYI Hr rLIi.Atw,� rvnr.. u....0 .., . •�... -.-.. _ ._ . .. .---_ .-_.__ 1 G1: Yitoo'1o,/-�lM MA. DATE 127311/`( P�.M1TF biterr35'7 JOESITE ADDRESS. ?7 (fPrnIAI Pk 11-14- X.9 OWNERS NAME an"luG TXRDy I G OMER ADDRESS: l •,,A 3C0?- 72'9tiFA;- TYPEOR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL❑ EDUCATIONAL 0 RESIDENTIAL 27 . PRDTT CLEARLY NEW:0 RENOVATION:❑ REPLACEMENT:0 PLANS SUBMITTED: YES 0 NO 0 APPLIANCES? FLOOR Smt 11 12 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 11 12 1 13 1 14 1 BOILER 1 I I 1 I 1 BOOSTER I I I I I I I I 1 CONVERSION BURNER I I I I I I COOK STOVE I I I I I DIRECTVENT HEATER I I I I I l DRYER I I I I l FIREPLACE I I I I I I FRYOLATOR 1 I I I I I FURNACE I I I . I ' GENERATOR 1 I I I I I 1 GRILLE I I I I _1 . INFRARED HEATER I I I I I I 1 LABORATORY COCK I . I I ' I I I I MAKEUP AIR UNC T I I I 1 I I l CNBI PoHEATER y1scnNNEc I I I I I I_ POOL 1 I r 1._L--1 . ROOM/SPACE H TEP, I I I I I 1 ' I ROOF TOP uNIT I I I I I I I TEST U rN - .- r .. C 14 L I_ I u Z l za RoOliEATER I I I I I I I N*TER HEATERJt4 -7/) I I I I I I .I _ DEC 31284. i 1 11 __ r I I I 1 I I l I 13UILUu ,�r.I - INSURANCE COVERAGE 1 hair- .1 1 - pokey or its svbstriftal equiv-tientwhich mzathe requiresnetts of MGL Ch.142 YESNO ❑ If you have checked YES,please indicatethe type of coverage Kiting the approptiaa box below. LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY ❑ BOND ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCEWANIRIamaware twat the licenseedoes not have the insurance covazgerequiredbyChapter142ofthe Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit appflcon waives this requirement CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER 0 AGENT 0 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT hereby catty that all of tie details and miormauon I have subrriMed(or entered)regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my 1 KnowIedge and that all plumbing work and insallafions performed under tie perms(issued h this application will be in compliance wdh all Parket proton of The Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. PLUMBERIGASI-IIIt1-WAMED977/9/i/V !7. £ ),NG LICENSE# 1528/ SIGNATURE COMPANYNAME:6GFMP2/C /jvanl&t/.0177/UC- ADDRESS: PO. ,Box G CITY: c cY+G4/1o, STATE (HA ZIP: 02510 FAX 508)317.9 8° Cal: 47'?)737- C°'-717AARI. MASTER LTJ JOURNEYMAN 0 LP INSTALLER 0 CORPORATION Eli 4,,72_ ?AR NE SHIP❑4 at 0 g . TlOS 1'AOr, 0I1INSLEICI'0RWig ONLY FIPIAL 1tY5I'LrCA70N N011sS 01_1G1 r S Rt I'LC'- 11! 1111 r, Yes No TIIIS APPLICATION SERVES AS TIIE PERMIT ❑ FEE; $ PERMIT 0 _ KLAN IUKYILWY NO'I'Is8 _--