HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 - Motel Census and Motel Use Inquiry FormThis form must be returned
with application.
Town of Yarmouth
2008 Motel Census
Directions: Please complete the form below noting the number of guest units and bedrooms associated with those guest units in
each of the categories noted. Each unit should be counted in ONLY one (1) cateory. This information will be used by the Board of
Health in their consideration of your application for a Motel License and for tracking purposes. This information may also be used
by the Building Commissioner where non -transient rentals are identified. The relevant definitions are provided below. Please
complete the form using information that best describes your general business practices.
Motel Name:
oteI Address:
t Iq j460'jd-Vg
Phone #:
o4' 71 -- VI 0o
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Typ± of Motel Unit
Cottage /Cabins
Type of Rental
# Units
# Bedrooms
# Units
# Bedrooms
# Un
# Bedrooms
Short-term (Transient)
Long-term (Public - NOT OWN
Owner's Employees -,
Owner's Employees -
? Z
I hereby acknowledge that the Health and Building Departments' determination will be based on the information provided by the owner at the
time of submittal.
Owner's Signature: / Date: 3 / 715,r
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Type of Motel Unit: U n i / 13-ec � I /
Standard motel units provi occupants with a place t sleep and bathe. Kitchen facilities other than a microwave are not provided.
Efficiency Units provide occupants with a place to sleep and bathe, as well as kitchen facilities. Kitchen facilities may be either a cooktop or a
full stove. Efficiency units are generally contained within structures commonly recognized as motels, i.e. comprised of 6 or more continguous
units. Efficiency units may contain one or more bedrooms.
Cottages/Cabins are detached structures that provide occupants with a place to sleep and bathe as well as kitchen facilities. Cabins/cottages
may contain one or more bedrooms.
Type of Rental:
Short-term (Transient) rentals are those rentals considered temporary and short-term as defined by the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw (see below).
Long-term Public rentals are those rentals made to the general public for periods of time that cumulatively, or in and of themselves, are
outside of the definition of transient.
Permanent Employee rentals are those rentals made for the purpose of providing housing to the owner's employees on a long-term basis.
Seasonal Employee rentals are those rentals made for the purpose of providing housing to the owner's employees for the summer season
(June -September).
Guest Unit: A room or suite of rooms in a hotel, motel, motor inn or guesthouse, suitable for separate rental.
Transient: For the purposes of the limitations of motel or hotel use, Transient occupancy shall be limited to the temporary and short term
occupancy, ordinarily and customarily associated with motel and hotel use. Transient occupants must have, and be able to demonstrate that
they maintain, a principal place of residence elsewhere. Transient occupancy shall generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than
thirty (30) days, and an aggregate of not more than ninety (90) days within any six (6) month period. Use of a guest unit as a residence, or
dwelling unit, shall not be considered transient.
For Office Use Only:
Zoning Determination Needed No Yes
License Issued No Yes License #:
io . _ - 1.146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 , Q�b
i^ MA77A F.. " 508-398-2231 ext. 261 Fax 508-398-0836
(used to determine the zoning status of motel uses)
Street Address So t'') � � S � CGi y�} o� � r� � � a z� 2 3
Assessors' Map No.
Parcel(s) No. R`
Motel Name M" X-t
Owner(s)' Name '-3 FLG3 4.1),11cr
Mailing Address
'AAf-�� 2)�
Attach a completed copy of the —Town of Yarmouth Motel Census Form to detail the existing
Long Term & Short Term Guests Shall be determined by the Definition of Transient in Zoning Bylaw
Section 500—"transient occupancy shall generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than
thirty (30) day, and an aggregate of not more than ninety (90) days with any six (6) month period.
Use of a guest unit as a residence, or dwelling unit, shall not be considered transient. "
Employee Housing is defined in Zoning Bylaw Section 500 as "Property owned by an employer which
is utilized to provide housing (dormitory, apartment, single/multifamily or otherwise) for employees or
staff. The employer shall designate anon site manager/proctor for each property so utilized." and the
zoning locations are noted in Table 202.5 Use A11
NOTE: The following information shall be provided by the applicant for the Building Department to make this
zoning determination:
Copy of Assessors' Records Photographs
Board of Appeals' Decisions Condominium Documents
Other documented proof of use(s) prior to the applicable zoning change(s)
I hereby acknowledge that the Building Department's determination will be based on the information
provided by the owner/applicant at the time of submittal
,3 ',A
Sign e o er or applicant Date
Building Department Determination
(Office Use Only)
Building Official's Determination as per the information provided as of this date:
Building Official's Signature Date
Any person aggrieved by this zoning decision may appeal said decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals pursuant to
the provisions of MGL 40A, Section 8 and 15, within thirty (30) days.
cc: Health Dept
Assessors' Dept.