HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 Sep 07 - Letter from MA DPH - Food Samples with Bacterial Comtamination- The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health f. State Laboratory Institute 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 MITT ROMNEY GOVERNOR KERRY HEALEY LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR TIMOTHY R. MURPHY SECRETARY Ea PAUL J. COTE, JR.COMMISSIONER September 1, 2005 Philip Renaud, Health Inspector Board of Health 1146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Dear Mr. Renaud: One sample, consisting of seven individual food products, was received in our Laboratory on August 30, 2005. Each product was assigned a laboratory number and examined for the presence of bacterial contamination. The samples are identified as being purchased at Molly's Restaurant, Route 28, Yarmouth, MA. A summary of our examination follows on the next page. Portions of samples, numbered 0517- 0198 and 0517- 202, remain. Please let us know if you would like these samples returned. If we do not hear from you within 15 days, we shall assume that you have no further need for them and they will be discarded. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to call the Food Laboratory at (617) 983 — 6610. Sincerely, -2�G�� -2 Robert A. Goldbaum Laboratory Supervisor Page 1 of 2 1 a; M o N c O Say;; Y O O O O ch cd ° ov7a. o C,3 Y cq3 Y O w o o .V d i., Cl O_ O_ O_ O O W u V V V _O V V V V U V O U C� O_ O_ O_ O_ O_ _O O_ C/� eOC V V V V V V V �bA 4. U v v v v v v v ++ U U 914 U d U a CA CA a a U) W W W .fir CCQQ C� y N z � K1 1.0 M M N 40. ..�� W .� W .,��' 40 .r 40 .S Y OUU ��U, 3 vO� vO� 0O V�O C/) U c o b 0 o e� o uo C/) CN 'O r Q 00 O� O N N w o c a z � �--� W) O O V7 ,--� W) O O W) v7 � O O W) V7 � O O W) N V7 N O O W) v7 N O O v1 N O O 0 U a) N �3 N 4r O N bUA a,