HomeMy WebLinkAboutDOC010TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231, Ext. 241 — Fax (508) 760-3472 B O A R D O F HEALTH May 21, 2009 Patrick Demko Parkers River Resort PO Box 445 West Yarmouth MA 02673 RE: Board of Health Hearing June 1, 2009 Dear Mr. Demko: It has been brought to the attention of this department through written documentation that there is at least one long term rental at Parkers River Resort. The motel permit states that occupancy is for transient motorists only. Therefore, a Board of Health hearing is scheduled for Monday, June 1, 2009 at 3:30 PM in the downstairs hearing room at town hall. At that time, the Board will discuss whether your motel license should be revoked, suspended or modified. Legal notice of this hearing will be published in the Cape Cod Times. You may also be in violation of the town's zoning bylaw in regard to occupancy. This department is not aware that the Building Commissioner has granted the use of any of your motel rooms for long term occupancy. As owner of the property, you must appear at the Board of Health hearing and be prepared to answer any questions the Board may have regarding this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at the telephone number printed above. I can be reached on Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM during regularly scheduled office hours. Sincerely, Bruce G. Murphy, MPH Health Director BGM/mar cc: Board of Health James Brandolini, Building Commissioner Robert Kelliher, Fire Department Philip Magnuson, Police Department Board of Selectmen Robert Lawton, Town Administrator File Printed CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7005 1820 0001 7034 3if i S Recyc edn Paper Parkers River Resort 759 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 June 1, 2009 Re: Board of Health Hearing Dear Board Members: I was asked to sit before you today regarding the allegations that I have had at least one nontransient quest. The quest in question was staying with us from March 1 through May 8, 2009. That is a total of 68 days. I asked the quest to leave because I am aware of the maximum 90 day occupancy allowance during the rental season. At the time I was not aware of the 24 hour vacate policy every 30 days. As you can see based on the receipts I was not in violation of the maximum 90 day policy but only the 24 hour vacate policy. This being said let me explain my reasons for not vacating the quest after 30 days. She came to me with a very dire story of being removed from her home because of financial reasons. She also stated that she had a heart condition and was waiting for medical attention as well as help from the state regarding housing. I own properties in Harwich and rent to the state, so 1 am well aware of the shortage of affordable housing on Cape Cod. I am also aware of the stories that evolve when renting to section 8 tenants.This however did not influence my decision for renting to her. My decision was made because 1 saw a person in need of help. I believed her story that she would only be with us for a short period until her housing voucher was granted. Everytime I informed her she would have to leave she told me it was only going to be another week. Obviously I made a poor judgement of character regarding this quest because she not only deceived me with her story but has made attempts to get money in return for her dismissal from the property. I realize the Board of Health has it's hands full trying to enforce not only safe and sanitary establisnments but also trying to avoid the long term rental of nontransient quests. We at Parkers River Resort have taken measures far beyond most establishments in insuring we maintain a safe and reputable establishment. The Town of Yarmouth was well aware of the condition of the nearly 5 year vacated property which is now Parkers River Resort. We transformed a eyesore into the most attractive "quintessential Cape Cod " resort on Rt 28 in Yarmouth. We have also taken very stringent measures by putting 24 hour on property management in place as well as 7 day a week owner participation. We have been very selective and cautious in our renting policies to insure we do not become a nontransient motel. As owner of the property I can assure this board that I have always abided by all Town of Yarmouth permits and bylaws. I have maintained a solid and reputable relationship with all heads and staff of all departments that have been notified of this hearing. If the board feels my actions regarding this one incident needs to be further investigated then I will assist them in every way possible. If the board chooses to dismiss this matter then I would request that at this time a correction letter be sent to all departments. I have worked hard for years to establish myself as a active and reputable member of the Yarmouth community. The public notice of this hearing and allegation has already sent rumors throughout the community. We are in a dire economy and do not need any negative or misinformed publicity. MS' e , i J. D WQt o Parkers River Resort INVOICE NO. } j �i,. adams 8740 INVOICE Dtle,JL 7 T J 197oz3o Talpl -77/4 "V -7 otyvwiL PARKERS RIVER RESORT SOUTH YARMOUTH • CAPE COD • MASS. CHECK IN TIME 3:00 P.M. / CHECK OUT TIME 11:00 A.M. ARRIVAL DATE 20fA DEPART DATE4A 2rff4 ADVANCE PAYMENT REQUESTED. NAMF,y inv STREET CITY STAT ' ZIP CODE ©2%!a MAKE OF CA r . LICENSE NO. SIGNATURE J�V_.;�%_ c,�i� �!�� ltt 1 �� — 9.7 PERCENT M S. HOTEL TAJC $� NOTICE TO GUESTS - This property is privately owned and the management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to guests or for loss of money, jewelry or valuables of any kind. AlAss S�UrS W C ,J 7 2-A¢ `rel `7 ROOM NO. I�--- RATE PER DAY $ ADDITIONAL PERSONS AT$ TOTAL PER DAY $ DAYS OCCUPIED P DAYS AT $ TOT $ PAID IN ADVANCE $ _ DATE RECEIVED BALANCE DUE $ + MC/VISA ❑ CASH PARKERS RIVER RESORT (IN CASE OF ERROR DO NOT DESTROY CARD -VOID IF NECESSARY) SOUTH YARMOUTH • CAPE COD • MASS. c CHECK IN TIME 3:00 P.M. / CHECK OUT TIME 11:00 A.M. _A /DVA�N/C'E PAYMENT REQUESTED. C. NAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE_ MAKE OF CAR LICENSE NO. SIGNATURE 9.7 PERCENT MASS. HOTEL TAX $ NOTICE TO GUESTS - This property is privately owned and the management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and will not be responsible for accidents or injury to guests or for loss of money, jewelry or valuables of any kind. ARRIVAL DAT 41?1 DEPART DATL V 2Q ROOM N RATE PER DAY $ ADDITIONAL PERSONSAT$ TOTAL PER DAY $ DAYS OCCUPIED SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT —�7—DAYS AT $ •• TOT $ PAID IN ADVANCE $ DATE RECEIVED BALANCE DUE$ MC / VISA ❑ CASH IV (IN CASE OF ERROR DO NOT DESTROY CARD -VOID IF NECESSARY) PARKERS RIVER RESORT SOUTH YARMOUTH • CAPE COD • MASS. CHECK IN TIME 3:00 P.M. / CHECK OUT TIME 11:00 A.M. ARRIVAL ADVANCE PAYMENT REQUESTED. NAME ✓rpt �-> J;s STREET -FO Gay CITY ` STATE ZIP CODE_ MAKE OF CAR LICENSE NO. SIGNATURE If 9.7 PERCENT MASS. HOTEL TAX $ NOTICE TO GUESTS - This property is privately owned and the management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, and will not be responsible for accidents or injury, to ou���t� 0r for 10sS of m0ne) , jeWelrN. or valuables of any kind. DEPART DATE �� _2 ROOM NO. - I RATE PER DAY $ ADDITIONAL PERSONS AT $�_ TOTAL PER DAY $ DAYS OCCUPIED DAYS AT $ TOT $ "� PAID IN ADVANCE $ DATE RECEIVED q SALANCE DUE $ MC / VISA CASH (IN CASE OF ERROR DO NOT DESTROY CARD - VOID IF NECESSARY) PARKERS RIVER RESORT SOUTH YARMOUTH • CAPE COD • MASS. �ry CHECK IN TIME 3:00 P.M. / CHECK OUT TIME 11:00 A.M. ARRIVAL DATE 2WGG DEPART DATE 21 NAME '-►i STREET CITY MAKE OF CAR SIGNATURE � 9.7 PERCEN ADVANCE PAYME MASS. HOTEL TAX $ NOTICE TO GUESTS - This property is privately owned and the -management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone, andw not be responsible for accidents or injur to guests or for loss of money, jewelr or val4ables o �V ROOM NO. RATE PER DAY $ ADDITIONAL PERSONS AT $ TOTAL PER DAY $ DAYS OCCUPIED SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT YS AT TOT $ PAID IN ADVANCE $ DATE RECEIVED01 BALANCE! $ MC / VISA ❑ CAS (IN CASE OF ERROR DO NOT DESTROY CARD - VOID IF NECESSARY) Of Phone FAX Area Code Number Extension MOBILE Extension Area Code Number Telephoned Returned your call RUSH Came to see you Please call Special attention Wants to see you Will call again Caller on hold 48023