HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Jun - Electrical Permit<4 11 NO I rr lc�l Us c Culy BOAPO OF occupancy attd FCC `heckcd =IRREYENTION REGULATIONS (Rev. A : PLICATION FO�!'. P'ERMIT TO PERFO RM ELECTRICAL WORK to he ruloffile.' I im:1GCo1j;wCCwi0l tile mzis.ludwsns rlectric:11 ckxje ""v1cc).521 CNIR 12.00 P/?.s'1V1 hYhVJ< COR TYPh 1f,L f,"IFORV. 17YO.NN Vale. �Iwes.- (his I ty 01-Tow"I. T T51!C-106f )I;C"at�,Dr j%C Utjt!-.rSjt flt:'T�sn es, notice ol'bis or her iu1a;jtjm to perkma the e1wriez,( work dtscribed Mow. A �111 111C I o stmet {Number) )L s' b'nicr j! Tollwit M11 os f� I" OA Telephone IN-1. Ts this P ),Iplt 11 Junclion rich -I kj11J;j1'j' perfilli? 'Yes NO (Check Approj)'Hn'te I3ox) io —I Existill- b service Volts 0 vcrllc.zd L"Jidurd No. of t� Iders Atilt!, Vol($ overhead a thidgrU of iNje' 0 'wild INA(ur'p of Prop 4 �sed F: I;A,I'dcatiuq k H61 ork! table mar be waimfbi: [lie his No. off MC5 f4 Fj No, of Cell_-Susp. (Piddle) Fatis """"Of rrEI-3forl"rs XVA 4,40. of Lin litin'4 oikilds n IP NP,_ or not 'ruin V. XVA 0. of ighting Fixturcs Aboyc m In 1111111g Pool 'lle roen-t f tin r-e"e itS I eceptadcoutlets I . No. of ners tl A L "AIjIMM s No. of Zo it es 1,40. of$ •hidathic No. of Gas B U'--'-"� IN*. 0 ctiou amJ Devices No. OM11117CS %.OrAir ConrOt No. of Merlin- Devices of aste yls ei"s PURTWun ....... -----Hll NO..'-O--f---S-- el—fCon aivctjNo. DOectioniAlerfing Device; No. or ;5llwzsl1c6 Spx -ea Heaths KNY 'ilualcipol 1 0 "1., collilettion No. of fryers ating Applinoces 10V sec Ir! LY tetras: No. of 2 rritialeilt "o' N O. of B-nilu-s"s "Mrin- No. OfUes-ices or Trl elit No,-Hydromassage Bat No. of ilintors Total Ill' ..... ...Y No, Of I)evircS or Ejul aient OTHER: Aaach additional derotl ildested, or el relm-red by Ilia Unicst, by f0c 'aived the oA",'cr, 110 Pern"it the PUF01-11'a race of electrical t'vw` may issue uWe" itic lic4lin" �iiuraticc hicluding "compteted operatimi" coverage or Y its substantial equivalent, 1,11V 1h1.UCmg11t:d cerkifics'tliut such qoveml is its forc,:, and has e,cIjibjicd prooforsnAtc to the Permit jssqjjj1' ocr";'t. 13 NI). C] Uj'ljF_R 0 (Specify:) 1:5 `(aI C' lCy.pirafion Dw,:) tim:wij e oft'lectriezi voc)d.; 00 (When toquircd by municipal poiw)•.) WCIR (Q '1:3m luzsi ections to be uqL1e51Cd in accordatila 'Vill, 1011C Rule 10, and upon completion. I CCrlrfy' 1111 dcr tit'! 11 1 �?hjs nnJitrrrrlfli4l� qfpeijw)-, flka the iitfurnmrivit on INS applFewivit is bite *;:j courl.71LIlLf. Fl A 2--k—Crt 1:z Signature" lul I, CIO) LAC, NO*. W. lic-10" IJus. TO. No,- Tj 7q: 1� cric Mi. Tel. NO.: 0 0 A IN'S Li il..�N CE- vi; ow icwsc.- "';e AVER icmisc.- (foes 1:001ave the lhbl!"'ty insur:krcc r1qwrAzd by I;-'w' Uy ply signaki )"Y sItn"t, re bel ly, I 11ccehy waivc 111k. rquircillent, 1 2111 dw tkalicck onc%' owner 0 owt1vt%i m4cw. VIA '1'CIephutl T7 _)_