HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-19-4593ARCHITECT: OIAM PIETRO ARCHITECTS 354 Gifford Street TEL 508 540 7400 Falmouth, MA 02540 CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER MICHELE CUDIL CENTERVILLE, MA ALL DRAWINGS AND WRITTEN MATERIAL ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF L. F. GIAMPIETRO ARCHITECT, P.C. AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED, PUBLISHED, DISCLOSED OR USED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF LOUIS F. GIAMPIETRO 05, P.E. TEL 508 737-8521 ABBREVIATIONS 4. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions at the site and shall notify the 16. The General Contractor shall submit to the Architect for review and approval, shop drawings CHECKED BY: Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the Work or purchasing materials NORTH ARROW The INTERIOR ELEVATION WELDED WIRE MESH or equipment. Verify critical dimensions in the field before fabricating items which must wood roof trusses, steel joists, etc.) in accordance with 780 CMR Section 116.2.2 entitled "Architect/Engineer 1. NUMBERS INDICATE ELEVATION fit adjoining construction. responsibilities during construction". Al NUMBER & LETTER INDICATES PROPERTY LINE 17. The General Contractor shall notify the Architect /Engineer of required inspections at least 'TMON INDICATOR -LETTER AB. ANCHOR BOLT DET. DETAIL FT FOOT MAT. MATERIAL PART. PARTITION T.O.F. TOP OF FOUNDATION AF.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR DIA DIAMETER FTG. FOOTING MAX. MAXD1UU PL. PLATE T.O.W. T TOP OF WALL TREAD ACT ACOUSTICAL TILE DIM. DIMENSION FND. FURR FOUNDATION FURRED(ING) MECH. INSUL MECHANICAL INSULATION PLAS. P.LAU. PLASM PLASTIC LAMINATE TYP. TYPICAL ALUM ANOD ALUMINUM ANODIZED DR DH DOOR DOUBLEHUNG G GAS INT. JT INTERIOR JOINT PI2G. PLYWD PLUMBING PLYWOOD UNFIN. V.I.F. UNFINISHED VERIFY IN FIELD 0 AT DRWR DWG(S) DRAWER DRAWING(S) GALV. GC GALVANIZED GENERAL CONTRACTOR LAM. LAMINATE P.T. PRESSURE TREATED VIN VINYL BSMT BASEMENT BITUMINOUS DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN CL GLASS/GLAZING LAV. LAVATORY Q.T. QUARRY TILE VCr VINYL COMPOSITION TILE BIT BLOCK DW DISHWASHER GR GRADING L LENGTH REQ'D REQUIRED VWC VINYL WALL COVERING BLK authorities having jurisdiction of the Work. ELEC. ELECTRIC(AL) GYP.BD. GYPSUM BOARD MFR MANUFACTURER REF. REFRIGERATOR WC WATER CLOSET B1KG BLACKING EL ELEVATION HDBD HARDBOARD M.O. MASONRY OPENING REV. REVISIONS W WIDE/WIDTH BOITT B.O.W. BOTTOM BOTTOM OF WALL ELEV. ELEVATOR HDWD HARDWOOD MAT. MAX. MATERIAL MAXIMUM R R.D. RISER ROOF DRAIN W/ W/o WITH WITHOUT BM BEAM EMER EMERGENCY HVAC HEATINGVENTILATING, & AIR CONDITIONING MECH. MECHANICAL RM. ROOM WDW. WINDOW BLDG BUILDING EQ EXIST. EQUAL EXISTING HDWR HARDWARE R.O. ROUGH OPENING W.W.M. WELDED WIRE MESH CPT CSMT CARPET CASEMENT or EXG. HGT 1MGHT MTD. MOUNTED SECT. SECTION WD WOOD CK CAULKING) Fi MANSION JOINT H.M. HOLLOW METAL NO NUMBER SCHED. SCHEDULE CLG CEILING EXP EXPOSED INSUL INSULATION NOM. NOMINAL SPEC. SPECIFICATIONS CLOS CLOSET EXT. EXTERIOR INT. INTERIOR N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT STD. STANDARD COL COLUMN FIN FINISHED JT JOINT N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE S&P SHELF&POLE CONC. CONCRETE FA FIRE ALARM 1". LAMINATE C.C. ON CENTER STL STEEL CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT F.B.O. FURNISHED BY OWNER LAV. LAVATORY OH OVERHEAD SUSP. SUSPENDED CONST. CONSTRUCTION FE FIRE EXTINGUISHER L LENGTH OPNG. PTD. OPENING PAIN= THK T&B THICK TOP&BOTTOM CONT. CJ CONTINUOUS CONTROL/CONSTR. JOINT FL FLUOR FLOORING) FLUORESCENT MFR M.O. MANUFACTURER MASONRY OPENING PNL PANEL T&G TONGUE&GROOVE 517 ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH, MA SYMBOLS 4. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions at the site and shall notify the 16. The General Contractor shall submit to the Architect for review and approval, shop drawings CHECKED BY: Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the Work or purchasing materials NORTH ARROW The INTERIOR ELEVATION WELDED WIRE MESH or equipment. Verify critical dimensions in the field before fabricating items which must wood roof trusses, steel joists, etc.) in accordance with 780 CMR Section 116.2.2 entitled "Architect/Engineer 1. NUMBERS INDICATE ELEVATION fit adjoining construction. responsibilities during construction". Al NUMBER & LETTER INDICATES PROPERTY LINE 17. The General Contractor shall notify the Architect /Engineer of required inspections at least 'TMON INDICATOR -LETTER establish existing elevations. Elevation of finished floor shall be established by THE DRAWING WHERE THEELEVATIONS two (2) days in advance. IN TOP HALF OF CIRCLE INDICATES Documents at all locations where they occur. ARE LOCATED CENTER LINE THE S?EC97C SECTION. THE NUMBER AND Wrl"ER IN THE BOTTOM HALF 6. The Architectural Documents govern the location of all Electrical and Mechanical items CONCRETE - PLAN OR SECTION the occupancy permit so that the Owner may receive full use of the item IN"DICA-ES THE DWG. ON WHICH THE SECTION APPEARS General Build and install parts of the Work level, plumb, square and in correct position. BRICK - PLANS OR SECTIONS for the guarantee or warranty period B. Make joints tight and neat. If such is impossible, apply moldings, sealant or other CONCRETE BLOCK + 45.5 NEW 5110T ELEVATION joint treatment as directed by Architect. PLANS OR SECTIONS 45.5E EXISWG SPOT ELEVATION Under potentially damp conditions, provide galvanic insulation between different PLYWOOD, LARGE SCALE 45 NEW CON'TOUPS metals which are not adjacent on the galvanic scale. finished to match adjoining surfaces. Patched areas shall be finished in such a manner /-----/45 EX=G CONTOUR %STEEL. LARGE SCALE parts of the (work securely. Blocking, bracing, nailers, fastenings and other supports ELEVATION MARK paint door tops, bottoms, glazing stops, glazing rabbets, and hardware cutouts before ROUGH LUMBER shall be of a type not subject to deterioration or weakening as the result of COLUIN COORDINATES & [77771 FINISH LUMBER environmental conditions or aging. REFERENCE GRID LINES Where accessories are required in order to install parts of the Work in usable form INSULATION -RIGID FI -0-11 ROOM NUMBER and to make the Work perform properly, provide such accessories. If special tools INSULATION -BATT O DOOR NUMBER are required to maintain, adjust and repair products, provide them. EARTH D. Provide chases, furred spaces, trenches, covers, pits, foundations and other VLNDOT TYPE Follow manufacturer's instructions for assembling, installing and adjusting products. COMPACT GRAVEL construction required in conjunction with the Work. If such construction is not TAIL TYPE Do not install products in a manner contrary to the manufacturer's instructions structure. GENERALNOTES 4. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions at the site and shall notify the 16. The General Contractor shall submit to the Architect for review and approval, shop drawings CHECKED BY: Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the Work or purchasing materials for all manufactured structural elements (ie.: steel beams & columns, LVL beams, truss joists, The General Conditions state that the Contract Documents are complimentary. or equipment. Verify critical dimensions in the field before fabricating items which must wood roof trusses, steel joists, etc.) in accordance with 780 CMR Section 116.2.2 entitled "Architect/Engineer 1. fit adjoining construction. responsibilities during construction". 2. Provide the services of a Massachusetts Registered Surveyor to layout structure on site 17. The General Contractor shall notify the Architect /Engineer of required inspections at least and establish existing elevations. Elevation of finished floor shall be established by 5. All details are typical unless otherwise noted and are not necessarily shown in the two (2) days in advance. Architect with elevation information provided by Surveyor. Documents at all locations where they occur. 18. All warranties, guarantees and service maintenance agreements shall commence with Contractor is responsible for all the work. 6. The Architectural Documents govern the location of all Electrical and Mechanical items the issuance of the occupancy permit so that the Owner may receive full use of the item 3. The A. General Build and install parts of the Work level, plumb, square and in correct position. installed as a part of the Work. for the guarantee or warranty period B. Make joints tight and neat. If such is impossible, apply moldings, sealant or other 7. Existing items which are not to be removed and are damaged or removed in the course 19. GENERAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED AS PART OF THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: joint treatment as directed by Architect. of the Work shall be repaired and replaced in like new condition without cost. A. Seal cracks and openings to make the exterior skin of the building tight to water and C. Under potentially damp conditions, provide galvanic insulation between different 8. Existing surfaces disturbed during the course of the Work shall be reconstructed and air entry. metals which are not adjacent on the galvanic scale. finished to match adjoining surfaces. Patched areas shall be finished in such a manner B. Provide adequate blocking, bracing, nailers, fastenings and other supports to install D. Apply protective finish to parts of the Work before concealing them. For example, as to provide visual and structural continuity across the entire affected surface. parts of the (work securely. Blocking, bracing, nailers, fastenings and other supports paint door tops, bottoms, glazing stops, glazing rabbets, and hardware cutouts before 9. All voids created or surfaces disturbed resulting from cutting, removal or installation of shall be of a type not subject to deterioration or weakening as the result of hanging doors, and paint corrodible mounting plates before installing parts over them. elements as part of the Work shall be filled and finished to match adjoining construction. environmental conditions or aging. E. Where accessories are required in order to install parts of the Work in usable form C. Perform cutting and patching for all trades. Patch holes where ducts, conduit, pipes and to make the Work perform properly, provide such accessories. If special tools 10. Except as provided in the Documents, no structural member or element shall be cut and other products pass through or are being removed from existing construction. are required to maintain, adjust and repair products, provide them. without written approval of the Architect. The General Contractor shall coordinate all D. Provide chases, furred spaces, trenches, covers, pits, foundations and other F. Follow manufacturer's instructions for assembling, installing and adjusting products. cutting and shall advise the Architect of any potential conflicts with new or existing construction required in conjunction with the Work. If such construction is not Do not install products in a manner contrary to the manufacturer's instructions structure. shown on the Drawings, coordinate with Architect for sizes and placement. unless authorized in writing by the Architect. 11. Demolition work shall only be carried out once all temporary shoring and bracing is in E. Provide and 'coordinate access doors and panels as required for access to equipment G. Adjust and operate all items of equipment, leaving them fully ready for use. place. Removal of all temporary supports shall be completed only after new work is secure requiring adjustment, inspection, maintenance or other access and as required for access H. The division of the Documents into Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, and complete. to spaces not otherwise accessible, such as attics and crawl spaces. Plumbing and Civil components is not intended as division of the Work by trade or F. Check Drawings and manufacturers' literature for requirements for bases, pads, and otherwise. equipment and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of 12. All materials, equip other supporting structures. Provide such structures. Remove supporting structures 1. Provide utility installations from lot line to house including underground electrical, authorities having jurisdiction of the Work. associated with removed equipment and patch remaining surfaces. water, telephone and CATV to comply with all local codes and requirements. 13. All materials and equipment shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, G. As part of one year warranty specified in the General Conditions, repair cracks and J. Concrete shall have compressive strength of 3000 psi 0 28 days for walls and including all amendments. other damage which occur as a result of settlement and shrinkage during the first year 4000 psi @ 28 days for slab work, and reinforcing rods & woven wire fabric (WWF) after Substantial Completion. per drawings. Where noted, provide hard steel trowel finish on slabs. 14. All materials and equipment shall conform to the requirements of authorities having installing or asbestos—containing materials. 20. All work shall conform to the applicable sections of the Ninth Edition of the Dampproofing shall be factory manufactured semi—mastic consistency from asphalts jurisdiction regarding not using or asbestos Massachusetts State Building Code (Basic/Commercial) and mineral fibers, and installed on all walls and footings. 15. All paint used on all products and assemblies shall conform to A.N.S.I. 266.1, Piers for decks shall be concrete filled Sonotube forms. Specifications for Paints and Coatings Accessible to Children to Minimize Dry Film Toxicity. SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS TI TITLE SHEET (THIS SHEET) ABI AS—BUILT FLOOR PLAN Al FLOOR PLAN, DETAILS A2 FRONT DORMER & SIGN DETAIL A3 CROSS SECTION & DETAILS S1 FRAMING PLANS & DETAILS S2 DETAIL SKETCHES & NOTES DO NOT SCALE FROM DRAWINGS THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET OF DRAWINGS TOWN OFYo',7eU!."1:G!6JTX REVIEWED FOR 13! CODE COPAPLI- ANCE. ERRORSOR 00 NOT"ELIEVE: THE APP! -ICAAT FROMTHE RESPONS/.RILI BUILT- 00.0LIANCE. DATE: 4, -15 -h BUILDING OFFICIAL in DO NOT SCALE FROM DRAWINGS:] 0 H 5) 00 rAW N Z W � 0 0 0 0 Z U 4—) U 4-J Ln (V (a) C-4 4-J (310 Pq IPA 0 Nt CN U 0 r-4 Lh Lr) 0 4-1 00 00 0 Lr) V) Lr) PZ, C13 CL, r^ I -T, DRAWING TITLE: TFL E SHEET DRAWN BY: cu CHECKED BY: DATE: 1-21-2019 REVISIONS: PROJECT No. 1877 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS, REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. U V U. A. P, < LL Z-? V DO NOT SCALE FROM DRAWINGS:] 0 H 5) 00 rAW N Z W � 0 0 0 0 Z U 4—) U 4-J Ln (V (a) C-4 4-J (310 Pq IPA 0 Nt CN U 0 r-4 Lh Lr) 0 4-1 00 00 0 Lr) V) Lr) PZ, C13 CL, r^ I -T, DRAWING TITLE: TFL E SHEET DRAWN BY: cu CHECKED BY: DATE: 1-21-2019 REVISIONS: PROJECT No. 1877 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS, REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. i 54'-51"q' 1" i 16'-8' I 15'-4' a ' -O' t9'-4" i i I I NOTi: INFILL WALL WITH NEW j I I j I I I I j 2 x FRAMING AND MATCH EXISTING j i I EXISTING FINISHES WITH ADJACENT [� i j DOOR TO I I- BE DOOR TO BE �o EXISTING REMOVED I i I i REMOVED -' 1'):": DOOR TO I I I ; I I I REMAIN A------------------------------------------------------1-----------i----------- -- --r- ,� I -., _ Y,..>r- Y _ .<x ,. I EXISTING EXISTING 2 x 4 WALL TO I I I DOOR TO BE `�. I I BE REMOVED AND j REMOVED I I I IREPLACE WITH NEW 8° ' Ell . CMU WALL L II 1 u SEE DETAIL i(E)2 x 4 WALL I COLLMNS i dw CEILING HEIGHT V TO BE I I To m i iREMOVED i j I I REM.+IN i --- AND ---- XSTING STAIR COLUMNS CONVEYOR BEL TO BE TO BE REMOVED. SEE OTRUCTURAL (E)OVERHEAD REMOVED I DRAWINGS FOR �EW FLOOR G DOOR TO REMAIN FRAMING — ------ ----------------------------------- --------- ---------- I! -------- I - I---------------------I------I.---------------------------------------------- ---Oc >D --- -------- ------------------------------------ - --------------------- -a- -- - �` i .. . . '" - - - - COLUMNS I COLUMN __---------------------+;---------------------- -------------- I I I I 1 It I E OBE i I T .. TO BE 3 3 a i q COLUMNS j REMOVED I REMOVE I I I II ---- -- To BE CEILING NEIGNT REMOVED i I II ( i I I ° 101 " I i it FLOOR TO UNDER - COLuMNS A ----- SID9 OF NEW FRAMING TO REMAIN —'�—----------------- --- i' ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------ (E)CMU WALL )CCOLUMNS COLUMN MU ---WALL , TO BE TO REMAIN REMOVED COLUMN i TO BE TO BE TO REMOVED REMOVE I COLUMNS TO REMAIN I I I I I REMAIN,TYP. i � I i (E)2 x 4 WALL 10i - 1 To BE FLOOR TO UNDER I 12'-1 1/4" REMOVED SIDE OF EXISTING STEEL JOIST I CEILING HEIGHT ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------ ------------I ---- ------ ----- -- — ---- ------------ -------------- rt I I I ' I I I ----- I i .- EXISTING i I DOOR TO BE ' REMOVED j I I I I Ij s' EXISTING DEMISING WALL' I I I I TT - 121 -01 I II i i i i i ij Ii ii EXISTING ( i RETAIL ' II SPACE EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" PARTITION LEGEND D - EXISTING ---------- -- -- �TO BE REMOVED EXISTING !PARTITIONS TO REMAIN 117777777/7777777777=/_PROPOSED NEW PARTITIONS i a r v --------_...--- DRAWN BY: R.P1, � �d u� z REVISIONS: u< Qae E--+ 01 � �z E•-+ oH� Ro yob DRAWING TITLE: As-BULT PLAN r v --------_...--- DRAWN BY: R.P1, � �d �e m vO (D y REVISIONS: u< Qae E--+ 01 � - — "p, E•-+ DRAWING TITLE: As-BULT PLAN --------_...--- DRAWN BY: R.P1, CHECKED BY: O� REVISIONS: (� a 00 x � w N E•-+ oH� SHEET No. o 0 AS B MALT � o 0 WZ � W U 4-J V Lr) � �� N N l� O 1'O O O• 4-J CO 00 r-' 0 00 � 0 Qu �j+,� E u fs, •f--4 Mfg L I i DRAWING TITLE: As-BULT PLAN --------_...--- DRAWN BY: R.P1, CHECKED BY: DATE: 1-21-2019 REVISIONS: PROJECT No. ---18L77] THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET, THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO Tl FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. SHEET No. AS B MALT Ix4 PLASTIC SOAP LAMINATE DISPENSER FBACKSPLASH PAINT PAPER TOWEL DISPENSER 42" MIN. 9, E., 1:211 611 MIN. MAX. GRAB GRAB BAR (n (n -4 ELEVATION AA 521 CMR MAAB COMPLIANT LAVS -PAINT 54" MIN. -leMAX. 42" MIN. GRAB BAR tD TOILET FPAPER -1 z In (n L 42" M I N. ELEVATION 1313 ELEVATION CC INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 FIRE PROTECTION 'LEGEND: rDOUBLE HEAD EMERGENCY LIGHT SINGLE HEAD EMERGENCY LIGHT WP = WATERPROOF EXIT SIGN ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION TO EXIT FIRE ALARM PANEL STROBE ALERT w/HORN FIRE ALARM FULL 0 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SU SMOKE DETECTOR 1 —1 W W .7r ' ------------------------------ -.-?r- ----------------------------- EXISTING TO BE REMOVED EXISTING PARTITIONS TO REMAIN Envelorn Tables: R-va-luess DRAWN BY: IN DATE: 1-21-2019 0-< REVISIONS. T able C402.1.30 a00 N z W �D -777;7777' �F— 0 All other Group R All other Group R Wells, below grade 0 hoofs Below -grade wall R-7.5 cl R-7.5 cl Insulation EntirelyAbove R-30cl R-30cl Floors Deck ,Roof Metal Buildings R-19 + R-19 + Mass R-10 cl R-12.5 cl R-11 LS R-11 LS Joist/framing R-30 R-30 Attic and Other R-38 R-49 U 4-JLr) W a) C-4 Slab -on -grade floors 0 Walls, above grade Unheated slabs R-10 for R-10 for Vass R-11.4 ci R-13.3 cl � 24" below'" 24" below* Metal Building R-13 + R-13 + Heated slabs R-15 for R-15 for In I Lr) I R-13 cl R-13 cl 00 00 00 Metal Framed R-13 + R-13 + 36'below* 36' below* R-7.5 cl R-7.5 cl r..q Opaque doors Wood Framed and Other R-13 + R-13 + R-3.8 cl R-7.5 cl Non-swIng!ng 8-4.75 8-4.75 OR OR R-20 R-20 + E!¢ Amendment for perimeter insulation R-3.8 d 31 U Z IXAAAA ri70 < CY) cc C" C) 0CY 'z 01 U Vie V t-7 DRAWING TITLE: MRST FLOOR PLAN DRAWN BY: IN DATE: 1-21-2019 0-< REVISIONS. a00 N z W �D 0 �F— 0 0 0 Z U rn C) 4mJ 't U 4-JLr) W a) C-4 4-J 0 0 C) ON U11 C) I � � r, I I 0 0 0,0 r-P In I Lr) I oLLJ 4-1 .�4 0 00 00 00 00 Lr) Lr) 4-J (p r..q Lr) CIS Vie V t-7 DRAWING TITLE: MRST FLOOR PLAN DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: 1-21-2019 REVISIONS. PROJECT No. — 187%] THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. 00 NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. SHEET No. �F— Vie V t-7 a1-- t ----------,k I---------- ICE d WATER I MEMBRANE FLASHIN(P I I I I I NORTH ELEVATION NOTE: NEW DORMER TO MATCH EXISTING DORMER a PROGUTS NEW 2 X S NAILER CONTINUOUS TO SPAN I ACROSS EXISTING IdAFTERS SIMP'SON H2.5A CLIP TYP. 4 EACH RAFTER � NEW DOR )ARD MATCH EXISTING ROOF SHINGLES NEW 2X8 RAFTERS TO OVERFRAME ON EXISTING ROOF MATCH EXISTING SOFFIT NEW 2 X 6 STUDS ® 16" O.C. TO OVERFRAME ON EXISTING ROOF x 6 TRIM BOARDS ALIGN NEW FALSE DORMER WITH EXISTING DORMERS "t EXISTING ROOF SYSTEM TO REMAIN (E)STRUCTURAL BEAM I Al S�GA�L�F--- 1 /2 " = i DORI"IER DETAIL SCALE r.. h� <<1,s 0 W CC Q LL W U' �Ommm PROJECT No. 1877 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. U" cn OHS 1101"k -AAAA `� W F,.,Q� ZY02 ' S Q HA',� S z tL0-0 d x♦`��/�/n01 AJ j n 0��� r.. h� .. O 0 REVISIONS: 0 PROJECT No. 1877 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. OHS i 0��� Z w i U V � (1)o o0 Itt 1w O O J o 0 o � , 4-11 • r -I cfd Cn w 5 I' r.. DRAWING TITLE: ELE V Q�D���pp N DETALS DRAWN BY: x jp CHECKED BY: yys 1 DATE: f —21-2019 REVISIONS: PROJECT No. 1877 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. SHEET No. i r.. 1 I EXISTING 1X8 0 EXISTING 4" X 6" ® 2'-0" O.C. 1 1 I 11 1 { +1 I { CUT AND REMOVE END OF EXISTING 1 ( RAFTERS TO ALLOW FOR THE INSTALLATION OF 12 I ( NEW FLOOR JOISTS. �' 51 011 EXISITNG W10 x 26 ' TO REMAIN EXISTING {FLAT ROOF I I /\Z\j sz Q , EXISTINGSTEEL JOIST ADD WE5 NEW W10 x 33 i N N ( 21-011 0 21-011 o.c. STIFIS ER EXISTING BEAM Qr 1 ' TO BE REMOVED w ' I z tu t, NEW COLUMN- I I NEW COL. TO SEE DETAIL SK -2 SUPPORT EXISTING 10- { {I { W10 x 26 BEAM W z IL I O 1-- �xLu { I + 1 _� o ". + 1 + [\--EXISTING FROST WALL ' I I � ; I , I I II 1 1 II � A, 5 C D � 1 I 1 I + AD 2x6 i ® 24" O/C I I {' EXISTING 2 x 6 Q 6'-0" W/NEW 2 x 10 0 24" O.C.I I II I 1 1 1 �_ BEAR NG WALL { A TIC ' to I7N11\7\z .I., ./ADD WE Tiff FENER "RING WALLS N (E) 24K STEEL JOIST+11 1 + + co 1 1 ' ti 1 { II , EXISTING FROST WALL I I EXISTING SLAB ON GRADE , 1 1 + VERIFY EXISTING FOOTING I I { I I I I I I II SECTION 5 SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" EXISTING FLAT ROOF A w 24" c.c. ALL N ' NEW WI4 x 43La I'I N N 0 CONNECTIONS TO 1 SEE SK -2 III [Y� x { N I zWw�D REMAIN J 5K3 { s2 0 -j --�� (E)CME WALL TO I { 'ATTIC: H H BE REMOVED I+ FF I 00 II -- 0�� L+ill Ir d G PLYIWooD Z z d I I wz V1 5'—/ tai ISI ON d I i 1 I 1 ( ' ' 4P 6" O/ W/ TAPICON S�T�'EW I TOI BAR JOI S . u -w NEW COLUMN ON 11 � IL V NEW FOOTING III Ii O O � SEE SK -2 I I o / cn I 0 C14 WEB STIFFINER BYI ��" BAIL JST. MFGk 1 + + + � i ILLI E o0O ATTIC: TOP FLOOR TO MATCH •'�' 1 , CUT AND REMOVE ,OF -tt —.4 1 > � Lf) cd END OF EXISTING 1 I RAFTERS TO ALLOW .ct 1 + 44 V FOR THE + + INSTALLATION OF ( I I NEW FLOOR JOISTS. 1 I { I EXISTING 2 x 8 FLOOR FRAMING 1 ' EXISTING SLAB I ON GRADE I 1 I + I I i 40'-10 '1 I '--------- - -----------� S ECT I ON A SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" 1 1 I 11 1 { +1 I { CUT AND REMOVE END OF EXISTING 1 ( RAFTERS TO ALLOW FOR THE INSTALLATION OF 12 I ( NEW FLOOR JOISTS. �' 51 011 EXISITNG W10 x 26 ' TO REMAIN EXISTING {FLAT ROOF I I /\Z\j sz Q , EXISTINGSTEEL JOIST ADD WE5 NEW W10 x 33 i N N ( 21-011 0 21-011 o.c. STIFIS ER EXISTING BEAM Qr 1 ' TO BE REMOVED w ' I z tu t, NEW COLUMN- I I NEW COL. TO SEE DETAIL SK -2 SUPPORT EXISTING 10- { {I { W10 x 26 BEAM W z IL I O 1-- �xLu { I + 1 _� o ". + 1 + [\--EXISTING FROST WALL ' I I � ; I , I I II 1 1 II � A, 5 C D � 1 I 1 I + AD 2x6 i ® 24" O/C I I {' EXISTING 2 x 6 Q 6'-0" W/NEW 2 x 10 0 24" O.C.I I II I 1 1 1 �_ BEAR NG WALL { A TIC ' to I7N11\7\z .I., ./ADD WE Tiff FENER "RING WALLS N (E) 24K STEEL JOIST+11 1 + + co 1 1 ' ti 1 { II , EXISTING FROST WALL I I EXISTING SLAB ON GRADE , 1 1 + VERIFY EXISTING FOOTING I I { I I I I I I II SECTION 5 SCALE: 1/4" 1'-0" EXISTING FLAT ROOF m EXISTING 18K STEEL JOIST f 2'-0" c.c. EXISTING ROOF FRAMING NEW 2 x 4 BEARING WALL, ALIGN WITH WALL BELOW EXISTING W12 BEAM A w r1 N •• NEW WI4 x 43La I'I N N 0 — 1 SEE SK -2 III [Y� x o N I11 zWw�D �On WOO J 0 -j Lu (E)CME WALL TO I { I tu H H BE REMOVED I+ FF I 00 N 0�� SEE SK -2 III F Z z d I I wz V1 1- tai ISI ON d N w I{I u -w NEW COLUMN ON 11 � IL V NEW FOOTING III Ii O O � SEE SK -2 I I o m EXISTING 18K STEEL JOIST f 2'-0" c.c. EXISTING ROOF FRAMING NEW 2 x 4 BEARING WALL, ALIGN WITH WALL BELOW EXISTING W12 BEAM �I A r1 -- AWN BY: RY1, •• tLy t1 e w C 0 tom--- = O r) V 1 1 (� U_ :2 a C? ti x N THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. zWw�D �On WOO W O H I 0�� W Z � d w V1 tai w d �I a -- AWN BY: RY1, •• O 0 x 1 (� 00 x N THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. zWw�D SHEET No. O I 0�� Z w V1 tai w 4 � V Ln '(L) � � cn o0 0 C14 ��" � o E o0O •'�' a CD I -tt —.4 � Lf) cd .ct V ;DRAWING TITLE: MUMS -- AWN BY: RY1, CHECKED BY: DATE: f-2 >! -2019 REVISIONS: 1 PROJECT No� 1 g.77 THIS DRAWING IS PART OF A COMPLETE ARCHITECTURAL SET. THERE IS INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS DRAWING ON OTHER SHEETS. REFER TO T1 FOR COMPLETE SHEET LIST. DO NOT DO TAKE OFFS, BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION ON THIS STRUCTURE WITHOUT A COMPLETE SET. SHEET No. 1 1.5 2 3 4 O5 (0 GI) 7.1 8 q 1O ' , 1 1481-211 Iy _ I 1 I ' 201-7-L" 131-411 1-0n 3n 151-4n 15-3 11-4 51-4u 27I-5 1 41 n 1 1 1 INO STRUGTWRAL WORtC I i (E)DEMISING I 1 I , I , _ WALL - I 40'1-0" I I 40'-0' LIN. FT. (t) OF NEW C.M.U. x I j j j j 11-6" r"CREINFOrCED T. ( I i7,21-611 1 1 rA iI EXISTING CMU WALL i ( A3 I I I I I (E)2 x 6 WALL * I FILL CORES SOLID W/#5I SK -3 I I I TO REMAIN REPAIR/REPLACE AS I BARS ® 24" O.C. r �_---- ----- SK -1 ----------------- -- NECESSARY I ------- I---- ---------------- -- _- �^ { J ---�- --------------- I----------------- I ---- x (E)CMU WALL I 1 1 -- 11'-8" HT. I I I j j w I I 1 1 1 1 rM II)BEARING I LL IN ATTIC I-- -- -- --- -- -- -L -- _ I I TOP ATTIC: FLOORS TO MATCH n = WEB STIFFENERS ALIGN WITH BEARING 0 I I I O j j j WALLS ABOVE o 1 1 t I z I Z Y 0 t I I I I I I NOTE: 1 I hill n ® r i 1, ATTACH BOTTOM PLATE W/ 5/8" DIA. i Z I p r p Z N I NEW 2 6>EJ RING 14ALLI 14 ATT I I NEW 2 x 6 INFILL x 6" XP. 6 4'-0" O.C. N w I Y w -- -- -- - --- -- -- -L -- --'- --- -- -- -- J WALL. SE NOTE - _ __ I E 2 MID HT BLOCKING REQUIRED - LU LU N iY I -- -- -- - --- -- -- -� -- --I- -- -- -- -- --- -- - L I E I 3. ATTACH TOP PLATE TO (E) STEEL FRAME W/SCREWS MIN(2) PER CONTACT. I G w V7 -- --- ( -- ------ V 1 ( ) f I -j _ 1 1 lu Sul u IL) II '----------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ---- I --- G — _----------------------------------------------------- -- - - -- ---- - Vic=--- - - -- ----FH -I-----�---- 1 �' f m I I I o 3n 1 --- - ------------- U i i Z® i U , N 2 x 6 RING 1 ATT 1 o-- -- -- - --- -- -- fTL -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- �I ! t I 1 I = I I � 1;; 4 ROWS OF BRIDGING I O I I 4 OF RID INC WEB STIFFENERS ALIGN WITH BEARING 3 C4 I (SEE DETAIL 1 f I 1to ) - SJOINS E D AI 1 j j WAus ABOVE 1 I z ® I 1 I I , —N W2x61� R'NG — I 1 ATT 1 NEW 1 I NEW -- -- -- 15'- "� I I 1 t_cin '-6" - I 20'-0"t COLUMN SK -2 I I COLUMN - ' II - - NE w1 x 3 --_ I - I - - — ---- -----�--- F - --- ----------------- ------------ - -- - - -- —------------------------------------------------------- - --- ------------------------------- —_�- NEW W14 x 43 I (NEW (E) W'0 x 26 ' � I I I---------------------------- SK-2 ' 1COLUMN I (E)GOL.TO BE I DSLE TMs- I I38LE COLS. I I I CE)coL,TO j REMAIN j I i 1 1 , REMAIN 3'-6'I 16'-31 a 1q' -7"t I tq'-7"f 1 I I NEW EQ I 1 EQ I I I COLUMN ' 1 11 -8 o I I z� ° r� Y! 6.5 , i-w� con SK -1 60 ® w WN ' (nw KooF/Ali"-1 IC; FKA1" (I NG i�'LAN SCALE= 3/16" = 1'-0" END CONDITIONS ` i OPTIONAL VINYL POST SLEEVE 1 1 1 t 1 t 6" SCH, 40 STEEL PIPE o ' FILLED w/GONG. t PAVEMENT 1 COVER OVER ip A.\\/FILL POST w/CONCRETE \j \\ `2500 PSI P.C. �j// ; • ' CONCRETE MINIMUM 3" MIN. L BOLLARD DETAIL. SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" setting plates should always be anchored to the masonry wag. gned and furnished by others) shah be located not more than I ice of the wap. S Series Sit 5.3 LH Series 1064JI 4.4 r Series SJI 1Qn46 _ TYPICAL MASONRY BEARING Field wells which are th erthan c-_ i .-_gI rani pmoil standard seats. Additional costs are incurred when joist seat thickness must be increased for thicker field welds. See below for standard S I weld criteria. KCS Series s L �j LH, DLH SJI 1 Seines SJI 104.7 GirdnrSerles &A 1004.6 WELDED CONNECTiONs % PRODUCT SERIES FILLETWELD THICKNESS FIL-LET WELD Ll NGTH K,i<C�J 1'&' t'ting ono -oak solo H- nt H. G+rdnrS 114' r' I .none-ea:' side 3 K KCS Series SJI 53, 5.4 LH, DLH Series SJI 104.4,104,5 GkCer Serks Not Recommended ' base length extendedend addr5onal row of %-bridging additional rowot bridging at end (2; brWn3 near support (i) 'I- use standard %Jl criteria for toaring CANTILEVERED, EV BOTTOM BEARING, SQUARE END Stagger gge an minimum bearing is possible. Lsss than standard bearing length may be used I the specifying professional follows the guidelines in the appropriate specification section. K KCS Series S.J.I.5.3 4' LH, DLH series SJ1104.4 Girefor Snrioa Sll 10M 4 1 /7 ,.212' STAGGERED JOIST'S Bottom Chord Extensions Ceiling ExtensionsAt I ' Both bottom chords can be extended to the face of columns, beams or When ceilings are to be attached walls when additional lateral support is required. directly to the bottom chords of joists, one of the bottom chord members can be extended to the face of the support. Rigid Connections / If a rigid connection of the bottom chord is to be made to the column or other .; supports, it shag be made at the direction of the Specttying Prote<_slonal. Typically this connection is made a4er an dead loads are in place. Once this connection is made the joist is no longer simply supported and the system must be evaluated for continuity by the specifying professional. Please see 1'typicalfrom suggested moment connections on Page XVII. face ofwatl, DETAILS NJ t act,.. rcw of tsloe-1 to archore9 at r'85a, wal" by 77 1981 mm h --_-tar '... ' 318 a ezoansion bolts Ir by others (typical) werd*re to or srr.no vow— s 1;;OrNlntlOt6 tlpnZDnia1 ,I- balked C Rro 11*197" mod. 11'-0 3505 mm k[ 4 t+o"-+^. dscx•,s a `�f" bridging it alkadwd to the steel past new panel Points `IAt 6'-5" 1955 mm h by well ng. For K and 11'-6' 3505 mm Y KCS-Serirslotst,the honzorratbn67ng wMded connections rrxxt top d bcic- C." -s 6-4" 1930 mm 8'-l'(2463 rnm) be capable of resisting }.^ 11'-0' (3505 mm ' NCJ supplies all bridging bolts. 700 pounds. For W, f J:_ 6'-4" 1930 mm 8'-1' 2463 mm DLH-series bridging ,. = `BA t 11'-6' 3479 mm connection req rre nert5 Fold weld of all Con1AC} nL^ see table 104.51 of the pO1 6-3" 1905 mm field weld at a�" oo"eart Pcirt5 SJ'epecific:.Gone' HORIZONTAL BRIDGING TO VJALL m7' 6" 2286 m HORIZONTAL BRIDGING TO BEAM, 39 � 2'-0" • ansi 6 expansion others xP o aro 318 0 H,H.M bck or SS 4 H.H-1,1 bcx-- 4'-1" 1244 mm M 3B H H txY 0 or 5's H.H.11 by 71-61(2286 mm 6'-9'(26f7 mm 1 (Y -O'(3048 mm) JJR:A�2or be{' weld w'xn Dol' -+g 13'-C" F t._ --"' .ti �1 .et! IreN. when bogirtg I is no,, sst'"e 5'-1' 1549 mm b nd poasble crassbdted 10'-0' 3048 mm • / chs_ *�P.brldgrr � —9- 09-10 _ „ • 4,-6'(1371 mm 6'-0'(1828 mmt I -- W 12'-4'(,3759 mm 16'-0" CROSS BOLTED BRIDGING TO WALL CROSS BOLTED EMIXTI S TO BEAM 3'9 4 P _ zpansion bogs by overs f''+7ca� 6 V ` holi20nta? b-dlr' n M� or ;1.an /1 12'-4'(3759 mm horizontal bridging per msrk on pear 13.14 �— r 4A'(1244 mm) -0o mm 8'-2' 2489 mm 12'-4"(3759 mm ' cross were tmy r i cross molded bridging 1295 mm 5' S' 1651 mm T-1' 2158 mm 11'-0' (3352 mm 17 41-o'(1219 mm) 5'-1' 1549 rrnrrh he'd well a! all Contact points CROSS WELDED BRIDGING TO WALL 18,19 CROSS WELDED BRIDGING TO BEAM 7 gr cross boiled W" cross bctred bnryging Ilii � \ ► err'- J L W weld at inte---ei'Jn • -� �z � fund weld at Herewiim VARYING JOiST ELEVATION VARYING JOiST DEPTHS ------------ - -- -------- -------, --•_• •_-••- •,+.. .+, ... .. ..,... ,.-,•.c, .ca Vvau ,au1p. rr. rC"I a 1p 14' Marr Tor tImcTt-u1w tvcnmovnineloists, extreme caution must be exercised since unbridged joists may exhibit some degree of instability under the erector's weight In general construction bads must not be put on joists ur'il tw bridgnq is attached and the jois's are anchc—d a• their ends. BRIDGING a , . , ''�••FF S is • t • ,r I H. DI H. 2.12 TA - LH, DLH, 13-19 5/8" Q enes 3/8" NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS FOR ALL NEW WORK ARE t V.I.F. BY G. LOHR O COLUMNS TO BE REMOVED -AS NOTED ON PLAN ® NEW COLUMNS -AS NOTED ON PLAN A A < A Horizontal Bridging Field Weld recommended in end space to permit relative deflection without damage to bridging. Exp. Bogs ty Olhers BRIDGING SPACING AND I4AR17nmTA1 RRInr;1Nr, Cf7Rt: lmm.. I L1 G�n� ,,e, an fees .n ,aro i urea f n . nil n dA 1. nh 77 1981 mm 8'-2" 2489 mm 9 -10" 29=7 mm 11'-0 3505 mm -40 tla , 20 6'-5" 1955 mm ►f F02,03,04 - -q. 11'-6' 3505 mm Y cj 1, 6-4" 1930 mm 8'-l'(2463 rnm) 9'-10' 2997 mm 11'-0' (3505 mm ' NCJ supplies all bridging bolts. NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS FOR ALL NEW WORK ARE t V.I.F. BY G. LOHR O COLUMNS TO BE REMOVED -AS NOTED ON PLAN ® NEW COLUMNS -AS NOTED ON PLAN A A < A Horizontal Bridging Field Weld recommended in end space to permit relative deflection without damage to bridging. Exp. Bogs ty Olhers BRIDGING SPACING AND I4AR17nmTA1 RRInr;1Nr, Cf7Rt: lmm.. I L1 G�n� ,,e, an fees .n ,aro i urea f n . nil n dA 1. nh MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR DIAGONAL RRI0,rI%JG 18 16-6 77 1981 mm 8'-2" 2489 mm 9 -10" 29=7 mm 11'-0 3505 mm -40 tla , 20 6'-5" 1955 mm ►f F02,03,04 - -q. 11'-6' 3505 mm Y cj 1, 6-4" 1930 mm 8'-l'(2463 rnm) 9'-10' 2997 mm 11'-0' (3505 mm 24 6'-4" 1930 mm 8'-1' 2463 mm 9'4"(2971 mm 11'-6' 3479 mm 26 6-3" 1905 mm 4'-7" 1397 mm 6'-3" 1905 mm m7' 6" 2286 m -9' 2G G7 mm 10 -0' 3048 mm8 6-2" 0879 mm 2'-0" 05.06 4'-1" 1244 mm 5'-9' 0752 mm 71-61(2286 mm 6'-9'(26f7 mm 1 (Y -O'(3048 mm) 12'-4'(3759 mm 13'-C" 07-08 3'-9"(l 143 mm 5'-1' 1549 mm 6'-8' 2032 mm 6-6'(2500 mm) 10'-0' 3048 mm 12'-4"(3759 mm 14'-0' 09-10 7-9' 2362 rnm) 4,-6'(1371 mm 6'-0'(1828 mmt I 7-8'(23Z mm 10'-0' 3048 mm 12'-4'(,3759 mm 16'-0" 11-12 4'-1' 1244 mm 5'-5'(1651 mm 6-10'(2082 mm) 8'-11'(2717 mm) 12'-4'(3759 mm 13.14 4A'(1244 mm) -0o mm 8'-2' 2489 mm 12'-4"(3759 mm 1295 mm 5' S' 1651 mm T-1' 2158 mm 11'-0' (3352 mm 17 41-o'(1219 mm) 5'-1' 1549 rrnrrh 6'-8' 2032 mm 10'-5' 3175 mm 25-0" 18,19 SEE D'.AGONALBRIDGING. MAXIMUM JOIST SPACING FOR DIAGONAL RRI0,rI%JG 18 16-6 77 1981 mm 8'-2" 2489 mm 9 -10" 29=7 mm 11'-0 3505 mm -40 tla , 20 6'-5" 1955 mm 8'-2'(2489 mm 9 -10' 2997 mm 11'-6' 3505 mm 22� 6-4" 1930 mm 8'-l'(2463 rnm) 9'-10' 2997 mm 11'-0' (3505 mm 24 6'-4" 1930 mm 8'-1' 2463 mm 9'4"(2971 mm 11'-6' 3479 mm 26 6-3" 1905 mm 8'-0"(2438 mm 9'-9'(2971 mm 11'-5' 3479 mm 28 6-2" 0879 mm 8'-0"(2438 mm) 9'-8'(296 mm 11'-5' (3479 mm 30 6'-2" 1879 mm T-11' 2413 mm 9'$" 2946 mm 11'-4' 3454 mm 32 6-1' It854 mm T-10"(2387 mm 9-7'(2921 mm 11'4' 3454 mm 13'-0' (3962 mm) 36 7-9' 2362 rnm) 9'•6' 22 5 W-1 1 1'-3- 3429 mm 12'-1 I' 3973 mm °2 MICHELE CUDILO ° No. 34774 n U STRUCTURAL r, t� INITIAL ISSUE 01/21/19 NO. DESCRIPTI❑N DATE TITLE: PROPOSED STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS PROJECT: CHRISTMAS TREE PLAZA: DOLLAR TREE 517 ROUTE 28, W. YARMOUTH, MA F❑RL MICHEL MANGALO, MICHELYN LLC POB 2128, HYANNIS, MA 02601 WCHELE CUEDHLOJ, P.E. Consulting Structural Engineer CENTERVILLE, MASSACHUSETTS 02632-1979 (508)737-8521 JOB NUMBER: 2018-118 DRAWN BY: MC DRAWING NUMBER! SCALE. AS NOTED DATE] JAN, 7, 2011) S ® 1 STEEL BEAM CONNECTIONS 1->cL-c. /, �T� �7 L9- F4si� 71.-t L -A --a -A J5-17 P -C uTe Z-6 tA/ ` V f' MCVTX 16LjA MICHELE CUDIL4, P.E. Consulting Structure Enginee- Centerv,)!e, Ncs=c*i:4xtt3 C2532—'57S Ira By: MC r 10cte: 01/7/ Drawing cafe: Y "AS NOTED ! Rev. p S K _ )f .le Na*^e:- Project No.: Z ! COT' {1FT= iv _ft - V ,12 `ZIT' 17flo ._�' x(n � To m7 10' 711 r It v rCIO - �_7_ _ l w _. 1 f �. �Q� . ,� { - y.�y-iv—, j � s o '_' —7'c<� CC'S' � ... �h_ l GN,7+ l`} ru q,rw sS - Type v ( L IN 4' powS)q- iotj •�! Z" R� 1 N� ��Y�"4f E�Tt!�T1'r- C.ttJ�-S 2 n Ce t►O�G (A Lf '_.i 3=.F_L1 �t f k t Aw ta STEEL SEAM. CONNECTIONS � . MICHELE CUDILO, P.E. Consulting Structural Engineer -b(.: C.(,,A''p- t xtas Ce^tervi!,e, Mcsscchusetts 02632-1,979 �s-I W?t--� FLA BA Drown By: W._c Dcte: '0111t i Drawing X17 PC 07� �& _ Scate: t AS NOTED Rev. O f iJv ` \&—H CVTX t - lA Fife Nome: et' Protect ' No.: zo j MICHELE CLTDIL{3, � P.E. � i� i Consulting Structurc�4 CenterviEle, Mossech�isetts C2E32-5979 EnG'sneer 7 } t STEEL BEAM CONNECTIONS 1->cL-c. /, �T� �7 L9- F4si� 71.-t L -A --a -A J5-17 P -C uTe Z-6 tA/ ` V f' MCVTX 16LjA MICHELE CUDIL4, P.E. Consulting Structure Enginee- Centerv,)!e, Ncs=c*i:4xtt3 C2532—'57S Ira By: MC r 10cte: 01/7/ Drawing cafe: Y "AS NOTED ! Rev. p S K _ )f .le Na*^e:- Project No.: Z ! COT' {1FT= iv _ft - V ,12 `ZIT' 17flo ._�' x(n � To m7 10' 711 r It v rCIO - �_7_ _ l w _. 1 f �. �Q� . ,� { - y.�y-iv—, j � s o '_' —7'c<� CC'S' � ... �h_ l GN,7+ l`} ru q,rw sS - Type v ( L IN 4' powS)q- iotj •�! Z" R� 1 N� ��Y�"4f E�Tt!�T1'r- C.ttJ�-S 2 n Ce t►O�G (A Lf '_.i 3=.F_L1 �t f k t Aw ta STEEL SEAM. CONNECTIONS � . MICHELE CUDILO, P.E. Consulting Structural Engineer -b(.: C.(,,A''p- t xtas Ce^tervi!,e, Mcsscchusetts 02632-1,979 �s-I W?t--� FLA BA Drown By: W._c Dcte: '0111t i Drawing X17 PC 07� �& _ Scate: t AS NOTED Rev. O f iJv ` \&—H CVTX t - lA Fife Nome: et' Protect ' No.: zo j MICHELE CLTDIL{3, � P.E. � Consulting Structurc�4 CenterviEle, Mossech�isetts C2E32-5979 EnG'sneer 7 } t ��-� Grown By: MC Oate: a . � I � . /. Z �-�'"J�.7 MICHELE CLTDIL{3, � P.E. � Consulting Structurc�4 CenterviEle, Mossech�isetts C2E32-5979 EnG'sneer 7 } t ��-� Grown By: MC Oate: a . � I � . � Scale: '�S NOTED Rev. p SK -2, T� � tl jl L- File Name: �- Project S'EE� HEAD! CONNECTIONS MICHELE CLTDIL{3, � P.E. � Consulting Structurc�4 CenterviEle, Mossech�isetts C2E32-5979 EnG'sneer 7 } t ��-� Grown By: MC Oate: a . � Drawing �r 7 �C �-n-0-6 � Scale: '�S NOTED Rev. p SK -2, T� � tl jl L- File Name: �- Project r,f GENERAL .NOTES AND MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE IS NOT LOCATED IN A FLOOD ZONE, AS DETERMINED BY THE SITE PLAN ENGINEER. FOR SITE LOCATION AND GRADING ELEVATIONS, :SEE THE SITE PLAN BY OTHERS. 2. .ALL WORKMANSHIP TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE, LATEST EDITION. 3. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR -TO CONSTRUCTION. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER,. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. PROVIDE SUFFICIENT TEMPORARY BRACING AND SHORING OF ALL EXISTING AND NEW STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS TO PERMIT THE SAFE INSTALLATION AND .COMPLETION OF ALL WORK WITHOUT DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND WITHOUT .JEOPARDIZING THE SAFETY OF ANY PERSON(S). 5. ASSUMED SOIL TYPE FOR DETERMINING SOIL STRENGTH IS MEDIUM SAND WITH ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY OF 3000 PSF. 7. DESIGN WIND SPEED IS 110 M.P.H EXPOSURE B. GROUND SNOW LOAD: 30 PSF; MIN. FLAT ROOF SNOW LOAD = 25 PSF. 8. CONCRETE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS = 3000 PSI REINFORCING STEEL NEW BILLET STEEL 60KS1 YIELD STRENGTH ANCHOR BOLTS: A307 GALV. .TIMBER FRAMING: A. PRESSURE TREATED, P.T., YELLOW PINE, FB=1300 PSI, E=1,600,000 PSI, OR BETTER. B. NEW .BEAMS (NOTED PSL): PARALLAM BEAMS, AS MANUFACTURED BY ILEVEL, WITH FB=2925 PSI, E=2,000,000. MICROLAM LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER (LVL), BY ILEVELI, WITH FB=2600 PSI, E=1,900 KSI, OR BETTER. C. HEADERS: 4' OPENING: 2-2 X 6 ALL .OTHERS PER MASS BUILDING CODE, LATEST EDITION. 9. CONNECTORS AND FASTENERS: GALVINIZED STEEL A. INSTALL ALL METAL CONNECTORS SHOWN IN ACCORDANCE. WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS, WITH ALL NAIL HOLES FILLED. 10. STRUCTURAL STEEL: SHAPES: ASTM A992 WITH FY= 50 KSI PLATES: ASTM A501 ROUND, HSS: FY=46 KSI WELDS: E70XX ELECTRODES BOLTS; ASTM A325 ALL MEMBERS W/ RUST INHIBITIVE PAINT 11. STEEL BAR JOISTS: K—SERIES, ASTM A36 OR BETTER; FULL MANUFACTURER SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL.- 12. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU): i f v�(taK 33 �sr+~t�j A!!AC}f3 11Kb11C ?:A A��. -tea .max- FAtiM AcTM /�sot ..y., as c�ti!aa:c:s v� BASE PL. _�{�Y�Q�_JQl� l/ 14J 1f2x$X$ �Y�Ita� i .L WORKMANSHIP TO CONFORM ,: WITH: -AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTICy AND kSSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING CODE LATEST EDITION REQUIREMENTS. RUCTURAL STEEL: ASTM 572 (FY=SC KSI); Optional: ' 5H0? PAINT WITH RUST INHIBITIVE- PAINT. (?ANSION BOLTS: ASTM A510 I " DIA. x12: EMBEDM,ENT IN CONCRETE; NRU—BOL TS:AST4! A307 1/2" DIA. JNCH.D HOLES IN PLATES _ 9/16" DIAMETER. .L WELDS E70XX ELETRODES. SHOP WELD CA? AND BASE PLATES TO COLUMNS. )ORDINATE ALL DIMENSIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, AND FIELD VERIi"1' WHERE REQUIRED. � :L BEAM CONNECTIONS � s MICHELE CUDILO, P.E. Consultinc Structural Eng;nPPr Center+nlia, Mossccn:rse�a 02E32-1979 brown By: M0. C Date: 01/171 Drawi 7 Scale: S .NOTED Rev. p S K-- A I File Narre: '� Pro,ect No.: �� ! MIN. STRENGTH 3000 PSI," U.O.N. GROUT STRENGTH 3000 PSI REINFORCEMENT:. 60 KSI VERTICAL CONTROL JOINTS AT 20'o.c. o`? MICHELE � CUDILO �. 0 No, 34774 -n U STRUCTURAL _