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Percolation Test Logs
Y' ,I' ll tai' em•:a PERCOLATION TEST LOG Time: / a Date: :�I�i t Map/Lot No. /2-0/6- Address: / ,if / ' i Engineer: ii / /I Health Agent: iff, ---- Expansion Area: Yes: No: Suitable/Subsurface Sewage: Yes: No: _ s Expansion Area Tested: Yes No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: 1 t If No, Why? Unsuitable: Why? 4 I Well: Town Water: Subdivision/Owner's Name: `-'1(/.21 SKETCH: - % -`t` -2- 4- 711'3 Gik ' r- Notes: cc tIii12._ L��tJ�'/ / Water At: Ft. ---; It . 0 ie. — - _ --- G e _ _ ; " �t - Oe Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Te re Soil Color 'Soil Motting (Structure,Stoner Boulders,(inches) (USDA) Consistency.%Gravel) if LI /0 y"--6/42, I At, 1/ 1 ,, (,, c. /aq, 771– 2— DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG___ _-- l Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Notting Other (inches) (USDA) (Stmt Stones,Boulders, Consistency,%Gravel) ft ki‘iL‘0 — —.. f&4 1 < 1.-- e toy/Z . 2_.. D 04 /6 �a ,c ,'7 4 Sc', L , 10v 4/4. i a ; X71 _Z w12- ,, 1_, 5 /0--//2-34_ ey.A.,e ,i, . _ Aiv, ) r/ y- �✓W/ '''.--- 'l / , � �� (i./x � , 1),7Q .(�7 il �"h%r /! _ S/ , / GS6'r-�r ,a" /y— fob cL 5, �. l�� � � ee1-0 7.11_ 5-71'