HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval and Hearing Notice o: TOWN OF YARMOUTH o 1146 ROUTE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 MATTACMEESE,-. *0+ronAtto0 6. ,:' Tel (508) 398-2231 — Fax (508) 398-2365 BOARD OF HEALTH VARIANCE APPROVAL Down Cape Engineering, Inc. Variance Approval from provisions of Title 5 - Regulation: 939 Route 6A 15.211(1) Town of Yarmouth Amendments: varmouthport, MA 02675 Section: 3,7 Variance Location Re: Roger Chasse 59 Williams Road Box 1035, Bristol, CT 06010 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Date: October 18, 1995 Dear Mr. Ojala . The Yarmouth Board of Health, having reviewed your application on October 16, 1995 for a variance from the provisions of Regulation 15.211(1) of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code and/or from the Town of Yarmouth Amendments to Title V, Section 3.7 , for a subsurface Sewage. Disposal System and, having determined strict enforcement of these regulations in this instance would do manifest injustice and, further, that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code nor the Town of Yarmouth Amendments, has hereby granted the variance(s) which shall become effective thirty (30) days after the Department of Environmental Protection ( D.E.P. ) begins review of the requested variance(s) . Please be advised, that in accordance with 310 CMR 4.0 you must properly apply to the Department of Environmental Protection to activate their review of this Board of Health action.. The Department of Environmental Protection will advise you of the beginning of the thirty (30) day review time frame and comment thereafter. The variance(s) granted are as follows: See Attached Sheet You are further advised that no work shall be commenced under this variance until the elapse of the thirty (30) day filing period with the Department of Environmental Protection. The variance(s) granted herein shall expire ninety (90) days from the date that the v. tIf ty (30) day review time frame terminates. :ruce Murphy, H= t Agent, MPH cc: Date: /O-19,---?; Building Department file Variance Approved by the Board of Health at Meeting of October 16,1995 Page 1 of 2 Board of Health Hearing scheduled for October 16, 1995. Location: 59 Williams Road, West Yarmouth Owner: Robert Chasse Box 1035 Bristol, CT 06010 • Approved Variances: Title V: 1. Section 15.211(1) : Variance approval of 25' from the required 50' separation distance between the leaching facility and a catch basin draining to wetlands, a 25' separation is approved. 2. Section 15.211(1) : Variance approval of 5' from the required 20' separation distance between the leaching facility and the foundation, a 15' separation is approved. 3. Section 15.211(1): Variance approval of 5' from the required 10' separation distance between the leaching facility and the property line, a 5' separation is approved. Town of Yarmouth: 1. Section 3.7: Variance approval of 75' from the required 100' separation distance between the leaching facility and a catch basin draining to wetlands, a 25' separation is approved. • Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1146 ROI ITE 28 SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664-4451 A2V" MATTACMEES ,r,+,��,to b.° ;% Telephone(508) 398-2231, Ext. 241 — Fax (508) 398-2365 BOARD OF HEALTH APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE: DATE: September 29, 1995 Down Cape Engineering, Inc. ` LOCATION: 59 Williams Road 939 Rte. 6A West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Yarmouthport, MA 02675 VARIANCE FROM STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE: Minimum Requirements for Subsurface OWNER OF PROPERTY: Disposal of Sanitary Sewage:TITLE 5: Section(s): 15.211 (1) Roger Chasse ..,/ Town Amendments to Title 5: Section(s) : Box 1035 3.7 Bristol, CT 06010 Dear Mr. Ojala: The Yarmouth Board of Health is in receipt of your application requesting a variance from the State Environmental code's Title. 5 and/or Town of Yarmouth Amendments to Title 5. Plans of the septic system are on file, for review, at the Health Department Office. • DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) : "Maximum Feasible Compliance" Variances are as shown on plans prepared by Down Cape Engineering, Inc. and dated September 1, 1995 and revised 9/27/95. Please be advised that the Yarmouth Board of Health will conduct a Hearing for the above requested variance(s) on: October 16, 1995 at 4:45 p.m. in the Lower Meeting Room of the Town Office Bldg. , Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA. NOTE: The Engineer, whose stamp appears on the prepared plan(s) , must be present at the Board of Health Meeting. cc: Board of Health B e MurpI) , R.S. , MPH, Heal Agent file Town of Yarmouth PARCEL #: ABUTTORS: BM:fs N 12: Paul S. Rea Printed on Page 1 of 2 Recycled Paper /7R/Q�, Board of Health Hearing scheduled for October 16, 1995. Location: 59 Williams Road, West Yarmouth Owner: Robert Chasse Box 1035 Bristol, CT 06010 Requested Variances: Title V: 1. Section 15.211 (1): Variance request of 25' from the required 50' separation distance between the leaching facility and a catch basin draining to wetlands, a 25' separation is proposed. 2. Section 15.211(1): Variance request of 5' from the required 20' separation distance between the leaching facility and the foundation a 15' separation is proposed. 3. Section 15.211(1): Variance request of 5' from the required 10' separation distance between the leaching facility and the property line, a 5' separation is proposed. Town of Yarmouth 1. Section 3.7: Variance request of 75' from the required 100' separation distance between the leaching facility and a catch basin draining to wetlands, a 25' separation is proposed. Page 2 of 2