HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval and Application °F -.„ TOWN OF YARMOUTH c � /%"; SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS 02664 • �MATTACMdEiE/ BOARD OF HEALTH �OAnontco��c VARIANCE APPROVAL Charles Ardito Variance from Provisions of Title 5: 5200 Building, Rt 28 Regulation: 15.02(7) West Yarmouth, Ma 02623 Taan Amendments: Section: Re: Lot 6 Mattakese Date: February 28, 1986 West Yarmouth Road DearMr. Ardito • The Yarmouth Board of Health, having received your application for a Variance fran the provisions of Regulation 15.02(7) of Title 5 of the State Environmental Code and/or fran Section of the Town of Yar- mouth Amendments for a Subsurface Sewage Disposal System, and having deter- mined that strict enforcement of the aforementioned regulations/sections in this instance would do manifest injustice and, further, that your requested variance does not conflict with the spirit of the State Environmental Code or the Town of Yarmouth Amendments, has hereby granted the variance, which shall became effective thirty (30) days from the above date, after notice of the grant has been filed with the Department of Environmental Qn1a1ity Engineering, or, on February 24, 1986 . The variance(s) herein granted is as follows: To allow construction of a new septic system to allow the foundation that was installed per Engineers Plans dated , revised 10/28/85 to remain. Thus a need for a variance from the 25' required removal. A 4.5' variance is granted for the reserve system. • All surface water must be contained on the property. Please be advised that no work shall be ccamenced under this variance until the elapse of the above date and that the variance granted herein shall expire in 90 days frau the effective date unless all work so authorized by said vari- ance has been completed prior to the date of expiration. In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be responsible for any water damage to the foundation, septic system or adjoining lots. • /) 1 Variance Approved by Board of Health -) ,- ._ /', at Meeting of: Feb. 24, 1986 Bruce Murphy, Health Agent cc: Commissioner of D.E.Q.E. Building Department Posted 2/28/86 Removed file Low Weller, Inc. s ' aria,wc-E r� -�-oe 4d,tc' / •�� ra , �- ww$e-r- f rain _ /4, s? '/ n S - j� lQ�°111�- /4. GO 00* �: 35 j- 7 I P- .Pi / &-J d. .b . —=---14,.04 '7 -'\ ' ' lc AI, 4 a -r- d. b, !3 g7 IX , Q,:�' i .Z,. 41,,, 5z i e' --,-, 4-0/' Pecs one l 1 ri --/r-e-A c , 13 . -7-7 &Ad pipe •13 ,65 � 2 rGKGW/�A(QS — prof', A,7L - 1. $b' 121v1 !S.Z‘ • (ip__° '' p.lc' �, Z o �/0 4- -7 47,0 2- 3 , � � �4 4 l IL o / by 41 -- 122•( ' ( -1-//4 I ' '1' 4 Of)Y ' �r� TOWN WN OF YARMOUTH ,,t\ct. 0 ' t-,;,...ii,,,..-3 . SOUTH IARMOtTH Vit.\SS.\CRUST L S 0366+ �\MATTA '�S .a.A.,%� BOARD OF HEALTH APPLICANT FOR VARIANCE: DATE: February 6, 1986 AV William Weller, Agent LOCATION: Lot 6 P.O. Box 119 Mattakese Road Yarmouthport, MA 02675 VARIANCE FROM STATE ENVIRONMENT- OWNER OF PROPERTY: AL CODE: Minimum Requirements for Sub- surface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage: TITLE Charles Ardito 5: Section(s): 15.02(7) 5200 Building, Route 28 Town Amendments to Title 5: Section(s): West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Dear Mr. Weller .• The Yarmouth Board of Health is in receipt of your application requesting a variance from the State Environmental Code's Title 5 and/or Town of Yarmouth Amendments to Title 5. Plans of the septic system are on file, for review, at the Health Department Office. DESCRIPTION OF REQUESTED VARIANCE(S): Title 5 - Section 15.02(17) Construction in Fill To allow the new foundation that was installed per engineers plans dated revised 10/28/85 to remain. The foundation was not installed in the location as shown on the Health Dept. approved plans of 10/28/85. The foundation was moved 4.5 feet within the required 25 foot removal area as shown on r evised plans dated 11/12/85 approved by the Health Department. Please be advised that the Yarmouth Board of Health will conduct a Hearing for the above requested variance(s) on: February 24, 1986 at 7:20 p.m. in the Lower Meeting Room of the Town Office Bldg., Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA. NOTE: The Engineer, whose stamp appears on the prepared plan(s), must be present at the Board of Health Meeting. cc: Board of Health race Murphy, R. , MPH Health Agent file Town of Yarmout PARCEL #: ABUTTORS: BM/av ✓R-57 George Carras cc: Low CZ Weller, Inc. vX-43 Helen C. Clory—tclA%c&c-w$ -yam vP-5 Stephen L. Ganga et ux v'X-40 Jeffrey R. Howard, Lucile F. Howardate-( CERTIFIED MAIL v P5-7 Barbara Seviour e«l'cC <.--weirnr-yhl 660 ✓ R-56 Bernard R. Sherwill et ux 1 /R TOWN OF YARMDUIH • APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE TANE: aiitee465 /-1./7-0Q RAZE: 'Q5 • ` s'Czka ADDRESS: a o i►c00 leo . - - 2-0 '° 2/.6) -ese•-sed • Location of Variance L' scrl ption of \'ariancr 7�- ,45' K5 z 51:e tc}; of Prorose6 Construction:- fio (161-=-4 - /,977-7=.1-e_Aki.C ;) "Pc-4'LC2S • to be per 7ir,_-3 WILLIAM G. WELLER, AGENT r;� ^?t ;':.r`c:��i':_------ Low & Weller I nc. ;O. Box 11' :n--- tc' b;•' 6 , 0 .