HomeMy WebLinkAboutCh 91 License Certification3 H Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Waterways Program BRP WN 24 Chapter 91 General License Certification Transmittal Number: 283337 A. Certification lnformation lmportant: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. I am applying for Certilication under; 2. The applicable General License for my structure dated q3045 is recorded at the Book 28978, Page 49. 3. N4y structure meets the eligibility requirements of X the General License for Coastal Structures E the General License for lnland Structures Barnstable Name of Reoistry of Deeds E General License Section'l(A) and (B) and E General License Section 3.2 for Great Ponds and navigable rivers/streams For Registry of Deeds Use *,4 Robert l\4cNamara Printed Name of Applicant 982 Oenoke Ridge Road, New Canaan, CT 06840 Mailing Address / City / State / Zip Code 732-861-2484 mcnamaral 0 1 @outlook.com Phone Number Daniel A. Ojala EmailAddress c/o Down Cape Eng ineerinq, lnc. 508-362-4541 Contact lnformation C. Project Location Printed Name of Property Owner (ifdifierent from Applicant) 82 Drittwood Lane, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 Project Street Address / City / State / Zip Code Using Section C in the lnstructions, provide the following geographic coordinates 41 42-09 .6 7 0-1 I -1 5 .2 Latitude 127 Longitude 65 Barnstable Tax Assessors Map/Parcel Number Parce /Lot Number County Property Recorded at Reoistrv of Deeds 30740 163 Book Page Or Certificate of Title Number Or Probate Number Type of waterbody, as described on page 6 of the lnstructions, the type of water body in which the project site is located (check all that apply): X Private Tidelands E Great Pond X Commonwealth Tidelands (seaward of MLW) fl Non-tidal Navigable River or Stream (lnland) Follins Pond (tidal) Name ofthe water body the project site is located on D. Project Plans I have attached plan(s) drawn in accordance with the locations shown and details that meet the list of Requirements for my coastal or inland structure (page 11 of lnstructions). ! Hand-drawn Plans X Professional Engineering Plans Number of pages BRP VWV 24, GeneralLicense Cediti€tim. PaOe j oI3 B. Applicant lnformation Printed Name ofAuthorized Agent (if any) 1 3 EI Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Water Resources - Waterways Program BRP WW 24 Chapter 91 General License Certification Transmittal Number: 283337 E. Certification I hereby make application for certification underlhe General License authorized by the Department and signed by the Governor on April 13, 2015. Upon my signature, I agree to allow the duly authorized representative ofthe Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to enter upon the premises of the project site at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. I hereby certi, that the intormation submitted in this Certification and on the attached plans is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and is in conformance with the eligibility requirements as outlined in Section 1(.A) and (B) and Section 3.2 ofthe General License. And, upon my signature, that I have read the General License and agree to the terms and conditions set fo(h therein. I hereby certiry that any change in use or structural alteration of the pro.ject described herein will require that I requesl recertification in accordance with 310 CMR 9.29(4Xe). I hereby certify that I have sent the required fee to MassDEP, and have attached a copy oflhe completed fee calculation (Check all that apply): E Ch.91 Applicant Fee X T'idewater Displacemenl Fee X Tideland Occupation Fee n Great Pond Occupation Fee I hereby certifi/ I have submitted this certification, and provided the opportunity to comment, to the following oI{icials for the municipality in which the project is located (check all that apply): E Planning Board Fta I \q Notification Date 11-28-18 sE83-2173X Conservation Commission: if approved, identify Date of order or Determination DEP File #, if issued I Board of Selectmen I Mayor and City Council XI Harbormaster E Landowner (if not applicant) X zoning Enforcement officer (for coastal Structures only) The Registelln accordance wilh 310 CMR 9.29(a)(c) a 512119 i^ public notice was published on oate- rrr Name of publication Orlginal signatures required for all applicanls, property owners, authorized agents, and zoning officer (if ). The a orized agent may sign allfuture application coirespondcnce for eppiicant or property ownei x Applicant's gtn alSignature Property Ownels Original Signature (if different from applicant) Printed Name of Zoning Enforcement OfJlcer / Title / Date fl Failure to record this Certification within 60 days of the date of approval wili render this Certiflcation void. For Registry of Deeds Use Original Signature of zoning Enforcement Officer [Iunicipality BRP wW24, cemrall-i@nse C6nificariq. page 2 oI3 For MassDEP Use Only Authorized Agenfs Original Signature (if applicable) (For Coastal Structures only) I hereby certify that the project described above and in the attached plans is not in violation of local zoning ordinances and bylaws. Generol License Certificotion No. Approved by Deportment of Environmentql Protection Dote: For Registry of Deeds Use Only PROP,8, PROVIDE 24'FLOAT TO KEEP MIN. 3' ABOVE GRADE AT PILING PLACEMENT IN CONSU W1H HOMEOW\]ER (TO BEST ON ACCOMMODAlE BOAT) ,. LOCUS MAP MLW DATUM ASSESSORS MAP 127 PARCEL 65z -3.10 1 01.0 -J EXIST. PIER Lrc. # 6654 4 ol o, I \pnop. r6'x 2.5' RAMP 2 EXIST. -Q FLOAT INTERLM APPROVAL # 7228-DA1ED r,i I i EXIST. PIER, RAMP AND FLOAT (REMOVE) 1 2/1 9g 7 4u€. nADD RACKS 7 Scole:l'= 40' FOR KAYAK STORAGE (TYP)Ufil,t BOTH SIDES Y IER IlDAL O FEET OP AT ELEV. 9 0 (4) 12" \lNYL W]tAPPED 15' MlN. EMBEDMENT PIUNGS REQUIRED FOR FLOAT OVIDE 3.1 0 U AND IHE PIER G ORE 10\1 STEPS BOTH SI T PROP 1 1 2 PI LI NG PROP 10' - 12' PTLTNG 0+ 00 Scole: 1"= 2O' l +00 (\1N YL P PED,PT) TION (VINYL MAPPED) 1 sp on co rms requirements of the Deed lndexing Stondords for the Commonweqlth of Mossochusetts Jonuory 1, 2008, Section 6-4 Plons os Attochments to Other Documents Plon Accomponying Petition of: Robert McNomoro 982 Oenoke Ridge Rood New Conoon, CT 06840 Project Description: Proposed Pier, Romp & Pile-Supported Floot ot: 82 Driftwood Lone South Yormouth County of Bornstoble Poqe 1 of 1 Dote; 4/22/2019 - PROFILE VIEW 1" : 20'