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The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research,education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED oap�:� Security Control No. "p`s _©� Borislav Zhivkov 4 25 46 8 C�4M���o has completed the NSC CPR Course We want your feedback! Adult,Child,Infant CPR,Choking&AED Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevaluation to Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training take a brief survey and share your opinions Completion Date: 9/1512017 Expires ,911512019 Instructional Hours: 3 hr about the NSC course you completed. / %)-Lek #1040918 + nstrucfature Instructor No. NSC-in it for life` nsc.org/fatraining� Keep this card for your records.Void if reproduced. 200M1116 1015 900008130 ©2016 National Safety Council 79174-0000 www.capecodsafetytraining.com igil, p` — 0 010"1111.11111.1111.111111"1." NSC CPR Course CovNG%%, Adult, Child, Infant, Choking & AED ® 3-hour class OSHA CPR 1910.151 Security Control No. Name: Teodora Varbanova 4 2 5 4 6 6 Address: Address: 40 Bamboard Ln City, State, Zip: West Yarmouth,MA 02673 Course Completion Date: 0911512017 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Date: 0911512019 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: 1040918 Teodora Varbanova has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council saves lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities and on the roads through leadership, research, education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED Security Control No. {app S O0000/..."1- � ZCOYN��V. Teodora Varbanova 4 2 5 4 6 oNP�S has completed the tC�UNty� NSC CPR Course feedback! We wantyour Adult Child,Infant CPR,Choking&AED Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevaivation to Completion Date: 911512017 take a brief survey and share your opinions Expires: 911512019 Instructional Hours: 3 hr about the NSC course you completed. Adaliji #1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. NSC-in it for life" nsc.org/fatraining,) Keep this card for your records.Void if reproduced.