HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 - Building Permit with Proposed Septic Plan V .a ) / dor. No. *6.--,:„. ., pplication for a Permit to Bu' e ' ,.� - F /Afifit PANS 41;rflx H1 11 ARD �''�`` ' i: Fee must accompany this application DATE ��26 GL' • D.f./c- �liiYarmouth • 4....19 AC "O a0 -::i5 rpm'T IS VOID DISPOSAL INSTALLERrF5�D WITHIN 40 DAYS, p TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN V ` ��/� The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, according to the following specifications: / - /(:A.:=-' 1. Name of Owner MR.. 4-fr\ S. manse"- CI f2LTC u Address n1 flt=.ELK‘NiS `�T �� . pie..t.Ra se... MA , 2. Name of Architect (if any) GE 0 Q4r► P1. P(.1".I Ps ..1 t, 3. Name of Builder (t'-ti . (16111.1544. ' MAiNT'ftNAtrC 4 SALCCS C . / Py° 4. Precinct No. Lot No. a % Plan: Name or No. C•N r1)hitt ft id � S. stAnci'. - svRvievoti 5. Name of Stre ,I P—41 . ;f:, Mild C.ii/l : 6. Purpose of Building (' wit t.l i 1,4 i 'SitA r: , L `T. ' JK �7. Material . T / '^ 1..0. is _T5 BET if ) <—ii `C —! 8. Estimated cost of building IF 3*,%.1.3 V S 4l i=�� w o �e e� ►�O M S 9. Dwelling Y s 3 �® STu4 v 4 Y _ ,�v of � I 10. Cottage N n / 9 s �� �4eIQA0- L /r /n t0 11 o° �'� 11. Heat pier- WATER. I ey • . PC)t � / J Jobe-,S•ccs 12. Basement YRS 1, . r c.c.., P ' B*?"h S 13. Garage 3. 4 YES , s2 j O . 9 0 i D. 1 IC 0 Vr C e l I zI'e 14. Store 044 15. Shop N sr 16. No. of stories I ' 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey t I 0 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front 1,4.(I.:.(i 1.). No. of feet rear ...1.1.r it No. of feet deep I' ' 1 19. Size of building. No. of feet front .. .:Z.`•4 ' No. of feet side ..3.4./iL"s!" Noof feet rear i3let's' 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ft.; side ft.; side ft.; rear 21. Distance back from line or street 1.$'I , from rear lot line .....t2..!...t , side line LSi Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation to distances from adjoining lots, on reverse side. Name Az- a.w.f b.l.a a,.. m.A.t.tta:IChtx!s!IG.G..d'...5A!. 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