HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Mar 21 - From MMEnvironmental - Wetland Resource Area Identification/Delineation , MMEnvironmental P.O. Box 554 . Forestdale, MA 02644 978.434.1228 mobile March 21,2017 Michael Curadossi 15 Circuit Road North Yarmouth, MA 02664 RE: Wetland Resource Area Identification/Delineation 15 Circuit Road North Yarmouth, Massachusetts Dear Michael, On March 7 and 20, 2017, a Marsh Matters Environmental (MME) senior wetland scientist observed conditions at 15 Circuit Road North (the Site) at your request for the purpose of observing existing conditions and, based upon these observations, identify and mark the landward boundary of a jurisdictional inland wetland resource area (WRA) subject to protection under either the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act(MWPA)(M.G.L. c. 131, §40) and/or the Town of Yarmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw (Chapter 143). MME provides this letter report and attached documentation to help you meet local regulatory and procedural requirements related to your on-site sewage disposal system upgrade project. MME submits these documents to you with the expectation that they will be submitted to the permit-issuing authority (i.e., the local Conservation Commission) responsible for the review of WRA boundary determinations and proposed projects within issuing authority jurisdiction. Methodology 1111 In advance of its on-site review of existing conditions and f' 'Pr 4111* during preparation of this report, MME performed a "ksj . - ' , 0 � " ,V desk-top review of available mapped resources. The f \ •`�- r . sources of this mapping included the U.S. Geological ,' T os r , Service, the Massachusetts Geographic Information it‘y 4:A '� • - ff ` System MassGIS the Massachusetts Division ofp, ' s a .���'r��+� Fisheries and Wildlife, the USDA's Natural Resources °a _,,. , Conservation Service, the Federal Emergency s Vit, *" k •ip Management Agency, and Google Earth. When c ' ', s : A 4 performing WRA identification and delineation, MME r} ' r o ' uses a methodologyinvolving, but not limited to ' ' a%` IL ..,'• ' consideration of (1) plant community composition and I- 1- ' ., '°t"y / -}.( o tcW ilk transitions between plant communities, (2) observed + , w ! � a topographic changes in the landscape, (3) evidence of , 1� ir land disturbance (e.g.,fill placement and fill removal), (4) ' indicators of wetland hydrology including the extent of i -!, r +t • l+S. standing or flowing water in any nearby waterbody, and ( NI _" V. (5) the presence/absence of certain sub-surface soil �,, morphological features(i.e., redoximorphic features)that 111117` i indicate the presence, or absence, and approximate •�` elevation of groundwater in the soil profile (relative to the ground surface) during a portion of the growing season. MME marks WRA boundaries with numbered tape flagging or stakes and typically collects a set of photographs documenting on-site conditions. MME completes MassDEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland Delineation Field Data Forms (Appendix G forms) when a Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW)(310 CMR 10.55) is delineated and if MME believes MME Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com Michael Curadossi Page 2 that this type of detailed documentation is necessary. A set of these data forms was completed for this delineation. Entrance onto abutting property was incidental and necessary in order to complete fieldwork and MME assumes that this entry was either pre-approved or was otherwise acceptable. Observations/Findings/Recommendations The Site is an undeveloped property that abuts the Plashes Brook, which is a freshwater perennial waterway that flows south from Plashes Pond to Parkers River and Nantucket Sound. While the majority of the Site is upland, the northwestern portion is an area of relatively low elevation adjacent to the Plashes Brook. Based upon MME's field observation and review of available mapping, MME believes that jurisdictional inland WRAs associated 15 Circuit Road North with this river that extend onto or are near the Site include Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Inland Bank (310 CMR 10.54), Riverfront Area (310 CMR 10.58), and Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways (310 CMR 10.56). The FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map providing coverage for the Site (Panel No. 25001C0586J, effective 7/16/2014) indicates that land at elevation eleven feet and below are within Land Subject to Flooding(310 CMR 10.57). Vegetation observed within the BVW area included red maple (Acer rubrum)(FAC), black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica)(FAC), common winterberry (Ilex verticillata)(FACW), alder (Alnus sp.), coastal sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia)(FAC), highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)(FACW), horsebrier (Smilax rotundifolia)(FAC), poison ivy (Toxicodenron radicans)(FAC). Vegetation observed within the adjacent upland area include pitch pine, red maple, black oak (Quercus velutina), northern white oak (Quercus alba)(FACU), pepperbush, and Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica). According to current mapping, as viewed using the MassGIS on-line mapping tool on March 21, 2017, the entire Site is located outside of both Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife(310 CMR 10.59)and Priority Habitat of Rare Species(321 CMR 10.00). MME set sequentially numbered, blue flagging tape along the BVW boundary(BVW-01 to BVW-5). MME did not set flagging along the approximate Mean Annual High-water line (MAHW line) location along the Plashes Brook, although the BVW and MAHW line appear roughly coincident. Please contact MME should you require additional information specific to the wetland resource areas on the Site and MME's observations and findings. MME can be reached by phone/text at 978.434.1228 (office/mobile) and by electronic mail at Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com. Sincerely, 9.(:416,01( D. Michael Ball,Sr. Wetland Scientist/Field Biologist Marsh Matters Environmental Attachment—set of BVW field data forms MME Mike.Ball@MarshMattersEnvironmental.com �. APPENDIX G DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland (310 CMR 10.55) Delineation Field Data Form • Applicant 4/1.&je4m$S 1 Transect No. / Project location: /5 C ord u/T 4'f -W . -444eAloo )/ DEP File No: — Prepared By: A'/41C (41. LL ) Date of Delineation: 3/7 at 3/Xi/ Check all that apply: ❑ Vegetation alone presumed adequate to delineate BVW:fill out Section I only C Qr. Vegetation and other indicators of hydrology used to delineate BVW boundary:fill out Sections I and 11 –11 ❑ Method other than dominance test used(attach additional information) Section I. Vegetation Percent Percent Dominant Welland Strata Plant Species Scientific Name Cover Dominance Plant? tor category. 14:74/1:4, . Pi reit Y,,v W>W') *NS 7 Y .Bc4 ex doff' t W:WS vel ul ;giD N b Y uPL .�� Met pL6- Aar ft)1ri-M 14A5 ?— :' F Wit r E 0 a. a 1k, ;.0 K N Wu Sop .4,4-- -. _.. .' Iti?‘17/,14 F. n d& i t Ib.c 4 14 ) 8 12vN 2 ,if ry-s a N , &e rb a11x1 s� �/ 454a 63 .b 55 Y Aft REP 4141tr— ry jirt� /G,5 q /J Pte- Arx.ncw04 ,evie- v u/ /log tv-s NOW . Meeahlfc CQ, lv.'S�q pi VPL I/5.5 ,/ t v'1E o &ix(awayl r0NII 156. (}?- Y t,fc rnAtt',✓6.-5aetebvpQu bvs 5p. 30 Vi IN FIK 441./oU .--- .1/144C O e5 r Al et1P5 ' Use an asterisk to mark wetland Indicator plants: plant species listed in the Wetlands Protection Act(MGL c.131.MO);plants in the genus Sphagnum;plants listed as FAC.FAC+,FACW-,FACW.FACW+,or CaL;or plants with physiological or morphological adaptations. If any plants are identified as wetland indicator plants due to physiological or morphological adaptations,describe the adaptation next to the asterisk. Vegetation Conclusion Number of dominant wetland indicator plants: 2. Number of dominant non-wetland indicator plants: Is the number of dominant wetland plants equal to or greater than the num er of dominant non-wetland plants? Percent of dominant wetland plants vs.non-wetland plants: 110 0 Transect No_ 1 Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX G DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland(310 CMR 10.55) Delineation Field Data Form Section II. Indicators of Hydrology Soil Survey Is there a published soil survey for this site? Location of Plot: s01LS OBS f 121-- Title/date: Title/date: ilk&g so1C • J /0 -12 t p u,v4ep 111_ Map number: N/A Soil type mapped: C Co SFSRND � $�11� Hydric soil inclusions: AM 04 op 1,43 D 0t4._ Are field observations consistent with soil survey? }yS Soil Profile Description Dat$1 9(b//16 BOAC &. Soil Horizon Depth-Inches Color Soil Texture Soil Mottling Comments 2_ loYibp /0 y 'j 5/4: 0 - IJ loYt3/z mss r►o (1O--1 t5.1...75 =7� V s�6 cess rio Remarks:"AIME JSdikleAtretets rte.. OF 4 1✓emi.1 oz,[ 5popo-So L. Other Indicators of Hydrology: check all that apply and describe ❑ Site inundated: ❑ Depth to free water in observation hole: ❑ Depth to soil saturation in observation hole: ❑ Water marks: ❑ Drift lines: ❑ Sediment deposits: ❑ Drainage patterns in BVW: ❑ Oxidized rhizospheres: ❑ Water-stained leaves: ❑ Recorded data(stream,lake or tidal gauge:aerial photo;other): ❑ Other: Vegetation and Hydrology Conclusion Number of wetland indicator plants>_number of non-wetland indicator plants? yes 0 no ❑ Hydric soil present? - yes 0 no Er"- Other indicators of hydrology present? yes 0 no Sample location is in a BVW? yes 0 no I!� Transect No Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX G DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland(310 CMR 10.55)Delineation Field Data Form Applicant: 41. a uzq PO SS r Transect No. / Project location: /5 CAQ.007 T 4IE-N. Y4 4#wu DEP File No: Prepared By: 4ANE E C/K.g4U} Date of Delineation: Zj/ 3/WA 7 Check all that apply: / ❑ Vegetation alone presumed adequate to delineate BVW:fill out Section I only Iie-Vegetation and other indicators of hydrology used to delineate BVW boundary:fill out Sections I and II 0 Method other than dominance test used(attach additional information) Section L Vegetation Wetland Strata Plant Species Sdentitic Name Penxmt Percent Dominant Cover Dominance Plant? Det®Hor? i 7 req 77ir/E f4riv5 n i 0.5 a./ N rmv aen 4f*'P LE 4(4r,IYArlAAA 63.o n.:1 Y F� TDpe c v NYssg sy/vphcg !a•S 12.1 N r wlthr a 62°.revs a1 3. 4. f N pity 97.o 64-P -- - 504 wINreggetall 65.b 55.0 y cM.v 5wr1perg4V3i -5 i7.4 N F-44 delf—Det. sereKLelp ,q hits rurrt *Ps , .q N ulew IZ M4 Pt.E 10.5/1.z N Re- i ►14.5 VINE aI2 A PE V - ;0 * Use an asterisk to mark wetland indicator plants:plant species listed in the Wetlands Protection Aet(MGL c.131,3.40);plants in the genus Sphagnum;plants Bated as FAC,FAC+,FACW-,FACW,FACW+,or 081.;or plants wdh physiabgkal or morphological adaptatlons. If any plants am kierifilled as wetland Indicator Plants due to physlologtcal or morphological adaptations,describe the adaptation next to the asterisk. Vegetation Conclusion Number of dominant wetland indicator plants: Number of dominant non-wetland indicator plants: 5. Is the number of dominant wetland plants equal to or greater than the number of dominant non-wetland plants? y Percent of dominant wetland plants vs.non-wetland plants: 1 00,/0 Transact No Page 1 of 2 I APPENDIX G s DEP Bordering Vegetated Wetland(310 CMR 10.55) Delineation Field Data Form Section II. Indicators of Hydrology Soil Survey Is there a published soil survey for this site? Location of Plot: Title/date: deg,SOIL 51AQ'/s'e' 2017-- 7 i2 .'?s z7r Ar avw •2 (ty Map number: rsi it Smogs IA,/ "I Soil type mapped: jE;,/ �,1Ck!t� I &I4 •,,1 s ' OF giN✓ Hydric soil inclusions: y�q,,NP 1 v--2 °to swits igovfvo4-ry Are field observations consistent with soil survey? ✓-- Soil Profile Description Soil Horizon Depth-Inches Color Soil Texture Soil Mottling Comments CC-- /'/ /�ttx r- r-- ill ? IDYL s j, CC'S 54'4D Remarks: /i/6 r 5c L Other Indicators of Hydrology: check all that apply and describe Site inundated: S.b M gel? LA/ Pct,tvMI(T 1.41f 1 rie ❑ Depth to free water in observation hole: ❑ Depth to soil saturation in observation hole: 54-raz -nO,11rb vf L S c. O Water marks: ❑ Drift lines: ❑ Sediment deposits: 0 Drainage patterns in BVW: ❑ Oxidized rhizospheres: /Water-stained leaves: s lidRecorded data(stream,lake or tidal gauge:aerial photo;other): O Other: • Vegetation and Hydrology Conclusion Number of wetland indicator plants>_number of non-wetland indicator plants? yes l ---- no 0 Hydric soil present? yes lam' no 0 Other indicators of hydrology present? yes 0.-- no 0 Sample location is in a BVW? yes 13,--••"---- no ❑ Transect No I_ page 2 of 2