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RF 1 TOWN OF YARMOUTH:' FD 0 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 -Fax (508) 398-0836 r�r-.ivt`vu t r. RECEIV& KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMIt�`'���-��� � IUN f25 2019 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION (-C,1 /N CLERK A�}iikic�>► 11r�Y,�nc) for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: Address of proposed work: a-9 Pdt IM©©1r Wa M , "j(Wk0Qt � YQY[ Map/Lot # Owner(s): VW rdtt, I k1 d'o�fi - 3o mk W Qr✓42,f Phone #:, 0Jq 4 -74 9 o All applications must U submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: SS am i ` Year built: 117 Q Email: 01L 0L onn Preferred notification method: Phone Email Agent/Contractor: Ccxt- ccl �iygcg- Ct) Phone #:'50'9-39"7- C:'o La Mailing Address: oq 3 MAi in, ft, . , +" 1 ;' YV1,b ng l (' q Email: , M JQ`1,5k irQ-12 +CQI/8ieferred notification method: Phone _Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): Q*i'%A #-twvi wif�, 15 " 5ccO)opa cP-dc,,,( �wcc �.14 mat tbc?( posf x 9. 1 iq1--,,f peiys w it , a{da✓ Fo is i Signed (Owner or agent): Date: (4) t PQ > Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) > This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: Amount n� Cas � Rcvd by: V Approved Reason for denial: OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Denied Date Signed: `� -Z O/ Si ned: 9 s ED 9g APPLICATION #: l V5.2017 no 1093 Main Street (Rte. 28) Over 50 Yeari / rsi>Ke 1936 ORDER NO. S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 SALES AGREEMENT 508-398-6041 / 800-352-7785 DZ sales®capecodfence.com GOW FEACESWWE r0W NW.1 . Follow Us On Facebook EMAIL SLCM CA- - ® m' NAME w ` 1. 50;o DEPOSIT WITH ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT. Balance due immediate upon completion. 6. Purchaser to acquire all necessary permits and variances SHIP7 STREET STREET M Q / ` ` 1 instag Wn extras may include labor, conpressor and cement charges in the event of striking ledge. rack CITY TAT E CRY -�� STATE` �Z INSTALLATION 1pTIflCA�TINOEN ty , $ BUSINESS PHONE // J FT. STYLE 10. Additional lerms appty when wriiifien. + _ �� O j Q L ?O NO. OF RAILS HEIGHT �-. .. . ivn "i n �.rvnry r I r ICJ ANU LATUV I SttUVVN t$tLUW QUANTITY D E S C R I P T 10 N UNIT TOTAL L te/ -3 Sf t ff 440 19 -576 Wt D 4E Ak rat 8 Y NI171 x d_e a a �� 'mss€ t(e b 36 ye� -- CREDIT CARD INFORMATION Credit Card # Name on Credit Card Signature of Cardholder um rt CG:- I Exp. Date Date SUB TOTAL TAX TOTAL LESS: 50% DEPOSIT BALANCE DUE CHECK LIST >Qt1STALL OR 0 DEL. ONLY CUSTOMER AT HOME A V_YES 0 NO TAKE DOWN OLD FENCE )<YES 0 NO TAKE AWAY OLD FENCE MES 0 NO CLEAR BRUSH OR TREES 0 YES Y_NO FACE FINISH SIDE 01N KOUT TOP OF FENCE TO FOLLOW GROUND �WES ❑ NO SIGN LOCATION DIG -SAFE INFO TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 50;o DEPOSIT WITH ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT. Balance due immediate upon completion. 6. Purchaser to acquire all necessary permits and variances 2. A credit card number must be lett on Ni at Cape Cad Fence Co.. Any remaining balance after job completion vdtl be charged to this credit card. In the event of an overpayment, the Cape Cod Fence Co. wig 7. All properly Tsres and grades to be estabgsfted by purdtaser. process your refund within fourteen days. 8. Cape Cod Fence Co. is not responsible is damage to unmarked un*groln d Apes or wrier; septic, 1 instag Wn extras may include labor, conpressor and cement charges in the event of striking ledge. rack Irrigation, irMstble fences, etc. or difficult ground. q, 20%Re charge. Restocking charge. No returns on custom orders. 9. Price is determined r, footage may vary depending upon a8 shown, tri �� 5. Customers m irlclu all collection charges, inckugng atlomey's fees, on past due acCetmts. ANY UNPAID �� actual footage used. � " BALANCE AFTER 30 DAYS IS SUBJECT TO A t V2 % PER MONTFIFINANCE CHARGE, 10. Additional lerms appty when wriiifien. BY �d�,i L j Q L ?O —"1 _ ACCEPTED BY `J WN CLERK OY RMOUTH, MA r1 SOUTH 7 : EO 5 9 0 Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED ioN 25 2019 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA https://capecodfence.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/falmouth-picket-fence.jpg -19-E059 6/4/2019 Jk �;j♦.. ' jai{ r, I I'� .-- IF'llo.�dl��Ill`{9i�1!ljllji'E ---_ `-' iv • •" `{" mss'.• Or .4 Is .pp,,, � , • '' it `�. Jk �;j♦.. ' jai{ r, I I'� .-- IF'llo.�dl��Ill`{9i�1!ljllji'E ---_ `-' iv • •" `{" mss'.• Or .4 Is .pp,,,