HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 Vineyard Street - Building Permit SignoffTown of Yarmouth Conservation Commission Building Perrnit Sign-off Application Building Site Location: Map #?'5 Lot(s) #rbq Property Ovner'.o' Applicunt:-u I App ticunrAddress; ll tJ',too S"r Pklr^etU. nA \ ( r I -T- Date Filedb6at-oo?I Pn,tu t.\. J Pt', ti , t Dt.strintiutt. AB.dsoon AMttrorr-6t.vnr..d oo Flc\izcls g P.-'s.rs Plans: TO BE FILLED OUT BY CONSERVATION ADMINISTRATOR: Do You Have A Valid Permit From The Conservation Commission For Tlte Proposed Proiect? :t29 C on n e nts from C o n s ervati o rr Approved Rejected All work related debris shall be taken offsite or disposed in a legal upland location At the end of each day, the area shall be Refer to: SE83- or Co nse rvatio n Co m m ission S ig n-off Signaturez ebris shall be in the Resource Area onditionally Approved DOA Date:+)ultt Aur,r,r/hil;tW- TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT: Telephonc: