HomeMy WebLinkAboutPercolation Test Logs PERCOLATION 11,ST LOG Time: 1 / Date: /� I Map/Lot No. 20570 Address: /2- I PGkk*,' L #i Engineer: �r /riff' Health Agent: -- # E anion Area: Yes: No: Suitable/Subsurface Se xp wage: Yes: No: � Expansion Area Tested: Yes No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: - If No, Why? Unsuitable: Why? Well: Town Water: No: Name: i SKETCH: ko Notes: �Gl�' '/�iZ,� 2.,/ . g " C�'Ti Water At (/ F —/ DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Soil Plotting Other (mches) (USDA) (Structure,Smas,Boulders, Consistency.%Graven n e.21- 164 6) kilakvia, 4-_ L__ /a � � , „ 7&>/ c-J=i .7/." , urr , /0"/ /i. "A''' '''''' ) W — /6 F ' C /11-6 C 1)15 (", ..24-iii/ )-Ai rite'/ e DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth fromSurface Soil Horizon Soil Tenure Soil Color Soil Matting Other (inches) (USDA) (Structure Stones,Booklets, Consistency,%Gravel) N u z �e I �, Q ..I �, aa) u H I 11111 G opo H � �� il'Ii A f )+tN u a c•-• 141$ I "Eaq 4-1 }4 .. Fc• ...1-Iii• CO •it _N r^1 "0 dJ .-1 .0 al a) 4J cn L-+ a) a .••+ z O. a) a) d0 .0 14 00 .--I O al (l) .0 •.1 L 3 H cU .0 •.a a) Ln ..0 L U to g H .•-4 .O co 0 O _ ca 1n ..-3 - O't' x 0 _. H •A 1.-. I co .,a -0 a II IoijI ccu 4 l I ? � CU Qcn co a) aw a) -1, Ih , 0 a) $.• $4 it ____„gcr. 4.) c•-• F-1 K k- ,... --- • .. O w CO to z G o 0 O •• u Xi v7 �; •ao Ci. a z a .0 o it x x w v x ;R o a r2.1 w LO %-i ,r U) Z F 1-► z .• I i a u o (1) )4 d O b0 Hcif �-+ I i_. N• . N • 3 e N a. (t) •r+ +-1 U it, c,...r4 coca 1-4 AI . 4 + Ncn.t►n�toornOr4N ' 'i7 3 'pip ' "-1 ,� 1.1 cn a) al ttil= , sk ‘ I I. z a, a 0 3 A o x ., o o a o o z ••-1 -..,J/ 1 (1)1 o i v 'u Nal aa) 4 \I \' �` N 1 y � H 4-I cif od . \ CD $4 g d �. H ` i.4 o o X \ \ v • •a, ••• r+ ••.-1 I .. • ti Q 14 NCO3 CCZ • r-1 4J 60 In. a. r-+ N v CU o G X X 444 a) I-3 w w w ;-I c.), Z .y� RC} ",fiT`c 01 TOWNF YARMOUTH cY SOUTH YARMOUTH MASSACHUSE FI02664 , HEALTH •r ,4ATTACH?ESE'/ ' • EXECUTIVE • _,-- SECRETARY April 10 , 1984 Ruth Crowell June McPherson 12 Webster Street West Yarmouth MA 02673 RE: LOT 12 , WEBSTER STREET, WEST YARMOUTH MA 02673 Dear Ms. Crowell and Ms. McPherson: This letter is to supercede and clarify this de- i partments previous letter of March 8 , which at that time it was not brought to my attention that the deep testing performed was for a house addition. Therefore, this de- partments position is as follows for further development of the lot: 1 . Addition size, location and use must be submitted { 2 . Current subsurface sewage system must be located, and description of all components Upon receipt of this information, this department will make a determination of what is required, as there is a con- cern as the groundwater table was observed only 42" below the surface. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience the previous letter might have created. If you have any further questions, please do not hes- itate to contact me at the Health Office (PH398-2231 , X36) . Sincerely, Bruce Murph , R.S MPH Town of Yarmouth cc : Chairman, Down Cape Engineering Board of Health Attorney Edward J. Sweeney, Jr. Forrest White, file✓ Building Inspector • Matt Zurowick, Town Assessor Robert C. Lawton, Jr. Executive Secretary