HomeMy WebLinkAboutBld-20-0882 1,/,, , • !" '',i't..12`.•' i: ..'',' ca. l' , ...1' i ..-,f '--..t-ii:' I 0 f L.,%, ,'d'',„ •,:, Permit# vi <4q.° IrOM SOIL-- AN:',/ :Amount L9S-- •- - )4. ,- 1,-!' 71.t.,.. f Permit expires ISO days from gcb-2D-RigQ issue date I EXPRESS STIED PERMJT APPLICA (I ' CEIVE01 TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1 I Yarmouth Building Department AU 1 . I 9 ' f 1146 Route 28 N..: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 B ti I it*.LN,,F,ingb[ N•I ENT By (508)398-2231 Ext. 1261 '41111111111-Itiim ...- ye CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: 3( COCCf--f-1:56L-t3- Wes f YttivAdAt MA - 024'13 ASSESSOR'S INFORMATION: IMap: '" I Parcel: .- 0OWNER: meaft le_ Ei-(con 3 t Cc,4-Ped31 1,0.yd r tAlcul-4 WA- - (g 6_0361- liscp_ CONIRACTO NAME PRESENT ADDRESS get TEL # '7-8 Od NAME MAILING ADDRESS TEL.# Atacsidential 0 Commercial Est Cost of Construction$ Hoop' Home Improvement Contractor Lie.# i Ac2)9 35 Construction Supervisor Lie.#C '`A--0"1.. a(. 3 Worianan's Compensation Insurance: (check one) 0 lam the homeowner 0 I am the sole proprietor %..I have Worker's Compensation Insurance insurance Company Name:IriliN.10.44'il'irE',1s Worker's Comp.Poliey#LC.( . 08-1-1 , IrMil e IV,(Z. asn*I1 a. )e(' adr1 and INFORMATION % New )( Size L 6( . w la . Hutit Corner Lot: Yes No Per Town of Yarmouth Zonina By-Law Sec 203.5 B: Side and rear setbacks for accessory buildings less than 150 square feet and single story, shall be 6 feet in all districts, but in no case built closer than 12 feet to any other building. Replace existing* Size L K W x H , *The debris will be disposed of er: i I. (.,... .e...fl AC\C\ICRCI -411;000i'Crn% % NA CI Location of Facility I declare under penal' of penury that, statements herein contained are true and warm to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any WV answer(s) will he just cause for, ial ,,t4, of my license and for prosecution under M.O.L.Ch.Mt Section I. ,iif ell Amlicant's S':,P”' : hr Date: S 1‘51 V1 i )(Owners Signature(or 4' hment) ' if - Date: 81151 1(t Approved B Date: y: Building • des' ) EMAIL S: Zoning District: Historical District: D Yes D No Flood Plain Zone: Li Yes U No Water Resource Protection District: Within 100 ft.of Wetlands:*** C Yes L' No L. Yes fl No ***Note:Conservation review required if within 100 It of Wetlands 9/13 ..,a vve avl2+ IV 40111 FAX 1!W4301115+ PINE HARBOR el0001/0001 � The C®a , =t, Deprnmentlf iiiii1114,. ; 7771:::::::::: jr1i I:where ComPeandea hearance 7ile IN Name To'Ng a syn.,:rat l* atirttlimill r. �. �` ' ,tf/ lye IA Al i t1� � � �► y< r, ige,f /fF e cityistateizip. 21:::ft Imo a self swum ar sarmeseip. and bona.aossigswa rya*a ravaNi%.--* * `--......c»A 7., CI New aonstruetion AWE Pio ancitane comp.imam* 4.V°°e'°n�data conangoat isoa�,de,ct�, � art :...E3 propdants ,o re ° orb ► t..� io 0 s ri7ergg a 3aPl a � ICI ten a...,amuel cannactarand I have bead*a Am 13,0s%itleO ;Any applicant dat ataxia box t stag aim ill oat tbasaation belowshourieseeit sweet'eoupeoweiee- 1111111ft. - . InemanDe Company Nast i.ok., lit i i IP 41 f per,,,_ 1 li/y t JOb Site MAN*a*MY eta*weelwre Failure �a aes required under poajY radon page(showing �: dayMOO.c. 152.RSA is a criminal viol pelicly nor aad,nc end*ono.year - as well as civil penaltiesPcRDER e A Dopy�`tts statement s fbtm cafe STOP WORK Oatt7 by a Sae ap to 5;. 00 ida may��dt+s the O of a�3af � m .04a reuesigetiaes Odle r (Sty or Towle 1. beard 4. Datowr elm& 4.Eleettieal Piero PLOT PLAN FOR LOT Indicate din A locatice of oraccessoryshed lines -__-_ _..b u� 9 Well 'Moral (cesspool) I Itrot.............. ..' "'. .r•. •.ft. rear) Abutbor'a tT Lot )t 1 —• Ahuttor Name I :fie • f this is a REAR YARD Lot # If this mite in name d` street. I �1=mar lot, write i L______H W name of ' other i met. 46 . r SIDE YARD • r ROUSE SIDE +I.,. — —2YARD • • r • . • r , I • • • • SET BACK • I I (lot.,.....•.s•.......ft. .) l 31 Co V (NAME OF STREET) / h / Information \ Supplied by ARK NORTH POINT AC MCGRPOS-01 THORNE 4.......-- CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MNUDD/YYYY) 7/8/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: It the certiflcate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the poiicyges)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER "-) iACT 3Gra a 'Insurance Agency,Inc. ( Elm:(800)553-1801 i cM,No):t877j 818-2158 ertrtesSouth Dennis,MA 02680 ita6s,mall@rogersgray.aom „ t 't , INSURER(S)AFFORDNGCOVEAAGE MAIDS r,,` NSURERA:Traveiers Indemnity Company 25658 INSURED /f.*, McGrath if m C ° INSURER B:New Hampshire Employers Insurance Compan 13083 iv dba Pine ood R INSURER C 259 cry•�" L.Rd d,kAN,e,,s31" INSURER D: ,s 'a NSURERE: ', sloe, .;;- INSURER F: COVERAGES gl t 5 ' ; CI- 1FlC: , nIUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT lHE POLICIESaV, URA. ;.STED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING kta� ENT CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR � � ','�° .��*CONQITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS , zi AIN THE'. AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF { ^'c�+LICIES LIMITSSHO Y HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE `' INDSDL a R OI JCN POUCY EFF ` POUCY EXP A X COSUAERC1ALGENERAL1. Y 4 ? c� ''r ( ,DWYYYY) (N$IYDJUYVYY► LASTS CLAMS MADE v€ r`,� 9. ,, EACH OCCURRENCE $ + .� X OCCUR +liliti.g60. IND- ,k i-`" 1/31/2019 1/3112020 PREMicsESO(Ea acairr°er�ce) $ 100,000 ;� `€ '"1 MED FRCP(Any one person) $ 5,000 GENL AGGREGATE kvg € PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 X �{ 1 s,t = b s GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,�,000 POUCY1-1; Lrfi Ai+`40 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: a , : 'a s s` f t $ A AUTOMOBILE I� k '1 'e1 441 t E�"4 iti'�',�,�, _(Ea J,7i., COMBINED INGLE UMIT $ ANYAUTO �k OWNED ° SCHEDULED 8A-4487B686-1 0 vy II ,k,a �,t ai BODILY NJURY(Per person) $ _ AUTOS ONL g ,V . E� si r a k � `W„„ BODILY INJURY(Par 1, ,000 X H� a 4 44 ,a{ �H r C v p. a derd)�$ _. AUTOS ONLY a N ;i, d n n s 4`4l a 44 s f�y a PROPSR7TyY AMAGE � �� �i,�'� , � °�'" r�i ,1 urn,, �a� � (Per BfzKfint F Itok fix` 9'4h( $ INNL1 A LING OCC�, ar �t ° c(i. EXCESS LOW T GLA E th tt CURRENGE $ c, A" AGG 3 DED RETENTION$ �„ rA + r''4, B C ATION # .., ;� �. 44 ! ��% O rH- $ AND EMPLOYERS'LUUNJEY i` ; ""' " �l 'WOOL STA t Y/ �'^��s�'«,'EC �.� ' � as� STATU7 �ER ANY PROPRIETORtPAF 1 PIE R EXECUTIVE s'*�"ar+.+ 718/2019{� gaVaRIME it EXCLUDED? NIA '„'�F ` 0"s0 �0 F� CHACCIDEN'' $ m 500,000 Ryes, y inn �2 c E.L.DISEASE E" E $ 500,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below gyp ` ' E L DISEASE�r y 500,000 "'�,� k�l/ �` 'qkt0. FL i+ Yt �5C W{4A�T, y Q A ': kF itarl f x4ih`M1 k LN tyF'+ �7.40, " `a r. ttk x".^ 33 S,,P,, Dt�RIFRONOF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEtICLE,S(ACORD1St,AdditionslRemarksSchedule,� to1. cif is mod) 1 :ERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Yarmouth THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Building Dept ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 1146 Main St,Route 28 South Yarmouth,MA 02664 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE i 4. -.:",,f---ARAT-ITIY 7/40"1.A."--------- ►CORD 25(2016/03) 01988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. Ail rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Y .-•• v.,cr cii t ,,c �/(iG E.as-6,2, ✓ !Jacz f/t c/i,o ,/!f Office of Consumer Affairs and.gusiness Regulation = 10 Park Plaza-- Suite 5170 - ' ' - Boston, Massac.,_ et s 0-2116 Home Improvement Rc ;u tor Registrati.orr.. 1, commonweann of Massachusetts ae�rr:rt ta�aaaC r DWIS10R 0t Professional .censwe cGRATH POST& i standards (��p��'����. =- °-~�- t end l "I�Y) � iilNltit�i;f. : GiH�� JAMES CGRATH t . : : aFamily F . 259 QUEEN ANNE RD. ,� !!1 ,• ; CSFA-07$88s 0: * ems:03/14F 920 - HARWICH,NIA 02645- I- v j h. , r ,e, JAMESRMIt 3 'a $Ve 4� ' Z84 CRANVIE111 a i otssgot Commies a • A g7 /j % Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 1000 Washiri-1 n Street-Suite 710 Boston, M;. usetts 02118 • Home Improve - tractor Registration Typo Corporation I RATH POST$BEAM CO. iligi " Registration: 132935 DBIA PINE HARBOR WOOD PRODUCTS iris r 4tatlat: 10/3W2020 259 QUEEN ANNE RD. �..Kg HARWICH,MA 02645 _ _014 ti. ` nc �c 1 4' - V y ib Al 0 zae o6n7 tpdras Add orts and Rodent Card. Moe of Consumer/ s a ilusiness Regulation HOME IM • _;-1 .ENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for Individual use only before the expiation dais. N found return to: 0Mcs of Consumer Ma s and Business Regulation i ." R MtX3RATH . t015QIZ� 186 0 6'Washington so st-Suite Tie - rt Boston,MA 02118 . DJB/A PINE H 1 ,,• 5 r +ir ,riv t JAMBS R. r c s j 2 9 QUEEN ANNE HARWICH,MA 02845 Undemeashey Not valid without signature • v