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Percolation Test Logs
LI! PERCOLATION TEST LOG Time: Date: �7/l'1ai'' Map/Lot No./!V 8i Address: ,/-6-'-J //z' A9d- Engineer: Oatry n 71/79,6'e' Health Agent: ,.l.� = Expansion Area:Yes: i' _ Suitable/Subsurface Sewage: Yes: No: 1 Expansion Area Tested..: ' % + No: Leaching Field: Pits: Trenches: 1 If No, Why? Unsuitable: Why? 1 Well: Town Water. Subdivision/Owner's Name: t SKETCH: 1I G J . k. N (.) Notes: c tW //e igo,4.S] Water 12(o Ft- T7/ .er 2 DEEP OBSERVATION HOME,LOG Depth fromSutace Soil Horizon Soil Torose Safi Color Soil Matting Other (inches) (USDA) Cacmann,swam X. Bs - g 7 , ,',- G.5 / 3/2_ 7- ��/ te 49 E. G- 5 /oye 7/ . //7- i�G K8 L 5 /oy2 <7g • T z DEEP OBSERVATION HOTLF LOG Depth nomSttace Soil Harmon Soil Texture Sail Color soil Manna Other Com) (USDA) (fie stones,sow Consistency,%Gwen y „ b / /51- 1 S' - /o ye 312- 1-- 1z1- Y2 8 z5 /C,y2.s77 .t G m 5 a.,e-3-q 2 -12-6 • Per-c- �G© `, h meg''& /y,/ , i' 2n'7/ 1