HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness Certificate SEP-27-2019 11:35 RUB INRUDMANCHAMBERLAINa RECEIVED 0 TOWN OF YAR.M.O[TFH3 4317524: BL'U.DING DEFARTMEN T, 1146 Route 28.South Yarmos[tk, MA 02564 SEP 2 7 2a1 5. / w 0S-3 98-2231 e.;C :261 Fax 50S-398-O 6 •"s�'4"'.a`y �!' BUILDING DEPARTMENT 9 By • ZONING DETERMINATION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFICAT. E A PU A A ION 'Che purpose of this form is to Bete;n ne whgazr your business complies with the Town o:Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw_ Toe applicant shall complete the top section ;,f this for.a cod file it with tie ba;i!ling ....=:D sit ao:d•e eats;.- :�_.:.. . .. ._.,.....:_. Once the Building Departateut/Board of Haute hos made a dr.terrain4om. it will be forwarded w the ,__.... Town Clerk. The Building Door r +ent Nrai render s determination based on the felowi g factors!(a.)ire:•:jAilw thr , o4111'04(b)Th6 Witing disc Ct in wit foil Ike b;isinest is to be to:cftd. Allowed uses are based On Zoning Bylaw ?'able 2P1 5 end(ci Previous or new zov;xg relic;t;Ar; the Zoning.Board ofAppca c Date September 27 , 2019 Applicant's contact itterae- 508-362-6262 Business Address Aq wi rPPt, _Poet Office Box 40, _ Yarmouthport, MA 02675-0040 Name of Applicant gnbin and Badman LLP• ABA Rubin, Rudman, Chamberlain and Marsh Medn.gAddress 53 State Street • Boston, MA 02109 Dcecrip'don of Business Activity Law Firm • A-:4/c. Frr,DaesSy rchamberlain@rubinrudman.com The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be niac.le by the Bt:ildii Department based Opt the infortuatioa provided on this date and any caaages in the baseness use and/or actvity wi1!'require additional approvrl Failure to do so may result to the ceveca.ioa of the Business Certificate'aadior re-prop:iate Zoning Enforce nt-should' ' e del ed that the chances arc non-:ompli:.nt. Applicant's Signatar Date - 1f ober C. Chamberlain, Partner 1 BUILD ING1 ALTH P RT M1 '1' DETEk1 ATION • (office use only) Approved Comments_ >I S Piu1k Disapproved Reason for Disapproval Building a iicial's a • Signature Date / 7� f TOTAL P.02