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il /0 Commonwealth of Official Use Only E Massachusetts Permit No. BLDE-20-000326 BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked [Rev.1/07] APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date:7/19/2019 City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 10 TALL PINES DR Owner or Tenant DEUTSCHE BANK NAT'L TR CO TR Telephone No. Owner's Address 300 SOUTH GRAND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes 0 No 0 (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters New Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Installation of solar PV system(17 Panels 5.335 KW) Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons , KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local ❑ Municipal 0 Other: Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to start: Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Stephen J Connolly Licensee: Stephen J Connolly Signature LIC.NO.: 13590 (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.: Address:25 BISCAYNE DR, BILLERICA MA 018213034 Alt.Tel.No.: *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law.But signature below,I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one) ❑ owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE: $150.00 ek 43/ 7 �. Commotuvealth 4/r/aadarlae tits OfficialUse Only 1 VNJ !/ 2aypartment atgire Serviced Permit No. lam,`- O Occupancy and Pee Checked BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. ]ro71 (leave blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 7/18/2019 City or Town of: Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 10 Tall Pines Dr Owner or Tenant Matthew Pietro Telephone No. 507-776-7004 Owner's Address same Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes © No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Residential Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps / Volts Overhead 0 tindgrd❑ No.of Meters. New Service Amps / Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity t--.:- Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Install grid tied solar PV system �' 17 panels 5.335kW s:-y N Total KVA Completion of the following table may be waived by the insppeector of Wires. o.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil.-Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Transformers KVA —D KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators No.of Luminaires SwimmingPool Above ❑ In- ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptack Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burnerso No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Tons No.of Alerting Devices i. No.of Waste Uis osers Heat Pump ]Nfumber—irons KW No.of Self-Contained p Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local❑ Municipal ❑ Other Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW 'Securityt Nof Devices or Equivalent No.of Water KN, -'No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent Telecommunications Wiring: No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired.ar as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: $ 6000 (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start:ASAP Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 1Q,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ® BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) S 2i4 . (493 I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information it this pplJ tiott is true and complete. FIRM NAME: Testa Energy Operations Inc. LIC.Na:22812 /C 3970 Licensee: Stephen J Connolly Signature LIC.NO.:22812 (Ifapplicahle.enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.:s-tasro.sets Address: 240 Ballardvale Street Unit A Wilmington MA 01887 Alt.Tel.No.• 781-635-1030 *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: Lic.No. OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: 1 am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)[1 owner MI owner's agent. Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: $ Signaturetune Telephone No. Commonwealth of - peep DivisionStateof- re s STEPH " 25 131 •*.-: Int= EEEEEE === BILLER, " Master E sjs..> 22812-A 07/31/2022 --41110, 0014053 Lioanse No. Expiration Date. Serial No. • • ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES .A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A UL—LISTED AC ALTERNATING CURRENT POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. BLDG BUILDING 2. A NATIONALLY— RECOGNIZED TESTING CONC CONCRETE LABORATORY SHALL UST ALL EQUIPMENT IN DC DIRECT CURRENT COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 3. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING (E) EXISTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE FSB FIRE SET—BACK HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GALV GALVANIZED 4. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY CND GROUND PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 5. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY I CURRENT WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER 6. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC kW KILOWATT DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). LBW LOAD BEARING WALL 7. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN MIN MINIMUM RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY (N) NEW UL LISTING. NEUT NEUTRAL 8. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE UL NTS NOT TO SCALE — LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE OC ON CENTER MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING PL PROPERTY LINE HARDWARE. POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE PV PHOTOVOLTAIC BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY ✓ VOLT VVocmp VOLTAVOLTAGGEE ATAT MAXOPEN POWERCIRCUIT VICINITY MAP INDEX W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT Sheet 1 COVER SHEET Sheet 2 SITE PLAN Sheet 3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS Sheet 4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS LICENSE GENERAL NOTES Sheet 5 THREE LINE Sheet 6 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 9TH EDITION Cutsheets Attached ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ: Yarmouth REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS UTILITY: Eversource Energy— South Shore (NSTAR—Commonwealth Electric) • ^A<-THE INn1N1ATgN N NIAUR JB-0263996 00 CUSIDIElt OESCRIPTICK aESaE MUMS)SHAI!NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Game; T = 5 L n BENEFIT OF ANIVIE EXCEPT MLA INC..NOR WRONG s1SEIt SHALL IT HE DISCLOSED IN MIME OR w ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART To OTHERS OUTDAE RE RECIPIENT'S THE SAEEANO�ov IN THE EEECnaAE"1H (1)SHanwha Q—Cells #Q.Peak DUO BLK—G5/SC315 YARMOUTH, MA 02675 TES.A EQUIPMENT.NITHOUT RE NRITTEN PAGE NNE: MET: RR DATE INVERIER PERMISSION aF IFSA INC. SOLAREDGE #SE5000H—USOOOSNC2 COVER SHEET 1 0 5/31/2019 PITCH:38 ARRAY PITCH:38 MP1 AZIMUTH:230 ARRAY AZIMUTH:230 t �.... MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY:2 Stories GI • Y. c 2HU ', PITCH:25 ARRAY PITCH:25 CryK MP3 AZIMUTH:50 ARRAY AZIMUTH:50 NO.52791 00 MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY:2 Stories Stru u.I Only o Henry Zhu-0),�OZO1gally 59.08.0igned70 yHenry Zhu Edits' LEGEND O (E)UTILITY METER &WARNING LABEL O O O INVERTER W/INTEGRATED DC DISCO &WARNING LABELS RELAY AUTOMATIC RELAY L N O 0 ® DC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS a: 2MP2 t � Ac M 1 AC DISCONNECT&WARNING LABELS O O a 0 III 0 In 53 0 DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX &LABELS _ O ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM FOR STAND ALONE OPERATION O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION PANEL& LABELS O 0 0 0 0 O LC LOAD CENTER &WARNING LABELS (E)DRIVEWAY ' ( AC i O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER O 0 0 0 0 o`, 01 I- - H \.M RAPID SHUTDOWN Q STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR Fro use CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR 10 Tall Pines Dr GATE/FENCE Q HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED L__1 SITE PLAN Scale:1/8"=1' Iw0 0 1' 8' 16' 3 C""11AL-,HE INFORMATIN HEREIN 48 Nu1®FN: JB-0263996 00 °'�°°` DE , , DESIGN SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Come: T - 5 L n BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT TESA INC.,NOR WOW SYSTEM SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHaE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS YARMOUTH, MA 02675 ORGANIZATION,EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MIL THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (17) Hanwha Q—Cells #Q.Peak DUO BLK—G5/SC315 SatDATE TESA EQUIPMENT,WITHOUT THE WRITTEN mom PAGE NAME PERMISSION OF IESLA INC. SOLAREDGE#SE5000H—US000SNC2 SITE PLAN 2 a 5/31/2019 . a+lu 00P- cnnL T co it -411111011111111111.-- coNo.52791 (N) PV MODULE Stru u.I Only \/ (E) MOUNTING PLANE (MP) a.al.SPoolec 9.*at.. II..IR,Coa, ASCE_7_I9 Xnpanimm Factor I 1 ' utlpato lad� v-lXt Ian N9 19e3X • 0 TYPICAL PV SIDE VIEW - NTSMP No. WI IPJ Roden COW Wog SI,M. _ SbdW, 2S Cary V4 a S Carp V4. F nwt FNdip-Inoant Pali 36 25 5-in1L PY 113 pal ILO p., PV MODULE %Mt:N.,-PV 24.6 pa! 25.0 psi — 5/16'0.5" BOLT WTH standoff SPado9 and laput 5/16" FLAT WASHER LIP w,,. 14P1 MPS INSTALLATION ORDER t„a,pw,X-9ppp;,g g,• e4• ZEP LEVEUNG FOOT LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE X 24 24• ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT La,aapp.Y-SNT0N9 San• w• _ �.,r. ,— HOLE. TL 1C .,. - - ►i �: 1 X iii Portrait sp.a 9 4e• or _ ZEP MOUNTING BLOCK �'�-+�`j Y::. � ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO Patron X-ca,tl.,. IN' za• a. -_ s. (2) MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH Y ZEP FLASHING INSERT � _r� TO RAFTER USING LAG SCREW. Portrait •���•••�• Patralt Y-Ca,tl.ar (E) COMP. SHINGLE ipp INJECT SEALANT INTO FLASHING gout sm99..^ sp99..a (E) ROOF DECKING ' (3) INSERT PORT, WHICH SPREADS X and Y on mmbu.n that are d.y.Man to PH Wupb Irwin r. .664 that paper.No PY.X ampremr ad T" PAIN.along ran. SEALANT EVENLY OVER THE ROOF PENETRATION. 5/16" DIA SCREW STEEL LAGSTAINLESS LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES i (2-1/2"EMBED, MIN) INSTALL LEVEUNG FOOT ON TOP (4) OFFBLOCK BLOCK & (E)RAFTER SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT. O STANDOFF Scale:1 1/2"=1' cc"F°e"n"L-nE INFMIATIDN'ERE" a0B"ER JB-0263996 00 MATTHEW PIETRO DESCINNION Icsat CSITAMED SNAIL NOT BE USED FOR nE 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Gomer T 5 L n BEEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT 1FSTA INC..NOR MINING 51S113t SHALL IT OE DISCLOSED IN w1OE OR w ZS Comp V4 w Flashing-Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART To OTHERS OUTSIDE ME RECIPIENTS THE�unHDUSEEPOF THE stink TM (17)IHanwha Q-Cells #Q.Peok DUO BLK-G5/SC315 YARMOUTH, MA 02675 TES LA EQUIPMENT,M1NDUT THE MITTEN S PACE NNE WET: REV. DATE WID P°"eON OF ESA NC. c SOLAREDGE p SE5000H-US000SNC2 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 4 0 5/31/2019 GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES -INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND(N)#8 GEC TO TWO(N)GROUND Pond dumber.LC3040E11100 Inv 1: Un ed INV 1 Inver*SooDe,x��ov/zaev.>ws war.. nlrea D erne m,RIa1,AFa ilkl) q ilsw z ,c,Peok DUO L-G5/SCC.,SOP,laoov 15 GLEN 1168572 RODS AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number.46 555 634N ELEC 1136 MR Underground Service Entrance INV 2 Voc:40.29 Vpmam: 33.46 INV 3 'so AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN IHE DC SIRINGS IDEN11F1ER E 125A MAIN SERVICE PANEL E 100A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter 1 (E)WRING CUTLER-HAMMER COOPER 100A/2P Disconnect Meter Socket C) SOLAREDGE SE5000H-US000SNC2 (E)LOADS _Ai B L2 EN Ci3 30A/2P , �____�cw�_ __ _i copy - �-- •--- me ..,. " 1 rrc 1K17 e t EGG r-I 1,4 i_ p�EGC/GEC_1 U _BOO I I LGEC — -T-4 TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE II -- Voc' = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP POI-0)BrNU RAY I MP270 PV BAQOFEO BREAKER e —(1)a111ER-HAMMER I aa221URB AC PV—(17)SOIAREDGE I P/00 SNM4MA DC Breaker,70A 7P,2 Spacoe ^ Disconnect 30A,240Voc,Non-Fumble,NEMA 3R PwerBG CptYnkareaDw,ZEP — -(2)%oynp Rap - -(1)CULLER-tIAMLER DG030NB (1)AWC/M,SalM Bare Capper 5/9-a e,Cappr Graand/Nea6al Kit 30A,General Duty(DG) Gnd- B (1)COOPER oU2 Socket (1) Meterdw15A,Meter1 A0G. ng Tye -(I)AW CAP;B-Line Meter Socket Anoeeeory (N)ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(0).NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO.2,ADDITIONAL ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF(E)ELECTRODE i (1)Awo pa semi-2,Bock (2)0*3 no,PV cot.MOOv,Bak v«y =Soo VDC lc.15 ADC © (I)AWG no,1HWN-a Red O (1)AWG t6,Solid Bore Copper EGC vn p =350 voc Imp-15.1 ADC (I)AwG pa,7HwN-2.W rit. NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp-21 MC !� (1)Condoit Kit 3/4.OCT -(1)Aws/e,THEN-2.Gram EGC/SEC-(1)Conduit Kit 3/4'EMT I I i CONFIDENTIAL-THE INFORMA710N HERON ape NUMBER JB-0263996 00 CUSTOMER DESCRPTKtt OESG CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Gome; T = S L n BENEFIT OF MITRE EXCEPT MLA INC,NOR MOONING SY51EM SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR N ZS Comp V4 w Flashing-Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART TO 011ERS OUNCE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGAN2ADON,EKCEPT N MI CONNECN Ve1H DOMES: YARMOUTH, MA 02675 THE SAE AND USE of THE RESPECRVE (17)Hanwha 0-Cells #Q.Peok DUO BLK-G5/SC315 SHEET: REV DATE TESLA EQUIPMENT.IMIHOUT DEwarmPAGENNIF: PE*M590NOF1EDAINC. SOLAREDGE p SE5000H-US000SNC2 THREE LINE DIAGRAM 5 0 5/31/2019 PV SYSTEM PRODUCTION G/ ® INVERTER I DISTRIBUTION ION I DISTRIBUTION PANEL UIIUTYMETER �J� I-=I PV SYSTEM METER DISCONNECT 48",,,in-75'max 36"mn-60"max EQUIPMENT ELEVATION (EXTERIOR) E1 EQUIPMENT ELEVATION (INTERIOR) NTSNTS ccwie"AL-RE INFORMATIDNWREMNA6En JB-0263996 00 CUSTOMS: DESaMP'IaI: DESIGN: CENTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Gome; T = 5 L ri BENEFIT a ANYaiE EXCEPT TES A INC.,NOR MOUNTING SYSTEM SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN MOLE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION,EXCEPT IN CONNECTION MITH MODULES: YARMOUTH, MA 02675 THE SALE MO USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (17) Hanwha Q—Cells #Q.Peak DUO BLK—G5/SC315 1ESU EQUIPMENT,MAHOUT THE MITTEN muTER PACE NAME MEE NET. DATE P°°ESSION 0i1 "INC. SOLAREDGE #SE5000H—US000SNC2 EQUIPMENT ELEVATION 5 a 5/31/2019 ...PROPOSED ARRAY TO Ka 1 w... .. (91 SIDE/SOUTH ELEVATION Scale:1/4"=1'-0" PROPOSED ARRAY 8w. • H E1 SIDE/NORTH ELEVATION Scale:1/4"=V-0" nAl- Nr , H IEM n3".M JB-0263996 00 °�'°°` °` '�` °°°` CONTAINED SHAIL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Ouezada Game: T 5 L n DENEE a MIT ANYONE EXCEPT LA INC.,NOR NNX1NINO S STE SHAU.IT BE DISCLOSED IN EHOE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART TO 0fERS OUTSDE THE NEDPENTS YARMOUTH, MA 02675 anoANIZAnON,EXCEPT IN cmNNEcnai rTN lACWIES TIE SALE AND usE or THE RESPECTIVE (17) Hanwho 0—Cells #O.Peak DUO BLK—G5/SC315 SNP, REV: SAre TESTA EQUIPMENT.VAIHOUT THE wnTTEN INEN1eE PAGE NAIL PERMISSION OF TISA INC SOLAREDGE dl SE5000H—US000SNC2 ELEVATION 5 0 5/31/2019 gN g 4. 0 2 0 m , < L Jr vt o 4. OD xn o : cmn n c O 8 = N) ? p) = a .c' CW (p o m y co { O F -. Q) % CD M N n cr. Doy M V._,_---I ��m of 7 73ot � t ."I. so,'cnJo .` ' r i7� .'Sr,':w ws m () A -<D m-< �t CL1 m cn s cn \ - dL m 1' • I ,III Y' r ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS String and 2 Combined Strings Module Type: Module Count: Icont=(Amps): Hanwha Q CELLS Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5 3157 15 Branch Circuit Parallel MPPT 1 strings per Branch A strings per Branch B 17 modules per series string modules per series string String Branch A Branch B Conductor. Conductor: Conductor: Icont*1.25=(Amps) 15 18.75 30 deg C ampacity= 40 40 PV Wire Size: AWG#10 AWG#10 Icont=(Amps) 15 15 Start ampacity 40 40 Temperature derate(%=F) 0.82 0.82 Conduit fill derate(%#) 1 1 Derated ampacity 32.8 32.8 Icont 1.25=(Amps) 15 18.75 Ampacity 40 40 Inverter Output Inverter Type: Inverter Count: Total SolarEdge Technologies:SE5000H4J5 RGM Icont=(Amps): 21 Icont*1.25=(Amps) 26.25 OCP Size= 30 Conductor 3: AWG#10 THWN-2 !coil'1.25=(Amps) 26.25 30 deg C ampacity= 40 !cant=(Amps) 21 Start ampacity 40 Temperature derate(%=F) 0.91 Conduit fill derate(%=#) 1 Derated ampacity 36.4 Icont•1.25=(Amps) 26.25 Ampacity 35 CaaTOENTTAL-THE INFORMATION HEREIN AMMER JB-0263996 00 CUSTOMER: lESaXPna: gala. CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Gome; T17: 5 L 9DNEnr OF ANYONE EXCEPT BMA INC..NOR VOWING s1SlElt SHALL IT BE DISCUSSED IN%HOLE OR w ZS Comp V4 w Flashing-Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PART To OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS oRCANZAna,EXCEPT el araECnaN wnN MmEM YARMOUTH, MA 02675 -- THE SALE AO USE or THE HEEPECnwE (17) Hanwha Q-Cells #Q.Peak DUO BLK-G5/SC315 saEE �, OAR IESA EQUIPMENT,w ram ME m PACE we PERMISSION OF TETRA INC. SOLAREDGE N SE5000H—US000SNC2 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS 6 a 5/31/2019 CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: -Address: 10 Tall Pines Dr INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT UTILITY SERVICE AC DISCONNECT SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S) I PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK—FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE= 240V JB-0263996-00 CCNFIDENTAL—THE INFaRMATON HEREIN JCR KAMER J B-0263996 00 WRIER 115f5H DESCRIPTOR 0E9p1: CCNTAPIEO SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MATTHEW PIETRO 5.355 KW PV ARRAY Jose Eduardo Quezada Gome: BENEFIT OF ARYCtE EXCEPT TESLA INC.,NOR u isua SISTER =SHALL IT DE OISCLOSFD IN WHOLE CR IN ZS Comp V4 w Flashing—Insert 10 TALL PINES DR 0 KWH ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM L PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE REQPIENPS CMGAqunON,EXCEPT N CONNECTCN wTH MULES YARMOUTH, MA 02675 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RfNECTIE (17) Hanwha 0—Cells #Q.Peok DUO BLK—G5/SC315 TESLA MOMENT,lTHOUT THE MOM PACE NNE SHEET: REV. DAM PERMISSION OF TSU NC SOLAREDGE #SE5000H—US000SNC2 SITE PLAN PLACARD 7 0 5/31/2019 Fr.:r _, 1 :. E.:< . L Label Location: Label Location: Label Location: (C)(CB)(JB) WARNING (AC)(POI) WARNING (DC)(INV) Per Code: Per Code: Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 L I PI,:NI IOC K HAznru I NEC 690.17.E I r, r I •,Ir, DONoI ION s CH TERMINAL RI, Hr i„NL,n-r I ,I 1,1V, NEC 690.35(F) Label Location: TIRMINAIsONeorru Ira All, i1I,I,,vr,ri,vr.,,,:,Irr;I.,I TO BE USED WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC DC (DC)(INV) L-)AD'H.IFID,MAY HE[NI Ryan II INVERTER IS IN 1IIE OPEN PO-NI,IN DISCONNECT Per Code: UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: Label Location: III'rovol TAIL syss rn1 (INV) PIn1NI 1ATI1 r1nlrI 1I 1N r'.IIII„I VI'ME- (DC)(INV) POu1PP0D NIITH RAPID Per Code: " Per Code: aHurDOWN CEC 690.56(C) rIax :.nur,Il,rrrr:,I,IIdLI:ME NEC690.53 n,m< �. I :'1.I IuI,1,'M.. Label Location: WARNING (P01) IN. arr1 ourruT Per Code: NNFcrION NEC 690.64.B.7 Label Location: WARNING (DC)(I )Nv , IFr lI'f Per Code: 1 I rI .,L•u NEC 690.5 C IF -aII FRI F;,IIIT N ..rl II ( ) W;I.r,1n1 1 31 NOt u 1(,NI,u, ro Is'.;r•.v Pt (14 P 11M1,II;LAND INracl rD Label Location: CAUTION (D)(POI) ur,Ic srs 1 F r_I Per Code: NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: WARNING (DC)(CB) [I (Pk At SII, EI II,z,4,11 Per Code: II NI Ir I I I 1 11 311110 r; NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: II,, IIN LONE Ii1 LINE III EJi.L, IL I_ 11,, EE i HI P,.ln II CAUTION (P01) IN III. VIT N I'I I I ION I,I IAI 1nW1-1 , 111.a I Per Code: I I F I NI' 'c IF -': NEC 690.64.6.4 I'll II 1rl :il rl is f.'--II11 r -.F i x.,..I,; 'iUNi I"it Label Location: v I N ,II (P01) Label Location: INIr 1 NNE N Per Code: PHOTOVOLTAIC AC (AC)(P01) n a 1 Ie n (AC):AC Disconnect DISCONNECT Per Code: 11N I rrrnNI .N l r NEC 690.17.4;NEC 690.54- (AC) AC Di uit NEC 690.14.C.2 1 (CB):Combiner Box ::I r,l 1 Nr 1 �'rn N THr;;rrI (D):Distribution Panel P II,N I!I IP.‘,.; I,1 i rr r,,ci.E'III (r rI I I (DC):DC Disconnect (IC):Interior Run Conduit Label Location: 1 11 I-r;ouRl,I r cmcIN. (AC)(P01) (INV):Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect r1 r Iml,v: (LC):Load Center I. I I IarIII Per Code: c,rl rt n, IN,:r-wI (M):Utility Meter "I II NEC 690.54 ,,I ,I-,�;;: (POI):Point of Interconnection Label Set t'4SolarCity ZepSolar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology "WSOIxCity ZepSolar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology Components . ZS Comp for composition shingle roofs IIIA 111111111111% le Il °"'4, Mounting Block Array Skirt Interlock � .R ' 'a Part No.850-1633 Pan No.850. a 1608 500-0113 Part No.850-1388 or850.1613 t ?. ,..., Listed to UL 2703 Listed toUL2703 Listed to UL 2703 hi i..,..,,,..,, ...,.;.„.. . . , . 41Ib e** 1 .. . . . . .. ... . . .... . ,„ w �' Flashing Insert Grip Ground Zep V2 4"� n= Pat No.850-1628 Part No.850.1606 or 850-1421 Part No.850-1511 • Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 e0Mp4} t Description PVmounting solution for composition shingle mots I) 111011111° •• Works with all Zep Compatible Modules ~f`Oatet v • Auto bonding UL-listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • ZS Comp has a UL 1703 Class"A•Fire Rating when installed using modules from 1' any manufacturer certified as"Type 1-or"Type 2° Captured Washer Lag End Cap DC Wire Clip TL LISTED Part No.850-1631-001 Pat No. Pat No.850-1509 Specifications 850-16314302 (L)850-1586 or 850-1460 Listed to UL 1565 850-1631-003 (R)850.1588 or 850.1467 • Designed for pitched roofs 850-1631-004 • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • ZS Comp supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 2703 _ • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • ZS Comp grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and UL 467 �I/1,';�. • ZS Comp bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 7t' • Engineered for spans up to 72"and cantilevers up to 24" l �// • Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices 1��� ^ S Leveling Foot Pat No.850-1397 zepsolar.com zepsolar.com Listed to UL 2703 The document does not create any express warranty by Zap Saar or aeput its products or services.Zap Solar%sole warranty is contained In the written product warranty for This document does net waste any express warranty by Zap Solar or about its product.Or earmcos.Zed Sae.sae warranty....red hr the Peaan product warranty for each product.The end-user documentation eMpped with Zap adar's products coneMNes the sole specifications referred to in the product warrenty.The customer a solely each product.The end-user dacumentatbn shipped with Zap Solar,products cons..Ma sole specifications'Owed to in the product warranty.The customer is solely responsible for veifymg the sunabthny of Zeptolar's products for each use.Specifcaeons are stabled to change without notice.Patents and Apes:zspats<om. responsible for verilying the*dirty of ZepSolar s products for each use.specifications are su0lett to change wdhout notce.Patents and Appe.zepets.com. Document a 8004839.001 Rev 0 Dale last exported:Apra 29,2016 11 22AM Document a 000-1839-001 Rev 13 Dale last smarted:Ape 29.2016 11.22AM solar w - • • solar= SolarEdge Power Optimizer-Zep CompatibleTM NJModule Add-On For North America P400-ZEP SolarEdge Power Optimizer- 2 I P30O-2EP(for 60ce8PVnwdW a 1)I P400-ZEP(for72&90 amodulm)I, INPUT TM Module Add On Rated lnPutDCP wernl ...... I 3 ...... 400 ..... W. Zep Compatible ... /� Absolute Maxim Input Voltage at lowest 1 48 80 Vdc For North America P300-ZEP,P400-ZEP MPPT Operating Range 8-48 8-80 I Vd`. O Maximum Short Circuit Current(le) 30 50.1 Adc Max mum DC Input Current 125 1263 Adc Maximum Efficiency 99.5 Weighted Efficiency 98.8 %... O It g Category_., II W OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING INVERTER) 41:41: 011si M Output C t. 15 Adc ' M Output N Voltage 60 1 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM INVERTER OR INVERTER OFF) O Safety S f Output t Voltage g p P Optimizer , i Vdc STANDARD COMPLIANCE Clw EMC FCC Part15 Class B,IEC61000-6-2,IEC6100-6-3 Safety IEC62109-1(class ll safety),UL1741 R HS Ye INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS . !; M Allowed System Voltage 1000 Vdc (�y y Dmenso s'ncI d g ounHng bracket h^/x1.8 128 x 196 x 275/5 x 7.71 x 108 128 x 196 x 35/5 x 771 x 137 mm/in ,.. 'NWT v ... ..... Dimensions excluding mounting bracket(Wx bill) 128 x 152 x 27.5/5 x 5.97 x 108 128x 152 x35/ 51,5.97x1.37 Imm Weight(including cables and mounting bracket) 720/16 840/19 kg/lb Input Connector MC4 Compatible Output Connector _..., Double Insulated;MC4 Compatible Output Wire Length 095/30 1.2/39 m/ft ��' "' "' Operating Temperature Range 40•485/-40-.185 i 'C/'f Protection Rating I .... IP68/NEMA6P Relative Humidity 0 100 % 1 n-1 x.,ee sic ww..ol,x.mee�b.moe�eot.r,o.s.powr,oa.nce.eowea. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING A SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE THREE PHASE SOLAREDGE INVERTER.' HD-WAVE SINGLE PHASE 208V 480V ":4 f ,: � h) 1c�rE M m Str ng L gth(P er Opti ers) 8 10 18 r �b C Ws 'i ,y Y 4 J: 1 S�, c r v � ` �� ��+xf M String Length(Power Optimizers) 25 � ..... `. t 'iw n"` e �a i' 7 '}�;"} d. I 5700(6000with 2 �3 d y ..�v'4 ys ¢,,,,k, ,°,3°. 4 *y f + a M P e p Str ng 5E7600H US 5250 6000 12750 W 5 3 nfr�nl '4.7 tf ;YY" ' ,' purtlal Parallel Strings of Different Length Yes ' ���r� Orientations fi�flDP,aDd 11M4Rtl0g C0aLf . +"FIeNg7le;syFteR( nloK maaimum Space utilization ......... ...... wee.m•v.ua o.m.no.b..,o:�m ri .•a a•,-n,.•ren.�nx nrr���,=e_M.oer. -Power optimizer equipment grounded through the bracket� --Nea[generation maimenance with module-level monitoring -Up to ZS%.more energy Module-level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter -Superior efficiency(99.5%) safety CE EIb usa carvaoa atsN,arvv ran raen<c�aenx cry rvn nusrarun rive rv[rH[gtnxos urc san[t ruaxEv xuxcnAt eEiu um aoMarvx autwain ttv s..0�.db[.us iirrgCM' so I a r - • • single Phase Inverters for North America solar • • SE3000H-US/SE3800H-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/SET600H-US/ w SE10000H-US/SE11400H-US SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters ~ SES000H US aEaa00H US SE5000H US 5E6°°°"-US sE7600t1 S SE700°°"-US.5E11'4 -°5r OUTPUT 3800.2400 Rated AC Power Output 3000 5000 T 6000 7600 1000D 11400 VA 3300 0208V for North America W3800@240V : Max.AC Por:rei r Output 3000 3300 @208V 5000 6000 7600 10000 11400 VA AC Output tage M n-Nora. SE3000H US/SE3800H-US/SE5000H US/SE6000H US/ Vac Max.(183- 08-229) 1 SE7600H US/SE10000H US/SE11400H US ACo°t°°tI age M<n."°m, , , , , , vac ZMax.quen 2641I5AC FrequenNom nail59.3-60-60.5�'i Hz Max mum Condnu°us Output t Current 208V - 76 24 - - - - A Maximum Continuous Output Current 240V 12.5 16 21 25 32 I 42 47.5 A GFDI Threshold 1 A - « Utlfty Monitor„ring,Islanding Protection,Country Configurable Yes 4. Thresholds .r INPUT Max mum DC Power 4650 5900 7750 9300 11800 15500 17670 W r ' Transformer-less,Ungrounded Yes - a Max mum Input Voltage 480 Vdc • Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 Vdc Max mum Input Current 208V 13.5 - - - - Adc : Max mum Input Current 240V '. B.S 10.5 13.5 16.5 20 27 I.. 30.5 Adc •� ••�• Max.Input Short Circuit Current � 45 Adc < • _ Reverse-Polar ty Protection Yes ^^x� Ground Fault Isolation Detection 6006<Sensinvlry t,t , - Max mum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % • CEC We ghted Efficiency 99 % 4 "_, Nighttime Power Consumption <2.6 W DDITIONAL FEATURES e- • �. Supported ommuniwdon C >r� f__-,,,_. a p IntV daces R5485,Ethe et, eee(opbona),Cellular loptional) � � �' Li f:-- Rapi 690.12 Shutdown 1 - Automatic Sepid Shutdown uPonl AC Gnd Disconnect ,y, t Re enue Grade Data,ANSI C12.20 O bonal' I Rapid nutd NEC 2014 and ler �.}'� 'T"` STANDARD COMPLIANCE p t r 9+� r, Saety UL3741,UL1743 SA,UL1699B GSA C22.2,Ca dean AFCl ac dngto T.I.L M07 I i¢ �' } YN yy' d V �t+i'p i" + 5 bN tM' bon 5ta d ds_ ._-_.. -...-.. .___...LEE -..---.. _ ...........__._—.. ......_ _ 1_________. � G dCo nec E3547 R 1e 21 R I 141HI) E FCC Pan 15 ClassB xt 9 "u'L xa'y^ 't ,<5�'A -— AC INSTALLATION Con dut Site/AWGiONS , i + Range 3/4 min mum/20-4 AWG D Conduit }y '°d(Ly$y DC Co °e/p of Strings tr ngs/146AWG 3/4"minimum/13rtr ngs/ ,'. 'SSA£',y s h t .�a,"''R+� g 't Ma"a 'a'gv d Dimensions with Safer Switch 1 2 s 21.3 x 14.6 An .l N1ygk .i P"l's*a,C�'t" 1 y�f � rw" ?F'�$ ,;C t „Y;^ f �„zry lHxWzDln a 17.7x 146x 6.8/450x 370x 174 14-6 ����¢.� r 21.3x 146 _._.._.. 11/ t t '_ ' r �'^ Weight with Saety Switch 22/10 25.1/114 26.2/11.9 �.. rx7J/540x x7.3/540z in/mm - Y. , <25 370x195 30x185 f"P y+ v I ��`aFr�P� �fD,WOFI(WjlZt i50alar OpNmt'aiars 198 8/17 6 ' 40.1/18 2 I Ib/kg �I�Cerd-braig � Noise : s,,.,__ <50 dBA fit id vo18a IMlf 7for longerotti gs Cooling Natural Convection Natural convection and eternal fan(user replaceable) r integrated arc f uIt protection and rapid;shutdown for NEC 2014 and 201'Ti per article 69�1:,�1 aFlgl®�0.12 Operating Temperature Range -13 to+140/-25 to+60"(-40'F/-40'C optionli" 'F/'C �..0 1 ee tined for CPU Rule 21 , - T protector Rating NEMA 3R(Inverter w'th Safety Switch) -Extremely small i st so oxiicim,,,` o-� "N n i�www.,a2ex<.<omi:rc,ia<Na Ve<si,.remP<,nw2 a<anne cam n,.oar High reliability without any electrolytic capacitors - �.,,_a� °w^ OSJ00NN0° Built-in module-level monitoring "7A11'—�� Outdoor and indoor installation wave Optional:Revenue grade data,ANSI C12.20 Class 0.5(0.5%accuracy) Simple configuration and commissioning with smartphone app and built in Wi-Fi(SE10000H-US,SE11400H-US) ErDI Ro H S oaecnnn<y,c sawrvos<tan cN"a n,raanta saner aa"ce e�tc.uv.ruxrcsv NOAuu,<<o a- eoMnurauu rnuwcoe" www.solarndge.us SOL''�Rp9CA_oO.iN}¢ECH PEVLB"C F ' • 4,*' fey zW', Q_fNTUM r� MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Fermat 66.3in x 39.4in x 1.57in(including frame) ,,, ^1.. (1685 mm x 1000mm I 40mm) �� ......wr ...,er ', i Weight 44.51bs(20.2 kg) ii Front Cover 0 13in(3.2 mm)thermally pre-stressed glass with anti reflection technology W,' r.. Bach Carer Composite film Cram, Black anodized aluminum Call 6 x 20 monocryslalline Q.ANTUM solar half-cells `..-El Junction ben 2.763.35in x 197276in x051083in (70-85mm x 50-70mm x 13-21mm)decentralized IP67 ......-..i..na Cable 4mm=Solar Cable:(el 6,43.3 in(IWV0 Tm),(-)a 43.3in(11)Omm7 �II-„,.... •,..r nr Connector Multi-Contact MC4,IP68 ,..e r T-O-r°ue..., Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5/SC 310-320 POWER CLASSL CHARACTERISTICS 310 31S 320 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS,STC'(POWER TOLERANCE♦5 W/-OW) Power at MPP' Pr., (WI 310 315 320 Q.ANTUM SOLAR MODULE E Short Circuit Current' In (AI 9.83 9.89 9.94 OpuB elreuX Vega{� Ve, [Vl 40.02 40.29 40.56 il Current W MPP' Ira. (Al 9.36 9.41 9.47 VOXege et MPP• A,,. [VI 33.12 33.46 33.80 The new Q.PEAK DUO BLK-G5/SC solar module from Q CELLS impressesIII EleNepla R FM a184 z18.7 a19.o thanks to innovative Q.ANTU M D U 0 Technology,which enables particularly MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONOmoNs,NOW high performance on a small surface,and a black Zep CompatibleTM frame rawer 1MPP' P,., [WI 229.7 233.5 237.2 design for improved aesthetics,easy installation and increased safety. SbanClrcdXCerram I,. [AI 7.93 7.97 8.02 Q.ANTUM's world-record-holding cell concept has now been combined opun cb4ab vnX,e: Vm (VI 37.43 3zfi9 37.94 Cumnl at MPP' 4.. (AI 7.36 ].41 7.45 with state-of-the-art circuitry half cells and a six-busbar design,thus Voltage at MPP' vm VI 31.20 31.52 3,.aa achieving outstanding performance under real conditions-both with 1000Wnn,usc..oectrumAMISp MeasurementtaieramesSTC.3,ROC45x 0000m npTmemramAM15 „pral.aiae,wtaai.aiaee r Inar low-intensity solar radiation as well as on hat,clear Summer days° DCELLS PERFOMAANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW MRAMANCE [; At load CS 7,fie nomnalpmv.r durng lust year -O0 O.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY:LOW LEVELI2ED COST OF ELECTRICITY �t_ At I. t ast 9 %a sagx°i�� ��p 11 rteen Higher yield per surface area,lower BOS costs,higher power -g5 A _s f no,nal poa,er an toes yea,. - classes,and an efficiency rate of up to 19.3%. :I Ada Ihn measaremenl tolerances. g.. F' F II t sin accordance eeth the warranty 2 INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY I resp ms n oiryus:a es organization of tour • - w. �a ,W = Q Optimal yields,whatever the weather with excellent low-light inmate tweet and temperature behavior. Typical,nodule performance under low Trail ante cone 1 cans in S J p _ TEMPERATURE v. - fe1" comp spn to STC conditions(2S'c moowrma. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE 2CcUS Temp COEFFICIENTS Ill Long-term yield securitywith Anti LID and Anti PID Technology', CoefficientmA, 8 x/RI o.oa Temperature Coefficient etvw p x/NI -0.28 0 Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable QualityTra.QTM. Coefficient,tP.. 9 1x/{I -0.37 Normal OperaU•{Cell Twonntun NOCT 1°n 113 45.4(4543`Cl ci AEXTREME WEATHER RATING PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN f High-tech aluminum alloy frame,certified for high snow Maximum System Voltage v,,, [VI 1000 aec)r loon(tau Safely cues II 1 (5400Pa)and wind loads(4000 Pa)regarding ICC. �OMp, ' Maximum Sell.,Fuse Raring IA DCI 20 fire Rating C(IEC)/TYPE 1(ULl Q 4 Design load,push(ULF [MOM 50(2400 Pal Permitted meals temperature -40`F up to a185`F O A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Ai' �` on •tloepua duty (-ao•c up m aas`c) • Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year ,� W Design load,pull(ULF DIIaXPI 50(2400 Pal installation manual yr linear performance guarantees. °MON.('O ° QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES PACKAGING INFORMATION 1 uL 1703,CE-compliant: Number of Modules per Pallet 26 i STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY IE0 61215(Ed.2):IEC 61730(Ed.II.application class A APT test conditions according to Number of P,Neb per 53.Trailer 32 Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation WOW al Pallets per 40'Ni{I Cube Container 26 and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. IEC/TS 62804-1:2015, E SP' g . method B(-1500V 168h) E vl xOx Pallet Dimensions IL x W x HI 69.3in x 45.3in x 46.9in -. 'See data sheet on rear for further C ''''`" (1760mm x 1150mm x 1190mm) THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: 'niermanon. `• Parfet Weight 12681bs 1575kg1 - M El Po top arrays ouslriai EM Installation instructions must be lollowed.see the installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further information on approved installation and use F of[his product. cornmerciamp ai Ha wlw ElCELLS Arno lac. r CELLS300 Spectrum Center Oree,Suite 1250,Irvine,CA 926I8.USA I TU..1 949 746 59 96I EMAIL in4uiryOus q-cellecom I WEB waw.q elleds Engineered in Germany Q