HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlds-20-001915,
\.y 4� 114.6 Route 2S, South. Yarmou'LE,h2A 02664 50S-39S-221 ext. 1261
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Taim rl_pphcaIlOn AGcep d P 'I 1 1 liQ
i.Dacan± Instraci ons
l) Applicant shaD co plete both sides of application. OCT 08 2011
2) One applicanon TOform is required for each s;p.. Each sip will be assi med its oWO pe
3) Applicant shall PitPril separate 81"x 11" sheets inclurli-ng the folio wig diarams:- _ ... T_
A) Desip.„ niTr-, ions and colors of the proposed.sign
B) Freestaariill g Sips:provide certfiedpTP-, by aprozssional.lTr„d surveyor thPt descnbes how the Proposed
sign meet the zoning regnier 1-s included in Zoi g Bylaw 3035.E or 3033.42 (as applicable). A
stamped and sexed`as be0t" will be requ< red.before the pc ,1 i wpl be issued.
C) A rh-d Si : show length of portion of bnfril-ig frDTr c that is occupied by applicant
D) Temporary Sr ns: show locanon for sign
4) Si..permits are.$40.00 each, pay-able at the' e of a_ppfir- tioa..
Ad ass of propcsed . - � ,V\C�\(\ S-�- B st ;
C D7.i5'7i GL
Np-me ofB-, i-,essfarprapasedr�, pe\--,Lam\Ct� 5
Np i of Br.R'�css owner ( i. ' `V\o ,, e
Ivii^,Th Af nre:ss of Br�ess owl -S'S O\A I y la\1N SA--- J�,c,r r vv ,--: nk(-)dLO( Q .
BuseSS Owe Phone:Business --/-24{-1 O -)-o& Home i(2-3 gS-..)-. -61
Na-m of Br1 rT:rn a Owner J ,),\A g C{ CD Phone S5g-7 ?2 S1
Sign Bolder Sip Materials
Sign Builder Address - Phone
Singly OccupiedBu,lding Business Center htemalli t Etzmallitt
Freestanrihn a Sim Size:
A f a rhed Sim Size:
Temporary Sim Size: Li 0 4 o C -\4001A Pc" e.
Dates: OCT- r 7 - 311 )ot9 , c icA 1 om-[
Please complete other side of Siva Permit AppIi om
n Peres are subject to the approval of the Sin Inspector
I hereby agree to con i o= to the provisions of 1 o wfl of Yarmouth Zoe By-law S ecaon 303 gone ng si
con ffia h. r ffgIaz;,,,s sib I"hbtbe--z -d to o i °a ' tt ss
a new pen r n r hue been issued Sii Permit are not valid until the BLIri:mg Co-nmiRs over issues ZJse ¢nd
Occr pancy PerrziE (where applicable). Freest?-iding sip peL Ls are not valid IIIll the "as-1 ui f from a
prof essiohal lands .'vey or has been received_
Sie-n RT
e of'A pplc n / l7a ___&)-- \CL_
Properly- t-� nr katho_r-TPr;on.: re y z applicant to act onmyb alf all rnaib-rs relai- dto is
sign —plicso� (Sing T ) Dam (U— 9
sppraYed.by. - Sri Daim/4
With the folio wiLLE. conk oas:
I have read and-71,rirnsLuod the coffin ions of -1-6 c Sign P it limed above: