HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness Certifate TOWN OF -1"ARNIC-31.5TE RECEIVEnt •4.2....U7S, BUIL.Dr..NG DEPARTMENT . -•••• - 026..4. t CF: • SO-f,--3-C--!'S-22-4! ext. Falz 5(1S-....c,'6-0t3t-= SEP 12 201BUILDING DEPARTMcNj ZONING DETERMLN.-4.TION FOR BUSINESS CERTIFiCA E The purpose of. this f rilsiodet li&herour bLIS.:1'I'S.5 C0111 pik'S 7,,,th the To,ti of Yanu:.)ith Zonirs: Piviaw. The apniir.i%nt shall ec,thole..re the rot sect or for: ILD111 the Budr - - of4-1:e.2-1T21.1,- — Occe the Buildinc, Decartmenol.'soard of leaithhas rur2.1- dcier-Plinatictu_ -A-ifl be for--: rcied to the Town Clerk.. The Building Deparmezt reridi.2c d,..tt,--.rrhinatioia based the fcillo7Fia:=4 factors: (z;) aZitl'tri:, (75) Thc fii 11‘izich liFc izisiness is-,ro be!occiicd. .j..ilotrc,d,u.ces;77C 1.-.ias,d4:2i 2r7 7.17;1i;qg rize 23,1ard D:rze c11— .:1...ppilcazit's con F.2...7- - = - B!..lsisess Address 04+I i& a?- Name of Applicant P\jatgAzratia D RA EtS S PO 18(1.X CLO I c9P4112ftlej 600ts Description of SIT_Lsness 1 P harrno-L-Ej fr..7 L c-e c\se PiAtiv.rv \-cakk o s• co,4\ The appacant a....:1.-„no.,,vledes that a terminam will be made by the gull El-er.12rtmeut based on the information provided on this date and an-y chan.::es in the business use and/or tvir v-q11 ruire addidenzi aT_Iproval. F2-diure to c so may result the revui:ation of the FizIciness Certificate ?Indict appropriate Loninz Enforcement. Si-I:auid it be determined that the changes are aou-comptiant. Sizat Ant AnDlicant's ure Date 2.19 ctUIT DINGtilh,:; TT-1 DFc PARTMTNT D7T7RMTNATON (office use oul-y) I Approved Comments lt2-4-1-Le (10 g 2- Diszpp roYed Reason for Disapproval B g Oft: jar s Sic_matuue a DaLe //