HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Oct 10 - Sign Off Transmittal, Flloor Plans - Basement Rooms . f R I TOWN OF YARMOUTH /� °` HEALTH DEPARTMENT j ZE.i. PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET tyo be completed by Applicant: (Iltuilding Site Location: 1" jS ANcd" �.�w` Proposed Improvement: Ci. a w\5 t Tt\.ja—N . "7-4) " eikt Applicant: 64i uo g"' eike..SC—$2,/ Tel. No.:soE5 a5O Address: 4-5, 'b AU ' 'A yu."...rrog ‘•" ,-- Date Filed: /O//O **Ifyou would like e-mail notification ofsign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: ' 4`" 1► « Owner Address: s"(% "I>144 As N=LR Nc.0.11 ii+-2`~.. Owner Tel. No. '? Zaii Q S RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations;4.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note:Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: DATE: /CV/0//7' PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: vceo c, // 6 :a c e L7 i/0c1/ �....,,,r l Aecl t/'v CAA",-4- r cc.u� t ,2U cti.-ff orimmumer Ho,ce g-e Te. Luvt,-,) L.0/0 ." 13ce cr U NC'%)0w7‘ 0-- ov...) f).1..As u/g- , ... 2 P. A. ., 2 ......... r., '3 W V . -'0' (1 E V 14 C o's 1( Qe° Qi isr slag'I mosensum, it /- ouse i EEgaiNCELD ---\ DCI 1 o toilti_.tio- ep Z HEALTH DEPT. ig4 NteC1*.' 5 \J‘4C.1‘1\43)to i 4 0 \ 118 -PAt-Joi .s P14-1--t-t I , o ii . 0 sA, , ... t' 01........ft•••••••••• .M..........a tkPk\\ L) ° f‘‘Il i•OMIMIINMI•LMMOIMM•IMIMIMIOMI•MMIM.....Hi I DE@IENE19 ‘..) \\I\ IN AUG 1 6 2017 <4- HEALTH DEPT. ) 41"...."..... r... ...m............. v 5 Li] z Jul G.Pile. k9rsi GI 7 cl; (.)3 4 X` -4 1 341, 0 o VI a - 4 3 fte' • 1 1 1 ct C el 0.."-Ntiototo .._ - \A • — Co I I 0 Cee.6, 1 -- .-- I-- .4c ..i... : V 1 Vs4 11 0 0 . 1 i 1 ...k, ..,", ck-,CAN' I . 9 To be completed by Applicant.- Building pplicant: Building Site Location: Proposed Improvement: TOWN OF YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET 81-r11 /'J s7 Applicant: Tel. No.: 5,;1_ - Address:J/6 _j),grJR5 p0t7�7 IV, yl-lIQ_ nou4h', %fitcl Date Filed: *GZ17 "Ifyou mould like e-mail notification ofsign off, please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: E-.bWAi2`O _01A[gT-1 L.E Owner Address: / 9 Tm N /i S Pa id/, �y• f� trtOeiT!/, %,%1 Owner Tel. No.; _5i)ff - �. 5S' ` f 66 F!Ml .A= TH DEPAR NT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations; i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three (3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, Uand septic systern location; rt.J (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — J w f \ Note: Floor plans not required for decks, sheds, windows, roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer �tl with fee. REVIEWED BY: Ll-',•�f � DATE: L' PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: / o"5'f Will -7-4 -13 Ac 6- 5 01---- up rip ish .„--Ht . , 51-tAra.k,--e- • ; ZaNS7,14)1 •- C le".Z:Vtki.--adteSer : 99°Ie :, . --i 6----- 1 ,/// ,, 4 t)ant* . , . . ............._. _ _ . A — —er----1 . <". . - . .,:' .— V kl)flia 1 On - -- • c- , ---------- y . i__ e.,+14-a0 ; 0 - 04,4X(If rgr,D De5PZ . I,—/A a.d(-4- ,: D - 40'Y ,.. C ' — i f . __?__c9- • I ! i 1 1‘ ...t , , ; ..&.4.- it) : . z-- • ,i kio k a.. 4 4, •-1-- — : / /.., illae r 0°1'1\ . / / (40ALkooT - II [iiil,-z-EgEHWFLED , ,g i ._ AUG 1 6 2017 7 bi‘i -DI 641)9 ' p 41r\ tfr HEALTH DEPT . . r r