HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLDE-19-006687 4).6, .i ilfi Commonwealth of Official Use Only 'E Permit No. BLDE-19-006687 tt\ Massachusetts 07 BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS Occupancy and Fee Checked [Rev.1/07] , APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date:5/28/2019 City or Town of: YARMOUTH To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to pertorm the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number) 37 COTTAGE DR Owner or Tenant KOSTADINOV STEFAN Telephone No. Owner's Address TODOROVA MARIA, 37 COTTAGE DR,WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes 0 No 0 (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters New Service Amps Volts Overhead 0 Undgrd 0 No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Installation of solar PV system. (18 Panels 5.58 KW-DC) Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above ❑ In- ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Battery Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area Heating KW Local 0 Municipal 0 Other: Connection No.of Dryers Heating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water KW No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.Hydromassage Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired,or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: (When required by municipal policy.) Work to start: Inspection to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE:Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent.The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE:INSURANCE 0 BOND 0 OTHER 0 (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. FIRM NAME: JAMES E LEAVITT Licensee: James E Leavitt Signature LIC.NO.: 21667 (If applicable,enter"exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.: Address: 124 TURNPIKE ST,W BRIDGEWATER MA 023791046 Alt.Tel.No.: *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s.57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the License does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law.But signature below,I hereby waive this requirement.I am the(check one) 0 owner 0 owner's agent. Owner/Agent Signature Telephone No. PERMIT FEE: $150.00 ` • Commonwealth o/1addacLudettd Official Use Only ,[�1� ►�-*- ./ c� Permit No. C�lC3t"lp( l C.I . 2epartment o f Sire Serviced anc and Fee Checked _�_i— Occupancy Y ',^ BOARD OF FIRE PREVENTION REGULATIONS [Rev. 1/07] (leave blank) APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO PERFORM ELECTRICAL WORK All work to be performed in accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code(MEC),527 CMR 12.00 (PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION) Date: 5/20/2019 City or Town of: Yarmouth To the Inspector of Wires: By this application the undersigned gives notice of his or her intention to perform the electrical work described below. Location(Street&Number)37 Cottage Drive Owner or Tenant Stefan Kostadinov Phone: (508) 685-5018 Owner's Address 37 Cottage Drive Mobile: Is this permit in conjunction with a building permit? Yes El No ❑ (Check Appropriate Box) Purpose of Building Utility Authorization No. Existing Service 150 Amps 120 / 240 Volts Overhead ❑ Undgrd n No.of Meters New Service Amps / Volts Overhead❑ Undgrd ❑ No.of Meters Number of Feeders and Ampacity Location and Nature of Proposed Electrical Work: Installation of a safe and code compliant,grid tied PV Solar system #Panels 18 5.58 kWDC Completion of the following table may be waived by the Inspector of Wires. No.of Recessed Luminaires No.of Ceil:Susp.(Paddle)Fans No.of Total Transformers KVA No.of Luminaire Outlets No.of Hot Tubs Generators KVA No.of Luminaires Swimming Pool Above i—i In- ❑ No.of Emergency Lighting grnd. grnd. Batter Units No.of Receptacle Outlets No.of Oil Burners FIRE ALARMS No.of Zones No.of Switches No.of Gas Burners No.of Detection and Initiating Devices No.of Ranges No.of Air Cond. Total No.of Alerting Devices g Tons No.of Waste Disposers Heat Pump Number Tons KW No.of Self-Contained p Totals: Detection/Alerting Devices No.of Dishwashers Space/Area HeatingKW Local 1-1 Municipal other — p Connection No.of DryersHeating Appliances KW Security Systems:* No.of Devices or Equivalent No.of Water No.of No.of Data Wiring: Heaters KW Signs Ballasts No.of Devices or Equivalent No.H dromassa a Bathtubs No.of Motors Total HP Telecommunications Wiring: Y g No.of Devices or Equivalent OTHER: Attach additional detail if desired, or as required by the Inspector of Wires. Estimated Value of Electrical Work: 15000 (When required by municipal policy.) Work to Start: 6/19/2019 Inspections to be requested in accordance with MEC Rule 10,and upon completion. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Unless waived by the owner,no permit for the performance of electrical work may issue unless the licensee provides proof of liability insurance including"completed operation"coverage or its substantial equivalent. The undersigned certifies that such coverage is in force,and has exhibited proof of same to the permit issuing office. CHECK ONE: INSURANCE ❑✓ BOND ❑ OTHER ❑ (Specify:) I certify,under the pains and penalties of perjury,that the information on this application is true and complete. . FIRM NAME: Skyline Solar LLC LIC.NO.: 21667A Licenee: James Leavitt Signature LIC.NO.:12572B -� (If applicable,enter "exempt"in the license number line.) Bus.Tel.No.: 732-354-3111 " -` Address: 95 Ryan Dr.Suite 3 Ravnham,MA 02767 Alt.Tel.No.: ,,f .—, *Per M.G.L.c. 147,s. 57-61,security work requires Department of Public Safety"S"License: Lic.No. e Z OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the Licensee does not have the liability insurance coverage normally required by law. By my signature below,I hereby waive this requirement. I am the(check one)❑owner ❑owner's agent. 'Owner/Agent PERMIT FEE: $ -..-._._Signature Telephone No. ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES INDEX A AMPERE 1. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A UL-LISTED AC ALTERNATING CURRENT DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE POWER-CONDITIONING INVERTER. PV1 COVER SHEET BLDG BUILDING ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION,A 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES,NO UPS. CONG CONCRETE SIGN VNLL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF 3. ALL INVERTERS AND ARRAYS ARE NEGATIVELY PV2 SITE PLAN C COMBINER BOX THE HAZARDS PER ART.690.17. GROUNDED. D DISTRIBUTION PANEL STRUCTURAL VIEWS 2. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF 4. SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMES ARE TO BE GROUNDED. PV3 DC DIRECT CURRENT EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR THE MULTIWRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WLL PV4 SINGLE LINE (E) EXISTING BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING PER ART.210.5. PV5 LABEL SET GALV GALVANIZED 3. A NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED TESTING VICINITY CODES GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL APPLICABLE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE GND GROUND EQUIPMENT IN COMPLIANCE WTH ART. HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 1103 2015 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE I CURRENT 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE 4. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER _ 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE(NEC)WITH COMPLY WTH ART. 250.97,250.92(B)INVS INVERTERS EMPHASIS ON ARTICLE 690. - 's t' Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 5. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER ASCE 7-05. BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC / kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE • ...... / kW KILOWATT RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE - LBW LOAD BEARING WALL FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MIN MINIMUM MEANS PER ART.690.31(E). (N) NEW 6. ALL W RES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH a 41, NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO v •ry AHJ: TOWN OF YARMOUTH NEC NOT IN CONTRACT BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. :j I Coil`y,2,Dr I we — N7S NOT TO SCALE 7. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED - oC ON CENTER AT THE UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED . . '�� P PANEL BOARD +'N 'si PL PROPERTY LINES BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. 1.. _ u PV PHOTOVOLTAIC PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 8. ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS(MODULE 7-', S SUBPANEL ,:. '• UTILITY:EVERSOURCE(MA) FRAMES,RAIL,BOXES,ETC.)SHALL BE �h� Apr SOH SCHEDULE GROUNDED USING UL LISTED LAY-IN . SS STAINLESS STEEL LUGS LISTED FOR THE PURPOSE.POSTS Ik�y- „ SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DIAGRAMS SHALL BE MADE ELECTRICALLY SKYLINE SOLAR STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS CONTINUOUS WITH ATTACHED RAIL. 14Q� SWH SOLAR WATER HEATER 9. MODULE FRAMES,RAIL,AND POSTS41:4 ''. •4 • 4 CROSSROADS DR.SUITE 116 TYP TYPICAL SHALL BE BONDED WTH EQUIPMENTlir.- HAMILTON,NJ 08691 i' • UON UNLESS OTHERVNSE NOTED GROUND CONDUCTORS AND GROUNDED " UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY LICENSES • V VOLT AT THE MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL. . 10. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE HIC:172284 Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR SHALL BE SIZED ELEC:21667-A W WATT ACCORDING TO ART.250.166(B)&690.47. CSL:CS-027047 3R NEMA 3R,RAIN TIGHT 40 JOB NUMBER:10421596 UTILITY:NATIONAL GRID(MA) °""ERSTADINOV,STEFAN OS DKOSe:TADINOV RESIDENCE DESIGNED BY RG EAR PV1 KO -' = RACKING:UNIRAC RAILS MLMIYACCTN; 37 COTTAGE DR 5.58 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM 111 .5 MODULES:(18)SILFAB SOLAR SLA-M 310 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 `RO OOW SKY;�1NE S1)LAR (508)685-5018 5,217 kWH REV DATE PAGE NAME coven SHEET .. . INVERTER:(18) ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US oaz ao s I I LEGEND 0 M (E) METER — ❑ o ° I INV INVERTER C to y AC DISCONNECT NSPM I15 DC DISCONNECT LC ACt MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL FOH �_ B DC JUNCTION BOX I-1 MONITORING UNIT m D DISTRIBUTION PANEL LC LOAD CENTER 0 STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT COTTAGE DR. 0 0 0 . . FENCE a a GATE JOB NUMBER:10421596 UTILITY:NATIONAL GRID(MA) °Z oKOSN. DESIGNED BY. PACE: PV2KOSTADINOV,STEFAN KOSTADINOV RESIDENCE RG r RACKING:UNIRAC RAILS IIIILIIYACCTR: 37 COTTAGE DR 5.58 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM • MODULES:(18)SILFAB SOLAR SLA-M 310 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 PP0°°°n0N REV: DATE. SK YI.TNL St�LA,R INVERTER:(18) ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US (508)685-5018 5,217 kWH 04a72010 PAGE NAME: SITE PUN LEGEND TOTAL PENETRATION COUNT:37 MP2 — ROOF " -.1 J i JF —t —0 MP1 RAFTER PROFILE 2X3 ----_ RAFTERS RAFTER PROFILE 2X6 C.J.PROFILE 2X6 '', I C.J.PROFILE 2X3 RAFTER SPACING 24"OC — RAIL 4 .- -'4 OS Y- Jam'_ I 1 RAFTER SPACING 18"OC C.J.SPACING 24"OC 1 C.J.SPACING 16"OC C.J.PROFILE 2X10 0 MOUNT I RIDGE PROFILE 2X6 C.J.SPACING 24"OC (?- - p ---p-- 0 ___-0 i""-- -,..._... `---� ._........0 X-CANTILEVER X-CANTILEVER OBSTRUCTION 1. :.,- a-p7--=-.�-n -Za1/ T-- _ (LANDSCAPE) 0,-6„ (LANDSCAPE) 0,�„O O I- �� '� X-SPACING 4,0„ X-SPACING 4,0" 2 1 I (LANDSCAPE) (LANDSCAPE) A ' j 1 X-CANTILEVER 0,�„ X-CANTILEVER I'' _.a__a 0. J. p p._ (PORTRAIT) (PORTRAIT)X-SPACING 0,�„ �� (PORTRAIT) X-SPACING I -_ - (PORTRAIT) 4'-0" --. : ROOF PITCH 27° ROOF PITCH 27° MP1 MP2 ARRAY PITCH 27° ARRAY PITCH 27° ROOF AZIMUTH 116° y ARRAY AZIMUTH 116° ROOF AZIMUTH 116° MP1 _ i 1 { ROOF SURFACE ARRAY AZIMUTH 116° TYPE Comp.Shingle ROOF SURFACE Comp.Shingle I,`e MP2 , STORIES 1 STORIES 1 / 10'-1" 11'-7" f 7" SOLAR MODULE 40 __,,,,‹ '1\i" • , g di i k,--00 .....7\7 10"� 5-11" F,. UNIRAC RAIL L-FOOT -- ,,;.^`µ' { ECO FASTEN /// ATTACHMENTS iII _-9°_t1" ___ COMPOSITE SHINGLE 11'--8" 6 6 5"Ki"-LAG A MP1 SIDE VIEW C)1 MP2 SIDE VIEW SCALE:NTS SCALE NTS 2.5"MIN.EMBEDMENT 1STANDOFF_ PER SCREW S SCALE NTS 2"x6"RAFTER @'16" O.0 JOB NUMBER:10421596 UTILITY:NATIONAL GRID(MA) KOSTADINOV,STEFAN DESGRIPRIN KOSTADINOV RESIDENCE DESIGNED er RG • PAGE - "IMO- RACKING:UNIRACRAILS MTV p\/3 �,- � 37 COTTAGE DR 5�.58 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM MODULES:(18)SILFAB SOLAR SLAM 310 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 REV DATE, SKYt i q S9.,i1A INVERTER:(18) ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US (508)685-5018 5,217 kWH ove7¢o18 PAGE WE STRUCTURAL VIEWS • PANEL BRAND:MURRAY -in._ BREAKER METER NUMBER:44005680 SERVICE ENTRANCE:OVERHEAD GROUNDING METHOD:OVERHEAD STRAP POWER OUTPUT=PTC RATING*#MODULES*M.INV EFFE -- FUSE 279.8*18*.976=4915.52 W -2---. SNATCH TOTAL=4915.52 W EARTH GROUND ---- GEC I20,240V SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERVICE 9 MODULES/STRING @ 1.0A/MODULE=9.0 AMP LOAD/STRING EGC 9.0 AMP*1.25 CONT DUTY=11.25 AMPS(WIRE AMPACITY MIN.) METER 48005680 MGM,THWN-2 AWGN10,TMWN-2 1 AWG610,THNN-2, GEC AVJG#10,THWN-2, GEC // CONDUIT.3/4"EMT CONDUIT.3/4'EMT AWG012 TRUNK CABLE 200A MURRAY MSP LOAD CENTER MA SMART METER 20A22P 1n1�METER SOCKET /� � U I/NG �' LINE LOAD _ __—__—__ �-P- -- --- 0___///BCANcHOF9ONM 5A // 200A r / i LOAD �{/.�J). 1 i -- _-- V // OPT CU REENT Ot/1 25A8 MP2 // I QTY 1 I I BRAND SQUARED i iE) LOADS PARTN DU222RB --0=-=-1 i o AC DISCO I I F NON-FUSIBLE - LOCKABLEKABLE _ U 60A I STY 1 o ENPHASE ENVOY BRAND MURRAY PARTN CITY 1 —.— QTY 18 BRAND QTY I BRAND SILFAB SOLAR 6 3 30A/2P IE IN BREAKER PARTB BRAND SOLADECK a. PARTtl SLA-M 310 p LOAD CENTER PART* PV MODULE-3101N - 100A p JUNCTION BOX F 38MM F — VOC:40.25 STY 1 _gVPMAX:33.05 BRAND PART# OTT 2 O BRAND p GROUND ROD PART n. BREAKER O 20A/2P U G JOB NUMBER:10421596 UTILITY:NATIONAL GRID(MA) OWNER' DESCRIPTOR DESIGNED PAGE: PV4 KOSTADINOV,STEFAN KOSTADINOV RESIDENCE RG -'"��= RACKING:UNIRAC RAILS UMW/ACCT.: 37 COTTAGE DR 5.58 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM i��} MODULES:(18)SILFAB SOLAR SLA-M 310 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 PRODUCTION: .�`L.1NER. S�L(',.CA 506 REV. ��. PAGE NAME: SINGLE LINE _•� --.•• INVERTER:(18) ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US ( )685-5018 5,217 kWH oarzTamB • NOTE: NEC 690.5(c) NEC 690.31 (E)3&4;2012 IFC 605.11 BACKGROUND AND LETTERING COLORS FOR SIGNAGE/LABELS PLACE THIS LABEL ON INVERTER(S)OR NEAR PLACE ON ALL JUNCTION BOXES,EXPOSED SHALL COMPLY WITH(IN ORDER OF PRIORITY)AHJ&FIRE GROUND-FAULT INDICATOR(ON INVERTER(S)U.O.N.) RACEWAYS EVERY 10'AND 1'FROM BENDS DEPARTMENT AMENDMENTS,STATE CODE,AND ANSI AND PENETRATIONS,ADJACENT TO THE GUIDELINES.THIS PAGE IS INTENDED OR SIGNAGE/LABEL MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT VERBIAGE ONLY. WARNINGOUTSIDE LABELING OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND METERS IS WARNING TO BE WHICH TO NE IN A HE EQUIPMENT SUITABLE IS NSTAL ED.NO STICKERS ARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IN ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD PERMITTED. IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED SOURCE NEC 690.17(E) NEC 690.35(F) PLACE THIS LABEL ON ALL DISCONNECTING PLACE THIS LABEL AT EACH JUNCTION BOX,COMBINER BOX, MEANS WHERE ENERGIZED IN AN OPEN POSITION DISCONNECT AND DEVICE WHERE ENERGIZED,UNGROUNDED CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE: WARNING NEC 690.56(c) WARNING PLACE ON RAPID SHUTDOWN DISCONNECT WHEN RAPID ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD SHUTDOWN IS INSTALLED DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD • TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE UNGROUNDED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN POSITION AND MAY BE ENERGIZED NEC 705.12(D)(2)(b) NEC 705.12(D)(3) PLACE THIS LABEL AT P.O.C.TO SERVICE PLACE LABEL ON ALL EQUIPMENT CONTAINING DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT(I.E.MAIN PANEL(AND OVERCURRENT DEVICES IN CIRCUITS SUPPLYING POWER SUBPANEL IF APPLICABLE)) TO A BUSBAR OR CONDUCTORS SUPPLIED FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES WARNING CAUTION INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION CONTAINS MULTIPLE POWER DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE SOURCES JOB NUMBER:10421596 UTILITY:NATIONAL GRID(MA) UMER OESOSN: DESIGNED BY: PAGE:PV5 KOSTADINOV,STEFAN KOSTADINOV RESIDENCE RG ...+.err► RACKING:UNIRAC RAILS UTILITY ACGTY: 37 COTTAGE DR 5.58 kWDC ROOF SOLAR SYSTEM MODULES:(18)SILFAB SOLAR SLA-M 310 WEST YARMOUTH,MA 02673 PeGoUC°GN. -:' ;NL SOLAEt INVERTER:(18) ENPHASE IQ7-60-2-US (508)685-5018 5,217 kWH REV Kph EB 7 OB PAGE : LABEL SETS Electrical S.ecificatioos SILEAB SLA Monet stalline'a Test Conditions SIC NOCT S m Module all ax Wp 310 2 34 ... Maximum power voltage IVpml V 33.05 29.7 -ram Maximum power current ypmail A 938 788 Open cnc t vo tage WOO V ._ 40.25 _ 37 2 _... .... SIfa ■/�_ C M o n oc ryStll d i n e Short circuit current Oscl A 9.93 8 t4 Moduleort ci % /90 1 7.9 SOLAR Max+mum system voltage IVDCI V 1000 ,4 - Series fuse rating A 15 . A Power Tolerance wp 0/6 -4 BAA JUST rain i , �NV _ i a w� n„,., si. ,;.iv..�•anm ;,v „�.. r enw.;,r i,..,v, 25 s •- O TIh1E ?raffia eA$$$iE HIGH Tem.-azure Rain SILFAB SLA Monet *Aline �__../ Temperature Coefficient I.< %/N 0.03 Temperature Coefficient Voc 310 -0.30 Temperature Coefficient PTAs 300 -0.38 310 P illauro S A M 31 ul POWER DENSITY Op r ti g to °C as Silfab'5 MAXI U ultra-high-efficiency Operating temperature 'C 40/«85 modules are optimized for both Residential and Commercial projects where maximum Mechanical Pr.•Ales and Com.•rents SILFAB SLA Mono stalline �� Cell power density is preferred. Module weight It1 kg) kg 19 ■(v■. ModDimensionsle {N LKD;!lineal min 16508990z 38 100,,,NORTH AMERICAN Maximum Haceloadlwmdlsnow)' N/m' 5400 Hall impact resistance a 25 mm at 83 km/hQUALITY MATTERS Cells 60-Si reonocrystalline-4 or 5 busbar-156.75 x 156.75 mm Siltab's fully-automated manufacturing facility Monoerystailine ensures precision engineering is applied at Glass 3.2 min high transmittance.tempered.ant reflective coating Backsheet Mulnlayer polyester•based every stage.Superior reliability and performance Anodized Al produceK PV Module combine to one of the highest Frame quality modules with the lowest defect rate Bypass diodes 3 diodes-45W12A 1P67/IP68Cables and connectors(See installation manual) 1200 mm o 5.7 mm(4 mm2),MC4 compatible in the industry areanbes SILFAB SLA Monoc stalline NORTH AMERICAN Module product warranty 12years CUSTOMIZED SERVICE 25years e 97%end of t.year S+Ifdb's 1 p()4y North American based tedinl Linear power performance guarantee z 90%end of 12`year C E Q (1w) isk„ sreaweptt, leverages)use-in-time manufacturing to deliver a 82%erxl of 25'year unparalleled service.On-lime delivery and flexible protect soiuhnnz. Certifications 51LFAB SLA Monoc ratline VAC ORD C1703,LA 1 703,IEC 61215,IEC 61730,1EC 61701,CEC listed Prnduci Ill.Ore Raring:Type 2[lype 1 on requesn factory ISO 9001 2008 4 Warning Readth i t flat arid lAer Manual before ,� sl, • t-ndl g lit II 6 doperating modules l a• 1,i 1 ENSURES MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY 44 PPM DEFECT RATE° a .,• c., m I ti0 of the highest ef( ie 1 rem um quality meeocr^,taallne Total automation ensure strict ial to In I u dunn each Third.ha ry generated panfiles s Irmo m ' I - t$ Cells rQSCEt m a maznn Y v v_ q R PV Evolution Labs available a` j e _� lint(Nw€r rating of ?OWp, step of the process be our certified ISO.m,lnirtan unog fac'kty. • '1 'As of December 31 2016 for download at WWW.Silfab/af nwnlpdd5 �`^ �- { . ADVANCED PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 11 ' 25-year linear power p€rtorrrance guarantee to 824' LIGHT AND DURABLE iii Pa let curiae 26 c 7- Over-engineered no weather low laid hearing structures up ! ENHANCED PRODUCT WARRANTY to 54,10 Pa.Light-weight frame exclusively designedvmh iii Container count_936 _IF.i 12-year productlworkrisanshap warranty wide-ranging racking comparability and durabalihy, $ i BUILT BY INDUSTRY EXPERTS PID RESISTANT ........ With over 35 years of industry experience,Siifab's technical Pi oven in accordance to 8-C 6201)4 1 team ate pioneers in RV technology isiid are dedicated Loan ,. * t i µi innlwatwe approar h that provide s I or manufacturing AVAILABLE IN _ppE 2h-., S l l is i b I pr auxescne d infraredtce sorting.l glass washing, ja0 b Counlar Inc.k Dove East•Mnsis<_dUga. autonrat€d soldering •• Alt Black v and met culnu :ell alignment i� POSITIVE TOLERANCE p t¢ ornanoCanada LSTzss r -OASW;All positive module sorting em,ures 'Pi Q�`. Tel•1 905 255.2501•Fax(-1 905.696,0267 maximum perft:rnnanr:e H AME' intocastlfabca•w•vwsilfabca I "' ._ Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+Microinverters INPUT DATA(DC) I07-60.2.US!107-60.e-US 1O7PLU8 72-2.U5/1O7PLU5,72. -US Commonly used module pairings' 235 W 350 W v 23S W 44n W s Mouuic co polib;lt, 50 C.Po mottle,,t n.1 CC.t`li and 72 cell PV n•rluitis Maximum inpu t DC voltage 40V On Peak po'oer Irackioq onitjq.: Or/mating tange 16 V 4a0 ib V AO V -__.__—..__.._— —.._..__.___.___________ .—...__.—_ Mn:Max Mac-vo.con �••��}rn The high-powered smart grid ready Enphase May DC shot I coots: nrree i(module 1 ? s A A i.' .i g S, purl I. tc r'c e fi i cro- and En JY d i> -,i„lfo" DCpo Lbeck teed current 0 A 0 t IQ7 and IQ 7+ PC o rrav con r)uraton 1 v 1 ungrounded N !Men Ilona! islet 1 t u ired dramatically simplify the Installation process while AC 1i,lct ,el,•55.07755 in, anc n achieving the highest system efficiency. OUTPUT DATA(AC) lO 7 MI<o' veil r 10 7 Microinyerter MicroinvertersPeak Part of the Enphase IQ System,the IQ 7 and pow 240 VA 9s VA tv�xlmum. .m.:Jt.,L.pui pc,'.,r S41 .r -,:vn IQ 7+Microinverters integrate with the Enphase Nominal tell voltage'range' 240 V t 208Vl 240 V' 208 V! 211 26.4 V 183 229 9 211 264 V 1 t11 229 V IQ Envoy"',Enphase IQ Battery",and the Enphase t.l00 t e ntlnuous OLAPUI errem 1„A,24u V, ,A:.;a V 21 A i224 Vl 1.9 A M03 0, Enlighten"monitoring and analysis software Nominal frequency 6010 601V2 1xr oed I•tqueri;1.n9r nq 712 4: I,,,t._ IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability ACsbonslrcutt fatal 0une0iover k cyt.ies 58Anny 58Arms standards set forth by previous generations and M-zna p` •iy A _ •!care I le i"v vat .1a VAC .•tl.1.n I 1 I,.ta sac, OVCIYoliage c lass AC port III in undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, rat portbackreedcunen`- n A enabling Enphase to provide an industry leading Power facto,setting is warranty of up to 25 years. Cower t t ttad-ios:391m u ,tt 0 01 acing r lrada toying EFFICIENCY (,240 V 2D8 V tw240 V 0208 V Peak GEC el Inc'may 9765, 47-65. '175S, 973`S M:keighted etfic on, , o .. MECHANICAL DATA .... ._.. _..... _.. ___ _ ........ Amblen rerrperaiure range ._.,,. _ anti C,o iS°C �.� 17e1111ve humeri ly rang_, 1..o ..,..anmv.01.3, Easy to Install cormncior type MP 61b2-NSA lQ2i'L15722 113) MC4let Amphenoi 114 UT%wish additional V DCC S adapter, .,t.nt_t..tyo< ', ..L lai_,.I.m'oo 00I._, t tiongs 097;k1r4 vtcahie. I.rgniweu]1I andsInpie Ad3ntyktlt_mot I II,Mt:4 I trnt:.tt , IS170 • d Stir rnyla 3,.r•with till.tired Ilon•e two carte 2AbiincI . I MC4.or3 A T70 k15 •eu11 i-,n rapid sluidewr cGrna'tanl iNE 2014 d.0174 Dencins.ons Witills01 217 Manz 175 nenz 30.2 mat(-wi lbout brae ketl • Weight 1 lot C2 Ce,li, 'I Productive and Reliable Con ling Nalumiconvecno i No tons • Approved lot wet W<aitoeo vr. •'rl mi7ed too t 3n 0,7Atoett 60 re,:a= ,l1•m:tote `. 000ulwn degree PC3 •More than a minion hours or testing Eric l<.,ute Glass It noubie inconned 1.,,, r1 r sr ,nt u e c encrosure •Cass II dtu1,I.r(1,111.ecie fa.ocu_f Eon ronmental category'UV caposine tattoo NEMO Type 6'outdoor •tli FEATURES.Ilnled .... ... ... .... Commonly anon ...f1ower fate Communication(Pl C1 Morr,tunnq It clionler.klandiam ano MvEe6yt 1 na kolions Smart Grid Ready Both options reQilln.CEor MI FlIph.f,It Envoy oisconncc ling means The AC anti DC l eeiots have been esaluaf d and approved by IA.for USe ai the load break all •Conlrresn l id a. d simpor 1 voltage and disconnect,quired 4NECNE OVA IN Gh 4 Conlplanec Nit 4i Al kel 1 i•ale i st Il I.)'.114,11,gn0 lit 05 U' 111 EE 1 !'.l A t IS Class ft OASCltclidas5 C. god manta elent_, CANE A NO IC 1 1 Tht t lduc_et Ill idol,/3,0 Rapid shut DOV4V rnttipmcntn i ontorn,with NCi.2014 and ,c:nfuil.tabll l t on vat";;,d 010 11ie0 NE ,1: eetr<n i,9'12 and co; Z.,''.0 Pole F4 315 Rapep r t:'crwn off .rams.10,AC •Meets CAkoe 2t.UE i 741-SA? o lCC t onatc An 5,vac,n>izl I sTocci mg AcinciaTticet .Iru1 ion, gI Il p t .�ii4 g r£.u.oart.1,iiY 'may` ENPHASE• to earn more about Enphaseofferulgs sisit enphase.com a ENPHASE. To learn more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.com �.' r BOLT LOCATION \ . z A" r BOLT LOCATION Standard Rail Lengths: 132" 168" 208" 240" #U N I RAC PRODUCT LINE: SOLARMOUNT DRAWING NOT TO SCALE ALL DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL Q DRAWING TYPE: PART DETAIL a 1411 BROADWAY BLVD NE ALBUQUERQUE,NM 87102 USA DESCRIPTION: RAIL PRODUCT PROTECTED BY rfi WWW.UNIRAC.COM ONE OR MORE US PATENTS. REVISION DATE: October 2016 LEGAL NOTICE SHEET i ,�;s 1, , GreenFasten"GF1 —Product Guide Cup St ec L _Gf 812 c st µt 3 p4„ rr r` . t i ' t, a f' ` 9 , i -'z ':',IV I,' bl 4 # tt 1 — — „rizi �� I , , I DETAIL A SCALE:2:1 '`'i .1; Finish Options —Y- ,j I BLK=Matte Black MLL=Mill Finish 1- ' 877-859-3947 FcoPasten Solar All content protected under copyright All rights reserved.8127+14 3.2 /" EroFasten Solar products are protected 6816016109.66 U S Patents 8.151..522 82 8.152 700 732 8-181,398 62 8.166.713 82 8,146 299 B2 5 209.914 82 8,245.54 82 8.272.174 B2 8.225 557 82 �•" -Iris STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS August 14,2016 Rillito River Solar,LLC 289 Harrel Street Morrisville,VT 05661 TEL:(877)479-9765 Attn.:Engineering Department. Re:Engineering Certification for Green Fasten-1-812,._IAPMO UES Evaluation Report The GreenFasten-I-812 has been evaluated by IAPMO as an alternative material.design or method of construction in order to satisfy and comply with the intent of the provision of the code,as noted in the report. and for at least equivalence to that prescribed in the code in quality,strength,effectiveness,fire resistance. durability and safety,as applicable,in accordance with IBC 104.11. PZSE.Inc.-Structural Engineers has reviewed the GreenFasten-1-812 IAPMO UES Evaluation Report Number 216.All information,data,evaluation,and analysis contained within the Evaluation Report Number 216 are based on.and comply with the following Reference Documents. Codes: I. 2006 and 2009 International Building Code,by International Code Council,Inc. 2. 2006 and 2009 International Residential Code,by International Code.Council.Inc. This letter certifies that GreenFasten-I-812_IAPMO LIES Evaluation Report Number 216 is in compliance with the above codes. If you have any questions on the above,do not hesitate to call. :•y • • N ZACHER Prepared by: yv i .112228, PZSE.Inc.-Structural Engineers ,ti F 'cERSEb'o2�' Roseville,CA ss4o r.A 8150 Skew College Boulevard,Suite 150• Rosenlle,CA 95661 • 916.961.3960 P• 916961.3965• vamp/se corn �. — . .__._ n . eh I CSA . Group varifGrouP Certificate of Compliance f Certificate:oct: 70161436 Master Contract: -12-01 Project: 70161436 Date Issued: 2017-12-IR, Certificate: 70131735(266904) Master Contract: 266909 Mechanical ratings: Project: 70161436 Date Issued: 21)17-12-06 I Downward Design Load(Iblft') 113.4 Upward Design Load distlf) i 50:4 Issued to: Unirac Down-Slope Load(Ib/tt') F 14.7 1411 Broadway NE ! _. Albuquerque,New Mexico 97102 Conditions of acceptability:Installation is subject to acceptance of the local inspection authorities having USA jurisdiction.The certification of these products relates only to the methods of installation.bonding,and grounding Attention: Klaus Nicolatdis . as outlined in the Installation Manual for each product. The products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown APPLICABLE REOUIREMENTS UL 2703 I" Edition - Mounting Systems,Mounding Devices,Clamping-Retention Devices,and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels LTR-AE-001-2012 - List of Technical Requirements for Photovoltaic Module and Panel Racking Systems Issued by: M icha.el fihaglta.gle, �+ c Michael floflnagle MARKINGS C US The manufacturer is required to apply the following markings: • Products shall be marked with the markings specified by the particular product standard. • l'roducts certified for Canada shall have all Caution and Warning markings in both English and French. PRODUCTS The products listed are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators'C'and'US'for Canada and CLASS-C53130 POWER SUPPLIES-PlIOTUVOLtAICS--PV Racking US(indicating that products have been manufactured to the requirements of both Canadian and U.S.Standards)or CLASS•C53 13%2-POWER SUPPLIES-PIIOTOVOLTAICS-PV Racking and damping systems-Certified to US with adjacent indicator'US'for US only or without either indicator for Canada only. Standards Additional bilingual markings not covered by the product standard(s)may be required by the Authorities leaving Models. SM Sol ARMOUNT Flush-to-Roof is an extruded aluminum rail PV racking system that is installed Jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide and apply these additional markings.where parallel to the roof in landscape or portrait orientations. applicable,in accordance with the requirements of those authorities. 'the system.listed are designed to provide bonding/grounding.and mechanical stability for photovoltaic modules. The following markings appear on the rail by adhesive label: The system is secured to the roof with the L-Foot components through the roofing material to building structure. Modules are secured to the racking system with stainless steel mid clamps and Aluminum end clamps.The I. Submitters name andior CSA Master Contract number"266909": modules are bonded to the racking system with the stainless steel bonding mid clamps with piercing points.The 2. Model designation: system is grounded with 10 AWG copper wire to bonding/grounding lugs. j 3. Manufacturing date: 4. System lire class rating'designation of information location in Installation Manual: The grounding of the system is intended to comply with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code,to 5. Design load r ting''designation of information location in Installation Manual; include NEC 250&690.Local codes compliance is required.in addition to national codes.All grounding/bonding connections are to be torqued in accordance with the Installation Manual and the settings used The following markings appear on the Mid clamp by stamping: during the certification testing for the current edition of the project report. I. Submitter's name andlor CSA Master Contract number"266909": The system muy employ optimizers/micro-inverters and used for grounding when installed per installation 2. Model designation: instructions. 3. CSA mark 1 4. Mil ID for factory locution i L.IXZ)gn?R.,--2am-o-In N.,i 1 DQm 50,Re..2n16fi2-18 NK-1,41, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Certificate Number 20180530-E341165 Certificate Number 20180530-E341165 Report Reference E341165-20171030 Report Reference E341165-20171030 Issue Date 2018-MAY-30 issue Date 2018-MAY-30 Issued to: ENPHASE ENERGY INC This is to certify that representative samples of the product as specified on this certificate were tested 1420 N McDowell Blvd according to the current UL requirements. Petaluma CA 94954-6515 Permanently-connected,Grid Support utility Interactive.208V single-phase.240V single phase evaluated for use on a split phase system,distributed resource power system. This is to certify that STATIC INVERTERS,CONVERTERS AND representative samples of ACCESSORIES FOR USE IN INDEPENDENT POWER Models I07-60,I07PLUS-72,and I07X-96,followed by-2.-5,-B,or-ACM,followed by-US+. Models I07PD-72-2-US and IQ7PD-84-2-US. SYSTEMS;PHOTOVOLTAIC RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EQUIPMENT USUCNL—Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment. See Addendum Models I07-60.IQ7PLUS-72,and IQ7X-96.followed by-2,-5,-B.or-ACM.followed by-US+. Models 1Q7PD-72-2-US and IQ7PD-84-2-US. Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the +may be followed by additional characters not affecting safety Standard(s)indicated on this Certificate. Standard(s)for Safety: Standard(s)for Safety: See Addendum UL 62109-1,SAFETY OF POWER CONVERTERS FOR USE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at SYSTEMS-PART 1:GENERAL REQUIREMENTS www.ui.com+database for additional information CSA C22.2 NO.107.1-01,GENERAL USE POWER SUPPLIES IEEE 1547 INTERCONNECTING DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES WITH ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS Only those products bearing the UL Certification Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's Certification and Follow-Up Service. IEEE 1547.1 IEEE STANDARD CONFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURES FOR EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECTING DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES WITH ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS Look for the UL Certification Mark on the product. UL 1741,INVERTERS.CONVERTERS,CONTROLLERS AND INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT FOR USE WITH DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES CEC-300-2011-005:CMF GUIDELINES FOR CALIFORNIA'S SOLAR ELECTRIC INCENTIVE PROGRAMS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 1 • IA Lit IA L. �w«....are ..,w..u.w.«rw«..pro*Ow u.0 .50,.w.wasw««a.«a+««.w.« Page t at 2 Page 2012 .. I.ii ., ...rt.•.. + ,.-..:tJ.E'�i 4 .$i, ,"4 7':i� r'c.lt„0 by ll,.Dot.tl riwnt Aosi ii b-i 20 ,1-0 i,1;.07 0i (Pi on