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RF-'^ fFD TOWN OF YARMOUTH a 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 RE ! r. Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 --Fax (508) 398-0836 r .' OLD KiNG'S H16H'WAY OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTtt�- NOV 0 6 2019 APPLICATION FOR TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Type or print legibly: $J �� `� L�ArMa✓+Po� Address of proposed work; -Map/Lot # 12(' . Owner(s): t CA'IJ} Phone #: s0 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. Mailing address: a 9 V" C Itf - lC 01 p Year built: l 00 9L Email: 1 A Ud �i me des Icivi (VQ W1c71 t • C o w-% Preferred notification method: Phone L/ Email Agent/Contractor: �1q--eow - Phone#: 506 3"! � 2`4.�a— Mailing Address: Email: Q2'oyifs vy+- - � co� notification method: Phone — Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): Po a It a a Q l;,, c W/A 3 WcI Glc-itS ( 5" a H2� e (n,e d 6w� Signed (Owner or agent): Date: Owner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon dale of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only.: Date: 19 Amount aid CashCK . /// 3 Rcvd by: 61V— Approved Approved with changes Denied Reason for denial: Date Signed: 7� 26�i Signed: vs.zon NOV 6 2019 YARMOUTH Y APPLICATION #: R F C P F D �� TOWN OF YARMOUTH R C o 1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664-4451 E Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 --Fax (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY NOV 06 2%D KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTtEE:_-�_--- TO'" CLERK APPLICATION FOR SOUTH YARMOUTH MA CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application.. Type or print legibly: o� �e ` r Al—1 i CIa--,D `'Po Address of proposed work: MaplLot Owner(s): lam[ Lain F,� Ir �_,) _- -- - -- _-- Phone #: � k 0,5QdD. All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. V` Mailing address: L a -e- (v - t 0 y\4 p Year built: t Q:71 Email:l rii UiJ } l YYlt? � �S laVl lli(1c7[ i C L7 Ul'1 Preferred notification method: Phone C/ Email Agent/Contractor: 411 UD� ��ylw Phone #:566 Jcl � 2zq4 Mailing Address: Email: — Email Description of Proposed Work (Additional pages may be attached if necessary): �ai-a [t 2 (2 _�t o� q 6 " �i(q h � — � d l l � Q It -12� l l 4-�►)cc__-_ c WA 3 IN a 1 f < G� C -T -t- S ( 5" a H2� e ( ,e d. 1) bvc- 6AINW-�n Signed (Owner or agent): Date: > Ownedcontractorlagent is aware that a permit may be required from the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.) This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use only: Date: //.S._ (9 Amount ad Cash CK Rcvd by: N Date Signed: ///7 2d/7 V5.2017 Approved Approved with changes Reason for denial: Denied Signed: APPLICATION #:.- L48" high �i 11, RECEIVED NOV 06 2019 SOUTH YARMOUTH, Mw 385 Weir Road, Yarmouth Port Natural Picket Gate for Reference Only Natural Picket Gate eileen powers design Natural Wood NOV - 2u;9 Y IAMIUlUU I h OLD KING'S HIGHWAY APPROVED NOV 6 2019 YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY 385 Weir Road Yarmouth Port 508 648 5002 l9rL=lal 11 RECEIVE© NOV 06 2019 RF - SOUTH YARMOUTH, MAD' 385 Weir Road, Yarmouth Port NUV -5 20=9 IYANIVIOUTH Plot Plan OLD KING'S HIGHWAY ABL MORTGAGE INSPECTION PLAN a RMSTERGDLAND SLniVL•YURS NAME EILEEN F. POWERS tX P.O. Box 70702 Quln3igamonJ VillageSlation LENDER THE CAPE COD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK 1 WOIRC05TER,MA01607 508-752-8050 (PHONE] LOCATION -385 WEIR ROAD � 508-752-8004 (FAY.) YARMOUTH PORT MA A division of H. S. Ec T. Group, Inc. SCALE 1" = 40 � DATE 06-29--18 REGISTRY BARNSiABLE FKSEa �ooN oacuYEM+AtIoM nBBraca Ac w�unr- YO+TS MGL YAOC W INC F1pMfM.0 AMS r oar aoavracc 24492/ 157 Q11 rn6 YaBIUOL w3P(CTpM PSAM. IM CW At4 rt3 II marc AML ,,, ypAOeh3 OF IO EGfIE S OO WARD** er :OM n a ro "Mr 1t1 � nrMl roar/Puw 334/62 dC 597/51 NG StwY 000. 11.11A Iwr onsm iw+uss onitxnsE nartB w Srov+Mc �u.art, IMLEW dAK�Ei y[ cFmur nw iY[ wcaxo(S] AM I+a WFM TF9 PA AeOYCMRWX0 P000 CWnVWM MOIL MM M Semi AIM NO rwN0AIWMS MS a A �OILL J, J SILCYL TLOOO 1YLMR AAbI SEL FD"O[rNED Awrl Toi1VNAN 0,30ECTON PWI; Nat AN OdfRuYpt SYANn. 00 CIA WECT nNCEE��,, 0 BOYNCAItr snw:c7wCS. at ro 1I+LY7 40047 $7SJ oro 07-16-14 SMxeAi I�GCt10M W TNL StNJCIWF((Si SWAM AI[rtON d IIBIG or M ECYaw¢F 7rIM LOCAL IAIAAMO AOM AMOPOFM IME MTS[1 ACOMACK"n' OR 4 MCI" MW WtAnON ENtyni!W= $ O rLOOO WZMO ZONE NAS KM OSTM � WAS AND ACI'pM YMEG MGT, 0 L WM W. CWP. A % SEC. 7. 111MLS3 M No MrOLSSvAv ACO ME. UW% 00vaAd FLAW ME CTICIFI A . TNS CERWCATIOM 4 NON^FOANSFER4ILE. Tnc Ar 4 CMMAr " TK FftV N 11111 VA w h "NO MIB/OB A WSMA "KnWL WW%V n N3 APL SOCC ThE NIMAV T M PAw.OLO t5 ALLYAATE MO mat TIF YEAAMIE- PONOM M FR'M VANAT 0M3 ONOW K 00MOVFL. WV1R RO Ao APP pe 1150.26 NOVt=1' IVU V qy :260.28 T48" 601 YARlg7 • PARCEL 1 �oArvawArOLD KING'LOT s 46 15.174 S.F.te -4� 42" Gate • • + por-ClIiA 793 $ z 46" Gate 203' l g3 i• �F , n Natural Picket Gate DECK PARCEL27. LOT26 11 �r�,1 �tIh1 6.338.7 9.P. t ` p ,%�� •PORCRCH:: 61 Z� N 82'5S'64- W 4831 High Natural Wood Three -Rail Split Rail Fence •� Picket Gate RLOO=SMC CRIEL: RUVII r MA7IM. "t 1ELSSM a!L" .QVCL- LB BY, d2egRP RiI OVER 6 2119 JUTH HIGHWAY eileen powers design 385 Weir Road Yarmouth Port 508 648 5002 1 �_ L-71 0 1 or - MASTER V E I Y E D a ALL CAPE FENCE, INCFULLY INSURE wsA NOV 0 GP29%(pox 318.362 Upper County Rd. • S. 508-394-2422 TOWN CLERK www,allcapefence.com SOUTH YARNWLo'6: MA Dennis, MA 02660 r- G t" 1 V E SHIP TO: NAME dltiJ �r'LS' SINGS HIGHW ADDRESS CITY 21P HOME PHONE ' aV I ,L�'L lC BUSINESS PHONE ❑ CONTRACT ❑ OLJOTE (good for 30 days) DATE: r OTY. DESCRIPTtCit _ _.._ _ CHECK LIST CEDAR/SPRUCE `T 2X3 BACKS 1 RUSTIC BACKS Lit' v%- I - T— SOLID / SPACED PICKET! BOARD SCALLOPED 1 CAP / DOG EAR MATERIAL POSTS: CEDAR I P.T. d SHAPE POSTS: ROUND 14X415X5 STYLE POSTS' 45° 1 ACORN CURVES: LINE 1 END OR I QAMOK HOUSE CLEETS BUILD TO FIT SECTIONS !FH NOV 70 19 DRILL r DOWL 1 CUT BACKS '%HMM UT DATES -Wit A EX POSTS TAKE DOWN: REMOVE! STACK GALVANIZED f VINYL TOP FENCE:FOLLOW GRADE i STRAIGHT { UNDERGROUND: PIPES /WIRES EXTRA DIRT n WATER POWcR FACE GOOD SIDE • IN / OW MATERIAL TOTAL 7AX LABOR DELIVERY CHARGE All quotatWns subject to conditions beyond our control. CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ESTABLISHING PROPERTY LfNES AND FENCE LINES, and Ior conforming with local zoning by-laws. This quotation does not include costs met in extraordinary conditions striking ledge which may require the cementing of posts or the use of a compressor for drilling and pinning posts or clearing trees, brush or other obstryetions from the wosking area. This contract embodies the entire understanding between the parties, and there are no verbal �regjfxants or Tepresentailons connection therewith. TERMS: 5"9 DOWN, B&ANCE UPON COMPLETION T� � .' r TOTAL LESS DEPOSIT BALANCE BY f ' 1 _� ACCEPTED BY On accounts over 3o days, finance charges are Computed at aperiodic rate of 1112% per month -Annual rate 19%.