HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-E102o TOWN OF YARMOUTH iffip-"trffifi89ffit i1146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 026644451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 E t -,' Nnv n ? ?n1o APPLTCATION FORVI V ' LV J CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION TOWI"I CLERK Appniliil{l6NffitDfrfrhdttAor the issuance of a Gertificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 ot Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as deecribed'below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. Tvpe or print leoiblv: Address of proposed work:17 Church Street, Yannouth Port, MA 02675 Map/Lot # Owner(s):Abraham S. Grader and Michal H. Grader phone ,g- 508 - 368a27 _ AII applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner m.ffi*ffi$1ffiP KING'S HIGHWAY HlSToRlc DISTRIGT l7 Church Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 I i \l-(iri; i ii.i i i ) L L.' f '.iNd':; i"-ilGl-ivv.r ,, Mailing address: Email:michalhgrade r @gmai l. c om approving subm itta! of application. Year built: 1836 Preferred notification method: Phone x Email AoenUContractor:Nathan C. Caputo Phone #: 508 - 4720399 382 Old Craigville Road, Centerville, MA A2$2Mailing Address: Email:al lcapechimneysweep @Smai l. com Preferred notification method: Phone x Email Descriotion of Proposed Work (Additional paqes mav be attached if necessary): The plan for the new chimney includes installing a new 8" stainless steel pipe. Intemally, it will follow the existing path through the back wall with up-to-code spacing. However, once outside. the stainless steel pipe will go straight up and around the roof overhang and not through the brick chimney. Signed (Owner or agent):Date:S t{\u. ao\q ) Oryner/contractor/agent is aware that a permit may be required ftom the Building Department. (Check other departments, also.)> This cettificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permit, whichever date shall be later. For Committee use onlv: Date:ll.' fr, lq Amount AO Crrt{@ lOso 4VRcvd by: -/ opproved Reason for denial: _Approved with changes Denied Date Signed:/! v5.2017 1 A.o/7 Signed: APPLICATION #: Ig- E /Od RFffiF#urtrS 17 Church Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 Permit Application for New Chimney for Existing l/Uood Stove oLt) YArtrvivu I r-j [lNG's HTGHWA\ We are in the process of updating a wood stove to code. The next two pictures show the location of our home and an aerial view. Port Side Estate Sales $ A*dent cemetery $ VillCreek ?, Capo Code Volunteers ;9 7 Church Street :l ;' Edward eoteffiouse $ Habaar ror numanity Q O sacred Heart Chapel 14*, foe*,?d € zI eScotts Small Engine Repair egfr ,nnO"+o* +d Smp Wingate*Kirkle 2. tl:3o frc.I o) to iI= PickedJusl *ry#;ffifiT,Hg YARMOUTT+ STATION RECE,YED ,\l0y 0 7 ?tilg scu,I.PflHiltffi,tudA IAPPROVED YARMUTJIH KING'S HIGHVVAYOLD tQ,lioa &(3sd )ld Yarmouth lnr I tn*hs JsnaneBr s ? +bb E{ ffiT RECffiIVED- Here is the stove. lt vents through the back wall. APPROVHD YARNIUUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY l9,Epa HxtvtUrjl H I,S HIGHWAY I ,n RSCE,YED N{)v 0 i lil!9 tvta -DF I # I # The stainless steel pipe connects to the brick chimney stack. ffi##tr ygD tl/{ii, # - tr'r 19'{t o? fr t, otD i WAY Er*- i,eCL ,*$ I 7",{ I= L*, 7a l \ \ "/trr rrr rhtr RFf,F# NOy \ f This Plot Map shows the proposed chimney location.O[D RECEIVED rufi,i ti 7 ?ttJJ sourrfiNf;ffi,,nltA APPROVED NO V T i:i:} YARMUU IH OLDKING'S HIGHWAY J I I p tion osed mney the I I I Vf .1 b \I \ a\ r"t*& *sa {:i e(-_ ip,',: b-Zc I Ar'' tNlf BERGQUIST N O,4,I,C i', fr',: (J 1 -r-)- t, ! & \i; I LN.--lfrrnrn ._-{ "t t rn t 'tl N/r PHINNEY '1'gi I ?iEoz lg'{i0? a,t'f LL LL t 1 J \ I 1 1 L \\ m Here is an aerial view of the chimney location. ) Ftftty RECEIVED ftitJ,i U '/ ll] 1 ii TOWN CLERKsouTH yARfr4bdn, n,tn INPPR OVED I ^ YARMoUTH I_g!u rcrus'slr-ieriwnv fi,/t0a otD A \ (T 3D # .t t f, Ivl r- I r.F f' ;iI q \ H The Plan for the New Chimney The plan for the new chimney involves installing a new 8" stainless steel pipe. lnternally, it will follow the existing path through the wall with up-to- code spacing. However, the stainless steel pipe will go straight up outside and not through the brick chimney. The design will follow this illustration: WdS$e--1 f, Sain Cap tsho*n tlcr:l Class-A PiPe UniversalMapter NO[E: Roof Suppored lnstallations are supportd by a roof support bracket. A round or square ceiling support may be urcd to transitbn to black stove pip€. OPTIOHAL: lf you do not uvant to use a ceiling support, but instead transition from Class-A to black stove pipe dirrtly, you willstill require a universal adapter and either a 2 1 /2" finishing cover, or 36'finishing cover to conceal the entire lengrth of Class-A pipe. TelescoSring Roof Brace t{/all Pass-Thru l-leating Tee \-__ Tee Support Black Stove Plpe Extcrior Supportcd lnrtrlledon (Thru Soffit lnstallation) Roof NOTE: lf not Pasing through a soffit. the Storm Collarand Roof Flashirqg woutd EgI be used. OPIFt{AL: Bypass th€ toffit with an Elbor l&" Class-A Pipe IttallStan&Off {u5ottdxdor Enudrd*blt$Uportl t--*{''q Wfhvfl*e llutdlrtlon P-- a*-q,alb Arr*.sl'lfic lcl ,Itoz irA. R [c- u r\fffim Lj L II/ *-J, REfrffiNVHD NOV 0 't ,lu tg [r]1,n.r,I CL.ERK(J.-rr l-i": i rr.]L.j i_) i i.i "i'r' .,.r:i;'; i ';-l-1, MA APPROVED I YAKtviuLj iH I olpKtNG'sHIG"HW$L il The only difference between the diagram above and our plan is at the connection to the roof overhang, because the overhang is too small forthe chimney to go through it. The sketch below (done by our contractor) shows the proposed plan. ,J J RE,CE,YED ftiiti 0'i,?tjts f AP sou#frx,frffi, ) Y,,,^I-OLP KI PRNVHDi ARIUUIJ IH , It5t ?NG'sHtctlwrfr.-".__t.t /TrT'# ,fi ($f s$'r Et c { Cnrq*ef R E cE$r/FDl This is an illustration of the new chimney design.NCy - 6 f#ilt o[D APPROVED Nrlv y;ilX$ YARMOUTH OLD KING'S HIGHWAY tf1 Y RECEMED Nti,o, tJ "t, "itllfi 'orrffr[,filf,{ , n,A t 9' li't0 ?' I T!.T' -{ r: tr4 \:-. \'-\ t E Y a b I