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The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work,in homes and communities,and on the road through leadership,research, education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED ' Security Control No. 0< Janelle Manchester 9H. has completed the Z , NSC CPR Course We wantour feedback! Adult,Child,infant FBAO,CPR &AED y Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevaivation to Completion Date: 1112612018 take a brief survey and share your opinionsExp;res: 1112612020 Instructional Hours: about the NSC course you completed. /i' it 1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. NSC {n it for lifea nsc.org/fatrainingE et, t 1E�i Est , AAA ark r 1 50,105102018 1015 900005130 u2016 Nat m'af Safety Co:E,rcii 79174-0003 NSC CPR Course 4 -t N' °UN`' Adult, Child, Infant, FBAO & AED • Name: Lisa Miller Security Control No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant Address: 1329 MA-28 City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date: 1112612018 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Date: 11126/2020 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: 1040918 Lisa Miller has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work,in homes and communities,and on the road through leadership,research,education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED Security Control No. Lisa Miller has completed the ¢ YMc r NSC CPR Course We want your feedback! Adult Child,Infant FBAO,CPR &AED Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevafuation to Completion Date: 1112612018 take a brief survey and share your opinions Exo res: Mstruct,onal Hours: about the NSC course you completed. 1112612020 11-c."'L4 #1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. NSC-in it forlife nsc.org/fatraining t 1 50MC5102018 1015 900008130 02016 Nara^ai Safety Councit 79174-00:10 gip` S NSC CPR Course a z °uN o Adult, Child, Infant, FBAO & AED ogeo.Name: Nancy Jones Security Control No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant A 3 Address: 1329 MA-28 City, State, Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date:1112612018 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Date:11/26/2020 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: 1040918 Nancy Jones has successfully completed the NSC CPR Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities,and on the road through leadership, research,education and advocacy. For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED ' Security Control No. !AN ancy Jones , . =141.7. has completed the NSC CPR Course We want your feedback! Adult,Child,Infant FBAO,CPR &AED Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevaluation to completion Date:1112612018 take a brief survey and share your opinionsg1fes. Instructonal Hours: about the NSC course you completed. A 1112612020 ,:A,t #1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. NSC_in it for life. nsc.org/fatraining sc.or /fatrainin , s . ,[t to hal i s lej las 1 50M05102018 1015 900008130 02016 Nat cna!Safety Counc, 70174.0000 / °gyp` �� � Q NSC CPR Course Se 'll Adult, Child, Infant, FBA() & AED Name: Pedro Devila Security Control No. Address: Doyle's Restaurant = 44 Address: 1329 MA-28 City, State,Zip: South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Course Completion Date:11/26/2018 Training Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Expiration Date:11/2612020 Instructor Name: Rick Todd Instructor Number: 1040918 Pedro Devila has successfully completed the NSC CPR-Course based on the current Guidelines for CPR and ECC. The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities,and on the road through leadership, research,education and advocacy.For more life-saving courses from NSC please visit nsc.org/fatraining • THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF REPRODUCED O•t * Security Control No. 9QC •edro Devila cQ. has completed the NSC CPR Course We want your feedback! Adult,Child,Infant FBAO,CPR &AED Tra nng Center: Cape Cod Safety Training Please visit nsc.org/firstaidevaluation to ccmp':etion Date: 1112612018 take a brief survey and share your opinions Exp;res: Instructional Hours: about the NSC course you completed. 11126!2020 /44 #1040918 Instructor Signature Instructor No. NSC-in it for life. nsc.org/fatraining 501;051020 i 8 1015 900003139 02016 Natonal Sa'ety Gould: 79174-0030 4se,= -kn• CERTIFICATE OF , . .''' '' ALLERGEN AWARENESS TRAINING '9.--Ar 2 Date of Completion: November 2, 2016 ,•• Date of Expiration: November 2, 2021 , f„„—P" 42 el 0') Issued By: 1 * v..above--named person is hereby issued Ibis eertyicate 2 ibr.pleting an allewn awareness training program reeognize.d by the Massachusetts Department qf Public Health Berkshire (0 )ti Area ii4ailh 4,titiets4l041 Center Pittsfield.Massaelmsett I" , This rertilleine will b.-valid Jhr live("5".)yrnrs ji-,,m date ty-panpletion. it . , ' . . I _ JI I.VA . C -4' xV,1 "i.,Vz -4 IVA -4' , •:„... ,-, 0 ',......,-...r,` g -,-.. ,-e ' g .^.,-.4,---e g ...1, ••••,' g ..•:,, --e ti '7,... rr-zr' ''.',,, ' ' '''cl ' ' '.', ' ' ' rk. ':',c.;, ' - '1-A, . ' 25t, ' `'''.v- . -,frA . 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