HomeMy WebLinkAbout1869-1885ti • • • 3 II -S' r 21 11 1•11 Mkt I.I• ill1•21•2 I II_ l t and 11111 I v. III i11 Iii111l 11 11111 ■I I IMO 1 NMI 11 11 it1�1iYC'." • EXPENSES TOWN OF YAR1QUT • FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 14th, 1869. YARMOUTH PORT: PRE'' OF THE YARMOUTH 'REGISTER. 1869. V1 • F " -ft .7, • U 1, 111111 11 11 riJ 111 0 _1_11 1 11 I 1 1111 REPORT. EXPENSES Hi ALMSHOUSE.. Sylvanus Whelden, wood, - : - 482 25 Winchester & Upham, molasses, 77 90 - 'Hervey Snow, shoes, - 87 Daniel A. Page, supplies, 126 75 Braddock Matthews, (1o., 112 80 Elisha Parker, tbr shoes, . 10 99 ; Elkanah 1). Payne, supplies, - 25 68 James B. Crocker, jr., do., - : . 3 65 Gorham Taylor, 2d, do., - 4 00 Rutits E. Holmes, do., - - 45 34 Andrew IL Eldridge, do. and temn., -• - 100 55 Watson Thaeher; supplies, - - .- - 7 00 ' Samuel Thaeher, jr., do., - - - 41 59 1 Daniel B. Crocker, jr., & Co., do., - !, .. 52 83 James Knowles, do., , . - - 90 25 Lot Hallett, do.,. - - 57 .74 Hobbs & Rand, - - 6 .56 Albert Howes, - . .., - 6 65 Asa E. Matthews, do.,; 3 90 Benj:uuin Homer, do., 4 50 Oliver Hallett, do. - - - - 13. 00 Nehemiah B. NVhelden, do., wood standing. - • 36 75 Sylvester Baker & Co., - - - •- 21 06 Nathan Hall & Co., coal, - - 13 20 Watson Ryder, labor, - - - - - - 17 40 Francis Kelley, keeping Almshouse to March 28, '68, 250 00 Supplies:, . - -- - - 5 25 Albert Howes, tit!. herring, - - - - 4 00 Gorhatu Naylor, for labor and supplies. - - 11 18 Chamberlain Sturgis & Co., bl. beef - - 21 00 $6 r • 4 Thacher & Taylor, fixing pump, - •• •• wheel -barrow, do.,_do,., Dr. George Shove, medical attendance, John Hale, for medicine, - - Thacher & Taylor, coffin Eliza Whelden, - .lohn Larkin, supplies to Mary A. Nickerson. "lhaeher Taylor, supplies to Almshouse, - 1 50 8 50 102.. 6 52 15 00 2 50 497 97 *1.716 88 SUPPORT (F POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. Sam'I Matthews. sup's wid. Mercy Matthews. •$15 00 Last Ballet, 1 ton coal •• 44 9 50-424 50 Aam'I Matthews, wood to Priscilla Cash. - 4 50 Elim McCarty •• - 9 .00—. 13 50 .Alexander Baxter, supplies to E. B. 'Harrington, - 7 00 5 93 ::2 00 87 7 50 9 00 50 82 Thacher 1). Crowell, do. to E. B. Harrington, - Ann Howard, house rent to wid. Thacher Taylor, Seth H. Hamblin, meal to wid. Timelier Taylor, - Duet. H. Harris, med. attend. on wid. Anna Baker. - Elisha Taylor, wood to wid. Anna Baker„ - - 1)avid K. Akin, do. to wid Anna Baker, - - 4 David Whelden, boarding Julana Gage, - 40 1)oct. Alfred Swift, med. attend. on Isaiah Gage's wife. 8 00 Elisha Taylor, wood to Charity Baker. - 4 •• •• Judah Chase supplies, - 25 00 Braddock Matthews, Judah Chase supplies. - - 10 50 Elisha 'Taylor, paid Mary Ann Baxter board Nathan Baker's child, - - - - ti 50 Timelier "Taylor, cash to Edwin Chase's wife, - 10 00 Elisha Taylor, supplies to Mary A. Baxter. - - 10 00 •• •• cash to John Gorham, - - 20 00 wid. Bethiah Crowell. - 16 75 .• Abbv 'I'. Crowell, . - - 10 00 Zenas Howes nil -strangers. - 1 50 Hiram Loring, supplies to Alexander Tripp, = - 28 65 Braddock Matthews. supplies to John Gorham. - 56 79 •• •• do. to Abbie Crowell, - 14 50 •• •• do. to wid..Aluana Crowell. - 10 00 •• •• do. to Elwin Taylor, - - 20 18 •• 44 Watson Baker. b'ri'g :Amy Baker, 11 00 •• •• Dustin Baker, do , - - 7 32 2.l 66 1111111. • 7 Braddock Matthews, Abby T. Crowell, do., - - - •• •• wid. Thankful Baker, - - •• •• Mary A. Nickerson, -- Alexander Baxter, house rent to R. Baxter's family, - Isaiah Crowell, supplies to Alvin Bearse's family, - •• Asa Crocker, - - /.adok Crowell, supplies to John Gorham, - Bartlett Brown, house rent to Alvin D. Bearse, - Dr. Samuel Pitcher, attending Lorana Whelden, - Frederick Matthews, wood to wid. Thacher Taylor, - I)r. W. 0. G. Springer, attend. on Eben'r Nickerson, Laban Baker, supplies to Amy Baker, . - 1 Dr. Peter Pineo, .medical attendance, - - 15 •• 44 Mary Ann Baxter, 12 Thacher Taylor, cash to Charles Layman, - - 28 •• Josiah Baker,. - - 5 66 36 75 13 92 1 00 30 00 30 01 10 00 7 95 0 00 16 00 2 00' 28 50 10 00 50 80 00 22 25 5 62 3 62 5 30 6 02 1 00 33 60 50 00 50 25 25 00 50 00. 1 50 2 12 2 50 85 57 9 62 45 49 7 26 7 03 2 98 14 00 •• expenses removing Eliza :Whitehead, Freeman \1:itt1iews, supplies to John Baker, jr., - 1.• •• wid. Thankful Baker, •• •• •• Dustin Baker, . - S:uvuel Timelier, jr., supplies to Priscilla Cash, -. E. H. Matthews, supplies to John Gorham, _... - •• •• Edwin Taylor, - - 2 Chase & Baker, supplies to Sarah Chase, - - 137 'Phomas .lruy. w,:od to wid. Abbv Taylor, - - 4 •• . " Phebe Bankster, - - 9 1)r. Geor!rc : hove, medical attendance, - - 18 Seth 11. Hamblin, wood to wid. Abby Tay`-lor, - 4 .vlv:mus 11•hch'.cn, do., do., - - - 4 Dr. Peter I'inco. medical attendance, - - . 15 •• •• •• Mary Ann Baxter, 12 Thacher & Taylor, coffin Phebe Bankster, - - 20 Benoui Baker, going with hearse, - - I)avid Matthews, wood to wid. Thankful Baker, Elisha Taylor, do., do., - - - '1'lincher 'Taylor, supplies to wid. Thacher Taylor, •• •• •• Phebe Bankster, •• •• 46 . Elisha ('ash, - •• Priscilla Cash, - •• •• •• Anthony 11tontealm; Reuben Brav, bill freight on furniture, - •• •• " wid. Mercy Matthews, - 1 111 11 • 1 $1,137 90 • ,�:: E' � �"r\�'+ . S.+° �1.. -4 .l r. '"=1.'r'IYr• tiiiYr.n L1 I,111.1 I i I - PAID OTHER CITIES AND. TOWNS FOR POOR. ('its- of Boston, supplies to Eliza Whitehead. - •$114 48 City of Springfield, for Luce Crocker, - - 24 43 Town of Dennis supplies to (.'Rarity Baker, - - 13 70 City of New Bedford, supplies to Harriet Eldridge. - 48 53 Thacker & Crowell,- supplies Alvan I). Bearse, - =:4 11 Town of Barnstable, do., d'•., - - - 45 95 'Radler &. Crowell, sup]rlies to, Eller. Baxter, - 20 01 Town of I3arnstable, do. to Reuben Chase's family, 1 50 Leonard Chase, wood to Ellen Baxter, - - 4 s:0 Dennis Gleason, supplies to Alvan I). Bearse, 12 00 Alvan ('rosln•, do. to Owen Bliss.. - - 52.81 *372 04 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. .1sa E. Matthews, labor S. H. N. side. - *429 59 c •• . do. on Pond Village S. 11. 7 92 do. on cistern. - Ii 75 .John Hinckley. bill labor, - - - 27 28 .losel►h J1. Briggs, painting and materials, - :;:;:; 26 Ira Ryder, labor, - - - 4; 110 ('algin Mallett. labor. - 3 90 Seth Walker, hill labor. - - '.'5 80 Luther Maker, labor. - - - - 9 75 11'illi:iw & Alfred White, bill lumber for Pond Villal_re Sehool House - - 1.2 04) Timelier Taylor. bill carting 1 het. - - 4 •50-496 78 . 5( 11(nl, N(►t't;S, WEST l'AIt3101'T11. - l'reelIan► Ilineklev, setting g?::ss Labor and materials, ' - - 00 8 Su -11 50 s('IIo4N, HOUSE, r4H'TIt 1'AW.MOr 'll. Ru -sell 1). Farris, hill, 22 011 TEACHERS' SATLA • IFS. (;Eottch SHOVE, (,r►nfnittre. Salarie.. North side Town, - - *1.471 62 1Lowes Taylor and G. C. Haile of .house, 1Vood and coal, - Books anal black -board rubber, 64 00 184 10 94 77 —$1,814 49 HEM AN 13. Ct1AxE. U,n►niittve,\Vest Yarmouth. Salaries of Teachers, Taking care of Inise, Fuel, - • - - Books and stationery, - 911 00 82 00 62 00 66 95— 1,071. 45 ZEN.) BAKER, O n►inittee. South Yarmouth. Teacher.-' Salaries, S. Yarmouth, Taking care of house. Fuel, - Books and Stationery, - 1.157 54) i;i; 00 68 50 42 00— 1,334 00 REPAIRS ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. - Matthews C. Hallett. repairing roads. - 1)a.vid G. Eldridge, do., - - Bcnjanriu Berry. labor arid materials nn road. Davis Crowell. labor on Mill Bridge. - . •• Parker do.. Pt. G:unwn du.. 1.al►or and materials on roa(1. Beinjanriu Hallett. do.,. - - Alexander Baxter, do., - - • du. on bridges. Alti•e l White, do., - - - Benoni Maker, do., - .Bridges, - - - - Matthcw C. Mallett, labor on roads, - 1)rain Mi Willow street. - 1lallett street. do..- I1eman 13. ('hast, labor on road, Wilson V. Baker. do., *4.220 44 $7 00. 9 92 - 61 08 • 4 4; 06 :i0 5 5( — 89 l 3 46 46 60 57.40 — — -:8393 79 18 8 00 - Rti9l 03 i1 11 71 107 94 - - 2170 008i - 827610 6 17 - • 62 21. Reuben Ryder, fhr laying drain and labor, Theophilua Bassett, do., - Zenas Wood, labor on drain, George H. Baker, labor on roads, James Ellis, do., - - - John K. Sears, lumber for bridge, - Will:am & A. White, plank for \Veir bridge, CLEARING ROADS OF SNOW. M.. C. Mallett, clearing roads of snow, Enoch E. Chase, do., - Alexander Baxter. do., - David G. Eldridge, do., -. .lames Ellis, do.' - --_ Edtward Thacker, do., Orlando Baker, do., - .leremiah Bray, .do., - Wilson V. Baker, do., Davis Crowell, . - - George H. Baker, clearing roads, Hiram Sears, - - Benjamin Hallett, do.. Bcnoni Baker, do., - 5 00 61 68 13 00 60 00 • 65 90 12 75 3 46 651,063 63 689 35 59 9? 4:550 687 13 80 16 45 17 57 1 55 1 55 n b:i 4 35 475 - 790 19 61 65.92 72 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' F3 3. • Assessors, dividing road money and limiting survevor=, S7 :i0 Ileum!) B. ('hose, services as 'di of Comuuttee, - ;0 0(1 Zeno Baker, do., - - - - - 33 00 I)r. George Shove, do., - - - 4:, 00 Samuel Matthews, Slectmen services, 10 55 Zeno Baker, notifying Town meeting and Town officers, 6 00 Assessors for enrolling the militia, -. 7 50 "= making out list of polls, 7 50 " do. number of scholars. - - . 7 50 a,scssin.; 'tate, County and Town taxes, 105 00 William P. Davis, services 'Town (.jerk and Treasurer, 75 00 ThAeher Taylor, Selectmen services, - - 39 90 11 9 Thacher Taylor, overseeing the Poor, " horse hire, - - Elisha Taylor, Selectmen services, - " " overseeing the Poor, - " " horse hire, - - Braddock Matthews, Selectmen services, 64 overseeing the Poor, " " horse hire - William P. Davis, recording births and deaths, Expenses going Cotuit, - - REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Albert Ryder, taxes remitted, Tames Chase, do., - Thacher Baker, do., - - Frederick P. White, do., Ebenezer Crowell, do., Albert C. Kelley, do., Jabez Baxter, do., - Daniel B. Taylor, do., Hannah Sears, William H. Brown, jr., - 814 75 6 00 29 90 14 33 8 00 23 50 10 25 26 25 6.505 43 - 20 90 - 8 25 8534 58 - 83 70 ` - - 4 00 3 70 10 50 11 10 4 62 ` - 755 • 6 00 1ts•50 • - 4 12 673 79 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. /eras Wood, taking care of hearse, 2 years, - „r 44return of births and deaths - estop Hamblin, rent of land for pound, - - • Santuel Matthews, money taken from letter in Boston, iSally Cobb, cleaning school -house, - - - Zeno Ilaker, cleaning school -house, S. Yarmouth, Heman B. Chase, do. West Yarmouth, - J:unes B. Crocker, jr., ]padlock for pound, - ' - Jabez Lewis, labor on burying ground, - Taking care of hearse, - Statc Nautical School for, James M. Baker, I. 14 " " Edgar F. Baker, - $5 00 3 70 3 00 20 00- 10 45 13 00 16 00. 50 1 74 2 50 12 14 157` F 1` ; .C.rya le..11 4 !LAS f0 ;I114.I11t. ti la Ift111. 6i4, 111 CI51:1I I . I 10 Samuel Thaeher,taking care of hearse, Daniel Wing, for set ofsteel dies, - - Asa E. Matthews, labor and nails on hearse house, Thachcr Taylor, brooms and matches to school -house, " for tax book and stationery, - PRINTING M,'D ADVERTISING. 2 60 4 50 -4 00 1 20 • 5 79 6107 69 Charles F. "Swift, printing notices & Town Expenses, 640 00 "° School Committee report, 18 00 358 00 TOWN TREASURER, Cr. By amount paid by the Selectmen on Town orders:. For the support of the Poor in the Almshouse, 31,716 88 " in Town and out of Almshouse, 1,137 90 To other cities and towns, - 372 02 Repairs of School -houses, 530 23 Schools in Town, - 4,220 44 Repair of Roads and Bridges, - 1,063 63 Clearing Roads from Snow, - 292 72 Town Officers and Committees' tees . - 534 58 Remittance of Taxes, - - 73 79 Miscellaneous Expenses, - 107 69 Printing and advertising, 58 00 State Aid to families, - - - 249 94 Amount paid by Treasurer o n notes,3,050 00 Interest on individual notes, - 783 34 Sears' Fund note, - 915 00-4,748 34 Recruiting money refunded, 20 00 State tax, - - 3.040 00 County tax, - - 1,028 92 State treasurer, non-residents' bank sto, k, 31 80 Taxes due from A. H. Eldridge, 1867, 584 02 " " " - " 1868, 6,609 33-7,193 35 Taxes due from Wm. P. Davis, 1864, 204 04 ;` " " " 1865, 437 17 4 4 " " " 1866, 417 26-1,058 47 . I"- y 1 II II u • /1 Balance in the Treasury, Town Orders outstanding last ;year, TOWN TREASURER, 4,330 96 1,190 85 $32,999 41 Dr. To amount raised by the Town and otherwise received as follows: For the eupport of the Poor, - " Schools, - - " Roads and Bridges, - To pay Town Debts; - Overlay on Taxes, - - - Money hired by the Treasurer, - - Received from State Treasurer for State Aid, State Treasurer, Corporation tax, - " Income School Fund, - Watson Timelier, Fish Committee, - Thachcr Taylor, for hay sold, - Samucl Thachcr, Liquor Agent, Froin Isabella Stokes, - - William G. Harrison, - Rufus E. Holmes, allowance on heef, - State tax, - - - County do., - Tax on non-residents' bank stock, - Taxes due from Andrew I1. Eldridge, - [[ a Wm. P. Davis, - Balance in in Treasury last year, - - Outstanding orders not paid to date, TOWN, 33,500 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 3,000 00 169 33 1,500 00 400 00 1,480 81 199 62 503 75 39 70 119 60 5 00 3 50 8 96 3,040 00 1,028 92 185 47. 5,139 62 1,360 48 5,590 99 723 66 332,999 41 Dr. Outstanding orders, - 6723 86 Town owes, hired of individuals, 10,400 00 Interest on do., - 343 20-10,743 20 ' Sears' School Fund, - - - 16,019 00 Andrew I1. Eldridge, collecting taxes, - 400 00 ISupport the Poor in and out the House, 150 00 . 328,036 06 „fl 411.I0'-0”'",►•'xlmoulf sa "iii III . II • I• . 12 TOWN, Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, " " Wm. P. Davis, - " for State Aid, - Balance in the Treasury, - Town Bills, - - THACHER TAYLOR, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, ELISHA TAYLOR, YARMOUTH, January 14, 1868. Cr. 87,193 35 1,058 47 360 00 4,330 96 15,093 28 $28,036 06 Selectmen of Yarmouth. EXPENSES TOWN OF YARMOIJTII, FOR THE YEAR 1869, Ending Jan. 20, 1870. TARAIOUTII PORT: PRESS OF TUE YARMOUTH REGISTE1. 1870. t. is a Y r II du REPORT. • SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN THE ALMSHOUSE. Sylvester Baker, jr., & Co, supplies, $52 40 ' Benjamin Hallet, 3d, blacksmith bill, 19 17 Harvey Snow, mending shoes, - 19 71 Matthews C. Hallett, - 50 93 Andrew H. Eldridge, 22 72 Reuben Ryder,- . 1 50 Jesse Taylor, 23 40 Lucy A. Eldridge, - 2 75 Winchester; Talbot"& Upham, - - - 105 16 Daniel A. Paige , - - - 76 00 David G: Eldridge, 3 58 8 27 Betsey Tobey, Peregrine White, - - 1 12 Samuel Thacher, - , - 89 38 Kelley & Sears, - 16 26 Francis Kelley, keeping the Almshouse, 260 00 11 K for supplies,' - _ 6 84 Lot Hallet, coal, - $9 00 Seth Taylor, labor, • 13 50 •• 14 supplies, 5 00 Nathan W. Grush, _ - 9 04 Daniel Crowell, shoes, 4 00 Josiah Hinckley, - - 8 75 Zehina Howes, jr., for cow, 25 00 1. Elisha Parker, shoes, . - - - .6 55 14 1 Barnabas Matthews, - . 3 75 Albert Howes, - - 9 54 Nathan T. Hallett, - . - 4 56 Gorham Taylor, - 16 50 Daniel B. Crocker & Co., - 76 29 Gorham Taylor, 2d, - 3 58 I5 1II; if r li ..I ,t I RIL 4 Braddock Matthews, Rev. S. S. Cumming; for taking Fanny and David D. Kelley, - . - James Knowles & Co., - - Elkanah D. Payne, - Gurtavus F. Swift, - .Toseph Bassett, - - - - Dr. Peter Pineo, - - W. O. G. Springer, - Orlando Bassett, jr., & Co., Watson Ryder, - - - Dr. George Shove, medical. attendance, Rufus E. Holmes, supplies, - John Hale, do., _ - Vanney Kelley, turnips, - I. S. Hobbs & Co., lime and cement, Thacher Taylor, - - Elisha Jenkins, shoes, - Josiah Taylor, - - Thacher & Taylor, - - T. Taylor, wood standing and down, �W- 842 95 Frank Olar, 20 00 7 84 109 44 45 10 2 68 21 84 60 00 80 00 21 54 12 87 12 75 127,32 645 7 50 - 3 00 619 19 5 00 7 75 41 45 00 82,297.20 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF -ALMSHOUSE OF THE TOWM OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JAN- UARY 20th,.1870. - Paid for supplies for Daniel Baker, . - 813 00 " " " Josiah, F. Baker, - 8 25 Wid. Sarah Crowell, -- - -96 41 John Gray, - - 48 06 Wid. Anna Baker, - 10 00 " Mercy Matthews, - 8 00 " Juliana Gage, - 49 14 " Bcthiah Crowell, 26 75 John Gorham, - 105 60 Wid. Abbie Crowell, 29 25 Alvan D. Bearse, - 48 31 Mary Ann Baxter, - 51 77 Wid. Thankful Baker, - 27 48 " Abbie Taylor, - 63 12 Elisha Cash, - - - 48.41 it " 14 4' 4' '4 '4 4' 'i 4' •' 4' " 46 66 it " 66 It [l '4 " " " " '4 4' '4 ,{ '4 '' 1 IL 1 . Il li PIN i Illi 5 Paid for supplies for Ruth Hedge, •` " Judah Chase, " " Anna E. Cash and. child,- Ruth hild, Ruth Cash, - `' .Charles Layman, - W id. Temperance Baxter, Edwin Taylor, - . - Dr. W. O. G. Springer to Thomas Taylor's daughter, Supplies, Owen Blish, - " Priscilla Cash, - - " Jacob Olar, u " sc 4' 4' '4 Paid 810 00 12 05 2550 56.00 44 00 19 13 43 07 600' 48.83 2300 23 '72 8944 85 PAID OTHER urri1s AND TOWNS FOE:POOB. Town of Dennis for Charity Baker - = 815 88 City of New Bedford, supplies to Maria Baker, 21 00 " do. to Harriet Eldridge, 60 81 " of Springfield, for Lucy Crocker, - 91 00 Chase & Baker, supplies to Sarah Chase, : - 23 00 Town of Barnstable, do. to do., - - - 11 68 " do. to Alvan D. Bearse, - 19 70 do. to Nathan Baker's family, 25 26 do. to Anna Webber, - . 19.00 do. to Molly Webber, - . 2.00 do. to Eleanor Baxter, - 11 .50 do. to Julia Ann. Baxter,: 19.37 „ " at " K 4. ll 66 8320.15 REPAIR ON SCHOOL -HOUSES. - Matthews C. Hallett, School -house N. Side Town, 820 41 1 44 46 Pond Village School -house, - 9 00 Howes Taylor, cleaning School -house, North Side, 3 00 'Elbridge Taylor, - - - - - 11 92 'Asa N. Robinson, cleaning Pond Village School -house, 3 00 Charles M. Bray, labor on do., - 3 00 lWin. Anderson, do., - - •- 7 50 Asa E. Matthews and others, do., - 31 98 • 889 -81 i 6 SOUTH YARMOUTH. Zeno Baker, - - - - 46 cleaning School -house, Elisha Taylor, painting and materials William & Alfred White, - • 843 09 13 00 - 181 62 76 238 47 WEST YARMOUTH. H. & L. Baker, painting and materials, - Jeremiah Eldridge, - Cleaning house and labor, - 209 43 3 00 35 21 247 64 TEACHERS' SALARIES FOR SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Varnum Lincoln, School Committee. Teachers' Salaries, - Books and apparatus, - Mrs. Mercy Taylor, books, J. L. Hondet, ink wells. - tt " stationery, - Crocker, Matthews & Baker, for coal, Wood, - - - - Charles M. Bray, carting wood, - Nathaniel Adams, sawing woed, - Howcs Taylor, taking care of the house, G. Hallett, - Walter Baker, - $575 92 $1,256 25 .. $15 75 45 27 2 90 7 35 90 00 29 50- 9 00 26 88 50 00 14 00 13 00 SOUTH YARMOUTH. Z2no Baker, School Committee, Teacher's Salaries, . - - - Text Books, Books, - Zeno Baker, taking care of the house, fit tt tt tt , tt 71 27 158 38 77 00 $1,559 90 - 1,372 66 12 00 14 40 — — 27 34 42 00 15 00 7 Zeno Baker, taking care of the house, Wood, - 10 00 67 00 75 10 $1,542 06 NEST YARMOUTH. Heman 13. Chase, School Committee. Teachers' Salaries, - - 855 33 Freeman H. Crowell, stationery, - - 26 09 Taking care house, - - - . .30 33 14 cords wood, at 84.50, - 63 00 - LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROAD& Matthews C. Hallett, District No. 1, Benjamin Hallett, " 2, Sylvanus Whelden, tt 3, Jeremiah Bray, " 4, Charles Ellis, " 5, George H. Baker, " 6, Orlando Baker, " 7, David Sears, " 8, - Eliakim Studley, tt 9, Jabez Perry, _ " 10, - Theodore Drew, " 11, - Henry Crowell, tt 12, Daniel Baker, " 13, - William & Alfred White, lumber fur bridges, Alfred White, do., John K. & B. Sears, for lumber, - Hirnm Loring, for cement, - Benjamin Berry, labor, - - Wilson V. Baker, do., - - David C:urbb, do., - Bradduck Matthews, do., - - A:exauder Baxter, labor on roads, Lot Taylor, for 1868, - — 974 75 $4,076 71 8204 90 127 25 60 00 90 56 60 00 60 00 90 20 ▪ 43 81 4980 76 20 150 83 56 81 49 50 6 86 - 125 31 49 3 00 1 40 FO 5 25 • 9 00 - 27 05 66 57 $1,292 33 °;;I, I '1 Ij f i� ( 1 vn Clerk �� . Elisha Taylor, Selectmen .services, - I1.,.. , Overseeing the Poor, lei!+ Braddock Matthews, Selectmen services, - I'.'i1 I 46 « horse hire, - I !I I Overseeing the Poor, - r i` ° Thacher Taylor, Selectmen services, - 1' � 1 46 " Overseeing the Poor, I K 64 horse hire, - I' Stationery, �I 4 �II� -T ti � 8 CLEARING ROADS FROM SNOW. Benoni Baker,-- - Henry Crowell, - Geora H. Baker, Jeremiah -Bray, - Sylvanus Whelden, Charles Ellis, David Sears, - Jabez Perry, - Benjamin Hallett, - Eliakim Studley, - Daniel Baker,.- - $3 00 7 20 8 40 2 81 6 55 6 65 1 00 2 00 4 60. 3-55 1 95 $47 71 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Paid Jeremiah Bray, for warning Jurors and Town $s27 20 Meetings, - William P. Davis, settling with Treasurer, 2. yrs., 15 00 Assessors, dividing road money and limiting surveyors, 28 00 50 Paid Fish Committee, - Dr. George Shove, services as School Committee, 45 00 Isaiah Horner, notifying Town Meetings and 11 45 Town Officers, - 33 00 Zeno Baker, services as School Committee, - 35 00 Heenan B. Chase, do., - - - 7 50 Assessors, for enrolling militia, 66 State, County and Town Taxes, - 90 50 00 „ non-resident Bank Stock, - - 7 50 ,4 number of scholars, - William P. Davis, recording births and deaths, 32 80 „ K expenses oing to Cotuit, - 7 50 « « services o. & Treas., 7 00 - 350 00 11 75 30 42 28 25 9 00 32 50 19 96 10 00 4 18 $606 01' 9 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Thomas Bray, - Lothrop Hallett, - - Elijah K. Arey, - George T. Thacher & Co., Oliver Gorham, Seth G. Rogers, - Peter Pineo, MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Benjamin Hallett, rent land hearse -house, - State Nautical School, for William M. Baker, 66 44 44 ., Edgar F. Baker, Rcuben.Ryder, recording of births and deaths, - 64 " lock for hearse -house, - - William Whelden, surveying limits between Barnsta- ble and Yarmouth, - - - , 3 00 Heman B. Chase, services and expenses going to Bos- ton, on bridge, - - - - 10 00 Eli Hinckley, damage on horse and carriage, - .15 00 H. A. Davis, for adjusting weights and measures, 9 00 Asa E. Matthews, setting fence on School House lot, 8 22 1 Amariah Whelden, five years rent of land for pound, 7 50 Samuel Thacher, taking care of hearse, - 2 50 William Gray, rent of land for pound, - . i3 00 Jabez Lewis, taking care of hearse, - 2 50 Zenas Wood, returning births and deaths,- 1 90 2 50 32 00 00 1 60 - 2 00 - 12 25 - 6 00 $123 00 1 10 2 75 28 05 8 90. 24 15 • 3 15 $191 10 $5 00 19 50 19 50 3 40 1 00 66 taking care hearse, - - - Seth Hamblin, rent of land for pound, 2 years, William Eldridge, for bier for W. Yarmouth cemetery, Elisha Taylor, Josiah Taylor, work around Town House, Thacher & Taylor, for coffin for stranger, - George A. King, legal advice, - $140 37 • 'i i•. 1 • '.: 10 PRINTINQ AND. ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, printing School Commitee Report, $16 0(k. " printing notices and Town expenses, 49 5(L _'..$65 5e-. ' STATE AID PAID TO VOLUNTEERS, OR THEIR HEIRS, YR011 JANUARY 14th, 1869. TO JANUARY 200,1870. Paid to Geeorge. W. Eldridge, - - - $193 0( Emily Robbins, - - 40 01 Sylvanus Cash, - - - 96 Oi John F. Burt, - - 32 Oi. $361 Oi TOWN TREASURER, .Cr. By amount paid by the in Town Orders: For Support of .the Poon in the Almshouse, - $2,297 2' In Town- and Out of Almshouse, - - - To other Cities and Towns, Repairs on. School. Houses, Schools in Town, - - Repair on Roadsand Bridges, Clearing. Snow, Town Officers' and Committees'. fees. Remittance of Taxes, - MiscelIaneous.Expenses, --• - Printing..and advertising, • • - State Aid to Families, -•• - • ,944 S. - 320 1 - ' 575 9 - 4,096 7 ' - 1,232 3: 47 606 ..191 :140 65 5 361 (. 1 From Andrew II. Eldridge, for 1867,. " • " " « " 1868, "46 46 46 " 1869, Balance in Treasury, - To vu Order Outstanding, _.; 534-02 775.37 3,774 67 7,291 23 801 43 . TOWN, ___ Town Orders outstanding, - Notes to Individuals, a- . _ _ Sears' School .Fund, - r _- Estimated Interest, - _ Andrew H. Eldridge, collecting /axes, - Support of the Poor in and out of House, TOWN VREASIIRER, Amount raised by the Town and otherwise Treasury, as follows: For the Support of the Poor and other Town Expenses, For the Support of Schools, 0 For Roads and Bridges, 1 1 To pay Town Debts, $10,918 Amount paid by. the:Treasurer_on Notes, $500 00 Interest -on Notes, - - - -• - . 1,646 35 Recruiting Money refunded, • • - .10 .00 State Tax,. • - - . 3,800.00 County.Tax, - • - 1,215 80 Non-resident Bank -Stock,- - - .. 224.28 -- $7,396 •. i _Due from Wm..P. Davis for Taxes, 1864, .202 04 " " « It " f{ 1865, 417 67 1866, 352 88 $'972 .:•13;176,79 $32,463 79 • Dr. :%$1,485 93 - 9,900 00' - 16,098 48 - 365 00 :_-600 00 150 00 $28,599 41 Dr. received into the $3,500 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 Rec'd from State Treasurer for State Aid, 409 93 $10,500 00 Corporation Tax, - Income School Fund, from Fish Committee, Bethiah Crowell, Town of Barnstable, Daniel Baker, - Braddock Matthews, hay, State Tax, - County Tax, _ Tax on non-resident Bank stock, - Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, for taxes last year, - 1,590 87 151 52___.._____ 537 50 12 00 7 50 7 00 8 00 3,800 00 1,215 80 7,740 12 154 96 7,193 35 1 , 1 11 I It m 10 rnartiiii G AND..ADYERTISING. Charles F. Swift, printing School Commitee Report, $16 00 46 printing notices"and Town expenses, 49 50 . .$65 50 STATE AID PAID TO VOLUNTEERS, OR THEIR HEIRS, FROM JANUARY 14th,1869. TO JANUARY 20t11, 1870. - $193 00 - 40 00 - 96 00 - 32 00 . Paid to Geeorge. W. Eldridge, Emily Robbins, - Sylvanus Cash, - John F. Burt, - $361 00 TOWN TREASURER, .Cr. By amount paid by the Selectmen in Town Orders: - $2,297 20 - :944 85 - 320 15 - 575 92 - 4,096 71 • - - 1,292 33 47 71 606 01 - 191 10 140 37 65 50 361 00 For Support of the Poor in the Almshouse, __ In Town. and Out of. Almshouse, - To other. Cities and Towns, . - Repairs ,on .School I:Louses, Schools in Town, -. - • - Repair on Roada and Bridges, ••- - .Clearin v.Snow, - .. Town Officers' and Committees'. fees. Remittance of Taxes, - - Miscellaneous .Expenses, - - - Printing..and advertising, - - • - State Aid to Families, --• - -- - $10,918 85 Amount paid by thr. Treasurer:on Notes,._, 0300 00 Interest on Notes,- - • - Recruiting Money refunded, State Tax,. • - County .Tax, - - . Non-resident Bank:Stock,- 1,646 35 10 00 3,800.00 1,215 80 . 224 28 $7,396 43 .Due from Wm. P. Davis for Taxes, 1864,. 202 04 • 66 <• 1865, 417 67 [L 66 1866, 352 88 $972 59 1 1 . IYII I. . 11 1 111 ■ 1 1 „LECs . Jhll Ili! 1 1111. 11I1IIIJ111�:a1IiI1.111111 _:11 From Andrew YL Eldridge, for 1867,: " «1868, 46 66 46 " 1869, Balance in Treasury, - Town Order Outstanding, : r TOWN, 1 Town Orders outstanding, - 1 .. Notes to Individuals, . - 1 : Sears' School Fund, - Estimated Interest, - - . Andrew H. Eldridge, collecting taxes, - Support of the Poor in and out of House, WWI 1101111 111. 111 i 534'02 775- 37 3,774 67 7,291 23 801 43 .13,178 19 $32,463 79 Dr. $1,485! 93 • - - 9,900 00 - = 16,098 48 • - _ : 365 00 - - :. 600 00 150 00 TOWN-2REASURER, Amount raised by the Town and otherwise re Treasury, as follows: For the Support of thePoor and 'other Town Expenses, For the Support of Schools, For Roads and Bridges, - To pay Town Debts, - - $3,500 4,000 1,000 2,000 Rec'd.from State Treasurer for State Aid, 409 Corporation Tax, - .1,590 Income School Fund, 151 from Fish Committee, 537 Bethiah.Crowell, - 12 Town of Barnstable, - 7 Daniel Baker, - - 7 Braddock Matthews, hay, 8 State Tax, - - - 3,800 County Tax, - 1,215 Tax on non-resident Bank stock, - 154 Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, for taxes last year, 7,193 $28,599 41 Dr. ceived into the 00 00 00 00 _ $10,500 00 93 87 52 50 00 50 00 00 00 80 96 35 7,740 12 12 Do. William P. Davis, do., - 1,058 47 Balance in Treasury, do., - 4,330 96 12,737 74 $30,977 86. Town Orders unpaid up to date, - - - 1,485 93 TOWN, Due from Wm. P. Davis, taxes, - Andrew H. Eldridge, State, - - - Balance in the Treasury, - Town Apdeos, 0-1-3^(--g g I - $32,463 79 Cr. $972 59 - 5,084 06 360 00 - 7,291 23 - 14,891 53 $28,599 41 THACHER TAYLOR, ) Selectmen BRAI)DOCK MATTHEWS,of )} ELISHA TAYLOR, Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, January 20, 1870. III J II HI EXPENSES Or TH* TOWN OF YAIUIOUTII, FOR THY YEAR 1870, E1•1DI1\TC3- AT.. 20,, 1877 YARMOUTH PORT: REGISTER JOB PRINTING ESTABLISij? .1sm I .1 11111111 1 1 _ LII IL 1, 111,�L1 REPORT. FOR THE SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Shoes for Rebecca Lothrope, - - in 25 Nathan Hallett, shoes, - - - - 7 49 Gorham Taylor, labor for Almshouse, cut wood, 17 30 Joshua Hamblin, mending shoes, - - 2 79 Jesse Taylor, carting wood to Almshouse, - 18 60 David G. Eldridge, for use of team, - - . 3 40 '° 46 supplies to Ahnshouse, -. 4 60 Asa E. Matthews, labor on Almshouse, and axe handle, - - - - 412 Francis Kelley, Almshouse, - 135 00 46 46 supplies do., - - 7 62 {l {I taking Geo. Randall Kelley, - 50 00 Seth Walker, white -washing at Almshouse. 10 00 Lot Hallett, coal, - - 19 00 Nathaniel Swift, pigs, - - - 33 66 Anthony Montcalm, - - 3 36 James Ellis, exchanging cows, - 27 50 Winchester, Talbot & Upham, - 64 24 Samuel Thacher, - 47 22 Daniel A. Page, - - - 18 00 Gorham Taylor, labor at the Almshouse,- 17 50 Polly E. Matthews, dress making at Almshouse, 7 61 Nathan Grush, supplies at Almshouse, - - 22 07 Daniel B. Crocker, do., - - - 49 93 Benjamin Matthews, labor, - 2 13 Gorham Taylor, do., - - - 5 50 Hannah Ryder, making shirts for' inmates, - 3 00 Nathan T. Hallett, supplies to almshouse, 18 68 4 Elijah K. Arey, keeping Almshouse, <• sup )lies " - James Knowles & Co., - Lot Hallett, Coal, - - Joel 13. Hall, Stove and tinware, E. D. Payne, - - - -Rufus E. Holmes, - - - Dr. Geo. Shove, medical attendance, Elisha Parker, supplies, • _ Sylvester Baker, & Co., - - Reuben Ryder, going with hearse E. C., John Hale, medicine, - - Watson Ryder, labor, - - Seth Taylor, labor, - - D. G..Eldriilge, do.,. .- Thachcr & Taylor, do., - Edward B. Hallett, do., Benjamin Hallett, 2d., - Harveyy Snow, shoes, .. - Hinckley & Hallett, lumber, - Matthews C. Hallett, - - - Andrew H. Eldridge, team, Joseph Bassett, do., - -- • - - - Thacher Taylor, - . - - 1 acre wood standing, - µ N 125 00 12 84 151 45 52 50 13 52 77 139 90 20 00 25 34 110 99 1 50 9 63 5 64 16 75 7 61 45 1 20 _ 6 00 6 80 • 14 58 30 01 33 67 1 58 • 600 00 50 00 2,136 91 SUPPORT OF POOa JN TOW .N'�D OUT OF SHOUS Paid for supplies for \\' id. Mercy Matthews, - $11 00 Priscilla Cash, - - - - 23 00 State Nautical School for W. Baker, and 1 28 Edgar F. Baker, - - - Dr. Paseo, medical attendance Thomas Tay- lor's family, Dr. Pineo, do., Edwin Taylor's -family. - 1075 Supplies to Cynthia Taylor, - - 309 GO 00 Chas. Thacher, rent, ,Vid. Thacher Taylor, State Nautical school for Charles Olar, - 7 00 Dr. Pinco, medical attendance on J. Chase's 25 00 family, - - - AIN .111 WI 1 I1.1.1111II IIIIII u6WWUYaulk' Benoni Baker, supplies to Priscilla Cash, 4.50; • going With hearse, 1.50, • - - Elnathan.Eldridge, digging grave and sod - din.', Supplies to Priscilla Cash. - Board for Elisha Cash's wife, - Phebe Lewis, boarding- Cha. Layman, Elam Macarta, boarding Priscilla Cash, State Nautical school, for Chas. Olar, . - Lucy Crocker, supplies, - - Dr. H. Harris, medical attendance on J. Chase's tinnily, - Alvan Crosby, Crosby, supplies to O. Blish's family, Supplies to wid. Bethiah Crowell, - Josiah F. Baker, - - - - Dr. Pitcher, med. attendance on Polly Webber, Sam'1. Cobb, keeping John Brook's child, Sam'l. Gray, boarding Juliana Gage, Supplies to wid. Thacher-Taylor, ,- Lovey Bearse, - Ellen Baxter, - Wid. Ruth Hedge, Alvan D. Bearse, - \\'id. Sarah Crowell, - W'id. Thankful Baker, - Nathan Baker, - - \\'id. Temperance Baxter, Elizabeth Coffin, John Gorham, - Mary Ann Baxter, • - W id. Anna Baker, . - �+ Sarah A. Chase, N 6 00 3 00 .30 77 16 67 15 00 50 00 6 50 15 00 - 6 00 71 55 20 00 15.03 10 00 78 00 55 42 9 00 4 25 425 52200 2. 39 69 05 38 27 145 28 33 75 12 75 62 83 36 46 4 25 17 00 1,074 35 PAID OTHER i'ITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR. Paid Town of Harwich, for Samuel Taylor and family, Town of Orleans, firr'Eda in Chase's family, Town of Barnstable, for Thos. Brooks' tinnily City of New Bedford, for Harriet Eldridge, City of Springfield, for Lucy Crocker, - 322 38 15 00 15 00 • 53 81 29 27 13.5 76 !' }` REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. L f NORTH SIDE. Calvin Hallett, painting, - - Henry Bassett, lime, - - - William Anderson, on road and sidewalk, James Knowles & Co., I. L. Hammet, - Luther Baker, - Gorham Taylor, 2d., - - Benoni Baker, 1.37, Freeman Howes, 1.25, Matthews C. Hallett, John Hinckley, - Joel B. Hall, - Asa E. Matthews, . - R. H. Harris, - - SOUTH SIDE. Russell D. Farris, stove and pipe, Allen Farris, do., - - Loring Baker, _ Bartlett White, Barnstable Mutual Ins. Co., - WEST SIDE. Labor on school house, - Barnstable Mutual Ins. Co., - SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Teacher's salaries, - - - Crocker & Matthews, coal, - Manchester Hallett, carting coal, N. Adams, sawing wood, ' - Gorham Taylor, do., - Asa E. Matthews, wood, - Sylvanus Whelden, do., - Howes Taylor, taking care of schgol house, School books, - - - Expense on school books, - - Pond• Village school house, David G. El- dridge, taking care house, - - 6 50 1 50 129 47 9 00 6 25 31 50 6 50 2 62 15 39 11 20 8 25 21 24 4 75-4254 17 33 15 4 51 1 54 27 31 6 25— 72 76 14 35 11 25— 25 60 352 53 01,263 75 82 54 9 00 1 75 4 80 16 00 9 50 60 00 24 16 5 55• 5 00— 218 30 1,482 05 -7 SOUTH SIDE Teachers' salaries, - - Bill; wood, - - - 11'ing & Akin, bill, 1869 - Stephen Wing, bill, - - Zeno Baker, taking care of house, I. C. Boomer, cleaning house, - Books, - - - , 1,371 49 52 00 25 99 27 08 40 00 18 13 6 68— _ 169 88 WEST SIDE. Teachers' salaries, - . - Freeman H. Crowell, books and stationery, 35 Taking care of house, - - 12 1,541 37 832 66 78 • 00— 47 78 3,903 86 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS. Oliver Hallett, D;strict No. 1, . Reuben Hyder, as " 2, Wm. Anderson, " " 3, Svlvanus Whelden,1869" as Jesse T t) lor, '• Laban Baker, 2d. " Orlando Baker, " Braddock Matthews, Eliakim Studley, as lleman B. Chase, " Theodore Drew, " Benj. Baxter,1869 " Charles Baker, " James Kelley, " Daniel Baker,1869" as 5, " 6, as 7, as 8, " 9, " 10, " 11, " " as 12, as 13, " " 95 07 152 45 107 90 28 50-- 136 40 64 25 64 39 80 65 78 83' 60 68 77 55 64 24 10 40----74 64 70.34 50 40 17 30— 67 70 CLEARING ROADS -.FROM SNOW. Reuben Ryder, William Anderson, 1,022 95: 06 70 16 75 James Kelley, - Jesse Taylor, - Lot Taylor, - Laban Baker, 2d., Charles Baker, - •435 7 89 5 60 90 6 90 Samuel Thacher, 9 49 09 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Clark, Dexter, & Scn, bill, - $6 80 Braddock Matthews, do., - - - 4 >r6 - Ileman B. Chase, cn the Bass River Bridges, - - - - 86 25 87 50 J. M. Day, for services - - 75 00 7 50 Rent of building for weights & measures, 12 (.0 50 00 Jabez Lewis, taking care of hearse Iwuee; 33 00 - ' and labor on Cemetery, - - 35 00 Paid Miller W. Nickerson, for town's . 8 00 share Upper Bridges, . - - 7 5C Zaddock Crowell, paid for heir, • - Albert 1l. Bassett, repairing hearse at 22 15 West Yarmouth. - - - Labor on hearse house, Plank, posts and labor cn Cemetery, - Reuben Ryder, taking the number of deaths, - - - - 1 50 Zenas Wood, taking care of hearse, and number of deaths, - - - 4 James B. Crocker, for complaint against Anthony Ellis, - - - 7 50 437 0ti Elisha Taylor, paid expenses, - - 85 Thacher Taylor, writing letters and paid expenses, - Copying State bill, and making out State Aid, - - - 54 00 Thacker Taylor and Braddock Matthews, for horse hire, - - .- Repairs on Pound at S. Yarmouth, - TOWN OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE'S FEES. Assessors dividing road money and limiting Sur- veyors, - - - - - Auditor's settling with town Treasu'er, - - Varnum Lincoln, services as School Committee, - Zeno Baker, do., - Heman B. Chase, do., - I. C. Boomer, do., - - Assessors for enrolling the Militia, - - Isaiah Homer, notifying town meeting and town officers, - - - - - Assessors for assessing State, Town, and Coun- ty taxes, -. - N on -resident's Lank stock. Number of scholars, -- - - Jeremiah Bray, for warning Jurors and Officers, - - Services of Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, 97 50 7 50 • - 7 50— 13 00 Town 5 00 148 91 • REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Zenas Baxter, - Eli Hinckley, - Eldridge Sears, Orin ears, - Winthrop S. Baker, Joshua Baker, - Edmund Robinson, Samuel Eldridge, Isaac B. Gage, - Solomon Taylor, Eleizer Nickerson, - 3 62 20S 51• 1 CO 13 CO* - 7 47 660 50 4 95 3 30 92 2 92 2 00 2 30 2 00 6 20 8 00 12 19n 2 00 11 48 . -2 CO 48 78• 40 50" - • 1 75— 467 59 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Paid Chas. F. Swift, for printing School Com- mittee's Report, notices and town expenses, 080 50 10 STATEAID TO FROMJAN. 20,118 0,J TO JAN. 1RS 011 7, IR HEIRS 87 Paid Oliver Lovell, John F. Burt, Albert Taylor, Emily Robbins, - Geo. V. Eldridge, Syivanus Cash, - $488 00 88 00 96 CO 56 00 4000 96 00 . £64. 00 f"1 TO N TREAS'UL'ER DR. TO AMOUNT RAISED BY TOWN AAD OTIE1iWAYS 111:0.11171.7.1 TRE TREASURY. For the support of the Poor, •• awls, - Roads And Bridges, To pay Town debts, State Aid, - Corporation tax, - - Treasury from "school fluid, - From Fish Committee 1869-70, - State tax, - County tax, - • From dog 1iecnses, For services from T. Taylor, From Daniel I3aker, " - Froin other towns, - t Taxes assessed and collected, For stoves, - - Tax on Non-resident's Bank stock, Due from Andrew II. Eldridge, from 44 taxes,- From axes,-From Williiun P. Davis, Balance in treasury, Addition to tax 1869, Oyer -lays on taxes, 3,500 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 2,000 CC -10,500 00 X00 00 1,658 65 163 16 756 50 3,800 00 1,402 84 93 83 15 00- 6 00 19 48 14 20 1 37 204 01 — 245 06 7,407 40 68 23 74— 15,689 05 322 74 8,139.98 • 944 7,291 45 Town orders outstanding to date Jan. 20, 1671, 24,946 83 1,137 03 33,809 80 TOWN TREASURER By amount paid out by the Selectmen in -town orders:" For the support of the Poor in the .Ahnshouse, - In town and out of the Ahnshouse, - Other - Other Cities and Towns, Repairs on school houses, - - Schools, - - - 3,903 86 Labor and materials on roads and bridges, - - 1,022 95 Clearing roads from snow, 49 09 — Town officers' fees, - -- 437 06 Remittance of taxes, - 48 78 Miscellaneous expenses, 467 59 Printing and advertising, -80 50 State aid, - - 864 .00— Amount paid out by the Treas- urer without orders : Interest on notes, - State tax, - - County tax, - - - Non-residents' Bank stock, - Interest on Bass River Bridge, Town's, proportion part of Bass River Lower Bridge, - Elisha Taylor for repairs, - Taxes due from W.. P. Davis, in 1864, - . -, - 1865, - 1836, - - - Due from Andrew H. Eldridge in 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, Taxes in addition to tax of 1869, Town or.lcrs outstanding, . - Balance in the Treasury, TOWN Town orders outstanding, • Individual notes, 1.669-01 3;800 "00 1,402 84 204 -01 • 52 - 2,135 185 202 409 333 494 615 -971 5,326 45. 1,485 3,955 2,126.91.-. 1,074 35 .135 76 352 53 8,675 45 1;897'98 63 41— 9,397 42 04, 07' 57— 944 68 02 37 50 51— 7,407 40 74 93 25 — 5,486 92 33,809 80 DR. $1,137 03 9,900 00 -r i 12 'EXPENSES ._ Sears fund, note, - - - 16,123 53 i _ • . ..,' • Eitimated interest on the same, - - - 325 00 Due Andrew H. Eldridge, for collecting taxes, - 900 00 1 Support of the poor in town and out ot the Alms- '' . • • - - - , House, - - 200 00 1 OF THE 28,585 t6 ' 1 _ I TOWN CR. I rrA Due from Wm. P. Davis, Treasurer, - $944 68 1 LO -- „ r ji , m e_.,.., .z.D (.t 0 ,: 0 • -0 <;,.; <- :# " Andrew H. Eldridge, - 7,407 40 I ; c,_ -,' -',4 1 " State for State Aid, . • 864 00 ,..... Balance in Treasury, . . • 3,955 25 15,414 23 Town owes, - . I, 28,585 56 THACHER TAYLOR, .Felectmen ELISHA TAYLOR, of BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, Yarmouth. YABatouni, Jan. 20, 187L FOR THE YEAR 1871. .YARMOUTH PORT: -BEG ISTER J013 PRINTING ESTABIASIIMENT. 1872. REPO}. FOR THE SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Paid the estate of M. C. Hallett, supplies, - *7 59 Elijah H. Arey, keeping Alms House, - 125 00 Jesse Taylor, carting wood, - - 17 36 Nathan Hallett, - - - 6 25 J. W. Higgins, shoats, - • - 30 25 Anthony Montcalm, labor, - 15 32 Daniel A. Page, for supplies, - 17 50 Kilborn Taylor, coffin, etc., - 23 86 Winchester, Talbot & Upham, 66 73 Nathan T. Hallett, supplies, - - 3 89 Nathan W. Grush, " - 25 65 Andrew 11. Eldridge, " - - 111 71 James Knowles & Co., " - 164 38 Betsey Tobey, - - 2 71 John Matthews, keeping almshouse, 112 50 David D. Kelley, supplies, 12 15 William Anderson, labor, 8 00 Gorham Taylor, " - - 2 59 E. D. Payne, supplies, - - 27 7L Wilson V. Baker, digging grave, - 1 50 Elisha Parker, supplies, - - 21 05 Dr. George Shove, medical attendance.- 14 00 Joel B. Hall, supplies, - - 13 50 John Hale, " - - - 35 55 Sylvester Baker, Jr., & Co., supplies, - 6 68 Rufus E. Holmes, " - - 157 17 Joshua Hamblin, supplies, R. H. Harris, Stephen Wing, Thacher Taylor, Lot Hallett, LL L[ - *3 20 - 6 00 2 10 - 496 27 - 85 75—*1,633 92 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN,' AND OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. Paid Dr. H. Harris, medical attendance, N. Robinson, supplies to Josiah Baker, Josiah F. Baker, - Charles Thacher, house rent, Widow Thacher Taylor, Edwin Taylor, - John Gray, - - Ellen Baxter, - Temperance Baxter, - Dr. George Shove, medical attendance, - Archelus Phillips, - - Judah Chase, supplies, - William Nickerson, supplies, Sally Greenough, " Julianna Gage, John Brooks' child, Widow Ruth Cash, Ruth Hedge, Mary Ann Baxter, John Gorham, " -- Widow Thankful Baker, supplies, *5 00 1 87 7 00 30 00 20 00 - - 13 25 - 13 25 4 00 29 00 900 - 15 04 - 10 90 37 29 - 44 03 46 91 57 00 - 208 00 41 75 74 99 38 57 LL LL LL LL Elizabeth Coffin, °` - 59 38 Sarah Crowell, " - 81 03 Alvin B. Bearse, " - 34-40 Nathan Baker, i` - 152 76 Sylvester Bearse, " - 32 50 Lizzy Wixon, " - 45 00 Samuel Robbins, " - 38 70 State Nautical School, for Charles Olar, 16 21-41,166 83 5 PAID OTHER .CITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR. Paid Town of Harwich for Samuel Taylor, - *11 02 " Barnstable for Ellen Baxter, - 18 50 expenses burying Squire Millard, - - 23 (0 Barnstable for Molly Webber's supplies, - - - 11 00 Barnstable for Reuben Chase's children, - - City of N. Bedford for Harriet Eldridge, " " Springfield for Lucy,- Crocker, -• LL LL LL LL LL 15 83 4032. 14 00- *i33 67 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. NORTH BIDE. Paid Matthews C. Hallett, - Luther Baker, - James Knowles, - Charles M. Bray, Charles G. Hallett, Joel B. Hall, - '1'hacher Taylor, - Luther Baker, cleaning House, - Labor, etc., - - - (ieorge. H. Carey, blackboard, - SOUTH YARMOUTH. Paid Barnstable Co. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., repairs on School House, - laborer, cleaning House, - - repairs and fixtures, - $19 50 31 47 14 39 12 34 16 71 8 09 3 88 10' 00 3 98 2 60-- X122 96 - $6 05 50 '1850 - 75 42-8105 47 WEST YARMOUTH. Paid iliman B. Chase, repairs on School . House, etc, -. . - - " - *24 57 repairs on clock, . - 1 00 cleaning House,- 8 50—$34 07 8262 50 l 6 SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, - *1,157 50 -Crocker & Matthews, coal, - *61 25 _Manchester Hallett, carting coal, - - 6 30 William Anderson and Chas. M. Bray, wood,- 36 50 Nathaniel Adams, sawing wood, - - 9 50 Hawes Taylor and others, taking care House, 83 00 Mercy Taylor, books.- - - 27 70— 224 25 *1,381 75 SOUTH1 ARMORTH. Salaries of teachers, - - Vanuey Crowell, care of House, Elisha Taylor and others, wood, Crayons and iuk, - W 1i5T YARMOUTH. Salaries of teachers, - - One map, - - Care of House, Washburn Baker, wood, TOTAL, - $1,359 99 - *68 00 - 50 00 5 64—$123 64 *1,483 63 *615 00 *5 00 - 25 00 - 41 25— 71 25 $3.551 63 *686 25 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROAMS AND BRIDGES. Paid Lot Taylor, District No. 3. . Orlando Baker, " " 7, Theodore Drew," " 11, Jesse Taylor, " " 4, Samuel Matthews, . Nathan W. Grush, __James Ellis, Daniel Baker, Zeno Baker, Joshua Baker, • • • *74 07 9 47 6 40 ^5 200 74 41 10 • 68 50 ▪ 46 40 • 94 53 • 64 53 1 f 7 Elisha Taylor, . . $221 72 William Anderson, . 114 42 W. & A. White, lumber, P. bridge and Ware bridge, . 17 08 B. Matthews, P. bridge, . . 158 96 Albert Berry,. " . - 82 52 Howes Berry, " CC . 75 00 Charles Ellis, " " 65 00 Washburn Baker, " . 101 35. Harrison Hallett, : 204 85 Reuben Ryder, . 75 30 Davis Crowell, . . : 80 96-41,803 63 CLEARING ROADS FROM SNOW. Paid Lot Taylor, , Theodore Drew, . Jesse Taylor, . Heenan B. Chase, Albert Berry, . Howes Berry, . William Anderson, Braddock Matthews, Laban Baker, 2d, Nathan W. Grush, Harrison Hallett, Reuben Ryder, . James Ellis, . Charles Ellis, . Washburn Baker, Joshua Baker, . Daniel Baker, . David Chubbs and others, Davis Crowell, . *9 90 3 20 18 90 2 50 19 70 8 43 69 03 1 35 15 74 23 15 23 15 19 16 31 93 33 40 10 80 20 75 5 25 2 50 12 80—$331 64 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. William P. Davis, services, . . *75 00 " " " recording births and deaths, 62 90 8 Auditors, settling with Town Treasurer, , 810 00 Varnum Lincoln, serving School Committee,' . _50 00 Ileman B. Chase, School -Committee,. • 35 00 1)aniel Wing, . - Gf " 25 00 Charles M. Bray, warning Town Meeting . and Jurors, . . . .20 44 -Isaiah Homer, warning Town Meeting and .furors, . . Andrew H. Eldridge, collecting taxes 1867, 1868 and 1869, Services of Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, Assessors for. assessing taxes and enrolling militia, . . . • 16 25 for 831 63 153 49 155 00--81,431 71 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Rodman R. Nickerson, Theodore F. Drew, . Sophrona Baxter, wrong tax, . John A. Baxter, Allen Baxter, . Isaac Taylor, -. Jabez Lewis, . Charles M. Bran, . 81 05 . 2 10 264 00 66 00 66 00 8 25 2 00 2 10-411 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. ]louse of Correction, Barnstable, Solomon Crowell, 4( Susan. T. Brooks, " " • Chas. H. Weaver, lknajah Whclden for land and moving fence, . Allen Baxter for land and moving fence, . Sarah L. Hallett for land.and moving fence, . Jabez Lewis on hearse and burying ground fence, and taking care of hearse, 4 55 Reuben Ryder, taking care of hearse an▪ d repairs, 2 93 Bowes Berry for extinguishing fire in the woods, • 12 00 Zenas.Wood, taking care hearse and returning births and deaths, .. 9 A. H. Bassett, repairs on hearse, . Benjamin Hallett, 2d, for rent of laud for hearse -horse, Joseph B. Homer, setting tires on hearse, . Wing & Akin, lettering guide board, . Wing & Akin, back bill, . Thacher Taylor, . . . Horse hire, Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews,. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. • Charles F. Swift, printing Town Report, etc., . George Otis, printing School Committee Report, $2 30 a 00 1 00 3 75 12 23 1163 51 25 8206 34 $45 00 20 70 $65 70 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR 'HEIRS, FROM JANUARY 17TH, 1871, TO JANUARY 16TH, 1872. George W. Eldridge, $104 00 Oliver Lovell, . 90 00 50 John F. Burt, . 48 00 Emily Robbins, . 44 00 Sylvanus Cash, . 96 00 William Mitchell, 36 00. 8900 1-3 20 21 30) 7 00 8 00 40 00 4 30 -'r -- 8418 00 t.' TOWN TREASURER. DR To AMOUNT RAISED BY THE TOWN, AND OTHERWISE RECEIVED INTO THE TREASURY: -, For the support of the Poor, • $3,500 00 Schools, •3,500 00 Roads and Bridges, .• 2,000 00 To pay Town Debts,• 2,000 00 Overlays on Taxes, . ▪ 171 95 Received from State Treasurer, State ▪ Aid,. 480 00 Corporation Tax, . . 1,444 44 from School Fund, . • 202 02 for Dog Licenses returned, 43 27 from Fisi. Committee, . 505 75 for cow s ,1d, 90 00 sundries of T. Tay▪ lor, . 15 45 from Braddock Matthews, 1 50 for pedlars' licenses, • 32 00 " State Tax, . 3,800 00 " County Tax, . . 1,402 84 Due on Tax bills, 1871, • 8,352 08 Balance in. Treasury, 1871; . . 3,955 17 .Non-resident Bank stock, . . 4,788 03 Orders outstanding, Jan. 1872, . 1,035 83 " ti • '' ft $37,320 33 I- TOWN TREASURER, CR BY AMOUNT PAID BY THE SELECTMEN For the support of the Poor in the Alms-- house, lms-house, . For the support of the Po.:r in Town and out of Almshouse, • . To other Cities and Towns, Repairs of School houses, . Schools in Town, Repair of Roads and Bridges, Cleaning Roads of snow, Town officers' and committee fees,. Remittance of Taxes, Miscellaneous Expenses, - Printing and Advertising, State Aid to families; Amount paid by Treasurer on notes, State Tax, . County Tax,. . • ON TOWN ORDERS: $1,633 92 1,166 83 133 67 362 50 3,551 63 1,803 63 331 64 1,434 71 411 50 206 34 65 70 418 00 2,304 38 3,800 00 1,402 84 Taxes. due from Wm. P. Davis, $890.27 • " " " A. H. Eldridge, 5,125 27— 6,015 Torn orders outstanding last year, 1,14 Balance of Bank Tax, 2,680 Balance in Treasury. 8,557 95 02 87 20 $37,320 33 ;i !1 t • t 12 TOWN, DR. Town Orders outstanding January 16,'72, $1,035 83 Town hired of individuals, . 9,133'34 Estimated interest, . . . . 333 00 Sears School Fund, . • . 16,096 71 Andrew H. Eldridge, collect▪ ing taxes, . 400 00 Supporting the Poor in and out of the house, . 300 00 • TOWN, CR. Taxes due from William P. Davis, . . $890 27. Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, . . 5,125 68 Due for State Aid, . • • : . . 1,000 (k' Balance in the Treasury, . . 8,557 20 Town owes, . . 11,725 73 $27,298 88 $27,298 88 • Tow)]. DEBT REDUCED, $3,688 50 THACHER TAYLOR, )) Selectn en ELISHA TAYLOR, } of BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, j) Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, January, 22, 1872. • EXPENSES - OF FOR THE YEAR i 1872. Ai •" YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: REGISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1873. P • 'Y • a • y • • REPORT. . • FOR THE SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOIISE. Paid Charles Thacher, 1 acre wood, . 846 75 Samuel Thacher, supplies, . . 35 27 James Knowles & Co., supplies, . .116 69 John Matthews, keeping almshouse, , . 225 00 Winchester, Talbot & Upham, 40 00 Charles Thacher, for cow, . 42 00 Paint and painting almshouse, .. 175 89 Nathan T. Hallett, supplies, . 14 56 Sylvanus Cash, for steer, &c., 50 00 Joh:. Hinckley, lumber, • . 8 81 Seth Taylor, supplies, . . 9 12 50 Nathan W. Grush, supplies, . 22 32 Benoni Baker, _ 16 00 . Braddock Matthews. " 1 50 Watson Ryder, labor, 11 70 Gorham Taylor, " 6 00 Lot Hallett, for coal, . 54 00 Dr. George Shove, medical attendance, .. 14 00 Harvey Snow, repairing shoes, . . 2 12 Kilborn M. Taylor, coffin for T. Crowell, 15 25 .. « ' harrow' and sundries, 17 71 • • 4 E. D. Payne, supplies, S. Baker & Co., Joel B. Hall, . Elisha Parker; Russell D. Farris; John Hale, 64 {0 Rufus E. Holmes, f[ Thacher Taylor, a Jesse Taylor, carting•wood, *33 73 40 49 29 04 24 68 22 79 38 00 265 04 470 90 13 02 *1,865 76 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- HOUSE. Supplies to Dustin Baker. *53 00 Judah Cliasc, to supplies, 20 00 t : Mr. Gardner, . a . . 9 50 Alvin Crosby, supplies to 0. Blish's family for 2 years, 168 97 Mrs. Ruth Hedge, . .. . 94 10 Wid. Thacher Taylor, house rent, . . 30 00 . Dr. Pineo and Dr. Shove, medical attendance on 1! Nancy Cahoon, . . 84 90 Nancy Brooks, boarding John Brooks' child, 35 78 Wid. Barzillia Baker, for board, 44 00 Elnathan Eldridge, supplies, 19 50 Sally Greenough, a49 07 Dr. George Shove, medical attendance, 18 75 James P. Cash's child's coffin, 3. 00 Mary E. Cash, coffin, &c., . 19 25 Reuben Chase's children, supplies, 53 44 Juliana Gage, 6663 18 John Gray, 2 00 Octavia Kelley, f[ 1 00 Nancy Ellis, a 9 50 . s 5 • Mary Webber, supplies, . . . . *50 00 Kilborn M. Taylor, coffin G. Cash's wife, . 6 00 A. Swift, medical attendance Lucy Gage, 3 50 Wid. Sylvester Bearse, supplies, . '20 50 Edwin Taylor, 7 00 Wid. Ellery Baxter, medical attendanc;r, 10 00 John Gorham, supplies, • 71 29 Wid. Sarah Crowell,, do., 92 75 William Nickerson, do., .. . 35 09 John Orlando, do., . . . 43 00 Wid. Charity Baker, do., 28 43 - . " Thankful Baker, do., . . 48 41 Alvan D. Bearse, do., 35 40 Wid. Ruth Cash, do., . . . 40 00 Job Cash, do., . - 17 85 . Nathan Baker, do., 118 00 Wid. Joseph Webber, do., 26 50 Ellen Baxter, dd., . 19 UO Mary A. Baxter, do., . _ . 50 50 Wid. Barnabas Bray, do., 46 62 Prentice Lewis, do., . 51 82 51,600 60 TOWN OFFICERS ANI) COMMITTEES' FEES. Varnnm Lincoln, school committee, . - *38 00 William P. Davis, services, . . . • 75 00 Auditors, settling with Town Treasurer, 8 50 Rev. John W. Dodge, school committee, • . 17 00 Daniel Wing, school committee, . . 35 00 .t « serving of sealing weights and measures, 5 00 Enoch E. Chase, school committee, . . . 40 00 Assessors, for assessing State, Town, and County tax- es, and limiting Surveyors, etc., . . Services of Selectmen and Overseers of Poor; . . • 149 50 148 97 *516 97 6 TEACHERS' SALARIES. John • W. Dodge, Committee. Salaries North Side the Town, . - Howes Taylor and Samuel Gorham, taking care house, Books and Stationery, Wood and coal, Securing Teacher, Daniel Wing, Committee, 'South Yarmouth. Teachers' salaries, Taking care of house, Cleaning house, . Sundries, &c., Income from Dog Tax, 888 50 58 94 94 09 6 53 868 13 8 137 Wood, 93 00 00 55__ - 11 19 81,296 62 248 06 1,568 65 Enoch E. Chase, Committee, West Yarmouth. Teachers' salaries, - . Taking care of house, *27 00 Cleaning house, . 8 00• Wood, - . 56 56 319 85 630 00 91.56 84,154 74 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR. ,Paid Town of Harwich for Samuel Taylor -'s family,- . *15 00 City of New Bedford for Harriet Eldridge, . 41 28 County of Barnstable for Susan Cobb, . 10 71 Taunton Hospital, for Oliver Lovell, 36 20 " " Arthur P. Crowell, . _ .24 50 County of Barnstable and Taunton Hospital for John C. Carmon, 4 52 45 *180 14 • 7 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS AND. BRIDGES. Paid Joshua Baker, District No. 6, • Elisba Taylor, on bridges, Abraham Baker, labor and• material, Theophilus Bassett, Warren H. Ryder, on bridge, W. & A. White, plank W,.re bridge, Isaiah Crowell, labor etc., . ▪ . • " " clearing town, road, Jesse Taylor, labor and material on road, Braddock Matthews, do., • Orlando Baker, do., Reuben Ryder,_ do., _ Daniel Baker, do., Benjamin Berry, do.. James Ellis, do., • .Harrison Hallett, do., • • Davis Crowell, do., Nathan W. Grush, do., William Andersoir, .do., a REMITTANCE OF TAXES. LotW. Taylor, . Frank Thacher, . Sarah Hallett, Olive M. Taylor's heirs, Alfred White, . Edmund B. Hamblin, for 1871, Isaac M. Bray, Nelson Baxter, . John Hinckley, . 86 05 269 84 31 14 100. 24 . 13 66 6 40 120 22 10 00 95 63 22.29 128 37 210 65 54 40 94 42 106 41 166 87 • 92 70 • 135 02 • 214 03 81,$78 34 82 00 6 76 33 00 12 41 8 40 33 00 2 00 1 59 3 18 5102 34 r 7 8 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Paid Reuben Ryder, taking account of deaths, . Seth H. Hamblin, rent of land for pound, Stephen Wing, rent of building 2 years, . . Jeremiah Robbins, and Frank Gage, putting out fires, . Jabez Lewis, labor on cemetery, . u taking care hearse, . Reuben Ryder, taking care hearse, Davis Crowell, labor on pound, . Committee on Town House, . William Gray, rent of land for pound, 2 years, . John G. Thacher, sign painting, . . Chas. M. Bray, notifying Town Meetings and Town officers, . . . . 18 86 Thomas Arey, damage to carriage, 4 75 Thacher Taylor, . . 14 24 Zenas Wood, taking care hearse and recording deaths, . . . .. . - 4 40 Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews, horse hire, . . . . 44 25 • w• CLEARING ROADS FROM SNOW. *4 20 J Paid Benjamin Berry, District No. 9,' . 3 00 4 William \Anderson, " " 3, 12 00 Harrison\Hallett, " " 1, Nathan W. Grush, 3 50 Jessie Taylor, 4 57 ' Davis Crowell, 2 50. Theophilus Bassett, 2 50 Isaiah Crowell, . 5 47 James Ellis, 13 00 - Orlando Baker, 3 00 Reuben Ryder, 6 00 Daniel Baker, . *146 24 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. FROM JAN. 16TH, 1872, TO JAN. 15TH, 1873. Paid William Mitchel, State Aid, Sylvanus Cash, K Ira Bearse, 44 St Geo. W. Eldridge, " • • *54 00 96 00 48 00 48 00 $244 00 *56 50 232 85 34 05 32 43 61 70 42 50 11 80 23 55 29 70 3 72 30 20 9 80 8568 80 EXPENSES ON • SCHOOL HOUSES AND REPAIRS. North Side Town, labor and materials, South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Chas. F. Swift, printing town reports, etc., . Geo. Otis, printing school reports, . 8133 64 _ 149 84 38 91 8322 39 "- . 847 50 28 50 *76 06 4. TO ci Dr. TREASURER, To AMOUNT .RAISED BY TIIE TOWN, AND OTHERWISE RECEIVED INTO. TIIE TREASURY: For the Support of the Poor, Schools, Roads and Bridges, To pay Town Debts, Painting Alms House, Overlays on Taxes, . 83,500 00 3,800 00 2,000 00 3,000 00 200 00 292 28 812,792 28 Received from State Treasurer for State Aid, 204 00 from Corporation Tax, from School Fund, . from Fish Committee, for pedlars' licenses, . from Thacher Taylor, . from County Treasurer for repairs of Bridges, . from the Town of Harwich, do., for State Tax, . Due on Tax bills, last year, Balance in the Treasury, Bank Tax, To orders outstanding January 17, 1873, o 1,197 42 174 24 596 48 24 00 9 50 158 19 31 74 2,280 00 6,015 95 8,555 40 335 17 19,582 09 1,389 76 *33,764 13 TREASURER, Cr. BY AMOUNT PAID BY TIIE SELECTME_N_IN TOWN ORDERS: For the support of the Poor in the Almshouse, . *1,865 76 For the support of the Poor in Town and out of Almshouse, To other Cities and Towns, Repair of School Houses, Schools in Town, Repair of Roads and Bridges, . Clearing the Roads from snow, . . Town officers' and committee fees, Remittance of Taxes, . Pi intin g and Advertising. Miscellaneous Expenses, . State Aid to families, . 1,600 60 • 180 14 322 39 4,154 74 1,878 34 568 80 516 97 102 34 .76 00 146 24 244 00- 811,656 32 PAID WITHOUT ORDER:. Notes and Interest, *3,765 48 Interest on Sears School Fund, 953 88 Repairs on Bridges, ► 300 00 State Tax, 2,280 00 Bank Tax, 1871, 8 28 " " non-resident, 1872, . 446 60 DUE FROM TAS BILLS: William P. Davis, Andre* H. Eldridge, Elisha Parker, Balance in the Treasury, Town orders outstanding, 1872,. $890 27 80 48 4,252 53 • 7,754 24 6,003 28 7,314 46 1,035 83 833,764 13 12 • TOWN, DR. To order&outstanding January 17, 1873, Aired of Individuals, Sears SchoorFund, Interest as estimated, Support of the Poor in and out the House, Collecting of of Taxes, &c., - TOWN, CR. - Taxes due from Wm. P. Davis, . " " " Andrew II. Eldridge, . " " " Elisha Parker, . Due for State Aid, Balance in the Treasury, From othertowns, &c., . Town owes, $1,389 76 6,000 00 16,031 97 270 00 400 00 800. 00 . $24,8'91 73 $890 27 860 48 4,252 53 1,200 00 7,314 46 156 38 $14,674 12. . 10,217 61 *24,891 73 THACHER TAYLOR, . - :FE-lee/men ELISHA TAYLOR. of BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, -.Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, January 17, 1873. • EXPENSES PE THE FOR THE YEAR 1873. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: REGISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1874. ittot 1 1 1 , 0�1 1, I II/ I rS�.. REPORT. • FOR THE SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Benjamin Hallett, 2d, for labor, $6 45 - Edward B. Hallet, . • 67 Andrew H. Eldridge, team and labor, . 15 88 Gorham Taylor, labor, . 10 57 John Matthews, for keeping the house, 112 50 Henry Bassett, supplies, 4 50 Anthony Montcalm, labor, 14 10 Hiram Loring & Co., 18 00 Crocker & Matthews, coal, 18 61 . Sylvanus Robbins, supplies;. • . 15 63 Sylvanus Whelden, mowing, 5 50 Zebina Howes, for cow, 25 00 Roland Kelley, supplies, 2 25 Rufus White, supplies, . 8 28 James Knowles & Co., . 135 42 Stephen Sherman, keeping almshouse,. - 125 00 Dory and oars for almshouse, - 4 50 David D. Kelley, supplies, 6 42 Nathan T. Hallett, do., . 4 43 Benoni Baker, do, 11 75 Eldridge & Co., do., . . 18 25 Seth H. Hamblin, carting wood, 18 00 Lot Hallett, coal, . . . 63 00 Samuel Thacher, supplies, . 5 00 E. Dexter Payue, do., . 47 53 Nathan Hallett, do., . 5 75 6247 46 4 Elam Macarty, supplies, Asa W. Robinson, do., . Dr. George Shove, medical attendance, Kilborn M. Taylor, Seth Taylor, for labor, . Luther Baker, do., . David G. Eldridge, for wood and lumber, Rufus E. Holmes, supplies, J. B. Hall, do., . John Hale, medicine, . Thacher Taylor, supplies, . Nabby A. Crowell, dressmaking, . . Mrs. H. Chase, do., Stephen Sherman, supplies to almshouse, Nathan W. Grush, supplies, . Sylvester Baker, do., Winchester, Talbot & Co, do., . John Hinckley, lumber, Russell D. Farris, supplies, Kilborn M. Taylor, . 89 00 4 30 12 00 13 50 27 87 18 00 37 00 144 43 5 24 480 88 • 42 25 518 58 9 00 9 00 6 17 • 3 00 91 73 81 27 21 22. 1,028 26 45 55 26 51 81,828 66 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT • OF ALMS- HOUSE. House rent for Thankful Marchant, . 840.00 Supplies to Samuel Taylor, . 25.00 " " John Baker, . 10.75 House rent for Abbie Taylor, . 30.00 Supplies to Edwin Taylor, . 16.50 " " Alvan D. Bearse, . 36.62 " " Josiah -F. Baker, 9.00 " Mary A. Webber, . . .7.00 " " Sarah Webber, . 10.25 " Molly Webber, . . 19.50 " Ellen Baxter, . 12.00 " Almira Crowell, . 22.59 •y • " " • Cash to stranger, . Supplies to Juliana Gage, . " Joseph Webber, . " " John Gray, . - . " Sarah G. Crowell, . " " Thankful Baker, • " Wid. Elery Baxter, " Prentice Lewis, " Nathan Baker, " John Orlando, . " Hannah Crowell, . " " Wid. Barnabas Bray, " Charity Baker, " " " Mary A. Baxter, " f( " Sylvester Bearse, " Ruth Cash, . Board. John Brooks' child, . Supplies to Job Cash, . " " William Nickerson, " CC 5 " " 1 1 Yu li E5 Of� 52 56 12 00 4 37 133 77 57 70 63 23 86 06 94 50 52 82 23 26 36 31 37 35 42 00 38 01 109 41 48 74 55 57 40 43 $1,232 29. TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. William P. Davis, services, . • 675 00 Auditors settling with Town Treasurer, 8 00 Isaiah Homer, . 13 05 Daniel Wing, school committee, 35 00 " " sealer of weights and measures, 5 00 J. W. Dodge, school committee, 50 00 Enoch E. Chase. do., . 35 00 Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, ▪ 1872, . 167 83 Nathan Hallett, truant officer, . 4 25 Elisha Parker, warning town officers, . 2 25 Assessors, for assessing state, town and county taxes, and limiting surveyors, 135 00 Services of Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, 147 82 r• Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews, horse hire, . 49 50 • fl� 6 William P. Davis, services and going to Cotuit, 687,00 • " " " recording births, deaths and marriages, . . 50 15 $864 85 TEACHERS' SALARIES. NORTH $IDE. John W. Dodge, committee. Salaries North Side Town, . ▪ . $1,374 67 J. W. Dodge, income dog tax, . ' • • $54 34 Taking care house, . 100.80 Wood and coal, . 124 66 Carting coal and sawing wood, . . 14 19 Cleaning house, . 13 87 Books and Stationery, _ . 36 58— 344 44 SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing, committee. Teachers' salaries, Talang care of hone, Bill of coal, Cleaning house, . WEST YARMOUTH. Enoch E. Chase, committee. Teachers' salaries, . Taking care of house, . Wood. . . . Books and stationery, . . $1,719 11 • . $1,502 09 $68 00 53 00 12 25— 133 25 • $1,635 34 ▪ . $719 80 $52 35 30 •00 60 23— 142 58 $862 38 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR. New Bedford, for Harriet Eldridge, . $24 44 Town of Wellfleet, medical attendance on Sarah Hallett, . 9 00 c 1 u I 11 7 Town of Dennis, funeral eipenses of Sam- uel Nickerson, . . . *28 00 Town of Barnstable, supplies to Mary Webber, 650 it CI( [c " " Samuel Baxter, 11 50 " Gloucester, for Sarah M. Cash, 129 57 " " Chatham, for Mary A. Baker, 73 75 Barnstable, for supplies to Susan Brooks, 27 00 " " John Cannon, 25 50 Taunton State Lunatic Hospital, for Lewis Lovell, . LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. 147 50— $482 76 . James Ellis, District No. 11, Harrison Hallett, District No. 1, Daniel Baker, " • " 13, Abraham Baker, " " 6, Orlando Baker, " " 7, Repairs ou Bass River Bridges, William Anderson, Heman B. Chase, Braddock Matthews, ▪ $32 00 3 27 22 10 90 40 18 80 62 68 1,343 88 1,081 35 1,070 63 $3,725 11 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Warren L. Bray, Asa H. Bray, . George W. Eldridge, Henry Eldridge, Joseph Hamblin, Lewis Lovell, . Gorham Taylor, . Freeman Baker, . John Baker, . Elnathan E. Baker, William W. Baker, Obed P. Baker, . Higgins L. Crowell, Henry Covell, . • $3 06 2 00 3 06 3 06 14 72 2 00 3 75 3 59 3 06 2 00 2 00 4 12 518- 2 00 8 Alexander H. Harwood, John K. Robbins, . Reuben T. Taylor, Joseph A. Taylor, Charles B. Taylor, Jeremiah Taylor, Theophilus Chase, Daniel A. Taylor, Ahira Wixon, . • David G. Eldridge, trustee, $3 06 2 00 5 18 2 00 2 00 200 3 71 2 00 3 06 50 00— *135 27 11 59 Credit, Collected of Individuals not on Tax Book, . Jabez Lewis' son, Edward Gorham, Francis Hatch, . Benjamin Baxter's son, . James Taylor, . James Foster, . $2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 50— Estate Job Gorham, William B. Hallett, wrong tax, . ' Gorham Crowell, do., 1872, • MISCELLANEOUS Edward B. Hallett, guide post, . Elisha Taylor, horse hire, . " board for stranger, Elisha Parker, damage to carriage, Jabez Lewis, taking care hearse, " " labor on cemetery, Reuben Ryder, taking care hearse, " • strap for hearse, Repairs on hearse, North side, . Seth H. Hamblin, rent of land for pound, Chas. M. Bray, warning town officers, . EXPENSES. $1.00 2 00 1 00 5 00 2 50 • • 1 87 2 50 1 00 59 d6 3 00 12 00 *123 68 11 50 $135 18 1 85 8 36 16 00 $161 39 Barnstable Mutual Fire Ins. Co., on school -house. North side, . *15 00 Thacher Taylor, M. expenses, . 17 24 Reuben Ryder, for taking acct. deaths, 5 80 Repairs on Town house, 326 67- *456 14• STATE AIl) TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. FROM JANUARY ler, 1873, TO JANUARY 1ST, 1874. Sylvanus Cash, . • . *96 00 Col. William Mitchell, . 22 50 John Burt, . 40 00 George W. Eldridge, . 48 00— *206 50 CLEARING liOADS FROM SNOW. Nathan W. Grush, District No. 5, James Ellis, " " 11, Daniel Baker, Theophilus Bassett, Harrison Hallett, Reuben Ryder, Jesse Taylor, Davis Crowell, Isaiah Crowell, William Anderson, Abraham Baker, Heman B. Chase, Braddock Matthews, t( u '4 K u 64 .44 " 13, u 8, " 1, u 2, " 4, u 12, " 10, u u 6, $38 64 64 05 19 50 18 10 54 60 37 50 79 76 8 70 31 02 251 09 40 62 75 40 62 23 $781 21 EXPENSES ON SCHOOL HOUSES. AND REPAIRS. North side town, labor and materials, . $89 59 South Yarmouth, " " 108 30 West Yarmouth, " " " . 65 69— $263 58 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, School Report, etc., . 454 00 George Otis, printing Town Report, . 25 00— $79 00 r • 10 .TOWN TREASURER, DR. To AMOUNT RAISED BY THE TOWN INTO THE TREASURY : For the support of the Poor, Schools, . Roads and Bridges, Repairs on Town House, To pay Town Debts, . Overlays on Taxes,. Received from State Treasurer,• Corporation Tax, " School Fund, . " Fish Committee, " Pedlars' Licenses, " Town of Harwich, • Sundries, of T. Taylor, . " Arthur P. Crowell, • " State Treasurer, for bank Tax, . Si Dog Money, " State Tax, " Bank Tax, • County Tax, . Due on Tax bills, Jan. 1873, . Balance in Treasury, 1873, . Town Orders outstanding Jan. 14, 1874, AND OTHERWISE RECS1VRf) it it " 83,500 00 4,000 00 4,000 00 550 Ob 1,500 00 29G 26 582 40 844 64 169 84 1,466 23 24 00 117 65 39 77 24 50 1,558 94 54 34 2,565 00 5,635 00 1,363 64 6,003 28 7,314 46 1,402 27• 843,012 22 TOWN TREASURER, cB. • BY AMOUNT PAID BY THE SELECTMEN ON TOWN ORHBRs . *1,828 66 ' 1,232 29 482 76 ▪ 263 58 4,216 83 3,725 11 ' 781 21 864 85 161 39• 79 00 • 456 14 206 50 Support of Poor in Almshouse, In Town and out of Almshouse, Other Cities and Towns, Repairs on School houses, Schools, . Labor and material, Roa▪ ds and Bridges, Clearing Roads from snow, . Town officers' and Committees' fees, . Remittance of Taxes, Printing and Advertising, Miscellaneous Expenses, State Aid to families, . Amount paid out by Treasurer with- out orders, School Fund, . 1,048 33 Notes, . - - -. 500 00 Interest on Individual notes, • 410 00 State Treasurer, Bank Tax, 5,614 72 • 't a State Tax, . 2,565 00 . 1,363 64 County Treasurer, County Tax, Due on Tax bills to this date from Wm. P. Davis, . Andrew H. Eldridge, do., Elisha Parker, do., . Balance in the Treasury, Town orders outstanding, 1873, 833 75 860 48 6,681 07 7,447 13 1,389 78 843,012 22. 12 TOWN, DR. To orders outstanding, January 14, ]874, 21,402 27 Hired of Individuals, , • . 5,500 00 Sears School Fund, . . . 15,863 83 Estimated interest, . . ▪ 179 00 Support of the Poor iii and out of the house, 400 00 " Collecting of Taxes, . • . 800 00 $24,145 13 • TOWN, CR. Taxes due from William P. Davis, . 2833 75 .Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, • . 860 48 Due from State, for,State Aid, . ▪ 400 00 Balance in the Treasury, - . . 7,447 13 Taxes due from Elisha Parker, . 6;681 07 Tcwn owes; . 7,922 70 *24,145 13 TH ACHER TAYLOR, ) Selectmrn ELISHA TAYLOR, of BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, January 14, 1873./ SIN 41.1d1 EXPENSES OF THE ) 0.6484611laglahill' }-OR THE YEAR 1876. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: REGISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1876. REPORT. FOR THE SUPPORT OF FOOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Andrew H. Eldridge, Tabot & Osgood, Thomas Arey, . Sylvanus Whelden, Hervey Snow, . J. B. Hall, . Ansel Matthews, wood, Rufus E. Holmes, Dr. George Shove, John Hale, medicine, . Crocker, Matthews & Co., Nathan W. Grnsh, . Seth Taylor, . Benjamin Hallett, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, Edward B. Covell, Joshua Hamblin, Elisha Parker, . Stephen Sherman, . S. Baker & Co., Daniel Crocker & Co., James Knowles & Co, Samuel Thacher, • • $4841 • 34 95 7 50 10 50 1 25 13 18 12.00 • 167 52 500 31 77 80 88 10 25 51 37 5.75 2350• 98 45 20 26 87 262 50 61 49 36 45 . 80 08 800 • 4 Wilson Ryder, . 1 50 Anthony Montcalm 19 17 Nathan T. Hallett, . 2 70 Gorham Taylor, 15 85 0. C. R Road, freight, 2 22 Russell D. Farris, 26 95 Kilborn M. Taylor, 43 88 Elkanah D. Payne, . 47 52 John Hinckley, 25 60 Stephen Sherman, 9 26 Josiah Taylor, . 4 00 Thacher Taylor, 570 85 *1,847 27 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- HOUSE. Levi Chase, for supplies, Freeman Baxter, " Dr. Wm. J. Nickerson, med'l attendance, " Peter Pineo, a " " Samuel Pitcher, " " George W. Doane, a Joshua Hamblin, Benajah Crowell, Estate of Alexander Baxter, rent, Sarah B. Hallett, Elisha Taylor, . H. H. Baker, house rent, Julian Gage, supplies, . , Nancy Brooks, keeping J. Brook's child, Supplies to Arthur Taylor, _ _ " Samuel Taylor, " " Thomas B. Nickerson, " " Josiah F. Baker, . " " Charity Baker, " Hannah Crowell, . " " Thankful . Baker, . " Almira Crowell, . . Si 15 60 25 00 45 00 • 43 00 45 00 28 18 8 00 18 00. 100 00 40 00 52 00 30 00 . 55 44 32 11 10 00 20 00 10 00 4 00 35 74 - 28 54 37 97 25 00 Supplies to Edwin Chase, " Prentis Lewis, Susan B. Nickerson, John 'Orlando, Nathan Robinson, " " " " II " " " " Mary Bray, " John Baker, Job Cash, Wid. Elery Baxter, Nancy Ellis, Sarah M. Cash, II II Isaiah Burgess, . " Alvan D. Bearse, Reuben Chase's children, Owen Bliss; • Wid. Abbie Taylor, house rent, Medical attendance of Solomon Maker, 20 46 41 69 46 57 41 50 89 57 64 12 5 50 68 19 23 10 11.63 31 75 37. 26 5 02 10 00 87 23 30 00 5 00 *1,328 27 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Elisha Taylor, . *11 00 • J. W. Dodge. school committee, 50 00 - Auditors settling with Town Treasurer, 9 00 Enoch E. Chase, 35 00 Daniel Wing, . 5 00 Daniel Wing, school comm▪ ittee, 35 00 Elish Parker, warning town meeting, 4 00 Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, 1873, . 294 95 Charles M. Bray, warning town meeting, 4 00 Assessors, for assessing state, town and county taxes, . 101 25 Services of Selectmen and Overseers of Poor, 140 03 Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews, horse hire, 49 90 *739 18 6 TEACHERS' SALARIES NORTH John W. Dodge, committee. Teachers' salaries, - Taking care of house, Wood and sawing, Coal, Books and stationery, SIDE. SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing, committee. Teachers' salaries, . Dog money, . • Taking rare of house, Bill of coal and wood, . Insurance, . WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, committee. Teachers' salaries, Taking care of house, Wood Books and stationery, 81,482 78 98 00 71 14 115 48 19 51— 304 13 81,786 91 81,579 99 75 07 69 25 68 50 7 40— 220 22 *1,800 21 8678 00 43 65 59 70 9 89— 113 24 82,791 24 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR.. Town of Barnstable, for medical attend- ance on Owen Bliss, . *33 25 Do., book for Reuben Chase' children, 5 54 7 Taunton State Lunatic Hospital, for Lewis Lovell, . . . 204 25 Do., for John C. Cannon, . 85 80 City of Taunton, Silas Howes, 4 45 Hyde Park, for Sarah A. Lovell, . 28 00 Town of Dennis, for Mary A. Nickerson, 28 20 City of Gloucester, supplies to Sarah M. Cash and child, . 105 50— 8494 98 LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS AND BRIDGES William Eldridge, . Braddock Matthews, Heman B. Chase, William Anderson, Elisha Taylor, Remittance of Tates, MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Sten Wing, putting out fire in the woods, 8134 70 Freeman Howes, " " " " " a 246 50 Heirs of Zenas Wood, 7 83 Braddock Matthews, 10 73 Stephen Wing, rent of building, 12 00 Daniel Wing, on cemetery, . 23 10 Jabez Lewis, care of hearse, . 2 50 Arunah Whelden, rent of land, 3 years, 7 50 John Larkin, bill cemetery, . 1 50 Kilborn M. Taylor, 6 00 Reuben Ryder, care of hearse &c., 5 50 Washburn Baker, cemetery, 11 20 Daniel Wing, lodging stranger, 3 00 Josiah Taylor, . 3 50 Thacher Taylor, - 6 50 856 12 1,198 33 1,586 33 1,784 65 151 49 $4,776 74 $95 04 1 sift 1 .11 1 • 8 Thacher Taylor, copying State Book, 15 00 21 00— $518 06 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS, FROM JANUARY 1ST, 1874, TO JANUARY 1ST, 1875. Ira B. Bearse, . Emily Robbins, Sylvanus Cash, George W: Eldridge, Albert Taylor, .. $56 00 144 00 8800 • 42 00 22 50— $352 50 CLEARING ROADS. FROM SNOW. Braddock Matthews, .. $19 89 Heinen B. Chase, 45 30 William Anderson, 143 09— $208 28 EXPENSES ON SCHOOL HOUSES AND REPAIRS. South Yarmouth, North side town, West Yarmouth, $69 46 38 23 72 05— $179 74 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, $91 50 .,t 9 TOWN RAISED FEBRUARY 9, 1874. Support of poor, . 93,500 00 Schools, . 4,000 00 Roads and Bridges, • . . 4,000 00 Overlay's on tages, - - 588 64 $12,088 64 IO TOWN TREASURER DR. Peddlers' Licenses, Dog Fish Committee, Thacker Taylor, . From State Treasurer, for School Fund, Corporation Tax, . State Aid Refunded, . National Bank Tax, . Ballance in the Treasury, Jan. 14, 1874, Elisha Parker, Collector of Taxes, . • Outstanding Orders, January 16, 1875, $66 00 75 07 23 50 37 83 167 58 1,274 10 294 37 1,542 94 7,447 13 6,681 07 13,638 19 31,197 19 1,389 23 $32,587 01 Int TOWN TREASURER, CR. Support of Poor in Almshouse, In Town and out of Almshouse, Other Cities and Towns, Repairs on School Hooses, For Schools, : . Roads and Bridges, . ▪ Clearing Roads from Snow, . Town Officers' and Committees' fees, . Remittance of Taxes, Printing and Advertising, ▪ Miscellaneous Expenses, State Aid to families, Interest on Notes, State Tax, . National Bank Tax, County Tax, Ballance in the Treasury, Outstanding Orders January 14, 1874, $1,847 27 $1,328 27 494 99 179 74 4,378 36 4,776 74 208 28 11,366 38 739 13 95 04 91 50 518 06 352 50 1,796 23 1,220 00 2,280 00 4,760 38 1,272 73 6,640 90 1,403 12 17,577 13 832,587 01 i 12 TOWN, DR. Money Hired of Individuals, . Sears School Fund, . Estimated Interest accrued, . Support of the Poor, Collecting of Taxes, Outstanding Orders, • $5,500 00 15,874 58 •180 00 300 00 200 00 1,389 23. TOWN, CB. Due from Andrew H. Eldridge, Collector of Taxes for 1870-71, $258 86 Do., Elisha Parker, 1874, 5,863 70 From the State, for State Aid, - ..352 50 Ballance in the Treasury, . • 6,640 90 Town owes, . • 10,327 85 $23,443 81 $23,443 81 THACHER TAYLOR,Selectmen BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, 1 of Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, JAI . 16, 1875. at e. EXPENSES 1 al 1 FOR THE YEAR 1875. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS,; REGISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABL(SgME 1875. rIl Y • I. W . bar. 4 NARY IiYJ.1 Idyl rd 1 Old til 111 IY REPORT. FOR THE SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Talbot & Osgood, for supplies, - - . $66 SO Stephen Wing, do., - - - 75 Elisha Parker, do., - 21 40 Braddock Matthews, do., 6 00 Stephen Sherman, keeper's salary for one year, 287 50 Heman. Chase & Sons, bill of coal, - 54 00 Seth H. Hamblin, carting wood, • - 9 60 Freeman Ryder, supplies, - 10 08 Seth Taylor, labor, - 3 50 Andrew H. Eldridge, supplies, 8 40 Nathan Hallett, shoes, - - - _ 3 50 Kilborn Taylor, coffin for Rebecca Lothrop, 13 00 se a paints, - . - 27 61 Rufus E. Holmes, supplies, - 199 37 I Benjamin Hallett, 2d., labor, - 4 35 7 Samuel Thacher, supplies, - 41 57 Thacher Taylor, do., 673 12 i John Hale, - - - 18 00 R. D. Farris, stove, - - - 17 89 Isaiah B. Sherman, carting wood, 12 00 1 James Knowles, supplies, - 28 59 Stephen Wing, do., - • 4 57 Sylvanna Robbins, do., 6 00 Eldridge & Co., do., - - 22 71 John Hinckley, lumber, • - • 73 88 Sylvester Baker & Co., supplies, Dan'l B. Crocker & Co., do., - William Sing, labor, - \ - Edward B. Covill,.do., - - Nathan T. Hallett, supplies, 1 - E. D. Payne, do., - J. B. Hall, do., - - Stephen Sherman, do., - Frederick H. Taylor, carting wood, 47 22 • 22 14 33 00 50 55 5'65 27 00 • 11 27 21 48 1700 *1,849' 50 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- _ HOUSE. H. Harris, medical attendance, Wid. E. Matthews, . Isaiah Burgess, supplies and funeral expenses, Mary A. Baxter, supplies and rent, Wid. Eller Baxter, supplies, . . • • . Prentice Lewis, supplies and medical attendance, Francis Kelley, in full for taking and keeping Geo. R ' R. Kelley, . - _ - Reuben Chase's children, supplies, •, Wid. Barnabas Bray, do., . Lewis Chase, do,; John Matthews, do., . . , " " Dr. Nickerson, bill of attendance, Alvin D. Bearse, supplies and rent; Wid. Lydia Brown, supplies, . • . Temperance Baxter, do., - Hannah Crowell, do, , Octavia Kelley, do, . Dr. Russell, board and clot▪ hing for • Abram Matthews, Abraham Matthews, shoes, . Abby Taylor, house rent, . Samuel Taylor, supplies, . Mary Webber, do., . . . *1 00 111 51 "45 62 33 66 79 00 50 00 11 00 58 13 11 95 39 21 8 00 40 27 25 00 39 00 27 06. 23 00 60 00 2 00 18 75 60 00 20 45 Wid. Anna Webber, do., , " Sylvester Bearse, do., " Ellen Baxter, do., . , Geo. S. Weaver, for boarding his father, Edwin Chase, supplies, . , Julianna Gage, board and funeral expenses, Job L. C. Robinson, supplies, , • Nancy Ellis, do, - . John Baker, do., . . , Owen Bliss and family, supplies, two years, Coffin for Wm. Studley, . - Mary A. Nickerson, supplies and rent, Wid. Elkanah Baker, supplies, . . " Thankful Merchant, house rent, Susan B. Nickerson, supplies, Nathan Robinson, do., . . Thankful Baker, do., Wid. George Crowell, do., . John Orlando, do.,, . Job Cash, do, , _ _ Allen Cash, do, . . 11 63 • 12 75 • 12 25 30 00 21 .03 • 30 58 30 03 '341 • - 43 77 136.73 17 50 80 78 , 62 57• 40,00 20 00 ▪ 99 62 • 9 79 ▪ 34 37 48 50 70 27 82 53 $1,662 72 PAID OTHER CITIES AND•TOWNS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. ' New Bedford for Sallie Weaver, Melrose, for Wm. Harrington, . , • Hyde Park, for Sarah A. Lovell, . Springfield, for Lucy Crocker, Taunton State Lunatic Assylum, for Lewis Lov• ell, . `.. " Eleazer Baker, . " " John C. Cannon, " u « 811 98 18 75 49 00 .45 50 146 05 142 35 194.55 *608 18 6 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FES. Wm. P. Davis, for services as Treasurer, . Elisha Parker, for warning town meeting, . " " taking list of dogs, . . For auditing Treasurer's account, . . Isaiah Crowell, services as School Committee, . Wm. J. Nickerson, do., . . Elisha Parker, collecting taxes for 1874, T. B. Pulsifer, services as School Committee, Assessors for enrolling Militia, . Village lots report, . list of scholars, Thacher Taylor, . . State, County, Town and Bank tax, 'Samuel Eldridge, warning meetings and officers, Silas B. Parker, do., . - Selectmen for services, . . " overseeing poor, . . J. W. Dodge, services as School'Committee, 2 years, • • mi. • Ohl II II 681 00 6.00 5 00 9 00. 35 00 35 00 195 53 . 50 00 • 7 50 15 00 7 50 10 00 120 00 7 80 500 119 00 65 40 50 00 6823 73 ROADS AND BRIDGES, LABOR AND MATERIALS. Heman B. Chase, Isaiah Crowell, . Braddock Matthews, William Anderson, • • • REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Andrew H. Eldredge, from 1867 to 1871, Elisha Parker, . • • $247 40 1372 54 1384 05 1800 00 $4,803 99 . .650000 . 155 23 6655 23 . "gm m Owl I II IIMM I iiNMI 11111 11.1 1 11 .11.11111.11120411111Mat-• 1 17 • SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. • T. B. Pulsifer, committee. Teachers' salaries, . Taking care of house, . 1 Books and stationery, . . . Wood and sawing, . . James Knowles' bill, • • . R. H. Harris, repairing clock, .. Cleaning house, . . . • SOUTH YARMOUTH. Stephen Sears, committee. Teachers' salaries, • • Taking care of. house, Books and stationery, Fuel, . Clock, • • Cleaning house,. • . . Dog tax, . • WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, committee. Teachers' salaries, .. . . Taking care of house, Books and stationery, . . $1,463 33 $82 00 55 17 - 135 58 949 500 10 30— 297 54 $1,760 87 • 1,581 16. 9 98 73 00 5 00 17 20 76 72— 255 75 $1,836 91 885 00 50 00 4 27 5300— 107 27 $992 27 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. - Printing and advertising, . . *128 23 r 8 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Wm. P. Davis, recording marriages and deaths, Orlando Baker, recording deaths, do. do., taking care of hearse, Seth Hamblin, rent of land 2 years for pound, Stephen Wing, putting out fire in the woods, Braddock Matthews, road roller, • • Seth H. Hamblin, putting out fire in woods, Washburn Baker, " " " • " " Reuben Ryder, taking care of hearse, . • • Manchester Hallett, putting out fire in the woods, J. B. D. Cogswell, legal advise on fisheries, (F. Pond,) Luther Baker, services as truant committee, Freeman Howes,. putting out fire in the woods, Reuben Ryder, recording deaths, • Benjamin Hallett, 2d, rent of land 5 years for hearse house, . Thacher Taylor, Stephen Wing, stationery, • ' . • • Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews, horse hire, Hearses and repairing, . . - , Isaiah Sherman, for moving hearse house, W. Yar. Stephen Wing, expense on tramps, $28 45 3 75 '2 50 .3 00 358 78 23 94 17 00" 7°75' 2 50 5 75 50 00 3 25 4 50 8 75 5 00 16 94 78 51 20 1,034 30 15 00 340 $1,646 62 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS, FROM JArr. lsx, 1875, TO JA.N.1, 1876. Albert Taylor, . • _ Emily Robbins, Ira Bearse, Polly Cash, • $13 50 , 52 00 4400 32 00 $241 50 • 9 AMOUNT TOWN RAISED FEB. 8, 1875. For Support of Poor, • " " Schools, •f K " Roads, To pay Town Debt, Overlays on Taxes, North side, South Side, W. bide, • REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. • $3,500 00 • 4,500 00 • 4,000 00 • 2,500 00 • 459 75 $14,959 75 . -: • . $64 46 ••• 43 00 102 06— 8209 52 CLEA RING ROADS FROM SNOW. Braddock Matthews, Wm. Anderson, . Isaiah Crowell, . • • $71 73 • 336 06 • 60 40 4468 19 TOWN TREASURER,. DB. Te Peddlers' Licenses, " Dog Licensee, - K School Fund, - " Fish Committee,. " Thacher Taylor, `. • First National Bank of Yarmomth, " Corporation Tax, (State Treas.,) " State Aid refunded, - " National Bank Tax, _ " A. H. Eldridge, (eolleetor,) " Elisha Parker, " " Bal. in Treasury, Jar,. 16, 1875,, " Orders ontstanding,1876, . $8'00 76 72 232 .10 455 64 ▪ 31 10- . 9;825 00 . 1,020 39. . 221 50 . 1,749 39 . 258 86: . 22,376 93 . 6,640 90 . 1,513 48 • $44,410 01 .• •�> ,,,,,•••••=1•111,.......1 1.111111. MI I... TOWN TREASURER, CR. By Support of Poor in Almshouse, $1,849'50 " " " " Town and out of Almshouse, . 1,662 72 " " " " " other cities and towns, " Repairs on School -houses, . " Schools, " Roads and Bridges, . " Clearing Roads from Snow, • " Town Officers' and Committees' fees, . " Remittance of Taxes, A. H. Eldridge, 5 years, - " " Elisha Parker, " Printing and Advertising, . " Miscellaneous Expenses, " State Aid to Families, Interest on Notes, . - " State Tax, . . " National Bank Tax, " County " . " Notes, " Sears' School Fund, " Corporation Tax, . . " Overpaid National Bank Tax, (1874,) - " Orders outstanding Jan. 16, 1875, . " Balance in Treasury Jan. 11, 1876, • 608 18 209 52 4,590 05 4,803 99 468 19 823 73 500 00 • 155 23 128 23 1,646 62 _141 50 • 347 17 . 2,280 00 . 5,903 96 • 1,363 64 • 12,500 00 ▪ 915 00 • 260 60 ▪ 49 99 • 1,389 68 . 1,812 51 $44,410 01 __ - a,.r ir, rIlaa hri ,. . -yrc. 12 - TOWN, DR To Money hired of Individuals, . . $3,000 00 " Sears' Fund, . . . . 15,888 05 " Estimated interest accrued, - , . 220 00 " Support of Poor,' . - : . • . 200 00 " Collecting of Taxes, . . 300 00 " Outstanding orders, . .. 1,513 48 $21,121 53 TOWN, CR ' By Taxes due from E. Parker for 1875, _ • . . *8,007 36 " State Aid due, • . 141 50 " Balance in Treasury, - . ▪ • . 1,812 51 " Amt. Town owes, _. . 11,160 16 $21,121 53 THACHER TAYLOR, " Selectmen. BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, of STEPHEN WING, Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, January 17, 1876. .41 4 EXPE-NSES =vF THE- FOR THE YEAR 1876 YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: REGISTEIR S7'E?.Bi •JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1877_ i' 11I IIII I.l ■ 1 fi ,• 444r1 M+II w I N 11 I . rt Itil IN r 1 11 •I • REPORT. FOR SUPPORT OF POOR IN THE ALMSHOUSE, Charles Thacher, for wood, • $21 75 Eldridge & Co., for supplies, _ 62 82 T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, • 50 00 Stephen Sherman, salary for one year, . 325 00 Edward B. Covell, labor, _ 65 05 Thacher Taylor, supplies to the Almshouse, • 564 94 David G. Eldridge, do., . 12 54 - Gorham Taylor, for labor, • 10 20 Wing Brothers, supplies to Almshouse, 98. Edward Bray, labor, . 6 00 - 1. B. Hall, do., _ • 13 81 &lbora Taylor, two comm• s, . . 29 39 Sylvester Baker & Co., supplies, • 67 60 Briggs & Shattuck, do., . \ 101 80 John Hinckley, posts, = . . 13 75 Samuel Eldridge, painting, . 63 84 Wing Brothers, supplies, • . . 9 59 Samuel Thacher, do., . 70 02 Daniel B. Crocker & Co., do., • 39 83, • Jas. B. Crocker & Co, coal, 60 55 Bertha Ellis, labor, . 9 14 R. B. Chase & Sons, coal, - 12 00 - ► 2 t I t . 1 .11.1...tMI Nathan T. Hallett,. supplies,- Andrew upplies,Andrew H. Eldridge, do., John Hale, do., James Knowles & Co., . E. D. Payne, do., R. E. Holmes,. do.,. Elisha Parker, do., - Timothy Crocker, labor, Benjamin Hallett, do., . Nathan W. Grush, supplies, S. H. Hamblin, . S. Hallett, do., 1 I■ n *IT 211 32 77 28 36; 26 39• 24 06- 165 6165 33- 28 65' 2 00• 65, 1245. 55 00• 1 50. *1,993 57 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF THE. ALMSHOUSE. Mary A. Baxter, supplies; *18 00. Alvin D. Bearse, do.,. ' . .. 75 91 Prentice Lewis, do.,. 95 00, Lydia C. Brown, do,' . . 47 50. Serena A. Crowell, do., . 31 40• Job L. C. Robinson, do., 178 91 Edwin Taylor, do, . 8 35. John Matthews, do., - 100 82 •Nathan Robinson, do., . 73 63 John Baker, do., . .. - 49 95 Hannah Crowell,. do., - _ 33 01 Isaiah Burgess, do., .. 111 79. Ellery Baxter, do., . 74 60 James Hinckley, do., 10 00 Samuel Taylor & Son, . 60 00• Asa Hallett's child, do., 10 00• Allen Cash, do., 4 00, Lewis Chase, do., . _ 2 99 • 5 Joshua Ellis, supplies, . Judah Chase, do., '. Owen Blisli's family, do., Job Cash, do., . Joseph Robinson, coin for son and supplies, Thankful Marchant, rent and supplies, Silas Howes, supplies, . John Orlando, do., David Crowell's family, do., Mary A. Nickerson, do., - Eldridge Baxter, do., . Ellen Baxter, do., . George S. Weaver, for board of father, . Mary C. Bray, supplies, . Almira Crowell, do., . _Temperance Baxter, do., 82 00 Charity Baker, do., • . 39 63 Lemuel H. Baker, medical services for son, . ' 25 00 William Howes, supplies,18 50 Rodney Baker, medical services for child, 7 00 Susan B. Nickerson, supplies, . 52 00 Anna Webber, do., 7 00 Ahira Wixon, do., 1 20 Edwin Chase, do., 111 26 Sarah Webber, shoes for ▪ children, 6 75 Susan Bearse, do., . 19 00 • David Kelley, clothing for Frank Crowell, . 13 00 Ensign S. Cash, for attendance on Small Pox patients, 33 00 *2,220 64 *19 20 21 40 61 73 69 93 28 31 97 86 99 52 59 00 25 00 70 11 10 00 87 50 27 00 69 38 43 50 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Selectmen, for services, . Selectmen, overseeing the poor, Selectmen, taking a list of real and personal estate, . Wm. P, Davis, salary, . *112 25 57 01 22, 75 75 00 6 Wm. P. Davis, recording marriages and deaths, $5Z 95 Assessors for State, County, town and bank tax, 115 00 Auditors for settling with Treasurer, . _ 9 00 Orlando Baker, recording deaths, 15 75 Reuben Ryder, do, . 6 75 Isaiah Crowell, services school committee, 35 '00 Stephen Sears, do., 50 00 Stephen Wing, weights and measures, rent and salary 2 yrs., 22 00 Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, 1875, 426 _66 Numbering scholars, Samuel Eldridge, constable fees,. Silas B. Parker, do., Elisha i ;.rker, list of voters, SCHOOLS NORTH SIDE. - T B. Palsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Cleaning and taking care of house, Coal, wood and sawing, • Dog tax, SOUTH SIDE.. Stephen Sears, Committee_ Teachers' salaries, Cleaning and taking care of house, Coal, wood and sawing, 7 50 7 50 10 30 6 00 *1,021 42 $1,544 80 $60 00 158 37 83 96 30;x' 33 $1,847 13 $1,565 00 $23 00 _ 40 00 6300 $1,628 00 7 WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. Teachers' salaries, _ Cleaning and taking care of house, Wood and sawing, _ $759 130 .$37 O0 50 20 REPAIRS ON SCHOOLHOUSES. North Side, - $82 28 South Side, • - 128 45 West Yarmouth, Desks and fixtures, _ Books, . 5 20 $411 49 - , 220 06 87 20 • *846 20 8215 96 $631 56 PAID 'OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS FOR POOR. ;City of Gloucester, for Sarah M. Cash, .. $50 64 Town of Brewster, for Asa Hallett, _ _ 48 00 j' Barnstable for George H. Baxter, . 7 25 " 4' j' " Anna Webber, _ 15 00 City of New Bedford, for Wid. George Weaver, 30 50 [L K K " Harriet Eldridge, . 1 00 Bridgewater State work -house, for Fanny • Oler, - 70 50 Taunton State Lunatic Asylum, for John C. Cannon, . . . . 265 35 Taunton State Lunatic Asylum, for Eleazer Baker, . 247 72 $735 96 i Wn Ass Aut Orb Ren Isar Ste Ste xn Sai Sil! Eli Tei C1€ Coi Do Te Cl+ Co 8 ROADS AND BRIDGES. 13raddock Matthews, Bass River bridges, 1875, *346 Wm. Anderson, stone bounds for town lands, 8 Damages awarded Foster Robbins,. 15 Wm. Anderson, expended on roads, 1,100 Isaiah Crowell, a " 702 Braddock Matthews, " a 751 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. J. B. D. Cogswell, legal services, fishery, Marston & Crapo, legal advice, Watson Thacker, services, Fish Committee, Nathan W. Grush, do., Laban Baker, 2d., do, -Treas. Comouwealth, lease of Dennis Pond, Thacher Taylor, expenses, Dennis Pond, , a - " " for Lucy Crocker, Kelley Brothers, 2 sign boards, Dennis Pond, D. G. Eldridge, services, placing town bounds, Thacher Taylor, - Ins. on schoolhouse at W. Yarmouth, Labor and material, W. Yarmouth Cemetery, Insurance on Almshouse, • Wm. D. Loring, care of hearse, Ins. on schoolhouse, So. Yarmouth, Moving hearse house, So. Yarmouth, Thacher Taylor, expenses of Benj. Crowell, and strangers, . Wm. D. Loring, hearse to Hyannis, Matilde Lovell, Orlando Baker, care of hearse, Stephen Wing, expense of tramps, Thacher Taylor and Braddock Matthews, horse hire, 51 75 00 00 63 31 850 00 6 00 8 00 14 00 14 60 10 00 30 25 23 00 6 00 10 75 40 57 7 00 33 24 3 86 3 87 7 40 5 00 7 25 2 50 2 50 12 45 56 50 111 1 1 I 1 II PRINTING -AND ADVERTISING. • Charles F. Swift, *103 50 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. .Albert Taylor, Polly Cash, *2,924 20 Emily Robbins,• *354 74 -. *108 00 80 00 - . • 1600 8204 00 _ 1 = REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. W. & A. White, for lumber, -Charles H. Harwood, carting, Isaac C. Baker, labor Edward Cole, bricks, Henry W. Taylor, labor, R. D. -Farris, stovepipe, 824 92 5.75 244-85- 5 22 9 60 1 05 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Manchester Hallett, hooks and ladders, 8150 00 Bishop & Brothers, do., Washburn 13alcer, hook and ladder house, Stephen Wing, do., carriage rocker, 161 17 7097 80 00 5 00 G. T. & M. IL Crowell, hook & ladder carriage, 138 00 PUTTING OUT FIRES IN WOODS. • Freeman Howes, Stephen Wing, Howes Berry, Washburn Baker, *302 11 238 09 2 73 8 70 8291 '39 *605 14 *551 63 N" TOWN TREASURER, DR. To balance in Treasury, Jan. 11, 1876, Recd. of C. H. Nye, Co. Treas. surplus of dog fund, " cc' (( (( " CC « f[ " *1,812 51 83 96 84 94 repairs, Bass River bridges, '75, 132 24 1 100 10 26 8 218 805 1,462 Recd. of Thacher Taylor sundry credits, Henry W. Taylor, overpaid, portion of Whaling Ground sold, Braddock Matthews from Serena A. Crowell, Elisha Parker, returned, F. Bearse, peddler's license, State Treasurer, amt. from school fund, 1875, " Corporation tax, {[ " National Bank tax, 79 30 95 88 86 00 00 17 68 88 " • " State aid, 150 00 E. B. Hamblin, proceeds of fisheries, 1875, 631 81 1876, 489 23 First Nat. Bank of Yarmouth, *7,000 hired at sundry times, 6,885 01 Elisha Parker, Collector of taxes, 25,924 47 tX.Cr' �`ir'=4�':: 1,632 72 Lj- " is *40,486 16 11 TOWN TREASURER, CR. By support of Poor in Almshouse, $1,993 57 Poor in town and out of Alms- house, support of Poor in other cities and towns, Repairs on School -hooses, Desks, fixtures and books, Schools, Roads and Bridges, Town Officers and Committees fees, Taxes remitted, Printing and Advertising, Miscellaneous expenses, State aid, Repairs on Almshouse, Fire Department, Extinguishing fires in the woods, Outstanding orders, Jan. 17, 1876, . Notes at National Bank of Yarmouth, Interest on W. W. Sturgis' note of $1,000, Interest on Sears School Fund, State Treasurer and overpaid, . State Tax, Tax on Stock -holders Nat. Bank, • Yarmouth, (out town), . County Tax, . . Balance in Treasury, Jan. 22, 1877, . 2,220 64 735 96 215 93 631 55- 4,321 54,321 33 2,924 20 1,031 42 269 14 103 50 354 74 204 00 291 39 605 14 551 63 $16,454 14 1,513 54 9,000 00 60 00 900 00 84 55 1,512 00 of . 5,678 83 . 1,363 64 . 3,919 46 $40,486 16 TAXES REMITTED'.. Elisha Parker, from 1871 to 1876, *269 I4 TOWN RAISED, FEBRUARY, 1876, For Schools, $4,250 00 Roads and Bridges, 2,500 00 Paying town debts, . 1,500 00 Printing Road Commissioners'. Fish Com- mittee's ommittee's reports, 30 00 Desks for school houses, 500 00 Hooks, ladders and carriages, 1,000 00 $9,780 00 TOWN, DR. - To money hired of Individuals, • $1,000 00 " " « Sears School Fund, 15,888 05 " Estimated interest accrued, 150 00 " Support of Poor, 400 00 Collecting of Taxes, 250 00 " Outstanding Orders, 1,632 72 19,320 77 TOWN, CR. By due from E. Parker, Collector of Taxes, $5,083 13 " State Aid due, • 204 00 Balance in Treasury, 3,919 46 10,114 18 $19,320 77 THACHER TAYLOR, Selectmen BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, o1 STEPHEN WING, Yarmouth - YARMOUTH, Jan. 27,1877- 1,1 Y REPORTS -OP THE- tIRSA • -AND THF- armouth Fish Commute YEAR ENDING FEB, 14, 1876: YARMOUTH POET, MASS.: RF,GISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1876. :Rej 1 j R a Comnss itnd 441 .. I 11 1111 ! 11 1 s!.! , ri a II MA1!i .1 I I Lll1111=1L.E. ,l11111111*,, Road I I ?- Road Commissioners' Report. NORTH SIDE. . WILLIAM ANDERSON, CoM nssiox$a William Anderson and Freeman Howes, teams and tools, . . . *294 55 Elkanah Gorham, labor, - . . • 12 60 William Shields, labor and stone, . . 62 92 Stephen T. Eldridge and team, . . . 42 12 Manchester Hallett and do, . . . 85 88 David G. Eldridge, labor, . . 80 Harrison Hallett, 42 75 Joshua Bassett, labor and gravel, . . 41 64 Joseph Gorham, do., . . . • 5 50 John Bassett, do., 45 85 David Crowell, do., . 70 Watson Hallett, do., .. 11 50 Nathan Bassett, . ▪ 37 20 Ebenezer A. Hallett, . . . 55 80 Hallett & Ryder, team, .. . • 37 15 Benjamin Gorham, _ 16 80 Watson Thacher, . . . ▪ 7 20 Edmund Walker, .. 3 90 Joseph Walker, . . . 66 Frederic Taylor,. William P. Bray, John Lewis, ..• George Ryder, Samuel Cobb, Simeon Nickerson, labor and stone, James Lack, do, • Howes Taylor, Gorham Taylor, . Charles M. Bray, Isaac Matthews, . Benoni Baker, Ansel Matthews,' Barnabas Matthews, Sylvanus Whelden, Ebenezer R. Hamblin, . • Seth H. Hamblin, team and loam, Joseph Hamblin, labor, . Warren Bray, Joseph Hale, loam, Joshua Hamblin, do., Edward Gorham, do., Estate of Matthews C. Hallett, do., Jesse Taylor, do, Richard Arey, do., George Bray, do., James Ellis, do., . . Gorham Eldridge and team, Elijah Arey, labor, - . Lewis Nickerson, do, Amos Arey, do, . Lemuel Phillips, do., Charles M. Bray, gravel, Lot Taylor, labor, Albert Taylor and team, Alexander Chase, labor, . Francis Grush, do., William Covell and team, 29 10 4 60 10 60 6 80 2 60 4 50 3 80 21 10 11 00 4 20 11 50 55 70 18 00 15 00 29 40 18 50 61 24 6 60 12 00 2 50 23.30 10 12 6 50 34 40 7 20 12 20 4 50 14 20 4 60 1 70 1 90 1 90 6 90 8 10' 52 10 2 60 6 20 32 00 am ..111I IL, Ii 1 .1 ii Jeremiah Chase, labor, . Asa Robinson, do., Oliver Robinson, do., Simeon Robinson, do., Edmund Robinson, do., . Washington Chase, do., . Arthur Bray and team, . James Smith, do., • George S. Whelden, . - Oliver Matthews and others, gravel, Edwin Bray, labor, Andrew H. Eldridge and team,. Freeman Ryder, do., Samuel Gorham, labor, . Jacob Olar, do, . . Joseph Baker, do., James P. Cash, do., James Gorham, do., David Marston, do., Joseph Gorham, 2d, do., Gilbert Phillips, do, Estate of Amos Otis, gravel, Charles H. Gorham, labor, Calvin Hallett, do., George C. Hallett, do., John G. Thaeher, do., Russell D. Farris, drain pipe, Elam Macater and team, . Abraham Baker, labor and gravel, Samuel Thacher, nails, . Sylvanus Cash, sand, Osborn Baker, Washington Baker, • Cr, By cash from individuals toward drains, 4 60 14 70 9 60 15 06 15 00 16 00 36 00 8 00 200 25 60 1 00 12 00 600 2 00 .26 70 30 10 10 30 26 40 16 30 .1500 240 1 20 17 50 18 10 7 00 100 24 60 14 00 49 10 15 42 12 70 15 00. 81,820 15 20 15 81,800 00 6 SOUTH SIDE. BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, COMMISSIONER. ▪ $137 58 • 4 00 • 83 68. . 47 80 20 80 54 27 16 70 23 55 35 21 50 75 73 35 15 6 60 28 55 20 30 17 00 • 22 60 12 60 8 00 350 11 25 4 37 4 00 4 00 13 00 4 60 • . 4 93 11 35 6 00 • • 10 50. Braddock Matthews and team, . , William Hurst, do., . Isaiah Homer, do., Frank Homer, do., F. A. Baker, do., David Chubby, do., _ Remegio Lewis, labor, . Loring Baker and team, Eddie Doane, labor, . Silas B. Parker and team, David Sears, do., Orlando Baker, do, . Isaiah Sherman, labor, . Alien Lewis, do., Reuben Baker, do., . William Oliver and team, Crowell Baker, labor, . David S. Baker, do., Zeno. Baker and team, . John Baker, 1st, labor, . John Baker, Jr., do, . Boys, do., David K. Akin, team, . George Loring and team, George Wood, labor, • James R. Baker, do., Alton Baker, do., Peter Goodnow, do., . Alfred White,'team, . William White, do., . Albert Berry, do., Jeremiah Eldridge, do, . . Theophilus Bassett, labor, . Isaiah P. Matthews and team, . Foster L. Robbins, labor, . Theophilus Berry, do., . • 47 80 52 03 • 12 00 • 18 00 6 80 • • 4 80 7 William H. Oliver, do, . . Waterman F. Baker, do, Henry B. Matthews and team, . John E. Baker, do., Charles M. Harwood, do., John Larkin, do., Judah Chase, labor, Benjamin Cotell, do, .• Millard F. Jones, do, . Isaiah Crocker, do., Alexander Robbins, do., • . Laban Baker, 2d., do., . Daniel Baker, do., Timothy Cotell, do., William B. Fuller, do., . • . David Kelley, for road Long Pond, Joshua Baker and team, • • Warren C. Fuller, roller carriage, Joseph B. Homer, iron work, Stephen Wing, painting guide boards, Russell D. Farris, bill drain pipes, Freeman Baker, labor, Harrison Eldridge, do., William Eldridge, do., . Lewis Eldridge, do., Josiah Baker, do., Silas Howes, do., Lot H. Sears, do, . Joseph H. Robinson, do., Benjamin Homer, do.. . Laban Baker, 3d, do, . Allen Farris, do., Nathan Robinson, do., . Thomas Collins, do., Peregrine White, loam, • . • Barnabas Sears, do, Waterman Baker, do., . 1 M I 11.1 16■ urill r 1 .1 r • • 4 00 20 00 8 00 18 80 65 29 10 20 3 60 1 00 2 00 11 15 90 30 80 .. 210 80 30 5 00 21 95 18 40 7 65 2 50 9 00 - 75 3 15 • 23 75 • 50 • 2 35 • 5 05 • 320 • 3 20 320 80 • 33 60 • 3 50 • 9 26 • 121 03 • -400 $1,283 80 f 4• 8 WEST YARMOUTH. ISAIAH CROWELL, COMMIssIONER. Isaiah Crowell and team, Edmund H. Buck, labor, Davis Crowell and team, James Ellis, do., . David Buck, do., Orris B. Crowell, do., . Thomas Taylor & Son, labor, John 11. Hallett, do., . . . Lockwood Baxter, 2d, do., Edmund Robertson, do., . Stephen Merchant, .do, . Arthur P. Crowell, do., . . Gilbert Lewis, do., . Lemuel Merchant, do., . Washburn Baker and team, ---. __. Benjamin Baxter, do., . Alexander Crowell, do., . • . Henry Taylor, labor, . . Heman B. Chase and teams, Prescott Baker, labor, . Roland Taylor & Sons, do., Alvan D. Bearse, William C. Whelden, Benajah Whelden, Levi L. Buck, . • . Edmund Hallett, Alexander B. Chase, Dustin Taylor, . . Isaiah F. Baker, . Freeman H. Crowell, team, William Hurst; do., . James Holloway, do., . Ebenezer Baker, labor, . Eben Baxter, do., Eldridge C. Baxter, do, . • $83 • 4 31 84 43 44 43 28 3 3 20 29 20 3. 54 72 • 46 • 16 19 • 18 34 14 • 12 14 6 . 12 8 4 13 • 7 16 • 7 6 14 • 3 21 80 60 85 60 60 80 00 80 80 00 40 00 80 40 00 60 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 0^ 80 00- 00 80 75 Elnathan Baker, do., Lysander A. Chase, Lockwood Baxter's Son,. do., Simeon Crowell, do., Foster D. Studley, Simeon N. Robinson, . B. F. & C. C. Crocker, lumber, Nails and spikes, Nelson Baxter, labor, . Estate of Alexander Baxter,loam, James Ellis, do., . Wid. Heman Chase, do., C. Crocker, sand plough, Repairs on Point Gammon bridge, 6 80 d 80 3 45 1 90 3 00 1 80 8 03 60 8 80 25 15 4 65. 13 50 4 00 14 36 $950 00 COST OF NEW ROAD, Laid out by the Road Commissioners, to Camp Ground, -1874. Timothy Baker's heirs, land damage, . Alexander Baxter, estate, do., . Francis Brown, do., Wid: Temperance Baxter, do, . Theodore Drew, auction, . Heman B. Chase, stumping, " " services laying out road, S. Child, labor, . James Ellis, stumping, . Joshua Baker, do., . James Robertson, do., . William C. Whelden, do., Gilbert Lewis, do, 40 1 " " working road, James Ellis, do., Howard Taylor, do., Benjamin Baxter, do., . Washburn Baker, do., . 25 80 60 80 • $12 20 ▪ 7 00 • 3 00 1 00 3 00 206 90 10 00 . 4 30 141.70-_. 16 00 70 12 15 00 13 00 10 00 19 00 7 00 27 60 12 75 ,. .r .�.. 10 Edmund H. Buck, do, . Lockwood Baxter, 2d., do., Edmund Robinson, do., . Sanford Linnell, do., . Samuel Merchant, do., . Isaiah Crowell, do., . Davis Crowell, do., Arthur P. Crowell, Stephen Merchant, do, . David Buck, do., David Sears and teams, Uriah Sears, labor, Matthews C. Gray, do., . Frank Homer, do., _ . Isaiah Homer, do., Remegio Lewis, do, B. Matthews, do., u services laying out road, . William Hurst, labor, . Eddie Doane, do., William C. Whelden, do., William Anderson, North Side, Braddock Matthews, South Side, Isaiah Crowell, West Yarmouth, Town raised for roads, Feb. 8th, 1875, • 3 00 12 00 • 7 80 3 00' 7 00 • 29 57 12 00 • 600 • 600 • 4 00 27 50 • 1 50 • 4 00 • 600 22 50 • 600 19 00 • 625 ▪ 400 • 2 00 • 1 50 3770 19 . $1,800 00 . 1,283 80 . 950 00 $4,033 80 . 4,000 00 Cost of new road laid out by the Road Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, ISAIAH CROWELL, Y&RMovr*, February 19, 1876. 833 80 3770 19 Road Commissioners. 3 1 9 a 1111111 111 WO .I. 1111111111111 IWm 112..11 i1 Fish Committee's Report. The Committee met at the Dennis Alms House, with the Den- nis Fish Committee, Feb. 25, 1875, and organized by choice of Edward E. Crowell, as Chairman, and Gorham Nickerson, Sec'y and Treasurer. E. B. Hamblin was appointed to attend to the taking of fish from Upper pond, and have a general superintendence of the pond. It was voted to sell Follins' Pond to the highest bidder for the herring season. On the 5th of March the pond was sold by public auction, and bid off by Sylvanus Robbins, for $825. It was voted to supply the inhabitants of the towns of Yar- mouth and Dennis, with herring, .after the 10th of May, at 40 cents per hundred; also perch at 25 cents per peck, when applied for, at the landing. The following are all the receipts and expenditures for the year ending February 14, 1876: RECEIPTS. RETURNS FROM SHIPMENTS OF PERCH. UPPER POND. 1875. Oct. 19, 1 bbl, 1 box, . 20, 1 " . 22, 2 " Shack fish, " 29, 1 " Perch, . • • 34 67 • 10 18 • 2 00 • 3 28 1. • t Nov. tt " tt " K " 1, 3, " " at 4, " " 9, " 16, " " 29, 12 9 bbls. to Benjamin & West, 2 " " N. Kelley, . 9 " " Moon & Lanphear, . 1 " " Stone & Richards, . 1 " " Snow & Fuller,--- . Wilson Ryder, shack, " J. Hamblin, " " Geo. Ryder, " 25 " Benjamin & West, 13 5 6 Dec. 16, 2 38 21 " tt tt " " " " tt cc " " CC it it CC tt " J. W. Campbell, . Benjamin & West, . aa a a a et K " it a a Campbell & Co, . 2 " " Moon & Lanphear, Sold by pk., . 27, .11 bbls. Perch to Benjamin & West, 5 " " " J. W. Campbell, . ". 29, 4 cc " " 1876. Jan. 4, 5 " " " " u " '' " 12 " " " Benjamin & West, Sold at pond, . 10, 2 bbls. to J. W. Campbell, Joshua Hamblin, shack, Feb. 2, J. W. Campbell, Benjamin & West, . " " LOWER POND. 1876. Feb. 2. By am't rec'd from Capt. Sylvanus Robbins, By sale of boat and seine, . " interest received on the above, 79 77 8 00 23 09 3 64 35 ▪ 5 40 3 00 • 2 00 • 106 24 • 109 92 • 42 50 • 32 56 ▪ 8 73 ▪ 122 99 • 86 63 3 44 7 95 44 98 16 25 40 13 16 25 • 61 48 5 21 • 24 32 3 00 25 34 • $903 30 $825 00 29 00— $854.00 • . 11 03 $865 03 Sept. 21, Oct. " " tc tt 17, 19, 20, " " et 27, " « " 28, K " • 29, " 30, Nov. 1, K " K - " K " CC K " . 29, K a LI 13 EXPENDITURES. Cash paid G. W. Chase, clearing stream, $0 60 t` " E. B. Hamblin, a 50 °° '° W. Covell & A. Arey, watching, 5 00 Carting Seine, &c., . • • 1 00 " four hours' labor on boat, • 1 00 " it carting fish, . 50 " " " K 50 J. Taylor, for ice, &c., . 76 S. Eldridge, repairing Town's boat, .. 2 72 C. Ellis, repairing seine, 6 10 W. Thacher, horse hire, . • 1 25 carting fish, 50 seining, 8s hours, 2 12 work on seine, 8 hours, . 200 carting boat, 62 stamps, &c., . .. 75 seining, 5 hours, . 1 25 carting fish, . • 1 25 freight bill, . • 2 80 J. Baker, for line, 4 18 for net twine, • 2 16 carting fish, 2 75 seining, 8 hours, 2 00 carting fish, 50 nails, .28 seining, 8 hours, . 2 00 carting, . 2 75 H. Robbins, carting ▪ fish, 1 50 J. Taylor, nails, 28 seining, 6 hours, . 1 50 carting fish, - 1 50 H. Crowell, carting fish, 1 25 H. Crowell, land privilege, 5 00 J. Baker & Co., bill for line, 5 39 seining, 61 hours, 1 62 carting fish, . 1 50 " tt " tt it " tt " CC ft " tt " Ci " tt " t. it tt et Dec. 1, a 4, K " K " " CC K 18, " tf K " u 14 Cash paid freight bill, " " Labor for seining, E. B. Covell, W. Covell, G. W. Chase. G. Whelden, 63 22 for carting fish, . 75 seining, 41 hours, • 1 12 " 10 " 2 50 carting fish, . 5 .00 labor on seine, 4 hours, . 1 00 S. Robbins, carting fish, H. Crowell, CC 54 40 " cc CC CC u ft CC K' tf C K " it CC SC " ff 1876. Jan. 4, CC K K K• K K cc ft CC " " K " " 8, " " 10, " ft K if CC K K K a SC K K " " CI a- u ft a if K " K K ft a K a K K K CC S. Thacher, nails, To sixteen nights' watching, To 138 barrels at 25 cents, S. Thacher, nails, carting 12 barrels, 61 hours seining, A. Cobb, carting, carting, . 4 hours' seining, . . . • carting 6 barrels perch, . 8 hours' seining, . L Matthews, carting, Sam. Gray, freight bill, K K Lydia Crowell, sha• re perch, Reuben Baker, " " carting seine, 6 hours' seining, . carting fish, 44 barrels at 25 cents, W. Chase, seining, G. S. Whelden, seining, . 1 25 1 75 1 25 1 75 3 00 32 24 00 34 50 27 3 00 1 62 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 • 2 00 1 50 • 1 25 68 00 • 13 60 • 2 00 2 00 75 1 50 1 25 11 00 11 31 11 31 if " CS 15 K Cash paid Wm. Covell, CC" E. Covell, as per bill, 12 25 freight bill, • 1 60 Daniel Wing, use ▪ of horse, 2 CO • storing seine and boat, . 1 50 " Dennis Fish Committee for ex-' penses, • . 77 87 9 50 11, K Feb. 2, " K " " tf ft • RE A..ri 1 u i.ATION. Upper Pond, 903 30 Lower Pond, . . ' 865 03 .Receipts, . Expenditures, . $1,768 33 504 71 $504 71 Net income of ponds, $1,263 62 Paid Town Treasurer of Dennis, I t u K Yarmouth, $631 81 631 81 1,263 62 The town has on hand, one seine boat, in good order; one seine, half worn; two oars; 'two dip nets; one peck measure; 200 fathoms hauling line, nearly new ; 50 fathoms ditto, never - used ; and two tubs. EDMUND B. HAMBLEN,) Fish Committee ELISHA PARKER, . of EDWARD B. COVELL, j Yarvwuth. YARMOUTH, February 14, 1876. 41 Total valuation, $1,364,659 00 14 VALUATION OF THE TOWN, MAY 1st., 1577. Real estate, . • . *649,609 00 Personal estate, • . 715,050 00 s Number of polls, . . . 555 Acres of land taxed,. . . . • 9,953 Rate of taxation on $1,000, . $11 00 Number of legal voters, 11 . . 566 Dwelling houses, . . 500 Horses, .265 Cows, -.. - . 265 162 Sheep, . . 51 _REPORT -OF THE ROAD OMJSSfOII Q;SIL OF TIIE 41 Yamlut% FOR THE YEAR 1877. tit i' Y• I.: I�L+'PORT. LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 137? • YA 1 t NIOUT1'I. ' WILLIAM ANDEIsos, Commissioner. Benoni Baker and team., 827 20 Ansel Matthews, • . . 7 95 Frederick A. Matthews, 7 25 4::: Gorham Taylor, 8 =t0 Albert Taylor, 1 CO } James Gorham, 23 00 i. t. •• Edward Gorham, clay, . 1 s4 ;r E. Edson, gravel, • 2. 24 `"- - Oliver Gorham, . . • -2 70 Nathan Hallett, sirup, . 5 28 . Joshua Hamblen, . 12 24 i ,, David Nickerson, . . . .. 5 30 , S_th H. Hamblen, team aid clay; . 31 83 Isalc Matthews, and team, • 21 70 Samuel Matthews, team, - 2 70 William Matthews, . --- -. . 1 70 Simnel Thacher, labor, • — - - 1- 75-- a Sylvanus Wheldon and team, 16 50 Andrew II. Eldridge. d ,., • 3 00 - 7 ;. Edmund Eldridge, do., -3 00 { Freeman ltp.ler, d •.. . . 6 00 Joseph Hamblen, labor, 14 50 $101 01- $110, 98 :1 18 E. W. Fr.iy, l:.lw:; Samuel Eldruge, do., Charles M. Bray, lumber, A. Bra}, labor, • .Edmund B. Hamblen, Samuel Gorham, Charles Robbins; 5)lvauus Bobbins, team, Nathan Matthews, labor, Elam McCarter, • Edward Gorham, Jr., Benjamin 'Taylor, Jr., Hallett & Ryder, Frederick. Taylor, Calvin Hallett, Charles H. Gorham," Stepheu Eldridge, Frank Hallett, Alfred Gorham; . Ebenezer A. Hallett and team, William 1'. Bray, • • Bela L'erry, Joshua Bassett, Lathan Bassett, John Bassett, . Ilarrison Hallett, Enoch F. Ryder, Oliver Hallett, team, Manchester Hallett, and team, Arthur Hallett, George Ryder and team, Gideon Matthews, do., • 9 20 1 SO 13 19 4 70 • 710' 30 30 6 40 1 20 • 3 70 • • • • • • • • • 8J 4 85 4 60 25 65 11 00 28 66 12 80 12.65 3 15 12 00 17 10 10 30 3 30 10 10 1165 14 55 25 48 1 80 17 (.0 36 55 , 9 60 19 40 4 00 $77 59 8146 SG Joseph F. Gorham, • Jesse Taylor and team, Anthony Mfonntc.thn and tea:n. E. Arey, labor, G eovge B►ay, . Charles rills, Jr., . Abraham Baker and others, Albert Taylor, 2d, and team, Lot Taylor and do., . James Smith and do.; Anthony Ellis, Fru►cis Gnash, A. B. Chase, Allen Cobb and team, Jeremiah Chase, Eduard Chase, Lewis Nickerson, . Nathaniel C. Chiipman, William Covell and team, Hannah Crowell, loam, Daniel Robbins, do., .. Thomas Arey, team and gravel, Henry Arey and tea►n, Edmund \Volker, Allen Cash, Patrick Morgan, Henry Arey, concrete,. Russel I). Farris, drain pipe, James P. Cash, David G. Eldridge, Andersan & Bowes and teams, 19 1 80 ▪ 17 43 • 4 90 5 40 2 09 2 00 2:, 00 29 55 22 85 23 05 8 GO 5 00 10 40 13 40 2 70 2 00 4 20 2 00 4 00 11 33 • 3 28 G8 55 • • • 20 20 9 GO 11 25 G 00 42 .50 29 62 333, 10 00 205 50 8174 26 $133 35 $111 45 l - bl=1.IL LJu . •S +i. e Irtl.• ._•I • '20 Est. of Matthews C. Hallett, gravel, . 6 00 Isaac B. Gage, . . . . 2 00 , •--- $346 00 $1,201 99 CREDIT. 0 , 30 00 Cash by Nathaniel S. Simpkins, . $1,171 99 LABOR AND MATERIAL CN ROADS, 1877. SOUTH. Z A1-AlOUTIH. BRADDOCK MATTUEWS, Commissioner. Cement, spikes and drain pipes, . $11 57 Lumber for bridge, . • 11 47 Iiowes Berry, labor, . 60 Nathaniel Matthews, loam, . 6 51 Frank I. Homer, team and boys, . 69 60 David K. Akin, sand, • .• : • 45 Widow Barnabus Sears, loam, • • 71 12 David Chubbs and team, . • 28 44 James R. Baker, . - . . .1 35 Remegio Lewis,. . 8 70 Orlando Baker,. . . 15 90 Alfred White, team, George Wood, labor, David tears, do.; Allen B. Baker; doy Laba n and Joshua Baker, do., • Charles H. Howard, do., Loren Baker, do, ▪ 5 00 • 2 00 • 51 81 ▪ 6 00 • 31 70 • 23 30 . 6 00 $225 71 1 111 1. a 1 .. . ...eieetllgairrait rYii ieiYY it _i 9 :`ed ."";_r"` F_ 21 Albert Berry. do., Freeman Mal thews, do., Stone for drain, . Fred A. Baker, labor, . Elisl►a T. lloker, don., . Charles Gridley do., . Isaiah Crocker, do., Jeremiah Eldridge, do., William Eldridge, do., . Allen Lewis, du., Samuel Sears, do., Bernard L..Baker, do., . Nathan Robinson, do., . Vinney Crowell, du., . Crowell Baker, do., Peter Goodno, do., Waterman Baker, do., . Reuben Baker, du., Silas Howes, do., . Warren Brown, do., . B. Matthews, team and paid boys, Luther L. Brown, labor, John Larkin, do.; John Baker, Jr., do., . James W. Baker, do., Silas P. Baker, do., Millard F.'Jones, William White and team, Manton Hallett, do., . Daniel Kane, labor. Benjamin Homer and team, David S. Baker, du., . • • 23 00 . 11 00 . 4 00 . 2) 05 .475 70. • 42 . 8 '75 . 27 65 . 13 50 • 9 .60 . 7 80 • 11 06 . 16 05 • 11 00 1 40 9 80 19 00 20 60 1 50 94 59 1 a0 12 00 6 60 13 70 . 111 00 . $1000 • 12 00 . 16 00 . 5 00 ▪ l2 45 . 1/ 00 $192 86 $111 28 $197 29 •r4 • • fi• II u 1 i,Imn, +n a1►. ri„I►ru w. 22 George Loring, do., • Joseph Chase. do., Daniel Baker, do., . Augustus Baker, do., Alexander Robbins,. Edwin .E. I3aker, • . Isaiah Sherman, • Waterman I.. Baker, Thomas Collins, . • Labnn Baker. 2d, and 3 otheri, W. & A. White, bill of lumber, Credit. Roller hirel out and Cement sold, 7 00 • 52 1 tt) R•. . 4 09 . 2 0* . 4 00 • 7 00 . 50 . 26 9) . 1 84 Dr. Bass River Lower Bridge, repairs for 1S7G, I . h .I ilio 41 lark ,— , 1 I!11 lY •1I .111: C *81 07 *47 OG €s:,5 27 5 27 1.850 00 109 22 *959 22 *LABOII. AND MATEIRIAL ON ROADS, 1877. WEST Y ARMOUTL1. 1s.1IATi ettowE.LL, Commissioner. Isaiah Crowell and horse, Washburn Baker, do., Benjamin Baxter, do., James Ellis. do., , . Alexander Crowell, do., 31r. Hart, do., Orris 13. Crowell, do., Zadok Crowell, do., - $47 20 - • • $30 53 26 20 4770 22 76 9 40 11 00 2 70 1)an•is Crowell, do, Simeon Robinson, labor, J oh a 11. Hallett, do., Gilbert Lewis, do., Lockwood Baxter, 2d, .lo, Eben Baxtei do., Tra Bearse, do., . Thomas Taylor and son, . David Buck and horse, A. 13. Chase; do, Aia N. Robioson and son, I lorace.l3axter, labor, Zenas Baxter and sun, do., Stephen 1tere1 sit, do., Simeon Crowell, 6., Benajah Whelden, do, James Robbins a':d son, do., James Earl and son, do, Lysander. A. Uh:►s:,'do, Edmund Mallett, do., Eluathan Baker, do, Dustin Taylor, do., Lockwood Baxter, do., _Daniel Humes, do., . Roland Taylor and son, Flo, Isaiah F. Baker, do., Arthur P. Crowell, do., Edmund Robinson, do.. George 13. Lewis and horse, Joshua Baker a:ul do., do., Nelson Baxter, labor, Lysander Chase, loan, Est. of A. Baxter, do., 23 • 12 58 • 4 00 • 4 00 4 00 4 00 7 90 7 90 7 65 • • • • • • 30 71 7 40 10 25 4 00 6 50 12 50 3 CO 8 00 6 .0 2 50 8 GO 12 CO 12 60 8 00 6 00 • 200 6 90 8 60 7 00 4 0 27 7a 7 40 4 40 14 22 • 34 O1 $'202 32 r $198 06 i REPORT --UF THE SELECTMEN -'--OF TIIE FOR THE YEAR ENDING • JANTJARY 18th, 1878. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: REGISTER STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1878_ 1 1 111 U 1 11 I yIIIIIIIIIII 11 1 11 SELECTMEN, ASSEE.SORS, AND OVERSEERS OF POOR, 1877-8: Braddock Matthews, Stephen Wing, Winthrop Sears. TOWN CLERK _ AND TiREASURER: William P. Davis. COLLECTOR OF TAXES: Elisha Parker. SCHOOL COMMITTEE: T. B. Pulsifer, Stephen Sears, Is.uah Crowell. ROAD COMMISSIONERS: - Wm. Anderson, Braddock Matthews, Isaiah CrowelL CONSTABLES: Charles M. Bray, Luther Baker, Manton Hallett. FENCE VIEWERS:, Henry Bassett; Theo. F. Drew. SEALER OF WEIGHTS & AIEASURES: Stephen Wing. SURVEYORS OF WOOD, BARK AND LUMBER: Wm. White, Albert Berry, Charles M. Bray. TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND: Thacher Taylor, (deceased), William P. Davis. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC LIBRARY: Charles F. Swift, President; Dr. A. Eldridge. Vice -President; Wm. P. Davis, Secretary and Treasurer; Rev. John W. Dodge, Henry C. Thacher, Thomas Matthews, Samuel Matthews, John B. D. Cogswell, Rev. Wm. H. Mayhew. l •i ilii i. .Ii .i RRPORT. The Selectmen of the Town of Yarmouth, .respectfully submit their Report for the year ending January 18th, 1818: SUPPO4IT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Eldridge & Co, supplies, Nathan Grnsli, do, Wing Brothers, do., Edward B. CovilI, labor, Th:tclter Taylor, supplies, Crocker & Co., do., , Stephen Sherman, (keerr for 1 year toSept. 27, 1877), Winslow & Myrick, supplies, Howes, Crocker & Co., do., Braddock 'Matthews, do., • George Otis, wood, • Seth II. Hamblin, supplies, Winthrop Sears, do., 929.97. • Paid Sim. Emery, 95.00, Anthony Ellis, labor, Bertha Ellis, sewing, . . Sylvester Baker & &o., supplies, T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, Nathan T. Hallett, supplies, Daniel B. Crocker & Co, do., Stephen Sherman, do., . Samuel Thacher, do; . ' • 9104 20 25 OH 11 29 61 53 37 70 55 70 351) 00 108 68 152 45 143 08 3 75 34 18 34 97 • 8 40 715 87 44 14 50 11' 22 50 57 13 97 245 25 1 1111 1•1 II 1 1 11101 1•A; -�.sTi tfit 4 1i• li Andrew II. Eldridge, do., Hiram E. Baker, do., . C. W. Hall, cow, -- . Reuben Ryder, supplies, Nathan llallett, bill of shoes, Joel B. Hall, bill of stove &c., Rufus E. Holmes, bill of beef, Freeman Howes, bill of pork, Elisha Parker, supplies, E. Dexter Payne, do., 0. C. Railroad freight bills, John Hale, medicines, . 1 111 III 1111 • • • • • 11 20 ▪ 5 50 • 36 00 6 00 18 60 • 2498 • 131 35 • 22 02 2735 95 00 7 31 57 80 $1,954 22 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT QF THE ALMSHOUSE. Temperance Baxter, board and funeral expenses, Lemuel H. Baker, medical attendance on son, . Henry G. Baxter, do., do, •• Nancy Burgess, do., do., and supplies,.. Lockwood Baxter, supplies, . Prentis Lewis, do., , Serena A. Crowell, do., . Sohn Orlando, do., . Silas Howes, do, • John Matthews, do., Mary C. Bray, do., . Hepsey Robinson, do., Elmira Crowell, Jobqsh, do, . . $77 37 18 04 15 00 38 37 5 00 95 00 7 00 56 50 60 15 39 54 88 59 67 13 6 2q 58 8$ . III nitl . I Edwin Chase, . • Francis Taylor, . Samuel Taylor, . Asa Hallett, clothing for boy, Nathan Robinson, supplies, John Baker, do., Lydia G. Baxter, do., Eldridge C. Baxter, do., Hannah Crowell, do., Sarah Webber's children, do., James R. Gardiner, do., Lydia C. Brown, do., Sophronia Webber, . Mary A. Baxter, do., Charity Baker, do.,0 David Crowell, do., Ahira Nixon, do., Susan B. Nickerson, do, Thomas Taylor, do., Joshua Ellis, do, William Howes, do., Nellie Baker, do., Mary A. Nickerson, do., Alexander M. Tripp, do., Rachel Prnshaw, board, Ellen Baxter, supplies, . Owen Blish's family, do., Daniel H. iv ickerson, do., John Baker, Jr., do., Richard Gray, do., Anna Webber, . • Thomas Taylor, Jr, medical attendance, Frank Baker's family, do., • • 26 GO 19 01 t► 00 10 00 67 88 73 05 67 75 99 t'3 46 :5 12 991 2 91 4538 30 00 44 50 34 50 12 46 16-62 48 83 25 92 19 11 24 50 1300 13 26 . 8 75 10 00 13 75. 52 00 8 00 16 64 8 03 6 50 15 50 72 00 '1,6:3 7; t 6 PAID OTIIER CITIES AND TOWNS FOR SUPPORT OF I'OOR. Town of Harwich, burial expenses of Walter F. Taylor, Barnstable, Jas. Hinckley board, Ana Weblx•r. med. attendance, City of New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge,- " " - Sally Weaver, . Springfield, Lucy Crocker, Gloucester, Sarah A. Baxter, Town of Dennis; Allen B. Crowell, • State Reform School, Charles W. Howes, City of Taunton, John C. Cannon, • . . *21 00 • 68 00 400 57 10 48 00 77 72 25 00 32 54 . 62 03 . 196 55 *591 91 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Auditors settling with Treasurer, Stephen Sears, school committee, Less dog tax, . Thatcher Taylor, selectma• n's services, 1876-7, . Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, 1876, . Assessors, enrolling militia, for State. County, Town and Bank t▪ ax, " list of scholars, . Manton Hallet, constable fee, . Joseph Ilale, services fish committee, Russell D. Farris, do., . David G. Eldridge, do., . Selectmen for services, . Overseeing the poor, Assessing Foreign bank stock, William P. Davis, salary, 1876, . • .*50 0t) . 10 77— • ort 7 T. B. Pnlsifer,.services school committee, Isaiah Crowell, Flo., Chas. M. Bray, constable fees, . IN CI DENTAL Seth I1. Hamblen, for rent of pound, 2 years, Charles Thacker, running- boundaries, . Small Pox patients, bed. attendance and nursing, . Stephen 1Vlug, sealing weights and. measures, and rent, Thachcr Taylor, wood for Town House, Wm. D. Luring, care of hearse one year, Braddock Matthews, burial of 2 strangers, . George Otis, insurance on North Side School.House, Kelley Bros., painting sign boards, Luther Baker, truant committee, • Arunah Whelden,-rent of land for pound, 1875, Wm. P. Davis, recording births, - . deaths; • *8 00 1 certifying State Election vote, recur ling marriages; Stephen Wing, incidentals, Orland.) Baker, recording deaths, . Winthrop Sears, incidentals, Reuben Ryder; recording deaths, J. M. Day, legal advice, Elisha Parker, list of tax payers, (2 years,) Braddock Matthews, incidentals, - - -- . - - 3) 7 316 7 112 7 5 30 50 00 76 00 131 00 49 34. 15 00 75 00 23 50 77 50 50 50 60 00 50 00 35 00 15 20 41,031 14 *3 00 5 00 262 98 11 00 50 3 74 30 50 16 00 4 00 4 00 4 50 18 50 6 50 3 UO 3 75 . 7 09 .5 75 26 45 4 75 2 00 4 00 783 $1:34 44 • Thatcher Taylor, Braddock Matthixs and Winthrop' Sear;, horse hire, . . • . 57 75 4492 19 - 1• 8 REPAIRS ON AIMS HOUSK. R. D. Farris, bill hardware a&c., • *12 72 Job F. Bayley, bill of sashes &c., ▪ 16 95 Charles M. Bray, bill of lumber, 59 42 Simnel Eldridge, bill of paint aiia labor, • 26 95 Eldridge Brothers, carpenter's bill, 133 88 Gorham Eldridge, bill of carting, • 20 Ott John Hinckley, bill of lumber, . • 14 82 Kilborn M. Taylor, bill of paints, . • 1 65 • *286 39 ROADS AND IIRIDi3ES. Braddock Matthews, . . *959 22 Isaiah Crowell, .548 24 William Anderson, 1,171 99 $2,679 45 CLEARING SNOW Braddock Matthews, • .. . *39 68 William Anderson, • 358 19 Isaiah•Clowell, - • .. 84 12 TAXES IREMITTED. TO Elislia Parker, 1877, $481 99 • .• *127 05 SCHOOLS. .NORTH BIDS. Thos. B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' .salaries, . *1,230 00 Cleaning and taking care of house, • *119 47 Coal, wood, and sawing, . • 108 56 POND VILLAGE 228 03 *1458 03 T. B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, . *225 00. Cleaning horse, • $8 30 Wood, and sawing, - . 15 80, *24 10 *249 10 SOUTH SIDE. Stephen Sears, Committee. .. Teachers' salaries, . *1,530 00 Cleaning and talking care of house, 872 70 Coal, wood, and sawing, • 24 78 97 48 *1,6.27 48 Stephen Sears, dog tax, . . . 84 94 $1,712 42 • ''i • • } • �i. 10 WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. Teachers' salaries,' . Cleaning and taking care of house, . $41 OD Coal, wood and sawing, ▪ . 58 27 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. North Side, . Bell, South Side, . Hest Yarmouth, North Side school, South Side " West Yarmouth school, • BOOBS • . $92 86 • 39 74 71 16 11 44 . $96 58 83 47 . 45 35 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, printing town reports, " school reports, Subscription Register, 4 years, . Town meeting warrant notice, . Dog notices, Assessors' notices, &e., $855 00 99 27 $954 27 $215 20 $225 40 . $45 00 • 26 00 8 00 5 00 .6 50 $90 •50 ries ...I 1 11 PUTTING OUT FIRES IN WOODS. Ilowes Berry and others, . ' Freeman Howes and others, $10 70 7 50 • $18 20 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. Albert Taylor, . Polly Cash, . Thomas M. Gridley, Mercy Crowell, . • TOWN TREASURER,. DR. To balance on hand, Jan. 22, 1877, Received from school fund, . National bank tax, . Corporation tax, State Aid refunded . • Dog licenses, • Peddlers' licenses, . Stephen Sears, dog money refunded., Hired of First National Bank, Yarmouth, Received Elisha Parker, collector, Overpaid collection bank tax, Orders outstanding, . .• , $54 00 48 00 20 00 18 03 $140 00 . 13,920 46 200 08 1,501 85 6:32 78 15000 106 46 2400 12.88 . 3,440 00 . 22,117 67 . 15 00. . 1,058 99 $33,181 07 - • 12 TOWN TREASURER. CR. By support of Poor in Almshouse, . in town and out of Almshouse, in other cities and towns, Town officers' and committees' fres, Incidental expenses, . Repairs on Almshouse, Roads and bridges, . Clearing roads of snow, Taxes remitted, • - Schools, North side, South side, West side, _ Pond Village, - . Printing and Advertising, Fires in woods, . State aid, . Repairs on school houses, School Books, Notes First National'Bank paid, . Interest, . _ Interest on Sears fu▪ nd, . Adjusted taxes received, . State tax, . Non-resident stockholders' bank tax, County tax, . . Paid orders outstanding, Jan. 14, 1877, . Balance in Treasury, . . $1,954 22 . 1,673 -71. . - 591 91 . 1,031 14 . 492 70 • 2E6 39 . 2,679 45 . 481 90 . 127 05 • 1,458 03 • 1,712 42 • 954 27 249 10 90 50 " 18 <O • 140 00 215 20 225 40 3,500 00 102 33 915 00 90 70 • 1,260 00 5,322 57 • 1,414 37 .. 1,633 72 . 4,541 2! . $33,181 07 AMOUNT MONIES RAISED FEB. 12th, 1877. Support of the poor and other town expenses, . . x'-4,500 00 For support of Schools, Roads, . Pay town debts, • 13 TOWN, DR.' To money hired of individuals, Sears fund, estimated interest accrued, support of poor, . collecting of taxes, outstanding orders, . 4,250 00 . 2,500 00 1,500 00 $12,750 00 .. $1,000 00 15,915 81 ' 50 00 300 00 ▪ 242 00 . 1,058 99 • $18,566 80 TOWN, CR. By due from Elisha Parker, Collector of Taxes for 1877, . • . $4,388 99 bal. in treasury Jan. 14, 1878, . 4,541 21 due from State Aid, . . 140 00 Town owes, • . . 9,496 60 WINTHROP SEARS, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, STEPHEN %VINO, • YARMtoQ'rII, Jan. 1878. $18,566 80 Selectmen Yarmouth. yr 1N- • 1 Ir 1 .1 d I 1 1.i 11r 1. 1 .111 1 171.: .,11,.L.;1. h 1111 11X111., .., II r 12 0 VALUATION OF THE TOWN, MAY 1st, 1878. Real Estate, $665,982 00 Personal Estate, 619,211 00 Total Valuation, *1,285,193 00 Number of polls, 523 Acres of land _taxed, 10,161 Rate of taxation on *1000, *11 00 Number of legal voters, 557 Dwelling houses, 492 Horses, 205 Cows, 186 Sheep, 30 1 J1: r0:ti.rou J1110410•1 vao- "1101 O14ep1k10d :REPORT --oF THE ROD CO -07 THE NRs TQWN OF YARMOUTH, • FOR THE YEAR 1878. Qoad Cpm+ • yam *tor /$7if • • • • 01; • REPORT. LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS, 1878. YARMOUTH. W. ANDERSON, Road Cotnmissioner, and others. Benoni Baker and team, Stephen T. Eldridge, team, Charles Hallet, Charles H. Gorham, Edward L Gorham, Allen Cash, ' Thomas Arey, gravel, team, Henry Arey, •Harrison Hallet, Geo. C. Hallet, Geo. Ryder, team, James P. Cash, Calvin Hallet, Edmund Walker, Alfred Baker, Manchester Hallet, team, David Marston: Oliver Hallet, team, Arthur Hallet, Eben Hallet, Jr., Wm. Park, John Bassett, Nathan Bassett, Joshua Bassett, John Lewis, Eben nutlet, team, • 134 50 23 05 16 20 10 13 16 85 11 25 20 25 - 1673 36 15 • 13 44 10 35 18 50 24 50 18 75 14 99 55 30 12 75 16 57 4 13 5 32 14 77 19 98 24 118 600 19 42 26 50 16 E. Edson, gravel, Ansel Hallet, Mrs. M. C. Hallet, gravel, Edward Gorham, " James Gorham, Hallet & Ryder, team, 1Vm. Alexander, Gideon Matthews, team, • John Ryder, Jr., Gorham Taylor, Samuel Gorham, Joseph Gorham, Ansel Matthews, Fred Matthews, Charles Robbins, Henry Robbins, Sylvanus Robbins, team. Eben Hamblin, Joseph W. Hamblin, Arthur Bray, Edward Bray, . Warren Bray, - Sylvanite .Whelden, team, Edmund B. Hamblin," Benjamin Hallet, " Seth H. Hamblin, gravel, team, Joseph Walker, David G. Eldridge, gravel, • Elem McCarter, team, Estate Solomon Taylor, gravel, Oliver -Matthews, Joseph W. Howes, Nathan Matthews, Fred. H. Taylor, team, Benj. Taylor, Wm. P. Bray, • 72 2 56 1 95 2 82 19 87 8 10 1 35 7 72 6 75 11 71 16 64 10 20 12 21 11 05 8 92 11 39 1 28 10 17 8 17 3 14 11 45 5 11 18 40 7 95 3 15 32 34 • 98 500 9 58 4 00 3 50 3 75 1 58 8 35 4 28 5 28 Joshua Hamblin, gravel, Alfred Gorham, Wm. Gibbs, Daniel W. Cash, Edmund Eldridge, team. A. H. Eldridge, Freeman Ryder, team, Polly Cash, sand, David Nickerson, Alvin Bearse, B. H. Matthews, Charles Thacher, Samuel Eldridge, R D. Farris, drain pipe, C. M. Bray, Isaac Byder, Wm. Matthews, Albert Taylor, team; .Lot Taylor, Hannah Crowell,, gravel, James Smith, team, , Lincoln Robbins, Allen Cobb, team, ---_• ._ - Henry Cobb, Anthony Ellis, Edward Covil, team, Daniel Robbins, gravel, Jesse Taylor, team, Edward Taylor, Thomas Gray, Alton Gray, Wm. Baker, Frank Chase, (leo. Bray, Fames Ellis, team, Jesse Taylor, gravel, Samuel Phillips, 17 6 80 2 :ins 6 43 3 00 12 00 17 75 20 95 2 00 15 53 9 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 25 20 4 44 180. .3 75 22 10 9 33 5 80 9 75 3 45 5 40 4 88 2 10 2 70 4 82 11 22 3 60 1 27 1 42 1-42 2 92 4 42 3 00 1 60 45 Abram Baker, team. M. Gray, O. Baker, G. Baker, Perry White, gravel, N. S. Simpkins, land damage, Oliver Hallet, " J. 1?. Gorham, Henry .Bassett, Wilson Ryder, A. H. Eldridge. Mr. Walker, J. F. Gorham, 1-2 acre land, for hardniug roads, Anderson & Howes, team and gravel, Charles M. Bray, lumber, for road side, 46 46 [i 18 tra,::•; u`1'wry` ^ r'.....� u 'Y kridJ�+:�U,"m•sc,3. jfGL 9 95 6 00 3 00 4 05 2 00 5 00 6 00 1 50 3 00 50 4 00 4 00 5 00 175 00 38 84 *1286 14 LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1878. SOUTH YARMOUTH. BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, Road Commissioner. Pinney Crowell, *9 31 Nathan Robinson. 16 15 Allen B. Baker, 9 85 Simeon Emery, 7 50 David Chubba, 11 78 Thomas Collins, _ 2 16 John Baker. 2 77 David Sears, - 29 58 Eliakim Studley, 33 David Matthews, 13 00 Jeremiah Eldridge and son, 17 53 Nelson Baker, 5 75 Davit. S. Baker, 17 12 Reuben Baker, 19 60 l 19 Albert Berry, Benjamin Homer,_ John R. Sears, Samuel Sears, Waterman Baker, Lot H. Sears, Widow of Barnabas Sears, loam, Isaiah P. Matthews, Allen Lewis, Peregrine White, John N. Baker, James R. Baker, Daniel Baker & son, Ahira Wiaon, Albertus Crowell, Osborn Chase, Benjamin Cotell, Silas B. Parker, Frederick A. -Baker. John Larkin, Frank Homer, Isaiah Homer, Bernard L. Baker, Horatio Matthews, Loring Baker, Manton Hallett, Hebron D. Baker, Samuel Baker, Joseph B. Homer, Orlando Baker Charles M. Howard, William Eldridge, Freeman Matthews, Amos R Baker, Isaiah Sherman, James W. Baker, 9 00 16 50 15 00-- 6 06 95 8 33 7 66 50 68 :6 50 15 05 8 35 1 05 1 67 11 17 1 05 4 58 1 67 67 6 00 15 00 8 70 2:i 43 5 92 4 50 - 7 25 12 00 6 00 6 67 300 3 90 8 33 9 00 13 50 5 40 3 33- 7 48 6 49 20 Henry W. Taylor, Millard F. Jones, Estate of Solomon Taylor, Thomas Brown, Edward Adams, Crowell Baker, Henry Matthews, Joshua Baker, Laban Baker, Peregrine White, • Widow Susan Baker, for hind, Hiram E. Baker, Braddock Matthews, Cash paid boys, • Benj. F. Bray, . Daniel Wing, 3 33 8 17 6 90 1 49 1 67 2 50 83 16 75 4 75 6 00 5 00 60.00 76 76 3 43 1 20 3 00 $641.99 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS, 1878. WEST YARMOUTH. JAMES ELLts, Commissioner, James Ellis, laboring on road, Benj. Baxter, • David Buck, Alexander Crowell, Edmund Robinson, Jr., Lockwood Baxter, Jr., Nelson Baxter, • Howard Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Dustin Taylor, Eben Baxter, William Whelden, Edmund Buck, John H. Hallet, $50 1.0 29 40 23 55 16 27 5 18 6 67 .4 27 10 35 8 '77 25 97 8 62 1 28 1 28 1 28 Simeon Robinson, Henry G. Baxter, Daniel Humes, Herbert Buck, Lysander Chase, Jr, Washburn Baker, Lockwood Baxter,-- - Jabez Perry, Isaiah F. Baker, Henry Blachford, George Lewis, Tjiwin Taylor, Davis Crowell, Orris Crowell, Henry Taylor, Zenas. Baxter, Elnathan Baker, Joshua Baker, — Hersey, Heman Chase, Alexander Marchant, Alexander Chase, Leander Baker, James Holway, Luther Buck, Prescott Baker, Herbert Studley, Edmund flatlet, Asa W. Robinson, J. g: & B. Sears, for Bridge Plank, Theodore Drew, Theodore Drew, Jr., Higgins Crowell's est., for loam, Frank Crocker, George Lewis, it James Ellis, 1 28 4 27 5 85 4. 50 10 50 21 00 9 00 • 7 0 8 50 22 00 24 00. 4 50 19 50 6 75 7 50 7 50 9 00 18 00 29 25 6 00 9 00 9 00 6 00 8.55 3 00 4 50 3 00 6 00 90 22 56 1 00 2 30 13 00 7 20 3 84 2 76 $525 00 t 22 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS FOR 1878. NORTH SIDE. William Anderson, Commissioner 81247 30 Lumber of Chas. M. Bray for railing, 38 84 — —81286 14 SOUTH SIDE. Braddock Matthews, Commissioner, Repairs on Bass River Bridge, 1877, 8641 99 153 04 1795 03 WEST YARMOUTH. James Ellis, Commissioner, 8525 00 82606 1; WM. ANDERSON, Road Commissioners BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, of JAMES ELLIS, Yarmonth. 41 1 • 44t4111miati:ditlibiY1ialli 4171111 i:,1:.=Nis6111 amidueul I Mull 1 11 :.L.:UD Isis 11 saleu.sl 1.r 1 _ .ui 24 Elkanah CrJwell, loam, . 2 40 James Ellis. do., . . 3 20 Isaiah Crowell. -:aid others, d.1., . 12 90 Willis Taylor, labor, . . :1 'OJ Labor and materials on brid. s, . . 20 97 st:,o. 6c $548 24 LABOR AND MATERIALS ON ROADS FOR 1877. -NOIITII SIDE. William Anderson, Commissioner, Credit, to cash of N. S. Simpkins, $1,201 99 - 3000 $1,171 99 SOUTH SIDE Braddock Maft1 ews. Con-mirsicner, t855 27 Repairs Bass River L. Bridge, 1870, 109 22 $91;4 49 CREIQT.By roller hired and cement, 5 27 $959 22 WEST YARMOUTH: Isaiah Crowell, Commissioner; • • . 4548 24 52,679 45 \WM. ANDERO\. T,oai Con»iils. onars BI:AI)1)OCK AT -THEWS, 1SAIAII CRO1WELL. Yarmouth. • ��yy�riYY ri. IN 1 i 1, li .e wen. 1. YY W LtEPORT -OF THE S H:CTMVMEN -OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, r FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 18th, 1879. - YARMOUTH PORT,, MASS.: REGISTER STAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1879_ 1 Rani, Ii 11 Irr 1 x.1.11. 1 11 1 1 in nm. r!i.unu L, u.. .:.....I .1 ■ 1 TOW N OFFICERS -1878-9. Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of Poor: BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, WINTHROP SEARS, GEO. H. LORING. Town Clerk and Treasurer. WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Collector of Taxes: ELISHA PARKER. School Committee: T. B. PULSIFER, MARY E. JENKINS, ISAIAH CROW ELL. Road Commissioners: WM. ANDERSON, BRADDOCK 31ATTUEWS, JAMES ELLIS. Constables: - LUTHER BAKER, MANTON BALLET. Fence Viewers: FREEMAN HoWES, ISAIAH P. MATTHEW'S. Sealer of Weights and Measures: STEPHEN WINO. Surveyors of Wood, Bark and Lumber. WILLIAM WHITE, ALBERT BERRY, CHARLES M. BR*Y. Trustees of Sears Fund: WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees Public Library: C. F. SWIFT, President; DR. A. ELDRIDGE, Vice -President; WM. P. Davis, Secretary and Treaurer;,Jonx B. D. COGSWELL, THOMAS MATTHEWS, REV. J. W. DODGE, REV. WM. H. MAYHEW, HENRY C. THACHER, SAMUEL MATTHEWS. • ., . I..w: i 1... I ri ... 1 rcx:.I 1.. e w i alarLAMMIrtill 1 mcrosiCri6rigllia :x11 amt=g1 b14.19 y 1 Z E PORT. - SUPPORT OF POOR Ih ALD -SHOUSE. Edward B. Covell, Seth H. Hamblin, Winslow Rand & Co., A. H. Eldridge, 2D., grain, Priscilla Crocker, burial expenses, Stephen Sherman, keeping house, W. H. Bowker & Co., for fertilizers, Ensign Cash, for wood, S. Baker & Co., supplies, Howes, Crocker & Co, supplies, Elem Macarter, Thos. B. Pulsifer, Crocker & Co, coal, Daniel B. Crocker, & Co., supplies, Samuel Thacher, it R. Kelley, M. Nickerson, Nathan W. Grush, Joshua Hamblin, Hiram E. Baker, N. T. Hallett, R. D. Farris, Sylvanns Robbins, Elisha Parker, Joel B. Hall, Nathan Hallett, R E. Holmes, • " $19 77 35 72 73 58 99 23 18 55 350 00 15 00 • 16 50 27 30 124 54 13 75 5 00 51 35 45 43 146 04 1 94 4 25 17 00 15 00 4 00 6 88 52 75� 18 60 21 21 7 29 7 04 136 00 Y' ? ALL' William D. Loring, John Hale, Freemafi Ryder, Thomas Arey, David D. Kelley, Andrew H. Eldridge, supplies, E. Dexter Payne, . Winthrop Sears, paid for supplies, Braddock Matthews, Stephen Wing, 2 35 30 15 5 10 3 00 11 26 12 38 14 60 21 56 17 00 1 30 *1452 42. SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF THE ALMS HOUSE. Anna Webber, supplies, Thankful Merchant, supplies, • Rachael Prnshaw, Lydia G. Baxter, William Howes, Joshua Ellis, Sophrona Webber, Mary A. Baster, Job Cash, _ Charity Baker, Sarah Webber's children, Major D. Baker, Hannah Crowell, Mrs. John Baker, Jr., • John Orlando, Nathan Robinson, Nellie Baker, Mary C. Bray, David Crowell, Alexander Tripp, John Matthews, 27 40 52 50. 12 50 39 65 48 50 19 10 8000 • 46 00 140 93 36 58 • 14 00 80 53 31 88 75 20 42" 25 61 53 42 00 64 29 34 08 • 18 25 31 26 1 Almira Crowell, Silas Howes, James Robertson, Susan Bearse, Eldridge C. Baxter's children, John Baker, Hepsey Robinson, Prentis Lewis, Lydia C. Brown, Lucy Long, David H. Nickerson, Edwin Cash, Josiah F. Baker, Silas Baker, Susan B. Nickerson, Alien B. Crowell, Richard Webber, P. Etta Baker, Polly Cash, Judah Chase, Alvan D. Bearse, Wilbur H. Ryder, Lucy S. Crocker,. Thomas Taylor, Ellen Baxter, Lewis Chase, George Putman, Owen Blish's family, Mary A. Nickerson, Isaiah Ellis, Asa N. Robinson, Waterman F. Baker, 5 37 26 22 01 83 20 598 40 00 39 08 106 43 76 00 36 00 32 42 64 30 119 56 • 5 Ou 10 2$ 36 00 117.- 15 00 2 25 10 00 12 85 30 OJ 10 00 28-50- 3 8-503 00 9 00 200 440 • 52 83 5 00 61 96 42 13 10 32 *2022 95 ' L. • 6 PAIL) OTHER R UITIES ANI) TOWNS FOR •• POOR. City of Gloucester, John E. Young, `° Nancy Corliss, - •• Taunton, John C. Cannon, cc " " Springfield, Lucy S. Crocker, " " New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, Town of Tisbury, Susan 13. Watrons, State Reform School, Charles W. Howes, Town of Brewster, Jas. T. Chase, Orleans, Alonzo W. Chase, " Harwich, Samuel Taylor, " Jas. 13. Taylor, " SUPPORT OF *46 00 55 00 196 55 42 57 82 50 56 50 52 00 42 99 16 51 20 80 39 90 $651 32 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COM MITTEES' FEES. Auditors, settling with town Treasurer, Stephen Sears, School Committee, Isaiah Crowell, " Thos. 13. Pulsifer " " Stephen Wing, Sealer of Weights and Measures Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, for 1877, Assessors for State, County, town and Bank tax, " Foreign Bank tax, Charles M. Bray, warning town meeting, Assessors, enrolling Militia, Selectmen, services, overseeing the poor, Assessors, taking list of scholars, INCIDENTALS. Seth H. Hamblin, rent of land for pound, " it removing pound, $9 00 80 00 35 00 50 00 11 00 295 06 120 00 15 00 4 00 .7 50 123 65 57 85 7 50 Washburn Baker, care of hearse and labor, {, °' labor on Hook and Ladder building, Orlando Baker, recording births and deaths, " care of hearse, Material and labor on West Yarmouth pound. Wm. D. Loring, care of hrarse and oil, gg recording births and deaths, Washburn Baker, labor on pound. Labor on North Side Cemetery, Elisha Parker, list of voters, • Reuben Ryder, recording births and deaths, Lewis Lovell, Snug Harbor, Rachael Prushaw, Tewksbury, Winthrop Sears, incidentals. - Braddock Matthews, Luther Baker, truant committee. Manton Hallet, notice ieldrivers, Insurance on South Yarmouth school -house. " c. West " cc " Winthrop Sears, Braddock Mattthews and Geo. H. Loring, horse -hire. RFPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Samuel Eldridge, labor, Charles M. Bray, bill of lumber, Ryder & Taylor, $815 56 ROADS & BRIDGES. • • Braddock 'Matthews, William Anderson, $1 50 Chas..M. Bray, fence by road side, 2 50 James Ellis, 9 20 4 34 3 25 2 50 8 50 3 55 2 75 4 58 - 1 20 2 GO :3 00 8 00 11 95 7 60 6 02 3 50 200 - 740 7 00 55 00 $157 31 $22 34 41 07 5 00 *68 41 *795 03 • 1247 30 38. 84 525 00 $2606 17 8 CLEARING SNOW. William Anderson, TAXES REMITTED. To Elisha Parker, • PRINTING & ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, town reports & notices, " " Road " " Assessors' notice, " Do g. it a SC100 L.S. NORTH SIDE. Thomas B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' Salaries, Care of House, Fuel, Erasers & Ink, , (*900 of which was paid by Sears fund,) . POND VILLAGE. Teachers' Salaries, Care of .House, • SOUTH YARMOUTH. Mary C. Jenkins, Committee. • Teachers' Salaries, Care of house, *. Fuel, Books & Iuk, $16 07 • Dog tax, 106 46 WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. *228 34 Teachers' Salaries,- Care alaries;Care of House, Fuel, *61 25 22 75 15 00 3 50 *102 50 *18J1 32 $109 00 11 62 1 44 122 06 *2013 38 $195 00 *5 25 *5 25 *200 25 *1195 50 *71 85 32 25 10 29 114 39 $1309 89 *1416 35 *765 00 *34 38 47 72 47. . REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. North Side, _ South Side, West Yarmouth, $57 33 81 34 44 86 $837 47 8183 53 FIRES PUTTING OUT FIRES IN WOODS. Washburn Baker, $20 45 -r- STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. Albert Taylor, $54 00 Polly Cash, 48 00 Mercy Crowell, 54 00 • TOWN TREASURER. DR. To balance on hand, Jan. 18, 1878, Received from State School fond, Corporation tax, Bank tax, State Aid refunded, Elisha Parker, collector, " amount overpaid, County Treasurer, • *156 00 $4,541 21 190 00 592 55 1,280 35 138 00 17,044 63 15 00 • 101 18 10 W. Sears, sundries sold, Bass River Fisheries, Town of Brewster, " Harwich. Peddler license, Orders outstanding. CR. By support of poor in almshouse, in town and out of almshouse, in other cities and towns, Town officers and committee's fees. Incidental expenses, Repairs on Almshouse, Roads and Bridges. Clearing snow, • Taxes remitted, Printing and advertising, Schools, North Side, [2900 of which paid by Sears fiend.] School South Side,- School West Yarmouth, School, Pond Village, Repairs on School -hooses. Putting out fires in woods, State Aid to Volunteers or Heirs, State tax, Non Resident Bank Tax, Balance adjusting taxes, County tax, • Paid orders outstanding Jau. 18, 1878. Balance on hand Jan. 15, 1879, Dog tax, 56 40 415 92 61 96 31 37 800 594 38 $25,070 95 *1,452 42 2,022 95 651 32 815 56 157 31 68 41 2,606 17 16 07 228 34 102 50 2,013 38 1,309 89 837 47 200 25 183 53 20 45 156 00 840 00 4,564 65 13 70 1,255 07 1,058 68 4,390 36 106 46 125,070 95 11 . . \ AMOUNT MONIES RAISED FEBRUARY llth, 1878. }or support of schools, • a a « poor and other town expenses, Roads and Bridges, a Town officers, To Pay town debts, TOWN, DR. To money hired of individuals, Sears School fund, Interest accrued, Support of Poor, Collecting taxes, Outstanding orders, TOWN, CB. By due from Elisha Parker, collector, Balance in Treasury, Jan. 15th, 1879, Dae from State Aid, Town owes, WINTHROP SPARS, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, GEORGE H. LORING, YARMOUTH, Jan., 1879. • $3300 00 4500 00 2000 00 1000 00 2000 00 112:800.00 $1000 00 16,000 00 60 00 340 00 262 35 594- 38 818,256 73 $7.162 91 4,390 36 156 00 6,547 46 $18,256 73 Selectmen of Yarmouth. • • EXPENSES OF THE 4 tOV7N OF�.RNt0�1'H, FOR THE YEAR 1879: YAR LOUTH PORT, MASS.: CHAS. F. SWIFT & SON, PEI(TEES. 1880.• TOW-A7.OFFICES, 1879-18eo. Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of t1 Poor, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, WINTHROP SEARS, GEORGE H. LORING. Town Clerk and Treasurer, WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Collector of Taxes, ELISHA PARKER. School Committee, T. 1. PULSIFER, ISAIAH CROWELL, DANIEL WING. Road Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, JAS. ELLIS. Constables, LUTHER '>AKER, MANTON HALLETT. • Fence Viewers, ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, CHARLES. M. BRAY, ALEXAN- DER CHASE, 2D. Sealer of Weights & '! easurc1, STEPHEN WING. Surveyors of Wood and Lumber, HENRY BASSETT, WM. WHITE. CHAS. M. BRAY. Auditors to settle Treasurer's, Account, DANIEL B. CROCKER, SILAS B. PARKER. Trusters' of Sears' Fund, WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees of the Public Library, DR. AZARIAH • ELI)RIDGE. PRESIDENT; CHARLES F.. SWIFT. VICE PRESIDENT: WM. P. DAVIS, SECRETARY & TREASURER; REV. JOHN W. I)O1)GE. REV. WILLIAM H. MAY1-IIW :1'lIOMAS \ia'1TIUEWS. SAMUEL MAT- T 11EWS. HENRY C. THACIIER, .1. B. D. COGSWELL, • • REPORT. SUPPORT OF TIIE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Phebe W. Crocker, Wood, Thos. B. Pulsifer, Med. Attendance, Geo. W. Rider,--- . Winslow. Rand & Co., Groceries, Nathan W. Grush, Supplies, Polly Cash, Wood, Howes. Crocker it Co., FIonr and Butter, A. H. Eldridge, 2d, Grain, Meal, &c., W. H. Bowker & Co., Fertilizer, Stephen Sherman, Care of Almshouse, S. Baker & Co., Supplies, Dan'l I3. Crocker & Co., Supplies, Crocker S. Co., Coal, Sylvanus Whelden, Wood, Sam'I Thacher. Groceries, N. T. Hallett, f( Geo. P. Matthews, Supplies, Knowles & Co., Thos. Arey. Wm. D. Loring, _ S}7�=antis Robbins, Supplies, E. D. Payne, « Chas. Ellis, D. D. Keller. Dry Goods, Supplies, 86 00 11 50 4 75 98 48 8 00 33 50 5S 10 145 29 19 00 3 50 5 46 109 16 42 43 6 50 95 91 4 13 2 25 5 25 4 20 75 12 25 21 67 15 00 13 88 4 E. B. Hamblin, Supplies, J. C. Frye & Co., Flour and Butter, Elisha Parker, Supplies, Flannels, Nathan Hallett, " Shoes, .John Hale, Medicine, Seth H. Hamblin, Supplies, Benj. Hallett, 2d, Joshua IJamblin, Wood, R. E. Holmes, Meats and Produce, W. H. Mayhew, M'uneral of Mary -Webber, Kilborn M. Taylor, Coffin " tt J. W. Dodge, Funeral of Francis Taylor, John G. Thach'r, Coffin and Robe for Francis Taylor, Dr. Battershall, Med. Attendance, Joseph Gorham, Digging Grave, Stephen Sherman, Bill of Sundries, LABOR AT ALMSHOUSE. Edward B. Covill, Ploughing, Andrew H. Eldridge, Mowing, Carting, &c., Joel B. Hall, Stoves repai.ed, • R. D. Farris, " " 4 90 41 24 21 69 2 87 3165, 1600 6 35 10 60 157 33 2 00 13 00 2 00 15 00 1 00 2 00 6 85 *1407 94 822 80 24 73 11 64 5 76 $64 93 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- HOUSE. Lydia G. Baxter, ,Supplies, Horace Baxter, Med. Attendance, Mare Ann Baxter, Supplies and House Rent, Lockwood Baxter, " Eldridge C. Baxter, and children boarding, Ellen Baxter, " $38 59 13 50 2t 50 18 14 26 00 9 00 Charity Baker, Major D. Baker, Crowell Baker, John Baker, John Baker. Jr., Nellie Baker, ___.Josiah F. Baker, Silas Baker; Waterman F. Baker, John N. Baker, Alvin D. Bearse, Lydia C. Brown, Mrs. Owen Blish, George Butter, Ira Bearse, Job Cash, Gideon E: Cash, Supplies, f[ " " " " a it a( " 4' " ft '4 Dan'l IV. Cash, Boarding wife and child, Edward S. Chase, Supplies, Polly Cas!i, Allen Cash," Hannah Crowell, Almira Crowell, David Crowell, " and Med. 'Attendance, Lewis Chase, Edwin Chase, Alonzo Chase, James -'1'. Chase, House Rent, Howard Crowell, Supplies, Josh. Ellis, « Francis Grush, " and Med. Attendance, Matthew C. Gray, " Silas Howes, Prentiss Lewis, " and Mcd. Attendance, Mrs. Lewis ,Long. Boarding, Prentiss Linnell, Supplies, Sanford Linuell, fit " and Med. Attendance, it " " " " 50 (07 71 CO 4 73 54 92. 101 32 26 00 21 51 8C9" 57 78 11 00. 28 25 40 00 47 09 9 05 12 00 83 50 9 00 16 Ou 16 87 5 47 44 ]5 26 93 7 63 4 70 8 68 60 84 8 43 16 37 6 50 17 66 17 64 43 08 28 84 86 25 - 50 CO ] 9 50 15 CO - 6 • Thankful Marchant, Supplies, John Matthews, " _Mr. Susan B. Nickerson, Boarding, 11 re. Dan'I H. Nickerson, Supplies, Mrs. Mar; A. Nickerson, " John Orlando, George Putman, Lathan Robinson, Hepsey Robinson, Boarding, Lydia W. Robinson, Supplies, Jeremiah Robinson, .: Sam'I Taylor, Edwin Taylor, James Taylor, Alexander Tripp, Med. Attendance, Sophronia Webber, Supplies, Mrs. Seth Walker, " • Ahira Wixou, El::athan Eldridge, Med. Attendance, CREDIT BY OTBE:i TOWNS. Archelus Phillipps, Supplies, Joseph A. Baker, Sam. Baker, Patty Bearse, Jas. Robinson, Isaiah E11is, - .W. Dixon, $19 18 49 65 7 37 20 00 53 38 • 8 70 4 25 PAID OTHER CI'T'IES AND TOWNS. City of Gloucester, Mrs. Nancy Corless, H " " Sarah White, 6 Miss Jennie Baxter* Lyuu, Mrs. John E. Young, 58 50 28 16 60 00 63 00 5 90 38 13 20 45 83 24 64 00 90 82 47 14 110 07 46 00 68 30 10 00 105 30 2 72 5 03 10 00 $2183 54 162 53 $2345 07 City of New Bedford, Mrs. Harriet Eldridge,. " Taunton, Mrs. John C. Cannon, Town of Brewster, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, - " - " Jonathan Handy, State Reform School, Chas. 1‘'. Bowes, 46 59 181 34 8 75 24 33 13 00 $433 03 TOWN OFFICERS AND. COMIIITTEES' FEES. Luther Baker, serving warrant for Nov. election, 1878, and in full to date, Alanton Hallett, serving Town meeting warrant, notify- ing Field Drivers, &c., Stephen Wing, healer of Weights _and Measures,____ - Mary C. Jenkins, Committee's fee for 2 terms, Elisha Paz ker., collecting taxes for 1878, Assessor's, State, County, Town and Bank tax, Foreign Bank tax, Taking list of scholars, 5 to 15 years of age, Enrolling Militia, Thomas B. Pulsifer, committee fee, Isaiah Crowell, committee fee, Wm. P. Davis, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Selectmen, services, . Overseering Poor, Auditors, Town- Treasurer's acc't, 66 66 INCIDENTALS. $50. 83 Orlando Baker, care of hearse and recording deaths, 39 70 Labau Baker, labor and material on pound, 15 50 Braddock Matthews, aid rendered stranger, 53 00 H. G. 0. Ellis, expenses of Abram Matthews, . $11 57 7 77 11 00 25 00 274 54 ,120 00 15 00 7 50 7 50 35 00 25 00 98 95 131 95 65 62 b 00 $841 40 $85tr- 1 80 5 00 1 05 8 �.�..�. Biu Kilborn M. Taylor. varnishing hearse and painting guide - board, R 00 Washburn Baker, care of hearse and attend. at 2 funerals, 9 00 Win. D. Loring, care of hearse and recording dc::ths, 13 CO Geo. Otis. Ins. on Alms House, • 4 90 ,/ • " Town " 9 GO Luther Baker, Truant Committee, - 5 00 Joseph Homer, hook & ladder, - - 2 00 Braddock Matthews, 6 53 Winthrop Sears, • 27 50 Elisha Parker, taking list of tax payers,. 3-00 Seth H. Hamblin, rent of pound land for 1878-79, 3 00 Winthrop Sears, Braddock Matthews, Geo. H. Loring, • horse hire, . 59 75 - 6168 13 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Ryder & Taylor, picket fence,-- - 615 50 Kilborn M. Taylor, paint, • 23 01 Charles M. Bray, lumber for picket fence, 22 10 Luther Baker, masonry, 5 76 R. I). Farris, repairing stoves, 5.'76 Joel B. Hall, " 11 64 X*83 77 LABOR ON ALMSHOUSE. Edward B. Covill, ploughing, 622 80 Andrew H. Eldridge, moving and carting, 24 73 Freeman Howes and others, 1 11 114I11 1 .. , 1 11 I. 1 1, 111111..', ?9, L 1 1111 11 II 111 James Ellis, labor and material, " new road in West Yarmouth. " land damage for same, CLEARING SNOW. Braddock Matthews, William Anderson, James Ellis, PRINTING AND, ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift, town reports and notices, Register, one year, ". " school reports, TAXES REMITTED. Paid Elisha Parker, PUTTING OUT FIRES. --1 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Braddock Matthews, labor and material, .-illiam Anderson, " :,., ,UJ11111,1 WI €47 53. $796 lift 959 90 SCHOOLS. FORTH 'SIDE. Thomas B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, *94 00 577 92 G8 95 47 00 62950 93. $49 19 234 47 69 91 6353 57 851 00 2 GO 17 00 670 00 661 14 61200 *1838 66 { _-...; � JI11 las. 11 1 1 . 1 luoli • • • 10 Books, Crayons, Ink, &c., Labor, Fuel, *900 of which was paid by Sears fund. • POND TILLAGE_ Teachers' Salaries, Care of house, Fuel, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing, Committee.. Teachers' Salaries, Care of house, Fuel, Labor, Crayons, books, erasers, 8c., Supplies. • REST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. T, ::cher, Salaries, Care of house, Books, Fuel, Cleaning house, 40 32 12 45 93 90 240 6? $20?9 33 $102 00 *5 00 *3 00 X40 00 68 50 4 00 30 35 9 82 *22 00 20 86- 38s,0 8 00 800 ,$110 00 • 11 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. NORTH SIDE. Luther Baker, labor and plastering, Charles M. Bray, lumber. •' used while plastering, R. D. Farris, two stoves, . SOUTH YARMOUTH. Painting, white washing, labor and material, Repairs, *36 62 10 63 4 17 69 80 • $121 22 *99 57 12 48 *112 05 WEST YARMOUTH. Albert Berry, *9 31 *952 97 Isaiah Crowell, labor, material and painting, 92 58 - rrc repairs, 15 96 *152 67 *1105 64 5810 00 *89 00 *S99 36 • STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR IIEIRS. Polly Cash, Mercy Crowell, Albert Taylor, • TOWN '1REASURER. D R. Balance on hand, Jan. 15, 1879, Rev'd. of State Treasurer, from School fund, .Corporation tax, . K National Bank tax, 64 Mate Aid refunded, • $117 55 *48 00 53 00 63 00 *164 00 $4389.56 184 05 • 612 45 1145 53 156 00 •;S • 12 Hec'd of State Treasurer for relief of Indigent Sailors and Soldiers, County Treasurer, Proportion of dog tax re- funded, Turkey sold, Land sold to Wm. G. Sears, East Dennis, Hay sold, Hogshead, &c. sold, Old windows, Paint returned, Peddlers' licenses, Town of Brewster, ti Harwich, {{ Sandwich, Fish committee, 1878, David Fisk, Treas., Elisha Parker, sum overpaid collecting Bank tax, Elisha Parker, for taxes 1878, balance in full, " for taxes, 1879, Outstanding orders, Jan. 16, 1880, 105 72 111 68 2 00 6500 15 72 1 00 2 50 75 16 00 11 42 b8 84 49 65". 386 96 15 7210 13878 243 00 63 73 42 828692 61 G R. By Support of poor in Almshouse, i. " in town and out of Almshouse. `• " in other cities and towns. Town officer's and committee's fees, Incidental expenses, Repairs on Almshouse, Roads & Bridges, Clearing Snow, Taxes remitted, Printing and advertising,- Schools, dvertising,Schools, North side, (and *900 from the Sears fund,) Schools, South side, Schools, West Yarmouth, Schools, Pond Village, 11407 2345 433 841 168 83 2450 353 61 70 1179 1105 899 110 94 07 03 40 13 77 43 57 14 00 33 64 36 00 I 13 By Repairs on School houses; Watching and putting out fire, State Aid to volunteers or heirs, Dog -tax, Labor on Almshouse, Outstanding orders, Jan. 1879, now paid, Paid Interest Sears School fund, William Ws Sturgis, note, Interest, two years on same, State tax, • Bank tax, (non-resident,) County tax, Balance in the tr asury Jan. 12, 1880, TOWN, D1 Sears Fund, Interest Accred, Support of Poor, Collecting Taxes, Outstanding Orders, TOWN, CR. Due from Elisha Parker, Balance in Treasury, Due State Aid, Town Owes, 350 82 12 00 164 00 101 18 47 53 598 68- 915 00 1000 00 100 00 420 00 4108 58 1588 30 7777 91 *28692 61 816000 00 45 00 250 00 265 00 243 42 4.16803 42 *4424 51 7777 91 164 00 4437 00 816803 42 AMOUNT OF MONIES RAISED, FEBRUARY 1], 1879. For Support of "Poor, " t chools, 84200 00 " 3800 00 • i' 14 For Support of Town Officers, " Roads and Bridges, " Interest on;Town Debt, 600 00 2000 00 1000 00 $11600 00 VALUATION OF THE TOWN, MAY 1, 1879. Real Estate, Personal Estate, Total Valuation, Number of Polls, Acres of Land Taxed, Rate of Taxation ou 81000, Number Legal Voters,. $ o K Dwelling Houses,, R I if Horses, •• Cows, Sheep, *658,890 00 599,661 00 $1,258,551 00 512 10840 $10 50 547 480 205 217 10 WINTHROP SEARS, BRA DDOCK MATTJAWS, GEORGE H. LORING, YARMOUTH, Jan. 16, 1880. .selectmen o . Parmouth. ANNUAL REPORT SOF TRF ROAD COMMISSIONERS, FOq? THE YE.,Q12 1879. • • • •.� • r • • • I I. • „N, -•k :1w�-...:s�z 4.<s�.'• -'fix. is>.. REPORT. - LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. NORTH SIDE. - W u. AS DEasoN, .Road Commissioner. James A. Cash, Team, $8 55 Francis Hatch, Lumber,, • 1 60 Oliver Matthews, Gravel, 2 00 • Frank Ryder, 53 Joseph Walker, : 4 29 Joshua Ellis, 1 85 Elam McCarter and Team, 10 05 Ahira Young, • 3 00 Orrin' Cash, 2 18 SEth Hamblin, Teani and Clay, 43 75 Isaac Ryder, - 30 Joseph E. Hamblin,9 25 Henry Robbins, Team, 8 45 E. B. Hamblin, " 15 00 Gorham Taylor, 5 36 James Gorham, 3 18 Ophir Josselyn, 6 10 Dexter Gorham, 83 Nehemiah Whelden, Team, 12 91 , Alfred Matthews, 8 42 Warren Bray, 4 81 a: - . • — 4 Arthur Bray, 1 Nathan Matthews,' Ansel 31atthews, Geo. Hallett, 2d, Russel D. Farris, Drain -pipe, Sylvanns Whelden, Team, Eben A. 11 allett, Ansel Hallet, Manchester Hallet, Team, Oliver Hallet, Harrison Hallet, Geo. Millet and Team. John Bassett, Joshua Bassett, Nathan Bassett, Wm. Alexander, D. G. Eldridge, Gravel, Arthur Hallet,: Wm. Parks, James P. Cash, Wm. P. Bray, Alfred Gorham; • Calvin Ballet, Geo. Hyder, Team, Fred. Taylor, Geo. W. Ryder," S. 1'. Eldridge," Joshua Hamblin, Gravel,. Charles Hallet, Mrs. 31. C. 'Hallet, Gravel, Albert Taylor, Team, James Smith, " Anthony Ellis, Henry Cobb, Team, • " Allen Cobb, Lincoln Robbins, Jeremiah Chase, • 18 2 11 1 20 5 67 3 15 9 00 12 37 17 40 8 70 25 35 18 60 24 62 2 50 18 60 5 00 1-05 15 71 - : 86 1 50 6 00 15 00 6 00 2 .03 20 50 25 OC 5 70 4 00 10 00 4 34 8 32 2 85 27 .27 10 2-2 7 20 7 65 15 15 •1.35 8 55 • Morris Gray, Francis R. Robinson, Dan lel Robbins, Gravel, Hannah Crowell, " Edmund Robinson, Edward Chase, Edward Covill, ' Wm. Chase, Osborn Baker,- Geo. Baker, Alton Baker, Abram Raker, Jesse Taylor, Alton Gray, James Ellis, Joseph Baker, Cyrus Walker..' Geo. Bray, Thomas Gray, .Anthony 1lontcalm. Elijah Arev, Lemuel Phillips, Bertie Phillips, T. T. Chase, Eben Hamblin, Edward 13. Hallet, - Gideon Matthews, Team, Joseph Gorham, Wallace Taylor, Team, A. H. Eldridge, " C. 11. Bray, Lumber, Patrick Baveney, . Thomas Arev, Labor and Clay, Charles Ellis, Wm. E. Baker, Isaiah Ellis, Alfred Baker, 19 7 57 7 65 9 GO 7 96 2 10 60 15 3 00 3 00 10 50 11 27 12 24 3 50 7 95 3 00 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 90 2 10 2 10 3 75 7 22 60 5 .70 -5 11 8 55 11 40 12 72 1 00. 14 58 10 u0 5 25 1 80 1 28 20 Amos Arey, - . 3 60 Amos Arey, Jr., 2 25 Frank Chase, 4 50 Reuben Ryder, 30 John Hinckley, Limber, 3 75 Anderson & Howes, 151 80 $959.90 LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. SOUTH YARMOUTH. BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, Commissioner. Braddock Matthews, David Kelley, Manton Hallett, Remegio Lewis, Ernest Baker, George H. Loring, John K. Sears, Loam and labor, Joshua Baker, Laban Baker, Peregrine White, P Frank Homer, Silas B. Baker, Frederic A. Baker, Zeno Baker, Loring Baker, • Hebron V. Baker, Benjamin F. Bray, Vinney Crowell, Samuel 'Sears, Allen Lewis, William Eldridge. John H. Stetson, 'Nathan Robinson, Allen B. Baker, Iceman Crowell, 866 99 2 15 9 00 3 25 5 00 3 00 113 40 18 90 11 20 8 50 18 00 15 65 10 00 6 00 9 75 4 16 6 77 7 79 1 83 8 33 9 55 2 61 20 77 9 62 6 20 21 Henry Matthews, Lot H. Sears, David Sears, Uriah Sears, James W. Baker, Orlando Baker, Alexander Baker, Milla:•d F. Jones, Isaiah P. Matthews, 'Crowell Baker, David S. Baker, Daniel Baker, Bernard L. Baker, Charles H. Howard, Augustus Baker, Edgar Larkin, John Larkin, Loam, Reuben Baker, Jeremiah Eldridge, William White, Isaiah Sherman, Russel D. Farris, Drain Pipes, Susanah Jones, Land damage, David Chnbbs, Thomas Collins, Edward Adams, R. E. Wyman, Point Gammon Bridge, Benjamin Homer. William Chase, 6 25 1 00 38 87 20 17 10 00 600 62 3 83 9 00 3 33 18 41 7 16 12 25 13 45 3 33 10 00 6 55 13 16 6 00 6 25 9 4` 12 CO 10 60 1 00 2 17 1 16 5 00 2 90 1 25 Labor and material on Bass River Bridge, for 1878-1879, 190 1.2 LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. WEST YARMOUTH. Jas Fairy, Road Commissioner. Jas. Ellis, Labor on road, 8796 c6 *65 00 22_ Nelson Robbins, Howard Taylor, Benjamin Baxter, Daniel Humes,. Alex. Crowell, Dustin Taylor,. Joice Taylor, Alex. Chase, Henry Blachford, Washborn Baker, Davis Crowell, Ebenezer Baker, Elnathan Baker, John II. Mallett, Lockward Baxter, Henry Taylor, Isaiah F. Baker, Orris Crowell,' Frank Johnson, Frank Brown, Edward Lewis, Edmund Hallett, Herbert Studley, Fred Hurst, George Lewis, Joshua Baker, David Buck, Edwin Taylor, .Joseph .Nickerson, Albert Berry, Loekward Baxter, Jr., Stephen Marchant, Ales.nna'.er Marchant, Heman Chase, D.tvid Merchant, Nelson .Bax'eer, Lemuel Merchant, 16 50 10 20 22 2(, 7 05 20 20 5 50 12 60 1020' 16 20 18 20 18 20 10 20 8 10 8 10 7 35 4 60 8 10 7 57 4 05 9 60 11 40 6 00 1 50 10 50 11 90 9 00 14 10 4 50 15 GO 16 35 4 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 7 35 1 50 23 Theodore Drew, 1 50 Warren Holway, 2 25 }:dmnnd Robinson, _ 7 05 Edmund Buck, • 1 50 Herbert Crowell, 1 50 Jabez Perry, 1 50 Arunab Whelden, 2 55 Gilbert Lewis, 5 I0 Alexander Baxter estate, for loam, - 13 60 James Ellis a George Lewis, 15 00 A bbie 1I. Crowell,. 2 60 Luther Buck, laboring on road, 2 55 5 55 Zenas Baxter, Lysander Chase, 3 00 1 50. New road laid out by Road Com. West Yarmouth, 115 95 Parker River Bridge, 99 94 RECAPITULATION. William Anderson, Braddock Matthews, James Ellis, WILLIAM ANDERSON, BRADDOCK, MAT'1'HEWS, JAMES ELLIS, . 0.110 8693 87 $959 90 796 66 693 87 •250 4343 _Road Com'rs of Yarmouth li re '7- : b\. • EXPENSES OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTI1, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 16T11, 1880. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: CHAS. F. SWIFT & SON, PRINTERS. 1880. 1 . t • IIIflIlMee -;,•;aillogliglia&AILfidelauffiellimilk TOW.N OFFICES, 1879-1880. Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, WINTHROP SEARS, GEORGE H. LORING. ilium. Clerk and Treasurer, WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Collector of Taxes, ELISHA PARKER. School Oopzmittee. T. B. PULSIFER, ISAIAH CROWELL, DANIEL WING. • Road Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, JAS. ELLIS. • Constables, . LUTHER BAKER, MANTON HALLETT. • Fence Viewers, ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M. BRAY, ALEXAN- DER CHASE, 2D. Sealer of Weights & Measures,, STEPHEN WING. Surveyors of Wood and Lumber, HENRY BASSETT, WM. WHITE, CHAS. M. BRAY. Auditors to settle _Treasurer's Account, DANIEL B. CROCKER, SILAS B. PARKER. Trustees of Sears' Fund, WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees of the Public Library, DR. AZARIAll ELDRIDGE. PRESIDENT ; CHARLES F. SWIFT, VICE PRESIDENT: WM. P. DAVIS, SECRETARY & • TREASURER; REV. JOHN W. DODGE. REV. WILLIAM H. MAYHEW, THOMAS MATTIIE\VS. EDMUND B. HAMB- LIN, HENRY C. TIIACIIER, J. B. D. COGSWELL. REPORT. SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Phebe W. Crocker, Wood, Thos. B. Pulsifer, Med. Attendance, Geo W. Ryder, Winslow. Rand & Co., Groceries, Nathan W. Grush, Supplies, • Polly Cash, Wood, Howes. Crocker & Co., Flour and Butter, A. H. Eldridge, 2d, Grain, Meal, &c., W. H. Bowker & Co., Fertilizer, Stephen Sherman, Care of Almshouse. .S.Baker & Co., Supplies, Dan'l B. Crocker & Co.; Supplies, Crocker & Co., Coal. Sylvanus Whelden, Wood,- Saml Timelier, Groceries. ' . N. T. Hallett, " Geo. P. Matthews, Supplies. Knowles & Co.. Thos. Arey. it WM• D. Loring,- Sylvanns Robbins., Supplies, E. D. Payne, • Chas. Ellis, D. Kelley, Dry Goods, Supplies, *6 00, 11 50 4 75 98 48 8 00 33 50 58 10 145 29 19 00 350 00 5 46 109 16 42. 43 6 50 95 91 4 13 225 5 25 ' 4 20 75 12 25 21 67 15 00 13 88 4 E. B. Hamblin, Supplies, • J. C. Frye & Co., Flour and Butter, Elisha Parker, Supplies, Flannels, Nathan Hallett, " Shoes, John Hale, Medicine, Seth H. Hamblin, Supplies, - Ben'j. Hallett, 2d, " Joshua Hamblin, Wood, R. E. Holmes, Meats and Produce, W. H. Mayhew, Funeral of Mary Webber, Kilborn M. Taylor, Coffin " " J. W. Dodge, Funeral of Francis Taylor, John G. Thacher, Coffin and Robe for Francis Taylor, Dr. Battershall, Med. Attendance, Joseph Gorham. Digging Grave, Stephen Sherman, Bill of Sundries,, LABOR AT ALMSHOUSE. Edward B. Covill, Ploughing, Andrew H. Eldridge, Mowing, Carting, &c. Joel B. Hall, Stoves repaired, R. D. Farris, " 4 90 41 24 21 69 2 87 31 65 16 00 6 35 10 60 157 33 2 00 13 00 2 00 15 00 1 00 2 00 6 85 41407 94 $22 80 24 73 11 64 5 76 464 93 SUPPORT OF POOR IN TOWN AND OUT OF ALMS- HOUSE, Lydia G. Baxter, Supplies, Horace Baxter, Med. Attendance, Mary Ann Baxter, Supplies and House Rent, Lockwood Baxter, Eldridge C. Baxter, Ellen Baxter, 11 " andchildren boarding, $38 59 13 50 24 50 18 14 26 00 9 00 Charity Baker, Supplies, Major D. Baker, Crowell Baker, John Baker, John Baker, Jr., Nellie Baker, Josiah F. Baker,. Silas Baker, Waterman F. Baker,. " John N. Baker, " • Alvin D. Bearse, Lydia C. Brown, Mrs. Owen Blish, George Butler, Ira Bearse, Job Cash, Gideon `E. Cash, " " " " Ci . " 5 Dan'l W. Cash, Boarding wife and child, Edward S. Chase, Supplies, Polly Cash, " _Men Cash, "'and N1ed. Attendance, Hannah Crowell, Almira Crowell, David Crowell, Lewis Chase, Edwin Chase, Alonzo Chase, James T. Chase, House Rent, Howard Crowell, Supplies, Josh. Ellis, Francis Grush, Matthew C. Gray, Silas Howes, Prentiss Lewis, " and Mcd. Attendance, Mrs. Lewis Long, Boarding, Prentiss Linnell, Supplies, Sanford Linnell, " " and Med. Attendance, • " it " " and Med. Attendance, " 50 07 71 00 4 73 54,92 101 32 26 00 2151 ' 8 69 57 78 11 00 28 25 40 00 47 09 9 05 „12 00 83 50 8 00 16 00 16 87 5 47 44 15 26 93 7 63 4 70 • 8 68 60 84 8 43 16 37 6 50 17 66 17 64 43 08 28.84 86 25- 50.60 19 50. 15 00 • • Y .1 11!m, I1I N 1 II• i i.....1 111 •...1 I. I .IrPL I! III III ILII irR'r."; , ILINO •. i 11 6 Thankful Marchant, Supplies. John Matthews, « Mrs. Susan B. Nickerson, Boarding, Mrs. Dau'l H. Nickerson, Supplies, Mrs. Mary A. Nickerson, John Orlando, George Patman, Nathan Robinson, Hepsey Robinson, Boarding, Lydia W. Robinson, Supplies, Jeremiah Robinson, " Sam'1 Taylor, Edwin Taylor, James Taylor, Alexander Tripp, Med. Attendance, Sophronia Webber, Supplies, Mrs. Seth Walker, " Ahira Wixon, .• Elnathan Eldridge, Med. Attendance, • • •" '' CREDIT BY OTHER TOWNS. Archelus Phillipps, Supplies, Joseph A. Baker, Sam. Baker, Patty Bearse, Jas. Robinson, Isaiah Ellis, W. Dixon, 58 50 28 16 60 00 63 00 5 90 38 13 20 45 83 24 64 00 90 82 47 14 110 07 46 00 68 30 10 00 105 30 2 72 5 03 • 10 00 *19 18 49 65 7 37 20 00 53 38 8 70 4 25 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. City of Gloucester, Mrs. Sauey Corless, •• Sarah White, Miss Jennie Baxter, Lynn, Mrs. John E. Young, 66 *2183 54 • 162 53 82345 07 *50 83 39 70 15 50 53 00 • 1 Ii 1 111 1 1 Y 7 'City of New Bedford, Mrs. Harriet Eldridge, " Taunton, Mrs. John C. Cannon, Town of Brewster, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, {t " " Jonathan Handy, State Reform School, Chas. W. Howes, 46 59 181 33 8 75 24 33 13 00 *433 4Y3 TOWN OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Luther Baker, serving warrant for Nov. election, 1878, and in full to date, *11 57 Manton Hallett, serving Town meeting warrant, notify- ing Field Drivers, &c., 7 77 Stephen Wing, Sealer of Weights and Measures, • 11 00 Mary C. Jenkins, Committee's fee for 2 terms, 25 00 Elisha Parker, collecting taxes for 1878, 274 54 Assessor's, State, County, Tuwn and Bank tax, 120 00 Foreign Bank tax, • 15 00' Taking list of scholars, 5 to 15 years of age, ' 7 50 Enrolling Militia, 7 50 Thomas B. Pulsifer, committee fee, 35 00 Isaiah Crowell, committee fee, . • 25 00 • Wm. P. Davis. Town Clerk and Treasurer, 98 95 Selectmen, services, 131 95 • Overseering Poor, 65 62 .Auditors, Town Treasurer's acc't, 5 00 R 66 INCIDENTALS. Orlando Baker, are of Hearse and recording deaths, Lab:ui Baker, labor and material on pound, Braddock Matthews, aid rendered stranger, II. G. 0. Ellis, expenses of Abram Matthews, .$841 40 *8 50 _ ' 1 80 5 00 1 05 f: '1; .11 lora • .1. a, • IA 1111,, i iIIIL iOWL mat LI -IL. 11E11121L•Li.• 8 Kilborn M. Taylor. varnishing hearse and painting guide - board, 8 00' Washburn Baker, care of hearse and attend. at 2 funerals, 9 00 Wm. D. Loring, care Of hearse and recording deaths,13 50 Geo. Otis, Ins. on Alms House, . 4 90 ft Town 9 60 Luther Baker, Truant Committee, 5 00 Joseph Horner, hook & ladder, 2 00 Braddock Matthews, 6 53 .Winthrop Sears, 27 50 Elisha Parker, taking list of tax payers, 3 00 Seth H. Hamblin, rent of poundland_ for 1878-79, . 3 00 Winthrop Sears, Braddock Matthews, Geo. H. Loring, horse hire., 59 75 - REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Ryder & Taylor, picket fence, Kilborn M. Taylor, paint, Charles M. Bray, lumber for picket fence, Luther I3aker, masonry, R. D. Farris, repairing stoves, - Joel B. Hall, ROADS AND BRIDGES, Braddock Matthews, labor and material, William Anderson, it $168 13 $15 50 23 01 22 10 5 76 5 76 11 64 *83 77 $796 66 959 90 • 1.1 111.1 I LI 110111111 9 1 13 lit .1 1. 111 11 • 11 1111111,, James Ellis, labor and material, 577 92 new road in West Yarmouth. 68 95 land damage for same, 47 00 CLEARING SNOW. Braddock Matthews, William Anderson, James Ellis, *2.450 43 • $49 19 234 47 69 91 • *353 57 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles: F. Swift, town reports and notices, $51 00 a " Register, -one year, 2 GO " school reports; 17 00 f570 00 TAXES REMITTED. Paid Elisha Parker, $61 14 PUTTING OUT FIRES. Freeman Howes and others, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Thomas B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, • •• *12 00 *1838 66 $94 00 3 10 -Books, Crayons, Ink, &c., Labor, Fuel, • *900 of which was -paid by Sears fund. POND VILLAGE. Teachers' Salaries, Care of house, Fuel, - SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing, Committee. Teachers' Salaries, Care of house, Fuel, Labor, • Crayons, books, erasers, &c., Supplies, 40 32 12 45 93 90 240 67 *2079 33 *102 00 *5 00 *3 00 8 00 $110 00 *952 97 *40 00 68 50 4 00 30 35 9 82 *152 67 *1105 64 WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. Tt achers' Salaries, Care of house, *22 00 Books, 20 86 Fuel, 38 50 Cleaning house, 8 00 11 • REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. NORTH. SIDE. Luther Baker, labor and plastering, Charles M. Bray, lumber. A0 " " used while plastering, R. D. Farris, two stoves, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Painting, white washing, labor and material, Repairs, WEST YARMOUTH. . Albert Berry, Isaiah Crowell, labor, material and painting, " " Tepairp STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR HEIRS. Polly Cash, Mercy Crowell, Albert Taylor, *810 00 TOWN 'IREASURER. D R. - Balance on hand, Jan. 15, 1479, • Ree'd. of State Treasurer, from School fund, 46 *89 00 Corporation tax, National Bank tax, *599 36 66 State Aid refunded, *36 62 10 63 4 17 69 80 $121 22 *99 57 12 48 *112 05 *9 31 - 92 58 15 96 *117 55 *48 00 53 00 63 00 *164-00 *4389 56 184 05 612 45 1145 53 156.00 12 )lec'd of State Treasurer for relief of Indigent Sailors and Soldiers, _ 105 72 County Treasurer, Proportion of dog tax re- funded, 111 68 Turkey sold, • 2 00 Land sold to Wm. G. Sears, East Dennis, 65 00 Hay sold, 15 72 Hogshead, &c. sold, 1 00 Old windows, 2 50 Paint returned, 75 Peddlers' licenses, 16 00 Town of Brewster, 11 42 " Harwich, b8 84 Sandwich, • 49 65 Fish committee, 1878, David Fisk, Treas., 386 96 Elisha Parker, sum o� erpaid collecting Bank tax, 15 00 Elisha Parker, fur taxes 1878, balance in full,. 7210 63 64 " for taxes, 1879, 13878 73 Outstanding orders, Jan. 16, 1880, �g 5rG 243 42 $28692 61 CR, By Support of poor in Almshouse, " in town and out of Almshouse, {I " in other cities and towns. Town officer's and committee's fees, Incidental expenses, Repairs on Almshouse, Roads & Bridges, Clearing Snow, Taxes remitted, Printing and advertising, Schools, North side, (and 890n Schools, South side, Schools, West Yarmouth, Schools, Pond Village, 81407 2345 433 841 168 83 2450 353 .61 70 from the Sears fund,) 1179 15 89109 110 94 07 03 40 13 77 43 57 14 00 33 64 36 00 • 13 $y Repairs on School houses, Watching and putting out fire, State Aid to volunteers or heirs, Dog -tax, Labor on Almshouse, Outstanding orders, Jan. 1879, now paid, Paid Interest Sears School fund,. William W. Sturgis, note, Interest, two years on same, State tax, Bank tax, (non-resident,) County tax, Balance in the tr .asury Jan. 12, 1880, s Sears Fund, Interest Accrued, Support of Poor, Collecting Taxes, Outstanding Orders, TOWN, DII. • TOWN, CR. • Due from Elisha Parker, Balance in Treasury, Due State Aid, Town Owes, 350 82 12 00 164 00 101 18 47 53 598 68 91500 1000 00 100 00 420 00 4108 58 1588 30 7777 91 8286:;2 61 816000 00 45 00 250 00 265 00 243 42 416803. 42- $4424 16803.42- $4424 51 ' 7777 91 164 00 4437 00 • *1.6803 42 AMOUNT OF MONIES RAISED, FEBRUARY 11, 1879. For Support of Poor, £;4200 00 " ":choo1s. 3800 00 r For Support of Town Officers, " Roads and Bridges, " Interest on Town Debt, . 14 600 00 2000 00 1000 00 *11600 00 VALUATIO.N OF THE TOWN, MAY 1, 1879. Real Estate, *65E4,890 00 Personal Estate, 599,661 00 Total Valuation, *1,258,551 .00 Number of Polls, 512 Acres of Land Taxed, 10840 Rate of Taxation on *1000, • *10 50 Number Legal Voters, 547 CI Dwelling Houses, 480 " Horses. 205 Cows, 217 SI Sheep, 10 WINTHROP SEARS, Selectmen BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, of GEORGE H. LORING, Yarmouth. YARMOUTH, Jan. 16, 1880. ANNUAL REPORT __ SOF TH&- ROAD COMMISSIONERS, Fq THE YE_,M 2879. • • l z� • RE PORT. LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. NORTH SIDE. Wm. ANDERSON Road Commissioner. James A. Cash; Team, $8 55 Francis Hatch, Lumber, 1 60 Oliver Matthews, Gravel, • 2 00 Frank Ryder, 53 Joseph Walker, 4 29 Joshua Ellis, 1 85 Elam McCarter and Team; 10.05 Ahira Young, 3 00 Orrin Cash, 2 18 Seth Hamblin, Teani and Clay, 43 75 Isaac Ryder, 30 Joseph E. Hamblin, 9 25 Ilenrt Robbins, Team, E. B. Hamblin. " Gorham 'Taylor, James • Gorham, Ophir Josselyn, Dexter Gorham, Nehemiah Whelden, Team, Alfred Matthews, Warren Bray, 8 45 15 00 5 36 3 18 6 10 63 12 91 8 42 4 81 ' 1 II 1 1 1 11 EI11111 1 ■ l i1. 1 111 ■ 1 1 l W .1 .11 11111 11 1. 1. 18 --Arthur Bray, Nathan Matthews, Ansel Matthews, Geo. Hallett, 2d, Russel D. Farris, Drain -pipe, Sylvanns Whelden, Team, Eben A. Hallett, - Ansel Hallet, Manchester Bullet, Team, Oliver Hu11et, " Harrison liuilet, Geo. Ilallet and Team, John Bassett, Joshua Bassett. _Nathan Bassett, Wm. Alexander, D. G. Eldridge, Gravel, Arthur Hallet, Wm. Parks, James P. Cash, Wm. P. Bray, Alfred Gorham, Calvin Hatlet, Geo. Ryder, Team, Fred. Taylor, " -Geo. W. Ryder,' S. T. Eldridge, Joshua Hamblin, Gravel, Charles Hallet, Mrs. 31. C. Hallet, Grave], Albert Taylor, Team, James Smith— " Anthony Ellis, Henry Cobb, Team, Alien Cobb, " Lincoln Robbins, Jeremiah Chase, 1111 1 ■ as 1 1 i .. cF ■. 1111111■ 111 ul1 • 11111 1 Ili IV 11 1 . 1 1 2 11 Morris Gray, 1 20 Francis R. Robinson, 5 67 - Daniel Robbins, Gravel, 3 15 Hannah Crowell, " 9 00 Edmund Robinson, 12.37 Edward Chase. 17 40 - . Edward Covill, 8 70 Wm. Chase, 25 35 Osborn Baker, 18 GO Geo. Baker, 24 62 Alton Baker, 2 50 Abrani 18 60 Jesse Taylor, 5 00 Alton Gray, 1 05 James Ellis, 15 71 Joseph Baker, 7 86 Cyrus Walker, 1 50 Geo. Bray, 6 00 Thomas Gray, 15 00 Anthony Montcalm. 6 00 Elijah Arev, 2 03 Lemuel -Phillips, 20 50 Bertie Phillips, 25 OC T. T. Chase, 5 70 - Eben Hamblin, 4 00 Edward B. Hallet, 10 00 Gideon Matthews, Team,. 4 34 Joseph Gorham, 8 32 Wallace Taylor, Team, 2 85 A. H. Eldridge, " 27 27 C. M. Bray, Lumber, 10 22 Patrick Kaveney, 7 20 Thomas A-rey. Labor and Clay, 7 65 Charles Ellis, - 15 15 ' Wm. E. Baker, 1 35 Isaiah Ellis, 8 55 Alfred Baker, 19 7 57 7 G5 9 60 7 96 • 2 10 82 60 15 3 00 3 00 10 50 11 27 12 24 3 53 7 95 3 00 1 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 90 2 10 2 10 3 75 7 22 50 5 70 5 11 8 55 11 40 12 72 1 00 14 58 10 00 5 25 1 80 1 28 20. Amos Arey, Amos Arey, Jr,_ Frank Chase, — Reuben Ryder, John Hinckley, Lumber, Anderson & Howes, LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. SOUTH YARMOUTH. BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, Commissioner. Braddock Matthews, David Kelley, Manton Hallett, Remegio Lewis, Ernest Baker, George H. Loring, John K. Sears, Loam .and labor, Joshua Baker, Laban .Baker, Peregrine White, Frank Homer, Silas B. Baker, Fiederic A. Baker, Zeno Baker, Loring Baker, Hebron V. Baker, Benjamin F. Bray, Vinrey Crowell, Samuel Sears, Allen Lewis, William Eldridge, John Ii. Stetson, Nathan Robinson, Allen B. Baker, I3eman Crowell, 3 60 2 25 4 50 30 3 75 151 80 *959 90 *66 99 2 15 9 00 3 25 5 00 3 00 103 40 18 90' 11 20 8 50- 18 00 15 65 10 00. 6 00 9 75 4 16 6 77 7 79 1 83 8 33 9 55 2 61 20 77 9 62 6 20 I 21 Henry Matthews, - Lot H. Sears, David Sears, Uriah Sears, James W. Baker, Orlando Baker, Alexander Baker, Milla.•d F. Jones, Isaiah P. Matthews, Crowell Baker, David S. Baker, Daniel Baker, Bernard L. Baker, Charles H. Howard, Augustus Baker, Edgar Larkin, John Larkin, Loam, Reuben Baker, Jeremiah Eldridge, William White, Isaiah Sherman, Russel D. Farris, Drain Pipes, Susanah Jones, .Lund damage, David Cbnbbs, Thomas Collins, Edward Adams, R. E. Wyman, Point Gammon Bridge, Benjamin Homer. William Chase, Labor and material on 6 25 1'00 38 87 20 17 10 00• 6 00 42 '3 83 9 00 3 33 18 41 7 16 12 25 13 45 3 33 10 00 6 55 13 16 6 CO 6 25 9 49 12 CO 10 CO 1 00 2 17 1 16 500 2 40 1 25 Bass River Bridge, for 1878-1879, . 190 82 LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1879. WEST YARMOUTH. JAS. ELLIS, Road Commissioner. Jas. Ellis, Labor on road, 8796 i-:6 *65 00 } r Nelson Robbins, Howard Taylor, Benjamin Baxter, Daniel Humes, ,Alex. Crowell, Dustin Taylor, Joice Taylor, Alex: Chase, Henry Blachford, Washborn Baker, Davis Crowell, Ebenezer Baker, Elnathan Baker, John H. Hallett, Lockward Baster, Henry Taylor, Isaiah F. Baker, Orris Crowell, Frank Johnson, Frank. Brown, Edward Lewis, Edmund Hallett, Herbert Studley,. Fred Hurst, George Lewis, Joshua Baker, David Buck, Edwin Taylor, Joseph Nickerson, Albert Berry, Lockward Baxter, Jr, Stephen Marchant. Alexander Marchant, Iceman Chase, David Merchant, Nelson Baxter, Lemuel Merchant, 22 16 50 10 20 22 20 7 05 20 20 .5 50 12 GO 10 20 16 20 18 20 18 20 10 20 8 10 810. 7 35 4 60 8 10 7 57 4 05 9 60 11 40 6 00 1 50 10 50 11 90 — 900 14 10 4 50 15 GO 16 35 4 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 7 35 1 50 23 Theodore T)rew, 1 50 Warren Hol way, 2 25 Edmund Robinson, 7 05 Edmund Buck, . 1 50 Herbert Crowell, 1 50 Jabez Perry, 1 50 .Arunah Whelden, 2 55 Gilbert Lewis. 5 10 Alexander Baxter estate, for loam,- 13 60 James Ellis " . 15 00 George Lewii, " - 2 60' Ahbie H. Crowell, 2 56 Luther Buck, laboring on road, ____ 5 55 Zenas Baxter, " 3 00 - Lysander Chase, - 1 50 New road laid out by Road Com. West Yarmouth, 115 95 Parker River Bridge, 99 94 • RECAPITULATION. William Anderson, Braddock Matthews, James Ellis, • WILLIAM ANDERSON, BRADDOCK, MATTHEWS, JAMES ELLIS, $693 87_ $959 90 796 66 693 87 $2450 43 _ Road Com'rs of Yarmouth ✓ WJV'>r• � F 1 • rd • • • • EXPENSES -OF THE• - TOWN OF YARMOUTH, FOB TBE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 16TH, 1881. T.IRMOUTH PORT, MASS.: C II AS. F. ER'7FP & SON, PRINTERS, 1881. rK 4 I 11 1 I . 1 +:: "i'iUI �� II 121 .1111 ■1 11 ■ 11 1111.1 1.11 LN dill .• ! .1_11 LA__ IJ.1.r LBO.NI .. I 11 I III TOWN OFFICERS, '1,880=1881. Selectmen, 4ss:ssors, and Overseers of Poor, .BRADDOCK 3IATTIIEWS, WINTHROP SEARS, EDWARD LEWIS. Town Clerk and Treasurer, W3I. P. DAVIS, Collector of Taxes, EDWARD L CHASE: School Committee, T. B. PI: LSIFER, ISAIAHI CROWELL, DANIEL WING. Road Co)1)anissioner8, WM. ANDERSON, BERNARD L. BAKER, JAS. ELLIS. • Constables, LUTHER BAKER, MANTON HALLETT. i• Fence Viewers, ISAIAIH P. MATTHEWS, WASHBURN BAKER. Sealer 1 f Weights and Measures, - STEPHEN WING. Surveyors of Wood and Lumber, HENRY BASSETT. WM. WHITE; CIHAS. U. BRAY. Auditors to settle Treasurer's Account. DANIEL WING, E. DEXTER PAYNE. . Trustees of Sears Pond, WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees of the Public Library. DR. AZARIAII ELDRIDGE, PRESIDENT; CHARLES F. SWIFT, VICE PRESIDENT; WPI. P. DAVIS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER; REv. JOHN W. DODGE. REV. WILLIAM H. MAYHEW, THOMAS MATTHEWS, EDMUND B. HAMB- LIN. HENRY C. TIIACIIER, J. 11: D. COGSWELL. REP()RT. SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Andrew II. Eldridge, grain and meal supplies, Phehe W. Crocker, wood, . - Stephen Sherman, keeper of almshouse, . 11 D. Farris, J. C. Frye &Co, J. M. Howes, • S,ylva nus Robbins. 1..11. Timelier, • .• D. B. Crocker & Co., C. M. Bray, N. T. Hallet, E. D. Payne, • Winslow, Rand & Co, P. D. Kelly, • N. W. G ra sh, -E. B. Hamblin, • Thos. Arey, carting stores Crocker & Co., bill of coal, 0. C. II. R.. Dill of freight, Wm. Shields, supplies, S. H. Hamblin, Nathan H:aliet, ..Joel B. Hall, R. E. Holmes & Sons. J. E. Ryder, Thacher T. Hallet, medical - Kilborn M. Taylor, paints, Elisha Parker, hill of shoes, Braddock Matthews, supplies, supplies, it it $60 32 12 00 350 00 19 38 90 46 14 84 35 31 33 168 57 80 53 2 66 1 09 .78 45 65 64 14 74 3 50 7 85.- 4 54 10 47 25 7 80 15 20 21 72 3 20 9 98 108 00 2,50 18 30 8 67 2162 15 82 *1311 51 • 1 • I. > . t • SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE: Mary Ann Baxter, supplies, George H. Baxter, medical attendance, Lucy E. Baxter, board bill, Lockwood Batter, supplies, Mary W. Baxter, board. nurse, medical attendance, Charity Baker, • supplies, . Major D. Baker, John Baker, John Baker, Jr., Silas Baker,: Waterman F. Baker, John N. Baker, David Buck, Ira Bearse,. Nancy Brooks,. Lydia G. Bearse, Owen Bliss,'. Lydia Brown, George Butler, Job Cash,.. Daniel W. Cash, Polly Cash, Alien B. Crowell, Cynthta•Crowell, Eugene Crowell, Joseph ('otelle, Howard Crowell, Lewis Chase, Clara Chase, Edwin Chase, medical James T. Chase, Joshua Ellis, • Frances Grush,- James R. Gardner,- - Matthews C. Gray, K tc 64 64 it 4' 66 4' f{ K K • '4 is it K attendance, supplies, '' 4' '{i $10 97 46 00 30 00 19 63 57 73 33 81• 79 27 52 02 • 102 99 27 12 55 00 21 37 440 40 29 13 00 30 86 45 06 18 00 26 31 87 35 86 00 4 04 10 00 56 00 3 00 16 50 22 50 1020 1 11 16 49 21 63 7 84 5 20 25 00 5456 5 Edm and Mallet, medical attendance, Prentis Lewis, house rent and supplies, . Mrs. Lewis Long. medical attendance, board, Prentis Liunell. supplies, John Matthews, - °' Thankful Marchant.. •• Susan Nickerson, Daniel H. Nickerson, - Mary A. Nickerson, house rent, John Orlando. ' supplies. ' t;eorge Patin ua. }Minnnd Robinson. - Nathan Robinson, Lydia Robinson, llepsey Robinson. board. Jeremiah IiOhirsun. house rent.• Joseph. Robinson. supplies, Joseph 11. Robinson, Thwmas Taylor. Edwin Taylor, Samuel Taylor, 'ophrouia Wel Kr. !ward, . Anna Weber, supplies, Ahira W ixou. •• *8 00 129 96 50 40 3 73 33 57 .55 09 .48 00. 43 50 15 48 49 37 25 ▪ 23 50 49 10 72 92 47 00 18 05 4 76 12 44 4 00 6 13 :32 00 76 00 21 00 10 74 $1960 24 PAID O'1'IIER CITIES AND TOWNS. Paid (:ity of Lynn, Mrs. Jim. E. Young, Gloucester. Mrs. Sarah 31. White, 131rs. Nancy Corless, • " Taunton, John C. Cannon. - • Boston, Win. T. Baker, New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, Hyde Park. 31 rs. Sarah Lovell and children, Primary School, George Young. • 862 00 12 47 54 67 185 34 12 30 33 32 42 99 ).8 �0 $421 09 Mrd, Ct1i(.N_4, .t. i. J� u• . ` • i • t . 1v t t • 6 . TOWN OFFICERS. AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Manton.IIallet, serving warrant, November election. 813 George 13. Loring, services as selectman, 12 44 overseeing the poor, 2 Elisha Parker, collecting taxes, 1879, • 254 Stephen Wing, sealer of weights and measures, 11 Luther Baker, serving town meeting warrant, 8 Isaiah Crowell, committee fee, • 25 Thos. B. Pnlsifer, • 35 Daniel Wing, " 30 Assessors' state, county and town tax. 120 thking list of scholars, 5 to 15 years of age, 7 enrolling militia, 7 taking list of scholars, 8 to 14, 7 \Vm. P. I:)ayis, bill, -services as town clerk, treasurer, etc., 107 Selectmen services. 131 Overseeing poor, 63 INCIDENTALS. Washburn Baker, recording births and deaths, Manton II. Crowell, repairing{■hook and ladder. If 46 " West Yarmouth hearse, Geo. H. Loring, stationery, Bowker's fertilizer, top dressing, Asa E. Lovell, making conveyances real estate, Chas. Thacher, surveying road West Yarmouth, Wm. D. Loring, cart hearse. recording births and deaths, Woodland bought of Nancy Brooks, Insurance on West Yarmouth school house, Copying state book, Stationery, stamps and postals, Jos. M. Day and Geo. A. King, legal advice, Benj. 1i. Matthews, Tewksbury, - W. Sears, Jr., " 23 50 50 44 00 95 00 00 Ot t Uu 50 50 50 70 00 33 -7 Seth H. Hamblin, pound rent, 81 50 . Orlando Baker, care of hearse, 3 00 Braddock Matthews, W. Sears and Ed. Lewis, horse hire, 72 75 W. Sears, p'd fur administering oaths and reeJrding deeds, 11 25 " insurance on almshouse; etc., 11 48 $263 26 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Jeremiah and \Villiam_Eldridge, building wash house, 8149 00. .( " labor and material on almshouse, 15 29 Winthrop Sears, Jr, painting almshouse, 13 05 • E. Dexter 1'ayne's bill for white lead and dryers, 14 14 C. M. Bray's hill of lumber, 6 73 v- $837 15 Andrew .11. Eldridge, ploughing, etc., - _ — Edward 13. Covell, carting wood, etc., LABOR ON FARM. $8 50 1 00 10 00 25 15 00 10 00 3 00 1025 35 00 7 00 10 00 15 18 7 00 11 85 12 75 J. 13. Crocker, serving writ and marrying Lillian Webber,• 6 50 L" REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. *19S 21 $23 35 14 90 $38 25 1)au'l Wing, building fence, So. Yarmouth school house, $60 09 Chas. M. Bray, repairs on school house, North side, 2 43 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Braddock Matthews, labor and material on roads, William Anderson, " James Ellis: 1I .. Bernard L. Baker, l " y14 CLEARING SNOW. Braddock Matthews. as her bill. $62 52 ' *3 06 1221 12 510 00 763 77 . •82497 95 $9 87 4. .3"8"4411 tiUlf LvFes ta.15; . 34"3"4119 44i1n111I1..r" 'dye nut SEVSN .V21 LI1. .:L.....1— I.1 1.11. : I .Lt . ya+ .. 1 sl a- 9 ;, Wm. Anderson, as per bill. 836 21 • Fuel, 12 50 Cleaning house, . James Ellis, -3 ' - 858 58 r , ; TAXES REMITTED. Elisba Parker, *107 '60 " tax remitted on camp cottages of If , . non-residents, 228 09 • ' On tax of Sylvester Baker's heirs, 26 25 `,s ii 8361 94• 4 ; 1 • PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Chas. F. Swift &- Son, town reports, warrants and notiees.-$77 25 " " " a L° for "Register," one year, George Otis, town warrant, dog notice, etc., • James 13. Cook, school report as per bill, 2 00- 7 05 2a 0•_; *112 20 PUTTING OUT FIRES. Paid Manchester Ballet and others, -services on Village Hall fire, 624 50 • STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS OR THEIR HEIRS. Polly Cash, Mercy Crowell, Albert Taylor, John T. Small, G-• SC110OLS. NO_tTH SIDE. Thomas B. Pulsifer, Committe. Teachers' salaries, Care House, Books, crayons and ink, *48 00 48 00 72 oo S Ou $1;G 00 •$970 20 *94 00 44 41 7 s Paid by Sears fund, PO_NI) VILL AOE.- Teachers' salaries, Fuel and labor. 875.11 20 89 824 41 . 61204.61 8900 00 852 50 *6 75 £*6 75 859 25. • .1.---- ` SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing. Committee. Teachers' salaries, •81229 88 Care of house, 859 00' Books. crayons, ink, etc., 13 07' Fuel. - • 64.00 _ Supplies.by Ring & Bru., • 41 09 Cleaning. and labor on loose. 52 00 Preparing school report by Daniel -Wing, 10 00' '` -- • ----- *239 16 WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, Books, Fuel. Dog tax,: a 81469 04 8750 00 430 00 9 81 30 00 111 6.8 8181 49 $931 49 '�- il' ''L�F-�k`Ss=''.17+:. 114.giAi6f+�a{Ymu,s:+.Wtr+wIYrO�iiYYs�ii/tlr. •u� ..- .fir �aL■ • 10 • MEDICAL ATTENDANCE TO TOWN'S POOR. Paid Dr. •Battershall, Pulsifer, 1V. J. Nickerson,. S. F. Haskins, ge if ti '' TOWN 'TREASURER. DR. -_-= Balance January 12, 1880, - . . Received of Sate. Treasurer, from school fund, - 64 it if :: " 46. " CA 66 it :: I: i[ 837 50 50 00 50 00 12 50 *150 00 87777 91 181 39 transportation of paupers, 1 80 adjustment of taxes, 47 09 corporation tax, 820 28 bank tax, 1398 74 State aid refunded, 163 00 '' indigent sailors and soldiers, 30 Elisha parker, Collector, 1879, Edward L. Chase, " 1880; Jonathan Bangs, Treas. Fish Committee, Town of Barnstable, it Harwich, for peddlers license, Henry C. Timelier, rent of laud Winthrop Sears, salt grass sold, ti • hay barrels turkeys, 46 44t;4 15500 225 20 32' 8 for boat house, 2 5 19 2 3 4 1 488 beaus, " 66 " rent, W'. Nickerson, house, Outstanding orders, January 11, 1881, - CR. By Support of poor in almshouse, a{ • . it) tuwu, anal oat of boshJuse, 50 55 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 06 00 35 50 00 15 *31208 17 *1311 51 1900 24 11 11 By Support in other cities and towns, " Town officers' and committees' fees, "• Incidentals, '• Repairs on. almshouse, Labor on farm, "-Repairs on school houses, • " Roads and bridges, " Clearing Snow, "Taxes remitted. " Putting out fires, — - "Printing and advertising, •• • " State aid, " School on North side, " in South Yarmouth, " West Yarmouth, " Medical attendance, town's poor, "Outstanding orders paid 1880, -arid state treasnrer,•adjnsting taxes, " trustee of the Sears fund, ' " County tax, " State " " Bank " Balance in Treasury January 12, 1881, TOWX, DR. Sears fund, • Interest accrued, Support of poor, Collecting tines, Outstanding orders, TOWN, CR. Balance in Treasury, Janna y 12, 1881, Due from Edward 1.. Chase. collector, $421 09 837 15 203 26 198 21 38 25 62 52 2497 95 58 58 361 94 24 50 112 20 285 00 1203 86 1409 04 931 40 150 09 • 243 89 -17 1u 915 00 2115 68 1260 00 • 4378 64 10140 16 *31208 17 *1600.0 00 35 00 150 00 200 09 • • 48S 15 *16873 15 • *10140 1G 3843 98 • it Due State aid, Town owes to balance, *116 00 2713 01 *16873 15 AMOUNT OF MONIES RAISED, FEBRUARY 9, 1830. For support of poor, 4• " schools, Town officers, " Roam and bridges. Interest on town debt. *4000 00 3800 00 600 00 :1000.00 10►. 0.00 *11400 00 VALUATION OF THE TOWN, MAY 1, 1S80. Peal Estate. Personal Estate, rU66.652 00 652,065 10 Total valuation, *1,318.717 00 Number of polls, 539 Acres of land taxed; 11140Q Rate of taxation on *1000, *10 50 Number dwelling houses, 501 Horses, , • 2 13 Cows, 228 •• Sheep, 12 46 Legal voters, 537 WINTHROP SEARS, Selectmen. BR AD DOCK MA'1" CHER S..u% EDWARD LEWIS, Yarmouth. January 12, 1881. ANNUAL REPORT • — OF TEN — ROAD COMMISSIONERS, FUN TEE YEAR 1880. s.: 1 ti : l',e i • • • REPORT. LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1880. NORTH SIDE. \V31. ANDE1iso_s, Road Commissioner. Geo. W. Chase, . labor, Juan Chase, Jeremiah Chase,...__...`' •- _.. Edward Chase, t• Wallace Taylor. •• and team, A. H. Eldridge, A Edmund Eldridge, Freeman Ryder, team, Seth Hamblin, . ".and clay, Joseph Hamblin, • . labor, Charles M. Way,— - lntribet SvIvauus Robbins, team, Joseph Gorham, 2d., labor; Sauuiel Matthews, 66 Isaae Hyder. 66 Frank Rider, Ophir Josselyn, • N Edward Gorham, clay, James Lack, labor, Warren Bray, Anthony Montcalm, - • $3 75 9 75 7 50 1 40 22 32 10 00 8 00 1260 31 65 12 84 29 94 9 84 4 78 1 40 5 71. 1 92 60 7 20 5 33 42 6 23 4, 14 • t ` hi: tt i1 4 • Henry Bassett; labor, Wm.. P. Bray, Arch. Philips, Fred. Taylor, Samuel Cobb, Charles H. Gorham, Alfred Baker, s:nnuel Baker, Benjamin Taylor, Enoch T.ewis. . J:nm s A. Cash. team. James G..Hallet, James Gvrham. labor, Geo. Ryder, team, Patrick Kayeny, labor. Joshua Ellis, • Joshua Ilamblin.• clay. Eben Hallet, labor, Gco. W. Ryder. team, Oliver.l-Tallet, E. B..tJallet., John G. Thacher, Thomas Arey, David G. Eldridge. Wm. Park, Nathan Bassett, Harrison Hallet: Jonathan Usher, Watson Hallet, Fred Hallet, Charles Bassett, John Bassett, Manchester Hallet; team, Nathan Hallet. sand, Ansel Matthews, labor, S. Dixy. Jacob Olar, •• CC K • 16 1? and team, « labor, team, team and clay, labor, . « N • 83 75 5 98 2 70 10 51 2 18 90 7 21 38 • 5 76 1 35 3.36 4 90 3 60 17 93 200 • 85 10 72 7.50 11 25 13 25 6 00 -3 75 14 34 24 55 5 63 • 4. 06 24 19 6 77 3 84 4 00 10 89 17 33 14 70 '1 70 i 16 3 47 5 61 .Arthur Bray, Isaac Matthews. - Henry Robbins, Polly Cash, Eben lianiblin, Svlvanns Whelden, Nehemiah W helden._ Luther Baker. Charles Ellis, James Ellis. Jesse Taylor, Charles Ellis, Jr.. E. B. Hamblin. E. S. McCarter, S. 'r. Eldridge. Prank Chase. E. Arey, Atmos Arey. Leanne] Phillips, Seth Walker, T. T. Chase. Geo. Bray, .Abram Baker. Osborne Baker, Geo. Baker. Alton Baker, Perry «'kite. Calvin Ballet, Henry Arey, Albert 'Taylor. Lakt Taylor, James Smith, . Washington Chase: David \Chelden, - Jeremiah Robinson, Anthony Ellis. Edward 'Coyil, labor, team, - labor, sand, labor, " and team, xx u 44 team, labor, " and team, Go :< " and team, • 4. clay, labor,. and team, team, • 88 26 4 13 15 65 2 46 11 62 8 84 7 69 2 50 11 40 10 65 7. 20 4 05 8 91 15 27 6 30 2 7u 4 25 3 75 2 10 4 05 4 39 270 15 60 6 00 6 00 6 00 1 81' 23 12 41 50 9 98 13 73 2 15 4 G5 1 50 1 50 3 15 2 25 3 • Allen Cobb, • Willie Chase, Freeman Cash, . Edmund R.obiuson, Morris Gray, Mary Nickerson, • Estate Joshua Eldridge, .1lantiah Crowell, Wm. Shields, 13eubea Bowes, IL D. `Farris, Joseph Gorham, Andersuu & Howes, 18 team, labor, a clay, labor, pipe, sand, team and clay, 810 20 1 40 1 65 1 65 75 50 1 44 10 44 1 80 1 09 20.52 4 00 160 00 *970 60 FOR WORKING NEW ROAD •F1W I WASHINGTON BAKER'S TO OSBORN BAKER'S CORNER. Wm. ANDERSON, Road Commissioner. N. B. Burgess, team, Abram Baker, Perry White, clay, George Baker, team, Osborn Baker, 4.6 Charles Ellis, Chas. Ellis, Jr.. " and labor, James Ellis, Lemuel Phillips, labor, Bertie Philips, T. T. Chase, Jeremiah Robinson, Joseph W. Hamblin,- George amblin,George Br,iy, . ,• Edmund Robinson. " Edgar Merchant, Alton Baker, " - Daniel Wing, e13 83 25 00 3 60 18 11 18 23 :.1 17 05 -Y 8 51: 14 11. 8 51 8 51 2 26 8 13;; 9 16 -� 738 7 25 725 7 25 5.00 a 19 Bernard Baker, labor, 88 38 Wm. Anderson, team, 28 20 To cash for drain pipe, 4 S0 N. B. Burgess, - land damage, Washington Baker's estate, « " - liersev Baker, Y *12 00 2 00 4 00 ROAD EXPENSES FOR 1880. SOUTH SIDE. B. L. BA K ER, Road Commissioner. B. L. Baker, David Sears, labor, .Charles Marwood, Frank Homer, , Mouton Hallett. Dacid Chubb, 1. P. Matthews, Samuel Sears, Laban Baker, Jr., - Thomas Collins, Allen B. Baker, Silas 13. Parker. Geo. 13: Loring. Fred A. Baker, Romigo Lewis, Heman Crowell, Miley Baker, Augustus Baker, Wni. White, Hiram E. Baker, Rufus White, James Crowell, Zeuo Baker, 8232 52 318 00 8250 52 367 88 18 50 10 50 28 45 17 75 27 31 1178 9 76 1 50 9 00 27 02 16 50 10 50 9 00 6 :5 17 15 3 50 8 75 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 •300 •--,t =1.i' I ',...-,-•csi . 21,,;. .•. Daniel Baker, i '1 • f• • DavidMatthews, 4 , , Henry B. Mattelms, J t t" Benjamin Bray, 1 '' • David Baker, i • !' ., 3,i i.,. John W. Baker, . Reuben Baker, 4. j ; ., Waterman Baker, Thomas Brown, -; Jesse W. Crowell, i Frank C. Baker,. • . ,• . Hebron Baker, , 4 r• ' 1 - Allen Lewis, Wm. H. Oliver. lsai:th Crocker, ',1 Henry Baker, ..; ,..,, . • : Benjamin lloiner, Verney Crowell, 1 ,;'; • : 1 • .'.: Lewis Chase, .. • 4. .. . Judah Chase, . . • = i • '.!; .! .Lleury Taylor. Braddock Matthews, • . . , Isaiah Sherman, - • Henry N. Brooks, I .1 . i • Labatt Baker, Joshua Baker, Peregrine White, 1 < ! ' •,.!, •.• Earnest Baker, .. . Solomon Maker, Elisha .T. Baker, . , John Richardson, , . .. . John li, Sears, loam, 10 86 23 9 OC 6 00 3 00.. 600 10 50 8 75 3. 00 2 00 1 10 00 3 50 7 20 5 33 1.75 SO, 1 75 7 50 9 00 2 03 2 C3 1 87 3 83 3 83 3 00 8 51 7 67 14 81 '$ 80 25 i 33. 1 33 113 80 *600 00 . EXPENSES FOR NEV ROAD TO LONG POND. B. L. BA K EH, Road Commissioner: llatsel Crosby, land damage, 857 14 LI ••• • 21 Vetiney Crowell. . 814 63 .1. K. Sears, 3 50 .Earnest Baker, labor, 9 30 Vetmey Crowell. 14 00 Samuel Sears. 9 15 ubeii Baker, 4 50 John W. Baker, 8 00 Frank C. Baker, 8 00 D. Wing, 3 00 Wm. Anderson, 7 50 • 13. Matthew's, . 3.00 Charles Harwood,- 1 50 David Sear-, 2 00 - t B. L.liaker, 18 55 8163 7? LABOR AND MATERIAL- ON ROADS, 1880. WEST YARMOUTH. • 'JAME'S ELLIS. Road Call til SSIOn er. • James Ellis. Gestrge Rubinson, • - John H. Hallett.. -1 Juseph Nickerson. Ellen Ilia x Steven M ereb:mt. Luther Buck.— - - • Benj. Baxter. Dust i 11 Taylor. JoiceTaylor. Alexander crowe11, Judia Crimell. • Lockwood Baxter, Benj. Wbelden. Charles .David Buck. Edwin Taylor, 852 81 1 50 3 60 11:466375 5845:f i)11:1101 4 40 .1, ' 6 611 11 71) 6 00 4 50 r •: i • I • • Hewun Chase, ] )usid Merchant, Washburn Baker, Gilbert Lewis. Arunah 'sV helden. Henry Bluchford, Josiah Baker, ])avis Crowell. George Lewis. �l.r. Hurst. Isaiah Baker. Arthur (.'rowel(. Simeon ('rowell. Frank ll ngins, Alexander Chase, Edward Lewis. Henry Taylor. Daniel flumes. :t1!u•rt Berry. Francis Broa u. Herbert Studley. • Nelson Baster. Edmund Rol,iuson, Ira Bearse. I,otkw•ood Baxter, Jr., Lena e_i_ \lerchant, Freeman 11incklev. Jabez Perry. Albert Baker. Willie Burst. Jaynes Ellis. for loam,. Benj. Baxter. Est:. Alexander Baxter, E. Crowell. J. K. & B. Sears, for fence, 4 50 10 20 20 20 11 85 9 00 16 50 19 70 6 60 11 80. 11 10 . 4-50 ' 3 75 4__50 10 35 13 20 10 20 3 60 9 10 22 50 5 10 2 25 3 60 "3 45 5 10 • 3 .30- 1 50 4 20 4 20 • t 35 75 7.20 12 88 7 CO 3 36 1 80 *510 00 \NX1; \ I, '(_)HT OF THE ISI 11 (..0 NLMJTr1'1 FOR THE YEAR. 1880. 9 • at • • 26 THE 'cowNs OF YAH)IOC'i'I1 AND DENNIS. IN A('- ('OUN'I' WITH JONATHAN BANGS, TREASURER OF THE JOIST FISII CO\l:M1TTEE. • CR EDI T. 11;+r. 1 :, Su. By cash front Nathan Grnsh, for the her- ring fishery Follins Pond.. X534 $8 13v cash from E. B. Hamblin, from net proceeds of perch sold, • 3.;4 G6 1.�ERTOR. alar. 16. To cash paid Obed Baker. 'Treasurer of tbe•tutcn of Dennis. 'Cu cash paid A.m. P. Davis, Treasurer of ;he :own of Yanuonth.' 24. Ti cosh for auctioneer, 19. •• •• advertising, 5. Si. is .t u Sept. :" " E. B. Ilamblin, Jan. 11, 61. Committees' fees. '• 13. •' Paid Treasurer of Yarmouth, :o •• •• -' . " I)etlnis. *S4n 54 225 vo 1 50 1 25 1 50 22 75 65 00 *178 :7 1:8 7i 6899 54 *The sum of $17S i., paid by the Fish Committee, dors not appear in the Town Treas_trvr's Report. ort.::; it was not received until atter the report was made out. So. I)r•.xxts, Jan. 13. 1861. '1'HE 'I'oW\S OF YARMOUTH AND DENNIS, IN AC- ('t)UX'I' 1CITI1 EUMrxr) B. IIAMBLIN. CR. Nov. 1. Shipped to J. W. Campbell. 4 bbis. perch. s :is i' •' •' •• Herbert M. Rogers. 4 40 Sia .: 8. .. .1. W. Campbell. 49 24 :' 15. .. .. :. . .• 14: t.5 Dec. 6. •• •• i :. too Sold in town, 10 68 6 16- 5 8435 .9v 1)ee 25. • • Paid G. W. Chase, seining, •• Fred. Sherman, °' James Chase, E. B..Hamblin, - Amos Arei, S. Robbins, S. H. Ilamblin, • ' • S. Robbins, nse of seine, For hauling boat to W. Y» F. Sherman. for selling fish. For land damage. barrels.. N. Grush. hauling lines. 1. II. Thacker. nails. C. 31. Brat-, plank. Stationery-. .l. Robinson. repairing seine, Two dip nets. •' fish tubs:. Carting boat• seine and barrels, S. Robbins. carting fish, E. B. Hamblin. u S. Wheldeu. .• • N. 13. Whelden, • •• S. H. Halnblin. .Ian. 10. 1S$1. For storing boat. Jonathan Bangs, seri ices, .. 46 • • K *8 45 8 45 5 02 7 15 1 Go 3 15 2 15- 3 53 00 60 1 00 5 00 • 5 1 92 2 69 25 2 00 75 50 1 5(, 2 U t ► 3 .5(55'06: 0 60 1 00 1 80 2 00 5 00 876 33 6359 66 • ANNUAL REPORT -OFTHE - ROAD COMMISSIONERS, For the Year 1881. • ' nil is Fi :14 . • • .2 r'4 • -REPORT: LABOR AND _MATERIAL ON ,ROADS, 1881. NORTH SIDE. WM. ANDERSON, Commissioner. David G. Eldridge, team and clay, Oliver Hallet, team, Thomas Arey, team and clay, Thomas Morgan, labor, Harrison Hallet, labor, Henry Arey, concrete, Calvin Hallet,. labor, Wm. P. Bray, labor, Frank Hallet, labor, James P. Cash, labor, Alfred Baker, labor, E. W. Bearse, labor, James G. Hallet, team. Benjamin W. Taylor, team, S. T. Eldridge, team, Fred. H. Taylor, team, Phillip Ellis, labor, Polly Cash, Ophir Josselyn, labor, Seth Walker, labor, Cyrus Walker, labor, George Ryder, team, Charles Chase, labor, • -G 851 42 21 75 3 40 - 19 '60 40 00 30.07 485• 7 50 12 00 2 25 2 25 3 00 12 00 9 00 14 40 1 85 1 00 4 84 4 28 9 43 10 80 2 40 i 1 1 1 ., 111 II 1 1 11 I Joshua Hamblin, gravel, Samuel Cobb, labor, Mrs. M. C. Ballet, gravel, A. H. Young, labor, - James A. Cash, team, John E. Ryder, labor, Joseph Gorham, labor, Charles H. Gorham, labor, Joseph W. Hamblin, labor, Seth -Hamblin, team and clay, Edmund Robinson; labor, Ansel Matthews, labor, Sylvanus Robbins, team, lienry_Robbins, labor.. E. B. Hamblin, team, George Hallet, 2d, labor, Sylvanus Whelden, team, Nehemiah Whelden, team, Frank Ryder, labor, Gorham Taylor, labor, _ James Lack, labor, James Gorham, labor, Nathan Matthews, labor, Isaac Ryder, labor, Eben Hamblin, labor: Archelus Phillips, labor, Elam Mecarta, team, C. M. Bray, lumber and team, Benjamin Phillips, labor, Charles Wyman, labor, John G. Thacher, E. B. Hallet, Edmund Eldridge, team, Freeman Ryder, team, A. H. Eldridge, team, Edward Chase, labor, Albert Taylor, team, 18 14 16 3 20 8 00 1 00 2 40 1 96 11 35 18 49 - 18 14 40 43 4 24 8 38 - 13 73 I3 79 23 27 10 13 14 45 14 85 5 25 98 14'93 45 7 65 5 64 14 18 4 80 9 84 17 77 3 60 1 43 50 1 00 9 00 9 00 - 9 00 30 15 78 IFI • Lot Taylor, team, Allen Cobb, tenni, Edward Covell, team. Anthony Ellis, labor, James Smith, labor, George Bray, labor, Warren Montcaim, labor, Charles Gnard, labor. .Euan Chase. labor, Washington Chase, labor, Jeremiah. Chase, labor, Reuben Ryder, labor, Warren Bray, labor, Daniel Robbins, clay. Hannah Crowell. clay, Oliver Matthews,_ clay, Lydia Crowell, clay, Charles Ellis, team, Edgar Marchant, labor, John Scobie, labor, James A. Ellis, team, Charles W. Ellis, team, Jesse Ta_ylor,_team, Bertie Phillips, labor, Amos Phillips, labor, . Amus Arev. labor, K. M Taylor, Abraham Baker, labor. Richard Cass. labor. • George H. Baker; labor. Osborn Baker, labor, Frederick Matthews, gravel,. • Mrs. Edward Thacker, gravel, Solomon 'Taylor's heirs, gravel, Reuben Howe4, labor, - J. A. Wilson, labor, George W. Ryder, team, 19 8 33 15 46 7 65 3 54 7 89 8 92 7 13 7 13 9 50- 3 00 7 50 2 10 1 50 2 16 2 40 4 54 12 84 13 25 2 40 4 80 6 15 2 85 7 00 1 57 1 57 60 200 10 80 8 60 8 60 8.60 1 50 1 00 2 20 3 75 6 55 12 00 4 20 Charles Bassett, labor, William Park, labor. Watson Hallet, labor. Charles R. Bassett, team, Manchester Hallet, team, John Bassett, labor, • Patrick Kaveny, labor, John Hinckley, lumber, Joseph Ellis, labor, • Samuel 'Baker, labor, William Anderson, teams and clay, WEST YARMOUTH. JAMES ELLIS, Road Commissioner. James Ellis, labor on roads; James E. Baxter, labor, - Joyce Taylor, labor, Otis Baxter, labor, Enoch Chase, labor, Benjamin Baxter, labor, Gilbert Lewis, labor, Benjamin Whelden, labor, Edmund Robinson, labor, Henry Taylor, labor, Davis Crowell, labor, Joshua Baker, labor, Alexander Crowell, labor, Dustin Taylor, labor, Frank Brown, labor, Lysander Chase, labor, Lemuel Merchant; labor, Nelson Baxter, labor, Joseph Desilvia. labor, Stephen Merchant, labor, Judah Crowell, labor, 9 00 6 00 9 30 13 87 19 95 8 25 3 00 1 50 28 34 3 15 174 85, 81149 30 860 00 18 00 3 53 6 08 10 65 34 35 -14 05 11 10 14 25 2 40 39 50 27 75 16 35 6 60 10 35 7 50 14 10 15 29 32 65 11 70 3 00 .d Y.+`.'fNi;',�'.1�s..rylr-�'dlL'.ai•.:" hY`+r.9.`�.�;�'JI.vic�T:'t�X�'�ir}c.:., 21 Lockwood Baxter, labor, Jabez Perry, labor, Edward Lewis, labor, George. Lewis, labor, Hurst and Boy, labor, Orris Crowell, labor, Albert Berry, labor, Edwin Taylor, labor, Lockwood Baxter, labor, Alexander Merchant, labor, Joseph Nickerson, labor, Julius Crowell, labor, Howard Taylor, labor, Dustin Baker, labor, Washburn Baker, labor, _ . Frank Hoggins, labor, Nathan Phillips, labor, Roland Taylor, labor, Isaiah F. Baker, labor, Edward Chase, labor, Luther Buck, labor, Aleck Chase, labor, Eben Baxter, labor, David Buck. labor. John Hallett, labor, Daniel Humes, labor, Ebenezer Baker, labor, Elnathan Baker, labor, Charles Hallett, labor, Irving Robbins, labor. George Robinson, labor, Leander Baker, labor, David Merchant, -labor, James Ellis, loam,. Alexander Baxter's estate, loam, George Lewis. 2 25 900 '16 05 28 65 4 50 1320 30 45 5 25 1 05 248 3 00 5 40 2 70 75 20 85 20 10 2 25 5 25 7 95 13 13 10 20 , 4 50 9 75 3 00 12 60 13 05 39 60 19 80 4 50 1 50 5 40 2 70 14 10 35 12 12 00 8 72 8750 00 1 +.tira.�f•r 1 •, • • 1 SII 22 SOUTH SIDE. BARNARD L. BAKER, Vinney Crowell, Bertie .Homer, Samuel Sears, F. C. Baker, 1. P. Matthews, David 13aker, Allen B. Baker, Frank Homer, Rufus White, Thomas Collins, Ernest .Baker, Alexander Baker, Benjamin Crosby, Elias Richardson, Elmer Whittemore, Alburtus Crowell, Reuben Baker, Jesse W. Crowell, Laban - Baker, Joshua Baker, Perry White, labor, Perry White, material. loam, Zeno Baker, B. W. Nickerson, shells, David Chubb, James Crowell, J. B. Homer, B. L. Baker, J. K. Sears, John E Baker, Benjamin Homer, David Matthews, William Eldridge, Braddock Matthews, W. H. Oliver, Road Commissioner. is10 35 6 83 21 5U 5 70 25 87 16 20 29 12 46 55 13 80 10 25 16 35 9 50 2 00 200 2 00 3 50 3 60 10 00 17 55 17 85 29 47 10 00 5 25 2 20 24 63 1 75 2 00 98 37 113 70 7 50 7 50 12 50 12 75 15 00 7 87 Lot Sears, Willie Baker, Charles Harwood, Isaiah Sherman, -- David Sears,. Nellie Eldridge, Daniel Kane, Hebron Baker, - S. B. Parker, F. A. Baker, , Heenan Crowell, George Loring, Romego Lewis, J. D. Kelley, Josiah Baker, James R. Baker, Augustns Baker, James L. Whittemore. Alonzo Kelley, A. 11. Baker, Robert Clark, Daniel Baker, 23 13 75 6 00 15 00 11 37 40 00• 17 55 8 75 15 00 '13 50 26 00 15 00 10 00 7 80 9 60 3 50 8 75 6 00 8 20 4 50 6 00 5 25 2 20 $874 73 t • • • r • • ANNUAL REPORT - OF THE -- FISH COMMITTEE, For the Year 1881. f , A 2, • REPORT.. The Committee met at the Savings Bank building, South Yar- mouth, with the Nish Committee of the town of Dennis, and organized. Azariah Eldridge was chosen Chairman, and Jona- than Bangs, Secretary and Treasurer. Voted, that E. B. Hamblin and P. P. Akin should have the general superintendence of the Ponds and Stream, attend to the taking of Perch and other fish, except Herring, from the same Voted, that the Herring fishery in Follins' Pond be sold at pub- lic auction. The following are all the receipts and expenditures for the year ending February 1882: RECEIPTS. 1881. Received of N. W: Grush, for Herring Fishery, $688 69 Mar. 1, " for 18 bbls. Perch, 225 45 a a a a 6 a a . 73 84 " .5, a " 9 a a 111 60 a a it 12 a " 138 02 " {f " sold in town, 6 18 Nov. 3, " " 6 bbls. a - — 7 08 " 16, " a 29 a a 206 24 " 17, " " 1 tierce " 14 94 a 29, " " f bbL " 7 98 CC Si - f[ f( " sold in town, 12 84 Dec. 5, " " 11 bbls. " 86 55 {{ « ([ L[ " sold in town, 23 ii 8, " " it bbl. id 4 37 a 19, a a id _ .7 60 r r - 28 Dec. 31, Received for 3 bbls. Perch, it SC CC df ICC CC CC " fish caught in Follins' Pond by Fred K. Sherman, EXPENDITURES. Cash Paid Auctioneer, for advertising, for watching, R. B. Holmes for transportation of salmon to Eolith Yarmouth depot, Cash Paid 1'. P. Akin for carting salmon from depot • to pond, and Mr. Holmes's fare from South Yarmouth to the depot, Cash Paid for Committees' and Secretary's fees, CC " for clearing stream, " for seining, as follows: Geo. W. Chase and Son, , • F. Sherman and Son, E. B. Hamblin, Amos Arey, Charles Ellis, James Smith, J. W. Hamblin, Albert Taylor, S. Robbins, . S. H. Hamblin, F. Whelden, ,F. Sherman, Jr., CC {. CC CC Cash Paid for carting, as follows: E. B. Hamblin, S. H. Hatnblin, S. Whelden, . Albert Taylor, James Smith, 54 87 26 39 30 00 *1,702 87 21 77 22 86 25 .37 1 00 100 4 85 3 00 1 60 1 70 1 70 50 8 70 8 97 4 20 1 00 3 20 2 60 $2 00 1 25 20 06 13 70 1 25 65 00 2 00 96 05 •29 F. Sherman, . W. B. Whelden, C. M. Bray, S. Robbins, Cash Paid F. Sherman for seine, " " N. W. Grusb, " Cash Paid for barrels and nails, . CC CC it C. lt " repairs on boat, " land damage, " stationery, RECAPITULATION. 1 80 1 20 1 20 80 24 00 7 00 24 97 31 00 22 30 3 04 5 00 50 -- *288 12 Total Receipts, $1,702 87 . " expenditures, 288 12 Net income, - *'.,414 75 Paid Town Treasurer of Dennis, 707 371 " .f Yarmouth. - 707 37j 1,414 75 AZAI(UAII EL[)RIDGE,) Fish E. B. HAMBLIN, )} PELEG P. AKIN, Committee. 1 ` r.11:11 1111J..=1CL.11212aII="' — .Iia. • E XPENSES OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 2, 1882, YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: CIIARLES F. SWIFT & SOS. PRINTERS. 1882. • _w. r • • "411."Yl#.e4.1111111111r1111i NI 11 1 GII I•Y I 1111111 „ TOWN OFFICEgeS, 2882-2882. Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of Poor, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, WINTHROP SEARS, -EDWARD . LEWIS. Town Clerk and Treasurer, r WM. P. DAVIS. • Collector of Taxes, EDWARD L. CHASE. School (kurusittee, T. B. PULSIFER, DANIEL WING, EDWARD LEWIS. Road Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, BERNARD L. BAKER, JAS. ELLIS. • Constables, LUTHER BAKER, ALLEN B. BAKER. Fence Viewers, ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, WASHBURN BAKER. Saler of Weights and Measures, . STEPHEN WING. Surveyors of Wood and Lumber, WM. WHITE, CHAS. M. BRAY. _indiiors to settle Treasurer's Account, DANIEL WING, E. DEXTER PAYNE. Trustees of Sears Fund, - WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees of the Public Library, DR. AZA11IAll ELDRIDGE, PRESIDENT; CHARLES F. SWIFT, VICE PRESIDE\T; WM. P. DAVIS', SECRETARY AND TREASURER; REV. JOHN W. DODGE, REV. WILLIAM I3. MAYHE\V, THOMAS MATTIHEWS, EDMUND B.- HAMB- LIN,HENRY C. TIIACHER, J. B. D. COGSWELL. REPORT. SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. J. C. Frye & Co., flour and other supplies, Chas. M. Bray, supplies, Winslow, Rand & Co., flour and other supplies, Isaac H. Thacher, grain, supplies, Gorham Eldridge, wood supplies, Stephen Sherman-, keeper of almshouse, J. M. Howes, flour, supplies, Thos. Arey, fertilizer and cartage, C. F. Austin & Co.,•hardbread, • Gilbert Phillips, supplies, Sy]vauus Robbins, Supplies, Chas. Ellis, exchange cow, N. T. Hallet, supplies, Daniel B. Crocker, supplies, E. Dexter Payne, supplies, Braddock Matthews, supplies, O. C. R. R., freight, Winthrop Sears, copper boiler, Crocker & Co., coal supplies, N. W. Grush, supplies, Benjamin Taylor, wood supplies, Briggs & Shattuck, Molasses, supplies, Seth H. Hamblin, supplies, H. B. Chase & Sons, grain supplies, Andrew H. Eldridge, wood supplies, 1 $62 25 16. 36 61 11 294 84 6 50 350 00 45 75 38 25 2 25 6 00 23.71 15 00 7 68 63 98 48 51 30 70 5 75 3 00 91 85 5 00 6 00. 46 92 23 96 31 95 32 00 4 J. F. Nickerson, supplies, Nathan Hallet, Benjamin Hallet, 2d, eelspear and repairs, John F. Crowell, pigs, Knowles & Co, supplies, K. M. Taylor, paint supplies, Joel B. Hall, tin and repairing, Thacher T. Hallet, medicine, Elisha Parker, supplies, John G. Thacher, coffin and robe for Thankful Baker, Stephen Sherman, supplies, 13. E. Holmes & Son, meat, etc., supplies, Jas. G. Hallet, carting, etc., Winthrop Sears paid 0. C. freight bills, " " cutting wood, town house, 10 56 3 60 3 35 12 00 35 50 8 06 6 14 16 88 19 00 20 00 4 00 127 97 2 35 4 94 3 30 *1,596 97 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. Ida Baxter, board and clothing, Mrs. Washington Baker, board,and clothing, Mrs. Charity Baker, supplies,. Major D. Baker, supplies, John Baker, supplies, ft. -- Mrs. Hannah Baker, supplies, ✓ Waterman F. Baker,- supplies,.," John N. Baker, snpplies, Silas Baker, supplies, Mrs. Nelson Baker, Dr. Ginn, bill medical attendance, Mrs. Ira Bearse, supplies, - Alvin Beane, Bearse, supplies, David Buck, supplies, • George Butler, supplies, Job Cash, supplies, Mrs. Dan'l W. Cash, board, Mrs. Cynthia Crowell, board, Howard Crowell, wood,k 842 00 25 00 35 69 16 72 61 92 90 47 68 78 12 47 -17 60 -- 15 00 63 02 8 15 16 75 17 f:8 120 71 43 25 13 00 25 60 5 ,j Lewis Chase, supplies, Elnathan Eldridge, supplies, Joshua Ellis. supplies and funeral expenses, James It. Gardner, house rent and supplies, 1 Matthews C. Gray, supplies, Prentis Lewis, house rent and supplies, Mrs. Lewis Long, -board and .luneral ex fuses, 2 Prentis Linnell, supplies, _ �. John Matthews, supplies, - / Thankful Marchant, honse rent and supplies, Mrs. Susan B. Nickerson, board and supplies,- " Dan'l H. Nickerson, board of boy and supplies, Lewis F. Nickerson, - 2 John Orlando. supplies; Arche]us Phillips. supplies, Mrs. Lydia N. Robinson, supplies, Nathan Robinson, house rent and snpplies. 'Phomas Taylor, Cash & Hinckley's bill, coffin, 1 Anna Webber, supplies and medical attendance, Sarah Webber, snpplies, Margaret Jones, board -and medical attendance, 2 Mrs. Owen Bliss, Orrin Cash's.child, coin. Alburtis Chase, supplies.. / Mrs. Edgar Marchant, supplies, Marc A. Nickerson, snpplies and house rent, PAID OTIIEI{ CITIES AND TOWNS. City -of Lynn, Mrs. Jno. E. Young, " New 13edford, Harriet Eldridge, Taunton, Jno. C. Cannon, Henry L. Taylor, Gloucester, Nancy Corless. State Primary School, educating Ed. L. Young, " 14 11 12 00 42 24 35 59 40 09 83 06 56 50 5 50 30 50 53 09 53 75 40 50 6 94 56'75 400 86 33 77 78 12 50 49 00 2 75 15 34 59 18 6 00 20 86 17 00 9 88 81:)85 25 *62 00 26 40 129 16 • 165 97 39 60 39 00 *462 13 . In! I II Itli IR;JL iil11Jf41 I iJi1111C1. 61 -maul 1 IWul,ltl 1 • III! ■ ■ ■cYin,di 1. 6 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Paid Auditors, Isaiah Crowell, committee fee, Thos. B. Pulsifer, committee fee, Daniel Wing, committee fee, Stephen Wing, sealer of weights and measures, Edward L. Chase, collecting taxes, Assessors, enrolling militia,_ Assessors, taking list of scholars, Assessors, assessing state, coup'.: and town taxes, Assessors, non-resident bank tax, Wm. P. Davis, town clerk and treasurer, Selectmen, services, Selectmen, overseeing poor, , $9 00 25 00 35 00 30 00 11 00 216 92 7 50 7 50 120 00 15 00 106 75 155 75 6925 3808 67 . !, INCIDENTALS. Luther Baker, services Truant Officer, =3 50 Orlando Baker. recording Births and Deaths, 3 00 Elisha Parker, making list Tax payers, • 3 00 B. Co. M. Ins. Co., Insurance So: Yarmouth school house, 7 40 Asa E. Lovell, writing Abstract Real Estate, 10 00 Azariah Eldridge, Chr. Fish Com. in behalf suit, Howes et al vs. Grush, 105 42 Damage F. W. Homer's • carriage, 5 00 Damage Fred A. Baker's carriage, 5 00 Passage to and from Boston and entertainment, account Poor, . • 7 45 Albert Snow, ballot boxes, 90 Boundary stone, Barnstable and Yarmouth, and labor, 3 00 Collector's tax books, two years, 1 50 Paid Adm'r Oaths, State Aid, etc., 6 00 J. M. Day, Legal advice, 3 00 Seth H. Hamblin, pound rent, 1881, 1 50 Benj. Hallet 2d, rent land hearse house to Dee. 1881, 5 00 Insurance on Town House, 3 00 7 Wm. D. Loring, care hearse and recording deaths, K. M. Taylor, Bier for burying ground, Paid bounty on muskrats and woodchucks; B. MattlteWs, W. Sears and Ed. Lewis, horsehire, Stationery, stamps and postal cards, REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. • Winthrop Sears, Jr., paint and labor, Joseph Hale, 7 mortised posts, Ira Ryder and others, labor and shingling almshouse, C. M. Bray, shingles, nails and lumber for almshouse, • LABOR ON FARM. Edward B. Covell, carting wood, drift and dressing, Edward S. Chase, carting hay, • Andrew H. Eldridge, ploughing and mowing. REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. Chas. M. Bray, lumber, etc., North side, Elbridge Taylor, labor and material, Kelley Brothers, painting and whitewashing North side school house; Daniel Wing, repairs on South Yarmouth school house, Edward Lewis, repairs on West Yarmouth school house, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, settees and freight and clothes -rack, ROADS AND BRIDGES., Bernard L. Baker, for Bass River bridges, 1880—'81, Bernard L. Baker, on roads, William Anderson, on roads, James Ellis, on roads, 15 25 4 50 29 85 81 25 11 10 $315 62 $4 91 1 96 19 00 65 82 $91 69 $2.3 35 1 48 36 93 $61 76 *14 18 5 37 188 66 87 71 73 58 57 16 $426 66 $361 76 - 874 73 1150 00 750 00 $3136 49 Neil. MEN 11E11 nIS L. 1111Y 1 11 1 NI • 8 CLEARING SNOW. William Anderson and others, James Ellis, - PUTTING OUT FIRS. Washburn Baker and others, fire in woods, Manchester Hallet and others, fire in woods, Isaac C. Baker and others, fire iu woods, • Howes Berry and others, fire in woods, • Freermun Howes and others, fire in woods, Seth H. Hamblin and others, fire in woods, E. D. Payne, two dozen buckets, Wing Brothers, paint, TAXES REMITTED. Sam'1 B. Gorham, taxes in Boston, John A. Baxter, Jr., taxes in Boston, John E. Ryder, Jr., taxes in Truro, Stephen Sears, taxes in Newport, Sylvanns Robbins, deceased, Gilbert Phillips, absent at sea, Edmund G. Buck, unable to pay, Horace Chase, away, Leander M. Eldridge, taxed elsewhere, Wm. S. Fisher, over taxed, Lysander Chase, over taxed, Joshua Basset, over taxed, Hannah Howland, over taste, Edwin Thacher, over taxed on M'tg., Geo. S. Whelden, deceased, unable to pay, Isaac Matthews, deceased, unable to pay, Ira Bearse, unable to pay, Dnstin Marchant, unable to pay, 821 92. 18 00 *39 92 $133 13 56 00 74 90 53 12 11 80 129 95 350 1 58 8463 98 82 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 57 2 00 3 05 1 05 1 05 3 00 2 10 6 30 3 58 7 43 2 00 2 00. t Mrs. Simeon Nickerson, unable to pay, Geo. L. Baker, over taxed, Waterman Baker, over taxed, Howes Taylor, deceased, Henry Taylor, deceased, Dustin Taylor, over taxed, Thos. F. Higgins, over taxed, Wm. Stetson, over taxed on horse, Gorham Taylor, over taxed, Elisha D. Cogswell, locality not known, James Ellis 2d, over taxed, Cyrus Hall, over taxed on shipping, Alfred Taylor, payed by guardian, Est. Elisha Jenkins, Edward L. Chase, Collector. Names of persons remitted not given by former lector, PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift & Son, George Otis, Andrews Ballet, 3 68 3 05 1 16 4 10 2 ®- 53 3 67 200 1 58 3 75 2 03 21 00 2 85 9 03 8107 56 Col - 118 07 8225 63 879 50 24 97 • 3 00 8107 47 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS AND THEIR HEIRS. Polly Cash, Albert Taylor, Mercy C. Crowell, Military Aid, 818 00 72 00 48 00 98 00 $236 00 f 4 8 CLEARING SNOW. William Anderson and others, James Ellis, - PUTTING OUT FIRES Washburn Baker and others, fire in woods, Manchester Ballet and others, fire in woods, Isaac C. Baker and others, fire iu woods, Howes Berry and others, fire in woods, Freeman Howes and others, fire in woods, Seth H. Hamblin and others, fire in woods, E. D. Payne, two dozen buckets, Wing Brothers, paint, TAXES REMITTED. Sam'I B. Gorham, taxes in Boston, John A. Baxter, Jr., taxes in Boston, John E. Ryder, Jr., taxes in Truro, Stephen Sears, taxes in Newport, Sylvanus Robbins, deceased, Gilbert Phillips, absent at sea, Edmund G. Buck, unable to pay, Horace Chase, away, Leander M. Eldridge, taxed elsewhere, Wm. S. Fisher, over taxed, Lysander Chase, over taxed, Joshua Basset, over taxed, Hannah Howland, over taxed, Edwin Thacher, over taxed on M'tg., Geo. S. Whelden, deceased, unable to pay, Isaac Matthews, deceased, unable to pay, Ira Bearse, unable to pay, Dustin Marchant, unable to pay, 821 92 18 00 83992 6133 13 56 00 74 90 53 12 11 80 129 95 350 158 8463 98 82 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 57 2 00 3 05 1 05 1 05 3 00 2 10 6 30 3 58 7 43 2 00 2 00 9. Mrs. Simeon Nickerson, unable to pay, . Geo. L. Baker, over taxed, Waterman Baker, over taxed, Howes Taylor, deceased, Henry Taylor, deceased, Dustin Taylor, over taxed, Thos. F. Higgins, over taxed, Wm. Stetson, over taxed on horse, Gorham Taylor, over taxed, Elisha D. Cogswell, Locality not known, James Ellis 2d, over taxed, Cyrus Hall, over taxed on shipping, Alfred Taylor, payed by guardian, Est. Elisha Jenkins, Edward L. Chase, Collector. Names of persons remitted not given by former lector, 3 68 3 05 1 16 4 10 2 00 53 3 67 2 00 1 58 3 75 2 03 21 00 2 85 9 03 8107 56 Col- • 118 07 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. • Charles F. Swift & Son, George Otis, Andrews Hallet, 8225 63 679 50 24 97 3 00 8107 47 STATE AID TO VOLUNTEERS AND THEIR HEIRS. *18 00 72 00 48 00 98 00 Polly Cash, Albert Taylor, Mercy C. Crowell, Military Aid, 8236 00 4 r 10 SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Thomas B. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, • Care house, janitor, Books, crayons and ink, Fuel, Cleaning house, Chas. M. Bray, E. D. Payne, J._B. Hall, sundries, Dog tax, Paid from Sears fund,-- - • SOUTH YARMOUTH. D:uiiel Wing, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, Books, crayons, ink, etc., Fuel, - Supplies by Wing Brothers, Cleaning and labor on house, Legal advice. account of school, WEST YARMOUTH. Edward Lewis, Committee. - Teachers' salaries, Care of house, janitor, Books, crayons, ink, etc., Fuel, . . Cleaning house, $825 00 $936 50 106 40 35 ]4 76 93 17 47 13 32 139 76 $1325 52 $1238 83 65 33 23 40 •65 57 10 20 10 26 5 00 *1,418 59 $735 00 27 00 16 30 42 37 8 00 $828 67 11 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, TOWN'S POOR. - Dr. J. W. Battershall, attending Margaret Jones, State Pauper, (refunded by State,) . Dr. S. F. Haskins, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, Dr. W. J. Nickerson, TOWN TREASURER. DR. $10 00 50 00 37 50 50 00 , $147 50 - To balance Jan. 12, 1881, *10,140 16 received of State Treasurer. school fund, 180 13. « « " " corporation tax, . 980 82 , 44 " bank tax, 1,539 84 State aid refunded, 57 00 ind. soldiers and sailors, 168 00 State pauper, 42 10 County Treas., dog license money, 139 76 " Fieh Committee, 1879, 827 74 178 77 " -"- 1881, .550 00 " City of New Bedford, 12 75 " Town of Brewster, 6 94 " Town of Harwich, 4 00 " " C Cahoon, house rent, 2 00 " for Pedlers' license, 8 00 " Turkeys sold, 4 92 Hay sold, 24 67 " Hogshead sold 75, straw 75, 1 50 " E. L. Chase, Collector 1880, 3,886 16 14,500 00 822 48 $34,077 74 " 4' 4' {f " it 64 " 4' CC " CC CC " [( f° 1880, u " ft " " " " '' " Orders outstanding Jan. 2, 1882, 12 - CR. By support of poor in Almshouse, " " out of " " Paid other Cities and Towns, " Town Officers and Committees' fees, " Incidentals, " Repairs on Almshouse, " Repairs on Schoolhouses, " Labor on Farm, " Roads and bridges, "Clearing Snow, " Taxes Remitted, " Putting out Fires, " Printing and Advertising, " State and Military Aid, " Schools, Medical attendance. Town's Poor, " Outstanding Orders Jan. 12, 1881, " From Sears School Fund, " County Tax, "Bank _ " " State " " Corporation Tax, " Balance in Treasury Jan. 2, 1882, TOWN, DR. tears fund, Interest accrued, Support of Poor, Collecting taxes, Outstanding orders, 81,596 97 1,585 25 462 13 808 67 315 62 91 69 426 66 61 76 3,136 49 39 225 463 107 236 3,572 147 488 840. 1,613 3,960 1,260 1 12,635 92 63 98 47 00 78 50 15 00 66 50 00 21 70 3334,077 74 816,000 00 30 00 '250 00 200 00 813 48 $17,293 48 13 TOWN, CR. By balance in the Treasury January 2, 1882, " " due from Edward L. Chase, " " due from State aid, �i 1 +1. Ih lir ... 314,500 00",?•.030 • 3,850 65 3 t s L ^- . 236 00 18,586 / /G72/2 AMOUNT OF MONEY RAISED FEBRUARY 14, 1881.4 ? For support of poor, " " schools, " Roads and bridges, " Town officers, $4,000 00 If 3,800 00 57/ 2,500 00 600 00 *10,900 00 VALUATION OF THE TOWN, MAY 1, 1881. Real Estate, • $681,526 00 Personal Estate, 717,018 00 Total valuation, Number of Polls, Acres of land, - Rate of taxation on 561000, Number of dwelling house& Number of horses, Number of cowe, Number of sheep, Number of Legal voters, WINTHROP SEARS, BRADD)OCK 1MMATTHEWS, EDWARD ,LEWIS, 81,398,544 00 538 11,417 $9 50 498 205 209 18 530 f Selectmen of Yarmouth. r6 -Z' 30 /G7t Ig • • A at • t ANNUAL REPORT -OF THE - ROAD COMMISSIONERS, FOR THE YEAR 1882. :• . • • • • . - •,•14r•ENNIMINNUM•malm.r r • . . REPORT. LABOR ANT) MATERIAL ON ROADS 1882. • NORTH. SIDE. Wm. Ax0E usox, Road Commissioner. Svlvanus Whelden. 2S hours. team. 30 cts. hour,. -$8 40 E. B. Hamblin. 73 - a " . a • . 21 90 Jas. Gorham. 731. " - . 15 " 1100 Seth H. Hamblin. 85i - - team, 30 " 25 65 Seth H. Hamblin. 283 loads -clay, at 4 Os. load, 11 32 Seth 11. liamblin.. 10 ft. draitpipe.30 “ foot. 3 00 ,.- Elem MeCarter. 4s hours -team, 30 cts. hour, 14 40 -,.. Isaiah Ellis, . 7 .,.; 15. " • 1 05 -..- Henry Robbing. ti 6 " . .: a 9 90 Sylvaitus Robbins. 83 " I, . 44 12 45 Ebenezer R. Hamblin. 981 " 14 . 44 14 78 Ansel Matthews, 434 " gg gg 6 53 . - :Joseph W. Hamblin. 17(i " it tg 26 48 .Geo. Baker, 27 " team, 30 . " 8 10 Osborn Baker. 27 " GS 44 IR 10 Samuel Thaeher. 9 " 15 " • 1 35 Warren Bray, • 9 ,, ii gi 1 35 Edmund Robinson. 74i " .:; " 11 18 Geo. Hallet, 136 . " . " " 20 40 Akira Young. crossing land, 1 50 William Matthews, 50 hours, 15 " • 7 50 Joseph Gorham, 59 " ,, 8 85 Thacher Taylor, 73 " 4, " 10 95 Opliir Josselyn, . Geo. Bray, Amos Arey, Samuel Cobb, Wm. Cobb, Archelas Phillips, Oliver Hallet, •Fr=.4. H. Taylor, Manchester Hallet, David G. Eldridge, David G. Eldridge, Charles Bassett, Geo. W. Ryder, Geo. W. Ryder, Harrison Hallet, Joseph Bassett, Wm. Park, Geo. Taylor, Frank Thacher, Benj. Lovell, Nathan Ballet, Benj. W. Taylor, Wm. P. Bray, Calvin Ballet, James G. Hallet, Stephen '1'. Eldridge, James B. Crocker_, Joshua Hamblin, Mrs. Isaac Hamblin. Morris Gray, .Renben Chase, Fred. Ford. Isaac B. Gage, Freeman Ryder, Jacob Olar, • A. H. Eldridge, Edmund .Eldridge, 20 21/ hours 39 " 8 CC 891 " 46 " 76 " 15 cts. hour, CC 10 15 34 " team, 30 150 " 15 771 " team, 30 53 " " 25 144 loads clay,, at 4 cts. load, 1321 hours, team, 30 cts. hour, 181 " 15 " 326 loads clay at 4 cts. load, 154 hours, 15 cts. hour, 72 " " :: CC CC 1271 " 4n " 10 ". >0 " 15 9 CC " CC 156 loads sand, at 2 cts. load, 124 hours. 15 cts. hour, 5 " " 1481 " 681 :: team, 30 1271 " " a " 446 loads clay, at 4 cts. load, 3' " 15 cts. hour, " " 383 • " 182 611 hours. 5 1011 81 90 75 1481 " team; 6911 is " team, it u 30 15 30 iC " :: :: >R 3 20 5 85 1 20 13 43 4 60 11 48 I0 20 22 50 2325 13 25 5 76 39 82 27 23 13 04 23 03 10 88 19 13 4 00 3 DO 1 35 • 3 12 18 60 75 22 -27 20 55 38 25 17 84 15 32 5 46 9 19 75 15 90 1 24 27 00 11 25 44 55 20 85 Samuel Thacher,- Thomas Morgan, Patrick Morgan, Geo. Ryder, Albert Taylor, Reuben Ryder, Lot Taylor, Charles Garde, James Smith, Anthony Edward Covill, Jeremiah Chase,. Warren Montcalm.' Allen Cobb, Allen Cobb, Washington Chase Hannah Crowell Mrs. Oliver Gorham. Oliver Matthews, Heirs Solomon Taylor, Abraham Baker, Cyrus Walker, Charles M. Bray, Charles M. Bray, R Cass, • Charles Ellis, James A: Ellis, Jesse Taylor, Jesse Taylor, John G. Scobie, Charles Ellis, Jr., Elijah Arey, Alton Baker, - Juan Chase. Francis W. Grush Wm. F. •Howes. =21 300 loads clay, at 4 cts. load, 39 hours 15 cts. hour, 46} " 50 " team, 30 152 " 15 47 " « 291 team, ' 30 9 " .15 5511 " team, 30 " 551 " 15 261 " • 8f 13 « " 881 199 loads clay, at 4 cts. load, 28 hours, 15 cts. hour, 85 loads clay. at 4 cts. load, " CC " " .CC " it 80 280 50 35 hours. u 110 Loads clay. at 4 cts.• load, lumber and labor, 30- hours, team, 30 eta hour, 471 " " " 39 " " " 39 " 15 ". • 50 loads clay, at 4 cts. load, 39 hours, 15 cts. hour, :C C. " 15 cts. hour, ct 9i " " " 48 " u gi 29} " " " 39 " 10 " 100 loads clay, at 4 cts. load, " CC " * 12 00 5 85 6 98 15 00 22 80 7.05 8 85 1 35 16 65 8 33 3 98_ 1 32 1 95 13 28 7 96 4 20 3 40 3 20 840 1 50 5 25 83 4.40 22 10 8 10 14 25 11 70 5 85 2 00 5 85 1 42 7 28 4 43 5 85 1- 50 .4 00 iy { ;Ai Gideon Matthews, Thomas Arey, Thomas Arey, Charles Chase, N. B. Burgess, • Edmund Walker,_ Reuben Bowes, Edward B. Hallet, Perry White, Anderson and Howes, 22 50 hours, 15 cts. hour, $ 7 50 977 " team, .30 " 29 25 15 loads clay, at 3 cts. load, 45 17 hours, '.15 cts. hour, 23 191 " team, 30 " 5 85 11 75 3 30 1 35 75 loads clay, at 5 cts. load, . 3 75 674/ hours, team, 30 cts. hour, 202 42 377 " " 22 " 9 " " .a 15 " " " SOUTH SIDE. BERNARD L. BARER, Road Commissioner. Wilson V. Baker, James R.. Baker, 45 Augustus Baker, . 20 Earnest Baker, 119 Henry Baker, 561 Allen B. Baker, 90 't Frederick A. Baker, 111 " 50c, Hebron V. Baker, 120 " 15c, Willie Baker, 60 " " Reuben Baker, 401 Laban Baker, 129 Joshua Baker, 1427 Hiram E. Baker, 31 B. L. Baker, 626 Isaiah Homer, 366 Silas B. Parker, 72 Rufus White, 2391 I P. Matthews, 82 David Baker, 70 Samuel Sears, 90 J. H. Stetson, 1141 1Ienry Taylor, SO 71/ hours, -15c, LC " " " " '" :: •:: :f IL '4 • *1300 00 *10 75 6 75 3 00 26 35 8 50 13 50 55 50 18 00 9 00 6 12 19 35 21 37 4 45 94 00 53 90 .10 80 25 35 12 30 10 50 14 52 17 15 12 OU 23 Charles Howard.•92 hours. Romejo Lewis, . 164 '• David Sears, A22 . #� David Chubb, 125} " Venney Crowell, 711 " Elbridge Crowell, . 70 " Braddock .Matthews, 70 " David Matthews, •• • 70 ": Benjamin Bray, . - 70 . Benjamin Homer, 80 S. H. _Matthews, 30 " Wm. Eldridge, 10 " Issac Ellis. . 401 " Lot Sears, 35 " James Crowell, A. M. Homer, Geo. It Loring, Heman Crowell. Judah Chase, • Robert Clark, N. B. Burgess, R D. Farris, George Baker, Osborn Baker, Frank Homer, Edward Loring, Chester Crosby, G. Richardson, Allen Lewis, Land -damage, Burgess Howland, 35 hours, J. K. Sears, Loam, Stephen Scars, Loam, M•ttthews, Loam, lIatse] Crosby, Loam, IL D. Farris, Drainpipe, Labatt Baker, repairing fence, Repairing drains, 457 hours, • 120 1811 22 55 25 " 50c. 10 `° 15c. 10 10 132 20 16/ 10 is " ". " • " " *13 80 24 60 33 30 18 80 10 20 10 50 10 50_ 10.50 • 10 50 12 9 1 6 5 111 6 18 27 3 12 1 1 1 19 3 2 1 6 36 44 16 4 2 00 00 50. 12 25 50 83 00 20 30 25 00 50 50 50 80 00 50 50 00 25 90 70 95 97 75 2 56 4 80 0 u Solomon Maker, - James Rogers, Perry White, • Warren C. Fuller, cinders; 24 9 hours 2 a Thomas Collins, 101 hours, 10e, $ 1 25 25 22 50 50 1 05 8897 54 Award of Land -damage occasioned by the laying -out of a road in South Yarmouth, on petition of D. K. Akin and others, Feb. 2d, 1882, from Orlando Baker's residence, to the road in front of Freeman Matthews's store: Peter Goodeno, 3 . 811 -00 Orlando Baker, 4 00 Estate of Betsey Akin, _ __ _ _16 00 Amos A. Kelley, 17 00 Theophilus Chase, 48 00 Isaiah Homer, . 48 00 David K. Akin, 100 00 Hatsel Crosby, 93 00 John F. Crocker, 5 00 Darius 'Crowell, 10 00 Elizabeth Stetson, 10 00 J. K. & B. Sears, & W. White, 17 00 Polly Baker, . Zipporah Baker, Elbridge Crowell, 7_ John E.- Baker, Seleck H. Matthews, Heirs of Robert Wing, Howes Berry, Freeman Matthews,. Samuel Sears, 7 G. H. Loring, 1 Estate of Betsey Akin, 25 10 18 10 10 150 65 13 00 GO 00- ('0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4695 00 4 I..NIYlhi6.i'1iMgsYl�'rYYl l...��INTn. ����'.E'RI, 25 Award of Land -damage occasioned by the laying out of a road in South Yarmouth, on petition of Geo. H. Loring and others, from the road leading from South Yarmouth to Yarmouth Port, at a point near Isaac W. Walker's residence to the County road. near Baptist Church, Lower Village. Seth Kelley, • " $9 00 Allen Farris, 3 00 Rosannah Alexander, 10 00" .John K. Sears, 3 00 Waterman Baker, _ 1 00 Ruth H. Baker, 2 00 Zipporah Baker, _ 1 63 Freeman Baker, 1 00 Rebecca Eldridge, 1 63 Polly Baker, 70 J. K. & B. Sears, 1 92 John E. Baker, . 1 00 David Matthews, 30 00 Fenney Crowell, 4 00 John H. Hallett. Herbert Studley, Otis .Baxter, Luther Buck, Rol:nud Taylor, Orris Crowell, F,luathan Baker, Judah Crowell, J. DeSilver, Jr, William Whelden, Lemuel Marchant, Stephen Marchant, Dustin Taylor, WEST YARMOUTH. 4721 hours. 42f- :17,— .. 61 .. 30 ,. 42i 20 701 621 331 .0 u u. 4869 88 86 37 6 37 9 37 9 37 6 37 562 9 22 4 50 6 37 3 00 10 57 9 37 5 02 • • -26 B. Whelden, Ira Bearse, Joshua Baker, George Lewis, J. DeSilver, Gilbert Lewis, B. Baxter, Arunah Whelden, C. E. Hallett, Foster Studley, Joyce Taylor, Mr. Hnckins,, Ebenezer Baker, Washburn Baker, Geo. II. Baxter, Edward Lewis, Julius Crowell, Alex. Crowell, Lockwood Baxter, F. H. Crowell, T. F. Drew, Lincoln B. Hallett, Daniel Humes, Edward Chase, Nelson Baxter Eugene Ellis, Frank Huggins, Eddie H. Baxter, Enoch Chase, Frank Brown, George dlobinson, Alexander Crowell, , Lockwood Baxter, Jr., James E. Baxter, Eben Baxter, Albert Berry, James Ellis, 424 hours, 424 1224 85 164 125 111 102 75 85 126 80} 124 139 123 40 85 �. 57 30 " 424 " 85 "" 484 30 20 • 56 •' 56 38 3 " 421 621 i0 4.0 .: 30 " 32 if 90 "• 12 68 if 600 '' ti " " " " " " 6 37. 6 37 18 37 12 75 24 .60 18 75 16 65 15 30 11 25 12 75 1890 12 07 18 60 20 85 18 45 6 00 12 75 8 55 4 50 6 37 12 75 7 27 4 50 3 00 8 40 8 40 5 70 30 6 37 9 37 6 00 4 50 4 80 9 00 1 80 10 20 90 00 27 Oliver Crowell, 128 hours, " J. Perry, 424 aGeorge Taylor, ` 24 J. K. & B. Sears & Co., for 1'. R. Bridge, A. Baxter Estate,, for loam, 625 loads, George Lewis, " 107 " James Ellis, " 875, " July 15, 1882. By credit by town order No. 98, 19 20 6 37 4 25 25 38 25 00 4 28 35 00 8673 56 500 00 8173, 56 Jan. 5, ' 1883, By town order to balance, No. 231, but to go into next year's account, by rea- son of not receiving this bill until af- ter the Town Report was made up, 8173 56 1 3r ANNUAL REPORT --OP TRE - FIS COMMITTEE, FOR THE YEAR 1882, • • • ;21 4,•• ,,••• , 1;4 blip • • • • REPORT . - THE TOWNS OF YARMOUTH AND DENNIS. 1882. To Cash paid Sylvanus Whelden, for land, 44 4,4 " H. G. Alexander, for. smoke house, Chas. Bray, bill of lumber for salt house, ‘• 4: By order of E. B. Hamblin, David Fisk, bill, Chas. Swift, hill, " M. T. T. Nickerson. hill. David.K. Akin, bill salt. James Crowell, hill barrels. Z. i4 Geo: H. Lon -1g. hill, CC " F. W. Horner, bill, 44 CC •4 For caching and curing alewives, . 4: Si David Fisk, note and interest, By order of E. B. Hamblin. GS Jonathan Bangs, Wm. P. Davis. note and interest, CC 44 Committeesfees, ES 44 Sani net Gray, shore privilege, Med B. Wlielden, " 4: CC " A. .T. Cleland, if 650 00 130 00 89 63 22 29 4 21 2 50 2 00 172 42 189 56 28 47 8 00 668 74 256-97 9 00 5 00 255 00 65 00 500 5 00 02 $1,970 81 r 1 1 1 r- -.-...: ,v, "...,...---7,r;-,,•,,,,ilkilliel.igli.,„iiihilalll.411glit,4111..1101 , 1111 .11111 . 1 .‘;.•-• ---',;•0011111.1 • ft.. • .1: , . ..... . . - _• i • t;;,..• : ': ' "1,•ji ! . - r_ii • -!...,1., 1..1; • • • EXPENSES. OF THE • .•. •TOWN OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 2, 1883. . YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: . CHARLES F. SWIFT & SON, PRINTERS. 1883. • 0 • t. • TOWN OFFICErRS, 1881=1882. Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of Poor; WINTHROP SEARS, BRADDOCK MATTHEWS, EDWARD • LEWIS. Town Clerk and Treasurer, WM. P. DAVIS. Collector of Taxes, ISAAC B. GAGE. • School Committee, /- T. T. B. PULSIFER.,.DANIEL WING, EDWARD LEWIS. Road Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, BERNARD L. BAKER, JAS. ELLIS. Constable, . CHAS. M. BRAY. • Field Drivers, - J')SEPH BASSET, JAS. A. CASH, C. M. BRAY, JEREMIAH CHASE. CHAS. 'ELLIS, • JAMES ELLIS, N. B..BURGESS, CHAS. H. HARWOOD, ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, WATER - MAN BAKER, GILBERT LEWIS, ALEXANDER CROW - ELL, JUDAH B. CHASE. • Sealer of Heights and Measures,- . .. ---- STEPHEN WING. _ Surveyors o f Wood and Lumber, CHAS. 31. BRAY, JOSEPH BASSET. Auditors to settle Treasurer's Account, E. DEXTER PAYb E, SI.LAS B. PARKER. • Trustees of Sears Fund, WILLIAM P. DAVIS, WINTHROP SEARS. Trustees o/ the Public Library, DR. AZARIAI3 ELDRIDGE, PRESIDENT CHARLES F. SWIFT, VICE PRESIDENT; W31. P. DAVIS, SECRETARY AND :CREAST RER; REV. JOHN W. DODGE, REF. WILLIAM H. 31AYHEW, THOMAS MATTHEWS, EDMUND B. HAMB- LIN, HENRY C. THACHER, J. B. D. COGSWELL. 11 J�11111 li . •i II. REPORT. SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. N. W. Grush, supplies, Jas. G. Hallet, supplies, Oliver Hallet, supplies, Winslow, Rand, supplies,. - David D. Kelley, supplies, • H. B. Chase & Sons. bill of grain, E. B. Hamblin, supplies, Sylvanus Robbins, supplies, John G. Thacher, supplies, John F. Nickerson. supplies, Knowles & Co.. supplies, Kilborn M. Taylor, paints, Stephen Sherman,. keeper of almshouse, Isaac H. Thacher, supplies, N. T. Hallet, supplies, • Lot Taylor, supplies, Wm. D. Loring. supplies, James teary, supplies, • • D. B. Crocker. supplies, Hiram Loring, grain, Briggs & Shattuck, supplies, J. C. Frye. supplies, Fred Sherman, .....ill1 :.. 630 58 1 90 1 40 61 48 43 00 68 89 11 14 32 40 8-32 108 85 16 05 41 54 380 18 170 59 43 75 16 50 39'79 10 00 106 04 26 40 65 49 23 25 5 00 71,00#• .- x•':r ^r""i • i • _ a • 1 Chas. M. Bra, lumber, E. D..Payne, supplies, Crocker & Matthews, coai, W. Sears, supplies, , Joel B. Hall, supplies, B. Matthews, supplies, 'Seth Taylor, supplies, Holmes & Forbes, snpl.>lies, - Syls-anus W helden, supplies, Seth H. Hamblin, supplies, A. H. Eldridge, supplies, N. Huila, supplies,' • Thacher T. 1'1 ullet; medical supplies, Elishu Parker, -bill shoes, - . Rev. J. W. Dodge, attending funerals, John E. Ryder, supplies, Benj. Gorham, mending shoes, A: C. Magethlin, supplies, .Josh►ia Hamblin, supplies, $ 5 35 107 20 . 52 50 12 90 14 66 - . -1244 9 50 96 92 00 21 45 36 93 4 40 ,2599 . 17 45 >00 - •400 1 02 9 00 9 68 81762 93 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSIHOL+SE. Ida 31. Baxter, board, John Burt, burial expenses, . David Buck, supplies, -,,d Mary W. Baxter, supplies, Waterman :F. Baker, supplies, Charity Baker, supplies, • ' John Baker, supplies, � Hannah Baker, supplies, John N. Baker, supplies, George Butler, supplies, . • Alvin Bearse, supplies, Ira Bearse, supplies, Mrs. Sylvester Bearse, supplies, • 341 47 4 20 5 31 8 00 79 ;9 38 65 81 51 63 Dir. :;9 18 :)6 42 11 15 54 25 28 50 Josiah F. Baker, -supplies, Mrs. Washington Balser, supplies, Mrs. Owen Bliss, supplies, Edwin Chase, house rent, 1881,1882, Lewis Chase, -supplies. Alburtus Chase, supplies, Edward S. Chase, supplies, James T. Chase, supplies, - James Chase; supplies, Daniel W. Cash, supplies, Job Cash, supplies, Cynthia Crowell, supplies, Mrs. Elnathan Eldridge, supplies, Matthews C. Gray. supplies, Nehemiah C. Goodwin, supplies, James R. Gardner, supplies, Francis W. Grnsh, supplies, , Mrs. Hettie Gorham, -supplies, - Mrs. Susan liolway, supplies, Prentice Lewis, supplies, John Matthews, supplies, Thankful Marchant, supplies, Mary A. Nickerson, supplies, Susan Nickerson, supplies, Abhie A. Nickerson, supplies, John Orlando, supplies, . Lydia N. Robinson, supplies, Nathan Robinson, supplies. Edwin Taylor. house rent Richard Taylor, supplies, Akira Wixon, supplies, Anna Webber, supplies, • Lewis F. Nickerson, supplies, Julia F. Arey, coffin, Foster D. Studley, supplies, • 1657 76 65 5472 24 00 28 56 56 14 5 19 34 80 8 30 10 00 134 06 52 00 14 24 4948 46 83 53 04 81 91 2119 3 00 108 84 49 75 43 99 22 56 5 82 32.50 4370 26 68 126 13 25 00 29 86 51 80 23 75 46 44 • 13 00 20 00 $1981 93 1 `p"-•¢•• .:..,g `�.. ' I��YS SIYIII ■IY INN UI.• WI WI `l 6 OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. City of Taunton, John C. Cannon, u Henry J. Taylor, u New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, " Boston, Charles and Serena Howes, • " Lynn, John E. Young, u Gloucester, Nancy Corless, State Primary School, E. L. Young, Wm. E. Young, Hyde Park, Sarah Lovell and children, Town of Brewster, E. Frances Gage, $130 89 CC Sarah Hallett's children. 10 00 Alburtus Chase, . 13 02-153 91 C [C *184 78 180 14 25 00 81 00 28 00 6 00 *12 00 52 00— 64 00 61 00 4. 44 TOWN OFFICERS. Luther Baker, constable and trnant officer, Auditors, settling Town Treasurer, Allen B. Baker, constable, . Ed. L. Chase, collecting taxes, Stephen Wing, sealer of weights and measures, Thos. B. Pulsifer, school committee, Edward Lewis, school committee, Daniel Wing, school Committee, Assessors, enrolling militia, Assessors, assessing town, county and state tax, .Assessors, assessing non-resident bank tax, Assessors, taking number of scholars, 11'm. P. Davis, town clerk and treasurer fee, Selectmen, services, . Selectmen, overseeing the poor, *783 83 819 00 9 00 10 20 206 68 11 00 35 00 27 00 30 00 5 00 120 00 15 00 7 50 100 00 105 45 80 51 *841 34 INCIDENTALS. Washburn Baker, care of hearse, and recording births and deaths, Thomas 13: Pulsifer, medical attendance town's poor, last quarter, 1881, Orlando Baker, recording births and deaths, . B. C. M. F. Ins. Co., Insurance North side schoolhouse, .0 4' 44 U 4C '( Almshouse, - West Yarmouth school - *9 00 12 50 6 50 16 00 4 90 house, 7 09 John F. Crocker and Edward L. Chase, committee on moving town house, 10 00 B. Matthews and Edward Lewis, bounty on woodchucks, 7 05 Fred. C. Swift. razor fish snit, and writing deed, 8 00 Asa E. Lovell, writing abstract real estate, 10 00 Richard II. Hefler, damage to carriage, 3 00 Benj. E. Chase and Jeremiah Eldridge, labor on West Yarmouth burying ground, 11 73 John G. Thacher, varnishing hearse, etc., - 10 0n Wm. D. Loring, care hearse and recording deaths, 14 25 B. Matthews, W. Sears and Ed. Lewis, horse hire, 85 50 Winthrop Sears, incidentals, 6 59 Legal advice, lawyer Day, 7 00 O. C. R. R. freight bill, 7 67 J. B. Crocker and D. Wing, administering oaths, 1 75• Postage stamps and stationery, 9 30 Braddock Matthews and Winthrop Seats, expenses and entertainment to Taunton and Boston, 25 70 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE: ' Luther Baker, plastering, Ira Ryder and Elbridge Taylor, labor on barn and house, Chas. M. Bray, lumber,' John G. Thacher, paints, *273 44 *3 00 10 00 15 62 2 94 *31 56 1 II ..111..., lbw raw 8 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. Daniel Wing, South Yarmouth school house, Chas. M. Bray, North side school house, Kilborn M. Taylor, paints, school house, REPAIRS ON TOWN HOUSE. Lysander Baker, painting house inside and outside, Braddock Matthews, furniture, Chas. M. Bray, Lumber and material on house, Selectmen, overseeing repairs on house, LABOR ON .FARM. Thomas Arey, fertilizer, Andrew H. Eldridge, ploughing, mowing, etc., Edward B. Covell, carting hay, etc., ROADS AND BRIDGES. Wm. Anderson, old roads, Wm. Anderson, new roads, Bernard L. Baker, B. R. L. Brjdge, Bernard L. Baker, old road, James Ellis, old pad, Isaiah Isomer, new roads, David Sears, new roads, Joseph Walker, new roads; Ernest. Baker, new roads, *217 53 14 72 2 60 $234 85 *86 35 14 43 326.78 19 75 *4-4; 31 $31 00 40 10 17 30 *88 40 *1300 00 426 34 176 96 891 54 662 12 310 30 61 00 62 70 161 83 $4052 S1 9 t;. LAND DAMAGE AND LABOR ON ACCOUNT''OF NEW ROADS. John E. Baker, laud.damage, '1'heohhilus Chase, land damage, David K. Akin, laud damage,. .Estate Betsey Akin,- Wm. kin,Wm. Anderson, Bernard L. Baker, damage and labor as per bill, Hatsel Crosby, damage, Allen Lewis, damage, Wm. Anderson, James Ellis and B. L. Baker, laying out new roads, 30 00 `*11 00. 48.00 100 00 16 00 70.70 670 66 93 00 6 00 CLEARING SNOW.. WVm. Anderson and others, Bernard L. Baker and others. Jas. Ellis and others, TAXES REMITTED. Elisha Parker, over taxed, Thacher Baker, moved away. Est. Sylvester Baxter, -wrong tax, -=-- Thos. A. Buck, not able to pay, Dustin Marchant, not able to pay, David B. Phillips, not able to pay, Wid. Simeon Nickerson, not able to pay, Amos Crowell, not able.to pay, - Est. Elisha Jenkins. not able to pay, -Samuel Gray. not able to pay, Alex. Chase. not able to pay. J. B. D. Cogswell, left town, Thos. Ellis, left town, *1065 36 *586 26 148 45 150 00 *884 71 81400 5 92 2 98 -200 2 00 2 00 • 1 '43 4 75 9 03 17 14 •2 00 4 85 2 95 '..;1511111ili.AMidlitiL.11a.6t.4&10111111111,sselhai 1111 1 17111ilikl 11 imill1111111.m1 11 m ' • •-•: . • • • lk :; • I .1 .1 A • • • • • •••• " • '1 • • 11.! lt • e 1: I , . . t.. • . . T..... ':.2.71717177virte,„:22,,,,,,,, 10 Harrison Eldridge, left town, Eddie B. Lewis, pays taxes elsewhere, John H. Lewis, pays taxes elsewhere, -, Elijah Loring, pays taxes elsewhere, Obed Baker, pays taxes elsewhere,. Geo. L. Baker, pay's taxes elsewhere, Geo. -II. Hallet, pays taxes.elsewhere, David K. -Baker. pays taxes elsewhere, Alton White, pays taxes elsewhere, . Cyrus Ryder, pays taxes elsewhere, Theophilus Berry, dead,. • Josiah Baker, not able to•pay,• Richard Arey, not able to pay,. Harry A. Nickerson, not able to pay, Peter Pineo, wrong tax, Henry B. Simpson, wrong tax, Alfred H. Taylor, wrong tax, -Horace Chase, wrong tax, Samuel B. Gorham, -wrong tax, Bradford Turpin, wrong tax, Joseph F. Gorham, wrong tax, David M. Farris, • Mercy C.--Cmwell, Albert Taylor, . Jacob Olar. Simeon Emery. STATE AID. MILITARY AID. *2 2 2 2 48 00 00 00 • 2-00 3 1 3 4 4 4 -3 2 3 2 2 2 2 7 2 43 43 90 00 00 00 43 00 90 38 48 85 00 00 13 00 00 *i34 46 *48 00 72 00 • *120 00 *68 00 96 0o *164 00 1 '• 4..."'" • 11 , • • SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Thomas 13. Pulsifer, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, Bunks, Cleaning house. Dog fund, Joel B: Hall's bill, Paid by Sears fund • , SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wing, Committee. Teachers' salaries. • Care of house, . Labor, and cleauing house, Wing Bro's. bills, sundries, Fuel, -.T• Books, WEST YARMOUTH. Edward Lewis, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care house, Books, . . - .Labor, whitewashing, etc., Fuel, *1110 75 *103 36 98 24 29 08 12 00 , • 65 03 • • 3 85-311 56 • $1422 31 *975 00 PUTTING OUT FIRES. • Washburn Baker, Mauchester Hallet, Freeman Howe* Seth H. Hamblin, $990 61 *48 00 54 32 34.37 44 73 18 08-199 50 $1190 11 6720 00 *25 00 8 18 57 76 50 95-141 89 *861 89 • $13 85 56 00 - 52 40 59 87 *182 12 t • • 12 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE TOWN'S POOR. Thomas B. Pulsifer, from Jan. 1, 1882, to Dec. 31, 1882, *33 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Charles F. Swift &Son, Printing 400 town reports, 1538 00 " town warrant, February, 8 00 G4 44 March, • '4 00 Assessors' and dog notices, 12 00 shellfish notice, • 2 50 election, and special town meeting warrant, 7 00 Subscription for Register, 2 rears, 4 00 George Otis, Printing 500 town orders, 1 75 warrant, February meeting, 8 00 " special, 3 50 shellfish notice, 2 75 Assessors' and dog notice, 15 20 school reports, • 20 00 teachers' certificates. - - 1 50 election warrant., 4 25 cc tt '' u TOWN TREASURER. DR. Balance Jan. 2d, 1882, Received from town of Harwich, " {i tt " Ct pedlars' licenses, auctioneers' licenses, fish committee, 1881, _ account dog licenses, State Treasurer, from school fund, sale Wm. Nickersonn's house, Z. L. Baker for razor fish, hay sold, *132 45- $12,635 70 28 00 24 00 8 00 157 37 65 u3 18G 10 8 00 75 00 36 29 Received from potatoes sold, , " <: ,0 {f 13. .151 50 chickens sold, 2 00 tierce sold, 50 rent town house from Isaac Smalley, 1 00 • " State Treasurer, corporation tax additional, 47 52' a a a " for 1882, 1140 53 national bank tax, 1546 01 . state aid refunded, 138.00 aid to indigent soldiers and sailors, refunded, 49 00 " 44 " • foreign ships dif. taxation, 123 03 Edward L. Chase, collector, 3917 14 Isivac B. Gage, collector, 9133 97 Frank Homer, paid twice, • • 27 28 " interest on National Bank of Redemption, 146 63 Orders ontst.anding-Jan. 2d, 1883, 957 08 *30,394 68 {4 44 4' L4 " {: K CR. • By support of poor in almshouse,. " support of poor in town and out of almshouse, " Town Officers, " Incidentals. • Support in other cities and towns, " Repairs on almshouse, " Repairs on school houses, " Repairs on town house. " Labor on farm, Roads and bridges, " Clearing snow; " Taxes remitted. " Printing and advertising, " State and military aid, " School, North side. " School. South side, " School, Nest Yarmouth, , " Medical attendance. town's poor. 1. 8.1762 93 1981 93 841 34 273 44. 783 83 31 56 234 85 447 31 88 40 3118 17 884 71 134 46 132 45 284 00 1422 31 1190'11 861 89 53 00 14 Putting out fires, Paid State Treasurer adjusting taxes, Paid trustees Sears fund, County tax, State tax, Bank tax, Outstanding orders paid Jan. 2, 1882, Balance at National Bank of Redemption, Boston, Balance on hand, TO WN, 1) R. Sears fund, Interest accrued, is Support of poor, iF Collecting taxes, Outstanding orders, Jan. 2, 1883, •e f TOWN, CR. By balance due from National Bank of Redemption, .Boston, Jan. 2, 1883, in the treasury, 1. B. Gage, collector, due from state and military aid, Town owes to balance, II (I II II I[ • AMOUNT OF MONEY RAISED. - For support of poor, K K " schools. roads and bridges, town officers. II *182 12 11 99 990 00 1524 01 1680 00 3197 55 822 48 4146 63 1313 21 *30.394 08 816.000 00 42 00 150 00 175 00 957 08 *17.324 08 *4146 .63 1313 21 • 6112 83 284 00 .5467 41 *17.324 08 *3600 n0 •3500 00 3000 •00 500 00 • *10,600 00 ]5 VALUATION Q:' THE TOWN, MAY 1, 1882. Real estate, Personal estate. Total valuation, Number of polls, Acres of land, • Rate of taxation on 81000, Number of dwelling houses, Number of horses, N nmber of cows,' Number of sheep, • Number of legal voters, \V INTHROP SEARS. BRA DDOCK MATTHEWS, EDWARD LEWIS, *686,796 00 733,53S 00 81,420,332 00 525 10,933 ,$7 70 500 198 214 2 520 Selectmen' of Yarmouth. YARMOU;'IH, MASS., Jan. 5th, 1883. We. the undersigned committee, appointed at the annual meet- ing, Feb. 13, 1882, to audit the accounts of the Selectmen, have attended to that duty, and find vouchers for all orders drawn on the Treasurer. We also find the books and accounts kept in a very correct and systematic manner. E. 1)._ PAY NE. t Auditing S. B. PARKER, Conmittee. Itallangeakr 1 111, II RIM 11 m 1 11J11 : • : • ;•.: • 1-'...•••::,7„ ANNUAL REPORT - OT THI OAD COMMISSIONERS, FOR THE YEAR 1883. t fai ;r, IIS ri t. vy 1 REPORT. LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1883. NORTH SIDE. • Wu. ANDERSON. Road Commissioner. 16i hours, 2C cts. 28f u u u 103} " 30 321 " 20 12i " .. 265 " " 511 331 " 30 " 23f " " " 198 loads gravel at 6 cts, 210 hours, 20 cts. 110 " " " 611 " 30 " 205 loads gravel, at 4 cts., 135 10 feet drain pipe, 33 cts, 330 loads gravel, at 4 cts, 42f hours, 30 cts., 87 " " 1111. " " " " 298 loads gravel, 4 cts, James Gorham, Gorham Taylor, Sylvauus Robbins, llenry Robbins, Seth Walker, Gorham II. Taylor, Wm. Park, Manchester Hallet, Geo. W. Ryder, James B. Crocker, Chas. 1I. Gorham, Calvin Hallet, Thomas Arey, Joshua llamblin, 'Mrs. Ed. Gorham, R. D. Farris, Mrs. O. Matthews, Sylvanus 1Vhelden, E. B. Hamlin, Seth Hamlin, " N $ 3 35 5 70 31 12 64 20 2 55 53 00 10 25 10 05 7 03 11 88 42 00 22 00 18 45 8 20 5 40 3 30 13 20 12 75 26 10 33.45 I1 92 • is is I • 22 Jos. W: Hamlin, 3415 hours, 20 cts., Albert Taylor, 2d, 200 " Ansel Matthews, 72 u Eben. II. Hamblin, 2931 Joseph Gorham, 564 A. 11. Eldridge, • 275 Freeman Rvder, 15 Edmund Eldridge, 15 Jacob Olar, 15 Stephen T. Eldridge, 514 K Thacher Taylor, ,238 D. B. Crocker, 5 K Geo. Hallet, 2d, 665 [f Albert Tay)or,, 92 K James Smith, 561 f[ Edward Covil, 36 K K S. L. Robbins, • ' 20 K . .James Ellis, 36 . K 20 John Scobie, 64 K 30 Allen Cobb, 33 " 20 Geo. W. Chase, 50 K K David Whelden, 36 John ,Millet, 345 K Charles • Guard, 115' Edgar Marchant, 3 K K James Robinson, 7 K K Charles Ellis, 865 K James A. Ellis, K u K fi u. it K K ff u u u Ai 30 K 20 K ,f K 44 30" 17'' 20 " 30 K u u K f: 15 20 K [[ Charles W. Ellis, Geo. B. Howland, Jesse Taylor, Geo. Bray, 'Wm. Taylor, Alton Baker, Fred. H. Taylor, Seth Taylor, K u u K K u K u u K K it u u 345 " 30 223 lords of gravel, 4 cts., 455 hours, 20 cts., . •4 " 255 K 30 255 K 20 151 K 10 K 132 K 15 " 501 K. K K if if u K u u a K • 868 35 40 00 14 40 58 70 11 30 5 50 4 50 3 00 3 00 15 45 40 46 1 00 19 87 27 GO 16 95 10 80 6 00 7 20 19 20 6 GO 10 00 7 20 5 14 2 30 GO 1 40 17 25 10 27 8 92 9 10 80 7 65 5 10 3 10 2 00 19 80 7 60 Gco. Young; Joseph Bassett, Watson Mallett, : 1larrison Mallett, Charles A. Chase, Reuben Howes, Lydia Crowell, Samuel Cobb, Joseph 1'hacher, Allen Cash, Wm. P. Briy, f4 K James G. Hallet, Nathan Bassett, Charles Bassett, Elam McCarter, Geo. Ryder, Joseph W. Howes, 2265 hours, '20 y ,. 1455 'f " K 21 u 1305 u 24 u SS [f K - 141 37 loads gravel, 4 cts., 214 hours, 20 cts., 87 K u ff 30 " " K 301 K u cf 1203 loads gravel, 3 eta, . 21 hours, 20 cts, 471 " " u 17 " 24 u 8 K 30 u, K K u a 16 K 20 " Isaac B. Cage, 6 loads gravel, 4 eta, Luther Baker. 71 hours, 20 cts., E. B. Hallett, blacksmith bill, Mrs. folly Cash, land damage; Ophir Josselyn, 101 hours, 15 cts., Nicholas Dixon, land damage, Abram Baker, 935 hours, 20 cts., Geo. Baker, 42 " 30 " Osborn Baker, . 4.2 K K K Perry White, 50 loads gravel, 5 eta, John Cobb,- 20 hours, 30 cts, Millard Gray, 164 _K K K Wm. D. Baker, . 7 " 20 'K John Matthews, 65 K 15.K David G. Edridge, 301 u 30 u K K 206 loads of gravel, 4 eta, Anderson S, Rowes, 595 hours, team, 40 cts., o. o•••••••••.•••••1010.1•1• .Iiif•m•••mm .101.. 't i 845.30 29 05 50 2C 10 4 80 2 90 1 48 42 80 17 40 6 00 6 10 3 G0 50 9 50 5 10 7 20 2 40 3 20 24 1 50 6 30 1 00 1 58 50 18 70 12 CO 12 60 2 50 6 CO 4 C5 -1 40 98 9 15 8 24 238 00 81433 90 1 •11%4 Money drawn as per Town orders, " expended, Cash on hand to bal., *150000 81433 90 66 10 * SOUTH SIDE. DAVID SEARS, Road Commissioner. J. K. 8; B. Sears, loam, " for drain pipe, Stephen Sears, loam, Isaiah 1'. Matthews, Elisha Parker, Charles Harwood, Benj. Homer, _David Matthews, Elbridge Crowell,. Seleck 11. Matthews, John 11. Stetson, Allen B. Baker, Benj. Bray, B. L. Baker, B. Lewis, John E. Baker, F. A. Baker, Hiram E. Baker, James Williatn Baker, Isaiah Homer, two stubhoes, R. D. Farris„ drain pipe, . William White, lumber, .1.1atsel Crosby, loam; M. H. Crowell, material, Joseph B. Ilomer & Son, labor George Loring, labor and Isaiah Ilomer, • Ileman Crowell, " • Jeremiah Eldridge, - 911 hours, 26f 55 65 50 • 551 50 721 674 61f 50 50 141 711 20 10 '4 ti 44 at GA ts " and material, team, 50 hours, " 981 " 40 Li 50 81500 00 8151 30 RO 11 90 27 35 8 00 16 50 19 50 15 00. 16 60 , 15 00 21 80 20 40 18 41 15 00 15 00 3 75 21 50 6 00 3 00 2 75 1 90 1 42 88 88 70 15 00 29 68 12 00 15 00 Laban Baker, 2d, labor and team, 50 hours, Braddock Matthews, .4 50 " Gilbert Stndley, a 30- a Williani II. Eldridge 50 a John D. Kelley, 121 Isaiah Sherman, 831 " Thomas Collins, 88 • a Thomas Collins, Jr., 271 a John Matthews, ' 60 " Hebron V. Baker, • 50 " • James A. Robinson, 5 a Edgar N. Baker, 50 " William Chase, 60 Uriah II. Sears, E. T. Baker, Joseph White, Venney Crowell, Allen Farris, Ernest Baker, Matthews C. Gray, Leston Gray, B. F. Bill, - Reuben Baker, Eddie Baker, G. W. Wood, George Wood, Nelson Baker, Frederick A. Hurst, Alonzo C. Chase, Daidel Brown, William Oliver, Lot II. Sears, Simeon Emery. Alexander Baker, Benj. Goodwin, David Chubb, • Peregrine White and Joshua Baker, labor and material. 915 00-- 15 00 9 00 15 00 250 -16 70 17 60 3.40- 6 00 • 10 00 1 00 10. 00: 900 411 " 835 5 " on. fence, 1 25 5f " 115 100 15 " a 375 9 180 5 160 5 " 100 10 2 00 90 " 43 • " 9 4 " 10 " 10 " 31 a 65 27 " 744 " 50 a 35 " 71 " 18 00 -- 8 CO 90 SO 2 00 2 00 75 11 10 4 05 14 85 10 00 7-00 75 36 45 67 45 P- I:" . , 26 David Sears and team, ; • : $162 29 Total amountrepairs old roads, $985 51 Account of money spent on new road leading to Run Stream, so called, for labor and material: Russel D. Farris, material, $16 50 J. K. & B. Sears, " • _ 14 31 Wing Brothers, -" CO Mary Crowell, " 5 00 Williain Chase, labor, 5 00 David Sears, " 21 35 Benj. Bray, " 7 50 Reuben Baker, a • 5 CO Leston Gray, ". " • 4 00 Eddie S. Paker, " 4 00 Henry NV. Baker, " 4 00 Isaiah Sherinan, " Total cost of making Run road, $87 76 This is nut full amount of what the road cost, but the correct amount of money that I have drawn and paid on said road. DAVID &inns, Road Commissioner. Account of money .spent on meeting-honse road, West Yar- , month: - Hiram E. Baker, 50 hours, labor, Ernest Baker, 153 a Daniel Brown, 93 Eddie S. Baker, 93 " John G. Sears, 10 cts. per hour, GO Crowell Baker, -- --93 " Alexander Baker, 73 Benjamin Bray, 30 CS Reuben Baker, 66 James W. Baker, 70 Vennev Crowell, 93 Clifton R..13aker, 93 Leston Gray, 78 6C 6: te IC $10 00 30 CO 18 63 18 GO 6 00 18 CO 14 GO 6 00 12 00 ]4 00 18 CO 18 GO 13 GO Isaiah Sherman, David Sears, doable team, single .es 1071 . C. M.4Itiggins, .. 5 Nelson Baker, 73 - David S. Baker, • 93 • Augustusl lowland, • 74 Matthews Gray, team, • . GO John G. Sears, 10 Cost repairs meeting -house raid, 27 98 hours, labor, \ 44 ' 44 LAD DAMAGE, NEW ROADS. Paid Daniel Brown, Mary Crowell, Estate Arthur Crowell, D. 11: Akin, • - David Matthews,. Estate William Ilatiord, • - Widow Levi Baker, 11. D. Farris, WEST YARMOUTH. JiMES ELLIs, Road Commissioner. James Ellis, labor ou road, Joyce Taylor, labor, 107 hours, , 46 " 23 " George 11. Baxter, " '114 Judah Crowell, 4: 112 ‘f .31 Lockwood Baxter, 44 53 " Washburn 13aker, 135 44 54 119" 52. ts 44 Freeman Taylor, Mulford Liuuell, 44 1319.-60 22 66 32 32 1 00 14 60 18 GO 1 50 16 50 1 00 $329 93 $G 00 11. 78 10 00 2 16 1 32 686 1 00 1 50 $40 62 . $94 00 $16 05 4 GO— 20 65 17 10 16 83 6 20— 23 00 795 20 25 11 80— 32 05 17 80 10 40 1 t I Luther Buck, John II. Hallett Lincoln Hallett, Stephen Marchata, Joe DeSilver, Daniel Humes, Alexander Crowell, _ _64 Albert. Berry, Otis Baxter, Leander Baker, • Elnathan Baker, • Jlolway, Ebenezer Baker, a - Gilbert Lewis, Lemuel Merchant; Joseph Nickerson, William Whelden, 'Joshua Baker, di 44 Joshua Baker, Jr., Herbert Crowell, a Isaiah Crowell, Leo Crowell, George Taylor, Freeman Marchant, Dustin Taylor, Dustin Baker, ▪ F. Studley,. Charles llallett, Edward Lewis, Enoch Chase, labor, 1311 hours, " 86 a 73 a 97 103 a 89 126 30 104 a 217 52 100 1334 • 61 181 44 16 27 160 a 20 15 169 • 60 12 10 11 20 10 63 • 5 " '27 83 83 Is " 116 " 151 • 63 126 30 17 20 14 60 19 40 15 40 17 80-33 20 25 20 4 50 20 80— 25 30 32 55 10 40— 42 95 16 60 20 00 26. 70 12 20 27. 13 8. 80,- 35 95 240 540 24 00 4 00— 28 00 3 00 25 35 12 00-z. 37 35 1,80 2 85 2 20— 5 95 3 00 2 00 9 45 1. 00 540 1 70 1. 28 17 40 22 65 9 45 Chester M. Huggins, labor, Frank Huggins, a David Marchant, L. A. Chase, J. Perry,. George Lewis, Joe 1)eSilver, Jr., Eddie Chase, Roland Taylor, John Baiter, 44 it Nelson Baxter, Walter Baxter, a a James E. Baxter, 44 W. Merchant, Fred Hurst, J. K. it B: Sears, lumber, loam, 29 . 89 hours, 28 43 73 56 8 93 74 20 70 73 15 62 67 15 97 65 8 0 John A. Baxter, 93 loads loam, 4 cents load, James Ellis, 1478 " " a a For tools and repairs on same, 113 35 4 20 8 CO— 12 80 10 95 11 20 — 1 20 13 80 ' '1310 3 00 14 00 7 30 150— 8.80 12 40 • 6 70 1 50-- 8 20 9 70 6 50— 16 20 1 20 1 80 12 42 19 80— 32 22 3 71 59 11 700 $938 94 WWI .o i, IMrrsllnr III YlWWI lolII Ilir .+. ANNUAL REPORT -07 THE - FISH COMMITTEE, FOR THE YEAR 1883. } tr i�Yr+.l iY. I I1IV V 1 �. ,• • - _mil 114 REPORT. BASS RIVER FISHERY—TREASIIREWS REPORT. 1883. S. EXPENDITURE' June 18, Cash paid C. F. Swift .& Son, printing, $ 6 50 " " night watchmen, ..84 00 Jan. 4, '/" Jug. Smith, labor on perch, 10 85 " "- Geo. W. Chase, " ' " 7 33 " " Geo. Millet, 21," . " " 7 00 " " 7 15 C. Ellis, " " ". 7 71 46 barrels, " " ice, 75 4 "nails, 36. ,, N. W. Gruel], labor, use of seine, etc., 35 00 • ',Hannah Crowell, shore privilege, 300 • " N. B. Whelden, " " 1 50 " " Committee's fees, 65 00 Jan. 5, " " Town of Dennis, 278 87 I II nil 1.,1 1 • 32 - FISHERIES IN ACCOUNT WITH. JONATHAN BANGS, TREASURER. 1882. - .. By Cash received from Nathan Kelley, Si 36 41 Frederick Sherman, 26 00 4. li Ci I 6 lC David Fisk, 250 00 * I CC IC t4 CC Wm. P. Davis, • 250 00 •Sale of fish at pond, 453 57 i-, I It Ii ti .0 230 pounds pickled fish, 592 25 Net proceeds of perch, 362 58 1 $1,970 81 Copy—Attest: JONATHAN BANGS, Treasurer. f 1 EXPENSES 1E-4- . • OF. THE • • TOWN •OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE Y -EAR ENDING JANUAR? 2, Mg. *4- . YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: CHARLES F. SWIFT & SON, PRINTERS. 1884. ° TOWN OFFICERS, 1882-1885. • Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of Poor, WINTHROP SEARS,* CIIAS..BASSET,t STEPHEN SEARS, EDWARD LEWIS, TRAWLER T. LIALLET"1'. ' • Town Clerk a,'d ''J'reasinrer, • • WM. P. DAVIS. Collector of Taxes, ISAAC B. GAGE. .Sr1 ool (';rdtoillee. D. WING, ISAIAH CROWELL, AZARIAII ELDIIIDGE. Rad Commissioners, WM. ANDERSON, JAS. ELLIS, DAVID SEARS. Fish Committee. NATHAN W. CRUSH, .GEORGE H.. LORING, GEORGE HALLE`I'T, 2D. - Constables, • -JAMES I1. SMITII, JAMES A. ELLIS, SETLI TAYLOR, WARREN C. FULLER Field Drivers, BENJ. LOVELL. JAMES T. CHASE, CLIAS. FARRIS, \VASHBURN BAKER.JUDAHI B. CHASE. GEORGE RY- DEIt, CHAS. ELLIS, I?EU13EN BAKER, JAMES ELLIS, SYLVANUS -\VILELDEN, JOSHUA BAKER, GILBERT S'l'UDLEY, C. FRANK IIUGGINS. ' Pnttad .Aeiprrs, NEIIEMIAII WIIELDEN, CHAS. FARRIS, WASHBURN BAKER. Sealer of Weights and Measures, STEPHEN %WING. Fence Viewers, ISAIAH' P. MAT'I'IIEWS. JOSEPH GORIL\M. Survey/ors ref Wood and Lumber. JOSEPH BASSET, WILLIAM WHITE. Audilurs to settle Treasurer's Account, • EDWARD L. CHASE, DAVID D. KELLEY, ANDREW II. E LDR I DG E, 2n. Trustees of Sears Fund, WILLIAM 1'. DAVIS. WINTHROP SEARS* Trustees of /he Public Library, Dn. AZARIAIL ELDRIDGE, l'REstnE\T; CHARLES F. SWI!•T, \T[cE I'nESInFNT; WM. P. DAVIS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER; REV. JOHN W. DODGE, REV. \VILLI.\M 11. MAYHHEW, THOMAS MATTl1EWS. EDMUND B. IiAMB- LIN, HENRY C. TL!AC11ER, J. 13. D. COGSWELL. • Deceased. f Resigned. 1 REPORT. SUPPORT OF TIIE POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. James G. IIallet, carting, II. B. Chase & Sons, grain, -Thomas Amy, carting, E. D. Payne, snpplies, N. T. Mallet, K Alfred W. Parker, eel spear, David D. Kelley, supplies, St Then Sherman, keeper of almshouse, Oliver Mullet. supplies, Edmund Walker, wood, Briggs & Shattucks, supplies, Freight, Isaac II. 'T hacker, supplies, Braddock .Matthews, " It. D. Farris, Elislta Purker, �• John Matthews, cutting wood, John F. Nickerson & Co., supplies, Seth Taylor. wood, • N. W. Grnsh, supplies, Matthews &.Payne, coal, . Wilson Ryder, seed potatoes, 0. A. Leaver, supplies, • Stephen Sherman, supplies, $ 10, 50 123 94 1 50 161 74 24 50 3 00 15 92 550 00 5 80 It' 50 83 63 2 21 158 40 89 50 8 38 11 85 5 00 14 78 22 00 15 17 51 79 9 00 6 24 12 17 Reuben Ryder, repairing shoes, John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, Edmund Hamblin, supplies, Andrew II. Eldridge, " Knowles & Co.. D. B. Crocker & Co, A. C. Megathlin, E. C. Lewis. pigs, T. T Hallet, supplies, " medical " Sylvanus Robbins, " Seth H. Hamblin, , a Seth H. Hamblin, pigs, Joel B. Hall, supplies, , R. H. Harris, " Supplies, " " " $ 1 87 2 25 15 12 36 98 46 75 173 55 158 27 9 00 2 50 -21 37 23 74 19 05 8 00 50 45 3 15 3 00 $1972 57 SUPPORT OF THE POOR OUT OF THE ALMSHOUSE. Lucy E. Baxter, supplies, David Buck, Waterman F. Baker, " Charity Baker, John Baker, John N. Baker, George Butler, Alvin Bearse, burial expenses and supplies, Mrs. Alvin Bearse, " " Ira Bearse, Mrs. Sylvester Bearse, supplies, Josiah F. Baker, Legis Chase, Albertus Chase, James T. Chase, house rent and supplies, James Chase, supplies, Cynthia Crowell, board 1882 and 1883, Job Cash. supplies and nurse, ." " " " " a " • $34 67 15 70 39 70 37 45 485 49 60.06 53 73 50 32 14 00 97 25 • 38 75 19 94 17 44 10 10 34 15 14 44 65 00 138 60 1 & Mrs. Eluathan Eldridge, supplies, Matthews C. Gray, James R. Gardner, house rent and supplies, Francis -W. Grush, digging grave, Bettie Gorham, board,- Mrs. oard,Mrs. Susan Holway, supplies, , Prentice Lewis, house rent and supplies, Daniel Humes, house rent, John Matthews, supplies, Thankful Marchant, " fi Mrs. Anthony Moutcalrn, Mary A. Nickerson, " John Orlando, f. Nathan Robinson, board and rent, 1882, Alexander Tti.pp, burial expenses, Ahira Wixon, supplies, Anna Webber, " Mrs. Frank C. Baker, " J. B. and E. E. Jennings, board, Oliver Robinson, supplies, James Spenser, Temperance Simmons, board, Mrs. Nelson Baxter, house rent, Betsey Crowell, supplies, • • $ 8 96 32 84 57 46 200 102 36 7 18 7681 20 00 17 06 1631 • 6 75 12 67 47 81 79 99 20 90 14 60 9 00 10 00 13 15 16 12 21 00 84 00 20'00 7 25 $1531 01 PAID OTHER CITIES, TOWNS AND INSTITUTIONS. Taunton Hospital, J. C; Cannon, ' " H. J..Taylor, Hannah D. Lovell, `• Warren C. Fuller, Hyde Park, Sarah Lovell and children, Boston, Wealthy. Hallet, 1882, New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, State Work Ilouse, John Gray, Primary School, Wni. E. Young, CC CC $175 21 185 !.-7 166 68 49 48 60 00 20 00 25 00 43 25 19 00 0 /7-72 S"� r. ' '. r ,"1��wilYleraie .c� iiWY�ri� 1MIIII 11 tl1111■ 1 1I 11111 mama • I ,,; t kektA .r . 7.1 r i;;l. 6- • Plvmontb, . Burial Gideon Cash child, -Brewster, , E. Frances Gage, $ 500 82 29 $831 38 RECEIVED OR DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Brewster, Lewis F. Nickerson, 123 62 Sylvester Maker, 58 57 James N. Rogers, 11 83 Dennis, Samuel Baker, 5 00 Falmouth, Foster D. Studley, 28 39 Taunton, Wm. Paine's son, 11 74 Harwich, James Robinson, 12 92 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of poor, Paid for support of poor in almshouse, $1972 57 'i " out " 1531 01. " other cities, towns and institutions, 831 38 $4334 90 Due or rec'd from other cities and towns, 252 07 Total cost for the year, Unexpended balance, INCIDENTALS., Winthrop Sears, incidentals, Fred C. Swift, writing deeds, - • C. F. Swift, moderator, town meeting, Charles Bassett, incidentals, Insurance, South Yarmouth school house, Repairs on road scraper, Public statutes, . . Skiff boat for almshouse, $4082 89 717 11 $252 07 $4800 00 $480U 00 14 67 3 00 500 2 38 11 05 2 25 3 10 15 00 C.i1 it Ili 7. Taking Simeon Emery to soldier's home, Chas. Thacher, running. bounds, Land of Adeline Cole, South Yarmouth, Daniel Wing, surveying new road, Collector's Book, Postage and taking list stockholders Nat. bank, Telegram, Boy's fare to Boston, Repairs on hearse house, Account book, Recording deed, F. W. Grnsh; Postage, Notary public and justice fee, Express on state book, Fare to Boston, T. T. Mallet, Straps for hearse, Care of hearse, H. V. Baker, Taunton and Boston, Stephen Sears, Digging grave, J. C. Cannon, . Repairs on cemetery fence, Lettering guide board, K. M. Taylor, Care hearse, Wm. D. Loring, Sundries for hearse, • Recording deaths, Wm. D. Loring, Funeral service, E. B. Harrington, Sweeping town house, Insurance on town house, Furniture for almshouse, Elias Harrington, burial expenses, Sundries, RECAPITULATION. • Amount raised for incidentals, Sum expended for incidentals, Unexpended balance, 411 50 3 50 10 00 4 00 1 25 1 48 35 6d 50 35 65 36 1 00 25 3 00 •3 50 3 00 6 70 2 00 1 60 9 50 300, 1 50 4 50 . 1 50 '50 6.40 6 75 21 50. 4 25 $161 49 $250 00 1161 49 88 51 $250 00 ya Ir (�Flf yw" 8:.. REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. A. C. Snow, labor, Luther Baker, C. M. Bray, material, Ira Ryder, labor, K.. M. Taylor, paints,.` Repairs, *7 00 1 50 25 06 12 00 17 58 9 ROADS AND BRIDGES.-,- - James Ellis, old roads, 1882, • " " " 1883, Ss to new o ," •. David Sears, old roads and bridges, " " new " William Anderson. old roads, *63 141 " new " Bernard L. Baker, B. R. U. bridge, Isaiah Homer, new roads, William Oliver, " " Joseph B. Homer, tending bridge, C. M. Bray, repairs un roads, Repairs on B. R. bridges, REPAIRS ON TOWN HOUSE. ' 62 75— *2 75 - - REPAIRS Oiv SCHOOL HOUSES. Repairs on So. Yarmouth school house, " " No. Side " " " West Yarmouth," " - RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for Public Buildings, Amoant'expended on Almshouse, tf " " Town Honse, " " " School Houses, Expended above Appropriation, LABOR ON FARM. Edward B. Covell, labor on farm, A. H. Eldridge, Help on farm, Eben Ballet fertilizer, Thomas Arey " Rye cradle, .t 63 14 2.75 604 78 420 67 $ 40 71 ' 281 06 283 01 $604 78 *250 G0 *670 67 14 35 28 40 4 00 12 94 21 00 2 90 283 59 LAND DAMAGES AND NEW ROADS. Ernest P. Baker, new road, David Sears, land damage, CLEARING SNOW. B. L. Baker, 1882, William Andersou, and others, David Sears, , " " James Ellis, _411" RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for roads and bridges, Repairs on roads and bridges, Land damages and new roads, Clearing snow, 4355 93 110 62 250.86 24717 41 2173 56 738 94 200 00 1238.56 .200.00, 1300 00 200 00 6 65 111 56 14 77 40 00 8 07 123 82 24355 93 470-00 40 62 2110 62. $ 28 27 158 24 14 20 60 lb 2250 86 23700 00 91A�. II;. 111 .1, 111. 4411 - F�� 1110 i!N Expended above appropriation,. Mercy Crowell, Albert Taylor, Jacob Olar, John E. Ryder, John D. Kelley,.. Wiug Tiros. Seth H. Hamblin, IO_ STATEAID. MILITARY AID. PUTTING OUT FIRES. $1017 41 $4717 41 $48 00 72 00 *120 00 $72 00 30 00 $102 00 $ 3 00 13 53 8 90 $25 43 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE TOWN'S POOR. Dr. T. 13. Pnlsifer Dr. C. M. Marstin, Dr. S. F. Haskins, Dr. S. Pitdher, Dr. Fosseth, $112 00 41 00 16 00 61 00 15 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING._ Charles F. Swift & Son; Printing 375 town reports, « Town Warrant February meeting, " March .l Assessors and Dog Notices, Teachers' Certificates, Fish Notice, etc„ $245 00 $40 00 9 00 3 50 9 25 7 50 1 .. r 1 111111 .. IMO 1 Naold • LI: Printing Warrant, for Governor's and special Town meeting, $ 5'100 • Subscription to Register 1 year, 25 00 George Otis, Printing school reports, •832 4 0 " Warrant, for Governor's and special Town meeting, , _ 6, 50 $114 15 SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Azariah Eldridge, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of House, Fuel, Cleaning house, . Knowles & Co., supplies, R. II. Harris, " S. L: Robbins, setting stove, Paid by Sears fund, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Daniel Wiug, Committee. Teachers' salaries, Care of house, Fnel, Supplies, Books, WEST YARMOUTH. Isaiah Crowell, Committee.. Teachers' salaries, Care of house,. • - Fuel, $1131 83 *119 65 84 63 17 54 60 3 00 1 75— 226 17 $1358 00 $975 00 $1208 42 $64 00 64 50 27 23 6 54— 162 27 $1370 69 $735 00 $29 00 35 63 #,,• — "'-,J..3_ JluIliYti+ .. :illi It AN. Yu 4 1 . . Y•'f ter.: Books, Sundries, RECAPITULATION.. Amount raised for support of schools,, Expended North Side, " South " West " if In excess of appropriation, .8 4.76 1 90— 871 29 8806 29 • 81358 00 1370 69 806 29 83534 98 83500 CO 34 98 13534 98 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. Luther Baker, truant officer, - Auditors, auditing accounts, Winthrop Sears, selectman, Braddock Matthews, " Charles Basset, Winthrop Sears overseeing poor, Braddock Matthews,' " . " • Charles Basset, " K T. B: Pulsifer, school committee, Isaac B. Gage, collecting taxes, 1882, Azariah Eldridge, school committee, Edward Lewis, making school report, Stephen Wing, sealing weights and measures, C. M. Bray, constable,. 1882, Allen B. Baker, " " Isaiah Sherman, police officer, Wm. P. Davis, town clerk and treasurer, Daniel Wing, school committee, Edward Lewis, " " Assessors, assessing taxes, writing duplicate state book, Overseers, overseeing poor, 3 00 6 00 19 50 18 75 4 50 2 25 5 10 100 30 00 ]37 48 5 00 5 00 11 00 4 00 8 75. 22 50 94 30 35 00 26 00 162 00 69 25 43 Selectmen, services, 8176:60 8841 88 HORSE HIRE. Winthrop Seirs, horse hire, : 84 50 Braddock Matthews, " 5.50 Charles Basset, " , 2 00 Stephen Sears, Edward L_wis and T.'T. Halletborsehire, 130 00 RECAPITULATION.. Amount raised for Town Officers, Expended for Town Officers' and Com.'s fees, *841 88 is " Horse hire, 142 00 1983 88 In excess of Appropriation, TAXES REMITTED.. Isaac B. Gage, collector, 1882, • J. B. D, Cogswell, left town, Eddie B. Lewis, pays elsewhere, Dustin Merchant, dead, 1882, Thomas L. Ormsby, pays elsewhere, Alton White, " John Crowell, enable to pay, . Samuel Crowell, wrong tax, Reuben K. Farris, remitted, Edwin M. White, pays elsewhere, David Cr.iwell, 2d, .. a- 1882, I3cnj. F. Gifford, wrong tax, Seth G. Rogers, " " Stephen Homer, " " . W. J. Nickerson, pays elsewhere, 1142 00 1850 00 . 133 88 8983 88 .857 93 3 54 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 -4 .70 -1 93 77 12 71 2 00 58 • 2 12 39 2 00 ��.tit J111 ir61.irwirrr•.r , .1 14: P!S ' • P4.Sw} 34 Azariah Eldridge, wrong tax, Nathan_ Matthews, " " Joel .B.Hall, E. C. Howes, J. W. Dodge, • a ~4 Horace Chase, remitted, Edward E. Crowell, wrong tax, Timothy Chase, pays elsewhere, James' B. Arey, wrong tax, • Prince Crowell, heirs, wrong tax, Dustin Merchant, dead, 1883, Frank Larkin, " O. A. Leaver, wrong tax, Lucy J. Crowell, " " Daniel Cole, " " Samuel Crowell, " Est. Benoui Baker, Herbert :Marchant, pays elsewhere, David Crowell, 2d, " a 4 4 44 Freeman Gage, Lockwood Baxter, dead, Seth Ballet, heirs, wrong tax, Augustus F. Baker, remitted, " 1883, 4 4 TOWN TREASURER. DR. Balance Jan. 2, 1883, Received interest National Bank Redemption, " estate Francis W. Crush, :" Temperance Simmons, salt marsh, Azariah Eldridge, mortar sold, Stephen Sears, hay sold, .- • T. T. Hallet, rye sold, town of Brewster, " Falmouth, .'4 *12 51 l 00 12 1 00 3 00 2 00 9 24 2 00 3 39 4 62 2 00 2 00 7 70 2 50 2 31 2 12 8 27 2 00 2 00 3 39 2 00 46 2 00 8174 30 85,459 84 60 56 110 00 1 50 50 9 24 5 67 240 46 20 00 Received town of Dennis, " " Harwich, " from Fish Committee, " auctioneers' licenses, {f • 813 00 24 35 278 88 4 00 on account dog licenses, 74 45 it from State Treasurer, corporation tax, 1,287 43 " " " a Nat'l Bank , " 1,335 88 4 4 4 military aid refunded, , -• •96 00 it supplies State paupers,. 52 00 4 4 a 4 4 4 tem- porary, 15 00 State aid refunded, 120 00 relief indigent sailors • and soldiers, . 82 00 foreign ships dif. taxation, 351 58 " " a di school fond, 1882, 184 32 a Isaac n Gage, collector, 1882, . 6,142 66 1883, . 9,544 92 Orders outstanding January 2, 1884, 263 85 $25,778 09 4' 4 " '' {. 4 „ ll " 4 41 4 is 4 .4 4 4 TOWN TREASURER. . CR. By support of poor in almshouse, ". " out of " " in other cities and towns, " of 4 - u - Incidentals, Repairs on almshouse, " " town house, " " school houses, Labor on farm, Roads and bridges, Land damage and new roads, •_. Clearing snow, State aid, Military aid, 4 81972 57 1531 01 749 09 252 07 161 49 63 14 2 75 604 78' 83 59 4355 93 110 62 250 86 120 00 -102 00 • BaliiWa91ldPalY, VWr 111 nit 1 , ini • t6 Patting out fires, Medical attendance, town's poor, Printing and advertising, Schools, North side, " • South side, " West Yarmouth, Town officers and committee's fees, Horse hire, Taxes remitted, Bank tax, State tax, County tax, Town of Brewster, E. Frances Gage, Sears' school fund, Auditors settling with treasurer, Outstanding orders, Balance on hand, January 2;1884, *25 43 245,00 114 15 1358 00 1370 G9 806 29 841 88 142 00 174 30 3316 80 1335.00 1159 07 82 29 988 00 12 00 957 C8 2490 21 825,778 09 VALUATION OF -TOWN MAY 1, 1883. Real estate, • Personal estate, Total valuation, Number of polls, • " " acres of land, Rate of taxation on *1,000, Number of dwelling houses, " Horses, " Cows, " , " Sheep " Shares First National bank, 4' 702,226 00 768,453 00 $1,470,679 00 501 11483 $7 70 525 234 229 25 owned in town, 1947 STEPHEN SEARS, Selectmen EDWARD LEWIS, of THACHER '1'. HALLET, I armnouth. We, the committee, appointed at the annual town meeting Feb. 12, 1883 to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and the ac- counts of all other town officers have this day examined the ac- counts of the Selectmen and find them correct with vouchers for • all payments up to Jan. 3, 1884. Yarmouth Port, Jan. 16, 1884. A. H. ELDRIDGE, 2ND, DAVID 1). KELLEY. dt d • . • '1' i Yr _ _ _ +F • v -+-..v_ 6r- s.. •4.111114141 .14i4.441KCGiiY o ..it -. yin 4, 18 Acres of laud, 11,802 Rate of .taxation on $1,000, $9 80 Number of dwelling houses, 323 • • " " horses, 250. u " eows, . 238 - " • " sheep, 30 STEPHEN SEARS, I Selectmen THACHER T. HALLET, of EDWARD LEWIS, Yarmouth. We, the committee, appointed at the annual •town meeting, Feb- ruary 11, 1884, to audit the accounts of the Selectmen, have. this day examined the accounts of the Selectmen and find them correct and vouchers for all payments made except one hundred and twen- ty-two dollars and forty-six cents, ($1.22.46)• bills paid by Mi. Edward Lewis. A. 11. ELDRIDGE, 2v, Auditors.. DAVIT) 1). KELLEY, _ f Yarmouth, January, 15, 1885. - • January 28; 1885. Since writing the above certificate, Mr. Lewis has shown vouch- ers fur one hundred .and twenty-two dollars and . nine cents. ($122.09.) • A. H. ELDRIDGE, 2n, j Auditors. D. D. KELLEY, . ti • .111 11 • ANNUAL REPORT ---OF THE --- ROAD .: COMMISSIONERS, F`OR THE YEAR 4884. :y• • .errr7m'u •t= REIPOR'T. LABOR AND MATERIAL -ON ROADS, 1884. NORTH SIDE. W24. ANDERSON, Road Commissioner. David G. Eldridge, 44 a4 as 44 44 44 Seth Taylor, 41 at Joshua Hamblin, Charles Bassett, Seth Walker, Charles M. Bray, John Cobb, - • Calvin Hallet, Frank Arey, Freeman Ryder, Patrick Heffernan, Joseph Gorham, Ophir Josselyn, Gorham Taylor, Geo. W. Chase, Alfred Howland, Patrick Morgan, - Joseph Bassett, Mrs. Mercy H. Gorham, Edmund W. Eldridge, A. H. Eldridge, R. William Park, Harrison Hallet, Wilson E. Ryder, Nathan Bassett, Fred. H. Taylor, 30 hours, 20 cts., 363 loads gravel, 4 cts., 40 4a sand, 2 4C, 66i hours, 20 eta., 15 " team, 40 cts., 91 loads gravel, 4 " 331 hours, 40 cts., 40 i' - 20 K lumber, 8 hours, 20 cts., 971 55 25 at it 20 as 45 44 20 44 Lt " • 44 . at 16 Li 46 at' 41 to . ai 6 73 • ai 44 41 41 44 11 44 11 4.4 i4 a4 11 821 „ 64 K 861 u 156 loads gravel, 4 cts., 44 hours, 20 cts., ii Lt 681 341 to 110 29 1091 44 75 a4 40 14 61 66 la a4 11 16 11 Li 11 44 a4 14 41 $ 6 00 14 52. 80 •. 13 30 6 20 3 64 13 40 8 00 12 10 1 60 19 55 11 00 500 4 00 9 10 4-10 1 20 14 60 1 50 16 50 17 35 6 25 8 80 13 70 6 95 22 00 5 80 21 90 30 30 • • Gideon Matthews, Eben A. Hallet, Thacher Taylor, John E. Ryder, James Gorham, Edward Covil,. 44 44 Geo: A. Bray, Geo. Ryder, David Whelden, Thomas Arey, 44 44 Albert Taylor, -44 44 John Millet, Jaines H. Smith. • Henry Robbins, Sylvanus Robbins, Joseph W. Howes, Samuel H: Thacher, Geo. Hallet, 2d, —=_ Watson Hallet, • Sylvanns Wbelden, Gorham II. Taylor, Joseph W. Hamblin, Seth H. Hamblin, 44 •4 . 44 . Edmund B. Hamblin, Wm. P. Bray, •_. Nehemiah B. Whelden, Annie Hallet, Eben R. Iiamblin, Stephen T. Eldridge. Charles H. Gorham, Allen Cobh, 44 44 44 64 Geo. Young, Jr., Geo. Young, Elijah Arey, Samuel- Cobb, Oliver Hallet, 29 29 58 59 38 99 35 loads sand, 75 hours, 20 eta., 21 " 40 " 60 20 " • 6 hours, team, 40 ets., 61 f420 cts., 80 " 40 44 work.on stone, 711 hours, 20 eta., 134 " " 111 116 5 2Z hours, 20 eta., " 40 " 4t.20 " 44 44 44. 44 44 - 66 44 44 44 -44 44 44 44 44 44 .44 44 44 44 12 .4c 44 �40 " :40 30 " 20 42a " 40 31: "- 20 92a 44 4l 44 '197a t4 367 loads gravel, 4 ets.; 44 hours, 40 ets., J9 " 20 44 20 " 40 " 44 44 44 " 44• 44 70 loads gravel, 4 cts., 32a hours, 20 ets., 411 i4 40 44 251 " 20 " • 60 " 40 " • 10 i1 man, 20 ets., 180 loads gravel, 4 cts., 15 hours, 20 ets., 20 39 29 65 44 4.4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 • $ 5 80 11 60 11 60 11 80 7 60 19 80 70 15 00. 8 40 12 00 2 40 12 20 32 00 1 00 14 35 26 10 22 20 23 20 1 00 2 40 16 00 6 00 17 00 6 :30 18 50 29.50 -14 68 17 80 11.80 8 00 2 80 6 50 16 50 5 05 24 00 2 00 7 20 3 00 4 00 7 80 DAVID 5 80 David Kelley, gravel, 13 00 William White, loam, Oliver .Hallet, Osborn Baker, Abram Baker, 4[ 44 Millard Gray, Charles Ellis, Geo. H. Baker, John Scobie, John Matthews, R. D. Farris, Hiram Whittemore, Charles R. Bassett, Gorham .Nickerson, N. B. Burgess, Win. F. Kenney, James T. Chase, Charles Chase, David, Sears, Alton Baker, Elam McCarta, Peregrine ".Vhite, James G. Hallet, Manchester Hallet, John Hinckley & Son, Estate Joshua Eldridge, James A. Ellis, Charles W. Ellis, Patrick Kaveney, Anderson & Howes, 9 29 23 21 23 43 29 23 38 23 'flours, team, 40 eta., 4' 40 cts., " team, 40 cts.,. hours, 20 cts., 44 44. 44 44. 40 " 44 44 44 44 drain pipe, 199 loads gravel, 4 cts., 43} hours, 20 cts„ building stone drain, 11 hours, 20 ets., 15 16 20 44 44 46 44 -44 44 44 44 L4 8 44 44 64 15 " team, 40 cts., 15 hours, 20 cts., 281 " team, 40 ets., 212 .loads gravel, 5l:ts., 71 hours, team, 40 cts., 8 44 44 44 44 plank for bridges, 239 loads gravel, 4 cts., - 30 hours, 20 eta., 15 44 `44 K 204'9 44 44" 5378-10 hours, man, team, 40 eta., RECAPITULATION. Balance on hand from last year, Drawn on town orders this year, SOUTH SIDE. SEAR?, Road Commissioner. $.3 60 11 60 9 20 4 20 4 60 17 20' 11 .60 4 60 . 7 60 5 64 '7 96 8 70 5 00 2 20 3 00 3 20 1 60 6 00 3 00 11 30 10 60 3 10 3 20 17 79 9 56 6 00 300 • 4 15 215 12 $1,197 86 $ 66 10 1,131 76 81,197 86 $ 6 30 ' 29 70 ar 24 William White, horse and driver, 4 days, Rebecca Eldridge, loam, David K. Akin, gravel, J. K. & B. Sears, gravel, David Chubb, labor, ,Pm Anderson, • Seth Walker, labor order, Wing Bros., nails, Win. Anderson, E. K. Arey, labor order, Benjamin Bray, Hebron Matthews, Polly Berry, loam, Elisha Parker, labor, Waterman Baker, Joseph L. Baker, Alexander Baker, • Henry Covi1, Crowell Baker, William Chase, Reuben Baker, James W. Baker, Stephen Sears, loam, it ci labor, John H. Stetson, " Eben Baker. cc William H. Hurst, " Henry Brooks, . Isaac Ellis, James E. Berry, Charles Harwood, Laban Baker, 2d, Burgess S. Howland, " John E. Baker, 6, Braddock Matthews;" Isaiah Homer, 66 Fred. A. Baker, Joshua Baker, Jeremiah Eldridge, " Clifton Baker, James Robinson, Lot H. Sears, Uriah H. Sears, Sturgis Crowell, -"" "'t„ I rl 4{ 44 is 64. 44 • 44 4' • 4, 44 and material, $16 00 29 90 56 31,00- 29 90 1 80 33 1 80 8 00 80 .4 05 8 75 4.35 :120 3 20 7 10 1 75 1 30 4 95 15 75 25 60 10 30 33 45 5 10 75 1 80 6 00 33 24 00 38 200 14 20 9 30 39 10 24 80 69 95 18 60 4 00 5 00 8 80 15 90 10 30 1 Eddie Baker, Venney Crowell, Henry W. Taylor, Henry W. Baker, I. P. Matthews, Seleck H. Matthews, B. L. Baker, Earnest Baker, Gilbert Studley, " and material, Wm. H. Oliver, labor, 4' Ci ♦' '4 LC 4• 4' Wm. Oliver, " Albert D. Baker, R. D. Farris, Allen B. Baker, Wm. D. Crowell, James R. Baker, Remegio Lewis, John Matthews, Alburtus Crowell, Robert Clark, • Hiram E. Baker, George Loring, David S. Baker, J. B. Homer, repairs on scraper. Nelson Baker, labor, Wm. H. Eldridge, 6,- David Sears, Repairs on Run Bridge, " " B. R. L. Bridge, 14 .c '4 '4 4, 4' '4 " '4 4' JAMES Elnathan Baker, Richard Sears, Orris Crowell, S. A. Crowell, Lemuel Marchant, Stephen Marchant, Judah Crowell, Otis Baker, WEST YARMOUTH. ELLrs, Road Commissioner. 68 hours, 9 " 9 18• 18 48 18 18 4' '4 $11 15 11 GO .14 00 4 80 8 00 14 76 12 00 12 20 20 20 6 9., 60 :3 0 7 70 12 00 6 75 10 00 12 40 6 00 10 00 3 90 12 00 20 00 4 00 2 85 4 00 7.00 116 24 18 75 48'96 75 31,007 95 $13 60 1 80 1 80 3 60 3 60 . 8 60 _360 3 CO Y .• Herbert Studley, I. F. Baker, Gilbert Lewis, George S. Taylor, Luther Buck, Ansel L. Baker, Walter R. Baxter, Johnny Baster, James E. Baxter, Eben Cbase, Benj. Whelden, Jabez Perry, Albert Berry, G. H. Baxter, Orrin Buck, Theodore Drew, Fred. D. Baker, Charles Ballet, Nelson Baxter, Joseph Nickerson, Joe DeSilver, Foster D. Studley, Nelson Marchant. Leo E. Taylor, J. DeSilver, Jabez Perry, Alex. Chase, Joshua S. Baker, Dusfin Baker, Howard Taylor, Freeman Taylor, Alexander Crowell, Daniel Humes, Dustin Taylor, L. B. Hallet, Joyce Taylor, Eben S. Baxter, Ebenezer Baker, Geo. B. Lewis, Fred. A. Hurst, Joseph S. Baker, C. M. Huggins, • 26 57 hours, 78 14 L4 80 4L 68 .18 70 " 10 cts. per hoar, 7.0 70 15 50 30 176 118 18 '6i 68 117 105 125 • 20 27 59 34,E 118 40 30 4i 132a 25 13 50 9 48 9 9 99 117 136 59 .59 20: 16 10 cts. per hour, 12.91 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 L4 44 44 .44 • LL 44 4 it 44 44 44 44 44 44' .44 4.4 44 LL 44 44 44 44 44 44 .44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 811 40 15 60 2 80 16 00 '13_60 3 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 3 00 10 00 6 00 35 20. 23 60 3 60 1 25 13 60 23 40 21 00 25 10 4 00 5 40 5 90 6 90 230,0. 8 00 6 00 26 50 5 00 2 60 10 00 1 80 9 60 1 80 1 80 1980 23 40 27 20 11 80 11 80 2 00 25 90 ' 27 C. F. Huggins, 73 hours, Freeman H. Crowell 68 41 Edward Lewis, 136 E. Crowell, 36 E. E. Chase; 86 David Marchant, 136 Henry G. Baxter, 25 Washburn Baker, 50 -James Ellis, 371 600 loads loam,'4 cts. per load, B. F. Crocker, 400• E. E. Chase, 348 .1. 1;Ilis, Laying out roads, .1. K. 44,. B. Sears, bill of lumber, 44 44 44 44 44 • 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 i4 By plank sold, CREDIT.. $14 60 13 60 27 20 7 20 17 20 27 20 5 00 20 00 74 20 24 00 16 00 13 92. 8 00 56 86 $856 73. 6 25 8850 48 • 1 eee 34 Jan. 9, Cash paid Town of Yarmouth, liEcraPra. $278 88 $793 92 183. June 28, Cash rev.ived from Sale of Herring Fishery, $460 00 July 23, : " " for 13 barrels, 6 50. 1884, Si 2 bushels salt, 70 Juu. 4, Li from sale of perch, 326 72 Dennis, Jan. 9, 1884. *793 92 LUTHER IIALL, Treasurer. ; i '-• • + r••• -•• • — . • ••••—•... • • c. EXPENSES • OF THE Lee TOWN OF YARMOUTH, FOR THE • YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1, 1885. -4 • yARM('u'rI1poRT, MASS. FRU:VI-ED AT THE CAPE POD ITEM JOB FIRMING OFFICE.. , 1885. ••••.. 111 A REPORT. To the Citizens of the Muria of Yarmouth: — * In submitting our annual report, your Selectmen (in addition to statement of accounts) .would say, that in the capacity of Over- seers of the Poor they have made a claim upou the estate of the heirs of John Gorham. and sold the homestead in the interest of the town. There yet remains two lots of young wood; consisting one of five acres and one of two aures, situated on Parker's Neck, . which are yet unsold. We have also taken a warrantee deed of the estate of Gorham Taylor, situated near -the Almshouse, and have laid a claim upon the dwelling -house of James Chase, which vet remains unsettled. These elauus are made by virtue of assis- - .tance rendered to the above parties in response- to• their call. The number of inmates provided for in the Almshouse during the past year has averaged thirteen, all of whom have received care- ful :attention. The cost of out -door relief though' somewhat di- minished is yet, in our opinion, above what is absolutely necessary. ti1;I'PORT OF THE POOR IN THE AL.MSHOU$E. Superintendent's salary, $300 00 -- Nathan (',rush, supplies, 45 '52 Nathan Ballet, supplies, shoes, . . 13 12 Benjamin Gorham, repairing shoes, 5 52 H. B. Chase & Sons, grain, 141 46 Sylvanus Robbins, supplies, 49 87 Crocker & Eldridge,. '- 133 68 • Azariah Eldridge, service of beast, Poultry, - N. T. Hallet, supplies, - E. D. Payne, " - A. C. Megathlin, " • 1). B. Crocker & Co., supplies, Albert Tailor, service, • 5 00 st 1 00 22 47 64 10 , 144 83 146 77 75 Isaac H. Thacher, supplies, Cows, Braddock Matthews, supplies, William Matthews, repairing shoes, Ladder, . Samuel Gray, carting wood. John E. Ryder, dressing' hogs, .lames T. Chase, cutting wood, Thos. Arey, fertilizer and carting; Wilson Ryder, supplies, . Win. D. Loring, " Knowles & Co., • Stephen Sherman, " Mrs. E. B. Hamblin. supplies, Matthews & Payne, coal. Freight, A. H. Eldridge, fuel, John -Matthews, cutting wood, R. D. Farris, supplies, D. D. Kelley, ". Elisha Parker, supplies, shoes, Sylvanus Whelden. rye, Elmer W. Hallet grain, .J. B. Hall, supplies, E. B. Hallet, eel spear, K. M. Taylor, paint, etc., T. T. Hallet, drugs and medicines, James G. Hallet, carting, • By pigs sold, '' cow " LL calves .. 4 Net expenses, CREDIT. $127 78 160 00 66 25 72 . 2 25 21 75 2 75 23 00 17 50 16 40 1 50 16 84 2334 12 60 49 00 3 02 9 00 7 50 3 36 16 30 18 85 2 00 31 60 9 96 1 00 11 16 6 80 16 00 81,952 32 $33 20 17 00 00 28 $70 28— 870 28 $1,882 04 SUPPORT OF THE POOR OUT OF THE ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. James T. Chase, supplies, • Temperance Simmons, board, 1883 and 1884, $ 4 99 13200 5. John Matthews's son's board in jail, Job Cash, burial expenses, John N. Baker, John Baker, Charity Baker, George Butler, James Chase,. Cynthia Crowell, Matthews C. Gray,:, Mary Nickerson, Nathan Robinson, Josiah F. Baker, Nancy Tripp, Nehemiah Goodwin, SOUTH YARMOUTH. supplies, L. .L WEST YARMOUTH. Mrs. Ira Bearse, supplies,, " SylvesterBearse," Waterman F. Baker, " Betsey Crowell, L. -Amos Crowell, James Gardner, Mrs. John Hallet, Prentice Lewis, Thankful Marchant, John Orlando, James Spenser, Anna Webber, Mrs. Owen Blish, " 1883 and 1884, • ' L Alvin Bearse, Hetty Gorham, board and nursing, Lucy E. Baxter," board,' Benj. Baxter, supplies, David Buck, " 64. LL L. .. LL North Side, South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, • .$ 25 00 25 00 $186 99 $51 47 77 57 24 97 21 28 18 70 39 00 33 59 5 00 61 50 9 42 19 25 3.25 $365 00 $112 25 . 38 25 5 60 3 75 29 93 40 86 14311 155 42 • 48 68 43 70 45 75 8 00 114 77 67 54 33 9 00 •21 00 5 69 $880 76 $186 99 365 00 880 76 $1,432 75 i6 PAID OTHER CITIES. TOWNS AND. INSTITUTIONS. Taunton Hospital, J. C. Cannon, H. T. Taylor. " << "Hannah -D. Lovell, Warren C. Faller, New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, Brewster, E. Francis Gage, Boston, Mrs. James H. MeMelville, 'RECEIVED OR 'Harwich, 6i Brewster, 46. Falmouth, , .Taunton, $ 41. 78 196 82 114 67 186 23 •6 00 6 98 2 00 $554 48 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Priscilla Baker, $ 7 43 Mrs. James Robinson, 12 48 Sylvester Maker, 41 48 Lewis F. Nickerson, 131 30 Foster D. Studley, 143 82 Mrs. Wm. Paine and son, 47 24 • RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of poor, Paid for support of poor in almshouse, $1.882 04 " " " " •• out of almshouse: 1,432 75 " other cities, towns and institutions, 554 48 Total cost for the year, • Unexpended balance, $3.869 27 130 73 $383 75 $4,000 00 84,000 00 $4,000 00 INCIDENTALS. Washburn Baker, diving and care of hearse, 8 6 50 Repairs on hearse house, 2 09 Washburn Baker, recording deaths, _ . 2 75 Manton H. Crowell, snow plow, 5 30 Freight bills, 1 00 Edmund Hamblin, mortgage G. Taylor, 50 00 " " interest on same, Joshua Hamblin, bill of wood, G. Taylor, Manton H. Crowell, recording deaths, T. T. Hallet, stationery, etc., 3 00 26 50 7 00 92 7 Gorham Taylor, for deed, T. T. Hallet, sundries, Express, Rent, sealer's office, . - 'Stephen Sears, expenses to Boston, Recording deeds, Blank schedules, Auctioneer, selling Gorham estate, T. B. Pulsifer, returning births, Stationery, - - Copying conveyance book, Wm. D. Loring, recording deaths, Painting and lettering guide posts, Labor on guide posts, Repairing pound, S. B. Parker, Wm. J. Davis, enrolling stockholders, Land rent; hearse house, 3 years, D. Wing, surveying new road, Registrar's Book, A. H. Knowles, surveying Common Pond, Manton H. Crowell, varnishing hearse, Insurance, West Yarmouth school house, T. T. Hallet, expenses to New Bedford, Sweeping town house, Wm. D. Loring, care hearse and recording deaths, T. T. Hallet, expenses to Boston, - - Pauper's book, Repairing clocks, Collector's book, stamps and stationery, RECAPTTULATION: Amount raised for incidentals, expended for incidentals, in excess of appropriation, £4 l{ $2:10 16 1 20 600 7 30 % 136 3 00 2 00 3 75 55 20 00 3 25 7 63 2 30 4 95 1 00 3 00 1 50 1 00 2-50 9 00 6 00 4 00 50 8 00 7 80 3 75 2 25 3 47 $224 28 $200 00 $224,28 ' ,2428 $224 28 8224 28 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Chas. M. Bray, material, $144 71 Elbridge Taylor, labor, A. C. Snow, " Luther Baker, " 8 REPAIRS ON TOWN HOUSE. A. C. Snow, setting glass, Elbridge Taylor, labor, REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. North Side School Houses, South Yarmouth. " West - " " • $3100 7 50 13 25 $196 46 $ 40 - 3 75 $4 15 $121 96 3887 53 97 $209 80 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for repairs on public buildings, 8500 00 $196 46 4 15 209 80 89 59 ti 14 expended ou Almshouse; • Town House, " School Houses, Unexpended balance, . Edward Covil, labor, A. H. Eldridge, " Eben Hallet, carting, LABOR ON FARM. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Wm. Anderson, repairs roads and bridged, David Sears, " • James Ellis, " " " Tending draw, B. R. L. B., $500 00 6500 00 $19 97 61 63 50 $82 10 61,131 76 1,007 95 • 850 48 40 00. 53,030 19 . Wm. Anderson, . David Sears, James Ellis,. . . 9 CLEARING SNOW. RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for roads and bridges,_. Repairs on roads and bridges, Clearing snow, . Expended above appropriation, Mercy C. Crowell, Albert Taylor, John E. Ryder, Jacob Olar, STATE AID. MILITARY AID. $99 77' 20 40 . 24 -95 $145 12 62,500 00 $3,030119' 145 .12 . $675 31 $3,175 31 83,175 31 YU�TTING OPT FIRES. Seth Hamblin, and others, David Sears, " 11 'Manchester Hallett, and others, Freeman Howes, " " MEDICAL ATTENDANCE TOWN'S POOR. Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, • "1 W. E. Crowell, " S. Pitcher, $48 00 46 00 $94 00 $72 00 72 00 $144 00 819 53 16 94 4 3.2 2 60 843 39 $44 00 7 25 54 50 $105 75 1 10 • PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Son. • • Printing town warrant, $ 7 00 500 town orders, _ 2 00 .. 400 town reports, 42 50 Advertising Gorham Taylor estate, 5 00 Printing school reports, 16 00 Advertising, 9 00 " Roads, 5 00 Printing blanks and labels for schools, 8 00 " Election warrant, , 3 50 Advertising house at auction, 1 50 George Otis, - Printing town warrant, Advertising Assessors' notice, Publishing auction 44. Road 16 44 " Election warrant, Advertising auction notice, Sundry notices, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, . Fuel, Care of house, Sundries, Cleaning hoose, Paid by Sears Fund, SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Care of house, 'Cleaning house, Sundries, R. D. Farris, bill, 1883, W. C. Fuller, " " E. T. Baker, D. M. Farris, " Wing Bros. ♦! 9 25 10 75 1 40 5 00 3 75 1 75 8 00 $156 40- $1,189 33 72 49 70 00 15 54 12 12 8925 00 $1,359 48 $1,096 67 47 11 65 00 16 21 15 22 50 77 3 30 1 75 $3 37 6 08 $1,305 48 Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Care of house, Cleaning house, • Sundries, ..11 WEST YARMOUTH. . $735 00 34 95 22 00 4 00 20 00 $815 95 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of schools, $3,500 00 Expended North Side, 81,359 48 South " 1,305 48 • West " 815 95 Unexpended balance, 19 09 $3,500 83,500 00 66 '' TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' Seth Taylor,'bonstable, Chas. M. Bray, truant officer, - Wm. P. Davis, auditing accounts; A. H. Eldridge, 2d, " D. D. Kelley, • . [l T. T. Mallet, .°" •f C. F. Swift, moderator,' Isaiah Crowell, school committee, Daniel Wing, . ." Azariah Eldridge, " " • James H. Smith, constable, 1883, James A. Ellis, " Isaac B. Gage, collector, Stephen Wing, sealer of weights and measures. Assessors, assessing taxes, Overseers, overseeing poor, Selectmen, services, Horse hire, Hebron V. Baker, care of hearse, registrar of voters, 4' Theodore Drew, Wm. P. Davis, . " " " Allen H. Knowles, 'Wm. P. Davis, town clerk and treasurer, " '' FEES. 21 00 • 100 2 00 7 00 8 00 2 00 _5.00 25 00 35 00 40 00 15 40 5 00 234 12 5 00 9750 110 50 230 10 129 20 3 00 1625 16.00 20 50 98 35 $1,126 92 ii • 12 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for Town Officers, 81.000 00 Expended for Town Officers' and Com.'s fees, $1,126 92 • Expended above appropriation, 126 92 NEW ROADS.. WEIR VILLAGE ROAD. Wm. Anderson, David Sears, Charles Ellis, Charles W. Ellis, Albert Taylor, Gilbert H. Phillips, E. K. Arey, . James Whittemore, Fred Sherman, . 1. F. Matthews, auctioneer, Allen Farris, Win. White, auctioneer and material; Rufus White, Isaiah Homer, C. M. Bray, $1,126 92 $1,126 92 $ 62 00 44 10 323 85 25.2 57 346 70 125 00 187 50 120 00 50 2 00 15 00 18 50 18 40 10 20 144 77 $1,671 09 LAND DAMAGE ON OTHER NEW ROADS. Land damage, Run road, " Orlando Baker, Wm. Anderson and others, laying out new roads, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for new roads, expended on V1'eir Village road, " " other roads,. in Treasury, 1{ $35 00 6 00 22 00 863 00 82,000 00 $1,671 09 63 00 265 91 • $2,000 00 82,000 00 13 CEMETERY APPROPRIATION. Paid Sturgis Crowell, West Yarmouth, • Amount appropriated by town, • $300 00 SCHOOL BOOKS. Books, by "Azariah Eldridge, "• Daniel Wing, '4 • TAXES REMITTED. Noah V. "Morgan, pays elsewhere; Hrs. Zeno Baker, over taxed." . Edgar A. Larkin, pays elsewhere, .lames W. Baker, over taxed, Joseph 31. Lewis, " Arthur P. Crowell, wrong tax. Nathan B. Burgess, " Edwin H. Robbins, pays elsewhere, Edward L. Gorham, •' " Wm. N. Gibbs, " A. Frank Sherman, " . Tax blanks. (omitted under incidentals), Harry Arey, left town. 1882 and 1883, Hrs. John Larkin, wrong tax, Fredric White, Susie 13. Chase, Ebeu Perry. Darius Crowell, Leander Marchant, Herbert Crosby, 44 44 4' [' 4' Reuben W. Bray, Alexander B. Chase, " Enoch Lewis, resides elsewhere, Wm..I, Davis, over tax. Hrs. Benj. Hallet, " " .lanes R. Arey, pays elsewhere, Dexter W. Gorham. " Deborah Hamblin, wrong tax. Timothy T. Chase, unable to pay, 44 cc .4 8300 00 8300 00 $300 00 $102 40 508. 80 $611 20 - • $10 47 9 86 • 2 00 1 .54 _3.85 2 00. 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 4 00• 10 90 2 70 3 85 1 69 11 55. 3 08 3 85 3 85 1 54 2 00- 3 92 20 78 4.31 :200 15 Ell 2 00 14" Sam'1 Crowell, Edwin H. Robbins, pays elsewhere, Hrs. Zeno Baker, wrong tax, Thos. Baxter, pays elsewhere, Hrs. .Tames B. Crocker, remitted, Thos. F. Hallet, pays elsewhere, J. K. & B. Sears, wrong tax, Peter C. Blossom, " " W. F. Kenney,. Alex. Robbins, Geo. W. Ryder, Prescott 11. Baker, L4 pays elsewhere, Joseph K. Chase, wrong tax, William Chase, '' cc Alfred White, 2d, pays elsewhere,. Fred Sherman, unable to pay, John H. Hallet, " " " Warren Thacher, over tax, William Bassett. Allen B. Crowell, Wm. D. Loring, Orlando Wood, Mercy Wood, Henry W. Taylor, Edward Gorham. Hrs., " " Wm. C. Whelden, unable to pay, Alex. B. Chase, wrong tax, Enoch E. Chase, remitted, Isaac B. Gage, collector, - wrong tax, ': :: . Li ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. • Town Grant, Support of poor in almshouse, :: Li :: 81,952 32 out of almshouse, 1,432, 75 in other cities and towns, 554 48 224 28 . 410 41 82 10 3,030 19 145 12 Incidentals, Repairs on public buildings, Labor on farm, Roads and bridges, Clearing snow, $ 2 70 200. 5 98 2 74 18 91 2 00 7 84 85 1 44 16 00- 1 18 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 4 06 1 47 9 80 1 46 1 75 1 9G 3 92 1 00 3 50 2 45 2 16 1 96 2 00 6 32 8251 87 - $14,000 00 15 New roads, Military aid, State " Putting out fires, Medical attendance, Printing and advertising, Support of schools, Town officers, Cemetery fence, School books, Taxes remitted, Amount expended above appropriation, $1,734 09 144 00 94 00 43 39' 105 75 15640 3,480 91 1,126 92 300 00 611 20 25 87 $1,880 18 $15,880 18 815,880 18 It will appear from the foregoing abstract that the expenditures exceed the Town Grant by eighteen hundred and eighty dollars and eighty cents. This excess arises from certain necessary ex- penditures for which there was no appropriation, as will appear in the following statement, viz :— Labor on farm, Clearing snow, Military aid, State " Putting out fires, Medical attendance, Printing and advertising, School books, $8210 145 12 144 00 _ 94 00 43 39 105 75 156 40 611 20 $1,381 96 We would therefore respectfully recommend, that in the future there be an especial appropriation for this purpose. - TOWN TREASURER. DR. Balance on hand, January 2, 1884, Received I. B. Gage, collector, 1883, '' :c " " c. 1884, " $3,500, notes discounted, - from Treasurer Connnonwealth, support State paupers, from Treasurer Commonwealth, Corpor- ation tax, 1883, Li $ 2,490 21 6,062 83 10,637 04 3,452 50 26 87 32 76 4 R+ 16 Received from Treasurer Commonwealth, Corpor- ation tax. 1884. • • $ 1327 04 from Treasurer Commonwealth, Nat'l bank tax; 1,353 50 State aid, 120 00 Military aid,\ - •• Foreign ship tax, from school fund, L: L• :L LL .4' LL L: ti L: Fish Committee, Comity Treasurer, dog tax, Town of Brewster, support paupers, ,: L Falmouth, •• L. Dennis, • Harwich, .• City of Taunton. for pigs .sold,' :' - .. COW i :: a calves L• •• from salt Marsh; John Gorham. estate and pension claim, •- L: Mrs. Hathaway. on Aect., J. C. Cannon, LL Auctioneers' licenses, • Pedlers' licenses. • Orders outstanding, January 1, 1885, Balance due Treasurer, • TOWN 'TREASURER. CIR. Support of poor in almshouse, - .. LL . out of almshouse, '- LL : in other cities and -towns,' :L LL LL .of Incidentals, Repairs on almshouse, LL ••town house, LL :: school houses... Labor on .farm, Roads and bridges. • New roads and hind damages, clearing snow, State aid. 'Military aid, 76 00 947 63 180 94 10000 105 61 173 78 172 21 17 O1' 12;92 29 47 :33 00 20 00 17 28 1 50 3613 .200 6 00 16 00 300 7p 217 9.2 827,968 94 81,952 32- 1,432 75 554 48 383 75 224 28. 196 46 4 15 !o9 80 82 10 3.030 19 1.734 09 145 12' 94 00 144 00 17 Putting out fires, Medical attendance town's poor, Printing and advertising, Schools, North side, LL South LL West Yarmouth, Town officers' and committees' fees,, Taxes remitted, Cemetery fence, School books, Bank. tax,.: State " County " Sears school fund, Paid notes, Orders outstanding, January 2, 1884, TOWN: . DR. Sears fund, Paid since January 1, 1885, Collecting taxes, Outstanding, January 1, 1885, Balance due Treasurer, TOWN. CR. By balance, I. B. Gage, collector, LL i6 due State and Military aid,' Town owes to balance, $. 43 39 105 75 156 40 1,359 48 .. -- 1,305 48 815 95 1,126 92 251 87 300 00- 61120:'. 4,159 88 - 1,780 00. 1,076 28 925 00 3,500 00 263 85 $27,968 94 $16,000 00 285 28 159 55 300 79 217 92 $16,963 54 $8,885 59 238 00 7,839 95 $16,963 54 VALUATION OF TOWN MAY 1, 1884. - - - Real estate, Personal estate, Total valuation, Number of polls, $716,553 00 744,607 00 $1,461,160 00 501 • 4r f: • 1 lWurrli'�I it s• -•ssmIsil■ . 1 11 1 1 i 1 II11 11 1 I1 I I 11 1 111 ■ III I1 11 1 1111 .11 ■ 1 1L" FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE own of Yarmouth, FOR THE YEAR ELIDING DECEMBER 31st, 1885. TARMOOTHPORT, MASS.: SEARS, HALLET & MARCHANT, PRINTERS, i886. t•. s,I 7 1 e 1 • dinr 00 ,,. y,.lr.a, . J. Whittemore, hay, . Thomas Arey, fertilizer, Mrs. E. B. Hamblin, pig, Matthews & Payne, fuel, A. H. Eldridge, supplies,, Freeman Ilyder, pork, Manchester Ballet, carting R. D. Farris, supplies, hay, '24 46 21 00 9.00 27 18 12 45 -13 50 3 20 5 56 Three have died during the year: Major D. Baker, age 84; Howard Crowell, age 86; and Gorham Taylor, age 93. Eight have been admitted since July: Marianna Robinson with infant, Rachael Cash uud wife of James Gardner, with four children. The average number for the year has been thirteen. The average cost of board per week, 82.28. The management of the almshouse has lost none of its e(fciency. With regard to outside relief, it will be seen that the expenditures have been greatly increased by the two following cases. namely : That of William T. Baker, in the town of Halifax, and the cost of his removal, also expense incurred by the sickness of Ilarriet Eldridge, at New Bedford. .This latter person, whose name bus appeared upon the town report, during the past twenty years, has been, we trust, permanently removed to her daughter's, in a neighboring state. These two cases have iucreased this expense by 65360,$. . Agreeably to requir3ments of Public Statutes, the lines separating the adjoining towns have been examined by the required board of selectmen. The separating line from . Barnstable, north of the Camp Ground, has been more clearly •.1 ■ L Lim-.- „'. orAFi: hl •I II Y 1 •I defined by marked trees between the monuments, and•the line through the camp has limn distinctly located by tho erection of stone monuments, as a matter of necessity for purposes of taxation ; a duty into which assessors are to be forced. We have found substantial monuments at all the angles in the artificial lines adjoining Dennis, except upon the county road leading to Yarmouth, at which point we haveordered the required monument. i ■� I I11YII 1 Y 5 James Crowell, two wash barrel's, Joseph Week & Sons, grass seeds; John Ryder, dressing hogs, Edmund Walker, limbs, John G. Thacher, paints, etc., A. C. Megathlin, meat, John Simpkins, pigs, N. W Grush, supplies, J. Whittemore, hay, Thomas Arey, fertilizer, Mrs. E. B. Iiambliu, pig, Matthews & Payne, fuel, A. 11. Eldridge, supplies, Freeman Ryder, pork, Manchester Hallet, carting hay, R. 1). Farris, supplies, ••1 IS 111 II 1111 111 4 1 2 4 9 115 9 9 24 21 9 27 12 13 3 5 00 05 00 50 94 67 00 20 46 . 00 00 18 45 50 20 56 Three have died during the year: Major D. Baker, age 84; Howard Crowell, age 80; and Gorham Taylor, age 93. Eight have been admitted since July: Marianna Robinson with infant, Rachm1 Cash and wife of James Gardner, with four children. The average number for the year has been thirteen. The average cost of board per week, *2.28. • The management of the almshouse has lost none of its e3ciency. With regard to outside relief, it will be seen that the expenditures have been greatly increased by the. two following cases. namely : That of William T. Baker, in the town of Halifax, and the cost of his removal, also expense incurred by the sickness of Harriet Eldridge, at New Bedford. This latter person, whose name has appeared upon the town report, during the past twenty years, has been, we trust, permanently removed to her daughter's, in a neighboring state. These two cases have increased this expense by $536T11. • Agreeably to requir'ments of Public Statutes, the lines separating the adjoining towns have been examined by the required board of selectmen. The separating line from Barnstable, north of the Camp Ground, has been more clearly it• • 4 defined' by marked trees between the monuments, and the line through the camp has been distinctly located by the erection of stone monuments, as a matter of necessityfor purposes of. taxation ; a duty into which assessors are to be forced. We have found substantial monuments at all the angles in the artificial -lines adjoining Dennis, except upon the. county road leading to Yarmouth, at which point we have ordered the required monument. - 7.4 Average annual cost for the support o1 the poor for the ten years ending January 1. -- ism, $4,105.70. SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Superintendent's salary, C. M. Bray, supplies, Dr. A. Eldridge, service of beast, Wilson Ryder, " H. B. Chase & Sons, grain,. Elmer W. Hallet, " Crocker & Eldridge, supplies, Albert Taylor, cutting and carting wood, Knowles & Co., supplies, I. 11. Thacher, " John Matthews, cutting wood, D. B. Crocker & Co., supplies, N. T. Hallet, " E. D. Payne, " Henry Robbins, cutting wood, Oliver Hallet, hay, Wm. Matthews, repairing shoes, 8300 00 5 54 1 50 1 00 12.40 128 90 127 10 35 00 13 70 103 02 3 75 127 49 7 83 52 33 1 70 14 26 1 06 James Crowell, two wash barrels; Joseph Breck & Sons, grass seeds; John Ryder, dressing hogs, Edmund Walker, limbs, John G. Thacker, paints, etc., A. C. ale ;athlin, meat, John Simpkins, pigs, N. W &rush, supplies, J. Whittemore, hay, Thomas Arey, fertilizer, Mrs. E. B. Hamblin; pig, Matthews & Payne, fuel, A. H. Eldridge, supplies; Freeman Ryder, pork, Manchester Hallet, carting hay, R. D. Farris, supplies, D. D. Kelley, " Elisha Parker, shoes, Stephen Sherman, supplies, John. T. Cobb, - " .Seth H. Hamblin, " Seth Taylor, carting, Sylvanns Robbins, supplies, T. T. Mallet, medical. supplies, Edward 1lowes, supplies, Patrick Keveney, service of beast, Benj. Gorham, repairing shoes, James G. Hallett, carting, Stephen T. Eldridge, " coal, CE ED17. By kettle sold, " calves " " cow " board for Lncy Baker, Net expenses, 4 00 1 05 2 00 4 50 9 94 115 67 9 00 9 20 24 46 21 00 9.00 27 12 13 3 5 30 10 35 18 45 50 20 56 19 90 58 844 13 30 1 50 { 33.53 - -1 32 94 2 03 ; ;} 450 ;1 75 1 75 5 00 $1,588 66 t _ 50 9 84 20 00 13.00 43 34 $1,545 33 6 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSIIOUSF,.- NORTH BID& Temperance Simmons, board, John Matthews, house rent, Widow Anthony Montcalm, supplies, SOUTH YARMOUTH.' Charity Baker, supplies, Jahn Baker, George Butler, John N. Baker, Cynthia Crowell Nehemiah Goodwin, Matthews C. Gray, Mary A. Nickerson, N.ithan Robinson, Alvira Wilton, WEST YARMOUTII. David Buck, supplies, Benj. Baxter, " and nursing, Lydia G. Bearse, fuel and rent, Susan Bearse, board 1884 and 1885, Lovie.A. Bearse, supplies, Mrs. Jas. R Gardner, " ' " Priscilla Howland, " " Susan Hallet, Prentice Lewis, " 1884 and 1885, Thankful Marchant, " and rent, John Orlando, " 1884 and 1885, Marianna Robinson, James Spenser, " •t 30 50 26 25 5 00 $61 75 $22 89 66 57 45 20 31 27 52 00 15 60 33 74 5 00 62 00 1 21 $337 48 $18 91 96 50 34 67 45 00 10 00 60 51 8 50 91 33 147 86 47 36 34 88 32 18 95 20 $722 90 North side, South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, 61 75 337 48 722 90 $1122 13 PAID OTHER CITIES, TOWNS AND INSTITUTIONS. Taunton hospital, 11. J. Taylor, ' 185 27 " Warren Fuller, 119 33 Halifax, Wm. T. Baker. .255 32 Barnstable, Mrs. C. IL BIish, . 52 00 " Autia Webber, 61 25 Dennis, Betsey Crowell, 29 67 Orleans, Alonzo Chase, 15 75 New Bedford, Harriet Eldridge, 281 17 '4 $999 76 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. • Taunton, R. & E. L. Paine, • $196 58 Fall River, James Gifford, 22 54 Falmouth, Foster D. Studley and Wife; 141 05 17 25 Harwich, Wiil. James Rubinson, Brewster, Sylvester Maker, " Lewis F. Nickerson, Boston, Nicholas Dixon, Barnstable, Howard Nickerson, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of poor, Paid for support of poor in almshouse, �• " " •• " out of " " other cities and towns, In excess of appropriation, 27 25 43 60 5 00 7 00 $460 27 53,500 00 1,545 32 1,122 13 999 76 167 21 83,667 21 3,667 21 • 8 INCIDENTALS. Digging grave, Major D. Baker, Driving hearse, " " Filling Common pond, C. M. Bray, Legal advice, Fred C. Swift, Returning deaths, M. C. Crowell, 1000 mile ticket, O. C. R. R., Fare to Boston, etc., S. Sears, By vote of town to Benj. Blachford, Sweeping town house, Patrick Morgan, Moderator, C. F. Swift, Freight and express,. Fare to Boston, etc., T. T. Hallett, South Yarmouth school house, insurance, Sealer weights and measures, Stephen Wing, Rent of room, Repairing pound, West Yarmouth, Guide posts, Watson Thacher., Books, stationery, etc., Ward & Gay, Care of hearse, H. V. Baker, Repairs on hearse, Geo. B. Lewis, Blank schedules, Postage, Bounding wood lot, E. Lewis, Driving hearse, Joshua Baker,. Burying horse, F. Marchant, •Enroling stockholders, Wm. J. Davis, Coffin and robe, Maj. D. Baker, Copying transfer book, Asa E. Lovell, Coffin and robe, John Ballet, 1883, Pension papers, Chas. Thacher, 2nd, Sears & Ballet to New Bedford, Tax blanks, Postage, Moving hearse houses, South Yarmouth, Burial expenses, -Jacob Olar, Administering oath, Wm. J. Davis, i • *2 00 ' 2 00 99 00 15 00 3 50 20 00 4 80 23 80 50 5 00 9.84 4 80' 7 40 5 00 6 00 1 97 10 00 21 75 3 00 4 65 7 50 5 00 3 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 18 00 '10. 00 15 75 2 00 5 47 2 75 50 23 00 28 00 50 Repairs on hearse house, South Yarmouth, • Almshouse, insurance, Digging grave; Gorham Taylor, 'Town house, insurance, Repairing pound, Seth H. Hamblin, Coffin and robe, Gorham Taylor, Win. D. Loring, undertaker, Carting water, town house, S. Eldridge, Monuments on town lines, Oliver Ballet, Ditching salt marsh, Lydia Crowell, _ Burial expenses, James Spenser, LABOR ON FARM, Edward Covil, labor, John T. Cobb, " A. 11. Eldridge, George liallet, " {L David Sears, Wm. Anderson, Seth II. Hamblin, James Ellis, Mercy C. Crowell, Albert Taylor, CLEARING SNOW. STATE AID. 1 00 3 90 2 50 • 2 40 3 00 17 50 12' 25 2 25 27 75 75 35 17 8483 45 816 30 • 17 80 18 17 1 50 853 77 888 40 29 45 125 20 30 50 *273 55 818 06 12 00 860 00 L 10 MILITARY AID. John E. Ryder, Jacob Olar, PUTTING OUT FIRES. C. M. Huggins and others, D. Sears Seth 11. Hamblin Isaiah Sherman, " Chas. Basset, " u ss Dr. Doane, " Pulsifer, " Crowell, " Whitaker, " Fossett, " Ward, Pitcher, " u MEDICAL ATTEN DANCE. RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses, Incidentals, Labor on farm, Clearing snow, • State and military aid, • I . Putting out fires, Medical attendance, Expended in excess of sum raised, ;Fi $483 45 53 77 273 55 156 00 255 99 297 .65 $72 00 24 00 $96 00 13 00 33 65 185 77 12 12 11 45 $255 99 $27 90 92 00 56 50 43 00 45 00 9 25 24 00 $297 65 $800 00 11 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Pump, • Paint, etc., Elbridge Taylor and Ira Ryder, labor, Charles M. Bray, material, REPAIRS ON TOWN HOUSE. C. M. Bray, material, " " *pump, - REPAIRS ON SCHOOL HOUSES. North side school houses, South " " " West " u " $9 50 11 85 7 00 5 81 $34 16 • $3 50 6 32 $9122 $384 05 77 24 18 67 $479.96 1. RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for repairs on public buildings, $600 00 " _ expended on almshouse, 34 16 " " townhouse, 9 82 " " school houses, 479 96 Unexpended balance, 76 06 $600 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES David Sears, repairs on roads and bridges, Seth H. Hamblin, " " " " James Ellis, " It Sum raised by town, 720 41 Expended in excess of sum raised, 81520 41 $1520 41 $1,253 43 1,300 00 700 00 3,000 00 253 43 $3,253 43 $3,253 43 1 v: P:'l {. 12 . NEW ROADS. B. L. Baker, laying out, 1883, " " " Chase road, C. M. Bray, Weir bridge and road, David Sears, new road, R. D. Farris, laying out, 1883, Amount raised by town, Expended above sum raised, 84 00 9 00 382 96 171 25 2 00 150 00 419 21 8569 21 8569 21 WELL, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Well and pump, Amount raised by town for same, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Care of house, Cleaning " Sundries, Paid by Sears fund, SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Care of house, - Cleaning K Sundries, -WEST YAUMOUTH. Teachers' salaries, 875 00 75 00 875 00 875.00 8847 19 81,135 10 76 91 109 23 21 77 15 65 81,358 66 1,119 72 14 08 40 00 26 36 11 21 81;211 37 8735 00 1 Fuel, Care of house, Cleaning " 13 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of schools, Expended North side, " • South " " West " " above amount raised, 31 00 - • 24 00 5 00 8795 00 83,200 00 1,358 66 1,211' 37 795 00 165 03 83,365 03 83,365 03 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Son, George Otis, 823 75 62 12 Amount raised for printing and advertising, 8150 00 85 87 Unexpended balance, 64 13:.. 8150 00 8150 00 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. $14 75 3 00 3 2; 2 00 2 00. 2 00 3 00 30 00 35 00 -40 00 20 25 293 77 B. L. Baker, reg;strar of voters, Theodore F. Drew, " Daniel Wing, auditor, Chas. Thacher, 2d, " Wm. P. Davis, - " A. H. Eldridge, 2d, " David D. Kelley, " Isaiah Crowell, school committee, Daniel Wing, " " Azariah Eldridge," Edward Lewis, selectman and overseer of poor, Isaac B. Gage, collector of .taxes, 4 . '4 1 s 4. 14 John H. Stetson, constable, Seth Taylor " Wm. P. Davis, town clerk and treasurer, Horse hire, E. Lewis, T. Drew and B. L. Baker, Selectmen, services, Assessors, assessing taxes, Overseers of poor, services, Horse hire, Amount raised for town officers, In excess of sum raised, SCHOOL BOOKS. Books•by Azariah Eldridge, " " D. Wing and B. L. Baker, " " Isaiah Crowell, Amount raised by town, In_excess of sum raised, $1,200 00 9.87 23 00 15 OC 92 70• 14 50 223 50 116 00 94 15 180 00 $1,209 -87 $1,209 87 TAXES REMITTED. Taxes remitted on acct. of 1884, Wrong tax, 1885, $227 49 119 42 90 50 $200 00 237 41 • $437 41 $437 41 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. Town grant, Net cost of poor in almshouse, $1,545 32 Support of poor out of " 1;122 13 " in other cities and towns, 999 76 Incidentals, 483 45 Labor on farm, 53 77 Clearing snow. 273 55 One-half military aid, 48 00 Putting out fires, 255 99 $267 42 49 12 $316.54 $12,875 00 15 Medical attendance, 297 65 Repairs on public buildings, 523 94 'Roads and bridges, 3,253 43 New roads, 569 21 Well, 75' 00 Support of schools, 4,365 03 Printing and advertising, . . - 85 87 Town officers, - 1,209 87. School books, 437 41 Taxes remitted, 316 54 In excess on sum raised, - 2,040 92 $14,915 92 Cr. $14,915 92 Dr. Support of poor, $167 21 Mis. expenses, less whole of state and } military aid, - 612 41 Public buildings, 76 06 Roads and bridges, • 253 43 New roads, 419 21 Support of schouls, 163 13 Printing and advertising, 64 13 Town officers, School books, Taxes remitted, Less surplus, 9 87 237. 41' '316 54 140 19 2,181 11 140 19 $2,040 92 It would appear from the foregoing statement that the expenses of the town, for the present year, were 4.2,040T01 excess of the amount raised by taxation, which is i ardly true, for the reason that the item of taxes remitted ($316Tg,) .is provided for by the overlayings on taxes, and the item New Roads," in addition to the sum raised this year, has an unexpend- ed balance of $165T5A from last year, ars appeared in our report of 1884 ; these two sums amount to $582T10, which deducted from $2,040/11 leaves $14587. - } a t:` iTt 16 TOWN TREASUREB. DR Received from I. B. Gage, collector, 1884, K K K K 1885, " (12,000) notes discounted, state school fund, " " paupers, " corporation " National Bank " state aid, military aid, " foreign ships, County Treasurer, dog Iicenses returned, tax, town of Dennis, city of Taunton, K " Fall River, " pedlars' licenses, " auctioneers' licenses, kettle sold, - K calves " mit marsh, K K cow sold, K K discount on bill, " expenses incurred for James Chase, " " board of Lucy Baker, Orders outstanding January 1,1886, TOWN TREASURER. CR. Snpport.of poor in almshouse, K out of almshouse, in other cities and towns, K of K K K Incidentals, Labor on farm, K 88,947 49 10,501) 00 1,979 17 171 78 55 50 1,729 99 1,168 30 88 00 72 00 562 31. 137 84 17 15 39 00 22 54 16 00 4 00 50 9 84 1 50 20 00 16 32 00 13 00 38`d 71 $25,970 78 $1,588 66 1,122 13 , 999 76 460 27 483 45 53 77 �4.w'Aar.iF►"Mian' 061., 1. Clearing snow, State and military aid, Putting out fires, Medical attendance, town's poor,. Repairs on almshouse, CI " town house, " " school houses, Roads and bridges, New roads, Well. Schools, Printing and advertising, Town officers' and committees' fees, Taxes remitted, School books, Paid notes, " county tax,. " state " Balance due treasurer January 1, 1885, Paid National Bank tax, " on acct. Sears school fund, " orders outstanding January 1, 1885, Balance in treasury, TOWN, DR. Sears fund, Collecting taxes, Outstanding orders January 1, 1886, Estimated bills outstanding, TOWN, CR. By balance in treasury, By balance from I. B. Gage, collector, CC due from state and military aid, " " " other cities and towns, 273 55 156 00 255 99 297 65 34 16 9 82 479 96 3,253 43 569 21 75 00 3,365 03 85 87 1,209. 87 316 54 437 41 2,000 00 993 00 1,335 00 217 92 3,745, 33 847 19 300 79 1,004 02 825,970 78 16,000 00 158 00 382 71 100 00 $16,640 71 $1,004 02 7,233 61 108 00 460 27 1 18 In hands of road commissioners, Town owes to balance, 254 -49 7,580 32 *16,640 71 VALUATION OF TOWN MAY 1, 1885. • Real estate, *723,072 00 Personal estate, 722,534 00 *1,445,606 00 No. of polls, _ 505 Acres of land, 11,710 Rate of taxation on *1000, $9 00 No. of dwelling houses, 525 « horses, 199 cows, 203 « sheep, 60 STEPHEN SEARS, Selectmen THACHER T. HALLET, of • DAVID S. MARCHANT, Yarmouth. We, the committee appointed at the annual town ' meeting, February 8, 1885, to audit the accounts of the selectmen, have this day examined (Aid accounts, and find them correct as amended, and vouchers for all payments made. DANIEL WING, CHAS. THACHER, *D. Auditors. • f Yarmouth, Mass., January 9, 1886. • ANNUAL REPORT SOA - OF THE COVN_ISSIOI\ERS For the year 1885. r • • 5. 1 :. U'--.. ....VY.M.rA. .. 1 REPORT: LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS, 1885. NORTH SIDLE. SETH H. HAMBLEN, Road Commissioner. Freeman Hower,. 17 hours, Thomas Arey, 18 " man and team, 30 cts., Geo. Ryder, 9 " " " Chas. Ellis, . 110}." 15 cts, James A. Ellis, 731 " It " LG 78 loads loam, 4 cts., Henry Cobb, 16 hours, man and team, 30 cts, Amos Arey, 141 " 15 eta, John Scobie, ' - 24 " " C. W. Ellis, 17 " Frank Arey, 7* " I, Matthews, - 18 " E. K. Arey, ' - 9 " Frank Chase, 14 " George Bray, . 14 I. W. Smith, 14 " C. L. Nickerson, S ". Charles Ellis. 300 loads clay, at 4 cts., Allen- Cash, 19 hours, at 15 cts., I. Gorham, 36 " man and team, 30 cts, W. P. Bray, 493 " 15 cts., • g2 55 5 40 2 70 1( 58 11 07 3 12 4 80 2 17 3 60 2 55 1 17 270 1 35 : • 2 - 2 10 222 1010 75 12 00 2 85 10 95 7 42 `?z 22 E. M. Marston. 96 hour James. H. Smith, 27 " man and team, 30 cts.. Sylvester Whelden, 57 `° . Joseph C. Howes, 3 Watson Thacher, per bill, Geo.. H. Baker, A. H. Eldridge, E. W. Eldridge, Samuel Thacher, James Smith, . 109+ hours, 15 cts., 42 " 178 loads loam, 4 cts., 18 hours, man and team, 30 cts, Fred Smith, 9 " 15 cts.; Joseph Thacher, 27 Freeman Bowes, per bill, Charles Bassett, " G. W. Young, 32 hours 15 cts., Patrick Morgan, 62 " T. 11. Morgan, 31 " Joshua Hamblen, per bill, W. H. Ryder, stone for Mill bridge, Joseph Thacher, 18 hours, 15 cts., I. II. Thacher, 18 " horse. John, Hinckley & Son, bill lumber, Fred Smith, 3- hours, 15 eta, Charles R. Bassett, per bill, Charles M. Bray, Ophir Josselyn, John. E. Ryder. Freeman Ryder, J. C. Howes, J. W. Hamblen, George Hallett, Charles E. Chase, 9 hours, 15 cts., 9 " 42 " man and team, 30 cts., 1+ " 19 " 15 cts., 8 18 " Ed. S. Chase, 44 " Edward B. Covil, per bill, Albert Taylor, 51 ' " man and team, 30 cts., Ed. L. Chase, per bill, Elam F. Eldridge, 19,E " 15 cts., E. B. Covil, pei bill, I •1 14 40 8 10 17 10 30 60 50 42 30 12 40 35 05 50 93. 80 30 65 02- 00 70 70 79 53 5n 45 35 35 60 15 85 20 70 60 18 30 11 2 93 5 10 2 7 16 6 7 5 1 4 13 18 4 9 4 15 '2 2 2 5 • E. II. Robinson, E. S. Mecarta, 1. 11. Thacher, 23 15 hours, 15 cts.; 9 " 9} " '' « 30 " Charles Bassett, per bill, George Young, 70 " Mrs. Mary Hamblen, 40 " J. E..& J. C. Howes, ' 7.1 " - G. H Taylor, 15 Joseph Gorham, per bill, ' Henry Robbins, °' Sylvanus Robbins, 4" Jos. Breck & Sons, " Watson Thaeher, " Chas. M. Bray, ' L. M. Thacher, 24 hours, 15 cts., E. L. Chase, 18 .Chas. R. Bassett,•per bill, Chas. M. Bray,. Joseph Walker, Benj. Walker, 2 Seth Taylor, 4 Samuel Cobb, 1 Geo. Hallett, 1 Geo. Thacher, 12 . - Ed. Walker, E. B. Covil, • horse, 15 cts., horse. 15 cts., 12+° . 2 --�. B. Chase, 1 N. B. Whelden, 2 Calvin Hallett, 6 E. S... Thacher, 9 I. 11. Thacher, 15 W. F. Kenney, 7 Allen Cobb, E. S. Howes, A. & H. Cobb, . 81 " " Mrs. 0. Matthews, 35 loads Ioam, 4 cts., " 26+ hours, 15 cts., 13 " 59 " man and team, 30, 23 " 15 cts., man and team, 30 eta., 51+ " 15 cts., 27 " man and team, 30 cts.,. 27 15+ " 15 cts., 20 " man and team, 30 cts., 25 " 15 cts., 3 9 3 3 12 " man and team, 65 loads clay, 4 cis., 561 hours, 15 cts., (0 Nil .11 Jaz ..Jo wl 61..1 2 25 t 35 1 40 4 50 _ 35 78 10 50 . h 00 1 13 1 88.. 7 65 .683 l: 3 80 3 00 6 20 3 60 2 70 .15 00 10 72 . 3 98 95 y' _ 17 70 - 3 45 2 70 772 #t. 8 10 810 -!li 233 t00 .1 ' 3 75• 30 30 45 3 60 2 60 8 48 1215 1 40 • 24 Mrs. O. Gorham, 25 loads sand. 4 cts, Mrs. E. Gorham, 112 clay, 4 .cts., Osborn E. Parker, 70 hours, man and team, 30 cts. Geo. Ryder, per bill, J. G. Thacher, work on road, H. B. Chase, 9 hours, 15 cts.. J. G. Scobie, R. W. Park, 30 " C. W. Swift, 97 " J. W. Howes, 155 " • T. Matthews, 73 " - J. W. Hamblen, 105 J. Usher 116 S. T. Eldridge, 10 M. Keveney, 30 J. M. Whittemore, 115 " E. S. Howes, 66 " E. R. Hamblen, 33 " J. Ryder, - 20 " A. Phillips, 68 " A. A. Philips, 27 " W. P. Bray, 27 G. Matthews, 365 " B. Nason Hamlin, 18,E " G. L. Robbins, 6 " Morris Gray, 23 George Bray, 18 P. Keveney, per bill, Albert Taylor, " Oliver Hallett, " S. Cobb, 24 hours, 15 cts., Allen Cobb, 58 loads clay, 4 eta., D. G. Eldridge, 271 " gravel, 4 cts., Mrs. O. Matthews, 130 " clay, "' N. W. Grush, per hill, Est. Ed. Gorham, 170 loads clay, 4 cts., Albert Taylor, per bill, Lydia S. Crowell, 140 loads loam, 4 cts, 31 as is [i " " 100 4 48 21 00 14 96 50 1 35 56 4 50 14 55 2 33 1095 15 75 17 40 1 50 4 50 1 72 9 90 4 95 3 00 10 00 4 05 4 05 5 47 2 78 90 3 45 2 70 225 8 80 6 36 3 60 2 32 10 84 5 20 30 6 80 8 90 5 60 itJA,�A�aw'.dvk� 25 Est. E. B. Hamblin, 18 hours, horse, 15 cts., A. B: Chase, 65 " 15 cts., Osborn H. Baker, per bill, Seth Taylor, 18'hours, man and team, 30 cts, R. M. Marston, 109 " 15 cts, Geo. Baker, per bill, A. A. Phillips, 9 •" A. Phillips, 44 " Eben Hallett, per bill, Jos. Tbacher, 124 " Chas M. Bray, per bill, Wm. P. Bray, 631 " Sylvanus Robbins, *6 "' Eben R. Hamblin, 10 " J. G. Tbacher, 95 " C. W. Swift, 21 " Seth H. Hamblin, 532 " with team, 30 cts, as fa fa if " 248 loads clay, 4 cts., Est. Josh. Eldridge, 112 " " Perry White, • 110 " -" 5 " Jos. Thacher, , 30 hours, 15 cts, S. H. Hamblin, stock for drains, Thomas Morgan, 225 -hours, 15 cts., Patrick Morgan, • 225 " " Balance in hands of S. II. Hamblin, SOUTH SIDE. DAVID SEARS, Road Commissioner. Hr's Solomon Taylor, 325 loads loam, 4 cts, Joshua Baker, 167 " " 8 a` J. K. & B. Sears, 1550 " " 10 " Braddock Matthews, 84 " 5 " J. K. & B. Sears, 2 70 97 5 25 5 40 16 35 ' 21 00 1 35' 6 60 17 70 18 60 22 .93 9 57 90 1 50 1 40 3 15 159 60 9 92 '4 48 5 50 4 50 3 43 3 38 3 38 $1,128 64 171 36 81,300 00 813 00 13 36 155 00 4 20 36 ft. of 12 in. drain pipe, 55 cts., 19 80 2 " 6 " 20 " 40 1 e , in • 24 Mrs. 0. Gorham, 25 loads sand. 4 cts, Mrs. E. Gorham, 112 clay, 4 cts., Osborn E. Parker, 70 hours, man and team, 30 cts. Geo. Ryder, per bill, J. 0. Thacher, work on road, H. B. Chase, 9 hours, 15 cts. J. G. Scobie, R. W. Park, 30 C. W. Swift, 97 " . J. W. Howes, 154 " T. Matthews, 73 " J. W. Hamblen, 105 " J. Usher 116 " * • S. T. Eldridge, 10 " M. Keveney, 30 " J. M. Whittemore, 114 " E. S. Howes, 66-- " E. R. Hamblen, 33 " J. Ryder, 20 " A. Phillips, 68 ". A. A. Phillips, 27 W. P. Bray, 27 G. Matthews. 364 " B. Nason Hamlin, 184 " G. L. Robbins, 6 " Morris Gray, _ 23 " George Bray, 18 P. Keveney, per bill, • Albert Taylor, " Oliver Hallett, " S. Cobb, 24 hours, 15 cta., Allen Cobb, • 58 loads clay, 4 eta., D. G. Eldridge, 271 " gravel, 4 cts., Mrs. 0. Matthews, 130 _" clay, "' N. W: GYOsh;-p"er bill, Est. Ed. Gorham, 170 loads clay, 4 cts., Albert Taylor, per bill, Lydia S. Crowell, 140 loads loain, 4 cts., 31 if • s:.• 1 00 4 48 21 00 14 96 50 1 35 56 4 50 14 55 2 33 10 95 15 75 1740 1 50 4 50 1 72 9 90 4 95 3 00 1.0 00 4 05 4 05 5 47 2 78 90 3 45 2 70 2 25 8 80 6 36 3 60 2 32 10 84 5 20. 30 6 80 8 90 5 60 11 25 Est. E. B. Hamblin, 18 hours, horse, 15 eta., A. B. Chase, 64 " 15 cts, Osborn E. Baker, per bill, Seth Taylor, 18'hours, man and team, 30 cts., R. M. Marston, 109 " 15 cts., Geo. Baker, per bill, A. A. Phillips, 9 " A. Phillips, 44 Eben Hallett, per bill, Jos. Thacher, 124 " Chas M. Bray, per bill, Wm. P. Bray, . 632 " Sylvan us Robbins, 46 " Eben R. Hamblin, 10 " J. G. Thacher, 94 " C. W. Swift, 21 " Seth H. Hamblin, 532 " with team,'30 cts, " " 248 loads clay, 4 eta., Est. Josh. Eldridge,112 " " " Perry White, 110 " " 5 " Jos. Thacher, 30 hours, 15 cts., S. H. Hamblin, stock for drains, Thomas Morgan, 224 hours, 15 cts., Patrick Morgan, 224 " " if Balance in bands of S. H. Hamblin, 2 70 97 5 25 5 40 16 35 21 00 135 6 60 17 70 18 60 22 93 957 90 1 50 1 40 3 15 159 60 9 92 4 48 5 50 4 50. 3 43 3 38 3 38 $1,128 64 171 36 61,300 00 SOUTH SIDE. DAVID SEARS, Road Commissioner. Hr's Solomon Taylor, 325 loads loam, 4 cts., $13 00 Joshua Baker, 167 " " 8 " 13 36 J. K. & B. Sears, 1550 " " 10 " 155 00 . Braddock Matthews, 84 " " 5 " . 4 20 J. K. & B. Sears, 36 ft. of 12 in. drain pipe, 55 cts., 19 80 a " 2 " 6 " . 20 " 40 r, 26. . Manton H. Crowell, 1 flagging stone, 1 68 Reuben" Baker, 231 hours, 15 cts., , R. 1). Farris, 2 ft. of 6 in. drain pipe, 25 cts., 50Ia Isaac Ellis, 10 " ` Stephen Sears, 50 hours labor, with team, 15 00 Elisha T. Baker, 20 " " I. 1'. Matthews, • 66 " " ' " - 19 80. V euney Crowell, 24 " " Braddock Matthews, - 611 " " " 18 45 Hebron V. Baker, 20 " " David Sears's bill, 163 42 Edgar N. Baker, 41 " " Clarence Crowell, 10 -" " " 3 00 Clifton Baker, 231 " F. Myrick, - 52_ " CC 15 60 Fred Campbell,- 20 " " Joshua Baker, 120 " " 18'00 Henry F. Crowell, 261 ". " Charles H. Harwood, 98 " 29 40 Elmer Ellis, . 131 " `•`4 David Kelley, 36 loads sand, 6 cts., 2 16 Remegio'Lewis, 14 " " - Gilbert Studley. 681 hours labor, with team, 10 28 Abner R. Wixon, 35 " " -Hetnan Crowell, 917 " " ' "2• 7 45 Joseph W. Fuller, 27 " " Matthews Gray, 381_ " " 11 55 Joseph II. Robinson, 281 " " George Loring, 871 " " Ci 26 25 Nehemiah Goodwin, 451 " " Lysander Baker, 5 a " " 1 50 Freeman M. Wixon, 10 . " " Perry White, team, 511 " 7 69 William Chase, 221 " " Hiram E. Baker, 103 " " 15 45 Robert Clark, 4K " _" Sturgis Crowell, 39 " " " 11 70 James R. Baker, 481 " " Fred. A. Baiker, labor, 43 70 Isaiah Sherman, -73 " " . Wm. White, 2d, 531 " " 8 19Frank Sears, 951 " " Wm. White, 47 " C, " 14 10 Eben Baker, 10 " . " Henry Coril's bill, 22 57 Lot 11. Sears, - 20 " ,iIsaiah Homer, 146 ` " • " carting j John G. Sears, 20 " stone, 25 cts., 44 05j Ernest Baker, 20 " " with team, John E. Baker; 231 " labor with team, 7 05 " 87 " " John Ii. Stetson, 861 " " • " 25 95 Wm. T. Baker, 125 " " Frank Collins, 10 " " " 3 00 David M. Farris, 3li " " Thomas Collins, labor, 7 43Uriah Sears, 1431 " CCJoseph F. Cotelle, 561 " " 8 50 John Matthews, 261 " " Alonzo C. Chase, 32. " 4'80 Albert D. Baker, 4 " a 60 Cash remaining in my hands, Nathan Sears, 40g " `•• 6 08 • Wrn. Oliver, 61 " " .1 00 Henry N..Brooks, 41 " " 67 Osborn Chase, 21." tg 33 . EXPENSE ON NEW ROAD,1885. Henry W. Laker, 381 " " 5 77 i David Sears's bill, James Robinson, 281 " " 4 27 1 1. P. Matthews, .27 3,53. ' 1 50 3 00 ,v 3 60 3 00 - 6 15 3 53 3 00 3 98. 2 03 u r 2 10 4 33 405 'i 3 28 - 6 83 1 50 3 75 :t 788 7 88 10 95 14 33 1 50 3 00 - 3 00 1305 18 75 53 s. 21 55 3 97 — k *984 25 6 64 *990 89 *42 70 • 15 00 t 1. 28 Millard F. Jones, 12 00 3lattliews Gray, 6 00 Wing Brothers, 4 50 James )!Alis, 1 75 Isaiah Sherman, 10 50 Frank Sears, 4 20 Nehemiah Goodwin, - 3 15 S. H. Matthews, ' 7 50 John E. Baker, 5 40 David S. Baker, 12 00 Lysander Baker, 4 5C Daniel Brown, 2 48 William T. Baker, 3 15 Joseph H. Robinson, 2 48 Reuben Baker, • 98 Clifton Baker, 2 45 Hopkins Baker, _ 2 47 Lot H. Sears, 3 .90 Eben Baker, . 6 00 Crowell Baker, 6 00 8159 11 This will. certify that David Sears, road commissioner, has shown vouchers for 81,143.36, amount expended by .him during the year 1885, and that the foregoing account subscribed by him is correct. DANIEL WING, Auditor. WEST YARMOUTH. JAMES ELLis, Road Commissioner. B. F. & C. C. Crocker, James Ellis, E. E. Chase, J. F. Nickerson, F. II. Crowell, Charles E. llallett, Henry B. Chase, . • 615 loads loam, 4 cts., 492 it " " 547 " " 133 hours labor, 15.cts., " 38." 126 `° 133 " *24 60 19 68 21 88 19 95 5 78 18 90 19 95 •'" 1 YJ . ■ III ■■ I ii Edward Lewis, Geo. 13. Lewis, J. K. Aldrich, D. S. Marchant, Luther Buck, Isaiah F. Baker, Albert Berry, Lockwood Baxter, 29 1161 hours, 15 cts., 271} " • `47 " ". 94 " 58 " 661 " 133 " 57 Lockwood Baxter's boy, 98 Joshua S. Baker, 93 Joyce Taylor, 165 0. B. Crowell, 5811 .. 0. B. Buck, • 38 " Theodore F. •Drew, Jabez Perry, 40 " B. K. Chase, 20 " Dustin Taylor, 14 " Stephen Marchant, 30 " Lemuel Marchant, 30 Herbert F. Studley, 18 Otis Baxter, . 20 Nelson Baxter, 57 F. A. Hurst, 10 Henry E. Coombs, 29 Dustin Baker, 30 Daniel Humes, . 511 Leo. E. Taylor, 18 Geo. S. Taylor, "47/ Eben Baxter. 115 J. C. DeSilver, 143 J. DeSilver, Jr., 611 C. M. Huggins, 88 C. F. Huggins, 47 J. E. Crowell, 66/ " Richard Sears, • 48 " Philip Hughes, 36 " A.L. Baker, - 181 ." Ebenezer Baker, 127 " iC " Siit it " " it 10 cls., 15 SC 3 " " " " " 00 " - if ". " t{ .4 " " .' [t {C " " Si .L N " " Si it " CC .t i. R '' CC " " .' 17 47 4 13 7 05 14 10 8 70 9 98 19 95 8 55 9 80 13 95 24 75 8 78 5 70 45 6 00 3 00 2 10 4 50 4 50 2 70 3 00 8 55 1 50 4 35 4 50 7 73 2 70 • 7 12 17 25 21 45 9 23 13 20 7 05 9 98 7 20 5 40 2 78 1905 i ' :f