HomeMy WebLinkAbout1886-1897•••••,- .40 4 • „ . • •7 • 30 Elnathan Baker, 66i " " . : 9 98 R. L. Taylor, 65i " fi 9 83 repairs bridge, 2 25 S. B. Marchant, 281 " Li 10 cts., . 2 85 Willie Marchant, 98 " if 9 80 James E. Baxter, - 95 " Li 9 50 Walter Baxter, 70 " " . , 7 00 Mrs. P. S. Eldridge, privilege of carting over ber land, ' 1 75 Daniel Blagden, fixing scraper, 3 75 James Ellis, 635 hours labor, 95 25 laying out roads, 6 00 $616 90 83 10 Balance in hands of James Ellis, $700 00 FINANCIAL REPORT Or THE „ . . TOWN OF' YARMOUTH - FOR TflE--- YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, MG. l'ARMOCTIIPOTIT, MASS.: PRINTED AT THE CAI'E COD I'm JOB PRIN TING OFFICE. 1887. { 1, • ittt 7o the Citizens of the Town of Yarmouth:— In presenting this, our New Year's Greeting, we desire to give to you a statement of the most important facts relating to the expenditure of money ; of our response to the call of charity without and within the Almshouse and of the provi- sion of homes for those children whose claim upon us was imperative. The aver<i_e number of inmates during the year has been fourteen and five -tenths, at an Average weekly cost of 12.25 each. Of the nineteen inmates during the earlier part of the year fourteen now remain. Hannah Crowell died in May at the age of 81 ; one has been removed and situa., thins provided for three others. Necessary repairs and improvements have been made by the enlargement of the town barn, with reference to the sanitary condition of the premises and the furnishing of more commodious facilities for storing the products of the farm. Our efforts in the interests of Alva G. Robinson were not what we had hoped, though we by no means consider them lost labors. The necessity of a guardian for the three Gardner children led to the appointment of Mr. T. T. Hallett, who, with the efficient Superintendent of the Children's Mission 1 1 4 3 • t%`: �•.{'..i _ -meq �,i 4 • in Boston, has succeeded in securing an excellent home for the youngest child and a place for the oldest where she remains on trial. The buy Charlie continues . under the excellent guardianship of the Mission. The eldest boy Fred is a hopeless case, and must, with - his mother, continue dependent for full support. • In beptember we received notice from the State Depart- ment that Herbert M: Taylor Was at the State Almshouse. and with the notice an order to'rei<nore him . We forthwith visited the State Institution, and with thegentlernanly Supt., Dr. Fisher; arranged for his immediate dischurte. A few weeks hirer he sought shelter in the Almshouse where he now remains... ,Our convictions relative to•outdoor relief remain unchang- ed. Would that we were able to provide ambition rather than pork and fish for the younger portion of this class. It is to be depict' ed that able-bodied young men have learned to feel that they have a claim upon the public larder for support. We feel that we voice the public sentiment when, in behalf of the town, wo welcome the aged and infirm to the hospital- ities of our more than comfortable asylum, also to that charity which it is our province to dispense for outdoor . relief; but we still •feel that further retrenchment is necessa- ry because of the abuse of this public hospitality. iYe hope for that healthy change of sentiment w-hieh shall help y, ung men to feel the disgrace of youthful pauperism, • 1 5 Il For the satisfaction of such as it inav interest, we append a table [ of the annual cost of supporting the poor the during past ten Sears : X r `.� n C . X a e,3 . I.... y' c: . l•• tea` ix I c ' v - OC l 1 - 1 ff ti r i ,n • C•Y lx N esi I Ct! — d ix et =- 0 ix CC4 II.. p; 11 I r. v - a 1— y 3 I ' a — a, �x C= y. . X c t.*:: �� ,t o` i c 'V a • - 1 i — p it . 4c et x _1 �;. c 1x 1 c • •. • c -_ - -- • I p c; 7 'X 1 v1 L L 1 V i X Csil i Z.:'6.ee ti a . . r. i+a ,4- V =' ! Vii, 70.!v is A 1 is •r q ; •1 6 . SUPPORT OF POOR IN ALMSHOUSE. Superintendent's Salary, Oliver Hallett, supplies, H. B. Chase & Sons, grain, Albert. Taylor, cutting and carting wood, &harpening razor, Edward B. Hallett, repairs, A. H. Eldridge, supplies, Stephen Sherman, supplies, George P. Matthews, hay, J. E. Sturdy, pork, T. T. Hallett, medicinal supplies, Nathan Hallett, shoes, • . D. B. Crocker & Co., supplies, E. D. Payne, A. C. Megathlin,. tt Luring Fuller & Co., grain, Isaac H. Thacher.- supplies, Gras- and Garden Seeds, Crocker & Eldridge, supplies, Freight and Carting, Howes & Chase, fish, • F. D.- Gage. tt Joseph Walker, dressing, Thos. Arey, limbs, E. S. Carr. hay, Hannah Harting, supplies, Munroe & Co., N. T. Hallett, John G. Thacher, Matthews & Payne, fuel, Pasturing Cows, Clothing, Supplies, Sylvanus Robbins, supplies, R D. Farris, `} Joel Hall, • T. T. Hallett, wood, t• tt $500 00 8 75 49 10 35 10 25 1 75 45 90 16 23 15 12 21 56 36 76 6 50 146 63 62 42 148 73 112 72 119 20 26 22 107 75 10 26. 2 15 2 01 10 00 7 50 18 60 1 84 53 71 8 71 7 19 25 43 8 00 4- 75 9 50 30 66 5 85 10 99 7 00 1 i 7 Benj. Gorham, repairing shoes, R. M Taylor. supplies, Wm. D. Loring, supplies, By Board. Lucy Baker, Calf sold, Beans sold, • Net cost, CREDIT. 2$7 10 31 80 $1,698 32 $49 00 6 40 3 84 59 24 $1,639 08 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. • NORTH SIDE. Temperance Simmons, coffin and robe, $25 00 •• board and nursing, 82 75 John Matthews, house rent, . - 25 00 - Eunice Bray, board, 43 00 James T. Chase, supplies, , 5 91 Mrs. George Whelden, nurse, 20 00 SOUTH YARMOUTH. Charity Baker, supplies, RuthBaker, •� Wm. T. Baker, John Baker, George Butler, John N. Baker, Cynthia Crowell, Nehemiah Goodwin, supplies, tt it rt tl tt It Matthews C. Gray, Mary A. Nickerson, Nathan Robinson, Joseph Cotell, ti tt di $201 66 $24 51 42 58 68 24 65 73 21 95 32 89 52 00 14 58 18 93 1 25 62 00 12 43 $417 09 8 WEST YARMOUTH. David Buck, supplies, Lydia G. Bearse, fuel and rent, • Susan Bearse, hoard, Susan Hallett, supplies, Prentice Lewis, " and rent, Priscilla Howland, fuel, • Thankful Marchant, supplies and rent, John Orlando, Mrs. \Vin. C. Whelden, rent, • •• North Side, South Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, $51 45 32 65 39 00 91 59 184 11 3 00 73 01 33 43 24 00 $532 24 $201 66 417 09 532 24 $1150 99 PAID OTIHER CITIES,' TOWNS AND NSTITUTIONS• 40 Taunton Hospital, H. J. Taylor, $196 0 Barnstable, Mrs. C. U. Bliss, .supplies and burial, 32G 4 560 ••• Susan Baker, •. . •• Josiah F. Baker, `S 3 00. 35 9h Dennis, Betsey Crowell, •• 7 67 Orleans, Lewis B. -Chase, --64 13 28 •• Alonzo Chase, . `• 29 50 Boston, Children's Mission, Mabel Gardner, $322 98 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Falmouth, widow Foster D. Studley, supplies and medical atendance, • Harwich, firs. James Robinson, supplies, 44 Nicholas Dixon, 44 Brewster, Mrs. Seth Walker, •` $72 50 463 15 50 3 00 .4 9 Brewster, Sylvester Maker, supplies, Barnstable, Darius Cotelle, medical attendance, �• John G. Scohie, supplies, Middleboro, Mrs. Carlona Simmons, supplies, Dennis, Samuel Baker, •• " Hannah Saunders and child, State, George Butler, " Nehemiah Goodwin, 4{ K {i RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for Support of Poor, Paid for Support of Poor in Alms - $1,639 08 house, Paid for Support of Poor out of Alms- house, Paid other cities and towns, Unexpended balance, 1,150 99 322 98 86 95 49 12 10 00\ 5 00\ 3.87 7 90 13 16 21'94 2 92 $209 54 $3,200 00 $3,200 00 $3,200 00 INCIDENTALS. Auditing accounts, Charles Thacher, 2d, $ 4 30 Providence and Taunton, S. Sears and T. T. Hallet, 23 47 Freight and Express, , Postage and Stationery, Sweeping Town House, Surveying Barnstable line, A. H. Knowles, Care of hearse and recording deaths, J. S. Baker, 14 H. V. Baker, •• and recording deaths, W. D. Loring, Recording deaths, M. H. Crowell, Insurance on school -houses, Defining wood lot, Geo. W. Chase, Dog for Almshouse, D iseontinuing old roads, David Sears, 4 86 10 45 1 00 9 75 8 25 3 00 13 15 2 00 20 10 1 50 6 00 3 75 x.10 Auditing accounts, Howes, Wing and Davis, Wood for Town House, Moderator,_C. F. Swift, • Bound stone between Yarmouth and Dennis, 1000 mile ticket O. C. R. R., Georgetown cemetery, Boston, Charlestown and return, Sears and Hallet, Yarmouth Register, Almshouse, - Alva Robinson, board, expenses, outfit, etc., Collector's book, Dressing hogs, John E. Ryder, Digging grave, Temperance Simmons. Enrolling stockholders, 'Wm. J. Davis,- Digging avis,Digging grave, Hannah Crowell, Cemetery fence, Georgetown, Transfer book, F. C. Swift, official service, Clarence Percival, wife and child, to Boston, John Gray, board while in jail, New Bedford and return, S. Sears and T. T. Hallet, 6 Burying nuisance, 2 Coffin and robe, Hannah Crowell, 19 Boston, Tewksbury and return, Sears and Hallet, 24 Assistance to Herbert M. Taylor, Notary Public, Apparatus for forest fires, • Conveyance to Almshouse by J. S. Baker, .Telegram, Sharpening razors, Boston and return, S. Sears and T. T. Hallet, Clothes for John Gray, Water for Town House, Passage, carting and freight,. 11 00 1 75 5 00 1 50 20 00 46 75 23 95 2 00 44 29 1 00 2 75 2 50 1 00 2 50 10 64 ,15 00 15 00 4 00 50 00 70 00 50 22 2 110 25 7 00 1 50 15 50 13 50 11 00 1 75 6 98 LABOR ON FARM. Edward B. Covil, labor, John T. Cobb, •6 $469 26 $ 8 . G0 36 63 Freeman Ryder, labor, A. H. Eldridge, •• J. G. Hallett, . •• David Sears, James Ellis, Seth H. Hamblin, John E. Ryder, CLEARING SNUW. SIILITARY AID.. PUTTING OUT FIRES. Isaiah Sherman and others, David Sears Charles Bassett Joshua S. Baker Seth H. Hamblin Freeman Howes Fire apparatus, •. . if .• •. MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Dr. C. M. Hulburt, G. C. Ward, " T. B. Pulsifer, • C. W. Whitaker. • • Call, . 4 60 26 75 , 10 50 $87 08 $ 89 49 55 25 187 50 $332 24 $72 00 $125 59 130 69 56 06 90 80 49 10 304 21 31 88 $788 33 $31 28 12 75 16 00 8 00 11 35 $79 38 a 12. HOOK AND LADDER. Repairs..on West Yarmouth house, MUSKRATS. Paid for 280 muskrats at 25c., 825 49 - $70 00 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses. $1,500 00 Incidentals, $469 26 Labor on farm, 87 08, Clearing snow, 332 24 Military aid, one half, 36 00 Putting out fires; 788 33 Medical attendance, 79 38 Hook and ladder, 25 49 Muskrats, 70 00 Expended in excess of sum raised, 387 78 $1,887 78 $1,887 78 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE AND BARN. Repairs on Almshouse, $ 55 66 " barn, 528 92 REPAIRS ON SCHOOL -HOUSES. North side school -houses and grading grounds, South West t{ 66- 66_ a $584 58 $315 85 77 36 396 91 $790 12 REC APITIMATION. Ameuiit raised for repairs on public buildings, $1,200 00 Repairs on Almshouse, $ 55 66 {{ barn, 528 92 - • Repairs on school -houses, Iu excess of sum raised, • 13" 790 12 ' . 174 70. $1,374 70 $1,374 70 ROADS AND BRIDGES. David Sears, repairs on roads and bridges, Seth H. Hamblin, James Ellis, 641 66 61 David Sears, B. R. lower bridge, " upper " Bert Homer, tending draw, Sum raised by town, Expended in excess of sum raised, NEW ROADS. David Sears, la} ing out new road, Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, $3,000 00 84 69 $3,084 69 $3,084 69 $1,000 00, 1,300 09 663 34 39 41 41 94 40 00 WELL, NORTH_ SIDE. Wm. J. Davis, well and pump, Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, ---- - -- . - - Mercy C. Crowell, STATE AID. - SOHOOLS. 83 50 $300 00 296 50 $300 00 $300 00 $179 46 $200 00 20 54 $200 00 $200 00 $48'00 $48 00 NORTH SIDE. Teachers' Salaries, $1330 06 I 1 14 Fuel, Care of House, Cleaning House, Sundries, Sears Fund, Supplies, SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' Salaries, Fuel, Care of House, Cleaning House, Supplies, • WEST YARMOUTH. Teachers' Salaries; Fuel, Care of House, Cleaning House, $990 00 lig 39 61 90 - 11 40 38 77 23 20 $158172 $1065 00 103 90 88 34 28 70 17 55 $1303 49 $720 00 30 00 30 00 7 90 $787 90 RECAPITULATION. Atm,unt raised for support of 'schools, $3,200-00 Expended North `fide, $1,581 .72 South Side, 1,303 49 << West Side, 78'7 90 Excess of suns raised, 473 11 $3,673 11 $3,673 11 SCHOOL. BOOKS. Books by Wm. J. Davis, 13. L. Baker, Alex.13. Chase, Isaiah Crowell, 44 ., $181 37 198 63 35 38 40 92 15 Express, Dog Fund, Amount raised by town, " received from dog fund, Expended in excess of sum raised, 2 G5. 163 70 $300 00 163 70 158 95 $622 65 $622 .65 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Sons, George Otis, Amount raised by town, In excess of sun]. raised, $107,75 05 -$100 00 19 80 $119 80 $119 80 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. G. C. Ward, Registrar of Voters, T. F. Drew, _._"-' 66 Allen H. Knowles, " Wm. P. Davis, " Isaac B. Gage, Collector, Fred A. Baker, Registrar of Voters, John H. stetson, Constable, Seth Taylor, Joseph F. Nickerson,. -Fire Ward, Isaiah Crowell, School Committee, B. L. Baker, fi Wm. P. Davis, Treasurer, • Enrolling children and polls, Selectmen, services, A sses-ors, " Overseers of the Poor, services, Horse hire, Amount raised for Town Officers, In excess of sum raised, $ 11 11 20 15• 272 10 34 12 2 30 35 96 21 314 115 90 171 • $1,200 00 63 32 75 50 50 00 77 50 00 00 50 00- 00 55 25 00 00 - 00 00 $1,263 32 $1,263 32 it 111 iii 1{I ..I IE r r 1 1iir'rrl 1 11 1 IrrI I I I 1 imam KIWI 11 16 TAXES REMITTED. Taxes remitted,' $131 22 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. Town Grant, $14,200 00 Support of Poor in Almshouse, $1,639 08 6. 1,150 99 322 98 469 26 1,374 70 87 08 3,084 69 332 24 3 50 36 00 • 788 33 79 38 119 80 3,673 11 1,263 32 622 65 131 22 25 49 70 00 179 46 •6 44 out of Other cities and towns, Incidentals, Repairs on public buildings, Labor on farm, Roads and bridges, Clearing snow, New roads, Military aid, one-half, Putting out fires, Medical attendance, Printing and advertising, Support of schools, Town Officers, School books, Taxes remitted," Hook and ladder, Muskrats, Well, • In excess of sum raised, Support of Poor, Miscellaneous expenses, Public buildings, Roads and bridges, New roads, Support of schools, Printing and Advertising, Town Officers, 1,253 28 $15,453 28 $15,453 28 CR. $ 86 95 296 50 DR. .$387 78 174 70 84 69 473 11 19 80 63 3Q 11 111 .r .. 17 School books, Dog fund, Tuxes remitted, Well, Less surplus, \ 20 54 • 158 95 163 70 131 22. $403 99 $1.657 27 403 99 $1.253 28 The excess in the above expenditures arises from the •cost of heavy forest fires of last summer, which amounted to $788.33, and of repairs on the West Yarmouth school house, amounting to $396.91, for which contingencies no appropria- tion had been made. It will also he seen that the Dog Fund, amounting to $163.71, enters c•n the debit side of this ac- count, the necessity of which arises from its having been paid upon a town order ; these sums iu the aggregate amount to $1348.94.. TOWN TREASURER. Balance Jan'y 1st, 1886, Received of I. B. Gage, Collector, 1885, I. B. Gage, 1886, State Treasurer School Fund, from State Corporation Tax, Paupers, " National Bank Tax, Aid Refunded, Foreign Vessels, Notes Discounted, County Treasurer, Dog Fund, Difference in check, 120, Falmouth, Brewster, Harwich, {, Barnstable, •f Taunton ,i '' 6 i{ „ '4 l[ 4f '' '4 ,{ 6 '4 ti '4 Da. $ 1,004 02 7,251 61 13,000 00 167 95 1,643 05 40 23. 1,141 82 105 00 482 70 3,450 00 163 70 52 141 05 70 85 17 25 18 75 196 58 1 ii. 1teceived as la at as as a. as 18 of Fish Committee, as Whaling Ground sold, " A. N. Paine, board of Lucy Baker, as S. Briy, board of Lucy Baker, as Calf sold, as Beans sold, - " Cement sold, as 'Auctioneers' Licenses, Billiard Room License, Pedlar's License, " as Outstanding Orders, Januar) 1st, 1887, TOWN TREASURER. Support of Poor in Almshouse, Support of Poor out of Almshouse, Support of Poor in other Cities and Towns, Support of Poor of other Cities and Towns; Incidentals, Labor on Farm, Clearing Snow, State and Military Aid, Putting out Fires, Medical Attendance, Book and Ladder, Musk Rats, Repairs on Almshouse, a{ as ti'wrn 4' 44 school -house, - Ro.ids and bridagea; New roads, Well, Schools, School books, Printing and Advertising? Town officers, 113 89 19 50 36 00 13.00 6.40 3 84 7 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 132 07 $29,238 78 CR. $1,698 32 1,150 99 322 98 209 54 469 26 87 08 332 24 120 00 788 33 79 38 25 49 70 00 55.66 535 92 790 12 3,084 69 3 50 179 46 3,673 11 622 65 119 80 1,263 32 19 Taxes remitted, - .Support of State Poor, County tax, State .aa Bank 'a - Sears School fund, Notes, Orders outstanding January 1, 1886, Balance in Treasury January 1, 1887, TOWN.. Sear, fund; - Collecting taxes, Outstanding orders January 1, 1887, Estimated bills outstanding, -• Balance .a " TOWN. in treasury, from L B. Gage, Collector, due from State and Military Aid, - due from other cities and towns, in hands of Road Connnissioners, Towu owes to balance, VALUATION OF TOWN MAY Real Estate, Personal Estate,. Number of polls, as as acres of land, Rate of taxation her $1000, 181 22 67 50 1.610 28 1,88A 00 4,181 66 000 00 3.&00 00 88P. 71'-• 1,90 57 $29,208 78 $16,060 00 10 00 10g 07 100 00 $16,427 07 @A, $1,fa5 57 6,g2$ 29 64 00 go 54 31 52 7,018 15 $16,441 07 1ST. $688,878 00 - 706,439 00 $1,395,300 00 . 546 11,462 $10 00 20 Number of dwelling houses, 498 • • horses, 222 64 64 cows, 174 « 64 sheep, 60 4. 44 persons paying poll tax only,184 .. {• {4 tax on property, 703 STEPHEN SEARS, THACIIER T. BALLET, DAVID S. MARCHANT, Selectmen of Yarmouth.. ROAD COMMI,S'fflO]JERiT REPORT. SETH H. HAMBLIN, Roes COMMISSIONER. - Seth Taylor, 100 hours, 20c., $20 00 Eben. R. Hamblin, 190 hours. 20c.,' 38 00 Calvin Hallett, 53 *• - 10 60 R. M. Marston, 85 17 00 D. G. Eldridge, gravel and hay, 27 56 William Cahoon. 16 hours, 20e., 3 20 Charles Dixon, 37 " 7 40 George H. Baker, 195 .44 . •' 39 00 Osborn E. Baker.185 " " 37 00 Berri 'White, 80 loads loam, 5c., 4 00 Albert Taylor, 45 loads clay, 4c., $1.80, 40 hours la- bor, $8.00, - 9 80 George Hallett, 2d, 45 hours, 9 00 George W. Chase, 48 1-2 hours, 9 90 Edward B. Covill. 112 22 40 Joshua E. Howes, 1 05 David Whelden, 56 11 20 E. S. Mecarta, 67 44 13 41 Sylvanus Robbins, 40 8 00 N. B. Whelden, 40 800 Fred Smith, 16 •• 3 20 Benj. Gorham, 33 1-2 6 70. James Gorham, 79 •' 15 80 Roland Kelley, SI .1, W. Howes, X11 Thacker, po ' 111II, Seo. E. \Vheht00, 40 1-2 , ohn G. Scoble, AI 1-2 `'jh Wallace Thacher, red E. Sherman, 111 Fred Gage,: 114{ ,Jerenuah Robinson, 10 Eddie S. Thacker, i{ 1-2 • IjL• , Geo. W. Young, fit Frank C. Baker, j j William P. Bray, 94 Freeman nyder, r, Henry F. Kelley, J0 ,Joseph Gorham, if) 22 hours, .. 66 4c_ 4' Joshua Hanillin. ;Talc loads clay, 4c., $14.00. 30 hours, $0,110, W. D. Loring, i1 Lours, Allen and Henry 1114,1, 100 hours, James G. llallel� Freeman Howes, Patrick Morgan, George Ryder, James H. Smith, 1 80 4 00 13 30 8 10 1 90 3 00 3 20 6 60 8 00 53 1? 00 2 20 14 80 1 00 2 00 4 00 40 158 1331 96 112 William Shields, )H t' hill, Bennie E. Hall,'li� ;+ G. 12ic., F A. Merehaut, 40 .. 20c., Thomas Arey, and gravel, $2.40, 1131 $22.70, Estate E. 13. 1lnmlilin horse, 5 hours, 20c., Charles Bassett., .10 :1. Inll, Charles Ellis, o Charles \W Elllrt, 241 hours, James Ellis, 11 .. Albert Tayl.r, 24() Wm. Matthews, b2 Nathan Bassett,, 198 1. " 44 .. 6. 4'. 44 20 00 40 20 00 8 00 31 60 26 70 19 20 22 40 10 79 1 19 8 00 hours, ' 25 10 1 00 82 35 14 70 5' 80 2 20 48 00 10 40 3;1 60 23 Samuel Cobb, 891 hours, Harry Young, per bill, I. M. Whittemore, 6 Charles Cahoon, 3u Arch. Phillips, 124 Edward F. Smith, 10 '' '4 ii 4' Daniel W. Cash, 243 loads hd'g, 4c., $9.72, 30hours, • •• $6.00, ' John E. Ryder, 10 honr3,• James A. Cash, 59 Thos. Matthews, 18 • " 15c., Chas. H. Gorham, 31 .. 20c., Allen Cash, 801 Joseph Bassett. 50 R. Howes, 50 William Park, 70 Oliver Ilallett, 150 Eben'A. Hallett, 50 S. T. Eldridge, 104 J. Usher, 78 J. W. Hamblin, 159 Joseph Thacher, 157 I. B. Gage, 20 " Mrs. E. Gorham, 100 loads clay, 4c., G. H. Taylor, " " gravel, 4c., Phebe Matthews, 356 -" clay, " John G. Thacher, per bill, E. B. Hallet, Lydia S. Crowell, 186 loads loam, 4c., Parker & Wood, per bill, Hiram Whittemore, 341 loads clay, 4c., C. M. Bray, per bill, Henry Cobb. 34 hours, E. K. Arey, 4 ratriek Heffernan; 51 hours, .4 4' '' 4' f. - 4' 4' ii K '4 4' " '4 '' Ci .. 4' 17 4 1 6 24 2 90 50 20 00 80 00 15 72 2 00 11 80 2 70 65 16 10 10 00 • 10 00 14 00 30.00 10 00 2080 - 15 60 31 80 ••31 40 4 00 4 00. . 4 00 14 24 3 25 10 25 7 44 36 44 13 64 8 40 6 80 80 10 20 • $1,213 51 it li • 24 Seth H. Hamblin, 389 loads clay, 4c., 815.56, ma-. _ teriul for fencing, $4.18, 978 hours at 20c., 215 33 $195.60, 3 J. G. Hallett, 32 hours, 6 4 3 460 Jos. Thaeher, 23 " $1,439 84 Balance in hands of S. H. Hamblin, $ 171 36 300. 00 Drew from the town, 1, $1,471 36 1,439 84 Balance in hands of S. H. Hamblin, DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. SOUTH SIDE. labor with team, • Heman Crowell, 60 hours' Millard F. Jones, 20 I. P. Matthews, 30 Sturgis Crowell, 30 . Uriah H. Sears, 17 66 831 66 Charles Harwood, 70 Gilbert Studley, 20. •` " Stephen 'ears, 30 B. Matthews, 311 'F. Matthews, 10 John E. Baker, 20 Freeman Myrick, 75 William White, 20 66 276 loads of loam at 6c. per load, Henry Covell, 20 hours' labor with team, 1311 " 20c., hour, 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 f6 66 .66 66 66 66 66 66 66 " 66 66 66 66 66 + 66 " 44 46 66 at 20cts., per hour, labor with team, 66 " 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 " 66 66 66 66 66 66 4. 66 66 66 66 66 , H. N. Brooks, 10 66 I`' Vinney Crowell, 911" 1.; F. Robinson, ':t 15 - Isaac W. Baker, 121 " ... II.11..LI l ►:.. -ai, . $31 52 $24 00 • 8 00 12 00 12 00 6 80 16 70 28 00 ' 8 00 12 00 12 60 4 00 8 00 30 00 8 00 16 56 8.00 . 2 70 200 18 30 3 00 2 5Q 25 Lot H. Sears. 1.0 hours' labor, Daniel $row, 20' " 'Abner R. Wixon. 47 1-2 •• N.. C. Chapman. 13 1.2 •• B. Howland, 10 •• A: Crowell, . 25 •• David M. Chase, 121-2 •• Orlando Wood. 81-4:• Reuben Baker, 401-2 R. L. Baker, 70 Isaac W. Hall, 51 •` Frank Campbell, 2 1-2 " Nathan Sears. 35 H. V. Baker, 60 Ernest Baker, 80 1-2 " J. H. Robinson, 12 H. E. Baker, 56 Joseph Cotelle, 20 J. R. Baker, 521-2 ;• Robert Clarke, 52 1-2 " William Chase, 35 `• Franeis Wixon, 32 1-2'" E S. Baker, 20 Isaiah Sherman, 66 1-2 " 66 66 66 W. T. Baker, 107 Nelson Baker, 12 George L. Rider, 2 1-2 •` Junes Crowell, 20 •• Eben Baker, 20 •• Wilson V. Baker, '7 1-2 " Crowell Baker, 10 •• John N. Baker, 7 1-2 A. Whittemore, 23 1-4 " 1 sac B. [Kelley, 5 •• A. W. Cahoon, 15 Rufus ,White, 50 " 66 66 11 1-1 " ,66 66 66 66 6: 66 20c., hour, 66 .. 66 66 66 66 66 66 2 00 4 00 9 50 2 70 2 00 44 s. 6. 5 00 2 50 1 65 8 10 28 00 10 20 37 7 00 12 00 1 i; 10 2 40 11,20 4 00 10 50 10.50 `• 6[ 66 66 66 •6 66 with team, 20c.; hour, .. 6. 6. 64 66 66 66 66 66 41 66 K 6. 6. 66 66 66 66 .6 66 66 46 66 66 .6 44 - " 4' 66 6. 66 6. 66 66 66 6. 66 66 66 66 66 7 00 6 50 400 13 30 21 40 44 `• * 2 40 10e.. 6. 25 20c., ' `• 4 00 4 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 5 05 75 3 00 with team at 40c., 20 00 225 l6 66 66 66 15c., 20e , 66 66 66 66 66 66 2,k., hour 1 • ..cI r rrlil r, i .L. 1111 r i- r r 1. rrr ■ 11r1a 11118. ie1 y I 26 ` . Thomas Collins, 30 hours' labor 20c., hour." : :. 6 00 John 11. Stetson, 73 1-2 11 1. F. Horner, 5 .. •Jt•s. W. Fuller. 10 Fred'k A. Baker 83 3-4 [• David S. Baker, 20 •1 W. R. Baker, 20 • .. with team at 40c., 29 40 46 44 [. 1. U [[ a /[ 44 .. N 44 •. N i. .' 44 44 •f 200 4 00 33 50 • 800 8 00 00 "00 . 92 1 50 4 00 22 24 80 50. 56 50 40 4 00 80 00 40 60 40 75 20 00 (k► 10 50 - 50 00 Alex Baker, 10 1/ .. •• ♦. - 4 J. K. R B. Sears, 800 loads of clay at 10c. per load, 80 Hatsel Crosby. 173 .• •. 11:am 4c. .. H. Q.' Farris._ 6 feet drain "pipe, " .. " .. 10 hours' labor witb team, - Joshua'Baker. labor and material, William T. Kenney, 6 hours' labor at 30c. per hour, 1 [• 6 [[ .. 2 1-2 a •1 1. 20c. .. David -K. Akin. 14 lords sand at 4e. per load,' 1 .aiah Homer, 126 hours' labor with team, Henry Taylor, _'10 H :: 4 M. C. Gray. 10 •. 44 .G 12 Joshua Baker. 13 U 44 .• •• 11 .. at 20c. 1• with lean), at 40e., •[ +• 20e., .1 4 2 14 .., _ .• .[ 2 1 efue;.tio Lewis, 12 c. 61•6 2 Peregrine White, labor and material, 18 G. P. Matthews, 35 1 -2 -bows' labor with team, 40e.,' 14 John E. Baker. 10 .1 - 61.16 61 .• 4 Allen B. Baker, 70 [. ' 14 1.611 .• . 28 John ,Matthews. 10 1-2 a • at 20c., 2 John N. Baker, 10 1. 14 15e.. 1 A. B.•Hower, 10 41 [i * •. •• 1 Wing Bros.. 10 loads coal ashes, 1 David Nears, bill of labor, Labor on washout, $8.41 85 187 .17 $1,0.29 02 " 13 00 $1,042 02 " I.I411111 r •i 1 rl 1 W. 1.1 r. iW 111.•:•.11111 I1 IN 1 .1 1VIUd1W 1.1111.1 IIVIY r.1 W AMIir1 27. JAMES ELLIS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. WEST YARMOUTH. B. F. Crocker, 1.4 acre of loam, W. Hurst, 5 days with team, J. K. Aldrich, 5 days with team, Howard C. Taylor, 54 1-2 hours, 20c., Edward Lewis, 120 hours self and team, Alex. B. Chase, 5 .. 14 ' ./ :[ Joshua S. Baker, 120 46 14 14 . 16 E. Baker, 120 "_ 14 [I i. Elkanati Crowell, 80 14.4441 -Albert Berry, 220 B. H. Crowell, 50 f1 labor, Stephen Marchant, 60 Eben Baxter, 65 11 . [. C. E. Hallett, 120 1[ . self [1 •s E. Baker. • 60 41 labor, - Judah Crowell, 60 16 66 . Alex. Crowell, 2d, 60 • 1[ Geo. S. 'Taylor, 481-2 Le.ter Baxter, 40 i/ at 10c. Walter 1{. Baxter, 40 Bennie C. Sears. 20 [[ man •[ H [/ '4 /[ I. 1. Tay.or, 0. B. Buck, D. Humes, Leo E. Taylor, Luther Buck, C. F. Higgins, P. H. Baker, J. E. Crowell, E. Crowell, S. Marchant, J. R. Baxter, 60 60 60 47 60 60 50 60 40 35 60 J. F. Nickerson, 135 Q. B. Crowell, 60 [. I[ '4 '4 • [• 44 11 44 66 - • it [[ [/ /[ [[ ./ " 20c., 4[ 44 •[ s[. [. 1[ it .' 44 .44 [[ [1 [[ •[ 10c., '' .4 4. '' 4' " 20c., /1 .{ _ _ $20 00 2000.. . 20 00 1090:: 24 00 200 24 00=• 24 00 16 00 44 00 10 00 "1200 13 00 ,24 00 12 00 -1200 12 00 9.70 4 00 400 - 2 00 12 00 12 00 . 12 00 9 40 12 00 12 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 3 50 6 00' 27 00 1200 y r 1 W 1 1 I kir j 1111 I I it rr l P n d 11 11111 1111 1111 111111 1.1 ■ I 28 Richard Sears, 60 hours at 20c., 12 00 J. C. Desilver, 112 41 46 22 40 J. E. Baxter; 64 41 1• 10c., 6 40 H. F. Studley, 15 44 44 20c., 3 00 Joyce Taylor,- 150 '4 44 44 30 '00 B. Whelden, 50 4/ 44 44. 10 00 R. L. Taylor, 100 44 « 44 20 00 Fred D. Baker, 381-2 " 44 44 7 70 J. N. Bourne, 60 , 44 44 11 12 00 D. S. Marchant, 60 . •' team " 12 u0 E. D. Marchant, 60 . .4 labor 20c., 12 00 H. E. Coombs, 50 44 l4 20c., 10 00 I. F. Baker, 60 " 41 - 12 00 C. M. Huggins, 120 hours, self and team, 24 00 f4 one stub hoe, 1 00 James Ellis, 270 hours, 20c., -51 00 •• 551 loads loam, 4c., 22 1)4 E. E. Chase, 210 loads loam, 4c., 8 40 J. K. d; B. Sears, 10 14 Joyce Taylor, 1 60 James E. Baxter,' 80 Henry E. Coombs? 2 00 Isaiah F. Baker, 1 60 Jan es Ellis, 12 00 Geo. B. Lewis, 2 u0 Nelson Baxter. 1 60 Prescott H. Baker, 1 20 . J. F. Nickerson, 1 60 C. M. Huggins, 3 20 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1886, Drawn from "Town Treasurer, Due from James Ellis, Jan. 11.t, 1887, • $784 18 $ 83 10 663 34 37 74 . -0784 18 I 1 111111111 1 II 1111111 111 1 1111 1 1 11 FINANCIAL REPORT. OF THE.- • TOWN OFYARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 1887. YARMOUTH PORT. MASS.: C. P. SWIFT & SON, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. ' 1888. XI I �I. 1, 1 s II r 1111111 WI •In Irl 11111,r 111WIIIIV S 11 11111 11 cost for the support of the poor 5 a O4 N ao CO 48 MO fib 8698 88 Lfios 88 1988 m 00 c0 • ►- y y C0A 00 OD w .• co m ea. W CO IIir I ee CO CO OD CO CO - CO r. OD OD CO OD CO V CO PP CO CO 2 CO C Cp~J�� b, n CO CO ~'- •. CA i� CO CO m 00 m m r 111 111101 w 1 1r1 1111•11 II 11• 11 r1■ 1II IIhlIIU .r r 1 ■I 11111/1111 1 • 111 II 11 ALMSHOUSE. • Medical Attendance,' Crocker & Eldridge, supplies, Nathan W. Grush, herrings, Elisha Parker, shoes, Seth Hamblin, supplies, John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, L. Fuller & Co., grain, David D. Kelley, supplies, Stephen Eldridge, carting, James Lack, supplies, John Lundberg, repairing shoes, Freeman Ryder, carting, Albert Taylor, cutting and carting wood,. Stephen Sherman.. salary, A. C. Megathliii, meats, D: B. Crocker & Co., supplies, Fred R. Crocker, supplies, E. D. Payne, Mary Ann Robinson, marriage wardrobe, Parker & Wood, supplies, Isaac H. Thacber, " Stephen Sherman, " Elizabeth Gardner, burial expenses, Yarmouth Register, Fish, Knowles & Co., supplies, L. K. Chase, shoes, E. S. Mecarta, fertilizer, • *59 00 88 82 6 00 1125 4 80 4 75 156 14 28 69 2-50 2 00 1 60 3 50 32 50 500 00 91 81 63 55 19 95 80 34 2 68 5 45 82 41 21 54 22 00 200 1 20 4 95 9 10 6 00 1 Aw ti t t; l: 4 Albert Taylor, supplies, Carting and freight, I. W. Munroe & Co., supplies, John Thacher, paints, Wm. N. Stetson, cow, C. R. Bassett, supplies, N. S. Simpkins, pigs, A. H. Eldridge, supplies, Charles E. Ellis, supplies, Matthews & Payne, fuel, R. D. Farris, supplies, K. M. Taylor, paints, Joel B. Hall, hardware, T. T. Hallett, medicines, By calves sold, . By cement sold, Net cost for the year, $6 00 7 70 58 66- 5 40 • 40 00 45 98. 21 00 29 36 16 88 22 09' 3 23 10 21 17 34 28 29 *1,626 67 $12 00 10 50— $22 50 81,604 17 • SUPPORT OF POOR ODT OF ALMSHOUSE SOUTH SIDE. George Butler, shoes, " " medicine, " " supplies, Josiah F. Baker, supplies, Addie S. Baker, board, medical attendance, Ruth Baker, supplies, Crowell Baker, ". Ebenezer Baker, nursing, John N. Baker, supplies, Charity Baker, " Cynthia Crowell, board, Lewis B. Chase, boots, Joseph Cotell, supplies, *2 45 50 62 34— $65 29 14 38 32 00 4 75— • 36 75 54 72 34 35 93 00 31 69 19 89 52 00 2 37 3 82 5 .Matthews C. Gray, supplies, " " " medical attendance, Nehemiah Goodwin, shoes,- " supplies, Nathan Robinson, board of boy, Alfred White, supplies, • " medical attendance, - WEST YARMOUTH. Lydia G. Bearse, supplies, " house rent, David Buck, supplies, Susan Bearse, board, " " medical attendance, Mrs. Benj. Baxter, supplies, " " " fuel, Susan Hallett, supplies, . shoes, " ti fuel, , ., James Holway, supplies, Prentice Lewis, supplies, medical attendance, " " fuel, , house rent, Thankful Marchant, supplies, f. house rent, " '• nursing, " medical attendance, " " fuel, John Orlando, supplies, fuel, Tamson Taylor, supplies, NORTH SIDE. Eunice Bray, board, " medical attendance, $37 72 70 00— $107.72 2 52 19 97- 16 00 46 00- 21 4S 39 40 62 00 - $638 87 • $6 67' 5 00- $11 67 37 14 26 00 5 00— 31 00 6 97 3 00— 9 97 73 78 1 75 18 88=7 94 38 11 70 143 01 9 95 22 00 20 00— 156 96 60 08 30 06 28 00 39 25 3 00— 160 33 19 87 17 00— 36 87 2 00 $552 02 *55 00 4 00—' $59 00 ,6 Dustin Whelden,.medical attendance, Frank Cash,.medical attendance; Mrs. Elnatban Eldridge, msdical attetil:,►►ce, Jacob Olar, medical attendance, • Samuel L. Taylor, moving' and burial expenses,. Bertha Gray. medical attendance, Gardner children, sundry expenses, John Matthews, medical attendance, " • " house rent.. . South side, West Yarmouth, North side, DUE FROM OTHER CITIES Brewster, Mrs. Seth Walker, " Sylvester Maker, " . • Seth Taylor, constable. Dennis, Samnel Baker, • J. L. Rogers, Priscilla Howland, Chas. Saunders' child, Falmouth, Mrs. Foster D. Studley, Harwich, Nicholas Dixon, Middleborough, Carlona Simmons, New Bedford, Anthony Ellis, State, Phillip Curran, if l( *17 50 5 20 3 00 .21 25 579/ 15'00 58 25 1 00 25 00— 26 00 *263 10 *638 87 55202 263 10—$1453 99 AND TOWNS. *35 00 34 94 " 8 00— *77 94 10 90 4 03 12 25 15 00— 42 18 50 80 23 76 9 00 3 50 113 50 *320 68 PAID OTHER CITIES, TOWNS AND. INSTI-TUTIONS. Taunton Hospital, Leonidas Lewis, 1886-87, *323 05 " • Henry J. Taylor 107 28— *430 33. Mention, Samuel L. Taylor, 53 45 Barnstable, Sus:in H. Baker, a Anna Webber, 13'46 33 50— 46 96 $530 74 7 RECAPITULATION. Amnia raised for support of poor, Cost in almshouse, Cost out of almshouse, Paid other cities, towns and institutions, Expended in excess of sum raised, Travelling expenses, Rent of pound, Recording births, deaths and marriages, Water, town house, Straps for hearse, South Yarmouth, Official apparatus, Sweeping town house, Postage, Express, .- Record Books, Copying transfer book, Land, U. G. Eldridge, Tramp, Hook -and ladder house, Joseph Walker, loss of horse, Repairing and lettering guide posts, Recording deed, Rent tor sealer of weights and measures, Care of hearse, David Sears, Wm. P. Davis, to legislative conference, Care of hearse and repairs, W. D. Loring, Stationery, Insurance, town house, INCIDENTALS. • *3400 Olt 188 90 • *1604 17 1453 99 530 74• 43588 90: *3588 90 *27 62_ 1 50 29 65' 1 75 3 50 13 03 1 10 7 00 1 15 46 00 10 06 75 00 1-00 3 04 18 00 25 .84 1. 17 12 00 . 5 00 3 84 6 27 14.65 2 40 *310 48 • ;tt 8 LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, Posts, James T. Chase, Edward Covil, James T. Chase, John Cobb, " "s Horse, . • CLEARING SNOW.• David Sears, Seth 11. Hamblin, James Ellis, MILITARY AID. John E. Ryder, Gilbert Lewis, PUTTING OUT FIRES. Manchester Ballet, Joseph Nickerson, Sturges Crowell, MUSKRATS AND SKUNKS.. Paid for 205 muskrats, at 25 cents,' " " 123 skunks, " " iIII lilllll _ _ . *5 50 8 90 33 07 1 00 .4 40 18 50 4 65 5 25 *81 27 $50 30 150 78 54 90 *255 98 • *72 00 80 00 9 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses, *1200 00 Incidentals, _ 8310 48 Labor on farm, 81 27 Clearing snow, ` 255 98 Military aid; • 152 00 Putting out fires, 12 10 Muskrats and skunks, 82 00 Unexpended balance, 306 17-81200 00 REPAIRS ON ALMSHOUSE. Material and repairs, REPAIRS ON SCHOOL -HOUSES. North side, South side, West Yarmouth, *79 83 84 15 120 49 177 12 *301 76 RECAPITULATION. Amt. raised for repairs and painting public buildings, 8500 00 *152 00 Repairs on almshouse, $79 83. " " school-Iwuses, 301 76 Unexpended balance, 118 41— 8500 00 *3 50 3 45 ROADS AND BRIDGES. 5 15 Amt. raised for repairs on roads and bridges, 3130 00 812 10 Seth H. Hamblin, 81300 00 David Sears, 855 36 James Ellis, 737 74 Repairs on bridges, 120 56 451 25 Tending draw, 40 00 30 75 Unexpended balance, 76 34—*3130 00 *82 00 1 1 , 4. 4f 1 10 NEW ROADS. Amount raised for new road% James Ellis, Point Gammon road, Albert Berry, do., do., WELL, NORTH SIDE. Unexpended balance from 1887, •• $20 54 Repairs and new pump, $16 75 Unexpended balance, 3 79— $20 54 : • : $500 00 $388 00 8112 00— $500 00 INJURY ON HIGHWAY. • Lucy A. Eldridge, STATE AID. Mercy C. Crowell, Teacherssalaries, Janitor, Ventilators, Cleaning house, Fuel, Sundries, Sears fund, Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Cleaning house, Fuel, • : Teachers' salaries, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. SOUTH SIDE. W EST YARMOUTH. $212 00 $48 00 $1339 53 53 55 10 00 11 75 36 93 1 90 $800 00 — $1453 66 • $1080 00 94 68 23 42 65 32 $1263. 42 *547.50 1 1. Janitor,' Fuel, Cleaning house, $20 00 48 25 4 20 $619 95 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of schools. $3500 00 Expended north side, $1453 66 ' " south side, 1263 42 " West Yarmouth, 619 95" Unexpended balance, 162 97-- - $3500 00 $3500 00 SCHOOL BOOBS. Amount raised by town, $300 00 ,Dog fund, -184 41— $484 41 Books by Wm. J. Davis, 97 42 " " B. L Baker, 89 51 " " Alex. B. Chase, 129 98 Unexpended balance, 167 50 • $484 41 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C: F. Swift & Son; George Otis, Amount raised for printing and advertising Unexpended balance, _ $29 50 68 75 26 75 $484-41 $125 00 • $125 00 $125 00 TOWN OFFICERS' AND COMMITTEES' FEES. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS. TF. Drew, F. A. Baker, . Wm. P. Davis, L •B. Gage, - $21 0.0 21 00 17 00 13 00— $72 00 1 Seth Taylor, John Stetson, B. L. Baker, A. B. Chase, 12 CONSTABLES. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. ' ASSESSORS.: Assessors, Selectmen, Overseeing poor, Horse hire, Auditors, Moderator, C. F. Swift, Collector, I. B. Gage, Sealer Weights and Measure, Stephen Wing, Treasurer, Wm. P. Davis, $2 00 8 00— $10 00 35 00 30 00— 65 00 136 85 •21725 130 20 11200— 607 30 8 00 5 00 288 37 10 00 75 00 $1140 67 Amount raised for town officers, Unexpended balance, • TAXES REMITTED. Taxes Remitted, 1200 00 59 33 $1200 00 $1200 00 COPYING RECORDS. Amount raised for copying records, Paid for copying records, Unexpended balanbe, $164.06 $150 00 58 50 91 50 E50 00 $150 00 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. IV kx Town grant, Support of poor in almshouse, " « u out of « ...I IIII 1111 $14,805 00 $1604 17 • 1453 99 .13 Paid other citiesand towns, Incidentals, \1 Labor on farm, Cleaning snow, Military aid one half, Fires, Muskrats and skunks, Repairs on public buildings, Interest on Sears fund, Roads and bridges, New. roads, Injury on highway. Schools, School books, Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes Remitted, Copying records, Unexpended balance, Support of poor, Miscellaneous, • Public buildings, Roads and bridges, Schools, • School books, Printing and advertising, Tow n .offi cers, Lucy Eldridge, Taxes Remitted, Military aid one half, Copying records, Surplus, 4530 74 310 48 81 27 255 98 76 00 • 21 10 82 00 381 59 800 00 3053 66 500 00 212 00 3337.03 316 91 98 25 1140 67 164 06 58 50 335 60 $14805 00 914805 00 DR. CR. $18890- $306 17 118 41 :76 34 162 97. 16 91 26 75 59 33 _212 00 164 06 , 76 00 91 50 $581 87 $91? 47 335 60 $917 47 $917 47 5 11 C' J 14 'TOWN TREASURER. - DR. . Balance January 1, 1887, Note discounted at 5 per cent. for three months, Received from city:of Taunton, " town of Brewster, " " Harwich, " " Barnstable, " Falmouth, " " Dennis, Fish committee, valves, cement, rent of salt marsh, auctioneers' licenses, it iL a a a' a a a a a " repairs Bass River upper bridge, " State cattle commissioners, " State paupers, " Corporation tax, " National Bank tax, " State aid, a a a a Orders outstanding January 1, 1888, Received from school fond, ". -" dog fund, a " I. B. Gage, collector, 1886-7, a a a " 1887-8, TOWN TREASURER.. CR. Support of poor, in almshouse, out of almshouse, " " in other cities and towns, it of a a a a Incidentals,. ' ' .$1955' 57 1481`25 3 87 52 12 2013 15 00 72 50 21 05 .37 00 12.00 10 50 1 50 4 00 18 64 14 40 88 93 1869 07 1144 93 36 00 48.00 713: '14 170 14 184 41 6223 79 12,700 00 826,897 94 81626 67 1453 99 530 74 320 68 310 45 Labor on farm, - Clearing snow, State and Military aid„ Fires, ' . Muskrats and skunks, -- Repairs of public buildings, . " ou roads and bridges, Well, North side, Lucy :A. Eldridge, ; . Schools, School books, Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes remitted, Copying records, New, roads, Repairs on almshouse, Outstanding orders January 1, 1887, , . Note, Sears fund, County tax, State tax. Bank tax, Balance January 1, 1888, Sears fund, I. B. Gage, collector, Outstanding orders, Estimated bills outstanding, 431 27 255 98 200 09 . 12 10. 5209 301 76 S053.65 16 75 212 00 .3337 03 346.91 9823 1140 67 164 06 58 50 500 00 79 83 13207 1500 00 915 00 1182 17 2002 50• 4596 53 2416. 34 426,897 94 TOWN. . DR. 416,000 00 • •159 00 713 14 200 00— 417,072 14 CR. Balance in treasury, from I. B. Gage, collector, " " State and Military aid, 82416 34. 8985.09 124 00 Vr IW 'vr^+r. rtrr'i00llilligall GlIYWWIIIIIIr_ I mod., irl .S34 li a.Ala urs - l•6 Balance from other cities and towns, 8320 68 Town owes to balance, VALUATION OF TOWN MAY 1ST. Real Estate, Building, 8448,205 . uLand, 245,389 . 462,438 248,598 5826 03-417,072 14 Personal Estate, - - " " Bank Stock, Total valuation, Number of dwelling houses, horses, ".cows, " sheep, " " acres of land, . " " persons paying poll tax only, " .. " tax on property, Total number of persons assessed, STEPHEN SEARS, ) Selectmen THAC H ER T. BALLET, } Yarmouth. o EDWARD LEWIS, Yarmouth, Mass., Jan. 7th, 188 8. The nndersigned have examined the foregoing account of the Selectmen of Yarmouth and hereby certify that they are cor- rect to this date, the total sum expended being fourteen thousand two hundred and sixteen and j dollars, for which vouchers have been shown. _ 8693,594 711,036 81,404,630 498 224 180 60 11,673 180 663 843 D. B. CROCKER, I Auditors. DANIEL WING, !lrrr ■ - Y IYI111Y I IIIb i4Jkir.L.,1 • ROAD COMMISSION ELLS' REPUR.T.. SETH H. HAMBLIN IN ACCOUNT .WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. Labor on Roads.' William P. Bray, 108 hours, 20c., Stephen T. Eldridge, 242 1-2 hours, Oliver Hallett, per bills, James Lack, 37 1-2 hours, I. 11 'I'haeherper bill, G. T. Gorham, 266 clay and gravel, 5c., Charles M. Bray, per bill, Patrick Morgan, 1.27 hours, . Joshua E. Howes, 6 1-2 hours, 15c., George -Young, 551-2 " James H. Smith, 123 3-4 ." Fred Smith, 15 " J. 11. Hamblin, 60 1-2 at 20c., 95 at 15c:, 7 posts. 12c., Patrick Heffernan, 59 1-2 hours, . • George E. Baker, 150 It Richard Marston, 34 " Thomas Arey, 101 honrs, 20.20, clay 50c., Allen Cobb, 72 1-2 " 14.50 " 3.68 Henry A. Cobb, 2 hours, George W. Chase, 50 1-4 hours, Albert Taylor, 254 `4 ' Nathan Bassett, 212 1-4 • " John E. Ryder, 110 • Osborne E. Baker,150 Freeman Ryder, 102 3-4 " John Hinckley, per bill, 821 60 48 45. 8 20 7. 50 .24..93 13.30 -"27 91 25 40 98 11 10' 24 75 3 00 26 55 . 84 11 90 30.00 6 80 20 70 18 18 40 10 05 50 80 4.2 45 22 00 30 00 20 55 2 82 •W IIC.�III�W�_.ly; •aII6: u• mMINami ,L,L LlLL IIL I6!lI..1M dill I r 1 o 1 I .I• 18 Edward B. Covell, 96 hours, 1 w _ George Ryder, 77 3-4 " Seth Taylor, 158 3 4 Arch Phillips. . 143 Allen Cash, 214 1-2 Allen Cash, Jr., 25 Wm. Shields, 82 • Sylvanus Robbins, 45 Elam S. Mecarta, ' 62 34 Heirs Joshua Eldridge estate, per bill, A. A. Phillips, 10 hours, - Lydia L. Crowell, 128 loads loam, 5c., John Lundberg, 8 1-2 hours, , Osborne E. Baker, per bill, A. H. Eldridge, 45 hours, 35c., E. W. Eldridge, 45 hours, 20c., Albert H. Eldridge, 30 hours, Benj. Gorham, 30 " ' Elnathan Eldridge, 30 ". • l• Frank Chase, 7 " -15c.,• Eben R. Hamblin, 118 1-2 hours, 20c., Eldridge Taylor, 8 " Wm. White, 120loads .loam 6c., E. J. Thacher, 50 hours, 15c., Edmund Walker, 9 hours, 35c., J. E. Sturdy, 160 loads sand, 86.40,•5 hours, 20c, George Hallett, 2d, 70 hours, 30c:, George A. Bray, 15 " 20c., Ernest Bray, 10' " - James Gorham, 95 3-4 " Calvin Hallett, 17 " t. {, Li u u . -i George Bray, . 11 Charlie Robbins, 6 " 15c., Freeman Howes, 2091 20c., Charles W. Swift, 46 1-2 " 15c., J. G. Hallett, 115 20c., R. W. Park, 46 Mrs. J. B. Crocker, 62 loads of sand, 6c., u " " " K K " $19.20 15 55 31 75 28 60 42 90 5 00 16 40 9 00 12 52 4 68 2 00 6 40 1'70- 15 00 15 75 '9 00 6 00 6 00 .6 00 1 05 23 70 1 60 7 20 7 50 3 15 $1.00 7 40 21 00 3 00 2 00 19 15 • 340 2 20 90 41 90 6 98 23 00 9 20 3 72 u . u ni•Iar•Ilmu r IIII I .1 19 Charles D. Bray, 8 hours, 15c., Alfred Gorham, labor and sand, T. B. Pulsifer, 62 loads clay, Sc., Manchester Hallett, per bill, N. B. Wheldeu, 5 hours, 200., Alfred Howland; 471 hours, 20c.,. J. A. Ellis; 68 " Edward Bray, 40 ": 15c., C. W. Ellis, 40 "• 20c, James W. Ellis, 30 " J. W. Smith, _ 30 " Frank Arey, 10 Wm. Baker, 20 " 150., Charles Chase, 20. 20c., Seth Walker, 20 " E R. Arey. 20 Frank 1Vhelden, 15 Charles Ellis, per bill, Charles Nickerson, 341 " Juan Chase, 171 " A. C. Snow, per bill, D. G. Eldridge, per bill, G. 11. Baker, per bill, Samuel Cobb, 46 hours, - Oliver Matthews, 120 loads hardening, 4 cents, Michael Raveney, 8 hours, 20 cents, David Whelden, 50 " Fred. Ii. Marchant 40 " _Charles Bassett, per bill, . Joseph Gorham, 102. hours, Polly Robinson, 140 loads clay, 4 cents, °' " land damage, Jeremiah Chase, 11 hours, 20 cents, Joseph Thacher, . 20 " N. W. Grush, 25 Jolin Scobie, 41 William Cahoon, 10 Geo. T. Chase, 431 K K K u if it " u K • K K fi K *1 20 9.00 3 10 88 8 1 00 9 50 13 60 6 00 8 00 600 6 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 4 CO 400 300 10 60 6 90 350- 3 50 22 92 l5 00 9 20 :4 80 1 60 10 00 8 00 9 55 20' 40 5 60 1.00 2 20 4 00 '5 00 90 2 00 8 70 11 1111111111 11 YEW W i i Ji111.0 Hi memlasi Min -' 20 R Howes, 7 hours, 20 cents, Leonard Ellis, 8: " " William Robbins, 27} " " Seth 13. Hamblin, 445 " 35 cents,' '[ " " 579 loads clay, 5 cents, Balance in hands of Town Treasurer, 1886, Drew from Town Treasurer, $1 40 -1 75 \ 5 50 155 75 28 95 $1,393 66 31 52 $1,362 14 1,300 00 Balance due S. IL: Hamblin, ' *62 14 ACCOUNT OF LABOR AND MATERIAL EXPENDED ON ROADS IN SOUTH YARMOUTH BY DAVID SEARS, COMMISSIONER FOR THE YEAR 1887. David Sears, bill for labor, William F. Kenney, 301 hours labor at 30 cents, Allen Farris, labor and material, Alexander Baker, 30 hours labor with team at 30 cents, [� " 10 " " " 20 [[ Thomas Collins, 67 hours labor at 20 cents, [[ 5 lit [[ 15 " John F. Campbell, 10 hours labor at 15 cents, Vinny Crowell, 63 " " 20 " Russell D. Farris, 10 hours labor with team at 30 cents, William Chase, 321 hours labor r at 20 cents, Si el' Isaiah Sherman, 591 " I. P. Farris, 35 " David M. Farris, labor, Joseph Clark, 10 hours labor at 20 cents, Leston Gray, 10 " Alfred White, 10 hours labor with team at 30 cents, Fred. A. Baker, 80 " " Charles H. Harwood, 961 hours labor with team at 30 cts, 28 95 Alonzo Chase, 551 hours labor at 20 cents, . 11 10 Isaiah Homer, 109 hours labor with team at 30 cents, 32 70 " 2 stub hoes at $1.00 apiece,- ' 2' 06 Frank Homer, carting two loads stone, 2: 00 $190 98 9 15 4 77 9 00 2 00 13 40 75 1 50 12 60 3 ,00 6 50 11 50 7 00 25 2 00 2 00 3 00 24 00 416 11,11,61.efn 21 IIriah H. Seals, 201 hours labor at 20 cents, " " " 87 " " " 30 William White, 131 loads loam at 6 cents per load,.- " carting 4 loads stone, " 10 -hours labor with team, - James Chase, 65 hours labor at 20 cents, ' • Daniel Brown, 15 " " " Joshua Baker, 12 hours labor on road at 20.eeuts, Reuben Baker, 18 hours labor at 20 cents, Peregrine White., labor and material, Joshua Baker, 8811 hours labor at 15 cents, Spencer Ellis, 511 lym. White, 2d, 26 " Isaac 11 all, 26 " 14 " Peregrine White, 74 loads loam at 5 cents per load, Austin Whittemore, 20 hours labor at 20 cents, A.. W. Cahoon, 45 " Henry M. Brooks, 331 " _ " Eben Baker, - 15 ". " " James A: Robinson, 15 '" " • J. K. & B. Sears, 597 loads clay at 10 cents per. load, Allen B. Baker, 60 hours labor with team, I: P. Matthews. 15 " A. H. Baker, 10 loads shells, A. M. Homer, 10 hours labor, . William H. Eldridge, 25 hours labor with team, Nathan T. Sears, 8 hours labor, Remegio Lewis, 5 " - _.. __ Nathan B. Cahoon, 38 hours labor at 20 cants, - Henry W. 'Baker, 15 . Henry Cobe1l, 15 " Nelson Baker, 27s " " Heman Crowell, 35 hours labor with team at 30 cents; [[ Yf—._ "— — N a 20 ". Luther R. Brown. 15 " • " 30 " John H. Stetson, 30 " " " 30 " F. A. Campbell, 421 " " at 15 cents, Estate of Oliver Matthews, 240 loads loam at. 4 cents, " " [[ " " $4 101' ' 26 10 7 86; 4 00 .:3"00 1300 . 300' 2 40- 3 60 15 65 13 28 7 73' 3 90 3 90 3 70. 4 00 9 00 6 70 3 00 3 00 59 70' 18 00 4 50' T. 00 1 50 7 50- 1 20 1.00 7 60 3 50 300 5.57 10 50 200 4 50 9 6 37 9 60 00 1 1 = ; : • : Frank F. Collins, 5 hours labor at 15 cents, ' 80 75 Henry F. Crowell, 32 ". " 20 ." 6 40 J. K. & II. Sears,fencing, . 5 82 Ernest Baker. 90 hours labor at 20 cents, 18 00 Timothy Cotelle, 71 " . " " " 1 50 Osborn Chase, 45 " . 4‘ a " 9.00 David S. Baker, 15 " " with team at 30 cents, 4 50 Abner Wixon, 30 " " at 20 cents, 6 00 Watson F. CalioCin, 73/ ." , 64 44 4. 14 70- Gilbert. Studley, 151 " a" . 30 " .4 75 Akira F. Wixon, _ 50 _ ".. . " 20 a .- . 10 00 John N. Baker, 10 " . " 15 a 1 50 John E. Baker, 90 loads -soil, 3 60 Albert H. Cotelle, 10 hours labor at 20 cents, 2 00 Bernard L. Baker,.15 hours labor with tam at 30 centa, 4 50 William T. Baker, 15 " " at 20 cents, 3 00 0, F. Wood, 15 " " 4 " 3 00 Hebron V. Baker, 121 " " " 4 . 2 50 Freeman Myrick, 40 44 " with team at 30 cents, 12 00 " 4 10 " _ " with double team at 45 cts., 4 50 John D. Kelley, 4 " " at 20 cents, - . 80 Jeremiah Eldridge, 25 hours labor with team at 30 cents, 7 50 Ambrose G. Robinson, 10 hours labor at 15 cents, 1 50 Mrs. Polly Berry, 8 loads loam, 50 Wing Brothers, nails, 14 Allen Farris, 40 hours labor at. 20 cents, 8 00 8813 13 JAMES ELLIS IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWS OF YARMOUTH. _ For Labor oa Island Road. Sethilamblin, services on Island road, , . - 84 00 Joshua S. Baker, labor, Island road, Vi hours, at 15 cts„ 11 55 78 " " 11 70 54 8 10 9 20 1 80 . 1 80 Albert Berry, Chas. E. Hallett,. R. Lewis Taylor, Timothy Cotelle, 66 a 46 44 44 9 " 64 'Daniel Humes, Richard Sears, John R. Baxter, Wm. Marchant, Geo. S;-'raylor, A. L Baker, J. E. Crowell, William White, '23 labor,•Island road, 9 hours, at 20 di. "'St 430 - " 32 4 a 44 4. 44 services, - " • David Sears, labor, Daniel Wing, services, Henry Coombs, labor, Geo. K. Crocker, " William Cotelle, Joyce Taylor, Ebenezer Baker, B. C. Sears, Fled D. Baker, Dennis Cotelle, Joe E. DeSiiva, R. L. Taylor, D. S. Marchant, 44 a a a 4. ft Joshua E. Baker, " Joseph N. Bourne, " Luther Buck, Edward Lewis, 4t . J. C. DeSiha, Jr., " Nelson Baxter, " Alexander Crowell, " Leo E. Taylor, Jos. Nickerson, Oris 13. Crowell, E. Crowell; Elnathan Baker, S. Marchant, Zenas Baxter, James E. Baxter, Jas. Ellis's horse, James Ellis, 44 44 66 it 64 44 44. 66 46 44 44 44 44 46 " 32 _132 as 9 ff 64 32. 46 • 44 66 .46 44 a a as a • a a a .a a a 44 . a a a 16 .18 9 54 9. 32 9. 54 54 54 4,31 31 18 44 18 32 35 9 18 5 26 41 23 27 32 64 as 44 44. CC 44 44 64 4. -'640 10 3 20 20 640 180. 58 . 480 200 , .500 200 20 , 3.20 15 2 70 20 180 15. 310 15 -1020 10 _ _ 90 15 —480 20 180 15 8 10 810 S 10 6 08 20 6 20 3.60. 15 660 20 so 25 8 00 20 2 00 20 .1.80 15. 2 70 20 100 15 3 90 20 8.20 15 3 45 20 40 15_ 480 15 9 60 11 40 44 .15 ". 4 -4 t • 4 24 • Enoch Chase, material, 42 loads, at 4 cents, Abbie B. Crowell, do., 573 " •7 " Labor -"on Road. Howard Taylor, labor, 30 hours, 20 cts., Charles Hallett, " 151 " 15 Darius Cotell; " 30 , 20 George S. Taylor, " E. Baker, C. M. Huggins, R L. Taylor, E. Lewis, J. F. Nickerson, D. S. Marchant, Gilbert Lewis, " Elnatlian Baker, " K K K • K Albert Berry, Leo E. Taylor, Wm. Cotell, Joe E. DeSilra, Geo. K. Crocker, " 78 " 20 Joseph N. Bourne, " 87 " Theodore F. Drew, " 76f " 15. J. E. Crowell, " 108 " Luther Buck, " 88 " 20 Alexander Crowell," 70 " J. S. Baker, " 176 " 15 C. F. Huggins, -" 934 " - 15 Joshua E. Baker, ". 18 " 20 Joyce Taylor, " 128f " 15 Henry Coombs, " 10 " 20 Harris Cotelle, " 10 " 10 Dustin Baker, " 10 " 20 Timothy Cotelle, " 40 Daniel Humes, " 60 J. F. Baker, " 60 Benajah Whelden, " 60 K {f • IL 51 " 164 98i. " 391 " 170. " 176 .. 256 58 83 " 115 K 68 " 101" 173 " 20 15 K K K 20 K 15 20 15 K K K .i '4 " K 20 . 20 15 20 4274 85 *6 00 22 65 6 00 10 20 24 60 14.77 5 90 25 50 26 40 23 40 11 60 16 60 17 25 13 60 15 15 26 00 15 60 17 40 11-50 16 20 17'60 14 00 26 40 14 03 3 60 19 25 2 00 1 00 2 00 800 12.00 9 00 12 00 Judah Crowell, A. L. Baker, Richard Sears, 13. C. bears, 1'. 11: Baker, Fred 11. Baker, ` Willie Marchant, Jolin Baxter, .Joseph Buck, Lestou Baxter, J. K. Aldrich, S. Marchant, 0. B. Brow•ell, Walter Baxter,- Isaiah axter,Isaiah Crowell, Wm. Hurst, 11. F. Studley, Joe DeSilver, Nelson Baxter, 0. B. Buck, , Zenas Baxter, R. Lewis Taylor, " James Ellis, James E. Baxter, {i it " [l $4 K fI K K " K K (4 .0 c{ Enoch Chase, Mary II. Ellis, 228 Lot Hallett, 225 a " ' " 70 28 18 " 28 20 " 18 K 114 93 54. 15 25 48 5 65 30 133 10 23 36 30 20 18 350 K 93 25 " K K 4' K K K K " K K• 20' 20 20 10 20 15 20 10 10 10 25 15 20 10 15 15 20 20 15 20 20 20 20 15 (.(,(14,4411''''1° . 256 loads of loam at 4 cents. K .. 14 00 5 60 3 60 2 80 400 2 70 22 80 9 30 5 40 1 50 1350 7 20 100 6 50 4 50 19 95 200 4 30 5 40 6 00 4 00 3 60 70 00 13 95 10 24 9 12 9 00 - *729.16 ,11L1' ca...... 1444 4.4' r�� t ._~• FINANCIAL REPORT -O! THZ- TOWN OFYARMOUTH _FOR THS_ YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1858. YARMOUTHPORT, MASS.: PRINTED AT THE CAPE COD ITEM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. 1889. is • 1 REPORT' GENTLEMEN: - We have the- honor to present you with this, our yearly report, and we congratulate you upon the excellent condition of the town's finances. _ _ • . _ - -- :— The The past year in many ways has been a very satisfactory one to your Selectmen. This is especially true in regard to the department of the poor. The Ahnshouse, notwithstand- ing the loss'of its Superintendent, has, under Mrs. Sherman, lost none of its efficiency. It has at the present time but nine inmates, the smallest number for many years. Only one death has occurred during the past year. Fred Gardner died Dec. 26th, 1888. Your Overseers of the Poor have been untiring in their efforts to reduce the expenses of the charity department. They- have succeeded so well that they now recommend the raising of but two thousand dollars for the coming year for that purpose. --Due to .the requirements of the new law relating to voting, the interior of our Town -house must be materially changed. For this purpose one hundred dollars is needed. The School house in South Yarmouth should he painted and the grounds graded. This will cost about two hundred and fifty dollars. The grounds about the West Yarmouth Schoolhouse also need grading. The cost of this is estimated at seventy-five dol- lars. 4 ~� ;1 We therefore recommend that the town raise the sum of 1 five hundred dollars for the above-named and other needed improvements. • Upon an examination of the annexed report you will see that the appropriation for the repairs on public buildings was - exceeded by $260.24. The excess was caused by the neces 1' sity of painting the Schoolhouse nn the north side of the r- e '4 ' :1 town and the Almshouse the former at a cost of $148.65 and the latter at a cost of $194.54, making a total of $343.19, which was an expense not expected by your committee on appropriations last year.. The apparent excess of $95.28 in the total expenditure above the town grant is more than covered by the overlay. ings on taxes and therefore cannot be considered a debt. Trusting this report will meet with your approval, we are, Your obedient servants, STEPHEN SEARS, THACHER T. HALLET, } Selectmen: EDWARD LEWIS, POOR FROM 1879. TO 1888. 5 a c 01 Vo .0 00 x o v 1, w CO C' o "" 01 v M ti m 0 4110. • t - ..4 t, CO C7 DO 0 OD co co CO CD .0 .� ..oO epi o .2. - ;o :4 C O 70 co M a0 .-1 1— a oa c, LO C oro a' w - CID CD 9 t, CO „ 07 CD '00 N Ca DO n Co N W 0'• ch_D V ^ t^ t ` Ip r' c O r, e, 1 - F-1 1• Ol. t 7 9 L7 1-.t- Tn ▪ 0co rl � 1 • v "w O p ao P. F2.'5E 1) OQ N 1 d1,1 • • 61, ALMSHOUSE. Edward B. Hallett, iron work, • Benjamin Gorham, repairing shoes, Sylvanus Robbins, fish, Seth H. Hamblin, pork, Chas. R. Howes, beef, Edward- S. Chase, cutting and carting wood, C. F..Swift, Register, James G. Hallett, carting, T. T. Ballet, tobacco, L. K. Chase, shoes, Carting, Potatoes and Freight, Mrs. Polly Sherman, clothing and supplies, Andrew H. Eldridge, supplies. J. E. Sturdy, • Dress Making, Parker & Wood, potatoes, Apples and supplies, Freeman Ryder, supplies, R. D. Farris, D. D. Kelley, T. T. Hallet, " and medicine, Matthews & Payne, coal, Joel B. Hall, supplies, K. M. Taylor, Oliver Hallett, . ," Supt. Salary, A. C. Megathlin, meat, N. T. Hallett, supplies, John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, Pigs, E. D. Payne, supplies, C. R. Bassett, I. H. Thatcher, .. D. B. Crocker, « $ 1 30 1 60 27 00 26 80 11 72 43 50 2 00 4 50 10 50 24 16 75 15 89 13 00 14 20 4 92 3 75 3 75 9 24 7 61 7 24 • 20 17 30 46 48 24 16 33 7 45 1 00 350 '00 114 27 30 95 4 00 19 50 24 00 54 62 89 65 77 46 45 42 Crocker & Eldridge, supplies, L. Fuller & Co., grain, $116 98'-:` 210 82 CREDIT. By the Estate of Benj. Baker, $49 12 Calf and Fowls, 10 25 Calf, 5 60 Board of Carolna Simmons, 22 50 Net Cost in Almshouse, 1,407 28 $1,494 75 $1,494 75 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOTJSE. NORTH SIDE. John Matthews, house rent by Chas. Ellis, $12 50 James T. Chase, groceries by Knowles & Co., 4 83 Mrs. Anthony Montcalm, groceries by Knowles & Co., 5 00, SOUTH SIDE. Ruth Baker, fuel by David Sears, , / " Frank Homer, med. attendance by Dr. Call, groceries by Wing Bros., cf ac {f is R. D. Farris, /{ 4' Harry Robinson, board by N. Goodwin, 64 " shoes, E. T. Baker, $ 9 25 3 50 13 85 11 79 15 31 36 00 1 25 Matthews C. Gray, groceries by Obed Baker, George Butler, groceries by Farris, Wing & Kelley, Cynthia Crowell, hoard by Samuel Pierce, Celia Tripp, burial by M. H. Crowell, Charity Baker, fuel by David Sears, 3 50 groceries by Wing Bros., 33 02 /, ,t James Robinson, groceries by E. Baxter, Crowell Baker, groceries by R. J. Baker, 8 22 fuel by David Sears, 1 75 med. attendance by Dr. Call, 2 50 [l /, {l tL $22 33 $53 70 37 25 6 45 26 18 13 00 53 50 16 52 16 91 12 47 '=t 8 Wilson V. Baker, burial by M. H. Crowell, _ Alfred White, 2d, med. attendance by Dr. 31 85 C. H. Call, Alfred White, 2d, groceries by Wing Bros., 18 62 Ebenezer Baker, med. attendance by Dr. Call, John N. Baker, groceries by Z. P. Howes, 117 1202 {! f{ 46 « Wing Bros., „ 64 .64 •< « R.D. Farris, 3278 $28 00 50 47 6 00 50 92 $371 37 WEST YARMOUTH. Prentice Lewis, med. attendance by Dr. $7 00 Fossett, Prentice Lewis, groceries by Isaiah Crowell, 122 00 house rent by A. B. Chase,: 20 00 $149 00 Susan Hallett, groceries by J. E. Crowell, 16 75 61 6• fuel by T. Crocker & Son, 4 25 t{ t{ ff " Jas. Ellis, 12 00... " H. B. Chase & Son, 14 00 44, 44 Susan Bearse, board by Alex. Marchant, John Orlando, groceries by J. E. Crowell, t. « fuel by Matthews & Payne, -t. .41' •f 46 46 groceries by Isaiah Crowell, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., carting by C. F. Huggins, t{ North Side, South Side, Webt Side, 13 25 6 25 5 75 12 50 1 50 ,47 00 52 00 39 25 $287 25 22 33 371 37 287 25 $680 95 9 PAID OTHER CITIES, TOWNS AND INSTITUTIONS. $33.30 55 25 6 50 9 28 67 15 14 55 $186 03� Taunton Lunatic. Hospital; Leonidas Lewis, Barnstable, Anna Webber, Josiah F. Baker, Susan Baker, Dennis, Betsey Crowell, Gloucester, Fanny Cash, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of poor, $3,000 00 _. Cost in Almshouse, , $1.407 28 Cost out of Almshouse, 680 95 Paid other towns, cities and institutions, 186 03 Unexpended balance. 735 74 $3,000 00 $3,000 00 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Brewster, Mrs. Seth Walker, . °' Sylvester Maker, {{ Solomon Maker, Harwich, Nicholas Dixon, Falmouth, Mrs. E. B. Studley, Dennis, Joshua Chase, Samuel Baker, State, George Butler, Chatham, Mrs. N. C. Chapman, Middleboro, Carlona Simmons, INCIDENTALS. Joseph Bourne, burying horse, Abstract of conveyance, Postage, Charlotte Hallett, rent of land for hearse house, Notary Public, $17 50 30 00 6 04 59 63 52 83 21 54 18 00 65 90 32 43 4 75 $308 62 _ • $ 2 00 10 00 8 85 4 00 50 .--.-_ ,= •L AidilE 1.1mltirniuir1w nrioi 11110 11111 11 11 • ,i1. a ;t; ; 41 10 Detection of Clarence Baker, $25 00 Deed, telegram and postage, 1 90 Insurance, West Yarmouth Schoolhouse, 6 00 on Almshouse, 3 90 Sweeping Town-ho4e and justice fees, 75 David Sears, care of hearse, • 5 00 Insurance on Schoolhouse, South Side, 6 60 Examining bank and corporation returns, 14 56 r Repairs on pump, North Side, 21. 15 Manton H. Crowell, returning 32 deaths, 8 00 Joshua S. Baker, care of hearse, 8 00 Wm. D. Loring, " " 6 95 °' 44returning deaths, 4 00 `° t6driving hearse, 2 00 Wm P. Davis, recording deaths, 6 10 births, marriages, Stephen Eldridge, carting water and sweeping, C. M. Bray, drainpipe and labor, Common Pond, Seth H. Hamblin, pound rent two years, Expenses on Bass River Canal, hearing including legal advice, 136 20 Freight and telegrams, : . 1 10 Stationery, . 45 60 Repairs on pump, South Side, 5 00 Wm. J. Davis, enrolling stockholders, 1 00 tt tt .t ti tt 4' Ls tt 900. 3.75 6 75 35 04 3 00 LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, Edward Covil, Edward S. Chase, David Sears, CLEARING SNOW. $391 70 $27 20 10 65 —1-2-05 $49 90 $4 60 $4 60 1 1 i 1 1 • Gilbert Lewis, John E. Ryder, Mercy C. Crowell, 11 MILITARY AID. STATE AID. PUTTING OUT FIRES. Manchester Hallett. Frank Homer, Joseph F. Nickerson, MUSKRATS. Paid for 167 muskrats at 25c., $10400 72 00 .$176 00 $48 00 $48 00 " $475 43 50 15 37 863 62 $41 75 $41 75 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses, . $1,000 00 $391 70 . 49 90 4 60 176 00 63 62 41 75 272 43 • $1,000 04) $1,000 00 Incidentals, Labor on farm, Clearing snow, Military aid, Patina out fires, Muskrats, Unexpended" balance, REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised for repairs on Public Buildings, •$3Q0 00 Repairs on Almshouse, $227 91 tt `• Schoolhouse, North Side, 270 64 tt a 4 I South " 34 52 4 12 • • NW Repairs on schoolhouse, west side, Expended in excess of appropriation, $27 17 260 24 $560 24 $560 24 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, , Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James Ellis, ' Expended in excess of amount raised, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. . Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Insurance, Sears Fund, • SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Repairing organ, $3,000 00 __$1,350 00 1,188 30 700 00 218 30 $3,218 30 $3,218.30 WEST YARMOUTH. Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, $840 00 $1,056 08 161 34 112 46 18 50 7 50 $1,355 88 $870 00 75 35 64 90 35 63 3 00. $1,048 88 $895 00 32 00 46 50 600 $979 50 13 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of schools, North Side, $1,355 88 South « 1,048 88 West " 979 50 Expended in excess of amount raised, u W. 111111111•111 hll lI1•11II Vti. $3,000 00 384 26 $3,384 26 $3,384 26 SCHOOL BOOBS. • Amount raised by town, $300 00 Dog Fund, 166 62 Wm. J. Davis, B. L. Baker, 1887, Stephen Sears, - Alex. B. Chase, Expended in excess of appropriation, $218 11 141 77 102 47 34 84 $466 62 30 57 $497 19 $497 19 PRINTLNG AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift 8; Son, $57 75 George Otis, 29 94 Amount raised by town, $100 00 Unexpended balance, 12 31 TOWN OFFICERS. Chas Ellis, Fish Committee, Darius Crowell, Fish Committee, Frank Homer, Fish Committee, Seth Taylor, Fish Committee, 44 44 Constable 1887 and 1888, John Stetson, 44 Fred. A. Baker, Registrar of Voters,. T. F. Drew, 44 « 44 $100 00 $100 00 $20 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 55 50 31 00 2.1 00 21 00 _; . "�'�'" -^�' MM. li1111 X31;. • f - 14 I. B. Gage, Registrar of Voters, C. F. Swift, Moderator, E. S. Ellis, Teller, Alex. B. Chase, School Committee, Wm. J. Davis, .. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor, Horse Hire, I. B. Gage; Collector, Stephen Wing, Sealer of Weights and Meausres, Wm. P. Davis, Clerk and Treasurer, Amount raised by town, $1,200 00 Expended in excess of appropriation, 123 44 l{ Taxes Remitted, $15 00 5 00 5. 00 30 00 40 00 316 50 126 50 110 00 144 25 263 69 10 00 79 00 $1,323 44 $1,323 44 $170 34 $50 140 $12,950 00 TAXES REMITTED. COPYING RECORDS. Paid for Copying Records, ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNT. Town Grant, Almshouse, Poor out of Almshouse, Poor in other cities and towns, Incidentals, Farm, Clearing Snow, Military Aid, one-half, Fires, Muskrats, Repairs on Public Buildings, Roads and Bridges, Schools, f' Books, $1,407 28 680 95 186 03 391 70 49 90 4 60 88 00 63 62 41 75 560 24 3,218 30 3,384 26 497 19 Town Officers, Printing and Advertising, Taxes Remitted, Copying Records, Interest on Sears Fund, Expended in excess of Town Support of Poor, Miscellaneous, Public Buildings, Roads and Bridges, Schools, Books -------- Printing and Advertising, Town Officers, Military Aid, one-half, New Roads, Taxes Remitted, Copying Records, Sears Fund, Excess in Expenditure, 15 $1,323 44 87 69 170 34 50 00 840. 00— Grant, 95 29 *13,045 29 $13,045 29 Drt. CR. $735 75 272 43 $260 .24 218 30 384 26 197 19 123 44 170 34 50 00 12 31 88 00 150 00 60 00 95 29 $1,403 77 $1,403 77 TOWN TREASURER. Balance Jan'y lst, 1888, Received from Dog Fund, School Fund, State Paupers, Bank Tax, Corporation Tax. State Aid, Middleboro, Harwich, it • L{ l{ '4 {. u if 4' it 'c DR. $2,416 34 166 62 171 60 36 94 1,134 72 2,179. 75 128 00 9 00 23 76 16 Received from Falmouth, .. Brewster, " Dennis, .. T. T. Hallet, - - •. Estate Benj. Baker, " John Orlando, • Auctioneers' Licenses, .. Calves, - .. Land, So. Yarmouth, " Fish Committee, •• Hay, West Yarmouth, 44 I. B. Gage, Collector, 1887 and 1888, Orders Outstanding, Jan'y 1st, 1889, .' .. .. .. .. .L .. " TOWN TREASURER. • Support of Poor in Almshouse, 64 46 • 4 out of Almshouse, " in other cities and towns, of 44 " {(-- -'«---- .f .. (, a Incidentals, Labor on Farm, Clearing Snow, State and Military Aid, -- Fires, - - Muskrats, Repairs on Public Buildings, • Roads and Bridges, Schools, Books, Printing and Advertising, Town Officers, Taxes Remitted, Copying Records, Orders Outstanding, Jan'y 1st, 1888, Sears Fund, 50 80 50 94 49 60 53.97 4912 2 00 8 00 15 85 50 00 294 96 9 80 16,395-00 469 85 $23,766 62 Cu - $1,494 75 680 95 186 03 308 62 391 70 49 90 4 60 , 224 00 63 62 41 75 560 24 3,218 30 3,384 26 497 19 87 69 1,323 44 170 34 50 00 713 14 840 00 County 'fax; State Bank .. 17 r Ir irwl! Sr Paid Taunton Lunatic Hospital and Chatham, Balance,.Jan'y 1st, 1889, 11 Id, Orr $1,097 72 2,002 50 2,739 29 53 97 3,582 62 823,766 62 TOWN. Scars Fund, $16,000 00 • I. B. Gage, collecting tax on $8.;000, -120 (10 - - Orders Outstanding, 469 1S5 Estimated Bills Outstanding, 175 00 Balance in Treasury-, due from I. B. Gage, due from State and Military Aid, • .. TOWN. 83.582 62 9,494 14 136 00 •� due from other cities and towns, 308 62 Estimated balance due from State on. Bank and Corporation Tax. 600 00 Town owes to balance, - 2,643 47 DR. $16,764 85 Cu. $16,764 VALUAT1ON OF THE TOWN MAY 1st. Real Estate, buildings, 8452,995 land, 256,506 8709,501 '' 4 85 • Personal Estate,' • Total Valuation, Bank Stock, Number of dwelling houses, ., horses, .. .i " cows, " sheep, %489,313 165,060 8654,373 81,363,874 549 228 179 60 • • 18 :Number of acres of land. 11,292 " persons paying poll tax only, 189 Total number persons assessed, . 901 STEPHEN _SEARS, Selectmen THACHER T. HALLET, of ED WARD LEWIS, Yarmouth. Y AI MOUTHroRT, MASS.; Jan'y 5th, 1889. The undersigned hereby certify that we have examined the • accounts of the Selectmen of Yarmouth for the year 1888, and find proper vouchers for all orders issued by them. ELKANAH CROWELL, ) I). B. CROCKER; } Auditors. DANIEL WING, ) 1 111 1 1111= VITAL ,517741IJS'IGS OF TIIE TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR 1888 AS FUR- NISHED BY WM. 1'. DAVIS, TOWN CLERK. BIRTHS IN 1888. Jan. 8, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram E. Baker.. " 12, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Chase. " 29, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chase. Feb. 4, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Howes. ' " 6, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. S. Lincoln Robbins. . " 10, a son to Mr. and Mrs. James Bryden. " 16, a daughter to Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Whitaker. 20, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Amos E. Arey. 24, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederic M. Ford. March 18, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dixon. " 22, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sherman. May 11, a child to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cahoon. " 29, a (laughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joshua E. Baker. June 22, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Homer. July 4, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer B. Chase. ?, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Robinson. " 21, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Coolulis. ,i Indy 11 1 . JR. 20 July 26, a son to 11r. and Mrs. Joseph Allen. Aug. 16. a son to Mr. and firs. David E. Nickerson. Sept. 5, a on to .Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Schmidt. ••� 13, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. llcncert L. Kern. •, 20. , daughter lu Mr. :nid Mrs. Joshua A. Chase. 27, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Seth Taylor, Jr. Oct. 12, a son to .Ir. and 3Irs. George Snow. " 29; a son to Mr.and Mrs. Osborn E. Chase. Nov. 8, a sou to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Crocker. Dec. 18, a daughter to 31r. ami 3L•s. Isaiah F. \Vhelden. 25, a daughter to 1L•. and Mrs. Herbert. Lovell. • - 31. at son to Mr. and Mrs. Let:lvor Kelley. 3IAnnIAGEs 1\ 1888. Jan. 11. Joseph Cre►wa'fl of Yarmouth, •aged 68 years, to Lucy E. Baker of Yarmouth, •• 12, Nelson L. Eldridge of Yarmouth, Lilian M. Brown of Yarmouth. 66 .a March 1, Walter F. Iluwes of Dennis, •• Nellie F. Matthews of Yarmouth, May 7. Charles M. Brown of Yarmouth, Amanda 31. Sherman of Yarmouth, •• June 6. • Winchester Johnson of Yarmouth, Abby K. Crowell of Yarmouth, • Oct. 18. Melvin B. Macy of Yarmouth, Ella Hyder of Yarmouth, • 27, 1Wiliia,n B. Cobb of Yarmouth, Lottie I. Nickerson of Taunton, Nov. 29, William 31. Stone of Dennis, Annie G. Kenney of Yarmouth, Jan. 15, 17, • 18, 26, 29, • 30, •. a• •• DEAT31s IN 1888. Laura A. Matthews, _linty Thachcr, Ruth H. Chubb, Elizabeth A. Cash, Delilah Baker, Joseph Gorham, Jr., .4 as ac 64 116 43 27 20 36. 20 30 29 38 20 32 37 22 21 22 22 • .. 66 44 a• 44- .. •• •a Y. 31. D. aged 68 3 22 •° 1 1 63 6 3 1 2 44 4 35.3 7 a• • • WO Milne I III •r+, rrrrrrrrrvr;, 21 Feb. 3, Ed_mr H. Vincent, " • 23, . Mercy Wood, 23, Iluldah Baker. March 27, Gertie H. Baker; •• 22, John G. Scobie, • April 18, Jedidah Baker, . May 5, Minerva J. Phillips, " 10, David Buck, • •• 29,v Mary Ann P'Jciry, June 7. William Hurst, July 6, Cecelia M. Baker, " • 16, Florence S. Hurst, '• 31, 3iau:mda Taylor, Aug. 25, Timothy W. Cotelle, •• 27, Ruth Baker, 28, Dam C. Robinson, 29, Be rthana Nickerson, 31, Mollie Louise Tlarwoorl 9, Joseph Akin, • 10, Augustus F. Baker, 11, Carlton Linnell, 12, Anna Arey, 20, Lizzie L. Brown, • 1, Azariah Eldridge. 3, Rufus F. Nickerson, 5, Henry Covil, • • 14, Mercy H. Gorham, 20, Asa S. Crocker, 5, George Butler, 20, Leon Crocker, 24, Ellen H. Gifford, 2.5, Nancy J. Chase, s - 6, Frederick 11. Gardner, 29, Polly II. Berry, t• .a 66 Sept. 44 a• •• .• Nov. 66 Y. 31. 1►. aged 21 7 10 <a 83 5 12 :< .< .a 8. a< a4 a• a< 1 1 27 50 1 (i9 7 (; 25 6 -81 4 82 r 24; 62 33 8 1 8 71 11 1 22 7 . 11; 73 44 -1 2 34 6 10 87 8 3.3 10 26 2 14 80 9 1 11 12 • 68 8 1 18 3 as .4 59 71 82 77 11 3 16 - 7 12 56 1 5 • (;7 3 8 •• 11 • -88 5 x•15, ,..: � . .6611 _, k . 411 im R COMMI ,51 OVER)'' REPORT SETH H. HAMBLIN, Roan CoMMresmsEu. Oliver Hallett, 78 1-2 .hours, 30c., $23 55 T. T. Hallet, 400 loads of clay, 4c., 1G 00 Jeremiah Chase, 35 hours, at 30c., $10.50, 25 hours, at 20e.,.$5.00, Elam S. Mecarta, 147 3-4 hours, 20c., David Montcalm, 8 « Harry Young, • • 69 . " 15c., Fred. Marchant, 25 4. 20c., Svlv:nls Robhius, 6 20e., $1.20, 19 hours. at. 30c., Svlvanus llul,i,ins, 125 louts clay and hardening, 4c. a load, ft Arch. Phillips, 95 F. E. Sherman,. 49 Wilson E. Ryder, 134 1-2 David Whelden. 37 .lames Gorham, 34 1-4 F. D. Gage, 30 S. L. Robbins, 15 hours, 20c., « « 41 ., {[ << 64 44 « :. " 15 50 29 55 1 60 10 34 5 00 9 00 5 00 19 00 9 80 2G 90 7 40 6. 85 6 00 3 00 1 11111 Y 1 .1 .1 1 ■ LAII rui•OrM/ir ,real is IMAM I Ir IY _ 11161•1611.4.1-., 23 Isaiah Ellis, per hill, C. H. Gorham, 17 1-2 hours, 20c., Geo. Whelden, 15 •• « David Crowell, • 115 1-2 Geo. W. Chase, 15 Geo. Hallett, 2d, 39 3 loads. stone, $2.00, Amos L. Philips, 15 hours, 20c., James Lack, 50 " 30c.. James H. Smith_, 54 <• .. " Fred Smith, 34 " 20c., Allen and Henry Cobb, per bill, William Cobb, - 10 hours, 15c., • N. W. Grush, 5 << 20c., Warren Montcalm, 24 " Patrick Morgan, 135 1-4 •< i< A. H. Eldridge, per bill, E. W. Eldridge, .16 T. W. Swift, 20 Freeman Ryder, 20 30c., Heirs Benj. Hallett., 2d, 23 loads sand, 4c., Zoeth A. Sherman, 25. hours, 20e., Eunice T. Gorham, 98 loads gravel, 4c., John G. Thacher, per bill, • A. Howland, 50 hours, 30c., D. G. Eldridge, loam and sand, • Albert Taylor, per bill, Seth Taylor, 139 1-2 hours, 30c., Edward B. Covill, per bill, • Herbert Lovell, 8 hours, 20c., Allen Cash, per- bill, William P. Bray, 84 R: William Park, 82 1-2 ManchesterHallett,18 1-2 " 30c., James G. Hallett, per bill, Jonathan Usher, 149 ' horn:s. 20c., Alfred C. Brown, .6 Thacher Taylor,- 20 • <. • " « 30e., $11.70, {< .< <, « s,. .< $35 70 • 3 50 3 00 23 10 3 00 13 70 3 00... 15 00 16 00 6.80 16 40 1 50 1 00 4.80 27 05 11 88 .3 20 4 00 6 00 92 5 00 3 92 3 50 15 00 9 84 62 25 41 87 18 83 1 GO 55 70 16 80 16 5 55 22 60 29 80 1 20 5 80 • t 'GY,LitlYY66.6,4 ., - -_. Kiri ■ • 24 Philip C. Curran, 10 hours, 30e., 11i►:un Whittemore, 100 loads clay, 4e.. Stephen Eldridge, per hill, George Young, 206 .1ohn Lundberg, 19 Watson Timelier, ler bill, Charles Otis, 13 Thomas Arey, 10 3-4 Peregrine White, 100 loads loam, 5c., Thomas Matthews, 5 hours, 50c., Wilson Ryder, 306 loads gravel, 4c., Patrick Ileffernan. 105 1-2 hours, 20v., Charles Cahoon, 17 44, ii hours, 20e.. 44 44 .. 30e,, 44 i. Edward Thacker. E. A. Hallett, • John E. Ryder, J. W. IlamhGn, Benj. Gorham, Sor,nns Taylor, 20 •' 15c.- 20 lib 1-2 170 3-4 30 3 1-2 W. F. Kenney, 10 Freeman Howes. per Geo. H. Baker, 140 Osborn E. Baker, 140 William Shields, per bill, Charles M. Bmy, per l.�ill, Gideon Matthews. 40 hon Nathan Bassett, 340 1-2 .i 44 .. .. 20c., .: ..• ,. .: i. 10e., 30c., ., .. rs. 30c., .i 1. I1. Thacker, per hill, C. R. Bassett, • 66 3-4 hours, 20c., Seth H. IL:u:l)lin. 413 30c., Seth H. Hamblin, 320 loads clay, 4c., Seth H. Hamblin, plank for drain, Seth H. Hamblin, fencing,boards, ;eth II. Hamblin, horse with scraper and roller, 86 hours, 40c., Frank Chase, 10 hours, 15c., A. Young, land damages, Samuel Thaeher, labor, $3 00 4 00 53 44 41 20 3 80 2 85 3 911 3 20 5 Oi l -2 50 12 24 21 10 3 40 3 00 3 00. 13 30 34 17 6 00 35 3 00 31 48 42 00 42 00 7 00 4 83 12 00 68 13 33 93 13 35 124 00 12 80 2 00 2 20 ▪ lir 25 Joshua C. Howes, Nathan Hallett, Seth H. Hamblin, 30 hours, 30c., Joseph (`hose,, 73 1-2 'i " A. B. Chase, 45 20e.., Due S. 11. Hamblin, year 1887. Drawl). DAVID SEARS, ROAD CD:1aer!SS IONER. SOUTH SIDE. .1. E. & 13. Sears, 333855 loads loam at 10e. per 108(1, Wan. White, .i i. .. -6c• .i is " •` labor with team, 1.5 hours, at 30c., 5 hours' labor on sidewalk at 15e., 209 loads loam at 4c. per load, labor, 944 hours' labor with team at 30e., 10 hours' labor at 20c., 6/92 hours' labor with team at 30c., 20 .i it '' .i .i .. 5 hours' labor at 15c., - 6 •' " •i 20c., . Charles Harwood, 40 hours' labor with team at. 30c.. 20c., .. .i 13. Matthews, .i i. I;riah H. Sears, ii 1. .i I. P. tIatthews, Alfred White, it 441 -00 40 9 00 11 .02 9 00 $1,395 86 62 14 $1,458 00- 1350• 1)0 James Chase, \1". 'S. Rider, 1. F. Homer, Abner Wixon, 40 35 20 40 .Joseph L. Baker, 50 34 40 . Frank Campbell, 20 1 50 Geo. II. Loring, 31) 1 00 R. Lewis, 5 37 Watson Cahrxm, 27j 44 .. is .4 .. .i '4 .i 4' :i i. .. .44 .. 44 4 46 30c., 20e., 44 is " 30c. 6. .. 20e., $108 00 *85 50 19 98 4 50 75 $ 36 50 28 35 2 00 20 07 6 00 75 1 20 12 00 8 00 7 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 3 00 9 00 1 00 5 541 R. 1). Farris, Sabina Baker, David Sears, Matthews Gray, Peregrine White, Vinney Crowell, 26 10 hours' labor with team at 30c., 8 44 "20c., bill -Of labor, 20 hours' labor at 30c., material and labor, 72 hours' labor at 20e., A. F. Wixon, 361 Lot A. Sears, 10 Alonzo Chase, 40 Daniel Brown, 45 A. W. Cahoon, 20 Freeman Baker, Reuben Baker, Allen B. Baker, Heenan Crowell, {{ {{ 44 44 4, {{ {{ '' {{ {{ E: {{ 4, {{ {{ {{ 44 44 {{ 44 labor and material, 20 hours' labor at 30e., 4 {{ {{ 20e., 60 {{ {{ .. 30c., 60 {{ .{ it 44 David S. Baker, 20 {{ Wm. .F.Kenney, 25 {• {, .{ {{ 3 {i {{ " 15e. F. A. Baker, 60 hours' labor with team at 30c., Alex. G. Baker, 50 {{ Isaiah Sherman, 70 {• Hiram E. Baker, 20 {{ T. Chase, 50 {{ David D. Kelley, material, David M. Chase, 10 hours' labor at 20c., A. Hinckley, 50 " " 30c., {. .{ .. {{ {{ A. Robinson, 23 Hopkins Baker, 20 Sturgis Crowell, 30 John P. Brown, 20 James Crowell, 22 John E. Baker, 10 Robert B. Clark, 20 .fames R. Baker, 20 Win. T. Baker. 75 11. L. Baker,25 Win. White. 2d, 14 {{ {{ 4' {{ {{ {. {{ {{ .{ 15c., 20c., 30c., 20e., 30c., 20c., .{ {: .{ {. 4, 44 {{ {{ 15c., 20c., {{ '' {{ {{ {{ 20c., {{ 30c., $3 00 1 60 221 67 6 00 51 91 14 40 7 25 2 00 8 00 9 00 4 00 12 48 6 00 80 18 00 18 00 6 00 7 50 - -- 45 18 00 15 00 14 00 4 00 15 00 1 25 2 00 15 00 3 45 4 00 9 00 4 00 4 40 3 00 4 00 4 00 15 00 3 75 4 80 27 Wm. Chase, 23 hours' labor at 20e. Ernest P. Baker, 50 " " " " Thomas Collins, 50 H. M. Brooks, 19 {{ Freeman Myrick, 60 ' John D. Kelley, 13/ {{ Isaiah Homer, 663 " By sale of stone, 4' {{ 4' {{ {{ .{ {{ 30c., '4 20c., {{ 30e., CREDIT.. $4 60 .. 10 00 10 00 3 80 18 00: 2 70' .20 00 $856 40 .: 2 40. $854 00 YARmouTII, Jan. 9, 1889. The undersigned, Auditors, have exainined the accounts of David Sears, Road Commissioner of Yarmouth, for the- year 1888 and find vouchers for the sum of eight hundred and six- ty and NO- dollars ($860.35) paid by. hint for labor and ma- terial on roads. D. B. CROCKER, ) Anditorx ELKANAH CROWELL, } of DANIEL WING, ) Yarmouth. JAMES ELLIS,'ROAD COMMISSIONER. WEST YARMOUTH. Albert. Berry, labor on road, 216 Alex. Crowell, Darius Y. Cotell, R. L. Taylor, Judah Crowell, Herbert Studley, Jos. N. Bourne, Chas. E. Hallett, O. B. Buck, Daniel Humes, C. F. IIug_ins, C. M. Huggins, '4 4' {{ '4 it {{ {{ {{ L. 6, 64 hours, 15e., 18 " 20e., 36 ,4 '4 s{ 36 a as 9 10 35 4' f{ N {{ .{ 4' '' :. 4' 72 •• 30c., 33 •• 20c., 39 1-2 53 bourn, 20e., 70 '6 15c... $32 40 3 60 7 20 7 20 1 80 2 00 7 00 21 60 6 60 1 90 10 60 10 50 514 • 28 • Jose C. Desilva; labor on road, 88 hours, 15c., $13 20, 10 1-2 hours, 20c., $2 10, •. .lose Desilva, labor on -road, 88 hours, 15c., $13 20, 10.1-2 hours, 20c., $2 10, -._ Ephrium Crowell, labor on road, 67 1-2 hours, 30c., Leo. E. Taylor, .. " 71 • " 20c., Joshua S. Baker, " 144 .. 15c., • $21 60, 32 hours, 20c., $6 40, .1. E. Baker, labor on road, 44 hours, 20c., Fred. D. Baker, labor on road, 72 hours, 15e., $10 80, 8 hours, 20c., $1 60, A. L. Baker, labor on road, 52 hours, 20c., . J. F. Nickerson, labor on road, 72 hours, 15c.; 10 hours, 20c., labor (At road, 4 hours, 15c., 81 " 20c.. Frank E. Hammond, Zenas Baxter, George S. Taylor, .T. E. Crowell, Edward Lewis, -Ebenezer Baker, Joyce Taylor, R. C. Blackford, S. II. D. brew, P. H. Baker, D. S. Marchant, Geo. K. Crocker, Elnathan Baker, I. F. Baker, Willie Cotel1, Luther Buck, $16.20, 4 hours, 15e., 60c., Theodore Drew, labor on road, Nelson Baxter, Walter Baxter, John Baxter, James E. Baxter, Willie AI:uchant., James Ellis, Tabor on road 29 _ Philip Humes, labor on road with team, 78 hrs., 20c., $15. 60 J. K. & 11. Scars, per hill, •$15 30B. F. Crocker, por bill, Rebecca Chase, 494 loads of loam, 4c., Mary 11. Ellis, 290 loads of loam. 4c., Hallett & Ellis, 575 loads of loam, 4c., 4' 4. . {. 44 144 15c., .. .' 79 .. 30c., {: .. 154. 20c., << .4 .. 30c., 44 4 35 '' '15c., 4. 80 30c., 36 20c., 36 .. 20c., 72 30c., 61 " 30c., .f '' {. '' 4' 66 .. • 36 " 20c., 35 " 20c., 40 " 20c., 81 " 20c., • 15 30 20 25 1420 28 00 Town of Yarmouth, Dr., James Ellis, 8 80 Received Payment, JAMES ELLIS. 12 82 6 00 19 76 11 60 23 00 $705 78 $705 78 . _, 12 40 10 40 23 60 60 16 20 7 20 21 60 1830 21 60 21 60 3 00 1 20 5 25 24 00 7 .20 . 7 20 7 00 8" 00 16 80 24 hours, 25c., . 6 00 72 " . 15c., 10 80 76 15c., 11 40 '78 " 15c., 11 70 78 15c, 11 70 78 " • 20c., 15 60 with team, 428 hours, 20e.,-96 40 YARMOUTH, MASS., .Juu'y 10, 1889. This will certify that .we have examined the accounts of .Tames Ellis, Road Commissioner, for the year 1888, and he has produced proper vouchers for a total amount of seven hundred and five and 4 -aa dollars paid by him to .sundry per- sons on account of roads and bridges. DANIEL SWING, Auditors ELKANAII CROWELL, of D. B. CROCIKER, Yrrmoath • i• 1 4 4 •.i FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOB THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1889, YARDIOUTHPORT, MASS.: C. F. SWIFT a SON, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS 1890. • fireeAkA ()f hor. fh e •` S • t. ALMSHOUSR • Sylvanns Robbins, supplies, • • L. Fuller & Co., grain, Crocker & Eldridge, supplies, Albert Taylor, cutting and carting wood, . John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, Register, • T. T. Hallet, supplies, John Lnndburg, repairing shoes, Fred. Gardner, burial expenses, Stephen Eldridge, carting, Two cows, Henry Cobb, service of beast, H. G. Harding, hat, Freeman Ryder, supplies, James T. Chase, labor, Matthews & Payne, fuel, D. B. Crocker & Co, supplies, N. T. Hallet; supplies, Chas. R Bassett, supplies,' Isaac 11. Thacher, supplies, Fish, L. K. Chase, shoes, Freight and carting, Supt. salary, ' Edmond Walker, fuel, Medical attendance, - Carting and repairing clock, Zenas H._Snow, supplies, Labor, Kelley Bros. painting, 823 52 134 54 18 00 25 50 .6 75 200 30 20 1 05 16 50 400 8600 2 00 2 62 5 57 3 85 62 71 33 74 31 74 93 71 88 84 1 76 19 20 1 00 240 00 7 00 19 50 200 13 91 10 14 17 95 • Chas. E. Ellis, supplies, A. C. Megathlin, supplies, t x Knowles & Co., supplies, • Sally Taylor, ` _ Israel W. Munroe & Co.supplies, Jas. Lack, supplies, Nathan W. Gnash, supplies, Andrew H. Eldridge, supplies, K. M. Taylor, paints, David D. Kelley, supplies, Joel B. Hall, supplies, Chas. M. Bray, supplies, R. D. Ftrris, supplies, E. D. Payne, supplies, :, By cow sold, By hay sold, By net cost in almshouse, CR. 625 50 76 55 5 10 50 113 15 2 00 1 50 2 76 - 13 13 14 36 8 32 10 32 50 26 31 $8 00 25 94 1271 36--$1305 30 , SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. James T. Chase, supplies by T. T. Hallet, 27 35 02 2 Allen Cash, medical attendance, C. W. Whitaker, 15 23 Allen Cash, medicine, by T. T. Hallet, 05 Elnathan Eldridge, medical attendance, C. W. Whita1 ker, 27 80 Morris Gray, supplies, by S. Wing, 2 750 " " fuel, by F. Gage, 3 00 " " supplies, by 1. H. Thacher, 3 00— 9 ?5 a " board, by S. Letteney, J. Matthews, house rent, by Chas. Ellis, 2 yrs., 52 06. John Matthews, supplies, by E. C. Matthews, 55 00— 107 06 Geo..Whelden, medical attendance, by T. B. Palsies, 25 00 Amos L. Philips, burial . expenses of wife, by K. M. $18 00 Taylor, -- 3234 91 r. +nu —.l• 5 SOUTH BIDE. _ Augustus Baker, burial expenses, by M. H. Crowell, Mary Butler, supplies, by Z. P. Howes, $20 17 if a " Loring & Wing, . a . a a D. D. Kelley, a a a I. Homer, - • •" shoes, by E. T. Baker, supplies, by R. D. Farris, - fuel, by H. V. Baker, Wm. T. Baker, supplies, by Obed Baker, Wm. T. Baker. shoes, by E. T. Baker, Charity Baker, supplies, by Loring & Wing, 18 52 a a H. D. Loring & Co, 3 33 a " " L. Fuller & Co., . 1 00 " a nursing, by Mary Butler, 1 00— s23 85 John N. Baker, supplies, by Loring & Wing, 19 31 Z. P. Howes, 12 70 R. D. Farris, , 10 00— Isaac T. Ellis, supplies, by Obed Baker, Harry Robinson, board, by N. Goodwin, M. C. Gray, med. attendance, by T. B. Pulsifer, 24 25 " " supplies, by 11 J. Baker, 6 05— Alper Wixon, medical attendance, by C. H. Call, Sarah Robinson, board, Bridget Cole, medical attendance, by C. H. Cal, James Robinson's child, by E. Baxter, - a a St $10 J0 1210 -. 2 -20 13.20 4 25 6 85 -- _. 300_6177 12 55 3 00- 15.55- ,s a • If Si TWEET BIDE. - Mrs. Prentis Lewis, supplies, by L Crowell, " " house rent, H. B. Chase, Betsey Crowell, sickness and burial, Mrs. David Buck, supplies, by J. E. Crowell, Susan Hallet, supplies, by L Crowell, , 14 93 " " " • J. E. Crowell, - 13 25 fuel, H. B. Chase, 13 50 " a a E. Baker, 6 00 - " a " J. Ellis, - 3 00-- 872 00 20 00— $92 00 72 99 101 95 42`01 8 00 31 25 30 30 3 00 200 15 00 44 14 $287 37 50 68 John Orlando, supplies, by J. E. Crowell, •« fuel, by H.B. Chase, • Mex. Crowell, nursing, by Judah Crowell, George H. Baxter, board in jail, Susan Bearse, board, by A. Marchant, Mrs. Ira Bearse, fuel, by Lot Hallet, d North Side, N °� r South Side, '�� O\/ West Side, . Alvah Robinson, expenses to Vaine,' James Fitzgerald, expenses_to Nov York, PAID_ OTHER , CITIES AND Barnstable, Anna Webber, Barnstable, Susan Baker, Boston, Annie Lewis, ; • RECAPITULATION Robinson .& Fitzgerald, - Amount raised for support of Poor, • Cost in Almshouse, Cost out of Almshouse,. • Paid other Cities and Towns Expended in excess of snm raised, DUE FROM OTHER CITIES Berkeley, Geo. F. Cash, • Brewster, Sylvester Maker, . Chatham, Mrs. N. C. Chapman, Falmouth, Mrs. E. B. Studley, Dennis, Joshua Chase, - Dennis, Samuel,Baker, Harwich, William Cahoon, Harwich, Hannah Rogers, • *20 25 13 00— *33 25 — 120 00 9' 00 37.88 7 00 *524.75 *234. 91 • 287 37- • 524 75---$1047 03 • 42 00 • 25 00 TOWNS. *70 69 31 52— *102.21 11 .50 *67 00 *113 71 *2000 00 1271 36 1047 03 113 71-$2499 10, 499 10 AND TOWNS. • *77 07 30 80 98 18 51 02 26 35 1200 47'85 3"03 -$345 50 7 - INCIDENTALS. Sears & Crowell, repairs on Weir bridge, H. P. Harriman, legal services,._ Canal Hearing, Boston, Carting water to Town -House; Election book, Thorp & Adams M'f'g. Co, stationery, Land rent for hearse house, 1886-87-88, Road Commissioners books, .. Index to Public Statutes, J. W. Hamblin, removing Pound: ~- A. C. Snow, -making frame for voting lists, John H. Stetson, warning jurors, A. F. Sherman, Abstract of conveyances and new book, Expenses to Boston, A. C. Snow, making frame, Wm. J. Davisrenrolling stockholders, Expenses to Berkeley, G. I. Ward, attending funeral, David Sears, care of hearse, Mileage ticket, Taking Edward Crossfield -to Tewksbury, - Examining Corporation and Bank returns, K. M. Taylor, varnishing hearse, Carting, freight, express and telegram,. Justice fees, Sweeping town house; Dog notice, Recording births, marriages and deaths, Repairs on pump, South Side, Repairs -on pomp, North Side; Postage and stationery, . \ - Wm. D. Loring, care of hearse, Freeman Byder, LABOR ON FARM. • _ 19 00 17 8.5 3 50 1 00 15 75 .3 .00 7 75_ 2 00 1 25 -618 .300 "18 75 15 00 2.00 1 00 11.64 2 00 6 00 20 00 -- 7 62 12.00 10 50 3. 16 75 .. 50 - 50 28 60 7'65 8 75• 6 92 6 25 *277 87 . $44 35 David Sears, Gilbert Lewis, John E. Ryder, Benj. Lovell,' , • Mercy C. Crowell,. Mrs. Wm. Haffards, Mrs. Nancy J. Humphrey, Mrs. Elizabeth Hurst, Benj. Lovell,. < - • '8 CLEARINQ- KNOW.^'f" MILITARY. AID. „,. • STATE .AID. • PUTTING OUT FIRES. Joseph F. Nickerson, • MUSKRATS. Paid for 261 muskrats at 25 cents, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses, Incidentals, Labor on farm, Clearing snow, State and military aid, Putting out fires, Muskrats, Unexpended balance, 810 50 9 - REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised for repairs, Repairs on almshouse, • _ School house, North Side, School house, South Side, 8S6 00 School house, West Side, 72 00 _ Hearse house, 42 00 - , ' Town house, Unexpended balance, 8200 00 $44 00 40 00 4000 20 00 6 00 8150 00 8160 865 25 8800 00 277 87, • 44 35 10 50 350 00 _ 1 60 65 25 50 43-- 8800 00 8500 00' 13 00 121 40 146 30 158.55 11 24 43 80. 5.71— 8500 00, • ROADS .AND BRIDGES._ Amount raised by town, ' $3200 00 Seth 11. Hamblin, 1500 00' David Sears, 1012 30 James Ellis, • • ' 700 00 Tending draw, . - ` 41 25. Repairs on bridges, 182 13— 8223 38—$3435 68 Expended in excess of amount raiead, . 235.68 Teachers' salaries, Janitor, - Fuel, • Cleaning house, Labor, Table, Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Supplies, Stove pipe, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE.' SOUTH 8IDE. 81098 00 125 00 68 19 15 25 20 02 4 75 81331 21 8957 50 65 40' 70 05- 23 85 24 52 81141 32 • 3 • 1 1 I TOWN OFFICERS. ,` • i7----- ` $35 OQ Stephen Sears, school committee, " " selectman, assessor and overseer of poor, .. 41 65 C. F. Swift, moderator, --- 5 00 T. W. Swift, teller, 00 3 3 5 00 $ r Wm. J. Davis, school committee, I t? Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house,: Supplies, 1'0 WEST TARMOIITH.' • RECAPITULATION..; Amount raised for support of schools,;', 33700 00 81331:'21• _ • 1141 32 '.-. 846 07 , 381 40.-83700 00 *765 03. 26 00 41 00 8 07 *846.07 North Side, South Side, .. West Side, Unexpended balance, SCHOOL BOOKS. Amount .raised by town, - John Simpkins, Stephen Sears, -Ales. B. Chase, Unexpended balance, 8300 00 $7.1;78 ' • • 111 09 ' =t 102 26 ' 14 87—• $300 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Amount raised by town, Charles F. Swift & Son, George Otis, Fred. Hallett, Expended in excess of appropriation, • 8100 00 834 50.,.; _ 76 50 • 19 30— 130 30 • 30 30 11. Alex. B. Chase, school committee,_- ' Town auditors, Manchester Haslet, fire ward; C. M. Bray, truant officer. . - Stephen Sears, enumerating scholars, L B. Gage, collecting taxes, John Stetson, constable, . -Wm. P. Davis, treasurer, - Wm. P. Davis, registrar of voters, --•-- Seth Taylor, constable,: , • - David D. Kelley, inspector, . Stephen Wing, sealer of weights and measures, E. S. Ellis, inspector, • Fred. A. Baker, registrar of voters,. Allen H. Knowles, registrar of voters, Theodore F. Drew, " " Isaac B. Gage, Selectmen, Assessors, . . . •Overseers of the,poor, Horse hire, - ; = • Amount raised by the town, Expended in excess of appropriation; TAXES REMITTED. Taxes remitted, • CEMETERIES. - Amount raised by town, Repairs on cemetery, North Side, - Repairs on cemetery, tionth Side, Expended in excess of appropriation, 35 00 - ..56 00 4 50 8.00 3 00 262 58 28 00 75.00 44 00 20 00 5 00 1.000 5 00 28.00 16.50'. 21 00 50 221 25 -180 00. 115 00 122 00 *1386 98 41300 00 - 86 98-1386 98 $255 37 4100 00 • 10000 • 1 75 —$101 75 1 75 CELEBRATION. , Paid T. T. Hallet, Treasurer, Amount raised by town, $1000 00 • $1000 00-$100000 i 1 1 1- 1 12: NEW .ROADS. By Chas. Harwood's, , • K Mary Crowell's, • - •" Wm.:Olivers; Lower Village, Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, 8100'00. ::._ 275 "30 155 85 200 06.: • 81075 00' • 343 $5— 1075 0.0" SEARS FUND. Paid Trustees, interest, TAXES PAID. • Paid County tax, . " State " Bank _ " _ .. ABSTRACT - OF Town Grant, Almshouse, ' Poor out of Almshouse, Poor in other cities and towns, Incidentals, Farm, Clearing snow, Military aid, one half,` Muskrats, Repairs on public buildings, I Roads and bridges, Schools, School books, Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes remitted, Cemeteries, Celebration, 8933 33 8991 75' 1480 00 2328 19-84799 94 ACCOUNTA. $14975 00 1271 36 1114 03 -. 113 71.. . 277 $7 4435 . -10 50 . 100 00 '• 160' 65 25'' " 494 29 3435 68 -3318 60 . 285 13 130 30' 1386 98 - 255 37 .101 75 1000 00 13 New Roads, Interest on Sears fund, Expended in excess of Town Grant, Support of poor, Miscellaneous, ' Public buildings, Roads and bridges, Schools, School books, Printing and advertising, , Town officers, 'Military aid, one half, New Roads, Cemeteries, . Sears fund, , • Taxes remitted, Excess in expenditure, 8731 15 - 933 33-815071 25 96 25-. •: • Dr. •Cr. . $499.10 200 43 71 235 68 381 40 14 -87 _30 -30 - '86 98 100 00 343 85 1 75 .33 .33 255 37-81142 51 96 25. 81142 51 81142 51 TOWN TREASURER .• DR. Balance January 1, 1889, Received from dog fund, " town of Middleboro, K 'a K .K K C{ .K K K K .0 CC u Harwich, Falmouth, " Brewster, " Dennis, a Chatham, school fund, corporation tax, 1888, 1. B. Gage, collector,1888, fisheries, Commonwealth,' auctioneers' licenses, I. B. Gage, collector, 1889, • 83582 62 197 03 • 27,25 49 69 52.83 .53 54 ,59 54 32 43 159 78 114 72 9505.64 :600 00 42 70 8.•00 5000 00 s• .ry Received from cow sold, " B. L. Baker, - « « T. T. Hallet, a hay sold, G « Alonzo Chase, « « corporation tax, -. • « 14 « bank tax, « ' u. State aid, « tax on foreign ships, Orders outstanding January 1, 1890, TOWN TREASURER. - CR. Support of poor'in almshonse,----- --- ; « out of almshouse, « «- in othar cities and towns, « of other cities and towns, Incidentals, _ > -- - Labor on farm, Clearing snow, State and military aid, Fires, • • Muskrats, Repairs on public buildings, Bonds and bridges, Schools, -School books, Printing and advertising, Toni officers, ' 'Taxes remitted, 'Cemeteries, -Celebration, New roads, -Interest on Sears fund, ' - Orders ontstanding January 1,1889, -County tax, .�� 88 00 .. 21 28 5 50 25 94 .10 00 2080 88 1300 01 132 00 160 85. 473 99 -.$23,704 22 81305 30 1129 53 113 71 345 50 277 87 • 44 35 10 50 350 00 1 60 - 65 25 494 29 3435 68 3318 60 285 13 130 30 1386 98 255 37 101 75 1000 00, 731 15 933 33 469 85 991. 75 ti • • • 1 State fax, Bank tax, Balance January 1, 1890, 15. TOWN. Dr. Sears fund, L -B. Gage, collecting, tax on *5000,. Orders outstanding, .. Estimated bilis outstanding, - TOWN.., - Cr.'. Balance in treasury, « due from L B. Gage, " a « state and military aid, ' «• « , . « cities and towns, Town owes to balance, - - 1480 00 2328 19 2718 24 823,704 22 816160 00 • 75 00 ' 473 99 - 150 00-16858 99 - _82718 24 12062 10 250 00, - - '345.50 1483 15416858 99 VALUATION OF TOWN, MAY 1, 1889. Real estate, buildings, « land, Personal estate, « K bank stock, Total valuation, Number of dwelling houses, « horses, « cows, « sheep, « acres of land, persons paying poll tax only, a as *452,400 255,720--$708;120 734,674 164,304—$898,978 81607,098 _ 575 250 161 60 11567 151 - 927 THACHER T. HALLET, Selectmen STEPHEN WING, of EDWARD LEWIS, Yarmouth. a ; • a: • °F I • ,• • VITAL STATISTICS. BIRTHS IN YARMOUTH IN 1889. Jan'y 15, Winfield, son of Dir. and Mrs. Fred. A. Cash. - March 18, Edna, daughter of Mr. ane Mrs. Joseph L. Baker. 28, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Winchester Johnson. • 31, Lillie May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred'kEldrid e. April 27, :va Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gray. June 9, a sop of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Matthews. July 3, Maida, daughter of Mr. and gra. Frank Phinney. 5, aeon of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B. Cahoon. Aug'st 10, Louis Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schmidt. • 17; Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young, Jr. Octo'r 16, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Clement H. Baker. - 22, Irma L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben B. Farris. 27, Ethel Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William, H. Herat. • MARRIAGES IN 1889. Jan'y 30, Osborn E. Baker, Yarmouth, aged 40 years, to • .Addie E. Chase, " 12 "' April 28, Seth Baker, 3d, Dennis, " .72 ,w Patience Brown, Yarmouth, " Pa-, w gay 27, John Silver, Harwich, " 23 wr Almira A. Phillips, Yarmanth, f' 22 4 July 4, George S. Taylor, Yarmonth, ff 25 u Carrie L. Cotelle, " .« 2p « • Aug'st 15, William M. Whelden, Dennis, '' 34 u Iszora A. Garfield, " 27 ' 25, Willie'H. Cahoon, Harwich, " 20 u Martha M. Taylor, Yarmouth, 18 • R .?VA'•_�'.�k.Th:M_t.i:"2w-a wt;rt-3�'{/W.W.a4cf1 5 18 Sept. 12, Thomas T. Taylor, Yarmouth, Cordelia Lewis, " Octo'r 12, -Joseph K. Chase, " < Ida A. Achorn, '" 28, Elnathan Eldridge, a - Julia Emelina Baker, a Nov'm'r 3, Antoine Silver, Barnstable, Octavia Kelley, Yarmouth, 6, Herman E. Poole, Gloucester, - Louise M. Ryder, Yarmouth, 14, Atherton 13. Baxter, Boston, Sophia•C. Freeman, Yarmouth, 21, Charles R. Bassett, " Mereie T. Nickerson, ' a Dec'm'r 1, Thos. E. Kelley, Estella H. Baker, 20, -Louis White, Dora White, Brewster, • DEATHS pr 1889. Jan'y 2, , 11, 28, Febr'y 7, March 17, 28, 28, April 7, 21, May 2, 9, a K Widow Nancy White, George W. Chase, Ahira Wixon, Widow Eunice Taylor, Francis Hatch, aged 47 years, to 38 47 23 CC " K 43 K • 40 " 55 " " b1_ a • 21 K . K 20 " " 50 a 49 a " 24 • a 21 23 a. 28 a 32 " 30 K aged T. X. D: 86 5 18 64 5 " 75 8 28- "- 79 4 22 74 5 14 3 10 Anna Estella Whelden, " Son of Mr. & Mrs. Winchester Johnson, " Julia F. Chase, Widow Rebecca Eldridge, Benj. Hallet, Wm. Chase, - a .10, Alexander B. Chase, 12, Mrs. Mary Farris, 21, Widow Lucretia E. Lewis, 23, Lillie May Eldridge, June 2, Abram Baker, 13, 'Widow Mary DeWitt, Aug'st 3, Mrs. Martha C. White„ " " 1 2 4' 24 79, 8. 17 78 8 79 10 22 44 4 12 84 9 11 80 4 .28 .1 23 .85 11 25 " 82 3 70 8 it 19 Aug. 7, Widow Betsy H. Romer, Sept'r 8, Widow Lydia W. Baker, 11, bliss Carrie D. White, 17, Charles Young, . 25, Widow Phebe Sears, Octo'r 13, Samuel Crowell, Jr, 16, Mrs. Mary Ryder, • 25, Miss Gertrude Alger, Nov'r 17, Mrs. Abbie E. Cahoon, Dec'r 8, Mrs. Bethiah B. Baker, 10, Nathan Baker, 'a 14, Henry Brooks, aged 69 3 16 ".77. 7 9 ".35 -2 21 K. 1 " 85 . '9 14 52 8. 8 a 74 5 10: .. ` :a 21 5 6 " 26 .. 6 8 -.K 72 17 "' 78 ` 2 8 79 2 g • ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. S$TH H. i3AMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT, WITH TOWN 0k YARMOUTH.— LABOR ON ROADS, 1889. • " Morris Gray, 20 hours, at 20c, Frank E. Lewis, 84 hours, 20c.; Chas. Cash and horse, 10 hours, 15c, Bethiah G. Whelden, 30 loads clay, 4c., Joshua A. Chase, 20. hours, 20c.,' Jas. P. Cash, 664 hours, 20c, ' A. L. Phillips, 20 hours, 20c., _ , J. W. Hamblin, 49 hours, 20c., J. W. Hamblin, 16 hours, 20c., *3.20, 494, 30c., *14.85, Jas. Smith, 40 hours, 15c., Chas. A. Chase, 10 hours, 20c., Enoch F. Ryder, 604 hours, 20c., Jerry Robinson, 20 " " Oliver Hallet, 35 hours, 15c., *5.25, 76 loads clay, 5c., *3.80, 9 05 Allen Cobb, 30 hours, 15c., *4.50, 30 hours with team, *4.50, 240 loads clay, 5c., *12.00, Albert F. Cobb, 20 hours, 15c., David Whelden, 40 " 20c., A. B. Chase, 20 hours, 20c., 84.00, 20 hours, 30c., 86.00, J. Usher, p64 hours,.20c., *19.30, 38 hours with team, 30c., *11.40, Nathan B. Burgess, 165 loads clay, 5c., Edward B. Covill, 56 hours, 30c., George H. Baker, 90 " " Osborne E. Baker, 90 " " *4 00 1 70 = 1 50 1 20 4 00 13 30 4 00 9 80 18 05 6 00 2 00 12 10 4 09 21 00 '3 00 • 8 00- 10 00 30 70 8 25 16 80 27 00 27 00 lir, .1 urg,......111M111111MMIUMMINgiir, 21 Johb Matthews, 30 houra;156, Philip Kerne, 264 " 30c., Olds. W. Hallet, 35 " 15e; Fiahk C. Baker, 61 -" 20c., George Rubbibs, " " G Jeremiah Chase, ;20 " 30c., F: D. Gage, 20 " 20c., E. H. Robinson, 61 " 20c., *12.20, 189 loads of 20c.; clay, 5c., *9.45, Jolin E. Ryder, 51 hours, 3bseph W. Howes, 58 " Arehelus Phillips, 61 Albert Taylor, 78 E. F. Ryder, 50 Allen Cash, 10 Edward Smith, 45 E. S. Waitt, 49 William P. Bray, 1054 Gideon Matthews, 42 C. R. Bassett, _ 974 S. TAldridge, 64 3. Usher, 30 'D. 13. Robbins; 250 loads clay, 4c, Alfred Howland, 10 hours, 30c:; Patiick Morgan, 192 " 20e4 Datid Crowell, ___50—" " N. Hallet, 267 loads day, 4c.,' - R. W. Park, 874 hours, 20c; Henry Baker,. 10 __ " _ _ Edm. Walker, 10 " 30c, Pat'k Heffernan, 50 " 20c, Melinda Taylor, 150 loads clay, 4c, George flatlet, 2d, 41 hours, 306, Chas. H. Gorham, 24 I. 11. Thacher, 444 Allen Cash, 10 Nathan .Bassett, 181 Freeman Ryder, 34 K CC K K *4 50 7 95 5 25 12 20 12 20 6 00 4 00 21 65 10 20 11 60 12' 20 $15.60,364,30c.; *10.95, 26 55 10 00 6'20 9 00 14 70 21 10 12 6 29 25 19 20 30, 300., *9.00, 15 00 10 '00 300 38 40 10 00 10 68 17 50 2 00 3 00 10 00 6 00 12 30 50 8 90 2 00 36 20 *6.80, 34, 15c, *5.00, 11 90 " *2.00, '14; 30c., *4.20, K 30c, 20c, " 30c.; a " K a " - u $6:00, " 206, a u horse, it a a is cc ..o.rsoill lot ' wool IN 22.. I. H. Thacher, 551 hours, 20c., horse, Elam S. Mecarta, 111 " 30c., Phebe Matthews, 200 loads clay, 4c., Geo. Robbins, 10 hours, 15c., J. W. Hamblin, 44 hours, 20c., .90, 48 at 30c., 814.40, 40 loads clay, 5c., 12, Chas, W. Hallet, 10 hours, 30c., Alfred Baker, 5 hours, 20c., David Howes, stone work on bridge, George E. Whelden, 30 hours, 20e., Geo. F. Chase, 41 " " Geo. Ryder, 224 " 30c., Willard W. Robbins, •5 "" 15c., . Patrick Heffernan, 10 " 20c., F. E. Sherman, 314 " Morris Gray, 6 " a - David Whelden, '- - 11 " " A. C. Brown, 11 " ". A. F. Cobb, 11 " 300., E. B. Covill, 18 "-. F. D. Gage, 11 " Jas. Smith, 11 " Albert Taylor, 16 " Wm. Robbins, 81 F. A.. Sherman, 20 Jos. Sherman, 20 Chas. A. Chase, 10 Frank Arey, 20 " " Alfred Baker, 10 a " Morris Gray, 12 " Geo. 13. Bray, 30 a Ernest Bray, 20 " F. E. Sherman, 201 a Jos. W. Smith, 14 " Wm. Robbins, 3 " 15c., Heirs Joshua Eldridge, 100 loads clay, 5c., Chas. L. Nickerson, 221 hours, 15c., Chas. W. Ellis, 121 " 20c., 20c., 300., 20c., 13.20, 8, 30c., 12.40, " 15c., 20c., a a "a a a . a .. 811 15 33 30 8 00 1 50 17 30 _3 00 1 00 6 50 6 00 90 h 75 75 2 00 6 30 1 20 2 20 2 20 3 30 540 2 20 •-3 30 5 60 1 28 4 00 400 200 400 200_ 2 40' 6 00 4 00 4 10 2 80 45 500 3 38 2 50 , ON Nathan Bassett, - Jos. W. Smith, Willard Robbins, Jas. A. Ellis, Albert Taylor, James Lack, 124 S. B. Baker, 57 loads clay, 6c., J. W. Ellis, 9 hours, 20c., *1.80, 29 at 30c., 88.70, Chas. E. Chase, 10 hours, 20c.,' ' - Edmond 11. Robinson, 9 loads clay,' 5c., Patrick Morgan, 48 hours, 20c., Melinda Taylor, 48 loads clay, 5c., Seth Taylor, 964 hours, 30c., Osborne E. Chase, 15 -" 20c., Osborne E. Baker, G.11. Baker, S. T. Eldridge, Oliver Hallet, 150:, Wm. Shields, 874 " 20c., J. W. Hamblin, 304, ." " Chas. H. Gorham, 351. "" " 1 1 MAIN 1111 Irrftlit 1111 IBiai'h'h2411 '!Yrir..n, ,. 23 110 hours, 20c, -9 a. sc - 4 " " 15c., 30 " 30c, 1 20 " ". ft . 822 00 1 80 60 9 00 4 00= " 12.50, 124, 30c., 83.75, 6 25-. 3 42 10 50 2 00 - 45 960 - 240 28 85 3 00 50 " 30c., 15 00 50 " " 15 00 774 as " . 23 25 10 " Warren Montcalm, 21 Jas. A. Ellis, 204 " 30c., - Chas. W. Ellis, . 364 " 15c., Frank 11. Arey, . . 16 a 20c., Chas. L. Nickerson, • 45 Jas. A. Ellis, 94 " 30c., Amos E. Arey, - 14 . " 20c., - Ezra T. Chase, 184 J. A. -Ellis, , 8 Chas. Ellis, 114. 376 loads clay, 118.80, C. R. Howes, 156 loads clay, 4c., Wilson E. Ryder, 221 hours, 20c., Seth Taylor, 534 " 30c., Geo. Ryder; 8 " 15c., *1.20, 49, 30c., 814.70, a tg 15c., 81.20, 84, 20c., 1.70, 20c., 82.30, 72,30c., 821.60, • Chas. Cash, 3 " " S. B. Baker, 20 loads clay, 6c., 1 _50 17 45 6 10 7 10 4 20 6 15 5 48 3 20 900 2 90 2 80 3 70- 2 90 42 70 6 24 4 50. 15 97 15 90 45 120 4 4 rt 1 • i • • 24 Oliver Hallett, 224 hours, 30c., Geo, Young, 104 hours, 200., S. L. Robbins, 5 hours, 20c., S. T. Eldridge, 281 hours, 30c, Seth H. Hamblin,811 hours, 20c., 286 hours, 30c., 386 loads clay, 5c., 92 hours, roller and scraper, 20c., Balance due, 18881 Drawn, _ 1675 210 •00 8 55 - 62 20 85 80 19 30 ' 18 40 06 81507 0.1 1500 00 YARMOUTH, Mass., Jan. 22,1890. We, the undersigned, auditors of Yarmouth, do._ hereby .cer- tify that we have examined the a,cconnts of Seth IL Hamblin, road commissioner of Yarmouth for the year 1889, and find vouchers for the snm of .81399 03 Due him from year 1888, • 108 00 $1507 03 We find he has drawn by order of selectmen, the town treasury, Leaving balance due him, $.7 04 ELIKANAll CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, Auditors. CEAs. TEACHER, 2D, SOUTH SIDE. --DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. MONET EXPENDED ON OLD 'ROADS YOE. TUE TEAM 1889. $6 00 86 52 24 10 26 10 • 1 35 15 30 18 30 2 75 against 1500 00 _ • . Warren C. Brown, to 20 hours labor with team, at 30c., J. E. & B. Sears, to 1236 loads loam at 7c. per load, J. K. & B. Sears, to 241 loads loam, at 10e., Stephen Sears, to 87 hours labor with team, at 30c., Uriah IL Sears, to 44,hours labor with team, at 300., Sturges Crowell, to 51 hours labor with team, at 30c., John H. Stetson, to 61 hours labor with team, at 30c., Manton H. Crowell, repairs ou scraper, • &Al • • • •• • 25 Alec Robbins, to 61 hours, at 20c., • *1210 .A. F. Wixon, to 40 hours, at 20c., 8 00 Matthews C. Grey, to 35 hours labor with team, at 30c, 10 50 Ambrose Robinson, to 10 hours, at 20c., \ 2 00 L P. Matthews, to 10 hours labor with tem, at 30o., 2 00 L B. Matthews, to 51 hours labor with team, at 30c., 15 30 David S. Baker, to 10 hours labor with team, at 30c., 3 00 Reuben Baker, to 41 hours labor with team, at 30c, 12 30 Elmer Ellis, to 50 hours, at 20c., • 10 00 • Isaac Ellis, to 41 hours labor with team, at 30c., • 12 30 Luther L Brown, to 5 hours, at 20c., • : 1 00 Isaiah Sherman, to 61 hours, at 20c., ' 12 20 Joseph W. Fuller, to 35 hours labor with team, at 30c., 10 50 team, at 30c., 6 00 ' 8 20 200 10 00 1 00 .200 1 60 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 15 00 9 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 ' 3 00 1500 2 00 12 00 200 170 53 1 90 2 00 4 00 4-00 John E. Baker, to 20 hours labor with Wm. IL Baker, to 41 hours, at 20c., Obed Baker, to 10 hours, at 20c., Wm. J. Baker, to 50 hours, at 20c., -Clifton R Baker, to 5 hours, at 20c., Ahira Baker, to 10 hours, at 200., Nelson Baker, to 8 hours, at 20es, Sylvanus Baker, to 10 hours, at 20c., Austin Whittemore, to 20 hours, at 20c., Elmer F. Whittemore, to 20 hours, at 20c., Paid for taxes to L B. Gage, Heman Crowell. to 50 hours labor with team, at 300., H. C. Chase, to 30 hours labor with team, at'30c., •-• Osborn H. Chase, to 30 hours, at 20c., Abner Wixon, to 30 hours, at 20c., Joseph A. Cahoon, to 15 hours, at 20c, E. Frank Terry, to 20 hours, at 15c., Daniel Wing, to 50 hours labor with team, at 30c, Stephen Sears, to 10 hours, at 20c., - Charles H. Harwood, to 40 hours with team, at 300., Robert B. Clark, to 10 hours, at 20c., David Sears, to labor, Allen Farris, to 94 hours, at 20c., James IL Baker, to 10 hours, at 20c., A. W. Cahoon, to 20 hours, at 20c., Watson F. Cahoon, to 20 hours, at 20c., 26 Isaiah Homer, to 844 hours with team, at 30c., . Freeman Myrick, to 40 hours with team, at 30c., William White, 2d, to 254 hours, at 20c., Ernest P. Baker, to 444 hours, at 20c., :- Samuel Crowell, to 10 hours, at 20c., • - James Chase, to 40 hours, at 20c, . David M. Chase, to 30 hours with team, at 30c, William F. Kenney, to 10 hours with team, at 30c., Allen B. Baker, to 20 hours with team, at 30c., Peregrine White, labor and material, Hopkins Baker, to 41 hours, at 20c., Henry F. Crowell, to "12 hours, at 20c., • Barnabas Sears, to 61 h3nrs, with team, at 30c, Orlando F. Wood, to 30 hours, at 20c., Elmer T. Whittemore, to 10 hours, at 20c., Freeman Wixon to 10 hours, at 20c., R. Lewis, to 104I hours, at 20c.; . David M. Farris, to 24 hours, at 20c., Vinnev Crowell, to 38 hours, at 20c., _ Ernest P. Baker, to 144 hours, at 20c., William White, to 145 loads clay,, at 8c. per load, Frank W. Homer, to 10 hours, at 20c., Henry N. Brooks, to 56 hours, at 20c., E. S. Baker, to 14 hours, at 20c., Clifton R. Baker, to 14 hours, at 20c, Hatsel Crosby, to 14 hours, at 20c., Stephen Sears, to 64 hours with team, at 30c., William Chase, to 324 hours, at 15c., Uriah H. Sears, to 224 hours, at 20o., Joseph Fuller, to 5 hours with team, at 30c., Freeman Myrick, to labor, Stephen Sears, to 10 hours, at 20c., • J. K. & B. Sears, for piping, Thomas Collins, to labor, Frederick Baker, to 55 hours with team, at 30c., O. F. Wood, to 10 hours, at 20c., Henry E. Crowell, to 5 hours, at 20c, 225 35 12 00 5 10 8 90 2 00 8 00 900 3 00 600 63 37 10 20 240 18 30 6 00 2 00 2'00 20 95 50 7 60 2 90 8 70 2 00 11 20 2 80 2 80 25 200 4 88 4 50 1 50 4-15 2 00 144 14 50 15 50 2 00 1 00 $884 74 27 MONEY EXPENDED ON NEW ROAD, BY MARY Barnabas Sears? to land damage and labor, Daniel Wing, to labor, Braddock Matthews, to land damage and labor, D. Frank Sears, to 44 hours, at 20e, • Uriah H. Sears, to 30 hours, at 20c., Henry W. Baker, to 70 hours, at 20c, Nelson Baker, to 79 hours, at 20c., Freeman Baker, to "70 hours, at 20c., • Clifton Baker, to 65 hours, at 20c., - Ahira Baker, to 45 hours, at 20e, - •- James A. Robinson, to 45 hours, at 20c., John H. Stetson, to 25 hours labor with team, at 30c., Ambrose Robinson, to 5 hours, at 20c., David Beker, to 45 hours labor with team, at 30c., Daniel Brown, to 2.2-1 hours, at 20c., Daniel Brown, to 45 hours labor with team, at 30c.,. ' Wm. T. Baker, to 45 hours, at 20c., Sylvester Maker, to 43 hours, at 15e, Braddock Matthews, to 74 hours, at 20c., Isaiah Sherman, to 85 hours, -at 20c., Isaiah P. Matthews, to 38 hours, at 20c., Isaiah P. Matthews, to 40 hours labor with team, at 30c., L P. Matthews, for material, Reuben Baker, to 35 hours labor with team, at 30c., Gilbert Studley, to 40 hours labor with team, at 30c., Alexander Baker, to 40 hours labc•..vith team, at 30c., Seth Baker, to 45 hours labor with team, at 30c., Lysander Baker, to 5 hours labor with team, at 30c, J. K. & B. Sears, to 735 loads clay, at 7a per loads, John E. Baker, to 5 hours labor with team, at 30c., Elmer E. Ellis, to 5 hours labor with ream, at 30c., Matthews C. Grey, to 45 hours labor with team, at 30c., Wm. Eldridge, to 644 hoars labor with team, at 30c., David Sears, to labor with boys and team, Freeman Matthews, to 353 loads loam, at 5c. per load, Isaiah Sherman, to labor and material,. Seth H. Hamblin, to labor on new road, CROWELL'S. $25 00 2.75 16 00 8-80 6 00 14 00 15 08 14 00 13 00 9 00 9 00 7 50 1 00 13 50 4 55 13 50 9 00 6 45 1 50 17 00 7 60 12 00 1 50 10 50 12 00 1200. 13 50 1 50 5145 1 50 I 55 13 50 • -19 25 54.70 17 55' •.11 60 2 00 4 11 1,4 28' Wm. H. Hurst, to 20 hours, at 200., Stephen Sears, to 23+ hours labor with team -at 30x, .. J. K. & B. Sears, lumber, .Warren C. Brown, 20 hours labor with team, at 30c., 400 7 00 8 95 6 00 $476 95 Sum appropriated 8500 00. - MONEY EIPENDED ON NEW ROAD LEADING BY W. OLIVER'S._ Seth H. Hamblin, labor, 0 2 00 James Ellis, labor, 11 rods sold at auction to Frank W. Horner, at 82.35 per rod, David Sears, labor, Daniel Wing, labor, Sum appropriated, 8200 00 143 35 4 00 3 00 8155 85 YARMOIITH, Jan. 22, 1890. We, the undersigned, auditors of Yarmouth, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of David Sears, Esq., road commissioner of South Yarmouth for the year ending Dec 31,0 8 1889, and find vouchers for the sum of • An the amount of orders drawn by him for said year, 1870 63 Leaving by his vouchers dile him, 810 25 ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, Auditors. CHAS. THACHER, 2D, WEST YARMOUTH. -JAMES ELLIS, ROAD George R. Crocker, 74 hours, 20c. per hour, John Baxter, 851 bours, 158. per hour, Joseph N. Boerne, 85 hours, 20c. per hour, Alex. B. Chase, for Rebecca Chase, 734 loads cla 4c. per load, George L. Taylor, 88 hours, 15c. per hour, Prescott H. Baker, 30hours,.20c. per hour, COMMISSIONER. 814.80 12 83 17 00 y,• at. 29 36 17 60 6 00 vim 11 {f nli m l • f�lY iis 29 C. F. Huggins, 84 hours, 30c. per hour, . Gilbert Lewis, 28 hours, 20c. per hour, • I. F. Baker, 851 hours, 150. per hoar, I. F. Baker, 221 hours, 20c. per hour, Eben Baxter, 121+1 hours, 150. per hour, Elkanah Crowell, 18 hours, at 30c. per hour, J. K. Aldrich, 851 hours, 15c. per hour, 812 821 J. K. Aldrich, 148+ hours, 15c. per hour, 22 271- Daniel Humes, 691 hours, 200. per hour, • Sylvester Marchant, 101 hours, 15c. per hour, Julies E. Crowell, 82 boars, 30c. per hour, • Ephraim Crowell, 82 hours, 30c. per hour, A. E. P. Blachford, 74 hours, 20c. per hour, Ansel Taylor, 24 hours, 20c. per hour, Alex. B. Chase, 891 hours, 30c. per hour, Henry B. Coombs, 49 hours, 200. per hour, Joseph Nickerson, 160 hours, 15c. per hour, Roland L. Taylor, 171 hours, 15c. per hoar, Jose Desilva, 89+ hours, 15c. per hour, ' Albert Berry, 315 hours, 15c. per hour, Timothy Cotelle, 5 hours, 20c. per hour, 0. B. Buck, 85 hours, 20c. per hour, David S. Marchant, 84 hours, 30x. per hour, Zenas Baxter, 85+ hours, 20e. per hour, Charles E. Hallet, 57 hours, 30c. per hour, D. K. Cote lle, 611 hours, 20c. per hour, Edward Lewis, 76 hours, 300. per hour, l3enajah B'helden, 57 hours, 20c. per hour, Luther Buck, 66 hours, 20c. per hour, J. K. & B. Sears & Co, . Joshua S. Baker, 92 hours, 20c. per hour, Joshua S. Baker, 36} hours, 30c. per hour, Jose C. Desilver, 894 hours, 150. per hour, W. Johnson, 18 hours, 30c. per hour, D. Humes, 9 hours, 20c. per hour, Eben Baxter, 12 hours, 30c. per hour, Eben'r Baker, 25 bours, 30c. per hour, Walter Baxter, 85+ hours, 15c. per hoar, _ 825 20 8, 60 . 12 83 4 50 18 23 540 35 10 13 90 15 15 24 60 24 60 14 80 4 80 26 77 9 80 24 00 25 65 13 45 47 25 1 00 17 00 25 20 17 10" 17 10 12 30 22 80 11 40 "! 13 20 11 34 18 40 10 85 13 45 -270 1 80 • j 3 60 j 7 50 _12 83 it ltr 30 Elnathan Baker, 85 hours, 20c. per hour, Mary S. Crowell, 275 loads clay, Willie Marchant, 78 hours, 150. per hour, Jas. Ellis, 11} hours, 20o. per hour, 221 hours, 15c. per hour, Albert Berry, account on Mill Bridge, 17 00 11 00 11 70 22 30 33 l5 8 20 8770 08 WEST YARMOUTH, Jan. 20, 1890. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have examined , the accounts of James Ellis, road commissioner of West Yar-' mouth for the year 1889, and find that he baa paid out for repairs on roads and bridges the sum of 8770.25:and has shown vouchers for that amount; and bas drawn by order of selectmen the sum of *700, leaving a balance of 870.25 due him. , ELRANAH CROWELL, . FREEMAN HowEs, Auditors. CHAS. THACHER, 2v, YARMOUTH, Mass., Jan. 16, 1890. We, the undersigned, auditors of the town of Yarmouth, do hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the select- . men for the year 1889, and found proper vouchers for . all orders issued against the town treasury. ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HowES, Auditors. CHAS. THACHER, 2n, . • =b. r.,. • ..a FINANCIAL REPORT • _ ' OP THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH POE THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1890. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS.: O. P. SWIFT & SON, STEAM BOOK AND JOB PBU TEES. 1891. - 1 1 A 1 -I t • 1. 1 ALMSHOUSE. Mrs. Polly Sherman, salary, paid for labor, D. P. Kelley, supplies, A. H. Eldridge, " it fuel, " horse, tt L. Fuller & Co., grain, T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, Sylvanus Robbins; fish, L. K. Chase, shoes, Matthews & Payne, fuel, Chas:' R. Bas.sett, supplies, E. D. Payne, I. H. Thacher&Co., " R. D. Farris, A. C. Megt,ithlin, T. T. Hallet, Henry A. Cobb, service of beast, John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, Edmuud Walker, fuel, Parker & Wood, seeds, E. S. Mecarta, fertilizer, D. B. Crocker. supplies. Mrs. N. T. Hallet, supplies, Allen Slade & Co., flour, N. W. Grush. fuel, Edmund Eldridge, supplies. C. F. Swift, Register, 1883-90, C. R. Howes. beef, Seth H. Hamblin, supplies, K. M. Taylor, paints, R. H. Harris. supplies, - Luther Baker, labor, E. R. Hamblin, fuel. "au $345 00 12 00 ' 16 70 $14 63 12 00 150 28 13 102 77 23 75 828 985 54 25 ,. 0382 45 06 70 06 388 60 58 50 05 200 6 15 21 00 7 47 330 30 34 324 53 30 15 00 200 400 525 500 9 91 4 10 67 1, 50 13 00 • ' • • • 1 `r� �'�: Gsi�. r ..�3ti,!u��%1'�/o-±Yd�'�"i*h�.i: •Y.�2v Joel B. Hall, supplies, Zenas H..Snow, • 13v hay sold, .. calf <. Net cost for the year, 4 Cr. $42 79 11 25 $1,141 35 $18 00 -- 5 60 2360 $1,117 75 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. Daniel Cash, medicine by T. T. Hallet, Morris Gray, med. attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, " house rent by K. M. Taylor, " medicine by T. T. Hallet. John Matthews. supplies by E. C. Matthews, med. attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, supplies by W. F. Baker, SOUTH SIDE. Mary A. Nickerson, burial by M. H. Crowell, N. C. Goodwin. supplies by R. J. Baker, David Farris, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., Mary A. Trott, med. attendance by Dr. Ham, Mrs. A. N. Robinson, fuel by L. Fuller & Co.; " . •' " Geo. Loring, Wm. T. Baker, med. attendance by Dr. Ham, supplies by Obed Baker, Mary Butler, fuel by David Sears med. attendance by . Ham, " shoes by E. T. Baker. • " supplies by R. White, L Homer, R. D. Farris, M. C. Gray, • " R. J. Baker, med. attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, John N. Baker, supplies by R. D. Farris, . Pnrrington & Small, Z. P. Howes, Charity Baker, " Purringtou & Small, Grace Robinson, board, Lefavor Kelley,.supplies by Obed Baker, " • $9 00 14 50 7 15 139 28 2 50 $3 60 30 65 141 78 5 00 5 Harry Robiu+on, shoes by E. T. Baker, supplies by D. D. Kelley, •• board by N. C. Goodwin, WEST SIDE. C. F. Huggins, fuel by E. Taylor, Lydia G. Bearse, fuel by Jas. Ellis, " Lot Hallet, " • `• supplies.by LsaialtCrowall; " fuel by E. Taylor, .• Ebenezer Baker. Susan Bearse, board by Alex. Marchant, Anna Webber. supplies by Albert Chase, Alex. Crowell, board by Judah Crowell, " '• med. attendance by Dr. Hawes. John Orlando, supplies by J. E. Crowell. 44 " Isaiah Crowell. fuel by H. B. Chase & Sou, Susan Hallet. fuel by James Ellis. 8181 03 " Ebenezer Baker, Lot Hallet, $20 50 11. B. Chase & Son. 23 90 supplies by Isaiah Crowell, 6 50 " • • med. attendance by Dr. Hawes, 13 00 Mrs. David Buck, supplies by J. E. Crowell, $4 88 3 25 7 00 13 47 300 75 2 75 3 00 3 12 29 79 5 51 45 30 4 01 27 89 18 14 8 13 20 47 42 41 North Side,, South ,. West " Leff iIl hJlli'd,, 83 03 2 12 33 00 83 03 1675 . 15.23 6 00 1 50 144 03 5 80 12 50 6 75 13 00 3 00 900 3 25 14 00 6 00 1 75 43 12 8 401 59 83 00 42 51 36 00 21 00 14980 3225 37 00 100 2.5 8421 81 8181 03 404 59 421 81 81,007 43 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. 50 81 Taunton Lunatic Hospital. Harriet S. Lovell. .Barnstable, Susan Baker, . Chelsea, J. W. Holway, Boston, Annie Lewis, Michael Kelley, • 50 04 28 06 2400- 73 65 23 48. 17 54 38 00 Cil 96 28 48 5 25 5554 8174 23 6 RECAPITULATION. Almshouse. • • Out of Almshouse, Other Cities and Towns; Unexpended balance. Amount raised by town, $1.117 75 1.007 43 174 23 59 • 2.300 00 $2.300 00 $2,300 00 DUE FROM OTHER. CITIES AND TOWNS. Brewster, Dennis, Harwich. Falmouth, • Chatham, Berkley, INCIDENTALS. Record Book for marriages and deaths, • Wm. P. Davis, recording births, marriages and deaths, " expenses, indexing mortgages. expenses to Sandwich. moderator, Wm. D. D. Loring, grain for horse, . care of hearse, " " returning deaths, Sarah M. Hallet. dinners to town officers, Postage, .c • 46 Freight, Expenses to Provincetown and Boston. Recording deed, Joshua S. Baker, care of hearse, Rubber stamps for Auditors and Selectmen, Sweeping town house, twice, Ruilroad iron. town office, Rent of building for weights and measures, E. B. Hallet, iron work, " snow Plough, . " " horse to woodland, Enrolling stockholders. Express and money order fee, $32 50 - 3.530 5 04 48 00 2s 09 40 50 *189 43 $11 00 • 10 65 2 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 1 87 0 75 3 00 27 00 7 00 17 30 11 50. 75 8 50 7 25' 1 00 9 00 5 00 225 5 25 75 .1 00 CO Joseph Bassett, stabling horse, Fuel for town office, M. H. Crowell, returning deaths. T. T. Hallet, incidentals, as per bill, Insurance. north side school -house, Furniture, Blank book and envelopes, J. Fitzgerald, car fare and dinner, Carting water to town house._ . E. Crossfield, carriage‘fare,_ Postage, Expenses to Boston, A. F. Sherman. list of conveyances. M. H. Crowell, repairs on hearse, MUSKRATS. 390 muskrats at 25 cents each, Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James P11ia CLEARING SNOW. LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, Edmond Eldridge, John E. Ryder, Gilbert Lewis, . Michael Kelley, James Fitzgerald,• MILITARY AID. '9 00 300 7 50 15 87 7 50 24 00 62 . 2 85 1 75 50 2 00 0 20 10 03 -18 75 •- $271 30 $97 50 $205 f.0 123 24 54 85 -• 2383 99 $43 35 1 50 8'44 8.5 $ 72 00 78 00 1G 00 24 00 1000 • :f 8 STATE AID. Nancy J. Humphrey, Benj. Lovell, Elizabeth Hurst, Emily J. Haffards, Mercy C. Crowell, PUTTING OUT FIRES. Joseph F. Nickerson, Oliver Hallet, Frank Homer, - RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for miscellaneous expenses, Incidentals, Muskrats, Labor on farm, Military aid, one half,. Putting out fires, Unexpended balance, *271 36 97 50 44 85 95 00 25 58 65.71 *600 00 REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised for repairs, Repairs on almshouse, 46 It $24 62 school -hoose, north side, . 76 28 south " 83 71 west " - • 4 50 town house, 11 25 town office, 108 81 Expended in excess of amount raised, ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James Flus, Unexpended balance, *48 00 33 00 52 00 10 00 56 00 :;+199 00 *11 90 3 30 10 38 *25 58 *600 00 *600 00 *300 00 9 17 *309 17 $309 17 *3.400 00 *1,500 00 1.100 00 600 00 200 00 $3,400 00 *3,400 00 Teachers' salari• es, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Miscellaneous expenses, Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Miscellaneous expenses, Teachers' salaries, Janitor, ; , Fuel, Cleaning house, Miscellaneous expenses, 9 SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE- 80UTH SIDE. WEST SIDE. RECAPITULATION. Amount raised for support of schools, North side, South side,, West side,. Expended in excess of appropriation, SCHOOL BOOKS. Amount raised by town, Dog tax refunded, ,john Simpkins, Stephen Sears, Alex. B. Chase, Unexpended balance, *1,158 00 125 00 -86 87 , 17 23 . 20 52 *1,407 67 . *1,294 00 82 25 70 OS 12 88 51 40 *1,510 61 - -. *765 00 28 00 35 00 6 00 62 86 *896 86 *3,700 00 - $1,407 67 1,510 61 896 86 115 14 *3,815 14 *3,815 14 *332 52 119 81 65 08 90 09 4400 00- 207 50 *007 50 4607 50 Awn t• 10 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. Amount raised by town, C. F. Swift & Son, Geo; Otis, Fred. Hallet, Expended in excess of appropriation, TOWN OFFICERS. Auditors, L B. Cage, registrar of voters, Fred. A. Baker, " Theo. F. Drew, C. F. Swift, moderator, C. W. Swift, teller, E. S. Ellis. " Stephen Soars, school committee, Alex. B. Chase, " John H. Stetson, constable, C. M. Bray, truant officer. L B. Gage, collector, Stephen Sears, Seth Taylor, constable, Wm. P. Davis, treasurer, _ " registrar, Stephen Wing. sealer of weights and measures, D. D. -Kelley, inspector, A. H. Knowles, registrar, Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor, Horse hire, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, Taxes remitted, TAXES REMITTED. $100 00 $86 05 25 75 .14 00 25 80 x;125 80 2125 80 438 CO 22 50 21 00 5 (10 2 50 2 50 45 00 35 00 48 50 11 00 256 05 16 28 25 00 75 00 14 50 5 00 5 00 2 50 300 00 157 50 160 00 152 50 11,400 00 33 41,400 33 21,400 33 :490 57 NEW ROADS. Amount appropriated by town, Seth H. Hamblin, • • Unexpended balance, SEARS FUND. Amount raised to pay interest. Wm. P. Davis, trustee, In excess of amount raised, TOWN OFFICE. Amount raised by town, Building, Bricks for vault, Vault doors, Taylor & Ryder, labor, J. Hinckley & Son, material, H. W. Taylor, labor, E. B. Hallet, ironwork, J. B. Hall, tank, etc., Miscellaneous expenses, Material sold, Unexpended balance, TOWN DEBTS. Amount raised to pay debts, Amount paid, Unexpended balance, 270'00 273 85 $343 8.5 4343 85 2343 85 $900 00 41,030 00 120 00 - 21,030 00 21,030 00 21,200 00 '$:550 00 112 75 60 00 159 20 170.39 106 50 1 L 43 .1680 3 60 7 26 " 16 59 .4;1,207 26 41,207 26 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. Town grant, Almshouse, Poor out of almshouse, Poor in other cities and towns, Incidentals. Clearing snow, Repairs on public buildings, $400 00 $173 17 226 83 $400 00 $400 00 41.117 75 1,007 43 174 23 534 29 383 99 309 17 $15,043 85 12 Roads and bridges, Schools. School books. Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes remitted, New roads; Interest on Sears fund, Town office, Town debts, Expended in exeess of grant, County tax, State tax, Bank tax, TAXES PAID. $3,200 00 3,815 14 517 41 125 80 1,400 33 480 57 70 00 1,030 00 -1,190 67 173 17 . 4S6 10 $15,529 95 $15,529 95 $1,144 33 1.295 00 1,938 28 $4,377 61 TOWN TREASURER. Or. Balance, Jan. 1, 1890, Received from dog tax refunded, " town of Falmouth, " Harwich, " Dennis, " Chatham, " Brewster, State Treasurer, state pauper, " school fund. corporation tax, " bank tax, state and military aid, foreign ships, 'fisheries, L B. Gage, collector 1889, " " 1890, David Sears, auctioneer's license, hay sold, calf T. T. Hallet, material sold, Orders outstanding Jan. 1st, 1891, 4.6 {, 61 „ ,l 61 v.mamr 4,1 °fir. $2,718 24 207 50 51 02 47 85 38 35 98 18 30 00 2 10 159 88 1,946 86 1,478 95 264 00 77 64 253 54 12,070 62 5,000 00 7 42 2 00 18 OD 5 60 5 00 7 26 607 23 $25,097 24 13 TOWN TREASURER. Cr. Support of poor in almshouse, " out of almshouse, in other cities and towns, of ” 11 16 Incidentals. Muskrats. Clearing Snow, Farm, labor on. Military and state aid, Fires, Repairs on public buildings, Roads and bridges, Schools, School books, Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes remitted, New roads, Sears fund, Town office, Town debts. County tax, State Bank " Orders outstanding Jan. 1st, 1890. Land damages, State Treasurer, Copying records, Balance Jan. lst, 1891. VALUATION MAY 1ST. 1870. • Real estate, buildings. " land, Personal estate, 11 bank stock. Total valuation. $422.075 00 305.469 00 722,4.7 00- 164.304 00 $1,141 85 1.007 43 174 23 194 43 271 36 97 50 383 99 44 85 389 00 23 58 309 17 3.207 42 3.815 14 517 41 125 80 1,400 33 480 57 70 00 1,030 00 1,190 67 173 17 1,144 33 1,235 00 1,938 28 473 99 95 00 42 00 19 25 4,039 99 $25,097 24 51.614,275 00 4 •14 t' Number of dwelling houses, _- _ 602 - `'horses, 229 { 44 cows, 155 {' sheep, - 60 " acres of land, 11,252 "' persons paying poll tax only, 140 kkk .. " assessed, 948 ItTHACHER T. HALLET,) Selectmen • STEPHEN WING,of F: EDWARD LEWIS, 1 Yarmouth. YABatourn, Jan. 22d, 1891. We, the undersigned, Auditors of the town of Yarmouth, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the Selectmen, and find they have drawn orders on the Town Treasurer for the sum of $20,583.26. And we find proper receipted vouchers for the above sum, namely, $20,583.26. In this connection we desire to state that we are very highly pleased with the method used by the Chairman of the Selectmen in keeping his accounts; and with the neatness with which they are kept; and we -would advise all other town officers to follow bis example. ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, Auditors. - - CHARLES THACHER, 2d, ) it • Road Commissioners' Report. SETH H. HIIIBLIN IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN. OF YARMOUTH. LABOR ON BOAD3, 4890. Enoch F. Ryder, 12 hours, 20c., $ 2 40 Amos Arey, 20¢ " 4 10 William P. Bray, 42 " " 8 40 E. S. Meearta, 17f "" 3 50 Albert Taylor, 34 " " 7 90 James Gorham, 23 "46 5 60 Nathan Bassett, 94 "44 18 90 S. T. Eldridge, 21 30c., 6 30 Edmond Walker, 5 " 46 1 50 • Samuel Cobb, 8 " 20e., 1 60 Albert Taylor, 84 • 30c., -- ---- 26 55 Perry White, 10 loads clay, 5c., - 50 J. W. Hamblin, 264 hours, 30c., -- - 7 95 H. H. Baker, 21 " 30e., 4 20 Chas. W. Hallett, 1244 " " 2 50 Allen Cash, 8 " 20c., 1 60 C. R. Bassett: 15 "-30c., 4 50 Ansel Hallet, 29 -- " - 20c., 1 580. J. Usher, 35 " '• 7 10 E. A. Hallet, 23 " 30c., 9 90 Seth Taylor, 13 " 15c., 1 95 Patrick Heffernan, 54) " 20e., 10 90 Benj. Phillips, 41 " 90 Oliver Hallett. 12} " 30c.. $3.75 ; stone for bridges, 40e., 4 15 R. William Park, 121 " 20c., 2 50 J. Hinckley & Son, 8 ft. drain pipe, - 2 64 Seth Taylor, Jr., 5 hours, 90c., 1 00 Josie C. Howes. 4 " 124c., • 50 C. M. Bray, lumber. per bill, 7 17 J. W. Hamblin. 20 hours, 20e.. '4 00: 15 hs. at 39e., $4.50, 850 r• 2; „,,}1,42VW..-426ark...S4K:sl4 ^: 16 C. M. Bray, lumber, $1.17; 3 hours, 15e., 45e, C. D. Bray, 2 ” 20c., Chas. H. Chase, 40 " " Ansel Hallet. 41 •` Benj. T. Phillips, 5 " `J Milinda Taylor, 173 loads clay at Sc., E. B. Hallet, sharpening picks, 15 hours 15c., Harry Young, Oliver Hallett, David Whelden, Fred Merchant, Allen Cobb, Jos. E. Chase, 581 " 30e., 45 " 20c., 60 " " 50 " 30c., 30 " 20c., Albert Taylor, 65 ha., 20c., $13.00; 30 hs. at 30c., $9.00, Willie T. Smith, 30 hours, 20c., Fred Smith, 50 " " James Smith, 10 " 30c., E. S. Chase, 30 hs. at 24c., $6.00; 40 hs. at 30c., $12.00, Edward Tbacher, 39 hours, 15c., 30e., 20c., 15c.. 20c., Jas. G. Hallet, 80 " E. L Megathlin, 55 " Allen Cash, Charles Cash, 35 Charles Cahoon, 45 " Jeremiah Chase, 60 Chas. E. Hallet, 45 .` Frank Chase, 60 " 15c., Archelus Phillips. 58 " 20c., Jas. P. Cash, 55 " E. H. Robinson, 72 " Allen Cash, F. D. Gage, Jos. A. Sherman, 15 " Patrick Morgan, 56 " Patrick Heffernan, 599 " Seth Walker, Archelus Phillips, 71 " J. Usher, Jr., 431 hs. at 20c., $8.70; 1511s. at 15c., *2.25, Chas. Cahoon, 71 hours, 20c., Jos. Walker, 70 " •` Wm. Robbins, , 25 " 15c., Jonathan Usher, 23 " 20c., Russell Hallett, 5 " 15e., Jobie C. Howes, 7 " 12 38 30c., 58 ,. 5 " 4. .. Mr" r77.7:1771? - $1 62 40 800 8 20 100 8 .65 1 25 2 25 17 55 900 12 00 15 00 6 00 22 00 600 10 00 8 00 18 00 585 24 00 11 00 7 60 525 . 900 18 00 13 50 9 00 11 70 11 00 14 40 19 70 11 60 3 00 11 20 11 SO 1 00 14 20 10 S5 14 20 14 00 8 75 4 60 75 98 17 Joshua E. Howes, 31 hours, 20c., Frank L Robbins, 11¢ ` --12e., J. E. Ryder, 70 20c.. Edmund Robinson, 71 " Allen Cash. 71tt " Allen Cash, Jr., 71 " " E. S. ,llerarta,.17 hs at 2)e.. $3.40; 71 hs. at 30c., $21.30, Win. P. Bray, 71 hours, 20e., Edmund Walker. 55 ' - 30c.; Nathan Bassett. 751 " 20c., Heirs Joshua Eldridge, 425 loads clay, 5c., , J. A. Hamblin, 21 hours, 12o., R. W. Park. 531 " 20c., C. R. Bassett. 59 hs. at 15c., $3.85; 51 hs. at 30c., $1.65, E. W. Eldridge, 35 hours, 30e., Freeman Ryder, 20 " Gideon Matthews, 60 " N. B. Whelden, 31 " J. W. Hamblin, 104 " • " Seth H. Hamblin. 826 loads clay, 5c.. Allen Cash. 84- hours, 20e.; George Hallet. 2d, 22 hs. at 20c.. $4.40; Willard Robbins, 8 hours, 15c., .. Albert Taylor, Jas. Gorham, E. S. Waitt, Geo. J. Baker, .. 16 30c., 35 '' 4' 88 " 90 " 26 hs. at 30c., $7.80, C: W. Ellis, 20 ` O E. Baker, 90 hs. at 30c.. $27.00: 125 loads clay, 5c., $6.25, J.' A: Ellis, 20 hours, 30e., Chas. Cahoon, 19 " 20e., Frank I. Robbins, 61 12e., S. T. Eldridge, 641 hs. at 20c., $12.90; 60 hs. at 30c., 418.00, C. M. Bray, lumber, Archelus Phillips, 6 hours, 20c., Allen Cash, - 85 " . " D. G. Eldridge, 813 loads clay, 50., E. F. Ryder, 9 hours, 20c., E. S. Mecarta, 24 hs. 20c., $4.80; 31 hs. at 30c.. $1.05, Patrick Morgan, _ 26 hours, 20c., Hiram Whittemore, 223 loads clay, 4e. Soranus Taylor, 21 hours, 15c., Patrick Morgan, C. W. Hallet, 70 " 20c., 10 ,< $ 65 1 38 14 00 14 20 14 20 14 20 24 70 14 20 16 50 15 10 21 25. 30 11 70 10 50 10 50 6 00 18 00 9 30 3120 41 30 1 70 12 20 1 20 4 80 10 50 26 40 27 00 600 33 25 600 3 80 78 30 90 6 74 1 20 17 00 40 65 1 83 5 85 5 20 9 00 38 14 00 2 00 1 18 G. E. Whelden, • 4 hours, 20c., $ 80 Ernest Bray, 8 • :. 64 60 Seth H. Hamblin, 465 hs. at 20c , $93.00 : 415 hs. at 15c., $69.75, 162 75 14 24 hours, 40c., 9 60 Nathan Bassett. 83 " 20c., 17 70 J. B. Hall, per bill, stub -hoe and pick. 3 69 S. T. Eldridge, 791 hours, 30c.. 23 85 Oliver Hallett, 20 hs. at 20c., 84; 20 hs. at 15c., $3: clay, $1.25, 8 25 Archelus Phillips, 3* hours, 20c., 1 90 0. E. Baker, 300., 15 00 G. H. Baker, 50 15 00 Allen Cash, 28 20c., 5 60 J. T. Cobb, 8f " 30c.. 2 55 F. E. Sherman, " 20c., 90 F. C. Baker, 66 4. 1 50 Freeman Howes, 47f ` 30c., 14 25 Seth Taylor, 1171 " 35 17 Albert Taylor, 2f hs. at 20c., $.50; 10 hs. at 30c., $3.00, 3 50 Freeman Ryder, 4I at 20c., $ .90 ; 4 hs. at 15c., $ .60; clay. 10c., 1 60 E. S. Mecarta, J. C. Chase, J. G. Hallet, Patrick Morgan, J. A. Cash, Henry H. Baker, E. S. Chase, Geo. Hallet, 2d, C. W. Hallett. Patrick Heffernan, Edmund Walker, 15 hours, 30c., 20c., 30c., 20e.. 5 11 8 it 81 " 16 " 21f " 6f 21 " 71 44 • 6. 13*" 18 " Drawn, ' Due S. H. Hamblin, NEW ROAD. 4 50 100 240 16 20 3 20 4 30 1 30 4 20. 1 50 2 70 3 60 $1,503 02 1,500 00 $3 02 David Sears, per bill, $2 00 Daniel Wing, ' " 2 00 Jas. Ellis, 46 2 00 S. H. Hamblin, services, $3.00; 3* la. at 45c., $4.10, 7 10 Benj. R. Howes. land damage, 5 00 Albert Taylor, 30 hs. at 20c.. 86.00; 30 hs. at 30c., $9.00, • . 15 00 Jeremiah Chase, 10 hs. 20c., :7142; 30 hs. at 30., 89; land damage $3, 14 00 Allen Cobb, 10 hs. at 30e., $3.00 ; 150 loads clay, $7.50. $10 50 Chas. E. Chase, 32 hours, 20c., 6 40 Fred Smith, 30 " " 6 00 OAP • 870 00 Snow: Bills. SETH H. HAMBLIN IN A.CCOUNT WITH THE YARMOUTH. SNOW. R. W. Park, 8 hours, 20c., F. D. Gage, 2 J. Usher, 124 hours, 20c., $2.50: 8f hours, 15c.. $1.23; Nathan Bassett, 18 hours, 20c., Patrick Morgan, 22.1 Patrick Heffernan, 22! " Oliver Hallet, 24 " Wm. Shields, if Rus.sell Hallet, 5f G. H. Kelley, 12 " W. A. Robinson, 31 " A. C. Brown, " Michael Keveney, 6 R. Howes, 8 W. E. Ryder, 8 John Keveney, 11 J. W. Ellis, 10 Henry Baker, 13* Grant Chase, 31 C. W. Ellis, 10 C. A. Chase, 8 Osborne Chase, 6f G. Sherman, 4 F. E. Chase, 6f G. Whelden, 4 S. Sherman, 4 Aiistin Batchelder, if Samuel Cobb. 14 Jas. Gorham, 2 J. E. Ryder, 2 J. C. Chase, 51 d 66- 64 al 15c., 2Dc., 15c.: 20c., 13c., 20c., 15c., 20c., .46 44 if 44 64 TOWN OF 160 40 3 78 360 455 4 55 4 10 145 82 240 56 70 90 1 60 1 60 1 65 200 3 90 1 30 200 1 60 1 80 80 1 30 80 80 1 50 2 05 40 40 1 10 t• t• !k; 1!* 1E; . Chas. E. Chase, 10 hours, S. T. Eldridge, 215 " E. I. Megathlin, 73 " Frank Arey, 7 ` __ Jas. Smith, 7 Isaiah Ellis, 255 " J. A. Cash, 11 " A. E. Arey, J. A. Ellis, 8 J. T. Chase, 6 8 " Isaiah Ellis, . 35 Warren Ellis, 31 Willie Ellis, 4 Warren Montcaim, 51 " H. A. & A. Cobb, 12 " Allen Cobb, 6 " S. H. Hamblin, 18 " B. K. Howes. 4 " F. G. Nickerson. 4 " J. W. Hamblin, 121 " Ansel Hallet.. - 23 " C. M. Bray. per bill, W. P. Bray, 11 `• Albert Taylor, 32 " E. W. Matthews, J. E. Ryder, 13 " L H. Thacher, 24 H. L. Kern, 7 Benj. Phillips, E. K. Arey, 7f " N. B. Cahoon.. 4 " L. P. Robinson, Jas. Walker, Benj. Walker, Geo. Whelden, 4 " E. S. Chase. Henry C. Chase, 35 Geo. S. Chase, 55 Chas. Ellis, 17 Allen Cash, 18 Allen Cash, Jr., 9 7 11 11 66 3 "" 33 4, 7 :1f 8 11 51 " 46 Chas. Cash, 73 Seth Walker, 103 Sylvanus Cash, 13 " • Amos Arey, . 0 20 23e., 40c., 20e. 16 16 46 11 1{ .1 40c., 20c., 1f 44 64 at i. 15c., 20c., 41 66 11 20c., 11 11 61 3.,w,4 14 1 n `, . 'y':r,. i.` " _ tea':. 42 03 9 80 1 50 1 40 1 40 5 10 2 20 1 29 1 60 1 60 70 70 80 1 10 2 40 1 20 7 20 80 80 2 50 4 60 3 50 2 20 6 40 1 40 2 60 50 1 40. 60 Isaiah Ellis, Isaiah L. Ellis, Warren Ellis, Willie Ellis, E. S. Mecarta, 21 4 hours, 20c.. 7 73 74 8 G. A. Bray, 7 E. H. Bray, - 7 G. F. Bray, 7 C. L. Nickerson, 10 Roland Kelley, 5 Fred Howes, 61 F. E. Sherman. 6 Archelus Phillips, 18 A. A. Phillips, 16 F. C. Baker, • 61 W. F. Smith, 34 R. E. Lack, 7 E. F. Eldredge, 10 Alfred Baker, 21 Willie Cash, 2 Jas. Gorham, 105 Ebenezer Hamblin, 11 11 11 fl 16 11 11 61 •1 11 sf 11 66 J. G. Hallet, 64 hours, 20c., $1.30, 63 hours, 40c., 42.60: Chas. Cahoon. 214 hours, 20c., O. E. Baker, 221 11 F. H. Baker, 223 " W. D. Baker, 10 " Seth Taylor, Jr., 84 " Jeremiah Chase, 11 " 1 45 J. C. Howes, 24 " 15e., 80 J. A. Hamblin, 3 " 12e., '70 Sylvanus Robbins, 33 " 20c., 1 40 Freeman Ryder, 74 " 1 60 Soramis Taylor, • 55 " 10c., 80 G. E. R. Nickerson, 2 " 12e.. H. A. Walker, 2 " Jos. Thacher, 6 " 20c., 11 11 11 1 10 52 1 10 340 3 60 1 80 1 50 2 10 23 1 80 .Orders drawn for snow, Due on snow to Seth H. Hamblin, $ 80 1 40 1 45 1 45 160 140 140 1 05 2 00 100 1 30 1 20 8 60 820 .1 30 70 1 40 2-00 50 40 2 10 220 390 4 80 450 4 50 P" 2 00,E 1 70 2 20 Lj -3836 70 150 5.5 24 24 1 30 421143, 205 90 • 4 5 53 Y. aMouTn, Dec. 20th, 1890. We, the undersigned. Auditors of the town of Yarmouth, hereby crrtify that we have examined the accounts of Seth H. Hamblin. Road • - •1J1Y 11 1 .J1Lir11, 1 1,1 1 .. n . I 11 l, 1 d I I .l it 1 1 i 1 t 11 1. 22 Cenunissioner of Yarmouth, and find he has drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer for repairs on roams. 81,500.00; and has expended 21.503.02. leaving a balance of .83.02 due Seth H. Ham- blin. Alco has drawn town orders for new roads, 874.00, and has expendet1for new roads the same 870.00; also has drawn on Town Treasurer for clearing. snow, 5....'01;.90. and has expended fur clearing snow, 8211.43, leaving. a balance due Seth H. Hamblin for clearing snow of ELKANAH CROWELL. ) FREEMAN HOWES. - Auditors. CHARLES THACHER, 2d, ) DAVID SEARS LN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YAR- MOUTH, 1890. May 13. Paid W. S. Ryder. 20 hours. 20e., 24. J.L. Baker. 10 " `• Chas. Ellis. 282 loads loam. 5c., J. L. Baker. 10 hours 20c., I.cvac W. Baker, 10 Alonzo C. Chase. 46 " h 48 " John P. Brown.. 10 John O. Sears, 66 " " J; F. Cotell. 36 " Osborn H_ Chase Albert H. Cotell. 20 A. F. Wixon. 35 '` Frank Campbell. 10 '• David M. Chase, 20 " with team 30e., • E. P. Bsker, 41, -' George E. Chace. 20 Chas. W. Sherman, 15 Geo. E. Whelden. 85 M_ 11. Sears, 13: -a F. M. Homer. I.i.<<.h Homer, A. W. Cthoon. L. W. Baker. 82.1 20 Watson V.Caboas,31 ." Geo. W. Rcb•.ns..n.10 B. P. G,.3.rn, 10 Thecp. Chase, 36 19 520 L Ems. LW_1cFis. " C. H_ Har hood, .64 $4 00 200 14 10 2 00 2 00 9 60 200 13 20 7 20 6 40 400 30 200 600 825 4 00 300 1290 40 10 4 0•D 2: 70 5550 400 6 20 1 50 2 00 10 SO 3'O 6 00 22 SO { 23 May 27. Paid Stephen Sears. 93} ho:irs, 30c., " Plebe Matthews, 142 loads 4c.. Heirs S. Taylor, 315 " " B. Sears. 15 boars 30c., Sturgis Crowell, 25 " " J. E. Baker, 20 " Seth Baker, 3d, 20 • 29. 46 4. « • • 66 14 Obed Baker, 10 " 20c., J. H. Stetson, 69 " 30c., C. W. Myrick. 71 Reuben Baker, 20 Herbert Homer, 10 " 10c., 20c., Nelson Baker. 32 " T. E. Kelley, 10 Samuel Robbins, 10 J. H. Robinson. 30 Heuwri Crowell. 56 30c., Geo. B. Sears. 5 " 20e., .lohn G. Sears. 5 " I. P. Matthews. 30 " 30c., J. K. Sears. 640 loads 10c., J. K. Sears. 592 " 7e., James Chase. 33 hours 20c., Ales. Robbins. 15; " " Wm. K. Oliver, 20 " " F.. A. Baker, 80 Ambrose Robinson, .5 " Joseph Cahoon. 20 " 64 31. " • W. F. Keeney. 30 " Alex. G. Baker. 20 44 " D. S. Baker. '• June -4. " E. F. Whittemore. 30 - 6. Jas. R. Baker, 26 7. Robt. B. Clark. 25 " Lewis T. Eldredge. 20 " F. F. Collins, - 60 M. C. Gray, 30 Clifton Baker, 30 9. F. R. Campbell, 20 12. " D. Brown, 20 14. " W. H. Eldredge, 20 J. Eldredge. 20 H. W. Baker. 10 Jas. A. Robinson. 20 19 Geo. H. Loring. 3.5 -_ ... .. .. W...1. ... 30c., 20c., 30c., .. 30c., 64 20c.. 4,1 t. 66 20c., 30c., 20c.. 30c.. . 27 95 5 68 12 60 4 50 7 50 6 00 600 200 20 70 21 30 8 00 • 100 6 40 200 200 600 18 80 1 00 100 9 00 64 00 41 44 7 20 305 4 00 24 00 1 00 4 00 9 00 600 600 6 00 5 20 :S 20 6 00 18 00 9 00 6 00 400 400 600 000 2 00 4 00 10 50 1,• e . r. ;3. 24 June 21. " W. S. Ryder, 9 hours 20c., 27. P. White, labor bill and material, " P. White, 7 hours, 20c., 30. " Hiram E. Baker, 9 " July 4. ". Gilbert Studley, 6 " " Gilbert Studley, 13 " 30c., 8. Isaiah Sherman, 40 `• 20c., 21. " O. F. Wood, 15 Aug. 7. " V. Crowell, 40 <a a. 12. " Sears Bros., 290 ft. boards. 16. " G. B. Sears, 4 hours 20c., " J. G. Sears, ' 4 " " Rufus White, 2 hoes 75c., " S. Sears, 68i hours 15c., Nov. 8. " J. G. Sears, 4 " 29c., H. N. Brooks, ' 34 a< as to .. T Frank Sears,� wt at t. 18. " Geo. B. Sears, 71 " 20. " Nelson Baker, 4 " Dec. 5. " W. Kenney, 33; 10. " C. W. Myrick, 3 " 65c., " S. Sears, 51 20c., " " S. Sears, 25} " 300., 15. " Ernest Baker, 71 " 20c., " F. W. Homer, 8 " 65c., 16. " A. D. Matthews, 5 loads 5c., " Isaiah Sherman, 10 hours 20c., P. White, labor and material, D. Sears & Sons, Sears Bros., loam, 86 loads 10c., Sears Bros., loam, 69 " . 7c., Thos. Collins, 5 hours 20c., Thos. Collins, 3 " 300., 66 6.4 13' Amount drawn by Town Orders, • Amount expended as per report, Cash on hand to balance, aw *1 80 63 68 1 40 1 89 120 3 90 8 00 300 800 5 22 80 80 1.50 10 28 80 6 80 1 50 1 50 80 75 1 95 1 10 765 1 50 1 95 25 2 00 6 02 177 85' 8 60 483 1 00 90 8272 25 . *1,100 00 $1,010 40 89 60 *1,100 00 $1,100 00 25 ACCOUNT OF MONEY EXPENDED FOR LABOR AND MATE RIAL ON B. R. L. BRIDGE FOR THE YEAR 1891_ BY DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. J. B. & B. Sears, material, *164 31 Cyrus Crowell, 5.piles, . 10 00 David Sears, labor, 13 62 Wm. B. Fuller. 3 00 Abner Wixon, " • , , 2 50 D. F. Sears, " 250 Benj. S. Cote%, " • ' • 2 00 Chester B. Cole. " 2 00 John D. Kelley, " 80 M. H. Crowell, _ material, 75 Purrington & Small 18 Edgar Baker; boat hire, 50 Allen Farris, labor, 17 50 C. H. Baker, tending draw. 27 50 Total, Yarmouth pays 4-11, _ *89 ____ Money drawn for tending draw, 27 50 *247 16 Amount due, Received Payment, DAVID SEARS. Road Commissioner. South Yarmouth, Dec. 29. 1890. - *62 38 YARMOUTH', Dec. 2Ckh, 1890. We, the undersigned, Auditors of the town of Yarmouth; hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of David Sears, Road Com- missioner of South Yarmouth. and find he has drawn by order of the Selectmen, on the Town Treasurer for repairs on roads and highways for the sum of *1,100.00, and has expended for repairs of same 51,010.40, leaving a balance of $81.60 to balance account which he has shown. SNOW ACCOUNT. By David Sears, Town Orders drawn. Expended same amount for clearing snow, 4123 24 123 24 ELK AN AH CROWELL, ) Auditors FREEMAN HONES. - of CHARLES THACHER, 2d,) Yarmouth. 111 1 ams• 111 1! t N• 20 WEST VAR:110E111. .1ANIES F.1.1..,I4. Bio COMMI(NIONNII. IMPAIII4 (IN )IIIAIII AND III(IIIWAVI. 71 AIllItill (1, 30111004, tIM.1(ttttrA at 111e.*4 , .1, E. Crowell, 011 ''119e.. 20 0 Ei.ltriatti Crowell, ( c..r. 13:i :: title.. 29 70 19 E.1wili 11aXter, ftlr .1 J. Baxter. 11./ hours at Me.. ID 20 141 Ansel L. Raker,. 410 hours at 23e., - 1/arius T. r.tote.. 80 " " 10 29 0 4)9 W. LI Taylor, -- 67 " 64 C 11. Taylor. 24 " " Geo. 11. Drew, 69 " 411. 134 :144: I 18 /..1) K41111144 It Drew, 114 .. o .los. C. llettilra. 12M " 1 NI. • • 1114 M241 h. B. Marchaut. . HO " " 4 50 Gott. N. Taylor. 34 " 241e . . .6 t, 144 511: Davitl S. Mardian*. 74.05 4'.• 1450ce.... 13 1.0 .loaluta F. linker. 70 " 20e.. 14 op •Tos. F. Nickerson. 80 '' .. .. 7 2 144 " 15e., 21 1:00 Benager Wholden. 87 • " 20e., •. •• . 69 " . .187 4 0,)1 ElseS. Baxter, • 119 " 1fie., 23. $11 87 " 20e- 7 40. Orris B. Crowell. 85 311e.. 10 1.0 Luther Buck, 69 " 20e.., 18 140 • •• .• 37 " ''' 7 0. B. .Bud. 67- •• . •• (713 244:1: Edw-ard Lewis. 57f• '.• 30e.. Arthur Illateltford. 84 . •* le., elson Baxter, . 35 " " 55 0 110 Alpert Berry, 243 " 37 20 Daniel Burnes. • - 69 "• 10,1e.. 13 80 Daniel Wing. laving .snt Baiter Arenne. 3 00 73 hours at 15e.. John R. Baxter. 10 115 Joyce Taylor. 162 " ' " 24 30 David St -ars. laying- ont. Baxter Avenue, 2 00 joshna S. Baker. 6 10 408 hours at 30e., carting stone, 1 1 65 hours at 30e- 19 :0 F.. Baker. F,0 Zenas Baxter, • 91 " 20e., 1(4 40 Walter Baxter. • - 34 " 111e., 5 10 Jrnles Fllig. '.. . .456 . - " - 69 441 27 .Eben Waster. . .4 hour/. at 15e.. 19 " E, Cliage, 371 heola clay 54 4e: per Pktil, Luther Buell. 2 boom al 29e., Riehartl Sean., co l'ittaithy Cotelle, 54 Cotel/e, 44 " • 11. C. Blaellford, SNOW. 11. L. TaylOr, Jr., 4/1 boors at 20e„ E. Baker. R. 14. Ttsylnr. • Ststunel Drew, 7 " 46 1. F. Baker. 61 '. 6 • R. L. Taylor...Ir.. 2 " • ' G. S. Taylor. 7 " •• Samuel Drew. 24 " .. ,1. S. Bourne.. 41 " Luther Buck. 10 l'isnothy CA' Aft.1.1e, 81 Barrio. Cotelle, 41 .• C. F. Iiiiggint4. D. T. Cotelle, . 51 " R. L. Taylor,. Jr., 14 " R. L. Taylor, 2 " o. W. 11. Taylor. L. R. Taylor. fit •• - . Ebel) Boxter; . 18 A. L. Baker, 44 - •. Arthur Bradford. • C-1 " .. Ansel Taylor, • - .5 " Willie A. Marehant: 7 '• 4,1 • Samuel Marrhant. 101 " ..s. Fred Taylor, Nelson Baxter. . 8 " ... Arthur Hal/et, • P4 " ••i Daniel Humes. 101 •• :. Joshua S. Baker. -8 " Lt • J. llontealm. . _CI •• at Gilbert Lewis, Jos. C. Dexilca. - James F-11is. . 83 Joseph Baxter, AA, es. 60 2 09 14 84 49 13 80 fse) 84 Si re",0 59 *14)0 1 70 1 35 140 1 3l) 40 1 41) 49 1 15 209 1 70 90 40 1 19 "'.7 444 1 35 415 115240 1 3) 109 .149 2 19 100 69 1-9 10 1 69 7 40 6 6) 1) 1. { <l Ei Lockwood Baxter, Walter Baxter, em; 28. 10 hours at 20c., 101 .. Total, expended for snow," $200 210 $55 80 s Auditors' Report. " Your committee chosen at the last aminal meeting to audit the ac- counts of the several town officers, for the year 1890. have attended to that duty and respectfully present the following report: STEPHEN SEARS. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. SOUTH YARMOUTH. Expended for schools, books and repairs on building, ending Dec. 31st. 1890. $1,718 £2 Salary of Committee, 45 00 Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer. ending Dec. 31st, 1890. Balance due Stephen Sears. $1,763 22 1.761 53 $ 1 49 ALEXANDER B. CLASE, SCHOOL , COMMITTEE. WEST YARMOUTH. Expended for schools, books and repairs on building, ending Dec. 31st. 1890, $—§6-8 868 44 Salary of Committee, 35 0") Balance cash drawn to pay teachers' salaries to Dec. 31. 1890. 98 00 $1,001 41 Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer, • ending Dec. 31st, 1890. $1,001 44 JOHN SIMPKINS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE. YARMOUTH. Expended for schools. books and repairs on building. ending Dec. 31st. 1890, $1,81: 09 Drawn by order of the Selectmen- on the Town Treasurer. ending Dec. 31st. 1890. $1.815 09 t� ' .4 • • 30 • RECAPITULATION. Extended for Rel Is, books iind repairs on building ending - Dee. 31st, 1890, 54,499 75 . Committees' salaries, 80 00 5'4.579 75 on the Towu Treaesurer, 4,578 20 5 1 49 $$,700 00 104 49 400 00 =4,214 49 Expended in excess of appropriation, - 2;35 28 54,499 75 Drawn by order of the Selectmen ending Dee. 31st; 1890. Oyes -expended, • ' Amount appropriated for s+c'hools. 1890, Au1oun1 Pula for repairs on school buildings. A t appropriated for hooka. 1890, DAVID SEARS. ROAD COMMISSIONER. sot:rH rexnorrl. Expended for repairs and roads on highways, ending 31st, 1890, Balance, -each on hand shown. Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town ending Dee. 31st, 1890. DA\I1) SEARS, SNOW aocorxT. Expended for clearing mow. ending Dec. 31st, 1890, 1)nawn by order of the Selectmen on the Towu Treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 18::0, Dec. 51,010 40 89 CO 51,100 00 Treasurer. 51,100 00 5123 24 $123 24 SETH H. FUMBLES, ROAD COMMISSIONER. raunotTH. Expended for repairs on roads and highways, ending Dec. - 31st 18'0, •*1.103 02 Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Tow n Treasurer,' ending Dec. 31st, 181-0. 51,500 00 Balance due Seth H. Hamblin, .3 02'- 51,503 02 SETH H. HAMBLIN, NEW ROADS. Expended for new roads, 18f:0, Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer, ending Dec.. 31st, 1800, 570 00 570 00 .0 •S .e ., •nY 1 111 JY W 16 31 • y.4. SETH H. HAMBLIN, SNOW • ACCOUNT.. Expended for clearing snow. 1890, Drawu'by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer, ending Dee. 31st, 1810, . Balance due Seth H. Hamblin, 5211 43 5205 90 5 53 — 5211 43 -TAMES ELLIS. ROAD COMMISSIONER. WEST YARMOUTH. - Expended for rep.tirs_on roads and highways. ending Dee. 81st, 1890, James Ellie, Snow account. Drawn by order of the Selectmen . on the Timm Treasurer, ending Dec. 314, 18)0, 5509 00 Balance dne James Ellis, 105 89 — 5705 89 This does not include J.- R. and B. Sears's bill of •lumber amount- ing to 590.5:1, and Jerry Eldride's bill of labor and material on Par. ker'a River Bridge amounting to 5216 76, (total amount. 5377.35,) which the Auditors have not approved and the Selectmen have not paid. At the lust annual meeting it was recommended that the town otfi vers should not exceed their appropriations. • The amount appropriated ' for bridges was *300. Therefore your committee has declined to audit the Parker's River Bridge account, which amounts to $377.35. 5650 59 55 30 5703 89 RECAPITULATION.. Expended for repairs on rondm and clearing snow, ending Dec. 31st, 1890, Amount appropriated. for roads and bridges. Amount for clearing snow, from miscellaneous appropriation, 389 97 54,039 '97 53,700 Total for roads, bridges. clearing snow, Balance in Treasurer's hands, The above statemeut does not include the Parker's account of tz377.35. • 53.043 53 5 446 39 River Bridge ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. FISH COMMITTEE. YARMOUTH. To seining perch, etc.. 181-0. " expenses to Commissioners, " Committee's fees, 5 27 75 200 (:5 (10 • it .1 roM".M- r 32 To advertising and auction. " dividend to town of Yarmouth, " dividend to town of Dennis, By^sale of perch, 1890, " permits sold for seining, '• lease of fish house, FIRE WARDENS. 4'5 00 253 55 2.53 54 T603 84 • it 48 09 •552 75 0 00 — $606 84 Expended by J. N. Nickerson, $11 90 i „ Oliver 3 30 Frank Homer, 10 38 41• $25 58 Drawn by order of the Selectmen on the Town Treasurer. ending Dec, 3Ist, 1890, • $25 58 We wish to state that the Fire Wardens were notified to bring in their report, which they failed to do. The above statement we have obtained from the Chairman of the Selectmen. SELECTMEN OF YARMOUTH. T. T. HALLET, CHAIRMAN. • We find proper receipts and vouchers for the year ending Dec. 3Ist, 1890. amounting to $20,583 26 And find they have issued orders on the Town Treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 1390, for $20,533 2G In this connection we desire to state that we are highly pleased with the method. the neatness and the felicity for examination with which the Chairman of the Selectmen keeps his accounts, and would advise all other town officers to follow his example. WILLL•tM P. DAVIS, TOWN TREASURER. Cash in Treasury Jun 1st, 1890, $ 2.244 25 Total Receipts from all resources, ending Dec. 31st. 181'0, 21,771 77 Total, X24.016 02 Paid town orders from Selectmen, ending Dec. 31st, 1890. _ $19,976 03 Town orders issued. but unpaid. 607 23 Balance of town account Dec. 31st, 1830, 3.432 76 Total, }24,016 02 Balance shown by the Treasurer's account, in the First National Bank of Yarmouth. ending Dec, 31st. 1810, $4.039 99 -�iaM,._. =Adl. d�....._Vi� li.• Ile ir.. 11 6 • 33 In our report of last year we recommended that the Road Comtnis- sioners have all bills placed in the book in -ink and receipted • for. and also that all bills paid by town officers be laid before the Auditors to be cancelled. We would again urge this necessity. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Yarmouth, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the several town officers and find the foregoing stateinent to be a full synopsis of the town's expenses. ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, )- Auditors CHARLES THACHER, 2d. ) Q ,.....,� Births in 1890. Jan.. A dnnghter to Josephine Edwards. Feb. 1. A son to Charles and Mary T. Thompson. 2i. A daughter to Albert and Ida F. Snow: Mar. 11. A daughter to William and Martha Cahoon. " 27. A daughter to Seth Jr. and Rebecca Taylor. Apr. 18. A son to Nelson Lewis and Dora White, June 13. A son to Herbert and Mary Kern. July 18. A dnnghter to Joshua A. and Lena Baker. 20. A daughter to Watson F. and Abbie Cahoon. A (laughter to Albert T. and Elvira Peirce. 31. A daughter to William N. and Lucy J. Stetson. Aug, 2. A son to George and Abbie Young. " 16. A daughter to Frank 31. and Jennie F. Johnson. A daughter to Anthony and Fanny A. White. .4 23. A daughter to Frederick and Graee E. Hallet. . " 27. A son to Charles R. and Mercy Bassett. Oct. 13. A daughter to Frank H. and Mary B. Chase. Nov. 4. A son to Frederick and Clara Sherman. 15. A daughter to Ebenezer and Lillian M. Chase. " 18. A son to Warren"C. and Florence A. Brown. Dec. 11. A son to Amos and Charity B. Arey. " 18. A son to Joseph F. and Ida A. Chase. " 19. A son to Lafayette F. and Clara P. Chase. " 29. A son to Charles and Addie N. Nickerson. Marriages Recorded in 1890. • Jan. 1. Charles N. Snow of Harwich. and Deborah A. Walker of - Yarmouth. Feb. 24. Wallace H. Cahoon of No. Harwich, and Myra Louisa Baker of Yarmouth. Mar. 2. Charles E. Chase to Clara J. Ellis, both of Yarmouth. ,l. ,• t t 36 April 8. \\•il.•ou E. I1yder of Yarmouth, to Currie \f. Siininunn llirrnstnble. %8. iv,liah'1.. Ellisan.l Dora A. lle•hinsua. both of Yarmouth. " 17. Willard W. Hol way, Yarmouth, and 13arbani A. Batchelder.. • .Dennis. " 2:. Albert. 1'. here:. and :Mary A. (lonelwin, both of Turn . th. Juno 3. C'lulesl,a. Niekeraoaof Yarmouth; and Addie M. 1''le of Lenity, Me. '• 21t. Nrnuuu \\', Chwpliu of Ilostou, and :Martha Louisa Crowell of Yarmouth. July 23. Georg' W. Humphrey and Lizzie E. Taylor, both of Yar- mouth. Ang. 28. Frederic Eldridge of (;./lden, Cul., mud Kcziah Lewis Clur_ haai of Yarmouth. Se• t. 1. Henry Herbert Cluese and Addie F. Chase, both of Dennis. 4. Alfred J. •llaymond of Royalaton, and Josephine Smith of Yarmouth. .1ohu S. Boger of 1104011. Alia Annie C. Eldridge of Yar- mouth. '• (`h.+rles S.. Knowles of 13ostn. and Kate Sears of Yarmouth. Nov. 6. Walter Gordon liallet and Emmy Elizabeth Crum -till. both of Yarmouth. Tan. 7- " 18 •- ae Fd.. 8. .. ' 18. April 3. May 5.- 11. .3 nue 21. Deaths in. 1890. Rahn. Winfield White. Fiera Wool. • Henrietta Brigham, Elizabeth S. Huggins, ('hid of Chas. and Mary T. Thompson, Nathan T. Hallett. • Julia A. Baker, Sophia H. Matthews, George W. Young. Bridget Cole. Lucy Smith, Rachel Cash. , Sarah A_ Babson. Fre; mon H. Crowell. ArethnBray, MO\TH3. 21 . -8 82 1 56 1 75 1 70 1 :2 4 8 5: 10 44 8 66 .8: 6 50 2 80 3 4.1 18 4 12 11 16 12 4 July 29. •• 'N0. •' 31. Sept.. 6. . 0. •Oet. 10. '• 18. •• 10. Nov. 8. 8. •• 12. •' 14. Div. 1. " 14. • '16. .. 25. " 23. ': 31. Bertha C. Matthews, . Sarah Bourne, Braddock Matthews, Susan Baker, - Elizabeth A. Ryder, - \Villiatn Oliver, Cheater M. Huggins, .. John D. Kelley, Mary A. Nickerson, . Henry A. Kern, Henry H. Howes. Katie 6haae, Edward Smith, Ruth C. Ryder, -(Iurham Crowell. Florence May -Edwards, Frank Pettuniemi, Mercy Farris, Howes Berry. 37 78 07 71 85 73 83 74 52 72 11 8 '21 11 5 21 -- 6 6 13 8 2 11 16 14 2 4 58 63 67 6 26 . 8 11 21 73 -5 85 ...}...-,...r:y.{•?::-i+;:::'.1:"ati5"^-17.'iA":a�'F.4+S""r."^ia�fh+t��,V'"F°.�,�;'+"; - .._ FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1891. YARMOUTH PORT, MASS. C. F. SWIFT & 80N. STEAM BOOK AND JOB PBINTERB. 1892. k . • 4 ya�if�l�C:tl:zj-=_ Selectmen's Report. YARMOUTH, MASS., Januafy, 12, 1892. To the citizens of the TownofYarmouth • In compliance- with a vote passed at the last annual Town Meeting, your Selectmen in connection with your Auditors, after due consideration, beg leave to submit for your approval the following appropriations for the ensuing year. Repair on Roads and Bridges, *3600 00 School Books, 500 00 Town Officers, 1500 00 Repairs on Public Buildings, 300 00 Printing and Advertising, 150 00 Town Debts, 400 00 Support of Poor, 2300 00 Support of Schools, 3800 00 •Incidentals, 500 00 Sears Fund, 900 00 Transportation of Scholars, 350 00 • Total, *14300 30 And would further recommend that but *12,000 be raised by taxation. 4 ALMSHOUSE. Superintendent's Salary, E. W. Eldridge, supplies, Allen Slade & Co, supplies, John Ryder, dressing hogs, Seth H. Hamblin, wood, Stephen Eldridge, carting, T. T. Hallett, supplies, L. K. Chase, shoes, Polly Sherman, supplies, B. M. Taylor, Coffin and robe, Crowell Baker, 22.50 supplies, 11.04 David Sears, driving hearse, Crowell Baker, Louis Arenoviski, clothes, John Gray, T. B. Pulsifer, Medical Attendance, A. C. Megathlin, meat, C. R Bassett, supplies, Matthews & Payne, fuel, L H. Thacher & Co, supplies, 63 64 grain, 125 93 Reuben Baker, digging grave, Crowell Baker, B. T. Gorham, shoes, J. B. Hall, supplies, R. D. Farris, u Sylvauus Robbins, " John G Thacher, a R. H. Harris, . K Zenas H. Snow, . E. B. Hallett, Iron work, D. D. Kelley, supplies, -- E. A. Hallett, transportation, Alfred Gorham, 2 pigs and ham, service of beast, Edmund Walker, limbs, E. S. Mecarta, fertilizer, Fred R. Crocker, supplies, i 1 IJ u .. ■.' WI I I{ .:..+4711 IIY 14 00 1 00 8270 00 2 25 61 36 2 50 6 00 3 00 23 67 9 70 3 65 33 54 _ 2 00 1090-- 23 00 77 26 22 88 102 81 189 57_ 2 50 3 35 12 39 5 50 10 99 23 75 64 01 12 92 3 90 11 15 35 15 00 21 00 6 00 29 11 6' S. H. Sea;s, Medical Attendance, E. D. Payne, supplies, C. F. Swift, Register. S. L. Robbins, supplies, Cr. By hay sold, « calf . 1 00 • 69 55 2 00 7 90 $1146 46 6 00 6 86 12 86 $1133 60 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. Morris Gray, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, *36 00 fuel, F. Gage, 3 00 supplies, I. H. Thacher & Co., 5 00 L/ R. H. Harris, 1 75 $45 75 Mrs. Edgar Marchant, med. attendance, Dr Ham, 16 00 supplies, W. F. Baker, .55 25' -- - " R D. Farris, 15 99 house rent, B. M. Nickerson, 9 00 96 24 Mrs. John Matthews, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, 11 25 Osborn Chase, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, 8 00 7 00 15 00 Si '° S. H. Sears, nursing, B. W. Ellis, medicine, T. T. Hallett, 70. supplies, I. H. Thacher & Co., 5 00 John Matthews, burial, W. D. Loring, 2 50 grave, Joseph Gorham, 2 50 supplies, E. C. Matthews, 65 00 coffin, John G. Thacher, 21 00 Mrs. A. Montcalm, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, Daniel Cash, medicine, T. T. Hallett, 35 70 91 00 14 50 7 15 $301 59 G ..Sai. NE . m... 13411414 r1L.L. s+. E SOUTH SIDE. Matthews C. Gray, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, 34 50 medicine, T. T. Hallett, 15 80 supplies, R. J. Baker, 5 49 John N. Baker, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 35 00 supplies, R. D. Farris, 8 53 " Purrington & Small, 22 49 • Z. P. Howes, . 15 52 Charity Baker, Purrington & Small, David Farris, " R. D. Farris, 5 52 • R. J. Baker, 15i 38 " Z. P. Howes, _ 4 44 med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 9 00 " " S. H. Sears, 7 00 nursing, Amos Arey, 5 00 fuel, Alfred White, 1 50 " Rufus, " • 300 " David Sears, 3 00 nursing, Chas. Taylor, 1 50 " Mary Butler, 4 00 fuel, L. Fuller & Co., 3 25 coffin, K. M. Taylor, 19 50 grave, V. Crowell, 1 50 burial, David Sears, 2 00 Harry Robinson, board, S. Goodwin, 13 00 supplies, D. D. Kelley, 4 40 Grace Robinson, board, S. Cahoon, Mary Butler, supplies, Z. P. Howes, 24 35 " R. D. Farris, 16 62 " I. F. Homer, 1 25 " D. D. Kelley, 1 05 med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 2 50 fuel, David Sears, 3 00 " S. Crowell, 3 00 Lefavor Kelley, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, 8 00 medicine, T. T. Hallett, 10 20 Lefavor Kelley, fuel, L. Fuller & Co., 855 79 S. Crowell, supplies, I. F. Homer, " 0. Baker, Mary Trott, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 81 54 l Mrs. Jos. Cotelle, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 35 72 supplies, R. D. Farris, Thacher Ellis, " R. J. Baker, 88 59 17 40 22 00 51 77 86 75 3 00 31 5 15 88 36 00 • 46 98 5 00 17 07 53 07 21 08 8478 94 WEST SIDE. Alex. Crowell, board, by Judah Crowell, *66 00 " med. attendance, Dr. Hawes, 2 70 68 70 Susan Hallett, fuel, Ebenezer Baker, 3 75 " Joshua S. Baker, 1 50 " Lot Hallett, 9 00 " H. B. Chase & Sons, 7 00 supplies, J. E. Crowell, 9 50 " Isaiah Crowell, 6 75 35 50 Lydia G. Bears., supplies, J. E. Crowell, 8 63 " Isaiah Crowell, 21 99 fuel, H. B. Chase & Sons, 3 75 " Lot Hallett, 6 50 " Joshua S. Baker, 3.00 43 87 -John Orlando, supplies, Isaiah Crowell, 23 22 fuel, H. B. Chase & Sons, 13 00 36 22 Mrs. David Buck, supplies, J. E. Crowell, 96 00 shingles, C. C. Crocker, 5 00 Mrs. Susan Bearse, board, Alex. Marchant, Francis Brown, supplies, Isaiah Crowell, North Side, South " West " •_:,'sti: r� ,"fir, ..�s t 101 00 24 00 - 29 09 8338 38 *301 59 478 94 338 38 81118 91 8 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Harriet L. Lovell, $126 75 `0 " Frank W. Thacher, 9 46 $136 21 City of Chelsea, J. W. Holway, Barnstable, Anna Webber, Susan Baker, Dennis, Caroline Linnell, City of Boston, Annie Lewis, Michael Kelley, James Fitzgerald, Jas. H. McMelville, Agnes Gardner, RECAPITULATION. 7 75 24 00 3 00 27 00 9 40 73 41 2 00 3 50 61 00 Almshouse, $1133 60 Out of Almhouse, 1118 91 Paid other Cities and Towns, 375 39 Amount raised by Town, Cash from N. C. Goodwin, Expended in excess of appropriation, • 55 12 149 31 $ 375 39 2300 00 20 00 370 90 *2627 90 $2627 90 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Falmouth, Dennis, Brewster, Chatham, Orleans, . Middleboro, $48 00 66 00 40 00 6 75 105 00 13 00 s $278 75 *278 75 • . i 11 i 1 1 INCIDENTALS. Wm. D. Loring, carting, $2 00 " grain, 7 38 " " care of office, 1 00 care of hearse, 6 50 driving hearse, 2 00 recording deaths, 5 00 C. 3L Hallet, land rent, Court fees, D. Gleason, board of tramp, Jos. Gorham, digging grave, - E. D. Payne, stove for office, W. P. Bray, labor on town office, W. P. Davis, recording births, marriages and deaths, 20 55 5 00 CC CC " " " expenses to Sandwich, Board of Health, Matthews & Payne, fuel to town office, John G. Thacher, labor, Thos. Crowell, list of stockholders, . A. W. Mitchell, numbering machine, J. B. Hall, labor, town office, Joshua S. Baker, care of hearse, recording deaths, repairs on firehouse, Removing tree, E. A. Hallett, team to Dennis, E. Walker, fuel, town office, Alban Christensen, labor, town office, W. Green, clock, " " A. F. Sherman, conveyances, Record Books for Overseers of Poor, Insurance, Expense on tramp, Fred. A. Baker, carrying paupers, " " {l aCigIMMAM.1411.1amm 3 00 50 25 r`c:""�';-: 23 88 3 00 17 35 1 00 2 50 15 CO 1 50 25 55 3 00 6 56 1 50 1 00 12 00 9 87 3 75 6 g0 1 25 3 00 2 70 13 00 10 .00 19 25 51 50 11 17 3 00 10 Prea flatlet, binding Town Reports, Expense on death of Francis McKay, S. M. Hallet, board of Selectmen, Travelling expenses of Selectmen, M. H. Crowell, care of hearse, _ Care of Cemetery, Ansel Hallet, postage stamps, S. Sears, T. T. Hallet, Laura H. Hallet, board of Selectmen, MUSKRATS. 429 muskrats at 25 cents each, CLEARING'SNOW. Seth Hamblin, David Sears, FIRES. Joshua S. Baker, LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, Alfred Gorham, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, Amount received from sale of School House, Incidentals, Muskrats, Clearing Snow, 2 25 25 67 16 50 73 04 5 75. 3 80 7 00 1 75 11 74 21 00 1 1 1 8417 33 • 8107 25 11 • Fires, 5 75 Labor on Farm, 60 95 In excess of Appropriation, John E. Ryder, Gilbert Lewis, Elizabeth Hurst, Emily J. Haffards, Mercy C. Crowell, Benj. Lovell, Nancy J. Humphery, MILITARY AID. STATE AID. 1 63 8626 63 8628 63 *3600• 66 00 8102 00 44 00 22 00 44 00 36 00 8 00 8154 00 824 00 REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 11 35 35 35 Amount raised by town, Repairs on almshouse, 24 50 school house, south side, 17 05 5 75 " SC it " north side, 12 00 . west side, 116 19 Town office, painting, 181 17 47 70 " ,, " " labor, 1890, 81 75 13 25 " " a " furniture, books etc., 108 71 = Expended in excess of appropriation, • *0095 .. 417 33 ].07 25 35 35 ft 600 00 25 00 8500 00 41 37 8541 37 8541 37 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James Ellis, Amount raised by town, 2004 95 1358 73 1100 00 4250 00 II ik12544Wil RIR AO • • I 12 Expended in excess of appropriation, SCHOOL BOOKS. Amount raised by town, Expended for books by School Com., Expended in excess of appropriation, Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Cleaning house, Janitor, Supplies, Stove, etc, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Supplies, Books, fuel, cleaning eta,- -• WEST SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Supplies, 213 68 $4463 68 $4463 68 • • RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, North side, South side, West side, 400 00 444 34 44 34 444 34 $444 34 1433 17 98 83 16 65 125 00 16 18 48 50 1735 33 1425 00 80 00 15 00 260 66 1780 66 ALAN ii iI IIILIL • 807 50 28 00 37 50 7 00 33 01 913 01 1738 33 1780 66 913 01. 3800 00 III 1111111 1 1 1 4 1 7 1 11,11111.111111 11 11 111, • 11 1 11.111111111 • 18. Expended in excess of appropriation, 632 00 $4432 00 $4432 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Son, Fred. Hallett, Geo. Otis, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, TOWN OFFICERS. Auditors, I. B. Gage, . Registrar, Theo. F. Drew, " Fred. A. Baker, Seth Taylor, A. A. Knowles, Wm. P. Davis, C. F. Swift, Moderator, F. A. Crowell, Teller, Chas. Thacher, 2d, " D. 1). Kelley, Inspector, Chas. F. Pnrrington, " Seth Taylor, ge Stephen Sears, School Alex. B. Chase, — John Simpkins, " W. R. Farris, it CC I. B. Gage, Collector, John Stetson, Constable, Seth Taylor, " W. P. Davis, Clerk and Treasurer, 4' " i/ Committee, - K " i.: rtui-h Ga � - $92 50 50 33 21 25 $150 00 14 08 $164 08 $164 08 • $51 00 10 00 26 00 21 00 8 50 17 00 15 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 50 00 35 00 15 00 25 00 215 05 26 50. 41 80 85 00 • 14 Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor Horse Hire, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation TAXES REMITTED. Taxes Remitted, SEARS FUND. Amount raised to pay interest, Paid W. P. Davis, Trustee, TOWN DEBTS. Amount raised to pay debts, Debts paid, In Excess of appropriation, i ha.. mi.r„i1S .lr+ur•40m m $1400 00 77 40 323 40 188 75 164 15 128 25 $1477 40 $1477 40 *65 32 $900 00 $900 00. $900 00 *900 00 $400 00 $410 22 10 22 $410 22 *410 22 BASS RIVER. LOWER BRIDGE. Cash from Yarmouth and Dennis " " Sale of old bridge, Interest, G. A. Lancaster, Contractor, *11,000 00 A. H. Knowles, Supt., of Construction, 364 00 G. A. Lancaster, Approved bill of extras, Committee fees, M. H. Crowell, Painting, Printing and Advertising, 29 00 366 70 183 03 33 18 *11,943 74 301 25 151 93 • Il WII N I1 1 1 Sundry itemg, Repairs on Abnttments, Taking up old bridge, IO terest, County Tax, State, Bank 9 00 106 76 153 35 151 53 1111112" 'r,. *12,396 55 $12,396 55 TAXES PAID. $1373 20 •1110 00 I990 98 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Amount raised by town, Paid Alex. B. Chase, - $38 20 Unexpended balance, 311 80 ABSTRACT OF ACCOII Town Grant, Support of Poor, Incidentals, Repairs on Public Buildings, Roads and Bridges, Schools, School Books, Printing and Advertising, Town Officers, Interest on Sears Fund, Town Debts, Transportation of Scholars, In excess of town grant, $4474 18 $350 00 $350 00 $350 00 NTS. r $15,050 00 2627 90 626 63 541 37 4463 68 4432 00 444 34 164 08 1477 40 900 00 410 22 38 20 1075 82 $16,125 82 $16,125 82 IC 1111 NM II ILMOMMONINIMMINIO • 16 TOWN TREASURER. Dr. Balance Jan. 1st, 1891, Received from town of Falmouth, " �• " Harwich, " " CC " it " it " CC •CC CC " " " " " it " u " CC CC CC " CC " Brewster, • " Dennis, - County Treasurer, dog money returned, State " School fund, « Corporation tax, Nat'l. Bank tax, " CC " " IC " " N. C. Goodwin, « I. B. Gage, collector, Seth Taylor, " " Wm. P. Davis, " T. T. Hallet, " 1. P. Matthews, fisheries, " Sale of School house, " Hay sold, " Calf sold, " Auctioneer's license, " Court fees, Orders outstanding Jany. lst, 1892, Military Aid; State Aid, Foreign Ships, TOWN TREASURER. Cr. Support of poor in Almshouse, " out of " " in other cities and towns, if « of « " $4039 99 48 00 5 04 32 50 35 30 194 16 163 31 2232 03 1459 33 92 00 190 00 32 11 20 00 9337 25 9200 00 500 00 3 57 62 19 25 00 6 00 6 86. 2 00 44.53 279 14 $28,010 31 $1146.46 1118 91 375 39 278 75 n.o.Yr 11.11 1 17 Overseers of Poor, Boston, Incidentals, Muskrats, Clearing Snow, Fires, Labor on Farm, Military Aid, State Aid, Repairs on Public Buildings, Roads and Bridges, School Books, Schools, • Printing and Advertising, Town Officers, Taxes Remitted, Sears Fund, Town Debts, Bass River Lower Bridge, County Tax, State Bank State Treasurer, Transportation of Scholars, Outstanding orders, Jan. 1st, 1891, Balance, Jan. 1st, 1892, VALUATION MAY 1sT, 1891. Real Estate, buildings, " " land, Personal Estate. « " bank stock, Total valuation, Number of dwelling houses, *473,788 285,738 791,176 167,700 574 $3 67 417 33 107 25 35 35 5 75 60 95 102 00 154 00 541 37 4463 68 444 34 4432 00 164 08 1477 40 65 32 900 00 410 22 6071 98 1373 20 1110 00 1990 98 30 93 38 20 607 23 83 67 $28,010 31 61,718,402 II 11 1 1 n .I 1•11M1. I..uun•••hINI1El.I.y...•....YM1•1110.rl... a " horses, a " Cows, a " sheep, " acres of land, f1 " persons paying poll tax only, - 4 1 1114 f{ " " assessed 1 TH ACHEIR T. HALLETT.) Selectmen STEPHEN SEARS, )} yarmonth. of EDWARD LEWIS, 18 7 231 162 60 10830 11 Road Commissioner's Report. SETH H. HAMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOIITH. • LABOR ON ROADS, 1891. R. William Park, 15 hours, 20c., $ 3 00 ; A. D. Baker, sharpening pick, 75 • William Shields, 42} hours 20c.. 8 50 • J. T. Chase, 12 a 240 Alfred Baker, 10 " " 2 00 Watson Thacher, making and painting guide board • and labor on scraper, 3 50 Wm. P. Bray, 641 hours 20c., 12 90 J. W. Howes, - 14 hours, 20c., 2 80 Isaiah Ellis, 7 loads clay, 5c., 35 Charles Ellis, 32 hours, 15c., 4 80 Chas. L. Nickerson, 8 " 20c., 1 60 James A. Elba, 8 " 15c., 1 20 Charles Ellis, 81 a 30c., 1 55 J. W. Ellis, 711 " 15c., 1 13 Calvin Hallett, 9 " 20c., 1 80 • I ' 20 D. Crocker, 40 loads clay, 6c., Seth II. Hamblin, 8 hours, 30e, Seth Taylor, 18 hours, 300., Oliver. Hallett, 5 hours, 20e. *1.00, 3 hours, 15c. 45c, 5 loads clay, 5c. 25, S. T. Eldridge, 40 hours, 20 and 30c., T. T. Hallett, 32 loads clay, 5c., C. R. Bassett, 4i hours, 20., 90; 47r hs. at 15e., a, P. Keveney, 127} boars, 30c., Allen Cash, 13 hours, 20c., *2.60; 13hs. at 30c., *3.90, Allen Cash' Jr., 3 hours, 20c., Edward S. Chase, 7 hours. 15c., $1.05; 6 hs. 30c., $1.80, S. L. Robbins, 10 hours, 20c., James Gorham, 18 " Edward F. Smith, Wm. H. Brown, . Patrick Morgan, 55 " 20c., Chas. H. Gorham, 27} " Frederick Sherman, 2i " Edward F. Smith, 4 James P. Cash, W. M. Thacber, James T. Chase, George Robbins, _ H. J. Young, Samuel Cobb, James W. Ellis, Chas. W. Ellis, C. L. Nickerson, Jeremiah Robinson, James A. Ellis, M. Siney, Geo. Robbins, Patrick Heffernan, James A. Morgan, 2 " 7 " 10c., " 4' " 23i " 44 " 27 " 4 " " 30 " 60 " 47; " 477} " 30c., 47i " 20c., 45i " t[ 47 " 30c., 2811 " 15c., 20- " 20c., 60 " 52 " " " '4 a *2 10 2 40 5 40 1 70 10 00 1 60 1 58 3 75 6 50 60 2 85 2.00 3 60 40 70 11 00 • 5 50 50 80 4 70 -8 80 5 40 80 6 00 12 00 9 50 14 25 9 50 9 10 14 25 4 28 4 00 12 00 10 40 1 J. W. Drape, Ernest Bray, Geo. A. Bray, Jos. A. Sherman. F. E. Sherman, James Keveney, Frank E. Lewis, J. W. Hamblin, Freeman Howes, David Whelden, G. E. Whelden, F. D. Gage, 1 Fred Smith, James Smith,.. Allen Cobb, 1 Alfred Baker, 1 Charles Ellis, 76 5c., $34.75, Amos Arey, James A. Cash, Patrick Morgan, Jos. C. Chase, Russell Hallett, 60 h 5c., $5.60, James T. Chase, 18 hours, 20c., W. F. Smith, 17 " " Henry H. Baker, 53 " " Jeremiah Chase, 41 " 30c., Jos. W. Smith, 19 hours, 20c., *3.80; 19 hs. at 30c., -*5.70, Juan .Chase, 2871 hours, 30c., Freeman Ryder, 10 hours, 20c:, *2.00; 45 hs. 30c., *13.50 Fred W. Chase, 411 hours, 20c., F. H. Chase, _ 474 " " Charles Cahoon, 100 " " Charles Bassett, 37 hours, 20c., *7.40; 82 hs. 30c., $24.60, ' 21 30 hrs., 20c., 47} " " . 477}" 'a 15 " 56 " 30c, 50 " 20c., 5i " " 212; " 62 " 30c., 36 " 20c., 66 " 66 " 30c., 36 " 20c., 41 " 30 " 30c., 62 " 20c., hours, 30c. , $22.80; " 695 loads clay 41 hours, 20c., 42 f° 30c., 85 " 20c., 41 ours, 30c., *18.00; 112 Ioads clay $6 00 9 50 9 50 3 00 16 80 10 00 10 20 22 45 18 60 7 20 13 20 19 80 7 20 820 9 00 12 40 56 65 8 20 1260 17 00 8 20 23 60 3 60 3 40 10 60 12 30 950 8 55 15 50 8 30 9 50 20 00 32 00 22 Charles Cahoon, 30 hours, 20c., James Lack, -52, hours, 20c., $10.40; 52 hs. 30c., $15.60, E. S. Waite, 431 hours, 30c., Seth Taylor, 56 " cg Nathan Bassett, 72 " 20., D. G. Eldridge, 81 hours, 30c., $2.55; 80 loads clay 5c., $4.00, Oliver Hallett, 60 hours, 30c., S. T. Eldridge, 67 hours, 20c., $13.40; 67 hs. 30c., $20.10 E. W. Eldridge, 43 hours, 20c., $8.60; 46 hs. 30c., $13.80, A. H. Eldridge, • 9 hours, 20c., T. T. Hallett, 394 loads clay, Sc., Allen Cash, Jr., 80 hours, 20c, William Robbins, 1162 " " S. L. Robbins, 4 hours, 20c., 800; land damage $3.50, N. B. Wlielden. 70 hours, 30c., Geo. Hallett 2d, 54 hours, 20c.,910.80; 114 hs. 30c., $34.20, E. H. Robinson, - 1051 hours, 20c., John E. Ryder, 10 hours, 20c., $2.00; 30 hs. 15c., $4.50, Joseph Gorham, 80 hours, 30c., Gideon Matthews, 88 {i " E: S. Mecarta, 1141 Archelus Phillips, Amos Arey, ff u $6 00 26 00 13 05 . 16 80 14 40 6 55 18 00 33 50 22 40 1 80 19 70 16 00 23 30 4 30 21 00 45 00 12 10 6 50 24 00 26 40 34 35 80 " 20c., 16 00 80 " " 16 00 James G. Hallett, 10 hours, 20c., $.2.00; 40 hs. 30c., $12.00, 14 00 F. C. Baker, 70 hours, 20c., 14 00 Albert Taylor, 72 hours, 20c., $14.40; 51 hs. 30c., $15.30, 29. 70 W. 3L Thacher, 82 hours, 20e., 16 40 Edmund Walker, • 52 " 30c., 15 60 Alfred Gorham, 50 hours, 20c., $10.00; 50 hs. 15c., $7.50 17 50 Jos. Walker, 30 hours. 30c., .9 00 Warren Ellis, 10 hours, 20c., £2.00 ; 10 hs. 30c., $3.00, 42 loads clay -5c.—$;210 - - 7 10 Geo. S. Chase, 31 " 15c., .53 Frank L Robbins, • 8 " 12c., 96 4 1 I 1 23 I. IL Thacher, 104 hours, 20c., Geo. Robbins, 3 " " Bertie Raymond, 21 " 10c., Daniel H. Robbins, 315 loads clay, 4c., Patrick Heffernan, 23 hours, 20c., Nathan Bassett, 6311 " " J. W. Hamblin, 581 " 30c., Lydia S. Crowell, 168 loads clay 4c., Estate P. Keveney, per bill, Warren Montcalm, 3 hours, 20c., Alfred Baker, 8 it " Vulcan Machine Co., Road Machine, Henry Baker, 13 hours, 20c., J. Usher, Jr, 141 " C. M. Bray, Weir Road. 1.31 rods, at $8.75 per rd., James A. Ellis, Weir Road, 20 rods at $6.25, $125.00 land damage, $7.00, Jas. Gorham, 182 loads gravel, 50., $9.10; .3 1-2 hours, 20c., 70, Due S H. Hamblin, Dne for 1890, Seth H. Hamblin, labor on roads, Seth H. Hamblin, material, 1205 loads at 5c., Wm. P. Bray, 96i hours, 20c., 1 Charles H. Gorham, 271 " 20c., ■ Drawn from Town Treas. $20 80 60 25 12 60 4 60 12 70 17 55 5 72 4 80 60 1 60 140 00 2 60 2 90 118 12 132 00 9 80 7 04. 185 55 GO 25 $1976 11 19 35 5 50 $2000 96 2000 00 96 SETH II. ILAIILBLIN IN ACCOUNT WITIi THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. SNOW. Michael Keveney, 3 hours, 20c., 60 II Y JL' 1 LLL ■ 1 1 1 111 1 lir 1 1 1 1 C. M. Bran, Seth IL Hamblin, " Due from 1890, Archelus Phillips, 3 -hours, 20c., Seth H. Hamblin, 8 " 40c., S. T. Eldridge, E. S. Mecarta, Chas. Ellis, James A. Cash, Alfred Howland, H. H. Baker, Geo. F. Chase, Oliver Hallett,' 24 31 K 51 K 40c., K " K 41 2 9 21 6 21 10 11 K K " K 20c, a K J. W. Hamblin, 4 hours, team, 40c., Drawn from Town Treas.,. Difference, .. 14 .W •._ ,W $1 50 2 20 5 33 60 3 20 1 80 40 1 80 50 1 20 50 35 2 00 822 18 1 60 $23 78 24 00 22 J 17 DAVID SEARS IN ACCOUNT WI.TIH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, 1891. Chas. E. Hall, repairing walk, $ 1 00 James R. Baker, 20 hours, 200., 4 00 L. H. Baker, Robert B. Clark, John G. Sears, Elbridge Crowell, material, Hopkins Baker, D. F. Sears, Geo. B. Sears, Vinney Crowell, Isaac Ellis, Edgar N. Baker, Geo. B. Sears, N. H. Sears, Geo. B. Sears, Frank Homer, R. D. Farris. Geo. B. Sears, John G. Sears, Alonzo C. Chase, Albert H. Cotell, Isaiah Homer, Frank Homer, Geo. W. Wood, Ernest Baker, e H. Baker, John H. Stetson,. A. W. Cahoon, Heenan Crowell, D. F. Sears, , U. H. Sears, C. W. Myrick, Isaac Ellis, Geo. H. Loring, 25 " 500 20 " 400 41-2 90 1 00 3 " " 60 3 3-4 " 75 3 " " 60 54 " " 10 80 7 1-4 hrs., with team, 30c., 2 18 60 1-2 "201, 12 10 4 hrs, " 80 11 1-3 hrs., with team, 30c.,. 3 40 15 hrs., 15c., 2 25 75 15 00 23 .55 9 00 10 00 10 00 30c., .27 00 20c., 14 00 6_09 400 " with team, 30c., 15 00 33 00 " 20c., 15 00 " with tzam, 30c, 21 00 " 20c, - 6 00 " with team, 30c., 12 00 27 00 " 1.2 00 K a " 12 00 11 "j 5 i/ 44 50 " with team, 30c., 117 3-4 hrs., 20c., 45 hrs., 20a„ 50 1/ al 50 90 70 30 20 50 110 75 70 30 40 90 40 40 K /1 K (i K K 11 /[ Si /t a di K " Fred. A. Baker, Thos. Collins, Daniel Brown, Alex. G. Baker, Willis N. Hall, - Joseph H. Robinson, Sturgis Crowell, Nelson Baker, Eddie Baker, Henry W. Baker, Clifton R. Baker, Reuben Baker, Reuben Baker, . Joseph Robinson, Amos K. Baker, Lewis Eldridge, Gilbert Studley, 0. F. Wood, Elmer F. Whittemore, Stephen Sears, Seth Baker, 3d, M. C. Gray, Isaac Ellis, Benj. Homer, A. B. Baker, Wm. 11. Cahoon, Alex. Baker, Geo. H. Scars, John G. Sears, Isaiah P. Matthews, I. P. Matthews, Amos R. Baker, Osborn White, II. H. Sears, D. S. Baker, D. S. Baker, 18 . 90 hrs., with team, 90 -" <. " 40 " 20c., 40 " 33 1-3 hrs., 30 hrs., 15c., 30 " 30c., 30 " 20 20 " .. .. 20 " 34 " 65 " 30 " with team, 30c., 50 " . 20c., '. 30 " " 40 " with_team,.30c.,___ 25 " .. 15 " 20c., 50 " 10 " with team, 30c., 40 " " 25c., 40 " it 30c., 10 " u u 35 " " " 70 " 35 " 20c., 25 " 44 1-2 hrs., 20c., 27 1-2 " " 10 " 72 hrs., with team, 30c., 17 1-2 hrs.. 20c., 50 hrs., with team,' 20 " " .. 22 1.2 hrs., 20c., 55 hrs., with team, 30c, .. u " 27 00 27 00 8 00 12 00 10 00 4 50 9 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 6 80 13 00 9 00 10 00 6 00 12 00 7 50 3 00 10 00 3 00 10 00 12 00 3 00 10 50 21 00 7 00 7 50 8 60 5 50 2 00 21 60 3 50 15 00 6 00 4 50 16 50 -19 D. S. Baker, 32 loads loam, 3c., Wm. H. Eldridge, 20 hrs., with team, aoc., Chas. 11. Harward, 15 " Willis N. Hall, 33 1-3 " Allen Parris, 5 hrs., 200., Joseph Robinson, 10 " " Peregrine White, labor and material, John E. Baker, 128 loads clay, 7c,_ Martha E. White, 128" _ " " • Ahira Baker, . 20 hrs., 20c., Benj. C. Baker, 383 1-2 loads clay, 70., Freeman Baker, 128 " Hopkins Baker, 20 hrs., 20c,, Isaiah Sherman, 106 1-2 hre., 20c., U. H. Sears, 20 hrs., 30c., Seth Baker, 767 loads clay, 7c., .Tohn G. Sears, 17 hrs„ 20., Andrew Crowell, 5 " David Kelley, 383 1-2 loads clay, 7c., Stephen Sears, 7 1-2 hrs., with team, 30e., Edgar N. Baker, 4 hrs., 20c„ Joseph K. Chase, 21-4 " Wm. F. Chase, 10 hrs., " John G. Sears, 31-2 hrs., 20c., Theoph. Chase, 13-4 " " John H. Stetson, 10 " with. team, 30c., Henry N. Brooks, 9 " 20c., J. F. Clack, 21-2 " with 0. F. Wood, 5 1-4 Ernest P. Baker, 10 David F. Sears, 18 3-4 Geo. B. Sears, 32 1-2 John G. Sears, 12 Wm. F. Chase, 24 H. N. Brooks, 71-2 John G. Sears, 4 • " " 20e., L. .0 .. /[ it it ., " ,0 u .t .. 96 6 00 4 50 10 00 1 00 2 00 58 30 8.96 8 96 4 00 26 85 8 96 4 00 21 30 6 00 53 69 3 40 1 09 26 85 2 25. 80 45 2 00 70 35 3 00 1 80 75 1 05 2 00 3 75 .6 50 2 40 4 80 1 50 80 yp¢�. JI.S .. w+ a±- 4 i-- _...a�...1w41,1v.-ru1.11i- i MI.......i... ..J 20 Barnabas Sears, 42 loads clay, 10c., John S. Sears, 40 " " - Vinney Crowell, 15 hrs., 20c., Seth Baker, 32 loads clay, 7c., C. W. Myrick, 9 hrs., double team, 50c., Barnabas Sears, 30 ft., drain pipe, 39c. ft., Isaiah Sherman, 10 hrs., 20c., • 12 1-2 hrs., 20c., 61-2 " with team, 30c., 39 hrs., 20c., John G. Sears, F. W. Homer, Wm. White, 2d, A. H. Baker, - 5 1-2 hrs., 20e, U. B. Sears, 10 hrs., with team, 30e, Reuben Baker, 11 1-4 hrs., 20c., Rufus Baker, ' 3 1-2 hrs., 30c., C. W. Myrick, 6 1-2 with team, 30c, David Sears, bill of labor, 1891, Isaiah Sherman, 5 hrs, 20c., H. E. Baker, 10 " " Clement H. Baker, 71-2 hrs., 20e., Warren • C. Fuller, 9 loads coal ashes, John G. Sears, 5 hrs., 20c., Total, Amount Drawn, Amount on hand, SNOW ACCOUNT FOR 1891. Jan. 6 Alex. G. Baker, 3 hours, 20c. Uriah H. Sears, 10 " 40c., Sam'l Robbins, 2} " 20c., David Sears, 11 " 40c., Frank Homer, 14i . " 40c., Total, 4 20 4 00 3 00 2 24 4 50 11 70 2 00 2 50 1 95 7 80 1 10 3 00 2 25 1 05 1 95 201 62 1 00 2 00 1 50) 1 00 1 00 $1220 97 . 1227 50 8 6 53 $ 60. 4 00 50 50 5 75 A4 l ov f.vhri." 21 ACCOUNT OF MONEY EXPENDED ON NEW ROAD. May. 24 Watson Cahoon, 23 A. F. Wixon, David Sears, April 25 David Sears, F.F. Collins, May 21 D. S. Baker, April 22 David Sears, Geo. B. Sears, John G. Sears, D. F. Sears, Wm. Cahoon, 15 hours, 20c., *3 00 20 " 20c., 4 00 10 " 35c., 3 50 5 " •35c., 1 75 15 " 30c., 4 50 10 " 30c., 3 00 514 " 50e., 25 75 55 ' "' 20c., 11 00 55 " 20c., 11 00 5 " 20c., 1 00 22i " 20c., 4 50 John H. Stetson, 20 " 30e., 6 00 Alex. G. Baker, . 10 44 30c., 3 00 C. W. White, 146 loads loam, 7c., 10 22 Reuben Baker, 294 hours, 20c., . 5 90 " L0 10 " 30c., 3 00 Isaiah Sherman, 20 " 20c., 4 00 L P. Matthews, 10 " 30c., 3 00 Sam'i Robbins, 10 " 20c., 2 00 24 Uriah H. Sears, 10 " 30c, 3 00 Jos. H. Robinson, 19 " 20c., 3 80 Isaac Ellis, 10 " 30c, 3 00 25 Ernest P. Baker, 25 " 20e., 5 00 Freeman Myrick, 15 " 30c., 4 50 27 Isaiah Homer, 15 " . 30c.,' 4 50 Fred 4. Baker, 15. " 30e., 4 50 Estate of Dorcas Crowell, 187 loads of loam, 7c., 13 09 Amt. of Bills. *151 51 TOWN OF YARMOUTII, IN ACCOUNT WITH JAMES ELLIS, ROAD COMMISSIONER, 1891. April 27 Zenas Baker, 105 hours, 20c., $21 00 " J. E. Crowell, 115 " 300., 34 50 28 Osborn E. Chase, 30 " 20o., 6 00 June 2 Ebenezer Baker, 85 " " 17 00 April 20 Eben Baxter, . 4i " 40c., 1 80 a " " 164 " 15c., 24 60 27 A. Blachford, 4 " 20c., 1 00 " A. E. P. Blach ford, 39 " 15c., 5 85 " a ' " 10 " 20c., 2 00 " Sylvester Marchant, 30 " " 6 00 June 9 Jos. F. Nickerson, 208 " 15c., 31 20 April 27 Benajah Whelden, 11.5 " 20c., 23 00 June 9 David S. Marchaut, 210 " 15c., 31 50 April 27 Edward Lewis, horse and man 70 hours, 5 00 70 hours, 30c., 21 00 G. F. Crocker, 210 " 15c., 31 50 Ellis P. Baker, 68 a a 9 00 Isaiah Crowell, 30 " 30c., 9 00 Samuel H. Drew, 81} " " 24 45 Geo. P. Drew, 40 " 20c., 8 00 Ansel L. Baker, 99 " a 19 80 Geo. S. Taylor, 65 " .. 30c., 19 50 Luther It Taylor, 20 " 20c., 4 00 A. C. Drew, 80 " 120., 9 60 Austin I.Johnson, L8 " 30c., 5 40 " Jose C. Desilver,- 130 " 150., 19 50 R. L. Taylor, 160 " 15c„ 24 00 10 1 11 1 1 1.,iui 11 11 1 aka.I mai •elII ddb *:%" '°" re' 4"--. 28 0. B. Buck, 85 Richard Sears, 85 Allen Baxter, 20 Luther Buck, 105 Joshua S. Baker, 114 " 115 Timothy Cotelle, 37 Dean S. Linnell, 55 Geo. S. Lionel), 25 Dustin Baker, 95 Albert Berry, 175 June 17 Alex. B. Chase, 90 a �. {i 20c., 20c., 20c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 20c., 20c., 20c., 20c., 30c., 15c., 387 'owls clay at 4c., April 27 B. II. Crowell, 104ii hours, 15c., Thomas Baxter, 104} " 13c., July 8 Elnathan Baker, 75 " 2Dc., 18 B. F. Crocker, acre surface loam, April 27 W. A Marchant, 30 hours, 20c, James Ellis, 627 " 15c., a a 32i " 20c., Mary R. Ellis, 80 loads clay, at 4c., Aug. 15 James Ellis and Lot Hallett, 265 loads of clay, at 4c., .April 20. Arthur Hallett, 7 hours, 200., June 20 Walter B. Chase, 85 loads clay, at 4c., Oct. 20 Jerry Eldridge, 15 hours, 30c., " " 10 " 15c., Win. Eldridge, 10 " 30c:, a a 6 " 25c., paint for bridge, Gilbert Studley, 11 hours, 25c., Lewis Eldridge, 18 " 25c., Geo. S. Taylor, 10 " 30e, Dec. 31 Jerry Eldridge, cement, atone and labor, le a 17 00 17 00 4 00 21 00 34 20 23 00 7 50 11 00 500 19 00 52 50 13 50 15 48 15 67 15 67 15 00 20 00 6.00 94 05 6 50 3 20 10 60 140 3 40 4 50 1 50 3 00 1 50 1 25 2 75 -450 3 00 3 10 8 871 97 Auditors' Report. To the town of Yarmouth:— After examining the accounts of the several Town Officers, your auditors would respectfully submit the following report: YARMOUTH, Jan. 9th, 1892. We, the undersigned, Auditors of the town of Yarmouth, hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the Select- men and find that they have drawn orders on the Town Treas- urer for the sum of *27,372.16. And we find proper receipted vouches for the above sum, namely *27,372.16. In this connec- tion, we desire to state that we are very highly pleased with the method used by the Chairman of the Selectmen in keeping bis accounts, and with the neatness with which they are kept, and we would advise all other town officers to follow his example. ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, . Auditors. A. H. KNOWLES, • ALEXANDER B. CHASE, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, WEST YARMOUTH. Expended for school, books; repairs, etc., to Dec. 31st, • 1891, per bills, $1438 15 Drawn by town orders, 1438 15 25 WILLIAM R. FARRIS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, SOUTH YARMOUTH. , Expended for schools, repairs, etc., to Dec. 31st, 1891, per bills, $1291 83 Drawn by town orders, 1291 83 STEPHEN SEARS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Expended for schools, books, repairs, etc., to Dec. 31st, 1891, per bills, Drawn by town orders, JOHN SIMPKINS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, YARMOUTH. Paid for schools, books, repairs, etc., Received by town orders, DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Amount of money expended on old roads, per bills, Expended on lower road, per bill, Total expenditures, Cash on band Jan'y 1st, 1891, " Town orders, repairs old roads, " lower road, Total receipts, Paid for clearing snow, Drawn for " ..- 1.1,. $567 04 567 04 $1714 58 1714 58 $1220 97 151 51 81372 48 27 50 1194 98 150 00 11372 48 $11 35 11.35 -1411Irrllll 1111 21 SETH H. HAMBLIN, ROAD COMMISSIONER, YARMOUTH. Expended on old roads, per bills, new " " " • Total expenditures, Cash, town orders, old roads, , if a CC new " " Due S. H. Hamblin, to balance, Paid tor clearing snow, per bills, - Balance on hand, Total expenditures, Drawn for snow, $1750 84 250 12 22000 96 $1750 00 250 00 96 $2000 96 $23 78 22 JAMES ELLIS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. WEST YARMOUTH. Expended on old roads, (per bills), Snow due from 1890, Parker' s River Br., J. Eldredge, Lumber, J. K. & B. Sears, Due from 1890, Right of way, Cash on hand, Total expenditures, Cash by town orders. " " • " Parker R. Br., " Right of way. " " " err -•r�;. $24 00 24 00 $871 97 5 70 283 76 90 59 50 59 4500. 22 33 $1369 94 $1100 00 224 94 45 00 $1369 94 C ....r LL pm' b 0111: •I 1 MI • 27 ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, TREASURER FISH COMMITTEE _ OF THE TOWNS OF YARMOUTH AND DENNIS, FOR 1891. By permits for seining, lease of smoke and fish houses_. Nov. 10 and 11, Fish Committee, hiring and seining 14 bbls. Perch, sold at Dec. 21, Not sale of perch, Total proceeds, To amounts paid. Fish Committee, etc., $ 90 37 Nov. 10 and 11, Bills paid at the pond, 16 10 " " " " 1-4 of proceeds paid seiners, - 32 99 " " " " Bills paid watching, 9 50 Dec. 31, Cash to balance, 573 34 Dec. 3Ist, 1-2 balance paid town of Dennis, a " " a u " " Yarmontb, The Selectmen's books show total bills paid for the year 1891, $27,372 16 Total orders issued for the year 1891, -- 27,372 16 $202 00 12 75 148 07 . 359 48 $722 30 $722 30 286 67 286 67 WILLIAM P: DAVIS. TOWN TREASURER. Paid out -standing orders of 1890, " Town orders of 1891, Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1892, $ 607 23 27,040 27 - 83 67 $27.731 17 99 18 27,731 17 Balance in Treasury, Jan. 1st, 1891, 4039 Cash received during year 1891, 23,691 ELK ANAil CROW ELL, FREEMAN HOWES, A. H. K O W LES, Auditors. Jan. Feb. -Jlealiaill.111111 1101111 Births iN 1891. 27 Son to Osborn E. and Phebe L Chase. 28 Daughter, Frances A. to Charles and Francis A. -Simpkins. 5 Daughter, Mary K., to Frederick R and Ellena Crocker. 17 Daughter, Marion F, to Jose C. and Ora B. F. Desilver. 18 Son, Beryl, to Fred R. and Alice C. Campbell. 25 Son, Alexander, to George E. and Lucy E. Nickerson. 20 Daughter, Alice E., to Frederick A. and. Elizabeth A. Cash. 22 Daughter, Fannie S., to Isaiah L. and , Dora A. Ellis. 4 Daughter Fanny M., to Lefavor and Idella D. Kelley. 15 Son, Lester A., to Allen L. and Emma L. Crowell. 18 Daughter, Helen A., to John C. and Emma S. Ham. Son to Josephand Lizzie Thacher. 4 Son to Charles A. and Louisa E. Chase. 17 Son, Harold H., Laurence and Lizzie P. Thacher. March April April May June July r i 1 . .1.. i LII I 1 LI I I IIYI Llltl I!. 1,111131110 29 Aug. 16 Daughter Abbie E., to Myron D. and Addie E. Ashley. 17 Son, Paul A., to Albion and Mary Christenson. Oct. 14 Son, Joseph C., to Joseph M. and Olivia S. Lewis. Nov. 25 Son Morris T_., to Winchester and Abby K. Johnson. 29 Son, Frank C, to Frank C. and Abbie A. Baker. Dec. 2 Daughter, Mabel W., to William R and Lillian S. Farris. 9 Son, Henry, to Victor and Henrietta Smidt. 28 Son, to Isaac H. and Mary H. Thacher. Marriages Recorded in 1891. Jan. 13 Edward A. Robie of Boston, and Hattie E. Chase of Yarmouth. Feb. 19 Daniel B. Lovell of Brockton, and Georgiana V. H. Freeman of Sandwich. March 10 Clarence H. W. Weeks of Harwich, and Florence M. Kenney of Yarmouth. 30 James W. Ellis of Yarmouth, and Lilla F. Howland of Brewster. June 1 Orrin F. Cash of Yarmouth, and Mary E. Gunn of Taunton. 17 Orville N. Leonard of 3Iiddle3oro, and Catherine F. Pratt of Middleboro. Aug. 13 Benjamin F. Tripp of Dennis, and Eva Wood of Dennis. 23 Benonia S. Baker of Yarmouth, and Carrie L. Jeffer-, • son of Middleboro. 26 John Cranch Moses of Detroit, and Mary Williams Mayhew of Yarmouth. Sept. 2 George L. Robbins of Yarmouth, and. Cora Etta Phillips of Yarmouth. 23 Henry G. Phillips of Dennis, and Annette Augusta Titus of New Brunswick. ' °amu 111!! 11 1 J ll! II 80 Nov.. 19 William F. Fowler of Hyannis, and Lillian S. Baxter of Yarmouth. Dec. 20 Nelson Hallett Edson of New York, and Mary Lizzie Kelley,of Yarmouth. Deaths in t 891. YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS. Jan. 16 ArmeniaC.Thacber, 70 ----5 17 Laurana Lewis, 85 6 16 Feb. 3 Nancy J. Humphrey, 48 -- - 12 Lydia J. Cole, 45 8 2 17 Wallace Thacher, 24 6 -- -- 25 Lillian M. Chase, 5 • March 2 Crowell Baker; 70 6 2 5 Mary Knowles Crocker, 1 23 Josephine Lewis, 32 1 24 Thankful D. Crocker, 84 11 19 April 27 Mary E. Hallett, 77 8 15 May 2 Gorham Taylor, 92 1C 12 4 Elizabeth Hallett, 73 10 12 6 .Huldah B. Blachford, 54 5 9 10 Betsey Howes, 91 9 1 13 Calvin Hallett, 78 6 . Jnne 6 Irvin T. Gorham, 12 3 21 Sept. 2 Isaac Hawes, 85 6 6 Sept. 14 Serena Crowell, 72 11 6 Oct. 8 Charles Thacher, 61. . 6 Nov. 13 Almena E. Robbins, 28 11 17 David M. Farris, 84 4 27 Dec. 12 Bethiah G. Whelden, 68 10 28 26 Zipporah A. Baker, 62 8 12 28 Hannah C. Baker, .. 52 3 1 1 II !1! . LEA,iM mot rrr. 111;o1.1.1134110111* .3. . l' 4,4IIiII. MN FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE - TOWN -OF -YOUTH, j -'or the Year Ending DECEMBER . 31, 1892. YARMOIITHPOBT, MASS.: C. F. Swlri & SON, STEAM BOOK AND JOE PRINTzR6. 1893. NMI e Ana 0 Jar TOWN •OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1892': Town Clerk and Treasurer. WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor. TEACHER T. BALLET, EDWARD LEWIS. STEPHEN WING. School Committee. ALEX. B. CHASE, WM. R. FARRIS. JOHN SIMPKINS, E. L. MARSH. Road Commissioners. SETH H. HAMBLIN, SETH TAYLOR, DAVID SEARS, JAMES ELLIS. Constables. JOHN H. STETSON. Fish Committee. ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M. BRAY, NATHAN W. GRUSH. • Auditors. ELKANAH CROWELL, FREEMAN HOWES, DANIEL B. CROCKER. Tax Collector. SETH TAYLOR. Registrars of ALLEN H. KNOWLES, WM. P. DAVIS, Field Driv HALLET, EDWARD S. CHASE, FLIJAH K. AREY, ERNEST P. BAKER, C. FRANK HUGGINS, ALEX. B. CHASE, HENRY F. CRO Fence Vie ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, Surveyors of L CHARLES M. BRAY, Voters. THEODORE F,,DREW, FRED. A. BAKER. vers. ALFRED HOWLAND, OSBORN E. CHASE, JUDAH B. CHASE, JOSEPH ROBINSON, ELNATHAN BAKER, JOSEPH F. NICKERSON, WELL. JAMES 11. SMITH, vers. ALBERT C. SNOW. umber. BARNABAS SEARS. Pound Keepers. DAVID SEARS, JOSHUA S. BAKER. ZELRCTMRK'Z REPORT. o To the attune of the Town ARMOUTH, MASS., Jan. 18, 1893. The Selectmen, together with the Auditors, after a careful survey of the expenditures of the several town officers for the past year, would beg leave to submit for your approval the following appropriations for r the ensuing year: Roads and Bridges, School Books, Town Officers, — Repairs on Public Buildings, Printing and Advertising, Town Debts, Support of Poor, Support of Schools, Incidentals, Interest on'Sears Fund, Transportation of Scholars, 63,800 00 500 00 1,500 00 200 00 200 00 400 00 2,300 00 4,200 00 500 00. 900 00 400 00 Total,814,900 _- The other expenses of the town, which are not provided f�r in the above recommendations, are the State and County taxes, which last year amounted to the sum of *2,931.96, and we have— no reason to believe that they will be increased this year. The income from our foreign bank tax, corporation tax, ships, school fund, etc., to offset the State and County tax, was last year *4,443,48, leaving a balance to the credit of the town of *1,511.52: In view of, these facts we would therefore regommend that .there --- be raised by taxation the sum of *13,400.00. ALMSHOUSE. Superintendent's salary, ' Polly Sherman, eggs, Stephen H. Sears, medical attendance,. I. H. Thacher $ Co., supplies, Edmund Walker, wood, *200 .00 11 01 3 00 113 89 22 75 �G.i•.�uatr� ■ r. le A. C. Megathlin, meat, L. K. Chase, shoes, Oliver Hallett, supplies, Stephen Eldridge,. carting, John E. Ryder, dressing hogs, John E. Ryder, eels, J. S. Bearse, moving Anna and Joseph Webber to almshouse, Allen Slade & Co., supplies, E. S. Mecarta, fertilizer, E. T. Baker, shoes, T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, Fred R. Crocker, supplies, R D. Farris, supplies, A. H. Eldridge, cow, A. H. Eldridge, use of animal, Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, Seth H. Hamblin, pork, R. H. Harris, supplies, Alfred Gorham, supplies, S. L. Robbins, fish, • K. M. Taylor, supplies, D. D. Kelley, supplies, Zenas H. Snow, supplies, Joel B. Hall, supplies, E. D. Payne, supplies, Matthews & Payne, coal, Svlvanus Robbins, fish, T. T. Ballet, supplies, Chas. M. Bray, supplies, By hens sold, hay sold, Net cost in almshouse, Y 1 .I. r -r iu. Iid:Yr $ 64 59 - 7 88 300 6 60 3 00 100 400 83 92 200 1 50 23 50 7 61 2 19 20 00 1 00 1 25 29 28 56 03 7 21 5 37 4 35 10 74 8 23 16 23 55 15 31 70 3 15 58 25 5 20 0 $874 58 $9 00 800 $17 00 $857 58 a7 5 • SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE.._ NORTH SIDE Osborn Chase. med. attendance, W. E. Crowell, , $14 00 - , Id S. H. Sears, 63 00 . It B. Pulsifer, - • . .2 00 46 64Taunton Lunatic Hospital, ..62 68 • • supplies, 1. H. Thacher & Co., 40 00. , " R H. Harris, 5 00 wood, E. S. Mecarta, . 4 30 '. - • 66• " C. M. Bray, . . 13 50 medicine, T. T. Hallet,. 18 98 hoose rent, H. C. Sears, 30.00 $25.3 .46 MorrisGray, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, $29 75 " " med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 22 50 • " " supplies, I. H. Thacher & Co., 8..00 " " rent, E. S. Chase, ' 8 00 " wood, S. H. Hamblin, 1 37 elMI moving, S. Taylor, 2 75 " medicine, T. T. Hallet, 2 95 George W. Collins, state farm, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, med. attendance, H. K. Kelley, $10 50 Mrs. Edgar Marchant, house rent, Mary Thacher, 20" 00 14166 supplies, C. G. Baker, ' 46 91 " " supplies, R. D. Farris, 15 81. Mrs. John Matthews, med. attendance, T.. B. Pulsifer, Daniel Cash, medicine, T. T. Ballet, " it SOUTH SIDE John N. Baker, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, • " fuel, S. Sears, supplies, Z. P. Howes, supplies, Purrington & Small, • shoes, L. K. Chase, " supplies, R. D. Farris, shoes, E. T. Baker, supplies, J. W. Crowell, 4' $200 6 00 32 67 27 05 1 90 17 79 3 10 6 79 75 32 44 27 93 22 10 00 8 10: 97 30 6 Thacher Ellis, med. attendance, J. T. Mitchell, 825 50 " supplies, R. J. Baker, " hospital, 11 40 K 9 87 Henry Baker, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, Nehemiah Goodwin, med. attendance, J. C. Ham, Grace Robinson, board, S. Cahoon, Lefavor Kelley, med. attendance, S. H. Sears, 13 " " med. attendance, J. C. Ham, 10 med. attendance, J. T. Mitchell, • 9 supplies, Obed Baker, K K fuel, S. Sears, 3 fuel, D. Sears, - 6 fuel, L. Fuller & Co., 23 fuel, E. Crowell, 3 burial, M. H. Crowell, • 20 fuel, Wm. Eldridge, 13 • .. medicine, T. T. Haslet, _ 9 supplies, I. F. Homer, 2 4' CS K 00 00 00 129.34 Charity Baker, supplies, Purrington & Small, " fuel, D. Sears, ' - fuel, S. Sears, fuel, I. Homer, supplies, Z. P. Howes, •{ {/ Mary K •4 " /[ a if It K Butler, med. attendance, J. C: Ham, med. attendance, J. T. Mitchell, fuel, S. Sears, supplies, S. Sears, supplies, Z. P. Howes,. shoes,€. T. Baker, supplies, Purrington & Small, supplies, R. D. Farris, supplies, J. W. Crowell, supplies, D. D. Kelley, K it '4 4' '4 1{ .l 03 50 88 50 00 50. 17 60 111 111 111 111 111 �, 4 U'.'-'• ..u.r.aa Ir..111Ei;a2lYkd s'k wu: d,�C•" Alonzo Chase, shoes, L. E. Chase, " " shoes, E. T. Baker, Joseph Cotelle, shoes, E. T. , 46 77 5 WEST SIDE. Mrs. David Buck, supplies, J. E. Crowell,' 6 00 Lydia G. Bearse, tue1, Jas. Ellis, 24 00 K fuel, Ephraim Crowell, K " fuel, Lot Hallet, " supplies, J. E. Crowell, supplies, Johnson & Co.. 243 49 839 93 3 50 3 50 3 25 54 8200 3 50 9 00 60 27 22 4 50 1 74 11 91 9 66 1 10 50 Susan it " L[ K " " " • Hallett, fuel, Jas. Ellis, " fuel, Ephraim Crowell, fuel, Lot Hallet, fuel, H. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, J. E. Crowell, supplies, J. E. Crowell, " supplies, Isaiah Crowell, " supplies, Johnson & Co, iL '4 " Josephine Edwards, supplies, J. E. Crowell. " house rent, T. H. Soule, Jr., Anna Webber, supplies, Hartson Hallei, supplies, E. Lewis, 72 med. attendance, Dr. Hawes, "a taking to almshouse, J. S. Bearse, • " burial expenses, J. G. Thacher, Susan Bearse, board, Alex. Marchant,, P. Lewis children, supplies, O. of P., Barnstable, PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Mashpee, Wm. T. Baker, • 867 66 • Barnstable, Susan Baker, 10 04 Tannton Lunatic Hospital, Harriet Lovell, 42 71 Dennis, Caroline Linnell, 14 75 71-23 Boston, Catherine Kelley, '1620 8151 36 81 75 1 35 20 35 4,25 96 00 *300 3 50 21 00 12 00 8,89 8600 3 50 13 50 7 50 3 00 6 50 6 50 12 50 *20 82 900 8900 10.19 1 00 .200 20 00 48 39 59 00 29 82 42 19 36 00 5 00 Alonzo Chase, med. attendance, J. T. Mitchell, 815 75 , " " med. attendance, H. S. Kelley, • 1 50 8 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, Amount received, Mrs. Chas. Thacher, Cost in almshouse, Cost out of almshouse, Paid other cities and towns, Expended in excess of appropriation, DUE FROM OTHER Commonwealth, Falmouth, Dennis, Chatham, Brewster, $2,300 00 9 46 $ 857 58 1,369 68 151 36 69 36 $2,37828 $2,378 82 CITIES AND TOWNS. $ 89 00 52 00 112 75 11 81 55 00 INCIDENTALS• $ 1 25 Manton H. Crowell, recording deaths, LL " box for coffin, D. Farris. 3 .00 K " care of hearse, 5 00 " " repairing and varnishing 16 25 hearse, — — Si '4• Insurance, Court charges, Charles Holmes, . " K Silas Crowell, " John Murphy, u Albert Taylor, „ LL Chas. Cash, Allen Cash, Jr, Freli. Smith, Peter Broncks, u Morris Gray, N u LL if .Li cc u S. M. "Janet, board of selectmen and regis- trars, . Repairs Bass River upper bridge, Land rent, hearse'house, South Yarmouth, $88 06 4 34 3 05 21 18 3 75 3 20 23 03 9 51 2 23 $320 56 • •9• Cash & Bradford, baskets and bailgea, $ 3X10 burial of Frank Pettonienii, 16. 00 LL K Postage, - Repairing clock, Laura Ballet, board of selectmen, - Mileage ticket, T. T. Baxter, furniture to Henry Baker, W. P. Reynolds, legal advice, Matthews d. Payne, fuel to town office, • Selectmen, travelling expenses, A. F. Sherman, abstract of ' conveyances, Gorham Taylor, barn rent, Alfred Baker, care of office, 1. P. Matthews, looking up cranberry bogs, Wm. D. Loring, recording deaths, K K B K LL L[ LL LL LL grain, care of• hearse, broom, etc., Thos. S. Crowell, enrolling stockholders, Joseph Bassett, barn rent and carting hay, • LL LL use of well forever, *3 00 8 60 5 00 1 00 2 50 15 00 $25 50 22 50 Samuel Ward S. Co., road commissioners' books, Paine's Furniture Co., furniture, Repairing burying ground fence, South Yarmouth, Dr. Hawes, examining schools, West Yarmouth; Wm. P. Davis, registrars' book, David Taylor, repairing pump, Edmund Walker, fuel to town office, .J. E. Crowell, taking F. Brown to almbouse, A. A. Knowles, broom and spittoons, town office, Wm. 1'. Davis, recording births, *12 00 • $158 35 K LL LL LL deaths, 4 70 LL K LL iL marriages,' ' 3 30 ': K LL expenses to Sandwich, 4 00 express, postage and stationery, 5 00 66 50 21 51 • 300 LL LL LL *19 40 2 75 •1 50 12 00 20 00 15 20 10-00 • 9 85 37 00 10.00 12 00 7;.25 2 00 17 60 1 00 17 50 5 50 15.75 75 2 00 2 50 2 50 3 00 1 50 1 75 29 00 fo Farrington & Small, supplies to town house, David Sears, repairs on bridge, Tending draw, R II. Harris, can and oil to town office, F. Alger, Jr., seal, Record. book, J. B. Hall, supplies to town office, E. B. Hallett, iron work, - C. M. Bray, fuel, town office, " " " watching, July 4th, T. T. Hallet, stamps, " " " . fire screen, 44 care of office to A. Baker, books and stationery, freight and express, it IC Ct 'W'. P. Bray, a a a Sam'l Baker, 44 64 61 Miscellaneous, '4 '4 11 11 MUSKRATS. 931 muskrats, at 25c. each, CLEARING SNOW. Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James Eilis, FIRES. 0iiver Joshua Baker, Francis Homer, Town of' Dennis, LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, Alfred Gorham, *1 50 6 00 * 5 64 6 75 3 00 12 15 3 53 75 75 1 40 is. 1 20 19 60 13 75 3 74. 300 7 00 7 68 1 00 7 50 33 97 *655 10 *232 75 *205 00 135 30 53 20 - -- 1%393 50 * 6 70 300 11 75 8 90 • RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, Court fees, Sale of old bridge, Land_rent, • Money refunded by J. Kittredge, treasurer, Incidentals, Muskrats, FCilrees,aring BROW, Farm, In excess of appropriatloti, Gilbert Lewis, *655 232 393 30 46 10 75 50 35 85 -500 00 13 90 . • 3 49 . 2 00 140 72 698 44 • 55 _$1,358.55 MILITARY AID. STATE AID. , Mercy C. Crowell, Elizabeth Hurd, Benj. Lovell, - - Emily J. Haffords, John E. Ryder, *48 00 • 48 00 42 00 24 00 22 00 REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised by town, Ilvaira on almshouse, " " school house, South side, a North side, *30 85 “ .“ " West side, 14 64 64 *31 85 15 00. $46 85- " town office, " town house, Unexpended balance, *31 97 6305 6'25 6 50 46 61 26 94 118 68 • *300 00 *72 00 *184 00 *30000 • *300 00 H I2 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, Seth H. Hamblin, David Sears, James Ellis, Unexpended balance by S. H. Hamblin, • 153,900 00 *3,900 00 SCHOOL BOOKS. *3,900 00 *1,705 .00 1,200 00 900 00 95 00 Amount raised by town. Expended for books by school committee, Unexpended balance, SCHOOLS. NORTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Janitor, Supplies, Cleaning house, SOUTH SIDE. Teachers' salaries, Janitor, Fuel, Cleaning house, Miscellaneous, WEST SIDE. Teachers' salaries,. Supplies, Janitor, Fuel, Desks, Cleaning house, $500 00 *491 65 8 35 *500 00 .8500 00 *1,330 90 130 86 125 00 13 05 16 83 *1,616 64 *1,365 63 • 40 00 • 5238 19 86 165 01 *1,642 88 56758 75 40.84 28.20 39 00 21'40 7 00 *895 19 II Nonni bWl ,n r�3�, 6���.�a �� /waiiYl'4--.1� .� • iii_—_-- r3 RECAPITULATION Amount raised by town, North side, South side, West side, Expended in excess of appropriation, PRINTING AND Amount raised by town, C. F. Swift & Son, - Fred. Hallett, Geo. Otis, Tally sheets and voting lists, Expended in excess of appropriation, $1,616 64 1,642 88 895 19 *4,154 71 ADVERTISING. TOWN OFFICERS. Auditors, Win. R. Farris, school committee, John H. Stetson, truant officer, " watching, July 4th., contable, Sears, overseer -of poor, " horse hire, " selectman, " assessor, Alex. B. Chase, school committee, 1891 and Theo. F. Drew, registrar, 1891 and 1892, diinspector, D. D. Kelley, inspector and ballot clerk, , Chas. F. Purrington, inspector and ballot clerk, Fred. A. Baker, registrar and ballot clerk, Ansel Ballet, sealer of weights and measures, Seth Taylor, collector. '° " constable, " inspector, Isaac B. Gage, registrar, " Stephen {f it *83 75 50 53 33 50" 14 00 $3,800 00 354 71 *4,154 71. *150 00 31 78 *181 78 *181 78 $42 00 25 00 7 50 3 00 25 00 24 15 32 00 62 70 50 1892, 70 00 57 50 7 00 12 00 12 00 40 50 5 00 150 84 45 75 7 00 2 50 9 �r. �4 Edgar N. Baker, watching, July 4th, Wni. 1'. I )avis, registrar, •< " clerk and treasurer, " two town meetings, A. II. Knowles, registrar, O. T. Gorham, inspector, C. M. Bray, truant officer, -Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of poor, Horse hire, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, Taxes remitted, •300 15 00 75 00 5 00 38 50. 5 00 6 00 183 00 273 75 130 00 132 00 8.1,500 00 45 19 *1,545 19 *11,545 19 TAXES REMITTED. SEARS FUND. Amount raised to pay interest, kg;5 00 • Paid Wm. P. Davis, trustee, 25 00 Unexpended balance, • TOWN DEBTS. Amount raised by town, • Paid Wm. 1'. Davis, borrowed money,- Expended oney,Expended in excess of appropriation, TAXES PAID. County Tax, State " Bank " TRANSPORTATION Amount raised by town, - Paid Alex. B. Chase, • Paid W. R. Farris, • Unexpended balance, $900 4)0 4500 00 X500 00 81,496 96 1,435 00 1,929 3S OF SCHOLARS. 4179 00 70 20 100 SO 4172 38 X900 00 *900 00 4400 00 100 00 4500 00 44,861 34 *350 00 *350 00 4350 00 •,was �� Altai 1$ SUPT. 'OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, Paid W. C. Chaffin, . Unexpended balance, *400 00 4199 04 200 9G €400 00 8400 00 ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNTS. Town grant, Support of poor, Incidentals, Repairs on public buildings, Roads and bridges, . Books, - Schools, Printing and adi'ertising, Town officers, Sears fond, Town debts, Transportation of scholars, Supt. of schools, In excess of town grant, *15,000 00 *2,378 82, 1,358 55 181 32 3,805 00 491 65- 4.154 71.- 181 1181 78 1,545 19- 875 00 500 00_ • 349 20 199 04 1,020 2G 416,020 26 *16,020 26 TOWN TREASURER. DR. Balance .January 1st, 1892, . Received from Mrs. Chas. Thacher, " -town of Falmouth, 4' OI 44 II :t 44 41 . it I( 00 Il " 4 44 f[ It 44 IC CC I( " Middleboro, " Orleans, " Brewster, " Dennis,. " " Chatham, liniatic Hospital, Taunton, town of Lincoln, I. 1'. Matthews, 1891, 1892, sale fish houses, 2 '4 2112 83 G7 9 46 48 00 13 00 105 00 40 83 00 00 6 75 140 72 51 00 224 48'.• 12344 21. 50 21.12 16 Received from town of Dennis on bridge, ({ a County Treasurer on bridge, a (( (( ([ interest on bridge, .( (( bridge stuff sold, a a calf ,sold, (( ((. hay sold, ' a a auctioneers' licenses, a (C dog licenses returned, « " court fees, a a State treasurer, school fund, (( a (( a corporation tax; (( u (( a bank (( a a :( a military aid, (, (( a (( state aid, a a a . (( foreign ships, a a O. (( contagions diseases, a (( Seth Taylor, collector, 1891, E a a a a• a 1892, Orders outstanding, Jan. 1st, 1893, TOWN TREASURER. CR. Support of poor in almshouse, (( (( a out of almshouse, in other cities and towns, SC a (( (, a (( Incidentals, Muskrats, • Snow, Fires, Farm, Military aid, • State aid, Repairs, public buildings; Roads and bridges, School books, Schools, of CC a (( (( • * 102 67 1,197 36 15 15 3 49 9 00 10 00 400 -- 213 26 13 90 184 56 1,986 42 1,495 93 54 00 160 00 29 82 32 75 5,886 27 10,000 00 1,727 10 *24,065 70 * 874 58 1,369 88 151 36 371 56 655 10 232 75 393 50 30 35 46 85 72 00 184 00 181 32 3,S05 00 491 65 4,154 71 17 Printing and advertising, Town officers, Taxes remitted, Sears fund, Town debts, County tax, State tax. Bank tax, Transportation of scholars, Superintendent of .schools, State poor, . Outstanding orders, Jan. 1, 1892,. Balance, Jan. 1, 1893, VALUATION, MAY 1, 1892. Real estate, buildings, (( land, ▪ Personal estate, a a bank stock, Total valuation, Number dwelling houses, " horses, COWS, a sheep, . acres land, (' persons paying poll tax only, " assessed, (( • * 181 78 1,545 19 172 38 875 00 500 00 1,496 96 1,435 00 1,929 38 249 20 • 199 04 2 75 279 14 2,185 27 *24,065 70 • *440,560 00 406,932 00 792,343 00 174,825 00 *1,814,660 00 586 247 146 so 9,477 149 998 THACHER T. HALLET, ) Selectmen STEPHEN WING, r of EDWARD LEWIS, ) Yarmouth. • ROAD COMMISZION RZ' RKPORfi.. D. SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. ACCOUNT OF LABOR AND MATERIAL EXPENDED ON ROADS FOR THE YEAR 1892. _ Theodore Drew, surveying, $ 3 75 Peregrine White, labor and material, 7 54 D. F. Sears, 91 hours, 20c., 1 85 Wm. F. Chase, 81 " " • 16 20 One-third expenses on Parker's River Bndge, 37 15 A. F. Wixon, 40 hours, 20c., 800 Albert H. Cotelle, 40 " " 8 00 Frank Johnson, 20 " i' 4 00 Samuel Baker, 45 " Si 9 00 ' William F. Chase, 20 " " 4 00 John G. Sears, 60} " " 12 15 Joseph Cotelle, 30 " " 6 00 Osborn H. Chase, 321 " " 6 50 A. W. Cahoon, 60 " " 12 00 Watson F. Cahoon, . 30 " " 6 00 William F. Chase, 20 " " 4 00 A. H. Baker, 55 " with team, 30c., 16 50 L. B. Chase, 73f " " " "_ 22 00 _ William. H. Bentley, 20 " " " 6 00 Clarence H. Crowell, 127 " " " K 38 10 _ John H. Stetson, 20 " " a " 6 00 Isaac F. Ellis, 20 ". 20c., 4 00 C. W. Myrick,- 110 " with team, " - --- - 33 00 Charles H. Harwood, 90 a --- "— - -" -- " - 27 00 Isaiah Homer, 110 " . " et" 33 00 Frank W. Homer, 971 " 20c., 19 50 Isaiah F. Homer, 27- " " 5 50 Fred. A. Baker, 110 " ' with team, " 33 00 Joseph F. Cotelle, 20 " 20e, 4 00 F. F. Collins, 110 " with team, " 33 00 Daniel Brown, 20 " " " " 6 00 Fred. R. Campbell, 20 " 20c., 4 00 - , • iii .Yr•Lr..JW �IliIY IRl��lr[..y ll' W'r�rY �•� li a R D. Farris, William F. Chase, John H. Stetson, I. T. Ellis, Geo. B. Sears, - Stephen Sears, Lewis Y. Eldridge, John G. Sears, Geo. B. Sears, Benj. Homer, Daniel Brown, Herbert Robinson, Joseph L. Baker, Ambrose Robinson, Joseph Cahoon, Geo. W. Robinson, • Joseph Robinson, Ahira Baker, Ernest P. Baker, Roger Eldridge, William Eldridge, David S. Baker, John E. Baker, Alex. G. Baker, Sturgis Crowell, Gilbert Studley, Amos K. Baker, Charles M. Brown, Allen B. Baker, L P. Matthews, Isaiah Sherman, Charles M. Brown, Isaac W. Ellis, Reuben Baker, Matthews Grey, Alex. Robbins, George H. Loring, Nathan F. Snow, David M. Chase, Charles Ellis, 7. 60 hours, with team, 30c., 231 " 20c., 20 " with team, - " 10 " 20c., 170 25 " with team, " 20 « « « « 1711 " « « « 20 " 20c., 30 hours, 30c., 10 « « 4. " 15c., 30 " 20c., 15 " 20.." 21} « 20 " 371 " 40 " cc 20 " 20 " with team, 30c., 331 « « - « « 15 " « Si « 30 " 15 « ,.« « « • 40 « it it 40 " 20e, 20 " 931 " with team, 30c., 63 " " « « 63 " 200., 5 261 " . with team, 30c., 10 " « « « 30 « « « cc 15 hours, 20c., 20 " 30c., 9 " « 20 " " 274 loads of clay, at 5c., $• 18 00 4 75 6 00 2 00 34 00 7 50 6 00 5 25 4 00 9 00 3 00 60 6 00 3 00 4 00 4 30 4 00 7 55 8 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 4 50 9 00 4 50 12 00 8 00 4 00 28 05 18 90 12 60 1 00 8 00 3 00 9 00 3 00 6 00 2 70 6 00 13 70 in Benj. Cotelle, 20 hours, 200., $ 4 00 Manton H. Crowell, for making new road scraper, 8 50 Martha E. White, 1031 loads of clay, at 7c., 7 26 Joseph L. Baker, 311 " " " • 21 77 Mary Woodbridge, \ 1031 " a " • -- -. 7 25 Joel Baker, \ 1031 " " " 7 25 Sturgis Crowell,. 1031 V " " . 7 25 John E. Baker, 103f " " " 7 25 Joseph L. Baker, 1031 "• " " , 7. 25 David Kelley, . 311 " " " 21 77 Benj. C. Baker, 311 " - " " 21 77 Peregrine White, for labor and material, 58 66 David Sears Baker, 3 hours, 30c, 90 Charles II. Harwood, 5 " with team, 30c., 1 50 Stephen Sears, 5 " 66 __ " " 1 50 0. F. Wood, 191 " 20c,- 3 90 Viney Crowell, 70 " " 14 00 Rufus White, 10 " 30c., 3 00 George B. Sears, 101 " 20c, . 2.05 George B. Sears, 25 " " _ 5 00 Martha E. White, 6 loads soil, 10c., 60 U riah H. Sears, 16 hours, with team, 30c., . 4.80 Barnabas Sears, 26 loads soil, 7c., _ .. 1 82 Ernest P. Baker, 21 hours, 20c.,. 45 Frank W. Homer, 5 " with team, 30c., 1 50 Thomas Collins, 5 " ." " " 1.50 John H. Stetson, 10 " " " " 3 00 Peregrine White; 22* " • " " ." 7 15 Peregrine White, 8 loads soil, 5c., 40 J. K. & B. Sears, 311 ft. lumber, $14 per M, 4 35 J. K. & B. Sears, 6 ft. drain pipe, 1.08 Wm. B. Fuller, 4 hours, 20c., 80 U riah H. Sears, 5 " " 1 00 David Sears, bill of labor for the year 1892, - 173. 07 Total, $1160 99 Amount on hand, 39 01 „SW."' : . .. .i $1200 00 IT JAMES ELLIS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. ' • D. Humes, 120 hours, 20c., $ 24 00 Z. Baxter,,120 " co 24 00 John R. Bater, 120 " 150., 18 00 Geo. P. Drew, 70 " 20c., 14 00 Eben S. Baxter, 105 " 30c., 31 50 Albert Berry, 176 "r 15c., 26 40 Wm. F. Fowler, 110 " 20c., 22 00 " " 10 " 15c., 1 50 David Sears, labor and material on Parker's River bridge, 37 15 Stephen Sears, 55 hours, 30c., 16 50 David S. Marchant, 98 " " • 29 40 Ephraim Crowell, 120 " " 36 00 Alex. Crowell, 77 " 20c., 15 40 Edwin Baxter, Jr., 120 " " 24 00 Joyce Taylor, 130 " 15c., 19 50 Luther R. Taylor, 114 " 30c., 34 20 Benajah Whelden, 122 " 20c., 24 40 Ellis P. Baker, 110 " " 22 00 Fred. A. Hunt, 243 " 15c., 36 00 Horace Baxter, 65 " 10c., 6 50 E. Lewis, 13 75 Joseph F. Nickerson, 190 " 150., 28 50 Herbert Crowell, 120 " 25c., 30 00 James Ellis, 896 loads of loam, 4c., 25 84 Nelson Baxter, 60 hours, 20c., 12 00 Luther Back, 120 ' " " 24 00 J. L. Baxter,_ 115 " " 23 00 Richard Sears, 109 " " 21 80 Joshua S. Baker, 63f " " 12 70 " " a 89 " 30c., 26 70 Isaiah Crowell, 28 " " 8 40 Jose C. Desilver, 10 " 15c, 1 50 E. Baker, 110 " 15c., 16 50 " cc 10 " 20c, 200 Samuel H. Drew, 117 - " 30c., 35 10 Theo. F. Drew, 2 days, superintending, $2.775, 5 50 Lewis Taylor, 10 hours, 15c., 1 50 Dustin Baker, 50 " 20c., 10 00 James Ellis, 400 " 30c., 120 00 ---- ------ - James. Ellis, James Ellis, Henry 13. Chase, Timothy Cotelle, Harris Cotelle, Alfred C. Drew, Gilbert Lewis, Edwin Baxter, Jr., Alex. B. Chase, Geo. P. Drew, Ansel L. Baker, Ellis P. Baker, Walter F. Baker, Luther Buck, Geo. L. Taylor, W. F. Baker, Fernando Baker, Lysander A. Chase, Eddie T. Chase, Joshua S. Baker, Luther R. Taylor, R. L. Taylor, Nelson Baxter, Geo. II. Chase, Albert Berry, D. Humes, D. V. Taylor, E. Baker, Dustin Baker, Cash on hand, • 60 hours, 20c., SNOW ACCOUNT. 25 hours, 20c., 9 cc cc 6 " a 12i . « {[ 6 11 " " 9i " u 12f " cc 10,E " " 11 (( 7•1 " 10c., .4 " 20c., 10x, 26 " 20c., 11 11 ". « 12} " cc. 7} " 10C, " 20c, 12 « <; 4 5 cc cc 11 $ 12 00 $903 24 $ 5 00 1 10 2 10 2 10 1 80 1 30 2 50 1 70 1 20 2 20 1 95 85 2 50 2 -10 220 75 80 45 5 .20 2 20 2 20 2.50 75 1 10 2 50 80 1 00 2 20 $53 05 15 $53 20 yr SETH II. 1IAMBLIN IN ACCOUNT 1VITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, 1892. LABOR ON ROADS. 6 hours, 20c., F. E. Sherman, Amos Arey, 2 " " Allen Cash, 564 " E. S. Mecarta, 50f " J. W. Ellis, 18 C. L. Nickerson, 18 J. W. Drape, 6 Alfred Baker, 6 Oliver Hallett, 11f Albert Taylor, 20 " 30c., C. W. Ellis, 18 " 20c., Seth Taylor, 65 " 30c., C. E. Chase, 9 " 20c., S. T. Eldridge, 16f " 30c., Chas. Chase, 13 " 20c., E. W. Bray, 13 " H. H. Baker, 14. " " J. A. Ellis, 21 " 30c., Chas. Ellis, 21 hours, 30c., $6.30, 40 loads clay, 5c., 82, E. H. Robinson, 18 hours, 20c., 0. E. Baker, 155 hours, team, .30, 200 loads clay, 5c., *10, G. H. Baker, 195 hours, 30c., Patrick Morgan, 145 " 20c., ff it If " " " if if " • 8120 40 11 30 10 15 3 60 3 60 1 20 1 20 2 35 6 00 3 60 19 50 1 80 4 88 2 60 260. 2 80 6 30 8 30 3 60 56 50 58 50 29 00 98 " Alfred Baker, J. A. Sherman, Z. A. Sherman; F. E. Sherman, David Montcalm, Chas. Cahoon, Geo. Robbins, F. I. Robbins, J. H. Cash, 11. H. Baker, J. T. Chase, J. P. Cash, E. S.Vaite, 134 hours, *2.70, 354 hours, 30c„ 64 29 234 234 " 234 " 30c., 234 " 20c., 20 " 20 34 " 15c., 354 " 30c„ 30 " 20c., 484 " " 29 " if " 15c, " 20c., ff if if " " 5 80 4 70 4 70 7 05 4 70 4 00 4 00 53 10 65 6 00 9 70 5 80 13 35 F. E. Sherman, 10 hours,30c Vu P. Heffernan, 25 " ., $ 3 00 15c., 3 75 Samuel Cobb, 25 " 20c., J. Usher, Jr., 784 " " 5 00 1 John Keveney, 484 " " 15 70 Allen Cash, N0 " 449 70 David Montcalm, 334 " 400 al Jos. Bassett, J0 " 6 70 3Uc, 15.00 Nathan Bassett, 85 hours, 20c., Chas. Bassett, 12 hrs., 20c., *2.40, 484 lin,30c., *14.55, 16 95 C. R. Bassett, 58 hrs., 20., *11.60, 9 hrs., 15e., *1.35, 12 12 95 5 Fred Smith, 334 hours,20 Jas. Smith,334 " . c30c.,, 10 0 05 6 5 C. C. Bray, 24 " . 15c., 38 F. D. Gage, 334 " 20� J. A. Sherman, 10 " " 2 0 6 700 L. A. Sherman, 10 " " Z. A. Sherman, 10 200 4, 44 B. L. Walker, 20 " 200 .44 Chas. Bassett, per bill, 4 00 S. T. Eldridge, 494 " 30 6 05 Fred Cash, c., 14 85 R. W. Park, 20 " 20c., 4 00 25" " 5 00 J. W. Smith, 8 " " 1 60 Allen Cobb, 234 " 30c, Chas. Ellis, 9 hrs., 20c., *1.80, 7 hrs 15c.,7 05 *1.05, 2 85 P. Heffernan, 424 hours, 20c., 8 50 Chas. Cahoon, 35 " " 7 00 B. R Howes, 40 " 30c., 12 00 Jos. Gorham, 35 " 10 50 F. E. Baker, 35 " 20c., 7 00 E. F. Eldridge, 10 " " 200 G. Hallett, 2d, 42 " 30c., Frank Robbins, 30 " 12 60 E. S. Mecarta,15c., 4 570 69 " 30c., 20 70 J. G. Hallett, 48 hrs„ 30c., 814.40, 500 loads day, 6c., *30, 44 40 A. Phillips, 604 hours, 20c, 12 10 Edmund Robinson, 10 hrs., 20e., *2, land damage, *2, 4 00 F. D. Gage, 5 hours, 200., - 100 J. E. Ryder, 20 hrs., 20c., *4, 35 hrs., 15c., *5.25, 9 25 v:a Willis Cash, 15 hours, 20c., Oliver Hallett, 481 " 30c., F. E. Lewis, 9 " 20c., Gideon Matthews, 55 " 30c., Albert Taylor, 814 hrs, 20c., $16.30, 634 hrs., $19.05, plowing, *6.00, - F. I. Robbins, 3 hours, 15c., S. L. Robbins, 5 " 20c., P. Heffernan, 354 " 15c., J. Robinson, 11 " 20c., J. W. Hamblin, 49 hrs., 20c., 89.80, 70 hrs., 30c., *21, Naomi Montcalm, 240 loads clay, 5c., I. H. Thacher, 60 hrs., 15c., *9, 10 hrs., 20c., *2, Seth Walker, 40 hours, 25e., 9 " 20c., Morris Gray, G. A. Bray, 9 " " W. P. Bray, 1431 " " G. II. Baker, 100 " 30e., O. E. Baker, 100 brs., 30c, *30, 200 loads clay, 5c, $10, Phebe Matthews, 377 loads clay, 5c, Melinda Taylor, 120 " " Edwin Thacher, 120 11 hours, 15c., James Morgan, - Patrick Morgan, 61 " 'Edmund Walker, 181 Nathan. Bassett, 84 " E. Edson, 15 loads clay, 5c., John Keveney, Arch. Phillips, E. S. Cash, J. A. Ellis, B. T. Phillip?, Seth Walker, E. H. Arey, 391 " L Robinson, 8 " Cr. E. Whelden, 27 " J. W. Ellis, 45 " 30c, C. IV. Ellis, . 45 " C. L. Nickerson, 391 " 20c., I1. Eldridge, road machine, if 20e, 30c, 20c., 11 hours, 20c., 10 " 9 " u 45 " 30c, 20c., 30c, 20c, " 344 4, " S. 3 00 14 55 1 80 16 50 41 35 45 1 00 5 33 2 20 30 80 12 00 11 00 10 00 1 80 1 80 28 65 30 00 40 00 18 85 6 00 6 00 1 65 12 20 5 55 16 80 75 25 2 00 1 80 -13.50 6 90 6 90 11.90 1 60 5 40 13 50 13 50 7 90 10 00 Ernest Bray, 36 hours, 20c., E. C. Bray,. 344 " O. E. Baker, 200 loads clay, 5c., G. A. Bray, 18 hours, 20c., 161 " 55 20 20 100 20 20 55 20 J. W. Smith, O. E. Baker, Millard Gray, L. A. Sherman,. O. E. Baker, F. E. Sherman, Amos Arey, G. I3. Baker, F. D. Gage,' • Edgar Marchant, _ - 21 " 20m., G. H. Baker, 100 " 30c, Chas., Ellis, 45 hrs, 20c., *9, 45 hrs, 15c, 86.75, David Wnelden, 20 hours, 20e, G. E. Wbelden, - 20 " " M. H. Crowell, repairing scraper, J. Hinckley & Son, per bill, AIbert Taylor, 40 hours, 30c, Warren Eilie, 15 " 2 R. W. Park, uc, per bill, 60 '•K u E. S. Chase, . 27 K " George Chaee, 211 " R. Howes, per bill, . Edwin Chase, 16 " 11. H. Baker, 31 K C. M. Bray, per bill, lumber, Willie Ellis, 18 " a E. Robinson, 5 •K Stephen Sears, per bill, surveying, P. Morgan, GO hours, 20c.,' S. T. Eldridge, -514 h., driver and team, 35c., J. G. Millet, per bill; labor on roads, S. H. Hamblin, " _ Laura E. Whelden, 42 loads of clay, 5., - David Sears, for Parker's River bridge, (4) " 30c, • " 20c, " u " " 20c., " 30c, K fL K * 7 20. • 6 90 10 00,- 3 03 60 3 30 16 50 4 00 4 00 `30 00 600 • 400 16 50 600 4 20 30'00 15 75 - 4 00 400- 1 50 • 14 50 1200 . 300 12 00" 540 4 30 2 50 3 20 620 22 57 3 60 100 3 00 12 00 18 03 • 8 75 183 40 2 10 37 15 *1,610 80 7-7 7:::1.c,17:: .I .n.. r - on I•J .. • . Road bill, 1892, Drawn from Town Tr., Due S. H. Hamblin, Due from 1891, *1,610 80 1,600 00 *10 80 96 *11. 76 WEST YARMOUTH ROAD. APPROPRIATION. Geo. Robbins, 221 hours, 20c., Chas. Cahoon, 221 " " A. Cash, 22 K K E. S. Chase, 10 hours, 20c., *2.00, 13 hours, 30c., $3.90, Allen Cash, 511 hours, 20c., C. Cahoon, 45 K K Jas. Gorham, 15 " 30c., E. F. Eldridge, 38 " 20c., F. C. Baker, 15 " Si F. Bobbins, 20 " 15c., E. S. Mecarta, 42 " 20c., A. Phillips, 45 " S. H. Hamblin, 45 brs, 35c., *15.75, 250 loads clay, 5c., $12.50, B. R. Howes, 30 hours, 15c., Drawn from Town Tr., Dne S. H. Hamblin, 16450 4 50 4 40 5 90 10 30. 9 00 4 50 7 60 300 300 8 40 9 00 28 25 4 50 *106 85 105 00 $1 85 SNOW BILLS. SRTH H. HAMBLIN IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. Oliver Hallet, 7 hours, 20c., * 1 40 K K '8. " 12c., 96 S. M. Taylor, 6 " 10c., 60 M. F. Gray, • 6 " pc., .1 20 J. W. Hamblin, 10 " " 2 00 Lewis Nickerson, 61 " " 1 30 Frank Nickerson, - 64, " " - 1 30 Washington Nickerson 4. " 10c., 40 Edwin Chase, 8 " 20c., 1 GO " " 7 " 10C, 70 J. E. Ryder,II 7 hours, 20c., E 140 J. T. Chase, 9 K K E. F. Ryder, 7 K- " 1 805 Harry Ryder, 7i. K K 1 55 1 55 W. Matthews, 3 «_ A. Ca)h, Jr., 111 " " 310 1 30 S. Cash, 94. " " 1.70 Geo. Nickerson, 3 " 12c,36 Willie Cash, 7 - " 15c., 1 05 W. F. Smith, 9 " 20c., 1 80 Albert Taylor, 121 " W. Montcalm, 81 K a 2 70 F. Cash, 8 1 70 K K 79 J. G. Bray, ' 5 K 10c . 1 5 Amos Arey, 71 " 20c., 50 J. W. Howes, 61 K " " • 1 30 W. M. Thacher, 111 " K • 2 25 E. W. Eldridge, 4 ' K " 8b Willie Cash, 4 " 15c., 60 E. S. Chase, 9 " 20c., 1 80 H. Chase, 9 " " 180 Geo. Chase,' .9 " " 180 F. E. Sherman, 9 K a 180 J. W. Drape; 6j- " " - 1 30 Chas. Bassett, 13+ " " 2 70 C. R Bassett, 13 " K 260 A. Batchelder. 17 , " " 3 40 E. S. Waitt, 24 ". " 50 C. E. Cobb, 71 K a 1.50 J. W. Smith, 91 " " 1 90 W. P. Bray, 8+ " " ' 1 70 J. A. Hamblin, 5' " 12c., 60 S. L. Robbins, 7+1 " 20c., 1 50 F. I. Robbins, 6 K 12c., 72 J. Robinson, 81 " 20c., 1 65 L. Robinson, 8+ K " 1 65 C. E. Chase, 84 Si " 1 65 F. Smith, 9 " " 1 80 C. E. Bray, 11,E " 15c., 1 73 S. T. Eldridge, 9 " 20c., 1 80 .. �rlr�� .., e. r.�;? .F, _ �.XwF a, i. .'i.`' ,:3'.. m`,e'sL^•fi�`;.fi.r, �•� rr'�aF�'""s.-.'ay..c :�`: Vii; ILI C. H. Chase, 13 hours, 20c., S. T. Eldridge, 5 " 10c., E. G. Megathlin, 81 " 20c., E. W. Bray, b " " , J. C. Chase, 5 " " A. A. Phillips, , 9 " " W. Ellis, , 10 " " E. K. Arey, 10 " « B. T. Philips, 9 " " M. Keveney, 9 " " J. Keveney, 9 " " F. Smith, 9 " " J. P. Cash, 12* " " E. F. Smith, 8 " " C. W Ellis, 9 " " J. W. Ellis, 9 " " C. L. Nickerson, 9 " " J. G. Hallet, 5 " 60c., Alfred Baker, 13 " 20c., Jos. Walker, 10 - " " B. S. Walker, S} " Alton Walker, 51 " 12c., W. Robbins, 81 " 20c„ F. C. Baker, . S+ " " H. F. Nickerson, 81 " 10c, J. A. Morgan, 10 " .15c., Roland Kelley, 6 " 20c., • A. Phillips, 121 " " F. Ryder, 5 " " Morris Gray, 2 " " Chas. Cash, 12 " " F. Gage, 6 " " D. Nickerson, 4 " " A. L. Phillips, .9 " I. L. Ellis, 8 " " L Ellis, $ ,i " W. Ellis, 8 " " G. Robbins, 12 " " Grant Chase, 7 " " O. F. Chase, 8 " " $ 2 60 J. Chase, 8 hours, 20c, $ 1 60 50 H. H. Baker, 13* 4' " 2 75 1 70 J. F. Kenney, 5 " " 1 00 1 GO D. Whelden, 6 " " 1 20 1 00 Chas. Ellis, 9 " " 1 80 1 80 J. A. Ellis, 9 " --" 1 80 2 00 E. K. Bray, '9 " " 1 80 2 00 E. C. Bray, 9 " " 1 80 1 80 G. F. Bray, 9 " "-- -- - - — 1 80 1 80 E. F. Eldridge, 9 " ": 1 80 1 80 L. A. Sherman, 6 " " 1 20 1 80 J. A. Sherman, 6 " " 1 20 2- 55 P. Heffernan, 71 " " 1 50 1 60 P. Heffernan, 9 " ." 1 80 1 80 H. A. Cobb, 9 " " 1 80 1 80 W. F. Arey, 71 " " 1 50 1 80 G. E. Whelden, ' 6 " " 1 20 3 00 N. B. Cahoon, 8 " " 1 60 2 60 E. Merchant, 6 " " 1 20 2 00 - 0. E. Baker, - 15 " " 3 00 1 70 G. H. Baker, 15 " ".. 3 00 66 J. J. Collins, 4 " "- 80 1 70 C. W. Myrick, 4 " " 80 1 70 M. H. Ashley, 9 " " 1 80 85 Wm. Shields, 15,E " " 3 10 1 50 E. Walker, 14 " " 2 80 1 20 P. Morgan, 18 " " 3 60 2 50 W. A. Robinson, - 8* " " 1 75 1 00 R W. Park, 8i " " 1 75 40 J. Usher, Jr, 81 " " 1 70 2 40 R Howes, 51 • " " 1 10 1 20 J. A. Cash, 13* " " 2 75 80 Albert Snow, 911 " . " 1 90 1 80 Geo. Kelley, 71 " " 1 50 1 GO Allen Cash, 13 " " 2 60 1 60 Eddie Cash, - 9 " 15c, 1 35 1 60 G. Matthews, 2 " 20c., - 40 2 40 1 40 1 60 XIV S. 11. Hamblin, Cr, 1891, 9 hours, 40c.,'. Drawn from Town Treas.,1892, Due S. H. Hamblin, 1892, $ 3 60 $211 53 AUDITORS' ADPORT. 22 OF TUE TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR 1892. Your committee, chosen at the last annual meeting to audit the accounts of the several town officers for the year, have at- tended to that duty and respectfully submit the following report: SETH H. HAMBLIN, ROAD COMMISSIONER, $211 31 205 00 $6 31 YARMOUTH. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer ending Dec. 31, 1892, Balance due S. H. Hamblin, Dec. 31, 1892, *1,000 00 • 11 76 *1,611 76 Expended for repairs on roads and high- ways ending Dec. 31st, 1892, $1,573 65 Paid David Sears 1-3 repairs on Parker's River bridge, 37 15 Balance due Seth H. Hamblin, 1891, 96 $1,611 76 Special appropriation West Yarmouth road, drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasnrer, ending Dec. 31, 1892, Expended for same purpose, Balance due Seth 11. Hamblin, SETH H. HAMBLIN, SNOW ACCOUNT. Balance due from account of 1891, Drawn by order of the selectmen, on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, $105 03 10685 $1 85, 22 205 00 $205 22 Expended for clearing snow, ending Dec. 21st, 1892, 211 13 Due Seth Hamblin, $5 91 y DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, Expended for repairs on -roads and high- ways, ending Dec 31, 1892, *1,123 84 1-3 repairs on Parker's River bridge, 37 15 Balance due the town Dec.. 31st, 1892, - ' 39 01 81,200 00 • DAVID SEARS ON BASS RIVER LOWER BRIDGE. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, Expended for repairs of same Dec. 31, 1892, DAVID SEARS, SNOW ACCOUNT. Drawn by order of the selectmen, 1892, Expended for clearing snow, 1892, JAMES ELLIS; ROAD COMMISSIONER, WEST YARMOUTH. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31, 1892, Cash on hand Dec. 31st, 1891, Credit from town of Dennis 1892, received, Expended for repairs on roads and high- way, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, Paid David Sears 1-3 repairs ou Parker's River bridge, Cash on hand Dec. 31st, 1892, due town, $1,200 00 *NG 09 Zvnt ALEXANDER B. CHASE, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, WEST YA RMOUTH. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, Expended for schools, books and repairs on build- ings, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, WILLIAM .11. FARRIS, SCHOOL COMMITTEE, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Drawn by order ofthe selectmen on the town trees= $16 08 urer, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, $16 08 Expended for schools, books and repairs on build - $1,590 34 *1,590 34 *135 30 *135 30 *900 00 22 33 10 47 $932 80 37 15 29 56 $932 80 JAMES ELLIS, SNOW ACCOUNT. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treasurer, ending Dec. 31, 1892, Expended for clearing snow to Dec. 31, 1892, Balance due the town, Dec. 31st, 1892, *53 05 *1,807 73 ings, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, *1,807 73 JOHN SIMPKINS & E. L. MARSH, SCHOOL COMMITTEE. NORTH SIDE. Drawn by order of the selectmen on the town treas- . urer, ending Dee.. 31st, 1892, *1,622 89 Expended for schools, books and repairs on build- ings, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, $1,622 89 ISAIAH P. MATTHEWS, TREASURER FISH COMMITTEE. TOWNS OF YARMOUTH AFD DENNIS. By permits sold for seining, 1892, « net sale of perch, 1892, " two fish houses sold, To paid auction fees and advertising,_ « committee's fees for 1892, " T. B. Pnlsifer, shore privilege, 4 years, « town of Dennis, paid,1892, town of Yarmouth, paid,1892, 8 10 00 -65 00 12 00 144 94 144 94 *238 85 90 03 48 00 $37688 *376 88 *53 20 By the fish committee's report, closed Dec. 31st, 1891, as audited by the auditors, it was found that the treasurer of the fish committee had paid into the town treasurer *62.19 and had 15 in hand cash *224.48, making a sum total of *286.67, net proceeds . *53 20 for 1891, as shown by our report of last year. The balance of 5224.48 was paid into the town treasurer in January, 1892, which accounts for the apparent discrepancy in the fish committee's account of last year. TIIACHER T. HALLET, CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF SELECTMEN. By orders drawn on the town treasurer, ending $21,601 29 Dec. 31, 1892, Which we To amount of proper receipted vouches, 21,601 29 find, ending Dec. 31st, 1892, WILLIAM P. DAVIS, TOWN TREASURER. 67 83 By cash on band Jan. 1st, 1892, By cash paid into the treasury from all sources, 22,254 93 ending -Dec. 31st, 1892, $22,338 60 Total receipts, We have urged upon the road commissioners, since the books were furnished .them, that all bills contracted by them should be carried into the road commisioner's book and signed by the contracting parties. We now give due notice that all bills not put upon said book and signed by the party receiving the money, will not receive the approval of the auditors. We also recommend that the road commissioners and school committee organize and chose a chairman, and that tbe chairman of said road commissioners and school committee render their, account,itors. We also chairman in full, teoe school dcommittee keep recommend the stool that chairman of the separate from, the repairs on buildings, school books, etc. 14 To paid outstanding orders for 1891, 19 $ :'79 874 14 Amount of town orders paid, ending Dec. 31,'92, 260 2,185Cash to balance, on hand Jan. 1, 1893, $22,338 60 NOTE. It will be found that the selectmen's and town treasurer's accounts agree by adding to the selectmen's account of $21,601 29 the outstanding orders of 1891 of $279.14, and the cash on 227 nd amounts to $24,065.69; deducting ordecorrespondings withd of w th the town Jan. 1st, 1893, leaves $22,38.60 treasurer's account. ELKANAH CROWELL. - FREEMAN HOWES. DANIEL. B. CROCKER. Bums, MAAAIAnZ AND. DHATHZ. Feb. 21. � 1. Mar. 24. May 31. 31. June 9. 16. 16. 19. 26. 26. July 1. 1. 14. 18. 22. Aug. 15. 27. Sept. 6. 19. Oct. 13. Nov. 2. Dec. 26. BIRTHS RECORDED IN YARMOUTH, 1892. Name of Child. Parent,. (Daughter) Baker. Waterman F. and Clarissa William Cahoon. Cha -]es and Minnie Carleton Franklin Grey. -Morris and Bertha Olive Freeman Robbins. Clara Belle Terry. Albert H. Marchant. Frederick C. Eldridge. Alice Gertrude Smith. George L. and Cora E. Ezekiel F. and Lottie B. Sarah Marchant Frederick H. and Ida M. William F. and Eunice B. Irving Ford White. Nelson Lewis and Dora F. Lawrence Russell Hazelton. Warren and Eva A. Kenneth Matthews. Nathan H. and Minnie T. Madeline Claire•Bryden. Uriah Fisk Crowell. Annie May Young. Allen Ray Cash. Viola Frances Eldridge. Milton M. Hallett.. Foster Lothrop Baker. (Son) Chase. Leon Raynor Campbell. Thomas E. Chase. (Son) Knowles. (Sou) Ryder. (Son) Kelley. James and Jeanie B. Clarence H. and Maggie B. George and Abbie. Allen and Myra E. Roger and Eva May Walter G. and Fannie E. Ansel. Lothrop & Phebe K. David M. and Lucy A. Frederick R. and Alice Ernest W. and Annie L. Allen H. and Mary H. Winfield Scott & Phebe L. Thonas E. and Estella H. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN YARMOUTH, 1892. Date. Name of Parties. ' . Age. Residence of each Jati., 26. Allen Cash, Jr., 23 Yarmouth Myra E. Robinson, 18 Dennisport 31. George F. Chase, 22 Emelia Holmgrist, 24 Feb. 2. George B. Howland, 30 . Minnie G. Gray, • 21 Mar. 21. Ansel Lothrop Baker, 23 Phebe &: Cotefe, 16 MIME Yarmouth Yarmouth Brewster Yarmouth Yarmouth Yarmouth XX . Date. Name of Parties. Age. - • 'Residence of Each Apr. 24. Ernest W. Chase, 18 Harwich Annie L. Ellis, 17 Yarmouth May 10. William Howland, 39 New Bedford Sarah P. Chapman, 39 Yarmouth June 14. John Nicholas Geisler, 34 Nantucket Edna Matthews Kelley, 21 Yarmouth Nov. ' 1. George 11. Thacher, 25 _ Chelsea Lucy Gorham, 25 Yarmouth Dec. 1. Edward B. Hallett, Jr., 28 Gloucester . Mary Louise Alley, 27 Yarmouth DEATHS RECORDED IN YARMOUTH, 1892. Date. Name. Cause of Death. Age. Y. 3f. D. Jan. 10. Catherine Kelley Influenza • 78 3 17 11. Amelia Whelden Disease of brain 47 7 29 12. Remegio Lewis Pneumonia 73 2 14. Josiah Taylor Lagrippe and Old Age 89. 8 6 30. Seth Baker Pneumonia 70 7 26 Feb. 7. Lefavor Kelley Phthisis 39 3 6 12. Anna Webber Old Aga 85 • 3 26. Mary C. Paddock Pneumonia 70 2 12 Mar. 6. Frank C. Chase Diphtheria 9 5 18 7. Eliza M. Baker Apoplexy 84 6 18. Daniel W. Cash Consumption 38 5 15 22. Freeman Baker Cerebral hemorrhage 84 7 22 27. Rosella Wight Inanition 3 19 Apr. 14. Aurelia Kelley Heart Failure 74 3 21 16. May C. Robinson Consumption 23 5 13 24. Edward B. Covil Pneumonia 75 5 20 May 10. Olive F. Robbins Heart Failure 1 16- 11. Milton S. Chase Dentition 1- 4 23 June 5. George Ryder Old Age 73 5 24 14. Bertha B. Chase Dentition 1 6 29 July 12. Joshua Baker Pericarditeswith effusion 82 5 12 26. henry Matthews Denility and Apoplexy 85 3 25 30. Olive L. Cash Extra titerine Pregnancy 33 1 2 Aug. 22. Lavinia 13. Crowell Consumption 41' 4 23. Charles H. Farris Cerebral Softening 68 7 10 Sept. 2. Henry W. Baker 26 11 15 5. Idella B. Kelley Pulmonary Phthisis 34 11 23 16. Roland L. Taylor Paralysis 65 9 29 19. Sarah M. Hallett Cancer. 68 4 Nov.13. Mary G. Jenkins Spinal Meningitis 83 11 20 14. Hannah K. Howland Carciuoura 85 7 27 16. Beryl W.Campbell Cholera Infantum 1 8 28 23. Lydia M. Baker Tubercular Meningitis 68 Dec. 10. Mary E. Ryder Neuraethenia & Inanition 26 8 22 FINANCIAL REPORT TOWN OF YARMOUTH, POB TRE TEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 18 93 C. F. Sp'I TARMODTHFORT, AtAsft Pr & SON, STEAM Boo AND .SOB PRINTERS. 1894. TOWN OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1893, Town Clerk and Treasurer. WILLIAM P. DAVIS.. Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor. THACHER T. HALLET, EDWARD LEWIS, STEPHEN WING. Road Commissioners. SETH H. HAMBLIN, • DAVID SEARS, JAMES ELLIS, JOYCE TAYLOR. Constables. JOHN H. ST\ETSON. Fish Committee. NATHAN W. GRUSH, STEPHEN WING. Auditors. ELKANAH CROWELL, FRE EMAN HOWES, . DANIEL B. CROCKER. Tax Collector. SETH TAYLOR. Registrars of Voters. ALLEN 11. KNOWLES, WM. P. DAVIS, THEODORE F. DREW, CHAS. F. PURRINGTON. Field _Di fivers. • ALFRED HOW LAN ISAIAH ELLIS, WM. A. CAHOON, ELNATHAN BAKER, HERBERT STUIDLEY. Fence Viewers. ISAIAH P. MATTHEW S, ALBERT C. SNOW. Surveyors' of Lumber. CHAS. M. BRAY, BARNABAS SEARS. Pound Keepers. JAMES Ii. SMITH,- DAVID SEARS, JOSIIUA. S. BAKER. SETH TAYLOR, T. T. HALLET, OLIVER HALLET, EDWARD S. CHASE, DAVID WHELDEN, JOSEPH ROBINSON, DUSTIN BAKER, .. 1 -ALMSHOUSE Superintendent's salary, Polly Sherman, eggs, Allen Slade & Co.; supplies, .\ A. C. Megathlin, meat, E. S. Mecarta, fertilizer, I: 'H. Thacber & Co., supplies, EdmundWalker, wood, D.'B. Crocker, supplies, Matthews & Paine; feel, Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, 'Andrew 11. Eldridge, pork, • - wood, service of beset, T. B. Pulsifer, medical' attendance, C. M. Bray, material, N. W. Grneh, herrings, L. K. Chase, shoes, S. T. Eldridge, carting, R. H. Harris, supplies, Lottie Lack, sewing,, David S. Taylor; stove, John E. Ryder, eels, Newell Smith, wood and fish, Jas. Lack, labor, Joel B. Hall, supplies, Albert Taylor, pork, Zenas 11. Snow, snpplies, Elisha'1'. Baker; -shoes, D. D. Kelley,.snpplies,. W. R. Farris, . • T. T. Hallet,• ••: - $200 00 17 02 82 99 84 37 1200 168 18 22 75 '8 03 68'85 385 12.42 — - 6.00 " 1'00 50 00 24 35 3 75 9 05 :1- 75 _64 01 2 25 22 00 (. 30or 690" 2' 00 1234 29 30 13 64 1 10 24 07 6 37 25 65 $986 79 1 4 SUPPORT OF POOR OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDL Morris Gray, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer,815 500 " " house rent, C. M. Bray, $ 23 50 Mrs. Osborn Chase, med. attendance, Dr. Sears, 855 500 44 « " fuel, N. W. Grush, {: « fuel, S. L. Robbins, 1 50 " - tt " house rent H. C. Sears, 30 00 c< « « medicine, T. T. Ballet, 4 53 t< « supplies, I. H. Thacher & Co., 60 00 James T. Chase, supplies, A. Baker, " " " shoes, 13. T. Gorham, Mrs. John Matthews, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, - Geo. W. Collins, Tewksbury, SOUTH SIDE. John N. Baker, supplies, 3. W. Crowell, {, If « Purrington & Small, 46 6{ 14 if 41 ,l med. attendance, Dr. Parker, fuel, P. P. Akin, Mary Butler, supplies, J. W. Crowell, " " fuel, P. P. Akin, " supplies, R. D. Farris, " Purrington & Small, med. attendance, Dr. Parker, shoes, L. K. Chase, _ /f l' •' it 30 00 157 53 2 00 32 00 $ 65 27 58 1 55 300 $305 11 75 19 06 9 82 75 2 07 Mrs. Lefaver Kelley, fuel, David Sears, $ 12 00 {l " L. Fuller & Co., 14 98 supplies, Obed Baker, 103 95 " Baker & Sears, 4 41 med. attendance, Dr. Parker, 15 00 fuel, Jas. Crowell, . 12 58 to Barnstable, U. H. Sears, 3 50 c{ " Benj. Homer, 3 50 coffin, M. 11. Crowell, 10 75 LS '4 fit 46 1 • .,, «; ft,,=- ';. r" ) '4 14 " !4 '4 4' 5 Grace Robinson, board, Sarah Cahoon, " • " shoes, E. T. Baker, Augustus Hinckley, watchers, 64 66 medical attendance, J. T. Mitchell, Joseph F. Cetelle, supplies, Z. P. Howes, " {l -" " Baker & Sears, " " " shoes, E. T. Baker, 826 00 6 49• $750 13 25 818 6 4 81 87 50 Mrs. Edgar.A. Marchant, rent, M. B. Thacher,' $10 00 '" 'l '• " supplies, Chas. G. Baker, 65 00 Seth K. Baker, board, Abner R. Wiaon, 32 50 64 " " " Susan Chase, 32 68 7 50 Alton J. Baker's family, moving, 3700 " " it " supplies, ,Charles G. Baker, Alton J. Baker's family, rent, M. B. Thacher, 32.78 46 50 180 67 " " " " shoes, E. T. Baker, Lot H. Sears, supplies, Baker & Sears, Nathan Sears, supplies, Purrington & Small, WEST SIDE. - Mrs. David Buck, supplies, J. E. Crowell, fuel, Isaiah Crowell, " Jas. Ellis, med. attendance, Dr. Hawes, labor, Benj. Gifford, " Joshua Baker, Susan Bearse, board, Alex. Marchant, Lydia G. Bearse, fuel, H. B. Chase & Sons, . " " Jas. Ellis, '4 '4 i{ '4 4' '4 14 ' f{ 1{ 44 64 " supplies, Johnson & Co., Susan Hallet, fuel, 11. B. Chase & Sons, " " " Jas. Ellie, " Lot Hallet, supplies, Joyce Taylor, c, '4 u '{ 1 95 103 00 10 00 3 15 899 50 7 50 3 50 600 8 00 3 35 832 49 20 75 30 18 75 00 65 18 118 10 56 50 11 24 127 85 24 00 $7 50 3 50 6 00 17 00 $15.00 3 50 7 50 5 75 31 75. • PAID OTHER CITIES `AND 'TOWNS: Dennis,'Caroline Linnell, Barnstable, Josephine Edwards, Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Mary Christensen, ++ " ++Augustus $inchley, 1, ++ ++ " Osborn Chase, $'5 94 13 17 9S 79 117 26 115 70 $345 86 RECAPITULATION: Amount raised by .town, $2,300 00 Cost in slmahouse, $ 986 79 Cost out of almshouse, 1,12752 Paid other cities and towns, 345 86 Expended above appropriation, 160'17 $2,460 17 $2,460 17 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES 'AND TOWNS. $ '54 75 32 00 48 00 " 217 50 Dennis, Brewster, Falmouth, Commonwealth, INCIDENTALS. Manton IL Crowell, care of hearse, ++ ++ ++ recording deaths, Joshua 8. Baker, care of hearse, • ++ ++ ++ returning deaths, repairing hearse, " ++ " $352"25' $5 00 "8 25 $6 00 1 25 75 William D. Loring, repairing'liearse, $ 50 40 1 00 l+ •, +• oats,. " •, care of hearse, ++ ++ Court charges, Charles Holmes, " • " Geo. L Ryder, Jonathan L. Ellis, Daniel Humes, ++ 46 66 ++ " -66 $16 07 12 01 369 1195 51 11 813 25 800 1'90 94 83 :. 11 r.mil .... 7 - Expenses to Boston on bank and corporation tax, ++, 66 ++ ++ poor, Repairing Hook & Ladder house, Edwin E. Baker, looking up cranberry bogs, - Wm. J. Davis, adm'r. oath, Wm. P. Davis, ballots, • Alfred Baker, care of town office, Matthews & Payne, fuel for town office, C. R. Bassett, board selectmen, Express on body of Osborn,, E. Chase, A. H. Knowles, map of town roads, etc., Insurance on town office, $7 00. ++ ++ town house, 8 40 ++ " school -house, North side, 7 50 66" piano, 3 00 25 90 Register to almshouse, 2 00 Hay and grain for horse, 11 67 Abstract for conveyance, 10 00 Barn rent, - Graduating class from High school, 13 50 Ernest P. Baker, watchman, 3 00 Uriah H. Sears, ' ++ . 3 00 List of Bank stockholders, 2.00 Mrs. Lefevor Kelley, court charges, A. B. Chase, horse hire, Wm. P. Davis, recording deaths, births and marriages, ++ " " tally sheets, expenses to Sandwich, express and stationery, Stove for town office, Coal ++ ++ " Georgetown cemetery fence, W. C. Fuller, repairing pump, Stationery, stamps, etc., Distributing town reports, Blank bookq_ • .i�. n .. • � -rrte.-. $35 15 32 40_ 1 25 .1 00 25 600. 15-00 11 37 58 -00 5 00 182 00 12 00 16 ++ +0 66 66 ++ Dictionary, Piling wood, - Expenses to Boston, 34 50 1 50 21 55 3.00 3 00 3 00 43 60 7 75 75 75 13 92 1 00 5 00 1 50 25 16 75 $706 29. 279 muskrats, David Sears, • Seth H. Hamblin, James Ellis, Joyce Taylor, 'Freeman Ryder, Alfred Gorham, 8 - MUSKRATS. CLEARING SNOW. - $213 62 354 00 1820 9 REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. School house, North side, $1,833 87 $69 75 " " South side, 73 42 " " West side, 40 44 Almshouse, . • - 750 - Town office, — 8 - 94 89 67 $675 42 LABOR ON FARM. $32 50 12 75 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, •< " for snow, " from Court fees, Incidentals, - Muskrats, Clearing snow, Farm, In excess of appropriation, • Gilbert Lewis Benj. Lovell, • Mercy C. Crowell, Emily J. Haffords, John E. Ryder, Elizabeth Horst, Joseph H. Robinson, Ebenezer Crowell, Mrs. Francis Dill, .. MILITARY AID. STATE AID. a.. d.11J1 1 .I i.S�I�.��Y $4,5 25 $500 00 700 00 20 78 $706 29 69 75 675 49 45 25 276 00 $1,496 78 81,496 78. $43 00 52 00 26 00 24 00 52 00 21 00 12 00 4 00 78 00 $239 05 Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, $2,$00 00 $2,200 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES. David Sears, chairman, " '6 '' 66 1,963 67 236 33 $2,200 00 • $3,800 00 repairs on bridge, $54 98 paid tending draw, 13 75 868 73 $3,800 00 • $3,800 00 $3,809 00 SCHOOL BOOKS. Alex. B. Chase, chairman, $516 12 Amount raised by town, $600 00 •- Unexpended balance, •- . 83 88 Amount raised by town, Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Janitor, Miscellaneous, Teachers' salaries, Fuel, Janitor, • Miscellaneous, SCHOOLS. . NORTH BIDE. SOUTH SIDE. . $600 00 $600 00 $1,292 50 77 20 100 00 43 61 $1,513 31 $1,217 50 74 00 90 00 87 43 $1.468 93 . !Yam . _ _ ...a 10 eiow: Teachers' a1atied,: Fnel, Janitor, Miscellaneous,. RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, North side, South aide, West side, Unexpended balance, $830 56 38 50• 2000• 26 85 $915 91 *4,200 00 $1,513 31 1,468 93 915 91 401 85 $4,200 00 $4,200 00 ALEX. B CHASE, CHAIRMAN OF' SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Dog tax, $194 16 State school fund, 268 31 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Son, town reports " i1 4' 4' " " " - " town warranty " " 4 46 {[ - " " 4' it 44 " " " fish hearing, list of dog owners, schools, warrant, fish hearing, Fred. Hallet, school reports, " {i " " '4 " Cl (1 ." 4' letter heads, etc., tax bills, - schools, voting list, reports, envelopes, Geo. Otis, town warrant, Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, 148 25 12 00 4 00 100 1 50 4 75 400 1 00 848 70 9 50 4 00 7 50 11 00 1 88 2 50 $200 00 $200 00 5462 47 876 50 85 08 6 00 32 42 5200 00 1 1 • 11: TOWN atrrayssatS. Auditors, auditing accounts, E. N. Baker, special constable, C. M. Bray, truant officer, Theo. -F. Drew; Registrar, `46 " " ballot inspector, S. Nickerson, ballot clerk, A. C. Snow, sealer, - Fred. A. Baker, rregistrar, " " ;ballot clerk, Oliver T. Gorham,_teller, D. B. Crocker, {t - E. L. Marsh, school committee, John 11. Stetson, constable, Seth Taylor, collector, Edwin C. Brown, election officer,--- D. D. Kelley, " {{ A. H. Knowles, " f. Wm. P. Davis, clerk and treasurer, " " registrar, " " " clerk, town meeting, A. 11. Knowles, registrar, T. T. Ballet, moderator, " " " justice of peace, Selectmen, services, Assessors, " Overseer of .poor, services, Horse hire, Chas. Purrington, registrar, ete., • Amount raised by town, ,Unexpended balance, $35 -00 1 '50 8 22' $10 50 5 00 -... $1550 810 50 500 5;00 5-00 15 50 5 00 5 00 55 .00 .25 50 22258 — _ — 7 00 7 00 7,00 75 00 15 00 5 00 21 00 5 00 500 —183 00 1 273 75 171 50 J23. 17 50 81,341 55 $1,500 00 148 45 $1,500 00 51,500 00 TAXES REMITTED. Taxes remitted, • 5154 22 I2: • SEARS FUND. Interest on Sehrs fund, Amount raised to pay interest, Expended in excess of appropriation, TRANSPORTATION OF Amount raised by town, A. B. Chase, W. R. Farris, Unexpended balance, County tax, State tax, Bank tax, W. E. Chaffin, i $950 00 $950 00 SCHOLARS. $175 00 218 45 56 55 TAXES PAID. $900 00 50 00 • :950 00 $450 00. $450 00 *450 00 $1,496 96 2,050 00 2,518 51' $6,065 47 SUPT. OF SCHOOLS. z - NOTES PAID. Bass River Savings Bank, DAMAGES ON HIGHWAY. Harvey L. Howes, Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, 8100 00 $399 00 $7,000 00 75 00 25 00 $100 00 $100 00 GEORGETOWN SIDEWALK. Repairs on walk, WHARF LANE. Repairs by S. H. Hamblin, Amount raised by town, $200 00 BAXTER AVENUE. Repairs by Joyce Taylor, Amount raised by town, 1 $200 00 $35 00 $200 00 $200 00 REIMBURSEMENT ON SCHOOLS. W. N. Stetson and others, $90. 00 Amount raised by town, $90 00 • SOLDIERS' AID. Catherine Kelley, $110 50 WIDENING SOUTH YARMOUTH AND HYANNIS ROADS. Advertising, Isaiah Homer, team and labor, Edward Lewis, services, Stephen Wing, " Amount raised by town, Unexpended balance, $125 00 $125 00 TOWN TREASURER. Da. Balance, January 1, 1893, Dog money refunded, Auctioneers' licenses, Income from Mase. school fund, Town of Dennis, " " Brewster, " Falmouth, Chatham, " Lincoln, R. I., Fish committee, Bass River Savings Bank, First Nat. Bank of Yarmouth, Court fees, Supt. of schools from state, James Ellis, E. F. Peirce, for books, State Treasurer, S. Taylor, land sold, t1 " collector, 1892, " " 1893, Orders outstanding, January 1, 1894, « •' from 1892, '4 " $ 1 25 11. 25. 43 00 - 42 00 28 50 $125 00 $2,185 27 351 49 6 00 268 31 111 75 55.00 52 00 11 81 7650 500 00 4,931 25 1,990 00 20.78 409 23 14 71 2 00 4,426 22 37 71 4,792 17 13,600 00 1,168 58 8 24 $35,019 02 '4 TOM TREASURER. Cs. 1' Support of poor in almshouse, $ '986 79 " '" " .out of -abnshouse, 1,127 `52 " " " in other cities and towns, 345 •86 • : as " " of " " ac a 428 75 Incidentals, 706 29 Muskrats, 59 75. Snow, 676 49 Farm, '45 25 Military aid,, 78 00 State aid, 239 00 Repairs public buildings, 1,963 67 Roads and bridges, 3,868 73 School books, • 316 12 Schools, 3,898 15 A.B. Chase, 462 47 Printing and advertising, 167 58 Town officers, 1,341 `55 Taxes remitted, 154 22 Sears fund, 950 00 Transportation of scholars, 398 45 Taxes paid, • 6,065 47 Supt of schools, 399 04 Notes paid, 7,000 00 Damages on highway, 75 00 Georgetown sidewalk, - 35.00 Wharf Lane road, 200 00 Baxter avenue, ' 200 00 W. N. Stetson, et. aL, 90 00 Soldiers' Aid, 40 50. Widening roads, 96 50 Outstanding orders, January 1st,1898, 1,727 10 Balance, January lat, 1894, 671 77 835,019 02 15 VALUATION MAY 1, 1893. Real estate, buildings, 6489,035 00 " land, 858,633 00 Persoaa4 eetxte, ,• 862,767 00 " " Bank stock, ---- 176,985 00 Total valuation, 51,887,420 00 No. dwelling houses, 622 " borees, 259 " cower 142 is sheep, 60 " acres land, 11,193 " persons paying poll tax only, 153 " " assessed, 915 THACHER T. HALLET,).Selectnlen. EDWARD LEWIS, j} of - STEPHEN WING, Yarmouth ROAD COMMISZIOKRRSRRPORfi. SETH H. HAMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR ON ROADS, 1893. Nathan Bassett, 274 hours, 20c., • $ 5 50 Chas. Bassett, 764 hrs., 20c., $15.25, 25 hrs., 15c., $3.75, 19 00 D. G. Eldridge, 180 loads clay, 5e., 9 00 Chas. Bassett, 71 hrs., 20c., $1.55, 2 hrs., 15x,:30, 1 85 Henry Usher, 44 hours, 20c., - 90 Charles M. Bray, per bill, 10 29 Amos Arey, 114 hours, 20c., . 2 30 Seth Taylor, 9 hours, 20c., $1.80, 9 hours, 15c., $1.35, 3 15 25 Joel B. Hall, per bill, 32 20 Allen Cash, 16 hours, 20c., George Ryder, 48 " " 9 60 Juan Chase, per bill, 4 75 J. Usher, Jr., 8 hours, 20c., 1 60 James G. Ballet, 7 hours, 20c., 81.40, 7 hours, 15c., . *1.05, 16 loads gravel, 6c., .96, E. S. Mecarta, 2 hours, 20c., .40, 11i hours, 30c. '83.45, George Hallet, 424 hours, 20c., Alfred Howland, . 48 44 30c., D. Cash, 35 " 20c., James A. Ellis, 12 " " 54 44 44 Watson Thacher, per bill, William P. Bray, 16 hours, 20c., 44 64 George E. Whelden, Patrick Morgan, 97 James T. Chase, 25 J. W. Hamblin, 20 Harry Young, 25 Joseph C. Chase, 40 .44 44 Chas. M. Bray, 17 hours, 30c., $5.10, 31 hours, 20c., Joseph Bassett, 10 hours, 20c., 2 William I). Loring, 2 Samuel Cobb, 25 44 4i 44 4{ 44 44 44 " 3 41 3 85 8 50 14 40 7 00 2 40 1 05 15 00 3 20 19 40 5 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 .65, 5 75 2 00 50 5 00 I 4inlid61111614641411big e. Joseph W. Smith, Edward F. Smith, David Whelden, E. B. Arey, Jeremiah Chase, James W. Ellis, Harry Young, J. Usher. Jr., Michael Beveney, John Beveney, Patrick Heffernan, James Smith, George H. Baker, Osborn E. Baker, 44 44 44 George A. Bray, George F. Bray, Ernest H. Bray, James T. Chase, Samuel Cobb, Edward F. Smith, James Chase, Edward S. Chase, Archelus Phillips, George.Chase, Henry H. Baker, .oa.uir.1� I.4IIIiSMlil41IMI1•••.1 10 hours, 20c., 15 44 3Cro., 40 10 40 . " . 30c., 10 " 20x, 80 44 - 41 45 50 . 50 55 40 120 120 200 loads clay, 5c., 10 hours, 20x, 10 ci 44 10 • 4r a4 40 .30 44 30 " 30c., 5 " 20c., 40 44 19 44 40 4. 30x, 67 a4 it 20c., 44 44 4; 4! 44 4a 41 44 a4 44 44 X44 a4 30c., ' 44 44 4'4 -44- a4 44 44 20c., • m MW WIl ' 21/mI!C. 11 Y 1 1 James A. Cash, 264 hrs., 20c., $5.30 ; 30 hrs., 30c., R. William Park, 46 hours, 20c., F. E. Sherman, 40 4i 30c.., Z. A. Sherman, 40 20c., Joseph C. Chase, 40 Elnathan F. Eldridge, 864 P. E. Hannan, 50 Geo. Robbins, 25 Charles E. Chase, 10 Edmund H. Robineon, 68 Lewis Nickerson, 45 Edmund Walker, 22 44 44 44 44 4, 44 44 44 4, • 44 30c.. 20c., 44 44 44. 30c., Lucy A. Whelden, 117 loads clay, at 5c., 82 00 4 50 800 2 00 12.00 2 00 600 9 00 10 00 10 00_ 11 00 8 00 3600 36 00 10 00 2 00 2.00 2 00 8 00 00 9 00 1 00 800 3 80 12 00 13 40 *9.00, 14 30 9 20 12 00 8 00 8 00 17 30 15 00 5 00 2 00 13 60 9 00 6 60 5 85 18• Charles Cahoon, 117 hours, 20c.., $23 40 Willis F. Cash, 3 ii 15c., 45 Eddie Cash, 65 " 4 9 75 Bertie Cash, 65 " " - 9 75 30 " 30c., 9 00 James P. Cash, 15 00 James P. Cash, Jr., 75 ii 20c., 50+1 " 30c., 15 15 James G. Hallet, '1 20c., 4 40 Joseph Walker, 22 « « , 15 60 Charles E. Hallett, 78 Archelus Phillips, 78; " " 15 60 Charles W. Ellis, 12 ii 2 40 9 Albert Taylor, 70 hrs., 20c., $14.00 ; 50 hrs., 30c., $15.00, 29 00 Nathan Bassett, 78 , hours, 20c., " 30c., 10 20 Charles Bassett, 84 ii ii 10 20 Charles R. Bassett, '34 Stephen T. Eldridge, 45 '• " 13 50 Joseph W. I1amblin, 70 hrs., 20c., 814.00 ; 46 hrs., 30c., 813.80, Albert Taylor, 70 hrs., 20c., $14 ; 613 hrs., 30c., 818.45 ; plowing, 83 50, George Hallet, 64 hours, 20c., ii li Allen Cash, 45 " 30c., Joseph Bassett. 30 2 Patrick Morgan, 121. ,i 20c., Joseph Gorham, 30 hrs., 15c., $4.50 ; 10 hrs., 30c , 83.00, John E. Ryder, 14 hours, 20c., Hiram Whittemore, 26 loads clay,.5c., Gideon Matthews, 20 hours, 30c., Charles L. Nickerson, 9 " 20c., Naomi Montcalm, 100 loads clay, 5c., • Frank Nickerson, 10 hours, 20c., Elam S. Mecarta, 10 hrs., 20c., $2.00 ; 402 hrs., 30c., $12.15, Elbridge Taylor, • . 331 hours, 30c., F. E. Sherman, 512 hrs., 20c., $10.30 ; 3 hrs., 30c., 90c., 1). G. Eldridge, 332 loads clay, 5c., Leston Robinson, 10 hours, 20c., John Keye1 , 10 " " 27 80 35 95 12 80 9 00 9 00 24 30 7 50 . 2 80 1 30 6 00 1 80 5 00 . 2 00 14 15 10 05 11 20 16 60 2 00 2 00 Patsie Heffernan, Patrick Heffernan, 19 10 hours, 20c., 10 " ii . R. William Park, 10 " " Freeman Howes, 45 " 15c., Alfred Howland, 30 hrs., 20c., $6.00; 38 hrs., 30c., $11.40, Oliver Hallet, 10 hrs., 20c., $2.00 ; 10 hrs., .15c., $1.50, Seth Walker, 10 hours, 20c., James G. Hallet, 6 hrs., 20c., $1.20 ; 6 hrs., 15c., 90c., 10 loads gravel, 6c., 60c., Osborn E. Baker, 50 hours, 30c., George H. Baker, 50 " " Naomi Montcalm, 192 loads clay, 5c., Samuel Cobb, Benjamin Philips, Elnathan F. Eldridge, George Robbins, Frank I. Robbins, Fred. W. Chase, James T. Chase, Frank C. Baker, Willie Ellis, JohS Keveney. Edwin Chase, • Fred. W. Chase, James P. Cash, Elijah K. Arey, George Robbins, Henry H. Baker, Patrick Morgan, Edward C. Bray, 11+/ hours, 20c., 15/ " 20 K di 8+ " 7/ « 14 17/ 8+ 10 7 7 14 28+ •6 23 107 `," 20+1 " " if " " id it It at It " If ft di ti ,i ft Geo. A. Bray, 123 hrs., 20c., $2.50; 16 hrs., 30c., $4.80, Ernest Bray, 28+1 hours, 20c, George F. Bray, 281 id di James W. Ellis, 16 hrs., 20c., $3.20 ; 16 hrs., 30e., $4.80, Joseph W. Smith, 28/ hours, 20c., Charles L. Nickerson, 28/ " " Frank Nickerson, 28/ " ii Isaiah L. Ellis, 8 ft Seth Walker, 28+ , ii 82 00 2 00 200 6 75 17 40 3 50 2 00 152 0070 1500 9 60 2 30 3 10 400 1 70 1 50 1 50 2 80 3 50 1 70 .2 00 .1 40 1 40 2 80 5 70 1 20 4 60 21 40 4 10 7 30 5 70 5 70 8 00 5 70 5 70 5 70 1 60 5 70 1 .i.IL . YII I iii 1 ... 1 1 20 Jeremiah C. Robinson, 281 hours, 20c., Warren E. Ellis, 17 " " James A. Ellis, 394 " 30c., - Chas. Ellis, 621 hours, 30c., $18.75 ; 240 loads clay, 5c., 812.00, - Chas. W. Ellis, 171 hrs., Gideon Matthews, Charles E. Hallett, Benjamin Howes, Fred. Cash, Archelus Phillips, George Robbins, 2 " " Freeman Ryder, 211 hrs., 80c., $6.45 ; 15 loads Archelus A. Phillips, 48 hours, 2Oc., R. William Park, $5 70 340 11 80 30.75 20c., $3.50 ; 141 hrs., 30c., 84.40, 7.90 171 hours, 30c., 5 25 15 " 20c., 300 151 " 30c.,. 4 65 11 " 20c., 2 20 29 " " 5 80 10} " " D. G. Eldridge, 63 loads clay, 5c., E. W. Eldridge, 34 hours, 30c., 74 " 20c., James Gorham, Joseph Gorham, Patrick Heffernan, Charles Bassett, John E. Ryder, Edmund Robinson, William D. Baker, J. W. Hamblin, 47 hrs., Allen Cash, George Hallet, Charles Cahoon, Charles R. Howes, 453 Albert Taylor, William P. Bray, Henry Keveney, A. H. Knowles, Charles M. Bray, John Hinckley & Son, John Hinckley & Son, E. B. Hallett, John Hinckley & Son, Charles M. Bray, 5 11} 35 K K K " " 30., 3 " 20c., 5 " " 8 " 30c,- 40 clay, 5c., .75, 7 20 9 60 2 10 3 15 10 20 150 100 2 30 10 50 60 1 00 2 40 19 45 1310 19 20 6 40 22 65 9 60 e. 70 1. 50 2 50 8 90 11 20 1 20 1 75 6 73 3 31 20c., $9.40 ; 321 hrs., 30c., 810.05, 651 hours, 20c., 64 " 30c., 32 ' " 20c., loads clay, 5c., 48 hours, 20c., 131 K 74 " " per bill, " K K a " a " " • a 1 Geo. B. Lewis, , E. B. Hallett, Seth Taylor, 22 hours, 30c., F. E. Sherman, 24 " 20c., Edmund Walker, 9 hrs, 20c., 81.80 ; 9 hrs., 15c., $1.35, J. W. Hamblin, 12 hours, 20c., William Shields, Nathan Bassett, ' Geo. Robbins, 3 21 per hiil, 341 " " `18 " a - " " " K Elnathan F. Eldridge, 3 Charles Cash, 3 Frank E. Baker, 3 Archelus Phillips, Jr., 3 Charles Cahoon, • 3 J. W. Hamblin, 3 hrs., 20e„ -60c.; 2 hrs., 15c., 30c., Archelus Phillips, 3 hours, 20c., Seth H. Hamblin, bill, Due S. H. Hamblin, as per auditors' report of 1892, sir ." K " " K K K « " K u West Yarmouth roads, " ". " on 5 SETH H HAMBLIN IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR ON WHARF ROAD. James G. Hallet, . 61 hours, 60c., $ 4 00 Freeman Howes, 14 " 15c., 2 10 C. R. Bassett, 61 " 30c., - 2 03 Seth Hamblin 56 hrs., 20e., $11.20; 52 hrs, 15c., 87.80, 19 00 Patrick Heffernan, 171 hours, 20c., 3 50 Oliver Hallet, 161 hrs., 20c., 83.30. 131 hrs., 15c., $2.03, $5.33 ; 32 loads clay, 5c., 81.60, - 6 93 James P. Cash, 171 hours, 20c., 3 50 Fred. Cash, 8 " " 160 Harry Young, • 131 " " -2 70 Samuel Cobb, 17 " -" 340 Joseph Bassett, 30 30c., 9 00 Alonzo Aikens, 161 " 20c., 3 30 Edward P. Ballet, 36 " 15c., 5 40 Harry Young, 26 " 20c., 520 810 00 X208 6 60 50 $ 15 2 40 6 90 3 60 60 60 . 60 60 60 60 90 60 191 10 • 11 76 1 85 81,650 00 1 I III YI l 1 22 James T. Chase, 36 hours, 20c., $7 20 J. Usher, Jr., - 36 " u 7 20 John Keveney, l 36 " " _ 7 20 Michael Keveney, \ 36 " " 7 20 Patsie Heffernan, \ 36 . " u 7 20 Samuel Cobb, 36 " " 7 20 Edward F. Smith, 11 " 30c., . 3 30 R. William Park, 36 " 20c., 7 20 Patrick Heffernan, 38 " " 7 60 Charles Bassett, 36 " 30c., 10 80 Fatale Heffernan, 11 " 20c., 2 20 Nathan Bassett, 36 " K 7 20 J. W. Hamblin, 8 " K 1 60 Oliver Hallet, 26 hrs., 20c., $5.20, 36 hrs., 15c., $5.40, 25 30 $10.60 ; 294 loads clay, 5c., $14.70, • • $183 06 DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. ACCOUNT OF LABOR AND MATERIAL EXPENDED ON HIGHWAYS FOB - THE YEAR 1893. 93 hours, 20c., K a. K tf K a Nelson Baker, Wilbon S. Baker, 20 Joseph A. Cahoon, 38 • Joseph K. Chase, 863 John H. Stetson, 98 " with team, SOc., Baker & Sears. 1 stubhoe, 107 hours, 20c., A. W. Cahoon, Benj. Cotelle, Albert H. Cotelle, A. F. Wixon, Geo. L. Ryder, Uriah H. Sears, F. B. Homer, A. F. Robinson, Abner Wilton, Osborn H. Chase, Lemuel H. Baker, Ernest P. Baker, 111 • 15 " 60 10 10 45 45 123 20 23 333 50 44 K K K a u K $ 1 90 400• 7 60 17 25 29 40 1. 00 21 40 3 00 '1200 200 2 00 900 9 00 2 50 4 00 4 60 6 75 10 00 Fred Eldridge, Wm. H. Eldridge, Willis Hall, . 50 " " " " Edgar N. Baker, 15 • Geo. C. Crosby, 18 " a CC 38 U. H. Sears, 20 W. S. Ryder, 20 Geo. B. Sears, 233* -C. W. Harwood; 70 F. W. Homer, 167 I. F. Homer, 157 Isaiah Homer, 134 C. W. Myrick, 101* Nelson Baker, 70 " 20c., Frank Campbell, 233 633 " with team, 30c., Herbert Homer, 30 " " " Robert Clark, 20 " 20c., James R. Baker, 20 Gilbert Studley, •513 " with team, 30c., Stephen Sears, 25 " 20c.; 43 " with team, 30c., 30 " 20c., 23 21 hours, 20c., 30 " with team, 30c., " 20c., " 15c., " with team, 30c., " •20c, K uF " " with team, 30c., " 20c., • u u --- " with team, 30c., K {L K _ K " 44 K " K • Wm H. Oliver, Elmer Ellis, 59 ," " 64 f{ 30 " with team, 30c., Fred. A. Baker, 40 Henry F. Crowell, 27 " 20e., Albertus Crowell, 27 " " Thomas Collins, 913 " with team, 30c., Joseph Allen, 58 " " " " Sturgis Crowell, 40 " ". " N. H. Sears, 10 " 20c., Martha White, 403 loads clay, 7c., David M. Chase, 20 hours, with team, 30c., K " " David S. Baker, 49 Benj. Homer, 20 Isaiah Matthews, 40 CC ff • l[ ,y " C[ ft (f „ u e $4 20 9 00 15 00 8 00 2 70 11 40 4 00 4 00 46 67 21 00 33 40 31 40 40.20 30 40 14 00 4 70 19 00 9 00 4 00 4 00 15 45 500. 12 90 6 00 11 80 9 00 12 00 5 40 5 40 27 40 17 40 12 00 2 00 28 21 6 00 14 70 6 00 12 00 O. F. Wood, Seth Taylor, a 44 Clifton Baker, 44 a Reuben Baker, Amos R. Baker, E. S. Baker, • Abner Wixon, 8 Albert Baker, 15 Allen 11. Knowles, surveying roads, Martha White, 71 loads clay, 7c., John E. Baker, 71 " •` " Osborn H. Chase, 10 hours, 20c., Peregrine White, labor and material, Thacher Ellis, 40 hours, 20c., A. M. Homer, 10 20 80 46 10 38 tt 10 " 20c., 10 10 " 30c., 85 hours, 20c., 10 " `t 24 15 hours, 20c., 28 " " 10 " 40 " 20 22 30 60 40 ,t di CC a " " CC with.team, 30c., 20c., with team, 300., 20e., _- a a " . Daniel Brown,,. Isaiah Sherman, Allen B. Baker, John H. Stetson, Matthews Gray, W. H. Oliver, Isaac W. Ellis, Geo. C. Crosby, Vinney Crowell, Geo. B. Sears, E. S. Baker, Clifton Baker, James A. Robinson, Elmer Ella, - Reuben Baker, Stephen Sears, M. H. Sears, Alex. G. Baker, A. H Baker, Stephen Sears, " tt " " St it it with team, 30c., + a tt a 15 20 15 10 15 20 71 8 20 18 {t " a it " tt t' " tt " . ,, a " with team, 30c., 20c., with team, 30c., 20c., with team, 30c., " " " " • it a $3 00 5 60 2 00 8 00 600 • 4 40 9 00 12 00 8 00 1 60 300 3 00 4 97 4 97 2 00 68 25 8 00 2 00 4 00 16 00 1380 300 11 40 , 2 00 2 00 3 00 17 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 •6 00 1 50 • 2 40 6 00 5 40 Reuben Baker, ,Ahira Baker, E. S. Baker, 10 John Eldridge,21 Timothy. Cotelle, 61 Geo. B. Sears, 221 Judah Chase, 12 Geo. Chase, . 8 Geo. B. Sears, 30 David Sears, 48 Ernest P. Baker, 19f J. K. Baker, 28 Albert H. Cotelle, 20 Sturgis Crowell, 983 loads clay, 7c., 25 10 hours, 20c., . 15 " «. a " CC a • tt " a Robert Clark, James Baker, Wilbon S. Baker, David M. Chase, Joseph Cotelle, James L. Baker, Is„ac W. Baker, Vinney Crowell, W. S. Ryder, Stephen Wing, N'• H. Sears, Austin Whittemore, Wm. F. Chase, O. 'F. Wood, Geo. B. Sears, Isaiah Homer, F. W. Homer, L F. Homer, Isaiah Homer, Isaiah Sherman, ,{ CC f4 ” with team, 300., 20c., 15e., a a Y( a a tt 16 . hours, 20c., 16 " 28 16 16 4 20 21 19 tt 114 111 8 8 12 13 16 28 24- 8 6 tt " tt " t{ a tt " tt a rf tt 1 a tt a. " tt " 2 loads clay, 8c., Heirs Solomon Taylor, 940 loads day, 4c., James Robinson, 10 hours, 20c., CC with team, 30e., 20c.,` a a a •• with team, 30c., 20c., tt 15c., 20c., with team, 30e., $2 00 3 00 2 00 75 1 30 3 38 2 40 160 600 9 60 3 95 5 60 400 68'81 3 20 3 20 5 60 3 20 .320 80 4 00 4 20 3 80 2 35 3 45 .160 1 60 2 40 2.60 4 80 5 60 4 80 .1 20 1 20 30 16 17 60 2 00 6 26 • Peregrine White, 19} 40141's, ,15c., David Sears, bill of labor, - .$2 92 189 42 Total of money expended, $1324 01 JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD COMMISSIONR, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, 1893. Da. LABOR ON ROADS, ETC. 24 hours, .20c., J. L. Baxter, Alex. Crowell, Benajah Whelden, Walter Baker, Ellis P. Baker, J. L. Baxter, Darius Cotelle, 20 hrs Luther Buck, Ebenezer Baker, 41 11 Timothy Cotelle, H. F. Studley, 10 hrs., Edwin Baxter, Jr., O. B. Buck, if 14 11 90 " 15c., 185 '" 20c., 891 " 15c., 871 " 20c., 49 " 15c., ., 20e., $4.00 ; 79 hrs., 30c., $23.70, 149f hours, 20c., 79 " 15c., 20 " 20e., 91f 11 30c., 20c., $2.00 ; 10 hrs., 30c., $3.00, 105 hours, 20c., 69 " 15c., 28 11 20c., 50 41 1Oc., 90 11 15c., 69 11 i/ 17371 " 20c., 166 11 15c., 10 11 11 30 4t 20c., 44 " 15c., 56 tt 21ic., 10 14 100., 89 " 20c., 15 ty 15c, 89f -" 11 Stanley 11. Crowell, J. E. Crowell, Ephraim Crowell, J. C. Desilver, Jr., J. C. Desilver, Eben Baxter, 4. 64 /1 Waterman F. Baker, 41 44 41 Walter A. Baker, Harris E. Cotelle, ' 4. 11 11 D. S. Marchant, Mrs. Rebecca Lewis, 433 loads loam, 4c., Walter B. Chase, 99 11 $ 5.30 13 50 37 00 13 43 17 50 7 35 27 70 29 90 11 85 4 00 27 45 5 00 21 00 10.35 5 60 5 00 1,3 50 10 35 34 70 24 90 1 50 6 00 6 60 11 20 1 00 17 80 - 2 25 13 43 17 32 3 96 27 _ Henry A. Cobb, 10' houis, 30e., L P. Matthews,'S4 loads loahi, 3c;, Ansel L. Baker, 72• hours; 20c.., 11 44 44 89 " 15c., Fernandus Baker, 83 44 10c., Albert Berry, $5 " .30c.;' Thos. W: Graves, 112f hrs., 20c., $22.50 ; 45 hrs., 30c:, • $13.50, - Joshua S. Baker, 29 hours, 15c., Elisha Taylor, 64 loads loam, 4c., Martha E. White,.155 41 " Tc., Franklin Crocker, 421 " " .4c. James Ellis, 123} hours, 300., Horace P. Baxter, 27 41 John Baxter, 40' Zenas Baxter, 142f 11 H. F. Studley, 82 11-" ----44 -- ------ - -- - -2$' O.B. Buck, • 23' Frank Baker, 41 - Ansel L. Baker, 9 Benajah Whelden, 271 David Sears, 30 Dustin Baker, 75' Sam'1.H. Drew, 39 Timothy Cotelle, 91 -Geo. P. Drew, 25 Alex. B. Chase= 31 Horace Baxter, 20_ Gilbert Lewis, 30f D. B. Taylor, 24 - - Joshua S. Baker, 11j. Herbert .Crgwell, Thomas Graves, Thomas W. Graves, Luther C. Buck, Aruna Whelden, Thomas Baxter, . J. C. Desilver, Jr., 41 46 81 10 10 2 2 10c., 30c., 20c., 11 11 4' 44 " 15c., 20c., 41 . 44 41 44 41 11 11 11 " 14 4/ 11 41- 44 44 4' 30c., 20c., 44 44 11 " 41- 11 14 44 4♦ 44 • 20c., '4 41 Si " 15c.. 20c., 14 44 4' =a' 00 1 02 14 40' 18 35 8 30 19 50 36 00 4 35 2 56 10 85 re 84 37 05 2 70 12 00 28 50 6 40 4 20 5 60 90 1 80 5 50 600 15 00 7 80 2 93 5 00 65 2 00 6 10 4 80 2 30 90 9 20 1 27 2 00 200 40 40 28 Miss Abbie B. Crowell, 50 loads loam, 4c., Joyce Taylor, • 4393 hours, 20c4 " 3713 " 15c., B. F. Crocker's bill, loam, John K. Sears' bill lumber, Manton H. Crowell's bill for scraper, Stephen Sears, surveying, Jerry Eldridge, posts, Cs. Received from town treasurer, " " David Sears, $100.00 800 00 JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD COMMISSSIONER, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOIIIIH, 1893. Ds. TO LABOR ON BAXTER AVENUE. George P. Drew, 20 hours, 15c., Zenae Baxter, 573 " 20c., Benajah Whelden, 911 " " C. F. Huggins, - 14 " " Joshua S. Baker, 15 • " 15c., Ansel L. Baker, 48 " 35c., Waterman F. Baker, 46 " 20c., — J. C. Desilver, Jr., 571 " " 0. B. Buck, 25 " Edwin Baxter, Jr., 533 . " Timothy Cotelle, 25 _ •" 35c., Luther C. Buck, _ 563 " 20c., Darius Cotelle, _ 30 " 35c., J. L. Baxter, _ 26 " 20c., Ellis P. Baker, 15. " 15c., James Ellis, 463 " " " 45 ." 20c., A. B. Chase, 421 " 30c., Richard Sears, 233 " 20c., Luther R. Taylor, 233 " " 46 If " 133 it 15c., $2 00 87.90 55 73 . 20 00 9 00 8 50 ,5 00 3 40 $901 54 $900.00 $'3 00 11 50 18 30' 2 80 2 25 16 80 9 20 11 50 5.00 10 70 8 75 11 30 10 50. 5 20 2 25 ' 6 98 • 900 12 75 4 70 4 70 2 02 Joyce Taylor, u u 29 713 hours, 20c., 129 " . 15c., Drawn from town treasury, Due from town, IV 111 it 1 III NM ori I n I 111 • BIRTHS, MAAAIACIBS AND DEATHS. BIRTHS IN YARMOUTH, 1893... - Date... Name of Chnd. March 6. (Son) Cahoon, 24. (Son) Sherman, Name of Parente. William H. and Martha Joseph A. and Grace L. 27. '(Son) Arey, Amos E. and Charity B. 28. (Son) Johnson, Francis M. and Jennie F. April 4. William Ring Baxter, Joseph L. and Nellie A. 20. Gertrude May Cash, Frederick and Elizabeth E. May 8. Nath'l Harold Robinson, Frederick and Rebecca 9. Amelia Rosa, Joseph Sylva and Marie - June 11. Lizzie F. Nickerson, George E. and Lucy E. July 4. Harold Chesley Weeks, • Clarence H. and Florence M. 8. Marguerite Allen, Joseph and Mary H. - 20. Mary Megathlin, Anthony C. and Serena J. 27. Lauretta S. Montcalm, Joshua and Naomi Aug. 4. Alice L. Sherman, Frederick E. and Clara G. 15. (Daughter) Kelley, Idella D. Kelley. 30. (Daughter) Otia, George and Adelaide F. J. Sept. 20. Mary Helen Durrington, Charles F. and Lizzie B. -- Nov. 11. (Daughter) Thacher, , Joseph and Lizzie T. 16. (Son) Tripp, Joseph W. and Eunice H. 18. (Son) Pierce, Albert T. and Mary A. 28. (Son) Chase, Ebenezer B. and Lillian M. Dec. 15. Magdalena L. Eldridge, Lewis Y. and Abbie T. 26. (Son) Grey, Morris and Bertha L. MARRIAGES RECODED IN YARMOUTH Date. Name of Parties. Age. Jan. 9. Benjamin Herbert Crowell, 45 Hannah Maria Badger, 33 Feb. 3. George F. Crocker, 27 Nellie W. Brown, 26 22. Obed H. Shiverick, 24 Sadie McQnarrie, 21 24. Gilbert Lewis, 49 Lydia G. Bearse, 49 ix 1893. Residence of each. West Yarmouth North Chatham Hyannis South Yarmouth Dennis . Dennis West Yarmouth West Yarmouth Date. Name of Parties. Afar. 27. Wilbur S. Baker, Sarah Elizabeth Cahoon, Apri112. George W. -Rogers,_ Alice B. Stacy, 13. Leander :C. Baker, Anna Owens, 14. Harris E. Cotelle, Helen M. Eldridge, 30. Arthur W. Dixon, Dora A. Hammen, May 3. Morris B. Cole, -- Lois W. Paine, 24. Almond Lyman Carlow, Addie Russell Weekes, , June 6. Matti Micka Kuibi, (Lilja Sapiga Widenaga, 7. falter H Doane, Etta Francis Sears, 8. Frank Wallace Howes, Almira Ryder Taylor, 15. David B. Montcalm, Elizabeth Hull, James L. Whittemore, Anna E. Campbell, 21. Arthur Hallett, Mary E. Ellis, Oct. 19. George P. Diew, Mary S. McLean, •• 22. John G. Sears, Lillian Baker, Nov. 28. Rev. Edn-ard Lester Marsh, Mary Eliza Jenkins, 30. Ernest F. Prentice, Edna Ross Baker, Dec. 14. Edward B. Matthews, Ada L. White, 21. Wilfred Washburn Fuller, Lillia Crowell Wright, Aug. 20. ate 1 .. n 1 Age. Residence of Each. 1 South Yarmouth 15 South Yarmouth 28 Beverly 19 South Yarmouth X45 Xarmouth - 24 . Yarmouth 21 Yarmouth 20 Dennis 24 . Barnstable 20 Barnstable 56 South Yarmouth 29 South Yarmouth 28 Providence, R.-1. 21 South Yarmouth 22 West Yarmouth 18 West Yarmouth 27 Newton 27 South Yarmouth 29 Dennis 29 Yarmouth 24 Ytirmouth 20 Wareham 59 South Yarmouth 48' South Yarmouth 18 West Yarmouth 17 _ Yarmouth 22 West Yarmouth 23 Boston 23 South Yarmouth 18 Scuth Yarmouth 28 32 West Barnstable Yarmouth 21 Yarmouth Port 18 Yarmouth Port 23 Boston 24 South Yarmouth 27 South Yarmouth 27 West Brewster 1 Date. Jan. 20. 29. Mar. 2. 19. 23. 25. Apr. 8. 8. 13. 15. 18. May 6. 19. 25. June 6. 13. July 8. 10. 11. 81. Aug. 12. 15. 26. 20. 28. Sept. 2. 20. 20. 22. Oct. 21. Nov. 10. Date. Nov. 27, Deo. 25, 80. Name. RECORDED IN YARMOUTH Cause of Death. Phebe Bray, Evie Davis Cahoon, Russell D. Farris, Frederick P. Baker, Rebecca Chase, Son of Joseph A. Sherman, Sarah B. Baker, Lydia B. Blachford, Susan B. Bearse, Arthur L. Robinson, Eliza D. Ainsworth, Fannin M. Kelley, George Young, Susan Matthews, Isaac B. Gage, Alexander Robbins, Son of Joseph Allen, Abbie E. Yonng, Stephen T. Eldridge, Ophir Joscelyn, Hatsel E. Crosby, Manchester Hallett, Luella Cook, ' James Ellis, David B. Montealn;, Daughter of George Otis, Isaiah F. Kendrick, Ephraim Crowell, Donald Howes Knowles, John E. Baker, Elisha Parker, IN 1898. Mitral Disease,. Diphtheria, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Enlargem.ant of Liver, Heart Disease, Consumption, d Heart Disease, Old Ago, Diphthretio Croup, Mitral Disease o1 Heart, Pertussis, Peritonitis, Dysentery, Valvular Disease of the Heart; . Injuries by Accident, Stillborn. Consumption, Hypertrophy of the Liver and Jaundice, Old Age, Cerebral Apoplexy, Bright's Disease and Paralysis Rheumatic End, • Consumption, Consumption, Cholera Morbus, Nephrites Teething, Epithelima of Ear, Senility, DEATHS •RECORDEDIN YARMOUTH Name. IN 1893.. • Canto, of Death. Daughter of Joseph Thacher, Octavus A. Merrill Mary P. Crowell, La Grippe •. • Bronco Pneumonia, Y. 71 4 8 74 5 74 6 84 11 61 5 82 82 2 4 9 89 .10 1 28 82 .8 67 ' 76 4 27 8 63 7 79 6 51 4 55 8 14 9 84 11 25 Age. M. 57 2 71 6 11 9. 81 11 19 79' 8 D 18 21 7 23 1 9 29 2 8 18 2 19 5 10 9 14 16 24 8 Y. 78 .60 • Age. 11. D. 16 4 24 4 . 8 w w �y_y�,�rilyy�Yy��ll�lliA�Ylwsiia,illalD, _ Y . • The committee, appointed at the last town meeting to prepare a code of By -Laws for the town, respectfully present the following for their approval :• BY-LAWS OF THE TOWN O N OF YARMOUTH. cioz Section 1. The annual town meeting for the appropriation of money for town purposes, the election of town officers and other matters that may P P y proerl come before it, shall be held at thein each . House on the first Monday after the first Tuesday of February year. The meeting shall be opened, , and after the election of a Moderator, shall act upon the articles of the warrant, in the order in which they appear in the warrant, unless the meeting shall prescribe a different order. The warrant for the annual meeting shall state the hour at which the meeting shall Section 2. The Sees, petiten shall insert ons forwhich, signed by ten orr the annual more legal meetings, all articles, p or either of them, or the of January in each year, but voters, shallek o or befog tot the 25Seth la men, article articles Than Clerk, on or before in tshaid warrant any in s orjantic es rbc Selectmen may of January, it siadv abydvisable them afterdo said 25th day it is advisable eo to do, and whenever it is possible, shall, l�fihed beforecalling a special town meeting. insert in some newspaper p notice specifying the last day upon which articles to be inserted in the warrant for such meeting shall be presented to thewarrant for the annual meetingahSeall a tmso en or the the town officers�e who are to be chosen by ballot and their respective terms of office. Section 3. The warrant for all tow' and saida meetings washatl be direcsed°t t served t ther ti gthe Constables of hs town,of uch meeting, by posting attested printed or written copies thereof in each post -office or more homeeting, district of the town, seven days at least before the day of such papers and by publication of said warrant in one published in said town one week at leu t before the day meeting. ABTmLE R. riot iu the Annual and p re Annual Section 1. The Selectmen shall prepare In order that they may Town Report, a table of estimates of all regular SPP 1 proposed to be made at the annual meeting. make such a table, each Bcard or Committee trusted with the expenditure of moneys, shall make out au estimate for each respective legular appropriation needed, and cause the same to be 1lha nded neo `the ns Selectmen in writing, in season for publication. therefor. 35 Section 2. The Selectmen shall, as often as once in three months, cause an exhibit to be prepared of the sum and object of, each appropriation made by the town, the amount of the warrants drawn against the same, and the balance unexpended. Said exhibit shall be recorded in a book kept for the purpose, subject to the inspection of ' the citizens., Section 3. The Selectmen shall have fall authority as agents of the town to employ counsel to institute and prosecute snits in the name of the town, except suits on bonds, notes or other securities given to the Town Treasurer, and to appear and defend suits brought against it, and to appear in proceedings before any tribunal, unless it is otherwise specially ordered by vote of the town. Section 4. All deeds, conveyances, leases, discharges of mortgages, bonds, agreements, contracts, or other instruments which shall be given by the town and which to be valid in law require to be signed, sealed and acknowledged, shall, unless other provision is or may be made by law, or by special vote of a town meeting, be signed and acknowledged by the Selectmen or a majority of the Board in behalf of the town, and shall be sealed with the common seal of the town. . Section 5. The seal of the town shall be circular in form, and one and one-half inches in diameter. Around the border the words, " Town of Yarmouth, incorporated 1639." On the left side of foreground, a pine tree ; in the middle foreground an Indian bolding a bow and arrow ; in the right foreground a wigwam; in the left background, a lighthouse, on a point of land extending into the sea, and a schooner; under sail passing near it; in the upper middle foreground appears the word, Mattacheese. _ Section 6. The Selectmen shall have the care, custody and supervision of all town buildings, commons, squares or enclosures belonging to the town, excepting such as by the Statutes of the Commonwealth are placed in charge of other town officials. Section 7. The Selectmen may authorize the Treasurer of the town to borrow money temporarily in anticipation of the collection of taxes, Ind t� give promissory notes therefor in behalf of the town, the same to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by a majority of the Selectmen. and all promissory notes shall be executed in like manner. _ ._. Section 8. The Selectmen shall annually, not less than one week before the annual meeting, cause to be printed and distributed among the tax payers and voters of the town a detailed report of the receipts and expenditures of t'ae Town Treasurer during the preceding financial year, together with the reports of all the various officers of the town, and when practicable, the report of all committees appointed by the town.. Section 9. If an exigency should arise requiring .a larger expenditure of money than has been appropriated, it shall be the duty �4 36 of the Selectmen to issue a warrant for a special town meeting for the purpose of making such further appropriation, if the town shall deem it advisable. Section 10. The Selectmen shall examine the books and accounts of all officers and Committees. entrusted with the receipt, custody, or expenditure of money, and all original bills and vouchers on which moneys have been or may be paid from the treasury. They may, before approving any demand, require the claimants to certify under oath that all the articles for which the claims have been made have been furnished, or that the whole service or labor has been performed, and that no commission, discount, bonus, present or rewards of any kind has been received or promised, or is expected on account of same. Section 11. The Selectmen shall draw warrants on the Treasurer for all demands for the supply of materials, labor, or service to the town. Section 12. The Selectmen shall keep in a neat, methodical manner, a complete set of books, wherein shall be stated, among other things; the appropriation for each distinct object of expenditure; and whenever the appropriations for the specific object have been expended, they shall withhold further expenditure fur such object or objects, or may transfer from some of the unexpended appropriations contained in the general appropriation as they may deem advisable. -Section 13. The Selectmen of the town shall make regulations concerning the taking of eels, clams, gnahangs, scallops and other shell -fish within the town, which regulations shall- be published in . some newspaper published in said town, and shall, upon a complaint 1 being made to them, or either of them, such complaint being made in writing, and specifying the time and place and circumstances under which the alleged breach was committed, prosecute to final judgment all persons digging or taking said fish contrary to such regulations. �i Section 14. The Treasurer is authorized to engage counsel at the expense of the town for the purpose of prosecuting any action at law under the provisions of the Public Statutes relating to suits on bonds, notes, or other securities and for trespasses committed on any public buildings or inclosures belonging to the town. but no bill shall be paid by him for services of counsel so employed until it has been approved by the Selectmen or a majority of the same. , Section 15. The Treasurer shall render a classified statement of all expenditures and receipts of the town in such detail as to give a fair and full exhibit of the objects and methods of all expenditures. Section 16. The Town Clerk shall make an annual report upon the vital statistics of the town. Section 17. The Town Clerk shall notify, in writing, all the officers and committees chosen at the town meeting of their appointmeut, stat- ing the business upon which they are to act and the names of the offi- cers or committee so appointed. ida ..l.. tau -,lid a 37 •- Section 18. The Town Clerk shall have charge of the printing of the town reports and make full index thereof. Section 19. The Town Clerk or Selectmen shall have the custody of the town seal. Section 20. The Auditors shall require proper vouchers for all sums expended, from such officers as are entrusted with the town's money, and shall annually report to the town in writing, the result of their labors. Section 21. Any Board, Committee or Officer of the town or any person or persons intending to ask an appropriation at any meeting of the town, other than the regular annual appropriation before named, shall file with the Selectmen a written notice of such intention, at least ten days before such meeting, stating the object and sum of the appro- priation intended to be asked for. It shall be the duty of the Select- men to examine into the subject and be prepared to inform the town thereon. . Section 22. All Boards, Committees or Officers acting ander the authority of the town and entrusted with the expenditure of public moneys, shall be accountable therefor to the Selectmen in such a man- ner as they shall direct; and it shall be the duty of the Selectmen to publish and distribute annually for the information of the citizens, a statement of the appropriations and expenditures of all public moneys. Section 23. Each member of the School Board and the Road Commissioners shall be furnished with an account book, in which he shall copy all bills in detail before the same are presented for approval. ' ARTICLE III. Section 1. The financial yearof the town shall begin on the first day of January in each year, and eud with the last day of December following. Section 2. No moneys shall be paid by the Town Treasurer unless upon an order signed by the chairman of the Selectmen, except as is otherwise provided by law, by these by=laws or by vote of the town. Section 3. The Selectmen shall meet at the Town Office on the first Tuesday of every month for the purpose of drawingorders and approving bilis as is hereinafter provided, and shall remain in session from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. Section 4. All bilis for the salary of school teachers, and all bills contracted by the School Committee, either for repairs on School Houses, transportation of scholars, or for any other purpose within the province of said board, except bills contracted for legal advice, shall be approved by the School Committee or amajority of said board. Section 5. All bills contracted by the Road Commissioner for work done on roads, bridges, or any other purpose, shall be approvedby said Commissioner and paid by the Selectmen. • + I IIV �N1 38 Section 6. The Trustees of the Sears Fund shall make a statement of said fund from the time of the bequest and annually hereafter. Section 7. In the present and every financial year, the specific) appropriation for the several objects enumerated in the general appropriation order, shall be deemed and taken to be the maximum amount to be expended by the several Boards, Committees or Officers having charge thereof for the entire financial year, and shall be expended with proper regard thereto. Section 8. At the close of every year the Treasurer shall render his account to the Selectmen, and shall account with them for all money received and paid by him in behalf of the town. ARTICLE Iv. Section 1. Before proceeding to make an assessment of taxes, the Assessors shall give reasonable notice thereof by posting in each and every Post Office District, and by publishing for two successive weeks in one or more newspapers published in the town, a brief notification requiring the inhabitants to bring in lists of poll and property, both real and personal, prescribed by the Statutes or by the Assessors. Such notice shall state explicitly that the inhabitants who fail to return proper Lists can have no abatement of their taxes, aria that the inhabitants who file such lists after the time specified in such notice, without good cause for such delay, can have no abatement upon their personal property tax, unless such tax exceeds_ by fifty per cent. the amount which would have been assessed had the Lists been seasonably filed. Section 2. The Assessors shall append to their annual report a table of the valuation, real, personal, and total, the rate of taxation, and the amount of money raised; also the number of dwelling houses, horses, cows and sheep, persons paying a poll tax only, and persons assessed. Section 3. On or before the first day of July in each year the tax list and warrant shall be delivered to the Collector of Taxes, or to the person authorized to collect the taxes for the current financial year. Section 4. Unless the town shall otherwise direct, the Collector of Taxes shall have authority to use all means of collecting taxes whioh a Town Treasurer when appointed Collector, may use. Section 5. The compensation of the Collector of Taxes shall be one and one-half per cent. on all taxes collected by him, unless the town by a meeting duly warned for that purpose shall vote to change such rate per cent. In which case he shall receive such compensation as the town may vote. —=,— -- - Section 6. The Collector shall, on the firet secular day of each month, and as often as the amount in his hands reaches the sum of Ave hundred dollars or upwards, pay over to the Town Treasurer all taxes by him collected, and shall, on or before the Brat day of April in each year, make up his annual account and render the same to the c r 111111 , .Ir 1111111 39 Selectmen, and pay to the Town Treaanrer all the money in his possession due the town. • Section 7. The compensation of all Officers and Committees elected or appointed by the town, shall be subject to the approval 'of the Auditors, when the same is not fixed by law or the votes of the town. v. Section 1. All children between ARTICLE heages of seven and fifteen years who shall belong to any public school. in this town, and who shall without sufficient excuse be absent from said school three or more times in the course of any one month, shall be deemed habitual truants. • Section 2. Habitual truants, and children between the ages of seven and fifteen years, wandering about in the streets and public places of the town, having no lawful occupation or business, • growing up in ignorance, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or by commitment for such time not exceeding two years as the Court of Justice, having jurisdiction of the offence shall determine, to such place of confinement, discipline and instruction as has been or may hereafter be provided by law by the Town of Yarmouth or by the County of Barnstable. Section 3. Any minor so committed, may, upon proof of amendment or for other sufficient cause, shown upon a hearing of the case, be discharged from the institetion named in the preceding section by any justice or court having jurisdiction over the offender at the time of his committal. Section 4. The School Committee o1 the town shall appoint and fix the compensation of two or more suitable persons to be designated truant officers, who shall, under the direction of the SchoulCommittee, inquire into all cases arising under the by-laws of this article, and shall alone be authorized in case of violation thereof, to make complaint. The compensation of such officers shall be paid from the Treasury of the town. Section 5. All complaints shall first be made to the School Committee, who shall notify the parent or guardian ofsaid child of the nature of the complaint, and also of the time and place when said parent or guardian may have a hearing. ARTICLE NI. Section 1. No person shall move a building over a without the written consent of the Road Commissioners uolrcoftreet the Selectmen if no Road Commissioners are elected, who may in their discretion require a bond with sufficient sureties in such sum as they sball require from the owner of such building or the person or persons moving the same, with condition to reimburse the town for all sums of money which it may be liable or compelled to pay in consequence of the use of the way. • uiraori.arrid WW1 .,w 40 Section 2. No person shall throw or sweep into, or place, or drop, or suffer to remain in any street, any hoops, boards, or other wood - with nails projecting therefrom. or nails of any kind, shavings, ashes, hair, manure, rubbish, offal or filth of any kind, or any noxious or refuse liquid or solid substance. The Road Commissioners may so place clam and oyster shells at their discretion. - Section 4. No person shall pasture any cattle, goats or other animal, either with or without a keeper upon any street or way in the town, provided that nothing herein contained shall affect the right of a person to the use of the land within _the limits of a street or way adjoining his own premises. Section 4. No person shall drive 'any horse, cattle or swine, or permit any horse cattle or swine under his care, to go upon and over any sidewalk, or suffer any horse to remain hitched across any sidewalk, °or hitch his horse to, or in close proximity to any ornamental tree standing or growing upon any sidewalk. Section 5. No person shall post up or affix in any manner, paint or write, or cause to be priuted. paiuted or written. a notice, advertisement or bill upon a post, pole, fence, wall or building in the town, unless he has previously obtained the consent of the person or persons having possession of such post, pole. fence, wall or building. Section 0. No person without suitable clothing shall swim or bathe in any of the waters surrounding or within the town within eighty rods of any dwelling house, or street, so as to be visible therefrom. Section 7. No person shall ride, propel or drive any bicycle or tricycle upon or over any public sidewalk of the town within twenty feet of any party or parties lawfully in the use of said sidewalk, and any person so riding such bicycle or tricycle, . upon meeting or approaching any party or parties iu the lawful use of such sidewalk shall bring said bicycle or tricycle to a fnll stop and dismount therefrom at a point at least twenty feet distant from such party or parties. Section 8. No person shall behave in a rude, indecent or disorderly manner, or use profane, indecent or insulting language in or near any house or in any public place or on any sidewalk or street of the town, -to the annoyance of any person there being or passing. Section 9. No person shall allow any sink water or other impure liquid to run from the house, barn or lot occupied by him, into any street of the town. Section 10. No person shall dump, deposit or place, or cause to be dumped, deposited or placed, any paper, broken glass, bottles, shavings, hair or rubbish of any kind, except upon a dumping ground provided by the town, unless upon his or her own land, except that to improve the sidewalks, coal ashes may be evenly distributed upon the same at any time during the mouth of May of each year, but at no other. Section 11. Whoever violates any provision of this article shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $20.00 for each offence. vi 41 Section 12. These by-laws may be amended at any annual town meeting, an article or articles for that purpose having been inserted in the warrant for such meeting. Section 13. No person shall be prosecuted or tried for any breach of the provisions of any by-laws of .this ,town unless the complaint for the same shall be made within thirty days from the time of committing such breach. Prosecution may be entered by any citizen of the town; Section 14. Upon the approval of the foregoing by-laws by the Superior Court or some Justice the_eof, all by-laws heretofore existing shall be annnlled and repealed and these by-laws shall take effect. • TOWN OF YARMOUTH.—RULES AND BEG 1. The Moderator shall take the chair upseon CATIONS. ec 2. He shall preserve decorum and order; may speaakti order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions ints of order subject to an appeal to the meeting, by motion regularlyseoonded; and no other business shall be in order till the question on appeal shall have been decided. 3. He shall declare all votes, but if a• ny voter rises to doubt a vote, the voters, when called upon by the Moderator, shall rise, hold up their right band, and stand until they are counted, and he shall declare the number voting in the affirmative and in the negative, without debate on the question. 4. He shall propound all gnesticns in the order in which they are moved, unless the subsequent motion shall be previous in its nature, except that in the naming sums and fixing times the largest cam and the longest time shall be put first. 5. When a motion is under debate, he shall receive no motion but to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone, to commit, or to amend, which several motions shall take precedence in the order in,wlaich they stand arranged. 6. After a motion is read or ptated by the Moderator, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the meeting, and shall be disposed of by vote; but the mover may withdraw it at any time before a decision or amendment. 7. The Moderator shall consider -a motion to adjourn as always in order, except on an immediate repetition, and that motion, and the motion to lay on the table or to take up from the table, shall be decided without debate. 8. When a vote has been passed, it shall be in order for any voter to move a reconsideration thereof, at the same meeting; and when a motion to reconsider has been decided, that vote shall not be reconsidered. 9. Everyvoter, when about to speak, shall rise and respectfully address the chair; shall confine himself to the question ander debate, and avoid persofialitiea ,42 10. No voter when speaking shall be interrupted by another, but by rising to a call to order or for explanation. 11. No voter shall speak more than once to the prevention of any other voter who has not spoken and desires to speak on the same question. 12. Any voter may require the division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. A motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed indivisible; but a motion to strike out being lost, shall not preclude, amendment, or a mutton to strike out and insert. 13. , No motion or proposition of a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted ander Dolor of amendment. 14. Every motion shall be reduced to writing if the Moderator shall so direct. 15. The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in Cashing's Manual, shall govern the meetings in all cases to which they ark_ applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these rules. 1 i FINANCIAL REPORT • OF THE TOWN OF YAR11OUTI-I FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1894. YAB]IOUTEPOBT, MASS.: C. F. SWIFT tt.'. SON, STEAM Boox AND JOB PRINTERS. 1895, e • Report. In accordance with section one of article two of the By -Laws of the town, your selectmen world respectfully submit the following sums to be raised by the town to meet the expenses for the coming year : Support Of poor, 83,000 00 " schools, 3,800 00 " roads and bridges, 3,500 00 Town officers, 1,500 00 Repairs of public buildings, 300 00 Supt. of schools, 100 00 Miscellaneous expenses, 1,000 00 Town debts, 500 00 Interest on Sears fund, 900 00 ALMSHOUSE. Supt.'s salary, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, Sylvanus Robbins, fish, Lottie Lack, sewing, S. L. Robbins, fish, K. M. Taylor, paint, Alfred Gorham, cow, .. milk, pork, E. D. Payne, supplies, Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, -Polly Matthews, Matthews, sewing, David S. Taylor, supplies, R. D. Farris's Son, -' A. C. Megathlin, meat, 814,600 00 830000 67 50 3 45 8 37 23 06 4 70 815 00 55 00 4 59 10 80 • 85 39 195 10 8 82 1 25 6 47 28 68 .51 32 v 4 Matthews & Payne, fuel, Mrs. E. S. Chase, labor, E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies, E. T. Baker, shoes, Isaac H. Thacber, .grain, Polly Sherman, eggs. work, Albert Dean, fish, Edmund Walker, wood, L. K. Chase, shoes, D. D. Kelley, supplies, R. H. Hall, clock, Register, 1893 and 1894, • E. W. Eldridge, fertilizer, 1f if turnips, John E. Ryder, eels, Allen Slade & Co.. supplies, A. II. Eldridge, wood, service of beast, onions, pork, Seth II. Hamblin, pork, John G. Thacher, paint, D. B. Crocker, cranberries. R. E. Ilollnes, meat, Zenas H. Snow, supplies, Joel B. Hall, T. T. `i Hallet, and medicine, SUPI'UR.T OF POOR our OF AL:t1SUOUSE. NOITII SIDE. David Dloutcalm, medical attendance, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, Mrs. Osborn Chase, medical attendance, Dr. S. H. Sears, - $ 65 44 5 50 223 04 2 60 32 35 *14 17 1 25 $15 00 2 00 2 00 14 64 15 42 1 00 28 00 6 00 20 27 6 75 4 00 .11 40 1 00 1 00 74 88 33 64 24 16 2 61 75 51 63 21 47 2. 34 51 75 $1,491 11 $58 50 - Mrs. Osborn Chase, funeral, 0. Chase, Seth Taylor, Mrs. Osborn Chase, supplies, E. D. Payne, " E. S. Thacher & 11 11 41 Co., Mrs. Osborn Chase, house rent, Edward F. Smith, Mrs. Osborn Chase, medicine, T. T. Hallet, 14 11 11 house rent,Henry C. Sears, Morris Gray, medical attendance, Dr. T. Pulsifer, Morris Gray, moving, Seth Taylor, " shoes, B. T. Gorham, {f 11 supplies, It. D. Farris's Son, 1f 11 nursing, C. Simmons, 44 11 supplies, E. S. Thacher, 1i 14 fuel, Henry A. Cobb, 1f 11 " Lydia S. Crowell, 1t f 1 house rent, Hannah Crowell, 41 " medicine, T. T. Hallet, 1f $ 4 00 50 00 15 00 30 00 10 11 4 50 17211 B. $60 50 2 00 6 80 9 79 7 50 15 05 3 00 1 50 3 00 1 62 110 76. James T. Chase, dinner to Willie, Alfred Baker, $12 00 1i " " shoes, B. T. Gorham, 7 25 19 25 James P. Cash, medical. attendance, Dr. S. H. Sears, $17 50 James P. Cash, supplies, A. A. Knowles, 10 00 11 11 t1 medicine, T. T. Hallet, 1 00 Mrs. John Matthews, medical attendance, Dr. Pulsifer, Chas. E. Hallet, medical attendance, Dr. S. H. Sears, Chas. E. Ilallet, medicine, T. T. Hallet, 28 50 T. B. 5 00 $18 00 5 40 $13 50 Joseph Webber, coffin and robe, John G. Thacher, 23 40 20 00 $392 52 SOUTH SIDE. 4 00 Grace Robinson, board, Sarah Cahoon, $28 35 .. .. shoes, Elisha T. Baker, $ 32 35 Seth K. Baker, board, Susan Chase, $86 ; 2 Mrs. Lefavor Kelley, supplies, Obed Baker, .. " Reuben J. Baker, 00 20 ..fuel, Wm. Eldridge, 18 12 240 " " Jas. Crowell,1 50 44. " David Sears, .. .. .. Lot Sears, . medical attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, Lot Sears, nursing, Mrs. C. Baker, supplies, Baker & Sears, burial, Manton A. Crowell, $17 25 4 00 14 00 18 00 65 00 138 46 Alonzo Chase, medical attendance on child, Dr. D. S. Kelley, Alton J. Baker, supplies, Overseers of Poor, 4 Orleans, $79 3 30 Alton J. Baker, house rent, Mary C. Thacher, 30 .. .. .. supplies, Chas. G. Baker, 1564 0 0 0 ., .. .. shoes, Elisha T. Baker, 52 ., .. 64 supplies, Wm. C. Brown, 7 47 medical attendance, Dr. 11. S. " .. .. Kelley, Alton J. Baker, medical attendance, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, Alton J. Baker, fuel, Chas. G. Baker, 25 25 15 50 9 50 53 25 1 00 347 58 7 Caroline Cotelle, board, Philip Cotelle, John N. Baker, supplies. Zenas P. Howes, shoes, Elisha T. Baker, fuel, F. W. Homer, " " supplies, R. D. Farris's Son, " Purrington & Small, It 41 6,medical attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, John N. Baker, medical attendance, Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, John N. Baker, supplies, Jesse W. Crowell, .. " .. 1. .. .. Joseph F. Cotelle, supplies, Zenas P. Howes, " " " shoes, Elisba T. Baker, Mary Butler, fuel, F. W. Homer, " " supplies, R. D. Farris's Son, " Jesse W. Crowell, shoes, Elisha T. Baker, " board, James Chase, " medical attendance, Dr.. E. M. Parker, Mary Butler, burial, Manton H. •Crowell, .. .. .. .. Nathan Sears, supplies, Purrington & Small, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, supplies, Chas. G. Baker, " " " house rent, Watson F. Baker, Winfield S. Ryder, shoes, Elisha T. Baker WEST YARMOUTH. Mrs. David Buck, supplies, Julius E. Crowell, a .. .. fuel, " I{ .. " " " " Joyce Taylor, .i " " " Chas. B. Lewis, ". " medical attendance, Dr. E. E. Hawes, $8 00 $6 72 3 35 3 00 30 01 20 86 13 25 2 75 2 99 82 93 $7 23 3 97 $ 3 00 19 55 7 40 1 25 20 00 15 35 18 00 $56 50 12 00 $96 00 5 75 3 00 13 00 9 00 11 20 94 55 6 48 68 50 1 25 $905 55 126 75 8 Fred. E. Cash, supplies, Julius E. Crowell, '• 6' '6 " Hartson Hallet, •' " fuel, H. B. Chase, Li L4 66house rent, T. H. Soule, is 44fuel, Joshua S. Baker, 66 *3 50 62 50 7 00 10 00 3 00 Susan Bearse, medical attendance, Dr. E. E. Hawes, Susan Hallet, fuel, Isaiah Crowell, $ 6 00 66 66 66 ll 66 " supplies, Joyce Taylor, fuel, 66 •, Lot Hallet, Josephine Edwards, fuel, H. B. Chase, James Holway, supplies, Hartson Hallet, 64 medical attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, James Holway, house rent, Ebenezer Crowell, 5 00 4 50 13 50 842 00 2 50 6 00 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Gustavus Hinckley, " 61 Geo. W. Collins, State, Geo. W. Collins, Harwich, Svlvanns Crowell, Somerset, George W. Robinson, Springfield, Lester G. Baxter, Carver, Wm. T. Baker, Dennis, Mrs. E. H. Blachford, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, " transferred from other accounts, Expended for almshouse, '• " out -door poor, in other cities and towns, " excess of appropriation, 66 66 81,491 11 1,608 82 476 48 86 00 10 00 29 00 3 50 50 50 8305 75 8212 37 47 35 18 86 76 50 43 57 28 00 22 88 26 95 8476 48 82,500 00 701 80 374 61 83,576 41 83,576 41 State, Brewster, Dennis, 8 19 80 Falmouth, 5 5 Provincetown, lI0 14 Middleboro, 52 00 Harwich, 90 00 41 00 51 30 DUE9 FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. INCIDENTALS. Oliver Hallet, division of woodland, Jos`. Bassett special police, Job. hews , fuel for town office, JJ. B. Hall & Payne, coal for town otice, . B Taylor, supplies for town office, " , care of hearse, 1893, recording deaths, 1893 4, 66 care of town house,• 66 taking on Gra `: John y to almshouse, red flags, contagious diseas taking H. Cotelie's wife �� care of tow toalmsbonse, �' 66 « n house, " hearse, recording deaths, " Jos. Webber to Hyannis for burial, l6 '4 6• 66 66 66 R. D. Farris's Son, Chas. R. Bassett supplies, 1893, Benj. W. Ellis ' board of selectmen, E. Walker, , court charges, H. 1D.V Bray,, fuel for town house, 11. P setting glass at town house,`• 66 Davis, recording births 44 i6 66 marriages, deaths, $5 00 3 75 6 50 100 650 2 50 4 50 5 00 3 75 3 CO 811 50 3 45 5 40 *369 99 * 22 62 2i2 00 3 00 7 45 1 75 41 50 IC6. 73 50 4 ( 8 3 00 1 25 20 85 10 T. T. Hallet, expenses to Boston, tt 't " miscellaneous, tt 46 4• 14 44 " 44 44 44 tt 44 adm'r oaths, 44 express, books, postage stamps, etc., tt looking up Bank and Corporation stocks, t4 Stephen H. Sears, M. D., consultation, P. P. Akin, for posts, A. L. Baker, taking John Gray to almshouse, Manton H. Crowell, care of hearse, 44 tt " recording deaths, R. H. Harris, postage stamps, Mileage books, A. F. Sherman, conveyance, M. Taylor, barn rent, Wm. D. Loring, hay and grain, Thos. Crowell, list•of bank stockholders, T. B. Pulsifer, consultation, A. R. Gay & Co„ tax collector's book, Thos. C. Day, town warrant, D. S. Taylor, repairs on town pump, Notary fee, C. E. Hunter, detective service, Wm. J. Davis, index book, 46 " dog licenses, " express bills, 14 tt 64 44 64 41 41 46 44 44 tt " tt t4 ." 4' 44 44 64 44 " 44 ink, town seals, tally sheets, bounty on hair seals, recording births, •' marriages, '• deaths, stamps, 827 00 11 00 5 00 1 15 10 65 5 34, 18 00 *6 00 5 50 *2 00 80 8 65 4 00 21 50 3 00 18 00 12 00 3 90 6 90 1 00 ;8 14 2 00 2 50 1 50 11 50 5 00 40 00 15 00 12 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 2 35 25 184 70 76 75 11 Ernest P. Baker, labor, Georgetown cemetery, A. H. Knowles, plan of road, F. C. Swift, insurance on almshouse, " " labor on by-laws, * 3 90 10 00 Wm. F. Kenney, repairs on town clock, E. M. Parker, M. D., reporting births, F. Thacher, insurance on West Yarmouth school -house, A. A. Knowles, oil and matches, town office, J. S. Baker, recording deaths, tt tt tt care of hearse, E. Lewis, postage stamps, E. Lewis, expenses to Boston, 596 muskrats, MUSKRATS. * 50 3 00 PRINTING AND ADVERiTISING. C. F. Swift & Son, town warrants, " notice, ti 41 • tt tt tt .t •4 44 11 tt 4/ 4{ 41 tt 44 44 tt tt 't town reports, 44, tt tt by-laws, t t tt it dog notice, " " " tax bills, it 44 " cattle notice, .. 41 .t 't slaughter -house notice, Fred. Hallett & Co., school reports, • .• tt tt check -books, LL it 44 " ballots, 44 66 44 " tax schedules, tt 6. tt " envelopes and receipts, •t •' •t " poll tax list, 46 44 " " printing for schools, • Irk tt 66 bicycle cards, ." " t• .4 voting list, 1.11.71- 13 1.1x'1.71 $ 2. 20 81 00 13 90 5 60 5 25 6 00 70 3 50 2 00 5 15 *1,027 95 8149 00 3G 00 1 00 57 25 40 50 1 50 9 00 8 00 3 00. 848 20 18 00 6 00 600 4 25 7 65 1 50 1 50 9 20 156 25 104 30 .IIYII 11111111n George Otis, town warrant. A. L. Baker, fire ward, Oliver Hallet, " " F. W. Homer, " Freeman Ryder. Alfred Gorham, 12 FIRES. LABOR ON FARM. RECAPITULATION. $ 2 00 82.30 167 28 100 73 *31 05 14 00 Amount raised by town, transferred from other appropriations, Expended for incidentals, 81,027.95 " /1 muskrats, 149 00 ll " printing and advertising, 262 55 Yf <1 fires, 292 31 « " farm, 45 05 „ in excess of appropriation. • Gilbert Lewis, Julius E. Crowell, E. L. Marsh, MILITARY AID. $262 55 8292 31 $45 05 4750 00 327 75 699 11 *1,776 86 41,776 86 TRANSPORTATION. • 87800 259 87 566 00 • *337 87 • Benj. Lovell, Mercy C. Crowell, Emily J. Haffards, John E. Ryder, Francis Dill, Joseph H. Robinson, Elizabeth Hurst, Lewis Y. Eldridge, Ebenezer Crowell, Chas. H. Harward, Edwin Chase, 13 STATE AID. •il . ■ 111 Lin 1. Y . 111lJI $44 00 48 00 42 00 18 00 12 00 36 00 44 00 24 00 4400 27 00 12 00 $351 00 . REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised by town, North Side school -house, South " West " Almshouse, Transferred to poor account, *300 00_ *31 49 120 57 34 11 29 12 ------84 71 *300 00 *300 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES. David Sears, Seth H. Hamblin, Joyce Taylor, .Amount raised by town, David Sears, repairs B. R. L. Bridge, $222 39 Dennis " " " U. " 7 . 57 $ 900.00 1,400 00 700 00 $3,000 00 $3,000 00 43,000 00 14 SCHOOL BOOKS. Amount raised by town, E. L. Marsh, SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, " of Mass. school fond, E. L. Marsh, W. R. Farris, Expended in excess of appropriation, CLEARING SNOW. David Sears, Seth H. Hamblin, Joyce Taylor,. Transferred to poor account, Amount raised by town, $100 00 $100 00 $100 00 $100 00 $4,042 06 161, 66 $3,800 00 278 06 118 66 $4,203 72 $4,203 72 TOWN OFFICERS. Seth Taylor, constable, 1893, 66 {l " 1894, « {t inspector, « « truant officer, Auditors, T. W. Swift, moderator, W. R. Farris, school committee, Geo. P. Drew, ballot clerk, L. K. Chase, " " Wm. P. Davis, town clerk, 14 -" ,! registrar, D. D. Kelley, ballot clerk, C. F. Purrington, ballot clerk, ,{ " " registrar, Theo. F. Drew, " 44 44 " ballot clerk, $ 80 35 191 24 50 00 178 41 $500 00 $500 00 $500 00 6 26 00 42 50 17 00 12_00 36 00 5 00 15 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 7 50 10 00 ' 10 00 21 00 21 00 12 00 • 670 rJim 6111. _ +.aier 4;fCi6.,::'_..�. 15 A. B. Chase, school committee, Jas. Lack, cattle inspector, E. L. Marsh, school committee, John H. Stetson, constable, J. P. Brown, police, E. N. Baker, " A. C. Snow, sealer weights and measures, Seth Taylor, police, • "• - '' -tax collector, D. B. Crocker, ballot clerk, A. H. Knowles, registrar, _ Chas. M. Bray, police, Wm. J. Davis, treasurer, " " " town clerk, " " " registrar, —." Selectmen, services, Overseers of Poor, services, Assessors, services, Horse hire, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, $1,400 30 31462`` 526 50 35 00 50 80 25 00 77 50 2 50 5 00- 3 0-3 00 294 23 5 00 18 00 17 84 75 00 12 50 7 50 220 00 150 00 254 25 187 00. $1,714 62 $1,714 62 TAXES REMITTED. Taxes remitted, 1893 and 1894, INTEREST ACCOUNT. Interest on Sears fund, 44 " notes, State tax, County tax, Bank tax, TAXES PAID.. $910 00 108 75 $1,640 00 1,663 29 $815 94 $1,018 75 2,202 15 $5,505 44 18 TOWN DEBTS. Building shed, town house, H. D. Bray, Salary, Polly Sherman, 1892 and 1893, Out -door poor, paid to City of Boston, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, Catherine Kelley, SOLDIERS' AID. $ 75 00 250 00 274 75 401 25 $1,000 00 SUPT. OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, " from State, Paid W. E. Chaffin, Transferred to poor account, 361 05 81,000 00 81,000 00 53 68 $414 73 NOTES PAID. First National Bank of Yarmouth, STATE HIGHWAY. Expense by T. T. Ballet, WEST YARMOUTH ROAD. Repairs by David Sears, TOWN TREASURER. DR. Balance, Jan. 1, 1894, Income from Mass. school fund, Received from town of Lincoln, it 4, 46 44 Falmouth, 4, Brewster, 46 6, ,6 44 Dennis, 44 14 ,4 .64 64 816 20 $250 00 164 73 8414 73 $5,891 25 827 20 *116 17 State Treasurer, licenses, discounts First Nat'l Bank of Yarmouth, Court fees, hay sold, *671 77 278 06 25 50 48 00 32 00 54 75 4,225 99 8 00 6,887 92 35 25 7 25 17 Received from rent of salt marsh, '' 44 44 44 4 50 County treasurer, bounty on seals, 18 00 State treasurer for supt. of schools, 164 73 Seth Taylor, collector of taxes, 1893, 6,015 22 1894, 12,100 00 • 2,139 43 64 t6 61 •1 • Orders outstanding Jan. 1, 1895, TOWN TREASURER. CR. Support of poor in almshouse, ." out of almshouse, 44 44 44 44 4, Incidentals, Muskrats, Printing and advertising, in other cities and towns, 44 of " 14 14 Fires, Farm, Military aid, Transportation, State aid, Repairs on public buildings, Roads and bridges, School books, Schools, Snow, Town officers, Taxes remitted, Interest account, Taxes paid, Town debts, Soldiers' aid, Supt. schools, Notes paid, State highway, West Yarmouth road, Outstanding orders Jan. 1, 1894, Balance Jan. 1, 1895, *32,716 37 *1,491 11 1,608 82 . 476 48 369 99 1,027 95 149 00 262 55 292 31 45 05 66 00 337 87 351 00 215 29 3,307 71 100 00. 4,203 72 321 59 1,714 62 815 94 1,018 75, 5,505 44 599 75 16 20. 361 05 5,891 25 • 27 20 116 17 1,176 82 846 74 832,716 37 18 VALUATION, MAY 1, 1894. Real estate, buildings, " land, Personal estate, ti bank stock, Total valuation, Rate of taxation per $1000, No. of dwelling -houses, « " horses, a 4.4 " cows, « sheep, 1l acres of land, Persons paying poll tax only, No. of persons assessed, Amount of money raised by taxation, THACHER T. HALLET, EDWARD LEWIS, STEPHEN WING, 8484,475 316,786 1,005,891 163,625. 81,970,777 *8 00 625 240 150 __ 20 11,223 150 984 816,814 22 Selectmen of Yarmouth. ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT.. SETH H. HAMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR Due S. H. Hamblin, Osborne Baker, William Baker, Archelus Phillips, Frank S. Nickerson, Elnathan F. Eldridge, Allen Cash, William P. Bray, Edmund Robinson, S. L. Robbins, Edward F. Smith, George Hahet, 2d, E. S. Mecarta, Frank E. Lewis, Michael Keveney, Jonathan Usher, Jr., Frank E. Lewis, Harry Young, Patsie Heffernan, Patrick Heffernan, Edward F. Smith, Patrick Morgan, Newell C. Smith, Watson Thachcr, per hill, Samuel Cobb, Fred Smith, N. C. Smith, Morris Gray, Z. A. Sherman, Millard Gray, F. E. Sherman, Frank I. Robbins, 15 15 6. 6 6 6 4 111 2 • 6 7 3i 18 28 18 18 18 18 18 ;6 18 18 18. 12 131 8i 13i 211 5 hours, 20c., a1 - 11 -4 - 4 11 i, 11 1, ,1 c1 4, 30c., 20c., 11 15c., 1i 20c:, 11 11 64 4, 11 11 1, 11 11 41 L1 44 [( 4 11 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 11 30c., 20c., 1i '4 15c., ON ROADS, 1894. 821 90 3 00 3 00 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 80 2 30 40 45 1 80 2 10 70 3 60 5 60 2 70 3 60 3 60 3 60 5 40 15 20 5 40 5 84 3 60 3 60 3 60 2 70 1 70 2 70 4 30 75 Charles Cahoon, John G. Thacher, James T. Chase, Harry Young, Jonathan Usher, Michael Keveney, James P. Cash, James P. Cash, Jr., R. Wm. Park, Patrick Heffernan, Edward Smith. Amos L. Phillips, Samuel Cobb, Archelus A. Philips, Archelus Phillips, George Chase, Charles Cahoon, Fred. E. Sherman, Fred. W. Chase, Millard Gray, Lewis A. Sherman. Freeman Cash, 20 324 hours, 20c., 18 " 15c., 47 47 18 27 48 30 391 47 47 30 10 47 • 794 799 234 4;1 15 15 15 15 41 41 41 20c., 15c., 20c., .' 15c., 2Pc., 1, 30c., 20c., .4 .. .1 '' 4. 1. 4135 .4 Henry A. Cobb, 231 •' 30c., '• 198 loads clay, at 5c., 11 30c., ''0c. , 30c., • 20c., George Robbins, Wm. Matthews, Edward S. Chase, .. .4 .• James Smith, J. W. Hamblin, 371 hours, 15c., 51 '• 20e., 3 .1 41 231 " 30e.. • * 6 50 2 70 9 40 7 05 3 GO 5 40 $9 60 4 50 *7 05 9 90 $ 60 14 10 7. 90 9 40 9 40 9 00 2 00 9 40 15 90 15 90 4 70 950 4 50 3 00 4 50 3 00 4 70 16 95 5 63 1 10 7 65 4 05- 28 55 7 50 20 25 7 05 • 13? a .. 521 20c., *10 55 60 " . SOc., 18 00. . Frank C. Biker, 371 " 204.,. Isaiah. Ellis, 474 •' 30c., " 120 loads gravel, 5c.. $14 25 G 00 Leonard Ellis, George F. Chase, Jeremiah Chase, William F. Smith, Elnathan F. Eldridge, Joseph Chase, -- David K. Cotelle, Charles Cash, Charles W. Ballet, Warren Ellis, Charles E. Chase, Edmund 11. Robinson, N. B. Burgess, per bill, James G. Hallet, t4 lc 44 14 " 21 245 hours, 20c., 231 .� 23} " 23,E 19 231 10 80 321 47,E 15 39 14 .4 " 30c., " 20c., 1. ., 44 11 41 41 41 14 4, 1, 11 44 20 " 21,E " 30c., " . 225 loads gravel, 5c., " 11 Alien Cash, Z. A. Sherman, Freeman Ryder, 1/ 11 Elijah K. Arey, Elam S. Mecarta, Amos Arey, Benj. R. Howes, Oliver Hallet,. Amos L. Phillips, Ernest H. Bray, George F. Bray, George A. Bray, William F. Bray, N. B. Whelden, J. Bassett, J. G. Thacher, John E. Ryder, 80 hours, 20c., 15 " •' 21 " 104 " 30c., 19 374 414_ 371 80 19 19 19. 19 19 374 474• 474 20 " 20c., " 30c., 20c., " 30c., 14 20c., 15c, 30c., 41 15c., 41 .4 $ 4 6 13 00 45 50 *4 20 3 15 8490 4 70 4 70 7 05 3 80 4 70 2 00 16 00 6 50 9 50 3 00 7 80 25 00 23 95 16 00 3 00 7 35 3 80 11 25 8 30 11 25 24 00 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 2 85 11 25 14 25 7 12 3 00 Jeremiah Robinson, Amos E. Arey, Juan Chase, David Wbelden, Seth Walker,. Albert Taylor, George Robbins, Grant Chase, Howard F. Nickerson, Charles Ellis, Charles L. Nickerson, James P. Cash, Jr., Allen Cash, James P. Cash, Albert Taylor, Elnathan F. Eldridge, Henry R. Baker, Osborne E. Baker, {, {{ {{ 200 loads clay, 5c., 22 19 hours, 20c., 19 {{ {{ 9 K {{ 15 19 125 30 25 17 50 201 30 60 30 15 30 30 120 {i K K « {, « K 15c., 30c., 20c., it K {{ K 30e., George H. Baker, J. Usher, Jr., J. Usher, Albert Dean, Edmund Walker, Benjamin Walker, Charles M. Bray, per bill James A. Ellis, 12 K {{ {{ 10 120 47 47 30 30 15 Charles W. Ellie, K K K Charles E. Hallet, N. C. Smith, Edward Smith, James T. Chase, James P. Cash, hours, 30c., K 20c., K {{ {{ {{ 30c , 20c., 12 10 30 30 10 20 20 41 30c., 20c., K 30c., K . $36 00 10 00 $3 80 3 SO 1 80 3 00 3 80 25 00 6 00- 5 00 2 55 15 00 4 10 6 00 12 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 46 00. 36 00 9 40 9 40 6 00 9 00 3 00 24 13 $2 40 3 00. $2 40 3 00 5 40 5 40 9 00 9 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 Samuel Cobb, Oliver Hallet, {{ I 29 20' hours, 20e.., 3 {{ {, 20 " 30c:,. C. R. Bassett, 20 {{ {{ Patrick Heffernan, 27 {{ 20c., Charles Cahoon, 50 I. F. Smalley, 100 loads gravel, 5c., clay, ,4 - 10 hours, 30c.., 37} {, 15c., 5 " 20c., 3. y{ {{ Ansel Hallet, 94 J. G. Thacher, James P. Cash, J. Sherman, A. Phillips, James G. Hallet, James A. Cash, Frank Nickerson, George Hallet, 2d, Seth Taylor, R. William Park, James Lack, William P. Bray, Charles Cahoon, Allen Cash, George Robbins, Charles Cahoon, Willie Ellis, George Robbins, Isaiah Ellis, {, 30 30 631 64 {{ {{ {{ {, 15 50 " 29,E 4 8 20 15 15 5- {{ {{ at {{ {{ " �{ • {{ 45c., 30c., 20c., 40c., 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c.. " {{ " i{ $ 60 6 00 15 30c., - $4 50 {{ " 163 loads gravel, 5c., 8 15 Warren Ellis, Frank C. Baker, George Chase, Patrick Morgan, J. W. Hamblin, 15 bours, 20c., 15 4 118 60 {{ {{ {{ {{ 300., 20c., 30c., Amos L. Phillips, 261 " 20c., Iliram Whittemore, 120 loads clay, 5c., $4 00. 6 GO 6 00 5 40. 10 00 -5 00 - 4 70 3 00 5 63 1 00 • 60 13 50 9 00 1 40 25 40 19 20 3 00 15 00 5 90 80 1 60 4 00 3 00 300 1 00 12 65 .3 00 3 00 1 20 23 60 18 00 5 30 6 00 Charles A. Chase, Edmund Robinson, Seth Walker, 31 James P. Cash, 10 Leonard Ellis, 31 James P. Cash, 5 Harry Young, 4 Michael Keveney, 111 James P. Cash, 14 Sylvanns Cash, 6/ Freeman Cash, 7 Charles Cahoon, 111 J. G. Hallet, per bill, Benjamin Walker, 4:} J. B. Hall, per bill, Edmund Walker, per bill, S. H. Hamblin, labor and material, 24 13 hours, 20c., a C4 K K . K at at to 11 to K K K at it K Drawn from town treasury, SNOW BILL. SETH H. HAMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH, 1894. 22 60 90 70 2 00 75 1 00 80 2 30 2 80 1 30 1 40 2 30 10 25 90 1 12 5 10 201 18 $1,400 00 $1,400 00 Frank E. Lewis, Jeremiah Robinson, George Robbins, Amos L. Phillips, William H. Taylor, Amos E. Arey, Lewis Nickerson, Benjamin F. Philips, Grant Chase, Arch. Phillips, Harry Young, Charles Chase, Henry A. Cobb, James T. Chase, Isaiah Ellis, Leonard Ellis, Warren Ellis, 2,f hours, 20c., 5 7 5 71 .9 9,i 9 5 71 6,i 8 12 . 71 7i 71 .at tt as K as 44 44 .44 41 aa. GC 44 a1 at at to as tt .a as s` at It 41 as to •aa 44 as as as to $ 50 1 00 1 40 1 00 1 50 1 80 1 90 1 80 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 30 1 60 2 40 1 55 1 55 1 55 L Grant Chase, James P. Cash, James P. Cash, Jr., Bertie Cash, Eddie Cash, Frank Nickerson, Charles E. Chase, John B. Arey, Elnathan Eldridge, Frank C. Baker, Howard F. Nickerson, S. L. Robbins, Frank I. Robbins, Warren Ellis, Alton A. Walker. William H. Taylor. Elijah K. Arey, Willis F. Cash, Geo. E. R. Nickerson, E. A. Nickerson, A. Dean, Charles A. Chase, Edward C. Bray, Ernest H. Bray, George F. Bray, Wm. F. Bray, Fred. C. Smith, William P. Bray, Arthur Haslet, Alfred Baker, Warren E. Montcalm, E. S. Chase, E. S. Mecarta, Oliver Ballet, 14 ;t 44 as Patsie Heffernan, Patrick Heffernan, Charles Ryder, E. F. Chase, 6 8 8 8 8 4f 7} 3f 10 10 8 8 1 4 10 3 9 10 71 9 14 4 9 9 9 5 as 9s 8s 101 111 at ., if 11 at 14 20 6 71 . 71 5f 8s 25 hours, 20c., at ' - t. tt tt to 41 tt as as 11 at as at tt ,11 to at as • 1.5c., 6L. 20c., 10c., 20c , as 15c., 20c., at at 150., 20c., 150., 20c., to to tt to t, as u 14 as as at as to to u tt N to U at 81 20 • 1 60 1 60 1 20 1 20 90 1 50 35 2 00 2 00 1 20 .1 60 20 80 1 50 60 1 80 1 50 1 14- 1 80 2 80 80 1'80 1 80 1 80 75 1 40 1 90 1 70 2 10 2 85 1 50 2 20 2 80 4 00 1 20 1 50 1 50 1 10 1 70 .ti Freeman Cash, Sylvanus Cash, James W. Ellis, Charles W. Ellis, Charles Cobb, Jeremiah Chase, George F. Chase, Henry H. Baker, Allen Cash, Charles Cash, George S. Chase, J. W. Hamblin, Freeman Ryder, William F. Smith, Joseph C. Chase, Patrick Morgan, William Shields, J. E. Ryder, Allen Cash, James G. Bray, Joseph A. Sherman, Millard Gray, James A. Ellis, Amos Arey, Joseph Walker, Benjamin Walker, Charles L. Nickerson, Charles Ellis, Russell Ellis, Michael Keveney, George H. Baker, Osborne E. Baker, Morris Gray, Z. A. Sherman, David Nickerson, Joseph A. Keveney, Charles Cahoon, Arthur L. Megathlin, Thomas F. Matthews, George Kelley, 28 83 hours, 20c., 10 " " 9 9 " 44 7 11 {6 10 {{ {{ .10 " 66 131 {6 6{ 7 66 .6 8 1{ " 7i 66 " 16 .9.1 {a - 64 12i " - {L 121 " 37 " " 10 16 {1 ,31 ,6 {1 8 64 {{ 61 " .12c" 3/ " 20c., 3 66 81 " {{ 14 46 66 14 " " 8 6{ 66 8 66 66 16 " " 8 " 10c., 111 " 20c., 15 " 15 3 66 44 3 6{ 11 4 " 16 6+ 1{ 12c., 11 20c., 7 " 16 2+ " 15c., 6+ " • 20c., 81 70 2 00 1 80 1 80 1 40 2 00 2 00 2 75 1 40 1 60 1 50 3 20 1 90 2 50 2.50 7 40 2 00 • , 70 1 60 81 75 60 1 70 2 80 2 80 1 60 1 60 3 20 80 2 25 3 00 3 00 60 60 80 78 2 20 1 40 38 1 30 27 George W. Ryder, 13 hours, 20e., 82 60 Jonathan Usher, 14j " ". 2 90 Amos Otis, 21 " 15c., 42 Seth H. Hamblin, 15 " 20c., *3 00 9 " 49c., 3 60 6 63 Albert Taylor, 29 -" 20c., 5.80 J. C. Robinson, 4 `{ " 80 Arch. Philips, 11 11 . " 2 20 Frank E. Lewis, 61 " " 1 35 James G. Ballet, 17 " 40c., 6 80 8191 23. Drawn from town treasury, 8191 24 DAVID SEARS, ROAD COMMISSIONER. ACCOUNT OF MONEY EXPENDED FOR LABOR AND MATERIAL ON ROADS FOR THE YEAR 1894. Wm. F. Chase, D. F. Sears, Fred. R. Campbell, Benj. S. Cotelle, Fred. H. Eldridge, Daniel Brown, Joseph F. Cotelle, Francis W. Horner, Ahira Baker, James A. Robinson, Daniel Brown, Geo. B. Sears, Wm. F. Chase, John H. Stetson, Jos. A. Cahoon. James R. Baker, Robert B. Clark, A. W. Cahoon, Watson F. Cahoon, O. F. Wood, C. W. Harwood, Z. P. Howes, 2+ hours, 20c., 8 50 1 " " 20 4 a -" 80 1 " " • 20 1 " " 20 2+ .{ 44 50 1 " " 20 1 a " 20. 3 6l a 60 3 60 1 " " 20 951 " " 19 10 . 43 • " 'f 8 60 40 " 30c., with team, 12 00 . 20 " 20c., 4 00 30 " " 600 30 " " 6 00 20 " " 4 00 20 " " 400 12 " " 2 40 40 " 30c., " " -12 00 30 " 20c., 6 00 Charles M. Brown, Wm. H. Kenney, Geo. L. Ryder, A. H. Cotelle, • A. C. Chase, Geo. E. Chase, Jos. Allen, W. H. Sears, James Chase, Isaiah Homer, Thomas Collins, A. B. Baker, W. C. Fuller, D. M. Chase, C. W. Myrick, C. M. Snow, F. A. Baker, Seth Taylor, W. F. Chase, Alonzo Kelley, Stephen Sears, A. W. Cahoon, David Taylor, E. S. Baker, N. H. Sears, Lev. E. Taylor, W. Cahoon, W. Cahoon, • Isaac W. Baker, Thomas D. Brown. Austin Whittemore, Geo. H. Loring, .A. F. Wixon, Geo. B. Sears, E. T. Baker, Nelson Baker, Amos R. Baker, A. R. Wixon, D. S. Baker, D. S. Baker, 9 83+ 40 30 30 30 95 8 30 100 88+ 88+ .: • .: 48+ 50 88+ 25+ 711 10 10 20 " 241 52 40 28 20 28 24,E 40 20 15 •15 3U 30 43$ 15 25 43 10 8 31 28 hours, 20c., 30c., with team, 20c., " it [i " tt " 30c., 20c., 30c., " is " h " " " " 4' :4 4' 4' 6. :. {: II .: 4' t. '' 20c., 30c., 20c., ti 30c , 20e., 3(c., 2Cc., 30c., 2Cc-, " . " 30c., 20c., 30c., 2Cc., 20e. 30e., 4 " " :: " " " if .0 " " " :: " :, .' .' .c .f t. $ 1 80 25 00 8 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 13 50 1 60 6 00 30 00 26 50 26 50 14 45 15 00 26 50 5 10 21 52 2 00 2 00 4 00 7 35 10 40 12 00 5 60 6 00 5 60 4 90 8 00 4 00 4 50 3 00 9 00 6 00 8 70 :j 00 5 00 8 GO 2 00 1 CO 9 30 29 J. K. Chase, 41 hours, 20c., $ 85 Willis Hall, 60 " 30c., with team, 18 00 Edgar N. Baker, 20 " 20c., 4 00 Charles Snow, 15 a " 3 00 Albert Baker, 13 " " - 2 60 Albertus Crowell, 20 " " 4 00 W. H. Oliver, 18 " " 3 60 Benj. Homer, 35 " 30c., " " 10 50 John H. Stetson, 35 " " " K 10 50 Geo. B. Sears, 15 " 20c., 3 00 Geo. B. Sears, 10 " " 2 00 Peregrine White, bill, 48 53 W. R. Farris, drain pipe, 2 10 F. B. Homer, 81 " " 1 70 John H. Baker, 71 " 1Oc., 75 Elmer E. Ellis, 19 " 20c., 5 80 Ahira Baker, 38 " " 7 60 Isaac W. Ellis, 15 " " 3 00 • Isaac W. Ellis, 5 " 30c., " _ " 1 50 Reuben Baker, 28 " 20c., 5 60 Reuben Baker, 35 " 30c., " " 10 50 Henry F. Crowell, 20 " 20c., 4 00 Osborn H. Chase, 10 " " 2 00 L. Baker, 10 " " 2 00 Edward S. Baker, 10 " " 2 00 C. M. Brown,_ 33 " 30c., - " ". 9 90 Clifton Baker, 20 " . 20c., 4 00 Jos. H. Robinson, 9 " " 1 80 Elmer T. Whittemore, _ 25 " " 5 00 I. P. Matthews, 35 • " 30c., 64 64 10 50 F. W. Homer, 111 " 20c., 22 20 Isaiah Sherman, 621 " " 12 45 Charles Ellis, 307 loads clay, 15 35 Thomas D. Brown, 5 hours, 30c., " 1 50 Lewis Eldredge, 25 " " " " 7 50 Samuel T. Robbins, 21 " 20c., 4 2.0 Gilbert Studley, 15 " 30c., " 44 4 50 Stephen Sears, 15 " " it " 4 50• Ernest P. Baker, 44 " 20e., 8 80 Martha E. White, 387 loads clay, 7c., 27 09 Charles H. Harwood, James A. Robinson, Charles M. Brown, John H. Stetson, Amos R. Baker, Henry W. Taylor, O. F. Wood, 30 5 hours, 30c., with team, 28 " 20c., 5 10 •" 30c., 5 " 20c., 6 " 30c., 15 " 20c., " K J. L. Baker, 69 loads clay, 7c., Jos. F. Cotelle, 4 hours, 20c., N. H. Sears, 4 " 30c., Jos. L. Baker, 5 " 20c., Winney Crowell, 13 •' " Geo. B. Sears, • 23 Levina Homer, 51 loads clay, 7c., J. K. Sears, 62 " " " Sturgis Crowell, 159 double loads clay, 10c., 202 " " 7c., David Sears, bill of labor, Ernest Baker, 101. hours, 20c., 5 " .. B. F. Bray, K " K- K " K " K Total, Amount drawn, SPECIAL APPROPRIATION ON COUNTY ROAD. Dec. K is " K K '' '' '' K '' K 1. K 81 5 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 4 3 4 15 14 150 1 50 60 00 00 00 80 00 83 80 20 00 60 65 57 34 90 14 28 10 00 $982 05 $900 00 4, Wm. F. Chase, 17 hours, 20c., * 3 40 4, D. F. Sears, 131. " " 2 65 4, David Sears, labor with teams, 10 15 4, Prentis White, 5 hours, 30c., with team, 1 50 4, N. H. Sears, 5 " 20c., 1 00 4, Geo. B. Sears, 15 " " 3 00 4, John H. Stetson, 132 " 30c., " " 4 50 5, John G. Sears, 14 " , " " " 4 20 5, E. G. Baker, 5 " 41 Si " 1 50 5, John K. Sears, 161 loads clay, 7c., 11 27 5, " " " 11 double loads clay, 10c., 1 10 6, Wm. II. Oliver, 14 hours, 20c., 2 80 6, Isaiah P. Matthews, 14 " 30c., with team, 4 20 6, Louis J. Hahm, 2 " 20c., 40 7, Lewis W. Eldridge, 131 " 30c., " " 4 05 7, Gilbert Studley, 14. " " " " 4 05 Dec. 7, James A. Robinson, " 7, Clifton Baker, " 7, Elmer E. Ellis, " 8, Harris Cotelle, " 8, Nelson Baker,. " 10, C. M. Brown, " 10, Isaiah Sherman, " 12, Reuben Baker, " 13, E. S. Baker, "15, T. D. Brown, " 15, Benj. Homer, " 15, Albert Baker, " 19, Amos R. Baker, " 20, D. S. Baker, " 21, Wm. Eldredge, Jan. 1, Ahira Baker, " 15, D. M. Chase, " 15, Nelson Eldredge, s1 14 hours, 14 14 " 9 " 20c., 13 K K 14 14 14 14 131. 131. 14 14 131. 13,E 14 1 13f K 20c., 30c., with team, K " CC .. 41 K 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 30c., - " " " K K 20e., .30c., " " K is 20c., [f 30c., K- K " " • 8280. 2 80 4 20 1 80 2 60 4 20 2 80 4 20 2 80 4 05 4 05 2 80 2 80 4 05 4 05 2 80 20 4 05 Amount drawn,- ---.--- _- - - JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD COMMISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. To balance due from 1894, Thomas Graves, t hours, 20c., R. Lewis Taylor, 3 " " C. F. Huggins, - - 5 Timothy Cotelle, 104 Ansel L. Baker, 75 W. F. Baker, 50 " " Benajah Whelden, 25 " Darius Cotelle, 60 " " *12 00 ti 4 if f[ 44 '' It Sylvester Marchant, Jose Desilver, Jr., Eben Baxter, Luther Buck, 30 " 30c., 75 75 68 50 20c., 15c., 20c,., 9 00 *116 82 $116 17 $4 39 • 40 60 1 00-- 20 10 15 00 10 00 5 00 21 00 15 00 15 00 10 20 10 00 • Herbert F. Studley, __ Thomas W. Graves, __ 92 18 hours, 15c., 20 " 30c., $2 70 6 00 67 " 20c., 213 40 58 " 30c., 17 40 Sylvester Marchant, 25 B. Gifford, 50 Jose Desilver, Jr., 25 Erity Yren, 50 Richard Sears, 68 Benajah Wheldcn, 50 Timothy Cotelle, 10 Louis Baxter, 50 John H. Hallett, 30 Ansel L. Baker, 100f __ __ _= 20 Fernandus Baker, - 56 Thomas W. Graves, 47 0. B. Buck, 65} Jose Desilver, Jr., 101 0..B. Back, 35 Darius Cotelle, 20f Eben S. Baxter, 50 __ __ _= 25 Ellis P. Baker, 18 •_ 34 Luther C. Buck, - 701 Richard Sears, 38 Eben Baxter, 40 Joshua S. Baker, 35 u u u 68 11 a 35 W. F. Baker, 75 J. E. Crowell, 50 Stanley H. Crowell, 50 Daniel Humes, 681 10c., 15c., 20c., 10c., 15c., __ 20c., •, 30c., 15c., 20c., 15c., 20c., $ 7 00 30c., 20 40 15c., 20c., 15c., 10c., 15c., '33 Daniel Humes, 27 hours, 20c., David S. Marchant, 50 == 8 70 Eddie Chase, 50 " 11 10c., Jose C. Desilver, 85} " 1 15c., Lockwood Baster, 481 __ •_ Mrs. Jas. Ellis, __ 30 80 5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 13 60 10 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 15 08 4 00 5 60 7 05 9 83 2 10 7 00 6 10 7 50 5 00 2 70 6 80 14 10 7 60 800 27 40 5 25 15 00 7 50 5 00 10 28 __ __ '_ 5 '= 20c.. Horace Baxter, 941 " 10c., John R. Baxter, 10 == !i.e., W. Fowler, • 5 == 46c., Wm. A. Marchant, 50 " 15e., Everett Baker, 15 == 20c., Walter Baker, 35 =_ _• Ellis P. Baker, 5 =_ _.. Sylvester Marchant. 54. . __ _i. Louis Baxter, • 22 •= 100., D. S. Marchant, 5 °= 30c., 0. B. Buck, 25 " 20c., Darius Cotelle, 14 , " _; J. E. Crowell, 15 " 25c., F. Baker, 50 " 2C.c., R. Lewis Taylor, 9 =_ _. __ __ f1 14 ==30e., $1 80 4 20 *5 40 7 50 5 00 12 83 7 28 11 93 100 9 45 1 50 2 00 7 50 3 00 7 00 1 00 1 10 2 20 1. 50 5 00 2 80 3 75 10 00 6 00 Ansel L. Baker, 15 == 15c., • 2 25 Fernandus Baker, 15 == lOc., 1 50 Benajah Whelden, 721 " 20e., 14 50 Luther C. Buck, 15 , __ _= 3 00 Zenas Baxter, 25 =_ _= 5 00 Daniel Humes, 15 == 150., 2 25 D. B. Taylor, 12 == 20c., $2 40 __ __ _= 15 == 30c., 4 50 Albert Berry, 1001 " 15e, _= 143 loads clay, 4c., R. C. Blachford, 19 hours, 20c., Joshua S. Baker, ID " __ $2 00 __ __ _= 15 " 30c., 4 50 6 90 15 07 5 72' 3 80 650 Jose C. Desilver, Jr., 44 .. .. " H. F. Studley, Wm. A. Marchant, Ellis P. Baker, S. W. Mitchell, Benajah Whelden. Charles Lewis, D. B. Taylor, Alexander Crowell, Stephen Marchant, - Dustin Baker, " .. Ales. B. Chase, 34 10 hours, 20c., 15 " 30c., 14 10 " 15c, 2 4• 20c., 10 « '6 15 7 " .. .. " 31 " 30c., 26 .. 66 969 " 15c., 30 44 •6 42 " 20c., 46 " 15 loads loam, 4c., *200. 4 50 30c., *13 80 60 Mrs. Emeline Baxter, 25 loads loam, 4c., Luther Buck, 29. hours, 20c., Eben Baxter, 7 " 15c., Thomas Baxter, 26 " " Mrs. James Ellis, 10 •' Frank Crocker, 46 loads gravel, 4c., Gilbert Lewis, 194 hours, 20c., Hartson Hallett, acre loam, Mrs. Henry. B. Chase, use of scraper, Stephen Sears, surveying, Joyce Taylor, labor, D. B. Taylor, 10 hours, 30c., .. Ca. _ By cash received from town treasurer, Received from Hyannis Park Land Co., Sold to Simeon Lewis, 43 loads loam, 4c., *700 00 86 60 1 72 4 6 50 4 20 1 50 40 2 00 3 00 1 40 1 05 5 20 14 45 4 50 8 40 14 40 1 00 50 1 05 3 90 1 50 1 84 3 90 10 00 3 00 8 00 100 08 3 00 *795 68 788 32 *7 36_ 4111 .1 _. 35 JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD COMMISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN OF YARMOUTH. Da. TO CLEARING SNOW. T. W. Graves, B. W. Gifford, Wm. A. Marchant, Lemuel Marchant, D. B. Taylor, Jose C. Desilver, Jr., R. Lewis Taylor, Luther R. Taylor, Walter Baker, Ellis P. Baker, Louis Baxter, Benajah Whelden, Ansel L. Baker, Fernandus Baker, W. F. Baker, J. C. Baker, Darius Cotelle, Wm. F. Fowler, S. B. Marchant, Everett Baker, Joshua A. Montcalm, Albert Berry, Timothy Cotelle, Daniel Humes, S. W. Mitchell, B. Herbert Crowell, Joyce Taylor, Gilbert Lewis, 36 hours, 20c., 59 .. 44 169 89 2 17 49 3 .. .. 4. f. 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 " 5 4 " 10c., 4 " 20c., 2 3 3 2. 19 22 .9 31 4 5 31 s 1f 29 " 2f " 44 " 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. a .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. " .. .. CR. By money drawn from treasury, S7 20 1 10 3 30 1 70 40 3 50 90 60 80 1.00 40 80 40 60 60 40 30 4 40 1 80 70 80 1 00 70 30 50 50 8 80 1 40 $44 90 $50 00 AUDITORS' REPORT,. Your committee appointed to examine the accounts of the several town officers have attended to that duty and are prepared to submit the following: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM P. DAVIS. Cash on hand, Jan. 1, 1894, $671 77 "° received from various sources, 851 56 66 64 Wm. J. Davis treasurer, 254 35 « paid upon orders of selectmen, $1,777 68 81,777 68 81,777 68 WILLIAM J. DAVIS, TOWN TREASURER. Received of tax collector and other sources, Paid Wm. P. Davis, $ 254 35 Paid by order of selectmen, 27,952 52 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1895, 846 74 829,053 61 $29,053 61 829,053 61 SELECTMEN. T. T. HALLET, CHAIRMAN. Drawn by town orders, Amount of receipted vouchers, 830,692 81 30,692 81 SETH H. HAMBLIN,. ROAD COMMISSIONER Drawn by order of the selectmen, Expended for repairs on highways, SNOW" ACCOUNT. Drawn by order of selectmen for clearing snow, Expended for same, 81,400 00 1,400 00 $191 24 191 23 8 01 37 . JOYCE TAYLOR. Drawn by order of selectmen, Received from Hyannis Land Co., Received from Simeon Lewis for loam, Expended for repairs, $795 68 Balance due, SNOW ACCOUNT. Drawn by order of selectmen, Expended for clearing snow, Balance on hand, • DAVID SEARS. Drawn by order of selectmen, Expended for repairs, Balance due, • " $700 00 86 60 1 72 7 36 $795 68 8795 68 850 00 $44 90 510 $50 00 850 00 8982 05 8982 05 SPECIAL APPROPRIATION. Drawn upon order of selectmen, Expended on account of highways. Balance due, BRIDGE ACCOUNT. 8116 82 $900 00 82 05 $982 05 $116 17 65 8116 82 $116 82 Drawn upon order of selectmen, Expended for improvement in 1893 and 1894, two years, $222 39 SNOW ACCOUNT. Drawn upon order of selectmen, Expended for clearing snow, 8222 39 $222 39 $222 39 $80 35 $80 35 $80 35 $80 35 i 38 SCHOOL COMMITTEE. E. L. MARSH, CHAIRMAN AND TREASURER. Drawn upon order of selectmen, Expended for schools and supplies as per vouchers, $4,607 77 $4,607 77 $4,607 77 $4,607 77 FISH COMMITTEE. T. T. MALLET, TREASURER. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1894, Paid on account of fisheries, 115 07 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1895, 304 47 $419 54 $419 54 $419 54 TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND.. Amount of note given by treasurer of the town of Yarmouth, Jan. 1, 1894, $16,028 00 Interest .to Jan. 1st, 1895, 961 68 Rec'd April 3, town order $160, int. $7.20, $167 20 " May 16, " " 225, " 8.43, 233 43 " July .3, " " 225, " 6.75, 231 75 " Oct. '' " 100, " 1.00, 101 00 " Nov. " " 75, " 37, 75 37 •' Dec. - " " 125, 125 00 " Jan. 1, 1895, new note, 16,055 93 $16,989 68 $16,989 68 REPORT OF FIRE WARDS. OLIVER BALLET'S REPORT. Drawn upon orders of selectmen, Paid for extinguishing fires as per vouchers produced, $167 28 $167 28 $167 28 $167 28 89 r. 1'r. HOMER'S REPORT Drawn upon order of selectmen, Paid for extinguishing fires, as per vouchers, $106 68 Balance due, $106 68. ANSEL . L. BAKER'S REPORT. Drawn upon orders of selectmen, Paid for extinguishing fires, $24 30 $100 73 5 95 • $106 68 $24 30 $24 30 - $24 30 STEPHEN -SEARS, FREEMAN HOWE'S, For the Auditors of Yarmouth. VIAL STATISTICS, BIRTHS RECORDED IN 1894. DATE. NAME. Jan. 4. Dalton Pinard Sears, Jan. 5. Harold Howes Bassett, Jan. 12. Laura Etta Cha=e, Jan. 18. Lillian May Ellis, Jan. 18. James Morgan C'otelle, Feb. 1. Thomas Ellis, Feb. 1:i. Ralph Chase, March 20. Elroy Elsworth White, March 22. Percy Clinton Hallett, March 29. Hildred May Sherman, March 31. Gertrude .IVebster Chase, May 3. Roger Wilcox Eldridge, June 2. Norman McLean Drew, June 27. Everett Davis Baker, June 29. Ernest Francis Fowler, July 8. Carlton Hamblin Thacher, July 16. Helen Choate Pulsifer, Aug. 13. Willis Baker Sears, Sept. 6. Eldridge, Sept. 14. Charles Matthew Brown, Oct. 9. Annie Parker Foster Bray, Oct. 20. Ruby Elizabeth Jones, Nov. 22. Hoyt, Dec. 1. Johnson, DATE. 1894. Jan. 1. Jan. 2. Feb. 6. NAME OF PARENTS. Stephen H. and Marianna B. Charles R. and Marcie T. Joseph K. and Ida A. Isaiah L. and Dora A. Daisy Cotelle. .lames W. aud.Lilla F. David M. and Lucy A. Lewis N. and Dora F. Arthur and Mary. Joseph A. and Grace L. U. S. Grant and Susan J. Roger and Eva Msy. . George P. and Mary S. Wilbon S. and Sarah L. William F. and Lillian L. Isaac H. and Helen B. Thomas B. and Annie. John G. and Lillian. Frederick H. and Mary A. Thomas D. and Mary A. Benjamin F. and Clara L, Alton P. and Cora L. R. Charles A. and Ellen T. Winchester I. and Abby B. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1891. NAME OF PARTIES. John A. Hallett, Lizzie R. Lovell, Ambrose G. Robinson, Geneva Ames, Ulysses G. Chase, Ella Cash, AGE. RESIDENCE. 27 24 25 25 23 39 Boston. Yarmouth. Buzzards Bay. Yarmouth. 42 • MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1894. DATE. NAVE OF PARTIES. AGE. RESIDENCE. 1894. March 1. Frederic T. Taylor, Sarah Marchaut, May 10. Warren E. Montcalm, Florence 31. Davis. May 13. Charles Edward Cobb, Ellen Mertis Ellis, May 31. Thomas Worcester Thacher, Josephine Smith Reed, June 17. James F. Sears, Cornelia A. Baxter, June 19. Albert Dean, Nellie M. Walker, Edwin S. Thacher, E. Florence Crosby, Jnne 24. Lester P. Robinson, Lilla M. Chase, Jnly 1. James F. Kenney. Georgiauna A. Bacon, July 5. Ezra D. Kelley, Mernie L. Fuller, July 25. J. S. Kendrick, Mary F. Crowell, July 29. Alonzo T. Aikins, Belle A. Holway, Sept. 3. Ansel E.. Taylor, Emily Marchant, Oct. 2. Frank E. Crocker, Martha W. Baxter, Oct. 23. Henry A. Buell, Grace L. Crosby, Oct. 31. Charles Baker, Lizzie P. Gayland, Nov. 1. James Myron Bradford, Alice Eliza Chase, Nov. 4. Henry D. Bray, G race Ellen Hallet, Ausel. Ballet, Betsey H. Thacher, Noy. 22, George Edward Evelyn, Emeline G. Baker, Nov. 29. Isaac H. Thacher, Clara H. Ryder, Dec. 8. Ensign S. °ash, Rebecca Strang, . Dec. 20. Frank B. Howard, Alice M. Baker. June 20. Nov. 21. 26 Barnstable. 19 Yarmouth. 29 21. 22 16 25 25 Boston. 59 Yarmouth. 54 21 27 26 25 21 28 22 19 Barnstable. 35 Yarmouth. 28 « 66 Texas. 63 Yarmouth. 24 25 Barnstable. 25 19 Yarmouth. 22 Barnstable. 17 Yarmouth. 54 Lawrence. 42 Yarmouth. 21 " 29 Provincetown. 20 Barnstable. 20 Yarmouth. 26 22 35 26 34. 27 21 24 36 23 18 Dennis. 16 Yarmouth. iC {C G Somerville. Yarmouth. K f{ K It '' SiSt iC Ct 43 DEATHS RECORDED IN YARMOUTH IN 1894. DATE. 1893. Dec. 31. 1894. Jan. 2. Jan. 19. Jan. 26. NAVE. Lydia N. Cahoon, Freeman Matthews, Darius Peckham, Patience Baker, Jan. 26. Allen Cobb, Feb. 12. Sophia S. Sears, Feb. 20. Lot H. Sears, March 2. George E. Whelden, March 11. Almira Hatch, March 19. Olive White, Apr. 2. Ellen Baker, Apr. 4. Zeno Kelley, . Apr. 5. Henry Q. Brigham, Apr. 6. Joseph F. Webber, Apr. 13. AI r. 20. Aur. 22. May 15. May 18. May 31. .lune 12. June 30. July 2. July 7: Ralph Chase, Enoch Lewis. Fanny Crowell, Sylvia M. IIowes, Dora F. White. Rodman 11. Nickerson, Berjatnin H. Crowell, Caroline Baker, George W. Schafer, 'Phomas L. Paxte►, Aug. 21. Campbell, Aug. 30. Barn abas Sears, Sept. 2. Sept. 10. Sept. 22. Frank C. Baker, Jr., Vianna Ryder, Betsey Baker, DISEASE. AGE. Y. M. D. Peritonitis, 35 4 Paralysis, 72 5 5 Senile decay, 90 7 20 Nerv's shock from an ac- cident, 71 0 14 Cancer, 79 4 6 La grippe, 56 8 5 Progressive paresis, 67 6 Consump- tion, 29 0 10 Heart failure, 76 7 21 Pneumonia anemia, 81 1 10 Phthisis, 16 8 24 Pott's disease, 51 9 Valvular dis- ease of the heart, . 68 Consump- tion, 49 Diphtheria, Heart failure, 74 9 24 Pneumonia, 89 2 11 • La grippe, 58 7 12 Peritonitis, 34 6 Cardiac hy- perthrophy. 58 8 22 Apoplexy, 46 6 26 Softening of brain, 8G 6 9 Meningitis, 44 Pulmonary congestion, 47 1 12. Stillborn, Organic dis- ease of the heart, . 75 11. 15 Diphtheria, 2 9 4 Pneumonia, 87 10 Essential arremia, j 61 1.19 44 DEATHS RECORDED 1N YARMOUTH IN 1894. DATE. 1894. Sept. 23. Goodwin, Oct. 1. Susan B. Hall, Oct. 9. Thomas Ellis, NAME. Oct. 15. Oct. 17. ' Oct. 21. Oct. 22. Oct. 23. Nov. 2. Nov. 6. Nov. 19. Nov. 20. 11.e. 5. Dec. 9. Dec. 15. Dec. 15. Dec. 19. Dec. 24. Dec. 28. Dec. 28. Willis Baker Sears, John E. Ryder, Carleton Hamblin Thacker, Julia Emeline Eldridge, Iiannah N. Rogers, Norman McLean Drew, John Franklin Campbell, William H. Covell, Carloni.► Simmons, Bray, Edna M. Geisler, Eliza Ann Crowell, Larociera H. Oliver, Zenas I1. Snow, Mary Butler, Joseph H. Bray, Benjamin F. Berry. ,-r-n dolY�d DISEASE. A 0 E. Y. M. 1). Stillborn. Anemia. 69 4 2 Cholera In- 8 8 fan tum, Heart spasm, 2 7 Senile debil- - ;ty, 66 0 4 Consump- tion, 3 13 Pulmonary tuberculosis, 52 7 10 Consump- tion, 40 9 Brain fever, 5 Typhoid fe- ver, 25 Typhoid fe- ver, 45 Pnenlnonia, 53 11 Stillborn. Consump- tion, 23 6 -Chirrosis of Stomach, 80 2 28 M•i tral disease 35 2 - of heart, 'Hepatitis, 79 5 Mitral disease of heart, 56 8 2 4 Apoplexy. 63 4 Town Meeting Warrant. BARNSTABLE, 88. To either of the Constables in the Town of Yarmouth; GREETING : In the name of the Commonwealth of .Massachgsetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth qualifiel to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the town house on Monday, the eleventh (11) day of February, at seven (7) of the clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: ARTICLE lst. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. Aar. 2d. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot under the Australian Ballot System, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committee for three years, one. Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes for one year, two Constables for one year, three Auditors for one year; and also to see if the town will grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors. ART. 3d. To choose all other town officers. ART. 4th. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon. ART. 5th. To hear the reports of all other committees and act thereon. ART. 6th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. ART. 7th. To see what sum of money the town will raise to pay town officers' and committee fees for the ensuing year. ART. 8th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of schools for the ensuing year. ART. 9th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for . the repair of roads and bridges for the ensuing year. ART. 10th. To see what sum of money the town will raise to pay town debts. 46 ARr. llth. To see what sum of .money the town will raise for the repairs on public buildings for the ensuing year. Aar. 12th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for miscellaneous expenses for the ensuing year. ART. 13th. To see if the town will authorize the Town Treasurer to hire money in anticipation of taxes. ART. 14th. To see if the town will accept the provisions of Section 101 of Chapter 417 of the Acts of 1E93, in relation to precinct voting at State elections. - ARr. 15th. To see if the town will appropriate twenty-five dollars to construct a sidewalk on Willow street (North Side) from Joel B. Hall's to the house of Nathan Bassett. ART. 16th. To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money for the purchase of suitable dumping grounds, as provided for by Section 10 of Article 6 of the code of by-laws. Anr. 17th. To see if the town will provide Wm. B. Cobb with sufficient money to secure the medical assistance of Dr. - Sweet of New Bedford, on account of a sprain of the ankle received on the public highway. (By request.) ART. 18th. To see if the town will pay a bounty on crows. ARr. 19th. To see if the town will accept the road as laid out by the Road Commissioners, it being an extension of the road leading from Hyannis to the Lower Village, through to Bass River. ART. 20th. To see if the town will accept the road as laid out by the Road Commissioners, from Sarah Johnson's gate to Lewis Bay. Aar. 21st. To see if the town will accept the list of Jurors as prepared by the Selectmen. ART. 22d. To see if the town will appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars for repairing the school -houses in the town. (By request of School Committee.) ART. 23d. To sec if the town will transport the scholars from the district known as ,+ Head of the Pond," and appropriate money for the same. ART. 24th. To see if the town will appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars to pay for a teacher of music and drawing in the public schools. LEILi�..�� 47 ART. 25th. To see if the town will vote to restrict the inhabitants of other towns from taking eels and all kinds of shell fish from the shores or waters belonging to the town of Yarmouth, and to affix a penalty. (By request) You are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting attested copies thereof in five (5) public places in said town, three (3) on the South Side and two (2) on the North Side; also one (1), publication in the Yarmouth Register seven (7) days, at least, before the time of holding said meeting. IIereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the town clerk at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth, this twenty-fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. THACHER T. HALLET, Selectmen EDWARD LEWIS, f STEPHEN WING, oo A true copy, attest, SETH TAY Yarmouth. TAYLOR, Constable. FINANCIAL" REPORT • OF THE 1 TOWNOFYARMQU'T.H FOB THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER .31, .041895.00 C. F SWIFT & SSON,,OUTHPOT�PRINTERS. 1896. -+'* REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1895, To THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH: The selectmen; in making this their ,annual report to the -town, have departed somewhat from the manner in which it has been done in former years. They have endeavored to classify more, accurately the different departments, and to make a separate report under each head. We trust this classification of accounts will enable the citizens .to more readily ascertain what has been done by the several boards of town officers. We append below in a condensed form the financial standing of the town, also giving an inventory of the real and personal estate held by it as public -property. It is a -matter of considerable satisfaction to the selectmen that they can report at this time that the expenditures for the year in the different departments have been less than the appropriations by the sum of $26.25. Public dumping ' grounds have been provided in accordance with a vote of the town at its .last annual town meeting, without additional expense. Land, has been taken -for the purpose that belonged to the town. For the information of the public we will enumerate where these grounds are located. In South Yarmouth, at the head of _ the John Crocker", road near the margin of Long Pond ; in Yarmouthporf, the gravel pit on the road leading from the old I-Ivannis road by Beach Hollow to the new Hyannis . road : min "Yarmouth, the piece of land in \lidclle Village known 'as the " Azuba lot.'.% • The town has been very fortunate in the matter of forest fires during the •year, none of any importance having occurred. 4 11111 1 11 At the last annual town meeting it was voted to divide: the town into voting precincts ; this has been done and four precincts have been made for the convenience of the voters. of • the town. During the year State roads have been under construo-• tion. A contract was made . May 9, 1895, with the Massachusetts State Highway Commission for the building of seven miles of State road in the town, four miles to be. made on the south side and three miles on the north side, the town to bear one-half of the expense of construction. During the spring and early summer and this fall work was. done under this contract, and a mile on the south side and a mile on the north side has been practically completed. On the north side an additional mile has been graded ready for the stone as soon as the spring opens. There is now at the crusher at White's Brook about 3000 tons of stone, which in the estimation of this board will be sufficient to complete the mile which is all ready to receive it. The matter of Wm. B. Cobb, which wasreferred to• _ the selectmen at the annual meeting last February, was taken under consideration by them and he was sent to Dr. Job Sweet in New Bedford for. treatment, the cost of which will be found' under his name in this report. RESOURCES OF THE TOWN. ESTLIIATED VALUE OF THE REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE OWNED BY TUE TOWN, JAN. 1, 1896. Almshouse and 18 acres of land, 44 personal effects, Town house, Town office, • - " " books and furniture, School -houses, Hearse houses and hearses, $2,500 00• 800 00. 300 00• 1,000 00 500 00. 7,500 00 300 00 $12,900 00 - DUE FROM TAXES. Uncollected taxes, 1894, $ 846 11. 1895, 7,562 35 $8,408 46 $2,726, 09 Cash in hand of treasurer, Jan. 1, 1896, INDEBTEDNESS OF TOWN. Sears fund, note given Jan 1, 1896, Estimated debts outstanding Jan. 1: Notes, $14,000 00 Town orders unpaid, 1,450.-77. Bills unpaid (estimated), 300 00 $15,750 A table of estimates prepared by the accordance with the by-laws of the town: *16,181 97 • Support of poor, " '° schools, Roads and bridges, Town officers, - Repairs on public buildings, Supt. of schools, Miscellaneous expenses, Town debts, Interest on Sears Fund, -_ School supplies, State highway note, • - Interest on State highway note, 77 selectmen, in $3000 00 . 3800 00 1000 00 1500 00 200 00 100 00 1000 00 500 00 900 00 '250 00 2500 00 300 00 $15,050 00 • M •N 0 C e: S C 0 r 1, I^. 24 7D 0 O is ..^. x t,' . -Z' IS o Y. . - - - es - ei w zss so J) .r.:^t• —0S^ —+•^ 0 �:�' `� rErr A - - • . . O 0 ✓ -0 000 ^-0000'0 — S^coo[—cocco.cac r- o' c^ -cc _. .� . . .0 5 0 -:- ,: z..0. • - T — :L CD _/,_ - c r `� ▪ . . . . .,:. . 74;.: . ... ' ::: ,.- - + ; 11= L. I. : . . - i 12 = + ...4« v , `. J • 00 *• • [ • • INCIDENTALS. C. E. Hunter, services at special town meeting, . C. R. Bassett, board of selectmen, sc sc " carting coal to town office, . Stephen Wing, distributing town reports, sc « postage, • " expense: to Boston,. John Stetson, court fees, Win. D. Loring, grain and hay, . 'Matthews & Payne, fuel to town Office,: ' Wm. B. Cobb, expenses to New Bedford, - • F: C. Swift, insurance, . . ' Joseph Bassett; labor around town.of ce, A. F. Sherman; conveyance, • J. S. Baker, repairs. on ladder house, " " care of hearse, - - " " recording deaths; Melinda Taylor, barn rent,. • - Edward Lewis, stamps, Stephen Sears, expenses to Taunton and Dighton, " Boston, 66tables for polling place, �• •� postage, telegrams and express, ' 46. directory, - 46 expense to Boston, ' Thos. Crowell, making list of stockholders, Jas. G. Hallet, board of selectmen, • - • Seth Taylor, court fees, - -$1 95 . " ". John.Gray to almshouse, . • 1 50 " opening town house, 4 50 •�° going for Dr. Parker,. 1 00. i{ 44 ,hearse for—F-r-Brown,. '3 00 <{ care of hearse, . 5 00. 66 64recording deaths, 2 25 $.8 95 ._ 37 00. 75 •. 50 2 00' .. 5 Safi -4 37 • 14 84 12 69 112 90 13 30 50 15 00 11 50 3 00; 25� 12 00 1 .00---- 14 73 8 91. 2 00 4 84 2.00 5 00 2 00 -30 50 19 20 Alfred Crocker, court fees, 2. 85 8 i Albert Berry, land damages, T. F. Drew, building poll place, West Yarmouth, Joseph Bassett, fuel to town of&e, • Wm. J. Davis, tally sheets, • • $3 00 11 " " . expenses to Sandwich, 3 56 1L expressage, 4 65 «' 4 i6 sealing wax, 45 4 f f ! f return of births, deaths and marriages, -17 60 Win. J. Davis; attendance on town meetings, 17 50 Wm. J. Davis, postage and stationery, • 1 00 L: Baxter, court fee, S. Ward Co., stationery, E. T. Baker, voting booths, South Yarmouth, Wm. S. Fisher, marking bound stone between Barnstable and Yarmouth,• Geo. P. Matthews, passenger to almshouse, J. B. Hall, labor at town office, M. H. Crowell, recording deaths, T.. T. Hallet, expenses to Boston for year, 4 4 4 4 stationery and stamps, 1i 46 " freight, " " " • express,{.,, '4 " " transportation of poor, { { { ( " to R. Howes, selling transportation scholars, . T. T. Hallet, burying horse, " l [ { f telegrams, STATE AID.. Ebenezer Crowell, Mercy C. Crowell, Lewis Y. Eldridge, $48 00 44 00 33 00 $35 00 10 46 1" 50 47 76 3 03 3 50 13 20 1 'S0' 50 37 3 00 30 00. 13 03 1 29 2 28 2 50 ' 200 1 00 74 $521 14 r 1 IYI I VI IIY 111 1,11 11 Elizabeth Hurst, Chas. H. Howard, Benj. Lovell, Joseph H. Robinson, David S. Baker,_ MILITARY AID. Gilbert Lewis, SOLDIERS' AID. Catherine Kelley, Davin Sears, 837.50. Joyce Taylor, 40 00 Seth H. Hamblin, 70 00 $48 00 33 00 60 00 33 00 —=18 00 CLEARING SNOW.: FIRES. F. H. Homer, fire warden, J. S. Baker, " Oliver Hallet, " " 289 crows, • 140 muskrats,. CROWS.. MUSKRATS. LABOR ON FARM. Freeman Ryder, $35 30 Alfred Gorham, 14 00 PRINTING AND ADVERTISING C. F. Swift &. Son, town reports, $66 00 $.5 95 4 .50 11 57 warrants, 12 75 $361 00- 72 00• 24 00- 147 50 22 02 57 70 35 00 49 '30 10 C. F. Swift & Son, 44 64. tt i L advertising, F. Hallett & Co., ballots, tt tt tt school reports, blank for selectmen, 500 schedules, assessors' notices, tax bills, contractor's notice, voting lists, seals for precincts, tt notice to contractors, tt tt tt tt tt . tt tt tt tt tt tt tt St tt 6S. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt '' and assessors, $9 50 400" $92 25 $10 00 53 40 5 00 8 00 -1 50 5 50 2 50 16 50. 7 00 2.50 5 00 116 90 $209 15 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. $535 40 E. L. Marsh, Tr. school committee, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, from court fees, N. W. Grush, rent of salt marsh, Paid for incidentals, -- $521 14 36 00 24 00 - — --147 50 22 02 57 70 35 00 49 30 209 15 535 40 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt military aid, soldiers", clearing snow, fires, tt tt crows, muskrats, Labor on farm, tt printing and advertising, transportation of scholars, Expended in excess of appropriation, tt tt tt tt tt tt $1,000 00 _ 2 93 -1 50 632 78 $1,637-21 $1,637 21 11 11•. TOWN OFFICERS. Seth Taylor, truant officer, $ 6 00 tt tt constable, 42 25 Auditors, E. B. Hallet, teller, , . John P. Brown, police officer,_ James Lack, inspector cattle, O. T. Gorham, ballot clerk, C. F. Purring on, registrar voters, tt tt tt election officer, $24'.50 - 10 00 A. C. Snow, sealer weights and Measures, T. F. Drew, registrar voters and ballot clerk, W. R. Farris, school committee, T. W. Swift, moderator, A. 13.'Chase, school committee, E. L. Marsh, t John Stetson, constable, Edgar N. Baker, police, Oliver Hallet, ballot clerk, W. F. Kenney, precinct officer; D. D. Kelley, tt W. R. Farris, tt tt Elisha T. Baker, inspector, Isaiah Homer," tt of cattle, Wm. J. Davis, registrar of voters,. tt tt tt treasurer,. E. W. Eldridge, election clerk, . Edward Lewis, warden and horse hire, A. Alden Knowles, inspector, Selectmen, services, • .Overseers. of poor, services, Assessors, services, Horse'hire, .Stephen Wing, services, tt, $48 25 33 00- 3 00 50 00 - 29.00' • 5 00 ' 34 50 5 00 31 75 40 00 5 00 — — 35 00 59 00 32 00 .2 00. 2- 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 28 00 18 75 75 00 2.50 3.50 2 50 367 75 150 50 259 00. 221 25 45 00 1 ..i JI,J 1 1 I • 12 Uriah Sears, police, CR. By cash from E. Lewis, Net cost; $ 2.00 $1,600 75 $ 25 00 1575 75 $1,600 75 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. W. E. Chaffin, Amount raised by -town, " from state; Expended less than appropriation, $211 42 $100 00. 167 10 55 68 $267 10 $267 10 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Seth H. Hamblin, Joyce Taylor, Luther R. Brown, David. Sears, . Anionnt raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, $1,600 00 900 00 1,100 00 44 95 $3,500 00 144 95 '63,644 95 $3,644 95 • SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. . • E. L:.Marsh, Tr., • it LO i[ 46 • $1,205 37 school supplies, 250 00 dog tax, 199 95 Vass. school fund, 245 07 Amount raised by town, - of State. fund and dog tax, Expended less than appropriation,. 194 63 $4,650 00 445 02 $5,095 02 $5,095 02 13 • TOWN DEBTS. David Sears, repairs on roads, 1894, $ .82 70 Town of Dennis, repairs on . upper bridge,:1894, . . • . 39 83 G. Perry 4, Co., furniture for ' sehool- house, South Yarmouth, 65 92 D., E. Gooding, supplies to Geo. F. Cash, 1893 to 1895; ., . - 191 15 C. C. Crocker, supplies. to poor ' iri : • • Barnstable, 1893 to .1894, 111 .22 . •I.:aiab Homer, inspector of cattle, 1394, 17 00 Amount raised by town, Excess of appropriation, $507 82° = $500 00 7 82 $507 8.2 • REPAIRS ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS. • Almshouse, North side school -house; South " West « Amount raised by town, Expended .less than appropriation, $37 68 28 03 15 37 • 400 00 318 92. $800 00 $800 00 $800 00 NOTES PAID. - First National Bank of Yarmouth, INTEREST ACCOUNT. Amount raised by town, • Interest on Sears Fund, . Expended less than appropriation, $810 00 90 00 $16,000 00 $900 00 $900 .00 $900 00 14 - 'WILLOW STREET SIDEWALK. Amount raised by town, Seth H. Hamblin, $104 40 Expended in excess of appropriation, _ State tax,, County tax, Bank tax, $104 40 TAXES PAID. $1,260 00 2,115 43 2,742 30 BOUNTY ON SEALS. Benj. Lovell, • $39 00. Alfred Gorham, 3 00 $50 00 54 40 $104 40 $6,117 73 $42 00 STATE ROAD, SUNDRY ACCOUNT. •John Hinckley & Son, lumber; -. $ 44 12 C. R. Bassett, setting scales, . 5:70 Jas. Lack, work on crusher, 96.43 T. T. Hallet, paid for hauling roller from Barnstable, 8 00 A. H. Knowles, plan south county road, 287 .50 Chas. Ellis, hauling roller to Barnstable, - 8 00 David Taylor, driving well, • . 58 50 Stephen Sears, expenses to Boston, 5 00 L. A. Cnase, painting signs, 1 50 Jas. G. Hallet, board of horse, 126 25 Joyce Taylor, cutting road and watching, $38 45 f [ « lighting lanterns, 73 25 « cutting road, ' - 1 50 making ,, 12 45 f { «' 100 posts, 2 00 F. C. Crocker, repairs -on roller, Fred. Sherman, lighting lanterns and looking • after fence, 127 65 8 60 48 00 • I V . 1 - 4 1 - 11..11111.• 111 111111 11l..b. 15 E. Baxter,. fencing and watching, J. W. Chapman, right of way, A. C. Howes, repairs on sand plow, Johnson & Co., oil, Jas. Baxter, horse for P. H. Everett, Watson Thacher, repairs on tools, etc., B. F. Crocker, lumber, Geo. P. Matthews, carting, Seth Taylor, land releases, • C. M. Bray, material, J. B. Hall, sundries, L. A. Chase, right of way, painting signs, T. T. Hallet, sundries, expenses to Boston for year, freight, tools, etc., telegrams, GC L( Ot STATE ROAD UTENSILS. Priest & Page, scales, - W. K. Porter, horses, « 6< « harness and express, $265 00 51 05 $15 50 8 00 1 35 8 45 87 50 13 05 14 81 1 00 11 00 66 96 3 73 3 00 2 00 2 20 41 43 12 05 29 $1,117 57 _ $100 00 316 05 T. T. Hallet, freight on horses, 10 80 A. J. Wellington, roller and freight, 196 00 F. Alger, steam pump, .40 00 Joyce Taylor, sand scoop, 20 00 N. B. Burgess, tank, . 35 00 Albeit Berry, frame for tank, 31 26 George Lewis, tower and mill, 95 00 . Ames Plow Co., cart and jack, 180 40 << " « gravel screens, wheel -barrows _ - and stone hammers, 49 99 Proctor Bros., watering cart, 175 00 Hinckley Bros. & Co., 200 ft. hose, 25 25 1 16 Mass. Broken Stone Co., pipe and sundries about crusher, $ 49 39 $1,324 14 CR. By difference on cart, $ • 69 00 1,264 14 Net expense, • $1,324 14 STATE ROAD, CONSTRICTION ACC'T. _Paid on account of State roads, . $16,143 61 Received for highway commission, .9,030 69 Cost to town, STATE IIIGHWAY COMMISSION. Freight on bound stone, $ 55 60 Extra work on mill bridge, 37 94 " " road, by direction of engineer, 391 17 fi $7,102 92 $484 71 'Amount paid by orders of selectmen drawn upon the town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1895, to Jan. 1, 1896, ` against the following accounts : $58,735 05 Incidentals, State aid, Military aid, Soldiers' aid, Clearing snow, - Fires, Crows, Muskrats, Labor on farm, Printing and advertising, Transportation of scholars, Town officers, $521 14 361 00 72 00 24 00 147 50 22 02 57 70 35 00 49 30 209 15 535 40 1,600 75 Supt. of schools, Roads and bridges, Support of schools, Town debts, Repairs on public buildings, Notes paid, Interest. account, Willow street sidewalk, Taxes paid,. Bounty on seals, State road utensils, sundry account; " construction account, Highway Commission, Almshouse, .- Out of almshouse, Other cities and towns, Due from cities and towns, {4 17 $ 211 42 3,644 95 4,900 39 507 82 481 08 16,000 00 810 00 104 4(Y 6,117 73 ' 42 00 1,324 14 1,117 57 16,143 61 484 71 1,175 97 . 1,292 33 349 66 392 31 $58,735 05 REPORT OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. The board of overseers of the poor respectfully submit their report for the year 1895. THACHER T. HALLET, ) Overseers EDWARD LEWIS, } of - STEPHEN SEARS, ) Poor. Inmates of the almshouse for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895: Abigail Gage, Samuel Taylor, Sally Taylor, Benj. Baker, Adelia S. Baker, Francis Brown, John Gray, Helen Cotelle, Sarah A. Eldridge, No. of tramps, 21. Age. When committed. 70 1846. 79 1879 68 1879 69 1881 50 • •1890• .83 1892 Died Sept. 28. 50 1893 21 1894 2 _ 1894__ POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, -- 1. 11. Thacher, grain, D. D. Kelley, supplies, Lottie Lack, sewing, J. E. Sturdy, supplies, Polly H. Sherman, salary, {{ L( eggs, E. D. Payne, supplies, Allen, Slade & Co., supplies, • $ 6 61 9 90 • 59 91 6 80 • 18 40 $350 00 9 56 359 56 90 15 23 53 19 m i .11.414.464 .I 41111.1 .. E. W. Eldridge, fertilizer, Mrs. Edward S. Chase, labor, • A. C. Megathlin, supplies, D. S. Taylor, " $ 1 70 15 52 « « " repairs on pump, $10 00 6 00 20 72 17 22 S. A. Chase, wire for fence, _ 3 73 L. K. Chase, shoes., • 8 10 E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies, 223 40 Edmund Walker, fuel, _ 14, 00 R. E. Holmes, supplies, 65 95 W. R. Farris, " ' 28 15 T. B. Pulsifer, medical attendance, _ 10 00 K. M. Taylor, coffin for F. Brown, 21 00 James •Lack, supplies, 1 50 S. L. Robbins, - 21 30 Alfred Gorham, " 50 60 Matthews & Payne, fuel, 54 94 • ' R.: K. Farris,. supplies, . 2 00 Seth. Taylor, services, • 50 Chas. M. Bray, fuel, . 7 50, A. H. Eldridge, " 6 00 Isabel Lewis, supplies, : . 9 73 J. B. Hall, " 9 87 T. T. Hallet, medicinal supplies, '- 8 90 $1,175 9 -7 -- OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. Fred. E. Cash, medical attendance, Dr. E. E. Hawes, Mrs. John Matthews, medical attendance, Dr. T, 3. Pulsifer, $ 17 00 8 25 20 James T. Chase, expenses of Chester Chase in 'Mass. Gen'l Hospital, $176 72 'James T. Chase, clothes, E. D. Payne,. 6 70 f f « medical attendance, - Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, 24 00 Mrs. Osborn Chase, house rent,' E.' F. Smith, $36 "00 Mrs. Osborn Chase, supplies, E. D.. Payne, 55 00 Mrs. Osborn Chase, medical attend- ance, Dr. Sears, 22 00 Mrs. Osborn Chase, medicine, T. T. " Hallet, - 5 27 T. B. Pulsifer, on account of poor, Morris Gray, supplies, S. Wing, $ 1 00 ff ff nursing, Mrs. J. Chase, 7 00 ff ff `Mrs. C. E. Chase, Morris Gray, nursing, Clara Chase, Mrs. D. Whel- ff ff den, Morris Gray, nursing, Serena Chase, ff ti ff ff inson, Morris Gray, ff ff T. B. Morris Gray, ff Rachel Ellis, ff Mrs. J. C. Rob - shoes, B. T. Gorham, medical attendance, Dr. Pulsifer,. 39 00 coffin, K. M.: Taylor, 7 00 supplies, R. K. Farris, 72 40 5 00 9 00 8 00 7 00 2 75 21 SOUTH SIDE. Grace Robinson, board, Sarah Cahoon, $16 00 66 it shoes, E. T. Baker, 2 85 Seth K. Baker, board, Susan Chase, $207 42 Alton J. Baker, fuel, C. G. Baker, $ 9 50 " David Sears, -6 00 66 44 46. rent, Mary Thacher, 12 50 ff ff ff shoes, E. T. Baker, 18 91 'f 46 ff supplies, Sears & Hurst, 63 82: ff ff ff ff C. G. Baker, 25 00 [f ff ff ff W. C. Brown, 6 72 « ff «-movin��T, David Sears, • 3 50 medical • attendance, -2200-- 2 50 ff '' ff f' medicine, T. T. Hallet, 118 27 _ 30 68 ff ff ff ff . ff Dr. T. B. Pulsifer, Alton J. Baker, medical attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, Alton J. Baker, fuel, L. Fuller & Co., rent,. Win. D. Baker, supplies,. R. J. Baker, nur.,in;, S. Swift, fuel, Peregrine White, ff Isaiah Homer, fc K ff ff ff it if ft ff K ff ff ff ff John N. Baker, supplies, Purrington &- Small, John N. Baker, .supplies, Zenas P. Howes, - John N. Baker, shoes, E. T. Baker, " " " medical attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, John N. Baker, fuel, David Sears, ff ff ff supplies, W. R. Farris, 1 50 8 00 11 07 24 00 45 00 11 00 10 00 5 50 $16 94 1537•_" 50 2 25 3 00 16 79 $18 85 36 25 262 /Si r347 02 tit 54 85 111 37 Mary Butler, supplies, D. D. Kelley, - - $ 74 ff ff selling house, I. P. Mat- thews, 1 50 $492 99 " . 2 24 22 Thacher'Ellis, moving, Nathan Sears, shoes, E. T. Baker, $2 70 " supplies, Purrington & Small, 1 Mrs. Edgar Marchant, house rent, W. F. Baker, Mrs. Edgar Marchant, supplies, C. G. Baker, 7 61 $ 6 00 $3 00 23 Susan Hallet, fuel,. H. B. Chase Sons, —_ Susan Hallet, fuel, Isaiah Crowell, « Lot Hallet, l {! « E. Lewis, 10 31 « - .f 66 J. S. Baker, .f •4 ♦♦ Joyce Taylor, .< ff «' Johnson & Co., 27 2233 22- Thos. Baxter, coffin, M. G. Bradford, Mrs. David Buck, supplies, J. E. Crowell, Sylvanus Crowell, medical attendance, Dr. L. Edmunds, Idelia Kelley, supplies, S. Wing, fuel, David Sears, supplies, R. J.; Baker, .. Sears & Hurst, '• .. °, Obed Baker, fuel, C. H. Harward, « {f it .. f{ {i .6, 4' . Wm. Eldridge, Isaiah Homer, L. Fuller & Co., 5 $9 12 37 52 17 3 6 2 Hattie Chase, supplies, S. Wing, '° fuel, David Sears, Wm. Eldridge, �. L. Fuller & Co:, supplies, Sears & Hurst, tt [{ '° Obed Baker, l' L( « 00 00 40 82 65 00 00 75 00 $3 00. 00 6 00 2 75 1 85 2 61 3 WEST YARMOUTH. James W. Holway, medical 'attendance, Dr. E. M. Parker, - Daniel Humes, supplies, Johnson & Co., Eleanor Baxter, medical attendance, Dr. E. E. Hawes, 30 00 J $18 50 3 00 7 00 3 00 900 3-00- 5 00 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Gustavus $126 75 Hinckley, Taunton Lunatic Collins, Taunton Lunatic Christenson, 145 62 City of Boston, Mary Christenson, Town of Carver, Mrs. Gustavus Hinckley, - Hospital, George 126.75 Hospital, Mary 54 30 6 86 19 21 $615 57 $ 2 25 16 52 13 50 35 00 48 50. 15 00 88 00 $183 77 $349 66 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. State, Brewster, Dennis, Falmouth, Provincetown, Chatham, Harwich, Barnstable, $196 09 60 .00 34 64 48 00 43 48 3 00 2 10 5 00 $392 31 24 . RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, ' " from Mary Butler house, " " T. B. Pulsifer, Paid for almshouse, " `° out of almshouse, " other cities and towns, Expended less than appropriation, $3,000 00 20 00 30 68 - *1,175 97' - 1,29233 349 66 232 72 $3,050 68 $3,050 68 REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS, To THE CITIZENS OF YARMOUrn : The assessors beg leave to submit the following report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895: At the annual town meeting, Feb. 11, 1895, it was voted that $16,050 be appropriated to defray the expenses • of the town for the year just passed, instructing the asseesors, however, to add to this sum the amount of money expended for clearing snow and the transportation of scholars, the transportation of scholars to be sold at public auction to the lowest bidder. The cost of clearing snow was $147.50 and. the transportation of scholars $535.40, which, added to the original amount, makes a total of $16,733.90. The sum raised by taxation was $16,991.10. We have to report that on account of a loss in our personal valuation- of the estate of the late Ellen B. Eldridge, which amounted to $431,775, we were obliged- to raise the rate of taxation two dollars on a thousand this year. In our judgment this rate should go no higher, and great care and prudence should be exercised by the voters at the coming town meeting to accomplish this end. THACHER T. HALLET, Assessors STEPHEN SEARS, of EDWARD LEWIS, Yarmouth. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1895. • Real estate, land, $346,795 bldgs., 478,880 l[ Personal estate, Total valuation, 00 00 $825,675 00 769 43500 $1,595,110 00 Taxes levied on real estate, .. .' 64 it 26 " personal estate, polls Number of polls, " dwellings, horses, - .. 66 .. 4' 4' cows, 64neat cattle other than cows, sheep, • ff acres of land assessed, •�'� dogs licensed, persons liable to military duty, • residents assessed on property, firms, corporations, etc., • " {f non-residents assessed on property, (. .f " firms, corporations, etc., persons assessed on property, 44 44 64 64 poll tax only, Rate of taxation per thousand, County tax, State $8,256 7.5 7,694 35' 1,040 00 '4 ♦. '' Ai 4' $11;,991 10 5.20 634 247 144 3• 20 10,188 100 236 426 85 295 45 851 • 158 $10 00 $2,115 43 $1,260 00. .( '4 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Note of town in trustees' hands, Jan. 1, 1895, $16,055 73 Interest on same to Jan. 1, 1896, 963 34 - $17,019 07 Received from town for interest during year, . . $ 810 -00 . Interest on the several, payments, 27 10 New note given by -town Jan. 1, 1896, 16,181 97 $17,019 07 STEPHEN :SEARS, T.. T. HALLET, Trustees of Sears Fund. -.Jan. 1, 1896.• REPORT OF TOWN TREASURER, DR. - Balance, Jan. 1, 1895, Received from county treasurer, log licenses, tt town of Provincetown, tt tt " '' tt " " tt tt ' • it Returned Received tt tt tt " tt. ti tt tt tt tt tt Proceeds it Received tt it tt CA Middleboro, Dennis, Brewster, " " Falmouth, by Wm. E. Chaffin, overpaid, from Mass. school fund, ' " auctioneers' licenses, " billiard licenses, tt - licenses for slaughtering, sale of Mary Butler house, " State treasurer for supt. of • schools, it " „ " State highway, Corporation taxes, - tt tt tt -Nat'l bank taxes, State aid, tt County treasurer, bounty on seals, " Court fees, of notes for State highway, tt tt First Nat'l Bank of Yarmouth, from Seth Taylor, toll. of taxes, 1894, tt tt tt tt " tt tt tt tt " " " 1895, a $846 74- 199 4199 95 90 00 41 00 110 14 35 75 52 00 163 95 245 08 4 00 4 00 3-00 20 00 167 '10 9,030 69 2,344 67 • 1,331 18 399 00 42 04. 9 83 7,500 00 21,259 72 6,075 00 12,175 00 $62,149 84. 29 - CR. Paid out on orders to and including No. 3098, $59,423 73 except orders as follows, viz : 3055 3077 3084 3071 3078 3085 3072 . 3079 3086 3073 3080 3089 3074 3081 3090 3075 3082. 3095 3076 3083 3096 and all beyond No. 3098. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1896, Town owes: • 2,726 07 $62,149 80 Anticipation of taxes, $6,500 04) For State highway: First National Bank of Yarmouth, $2,500, due Oct.,- 1896 Bass River Savings Bank, $2,500, due Oct., 1900 Barn. County Mutual Fire .Ins. Co., $2,500, due Dec., 1903 Due from collector of taxes Jan. 1, 1896 : - Taxes of 1894, $ 846 11 -44 tt . 1895, 7,562 35 $8,408 46 VITAL STATIS1ICS FOR 18-95, MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1895. Jan. 24. Freeman E. Snow, 29 Orleans Addie C. Baker, • 31 Yarmouth Jan. 24. Henry R. Usher, 28 Yarmouth Sylvia May Bassett, 22 Yarmouth . April 4. Orrick S. Chase, 49 Chatham Loira E. Baker, • 41 Yarmouth April 15. James Wggins, 49 Yarmouth . Eliza Hartigan, . .37 Boston April 30. Leander Cahoon, 32 Dennis Mildred Goodwin, 19 - Yarmouth May 11. Nathan F. Snow, 33 Yarmouth _ Mabel L Perry, 19 . Dennis June 13. Walter R: Barter, 21 Yarmouth Lavinia H. Morgan, 21 Yarmouth June 16. Ebenezer Brooks .Joy, .61 Dennis Mary Olivia Eldridge, 48 Yarmouth June 27. Frederic Warner, 26 Yarmouth • Nellie L. Baxter, , - 24 Yarruouth Aug. 2.- Frank G..Niekerson, 23 Yarmouth Emma A.'Dourlass, 26 Unity, Me. Aug. 24. Joshua F. Crowell, '28 Yarmouth Emma Florence Hathaway, 35 Freetown Sept. 22. William A. Marchant,. 25 Yarmouth Lucy -S. Taylor, 21 Hyannis Oet. 3. Thomas Sturgis Crowell, 23 Yarmouth Isabella Hammett Taylor, 19 Yarmouth Oct. 16. H. Clinton Chase, 23 Yarmouth Lora M. Crowell, 22 Dennis Oct. 17. Francis Walker Kelley, 25 Yarmouth Gertrude Norton Kelley, 28 Dennis Nov. 3. Nov. 21. Dec. 7. 31 Silva th Kittlla, Maria Mehtala, Joseph Franklin Baxt.r, HannahHowes 'fayio_, Hora'_e Cahoon, Florence Witherell, 25 Yarmouth 38 Hyannis '22 Hyannis 22 Yarmouth 22 Yarmouth - 20 Yarmouth 1)I:_L1'IIti . RECORDED IN 1895. Feb. . 6. Edwin E. Baker, chronic tuberculosis, 60 3 Mar. 23. B: njamin Blatchford, plenal conies - tion, - 86 3 11 April _ . Charlotte Cotelle, organic disease of_ the heart, 82 4 5. May 1. Ellyikte Crowell, car, ino:naof larynx; _7 2 5 21 May 18. Orrin B. Bink, hra:t failure, 60 4 17 May 21. William White, old age, 84 1 2 June Stillborn child, Hallett. June 8. J. Blanche Baker, acute entero, - __cahtis,-. - - ---- - - . 7 23 _ June 9. Infant child, Nickerson, 15 June 15. Chandler Bray, disseminated tuber- culosis. June 15. Mary C. Jenkins, pneumonitis, . 57 3 10 July 9. Clement H. Baker, cardiac hyper- 44 yper- 44 3 14 51 5 - 5 23 90 21 July 23. Aug. 30. Sept. 21. Sept. 21. Sept. 28. Sept. 30. Oct. 8. Oct. 13. Nov. 16. Dec. 1. trophy, Sarah Kelley, cancer of the breast, Lillian Gray, consumption, Data Baker, dysentery, Dalton Pinard Sears, cholera infantum and convulsions, 1 8 17 Francis Brown, old age, 86 - Charles Julius Cobb, enteritis; 9 9 Freeman Howes, valvular disease of the heart, Eleanor Baxter, cancer, Abagail Ryder, apoplexy, exhaustion, Henry Baker, heart disease, 67 7 58 .9 2 62 1 23 73 2 D:c. 4. Dec. 15. Dec. 29. 1894. Dec. 21. Dec. 25. 1895. Mar. 7. Mar. 7. Mar. 8. April 20. May 3. May 19. May 21. May 24. May 25. June 11. June July July July Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. ?1. 13. 24. 29. 10. 16. 19. 22. 20. 32 Meribah R. Hallett, chronic nephritis, 76 Olive Bray, carcinoma, 71 4 27 Nelson White, old age, 77 5 11 BIRTHS RECORDED IN 1895. Charles Julies Cobb, Charles E. and Ellen M. Hattie May Robinson, Leston P. and Lilla M. (male) Silver LaRosa, Joseph and Marie. Lillian Gray, Morris and Bertha. Hattie Frances Ellis, James W. and Lilla F. Effie Linwood Taylor, Ansel E. and Emily B. George Carleton Drew, George P. and Mary S. Brownell Everett Baker, Alton J. and Martha A. Lester DeSilver, Joseph C., Jr., and Ora B. Minnie Farris Eldrid_e, Ernest W. and Hattie A. (male) Nickerson, Charles L. and Addie N. Lucy Naonii Montealm, Warren E. and Florence M. Inez Earle Prentice, Ernest F. and Edna R. Salome Smith Taylor, William H. and Mary W. (female) Usher, Henry R. and Sylvie May. Bessie Evelyn Taylor, David S., Jr., and Emma J. Elizabeth I. Burgess, Edgbert F. and Rosanna J. Elizabeth Sears Dean, Henry and Ruth H. Carlton Leslie Taylor, Frederic T. and Sarah. Lafayette Chase Robie, Edward A. and Hattie C. Frederic Milton Hallett, Fred. and Grace E. Everett Augustine Tripp, Joseph W. and Eunice H. Bray, Henry D. and Grace E. LIST OF JURORS AS PREPARED BY David Sears, Theodore F. Drew, B€41jen}i-a-lrievell Jaxauliah-Eldr-idge( Kilburn M. Taylor, Elbridge Taylor, Albert C. Snow, John G. Thacher, George H. Kelley, George Hallet, 2d, Fred. A. Baker, - Benjamin R. Howes, Seth Taylor, Zenas P. Howes, L&A.e• .!�' sCedc TIHE SELECTMEN JAN. 17, 1895. Edmund W. Eldridge, Charles Ellis, Benajah Crowell, Oliver Hallet, Lafayette K. Chase, David D. Kelley, Manton H. Crowell, Freemen Ryder, Francis W. Homer, ARItrijiaffn Reuben. Howes, Fred. Hallett, Gideon Matthews, Seth Kelley. -,. 4.4/Y3 c a2 ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT, NORTH SIDE. $ETH II. HAMBLIN, IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR. ON ROADS, 1895. Nathan Hallett, 148 loads clay, 5c., .Taseph Bassett, 12i -hours, 30e., Chas: 31. Bray, per bill, ' J. G. Thacher, 28k C. R. Bassett, 20 J. Ti. Hall, per bill, Michael Keveney, 8 " 20e., Patsie Heffernan, 11i " Geo. B. Lewis, per hill, William P. Bray, 34t . " " Seth Taylor, 20 • " 30c., Vulcan Road Machine Co., per bill, Melinda Taylor, 48 loads clay, 5c., • Patrick Morgan, 143 hours, 20c., C. R. Bassott, per bill, Henry Baker, • 3 Edward -F. Smith, 12i " 30e., E. B. I3allett, per bill, Jonathan Usher, Jr., 20 Patrick Heffernan, 10 G. H. Baker, per bill, James A. Ellis, 10 30c., I. H. Thacher, 10 " 20c., Osborn E. Baker, per bill, Patrick Heffernan, 18i °' " .George Chase, 12i 66 Osborn E. Baker, per. bill, J. W. Hamblin, 55i 66 66 66 66 20c.,' f! 66 psi 1 ,„., .6 66 $ 7 40 3 75 1 79 8 48 6 00 411 ” 1 70 2 30 22 85 6 85 6 00 17 59 2 40 28 60 .1 40 GO 3 75 1 70 4 00 . 2 00 15 00 307. 2 00 15 00 3 70 2 50 15 00 11 10 r....:..,.�..:• 35 .Jonathan Usher, Jr., 16 hours, 30e., $4 80 • Freeman Howes, per bill, 3 00. Harry Young, 12 20e., 2 40 Patrick Morgan, . 141i 44- 28 30 Gorham Bacon, per bill,. 45 00 Jas. P. Cash, 21i h., 20c., $4.30; 17 h., 30c., $5.10, .F. C. Cash, 16 hours, 20e., • Oliver 1-Iallet, per bill, Isaiah Ellis, - 2i " 30e.; Leonard Ellis, • 2i John Hinckley & Son, per bill, Edmund Walker, • 16i hours, George Hallet, 2d, 75 " Watson Thacher, per bill, E...S..Chase, 3 hrs., 20c., !i0c. ; 3 iirs Patrick Morgan, F. E. Sherman, Ernest Megathlin, 20e., 20c., ., 30c., 90c., 26i hours, 20c., 7 f6 66. 7i 66 66 Chas. Ellis. 7 hrs., 20c., $1.40 ; 7 hrs., 30c., $2.10, Chas. W. Ellis, 51. hours, 20e., Albert Taylor, 42i • 40c., E. S. Chase, 5 hrs. 20c., $1 ; 7i hrs., 30e., $2.25; Jeremiah Chase, 71 hours, 20c., H. D. 131ay, • • 15 Harty Young, 20 Michael Keveney, 20 James A. Morgan, 15 • Charles E. Chase, 12 James P. Cash, 5 46. " James Smith, 124 " 30e., Patrick Heffernan, 11 " 20e., Amos Arey, 12 `6 Jonathan Usher, 24 E. S. Mecarta, 22 66 Frank I. Robbins, 7i. " Olicer Hallet, X15 6` 30c., 44 66 66. 66. 66 66 " .66 66 I A 40 3 20 3 60 75 50 3 72 4 95 15,00 3 50 1 50 5 30 1 50 1 50 3 50 10 20 17 00 3 25 1 50 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 2 50 1 00 3 75 2 20 2 50 4. 80 55 1 50 • 4 50 . 36 Benj. Phillips, 9 hours, 20c., Amos Arey, 26* Alfred Howland; 401 " 30c., Chas. E. Chase, 4 Edward F. Smith, 5* James P. Cash, 30 George Robbins, 46 N. B. Burgess, per bill, Frank C. Baker, 46 Iloward F. Nickerson, 34 Warren Ellis, 46 Willie Ellis, - 46 Leonard Ellis, 46 Isaiah Ellis, 16* N. B. Burgess, per hill, Elam S. Mecarta, 48 hrs., 20c., $9.60; 49 hrs., 30e., $14.70, Geo. Robbins, - 48 hours, 20c., Benj. R. Howes, • - 46 " 30c., Edmund H. Robinson, 59 h., 20c., $11.80 ; land damage, $1.50, Amos L. Phillips, 55+* h., 15c., $9.83-; 67 h., 20c., $13.40, - 23 23 Lewis Nickerson, 9 hours, 20c., 1 80 William P. Bray, 46 " 44 9 20 Benj. Phillips, 15-- " " 3 00 J. W. Hamblin, - ---- 100 " 30c., 30 00 Charles Ellis, 63 hrs., 30e., $18.90; 274 loads clay, • 5c., $13.70, --- - 32 60 17 hours, 20c., 3 40 54* 30c., 16 30 32 15c., 4 80 60 . 200., 12 00 35 7 00 32 6 40 32 6 40 (f {i 44 20c., i[ ff t{ if 15c., 20c., it 30c., $1 80 5 30 12 20 1 20 1 65 6 00 9 20 15 05 9 20 5 10 9 20 9 20 _-__- 9 20 4 95 4 80 24 30 9 60 .. 13 80 13 30 Sylvanus Cash, Jas. A. Ellis, - • Jas. W. Ellis, Chas. Cash, Archelus Phillips, Millard T. Gray, William F. Bray, ..i. ,. ,_ Wi .. Lim. 44 It 1 Albert Berry, per bill, George A. Bray, George F. Bray, - Edward C. Bray, Seth Walker, M. Giney; Frank I. Robbins, J. Robert Bray, Freeman Ryder, 2 h., 20c., Freeman Howes, David Whelden, Gideon Matthews, Edgar Merchant, Amos L. Phillips, Lewis Nickerson, Frank I. Robbins, Amos L. Phillips, John E. Olar, 59 h., 15c., - $2.50, - - Alfred Baker Elnathan Eldridge, Harry Young, Jas. Morgan, Edward Smith, Eddie Cash, Bertie Cash, Geo. W. Ryder, Samuel Cobb, A. II. Eldridge, 40 5c., $4.50,. E. S. Waite, Frank I. Robbins, Howard F. Nickerson, Amos Arey, Patrick Heffernan, C. M. Bray, per bill, Geo. H. Baker", 11 II�IIIIII� l_ �.1 / 37 13 33 32 '' 1 ' 6 40 32 " " 6 40 32 " 30c., 9 60 32 " 20c., 6 40 32 , " 15c., 4 80 7 " 20c., 1 40 18 " " 3 60 $ .40 ; 60 h., 30c., $18.00; 18 40 20 hours, 30c., 6 00 27* 20c., • 5 50 46* " 30c., 13 95 32 46 15c., 4 80 5 20c., 1 00 12* 44 2 50 75 17- 350 $8.85; 5 " 150., " 20c., 50 loads clay, 50., 16 hours, 20c., 16 16 23 16. " 30c., 14 15•c., 14. 17 16- " hrs., 30c., $12.00; 90 loads clay, {{ .f {f 66 20c., 5 hours, '20c., 7 16 7* 34 15c., 30c., 20c., 130 " 30c., 11 3 3 3 '4 4 2 2 3 3 35 20 20 20 60 80 10 10 40 20 16 50: 1 00 1 05 4 80 1 50 6 80 8 08 39 00 38 Osborn E.. Baker; 130 hrs.;30c,„ $39.00.; 300 clay, 5c., $15.00,- C. R. Bassett, Allen (ash, Chas. Cash, Frank I. Robbins, N. Montcalm, 327 loads clay, 5c., loads 54 00 16 hours, 30c., 4 80 51 20c, .10.20 2i 64 ,6 50 15c., 1 05 16 35 Amos L. Phillips, 7-i hours, 20c., 1 50 Frank I: Robbins, -5 - " . 15c., 75 Amos L. Phillips, 15 "' 20c.,. 3 00 James Gorham, 7i 64 6, ' 1. 50 Amos L. Phillips, 7 46 ,4 1 40' J. W. Hamblin, 100 hrs., 20e., $20.00; 58 -hrs., 30c., $17.40, 37 40 Amos L. Phillips, 19 hours, 20e., 3_80 Amos L. Phillips, 7 hrs., 20c., $1.40 ; 5 hrs., 30c., $1.50, Jeremiah Robinson, . 17i hours, 20c., - Amos L. Phillips, 27 Michael Gurney, 25 G. W. Simpkins, for loam, Amos Arey, 9i 1. H. Thacher, E. B. Hallett:, per bill, Amos L. Phillips, 17 Chas. Cahoon, , 9 Charles E.Hallett, 171- hrs., 20c., $3.40; 36 hrs., • • 30c., $10.80, 14 20 Jas. Cash, • 9i- hours,. 20c., 1 90 John Hinckley 8.:,'Son, per bill, 10 68 J. A. Ellis, 55 hrs., 30c., $16.50; 137 loads clv,_ • 5c., $6.85, 23 35 W. F. Arey, 8 _ hours, 20c., 1 60 Win. Shields, per bill, 4 55 David \Vhelden, 26 li, 20c., $5.20; 5 h., 15c., 75e., 5 95 D. G. Eldridge, per bill, 2 55 44 46 66 66 '' 44 6, 66 66 2 90 3 50 5 40 5 00 2 00 1 90 3 50 1 60 3 50 1 80 j;k151; soma. I I• 1 101EM. (.1 • Edward C. Bray, Frank -C. Baker, Fred. Smith, 7 Oliver Hallet, per hill, Nathan -Bassett, Chas. A. Chase, .T. Ernest Megathlin, Jas. P. Cash, • . Amos L. Phillips, Henry Baker,_ Charles Ellis, per bill, Allen Cash, Chas. Cash, Chas. Ellis, per bill, . Alfred Baker, 7 Nathan Bassett, • 22* ,‘ Geo. Hallet, 2d, 9 hours, scraper, 40c., - • Frank G. Nickerson,_ 5 hours, 20c.,- ;Peo. Robbins, 6 46 Jos. C. Chase, E. K. Arey, E. S. Mecarta, Seth Walker, Archelus- Philips, Patrick Morgan, J. G. Hallet, 13 hrs., $5.40, E. S. Chase, . Amos L. Phillips, Seth Taylor, Edmund Walker, J. Silva, 12 " 20c., S. H. Hamblin, per bill, labor .and Material, 39 • 21 hours, 20c., 44 92 . 5 14 9 14i 10.. 8i 6. 66. 66 ft 66 64 it 46 • 6, 66 18 29 18 -11i " 20c., 6i 155 ." 30e., $3.90; 12 hrs:, 45c., 4, 6, '64 " 30e., ti 64 .19i hours, 30c., 10 " 20c, 95i 50 " 30c., ,f Drawn from town, $1,600.00, 4 20 50 1 40 4 80 18 40 . 1 00 2 80 1 80 2 90 2 10 25 05 1 70 1. 20 2 52 1 40 4 50 3 60 " 1 15 1 20 3 60 5 80 5 40 2 30 1 30 31 00 9 30 5 90 2 00 28 65 15 00 2 40 215 30 $1,603 00 40 WILLOW STREET. Patrick Morgan, H. D. Bray, Jas. A. Moran, Harry Young, • P. Heffernan, Michael Keveney, - • Jas. P. Cash, • Patrick Heffernan, Jonathan Usher, C. R. Bassett, Oliver Hallet, S. H. Hamblin, 33 hrs., $8.10, Geo. W. Ryder, J. G. Hallet, Amos L. Phillips, 49 hours, 20c., 20 LL 20 23 23 "44 23 " 35 49 33 .27/ " 30c., 30 " " 20c., $6.60; 27 hrs., 30c., LL LL " 46. '4 LL 33 hours, • 20 " 9/ Drawn from town treasury, LABOR ON SNOW. Chas. M. Bray, per bill, J. P. Cash, E. A. Nickerson, W. E. Ellis, Isaiah Ellis, Isaiah L. Ellis, Syivanus Cash,. A. -L. Phillips, Willard Robbins, Geo. Chase, Henry A. Cobb, W. F. Smith, Jos. C. Chase, Ernest Bray, Geo. A. Bray, 20c., 45c., 20c., 6 hours, 20c., 8 4/ 4/ 4/ 21 " 2/ 6 " 9/ 4 4/ 4/ 4 ,4 4' LL LL ---- -MI .,.'4*• •. . LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL 66 LL " LL LL LL' $9 80 4 00 4 00 4 60= 4 60. 4 60 7.00 9 80 6 60 8 25 9 00 14 70 6 60 9 00 '1 85 $104 40 $104 40 $7 55 1 20 1 60 90 90 90 50, 50 1 20 1 95 80 95 95 80 80 r t 1. 7 :It] - W, F. Bray, G. F. Bray, G. E. C. Bray, Freeman S. Cash, E: S. Chase, • Grant Chase, . Wm. A. Cash, A. E. Arey, E. K. Arey, C. A. Chase, J. Robert Bray, Chas. Cahoon, W. Nickerson, A. Walker, - Jeremiah Chase, H. D. Bray, Henry Baker, - Freeman Ryder, C. M. Bray, per bill, Jos. Walker, Benj. Walker,' Amos Arey, - Jonathan Usher, E. S. Mecarta, Oliver Hallet, Jas. A. Cash, John Silva, E. F. Smith, C. W. Ellis, R. D. Ellis, Alfred Baker, W. E. Montcalm, S. H. Hamblin,'11 hrs., $5.60, Albert Taylor, Chas. Ellis, 41' 3 hours,20c., 3. << 4 " • 4/ .. 5/ 4.4 4 3 2 3 "• • 2/ L L 1 3 LL LL fL 64 • " 60 80 35 90 1 10 80 50 60 " 40 75 55 35 85 60 1 05 40 1 00 4 75 1 50 80 75 85 30 1 10 90 40 90 80. 35 40 40 LL LL LL 51 2 7i 4 LL 3/ 4. 1/ 5/. 4/ 2 4/ 4 3/ - " 10c., 2 Li 20e., 2 LL LL 20c., $2.20; 14 LL " LL Lf LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL . LL hrs., 40c., 9 hours, 20c., 6 7 80 1 80 1 20 Albeit Dean, • E. Eldridge, ' • Jeremiah Robinson, G. W. Ryder, R. W, Park, J..G. Hallet, • 42 2 a 4 31 4 181 (( (( (( 40e., Amount drawn from town treasury, $70.00. - SOUTH SIDE. DAvio SEARS, ROAD comoss1oNER. 5 .hours, 20e., Benj. Bray, David Sears, 20 (( (( Joseph H. Robinson; 10 Perry White, . 12 Stephen Sears, as per bill, D. R. Wicks; . 8 posts, 40c., David Sears, freight on posts, Sears & Hurst, stub -hoe, ((• 66 spikes, - ,P. P. Akin, moving fence, David Sears, labor on lower road,. 5 K • (( ([ 66 i{ 30e., 20e., (( Amount drawn, $44.95. SNOW ACCOUNT. Geo. B. Lewis, 14/ hours, 20e., A. H. Sears, 101 " 40e., David F. Sears, 6 " 20c., `j ii Leo Taylor, 8¢ F. W. Homer and others with team, Wm. F. Chase, 4 hours, 20c., -Prentiss White, 10 (( George 11. Kelley, / (( 15c., Ahira Baker, -2i 20c., (( (( • '• �Jii i IIIA .. •r'�YYV' `• ��� ' 40 1 00 so 7.) 80 7 55 $70 00 -$ 1 00 4.00 1 50 200 2 40 14 50 3 20 i2 1 13 1 00' -3 00. 11 00 $45 45 $ 2 95 4 30 1 20 1 75 14 45 80 2 00. 10 50 David Sears, Albert P. Raker, Nelson Baker, (( ;( (( f( {C i( Jos. K. Chase, Gilbert Studley, Amount' drawn, $37.50: Finney Crowell, J. W. Fuller, Thomas Collins, A. H. Cotelle, D. M. Chase,. Nelson Eldridge, David F. Sears, Roger Eldridge, J. N. Baker, S. B. Baker, R. Baker, O. A. Baker, J. Eldridge, 40 posts, 6c., .1. N. Baker, .pump box, D. M. -Chase, . '- J. N. Baker, A. I3. Baker, J. Eldridge, plank, A. 13. Baker, J. N. Baker, R. Baker, E. S. I3iker, 43 251 1 1 1 1i 3 3 i( i( '(( s( (( (( 19 hours, 20c., 15 " 15 (4 (( 19 4.4 20c., 163- • 30c., 6 (( 44 20e., 9 19 (( 6 134 .2 •2 1.2i (( (( (i it 3 " 5i (( 22i 10 (0 15c., 100., . 30c., 20c., 40e., 27c., 40c., ii (( " 20c., (( (( Charles E11is, 161 loads loam, 5e:, 1). S. Taylor, 35 hours, 30e.,. 80 30 20 30 20 20- 30 60 60. $40 75 80 -.$3: 4 t00 • 4 50 60 4 95 1 80 8 80 1 80 . 85 60 4 05 40 40 60 50 2 30 1 12 5 00' 1 00 1 '50 2 20 4 50 4 00 0 3 10 50 44 J. L. Baker, 20 Clifton Baker, 20 Willis Hall, 20 Martha White, 175 loads loam, 7c., J. Eldridge, 26 posts, 6c., C. 11. Harwood, 15 posts, 5c., G hours, 5 '' 4, 66 " Benj. Bray, Thacher Ellis, Ernest P. Baker, 12 Ernest P. Baker, 12*-. 1. W. Ellis, 7* J. A. Robinson, 2 " 20c., Reuben Baker, 57 " 30c., • Jos. K. Chase, mason work, J. U. Baker, 5 E. P. Baker, 3* I. F. Homer, 8 " 50c., J. K. Sears, 457 loads loam, 7c., Stephen Sears, land damage, - Elizabeth Stetson, land damage, ' Sturgis Crowell, 137 loads loam, 7e., Joseph Cotelle, 18 hours, James Chase, 15* A. U. Cahoon, 25 - "- 0. H. Chase, 16* B. L. Baker, 30 " 30c., R. D. Farris's Son; turf axe; L. H. 13aker, 25 Geo. II. Loring, 30 B. S. Cotelle, 10 C. 13. Oliver, 20 F..M. Johnson, 20 W. N. Stetson, 40 A. M. Homer, 25 Isaac Ellis, 30 Isaiah Sherman, - 20 I. Ellis, 16 20c., �. . 30c., 20c., f{ 30c., " " Li f. 20c., '' [, .4' tt (L 66 '' 4' 20c.,. 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., $4 00' 4 00 6 00 12 25 1 56 75 1 30 1 00 2 44 3 75 2 25 40 15 30 6 48 1 50 1 00 4 00 31 99 1 50 2 00 9 59 3 60 3 50 5 00 3 30 9 00 1 75 5 00 .9 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 12 00 5 00- 9 00 4 00 320- 45 At vAL.u._I Xaoini Montcalm, 2:33 loads loam, 5c., Samuel Robbins, 10 hours, 20e., Ahira Baker, 30 " 66 Robert Clark, 20 " •R. A. Baker, 20 "66 H. V. Matthews,- 20 30c., James A. Robinson, 27 " " " turf Wm. H. Eldridge, Gilbert Studley, Geo. F. Matthews,. C. M. Brown, . Polly Robinson, land damage, hook,: 20 20 16 20 John P. Brown, • 20 John H. Stetson, 20. E. S. Baker, 20 E. S. Baker, 10 R. Baker, 48 - Freeman Baker, 30 Lewis Y. Eldridge, 40 J.* H. Robinson, , 20 " Horatio Matthews, 30 Wilburn .Baker, 30 F. W. Homer, 58 I. F. -Homer, • 33* Reuben K. Farris, 15 Fred. A. Baker, •30 Purrington Small, spikes, Frank F. Collins, 33 T. S. Holway, • 30 Edgar N. Baker, 20 - " 20e., F..Eldridge, 20 " F. 3lyrick, 30 " 30c., W. C. Fuller, 35 C. H. Harwood, 5 loads stone, 4.6 « « 35 hours, 30c., ff 30c., 20c., 30c., hours, 30c., '' '4 li '' (f 4' '' {{ 44 20c., 15c., -30c., 20c., 30c., 20e., 30c., 20c., . " 30c., '' '' '' • 4' 11 65 2 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 5 40 80 6 00 6 00 3-20 6 00 1 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 1 50 14 40 6. 00 12 00 4 00 9 00 '6 00 i1 60 6 70. 450 9 00 1 58 9 60 900 4 00 4 00 9 00 10 50 5 30 10 50 Il rl&MI i Watson F. Cahoon, D; S. Taylor, Geo. F. Matthews, E. S. Baker; • J. K. & B. Sears, fencing, 1 Ruben Baker, • D. S. Baker. . Nelson Baker, .Joseph H. Robinson, Road machine, B. Homer, 1. P. Matthews, C. M. Brown, Elmer F. Whittemore,. Albert H. Cotelle, Austin Whittemore, A. F. Wison,'' at Ryder, 3. P. C. Goodwin, 10 Alhert. Baker, 20 S. B. Baker, 3 W. H. Oliver, . 20 D. M. Chase, 50 .A. 13. Baker, 57 T. D: Brown,46 « Nelson Baker, J0 , " 15c., T. D. Brown, • 2 " 30e., C. F. Purring -ton, 90 ft. hard pine plank, 2f e., Iliram E. Baker, upper bridge road, A. Berry, land damage, J. P. Brown, Amos R. Baker, B. S. Robinson, .Tercurialt Eldridge, J. K. & B. Sears, fencing, 46 20 hours, 20c., '' « 23f 10 23 20 13 7'. 20' 20 26 15 15 15 • 15 25 cc '' 66 4♦ 30c., 20e., 64 .64 {, 14 46 ({ 30e., (L 20c.,. 44 6, 4, 46 10c., t4 30c., 44 if 17f hours, 20c., 17# 9 17 4' ff 4' '' 15c., $4 00 1 30 4 70 2 00 4 35 4 60 6 00 2 60 1 40 :37 50 6 00 Ii 00 7 80 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 30 4 00 15 ('0 17 00 13 80 4 50 60 .> a5 85 00 13 33 3 50 3 50 1 80. 2 65 4 18 '47 M. H. Crowell, repairs on road scraper, stub hoes, • $5 85 201 06 . etc;., Luther H. Brown, bill, Receives! from town treasurer, $1,100.00. Labor on roads and bridges, $1,100.00. BASS RIVER LOWER BRIDGE ACCOUNT. J. U. Baker, labor, C. H. Baker, draw tender, M. 11. Crowell, draw tender, Jos. M. Adams, 4llard pine plank, Carting plank from South Dennis : J. K. & B. Sears & Co., lumber, J. U. Baker, labor, J. K. & B. Scars & Co.,. lumber, WEST SIDE. JOYCE TAYLOR., ROAD COMMISSIONER. CR. By balance due from acct. of 1894, • Ellis P. Baker, Benj. Gifford, Geo. S. Taylor, R. Lewis Taylor, Timothy Cotelle, Everett Baker, Richard Scars, Elnathan Eldridge, Harris E. Cotelle, W: W. Holway, Sam'! Ii: Drew, LABOR ON ROADS. 97 hours, 20c., 77 44 «' 97 97 97 47 97 54f 97 37• 40 30c., 20e., '' 44 ft 30c., 15c., $320 87 $16 64 16 75 20 00 • 4 00 10 54 14 25 18 53 $100 71 $ 7 36 19 40 15 40 19 40 19 40 19 40 14 10 19 40 10 90 19 40 11 '10 6 00 4 Bena.jah \Vlielden, .1. E. Crowell, Louis Baxter, Alfred C. Drew, H. F. Studley, Darius Y. Cotelle, Luther C. Buck, Eben S. Baxter, J. Ni;•ker son, W. F. Baker, Fernandus Baker,. Joshua F. Crowell, Isaiah Crowell, Stephen W. Mitchell, Ansel L. Baker, • Ansel Taylor, Wm. A.Marchant, Chester R. Stacy, Jose C. Desilver, Jr., Jose C. Desilver, Thomas W. Graves, Joshua S. Baker, • Charles Lewis, Thomas W. Graves, D. B. Taylor, Daniel Haines, 48 107* hours, 20c., 47 10 10 51* 50 107 98* 58 '97 50 40 50 50 53.* 67 47 27 -68* 55 27 47 54 85 15* 97 4' it 30c., 10e., 30e., 4' 44— t 44 __ 4; '4 '4 '4 44 44 4' 46. Albert Berry, ' 83* G4 301 loads clay, 7c., Ellis P. Baker, Wm. F. Fowler, _ David S. Marchant, Mrs. D. Howard, 35 Charles ' Lewis, Lockwood Baxter, Horace Baxter, 4' " '4 4' 44 44 44 44 44 44 44. 44 44 20c., 15e., 44 20c., • 10e., 15c., 30c., 44 15c., 4' 44 44 '4 30c., '4 15c., 30e., 20c., 15c., 30c.,. ' 2* hours, 20c., 47 i4 55 - '4 loads loam, 7c., '13* hours, 50 " 50 " 4' '4 18 loads gravel, 4c., 30c., ft 20c., 15c., 10c., Stephen Marchant, 47 hours, 15c., '$21 50 141 3 00 15 45 15 00 2140 14 80 8 70 19 40 5 00 6 00 15 00 15 00 8 00 107 0505 4 05 108 2525 8 10 14 10 8 10 25 3 .1050 2514 0055, 21 07 50 1410 16 50 2 45 2 70 7 50 5 00 72 7 05 John R. Baxter, Sam'l H. Drew, Jose C. Desilver, Jr., Zenas Banter Luther Buck,. S. W. Mitchell, " 4' A. B. Chase,. Gilbert Lewis, Joshua S. Baker, W. F. Baker, Joyce Taylor, '4 4' 49 47 hours, 30c., 18 ` 20c., '4 44 44 . 4' 28 52 18 3 44 2 - " 30c., 27. " 15c., • 20' 44 • 44 3* " 30c., .. 1* 20c., 599* " 15c., Albert Belly, land damage 20cBelly, J. K. & B. Sears & Co., bill, M. G. Bradford, bill, B. F. Crocker, bill, one acre loam, R. Eldridge, bill, payment for one-half road machine, To order drawn DR. from treasurer, SNOW ACCOUNT. • CR.' 14* hours, 20c., 5 12 11 3 6 10 5 5 5 Darius Cotelle, Richard Sears, Joshua A. Montcalm, Walter Baker, Ellis P. Baker, Geo. S. Taylor, Luther R. Taylor, Joshua E. Baker, Harris E. Cotelle, R. Lewis Taylor, Ansel Baker, 6 • 44 4' 4' 4L 44 44 '4 '4 44 44 44 '4 44 " 44 44 '4 •$14 10 3 60 . 5 60 9 40 3 60 60 60 4 05 3 00;. 1 05 30 60 93 51 15 13 33 25 80 1 87 72 50 00 37 50 $896 50 $900 00 $2 90 1 00 2 40 2 20 60 1 20 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 20 ''1:4:&.4i444.114 d1 Joshua S. Baker, W. F. Baker, Elnathan Eldridge, Charles Lewis, Jose C. Desilver, Jose C. Desilver, Jr., D. B. Taylor, Luther C. Buck, Lemuel Marchant, Ebenezer Baker, Timothy Cotelle, Joseph W. Tripp, Thomas W. Graves, Daniel Humes, Joyce Taylor, L. A. Chase, 50 6 hours, 20c., '6 6i ' 18 5i. 14 •5, 12 13 •2 10 5 14 3 34 4' 5 G{ f. «. '' 4 it {i ii Of • 44 '' 4 tl To balance on hand in 1894, Drawn from treasury, 1895, •<----^�^.,„gyp .��—• �,- {0 {a tf '' '' 64 '' 44 $ 5 10- 40 00 $1 20 1 20. 1.30 3 60 1 10 2. 80 1 00 2, 40 2 70 40 2 00 1 00 2 80 70 6 90 1_00 $48 60 $45 10 •..— AUDITORS' REPORT, • The auditors, having examined the accounts of the • several town officers, make the following report TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. •-- Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1895, • $ 846 74 Rec'd of tax collector and all other sources, 61,303 06 Paid outstanding orders, Jan. 1, 1895, $ 2,139 43 - Paidorders from January 1, 1895, -- • - to Dec. 31, 1895, 57,284 28 _ Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1896, '2,726 09 $62,149 80 $62,149 80 SELECTMEN. T. T. HALLET, CHAIRMAN. - Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1895, to Dec, 31, 1895, Amount of receipted vouchers, ROAD COMMISSIONERS. SETH H. HA3 BLIN. Expended for repairs on highways, Drawn by order of the selectmen, Balance due S. H. Hamblin, SNOW ACCOUNT,. Drawn -by order of selectmen for clearing snow, Expended for -same, 658,735 05 58,735 05 $1,603 00 • 1,600 00 $ 300 $70 00 70 00 52 SPECIAL APPROPRIATION. For Willow street sidewalk, Expended for sidewalk, 64• over appropriation, JOYCE TAYLOR. Balance due Joyce Taylor, Jan. 1, - 1895, Expended for repairs on roads, 1895, Expended for clearing snow, 1895, Rec'd from selectmen for roads, 1895,. . Rec'd from selectmen for snow, Due on snow acc't, Jan. 1, 1895, $50'00 $104 4054 40 $104 40 , $104 40 $ 7 36 889 14 48 60 $945 10 LUTHER R. BROWN. Drawn by order of selectmen, Expended for repairs on highways, .66 « t{ " bridge, Cash paid to town treasurer, $997 79 100 71 1 50 $1,100 00 DAVID SEARS. Expended for repairs on highway, •< snow, Drawn by order of selectmen, _ Balance due David Sears, $82 45 3 75 $900 00 40 00 5 10 $945 10' $1,100 00 $1,100 00 $45 45 40 75 $86 20 $86 20 1 I�i utu l�il L 53 SCHOOL COMMITTEE. E. L. MARSH, TREASURER. Drawn by order of selectmen, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1895, Expended for school supplies, repairs, etc., $6,099 88 Cash paid to town treasurer, 133 57 $6,233 45 • TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. $6,026 59 206 86 $6,233 45 Due from Seth Taylor, tax collector, 1894, $ 846 11 'Ainount of tax for 1895 as per assessors' book, 19,774 60 Amt. of tax e'Feted by Seth Taylor, collector, for 1895, $12,175 00 Balance due town for 1894 and 1895, 8,445 71 NOTE. Since January 1 the collector has paid on taxes for 1894, Leaving a balance actually ' due from him for 1894, $20,620 71 $20,620 71 $731 46 114 65 $846 11 FISH COMMITTEE. T. T. ILILLETT, TREASURER. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1895, Rec'd from permits, Paid on account of fisheries, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1896, $304 47 110 25 $ 69 60. 345 12 $414 72 $414 72 54 TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. . Amount of note given by treasurer of the town of Yarmouth, Jan. 1, 1895, $16,055 73 Interest paid to January 1, 1896, 810 00 • DANIEL B. CROCKER, E. T. BAKER, Auditors of Town of Yarmouth. • ERRATA. Follow=ing articles received too late-- to- .be placed - numerically under the Warrant: _ ART. 20. To see if the town will empower the Selectmen to lease the Follins Pond Fishery for a term, of years. " ART. 21. To see if the town will allow William B. Cobb three hundred dollars for the loss of his leg that was injured on an impassable sidewalk. on the highway. [By request.] ART. 22. To see if the town will vote. to give Fred. C. Smith any sum of money. [By request.] ART. 23. To see if the town will vote to appoint the three road commissioner as a committee to appropriate such a sum of money as they shall think necessary for the repairs of roads and bridge for the ensuing year. ART. 24. To see if the town will authorize the purchase of suitable fire extinguishers for the school -house and almshouse, at_a cost not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars. ti TOWN MEETING' WARRANT, BARNSTABLE, SS. . . 1896. To either of the Constables in the Town of Yarmouth, in the County of Barnstable, _ GREETING : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the town house on Monday, the tenth (10) day of February next, at seven o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz. : • - - ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said • meeting. --- ART. 2. To elect the following named officers, all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman -for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committee for two years, one • School Committee for three years, Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes for one year, two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year; also to see if the town -,vill grant license for the sale of intoxicating liquors. ART. 3. To choose all other necessary town officers. ART. 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen, and act thereon.. ART. 5. To hear the report of all 'other committees, : and act thereon. ART. 6. " To see what sum of money the town 'will raise for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. ART. 7. To see what sum of money the town will raise to pay town officers' and conuuittees' fees for the ensuing year. • • ART. 8. . To sec what sum of money the town will raise for the support of schools for the ensuing year. ART. 9. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the repairs of roads and bridges for the ensuing year. ART. 10. To see what sum of money the town will raise to pay town debts., • ART. 11. To see what sum of money the town will raise for repairs of public buildings for the ensuing year. • -41 56 • ART. 12. To see what sum of money the town will raise for miscellaneous expenses for the ensuing year. ART. 13. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the purchase of school books for the ensuing year. _ _ ART. 14. To see if the town will authorize the. Town Treasurer to hire mone5T in anticipation of .taxes, to pay town- debts. - - AnT. 15. To see if the town will invest the 'rax Collector with the privileges and power . of the Town Treasurer in the collection of taxes: ART. 16. To see if the town will vote an appropriation of four hundred and fifty dollars to convey the school children of the south and west sides of the town to and from the High school building on the north side. ART. 17. To see if the town will direct the board of health to defend Wm. F. Kenney in an injuction case entered in the Superior Court of Boston by Heman W. Chaplin of Dedham, Mass., and appropriate a sum of money for that purpose. • Also for the town to reimburse those persona who have already contributed for .the same. [By request.] . . ARx. 18. To see if the town will accept .the list of. Jurors as reported by the Selectmen. • ART. 19. To see if the town will provide_ the suin of $500 for teaching singing and drawing in the public schools. You are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting attested copies thereof in five. (5) public places in said town, three (3) on the South Side and two (2) on the North Side; also one (1) publication in the Yarmouth Register seven (7) days, at least, before the time of holding said meeting. - hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the town clerk at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands .and .the seal of the ( town of Yarmouth, this twenty-fifth day of { SEAL. January in the ,year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. T. T. HALLET, ) Selectmen EDWARD LEWIS, } of STEPHEN SEARS; ).Yarmouth. A true copy, attest, SETH TAYLOR, Constable. 11 1111111 i1.�,�.�rlrrmlrty FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF YPIRMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 °4189GCo YARrtOUTHPORT: MASS.: C. F. SWIFT & SON, PRINTERS. 1897. REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1896. FINANCIAL STANDING OF TOWN DEC. 31, 18913. Uncollected taxes, 1895, $1,3132 65 441896, 6,487 75 Due from A..1.. \\'ellin=ton, on acct. stone, 2,9(i3�p Due from \lass. Highway Com. (estimated), - $4,600 00 Due from other towns, 237 14 $15,1351 34 Sears Fund, note ;given .lan. 1, 1897, $15,893 18 Town orders unpaid, 798 35 Bills unpaid (estimated), 1,000 00 Notes in anticipation of taxes, - 7,500 00 Notes for State Hi_rhway. 24,000 00 $49,191 53 A. table of estimates as prepared by _the selectmen for appropriations in the different departments for the coining year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town : Support of poor, -- $3,000 00 " schools, 3,800 01) •• music. 500 00 Roads and h idles, 1,100 '01) Town officers, 1,600 00 Repairs on. public buildim 300 00 Supt. Schools, 101) 00 Op 1.0 0 0 O 0 0 D 0) 0 0 0 C7 cr Cr) 0 O :at t. Support of poor, Town officers, Support of schools, with dog tax and state fund, , 4,994 50 4,836 79 Supt. of schools, 267 10 150 66 Roads and bridges, • 1,200 00 1,200 00 Town debts, 500 00 424 47 Repairs on public buildings, • 200 00 99 15 Misccllencous expenses, with state and military aid, Interest on Scars fund, School si►pplies, State highway note, 'Interest account, 1V►n. 11. Cobb, Transportation scholars, SUMMARY OF TOWN EXPENSES, 1896. Town Grant. Expended. Excess. Lees. f $3,000 00 $2,679 45 1,500 00 1,589 11 $.89 11 Expended less than grant, *157.28. $320 55 157 71 116 44 75 53 '100 85 1,416 00 1,575 59 159 59 900 00 1,085 00 185 00 250 00 370 90 120 90 2,500 00 2,500 00 500 00 450 00 50 00 300 00 300 00 550 00 659 20 109 20 $18,077 60 $17,920 32 $663 80 $821 08 6 INCIDENTALS. Matthews & Payne, fuel to town office, Wm. 1). Loring, grain and hay, V -$14 90 " cleaning town office, 6 25 .. .. F. C. Swift, insurance, .{ {. legal services, .1. E. Crowell, nails for engine house, SylV•anus Robbins, land damages, Weight books, W. 1). Jacobs, return of births, Henry 1{. Usher, bolting tree, • Chas. R. Bassett, board of selectmen, Ira Ryder, building voting booths, " " moving scales, • Jas. G. Hallet, hoard of selectmen, -, Luther H. 13rown, repairs on pump, • expenses on roads, .loyce Taylor, dumping ground, Henry Blachford, reeording.deed, " 6.4 telegrams, Isaiah Crowell, inspector of cattle, Manton II. Crowell, care of hearse, R. H. Harris, postage, Francis Brown, grave, A. C. Snow, labor on town office, Melinda- Taylor, barn rent, .Joshua S. Baker, burying horse, " " care of horse, $11 25 47 50 $5 00 3 75 $17 70 • 54 90 50 2 75 82 00 3 00 $25 14- 21 4 21 15 58 75 40 10 00 510,. 50 5 00 27 00 8 75 32 50• 72 60 12 00 3 25 500 • 5 00 5 00 3 00 4 67 1-2 00 5 00 7 Edwin Thacher, ball rent, T. S. Crowell, enrolling stockholders, A. F. Sherman, conveyances, Win. J. Davis, 3 seals, to Dennis, expresk, etc., recording births, recording marriages, recording deaths, fi a « <. " i{ .. 4' .{ .. $9 00 3 50 4 15 12 50 2 70 6 10 Benj. Homer, land damages, Geo. H. Kelley, shellacing floor town office, Frank Thacher, insurance, .1. K. & 13. Sears & Co., material for barn, Stephen Sears, expenses to Boston, $3 milea_e book, 66" telegrams, freight, postage, -recording deed, .. a • .. f{ '' .. '' .{ 70 20 00 82 75 3 10 67 Vele_ P. Akin, insurance, T. T. Millet, express, • • $1 05 paid .1. G. Thacher, 65 distributing town reports, 50 `• R. Howes, auctioneer, 5 00 horse hire, stationery, etc., town office, 18 expenses to Boston, 29 85 44 .{ f. .. .. f. 2 00 24 $10 00 2 00 15 00 37 95 - 10 00 11 50 9 00 44 32 29 04 9 90 57 29 $560 81 r1 8 STATE AID. Benj. Lovell, David S. Baker, Lewis Y. -Eldridge, Joseph H. Robinson, Mercy C. Crowell, Emily J. Haffanls, Ebenezer Crowell, Elizabeth Hurt, George W. Ryder, George H. Baker, MILITARY AID. Gilbert Lewis, Ebenezer Crowell, $72 00 36 00 36 00 36 00 48 00 48 00 16 00 48 00 33 00 20 00 • SOLDIERS' AID. • Catherine Kelley, Luther R. Brown, Joyce Taylor, Seth H. Hamblin, $72 00 36 00 CLEARING SNOW. $23 80 9 80 20 00 Joshua S. Baker, Frank W. Homer, Oliver Ballet, T. T. Ballet, FIRES. $41 00 15 87 4 88 1 50 $393 00 $108 00 $15 30 $53 60 $63 25 29 crows, 124 muskrats, Freeman Ryder, 9 CROWS. D1USKRATS. LABOR 'ON FARM. Il ll4llilMll 111. PRINTING AND ADVERTISING.. C. F. Swift & Son, Fred. Hallett Co., F. B. Goss &, Co., $161 50 • 128 36 7 50 $5 89 $31 00 $47 47 $297 36 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, $1,000 00 '• of refunded military aid, 36 00 { l ' 1 State aid, 380 00 Paid for Incidentals, $5110 81 State Aid; 39:3 00 . Military Aid, 108 00 Soldiers' Aid, 15 30 Cleariu_ snow, 53 60 Fires, 63..9.5 ------ — Crows, - 5 80 Muskrats, 31 00 Labor on farm, 47 47 I'rinlin;_ and advertising, 297 36' Expended in. excess of appropriation, 159 59 $1,575 59 $1,575 .59 ' 3 10 TRANSPORT ATI ON OF SCHOLARS. Amount raised by town, James A. Ellis, .1. E. (Cowell, 1. F. Hower, Expended in excess of appropriation, $231 70 174 50 253 00 $550 00 109 20 $659 20 $659 20 TOWN OFFICERS. Amount raised by town, Seth Taylor, tax collector, A. H. Knowles, registrar, Auditors, _ E. L. Mush, Salary, Samuel II. Drew, election officer, Benj. T. Gorham, C. F. Purringtou, registrar and election officer, Theo. W. Swift, moderator, Joseph '.I hasher, teller, A. C. Snow, scaler Of measures, E. S. Thacker, election officer, O. T. Gorham, ." J. I-1, Stetson, .police, J. G. Sears, :L E. N. Baker; " 1;, P. Baker, 41,500 00 $-28S 16 24 00 31 50 4 00 2 50 2 50 weights and ll Edward .Lewis, election officer, Richard Sears " Aruuah \` holden, election officer, .1. 11. Stetson, constable, 34 62 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 -2 50 2 50 2 50 25 00 11111.111 illaVai 11 F. F. Collins, election officer, J. W. Crowell, " 66 Wm. J. Davis, registrar, " " " treasurer, $34 00 75 00 lt. K. Farris, election officer, Oliver Haslet, .. {a A. C. Snow, :. sa E. W. Eldridge, salary school committee, • $40 00 E. W. Eldrid_e, election officer, 2 50 Selectmen, services, Assessors, 44 Overseers of poor, services, Horse hire, - -_ Edward Lewis, services, Expended in excess of appropriation, $2 50 •2 50 1.09 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 42 347 • 198 134 2.06 85 50 40 Iib 75 75 75 $89 11 $1,589 11 $1,589 11 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCIHOOLS. Amount raised by town, from state, Paid W. E. Chaffin, Expended less than appropriation, 116 44 $150 66 $267 10 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Amount raised by town, Paid Seth 11. Hamblin, Luther 1t, Brown, .Joyce Taylor, $100 00 167 10 $2671.0 $1,200 00: $450 00 550 00 200 00 }1,200 00 $1,20 00 4 tSPSaa=1l.n ., 1 12 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. - $4,100 00 Amount, raised by town, ,l00 00 « • for music, 394 50 of dog tax and State fund, $4,83G 80 Paid school committees, 157 70 Unexpended balance, $4,. 994 50 $4,994 50 TOWN DEBTS. Amount raised by town, Paid A. B. Chase, salary for 1895, W. R. Farris, salary for 1895, repairs on West Yarmouth sOhool-house, 1895, C. F. Pattison, medical attend - once Sylvanus Crowell, 1895, David Sears, due on roads, Daniel Taylor, election officer, 1895, Isaiah Crowell; election officer, 1895, Joyce Taylor, election officer, 1895, Theo. F. Drew, election officer, 1895, lies, Mrs. E. F. 131achford, .supplies, p 1895, Abraham Robinson, supplies, • 1895, repairs on Bass River Upper bridge, 1895, • $500 00 $ 8 25 40 00 15 24 1290 3 75 2 50 2 50 2 50 . 2 50. 96 28 12 83 7 75. ni 1 1 bl111111 13 Paid repairs on roller, - O. T.'Gorham, election officer, N. B. Burgess, election officer, Elbridge Taylor, voting booths, Chas. R.. Howes, election officer, Chas. M. Bray, lumber for vot- ing booths, Chas. M. Bray, police, • Chas. M. Bray, lumber for alms- house, Theo. F. Drew, registrar, 1895, Geo. F. Cash, supplies, 1895, Sylvanus Crowell, supplies, 1895, David A. Whelden, coffin, 1894, Gertrude Blackwell, supplies, 1895, Expended less than appropriation, REPAIRS ON PUBLIC B .Amount raised by town, Almshouse, South Side school -house, West " 46 Expended less than appropriation, $4 25 2 50 2 50 5 65 2 50 12 22 3 00 8 35 29 50 121 50 12 50 12 00 1 00 75 53 $500 00 $500 00 U ILDINGS. $200 00 NOTES PAID. $55 82 56 16 48 66 :39 36 $200 00 $200 00 : Paid First Nat. Bank of Yarmouth, $16,008 88 State hi 1uv y note No. 1, • 2,500 00 . $18,508 88 14 1N rER1* i' ACCOUNT. NT. Amount ntiscd for Sears fund, 4: • '• interest on notes, Paid on Sears fund, note, Excess of appropriation, 900 00 . 500 00 $1,1145 00 . 450 (.I0 tis 00 $1.405 00 $1,405 00 WILLIAM B. COBB. .\inotmt raised by town, Paid 11ii;i:ur► II. c bb, $300 00 3(I0 00 - - - *: 00 00' $300 1111 sT :I'I'I•: III(;11\1"Al" ACCOUNT. $32,870 19 Paid on account -of -State road, - . --- 52lt:eceived frow highway commission, $9,327 i4 15 •. • .• sale of will and tools. T.-\\i;s PA11). State tax, . ('ou"tV tax, . Bank -tax, 9,301 07 $23,514 52 ;41,470 00 2,115 43 2,744 77 $1;,3:10 20 Amount laid be orders of selectmen drawn upon 111' torn trea!mrer X74 1111 90 from .1 an. 1, 90. to .lan: 1, 1$97, x:51;11 RC1 Incidentals, 0 ;413 00 81 State aid, 15 — Military aid, Soldiers' aid, Clearing snon•, Fires, Crows, Muskrats, Labor on farm, 'Printing and advertising, Transportation of scholar:, Town officers, Supt. of schools, Roads and bridges, Support of schools, Town debts, Repairs on public buildings, \sites paid, Interest account, \\'m. B. Cobh, Taxes paid, State road, Almshouse, Out of ahushoule, Other cities and towns, Due front cities and towns, School supplies, Taxes remitted,. - • 110800 15 30 53 00 li 3 2► 5 80 31 00 47 47 297 30 (159 20 1,5•89 1l 150 00 1,200 00 4,831; i:► 424 47 100 04 19,008 $8 1,405 011 300 00 6,330 20 32,870 19 1,(.106 34 1,1341 01 490 10 237 14 284 3(1 .301; 34 74,101 110 TI1At'HER '1'. 1I ALLET, )Selectmen STEPHEN SEARS, - • of HENRY 14LAC1-1FOl l), Sl':nhuouth. REPORT OF THE OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Inmates of the almshouse for the year ending Dec. 31, 18961 Abigail Gage, :Snmet-Tj ig Sall : 1eI', Benj. Baker, Adelia S. Baker, John Gray, Heletr,C4+le14e, -Sarah- . arahh A- 3'�1tlt�elae, . No. of tramps, 38. 744,1 -4 z,..-�.. Age. 71 80 69 70 . 51 51 22 3 POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Polly H. Sherman, salary, tL '' « eggs, a.. Lottie Lack, sewing, A. C. Megathlin, supplies, T. B. Pulsifer, Medical attendance, Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, 12. D. Farris's Son, suliplies, L. K. Chase, shoes, S. H. Hamblin, supplies, D. I). Kelley, Mrs. Ed. Chase, labor, Wbeu commuted. 1846 1879 1879 1881 1890 1893 189.4 1894 $300 00 16 69 $316 69 7 05 24 72 13 00 11 12 9 82 6 55 43 37 42 38 6 25 .mwu uiiuuuulia :. a 17 Edmund W. Eldridge, fertilizer, Isabel Lewis, supplies, R. E. Holmes, .. E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies, Matthews &, Payne, fuel, E. D. Payne, supplies,. Fred E. Sherman, supplies, D. S. Taylor, Jr., _ _" Edmund Walker, fuel, A. H. Eldridge, straw, " fuel, .{ S. L. Robbins, supplies, Oliver Hallet, " Alfred Gorham, service of beast, supplies, fuel, ., fi " Warren C. Fuller, pounder, Allen, Slade & Co., supplies, Wm. Matthews, labor, T. T. Hallet, supplies, K. M. Taylor, paint, $1 60 3 00 $2 00 5 37 6 00 OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. Edmund Robinson, medical attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Edmund Robinson, nursing by Mrs. A. J. Baker, $ 5 50 9 00 $ 10 00 3 95 90 89 17045 80 86 122 06 2 90 12 09 26 25 4 60 11 75 1 50 13 37 40 17 82 90. 16 28 1 32 $1,068 34 18 Edmund Robinson, sawing wood by Frank Robbins, $ 1 50 Edmund Robinson, nursing by Myra Cash, 20 00 Morris Gray, medical attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, $13 00 Morris Gra}, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, 20 00 Mrs. Eluathan Eldridge, medical attendance, S. H. Sears, Mrs. Osborn Chase, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, Mrs. Osborn Chase, rent by Ruth Chase, 24 supplies by E. D. Payne, Mrs. Osborn Chase, medicine by T. T. Hallet, $32 00 00 45 00 3 61 Abraham Robinson, medical attendance, S. H. Sears, James T. Chase, medical attendance, S. H. Sears, $7 25 T. Chase, shoes, B. T. Gorham, 1 50 " medicine, T. T. Hallet, 1 00 James John Arey, medical attendance by Dr. A. Pick, John Arey, medical attendance by E. M. Parker, John Arey, medical attendance, by S. H. Sears, $3 00 7 00 6 50 $36 00 33 00 6 00 104 61 • 1 19__ ,._ Kate Heffernan, medical attendance by Dr. A. Pick, $26 00 Kate Heffernan, medical attendance by Dr. S. H. Sears, 22 00 Fred. Cash, medical attendance by Dr. S. H. Sears, Susan Lewis, medical attendance by Dr. S. H. Sears, SOUTH • SIDE. Mrs. A. J. Baker, medical attendance by Dr. E. M. Parker, Mrs. A. J. Baker, supplies by R. J. Baker, Mrs. A. J. Baker, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., Mrs. A. J. Baker, s•mrlies by Sears &- Hurst, 4 00 Mrs. A. J. Baker, rent by Y Wm. D. Mrs. A. J. Baker, supplies by J. W. Crowell, Mrs.. A. J. Baker, shoes by E. 9 75 Baker, Mrs. A. J. Baker, fuel by David Sears, Hattie Chase, fuel by Wni. Eldridge, " " supplies by Sears & Hurst, 16 50 Hattie Chase, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., " stove by S. A. Chase, T. $8 00 35 62 11 35 39 65 27 00 8 16 $48 00 13 50 23 00 $294 36 1 75 .3-00 $134 53 $3 00 43 28 14 27 5 00 1 20 Hattie Chase, shoes by L. K. Chase, << fuel by Chas. B. Oliver, medical attendance by 66 Dr. E. M. Parker, Hattie Chase, medical attendance by Dr. S. H. Sears, Hattie Chase, medical attendance by Dr. C. M. Baker, Baker, 6 27 Hattie Chase, supplies by R. J. Idella Kelley, fuel by Wm. Eldridge, $3 00 51 23 $ 60 1 40 4 00 3 00 7 00 e a Le • supplies by Sears & Hurst, Idella Kelley, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., 6 94 fuel by Chas. B. Oliver, 8 75 medical attendance by Dr. S. H. Sears, Idella Kelley, fuel by David Sears, supplies by R. J. Baker, << medical attendance by Dr. H. S. Kelley, Idella Kelley, medical attendance by Dr. E. M. Parker, Nathan Sears, supplies by Durrington & Small, Chase, Nathan Sears, shoes by L. K. Farris' supplies by R. D. 46 Son, Nathan Sears, supplies by R. K. Farris, « fuel by David Sears, 12 00 1 50 43 68 1 00 9 00 $87 82 $ 6 20 75 16 59 3 00 3 00 137 10 29;54 • 21 Nehemiah G. Goodwin, supplies by Sears & Hurst, Nehemiah G. Goodwin, supplies by R. J. Baker, John N. Baker, supplies by Z. P. Howes, John N. Baker, fuel by David Sears, supplies by R. D. Farris' Son, John N. Baker, supplies by Purrington & Small, John N. Baker, shoes by E. T. Baker, WEST SIDE. Mrs. David Buck, supplies by Julius E. Crowell, Mrs. David Buck, fuel by N. M. Chase, " " Joyce Taylor, supplies by H. Blach- 66 66 ford, Mrs. David Buck, fuelby H. Blachford, Mrs. David Buck, medical attendance by E. E. Hawes, • Mrs. David Buck, fuel by Isaiah Crowell, Daniel Humes, supplies by Johnson & Co., Daniel Humes, fuel by Lot Hallet, 66 " « H. Blachford, • $5 79 5 57 $ 6 86 400. 14 50 6 02 1 00 $99 87 12 20 3 00 • 3 95 6 50 22 00 9 75 $91 35 12 00 6 00 1144. $11 36 32 38 $432 73 $157 27 109 35 L. 0 Jai 1 el 11 LIN 1 1e41 1u 1 11 22 Janes W. Holway, medical attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, , James W. Holway, medical attendance by W. D. Jacobs, James W. Holway, medical attendance by Dr. C. M. Baker, Janes W. Holway, fuel by Lot Hallet, •' °' " supplies by John- sen & Co., • Susan Hallet, 4' 4' Co., Susan Hallet, 'i6 {[ '' '{ '' 66 • fuel by John S. Baker, " " Joyce Taylor, supplies by R. J. Baker, " " Johnson & fuel by Lot Hallet, " H. Blachford, " Isaiah Crowell, supplies by J. E. Crowell, .'4 Alexander Crowell, fuel by H. Blach- ford, Alexander Crowell, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., Darius Cotelle, medical attendance by C. M. Baker, Darius Cotelle, medicine by C. W. Megathlin, Darius Cotelle, medical attendance by Dr. Stephen H. Sears, 23 $13 00 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Taunton Lunatic 9 00 Hinckley, Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Geo. $ 98 89 100 " �. , � Collins, 169 92 Mary Chris- 6 25 tensors, Mary Medfield Lunatic Hospital, Ma 98 89 5 00 tensors, HospitalChris" $34 25 Medfield Lunatic Hos l 61 20, Hinckley, P Gustavus Hospital, Gustavus $3 00 3 00 2 28 7 53 6 00 '5 00 1 50 9 83 $6 00 6 75 $16 50 4 25 16 00 Benj. Gifford, supplies by R. J. Baker, $2 41 " " " " J. S. Baker, 3 00 38 14 12 75 36 75 5 41 $393 92 • 61 20 • $490 10 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Falmouth, Dennis, Pro vinceto wn, Barnstable, RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, Paid for almshouse, " outdoor poor, other cities and towns, Une xpended balance, $32 00 62 24 83 35 46 05 13 50 237 14 $3,000 00 $1,068 34 1,121 01 490 10 320 55 • $3,000 00 $3,000 00 THACHER T. HALLET STEPHEN SEARS, ,)Overfeers HENRY BLACHFORD, )} of Poor. 1 "111511111111.. . . REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS, VALUATION, MAY 1, 1896. Real Real estate, land, 46 $356,105 00 bldgs., 462,895 00 $819,000 00 784,875 00 Personal estate, Total valuation Taxes levied on real estate, " " personal estate, " polis, ff No. of f{ 46 $8,190 7,848 1,034 polls,- -- dwelling houses, horses, cows, neat cattle other than cows, sheep, acres of land assessed, dogs licensed, persons liable to military duty; residents assessed on property,• resident firms, corporations, etc., assessed on property, " " non-resident firms, .corporations, etc., assessed on property, non-residents assessed on property, 66 -44 " persons assessed on property, $1,603,875 00 00 75 00 $17,072 25 517 618 274 138 7 20 11,033 89 202 446 '' • 46 cc cc c• a poll tax only, 87 40 311 884 152 1 1 1 1 6.1 1.111666.6. - 25 Rate of taxation, County .tax, Mate �. THACHER T. HALLET STEPHEN SEARS, ' HENRY BLACE CIRD $ 10 00 2,115 43 1,470 00 Assessors of Yarmouth. w 11 1lrlr I II i iimnwrsmMiiwb ow, lY 1 S.Is REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES_ OF SEARS FUND. Note of town in trustees hands Jan.116,181 97 1, 1896, 1897, 646 68 Interest on same to Jan. 1, $16,828 65 $15 00 Paid trustees for year, $1500 Received from town, 90020 47 Interest on the several payments' 15,893 18! New note given Jan. 1, 1897, $16,828 65 -- — — STEPHEN SEARS, TH ACHER T. HALLET, Trustees of Sears Fund. Jan. 1, 1897. i 11 . 11 J IA .•'—'.lJ.4 t-, REPORT OF TOWN TREASURER. DR.. Jan. 1, 1896. Balance on hand, $2,726 09 Received for salt marsh, 3 00 " from Mrs. Henry Cobb, 30 68 • " Edward Lewis, 25 00 64 " Luther R. Brown, 1 50 if {[ t, [t " acct. bridge, 46 38 " " selectmen, 2 75 • - " I. P. Matthews, auctioneer's license, 2 00 44 64 Luther R. Brown, " " 2 00 44 64 F. A. Baker, billiard license, 2 00 46 66 Mrs. -Baker, 2 00 • for wheels sold, 5 00 {f " shovels and lantern sold, 2 15 44 from Theodore Drew, auctioneer's license, 2 00 66 it T. T. Hallet, fisheries, 150 00 it Ll " E. S. Mecarta, . 18 00 if °< <' JJ mill 27 00. " " Stephen Sears, -_8 95 46 " E. L. Marsh, - .- 133 57 " " town of Provincetown, 43 48 44 " ' Chatham, 3 00 " " " " Dennis, 34 64 "_ f{ " " Falmouth, 48 00 46 °' " " Brewster, 30 00 'J 44 44 '° Barnstable, 5 00 •' " County of Barnstable, acct. bridge, -11 59 :. 28 Received from County of Barnstable, seal money returned, $ town of Dennis, acct. bridge, Seth Taylor, balance taxes 1894, 1895, [[ 40 .« [{ (i " 1896, State treasurer, acct. highway, {, LL " school fund, 66 .' '' 64 '' 66 ii 46 '' « {{ N 44 K 44 [C (, '' '' '' µ '' 64 U 9 00 11 59 846 11 6,200 00 13,275 00 9,327 52 235 35 corporation taxes, 3,643 68 inspection of cattle, 41 75 Nat'l bank tax, 1,358 39 36 00 380 00 military aid, State aid, County of Barnstable, dog money, 159 15 proceeds given on account State Highway, _18,820 00 =proceeds money borrowed, $17,500 , less discount, 17,147 57 Judge F. C. Swift., Court fees, 9 27 Luther Hall, chairman school com- mittee, amt. rec'd from State, acct. teachers' wages, CR. By town orders paid, balance on band Jan 1, 1897, Due from_Seth Taylor, collector: For taxes, 1895, [f 1896, 167 10 $75,033 26 $74,754 38 278 88 $75,03326 $1,362 35 6,487 75 $7,850 10 '-ti 1 • 29 The town owes : In anticipation of taxes, Note for State Highway, Notes ''. « 46 $ 7,500 00 4,000 00 20,000 OG $31,500 00 VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1896. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1896. Dnte of marriage. Jan. 8. April 3. May 13. 29. June 2. July 13. Aug. 5. Sept. 1. 3. 6. Oct. 28. Nov. 11. Names of groom and bride. - William D. Baker, Mercy Merchant, Allen B. Baker, - • Peace Maria White, Roland L. Taylor, Hannah M. Crowell, Frederick A. Hunt, Florence A. Winslow, . Frank E. Crowell, - A1abel Young, Frank Everett Lewis, Mary Alice Smith, Frederic E. Murphy, Caroline D. Shields, Bayard • Thayer, Ruth Simpkins, Theodore Winthrop Swift, Mattie Hanson Gross, Leston S. Small, Geneva Baker, Sylvester Bearse Marchant, Susie Green Warren, Moses A. Swift, Ruth Ann Crowell, Age. 45 36 64 45 37 36 33 21 29 19 27 24 37 30 34 31 35 27 25 21 25 27 64 59 1 • Date of -marriage. Nov. 17. 24. 25. Dec. 8. 20. 22. 31 Names of groom and bride. Edmund W. Eldridge, Lilia M. Whittemore, Edward .N. Hunt, Susan Hattie Taylor, Walter S. McIntire, Clara B. -Cobb, Walter E. Marchant, Clara E. Robbins, Lester E. Crowell, Rebecca L. Davis, Horace G. Gannon, Nellie B. Marchant, 1111.111131111.111113MareZel Age. 36 29 24 29 24 26 - 19 --- 27 31 23 25 17 -'ex' C`. Date of Death. Jan. 6. 24. Feb. 15. 19. 21. Mar. 3. 8. April 5. 17. • 6. May 30. Juno 5. 25. July 4. 12. 16. 19. 23. 30. Aug. 1. 12. . 20. DEATHS RECORDED IN 1896. Name. Elizabeth H. Bray, George 1?. Cash, Hannah Crowell, John Stetson, AIuaira Ilarwood, Eincline Baxter, hmeline A. Nickerson, Stephen Colo, Infant, Allen, James Chase, Benjamin Gorham, Joshua Allen Hamblin,. Alice Matthews, Zipporah Matthews, • William 11. Eldridge, Annie C. Taylor, Mabelle 13aker, Mary Helen Durrington, .Infant, Crowell, Silvia H. Crowell, Albert H. Eldridge, Sarah Downs, Date of Death. Name. � jaw r Aug. 22. Herbert J. Phillips, Sept. 2. Mercie D. Eldridge, . 2. Akira F. Wixon, 6. Winfield J. Ryder, 8. Martha Thacher 12. Cornelia A. Sears,. 18. 'Edmund H. Robinson, 23. Carrie L. Taylor, Oct. 22. Nellie Sparrow Chase, 24. Florence Chase, 27. Eliyas Kanbilo, Nov. 4. Ezra C. Howes, . 6. Eunice Gorham, 7. Isaac M. Bray, 18. Mary A. W. Park, • 18. Hannah H. Dunbar, 28. Margaret Young, ' • 28. Watson Crowell, Doc. 1. Edwin Sears Thacher, 21. Waterman Baker, 23. Ruth Crocker, • 29. Hatsel Crosby, 30. Alice 11. 1;. Thacher, Disease. Pneumonia, Alcoholism, Heart disease, Senility, . General debility, Pneumonia, Cancer of breast, Pneumonia, Nephritis abscess, Paralysis, Typhoid, appendicitis, • Stricture (esophagus,- Cerebral esophagus,Cerebral paralysis, Accidental drowning, Cancerous peritonitis, Dysentery, Dysentery, Stillborn. Paralysis, Phthisis, Dropsy, $ Disease. Cerebral degeneration,. 0 ii Pneumonia, Paralysis, Gastro enteritis, Heart disease, Embolism, Diphtheria, Broncho pneumonia,, Typhoid fever, Nenrasthemia, Old age, Peritonitis, Mitral disease of the heart, Neurasthemia, Chronic dementia, Old age, Inflammation of kidneys, Dropsy of heart, Tumor, Senility, Pnen►►tonia, Age. Y. M. D. 75 5 24 47 11 28 75 7 81 7 64 4 84 54 8 4 53 8 2 63 4 18 77' 6 20 7 14• 85 10 9 83 10 • 21 48 2 1 19 2 .10 3 69 -29 68 11 16 6 6 15 Age. Y. M. D, . 1 0 8 49 10 20 50 9..14 45 6 69 . 56 10 82 4 18 • 27 11 27 9 10 1. 9 31 60 6 71 9 56. 9 71 4 70 5 61 97 10 19 28' 8 89 3 8 89 3 95 -3 17 15 11 22 w 3141. BIRTHS RECORDED IN 1896. Date of Birth. Name of Child. Jan. 3. Noah l3radford, 21. Estella Silvia, 22. Anne Crosby Pnlsifer, Feb. 4. Ella May Phillips, 6. Richard William Arey, 11. 29. 29. Mar. 25. Apr. 15. 27. May 1. 6. 11. 19. June' 10. 13. Aug.;12. 15. Sept. 7. 11. Alice Frances Hallet, Richard SearslLowis, Freeman Cahoon, Alice Hallett Baker, Ira Ryder Thacher•, Infant, Allen, Revena Eva Johnson, Ernest Atwood Cash, Ruth Esther Pierce, Virgil Weston Campbell, Gertrude Parthenia Evelyn, Elithia E. Baker, Flora Anne Robbins, Thacher, John Wiggins I-ieffernan, Henry Dustin Montcalm, James Chase, Date of Birth. Sept. 13. 14. Oct. 5. Nov. 1. Dec. 21. Name of Carrie Ileula Taylor, Edie May Weliey, Henry W. Eldridge, Harold Hobart Fuller, Chase, (Jhlld. • Parents. James and Alice E. John and Annie A. 'Phomas 13. and Annie. 'Benjamin and Mary. Amos E. and Charity B. Charles W. and Mary D. Joseph M. and Olivia S. Charles and Minnie. Albert D. and Ada E. Isaac H., 2d, and Clara H. ' Joseph and Mary. Francis M. and Jennie F. Fred. and Lizzie. Frank T. and Mary A. Fred. R. and Alice C. George E. and Emeline G. Joseph L. and Lizzie. George S. and Cora E. Thomas C. and Maria L. Kate Heffernan. Joshua A. and Abbie E. David M. and Lucy A.. cn r •�s:� irrl�l��- Parents. George S. and Carrie L. Alex. and Bessie. Fred. H. and Ida M. Wilfred W. and Lillia C. Charles E. and Clara J. • .• • LIST OF JURORS AS PREPARED BY David Sears, Theodore F. Drew, Kilburn M. Taylor, Elbridge Taylor, Albert C. Snow, John G. Thacher, Gee: H. Kelley, Geo. Hallet, 2d, Fred A. Baker, Benj. R. Howes, Seth Taylor, Zenas P. Howes, Nelson Eldridge, Elisha T. Baker, THE SELECTMEN JAN. 6, 1897. Edmund W. Eldridge, E*mss, Benajah Crowell, Oliver Hallet, Lafayette K. Chase, David D. Kelley, Manton H. Crowell, Francis W. Homer, Reuben Howes, Fred Hallett, Seth Kelley, r' Daniel B. Taylor. IN so IN 1 ROAD COMMISSIONERSREPORT, NORTH SIDE. SETH H. HAMBLIN IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. LABOR ON ROADS. Thacher Taylor, per bill, Edmund Robinson, if hoLrs, 20c., Seth H. Hamblin, due from account 1895, James Gorham, . 1* hours, 20c., Oliver'Hailet, per bill, Amos L. Phillips, • 23* • Archelus Phillips, . 7i Chas. M. Bray, per bill, Osborne E. Baker, per bill, C. R. Bassett,. 10 1 , 30c., E. F. Eldridge, 5 20c., Osborne E. Baker, per bill, Chas. Ellis, ;18 30c., James K. Chase, 3 " 20c., G. H. Baker, per bill, Amos L. Phillips, 21* Edward C. Bray, 6*. " . 30c., N. B. Bur gess, per bill, Chas. L. Nickerson, 3* " 20c., Willard Robbins, 7* John Hinckley & Son, per bill, James. T. Chase, 20 hours, 20c., Fred. Cash, 20 " • " f:! {, {{ it !f $ 35 1 50 3 00 30 6 65 4 70 1 50 2 70 22 50 3 00 1 00 5 00 5 40 60 22 50 4 30 1 90 10 50 70 1 50 3 00 4.00 4 00 38 ' Chas. M. Bray, per bill, Harry Young, 19 hours, 20c., Michael Keveney, 20 " " John Hinckley & Son, per bill, Clarence Baker, 8 hours, 20c., Oliver Hallet, 10 hours, 20c., $2.00; 20 hours, 30e., $6.00; E. B. Hallett, per bill, J. Usher, Jr., 20 hours, 30c., J. B. Hall; -shovel, John Hinckley .& Son, per bill, J. G. Thacher, 20 hours, 30c.,• Eddie Cash, 20 " 20c., Albert Taylor, per bill, Bertie Cash, Joseph Bassett, Amos L. Phillips, Willie Cash, Charles E. Hallett, C. R. Bassett, James A. Cash, J. W. Hamblin, Chas. E. Chase, Allen Cash, 23 20 181 8 20 18 20 58 8 151 {{ " i! 66 300., 20c., {i f{ 30c., Lf " {i {L 20c., {6 {{ 46 it 66 it Henry A. Cobb, 51 hours, 20c., $1.10; 28 loads clay, 5c., $1.40, Patrick Morgan, 72 hours, 20c., Freeman Ryder, 18 hours, 35c., $6.30; 33 loads clay, 5c., $1.65, A. J. Dean, 23 hours, 20c„ Amos L. Phillips, . 14 Edward Smith, 181 " 30c., Warren Ellis, 10 . " 20c., $4 07 3 80 4 00 2 72 1 60 8 00 5 00 6 00 75 3 00, 6 00 4 00 13 22 4 60 6 00 3 70 1 60 6 00 5 40 600 11 60 1 60 3 10 2 50 14 40 7 95 4 60 2 80 5 55 2 00 6 4, 9 t• Walter Merchant, Patrick Heffernan, Eddie Cash, James P. Cash, Frank E. Lewis, Edmund Walker, hours, 15c., Freeman Ryder, Fred. Cash, Uriah H. Sears, clearing Bertie Cash, E. S. Mecarta, Amos L. Philips, Seth Taylor, Seth H. Hamblin, 39 •10 hours, 20c., iL ll 10 10 7 10 66 {l 131 hours, 20e., $2.70 ; 131 $2.03 ; 9 hours, 30c., $2.70, 6i hours, 20c., 10 road of obstruction, 10 hours, 20c., 71 121 16 " 35c., per bill, (f Drawn from town treasury, Due Seth H. Hamblin, CLEARING ROADS OF SNOW. Alfred Kelley, Seth 11. Hamblin, Chas. M. Bray, per bill, Alfred Kelley, 32 Freeman Ryder, 21 James G. Hallet, per bill, Wm. Shields, per bill, and others, 32 hours, 20e., 7 " 40c., ti 20c., t[ i. Drawn from town treasurer, Due S. H. Hamblin, $2 00 2 00 2.00 1 40 2 00 7 43 1 30 2 00 "1 00 2 00 1 50 2 .50 5 60 165 90 $460 79 450 00 $10 79 . $ 7.5 2 80 7 25 75 50 7 40 1. 70 $21 15 20 00 $1 15 40 SOUTH SIDE. L. R. BROWN, ROAD COMMIISSIONER. L. R. Brown, road commissioner, bill, • Drawn from town treasury, $550. E. F. Terry, 3i hours, 20c., W. C. Fuller, 6 posts, 40c., Allen B. Baker, 7i 411 45c., Thomas Collins, 18 30c., Isaac W. Ellis, 101 20c., B. Homer, . 5 30c., F. B. Holder, 7i 46 15c., H. Baker, 20 E. G. Baker, 8 Wm. Eldridge, 5 {{ 20e., D. Kelley, Jr., painting and repairing signs, J. U. Baker, 11 hours, 30c,, U. H. Sears, 11 loads shells, 25c., Judah Chase, 11 hours, 20c., R. J. Baker, 1 stub hoe, S. A. Chase, 1 stub ,hoe, F. M. Wixon, 10 Austin Whittemore, 10 A. H. Chase, 10 James R. Baker, 10 Robert B. Clark, 10 Frank Johnson, 10 A. W. Cahoon, 10 A. R. Wixon, 10 A. F. Whittemore, 10 B. S. Cotelle, 10 W. F. Cahoon, 10 Scott Ryder, 10 " iL if fL L{ O[ (f ti 66 it (f c{ ti U K 46 f[ {f (f 66 $13.8 00 2 3 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 22 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 • I111.111 70 40 37 40 10 50 13 00 20 00 50 30 25 25 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 • Ernest P. Baker, Vinnie Crowell, Lemuel Baker, E. S. Terry, William Baker, Lemuel Baker, 41 30 hours, 20c., 30 10 10 10 10 E. G. Baker, 5 H. E. Baker, Upper Bridge road, 10 hours, 30c., 66 64 i{ {i L( iL {f Eldrid_e, R. D. Robinson, .Amos R. Baker, William R. Baker, Nelson Baker, Joseph H. Robinson, L. Y. Eldridge, Scott Ryder, Thomas D. Bro\vn, Willie Kenney, Watson Cahoon, C. M. Brown, J. F. Cotelle, A. H. Cotelle, Eddie Baker, O. H. Chase, L W. Baker, John K. Sears, Sturgis Crowell, David Sears, Horatio Matthews, Allen B. Baker, 10 10 10 221 10 10 21 20 20 20 10 10 16 10 10 {4 if ii 20c., 6G 6[ ti 46 Of 46 if 30c., 20c., 30c., {f 20c., 30c., 20c., fi f{ - {i 295 loads loam, 7c., 194 20 hours, 30c., 30 « « 20 20 - f{ 20c., 30 « 30c., 30. K 'i • •{ Geo. H. Loring, F. W. Homer, r it {i 611 LL 46 .1.1o.,.�.... �.r $6 00 •600 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 30 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 4 50 2 00 2 85 2 00 6 30 6 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 3 30 2 00 2 00 20 65 13 58 6 00 9 00 6 00 4 00 9 00 9 00 42 David S. Taylor, 17f hours, 30c., AIburtus Crowell, 10 " 20c., Henry F. Crowell, 10 L. H. Baker, 10 Frank M. Johnson, 10 C. H. Harwood, 30 " 30c., F. A. Baker, 30 it W. H. Oliver, 10 ff 20c., Gilbert Studley, 10 ff 30c., Jerry Eldridge, 10 _ 45c., Reuben Baker, 20 ff 30c., C. B. Oliver, 10 R. C. Baker, 10 ff 20c., James A. Robinson, 15 Ahira Baker, 15 Clarence Baker, 10 B. Homer, 10 " f 30c., Wm. F. Chase, 20 F. F. Collins, 4 ff 20c., Thomas Collins, 30 " 30e., C. W. Myrick, 20 D. M. Chase, 10 N. B. Burgess, 115 loads loam at 5c., A. NIT. Cahoon, 6 hours, 20c., Isaac Ellis, 10 Reuben Baker, 4 " 30c., Eddie Baker, .16 Ernest P. Baker, ashes, Geo. Kelley, 10 John K. Eldridge, . 10 Warren C. Fuller, one post, E. K. Baker, 2 . A. W. Cahoon, 15 " 20c., ff ff ff ff it ff ff ff ff ff {f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ti ff ff $5 18 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 9 00 9 00 2 00 3 00 4 50 6 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 _�2 00 3 00 6 00 80 9 00 6 00 3 00 5 75 1 20 2 00 1 20 2 40 45 1 50 1 50 18 30 3 00 4 i • 43 Elizabeth Stetson, land damage, James Saunders, . 18 hours, 15c., E. H. 'Weeks, 16 L. Taylor, 19i "66 Fred Campbell, 16 Joseph F. Cotelle, Benj. Cotelle, David Sears, John G. Sears, 20 W. H. Kenney, 6i O. H. Chase, 3 " f 15c., Martha White, 23 loads loam at 7c., J. U. Baker, 9 hours, 30c., F. M. Allen, 9 15c., W. F. Cahoon, 15 S. A. Baker, 16 John Kelley, 14 Ernest P. Baker, 16 ff 20c., J. U. Baker, 10 <f 30e., R. Baker, 7 R. Baker, . 7 R. C. Baker, 19 Jaques A. Robinson, 16 F. A. Baker, 11 I. F. Homer, ff ff .ff ff 22 " 20c., 7 " 15c., 20 " f 30c., ff ff ff '' ff it Li ff f{ ff :f ff ff ff 16 ff _ B. F. Homer, 19 f Wm. Ryder, 10 f F. A. Baker, 8 {f 20c., 300., 150., 30c., 15c., Allen B. Baker, D. M. Chase, SNOW ACCOUNT. 16. hours, 40c., 14 $2 00 2 70 2 40 2 85 2 40 4 40 1 05 6 00 6 00 1 95 45- 1 61 2 70 1 35 2 25 2 40 2 00 3 20 3 00 2 10 1 05 2 85 3 20 3 30 2 40 5 70 1 58 1 20 $190 05 $ 6 40 5 60 Luther R. Brown, 44 27i hours, 40c., $11 00 $23 00 Jose C. Desilver, Jr., Joyce Taylor, '' 1 '' Drawn from town treasury, $23.00. , Lysander Chase's bill, WEST SIDE. JOYCE TAYLOR, ROAD CO3I3IISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. CR. By cash paid for labor: Charles B, Lewis, 20 hours, 20c., B. Gifford, 48 Ellis P. Baker, 30 « LL Eben Baxter, . 25 46 15c., Benajah Whelden, 57 66 20c., Jose C. Desilver, 30 " 30c., Jose C. Desilver, Jr., 50 66 20c., Walter Baker, 30 ff f{ '' '' 20 '' '' Darius Cotelle, 50 °" 30e., J. E. Crowell, 20 66 « Benajah Whelden, 20 66 20c., E. H. Buck, 22i " f{ 66 46 75 '' 15c., Zenas Baxter, 77 46 20c., Jose C. Desilver, 20 66 " '' 1' '' 20 '' 15c., Stephen Marchant, 50 60 " Wm. A. Marchant, 50 {f 46 W. F. Baker, 50 " 20c., Horace Baxter, 20 . " 10c., Luther C. Buck, 321 20c., Sam'l H. D. Drew, 10 " 64 $ 4 00 9 60 6 00 3 75 11 40 9 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 15 00 6 00 4 00 4 50 11 25 15 40 4 00 3 00 7 50 7 50 10 00 2 00 6 23 2 00 45 12 hours, 20c., 75 '' '' 80 "— 15c., DR. To money drawn from treasury, SNOW ACCOUNT. CR. By cash paid for labor : Jose C. Desilver, Jr., 10i hours, 20c., Thomas W. Graves, 6f " {{ Luther C. Buck, 5 61 i• Joyce Taylor, 271 " DE. To cash drawn from treasury, $9 80 $ 2 40 15 00 12 00 9 00 $200 53 $200 00 $2 10 1 25 1 00 5 45 $9 80 AUDITORS' REPORT, The auditors, having examined the accounts of the several town officers, make the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan; I, 1896, Rec'd from tax collector and all other sources, Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1896, to Jan. 1, 1897, $74,754 38 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1897, 278 88 $75,033 26 $75,033. 26 SELECTMEN. T. T. MALLET, CHAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1896, to Jan. 1, 1897, Amount of receipted vouchers, $ 2,726 09 72,307 17 1tOAD COMMISSIONERS. SETH II. HAMBLIN. Expended for repairs on highways, Drawn by orders of selectman, Balance due. S. II. Hamblin, $74,101 96 74,101 96 $460 79 450 00 $10 79 47 SNOW ACCOUNT. Expended for snow, Drawn by orders of selectmen for clearing snow, Balance due S. H. Hamblin, JOYCE TAYLOR. Expended for repairs on highway,_ - - Drawn by orders of selectman, Balance due Joyce Taylor, SNOW ACCOUNT. Expended on snow, Drawn by orders of selectman, LUTHER R. BROWN. Expended for repairs on highways, Drawn by order, Balance due Luther R. Brown, Expended on bridge, Recd from town of Dennis, $160 18 °'° Yarmouth, 160 18 County, 80 09 Due " {L i{ SNOW ACCOUNT. Expended for snow, Drawn by order of selectman, SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, L[ {{ Ll 64 for music and drawing, « school supplies, $21 15 20 00 ST 15 $200 53 200 00 $ 53 $9 80 9 80 $579 58 550 00 $29 58 $400 45 . $400 45 $400 45 $23 00 23 00 $4,100 00 . 500 00 250 00 • ;: 67 • 48 Rec'd from State school fund, " " dog fund, Expended for schools and supplies, $5,127 09 Less than appropriation, 117 41 $ 235 35 159 15 $5,244 50 $5,244 50 FISH COMMITTEE. T. T. BALLET, Balance on hand Jan.' 1, 1896, Received from permits, Paid town of Yarmouth, town of Dennis, expenses, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 18.97, TREASURER. $150 00 150 00 92 07 43 90 $435 97 $345 12 90 85 $435 97 TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND., Amount of note given by treasurer of the town of Yarmouth Jan. 1; 1896, -- . $16,181 97 Interest paid to Jan. 1,-1897, 646 68 Paid trustees for year, Received from town, Interest on several payments, New note given Jan. 1, 1897, $ 15 00 900 00 ------ ,- 20 47 15,893 18 $16,828 65 $16,828 65 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. Due from collector for 1894 tax, $ 846 11 1895 " 7,562 35 '\ /YIYw41WM LMu a re. Ia. . ' _e .�e.11! I fii�y.ypyn+SlM�s+nrr.. 49 Due from collector for additional tax, 1895, $ 39 25 " 1896 as per look, 19,762 75- " 1896 additional tax, 55 00 Amt. c'l'cted by Seth Taylor, 1894, $ 846 11 " " 1895, 6,200 00 " " " 1896, 13,275 00 Balance due on 1895 and 1896, 7,944 35 4' 4' 66 {' '' ' • NOTE. $28,265 46 ,$28,265 46 Since Jan. 1 the collector has paid on taxes, $1,425 00 DANIEL B. CROCKER, ELISHA T. BAKER, Auditors of Town of Yarmouth. TOWN MEETING WARRANT. BARNSTABLE, SS. JANUARY 27T11, 1897. To either of the Constables in the town of. Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, GREETING :. In the »ante of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the town house on Monday, the eighth day of February next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: ART. 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. ART. 2. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committee man for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes for one year, two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year ; also to see if the town will grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors. ART. 3. _ To choose all other necessary town officers. Ai:T. 4. To hear the annual report of the selectmen and aet thereon. ART. 5. To hear the repot of all other committees and act thereon. ART. 6. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers' and 51 co»uuittees' fees, support of schools, repairs ow roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public 'buildings, Miscella- neous expenses, school supplies, support of music and d►awinr, interest on town debt, supt. of schools, clearing snow, and transportation of scholars. ART. 7. To see if the town will authorize •the town treasurer to hire money in anticipation of taxes, to pay town debts. ART. 8. To see if the town will accept the list of - jurors as reported by the selectmen. A1:T. 9. To see if the town will authorize the town -treasurer to hire the sum of four thousand dollars to pay the State Highway note, falling due in October, 1897. AI:T. 10. To see•if the town will pay a bounty of 25c. on crows for the following year. [By request.] ART. 11. To see if the town will vote to construct a sate and convenient sidewalk from Railroad Avenue to the store of E. D. Payne, and- appropriate a sufficient sum of money therefor. [By request.] ART. 12. To see if the town will accept the road as laid out by the road commissioners, leading from the- -ter- minus of the Mary Crowell- road (so called), to intersect with the road leading from_ William Oliver's corner to the beach, and raise a sum of money- for the same. ART: 13. To see if the town will revoke the accept- ance of the statutes whereby the selectmen, overseers of the poor, assessors, road commissioners • and all other town officers of the town are elected for the tern of three years and hereafter elect said officers for the term of one year. [133,- request.] • ART. 14. To see if the town will authorize the town treasurer to hire a sum of money not to exceed five thousand dollars for the construction of State Highways. 52 ART. 15. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to contract with the State highway Commission for the completion of the State Highway from- the easterly end of the present four miles which is already under contract to the Bass River lower bridge. ART. 16. To see if the town will accept the provisions of Chapter 261 of the Acts of 18t)O, in relation to public burial grounds. ART. 17. To see if the town will appropriate seventy- five dollars ($75) to build a stone bridge over Cobb's Brook, formerly called Hamblin's Brook. ART. 18. To see if the town will make this addition to the town by-laws : That the selectmen he instructed to order all "supplies used by persons aided by and residing in the town from grocers of the town. • You are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof in tive public places in said town, three on the south side and two on the north side, also one publication in the Yarmouth Register, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. . Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the town clerk at the time and place of 1 ld'In_ � saidmeeting. to t ; Given under our hands and "`"' -- _ ►-] ,the seal of the Yar- mouth of ar- "^'` mouth this seventh day of January- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred MATTACHEESE °RPORATED° 3 and ninety-seven. THACIIER T. HALLET, Selectmen • STEPHEN SEARS, of HENRY BLACHFORD, Yarmouth. A true copy, attest, SETII TAYLOR, Constable. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH FOE THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 .041897Do YARf10UTHPORT, TIASS.: C. F. SWIFT & SON, PRINTERS. 1898. c ed; 111'6 REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN FOR THE YEAR __ENDING DEC, 31, 1R97, FINANCIAL STANDING OF TOWN, DEC. 31, 1897. -- • • Uncollected taxes, 1896, 1897, Due from other towns, " " Mass. Highway Com., ' $1,627 75 9,448 82 295 48 (account not received). Sears Fund, note given.Jan. 1, 1898, $15,594 05 Town orders unpaid, 538 17 Bills unpaid (estimated), Notes in anticipation of taxes, " for State Highway, 1,000 00 8,100 00 29,000 00 A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen for appropriations in the different departments for the coming year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, $3,000 00 schools, 3,800 00 37(/ Roads and bridges, 1,100 00 Town officers, 1,800 00 Repairs on public buildings, 200 00 Supt. of Schools, 100 00 Miscellaneous expenses, 1,200 00 Town debts, 800 00 Interest on Sears Fund, 900 00 " " notes, 1,200 00 State Highway note, 2,500 00 `,4 v /'Q 0 U D - /D D • /-5 0 ?0 13-,e School supplies, $250 00 c2 Transportation of scholars, 600 00 $17,450 00) INCIDENTALS. Seth Taylor, postage, " care of hearse, " recording deaths, 66 if $10 00 5 00 4 00 E. S. Thacher, rent of hall, for election, T. F. Drew, auctioneer, Stephen Sears, expenses to Boston, Digh- ton, Fairhaven and Tewksbury, $67 75. Stephen Sears, postage and express, 11 25 " rent of hall for election, 6 00 A. C. Snow, making frames, " labor on town office, '' $2 25 2 25 C. R. Bassett, board of selectmen, Joel B. Hall, supplies to town office, $5 05 nails, 40 A. A. Knowles, supplies to town offic W. D. Jacobs, returning births, Luther R. Brown, new roads, _ _ _ _ _ _ C. M. Bray, supplies to town office, $ 60 " search warrant, 2 65 James Lack, cattle inspector, William D. Loring, janitor, " " " grain and hay, 830 00 18 37 $19 00 10 00 ,1 50. 85 00 4 50 31 00 5 45 2 20 50 20 00 3 25 50 50 • 48 37' .5 Isaiah Crowell, cattle inspector, Isaiah Homer, " " labor, Laura H. Hallett, board of selectmen, M. H. Crowell, care of hearse, 64 6ireturning deaths, $27 50 2 50 $6 00 6 75 John Hinckley & Son, material for office fence, T. C. Day, legal service, Melinda Taylor, rent of barn, Joshua S. Baker, shovels, '' {f {i Lt '' '' $2 25 care of hearse, 3 00 repairs on ladder house, 1 00 F. C. Swift, insurance, $12 30 Oris B. Crowell, pound rent, Henry Blachford, expenses to Boston, R. H. Harris, stamped envelopes, A. F. Sherman, abstract of conveyances, F. B. Goss, advertising bridge letting, Wm. J. Davis, bounty on seals, $ 9 00 '' [{ {4 i{ '' [( '' '' l[ 44 [G i( returning births, " deaths, 66marriages, express, 9 50 10 40 4 00 75 E. D. Payne, fuel to town office, $13 53 fL ". supplies to town office, 1 05 Ernest P. Baker, burying nuisance, Thos. S. Crowell, enrolling stockholders, Mrs. Stephen H. Sears, board of selectmen, Geo. B. Lewis, repairs on town _pump, ( 30 00 19 50 12 75 2 31 5 00 12 00. 6 25 22 60- 9.00 8 30 10 90 15 00 2 50 33 65 14 58 2 00 2 00 13 50 26 95 r 6 Dr. S. H. Scars, returning deaths, .- - Geo. H. Cash, serving warrant, N. H. Matthews, mileage book, Seth Taylor, serving warrant, David Love, copying book, T. T. Hallet, distributing town reports, $ 50 44 66 express, 25 paper and pens, 1 02 it 'l stamps, 1 00 « '• horse hire, 1 50 if f{ line, 10. Benj. Lovell, David S. Baker, Lewis Y. Eldridge, Joseph H. Robinson, Mercy C. Crowell, Emily J. Haffards, Elizabeth Hurst, Gen. W. Ryder, Geo. H. Baker, - Ebenezer Crowell, Gilbert Lewis, Catherine Kelley, STATE AID. MILITARY AID: $4 00 46 00 46 00 6 00 •800 —8 00 00 •600 -8 00 $ 1 'S0 200 20 00 6 89 2 45. 4 37 $579 57 $360 00 — $`200 '200 $144 00 SOLDIERS' AID. $40 32 Seth H. Hamblin, Luther R. Brown, Joyce Taylor, Alfred Gorham,. Chas. Ellis, E. W. Eldridge,, Oliver Hallet, F. W. Homer, J. S. Baker, 211. muskrats, 7 CLEARING. SNOW. - $3i3 00 19000- 175 80 65 00 FIRES. 820 .00 37 17 31 32 69 75 99 50 MUSKRATS. $743 80 $257 74 F. Ryder, E. W. El . ge, Alfre ► orham, PRINTING , AND ADVERTISING. C. F. Swift & Son, Fred. Hallett & Co., F.B. Goss, $122 75 114 68 5 50 • RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, for snow, of refunded military aid, {i it 46 {i [f state !{ Paid for Incidentals, State Aid, Military Aid, Soldiers' Aid, Clearing snow, Fires, Muskrats, La+.xi: u 1....�..� Printing and advertising, Exprended in excess of appropriation, $1,200 00 743 80 57 00 393 00 $579 57 360 00 144 00 40 32 743 80 257174 52 75 46 82 242 93 74 13 $2,467 93 $2,467 93 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Amount raised by town, James A. Ellis, I. F. Homer, J. E. Crowell, W. F. Smith, Expended in excess of appropriation, $ 88 50 246 00 99 95 97 02 $500 '00 9 TOWN OFFICERS. Auditors, Daniel B. Crocker, warden, two meet- ings, Seth Taylor, tax collector, • 1895, $297 19 Seth Taylor, constable, 46 00 truant officer, ' - .6 00 T. F.- Drew, registrar of voters, Stephen Sears, moderator, A. A. Knowles, election officer, two meetings, 5 00 Henry A. Cobb, election officer, - 2 50 A. H. Eldridge, 2d, {l 611 2 50 C. M. Bray, it if 5 00 A. C. Snow, sealer of weights and measures, $5 00 A. C. Snow, election officer, 2 50 Isaiah Crowell, election officer, 2 50 Joshua F. Crowell, salary school - - committee, $20 00 Joshua F. Crowell, election officer, 2 50 Joshua F. Crowell, truant officer, 1 00 $29 00 5 00 349 19 37 50 500 7 50 L. K. Chase, election officer, James Lack, cattle inspector, C. F. Purrington, registrar of 31 47 -voters, $33 00 C. F. Purrington, election officer, 2 50 $531 47 $531 47 23 50 2 50 1900. 35 50 1 • 'a iq 011, • 10 F. F. Collins, election officer, two meetings, $5 00 David Kelley, 2d, election officer, 2 50 Edgar N. Baker, police, 1 50 Uriah H. Sears, 3 00 C. M. Bray, constable, 50 00 John H. Stetson, constable, 25 00 Arunah Wheldcn, election officer, 2 50 Wm. J. Davis, ton n_clerk, $18 00 Wm. J. Davis, registrar of voters, 20 00 Wm. J. Davis, meeting of town clerks, 4 50 Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, 75 00 Oliver Hallet, election officer, S. W. Mitchell, . " " John H. Stetson, election officer, N. B. Burgess, " E. W. Eldridge, salary as school committee, $40 00 E. W. Eldridge, election officer, 2 50 W. R. Farris, salary school committee, Selectrnen, services, Assessors, services, Overseers_of poor, services, Horse hire, T. T. Hallet, justice services, Amount raised by town, Expended in excess of appropriation, 117 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 42 50 40 00' 564 75 16575 .151 00 278.50 5 00 $1,600 00 395 69 . $1,995 69 *1,995 69 11 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, " from state, — - Paid W. E. Chaffin, $317 87 Expended in excess of appropriation, $317 87 ROADS AND BRIDGES_ Amount raised by town, Luther R2 Brown, Alfred Gorham, Joyce Taylor, $100 00. 171 71 46 16 $317 87 $1,100 00 ' $450 00 • 450 00 200. 00 • • $1,100 00 41,100.00 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, " for music, " of dog- tax and State fund, Paid school committee, Expended less than appropriation, .$3,900 00. 500 00 414 59 $4,769 45 45 14 $4,814 59 $4,814 59 TOWN DEBTS. Amount raised by town, Isaiah Homer, transportation, 1896, $ 96 00 - " fuel to school -house, 1896, 4 50 W. R. Farri salary as school cum - mitt , 1896, 40 00 $500, 00 If A ^—lel 111 . • a 12 W ..R. Farris, supplies to schools, 1896, $2 16 " election officer, 1896, 2 50 " supplies to Nathan Sears, 1896, 3 08 M. H. Crowell, returning deaths, 1896, 3 75 Sears & Hurst, supplies to Idella Kelley, 1896, 4 59 Sears & Hurst, supplies to Hattie Chase, 1896, 4.26 R. J. Baker, supplies to Morris Gray, 1896, 5 00 R. J. Baker, supplies to Mrs. A.; J. Baker, 1896, 7 73 Johnson & Co., supplies to Daniel Humes, 1896, 5 22 J. E. Crowell, supplies to Emily Buck, 1896, ' . 8-00 G. F. Crocker, supplies to. Daniel Humes, 1896, 3 14 G. F. Crocker, supples to Chas. Gif- ford, 1895, 2 00 S. Sears and T. T. Hallet, trustees of __Sears fund, 1896, 15 00 Dennis, supplies to E. F. Blachford, 1896, 129 84 Dighton, supplies to Mrs. G. S. Cash, 1896, 125 65 Barnstable, supplies to Susan H. Baker, 1895 and 1896, 113'14 Dr. Pitcher, med. attendance, Eleanor Baxter, 1895 and 1896, 64 00 Dr. Doane, med. attendance, Eleanor Baxter, 1895 and 1896, 21 00 " • 13 S. H. Hamblin, repairs on roads, 1896, 10 79 Barnstable, supplies to J. F. Baker, 1895, Barnstable, supplies to Phebe C. Covil, 1895, Barnstable, supplies to Edna F. Pren- tice, 1895, L. R. Brown, repairs on roads, 1896, 66 it " " B. R. L. bridge,' 1896, 160 18 Dennis, repairs on B. R. U. bridge, 1896, 10 18 S. H. Hamblin, 'repairs on roads, 1896, 38 09 37 00 10 65 15 00 29 58 NOTES -PAID. $972 03 Paid Bass River Savings Bank, $ 1,013 33 First Nat. Bank of Yarmouth, 13,400 00 State highway note No. 2, 2,500 00 Hetty K. Davis's note, 1,000 00 $17,913 33 INTEREST ACCOUNT. Amount raised for Sears Fund, - " " " interest on notes, Paid on Sears Fund, " " notes, Expended less than appropriation, $ 900 00 1,000 00 $915 00 964 29 20 71 $1,900. 00 $1,900 00 1 ;l it I' 14 • STATE HIGHWAY ACCOUNT. ;"1:5,112 95 Paid on account of State road, - (► 1211 5 Received from highway commission, , 6 ., sale and labor of town teams, ▪ Received from sale of t:uik, pump, building and tools, Net cost to town for year, • TAXES PAID. State tax, County tax, .Bank tax, 238 11 13 25 9,377 71 $3,735 24 $1,470 00 2,423 92 1,524 54 $5,418 46 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Amount raised by town, Paid for hooks and supplies, Expended in excess of appropriation, $29.2 09 $292 09 REPAIRS ON 1'UI3LIC BUILDINGS. Amount raised by tow, Paid for repairs, Expended less thaaa ,appropriation, $ 97 37 202 63 $250 00 42 09 $292 09 $300 00 $300 00 $300,00 15 Amount paid by orders of the selectmen. drawn upon the town treasurer from .Tan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1898, Incidentals, , State aid,. Militau,• aid, Soldiers' aid, Clearing snow, • Fire,, Muskrats, Labor on farm, Printing and :ulvertising, Transportation of scholars, Town officers, Supt. of s.:1roi►IS, Roads and bridges, Support of schools, Town debts, Notes paid, .Interest account, State highway, Taxes paid, Almshouse, Out door poor, Paid other cities and towns, Due from other cities and towns, Taxes remitted, School supplies, Repairs on public buildings, Paid on order 4149, $55,060 5G $579 57 360 00 144 00 40 32 743 80 257 74 52 75 - 42 82 242 93 531 47 1,995 69 317 87 1,100 00 4,769 45 972- 03 17,913 33 1,879 29 13,112 95 5,418 46 1,147 77 1,553 81► • 721 45 295 48 .465 07 292 09 97 37 900 $55,060 56 AWN_ • REPORT OF THE OVERSEES OF THE POOR. Inmates in the almshouse for the year ending Dec. 31, 1897: Abigail Gage, Benj. Baker, John Gray, Wm. J. Harrington, Tramps, Age. 72 71 52 53 31 POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Polly H. Sherman, salary, {{ i{ 44 eggs, bedstead, .. 66 • 46 {f Isabel Lewis, supplies, D. B. Crocker, 66 E. S. Thacher & Co., supplies, J. B. Hall, J. E. Sturdy, L. K. Chase, shoes, D. D. Kelley, supplies, C. M. Bray, A. C. Megathlin, '• Frank Hinckley, grain, W. R. Farris, supplies, R. E. Holmes, 66 ,66 It When committed. 1846 1881 1893 1897 $300 00 17 14 3 00 $320 14 76 1 50 164 71 21 50 11 70 3 24 36 39 9 52 16 99 ' 12 30 37 69 43 43 4 17 E. Walker, fuel, *Mary Chase, labor, Ansel Hallet, supplies, Lewis Nickerson, labor, Lottie Lack, sewing, T. B. Pulsifer, med. attendance, F. E. Sherman, .supplies, Alfred Gorham, 66 . - Benj. T. Gorham, shoes, C. F. Swift, Register, David Taylor, supplies, E. W. Eldridge, supplies, Ellen Olar, E. D. Payne, if Luther Baker, labor, S. H. Sears, med. attendance, R. K. Farris, supplies, Matthews & Payne, fuel, K. M. Taylor, burial of Samuel Taylor, A. H. Eldridge, supplies, Allen, Slade & Co., supplies, S. H. Hamblin, T. T. Haliet, medicine and supplies, J. G. Thacher, burial of Sally Taylor, S. L. Robbins, supplies, $ 28 00 4 50 8 72 4 50 6 00 26 00 13 58 18 01 13 20 2 00 3 79 2 25_ 2 25 108 72 • 4 62 22 50 6 18 69 25 24 00 2 25 17 82 27 00 1796 2600 8 80 $1,147 77 --mid .. m_-e-,.�....^.• ..�.�.......�.� .... 18 OUT OF ALMSHOUSE. NORTH SIDE. Susan Lewis, house rent by Seth Taylor, supplies by E. S. Thacher &Co, Morris Gray, supplies by E. S. Thacher Co., Morris Gray, shoes by L. K. Chase, supplies by R. J. Baker, medical attendance by T. ff {t {L B. Pulsifer, ' Morris Gray, medical attendance by S. • 11. Sears, Morris Gray, fuel, Matthews & Payne, « « house rent by Lydia S. Crowell, Edwin Chase, med. attendance by S. H Mrs. Osborn Chase, fuel by E. Walker, " " supplies by E. D. Payne, Mrs. Osborn Chase, medicine by T. T. Hallet, Mrs. Osborn Chase, med. attendance by S. H. Sears, James T. Chase, medical attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Mrs. John Matthews, medical attendance. by T. B. Pulsifer, Polly Robinson, med. attendance, T. B. Pulsifer, 840 00. 28 38 $ 4'97 7 64 15 30 900 51 50 7 50 11 00 .Sears, 37 75 -8 3 00 30 00 31 64 98 00 $ 68 38 106 91 Y 19 Mrs. Elnathan Eldridge, medical attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Archelus Phillips, medical attendance —b3- T. B. Pulsifer, Archelus Phillips, medical attendance by S. H. Sears, 10 00 $100 Allen Cash, med. attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Mrs. Fred. Cash, house rent by Isabel Stokes, Mrs. Fred. Cash, supplies by S. B. Marchant, . • 2 90 Mrs. Fred. Cash, fuel by F. P. Hallett, 5 00 86 00 Edna Prentice, med. attendance by S. H. Sears, John Arey, 64 66 46 66 SOUTH SIDE. Idella Kelley, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., $ 3 58 supplies, Sears & Hurst, 52 51 fuel by J. S. Baker, 3 00 44 « " « C. H. Harward, 5 75 « David Sears, 3 00 med. attendance by Dr. Parker, 2 00 Idella Kelley, fuel by Wm. Eldridge, 11 00 4, f{ 4' i{ 4' 162 64 1' Hattie Chase, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., 818 95 <' David Sears, 6 00 3 50 ff 66 supplies, Sears & Hurst, 38 37 fuel by Wm. Eldridge, 9 00 17 00 66 med. attendance by S. H. Sears, 4' f0 •, 6, 20 00 5 00 ..i.iN ire• i. it 82 00 11 00• 7 25 13 90 12 00 2 50 8464 83 80 84 20 Hattie Chase, supplies by R. J. Baker, " shoes by E. T. Baker, Sylvanus Crowell, med. attendance by Dr. Edmunds, Sylvanus Crowell, supplies by S. L. Moore, Airs. Albert Cotelle, med. attendance by Dr. Parker, Mrs. Albert Cotelle, stove by David Taylor, Mrs. Albert Cotelle, nursing by Ruth Taylor, Mrs. Albert Cotelle, supplies by Pur- rington & Small Mrs. Albert Cotelle, burial by M. H. Crowell, Airs. A. J. Baker, fuel by L. Fuller & Co., Mrs. A. J. Baker, supplies by J. W. Crowell, Mrs. A. J. Baker, supplies by R. J. Baker, - Mrs. A. J. Baker, fuel by Mrs. P. White, Mrs. A. J. Baker, house rent by Wm. D. Baker, Mrs. A. J. Baker, fuel by David Sears, 6, ,, « « « C. H. Har - ward, Mrs. A. J. Baker, fuel, Isaiah Homer, $ 2 31 .2 85 $32 50 5 97 $45 25• 1500 3 .00 15 22 18 00 $17 30 21 66 82 48 11 00 27 00 12 00 3 00 2 75 $82 48 • '38 47 96 47 21 • Nathan Sears, supplies by W. . C. Brown, $ 5 75 Nathan Sears, supplies by W. R. Farris, 17 85 44 shoes by E. T. Baker, 70 '• supplies by R. K. Farris, 2 00 Mrs. E. F. Blachford, supplies by F. • D. Chase, $43 77 Mrs. E. F. Blachford, fuel by F. G. Kelley, . 11 81 Geo. W. Robinson, supplies by Sears & Hurst, Geo. W. Robinson, supplies by R, J. Baker,- Geo. W. Robinson, shoes by E. T. Baker, Josephine Holway, med. attendance by Dr. Edmunds, Josephine Holway, med. attendance by Dr. Ginn, $21 58 4 08 2 25 $ 8 20 49 40 Nathan Robinson, med. attendance by • Dr. Sears, $ 8 50 Nathan Robinson, med. attendance. by Dr. Jacobs, 3 00 Nathan Robinson, burial by M. H. Crowell, 20 50 John N. Baker, fuel by David Sears, $ 6 00 { 1 « « shoes by E. T. Baker, 1 50 if td 44 burial of Mrs. Baker 177 19 by M. H. Crowell, 25 00 r Th•_,,,• —�o eel . d. 1.G.1 $ 26 40 55 58 27 :91 57 60 • 3200 • 22 John N. Baker, supplies by Purring on & Small, $25 61 Nehemiah Goodwin, med. attendance by Dr. • Parker, WEST SIDE. Susan Hallet, supplies by Sears & Hurst, $16.00 f{ fuel by Isaiah Crowell, 3 00 64 {t « .. J. S. Baker, 9 00 {{ ff " " John Baxter, 15 00 supplies by S. B. Marchant, 5 86 fl « fuel by Lot Hallet, 28 25 supplies by Joyce Taylor, 10 12 66 '' Emily Buck, supplies by J. E. Crowell, $26 00 " fuel by H. Blackford, 13,25 �. •< « " Isaiah Crowell, 6 00 " 66 " " J. S. Baker, .1 50 board by C. E. Bearse, 23 00 supplies by S. B. Marchant, 16 00 '' ff '' Daniel Humes, supplies by G. F. Crocker, $ 8 00 " fuel by H. Blachford, --- 12 00. Daniel Humes, supplies by- Sears & 26 02 Hurst, Daniel Humes, supplies by S. B. Mar- chant, Daniel Humes, fuel by Lot Hallet, 66 " medical attendance by Dr. Doane, • 48 00 $58 11 400 $737 05 82 23 85 75 23 Susan Holway, house rent by Mrs. T. Crocker, admix, James Holway, med. attendance by T. B. Pulsifer, Laura Buck, board by C. E. Bearse, $ 2 00 " " " Josephine Bacon, 14 00 11 111 1.1,4•d N $400_ 8 00 1600 Mrs. Darius Cotelle, medical attendance by Dr. Parker, • 1 25 Alexander Crowell, fuel by H. Blachford, $12 00 . 66 46 L. Fuller & Co., - 10 63 PAID OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. Taunton Lunatic Hospital, Geo. Collins, $169 46 W. C. Fuller, 97 96 {i 22 63 $351 98 $267 42 Medfield Insane Asylum, G. C. Hinck- ley, $146 00 Medfield Insane Asylum, Mary A. Christensen, 146 00 . 292 00 16 25 Mass. School for Feeble Minded, Betsey H. Robbins, 21 85 132 12 162 03 . $721 45 24 DUE FROM OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS. State, Fall River, 'Falmouth, Dennis, Barnstable, Brewster, Harwich, $29 00--: 5 94 69 29 27 75 84 25 60 00 19 25 RECAPITULATION. Amount raised by town, $3,000 00 " from sale of stock of Mary Christensen, 588 88 Paid for almshouse, " outdoor poor, other cities and towns, Unexpended balance, $295'48 27/ J'9 23 3 ' $1,147 77 1,553 86 721 45 165 80 $3,588 88 $3,588 88 THACHER T. HALLET, (Overseers STEPHEN SEARS, of •HENRY BLACHFORD, Poor. i t )t, REPORT OF THE ASSESSORS. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1897. Real estate, land, " " buildings, Personal estate, Total valuation, Taxes levied on real estate, " " personal estate, " " " polls, Total tax, No. of polls, 'tt St tt tt tt " " " " " a poll tax only, dwelling houses, horses, cows, - neat cattle other than cows, sheep, acres of land assessed, dogs licensed, persons liable to duty, resident firms, corporations, etc., on property, non-resident firms, corporations, assessed on property, non-residents assessed on property, persons assessed on property, $354,125 00 480,650 00 721,150 00_L $1,555,925 00 $9,182 53. 7,932 65 1,026 00 $18,141 18 513 628 277 136 4 20 11,002 81. 187 assessed 107 etc., -06"" 40 329 7r 915 149 1 1 ij Rate of taxation, County tax, State '. 26 THACHER T. HALLET, STEPHEN SEARS, HENRY BLACHFORD, , . '- County Tax for 1898. The amount of the County Tax for Barnstable County for 1898; granted by a Resolve of the Legislature is 830,000, . which is apportione$ as follows, viz.: 85,01121 2,589 69 e - 706 28 1,177 13 -1,681 61 403 58 8,508 97 1,547 08 - 245 43 840 81 2,556 05 1,210 76 -437 22 941 70 2,152 47 Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, , Mashpee,- Orleans,• Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, wellfleet,_ Yarmouth; 83o,00b 00 $ 11 00 2,423 92 1,470 00 Assessors of Yarmouth. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF SEARS_ FUND, Note lof town in trustees' hands Jan. 1,1897, $15,893 18 Interest on same to Jan. 1, 1898, 635 73 $16,528 91 Paid trustees for year, $ . 15. 00 Received from town, 900 00 Interest on the several payments, 19 86 New note given Jan. 1, 1898, . .15,594 05 Jan. 1, 1898. $16,528 91 STEPHEN SEARS, THACHER T. HALLET, • • • Trustees of Sears Fund. REPORT OF TOWN TREASURER, DR. Jan. 1, 1897. Balance on hand, $ 278 88 Received from Seth Taylor, collector, 1895, 1,362 35 at tt as as as 1896, 4,915 00 tt 4' tt tt tt tt '44 4 tt 44 at tt •tt at it '' 4, It 44 to tt SC 44 tt 46 tt �{ tt 4, tt at tt at 1897, 10,216 25 E. L. Chase, County treasurer, dog fund refunded, 152 02 Reuben Howes, auctioneer's license, 2 00 Luther R. Brown, as tt 2 00 I. P. Matthews, tt to 2 00 F. A. Baker, billiard license, 2 00 town of Provincetown, 83 35 t t Barnstable, 46 05 tt Dennis, 62 29 t t Falmouth, 32 00 State treasurer, school fund, 262 57 acct. State high- way, 8,966 77 State treasurer, additional cor- poration tax, 1896, 1 22 State treasurer, money refunded acct. stone posts, 17 60 State treasurer, repairs State highway, 141 98 State treasurer, corporation tax, 2,891 88 to tt Nat'l bank tax, 1,357 14 military aid, 57 00 State aid, 393 00 tt at to tt at tt at at to 29 Received from Judge F. C. Swift, Court fees, County of Barnstable, Bass River lower bridge, County of Barnstable, bounty os seals, for town team, as as at tt 66 to as as tt at at to burial state paupers, compensation of inspectors of animals, from Luther Hall, acct. school money received from State, N. W. Grush, for meadow, sale of loam, tt to buildings and tools, Joyce Taylor, ,6 t t T. T. Hallet, tt at error order No. 4004, tank and pump sold, Follins Pond fishery, " Mary A. Christensen, Insurance premium returned, Received from money borrowed, at at to to at u tt as Cs. By town orders paid, balance on hand Jan. 1, 1898, $20 53 40 04 9 00 238 11 15 00 41 15 17171 1 50 70 5 75 19 59 9 00 50 7 50 30 86 588 88 6 30 23,273 75 $55,725 22 $55,320 74 404 48 $55,725 22 30 The town owes : In anticipation of taxes, Notes for State Highway, Due from. Seth Taylor, Collector: For taxes, 1896, ••< "- 1897, —I- $ 8,100 00 29,000 00 $37,100 00 $1,627 75 9,448 82 $11,076 57 - WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Town Treasurer. - • J. LA_ .1 Ili! WI i. IN 1 • . 1. I.. ■ i bib I�.IL: iS .iSii ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. NORTH SIDE. SETH H. IIA]I13LIN IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. LABOR ON SNOW. Frank E. Lewis, George Robbins, Frank C. Baker, 'Willard Ellis, Isaiah Ellis, Warren Ellis, Isaiah L. Ellis, Willie W. Cash, Alfred Baker, Charles E.. Chase, Frank I. Robbins, Amos L. Phillips, Lewis F. Nickerson, Joseph W. Smith, Morris Gray, Millard T. Gray, Abraham Robinson, - Fred. E. Sherman, Frank Whelden, Lewis A. Sherman, Fred. Marchant, Osborne E. Baker, George H. Baker, 184 hours, 20c., $ 3 70 12 -f{ 2 40 25 " 500 _ 14 " " 2 80 • 184 " " 3 70 12 a II " 2 40 234 " GS 4 70 4. " " 80 12 " •" 240 21 6, f, 4 20 84 " " 1 70 17t " " 3 55 214 " Si 4 30 20 64 " 400 12 Si " 2 40 94 " - " . . 1 90 12 " " 2 40 12 4, 4" 2 40 13 " " 2 60 124 " " 2 50 8 44 " 1 60 10 " •" 200 15 4, " 3 00 Joseph Cotelle, Walter Cotelle, David M. Chase, George L. Ryder, Willie Ryder, Benj. S. Cotelle, Elmer Whittemore, Isaac W. Baker, A. W. Cahoon, W. F. Cahoon, James F. Sanders, R. B. Clark, Osborne H. Chase, James R. Baker, John B. Arey, Russell D. Ellis, J. C. Robinson, John Silver, Danford Whelden, James W. Ellis, - James Smith, Z. A. Sherman, Sylvanus Cash, James G. Bray, E. L. Sears, Willis F. Cash, J. W. Hamblin, Roland Kelley, W. Baker (E. D. P.), E. F: Smith, E. Wm. Smith, Jos. C. Chase, F. S. Cash, 32 8- hours, 20c., 8* 8* 8* 4 4 4* 8* 4* 4* 8* 4* 8* 4* 20. 21* 22 5* 12* 14 10 9 13* 5f 13* 18* 30 8f 22 21* 29} 29* 26 ii 46. 'c 4' {i 6{ ({ ii 4' t{ 4' 4' K 4' 4' 4' '4 K 4' {f {{ {{ f! 46 {{ [{ 4' 64. '4 66 !{ H it [{ 4' '4 46 4' u 100., 15c., 20c. .' 15c., 20c., K 0{ 46 4' fi f' 4' f [{ [{ $1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 80 80 90 1 70 90 90 1 70 90 1 70 90 2 00 3 23 4 40 1 05 1 88 2 80 2 00 1 80 3 70 1 10 2 70 3- 70 600 1 70 4 40 4 30 5 90 5 90 5 20 -Henry A. Cobb, A. Bailey, James A. Ellis, George Chase, Willard Rohbins, George S. Chase, George F. Bray, William F. Bray, Ernest H. Bray, Edward C. Bray, Howard F. Nickerson, Warren C. Montcalm, Elnathan Eldridge, Charles Cahoon, Benjamin Phillips, Charles Cash, E. S. Mecarta, Jeremiah Chase, Arch. Phillips, Arch. Phillips, Sr., .Frank Arey, Charles Ellis, C. L. Nickerson, Patrick Morgan, Willie Morgan, Frank Lewis, Henry Baker, William P. Bray, A. J. Dean, Tim. Aha, - Wm. S. Baker, Charles W. Ellis, E. A. Nickerson, 33 - 22 19 20 18* « 201 « 252 « 22 .22 «. 22 « 22 ---" 23* « 231" 22 231 18f 15* 24* 24 23 23 10. 21* 21f 24 7f 9 4* 11 26* 16 4 21* 4*. hours, 20c:, li 44 '4 dd iL «` 4' it if 1{ 4' '4 4' 1 'i !i fG '4 46 4,4 f[ [4 t{ 4' {{ 4' K {f 64 {i ii 4' H {I [{ i[ 4' f' 44 4' t{ $4 40 3 80 . 4 00 3 70 • 4 15 5 15- 4 54 40-- 4 40, 4 40 4 40 4 70 4 70 4 40 4 75 3 70 3 10 4 90 4 80 4 60 4 60 2 00 4 30 4 30 480 1 50 1 80 95 2.20 530 3 20 80 4 30 .95 Arthur L. Megathlin, George W. Ryder, Thacker Taylor, Geo. H. Kelley, William Shields, J. A. Cash, Jonathan Usher, E. W. Eldridge, A. W. Kelley, 151 " Albert Taylor, 3 34 10 hours, 20c., 20 221 1.1 10 29f - 6 . _. - " Li 66 {( 3 " Due S. H. Hamblin, 1896, S. H. Hamblin, per bill, Drawn from town treasurer, Due S. H. Hamblin, Drawn from town, . J. W. Hamblin, S. H. Hamblin, Patrick Morgan, 84 " Benj. L. Walker, 26i 6, 66 FOR GOADS. 66 t{ 44 4' 64 i{ i{ [i '4 35 hours, 200., Due town of Yarmouth, 66 f{ $2 00 4 00 450- 2 20 2 00 5 95 1 30 60 3 10 60 $297 91 1 15 11 80 $310 86 310 00 $ 86 $48 88 '$ 7 00 14 29 16 80 5 30 43 39 $ 5 449 35 • ALFRED GORHAM IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. LABOR ON ROADS. Oliver Haliet, removing obstruction from road, 75c.; 29 hours, 35c., 810.15; 93 loads of gravel, 10c., $9.30, H. D. Bray, 29 E. P. Mallet, F. C. Baker, J. G. Haliet, gravel, John Silva, Bert Vincent, W. W. Cash, 24 21 81 hours, 35c., $2.98 ; 25 loads of 10c., $2.50, 8/ hours, 20c., 81 31 hours, 20c., {[ {{ f{ iL 4' 4' Gideon Matthews, 10 hours, 35c., $3.50 ; 15 loads loam, 5c., 75e., Freeman Ryder, 21 hours, 20c., J. Usher, Jr., 21 hours, 20c., 50c. ; 181 hours, 50c., $9.25, Arthur Megathlin, 21 hours, 20c., Joseph Kcveney, 171 Patrick Heffernan, 18 Chas. W. Ellis, 6 30c., Chas. Ellis, 1 hour, 20e. 6 hours, 30c., $1.80, George W. Ryder, 2 Jeremiah Chase, 71 George Haliet, 2d, 11 " 40c., H. A. Cobb, _ 21 " 20c., �c [{ {s 4' hours, 20c., iL iL Sylvanus Cash, 4 Amos Arey, 7 Albert Taylor, 171 hours, 20c., • GOc., $6.60, ii L[ $3.50 ; 11 hours, $20 20 5 80 4 80 50 .5 48 1 70 1 70 70 4 25 50 9 75 50 3 50. 3 60 1 80 2 00 40 1 50 4.40 50 80 1 40 10 10 36 John Silva, 1/ hours, 20c., $ 30 Chas. Cahoon, 13 " " _ 2 60 Edmund Walker, 21 ff _ ,, 50 Osborne E. Baker, 7 ti 30c., 2 10 George 11. Baker, 101 ff " 3 15 J. A. Ellis,. 21 hours, 30c., 75c. ; 1 hour, 45c.; 5 hours, 20c., $1; 10 loads clay, 4c., 40c., 15 hours, 30c., 18 " 20c., E. B. Chase, Chas. Cahoon, F. G. Nickerson, 18 Bert Cash, : 15i Fred. Cash, 184 Patrick Heffernan, 16/ Freeman Ryder, 18 ff 30c., J. A. Cash, 18 J. Usher, Jr., 151 " 45c., . Aibert Taylor, 18 `f f Jeremiah Robinson, 6 46 20c., f f 40c., George Hallet, 2d, 3 20c.,Patrick Morgan, 351 44 J. W. Hamblin, 8 hrs., 20c., $1.60 ; 3 hrs., 60c., $1.80, Patrick Morgan, 15 hours, 20c., Edmund Walker, 7 .. 30c., T. T. Hallet, 230 loads gravel, 5c., E. W. Eldridge, 1 h., 45c. ; 2 hrs., 20c., 40c. ; 51 hrs., 30c., $1.65 ; 15 loads gravel, 5c., -75c., 8i hours, 20c., 2 .f .. 81. 4 " 60c., 4 " 40c., 2i " 20c., ff ff ff f. .f " .. Freeman Ryder, C. W. Ellis, James T. Chase, Albert Taylor, Geo. Hallet, 2d, Alfred Baker, 2 60 4 50 3 60 3 60 3 15 3 75 3 25 5 40 5 40 6 98 8 10 1 20 1 20 7 10 3 40 3 00 2 10 11 50 3 25 1 70 40 1 70 • 2 40 1 60 .50 W. W. Cash, Edw. Smith, Patrick Morgan, Osborne E. Baker, George H. Baker, Chas. Ellis, J. W. Ellis, Albert Taylor, Geo. Hallet, 2d, J. Usher, Jr., E. P. Hallet, M. Keveney, Jr., J. C. Chase, Freeman Cash, H. A. Cobb, C. E. Chase, I. L. Ellis, Albert Taylor, Gideon Matthews, Amos Arey, 37 16 hours, 200., 3i 20 7- 31 4 4 8 8 3i 31 3/ 4 4 7 1 1 9/ 9 9/ B. W. Ellis, 41 Wm. D. Loring, 2 J. G. Hallet, 6 double loads gravel, 10c., J. A. Ellis, 1 hour, 20c., 1 hour, 50c., Mrs. Gorham Taylor, 23 loads sand,, 5c., Wm. Shields, 21 hours, 20c., fi 30c., ff 60c., 40c., 45c., 20c., {f f[ ff ff " it 30c., 20c., " 45c., 30c., 20c., f6 ff. f. ff Patrick Heffernan, Patrick Morgan, John Silva, Patrick Morgan, F. C. Baker, Bert Cash, Albert Taylor, 8 ff 21 " 46 7i if ff 81 44 4 if if 2 ff ff 5 " 60c., $3 20 70 4 00 2 10 1 05 1 20 1 20 4 80 3 20 1 58 70 70 80 80 2 10 20 20 4 17 2 70 1 85 90 40 60 70 1- 15 50 1 60 4 20 1 50 1 70 80 40 3 00 >�1011111111 11. u� li c� 38 Geo. Hallet,-2d, 5 hours, 40c., Oliver Hallet, 6 double loads gravel, 10c., Alfred:Baker, 8 hours, 20c., W. W. Cash, 8 Henry Arey, 8 J. A. Cash, 7i " 30c., Edmund Walker, 7* Mrs. Gorham Taylor, 9 loads sand, 5c., S. H. Thacher, 1* hours, 20c., " < Patrick Morgan, 6i Chas. Ellis, 1 hour, 20c. ; 6 hours, 30c., $1.80, Chas. W. Ellis, 6 hrs., 20c., $1.20; 1 hour, 30e. C. L. Nickerson, 1 hour, 20c. ; 1 hour, 30c., R. D. Ellis, 2 hours, 15c., Albert Taylor, 13 60c., Geo. Hallet, 2d, 13 " 40c., Jeremiah Chase, 6 30c., Geo. H. Baker, 17* Osborne E. Baker, 7 E. R. Hamblin, 35 hours, 20c., $7; 18 30c., $5.40, Wm. D. Loring, Nathan Darling, Alfred Baker, ----- — R. H. Harris, W. Frank Arey, Albert D. Baker, Patrick Morgan, Reuben Howes, per bill, A. D. Baker, per bills, E. S. Thacher & Co., per bill, J. B. Hall, per bill, [{ t[ .. {i 44 66 t{ 54 hours, 20c., 17 7 " tt 34 " .t 2* " 30c., 14 " 20c., 5 66 " $2 00 60 1 60 1 60 1 60 225 2 25 45 30 1 30 200 , 1 50 50 30 7 80 5 20 1 80 5 25 2 10 hours, 12 40 1 05 3 40 1 40 75 75 30 1 00 2 00 2 25 1 00 65 • 39 George Tyler & Co., repairs for scraper and expressage, as per bill, M. H. Crowell, per bill, C. M. Bray, per bills, Watson Thacher, lettering signs, Joseph Thacher, lettering sign, Geo. H. Kelley, lettering sign, Thacher Taylor, per bill, A. C. Snow, per bill, Alfred Gorham, per bill, Drawn from town treasury, Due Alfred Gorham, Elam Mecarter, Amos Arey, E. S. Chase, I. L. Ellis, Alton A. Walker, Benj. L. Walker, Warren E. Ellis, Isaiah Ellis, Willard Robbins, J. W. Hamblin, L. F. Nickerson, J. G. Bray, S. L. '_tobbins, - Frank I. Robbins,. B. T. Phillips, . SNOW ACCOUNT. 3 hours, 20c., 24 3 tt tt 24 ft tf "4i 44 .� 44 " it 31 " At 34 " 64 44 " tt 24 " tt 2 " tt 31 tt 44 3 tt 44 4 tt t{ 5 44 64 Fj $10 50 2 50 15 83 5 75 2 50 2. 50 1 00 85 107 43 $456 72 450 00 $6.72 $ 60 55 60 55 90 90 65 65 85 50 40 70 60 80 1 GO 1 Iru ILI 1 I VIII d4nWil {1111 Y IM 1■ .I I I i 40 Chas. Cahoon, hours, 20o., Bert. F. Raymond, 4/ " 15c., C. E. Chase, 31 " 20c., George Chase, 4 " 44 Henry A. Cobb, 6 . • " Jeremiah Chase, 6. Freeman L. Cash, 5 Albert Bailey, 6 Sylvanns Cash, 6 Willis Cash, 6 Goo. F. Chase, 6 Wm. P. Bray, 6 Albert Taylor, 6 hours, with horses, 60c., Sylvanus Robbins, 2 hours, 20c., W. E. Nickerson, 3} " " Freeman Ryder, 3 Edmund W. Eldridge, n " James Gorham, 4 " Roland Kelley, Gideon Matthews, W E. Montcalm, 7 John Silva, 5 • A. J. Dean, 7 J. G. Hallet, 4 hours, with horse, 40c., 4' 64 4' 4' " 4' '4 66 'i " " 4' 4' 44 3 " 1 -" '4 4' 44 " 4' 44 44 44 4' '4 Alfred Baker, Henry Arey, Henry H. Baker, Wm. Shields, James A. Cash, A. A. Phillips, Soth Taylor,. R. W. Park, E. F. Smith, 2i hours, 20c.. 21 3 3 4 4 5 4 31 " 44 44 4' '4 4' 4' " " 4' 44 '4 •4' 44 '4 4' • $ 90 68 65 80 1 20 1 20 1 00 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 3 60 40 70 60 50 80 60 20 1 40 1 00 1 40 1 60 50 50 60 60 80 80 1 00 80 75 4 Winthrop Smith, Geo. W. Ryder, Jonathan Usher, A. L. Megathlin, H. D. Bray, • Charles Cash, James A. Ellis, Amos E. Arey,. Ed. Bray, Geo. Bray, Wm. Bray, Frank Arey, J. C. Robinson, John B. Arey, Chas. Ellis, Chas. W. Ellis, Russell D. Ellis, Chas. Nickerson, Osborne E. Baker, Geo. H. Baker, Morris Gray, Edgar Marchant, Millard Gray, E. R. Hamblin, A. R. Phillips, E. H. Bray, A. C. Snow, J. W. Ellis, Geo. A. Whittemore, Alfred Gorham, per bill, Drawn fromtown treasury, Due Alfred Gorham, 41• 3 hours, 10c., 5 4 3 2 3 4 4 31 31 31 4 4 31 31 31 31 31 10 10 2 2 2 1 3 31 3 21 21 44 '4 " 44 4' 44 'i di '4 '4 44 44 '4 '4 'd '4 20c., '44 4' '4 '4 " 4' " 44 4' '4 '4 '4 '4 44 15c., 20c., 64 '4 44 44 t1 44 41 4' 41 [4 _41 44 4/ 4' 44 '4 4' ' 44 44 4' 1111 *ma 1 Ii I I .II J El II I $ 30 1 00 80 60 40 60 80 80 70 70 70 80 80 70 70 70 53 70 2 00 • 200 40 40 40 20 60 70 60 50 50 5 00 $67 46 65 00 $2 46, .:ne%_br:,.. ■ f lir 48• SOUTH SIDE. LUTHER R. BROWN, ROAD COMMISSIONER. A. W. Cahoon, A. W. Cahoon, J. A. Robinson, Watson Cahoon, Ezekiel Terry, shells, Austin Whittemore, shells, E. N. Baker, ashes, Alfred White, ashes, Bert. Homer, Isaac Ellis, T. E. Kelley, ashes, W. H. Kenney, C. H. Harwood, James Sanders, W. Cahoon, O. H. Chase, - J. R. Baker, Robert Clark, Horace Cahoon, J. A. Cahoon, Elmer Whittemore; Allie Ellis, Isaac Ellis, Thacher Ellis, Joseph Cotelle, E. Baker, Felson Baker, U. H. Sears, Reuben Baker, J. H. Baker, 15 hours; -10c., 2 " 15c., 3 " 20c., -- 7i66 64 5 30c., 10 " 10 5 " •{ tl (i i! {1 {6 it 4, " 30c., 20c., 30c., 20c., 30e., 20c.; 10 131 10 10 10 111 10 10 10 14t 10 21 10 111 _ 27i 2i 20c., 30c., 20c., MI $3 00 30 60 1 50 5.0 1 25 25 15 3 00 1 50 37 3 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 2 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 50 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 85 3 00 4 20 2 00. 3 50 8 30 50 Allen B. Baker, D. S. Taylor, W. F. Cahoon, F. B. Homer, Thus. Collins, D. M. -Chase, Geo. H. Loring, Gilbert Studley, E. P. Baker, Geo. L. Ryder, L. Y. Eldridge, N. C. Goodwin, Freeman Baker, R. D. Robinson, W. H. Oliver, B. Howland, Ahira Baker, James Robinson, Albert Baker, J. L. Baker, W. H. Kenney, Nelson Baker, ti Is 1 43 10 hours, 30c., 10 10 20c., 10 4, 30c., 10 10 10 10 " '6 5 20c., 10 {f i6 10 if 23 10 20 20 31 13 19i 10 10 21 {{ {f fi 6, tt 66 L{ {i 5 {, 46 if 30c., 15c., 20c., 30c., 20c., .� 'f, ca 'c fl. {f " t' 30c., 20c., J. K. Sears, 248 loads loam, 7c., Sturgis Crowell, 57 loads loam, 7c., Ernest Baker, mowing sidewalks, W. H. Kenney, 11 hours, 20c., Elizabeth Stetson, land damage, 61 hours, 20c., 6i « « Isaac Ellis, Reuben Baker, E. Baker, 10 " 30c., Roger Eldridge, 31 " 20c., Ernest P. Baker and others, on washout, H. F. Crowell, 2 hours, 20c., $3 00 3 00 2 00 3 00. 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 3 04 3 45. 2 00 6 00 4 00 75 2 60 3 90 2 00 2 00 75. 1 00 17 36 3 99 3 25 25 1 00 1 25 1 25 3 00 75 4 90 40 11 1 11111 1 44 Alfonso Covil, 15 hours, 20c., $3 00 E. R. Baker, s 75 Geo. F. Matthews, _ 6 30 Horace Cahoon, 4 " " . 80 W. C. Brown, 131 " 30c., 4 00 Albert T. Baker, 18 " 20c., 3 60 D. S. Baker, 14 " 30c., 4 20 C. B. Oliver, 18 " " 5 40 B. Homer, 9 " " 2 70 C. N. Chapman, 9 " 20c., 1 80 N. L. Eldridge, 2 25 C. Taylor, 121 " " 2 50 Thos. E. Kelley, 9 " " 1 80 C. C. Taylor, 121 " " 2 50 D. M. Chase, 7* " 30c., 2 25 A. W. Cahoon, • 1 50 C. H. Harwood, 75 Thos. Collins, 50 W. H. Kenney, 4 50 I. W. Baker, 75 F. Wixon, 25 B. Homer, 2 10 Wilbur Baker, 2 75 Austin Whittemore, 1 25 U. H. Sears, 75 A. J. Wellington, 6 95 Winnie Eldridge, 88 P. P. Akin, 86 loads loam, 7c., 6 02 John S. Eldridge, 50 John H. Baker, 80 D. M. Chase, 6} hours, 45c., 2 95 Allen B. Baker, 7 "66 3 15 Ahira Baker, 81 " 20c., 1 70 0.1F. 45 Ernest P. Baker, 1/ hours, 20c., H. E. Baker, on bridge road, J. U. Baker, making 2 sign boards, L. R. Brown, John H. Baker, Geo. L. Ryder, Wm. Ryder, Isaac Ellis, Allie Ellis, L T. Ellis, Prentice White, James Robinson, Harry Chase, Geo. Kelley, W. F. Kelley, Leo Taylor, F. Campbell, Geo. Ryder, Wm. Ryder, J. R. Baker, R. B. Clark, Stephen Crowell, W. I. Cahoon, E. P. Baker, H. N. Cahoon, C. B. Cole,. D. M. Chase, E. N. Baker, B. Howland, Isaac Baker, A. H. Baker, SNOW ACCOUNT. i 111 11I r 111 11 1 $ . 25 40 00 1 50 541 hours, 20c., $10 90 21 " .. 55 71 .. .. 1 55 2/ .. .. 55 141 " " 2 90 14 'C " 2 80 141 " .. 2 90. 5.i. " " 1 10 5i " •" 1 10. 3 " 10c., 30 21 " .20c., 45 3 " lOc., 30 81 " 20c., 1 70 gj " .. 1 90- 5 05 " " 1 00 2f. " .. _ 55 3 . _ .. .... sa 3 '• _ " 60 14 .. .. 2 80 31 44 .. 75 19 " .. 3 80 3i .. •. 70 12 " " -- 2 40 18f " " 3 75 6 " 1 20 121 4 " 2 50 91 . " 1 85 15 44 " 3 00 1s''11417 ..(N11Y ICi 10111 oiuNIrl�lu 1 1 :af1I11 u 1 i 111111 z r . 1 ' • -46 Vinnie Crowell,' 13 hours, 20c., S. A. Baker, 10 /l li T. W. Graves,. 14} li 44 Allen 11. Baker, 473 ii it HOW io Matthews, 2 ii " C. JI. Brown, 4 ll it 'Geo. B. Sears, 14 • l' it Walter Cotelle, 15 it ii J. Cotelle, ' • 193 it ll U. H. Sears, 36 et 66 Nelson Baker, _-2_ - is ii Geo. Matthews, 3 it it Benj. Homer, 3 ii " 1s:la:7. Ellis, 13 " it Isaac Ellis, 10 ll ll W. H. Oliver, 7 ii ii A. F. Howard,. 3 • 46 ii Abiel Howard, . 7 " " A. W. Cahoon, • -9 l/ ll Fred. Eldridge, 2 " " Roger -Eldridge, 73 " " Reuben C. Baker, 23f ll ii P. White, 14 i' " J. 11. Baker, 6 " 64 Nelson Baker, 13 ii 'i Ahira Baker, 163 " i' 1. S. Studley, 93 " ee Samuel Robbins, 13 " ii James Maker, 63• "- " E. G. Baker, 7 li di Clarence Baker, 11 " " J. R. Baker, . 5 " "- R. C. Baker, 5 'i ii $2 60 '2 00 2 90 • 9 50 40 80 2 80 3 00 3 90 7 20 40 60 60 30 2 00 1 40 60 1 40 1 80 40 1 50 4 75 2 80 1 20 30 3 30 1 90 2 60 1 30 1 40 2 20 100 1 00 ..i..,�mil a utl .5. . r. i . r�t�a cYd 1.1 11411.1 ■„ 1 Cil Benj. Bray, A. 1Vhittemore, Franklin Baker, W. F. Chase, B. L. Baker, B. S. Cotelle, W. D. Baker, O. H. Chase, J. F. Sanderi, A. 11. Howland, A. H. Crowell, S. N. Chapman, Thomas Collins, W. 11. Fuller, W. W. Fuller, Allie Ellis, W. Cahoon, W. R. Baker, A. R. Baker, Geo. F. Matthews, S. B. Baker, Reuben Baker, J. U. Baker, E. F. Terry, E. N. Chase, N. C. Goodwin, H. E. Baker, Freeman Baker, Albert Baker, T. E. Kelley, A. R. Baker, L. H. Baker, M. B. Cole, 47 14 hours, 20c., 6 6 l' it 43 ll li 23 ii 6 li ii 43 li ll 102} it di 12 di li 123 ii 11 2f •" es 11 •'i fi 2 73 ii li 81 ii 10 li fi 93 K li 33 ii fi 173 " 4 di ii 73 it 10c., 17* " 20e, 153• li ii 12 - it ii - 23 ii ii 6 li ii 473 " i' 133 " " 4 15 ii ii 13 ii ti 53 . ii 14 4 fi $2 80 1 20 1 20 90 45 1 20 90 2 10 2 40 2 50 55 2 20 40 1 50 1 65 2 00 1 90 70 3 50 80 75 3 50 3 05 2 40 50 1 20 9 50 2 70 80 3 00 30 1 10 2 80 Henry Taylor, Elmer F. Whittemore, John G. Sears, 4 L. R. Brown, Allen B. Baker, D. M. Chase, r 1. 48 1271 hours, 20c., 2_ " 2i 4 271 Drawn from town treasury, Balance due, " tt " 40c., tt '' tt NEW ROAD ACCOUNT. Drawn from town treasury, For setting fence, taking out trees, stone bounds, etc., Paid Morse for land, $ 5 90 15 00 $2,50 40 • 15 1 00 1 60 1 00 $193 45 190 00 $3 45 $20 00 $20 90 _ WEST SIDE. JOYCE TAYLOR, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. $10 80 25 00 25 50 7 20 " tt 1 90 4 60 8 00 7 80 " tt 9 60 " • tt 9 60 1 80 5 70 Jose C. Desilva, Joyce Taylor, S6 tt J. B. Chase, Luther C. Buck, Dustin Baker, Henry Coombs, Joshua S. Baker, Jose C. Desilva, Wm. F. Fowler, D. B. Taylor, Ansel L. Baker, 54 hours, 20c., 125 " tt 170 tt 15c., 36 t t 20c., 971 23 tt tt 40 26 tt 30c., 32 32 9 tt 20c., 19 66 30c., tt • 11, .. •--iunld 1 • W. F. Baker, J. F. Nickerson, Darius Cotelle, J. E. Crowell, Richard Sears, Luther C. Buck, Zenas Baxter, B. Gifford, Allen Baxter, Gilbert Lewis, . 44 tt Louis Baxter, 49 23 27 18 18 23 23 27 36 23 23 36 32 hours, 20c., t1 30c., 66 tY 64 tt t' " tt 64 tt tt tt Geo. H. Baxter, one-half acre loam, Lysander A. Chase's bill, Drawn from town treasury, Due Joyce Taylor, SNOW ACCOUNT. Sylvester B. Marchant, Jose C. Desilva, John H. Hallett, B. Whelden, - Stephen Marchant, Horace P. Baxter, Henry Coombs, E. H. Buck, Jose C. Desilva, Jr., Luther Buck, Lemuel Marchant, Ansel Taylor, Eugene S. Coleman, tt 20c., 't tt tt tt 15c., 30c., 15c., 61 hours, 20c., 1571 12f 6¢ 181 7 tt 15c., - 6 5c.,6 tt 20c., 261 41 30 111 6 181 tt at tt 't 10c., 20c., tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt " tt 't tt .$4 60 8 10 5 40 .5.40 4 .60 .4 60 5 40 7 20 4 60 3 •45 ..1080 4 80 10.00 7 00 $203 45 200 00 $3 .45 • r $1 30 3 .10 1 .25 1 .30 3 70 1 .05 1 20 5 30 8 20 00 230 .1 20 3. 70 1 :F 4 Win. Fowler, Allen Baxter, Lewis Baxter, -Nymphas M. Chase, — Mins B. Chase, 'Walter F. Baker, Harris E. Cotelle, Lewis Baxter, Joshua A. Montcalm, Luther R. Taylor, Geo. S. Taylor, Joseph W. Tripp,' Warren Tripp, Fernandus Baker, Ansel L. Baker, W. F. Baker, Siirveyti Kittila, John Kittila, Willie Kittila, Darius Cotelle, Alex. Vati, Martin Herrato, Joshua S. Baker, Stanley H. Crowell, Orris B. Crowell, Prescott H. Baker, S. W. Mitchell, Dustin Baker, Ellis P. Baker, Arthur Baker, Chester R. Stacey, Julius B. Brown, Edward T. Chase, 50 35 hours, 20c., .266. .66 66 17 191 7 146 25$ 36 26 14 76 • 35# 5 226 11/ 111 151 26 111 111 111 10 12 .66 4 13' 121 6 36 " 4 " 86 " ,{ al iL {t f{ li it 64 66 f4 6{ 4' •f 15c., 20c.,' 4' *4 it {{ f/ f{ [{ 66 46 fi '4 64 {t t{ 20c., 64 {/ 10c., 20c., 4' Lt L6, " '4 '4 66 64 10er, {{ cc L4 if 15c., 20c., " {i $7 00 5 30 98 1 30 3 40 3 85 1 40 2 18 5 15 7 20 5 20 2 80 75 7 10 1 00 4 50 2 35 2 35 3 05 5 20 2 35 2 35 2 35 1 00 2 40 1 30 80 2 60 2.45 90 70 80 1 70 . r r It .11 William Crowell, Richard Sears, L. A. Chase, N. A. Heikel, B. Whelden, Henry Blachford, Joshua S. Baker, D. B. Taylor, Alfred D. Taylor, , rill li ■IIENAN le "" 51 4 ' hours, 20c., 126 " if 9 66 i[ 4 4 44 176 " - “ 55 tf 64 416 '" " 156 is tf 2 By cash from treasurer, $175 00 Cash paid treasurer, to balance, I IST OF JURORS AS PREPARED BY David Sears, -t'f Theodore F. Drew, ^}- Kilburn M. Taylor, Elbridge Taylor, Albert C. Snow, -i- John G. Thacher, Geo. H. Kelley, Geo. Hallet, 2d, Fred. A. Baker, Benj. R. Howes, Seth Taylor, Zenas P. Howes, Nelson Eldridge, $ 80 '2 50 1 80 ^80 3 50 '1 00 "8 30 3 05 30 $155 41 19 59 $175 00 THE SELECTMEN JAN. 8, 1898. Edmund W. Eldridge, James A. Ellis, Benajah Crowell, Oliver Hallet, Lafayette K. Chase, David D. Kelley, Manton H. Crowell, Francis W. Homer, Reuben Howes, . Fred. Hallett, Seth Kelley, David F. Sears, Daniel B. Taylor, Elisha T. Baker. '7.°111 11 111! . I r ill u n it AUDITORS' REPORT. The auditors, having examined the accounts of the several town officers, make the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1897, $ 278 88 Rec'd from tax collector and all other sources, 55,446'34 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1898, $55,320 74 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1898, 404 48 $55,725 22 $55,725 22 SELECTMEN. T. T. BALLET, CRAIR)IAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1897, to Jan. 1, 1898, x$55,060 56 Amount of receipted vouchers, 55,060 56 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. SETH B. BAMBLIN. SNOW ACCOLNT. Expended on snow, Drawn by orders of selectman, $310 00 $310 86 53 ROAD ACCOUNT. Drawn by order of selectman, Expended on roads, Balance due the town, ALFRED GORHAM. Expended for repairs on highways, Drawn by orders of selectman, Balance due Alfred Gorham, Expended for snow, Drawn by order of selectman, Balance due Alfred Gorham, =ram B. MOWN. SNOW ACCOUNT. Expended for snow, Drawn by order of selectman, Expended for repairs on highway,, on bridge, Drawn by order of selectman, Expended, Drawn by order of selectman, Due L. R. Brown, NEW ROAD. 11i 106.411. rl JI r.: 48 88 $358 88 43 39 4 63 $358 88 $456 72 450 00 $6 72 $67 46 65 00 $2 46 $193 45 190 00 $3 45 $416 52 52 37 $468 89 450 00 $18 89 $20 90 20 00 $ 90 _fir 11111. 61111 ,Y 11 .WCUIsII • m6 4 m ■ erg 61111 r r mar 1 11 , (< 54 JOYCE TAYLOR. - SNOW AOCOUNT. ' Drawn by order of selectman, Expended on snow, Overdrawn,. Cash paid town treasurer, Expended for repairs on highways, Drawn by orders of selectman, Balance due Joyce Taylor, FISH COMMITTEE. T. T. HALLET, TREASURER. Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1897, Received from permits, Paid town of Yarmouth, " " " Dennis, Expenses, SCHOOLS. Amount raised by town, for music, .. dog tax and State fund, Paid school committee, $4,769 45 Expended less than appropriation, 45 14 $4,814 59 $4,814 5 9 {f {f $30 86 30 86. 66 50 $175 00 155 41 $19 59 19 59 $203 45 200 00 $3 45 55 TRUSTEES OF SEARS FUND. Amount of note given by treasurer of the town • of Yarmouth, Jan. 1, 1897, $15,893 18 Interest paid to Jan. 1, 1898, • G35 73 Paid trustees for year, $ 15 00 Received from town, . 900 00 Interest on several payments,- . - 19 8G New note given Jan. 1, 1898, 15,594 05 816,528 91 $16,528 91 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. Amt. due from collector Jan. 1, 1897, on 1896 tax, $6,542 75 Amt. collected during the year, . 4,915 00 $43 90 Balance due on 1896 tax, Amt. of tax for 1897, $19,665 07 Amt. collected, 10,216 25 84 32 $128 22 $128 22 $3,900 00 500 0 0 414 59 �- 1 1 11 ..I J 1111 ,i 1 ,.a1.0..-•. u1111 1 1 Balance due on 1897 tax, Balance due on 1896 and 1897 taxes, NOTE. Since Jan. 1, 1898, the collector has paid on taxes, $5,500 00 DANIEL B. CROCKER, } Auditors. ELISHA Jr. BAKER. ` $1,627 75 9,448 82 $11,076 57 • 4,: • '5 - • • VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1897. MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1897. Date of marriage. Jan. 31. Mar. 8. May 5. June 14. 23. 24. July 3. 4. 6. 13. Aug. 4. - 14. 26. Names of groom and bride. Milton P. Hedge, Maria E. Matthews, Nicholas Dixon, Rosie Corbett, Wilbur A. Howland, Mary T. Nickerson, Clarence 0. Baker, Maria F. Studley, Noah Willard, Addie F. Baker, William H. Thacher, Mary H. Berry, Percival Herbert Everett, Marietta S. Hallett, John B. Keveney, Sarah Leveritt Baxter, Sylvanus E. Baker, Kate Watts, Gregory Gunderson, •• Helen M. Cotelle,• . Ernest L. Sears, Annie F. Ryder, John Henry Baker, Ada May Newton, Joshua Eldridge Howes, Mary Matthews, • 1 < • 1 1. 1 i • • .•• Age 71 52 46_ 24 29 33 23 22 51 22 30 27 25 20 23 18 38 39 60 24 33 18 20 22 27 22 Sept. 23. Oct. 3. 6. 9. Nov. 10. 19. Dec. 27. 57 James A. Morgan, Helen L. Snell, William H. Kenney, Johanna MacKenzie, John Jairus Walker, Bertha Agnes Pierce, John Falvey, Maria J. Chase, • Nelson Baker, Mary E. Sheehan, Henry Stevenson, Anna Catherine Nielson, Washington E. Nickerson, Rosa Nickerson, •. • ','—.1343Ezsmsfts=1.1 .1 20 19 26 23 29 27 ' 36 45 55_ 29 38 24 19 15 t.,'•..akr+�s�t�iY�.; "'a +RM'�.+"^,•�s-n.-.+.t'4 Date of Death. Jan. 12. 17. 20. Feb. 25. 28. 19. Mar. 7. 8. 15. 16. 28. 29. Apr. 4. 6. 17. 18. 20. 26. May 3. 3. 15. 18. .-s- . �r • ..W+k✓.RlJc.ww s.�'Mti4.K . �Ys.2. r.•l.Y+•a. i Jwt• w.y.+r.a 1Mn' DEATHS RECORDED IN 1897. Name. Sally Taylor, Abby F. Cotelle, Eleanor Hamlin, Oliver T. Gorham, Emily E. Ryder, Sears Thacher Kelley, Lydia Seymore Peak, Paul Atkins Taylor, Joseph Walker, Maria E. Baker, Peregrine White, Vinney Crowell, Richard S. Lewis, Benjamin Lovell, Sarah Abby Lavers, Nathan Hallett, Bray, Oliver Crocker, John F. Marshall, Janes F. Kelley, Thomas Thacher, Sarah Whelden Long, Disease. Old age, Heart failure, Pneumonia, Unknown, probably blood Unknown, Bright's disease, Cancer of the breast, Marasmus, Injury from falling tree, Gastric catarrh, Broncho pneumonia, Paresis, , Dentition, Pernicious anaemia, Carcinoma uteri, Paralysis, Old age, Phthisis pulmonalis, Gastritis, Bright's disease, Old ape, Date of Death. Name. May 23. June 13. 16. 22. Nathan W. Robinson, Eldridge, Freeman Ryder, Joseph Gorham, 23. Sophia C. Taylor, July 7,. Hannah B. Thacher, 10. Sarah V. Holmes, 25. Elizabeth Baxter, Auo 6. Maria Mott Davis, 21. James J. Chase, 26. Fred. C. Eldridge,' Sept. 10. Mary P. Cotelle, 15. Emma Stokes, 13. Rhoda Wixon, 25. Beatrice F. Homer, 26. Betsey Baker, Oct. 8. Eunice A. Chase, 8. Letha E. Baker, 11. Susan Hallett, 14. Rufus White, 16. Sarah E. Sherman, 17. Daniel Brown, 28. Samuel Taylor, Disease. Malnutrition. Y. IAgo. ' M. D. 72 43 86 7 27 poisoning, 44 2 65 1 20 55 60 1 3 1 3 26 63 8 78 4 4. 87 7 1 82 11 25. 1 1 6 64 7 27 46 6 23 82 7 5 22 1 11 59 7 77 10 26 84 6 Age. Y. M. D. 53 Heart failure, 55 8 Enlarged prostrate gland and calculus in77 6 7 the bladder, Senility, Valvular disease ofthe heart, Heart failure, Apoplexy, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Dysentery, „ Asthenia, Phthisis pulmonary, Dysentery, ' Colitis, Gastro enteritis, Old age, ' Cholera infantum, Bronchitis, General paresis, Fatty heart, Senile debility, Senile gangrene, 86 78 68 82 79 8 17 5 14 5 16 1 20 4 6 11 5 53 3 31 11 27 84 9 22 9 3 67 78 26 18 1. 2 7 83 5 2 75 11 62 7 84 2 9 60 6 4 0' CD 19pi '?I. Date of Death. Sept. 30. Nov. 4. 14. 25. 28. Deo. 1. 7. 25. 29. 31. 31. Date of Birth. Jan. 18. Feb. 9. 14. Mar. 11. 25. April 20. May 1. June 13. 28. July 3. 9. 21. Aug. 6. 12. 19. 26. Sept. 2. 28. Oct. 6. Poo, 8, Name. Caroline_Rogers, Christina Taylor, Louisa G. Nickerson, Mary A. Thomas, Isaiah C. Howes, Hannah G. Bray, Obed Baker, William White, Reuben W. Bray, Betsey Robbins, Elizabeth I. Fisher, ....11101•.....61.4... Disease. Paralysis and bronchitis, . Broncho pneumonia, Old age, Paralysis, Peritonitis, Cerebral heniorrhage, Hepatitis, Epithelwina of the mouth, Parenchymatous nephritis, Old age, j Heart disease, BIRTHS RECORDED Name of Child. John Thayer Robinson, Rogers (female), Warren Andrew Brown, .James Wallace Ellis, Lora Madeline Chase, Bray (male), Thachor Gray Hallet, Eldridge (female); Helen Cordelia Chase, Eleanor Hervey Thachor, Florence Sears Thachor, Marguerite Grant Gannon, Wilber Cash, Robert Henry Whitman Johnson, Laura Kelley Robbins, Warren Leonard Ellis, Maude Bout* Weeks, Ruth Thayer, Henry Chase Bradford, Hallett (male), IN 1897. Age. Y. M. 1). 67 1 28 77 1 82 11 12 83 59 86 5 10 83 82 8 10 52 4. 26 87 5 79 11 7 Parents. Goorgo W. and Alice B. Charles P. and Annie C. Warren C. and Florence A. James W. and Lilla F. Herbert C. and Lora M. Henry D. and Grace E. Ansel and Betsey H. Edmund W. and Lilla M. George F. and Amelia. Joseph and Lizzie T. Isaac H., 2d, and Clara H. Horace G. and Nellie B. Ensign S. and Margaret R. Francis M. and Jennie F. Sylvanus L. and Laura H. Isaiah L. and Dora A. Clarence H. N. and Florence M. Bayard and Ruth Simpkins. James M. and Alice E. Charles W. and Mary D, 62 We would respectfully call your attention to Chapter -444 of the Acts and Resolves of the State of Massachusetts dor 1897 in regard to the return of births and deaths. This law went into effect Janury 1, 1898. ClUPTElt 444, Acis OF 2897. SECTION 17. The clerk of each city and town shall .annually give public notice that he is prepared to furnish to parents, householders, physicians and midwives applying therefor, blanks for returns of births as required by law. STATE ROADS, The following table of estimates was not in in time for :their place in the acts, but for the satisfaction of the public we have inserted it in closing: Cost of the 3d mile of road, South Yarmouth, $5,591 90 4th " " " 66 5,607 13 fx « fx « 6,806 64 (x {L • 64 ti 66 5th tC Estimated cost of bridge, $18,005 67 1.2;247 19 1--.-.+1.+•w'^l..v_'\.9'!?'r - ..,,, . ..IsL.�W►+lil Y. li .{I:.i iif�i .I NfYa IW TOWN MEETING WARRANT, BARNSTABLE., sa January 25, 1898. To either of the Constables in the towu of Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, GREETING : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the town house on Monday, the seventh day of February next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.:.. ART. 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. ART. 2. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman !or three years, one Selectman for two years to fill vacancy, one Assessor for three years, one Assessor for two years to fill vacancy, oue Overseer of the Poor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for two years to fill vacancy, Town Clerk for one year, Town Treasurer for one year,.one School Committee man for three years, oue Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes for one year, two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year, also to see if the town will grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors. ART. 3. To choose all other necessary town officers. Anr. 4. To hear the annual report of the selectmen and aot thereon. -ART. 5. To hear the report of other committees and act thereon. ART. 6. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers' and committees' fees, support of schools, repairs of roads- and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debt, superintendent of schools, clearing snow and transportation of scholars. Awr. 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasurer to hire money in anticipation of taxes to pay town debts. ART. 8. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. ART. 9. To see if the town will vote to make s safe and convenient sidewalk on the south side of the road from the corner of Railroad avenue to near the store of E. D. Payne. [By request.] Aar. 10. To see if the town will authorize the school committee to employ a teacher of music and drawing in public schools and raise a sufficient sum of money therefor. Aar. IL To see if the town desires to have compiled, printed and circulated in the town, 500 copies of a detailed statement of the money 1