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74 Article 20. To see if the town will appoint a special committee to supervise or contract for the construction of the macadam roads mentioned in the foregoing articles. Article 27. To see if the town will vote to discontinue the town road from Ellakini Studley's corner, so-called, to the macadam road in West Yarmouth. Article 28. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to enter into a contract with Mrs. George R. Agassiz for a period of ten years upon equal terms, for the support and walutennnce of manual training. cooking. drawing and music in the schools.. Article 20. To see if the town will raise the sum of eleven hundred (1100) dollars towards the support of manual training, cooking, drawing and music in the schools. Article 30. To see if the town will accept the deed of gift from C. R. Simpkins, of the manual training school building, upon the terms named in said deed of gift. You are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies in fire public places in said town, three on the south side and two ou.the north side; also one publication iu the Yarmouth Register, seven days at least before the time of bolding said meeting. Hereof [ail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings there - •on to the town clerk. at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our bands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth, this twenty- fourth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five (1900. CH ARLES. R. BASSETT, SELECTMEN HENRY BLACHFORD, or JESSE W. CROWELL, YARMOUTH. A true copy, at.teet: SETH TAYLOR, Constable. Financial Report= OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31, , 905• VARI'IOUT/1PORT, 11A35 . - c. W. SWIFT, PRINTER. I t 1906. t w • 1 1905. Town Officers. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of health. Charles R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, Henry Blachford, West Yarmouth; Jesse W. Crowell, South. Yarmouth Town Clerk and Treasurer. William J. Davis; Yarmouthport. Auditors. (eorge H. Loring, South Yarmouth, Charles R. Bowes, Yarmouth School Committee. Edmund W. Eldridge, Yarmouth, . • William A. Schwab, West Yarmouth, Elisha L. Jenkins, South.Yarmouth Superintendent of Schools. William E. Chaffin, West Dennis. Collector of Taxes. Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. Road Commissioners. Alfred Gorham, Yarmouth, Joshua S. Baker, West Yarmouth, Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth si 4 Trustees Sears Fund. Stephen Sears, Thacher T. Hallet Tree Warden. Alfred Gorham. Registrars of Voters. Theodore F. Drew, Daniel B. Crocker. William J. Davis, Charles F. Purrington, Seth Taylor, Constables. John H. Stetson ;1 Sealer of Weights and Measures and Weigher of Coal. Albert C. Snow._ _ Isaiah Crowell, Seth Taylor, John G. Thacher, Special Police. Henry Arey. Inspectors of Animals. "_ Patrick E. Hannan Francis W. Homer - — - Undertakers. Manton H. Crowell, Joshua S. Baker. Burial Agent. Joseph II. Robinson. Surveyor of Lumber. Charles M. Bray. Isaiah Crowell, Julius E. Brown, *Joseph Bassett, Elam S. Mecarta, James W. Ellis, Fred. A. Baker, Reuben E. Rich, *Deceased. 5 Fence Viewers. Albert Taylor. Forester. Seth Taylor. Pound Keepers. - Henry A. Cobb. D. Frank Sears James R. Baker Field Drivers. Henry Crowell, W. Frank Arey, I. H. Thacher, 2d, John Baker, Ellis P. Baker, W. Frank Baker. •.3 i Selectmen's Report. ESTIMATES. A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen in the different departments for the coming year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, Support of schools, Roads and bridges, Town officers, Public buildings and repairs, Superintendent of schools, Miscellaneous, Snow, Interest, Sears fund interest, State highway notes, School supplies, Tax collector's postage, Remittance of taxes, Suppression of crime, Transportation of scholars,_ Tree warden, Forester, Sloyd schools, Moth fund, 82,500 00 3,800 00 1,400 00 2,00r 00 400 00 175 00 ' 1,400 00 500 00 1,300 00 900 00 5,000 00 275 00 25 00 500 00 100 00 800 00 150 00 - 50 00 1,100 00 500 00 t 8 EXPENDITURES FOR TOWN DEBTS, 1904 BILLS. ALMSHOUSE. supplies, I. H. Thacher, B. T. Gorham, C. M. Bray, Isabel Lewis, F. H. Hinckley, A. A, Knowles, Amos Arey, K 3 months' salary, keeper, Matthews & Payne, coal, Alfred Gorham, service beast, E. D. Payne, supplies, Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, K K TOWN OFFICERS. E. T. Baker, collector of taxes, School committee, school census, A. C. Snow, sealer, POOR. S. B. Marchant, supplies, Fred. Cash family, H. M. Baxter 1 mo.. rent, " " K Adresta Humes, aid, Ruth A. Swift, board, Alex. Crowell, D. D. Kelley, supplies, Judah B. Chase, C. B. Cole, board, Everett Baker, B. T. Gorham, supplies, Arch. Phillips, B. T. Gorham, supplies, Wm. Chase, B. T. Gorham, supplies, J. Sylver, Dr. S. H. Sears, medical aid, Ida Chase, A. A. Knowles, supplies, Arch. Phillips, Town of Dennis, board, Myra Cash child, Town of Dennis, supplies, Morris Gray, $ 9 00 .125 16 61 2 51 6 20 86 72 7 25 '87 50 8 50 1 00 5 95 5 75 *338 60 12 00 5 00 * 1 86 4 00 5 00 12 00 4 51 8 00 3 00 3 00 2 60 660 26 00 12 00 32 50 *238 24 355 GU 1 9 E. D. Kelley, supplies, Judah Chase, $ 4 45 Dr. Harris, medical attendance,—Walter Chase, E. D. Payne, supples, J. Sylver, 6 29 John G. Thacher, undertaker, reimbursed, 10 00 M ISCELLANEOUS. C. M. Bray, lumber, ,etc., almshouse, Dr. S. II. Sears, 8 birth returns, P. E. Hannan, horse hire to state aid committee, C. M. Bray, lumber, etc., schoolhouse, T. B. Hall, supplies, schoolhouse, Yarmouth Register, printing, E. B. Hallett, repairs, school bell, M. H. Crowell, 15 death returns, L. R. Brown, Bass River road, Joyce Taylor, roads and bridges, " " Berry avenue, K K . snow, T. F. Drew, labor, polling place No. 3, William B. Fuller, burial fund, interest, M. H. Crowell, Stephen Wing, { Charles M. Bray, Ci K K K K Amount raised by the town, Cash received, reimbursement, Expended over amount raised, 4' * 3 58 2 00 2 00 33 75 875 4 15 3 75 17 75 87 40 6 72 61 35 2 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 24 00 *500 00 20 00 473 18 141 81 20 00 *237 53 *993 18 *993 18 1• 10 TOWN OFFICERS, 1905. Selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, " " " town clerk, services, " " " registrar, Trustees of Sears fund, A. C. Snow, sealer, L. R. Brown, harbor master, u " " collector of taxes, 1902, P. E. Ilannan, inspector of animals, Francis W. Homer, " " l{ Isaiah Crowell, Charles F. Purrington, registrar, T. F. Drew, • Daniel B. Crocker, George H. Loring, auditor, Charles R. Howes, " Charles R. Bassett, moderator, John Ii. Stetson, constable, •School committee, School census, Fish committee, Board of health, Seth Taylor, constable, Truant officers, Election officers, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, State reimbursement, inspector animals, 35 35 " $1,200 00 75 00 15 50 22 60 16 00 6 00 6 00 145 61 49 20 10 00 11 50 31 50 28 00 27 50 12 00 15 00 10 00 27 50 150 00 12 00 10 00 14 00 42 75 15 00 76.00 9 89 n,000 00 11 MISCELLANEOUS. INCIDENTALS.. F. C. Swift, insurance, E. L. Jenkins, Frank Thacher, D. Frank Sears, l( *44 68 7 50 12 50 9 10 Elmer W. IIallett, stamped envelopes, 32 40 Samuel Ward Co., office supplies, 15 30 A. Montcalm, distributing town reporta, 1 00 E. A. Nickerson, " • u 14 1 50 " 1 50 8_50_ _ 4 25. 13 44 10 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 1 35 1000, 4 75 3 20 3 00 1 40 2 00 7 55 63 T. E. Kelley, {{ .1. W. Crowell, stamps, town office, David Kelley, repairing ballot box, F' " • town signs, Central Club, rent, polling place, Seth Kelley, " " Colonial Club, " • " • " Kenney Bros., harbor service, American Reg. Co., town seal, Manton H. Crowell, care of hearse, 2 years, " 19 death returns, " " " paint, town fence, W. F. Cahoon, labor, town office, M. G. Bradford, supplies, town office, Dr. E. M. Parker, 8 birth returns, Thorp, Martin di Co., office supplies, E. B. Hutchins, officer's fees, Labor and material, fencing Y. dump ground, 8 50 Andrew F. Sherman, recording deed, • 2 01 " " " book of abstracts, 15 00 Labor and material, W. Y. dump ground, 6 50 21 48 20 96 u u u S.Y. u u *2,035 35 *2,035 35 1 1). S. Taylor, repairing town pumps, 12 Dr. Hart, 3 birth returns, T. B. Murphy, assessors' supplies, Labor and posts, W. Y. fence, F. I1. Hinckley, lumber, W. Y. fence, J. II. Rhodes & Co., board of health sup- plies, Ilobbs, Warren Co, office supplies, Newton Pub. Co, office supplies, E. D. Payne, office supplies, E. D. Payne, board of health, supplies, Fish committee, 1905, Russell Ellis, trimming road, S. W. Mitchell, labor, board of health, Baltimore Enamel Co., town signs, Frank II. Hinckley, post for signs, Henry Blachford, wood, town office, George Robbins, labor, town well, L. II. Baker, labor on wood, town office, E. L. Sears, labor, polling place, E. W. Eldridge, labor, board of health, James Gorham, C. Sidney Bassett, {�. " " K " " " " 8 75 9 25 19 44 20 48 7 00 • 6 13 1.75 50 5 86 20 00 • 4 00 1 00 2 00 65 5 00 5 00 1 10 1 00 2 50 2 50 1 50 Seth Taylor, care hearse, 5 00 " " care town house, 7 00 u 44 18 death returns, 4 50 C. R. Bassett, justice peace, services, 9 50 Town officers, travel and expenses out of town, • T. T. Hallet, town office supplies, Wm. J. Davis, postage, " " " recording deaths, " . " " " births, " " " " marriages, Dr. E. M. Parker, returning births, " " services, board of health, 96 96 4 60 2 00 7 00 10 50 3 60 1 50 2 00 13 John II. Stetson, special service, N. Y., N. II. & II. R.R, J. S. Baker, care hearse, Board of health, services, Fred C. Swift, counsel, discontinuance and lay out S. Y. lower road, Reimbursed by Charles H. Davis. Expenses erecting motor signs, To be reimbursed by state.. STATE AID. Henry Arey, David S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Joseph II. Robinson, liannah Lovell, Mary Ryder, MILITARY AID. Charles F. Handy, FIRES. Seth Taylor, paid for labor, town fires, " " railroad fires, J. F. Nickerson, " " F. W. IIomer, " J. S. Baker, town fires, James A. Baker, dump ground, T. T. Hallet, fire supplies, Yarmouth Register, F. B. & F. P. Goss, PRINTING. $ 2 00 40 00 8 00 85 00 50 00 55 04 *764 23 848 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 36 00 48 00 - 48 00 *324 00 *144 00 *75 15 24 00 200-- 11 75 14 30 10 50 2 12 8139 82 *236 10 5 25 *241 35 •! 1. • F. r 14 '\ MUSKRATS. 777 Muskrat Bounties, STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS. Amount raised by town, Received from State and Military Aid, Received from Follins Pond fisheries, Received from N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R. acct. fires, Received from Charles H. Davis, ACCT. LOWER ROAD, SOUTH YARMOUTH. Paid for incidentals, " " State Aid, d' Military Aid, u " fires, printing, u muskrats, Unexpended balance, a SNOW. Joyce Taylor, paid for labor, Alfred Gorham, " " " L. R. Brown, " " Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, *764 28 324 00 144 00 139 82 241 35 194 25 895 96 $194 25 $1,400 00 477 00 68 20 208 46 50 00 *2,203 66 $2,203 66 S. 32 80 474 47 95 00 397 73 *1,000 00 SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by town, Received from state, • " J. Holway estate, " Seth Taylor, • " Dennis, acct. M. Gray, *1,000 00 *1,000 00 *2,500 00 21 0:3 5 00 2 00 500 15 Received from cash, reimbursed, a A. A. Knowles, eggs, poor farm, Expended over amount raised, Paid for support of almshouse, $1,021 71 • " " outside poor, 1,766 84 $2,788 05 $2,788 05 PAID STATE, CITY AND TOWNS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. • u 10 00 37 99 207.03 State, Brewster, Falmouth, Barnstable, $ 14 76 130 38 52 00 1 25 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Edward F. Peirce, ' services, teacher, Nelsia Lewis, Carrie E. Crowell, " Emma G. Hall, R. M. Baxter, P. B. Reid, Martha W. Howes, Helen S. Doane, Helen A. Eldridge, Susie Thacher, Annie W. Baker, Edith Howes, Mernie Kelley, Kate Maher, Maud E. Gay, Isaac Goddard, Blanch V. McKenne Zulette Potter, Mary F. Bass, u u a u a u u a $900 00 240 00 300 00 860 00 240 00 890 00 80 00 233 12 450 00 4 00 136 00 6 88 1600 120 00 - 150,00 180 00 120 00 120 00 120 00 $198 39 t • i James Gorham, janitor, K extra labor, Fred E. Baker, janitor, " " " extra labor, Dustin Baker, janitor, K extra labor, Ernest Baker, janitor, " extra labor, Matthews & Payne, fuel, Edmund W. Eldridge, Loring Fuller & Co, Ernest Baker, labor on E. P. Baker, J. S. Baker, F. P. Ilallet, Isaiah Crowell, F. W. Homer, Edmund Walker, C. R. Bassett, freight, E. W. Eldridge, travel, E. D. Payne, supplies, Yarmouth Register, school reports, " printing, William Matthews, distributing reports, E. L. Jenkins, office supplies, H. A. Stevens, repairs on piano, J. H. Conolly, transportation, H. N. Brooks, florist and labor, L. M. Eldridge, tuning piano, David Kelley, 2d, supplies, J. E. Crowell, Wm. A. Schwab, repairing flag, 13. T. Gorham, treas., rent of ball, E. L. Jenkins, travel, K postage, K K K K K 16 *150 00 16 50 90 00 12 10 40 00 4 00 20 00 75 128 97 9 00 58 00 3:28 3 25, 3 00 37 00 13 00 10 00 6 00 50 1 25 4 20 61 20 16 50 1 50 10 60 13 00 1 50 5 87 2 50 2 75 90 1 00 9 00 4 45 3 00 17 . Wm. A. Schwab, supplies, Emma C. Baker, -cleaning schoolhouse, Nancy Cash, K Mrs. Isaiah Ellis, K Mrs. A. Waller, K A. L. Baker, C. W. Megathlin, supplies, Wm. E. Chaffin, travel and supplies, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, " received from dog fund, " " " trustees of Sears K K fund, Amount received from state, tuition of scholars, Amount received from tuition, non-resi- dent scholars, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Silver, Burdett & Co, Milton, Bradley Co, D. C. Heath & Co, E. E. Babb & Co, Boston Music Co., Educational Pub. Co, American Book Co, Eagle Pencil Co, Wm. E. Chaffin, books, telephone, supplies, r Thompson, Brown & Co, - 1 McMillan Co, Yarmouth Register, printing, } Estabrook Pen Mfg. Co, { 13. H. Sanburn & Co., Public School Printing Co, $ 1700 10 00 7 05 5 20 8 45 8 00 2 50 5 67 120 62 $3,800 00 202 05 902 01 175 00 6 00 *5,085 06 *5,085 06 $ 12 57 . 2 50 18 85 101 64 1 75 2 12 50 73 3 00 .5 60 i 72 8 01 13 99 9 42 6 92 3 65 .4 '? 1 .18 Ginn & Co, supplies, Lambrell R Marble, 2 flags and express, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town, $ 8 63 10 25 14 65 *275 00 *275 00 *275 00 TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Joyce Taylor, Ansel L. Baker, Charles W. Ellis, Isaiah F. Homer, Amount raised by the town, Expended over amount raised, *800 00 10 50 *165 50 112 00 23 00 510 00 *810 50 *810 50 SLOTH, MUSIC, DRAWING, SEWING AND COOKING. Ina F. Nickerson, teacher, music, S. Isabelle Smith, " drawing, M. F. Grote, cooking and sewing, Isabel Shove, teacher, sloyd, Dustin Baker, . janitor, Clarence H. Baker, James Gorham, E. E. Babb & Co., E. D. Payne,' Anthony Silver, S. W. Hall, Allred Gorham, John Hinckley & Son, J. K. & B. Sears & Co, Isabel Lewis, A. J. Wilkinson & Co, I 1 Silver, Burdett & Co, Milton, Bradley Co, K AL supplies, K K K K K K *283 34 325 00 416 64 749 99 22 50 18 00 100 00 6 92 23 17 3 20 8 .00 2 70 2 91 1654 6 48 90 28 34 13 65 19 Matthews & Payne, fuel, E. W. Eldridge. K Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, *1,100 00 K received from Mrs. M. S. Agassiz, 1,100 00 $ I6 31 3 00 .152 35 *2,200 00 *2,200 00 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. William E. Chaffin, *609 31 Amount raised by the town, Received from the State, Expended over amount -raised- and -re- ceived, . *125 00 .432 70 51 61 *609 31 *609 81 INTEREST. William J. Davis, treasurer, cashier and trustee, *400 00 Stephen Sears and T. T. Hallett' trustees Sears fund, 900 00 A. B. Chapin, state treasurer, --- 87- 50 John H. Clark, treasurer, 501 26 H. H. Baxter, _ 40 00 Charles M. Bray, 24 00 Stephen Wing, 30 00 Manton H. Crowell, 8 00 Wm. B. Fuller, 4 00 J. W. Crowell, 4 00 Unexpended balance, 1 24 Amount raised by town, *2,000 00 *2,000 00 *2,000 00 ;x, if I iL .,1 it 20 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Alfred Gorham, Luther R. Brown, J. L. Baker, J. K. & B. Sears, lumber, _ Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, FORESTER. Amount raised by town, Paid Seth Taylor for labor, a E. Hamblin, «. a Allen Cash, 8511 75 664 05 300 04 7 75 81,400 00 83 59 81,483 59 $1,483 59 TREE WARDEN. Amount raised by the town, Paid Alfred Gorham, acct. labor, 850 00 831 20 4 50 14 80 850 00 $50 00 8100 00 $100 00 8100 00 8100 00 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND REPAIRS. ALMSHOUSE. John Hinckley & Son, material, H. W. Taylor, labor and a $10 68 • 21 55 TOWN HOUSE PROPERTY. John Hinckley & Son, lumber, $23 44 J. B. Hall, supplies, 1 87 William Matthews, labor, 11 68 $32 23 $36 99 21 SCHOOLHOUSE PROPERTY. David S. Taylor, labor and material, $ 6 00 J. K. & B. Sears & Co., material, James Gorham, labor, George B. Sears, labor and material, Ansel L. Baker, J. V. Brown, a a D. Frank Sears, a a a H. K. Barnes & Co, material, John Hinckley & Son, a A. B.Nye&Co., Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, John Stetson, E. B. Hutchins, C. M. Bray, Leslie Baker, Henry Arey, S. W. Mitchell, W. F. Cahoon, E. E. Ellis, W. M. Kelley, A. F. Pierce, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, Received from court, balance of fines, 8 87 7 75 82 00 5 85 . 10' 05 4.90 75 70 10 26 94 66 $300 00 $300 00 8300 00 SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. special service, a a a a a a a a a a a at CC a a a $12 00 29 45 82 20 15 07 5 50 600 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 8 97 $100 00 70 19 8170 19 $170 19 : ' • 22 pEMITTANCE OF TAXES. — . 23 HYANNIS MACADAM ROAD. EXPENDED BY ALFRED GORHAM. *300 00 Alfred Gorham, labor, " a Russell Ellis, Willard Ellis, J. W. Hamblin, 07 = f Fred Currier, Allen Cash, Jr., Albert Taylor, Edward C. Bray, John Silver, Benj. T. Phillips, *25 00 ,Edwin Robbins, Ernest Bray, Joseph Chase, --- George Robbins, David Cotell, Warren Ellis, Walter •P. Cook, E. A. Nickerson, Nelson Baxter, *30 00 Joseph Thacher, William Chase, Thomas Baker, Morris Gray, David Cotell, Jr., Frank L. l3aker, Winnie Cahoon, Amos E. Arey, I. Leonard Ellis, Augustus P. Dean, Frank I. Robbins, Jeremiah Robinson, *50 00 *50 (' ' Oscar Gray, Amount raised by town, Luther R. Brown, taxes, 1902, E. T. Baker, taxes, 1903, tg 1904, Expended over amount raised, *113 65 121 91 64 51 *300 07 *300 07 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE, Amount raised by town, Paid E. T. Baker, tax collector, DUMPING GROUNDS, SOUTH Amount raised by town, Paid Charles B. Oliver, land, Due Jesse W. Crowell, dumping ground lot, 5 acres, *1. $25 00 ou (1,, *25 00 - *25 YARMOUTH. *30 INDIAN MONUMENT. Amount raised by town, Luther R. Brown, labor, Stephen Wing, " J. H. Jenks, Jr., stone posts, Unexpended balance, *30 00 $30 00 *50 $ 3 30 10 32 14 00 22 38 " *177 18 horses, 169 53 4 80 63 59 • 1 25 • 22 50 • 109 90 3 75 110 45 50 20 9 30 64 30 .67 80 69 60 28 67 65 60 47 04 147 15 53 60 2 00. 3 75 533 79 87 31 87 94 42 67 52 60 4 50 24 70 75 23 42 180 24 Collins Baker, labor, Carlton Gray, Charles R. Bassett, horse, Henry R. Usher, " Isaiah Ellis, labor and horse, Charles W. Ellis, " " " Edmund Walker, James A. Ellis, James G. Ballet, E. S. Mecarta, Baker & Mitchell, " Rufus Gorham, " Horace Baxter, " P. E. Hannan, horse, .Tohn 13. Keveney, labor, Alfred Gorham, travel, telephone, etc., Eagle -Supply Co, supplies, Sumner, Goodwin Co., supplies, T. T. Hallet, supplies, David W. Parker, board of engineers, J. K. & B. Sears & Co, supplies, John Hinckley & Son, " N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., freight, Lane Quarry Co., stone and freight, S. Robbins, wood, Fred. Thacher, painting sign, Matthews & Payne, coal, E. D. Payne, supplies, C. A. Claflin & Co, supplies, Granite Ry. Co., stone, T. Hoey Supply Co, supplies, H. R. Usher, iron work, supplies, J. B. Hall, supplies, IS if if a a a a a It a a a a a a a $ 17 67 75 63 00 68 00 172 29 108 90 9 00 124 88 124 00. 95 28 '22 00 1 50 5 75 74 60 39 50 7 70 2 50 7 35 4 60 14 00 6 06 65 -05 187 72 2,101 54 1 00 1 00 63 92 6 25 6 35 114 59 1 60 3 50 8 18 *4,938 77 .r• 25 EXPENDED BY J. S. BAKER, IIYANNIS ROAD. Joshua S. Baker, labor, " " " horse, Fred Grout, labor, Lockwood Baxter, W. F. Baker, E. F. Eldridge, Russell Ellis, Clarence Cotell, Ernest Baker, Nelson Baxter, Frank L. Baker, C. B. Walters, Chester Marchant, Warren Tripp, Adelbert Cotell, " and horse, Rufus Gorham, " • H. P. Baxter, Ansel L. Baker, " A. F. Rich, " L. Marchant, " Baker & Mitchell, labor and horse, S. W. Mitchell, painting watering cart, C. C. Crocker, repairing roller, Berry Brothers, pump supplies, M. G. Bradford, supplies, II. B. Chase & Sons, coal, Lane Quarry Co, freight and stone, Yarmouth Register, advertising, N. Y., N. 11. & H. R. R, exp. side track, it a a a a a a a a a a $ 128 2b 27 75 82 00 67 00 65 75 53 80 6 40 41 90 $4 05 62 90 61 88 21 90 16 70 7 20 55 00 140 25 162 50 85 50 '39 50 66 90 157 00 5 00 7 00 2 75 3 30 39 65 1,799 36 *10 00 98 41 Amount of notes hired by the town, *8,000 00 Reimbursement engineer service, 4 03 Received by stone and tools sold, 31 50 Expended over amount raised and received, 246 34 *3,239 69 *108 41 *8.281 87 *8,281 87 • ci .4 26 BERRY AVE. MACADAM ROAD. Joshua S. Baker, labor, u cc u u horse, W. F. Baker, Ellis P. Baker, R. L. Taylor, Ernest Baker, Lemuel Marchant, Nelson Baxter, Benjamin Gifford, Lockwood ,Baxter, Fred Grout, Darius Cotell, Clarence Cotell, Frank L. Baker, Reuben Rich, Adelbert Cotell, George S. Taylor, Baker d; Mitchell, Rufus Gorham, 'H. P. Baxter, A. F. Rich, Stephen W. Mitchell, S. B. Marchant, J. X. cC B. Sears, stakes, A. K. Johnson, supplies, A. I. Johnson, use of roller, 1I. B. Chase Sons, coal, M. G. Bradford, supplies, Lane Quarry Co., stone and freight, F. A. Abell, sand, William Sears, use of pump, Yarmouth Register, advertising, '4 u K u 4 4 4 4 4 u 4 4 4• 4 4 4 horse, 4 K 4. 4 4 4 74 00 18 00 43 55 39 80 41 40 27 45 34 60 34 60 8 so 43 30 43 00 13 60 35 10 49 50 21 00 57 13 28 17 115 50 88 25 105 00 92 00 1 00 88 25 4 80 4 25 2 50 9 00 8 75 1,119 15 66 4 00 4 50 27 Ansel L. Baker, labor and horse, Unexpended balance, Amount of note hired by town, ** 54 00 240 39 *2,500 00 STATE HIGHWAY NOTES. Amount raised by the town, Paid Wm. J. Davis, cash, *2,500 00 62,500 00 TOWN MACADAM ROAD NOTES. Amount raised"by town, Paid 11. IT. Baxter, *1,000 00 " John H. Clark, treaa, 2,700 00 *3,700 00 TAX NOTES 'PAID. Paid Wm. J. Davis, cashier, TAXES PAID. Paid State tax, County tax, •Ilighway tax, '4 National Bank tax, *2,500 00 *2,500 00 *2,500 00 *2,500 00 *3,700 00 *3,700 00 *4,000 00 *2,400 00 2,517 73 439 90 1,701 67 *7,059 30 DUE FROM COUNTY. - • Paid Luther R. Brown, road commissioner, 2-10 expenses, Baas River lower bridge, 870.29 DUE FROM DENNIS. 4-10 expenses, Bass River lower bridge, ?140 56 1 t . 28 SELECTMEN'S STATEMENT. Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen and drawn upon the town treasurer: Town debts, " officers, Miscellaneous, Snow, Support of poor, State and other town's poor, Support of schools, School supplies, Transportation, S]oyd, music, drawing, sewing and cooking, Superintendent of schools, Interest., Roads and bridges, . Forester, Tree warden, Public buildings, Suppression of crime, Remittance of taxes, Tax collector's postage, Dumping grounds, Indian monuments Iiyannis macadam road, Berry ave. " State highway notes, Town macadam u Tax notes, Taxes to state and county, Due from the county, Due from Dennis, Amount of orders drawn, 349,500 53. *49,500 58 $49,500 53 $ 993 18 2,025 46 1,807 70 602 27 • 2,788 05 198 39_ 4,964 44 260 35 810 50 2,047 65 609 31 1,998 76 1,483 59 50 00 100 00 205 34 161 22 300 07 25 00 30 00 27 62 8,281 .87 2,259 61 2,500 00 8,700 00 4,000 00 7,059 30 70 29 140 56 _'9 FINANCIAL STANDING OF TILE TOWN, DEC. 31, 1905. TOWN OWES. Sears fund note, State highway note, Macadam town road notes, Tax notes, Bills unpaid, estimated, CREDIT. Uncollected taxes, 1903, 1904, l[ Due from state, " county, other towns, N. Y., N. II. it: II. acct. fires, Selectmen's balance in treasury, Outstanding orders, u '4 1905, Net debt, Jan. 1, 1906, • $15,000 00 9,000 00 18,000 00 2,000 00 500 00 *44,500 00. $ 151 45 2,306 52 .10,000 21 14 76 70 29 324 19 • 37 75 1,711 04 1,452.39 16,068 60 railroad, *28,431 40 • CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen ILENRY BLACIIFORD, of. JESSE W. CROWE T.I., Yarmouth. 1 '1 li 30 AS PREPARED BY THE SELECTMEN JAN. 10, 1006. LIST OF JURORS Daniel B. Crocker, John T. Cobb, Edward C. Bray, John H. Clark, Isaac H. Thacher, 2d., Henry R. Usher, Christopher H. Howes, W. Franklin Arey, David A. Nickerson, John H. Brice, Herbert F.'Studley, James E. Baxter, Joshua F. Crowell. David F. Sears, Isaiah F. Homer, Fred A. Baker, William H. Hurst, Luther R. Brown, Zenas P. Howes, Alton S. Cole, George W. Hopkins, Thacher S. Holway, David S. Taylor, George P. Drew, CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, of JESSE W. CROWELL. Yarmouth. Assessors' Report. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1905. Real estate, land, K K buildings, Personal estate, *356,375 00 676,175 00 809,480 00 *1,842,030 00 TAXES, MAY 1, 1905. Tax levied on real estate, 813,939 K " personal estate, 10,927 K K " polls, 908 Number of polls, K houses, K K horses, K cows, K K neat cattle other than cows, K K sheep, K u acres of land, K LC dogs licensed, K persons liable to military duty, K residents assessed on property, K u non-residents assessed on property, K K all others assessed on property, K K poll taxes only, Rate of taxation, *13.50 per *1,000.00. 43 98 00 *25,775 41 454 695 230 104 2 28 10,560f 99 224 553 426 166 130 • 82 TAXES RECEIVED FROM STATE. National Bank tax, Corporation tax, *1,006 04 3,883 80 *4,889 34 TAXES PAID OUT TO STATE AND COUNTY. *2,517 78 2,400 00 439 90 *5,357 63 County tax, State tax, State highway tax, Increase in valuation over 1904, *25,905.00. Decrease in •rate of taxation since 1904, *1.00 per thousand. JESSE W. CROWELL, ) Assessors HENRY BLACHFORD, } of CHARLES R. BASSETT, Yarmouth. Report of Overseers of the Poor.. Inmates of almshouse, Dec. 31, 1905: John Gray, Nathan Sears, Laura Buck, Luther Buck, Died during the year, James Ilolway, age i 1. Number of inmates during year, 5. u Dec. 31, 1905, 4. " tramps during year, •10. Age. Committed. 60 • 1893 . 78 1898 . 55 1903 45 1904 44 POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Amos Arey, salary, keeper, labor of horse, paid for sundry Winnie Smith, F. H. Hinckley, 1. II. Thacher, E. S. Mecarta, 1)r. S. II. Sears, P. T. Gorham, S.. W. Hall, E. W..Eldridge,. E. Walker, D. S. -Taylor, A. Sylver, 'A. A. Knowles, *350 -00 -4 60.. supplies, _ 8 05 supplies; =fish,' u•. -'grain,... . groceries; - wood, and medical attendance, 11 20 U u 4' • U u X362 65 50 so 'oo 73 77 15-00 shoes, -beef, labor, fuel, labor, fish, 8 05 28 40 25.18 ' 21 00 5 00 170 70 84 Isabel Lewis, supplies, Charles M. Bray, E. D. Payne, J. Hinckley & Son, Reuben Howes, Oliver Hallet, A. K. Johnson, Matthews & Payne, " T. T. Hallett' J. B. Hall, H. R. Usher, iron work, W. Frank Arey,1 pig, Austin I. Johnson, 1 cow, James Lack, veterinary service, Alfred Gorham, service beast, Mrs. Amos Arey, 1 stove, Wm. Matthews, labor, E. L. Sears, labor and fish, S. H. Nye, services butcher, James Park, shoemaker, David Kelley, 2d, repairing clock, William H. Mayhew, services at funerals, Seth Taylor, services, hearse, Kilburn Taylor, undertaker, • fruit, • apples, " sugar, - coal, Eggs sold, Received, estate of J. Holway, Net cost, 1905, *87 99 5 00 $ 2 06 15 81 28 96 7 45 1 50 5 00 5 00 60 13 9 36 22 31 1 50 4 00 25 00 1 50 1 00 15 00 8 62 5 68 2 00 30 1 25 4 00 4 00. 25 00 *1,021 71 $42 99 $978 72 i 85 OUTSIDE POOR. Ida Chase. Paid Ruth Chase, support, " Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, " T. T. Hallet, " supplies, Fred Cash family. Paid J. S. Baker, fuel, " H. M. Baxter, rent, • " " fuel, Abby K. Johnson, supplies, II. B. Chase & Sons, coal, S. B. Marchant, supplies, " L. K. Chase, L. P. Wilson, " H. Blachford, fuel, James E. Baxter, supplies, " J. E. Crowell, I. Crowell, fuel, E. D. Kelley, supplies, F. P. Hallet, coal Berry Bros., repairs, stove, " Dr. Harris, medical aid, " it Adresta Humes. Paid, aid, " H. B. Chase & Sons, coal, " F. P. Hallet, " D. S. Taylor, repair pump, " 11. Blachford, wood, « Isaiah Crowell, " Eben Baxter. Paid H. B. Chase & Son, coal, " Isaiah Crowell, wood, $48 00 18 15 6 85 8825 44 00 3 50 50 56 7 25 12 54 1 50 65 8 25 4 50 5543 1 75 1 60 700. 2 75 10 '00 $55 00 3 75 1750 11 93 *9 75 1 75 $10 75 8 50 $67 50 $214 53 $99 68 $14.25 3G Alexander Crowell. Paid Ruth A. Swift, supports • " Geo. W. Graves, nurse, " Dr. J. P. Nickerson, medical aid, " J. F. Baker, hearse, • M. II. Crowell, undertaker, • Mrs. Isaac W. Baker. Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies, • II. B. Chase & Son, coal, . ." Dr. F. A. Binford, medical aid, Everett Baker.. Paid Chester B. Cole, support, " L. K. Chase, supplies, " E.. T. Baker, " • L. Arenovski, u • • T. C. Day, counsel services, Melissa Baker. Paid I. F. IIomer, rent, • L. Fuller & Co., coal, Judah B. Chase. Paid D. D: Kelley, supplies, E. D. Kelley, 1. B. Kelley, fuel, Emma Baker, labor, .. Dr. Parker, medical aid, F. W. Ilomner, fuel, D. S. Taylor, supplies, Geo. B. Sears, fuel, E. T. Baker, supplies, L. Fuller & Co., coal, 1, *78 00 5 00 43 85 '2 00 35 75 *39 85 14 50 4 50. *28 00 - 2 15 '3'25 5 00 20 00 *164 60 340 00 • 14 50 *70 56 10 98 400._ -3 50 . 21 00 •. 6 50 -2 10 3 00 8.35 7 25 • 87 Jeremiah Chase. Paid I. H. Thacher, 2d, supplies, S. W. Hall, E. D. Payne, T. T. Mallet, G. Frank Chase, nurse, Matthews & Payne, coal, E. Walker, fuel, • Dr. S. II. Sears, medical aid, G. Frank Chase, fuel, S. Taylor, hearse, 58 85 :1 • J. G. Thacher, undertaker, u M $22 81 16 80 16 85 11 05 21. 75 14 58' 8 00 . 24 75 350 2 00 30 00 Ca. By Seth Taylor, refunded for hearse, $2 00 ___ Dustin Baker. 58 4i1 Paid Dr. F. A. Binford, medical attendance, *95 75 « T. T. Hallet, supplies, 1 25 Benajah W helden. Paid J. S. Baker, fuel, • *3 50 54 50 " H. Baxter, 1 50 « H. Blachford, " 7 00 Morris Gray. Paid Marcus Hall, rent, By cash refunded, - $5 00 Ellis P. Baker. Paid A. K. Johnson, supplies, Idella Kelley. 132 2.1 1 Paid Dr. S. II. Sears, medical attendance, 186 09 9700 12 00 30 00 825 3.00 -- 88 Warren E. Ellis. Paid I. H. Thacher, 2d, supplies, " S. W. Hall, " Sylvanus Robbins, fuel, " Carrie D. Bray, nurse, " Dr. C. W. Milliken, medical attendance, 37 75 *18 32 4 '29 1 50 17 00 Archelus Phillips. Paid A. A. Knowles, supplies, " S. W. Hall. " E. D. Payne, James T. Chase. Paid E. D. Wayne, supplies, " E. Walken, wood, William Chase. Paid B. T. Gorham, supplies, " E. D. Payne, Josiah F. Baker. Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies, Maud Cash. Paid city of Taunton, aid, Mrs. Walter Baker. Paid Daniel Cole, rent, Isaiah Leonard Ellis. Paid I. H. Thacher, 2d, supplies, " B. T. Gorham, " S. W. Iiall, " • S. Robbins, fuel, Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, " C. W. Milliken, travel and medi- K • $52 25 19 21 '2 62 *3 00 3 00 $ 78 86 74 08 6 0.0 39 DeSilver Family. Paid E. T. Baker, supplies, $14 25 S. B. Marchant, " 17 13 A. K. Johnson, . " 443 H. Blachford, " 3 00 " " ' for railroad fares, 5 60 ccC. R. Bassett, supplies, -4 00 • " " railroad fares, 3 00 • William Lovell, Jr., supplies, 1 25 " J. E. Crowell, " 448 " M. G. Bradford, " .20 16 K K u • R. K. Farris, " 2 00 " J. Howland, " 3 75 • E. D. Payne, " 19 92 " J. B. Hall, " 10 50 tt Agnes W. Gardner, housekeeper, 20 00 * 5 00 1 Aid Refunded. Paid town of Plymouth, medical aid, cal attendance, Paid St. Luke's hospital, medical atte• ndance, 18 00 *82 90 15 15 43 49 8 00 16 50 42 80 2 85 23 00 2 00 1 35 GO 00 206 69 STATEMENT. Amount raised by town, *2,500 00 Received from state reimbursement., 21 03 for aid " 10 00 for aid reimbursement, Jeremiah Chase, 2 00 for M. Gray, reimbursment, 5 00 " produce, sold almshouse, 37 99 64from J. Ilolway estate, 5 00 Expended over amount raised and received, 207 03 Paid for almshouse expenses, *1,021 71. " outside poor, 1,766 34 *123 47 10 00 . *1,766 34 K $2,788 .05 *2,788 05 40 PAID FOR POOR OF STATE AND OTHER TOWNS. Paid aid to State poor, 8 14 76 4, « " Brewster poor, 130 38 " " «. Falmouth poor, 52 00 " " " Barnstable poor, 1 25 K tt 6198 89 HENRY BLACHFORD, ) Overseers JESSE W. CROWELL, of CHARLES R. BASSETT, Poor. Melvin J. Baker, pool table license, • 2 00 Treasurers Report. Ds. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1905, Received from County treasurer, dog fund, « bounty on seal, acct. Bass River lower bridge, • « Luther R. Brown, acct roads, returned, " Stephen Sears and T. T. Hallet, trustees, " " town of Dennis, • " town of Falmouth, • " town of Brewster, " Mrs. G. R. Agassiz, acct. schools, • " Charles H. Davis, to pay counsel fees, " " Morris Gray, reimbursement, " " Elnathan T. Eldridge, reimburse- ment, " " Amos E. Arey, reimbursement, " Reimbursement, pauper aid, Luther R. Brown, auctioneer's license, " Fred'k A. Baker, billiard and pool table license, • " Alton S. Cole, pedler's license, " " Frederic A. Long, pedler's license, " " Englewood Casino, billiard table license, tt tt • • *1,195 50 202 05 3 00 56 85 5 00 902 01 145 71 5200 48 00 1,100 '00 50 00 500 10 00 20 00 2 00 2 00 200 6 00 6 00 2 00 • 42 Received from Englewood Casino, bowling alley license, $ 2 00 l{ " estate, James Holway, 5 00 school committee, non-resident Pupil, • 64 Follins pond fisheries, " " East Dennis cold storage, Judge F. C. Swift, fines, taxes paid, N. Y., N. H. &. H. R. R., acct. forest fires, " " sale of eggs from almshouse, Joshua Baker, sale of shovel and stone, notes in anticipation of taxes, ' 64notes, acct. macadam road to Hyannis, notes, acct. Berry ave. road, Luther R. Brown, collector taxes, 1902, • Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, 1903, " " Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, 1904, Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, 1905, " " state treasurer, corporation taxes, " acct. state children attend- ing school, IA 44state, temporary support state paupers, " " state, burial state paupers, " " " compensation, inspectors of animals, " 46 6 00 68 20 4 03 70 19 3 36 208 46 37 99 31 50 6,000 00 8,000 00 2,500 OU 146 GO 677 87 6,824 37 17,516 40 3,883 3O 175 00 6 03 15 00 35 35 43 Received from state, towards payment of superin- tendent of schools, etc., ' " " state, national bank tax, • " military aid, • " state aid, Cs. Paid on orders from selectmen, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Due from collector of taxes: Elisha T. Baker, year 1903, " " " " 1904, " " " " 1905, Town owes: Anticipation of taxes, Notes given account state highway, " ft " macadam roads, Sears fund, Massachusetts school fund: Balance on hand January 1, 1905, Income, Mass. school fund, Reimbursed by Mrs. Agassiz, Paid on orders, school committee, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Mrs. Geo. R. Agassiz fund: Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1905, $ 432 70 1,006 04 27 00 450 00 *51,949 51 *48,786 08 3,163 43 *51,949 51 $ 151 45 2,329 98 9,976 75 *12,458 18 . * 2,000 00 9,000 00 18,000 00 15,000 00 *44,000 00 *235 70 - 752.34 197 91 *1,185 95 402 06 *783 89 $ 16 70 .44 44* i 14.4 a 0 G 0 M O *No ue&o4 `saad Date. 1905. Jan. r DO co 0 0 0 0 tri tti 1g;.�.a a�, o ro�eo � a'a:TJ4 .$i t7i C 7 cp o D• �ami ti Sm. w •0 rte -4 CT N 1 C7' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ee .14" OD a a O rn 0 8 00G 5r CD t•O era C+a bD OD �1 N Vital Statistics for the Year 1905. BIRTIIS IN 190b. Name of Child. 5. • Male. 9. Herbert Myron Davis, Feb. 1.4. Female. 20. Robert Franklin Crowell, Mar. 28. William Francis Drew. April 6. . Richard Gordon Ellis, 26. Eileen Maud Keveney, May . 7. Andrew Kittler, 22. Stuart Earl Baker, 26. Matthews Crowell I-Iatlet, June 2. William James Keveney, 7. llazen Earl Eldridge, July 12.. Nathaniel Warren Marchant, Aug. 1. • (Female) Johnson, 4. Norman Thacher Baxter, 22. Edward F. Dean, Sept. 4. (Female) pelpeske, 5. Eleanor P. Rogers, 6. Grace Hallet Bumpus, 16. I3eatrice Frances Nickerson, Parents. Herbert C. and Elizabeth. Francis and Lena May. Samuel H. D. and Mary E. James W. and Lilla F. Michael and Mary G. John and Hannah. Fernandus and Inez. Thacher T. and Florence G. John B. and Sarah L. Elnathan and Etta L. Nathaniel and Ora B. Francis M. and Jennie F. • George L. B. and Bessie M. Edward F. and Marjorie. Jonathan and Amanda. ' Arthur H. and Gracie D. Charles E. and Marion R. • Byron L. and Florence M. rwrwtse•r',�,..w. wsti- * 4.014,'A?ne,•:. „M'et' *rA;1#' ." .. Date. 005. Sept. 24. 24. Oot. 24. Nov. 9. Dec. 2$. Sept 11. Date. 1905. Jan. 4. 5. 7. 25. 28. Feb. 6. 15. March 13. 25. April 23. May 1. 17. 22. June 4. 11. 13. 17. July . 2. 5. 7. 24. 27. Aug. 8. Oct. 6. BIRTHS IN 1905. Name of Child. Elmer Kittler, Alice Shepard Dean, Dora Francis White, Viotor Osborne Johnson, (Female) Ellis, Helen Maria Davis, DEATHS Name. Lewis F. Nickerson, Male child. Freeman Myrick, Winchester Johnson, Alfred White, Catherine Collins, Female child. James W. Holway, Albert Berry, Mary H. Morgan, Joseph Bassett, Thomas Ryder, Adeline F. Matthews, Mary L. Crowell, Samuel Cobb, Peace M. Baker, . • William R. Davis, Alexander Peacock, Allen B. Crowell, Almena Matthews, Benjamin R. Howes, Ora B. Marchant, A. P. Fillebrown, Dustin Baker, Parente. Carl and Hannah. Edward B. and Carrie. Herbert L. and Augusta M. John A. and Clara W. Russell D. and Bertha M. Charles Henry and Grace (Bigelow). j 7 1 REGISTERED IN 1905. Disease. Apoplexia, Cerebral hemorrhage, Alcoholic excesses, Senility, Brights disease, Old age, Myxarderna, Umbilical hernia, Organic disease of the heart, Obstruction of bowels, Typhoid pneumonia, Cerebral hemorrhage, Senility, Apoplectic shock, Tuberculosis, Accidental drowning, • Cerebral paralysis, Cancer, Cancer, Peritonitis, Cancer, Chronic rheumatism, ARe. Y. M. D. 55 8 71 2 54 11 91 6 .18 73 72 8 71 8 ' 12 65 64 7 22 52 7 6 69 85 87 2 24 58 13 80. 1 17 20 82 2 16 57 9 12 • 78 9 84 66 4 67 8 18 1 4D4.1 4. co ei sp CO CI cv Ol cl r. cl G Co t—e +1— Cl d4 oo ea cx) W O r+ 00 t`^ e.Ot— 00 0.0t—aoc0mt- ur a to W ,9 cc ea to m 0 ▪ m a +g $4 x m c1. w o U• , . CD •.: m o i f a� .. �. j. C • G v. V d m m m '^�d .'r_, x U o .m g z�.. . C e bC b m F P to c 67 Gi "'C G F. = 4.22.=.2g—c-4-0 ^E a� G+ c. w .G. a3 y0pp§'bds30°Chi m [- 22. 2 Ct0-fes pyJPicir % 44UP o q ,CP:�4xxz S 0 0 a� ti~ CA.4100N C7 '0I CO el. .01 t— CO COL•CC.0 C; z oo ac• .; ci c6 co Cl '. Cl Cl ':l ti '+V v 0 0 0 A a G+c�Gooiood�.-; N ••••I ,r1 '.:`7 rti Cl Cl L„ ti • c Lo 0 'Q7-2.!dnA MARRIAGES 49 REGISTERED IN YARMOUTH IN 1905. Jan. 3. Freeman S. Cash, Florence Otto Cobb, Feb. 15. Daniel Cole, Marietta Cole, Feb. 21. Byron L. Nickerson, Florence M. Chase, Feb. 21. Charles E. Bumpus, ' Marion R. Hallet, Harry W. Bennison, Amy Clara Chase, March 14. William B. Fuller, Alice R. Crowell, April 4. Julius E. Crowell, Mary W. Peak, April 6. Stanley H. Crowell, Esther F. Chase, May 4. Harry E. Young, Blanche M. Robinson, June 1. Benjamin T. Gorham, Carrie A. Gorham, June 20. Ileman Francis Pierce, Grace May Crowell, June 28. Clifton Rent Williams, F1ora'Edna Ryder, June 30. Prescott II. Baker Nelsia E. Lewis, July 23. Walter E. Crocker, Bessie E. Montcalm, Aug.. 31. Ernest II. Bray, Eveline Sears, Sept. 7. Henry Ballantyne, Susie May Crowell, March 12. Age. Residence. 31 Yarmouth 22 69 59 '21 18 23 1R '25 22 72 23 50 39 '22 20 19 '20 42 41 23 '27 '27 '28 51 24 23 18 35 19 38 25 K Harwich Yarmouth East Boston Yarmouth Winthrop Yarmouth K Barnstable Yarmouth Harwich Chatham Yarmouth . I lyannis Brockton Yarmouth K• llarnstable Yarmouth Brewster New York Yarmouth •• if •t • 50 MARRIAGES REGISTERED IN YARMOUTIH IN 190: Oct. 30. Nov. 19. Nov. 26. Dec. 10. . Henry A. Cobb, Anna E. MacKean, Charles Clark, Edna Baker, Jesse Bernard Eldridge, Helen Louise Farnsworth, George H. Kelley, Maria F. Baker, 'Age. Residence. 55 Yarmouth 31 17 16 34 26 25 31 cc Dennis Yarmouth Tree Warden Account. P. E. Hannan, Thomas Ryder, 4 Allen Cash, Jr., • • 71 Winnie Cahoon, 82 " .Joshua S. Baker, trimming trees, Luther R. Brown, K Alfred Gorham, 1R hours, Dc., K K 5 " 30c., 6 hours, horse, 15c., K 20c., {i a Isaiah Ellis, Geo. P. Matthews, J. L. Cobb, E. L. Sears, 1 tree pruner, I1. L. Frost, u K K 26 20 5 as per bill, K K '{ Alfred Gorham, K K Drawn from selectmen, 20c., K K K :c 83.60 1 50 400 00 90 _ 80 14 20 6 40 8 00 18 10 5 10 5 20 4 00 1 00 8 96 1 09 3 25 23 00 8100 00 8100 00 Road Commissioners' Report. ALFRED GORHAM, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YAR- MOUTH, LABOR. ETC., ON ROADS ANI) BRIDGES. C. M. Bray, 10 loads gravel, 5c., J. E. Howes, 2 loads gravel, 5c., F. L. Robbins, 91 hours, 20c., S. L. Robbins, 7 " horse, 15c, K K K Lt • If. H. Sears, Seth Taylor, Thomas Ryder, John Silver, Wm. D. Loring, Alfred Gorham, John Silver, E; P. Ballet, Alfred Baker, Thomas Ryder, Win. D. Loring, J. F. Currier, 2 K with team, 30e, 1 191 12 12 71 9} 6 14 1. 6 24 5 24 20c., K K horse, 15c., • 20c., 4‘ LL (6 * 50 10 1 90 1 05 GO '20 3 90. 1 80 40 1 50 1 90 4 20 2 80 20 1 20 4 80 1 00 4 80 8 00 60 80 70 1 90 63 2 20 2 50 7 44 3 72 men and team, 70c., 20c., K K K u " u " E. F. Smith, 4 hrs., 20c., .80; 24 hrs., 30c., *7.20, P. E. Hannan, F. I. Robbins, F. C. Baker, 4 hours, 15c., 4 " 20c., 34. u u S. L. Robbins, 31 hrs., 20c., .70; 4 hrs, 30c., *120, Simpkins estate, 21 loads sand, 3c., C. A. Chase, 11 hours, 20c., Edward Cash, 121 " " E. S. Mecarta, 244 Frank Chase, 244 with team, 30c., 15e., • 53 Alfred Gorham, 4 hrs., 2 horses, 2 men, 70c., Clarence Chase, 5 hours, 20c., Chester Chase, 21 " Robert Cahoon, 2-- " 10c, Chas. W. Ellis, 17 hrs., .20c., *3.40; 5 hrs., horse, 15c., .75, C. L. Nickerson, 17 hrs., 20c., *3.40; 5 hrs., horse, 15c., .75, J. A. Ellis, 8 hours, 20c., E. C. Bray, 17 K K Ernest Bray, 17 " " Millard Gray, 20 K Frank Whelden, 20 S. L. Robbins, 11,E " with team, 30c., C. M. Bray, 5 loads gravel, 5c., Osborne E. Baker, 40 " with team, 30c, Geo. H. Baker, 40 " i° " u T. S. Holway, 40 • " " K Allen Cash, Jr, 44 Thomas Ryder, 1 Walter Cook, 2/ • " J. G. Hallett, 27 • with team, 45e, P. E. Hannan, 66 • 15c., Ebenezer R. Hamblin, 40 • 20c., Allen Cash, 40 Geo. L. Robbins, 66 Joseph C. Chase, 3 Henry A. Cobb, 4 hours, 20c.. .80; 5 hours with team, 30c., *1.50, Winthrop Cahoon, 4 hours, 20c., S. H. Hamblin, 26 loads gravel, 5c., James A. Ellis, 15 loads clay, 5c., Alfred Gorham, 7 hours, horse, 15c., *1.05; 5 hours with team and two men, 70c., *3.50, K 20c., K K K * 2 80 1 00 50 25 4 15 4 15 1 60 3 40 3 40 4 00 • 400 3 45 25 12 00 12 00 12 00 8 80 20 5 40 12 15 9 90 8 00 800 13 20 60 2 30 80 1 30 75 4 55 4 a Oliver Hallett, J Chester Chase, B. H. Harris, 5 P. Heffernan, 15 • E. F. Smith, 40 .Tames Gorham, Arch Phillips, Frank Chase, Allen Cash, 45 John OIar, 45 Benj. Phillips, - 1s Edmund W. Eldridge, 5 days, team, *3.00, J. W. Hamblin, 5 4 44LL Geo.1-lallet, 5 " " X4.50. Albert Taylor, 5.22 hours, 20e., Frank Chase, 3 " S. 11. Ilamblin, 2017 loads clay, 5c., A. E. Arey, 9 hours, 20c., Edwin Teacher, 69 loads clay, 5c., - C. A. Chase, 13 hours, 20e., F. I. Robbins, E. Nickerson, G P. E. Hannan, 4 Edmund Walker, 4 Alfred Baker, 5 " 20c., P. Morgan, ., LL LL P.Ileft'ernan, 9 James Gorham. 5 loads gravel, 5c., P._ Hannan, 4 hours, with team, 35c., --E. F. Smith. 21 " 4 LI 30c., John Silver, :1; LL 20c., II. A. Cobb, 2 4 with team, 35e., A. L. Phillips. 11 " 20c., Albert Taylor, 14 it with team, 35c.. James Gorham. 16 loads gravel. 5c., • ;1.4 r.. 10 hours, 20c., 30 " " « iL 4 with team, 30c., 16 loads gravel, 5c., 45 hours, 20c., 45 LL 4 LL 4 a with horse, 35c.. " team, " LL 44 44 Li • * 2 00 6 00 1 00 3 00 1.2 00 w1 9 00. 9 00 _ 9 1111 9 00 3 60 15 00 15 00 22 50 10 411 60 10 35 1 `0 3.15 2 60 1 40 111 41) 411 110 411 s0 1 411 7:• 7:• 70 _ 20 4 90 .1 1 1 1 1 55 Seth Taylor, 10 loads gravel, 5c.,- Albert c.,Albert Baker, 10 hours, 20c., Geo. H. Baker, 171 " • with team, 30c., Alfred Gorham, 3 cL " " 70c.; E. F. Smith, 14 hrs., 20c., *280; 1 hr. with team, 35c., John Silver, C. S. Bassett, Isaiah Ellis, Alfred Gorham, F. 1. Robbins, 28 hrs., 20c., 45.60; 35c., *14.70, John Ilinekley, John Falvey, E. B. Hallett, Wm.:1fai,thews, C. W. Swift, A. A. Knowles, Alfred Gorham. Amount due the town. 1)1.awn•from the selectmen. 5 hours, 20c., 161 4 3(i LL as per bills. LL 4 4 LL LL LL LL LL LL .4 u with team, 35c.,.. 42 hrs., with team, *511 75 *.511 75 SNOW ACCOUNT. C. M. Bray, 241 hours, plough, 40c., P. E. Hannan, 27 hours plough, X10.80:. 6 hours horse, 15c., - II. A. Cobb, 15 hours, 20c., *3.00; 5 hours. plough, 30c., *1.50; 19% hours, 40c., *7.80, Alfred Raker, E. B. Perm, Geo. L. Robbins, Alfred Gorham, 7 hours, 20c.. 12:R" 4 f. 20 LL L LL it . B. Wm. Ellis, 4 " " Willard Ellis, 11 hours. 20c.. *2.20: 1 hours, horse. 20c., 30c., 50 2 00 5 25 2 10 3 15 1 00 1 00 - 3 30- 12 60 20 30 8 48 3 00 1 50 1 25 '4 50 75 53 73 11 75 *511 75 X980 11 70 1.280 1 40 2 50 1 50 4 00 80 2 50 Isaiah Warren E. Ellis, Thomas Ryder, C. C. Arey, A. J. Dean, Osborne Baker, Geo. F. Baker, T. S. Holway, A. E. Arey, J. A. Sherman, David Whelden, Frank Whelden, Millard F. Gray, Edgar Marchant, Wm. F. Bray, Geo. F. Bray, Inc C. Chase, 56 20 hours, 20c.,. " 66 5 12c., 5+ • • 15c, 20 • 20c., 25 28 u 19+ 44 CZ 26 44 Si 20 44 44 26 Ct 26 44 64 26 44 64 13 u 18 44 • it 20 John Dulplact, 17 Frank Chase, 8 ft 44 I Z. A. Sherman, 16 hours, 20c., *3.20; 8 hours, team, 40c., $3.20, • Herbert C. Davis, 24 hours, 20c., John T. Cobb, 6 C. A. Chase, 15 a James Park, 10 Ed. Cash, 6 R. Howes, 10 a' John E. Olar, 18+ A. D. Baker, 7 J. W. Ellis, 14 • " • Chester W. Ellis, 28 15c., Jos. W. Smith, 251 " 20c., C. W. Ellis, 28 E. C. Bray, 25 . 1 Ernest Bray, g! K., f ; ' 3 oi 57 $ 4 00 Oliver Hallet, Jr., 1+ hours, 20c., $ 25 70 Geo. Bray, 10 " 2 00 90 Amos Arey, 3 " a 60 60 Warren E. Montcalm, 5 " a 1 00 83 Wm. Lack, 3 a " 60 4 00 Jonathan Usher, 2 14 AS 40 5 00 Jonathan Usher, Jr., 3+ hrs., 20c., .70; 2 hrs., 60c, 3 90 E. P. Ha11.12e0, t 2 " " 40 4 60 $ 1 90 5 20 1 Geo. W. Ryder, 15 " 3 00 4 00 John Keveney, 4+ 44 . a 90 5 20 Jos. Keveney, 1+ " " 30' 5 20 Thacher Taylor, 7 " " 1 40 5 20 E. F. Smith, 31 " •" 70 2 60 W. S. Smith, . 51 a a 1 05 2 60 John Silver, 1 " " 20 4 00 H. D. Bray, 4 a " 80 3 40 A. W. Kelley, 15 " " . 3 00 1 60 Gorham Pulsifer, 2 a " 40 E. R. Hamblin, 12 64 44 2 40 6 40 P. Heffernan, 15 44 64 3 00 4 80 Alfred Gorham, 15 44 44 3 00 1 20 J. Lundberg, 11 44 44 2 20 3 0.0 Eleazer Nickerson, 6 " • " 1 20 2 00 Wm. Matthewa, 6 44 44 1 20 1 20 Arch. Phillips, ' 9 - 44 it 1 80 2 00 Allen Cash, 9 44 44 1 80 3 70 : Albert Taylor, 10 hrs., 20c., *2.00; 6 hrs., with team, 1 40 - 40c., *2.40, 4 40 2 80 - Allen Cash, Jr., 3 hours, 20c., 60 4 20 Charles E. Chase, 2 " " 40 5 10 C. M. Bray, repairs on snow plough, 1 00 5 GO John Silver, 19 hours, 20c., • 3 80 5 00 1 J. F. Currier, 11 " " • 2 20 2 GO Ed. Cash, 191 " 3 90 e' W. E. Montcalm, E. B. Dean, - II. C. Davis, H. R. Usher, Jonathan Usher, .Jonathan Usher, Jr., Geo. W. Ryder, Thacher Taylor, H. D. Bray, Chas. A. Chase, Oliver Ballet, Jr., E. P. Ballet, C. Sidney Bassett, 58 201 hours, 20c., 18 u tt K 144- 161 161 10} 15� 15 17 .13} 11 11 16� E. F. Smith, W. S. Smith, Wm. Lack, Wm. Chase, Paul Snift, ITarold Bassett, Chester W. Ellis, J. W. Ellis, C. L. Nickerson, Chas. W. Ellis, Gorham Pulsifer, Edwin Robbins, John Lundberg, Win. Matthews, Chas. Cahoon, E. S. Mecarta, Chas. E. Chase, Frank C. Baker, Elnathan F. Eldridge, Allen Cash, Allen Cash, Tr., E. L. Sears, ti K K K tt at u u u, K K u K tG 4:} 19 154 54 51 21 25 4 4 a 18 K 18 u K K ii K K K tt 15c., 10c., 15e., 20c., u K u u K ti K u 6 21 211 9 22 11 20} K Li tt 44 * 4 10 3 60 2 90 3 30 3 30 2 10 3 00 3 00 3 40 2 70 2 20 2 20 3 20 90 3 `U 1 9U 2 33 55 55 3 15 5 OU 80 rll 3 60 3 60 1 10 3 90 2 20 1 _'0 4 20- 4 30 1 80 4 40 2 20 4 10 1 Albert Taylor, Eleazer Nickerson, F..I. Robbins, Ensign S. Cash, Ensign S. Cash, Jr., Warren E. Ellis, Isaiah Ellis, Howard Nickerson, Geo. Bray, Ernest Bray, E. C. Bray, James Gorham, A. D. Baker, H. D. Bray, Benj. Philips, E. W. Eldridge, Amos Arey, W. P. Bray, C. L. Nickerson, Jos. C. Chase, Jeremiah Chase, Z. A. Sherman, Seth Walker, IT. A. Cobb, G. A. Whittemore, C: W. Ellis, .1. W. Smith, .Geo. Robbins, Geo. Schmidt, A. J. Dean, Walter Cook, Alfred Baker, Patrick Horgan, II. II. Baker, .J. A. Cash, 59 23 hours, 20c, LC u 11} 14 7 -1 71 8} 4 3 18 18 26 84 4- 28 5 6 4 50 174 71 171 16} 20 201 22 __16 14 13 4 5-1 13 14 " 64 184. u tt . at t[ K u tt ti K at • $ 4 GO 2 30 2 80 1 50 1 50 1 70 30 60 360' 3 60 5 20 1 75 1 30 SO 560 1 00 1 '20 8U-7- 10 00 3 50 150 3 50 -3 S0 • 4 00 4 10_ 4 40 3 20 2 80 2 60 30 1 10 2 60 2 80 1 30 370. • Stanley Matthews, B. W. Ellis, T. S. Holway, Osborne Baker, George H. Baker, J. A. Sherman, Millard Gray, - Edgar Merchant, _David Whelden, Frank Whelden, Alfred Gorham, J. E. Olar, P. E. Hannan,. H. C. Davis, A. E. Arey, Thomas Ryder, George Robbins, Alfred Baker, Geo. F. Bray, Wm. F. Bray, H. A. Cobb, Geo. Robbins, J. Delpeshe, Frank Chase, B. W. Ellis, James A. Cash, Thacher Taylor, Geo. W. Ryder, John Silver, John Keveney, Oliver Hallet, Jr, Ed. Cash, C. A. Chase, Edward Smith, H. D. Bray, 60 64 hours, 20c., 184 " 16 K K 16 K K 21 K. K 16 K K 16 K K 16 -K K 16 .c 16 K 25 K 154 K K 34 K plough, 40c, 34 K 20c., 1 K K 31 K K 2 8' 11 11 34 4 13 15 4 54 34 34 3 3 14- 24 42# 14- 14- • 41# K K K K K • K K K K K K K K 40c, 20c, K K K K K K K K K K K K 8130 3 70 3 20 3 20 4 20 3 20 3 '20 3 '20 3 20 3 20 5 00 3 10 1 40 70 20 70 40 1 60 2 20 2 20 1 40 .80 2 60 3 00 80 1 10 70 70 60 60 30 50 30 60 30 • Wm. Lack, Winthrop Cahoon, Alfred W. Kelley, 31 E. P. Ballet, . 11 Arch. Phillips, 2 - John Keveney, ' 6 M. Keveney, 8 Alfred Gorham, as per hill, Drawn from selectmen, 61 31 hours, 20c., 3 K K 70 60 70 30 40 1 20 1 60 1 51 8474 47 8474 47 8474 47 2. 1 62 LUTHER R. BROW, ROAD COMMISSIONER. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. R. J. Baker, 2 rakes, D. D. Kelley, 39 loads sand, 3c.; W. Cahoon, 7 hours, F. Wilton, 13 " F. Grout, 18 B. Cotell, 7 G. B. Sears, 18 Benj. Cotell, 7 Robert Clark, 18 John G. Sears, loam and labor, John G. Sears, 33 J. R. Baker, 18 T. Baker, 18 D. M. Chase, -- 26 D. M. Chase, 2} I1. E. Baker, 80 B. IIomer, trimming limbs, R. Baker, labor, . Joseph Cotell, -- • 13 hours, F. F. Collins, 18 " David S. Taylor, stubhoe, S. K. Crowell, Geo. L. Ryder, A. II. Cotell, L. Baker, Joseph Cotell, II. Cotell, Carl Nordblozn, D. M. Chase, • A. T. Pierce, E. E. Ellis, C. B. Oliver, F. F. Collins, 44 LA .20c., u 30c., 20c., u " " 30c., " 20c., " K " 30c., 20c., 30c., 30c., 40 hours, 30c, 40 " 20c., 40 u u 22 " 10 " 30c., 10 " 20c., 3 10. " 30c., 10 u. 20 " 22 • " 20c., 10 " 30c, * 75 1 17 1 40 2 60 5 40 1 40 3 GO 1 40 3 GO 12 29 9 90 3 (i0 3 60 7 80 50 24 00 1 011 600 3 90 5 40 12 00 8 00 $ 00 4 40 3 00 2 011 GO 3 00 3 00 6 00 4 4o 3 0U 63 C. C. Weyser, brush scythe, E. •S. Baker, 20 hours, 20c, Henry Oliver, • 22 " " O. H. Chase, . 6} Reuben Baker, 9+ C. W. Baker, 5 F. D. Brown, 10 " 30c., I. F. Homer, 20 " - " Nelson Baker, 61 " 20c, R.. Baker, 19 " " R. C. Baker, 12 It G. Studley, 20 a 30c, W. J. Cahoon, 20 CC 20c, A. W. Cahoon, 20 " « W. H. Hurst, 20 " 30c, F. W. Homer, 22+ a 20c, G. H. Bachelier, 15 " 30c., P. White, 61 " 20c., D. S. Taylor, stubhoe, E. Ellis, 7+ G. II. Bachelier, 2 D. S. Baker, 10 u C. W. Baker, 10 " 20c., C. L. Nickerson, 100 loads loam, Sc., G. F. Kelley, 10 hours, 20c., Isaac Ellis, 8 . ,, R. C. Baker, 15 Ahira Baker, 20 Joe Rose, 3 Thaddeus Baker, flagging roller from West Yarmouth to Yarmouthport, F. Homer, 27 hours, 30c, D. M. Chase, 10 u F. Crowell, 10} R. Clark, 5 " K K cc 30c, u " ca u " 20c u u *160 4 00 4 40 1 30 1 1 3 u 1 3 2 6 90 '00 00 00 30 80 40 00 400 4 00 600 2 50 4 50 1 25 75 235. 60 300 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 60 3 00 4 00 60 2 60 8 10 5 00 2 10 1 00 • • .; 64 J. R. Baker, 5 hours, 20c., F. A. Baker, 7 " " F. A. Baker, running steam roller, I. B. Kelley, 30 hours, 800., S. W. Chapman, . 4 20c., II. E. Baker, 74 J. Eldridge, post, Geo. Kelley, 5 " " John Baker, 2 " E. S. Baker, 20 " 15c., E. S. Baker, 2 " Reuben Baker,., 194 - " 20e, J. II. Baker, 20 " 15c., J. Rose,, 3 K 20c., J. N. Baker, 27 " 30c., H. F. Crowell, 12 " 20e., S. N. Chapman, 20 " 15c., Thos. Collins, 8 " 30c., W. H. Hurst, 6 ti " O. H. Chase, 7 " 20c., L. II. Baker, 6 " " S. N. Chapman, 25 " 15c., Fred S. Baker, . 5 " 20c., J. K. Sears, 133 loads loam, 5c., David Kelley, hrs., -160 " at 30., Geo. H. Loring, 176 " " " Martha White, 40 " " 5c., Miller T. T. Nickerson, 50 posts, Thomas Collins, 25 hours, 15c., D. S. Taylor, D. M. Chase, 214. " " B. I1. Berry, 25 loads sand, 3c., Luther R. Brown, bill, K * 1 00 1 40 2 75 9 00 80 1 50 40 1 00 40 3 00 30 ' 3 90 3 00 60 8 10 2 40 3 00 2 40 1 80 1 40 1 20 375 1 00 6 65 4 80 5 28 '2 00 7 50 3 75 1 25 6 45 75 68 00 $420 04 65 BASS RIVER LOWER BRIDGE. Town of Yarmouth, expense, repairs, 1905, *190 38 Dennis, bill not rendered, • 49 82 County, " " " - 24 91 Amount drawn from town, 8664 05 Expended over amount drawn, due L. R. Brown, 21 10 J. K. S. Eldridge, S. B. Baker, L. R. Brown, H. E. Baker, S. B. Baker, Ernie Chase, Isaac Ellis, L. B. Chapman, J. K. S. Eldridge, Thomas Chase, Thaddeus Baker, P. White, G. H. Bacheller, Reuben Baker, E. S. Baker, E. B. Chase, R. C. Baker, Roger Eldridge, W. II. Oliver, L. R. Brown, Thomas E. Kelley, John I-1. Baker, John Eldridge, SNOW ACCOUNT. 10 hours, 40c., 12 " " 85 " 20c., 1684 K K 1055 K K 105 K K '11 K 11 K K 25 24 " 10c, 21 u u 7 ." 20e, 4 9 K K " 54 K u 10.4 " " 9 " a 10 K 184 «. 40c., 24 " 20c., 11 K K 4 K u *685 15 8265 11 *685 15 8400 4 80 1 70 3. 35 2 10 2 10 2 20 2 20 5 10 25 25 1 40 80 1 80 1 90 1 10 2 10 1 80 200. 7 40 50 2 20 80 John G. Sears, Ahira Baker, C. B. Oliver, W. 31. Kelley, Henry Baker, A. H. Crowell - Stephen Crowell, H. Reed, W. Cahoon, • W: 11; Lord, F. R. Baker; A. W. Cahoon, L -B; Kelley; F. M. Wixon, Lawrence Cotell, Robert Clark, H. T. Crowell, F. M. Crowell, Horace Cahoon, D, M. Chase, Herbert Baker, E. P. Baker, C. B. Nordblom, D. S. Taylor, - Ilenry Taylor, B. S. Cotell, W. B. Fuller, J. S. Rose, Lemuel Baker, J. F. Cotell, G. II. Ryder, I. F. Homer, A. II. Cotell, H. A. Baker, Stephen Crowell,. 66 7 hours, 20c., 74 u 5 u u 11 u s{ 4 K u 74 K . (L 4 u u 34 K K 84 u u 91 u .c 5 u u 9 K 44 27 u 40c., .24 K ''20c., 4 u u 5 u u 3 K u 10 12 64 17. 24 74 8 84 3:} 3. 24. 2 6 3 u 34 3+ .c u 40c., K 2Qc., K K u u u u u u K K U K K K fl K K 40c., 20c., 44 K 8140 1 50 1 00 2 20 80 1 50 80 65 1 70 1 85 1 00 1 80 10 80 50 80. 1 00 60 80 2 00 4 8Q 1 10 3 40 50 1 70 150 1.60 1 65 70 60 55 40 2 40 60 70 70 67 F. L. Baker, 24 hours, 20c., F. W. Homer, 37 - " 40c., J. K. Baker, 5 K 20c., Drawn from town, Due L. R. Brown, expended over amount drawn, 8 50. 14 80 1 00 895 00 28 75 *123 75 *123 75 • 68 JOSHUA S. BAKER, IN ACCOUNT WITH TILE TOWN OF YAR- MOUTH, LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. G. S. Taylor and Adelbert Cote11, 27 hours, 50c., K ff if • " 15,E " 20c., Darius Cote11, 344 hours, 20c., Frank C. Tripp, 14 " " S. W. Mitchell, 154 " " " 27 " 80c., Baker and Mitchell, 12 " 15c., " " with team, 56 hours, 50c., W. F. Baker, Ellis P. Baker, A. F. Rich, - Rufus Gorham, Arthur Baker, S. B. Marchant, Nelson Baxter, - Lemuel Marchant, Willis C. Taylor, 25 Be,nj. Gifford, 27 Lockwood Baxter, 27 J. F. Baker, 17 R. E. Rich, 18 A. L. Baker, 27 Horace P. Baxter, 27 H. P. Hallet, sand, i F. A. Abell, " J. S. Baker, per bill, " 17 hours, horse, 15c., K " 18 u " 30c., Ellis P. Baker, 22 hours, 20c., 11. P. Baxter, 26 " 424 hours, 20c., 424 K K 9 " 50c., 27 " " 15,E " 20c., 27 " 30c., 45 " 20e, 45 " " K K K K K " 50c, " 30c, " 50c, K K Lemuel Marchant, Nelson Baxter, 6 " 30c., 16 " 20e, 16 - " *13 50 3 10 6 90 2 80 3 10 8 10 1 80 28 00 8 .50 8 50 4 50 13 50 3 10 8 10 9 00 9 00 5 00 5 40 5 40 3 40 9 00 8 10 13.50 3 78 96 19 00 2 55 5 40 4 40 5 20 1 80 3 20 3 20 1 1 69 Lockwood Baxter, 7 hours, 20c., S. W. Mitchell, 34 " 30c., A. K. Johnson, 25 Loads sand, 4c., F. P. Ballet, 60 F. A. Abell, • 25 Rufus Gorham, a K Arthur Baker, S. B. Marchant, ." K K " " 6C., 5 hours, 6 15 6 Gilbert Lewis, fixing board, J. Tripp, painting board, J. F. Nickerson, per bill on bridge, J. S. Baker, per bill, " " team, 10 hours, 30c., " " horse, 54 hours, 15c, Clarence Cotell, 1 hour, 20c., Baker and Mitchell, 33 " 50c Drawn from selectmen, , 20c., 30c., 20e., 30c., *'1 40 10 20 1 00. 2 40. 1 50 1 00 1 80 3 00 1 80 25 75 1 60 14 .75 3'00 8 10 20 1650 *300 04 *300 04 *300 04 Auditors' Report. The auditors of the town have carefully examined the accounts of the several officers, and make the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1905, 6 1,195 50 Received from tax collectors and all other sources, 50,754 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Outstanding orders, 61,452.39. SELECTMEN. 01 *51,949 51 48,786 08 CHARLES R. BASSETT, CHAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906. Amount of receipts and vouchers, MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1905, *235 70 Received from Mass. school fund, " " Mrs. Agassiz fund, reim- bursement, " " Mrs. Agassiz fund, reim- bursement, 752 34 129 58 68 33 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906, Balance on band, Jan. 1, 1906, .3,163 43 *49,500 53 49,500 53 *1,185 95 402 06 *783 89 sros..,,E_ 1.; 71 MRS. AGASSIZ FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1905, Received from Mrs. Agassiz, " " school committee, tc1670 170 41 200 00 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1906, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, SCHOOLS. Drawn from the town treasurer, as per order of the school committee: Support of schools, School supplies, Transportation of scholars, Superintendent of schools, Repairs on schoolhouses, Sloyd, music, drawing, sewing and cooking, BURIAL FUND. Deposited with town treasurer, Deposited in New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, Deposited in New Bedford Institution for $800 00 Savings, TREE WARDEN. ALFRED GORHAM. Amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid for Iabor on trees, 950 00 6387 11 288 24 *148 87 *4,964.44 260 35 810 50 609 81 136 12 2,047 65 $8,828 87 $1,750 00 *1,750 00 *1,750 00 $100 00 100 00 u1Vu�Y iYili 1 72 ROAD, COMMISSIONERS. JOSHUA S. BAKER. Amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid for labor on roads, ALFRED GORHAM. Roads and bridges, amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, Amount due town, Snow account: Amount drawn from the town treasurer, Paid for labor on snow, L. R. BROWN. Paid out for repairs on roads, u u (( K bridges, Amount drawn from town treasurer, Amount due Luther R. Brown, Snow account: Paid for labor on snow, Amount drawn from town treasurer, due Luther R. Brown, SEARS FUND. *420 04 475 96 Note of town in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1905, Received from town interest, 1905, . Note on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Paid town, school department, *15,000 00 900 00 *300 04 300 04 *511 75 500 00 *11 75 *474 74 .474 74 *896 00 874 90 *21 10 *123 75 95 00 *28 75 *15,000 00 900 00 *15,900 00 *15,900 00 73 TAX COLLECTORS. LUTHER R. BROWN. Jan. 1, 1905, amount due town, Amount paid tow treasurer to Jan. 1, 1906, *146 60 146 60 ELISHA T. BARER. Jan. 1, 1905, amount due town, taxes of 1903, * 829 82 (( K K K (( Jan. 1, 1906, amount of taxes for 1905 K 1904, 7,490 89 Jan. 1, 1906, " (( ' 27,498 15 additional taxes (stamp tax), 23 46 Amount paid 1906, taxes Amount paid 1906, taxes Amount paid 190G, taxes town treasurer to Jan. 1, of 1903, * 677 87 town treasurer to Jan. 1, of 1904, 6,824 37 town treasurer to Jan. 1, . of 1905, 17,516 40 Jan. 1, 1906, amount due town, *37,476 82 25,018 64 *12,458 18 CHARLES R. HOWES, GEO. 1I. LORIN G, . Auditors. •1 1 11 Town Meeting Warrant. BARNSTABLE, SS. To either of the Constables in the Town of Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of. Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town Ilouse, on MONDAY, the twelfth (12) day of FEBRU- ARY next, at eight thirty o'clock (8.30) in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meet- ing. Article 2. To elect the following -named officers, all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three (3) years, one Assessor for three (3) years, one Overseer of the Poor for three (3) years, Town Treasurer for one (1). year, . one Schobl Com- mitteeman for three (3) years, one Road Commissioner for three (3) years, Collector of Taxes, and two Constables for one (1) year, two Auditors for one (1) year, Tree Warden for_ one (1) year. Also to see if the town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. • Article 3. To choose all other necessary officers.__ Article 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon. Article 5. To hear the report of all other committees and act thereon. Article 6. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committee fees, support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, 111 . I6.a ill LL +1.14.11• SI 1 re 1 76 repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transportation of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasurer with the approval of the selectmen to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes, such sums of money as may be necessary for the current •ex- penses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year, giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. All debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the present municipal year. Article F. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears fund. Article 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. Article 10. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five (25) cents each on muskrats. [By request.] • Article 11. To see if the town will vote to sell the trans- portation of scholars at public auction to the lowest bidder. [By request.] Article 12. To see if the town will accept as a town road the road as laid out by the selectmen and road commissioners in Lower Village, so called, situated near the lower end of River street, north of land of Thomas Blanchard, and leading from said River street into Bass River, as per plan filed with the town clerk. Article 13. To see if the town will vote to establish nine (9) hours as a day's work upon all town roads, and two dollars • (2) per day for labor and one dollar and fifty cents ($1.5) for each horse. [By request.] Article 14. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars (4150) for the build - ,r 77 1 ing of a shed for horses on the West Yarmouth school ground, to be expended under the jurisdiction of the school board. [By petition.] Article 15. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate as a subscription to the Pilgrim Monument at Provincetown. [By request.] Article 16. To see if the town will vote to amend the by- laws by adding thereto the following article, to be called Article seven (7), sec. one (1). All poll taxes shall be paid on or before November first of the year in which they are assessed. All poll taxes not paid on that date shall be promptly collected according to law. Sec. two (2). A discount of two per cent. shall be allowed by the collector on all taxes which are paid on or before October 1st of the year in which they are as- sessed, and interest at the rate of six (6) per cent. a year shall be added by the collector to the taxes assessed which are not paid on or before December 31st of the year in which they are assessed. Sec. three (3). The tax collector shall pay over to the town treasurer twenty-five (25) per cent. of the taxes com- mitted to him to collect on or before October first of each year, and forty (40) per cent. of the same on or before November first (1), and sixty (60) per cent. on or before December first (1), and seventy-five (75) per cent. on or. before December thirty-first (31) and the entire remaining balance of said tax within the calendar year, following the year in which they are assessed. Article 17. To see if the town will accept as a town road the road as laid out by the boards of selectmen and road com- missioners in South Yarmouth, over the land of Charles II. Abbott, leading from the Lower River road, so called, into Bass River, as per plan filed with the town clerk. [By petition.] Article 18. To see if the town will vote to discontinue the town road now existing through' the land of Charles II. Abbott, leading from the Lower River road, so called, inter • 78 Bass River, commonly known as the Magnesia road. [By petition.] Article • 19. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of eleven hundred dollars ($1100) (as 'estimated • by the selectmen and road commissioners under petition) to take and purchase by the right of eminent domain the following described tract of land for a public play ground, situated in Lower Village, South Yarmouth, namely: Land bounded on the west by River street, north by land of Naomi L. Davis, east by Bass River, south by land of Albert' Wells and others, containing one-half acre more or less. The northerly bounds of said tract to be located at a point on the land of Naoini L. Davis forty feet north from the bounds now existing between the hind of Naomi L. Davis and William H. Brown, the same being the hinds standing in the name of Naomi L. Davis, William H. Brown and Elnathan Matthews. [By petitions.] Article 20. To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars (82500) (as estimated by the board of selectmen'and road commissioners by petition) to take by the right of eminent domain for a public play ground the following land: Beginning at . a point on the land of Naomi L. Davis, forty -(40) feet north from the bounds now existing between the lands of said N aomi'L. Davis and William II. Brown, to land of Thomas Blanchard, including all the land between River street and Bass River, said land owned by the following persons: Naomi L. Davis, William I1. Brown, El- nathan Matthews, Albert Wells and • others, Isaiah P. Matthews, Hrs., Alice M. Lawrence, Richard P. Hallowell, Ilrs., David Kelley, Hrs., and Peleg P. Akin, Hrs. [By • petition.] Article 21. To see if the town will vote that when two or more persons request the board of health of Yarmouth to.. • apply crude oil to places where mosquitoes breed, and agree 79 to pay the expense, the board shall make such application. [By request.] You are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies in five public places in said town, three on the south side and two on the north side; also one publication in the Yarmouth Register, seven days at Ieast before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our bands and the seal of the town of Yarmouth, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six (1906). CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen IIENRY BLACHIORD, . of - JESSE W. CROWELL. Yarmouth. A'true copy, attest: SETH TAYLOR, Constable. 1 11 .11 I I 1 1 III ' tk f 11 LIIIIiJIr • H Irl r „ .I111131a1FESV Ial1".20411 , 1t "''�° ; ` ;".` ._ OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH 904_ 19o5 Y A R f1OUTH WORT. 11 A55.: c. W. SWIFT. PRINTER. 1906. :4 • 11 School Officers. 1 SCHOOL COMIIIITTEE. Term Expires. Residence. E. Lawrence Jenkins, 1906 South Yarmouth William A. Schwab, 1907 West Yarmouth Edmund W. Eldridge, 1908 Yarmouth CIHAIRMAN. Edmund W. Eldridge. SECRETARY. E. Lawrence Jenkins. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCIIOOLS. William E. Chaffin. AGENT OF BOORS AND SUPPLIES. William E. Chaffin. TRUANT OFFICERS. Joseph Robinson, South Yarmouth. Seth Taylor Yarmouth. Joseph Nickerson, West Yarmouth. it School Calendar for 1906. WINTER TERM. Commences January 1. Closes March.23 SPRING TERM. Commences April 9. Closes June 29 FALL TERM. Commences September 24. Closes December 14 SESSION S. Common schools from 9 a. m. to 12, and from 1.15 to 4 p. in., except during the months of December and January, when p. in. sessions will close at 3.45. • Iligh school from 9 a. m. to 12, and from 12.30 to 3 p. m. IIOLIDAYS. February 22, April 19, May 30, Thanksgiving day and the day following. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Last Saturday in each month during school year. The time of any meeting may be changed, :or special meet- ings called by the chairman of the board. 1 Report of the School Committee. The school committee again wish to express their pleasure at the excellent condition of the schools and the school build- ings at the present time. While willing to acknowledge that there is always room for improvement, still they feel that the citizens of the town may well be proud or their schools as a whole.. The principal event of the year was the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the erection of the school buildings, which was carried out in a most satisfactory manner, and was an occasion which the pupils of our schools will never forget._ In its way, it was a bit of education that will bear its fruit in the years to come. The committee is especially pleased with the progress made in the special studies under competent supervisors, and would again- congratulate the town upon having in its midst one whose interest in our schools has enabled the committee to place them upon a higher plane than that attained by most of the towns on the Cape. The 'small amount the town is called upon to pay toward these special studies is, in the opinion of the committee, well expended. Many of the teachers report an increase of interest among the parents, which is shown by their visits to the schools, and which the committee is pleased to record. It is by these visitations alone; that parents can form a just opinion of the teachers' work and of what is being done in the schools. In most cases, those who visit the schools are not the ones who find fault with the teachers. If parents would take into consideration the natural tendencies of children and the many difficulties that the teachers have to contend with, the 6 committee feel that there would be greater sympathy between the home and the school. The committee would call special attention to that part of the superintendent's report, relating to tardiness, which in one section of the town is very serious, and as the school- house in that section is the only one that does not have a bell, it may be that that in a measure, accounts for the excess of tardiness, although by no means the whole reason. A more extended report of the condition of the schools will be found in that of the superintendent, and for a report of expenditures for school purposes, see that of the selectmen. STATE FUND. Balance Jan. 1, 1905, *235 70 Received from Mrs. Agassiz fund (bor- rowed in 1904), : 129 58 Received from Mrs. Agassiz fund (bor- rowed in 1905), Received from state, 1905, 68 33 • 75234 *1,185 95 PAID OUT. For books and supplies, $ 26 80 music and drawing, .68 33 teachers' salaries, 75 00 transportation, etc., 78 75 blackboards, 146 18 medical attendance, 7 00 402 06 Balance on hand January 1, 1906, $783 89 MRS. AGASSIZ FUND (SPECIAL). Balance Jan. 1,1905, $ 16 70 Received from Mrs. Agassiz, 200 Received from Mrs. Agassiz, -170 41 *387 11 7 PAID OUT. Janitors of sloyd rooms, 1904, Borrowed of Mass. school fund 1904, Borrowed of Mass. school fund 1905, * 40 33-- 129 3--129 58 68 33. Balance due Mrs. Agassiz, Respectfully submitted, EDMUND W. ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM A. SCHWAB, E. LAWRENCE JENKINS, School Committee. .238 24_ *148 87 Superintendents Report. To TAE SCHOOL BOARD: Gentlemen:—In accordance with your regulations, I have the honor to present herewith my fourteenth annual report as superintendent of schools, the same being also the fourteenth in this series of reports: STATISTICS: Number of children enrolled in the public schools, Num'ber of children enrolled over 15 years of age, Number of children enrolled under 5 yearsage, Number of children enrolled between 7 and 14 years of age, Number of children enrolled between 5 and 15 years of age, Number of school buildings, Number of male teachers, Number of female teachers, Number of teachers employed during the year, Number of teachers employed at any one time, - Average membership, Average attendance, Percentage of attendance, While the total number of pupils enrolled in town report is exactly the same as that given in the report of last year, the average membership and average attendance show ;1 slight decrease in numbers. The table of enrollment by grades from data taken at the beginning of the current year 216 3., l 1 1 ■ 9 also shows a slight decrease compared with the corresponding table for last year. Last year an increase in the percentage of attendance was reported and this year we have made a gain upon that of last year. In the last report 358 cases of tardiness were found. The returns for this year's report give 337 cases, which were . . found on the school registers as follows: Yarmouth high, West Yarmouth primary, - West Yarmouth grammar, Yarmouth intermediate, Yarmouth grammar, - Yarmouth primary, South Yarmouth primary, South Yarmouth intermediate, South Yarmouth grammar, 0 4 21 31 40 46 56 63 76 337 139 1 It will be noted that much more than half of the tardiness 1 in town comes from the schools at South Yarmouth. While tardiness is largely within the control of the teachers, there are found to be cases where parents are at :fault in not sending their children in time to arrive at school in season. It should 11 be remembered that the habits formed by children while 14 attending school are liable to be of more importance to them l.t in after life than all the information they will ever gain at 195.7s school. Education is largely a matter of habit, and the habit 181.7(1 id regular and faithful attention to the daily duties of life is iane of the most important things to he gained in the schools. TEACHERS. - 179 4 for this 1 The schools opened in the fall of 1904 with no changes in Pie teaching force, an unusual occurrence with us. For the Iyear there was but one change of teachers. During the winter item Miss Martha W. Howes resigned from the primary school la Yarmouth to accept a more lucrative position elsewhere. 10 Miss IIowes's work during her long period of service in the Yarmouth primary school is deserving of the highest praise. Her classes were always found well prepared for their work in the succeeding grades and her kindly sympathy for the little ones under her charge resulted inthe best of discipline, with never an approach to harshness. Miss Annie Baker was elected to the position left vacant by Miss Ilowes and the schools continued for the remainder of the year without further change. At the close of the year, however, more than three-fourths of the grade teachers resigned; some on account of matrimonial considerations, others to accept larger salaries 'elsewhere. This unusual number of resignations brought to the school board the important duty of filling the vacancies thus caused before the re -opening of the schools. This duty has been so carefully and well performed that the work of the current year was taken up without confusion, and no case of discord has arisen to mar the progress of school work. IN GENERAL. The work of the year has not radically differed from that of the previous year. Much and continued attention has been given to improve the quality of the work in various subjects. In reading, especially, constant effort has been made that pupils of all grades read -with good expression and that pupils in the higher grammar grades be led to an appreciation of the best in literature. Right here it may be said that the superinten- dent finds that the most difficult thing in all school work is to maintain a uniformly high standard of instruction in the reading classes of the upper grammar grades. While much good work has been done here, score teachers seem incapable of feeling the thrill. of appreciation for the inspiration of great writers. In teaching reading to the higher grades the first great essential is that the teacher feel the inspiration of the author; if the teacher does not., the class will not. Another requisite to good reading is that the pupils before 11 reaching the higher grades have mastered the mechanical part of reading. To this end the intermediate teachers have been directed to select books from the school and other libraries for the home reading of pupils who are deficient in this subject and to watch and promote their progress until they become reasonably fluent readers. . Distinct improvement is being made in the written work. Carefully done work in this is required in all grades, and papers of copied work, reproduction, and original compostion work based upon the observation and experience of the pupil are kept on file in the school rooms for inspection: Maps. drawn by the pupils with places, productions, etc., located, is made an interesting feature of the work in geography. Effort is also being made to improve tke quality of the pupil's oral work, and in short we are striving to carry out in actual daily practice all directions in the course of studies. Occasionally a parent wishes to send his child to school before the age of five has been reached. It should be remembered that practically all courses of studies, where there is no kindergarten, are graded to receive pupils to the first grade at six years of age. Pupils much younger. than this cannot be expected to do the required work. The little intellectual benefit children under six receive is likely to be far more than counterbalanced by the physical injury that may result from confining such young children so large a portion of the day to the seats of a schoolroom. Special instruction is progressing more satisfactorily than ever before. The work has been adjusted to interfere as little as possible with other work, and special instructors and grade teachers are working in harmony: a condition that has not always obtained. In the report of last year the merits of the subjects under special instruction were dealt with in detaiL. Any desiring information concerning the value of these subjects are referred to that report. - 12 BOOKS. Several books for outside reading, supplementary to school subjects, have been added to each of the school' libraries. Desk books for the use of teachers have been furnished in each of the rooms and the attention of teachers called to such portions of them as would seem to be of particular benefit in each case. In the endeavor to keep our complement of text books in use in the schools in proper condition and the necessary supplies furnished, the appropriation for that purpose has been expended, together with a considerable amount from the state school fund. To reduce wear and tear on books and supplies to a minimum, as well as to develop habits of careful use of property on the part of the pupils, both teachers and pupils have been cautioned as to their proper .use. Again in closing, I wish to express my deep appreciation of the loyal and enthusiastic work of the teachers, and of the active and unselfish co-operation of the school board in all school affairs, which, together, have rendered my work pleasant. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM E. CHAFFIN, Superintendent of Schools. January, 1906. Report of Principal of the High School. December 15, 1905. Ma. Wu. E. CIIAFFIN, SuperintendentofSchools, Dear Sir:—Again the time is conte for my report. 11fy opinion is the same today, as in all the years, that the one thing needful to this school is an assistant teacher to its principal. No matter how faithful tte work of pupils and teacher, no matter how well equipped this school sends forth its graduates, it can receive never the recognition it deserves, it can obtain never the standing it has earned among the high schools of Massachusetts, except it employ two teachers. I know that many of our citizens are not in accord with me in this opinion of mine, but I wish to keep my belief on record. I can praise highly the work of the pupils. With one teach' • the recitation periods must be brief;• but the children meet and overcome this obstacle by their fidelity, their accuracy, their deportment. The tone of the school is perfect; absolute fellowship exists. The terms are a succession of days of faithful work and good conduct. Two young ladies and two young men of the senior class are preparing for colleges or professional. schools. The time devoted to the work of the special teachers fits easily into the school curriculum, and the pleasant relations ' of those teachers with pupils and principal is another happy feature of the school. ' IIoping a good school year to us all, I am Sincerely your friend, EDWARD F.-PEIRCE; Principal. 1 Report of Supervisor of Drawing. MR. W. E. CHAFFIN, Supt. of Schools, Dear Sir:—The work done in drawing in the schools has shown a reasonable amount ofprogress, and; taken as a whole, the results have been most satisfactory. Slight changes have been made from time to time, when it has been fully demon- strated that they brought about a decided improvement. By presenting the fundamental principles in a variety of new forms, the interest and enthusiasm have been marked. The work of the primary grades has been up to the stand- ard. The children have displayed confidence and freedom in their work. The pupils' of the intermediate grades have given careful attention to the problems, particularly selected with reference to size, proportion and color. The high and grammar grades are well advanced and are able to cope with the new problems, which are constantly arising. Many of the drawings in nature work, pictorial illustration and decorative design have been rendered with an unusual degree of artistic feeling. All of the grades have developed in their manner of expression, thereby testifying to the efficiency of the principle, which has never been lost sight of, chiefly a deliberate and careful scrutiny of the problem to be executed, taking in at a glance all important points and eye measurements before touching the working medium. The results thus procured have been of a high order, owing to the keenness and accuracy of the thought given to the subject. Most respectfully, S. ISABELLE SMITH, Supervisor of Drawing. Report of Supervisor of Music. M8. W. E. CHAFFIN, Supt. of Schools, Dear Sir:—Music in the public schools, taken as a whole, shows marked improvement over that of last year. More interest is shown in the grammar and intermediate grades. Consequently better results are obtained. Two-part music is used exclusively in these grades, and the scholars have become very much interested in this line of work. Before the year expires it is probable that the grammar schools will be singing three-part music. The primary children are doing well, singing their little songs, and becoming acquainted with the very first rudiments of music. The high school, being small, and showing but little enthusiasm, the prescribed course used in the high elsewhere, cannot be carried out here. however, sight-reading, ear - training, writing melodies, and the forming of scales are done to a considerable extent. Considering that little or no time is allowed during the week for practice, I feel that as much has been accomplished as could be expected under the circumstances. Most respectfully, INA F. NICKERSON, Supervisor of Music. Ip 1 4 Report of the. Supervisor of Sewin and Cooking. Ma. CHAFFIN, Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir:—The sewing has been done with still more zeal than in previous years. The children in the three schools vie with each other, all hoping to be ahead; therefore, the work is good and satisfactory to their teacher. Several girls have done the course prescribed for two years in one year and one term, which shows how industriously they have worked and how well they understand the principles of measuring, cutting and sewing. All the young ladies in the cooking classes are delightful pupils. Their intelligent and independent work makes the hours ones of pleasure. We have followed, as, in previous years, the course as laid out for the Boston cooking classes. In these the girls receive printed recipes for their two years' course, with all necessary explanations and a great many useful hints.. 'Would it not be possible that our girls also receive those papers, which cost very little? Respectfully yours, MARIA F. GROTE. Report of Supervisor of Sloyd. Ma. WPI. E. CIIAFFIN,.Supt. of Schools, Dear Sir:—The work in sloyd this year is all I could wish. The children are busy and happy and are doing good work. It is my intention to have an exhibition during the spring term of the work done tbis year, which I hope may prove interesting to parents and friends. Yours respectfully, ISABEL SHOVE. • Roll of Honor. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. West Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Joshua Allen Monteath), Annie Laura Kelley, Albert Henry Marchant, Edna Kelley. Winter term—Albert Henry • Marchant, Edna Kelley, Herbert Joseph -Tripp. Spring term—Florence Eloise Baker, Ethel Baker, Morris Irving Johnson, Albert IIenry Marchant, William Anthony Schwab, Jr., Edna Kelley, Lauretta Snow Montcalrn. West Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Frances Johnson, Albert Howard Kelley, Enow Kittla. - - Winterterm—George Carleton Drew. Spring term—Evelyn Baker, Frances Johnson, Albert Kelley, John Kittla. Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term-, Winter term— Springterm— Yarmouth Intermediate.. Fall term—Harold II. Bassett, Freeman Cahoon, Arthur W. Cash, Harris E. Cotell, Fannie S. Ellis, Annie C. Pulsifer, Helen C. Pulsifer. Winter term—Willie. Cahoon, Lucy Montealm, Ira R.. Thacher. Spring term— Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Warren Ellis, John P. Heffernan, Wilbur Cash, Norton A. Nickerson, Stanley E. Sears, Elizabeth II. Phillips, Eleanor H. Thacher. 19 Winter term— Spring term—Eleanor H. Thacher: South Yarmouth 'Grammar. Fall term—Milton M. Hallett, Chester B. Kelley, Milton Chase, Viola F. Eldridge, Charles II. White, Irving F. White. Winter term—Viola F. Eldridge, Milton M. Hallett, Charles H. White. Spring term—Chester B. Kelley, 'Viola F._ Eldridge, Milton M. Hallett. • • South Yarmouth Intermediate,— --- Fall term—Omer 13. Bearse, Leon R. . Campbell, Roger Eldridge, Evelyn B. Taylor. Winter term Roger Eldridge, Evelyn B: Taylor, Daisy 11. • Kelley. Spring term—Roger Eldridge, Eddie E. Johnson, Daisy II. Kelley, Evelyn B. Taylor, Mildred Weeks. South Yarmouth 'Primary. Fall term—Harold W. Baker, Hilda H. Baker, Forrest 0. Eldridge, Elroy White. Winter term—Harold W. Baker, Forrest 0. Eldridge. Spring term—Harold W. Baker, Virgil W. Campbell, Forrest 0. Eldridge, II. Maynard Johnson, Elroy White. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR TIIE YEAR. Edna Belle hale, Ethel Matthews Hurst, Viola F. Eldridge, Milton M. Hallett, Evelyn B. Taylor, Roger Eldridge, Harold W. Baker, Forrest 0. Eldridge. Present Corps Edward F. Peirce, A. M., Helen A. Eldridge, Zulette Potter, Mary F. Bass, Isaac Goddard, Blanche V. McKenne, Emma G. Hall, Maude E. Gay, Kate E. Maher, i• of Instructors. High Yarmouth Grammar Yarmouth Intermediate • Yarmouth Primary South Yarmouth Grammar South Yarmouth Intermediate South Yarmouth Primary West Yarmouth Grammar West Yarmouth Primary NUMBER OF PUPILS IN TIIE DIFFERENT GRADES. W A z NUMBER IN GRADE. 791u1oy mooj CVtiN ggn "w°D+ vsaa ghnog .4 •asaa p Iq,L OD •.[eaa paoaag ".11110.11%13.1U N ti 2 9.1 1.4 ILD N CO N .. 1.4 H SCHOOLS. Grade totals, • It ;l •sya'TQ Spanj, •siu5 gw9Q O N Z.41 yNN •saoYlslA jo 'OA 4V -"z!..; oe-o ra •oannpnally jo a�uluaaaad •aaanpttallV utuaae V •diq:.tagmapf a: lua.1 V *in aaeo lagwnx •g .tapnn aagmnx CZ CD Eggt °$41 g� Gga i=g ss o ca .. ci ca o^1Q o N'+N_ NN_t r1 r-1 Ne-1N��`1 '~`,N t.`1 n. -,o ago 0000 000 0:1 •paiioaug slidnd jo aagmnx ovum TEACHERS. tri 0 0 -i • -1 23 IIIGH SCHOOL—FIRST TEAR. FIRST TERM. History: United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. .Algebra. Science. Physiology. English Language and Literature. SECOND TERM. History. United' States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra. Science. Physiology. English Language Literature. THIRD TERM. History. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra. Science. Botany. • English Language and Literature. Manual Training, two hours each week throeghnut the year. History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. SECOND YEAR Hittnrv. Medieval. Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry.. English. _Language and Literature. History. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. - Language and Literature. Science. Astronomy. Manual Training for boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin. French,. •Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Scienee. Physics. Geology. Civil Government. United States, Massachusetts. 24 THIRD YEAR. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin, French, •Greek, English. Language and Literature. • Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology. Civil Government. United States, Massachusetts. Review of World's History. Foreign Language. • Latin, French, •Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Review. Algebra. Metric System, Business Arith- metic, • Geography. Manual Training tor boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. English. arstory. Foreign Language. Latin, French, *Greek. .FOURTH YEAR.- English. EAR. English. History. Foreign Language. Mathematics. Mathematics. Advanced Algebra. Solid Geometry. Science. Science. Review. Final preparation for college and normal exami- nations. •Greek is not required. Any pupil intending to pursue a four years' course cau elect Greek during the third uud fourth years, should he so desire. Music, one hour each week throughout the four years; ten minutes every morning. Drawing, one hour each week throughout the four years. Book-keeping, two periods each week throughout the four years. Graduates of 1905. YARMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. June 30th. Hymn, - Greeting to 1905, Salutatory, A Day with the Class, Quartette, The Singers, Our Rides Across the Cape, A Poem, Duet, Piano, The History, The Prophecy, Trio, Instrumental, Sadie Louise Crowell Payson Earle Allen - Edna Belle Hale (William Norton Stetson; Jr. ---- Miss Chase.. Miss Stetson. Chester W. Taylor. Sadie Nickerson Johnson _ Mabel Patno Crowell Miss Howes, Miss Jaffray Florence May Purrington Helen Maria Berry Minnie Foster Matthews Clora Mae Marchant Miss Kelley SIMPKINS PRIZE ESSAYS. Song, Voices of the Woods. Valedictory, Presentation of Diplomas to 1905. Presentation of Diplomas to Advanced Class. America. Annette Louise Kelley Alumni of Yarmouth High School. If any graduates or friends have information of the classes, especially of the necrology, will they, at any and all times, kindly forward same to the Superintendent or Principal of the School. - CLASS OF '7L CLASS OF '80. Abbie T. Long Mary A. Howes Kate W. Matthews Lucy E. Shove CLASS OF '72. Phebe T. Gorham Lizzie S. Hall Frank M. Swift Hattie.B. Gorham CLASS OF '73. Alice Bray Maggie Coffey Fred. C. Swift D. G. Eldridge CLASS OF '74. Winthrop Sears Emma C. Baker Alice Shields CLASS OF '75. Kate Sears Anuah Hallett Dora O. Holmes Kate Coffey Carrie Eldridge CLASS OF '70. Mary Ann Coregan CLASS OF '78. Emma J. Drew Lizzie W. Hallett Mary J. Bowes le W. Crowell Mary M. Park CLASS OF '79. Kate A. Shields Carrie A. Gorham Benj. T. Gorham Fred. Hallett Lila D. Howes Sarah A. Holmes Charles H. Taylor Hallett G. Thacher • CLASS OF '81. Markle Chase Anna C. Eldridge Nellie H. Shields Carrie M. Swift Sarah W. Thacher E. B. Hallett C. R. Bassett F. O. Ryder L. M. Thacher CLASS OF '83. Carrie D. Shields Mary L. Alley Ella W. Bray Sadie M. Swift Caroline A. Park CLASS OF '84. Carrie H. Taylor - Rebecca A. Bray Nelson H. Edson CLASS OF '85. Carrie M. Knowles Mettle W. Howes Everett K. Hallet Wm. H. Thacher Chas. W. Swift CLASS OF '80. Charles D. Bray -t a CLASS OF '87. Chandler M. Bray Henry S. Hallet Clara Robbins Clara H. Ryder Bessie H. Thaoher Edward S. Thacher CLASS OF '88. Francis Alger, Jr. Carrie D. Bray Theodore Hallett Rebecca M. Howes Mary G. Howes James Keveney Fred. O. Price CLASS OF '90. Cora E. Bassett Fred. E. Howes Thos. S. Crowell 3. Robert Bray CLASS OF '91. Joseph C. Howes Eben F. Phillips Wm. A. Robinson Sorauus W. H. Taylor Russell Haliett Susan W. Dodge Alice T. Hallet Florence G. Howes Mary Matthews Mary A. Otis Harriet W. Ryder CLASS OF '92. Isa H. Taylor CLASS OF '93. Helen Andrews Eldridge Marietta Sears Hallett . Mabel Howes Margaret Howes Chester Ruggles Stacy ('lintou Eldridge Bray Joshua Allen Hamblin Christopher Hall Howes , Ernest Megathlin CLASS OF '94. Sarah S. Alley Flora Baker Florence W. Baker Dora M. Baker Grace H. Crosby Ethel Davis 27 Hannah A. Knowles Georgie L. Hallett Lizzie S. Hallet Henry E. Baker Alfred C. Drew Thomas F. Matthews - Arthur L. Megathlin Amos Otis CLASS OF '96. Edwin Stanley Bray • Ruth Elizabeth Bray Willis Franklin Cash George Harrison Chase Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Mary Standish Drew Franklin Matthews Eldridge George Elwell Randall Nickerson Sarah Kelley Nickerson Annie Freeman Ryder Elizabeth Parker Stetson CLASS OF '97. Mary Estella Cobb Annie Sturgess Crowell Isaiah William Crowell Henry Allen Ellis Clifton Gordon Hallett Edward Pulsifer Hallett Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Angelene Frances Stetson CLASS OF '98. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker William Franklin Morgan Stuart Peiroe CLASS OF '99. Edward Thacher Chase CLASS OF 1900. Gertrude May Arey Annie White Baker Esther Loretta Baker Florence Otto Cobh Ethel Williams Crowell Edith Glendon Howes Bessie Mabel Thacher CLASS OF '01. Sarah Evelyn Bray Violet, Estelle Vernon Chase Nathan Taylor Hallett Ralph Dudley Kelley Alfred Daniel Taylor Warren Alexander Tripp CLASS OF '02. Ora Inez Allen Clement Chester Baker Isabel Baker Willis Howes Baker Lila Rose Cbase Louise Amanda Cbase Stanley Howes Crowell Nathan Kelley Crowell Rena Marshall Nickerson Wallace Fuller Purringtou Henrietta' Frances Sears Laura Helen Sears Stephen Hull Sears, Jr. CLASS OF '03. Willie Davis Baker Hazel Winthrop Cbase Ruth Bray Taylor CLASS OF '04. Everett Ellsworth Arey F.dua Charles Brown Sadie Louise Crowell Gorham Pulaifer CLASS OF '05. Payson Earle Allen Helen Maria Berry Mabel Patno Crowell Edna Belle Hale Sadie Nickerson Johnson. Annette Louise Kelley Clore Mae Marchant Minnie Foster Matthews Florence May Purriugton William Norton Stetson. Jr. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1890-'97, With Additional Diploma. Ruth Elizabeth Bray Alice Maud (Powell Susie May Crowell Elizabeth Parker Stetson 28 Advanced (or Fourth Year) 1 CLASS. 1897-'98. With Additional Diploma. Annie Sturgis Crowell Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Augelene Frances Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1898-'99. With Additional Diploma. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker Stuart Peirce Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1000-'01, With Additional Diploma. Annie White Baker Florence Otto Cobb Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1901=02, With Additional Diploma. Ralph Dudley Kelley Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1902-'03. With Additional Diploma. Rena Marshall Nickerson Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Heleu Sears Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1903-'04. With Additional Diploma:.. Ruth Bray Taylor Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1904-'05. With Additional Diploma. Sadie Louise Crowell. Financial Report OF THE • TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 31, 1906. YARIIOUTIIPORT, rIASS.: C. W. SWIFT, PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. • • 1906. Town Officers. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of Health. Charles R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, Henry Blachford, West Yarmouth, Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth Town Clerk and Treasurer. William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. Auditors. George H. Loring, South Yarmouth, Charles R. Howes, Yarmouth School Committee.' Edmund W. Eldridge, Yarmouth, William A. Schwab, West Yarmouth, Elisha L. Jenkins, South Yarmouth Collector of Taxes. Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. Road Commissioners. P. E. Hannan, Yarmouthport, Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth, Joshua S. Baker, West Yarmouth • Stephen Sears, 4 Trustees Sears Fund. Tree Warden. • Sylvanus T. Kelley. Thacher T. Hallet Registrars of Voters. William J. Davis, Theodore F. Drew, Charles F. Purrington, Daniel B. Crocker. Seth Taylor, Constables. John H. Stetson Sealer of Weights and Measures and Weigher of Coal. Albert C. Snow. Isaiah Crowell, Measurer of Wood and Bark. George Hopkins. Seth Taylor, John G. Thacher, Inspectors of Animals. Patrick E. Hannan Francis W. Homer. Undertakers. Manton II. Crowell, Joshua S. Baker. Burial Agent. Joseph H. Robinson. Isaiah Crowell, Julius E. Brown, Elam S. Mecarta, James W. Ellis, Fred A. Baker, Reuben E. Rich, Darius Cotelle, • 5 Special Police. Henry Arey. Surveyor of Lumber. Charles M. Bray. • Fence Viewers. Charles M. Bray. Forester. Seth .Taylor_ Pound Keepers. Henry A. Cobb. D. Frank Sears Henry F. Crowell Field Drivers. Henry F. Crowell, W. Franklin Arey, Joshua Baker, W. Arthur Baker, E. L. Sears, Jonathan Usher, Jr. Selectmen's Report. ESTIMATES. A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen in the different departments for the year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, Support of schools, Roads and bridges, Town officers, Public buildings, Superintendent of schools, Miscellaneous, Snow, Interest, Sears fund interest, State highway notes, School supplies, Remittance of taxes, Suppression of crime, Transportation of scholars, Tree warden, Forester, Sloyd, music, drawing, cooking and sewing, Moth fund, Tax collector's postage, *2,400 00 3,800 00 1,500 00 2,000 00 200 00 175 00 1,400 00 300 00 1,000 00 900 00 4,000 00 275 00 500 00 100 00 800 00 50 00 50 00 1,100 00 300 00 25 00 7 EXPENDITURES FOR TOWN DEBTS, 1905. Seth Taylor, paid labor, burning dump ground, $ 16 55 • N. H. Matthews, labor on pump, 5 97 E. T. Baker, collecting taxes, 875 28 L. R. Brown, paid labor on snow, 28 75 u u a " " roads and bridges, __ 21 20 George H. Cash, use of house of correction, 7 50 Charles M. Bray, officer, services, 11 16 Seth Taylor, 4 19 Town of Dennis, supplies, Morris Gray, 16 42 Kelley & Nickerson, supplies, almshouse, 2 50 T. F. Drew, labor at precinct 4, 2 00 Joseph Nickerson, account, fires, - - 1 50 Yarmouth Register, printing, 8 32 J. Hinckley & Son, lumber for sloyd school, 6 69 Alfred. Gorham, supplies, almshouse, 1 00 Town of Dennis, repairs B. R. upper bridge, 124 16 Matthews & Payne, coal for Jeremiah• Chase, 8 38 T. T. Hallet, medical supplies, Jeremiah Chase, Commonwealth, balance national bank tax, • 5 77 Town of Dighton' supplies, Clarence and 1 Edith Cash, 15 10 Town of Dighton, supplies, George F. Cash, 21 00 60 Albert D. Baker, repairing roller, K u {i u catch basin, Alton S. Cole, reimbursement for license, Alfred Gorham, paid for labor on roads, 65 ' 60 6 00 3 70 *689 99 1 1 1 i. 1 8 TOWN OFFICERS, 1906. Selectmen, assessors, overseers of poor, Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, " " town clerk, " " registrar, - Charles R. Howes, auditor, George H. Loring, Charles F. Purrington, registrar, T. F. Drew, " Daniel B. Crocker, John H. Stetson, constable, Fish committee, Board of health, • Seth Taylor, constable, Wm. A. Schwab, moderator, " " school committee, Edmund W. Eldridge, school committee, E. Lawrence Jenkins, " School committee, taking school census, Joseph Nickerson, truant officer, Joseph H. Robinson, " ". Seth Taylor, L. R. Brown, harbor. master, E. T. Baker, collecting taxes, on account, Richard Sears, election officer, S. II.. D. Drew, Isaac B. Kelley, L. K. Chase, - S. K. Crowell, Geooge F. Matthews, F. F. Collins, Henry R. rsher, Ray Hallett, S. W. Hall, K K K K K K '4 K c{ 81,200 00 75 00 28 40 20 00 10 50 10 50 3050 31 50 28 00 25 00 30 00 29 00 26 25 10 00 20 00 50 00 50 00 12 5 0000 5 00 5 00 5 00 200 00 2 50 6 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 —2-50 7 50 2 50 5 00 2 50 Oliver Hallet, Jr., Charles L. Nickerson, George P. Matthews, A. A. Knowles, E. W. Eldridge, II. A. Cobb, Charles M. Bray, Christopher H. Howes, James A. Ellis, Lysander A. Chase, S. D. W. Mitchell, Daniel B. Taylor, Isaiah Crowell, E. P. Raker, W. C. Brown, John H. Stetson, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town, election officer, K K " K K K i *5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 3 00 - 2 50 2 50: 2-50 2 50 • -250 2 50. 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 11 35 42,000 00 82,000 00 *2,000 00 MISCELLANEOUS. INCIDENTALS. F. W. IIomer, labor on S. Y. dump grounds, * 58 .91 L. R. Brown, old dump ground road, paid for labor, 66 00 L. R. Brown, paid for labor, dump ground, 41 80 Globe Stamp Co., 1 00- E. W. Hallett, stamps, envelopes, supplies,- 42 62 Little, Brown & Co., office supplies, 17 63 Smith & McKenna; • `." "- 6 41 Typewriter Exchange,. " •" 59 40 Freeman & Taylor, " " 7 75 J. W. Crowell, stamps and office supplies; 3 86 J. B. Hall, town house " " " 32 88 10 Thorp, Martin & Co., office supplies, Derby Desk Co., town house supplies, Wm. J. Davis, town clerk, supplies, P. E. Hannan, inspector of animals, Isaiah Crowell, ' " " " F. W. Homer, " " " $ 10 56 48 00 6 25 46 25 9.45- 10 00 Town officers, travel and expenses out of town, 132 04 E. A. Nickerson, distributing town reports, 1 50 " " " 1 00 " " u 1 50 F. Tripp, 'T. E. Kelley, • Delia Collins, expenses, bridge committee, Cape Cod Central club, polling place, rent, B. S. Sears, W. Y. library, treasurer, E. L. Jenkins, S. Y. " Wm. J. Davis, Y. J. W. Crowell, land for dump ground, Andrew F. Sherman, book of abstracts and recording deeds, D. B. Taylor, ladder for South Yarmouth fire department, James A. Ellis, services, Dr. S. H. Sears, 8 birth returns, E. F. Smith, care of tramp, C. R. Bassett, justice fees, James Chase, services, board of health, Winnie Smith, " " " " E. P. Baker, storing watering cart, T. W. Nickerson, } cost bound stone, Paid state treasurer, hunting license, " telephone, telegraph and express, Frank Thacher, insurance, F. C. Swift., ". E. L. Jenkins, E. I'. Baker, labor, town house grounds, 9 25 10 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 1 00 • 15 67 3 25 2 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 25 '25 2 50 6 00 15 00 7 86 7 50 10 95 10 00 4 50 art rs...noratittr 11 I. B. Kelley, coal, town house, KE. Baker, labor at precinct 3, E. L. Sears, " " " 2, Mary Phillips, cleaning town house, J. S. Baker, care of hearse,' Manton H. Crowell, care of hearse, " " " 21 death returns, Seth Taylor, care of hearse, " " 16 death returns, " " care of town house, T. T. Hallet, supplies, board of health, " " justice of the peace, E. D. Payne, supplies, board of health, town office and fire department, D. S. Taylor, supplies, town pumps, Henry Arey, David S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Hannah Lovell, Joseph H. Robinson, Mary Ryder, C. I. Handy, Eliza A. Sturdy, Charles F. Handy, STATE AID. MILITARY AID. $750 1 00 1 00 3 10 8 00 5 00 4 25 5 00 4 00 6 78 1 28 25 5 30 10 08 *959 88 *48 00 48 00 48 00 4800 48 00 36 00 48 00 7900 *446 00 *12 00 . FIRES. Seth Taylor, paid for labor, town fires, * 10 00 " 46 railroad fires, 160 01 J. S. Baker, town fires, 2 60 " " railroad fires, 7 35 F. W. Homer, " " 112 44 *292 40 1 it rJ • 110.11.1 idol . 12 MDSRRATS. 774 muskrat bounties paid, PRINTING. Yarmouth Register, F. B. & F. P. Goss, *193 50 $256 40 5 25 *261 65 STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS. Amount received by town, Received from dog fund, Received additional Corp. taxes, Received from state, reimbursement auto- mobile signs, Received from the Bass River fisheries, Received from state, reimbursement in- spector animals, Received from state, reimbursment huh- . • ter's license, Received from state, reimbursement mil- itary aid, Received from state, reimbursement state aid, - Received from N. Y.. N. II. & H. R. R. Co, reimbursement fire labor, Paid out for incidentals, " ", " state aid, " " " military aid, " fires, " muskrats, " printing, Unexpended balance, " u u u " u *959 88 446 00 12 00 292 40 193 50 261 65 1,044 55. *1,400 00 •18000 693 41 52 72 134 55 32 85 15 00 72 00 324 00 305 45 • $3,209 98 $3,209 4,P- 13 SNOW. Alfred Gorham, paid for labor, J. S. Baker, " " " P. E. Hannan, K L. R. Brown, " " " J. Hinckley & Son, lumber, snow plow, E. L. Sears, labor on snow plow, II. R. Usher, labor and material, snow plow, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, u „ SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by town, Received by J. E. Howes, hay sold, " B. B. Crocker, " . K " " 44 " A. A. Knowles, " u u {{ " J. W. Crowell, eggs bay Frank Arey, " " cash, reimbursed, Paid for support of alinshouse, " " " outside poor, Unexpended balance, u $ 19 90 14 20 32 60 20 00 4 22. 6 95 4 50 397 63 $500 00 *500 00 - *500 00 * 847 57 1,257 94 519 31 *2500 00 11 35 4 68 22 44 51 83 • 11 92 12 60 10 00 *2,624 8.2 *2,624 8.2 SUPPORT OF SCIIOOLS. Edward F. Peirce, Maud E. Gay, . Kate Maher, Mary F. Bass, services, teacher, 4' " AA u •u *900 00 300 00 360 00 360 u0 14 Emma G. Hall, services, teacher, Blanche V. McKenna, Isaac Goddard, Helen A. Eldridge, Zulette Potter, - Mernie Kelley, Ethel J. Cummings, James Gorham, janitor, extra labor, Fred. E. Baker, janitor, " " " extra labor and Ernest Baker, _janitor, " " extra labor, F. P. Hallett, fuel, Matthews & Payne,. Loring Fuiler & Co., " Isaac B. Kelley, K u Allen B. Baker, E. W. Eldridge, " Chester Kelley, tuning piano, M. M. Corey, " Mary F. Bass, supplies, J. B. Hall, J. E. Crowell, " J. B. Brown, David S. Taylor, " I. H. Thacker, 2d, George B. Sears, David Kelley, 2d, Beal Press Co, Lyceum Hall Co., Mrs. Wm. A. Schwab, repairing flag, A. L. Baker, labor, Lampbell & Marble; flags, Yarmouth Register, printing, $120 00 360 00 540 00 450 00 360 00 K 240 00 " 150 00 150 00 13 05' 90 00 supplies, 18 60 60 00 10 00 73 00 80 91 67 69 12 00 4 75 10.50 1 50 6-00 3-18 12 68 .1 60 1 25 3 30 10 60 10 50 2 30 6 50 . 5 00 1 00 5 60 6 35 20 50 15 Mrs. Alexander Weller, cleaning, Mrs. Alien Cash, Jr., " 48 00 Mrs. Allen Cash, 4 83 Mrs. Isaiah Ellis, 4 73 Emma C. Baker, " 4 73 Isaiah Ellis, labor, 9 25 2 I. L. Ellis, u 1 72 55 Wm. E. Chaffin, distributing supplies, 5 00 " " " paid for telephone, 80 Amount raised by town, " received from trustees of Sears 43,800 00 Enna, Amount received from state, tuition of scholars, Expended over amount raised and received, " " 1 M. G. Bradford, D. C. Heath & Co., Kenney Brothers, E. E. Babb & Co, I Houghton, 31ifflin & Co, 1 Ginn & Co, American Book Co, Silver, Burdett & Co., " J. L. Hammett, Thompson, Brown & Co, SCHOOL SUPPLIES supplies, u " " " • - Educational Pub. Co, " Yarmouth Register, - " Schoenhof Book Co, " B. II. Sanborn & Co, Amount raised by town, E. E. Babb & Co., reimbursement, Expended over amount raised, K 450 00 54 00 565 87 *4,869 87 $4,869 87 4430 546 40 194 66 5 78 52 08 82 71 14 01 14 45 3 24 1 35 11 52 9 79 4 42 *275 00 60 54 68 63 *404 17 *404 17 TRANSPORTATION OF SCnOLARS. Joyce Taylor & Co, • I. F. Homer, J. E. Crowell, H. P. Baxter, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, *205 50 513 75 2 25 68 60 9 90 *800 00 *800 00 *800 00 COOKING, DRAWING, MUSIC, SEWING AND BLOYD. Ina F. Nickerson, teacher, music, *233 Louise Crowell, it « 77 S. Isabelle Smith, u drawing, 400 Isabel Shove, 31. F. Grote, Clarence H. Baker, Ernest Baker, James Gorham, Clark & Smith, J. IC. & 13. Sears, sloyd, cooking, _ janitor, sloyd, supplies, u u John Hinckley & Son, K " E. E. Babb S. Co., music « Silver, Burdett & Co., Ginn R Co., u a Louise Crowell, a u Isabel Lewis, sewing A. Silver, cooking S. W. Hall, E. D. Payne, J. Usher, Jr., Alfred Gorham, - E. W. Eldridge, « Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, received from Mrs. M. S. Agassiz, 750 500 12 22 66 '23 15 12 8 16 17 34 78 00 00 00 00 50 66 58 37 89 97 28 79 90 4 88 3 10 10 23 13 51 - 2-00 -420 3 00 1 02 17 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. William E. Chaffin, Unexpended bdance, Amount raised by town, Received from state, INTEREST. -- William J. Davis, cashier, treasurer and trustee, John H. Clark, treasurer, Stephen Sears and T. T. Hallet, trustees, A. B. Chapin, state treasurer, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, Received from Englewood Land Co., Alfred Gorham, Joshua S. Baker, • L. R. Brown, P. E. Hannan, Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, *562 51 45 18 *175 00 432 69 *607 69 *607 69 *429 67 640 00 900 00 87 50 242 83 *2,200 00 100 00 $2,300 00 *2,300 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES. $ 36 18 300 85 929 12 500 00 $1,76"6 15 TREE WARDEN. Amount raised by town, Paid S. T. Kelley, acct. , $1,100 " L. R. Brown, 1,100 0000 Unexpended balance, « *2,200 00 *2,200 00 *77 99 50 00 22 01 81,400 00 366.15 *1,766 45 *150 00 $150 00 4150 00 •Ltk - 1. • Aid.. 1.1 11 18 FORESTER. Amount raised by town, Paid Seth Taylor, acct. labor, " James A. Baker, acct. labor, Unexpended balance, • $ 4 20 15 50 30 30 $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 GYPSY AND BROWN TAIL MOTH FUND. Amount raised by town, Received, reimbursements, Paid Ames Plow Co., supplies, National Coal Tar Co., " Joseph Breck & Sons, " A. J. Wilkinson & Co., E. D. Payne, T. T. Hallet, A. C. Snow, labor, C. R. Bassett., acct. labor, L. R. Brown, " " Unexpended balance, $500 00 6 86 $ 10 35 50 1 67 .1 05 1 36 50 5 00 250 79 80 00 155 64 $506 86 $506 86 • PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND REPAIRS. ALMSHOUSE. John Falvey, stone work, A. C. Snow, labor and material, Frank Hinckley, supplies, C. M. Bray, " $60 00 58 45 50 24 3 88 19 SCHOOLHOUSES. Ernest Baker, labor, T. G. Kelley, material and labor, William A. Schwab, R. D. Ellis, M. G. Bradford, J. B. Brown & Co., A. B. Nye, E. W. Eldridge, James Gorham, John Hinckley & Son, Elbridge Taylor, George B. Lewis, John Falvey, George B. Sears, D. S. Taylor, American Slate Co, R. L. Taylor, Henry W. Taylor, $ 1 00 85 52 labor and material, 12 60 44 5 20 5 95 gg 12 70 -" 27 80 " 8 75 • 8 80 85 83 • 17 11 46 gg 60 00 64 , gg 5 50 " 18 85 a u 8 43 " 10 20 • 5 85 44 44 f4 2 72 • • $277 81 TOWN HOUSE PROPERTY. A. C. Snow, labor and material, 3 14 George B. Sears, 4‘ " • 11 09 J. N. Baker, labor and material on hearse house, Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, $14 23 81 $400 00 59 92 $459 92 $459 92 SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. Amount raised by town, S. D. W. Mitchell, $167 67 4 John H. Stetson, special service, $15 00 7 00 $100 00 Joseph H. Robinson, F. B. Homer, Osborne White, William H. Hurst, Unexpended balance, 20 special service, " u " u " *3 00 8 00 8. 00 3 00 66 00 $100 00 REMITTANCE OF TAXES. Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, Paid E. T. Baker, tax collector,. (( "• stamp tax refunded, *498 34 28 47 $521 81 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE. Amount raised by town, Paid E. T. Baker, collector, Unexpended balance, STATE HIGHWAY Amount raised by town, Paid John H. Clark, treasurer, " William J. Davis, cashier, 824 30 70 *25 00 NOTES. $2,500 00 2,500 00 *5,000 00 WEST YARMOUTH SCHOOL SHED. Amount raised by town, Paid T. G. Kelley, labor and material, *100 00 $500 00 2181 *521 81 *25 00 $25 00 *5,000 00 $5,000 00 $150 00 *150 00 *150 00 *150 00 1 a 1 1 21 ` AKIN AND KELLEY ROAD. Amount raised by town, Paid David Kelley heirs, land, Paid P. P. Akin heirs, (( Unexpended balance, *12 00 12 00 8 00 PILGRIM MONUMENT. Amount raised by town, Pilgrim monument association, 13L'RIAL FUND. Received by Mrs. Olive Drew, " Charles M. Bray, (( A. Reed, executor, (( R. W. Marston, , Deposited in New Bedford 5 Cents Say-. ings bank, $200 00 Deposited, in New Bedford Institution for Savings, 50 00 Balance in town treasury, 150 00 (( *32 00 *32 00 *32 00 ,*50 00 *50 00 *50 00 *50 00 * 50 00 - 200 00 100 00 50 00 *400 00 *400 00 BURIAL FUND INTEREST. Received New Bedford Savings bank, *78 GO 44 " 5 Cents Savings bank, Paid Charles M. Bray, Manthn 1I. Crowell, care of lots, " " *24 00 8 00 73 36 Paid Wm. B. F'uller, u Thomas E. Kelley, « Wm. J. Davis, Balance, 22 care of lots, a u u TAX NOTES PAID; Paid Wm. J. Davis, cashier, - TARES PAID. Paid State tax,' County tax, K Highway tax, " National bank tax,. COUNTY. $4 00 4 00 30 00 81 96 *151 96 Paid Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer,boun- .. ty on 3 seals, PAID STATE AND TOWNS FOR SUPPORT OF POOR. * 14 35 221 64 52 00 *151 96 $4,000 00 *2,100 00 2,269 50 439 90 1,678. 65 *6,388 05 *9 00 Aid to state poor, . " " Brewster poor, " Falmouth poor, • • pririm $287 99 SELECTMEN'S STATEMENT. Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen. and drawn upon . the town treasurer: Town debts, u officers, $ 689 99 1,988 65 28 Miscellaneous, Snow, Support of poor, State and other towns' poor, Support of schools, School supplies, Transportation, Cooking, drawing, music, sewing and sloyd, Superintendent of schools, Interest, Roads and bridges, Tree warden, Forester, Moth fund, Public buildings, Suppression of crime, Remittance of taxes, Tax collector's postage, State highway notes, West Yarmouth school shed, Akin and Kelley road, Pilgrim monument, - Burial fund, " " interest, - Tax notes paid, Taxes paid, state and county, Seal bounties paid, Amount of orders drawn on town urer, *2,165 43 102 37 2,105 51 287 99 4,869 87. 404 17 790, 10 . 2,198 98 562 51 2,057 17 1,766 15 127 99 19 70 351 22 459 92 34 00 521 81 2430 5,000 00 150 00 24 00 50 00 250 00 70 00 4,000 00 6,388 05 9 00 treas- *87,468 88 *37,468' 88 *37,468 88. ■ 1 t au .Nil. • 11. • IW a 24 FINANCIAI. STANDING OF THE TOWN, DEC. 31, 1906. TOWN. OWES. Sears fund note, State highway note, Town highway notes, Bills unpaid; estimated, 'Uncollected taxes, 1904, 1905, « 1906, . Due from state, 1905, u u • u 1906,- " 906,- . Falmouth, u Brewster, . Dennis, bridge account, u u County • u Selectmen's balance in treasury, Outstanding orders, 46 CREDIT. U Net debt, Jan. 1, 1907, Net debt .Tan. 1st, 1906, cc cc « ' u 1907, *15,000 00 4,000 00 18,000 00 400 00 *37,400 00 * 701 5G 1,910 62 9,772 67 14 76 14 35 52 00 221 64 284 60 142 30 1,947 75 2,553 90 - *17,616 15 *19,783 85 *28,431 40 19,783 85 Decrease for year, Cl1ARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, JESSE W. CROWELL, *8,647 55 Selectmen of Yarmouth. -- 25 LIST OF JURORS AS PREPARED BY THE SELECTMEN JAN. 9, 1907. Daniel B. Crocker, Charles R. Bassett, John H. Clark, David A. Nickerson, Ansel Hallet, John H. Brice, Joseph W. Hamblin, Charles L. Nickerson, William F. Bray, Oliver Hallet, Jr., Theodore F. Drew, Lysander A. Chase, Isaiah F. Homer, David F. Sears, Manton H. Crowell, William H. Hurst, Luther R. Brown, Zenas P. Howes, Thacher S. Holway, David S. Taylor, Lester E. Crowell, Albert W. Matthews, Julius B. Brown, Joshua F. Crowell. CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, .of JESSE W. CROWELL. Yarmouth. Assessors Report. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1906. *370,325 00 694,700 00 782,991 00 31,848,016 00 Real estate, land, " " buildings, Personal estate, Additional Valuation, Dec. 20, 1906:$ 3,925 00 Real estate, land and buildings, 40,200 00 Personal,' Total valuation, 1906, TAXES, MAY 1, 1906. Taxes levied on real estate, " " personal estate, " u " polls, Additional taxes, Dec. 20, 1906: Taxes levied on real estate, " " " personal estate, " " " polls, Omitted taxes, • Moth " Total tax, 1906, Number of polls, " " houses, " horses, 44,125 00 81,892,141 00 *13,312 81 9,787 39 908 00 *24,008 20 $ 49 07 502 50 18 00 2730 56 27 Number of cows, 113 Itneat cattle other than cows, 2 " " sheep, 28 it " acres of land, 10,7344 66 66dogs licensed, 115 " • persons liable to military duty, 141 tt " residents assessed on property, 572 « " non-residents " " " 428 all others, " " " 166 tt • poll taxes only, - 116 Rate of taxation,.*12.50 per 81,000.00. TAXES RECEIVED FROM STATE. National bank tax, Corporation tax, 597 43 *24,605 63 463 758 220 * 995 07 4,029 95 *5,025 02 TAXES PAID TO STATE AND COUNTY. County tax, State tax, " highway tax, *2,269 50 2,100 00 439 90 *4,809 40 Increase in valuation over 1905, *50,111.00. Decrease in rate of taxation since 1905, *1.00 per thousand. JESSE W. CROWELL, Assessors HENRY BLACHFORD, of CHARLES R. BASSET, Yarmouth. Report of Overseers of tke Poor. Inmates of almshouse, Dec. 31, 1906: John Gray, Nathan Sears, Laura Buck, Luther Buck, Number of inmates during year, 4. " tramps . " " 5. * POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Amos Arey, salary, keeper, " labor of horse, ". paid for supplies, 61e. Co 1893 ed. 79 1898 56 1903 46 1904 Frank H. Hinckley, E. Walker, E. S. Mecarta, Matthews & Payne, S. W. Hall, B. T. Gorham, E. L. Sears, Isabel Lewis, A. A. Knowles, E. D. Payne, C. R. Bassett, Z. A. Sherman, E. W. Eldridge, T. T. Hallet, J. B. Hall, supplies, grain, " fuel, u K u '4 64 u " " " *350 00 9 15 12 24 29 Daniel B. Taylor, ladders, Ezra F. Chase, pig, Alfred Gorham, supplies, " service of beast, " " labor, H. R. Usher, iron work, Dr. S. II. Sears, medical attendance, E. W. Eldridge, labor, • Mary A. Phillips, " G. Frank Chase, " cutting wood, $371 39 6502 14 00 5 25 60. 15 18 38 6 05 3 50 3 28 154 95 49 97 6 00 50 9 44 2 20 18 85 Ca. By eggs sold, hay ". Net cost, 1906, OUTSIDE POOR. Ida Chase. Paid Ruth Chase, support, ".. _ _Dr. S. H. Sears, medical aid, T. T. Ballet, " supplies, • " *51 83 62 99 $48 00 8 35 12 60 Adresta Humes. Paid, cash aid, *60 00 " F. P. Hallett, fuel, 18 50 " Henry Blachford, " 12 75 Mrs. Lemuel Marchant, nurse, 11 50 Lucy Marchant, " 2 00 " Dr. C. M. Baker, medical aid, 1 50 " C. W. Megathlin, " supplies, 50 $ 5 88 4 00 4 26 1 00 21 95 1 50 - 3 75 2 00 9 30 5 00 *847 57 *114 82 $732 75' $ 68 95 106 75 • 30 Mrs. Fred. Cash. Paid H. M. Baxter, rent, " Henry Blachford, fuel, " " supplies, " F. P. Hallett, fuel, " A. K. Johnson, supplies, " J. E. Crowell, " " Jas. E. Baxter,___ " " L. K. Chase, Judah B. Chase. Paid I. B. Kelley, fuel, " F. W. Homer, " Geo. H. Loring, " Elisha T. Baker, supplies, Ezra D. Kelley, " D..D. Kelley, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical aid, Mrs. Everett Newcomb, nurse, Mrs. Emma C. Baker, " Mrs. A. H. Cotelle, Louis Arenovski, clothing, Refunded Last item by Mrs. Chase. Leander Baker. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, " L. P. Wilson, " " W. L. Case, fuel, " H. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, " Dr. C. E. Harris, medical aid, Benajah Whelden. Paid.Henry Blachford, wood, $ 48 00 17 60 2 04 11 00 183 95 6 01 9 6.0 5 50 8725 3 00 3 00 95 12 04 21 97 34 25 7 50 16 25 10 50 10 00 812 34 5 57 3 50 7 25 5 00 81 • Ellis P. Baker. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, " A. K. Johnson, " " Joseph U. Baker, fuel, " Dr. E. M. Parker, medical aid,. . " " S. H. Sears, " " Paid Alton S. Cole, *233 60 " F. A. Baker, F. W. Romer, E. D. Kelley " E. T. Baker, F. W. homer, rent, E. M. Parker, medical aid, Joseph F. Cotelle, nurse, Overseer of poor, travel, exp. paid, Paid Mass. General hospital, board, " Manton H. Crowell, undertaker, 126 71 William F. Chase. supplies, " a a William Chase, Paid B. T. Gorham, supplies, Mrs. Isaac W. Baker. Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies, " Dr. F. A. Binford, medical aid, Eben Baxter. Paid H. B. Chase & Sons, coal,. Melissa Baker. 33 66 Paid I. F. Homer, rent, " I. B. Kelley, fuel, " E. M. Parker, medical aid, 11 00 837 00 8 69 4 75 4 75 6 75 * 4 26 2 90 10 24 23 11 3 54 87 50 20 00 37 00 56 *6 75 $48 00 10 00 $40 00 15 00 20 00 856 94 136 57 6 75 58 00 7 00 75 00 32 Josiah F. Baker. Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies, " H. P. Baxter, fuel, " 11. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, Morris Gray. Paid Marcus Hall, rent, I. Leonard Ellis. Paid S. W. Hall, supplies, " E. D. Payne, " B. T. Gorham, " Archelus Phillips. Paid S. W. Hall, supplies, " A. A. Knowles, " • E. D. Payne,. 41 T. T. Ballet, _ _ _ " 64 B. T. Gorham, " S. L. Robbins, wood, 44 Dr. S. II. Sears, medical aid, Harry W. Robinson. • Paid Manton II. Crowell, undertaker, Nehemiah Goodwin. Paid traveling expenses to hospital, Mrs. Walter Baker. Paid Daniel Cole, rent, " fuel, *2 00 3 50 8 50 *10 71 25 38 8 20 *34 28 52 00 3 25 10 05 1 65 1 25 83 20 *60 00 2864 * 9 00 30 00 89 29 • 135 68 • 33 00 1 50 88 64 88 STATEMENT. Amount raised by town, Received from Mrs. J. B. Chase, reim- bursement, Received from produce sold, almshouse, Paid for support of almshouse, " " _outside poor, Unexpended balance, $ 847 57 1,257 94 519 81 $2,600 00 10 00 114 82 *2,624 82 *2,624 82 PAID FOR POOR OF STATE AND OTIHER TOWNS. Paid aid to State poor, " " " Brewster, " " " Falmouth, $ 14 85 221 64 52 00 *287 99 CHARLES R. BASSETT, Overseers HENRY BLACHFORD, of JESSE W. CRO :YELL, • Poor. r • • :a r Treasurers Report. Ds. Balance on hand, January 1st, 1906, Received from E. L. Chase, county treasurer, dog fund; E. L. Chase, acct. Bass River bridge, E. L. Chase, bounty on seals, Luther R. Brown, • town of Barnstable, town of Dennis, acct. Pass River bridge, acct. N. Y., 1� . 11. & 11. R. R., fires, town of Brewster, if town of Falmouth, F rank,B. Ilowai•d, pool license, tt tt tt T. F. Drew, auctioneer's license, •" " L. R. Brows=n, auctioneer's license, Reuben Ilowes; auctioneer's li- cense, aidlar's llaralabas Cantianio, p license, E. E. Babb & Co., money re- turned, Mrs. Judah B. Chase, reimburse- ment, Mrs. Mabel S. Agassiz, acct. schools, tt tt tt u u tt tt u " tt tt tt " tt *3,163 43 180 00 70 29 9 00 10 1 25 140 56 305 45 130 38 52 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 200 6 00 GO 54 10 00 1,100 00 Received " " tt " tt " u tt tt " it tt tt tt 35 from sale of hay from almshouse, " sale of eggs, Amos Arey, " state treasurer, corporation tax, • state, auto signs, reimburse- ment, ' state, tuition children,' " compensation, inspectors animals, state, national bank tax, " military aid, " state aid, II. 1-I. Fisk, chairman joint school committee, for destruction moth nests, from Henry Blackford, treas., Follins pond fisheries, proceeds of note, anticipation taxes, from trustees Sears fund, " Chas. J. Coffin, hunting license, " treasurer Englewood Beach Land Co., interest, burial funds, for perpetual care cemetery lots: Mrs. Olive Drew, .John Orlando lot, R. Wallace Marston, Nathan W. Grush lot, Chas. M. Bray, lots ancient cemetery, Arthur Reed, executor. Deborah Hamblin lot, Received from E)isha T. Baker, collector taxes, year 1903, Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, • year 1904, " Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, year 1905, " Elisha T. Baker, collector taxes, year 1900, tt tt tt tt " if tt u tt • 62 99 51 83 4,029 95 -- .52-72 54 00 32 85 . 995 07 72 00 • . 324 00 432 69 6 ss6 134 55 2,000 00 450 00 15 00 100 00. 151--96- 50 00 50 00 200 00 100 00 151 45 1,604 96 8,089 59 16,419 55 a40,8G9 02 rc„ni m„�cinwr...-.�r�m■ WM 36 CR. Paid on.orders from. selectmen, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1907, • Due from Elisha T. Baker, collector of taxes: Year 1904, 1905, tt 1906, Town owes: Notes given account state highway, ---- u K macadam roads, K ft Sears note, Berry avenue, Massachusetts school fund: Balance on hand, January 1st, 1906, Received from treasurer Commonwealth, Paid on orders, school committee, Balance on hand, January 1st, 1907, Amount due Mrs. Agassiz, Burial funds, Savings banks, Cash, Received from: George N.. Smalley, John F. Crocker, . Est. Louisa Nickerson, 136,367 87 4,501 65 *40,869 02 8 725 02 1,887 16 9,772 67 *12,384 85 * 4,000 00 15,500 00 2,500 00 . 15,000 00 *37,000 00 *783 89 575 38 *1,359 27 577 92 781_35 _ *1,359 27 *148 87 *2;150 00 *2,000 00 150 00 *2,150 00 *500 00 250 00 50 00 87 Edwin Bray, lot Benjamin Bray, Andrew Crowell, Wm. B. Fuller, Ests. Hatsel and Hatsel E. Crosby, Estate John Orlando, Charles M. Bray, Est. Deborah Hamblin, Est. Nathan W. Grush, Est. Peleg P. Akin, DOG FUND. Licensed for the year 1906: 106 male dogs, at *2, 9 female dog's, at *5, Fees, town clerk, Paid county treasurer, * 50 00 100 00 100 00 200.00 50 00 200 bo 100 00 50 00 500 00 *2,150 00 *212 00 45 00 *257 00 23 00 88234 00 WILLIAM J. DAVIS., Town Treasurer. Date. 1900. Jan. 1. 13. Feb. April 3. 15. 21. 22. May 29. June 26. 28. Aug. 20. Sept. ' 23. Oct. 10. 80. Nov. 6. 18. Dec. 19. '27. Date. 1005. April 18. Oct. 8. Nov. 28. Vital Statistics for the Year 1906. BIRTIIS RECORDED IN ,1906. Name of Child. David M. Nickerson, Irene Parker Cahoon, Cecil Raleigh Williams Cobb, Ilattie Sears Gorham, Zola Rogers Sherman, (Male infant) Crowell, Vernon Dwight Morgan,' Laura Stevens Drew, (Male infant) 13rown, Eliza Dustin Baker, (Female infant) Murphy, Lloyd Homer, Lillian Hall Bumpus, . Dorothy Varley, Howard Reynolds Snow, Helen Mae Kelley, ' Martha Elizabeth Usher, (Male) Ryder, Parente. David A. and Lila N. Winnie and Bessie May. Charles E. and Laura K. Benjamin T. and Carrie A. Zoeth A. and Elsie. Francis and Lena May. William F. and Violet E. V. George P. and Mary S. Warren C. and Florence A. Ellis Perry and Annie. Fred Towsley and Cornelia. Frank B. and Geneva M. Charles Elmer and Marion R. Arthur and Mabelle C. Herbert R. and Edna B. Josiah M. and Maud L. Jonathan, Jr., and Catherine S. Amos C. and Grace B. BIRTHS NOT I3EFORE REPORTED. Name of Child. • Oswald. Studley Caah, 1 Isabelle Hall Ellis, Franklin Leroy Chase, . Parents. Freeman S. and Florence Otto. Isaiah L. and Dora A. Ebenezer B. and Lillian 141. ' Date. 1906. Feb. 12. 12. 21. 22. 22. March 4. 25. 27. April 8. 18. May 7. 14. June 18. 21. 29. July 12. 23. Aug. 5. 11. 17. Sept. 2. 9. 11. Oct. 5. DEATJIS RECORDED IN 1900. Name of Deceased. , Judah 13. Chase, Lysander Baker, Edward 13. Hallett, William Darius Crowell, Betsey 11. Orlando, Betsey Crowell, Benajah Whelden, Susan G. Hall, Ann T. Gray, 31ehitable Gorham, (Male infant) Crowell, David M. Nickerson, Frances J. Thompson, Elvira Loring, (Male infant) Brown, Lydia Baker, Mary II. Bassett, . Fannie W. Kelley, Emma L. Crowell, Delia F. Collins, Minnie L. Berry, Gideon Matthews, Deborah Ilamblin, Harry W. Robinson, Disease. Hepatic cirrhosis, Pneumonia, Enlarged prostate, Phthisis pulmonalis, Pneumonia, Cerebral hemorrhage, Lobar pneumonia, Pneumonia, Old age, Old age, apoplexy, Organic disease of the heart, Purpura haemorrhagia, Carcinoma, Cerebral hemorrhage, Intestinal stoppage, Paralysis, Apoplexy and old age, Paralysis, Burn, Epilepsy, Diabetis mellitus, Anaemia and debility, 74 11 17 Arterio sclerosis of arteries of the heart, 76 8 Hepatitis, ; 24 Y. Agef. ,D. 77 2 77 79 10 23 40 78 7 93 3 4 81 1 18 73 1 9 87 6 85 2X� 8 17 4 14 58 7 70 9 21 3 77 10 16 73 8 18 85 1 4 56 6 11 42 53 Date. 1906. Oct.. 8. ' Sarah K. Kelley, • 12. Liicy Taylor, 17. Melena Olar, Nov. 20. Lloyd llonler, Dec. 9. Gladys 31. Howland, 24. Stephen 1Ving, 27. Isaac F. Smalley, 80. Lillian L. Fowler, BROUGHT TO DEATIIS RECORDED IN Name of Deceased. Jan. 30. Mar. 24. May . 15. July 27.• Aug. 19. Oct. 30. Nov. 5. 11. " Dec. 23. Nathaniel Long, Lottie Rogers, Eben Sears, Jeremiah C. Robinson, IVillinm F. Chase, Nehemiah C. Goodwin, Clarissa W. Sears, Sarah J. Lewis, James 11. Sniith,l 1906. Disease. Asthernia following apoplexia, Uraemia, ]honcho pneumonia, Malnutrition, Intestinal obstruction, Injury by blow upon supra orbital Senile debility, T. B. Age. Y. M. D. 71 2 5 78 9 69 10 1 2 3 8 24 bone, 78 6 6 • 71 11 16 31 6 10 YARMOUTH FOR INTERMENT. Dilated heart, Acute nephritis, 13rights disease, heart disease, Bronchial asthma, Valvular heart disease, Diphtheria, Appendicitis, (No return), 91 11 83 56 5 7 62 17 50 71 69 9 23 67 77 1 42 MARRIAGES RECORDED IN 1906. Date. Names of Groom and Bride. June 7. Herbert R. Snow, Edna B. Hale, June 14. Willis Bradford Taylor, Annabel Howard, June 23. Hayden Richardson, Margaret Howes, June 30. Albion B. Howland, Edith M. Nickerson, July 7. John R. S. Eldridge, Susie May Baker; July 8. Elmer E. Ellis, Mary R. Chase, July 21. Joseph M. Lewis, Martha L. White, Aug. 10. John James Parker Dixon, Edna May Cahoon, Aug. 26. Francis M. Johnson, Jr, Annie L. Ellis, Sept. 20. Henry Arey, Flora Belle Wheeler, Nov. 15. Alfred Clifton Drew, Mary Jane McLean, Dec. 24. Charles Cash, Lillian M. Cash, Dec. 25. Amos C. Ryder, Gracie B. Newcomb, • Residence. Yarmouth, " Dennis, New York City, Yarmouth, Iiarwich, Yarmouth, u " Dennis, Yarmouth, Barnstable, u Yarmouth, " " " Boston, Yarmouth, " " Age. 18 19 19 18 86 80 25 28 27 19 38 80 49 41 31 20 21 19 67 2G 30 21 34 18 21 •26 Tree Warden Account. Warren Ellis, 43 hours, 20c., John G. Thacher, paint, S. T. Kelley, 43 hours, 20c., Seth Taylor, 18 " horse, 15c, S. T. Kelley, 16 " 20c., Warren Ellis, 104 " S. T. Kelley, 10 Norway maple trees, John Hinckley & Son, 1 saw, Joshua S. Baker, trimming trees, Wes E. D. Payne, rope, Albert D. Baker, labor on tree, S. T. Kelley, 24 hours, 20c., Edmund Walker, 24 " " A. A. Knowles, 1 gal. kerosene oil, George Robbins, 9 hours, 20c., Warren Ellis, 13 " " Edmund Walker, 19+ " 15c., S. T. Kelley, 53 " 20c., S. T. Kelley, for trees, Chester Cole, S. N. Chapman, A. W. Cahoon, E. S. Baker, Clarence Baker, I R. C. Baker, labor, " " " " $ 8 60 25 8 60 2 70 8 20 " 2 10 15 00 1 85 t Yarmouth, 8 50 4 05 25 4 80 50 16 1 80 2 60__ ''2 93 10 60 15 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 L. R. Chapman, A. Whittemore, 0. H. Chase, W. H. Kenney, - L. R. Brown, Geo. H. Kolley, 44 labor, u K u u AI *4_00 4 00 4 00 2 00 �7 00 1 00 *127" 99 SYLVANUS T. KELLEY, Tree Warden. Road Commissioners' eport. P. E. HANNAN, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. Ray M. Hallett, Henry Baker, E. L. Sears, John Hinckley A: Son, P. E. Hannan, " " 10 hrs., G. H. Taylor,•23 loads Chas. A. Chase, Henry Baker, Ray M. Hallett, P. E. Hannan, Frank I. Robbins,' 24 hours, 22c., 24 K K 5 lumber, 24 hour -s, horse, 161e., horse and man, 38e., sand, 5c., 3iE hours, 223c, 13 " K 8 K - u 5 K K 13 " • horse, 16-e.; 4 K 22 e., R. D. Ellis, repairs on scraper, . Albert C. Snow, work on catch basin, P. E. Hannan, 45 hours, with teams, 55:e:, K 27 K K K K Chas. R. Bassett, 36 __ K- " 38Se, " " " 146 loads gravel, 6e., " " " 57 " " 1Oe.,, Alfred Baker, 36 hours, 14e.„ Collins E. Baker, 36 William F. Morgan, 72 William F. Bray, 18 Geo. F. Bray, 18 Frank I. Robbins, 39 George Ilallet, 4 hours, with team, K $ 5 33 5 33 1 53. 8 71 4 00 3 .89 1 15_ — -=-. 7889 2 1 78 1 11 '2 17 89 2 31 1 20 25 00... 15 00 14 00 8 76 5 70 8 00 8 00 16 00 4 00 -4 00 8 67 3 20 40 G. II. Taylor, 25 loads sand, 6c., J. E. IIowes, 25 " II " Chas. M. Bray, 16 " E. F. Smith; s 11 « 11 II — Winthrop Smith, John Keveney, Edmund Walker, Geo. Robbins, Michael Keveney, Oliver Iia;let, Jr., �hn Falvey,labor Henry Keveney, 31 i cnry 11. Baker, Edward C. Bray, Ernest Bray, Joseph W. Smith, Frank T. Chase, u . 14 « Z. A. Sherman, Seth Walker, Osborn E. Baker, 44 u u « 44 4 hours, 22gc., with team, 88:e., horse, 16ic.,\ 221c., 9 25 30 27 45 108 36 36 on drain, loads sand, 6c., 9 hours, 22gc., 27 II II 11 II II It 14 « u II II with team, 38:e., 22gc, u 88:c., 23 23 9 14 14 14 9 27 • u 44 with team, 38:c., u (I II 22gc., u 44 " with team, 38c.,' " " " 40 loads sand, 5c., Thacher T. lilolway, 27 hours, with team, 38:c, Geo. II. Baker, 9 " 22g.e, " " " 54 " with team, 38:c., Chas. Nickerson, 60 loads sand, 5c., Henry Usher, repairs on scraper, W. D. Loring, 21 hours, 20c, James A. Ellis, 27 " with team, 38yc, • « u « 9 « « ,I 55- c., " " " 104_ loads gravel, 5c., W. D. Loring, labor, on sidewalk, $ 1 25 1 25 75 89 8 50 4 17 6 07 6 00 17 60 24 00 8 00 14 00 10 00 1 55 2 00 6 00 5 11 6 11 2 00 5 44 5 44 3 11 2 00 10 50 2 00 10 50 2 00 21 00 3 00 25 50 10 50 5 00 5 20 1 50 E. F. Smith, James A. Ellis, IIenry Baker, Joseph Ilamblin; Chas. Dixon, Allen Cash, 47 10 hours, 22Ue., 27 « horse 161c., 27 18 18 131 « 223c., « u " 22:c, Charles Cash, 9 " " Oliver IInllet, - 8+ " with team, 38:c., " 8 loads gravel, Sc., James T. Chase, 4 hours, 22gc.;, E. W. Eldridge, 8 " with team, 38:c., I/ " 22 loads gravel, 5c, J. E. Olar, 17. hours, 22gc, Geo. Robbins, 54 " « Frank Chase, 5 Chas. A. Chase, 8 1. L. Ellis, 29 P. E. Mannan, 9 " 27 Elam S. 3lecarta, 5 R. Rowes, 27 " u 5 " 3 loads sand, 5c., « 44 it « « 14 14 horse, with team, 38ge, • « 44 « u $ 2.2tr" 4 50 6 00 4 00 10 00 3 00 2 00 1 36 15 89 3 11 1 10 3 78 12 00 1 11 1 78 644 1 50 10 50_ 1 94 " 22:c., 600 « horse 16-ic 83 15 15 6 89 5 00 1 :0 9 00 3 50 1 24 1 75 1 94 1 11 : 00 78 3 lbs. spikes, 5c., Isaiah Ellis, 81 hours, 22c, " " 30 " horse, 163-c., James Gorham, 34 loads sand, 5c., E. A. Nickerson, 404 hours, 22gc., Edmund Walker, 9 hours, with team, 38;c, A. A. Knowles, as per bill, Edmund Walker, 44 " - " « " Lincoln Robbins, 5 " " " " Frank I. Robbins, 5 " 22 e, E. F. Smith, 8 hours, mowing, - " •" 2 " with team, 38:c, 48 Seth 11. Hamblin, knives for scraper, slolin Hinckley &. Son, lumber, Drawn from the selectmen, Warren Montealm, E. L. Sears, 121 " P. E. Hannan, 10/ " Henry Cobb, work with plough, John E. Olar,4 “ Isaiah Ellis, work with plough, R. Howes, 111 hours, Charles A. Chase, • 71 John Silver, 0" Charles 13mnpus, 3 Willie Chases 3 " WintlirOp 'Smith, 2 " Edward Smith, - • 14 William Laek, 14 Charles S. Bassett, Stanley Matthews, 2 " John Usher, Jr., SNOW ACCOUNT. 21 hours, 22c., 14 CC 14 14 GC - $500 00 49 $ 0 50 LUTHER R. DROWN, ROAD COMMISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT 4 50 WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. $500 00 $501 51 1 " horse, 161-c., $ 4 67 2 78 2 28 6 68 89 6 00 2 56 1 67 1 33 67 67 45 83 33 .45_ 45 39 22 50 95 John Hinckley & Son, material for snow plow, 4 Henry R. Usher, labor and material for snow plow. - 4 -E. L. Sears. material and labor for snow plow,6 Drawn from select -men, $48 27 g $48 27 $4-8 27 I. B. Kelley, E. S. Baker, - Geo. H. Kelley, " wash out., L. R. Chapman, 9 R. C. Baker, 44 Nelson Baker, 13 Geo. H. Bacheller, W. II. Kenney, C. H. Crowell, F. B. Homer, J. A. Baker, .1. 11. Baker, Reuben C. Baker, J. P. C. Goodwin, C. W. Baker, Nelson Baker, Benj. Homer, David S. Baker, F. A. Baker, L. H. Baker, T. D. Brown, E. B. Chase, G; IT. Bacheller, C. B. Oliver, H. E. Baker, -3 H. E. Baker, S. K. Crowell, J. Rose, W. IT. Hurst, A. Whittemore, 0. H. Chase, J. IT. Robinson, 8 hours, 89e., 14 “ 22c., 18 " 61 44- 44 86 18 18 241 9 24- 5 18 18 9 191 61 18 18 a - a if 4' -4' $ 1 19 3 08 4 00 50 2 00 1 00 2 90 2 54 1 00 1 00 800 7 00 7 00 5 43 2 00 55 1 10 7 00 7 0'0 2 00 12 00 448 1 48 7 00 7 00 60 14 00 14 00 2 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 1 1. . W. II. Kenney, 1V. 11. Eldridge, Lewis X. Eldridge, John Eldridge, G. 11. Kelley, Jerry Eldridge, E. 13. Chase, S. N. Chapman, F. M. Crowell, F. M. Wixon, 1. 13. Kelley„, Gilbert Studley, .1. K. Scars, 870 loads loam, at 10c., I. W. Ellis, B.'S:Colette, A. W. Cahoon, • Thomas D. Brown,•. E. P. Baker, .L. R. Brown, 23 loads sand, at 3c., John Eldridge, . W. Cahoon, Roger Eldridge, I. B. Kelley, A. W. Cahoon, 1. W. Ellis, D. M. Chase, T. Baker, .Ahira Baker, . L. R. Brown, 2 monuments, L. Fuller, A. W. Cahoon, 1. 13. Kelley, C. II. Nickerson, 40 loads loam, B. S. Cotelle, $ 2 95 7 00 •• - 7 00 8 00 4 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 1 93 4 00 4 00 8 50 7 00 87 00 4 00 88 2 22 • 3 50 7 50 69 2 00 1 00 50 5 79 2 50 2 80 10 00 50 4 00 3 00 4 80 1 32 7 00 2 00 1 43 51 11. E. Baker, repairing washout, M. White, 10 loads loam, David Kelley, hrs., 173 loads sand,. . F. F. Collins, F. Homer, S. N. Chapman, Geo. II. Loring, 201 loads sand, 3c., J. U. Baker, S. 13. Baker, Alpheus Berry, sand, John G. Sears, E. P. Baker, (3eo. H. Kelley, 11 loads loam, .1. 11. Stetson, L. R. Brown, labor, BASS RIVER LOWER BRTDGE. Joseph Rose, henry Baker, .1. P. Brown, Nelson Eldridge, Luther R. Brown, T).. F. Sears, plank, J. Hinckley & Son, lumber, Roger Eldridge, 3 J. S. Rose, Roger Eldridge, 9 hours, 22,2rc., 41 " " —5 41 44 B. S. Cottelle, • Gilbert Studley, • Roger Eldridge, William Eldridge; J. U. Baker, 18 2 00 9 02 141 " 27;c., 11 35 " 25c., 11 00 - ----100 134.05 44 44 75 420 9 00 5 56 44 • 5 00 20 40 11 75 21 25 4 81 144 " $ 6 00 1 00 5 19 7 00 8 32 2 00 6 03 3 50 10 10 63 7 75 75 66 1 10 64 4.3 *445 16 62 John Hinckley & Son, S. B. Baker, M. H. Crowell, J.- K. & B. Sears, L. R. Brown, John Hinckley A Son, Amount drawn from town treasurer, Amount due L. R. Brown, SNOW ACCOUNT. J. K. Eldridge, 9 F. W. Homer, 17 S. B. Baker, 14 David M. Chase, 11 Drawn from town treasurer, Due L. R. Brown, hours, 40c., " 44 CA 44 44 44 53 *145 26 JOSHUA S. RAKER, ROAD COMMISSIONER, IN ACCOUNT 4 81 WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH. 43 88 D. Cotelle, 4 days, $2.00, $ 8 00 75 09 T. Cotelle, 4 " , " 8 00 14 75 Herbert Clark, 4 " " • . 8 00 50 67 Nat. Baxter, 8 " 8 hours, $2.00, _ 7 78 *586 9G A. L. Baker, 3 " team, *3.50, . 10 50 *1 032 12 S. W. Mitchell, 3+ " " " 12 25 , F. A. Abell, 115 loads sand; 4c., 4 60 929 12 R. Sears, pump log, 50 *103 00 S. B. Marchant, -1 day, $3,59, 3 50 H. Blachford, 3 days, 8 hours, team, 13 61 44 " 4 " *2.00,. 8 00 J. B. Brown, 3 " 4 " " $3.50, 12 06 * 3 GO W. F. Baker, 3 " 8 " *2.00, 7 78 6 80 L. Marchant, 3 " 8 " " 7 78 5 60 Lock. Baxter, 3 " 8 " " 7 78 4 40 H. P. Baxter, 30 loads sand, 4c., 1 20 Eben Baxter, loam, 56 $20 40 Makepeace, sand, 2 80 20 00 J. S. Baker, 34- days, team and man, $3.50, 12 25 44 44 31 44 44 44 44 44 _ 12 25 $ 40• " " bill, 800 F. C. Tripp, 1 day, $2.00, 2 00. Arthur Baker, 2 days, " 4 00 A. LBaker, 2 " $3.50, 7 00 S. W. Mitchell, 4 " ." 14 00 H. Blachford, 2 44 " 7 00 H. P. Baxter, 1 46 44 3 50 ,.. S. B. Marchant, 1 44 " 3 50 J. S. Baker, 41 " *2.00, 9 00 a a 41- " team and man, $3.50, 15 75 ,E 44 it 34. 44 lf 44 44 14 12 25 = A. K. Johnson, 30 loads sand, 4c., 1 20 F. P. Ilallet, 35 " " " 1 40 Ansurossonemmomormonavongt 54 J. 11, Stetson, sand, 4c., Lemuel Marchant, 1 day, $2.00, Lockwood Baxter, 1 " II. P. Baxter, 2+ " *3.60, R. L. Taylor, 11 " *2.00, Ernest Baker, 1 " " S. W. Mitchell, " " F. P. Ilallet, - 40 loads sand, 4c., A. K. Johnson, 30 " " " F. A. Abell, 25 " J. S. Baker, 4 days, $2.00, " " 44 ." team and man, $3.50: " 14 .34 14 4411 14 " Drawn from town treasurer, $400 2 00 2 00 8 75 3 00 2 50 1 00 1 60 1 20 1 00 8 00 15 75 12 25 *300 85 *300 85 *300 85 SNOW ACCOUNT, 1905 AND 1906.. A. F. Rich, • J. •S. Baker, N. Baxter, II. Baxter, Adelbert Cottelle, G. S. Taylor, A. L. Baker,- . F. C. Tripp, Drawn by town order, 9 hours, 40c., 8 " 8 " 20c., 9 24 74 5 5 " 41 44 11 " 40c., " 20c., $360 3 20 60 1 80 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 *14 20 *14 20 *14 20 Auditors' Report. The auditors of the town having carefully examined the accounts of the several officers of the town, make the following - report: . TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Es 3,163 43 Received from tax collectors and all other sources, 37,705 59 $40,869 02 Paid orders from Jan. 1, 1906 to Jan. 1, 1907, 36,367, 37 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1997, *4,501 65 Outstanding orders, *2,553.90 SELECTMEN. CA ARLES R. BASSETT, CHAIRMAN. Orders. drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1906, to Jan. 1, 1907, *37,468 88 Amount of receipts and vouchers, . *34,914 88 Amount of outstanding orders drawn, 2,553 90 ss3/,468 88 MASSACIIU SETTS SCHOOL FUND: Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1906, Iieceived.from Mass. school fund, Paid orders from Jan. 1, 190G, to Jan; 1, 1907, Balance on band, Outstanding orders, *15.53 $783 89 575 38 *1,359 27 577 92 a 3 $781 35 56 MRS. AGASSIZ FUND. Balance on band, Jnn. 1, 1906, " " " Jan. 1, 1907, SCHOOLS. *148 87 $148 87 148 87 Drawn from the town treasurer, as per order of the school committee: Support of schools, - School supplies, Transportation of scholars, Superintendent of schools, Repairs on schoolhouse buildings, Building schoolhouse shed, West Yarmouth, Sloyd, music, drawing, sewing and cooking, BURIAL FUND. . Deposited with town treasurer, Deposited in New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, Deposited in New Bedford Institution for Savings, Deposited with treasurer, not invested, TREE WARDEN. $1,000 00 1,000 00 150 00 *2,1,50 00 SYLVANUS T. KELLEY. Paid out for trees, " " labor on trees, Amount drawn from town treasurer, $148 87 $4,869 87 348 63 790 10 562 51 277 31 150 00 2,198 98 *9,192 40 $2,150 00 *2,150 00 1 57 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. P. E. HANNAN. Paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, *501 51 Amount drawn from town treasurer for roads and bridges, 500 00 *1 51 Amount due P. E. Hannan, SNOW ACCOUNT. Amount drawn from town treasurer, " paid for labor on snow, and construction of snow plough, L. R. BROWN. Paid out for repairs on roads, *445 16 " " " " " lower bridge, . 586 96 *1,032 12 929 12 Amount drawn from town treasurer, • Amount due L. R. Brown, SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid out for clearing snow, Amount drawn from town treasurer, Amount due L. R. Brown,. JOSHUA S. BAKER. Paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, *15 00 Amount drawn from town treasurer, 62 99 SNOW ACCOUNT. *48 27 48 27 *103 00 *20 40 20 00 40 *300 85 300 85. *77 99 'Paid out for clearing snow, 814 20 $77 99 Amount drawn from town treasurer, 14 20 68 SEARS FUND. Note of town in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1906, *15,000 00 Paid trustees Sears fund, interest, 900 00 Note in hand, Jan. 1, 1907, *15,000 00 Received from trustees for school, 450 00 Balance in hands of trustees, 450 00 $15,900 00 *15,900 00 TAX COLLECTOR. ELISTIA T. BAKER. Jan. 1, 1906, amount due town, taxes of 1903, * 151 45 Jan. 1, 1906, " " " " " 1904, 2,806 52 Jan. 1, 1906, 46 • 66 66 46 1905, 9,976 75 Jan. 1, 1906, • of additional taxes (stamp tax), 23 46 Jan: 1, 1907, • " taxes for 1906, 26,192 22 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1907, taxes of 1903, * 151 45 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1907, taxes of 1904, 1,604 96 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, ' 1907, taxes of 1905, 8,089 59 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1907, taxes of 1906, 16,419 55 Amount due town, Jan. 1, 1907, *38,650 40 26,265 55 *12,384 85 CHARLES R. HOWES, } Auditors. GEORGE H. LORING, 1 Town Meeting Warrant. BARNSTABLE, SS. To either of the Constables in the Town of Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Yarmouth qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Town House, on Monday, the eleventh day of FEBRUARY - next, at eight thirty o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, vit: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meet- ing. Article 2. To elect the following -named officers, all on one ballot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years one Overseer of the Poor for Three years Town Clerk for three years, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committeeman for three years, one Road COniiuissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes and two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year, Tree Warden for one year. Also to see if the town.- • w=ill grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. Article 3. To choose all other necessary officers. Article 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act therm. Article 5. To hear the report of all other committees and act thereon. Article G. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committee fees, support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, 61 repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transportation of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasurer with the approval of the selectmen to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes, such sums of money as may be necessary for -the current ex- penses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year, giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. All debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears fund. Article 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. - Article 10. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five (25) cents each on muskrats. Article 11. To see if the town will vote to purchase a new hearse, or repair or exchange the present hearse in use on the north side of the town, or do or act anything in relation thereto. [By petition.] --- - - - Article 12. To see if the town will vote to move the hearse house on the north side of the town to a location upon town land in the rear of the school buildings. Article 13. To see if the town will vote to have the mill pond in West Yarmouth filled to a reasonable depth and to raise such a sum of money as shall be deemed necessary for the repairs and safety of the will dam. [By petition]. Article 14. To see if the town will raise and appropriate a sum of money to provide for transportation of the pupils from the southwestern part of the town to the West Yarmouth 1111 fli 1 inu 11 1 . .I • 62 • school during the whole of the school' year, and to act fully thereon. [By petition]. Article 15. To Eco if the town will vote to amend the by-laws of the town by adding thereto the folllowing article, tai be called Article seven (7), viz.:. The tax collector shall pay over to the town treasurer twenty-five (25) per cent. of the taxes committed to hint to collect on or before October first of each year, and an additional fifteen (15) per cent. of said taxes on or before November first of .each year, and nn additional twenty (20) per cent. of said taxes 'on or before • December first of each year, and an additional fifteen (15) per cent. of said taxes on or before December thirty-first 'of each year, and the entire remaining balance of said tax within the calendar year following the year in which taxes shall be assessed. This article to take effect .January 1 in the year • nineteen'hundred and eight (190S). [13y request.] Article 16. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the suns of two hundred and fifty dollars 0250) for use of the tree warden. [By request.] Article 17. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of .money sufficient to repair such portions as may be necessary of the road leading from South Yarmouth station to said village. • [By request.) - Article 13. To see. if. the town will raise and appropriate the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be paid to the .trustees of the Sears fund upon its debt to said trustees. Article 19. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro: priate the sum of forty-five dollars, for the purpose of purchasing a stone to be placed in the Pilgrim monument, marked "Yarmouth, 1639." Article 20. To See if the ton -n will vote to establish an annual salary for its town clerk in addition to the regular fees for official records. You are hereby directed to serve this warrant, by posting 'attested copies in five public places in said town, three on the • 68 south side and two on the north side; also one publication in the Yarmouth Register, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. JIereof fail not, and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk, at the time and place. of holding said meeting. Given under our hands and the seal of.the town of Yarmouth, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven (1907). CHARLES It BASSETT, Selectmen IIENRY BLACJJFORD, of JESSE W. CROWELL, Yarmouth. A true copy, attest: SETu TAYLOR, Constable.:' 41 ANNUAL 1 SCHOOL REPORT OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH r 905- r 906. YARIOUTHPORT, flASS.: C. W. SWIFT, PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. 1907. IIPTIOOt 061 (faroun :1 1965-19461 * " ,ea.5A d Aa6.4tAral.€HIIILILL;•11 .. . . School Officers. SC11O01, COMMITTEE. Tivm Ftpire+. Rr?idener. Wilhiain A. Schwab, -1967 West Yarmouth Edmund W. Eldridge, 1908 Yarmouth E. Lawrence Jenkins, 1909 South Yarmouth CHAIRMAN. Edmund W; Eldridge.- SECRETARY. ldridge. SEC1:ETAIRY. E. Lawrence Jenkins. SUPERINTENDENT l>]~' SCHOOLS. William E.. Chaffin. --AGENT OF ROOKS AND SUPPLIES. William E. Chaffin. TRUANT OFFICERS. Joseph Robinson, South Yarmouth.. Seth Taylor, Yarmouth. Julius Brown, West Yarmouth. { lisissiorasbliammais 1 ui1 I lull 1 .11111 ILIA II III 1 L IiiMI School Calendar for 1907. \WINTER TERM. Commences December 31, 1906. SPRING TERM. Commences April 8. FALL. TERM. • Commences September 23. SESSIONS. Common schools from 9 a. m., to 12, and from,1.15 to 4 p. m., except during the months of December and January, when p. m. sessions will close at 3.45. High school from 9 a. m., to 12 and from 12.30 to 3 p. m. Closes Mnrch 22 Closes June 28 (loses December 13 ILOI.IDAYS. February 2.2, April 19, May 30, Thanksgiving day and the day following. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Last Saturday in each month during the school year. The time of any meeting may be changed, or special meetings called by the chairman of the board. Report of the School Committee. The school committee, having accepted the report of the superintendent, present the same ns showing the condition of the schools of the town of Yarmouth, with such suggestions as present themselves to him.- - - hi the following report -on the condition of the state fund, it will be seen that, not only has the entire amount received from the state in 1906 been expended, but a portion of the reserved fund from the previous years. STATE FUND. - Balance.Jan. 1, 1906, -- lieceived from state, I'AID.OU T. For teachers' salaries, janitors, transportation, books and supplies, miscellaneous, *783 89 . 575 38 *1,359 2 7 $383 88 39 34 127 00-__-- 60 86 3 70 *620 78 Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1907, *738 49 Respectfully submitted, EDMUND W. ELDRIDGE, WILLIAM A. SCHWAB, E. LAWRENCE JENKINS, School Committee. Superintendents Report. To rim Scnoor. Bonar: Gentlemen:—In accordance with your regulations, 1 here- with submit u»= fifteenth annual report as superintendent of schools, the same being also the fifteenth in the series of reports: STATISTICS. Number of children enrolled in the public schools, Number..of children enrolled over 15 years of age, Number of children enrolled under 5 years of age, Number of children enrolled between 7 and 14 years of age, Number of children enrolled between 5 and 15 years of age, • Number of school buildings, Number of male teachers, Number of female teachers, \umber of teachers employed during the year, Number of teachers employed at any one time, Number of special teachers, Number of teachers who are graduates of normal schools, Number of teachers, who have attended normal school without graduating, • Number of teachers, who are graduates of college, Number of teachers, who attended without grad- uating, Average membership, Average attendance, Percentage of attendance, 207 81 0 126 176 4 11 14 13 4 5 1 2 1 191.72 178.95 93.33 7Examination of \;he foregoing statistics„ when compared with those of last year, shows that the school population of the town continues to decrease in numbers. While this has in several ways an unfavorable effect, the schools have still shown a gain in other- matters regarding attendance. Onr percentage of attendance is higher than for some years. The town of Yarmouth stands materially above the average for the state in percentage of attendance. " Considering the condi- tions under which we are placed, the tc.wn has now reached a high standard of attendance and it will require the co-operation of all interested in the schools to improve upon it. The number of cases of tardiness reported shows a decided decrease from last year. The following are the numbers reported from the various schools:. - Yarmouth high, 0 West Yarmouth primary, 6 West Yarmouth grammar, • 13 Yarmouth primary, 13 • South Yarmouth intermediate, 31 South Yarmouth primary, 40 Yarrnonth grammar, 47 Yarmouth intermediate, 49 South Yarmouth grammar, 80 279 Attendance statistics are designedly made" prominent in these reports. Owing to the number of grades in each room, recitation periods are necessarily short and little time is afforded teachers to help those who have fallen behind through. absence. Parents can perhaps in no other way 'aid the schools so much as by requiring .their children to be prompt and regular in attendance. At the beginning of the year there was • a large percentage of change in the teaching force, which was noted in the report of last yeah At the close of the winter tern, Miss Emma G. AIIV. NS.WNW I I••. II..111. 1 1111W1 I...Mk 1.+. 1lid 11 111.11 111 8 Hall resigned from the South Yarmouth ,primary to accept a better position elsewhere. Her work while with us had been uniformly excellent, and she was well deserving of her promo- tion. Her place was filled by the election of Mrs. E. 1). Kelley, whose former work in this same room had been of high staindard. `ince resuming her school work, she has given it the same devoted attention as before, and the school continues _to be in the most creditable condition. At the close of the year Miss Gay left us to accept a position nearer home. Iter position in the grammar school at West Yarmouth was tilled by the election of iliss E. J. Cummings, who took charge of the school at the beginning of the current year, and wlio ,1.ppears to be well fitted for the position. The teaching force as a whole has shown enthusiasm in school work and a commendable degree of professional interest. The work of a teacher is no sinecure at best and is ofttimes arduous and perplexing. - No class of workers more thoroughly deserves the support of the public. It is too much to expect perfection at all times from any one in this world, and if parents who think their children have been misjudged would visit the teacher in a kindly spirit and inquire into the cause of the complaint, instead of talking against the -teacher to other parents, they would better serve their children and the schools. As the years go by gradual changes occur in the work and the methods of the schools. Of late increased attention has been devoted to nature work, and papers written from the observation and direct knowledge of the pupils are of higher standard and of greater volume than heretofore. Though our school system is so definitely organized that few marked changes occur from year to year, there is still abundant work to consume the entire time allotted a super- vising officer. As it is first essential that pupils be present at school, all matters of attendance have received careful atten- tion. Continuous effort has been made to lead/teachers t� 1 II. 111 II 11 1. 1 s 1 1 11 1 Y lath 111 .r :11111111111 111 11 1 1 111:`. .9 • secure greater interest and attention in class work, to secure the maximum of work from pupils at their beats, and to direct the home study of pupils in the higher grades. Pupils. have also been led to observe, reflect and draw inferences from the objects and phenomena of .nature about them. While endeavor has at all times been made to keep the schools work- ing jn accord with the accepted. educational thought of the day, it is realized that the schools. have work to perforin that - is far above and beyond methods and courses of study, and that is the development of truer and more worthy men and women. This cannot be accomplished by cold logic nor by force. It is true that many a citizen is kept within the pale of the law by the fear of the •prison, and. many a pupil has been kept from overt acts of disobedience by fear of punishment or expulsion from school ; hut nobler feelings, - higher purposes and kindlier sentiments caimot be developed through fear nor by arbitrary power. All these can, however, • be promoted and the characters of the children can be improved by sympathetic interest between teacher and pupil, by the touch of soul with soul. This sympathetic relationship can be established in our schools in practically every instance, if. the teacher pursues the right course in the conduct and discipline of the school. - Pursuant of the above ideas, attention bas been devoted to secure the highest kind of discipline for all the schools. -To this end talks. have been had with teachers, with- pupils and. with parents, and teachers have been urged to visit the pupils at their houses in -order to better understand them. Numbers of refractory pupils have come to wholly change their attitude toward the school and to work •cheerfully in harmony with their environment. The mental and moral • atmosphere of some school rooms has shown decided improve- ment. In all rooms the endeavor has been to reach higher standards of work and to give sufficient employment to ?<Y IiIIW may..a Yr • rIIILIYYF wa...' • roc ian,IIIlIuI!, • ail• Y IIIYY.iiY iii ii 1 develop fixed habits of industry that the httplis, cony become industrious citizens and hot hinters. -- a.jnst and kindly discipline has been nrdcutty Ftriveit for, that our pupils May come forth front the schools orderly ami • order -loving men and wotnetl. 1'hc� superintetulent feels fain that the. year lias made for unproved cit:'izenship. 1\ J l l'ST1f t A1. Tn former reports the importance of Mur wtk in ntntuial traininghas been emphasized. It seems that throughout the country the snh;eet of industrial 't1uentioii is of late receiving mere attention and is keine; introduced more widely thnn ever before into both the common and the high school courses of study. For some years nal totem and cities in 111nssnchmst•tts of '20.000 or more inhabitants have been reunited by !nu- to maintain ronrses in manual training, and nt present sinnller towns than 1-arrn.xith are taking tip work in manual trnin.ing, though hampered by lack of money to properly carry out the 'work: .kt edncationai conventions and in annnal school reports mamial training is now reeeivitrg ntarl:eil,attention. William Tames. perhaps the nic'st pri tical of Antcrien's eduent•ivnnl thinkers, says, (-The most colossal improvement which recent vete.' have seen in secondary eelueation lies in the introduction -f the mannmTtraining schools: not because they will .give us a people more hands and practical for domestic life and better skilled in the traces lint lte'i;'tns' they will give us citizens with an entirely different intellectual fibre: l.nborntory and shop work engender a habit '4 observation, a knowledge of the .difference between accuracy' and vagueness, and an insight into natures. complexity and into the inadequaey of all abstract verbal acrennts of real phenomena, once wrought into the mind. remain there. as lifelong possessions. They confer .precision: because, if you are doing-, a -thing, you must do it defitut0v right or definirkly wrong. They give honesty; for seri is 1 1 1 11 when ynti express pith -self by making things and not by Using. words, It becomes impossible to.dissimulate ynnr vagueness or ignorance by ambiguity. They beget n. habit of self-relianee. Mound training methods, fortunately, are being slowly but surely introduced into all our large cities." The present strong trend towards indnstrinl education leads to the belief that the town of Yarmouth has indeed made no Mistake In her generous support of manual training,. - These subjects (sewing, cooking arid. sloyd) with us continue to receive the same time and attention as herettforereported. In seining we have recently adopted the same Course• as is given in the sehnols of Poston, and hereafter the girls of the higher grades will be required to ent•, snake -and fit fall -sized garrnents for themselves. Satisfactory work is now being clone in all the so-called special subjects, concerning which you are referred to the reports of the Super -Visors. • 7IJ1 I11G1I SCIiOOL. Most commendable work continues to be done by the pupils of the high school. The, efforts of its principal to maintain a high standard of conduct in and abort. the schools in the building are worthy of commendation and well deserve the support of parents. The addition of an .assistant on part tithe in the high school is a step in the right direction. The introduction of a business coarse, or rather the extension of the one we have, is now under advisement. I deeply appreciate the active co-operation and support of the school board in all matters pertaining to the schools. • . Respectfully submitted, . WILLIAM E.. CHAFFIti, Superim tendent of Schools. December 29, 190G. u1.4011 . . a uu. Report of Principal of the High School. December 11, .1900. 31R. Wm. E. CIHAFFIN, Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir:—I can report the high school in excellent condition.. The term just closing has been marked with especially faithful work in every class. The deportment of the pupils is perfect; the atmosphere is of the home rather than the school. Of course I wish the membership were larger; but the average keeps constant as the years pass by, and I remember that our population is small: _ _ _ Last June the school sent one young man to Tufts, and one to Amherst Agricultural college; one lady graduate entered the IIyannis normal school. This year one graduate will enter. Wellesley college and one will go to Boston University. I am very glad to announce that we have an assistant teacher. This term, Miss Grote has charge of a • class in German and gives two Periods of her time, also to French. This arrangement is of vital help to pupils and principal. Excellent work is being done in sioyd, music and drawing. The teachers in these brandies are in touch with the pupils and results are evident. I do not believe that this is the time to lower the classical course, especially when we find so many of our children desiring a college education. But I do believe it is possible to introduce a line of study that may better prepare those of our pupils who must step straight from the school- room to bread winning. The state board, at Nyannis three weeks ago, advised an extra teacher in our high schools and i 13 an added course of a practical business nature. I do not know that we can have the needed teacher, but I dobelieve that, even with our present force, we can make some changes in the curriculum that may prove valuable and practical to the boys and girls fitting for business Life; that may bring more of our children to the school. This is a subject that I desire to bring before yourself and the board before another school year opens. With regards, Sincerely your friend, EDWARD F. PEIRCE, Principal. r gnomic . Report of Supervisor of Drawing. • MR. W. E. CH AFFI , Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir:—During the past year we have been advancing in drawing, We hope and believe. It is only by constant variation of the subjects of drawing that we can meet the different requirements of the many children. The pupils of the primary grades have drawn from a great variety of objects, as they learn a great deal by repeated effort. The scholars of the intermediate grades have shown much interest in the regular work. Much enthusiasm has been displayed in the grammar grades, especially in regard to design and animal drawing. The high school has done its usual good work in pose draw- ing, harmony, pen and ink composition, design and perspective, and have also made some very creditable out -door sketches. Drawing has been taught with the view of helping to round out the education of the average citizen as a picture, even though it be a rough sketch, often does more by the way of explanation than a paper with explicit directions. The pupils of Yarmouth should also unconsciously feel the beauty of their natural surroundings to such an extent as to be able to depict with quickened senses the ever changing scenes about them. F.e`pectfully submitted, S. ISABELLE SMITH, Supervisor of Drawing. Report of Supervisor .of Music: SUPT. W. E. CIHAFFIN, Dear Sir :—The progress in music in the schools has been as rapid as could be expected. It takes a few weeks for the teacher and pupils to become acquainted. For the past terra I have tried to make a particular point of interesting the pupils and at the same time to make the work pleasing. — - In the primary grades a major part of the time has been spent in singing of tuneful rote songs. With this work we have • tried to establish firmly the tones of the scale and give some ▪ idea of rhythm. Some individual work has also been done. • 1n` the intermediate grades much sight reading in unison and two-part work has been done. I found, among the boys of the grammar grade, a great disinclination to sing, particularly the boys of the South Yar- mouth grammar school. But very few boys in this school made any effort to take part in the music period. At the close of the term, however, the boys, almost without exception, did their part. Much praise is due Mr., Goddard, who has proved a very efficient helper. The Yarmouth grammar is doing excellent three-part work. The West Yarmouth gram- mar school is small and at first the pupils showed lack of confidence, but they are willing to try and I feel sure there will be a marked advance by the end of the year. - In the high school the time has been spent in chorus work • and lessons in simple vocal harmony. Written work is done in all grades. In the corning terms tests will be given twice in each term and an examination at the end of each term. I ' i lad kW, ha .taLl I....I. h. 1 ill NI I, 10,4 10 I wish to thank each one of the teachers in the town for the good will they have shown, and for their willingness to co-operate with me to make the year a successful one. Respectfully submitted, LOUISE M. CROWELL, Supervisor of Music. Report of the Supervisor of Cooking. Mn. W. E. CHAFFIN,. Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir: —The work of the students in the cooking class as a whole and individually is a great pleasure and satisfaction. Every scholar is doing as near right as it is possible for young people to. do. The course taught is the same as is taught in the Boston Cooking schools. This course is a verypractical one; it gives to the scholar the greatest variety of recipes for every -day food. The greatest care is taken to give the girls good ideas of the arrangement in using up the left -over parts from a previous meal, in order to make it attractive to the eye and also palatable. This is a great saving in a small family. If food is cooked well it certainly is the greatest means of keeping the family in a good healthy condition_ You know well the truthful saying: "Rather pay the butcher and grocer than give your money to the doctor." MARIA F. GROTE. 1/,fly?/.VII 1 I. J I gym, Report of the Supervisor of Sloyd. W. E.. CHAFFI\, Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir :—The work of the sloyd school has gradually improved since the younger children have worked into the higher grades. New models are introduced as the scholars become more proficient and the interest is kept up in this way. Pupils are given a choice after the regular course is finished. This privilege has greatly shortened the time required to •complete the course, and many models are now made to fill some special use in the home. • Parents would add much to the pleasure of the work if they would occasionally visit the school and see our busy work -shop. A friendly relation between parents and teacher is the beat stimulus for good results. Yours respectfully, - ISABEL SHOVE. Report of Supervisor of Sewing. Ma. W. E. CHAFFIN, Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir:—Again comes the question, what can you- tell us of the girls' doings in the sewing classes ? It is certainly a pleasure for me to tell the school board; the parents and the many people interested in the children that they are doing good work. The girls in the higher grades are making large articles, which they have to measure, cut and prepare for sewing. Of• course, being large, they have to sew a long time before it is finished; but they have good courage and their teacher helps the pupils with encouraging words and sometimes in another way. The younger children still have the smaller _articles to do; these give them practice in measuring, cutting, preparing the work and in doing a great many different stitches. These small articles give to the pupvs all the practice they need and have the advantage of not discouraging the slower working child. The smaller models are pretty and useful. Look at the little bag, which the girls make in the first -term after entering the sewing class. In this bag four different stitches are taught. After all the sewing is done, the tape has to be drawn through and sewed together, which is quite a feat of dexterity for such young heads and small fingers. It is accomplished and when they draw the .two double loops together a most beautiful smile lingers on their faces. Some- thing achieved! and it is, as I said before, pretty and useful. So it goes on through the whole set of models. These models are designed for the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh 20 grades. The eighth and ninth grades are working on the larger 'models. Many of my pupils, who have not finished the set of little models in school, do so at home, because, being in the higher grade, they are required to make the large models. Most of the girls, little and big, try very hard to do as near - right as I expect them to do. Respectfully yours, MARIA F. GROTE. ififi 1 I IM Roll of Honor. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. West Yarmouth Grammar. Fall- term—Ethel Baker, Frances Johnson, Edna–Kelley, Morris Irving Johnson, Albert Henry Marchant, . Herbert Joseph Tripp. Winter term—Lauretta S. Montcalm, Ethel Baker, William A. Schwab, Jr., Wallace Tripp. . West Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Everett A.. Tripp, Albert Kelley, John Kittila, Fanny Valley, Evelyn Rich. Winter term—Everett A. Tripp, John Kittila, Katherine Drew, Evelyn Rich, Arthur Rich. Spring term—Fanny Valley, Evelyn Rich. Yarmouth Grammar.. . A-° Fall term—Paul M. Swift. . - - Winter term—Helen C. Pulsifer. • Yarmouth Intermediate. • Fall term—F. Milton IIallet, Laurie Green, Thacher T. Hallet, John Heffernan, Florence Thacher. Winter term—F. Milton Hallet, Lucy Montcalm. Spring term—Edith Cash. Yarmouth Primary. Fall term— Norton Nickerson. Winter term—Norton Nickerson. Spring term—Norton Nickerson, Ellen Morton. South Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Eva Baker, 'Viola Eldridge, Eddie Johnson, Wilfred Reed, Clarence H. Baker. MN II ill I 22 - Winter term—Eva Baker, Viola Eldridge. Spring term—Eva linker, Viola. Eldridge. South Yarmouth Intermediate. Fall term—Leon li. Campbell, Thomas E. Chose, Roger W. F.1dridge, Albert W. Johnson, Daisy 11. Kelley, 13. Evelyn Taylor, Mande B. Weekes, Mildred F. Weekes, Elroy White. Whiter term—Roger W. Eldridge. Spring term—Roger W. Eldridge, Daisy II. Kelley, John II. Matthews, • South Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Forrest O. Eldridge, Harold W. Baker, Irving Burn, .Maynard 13. Johnson, Ruth E. Pierce, Florence 11. Hurst, Harold M. Kelley. Winter term—Forrest O. Eldridge, Ilarold M. Kelley, Irving Burn. Spring term—Forrest O. Eldridge, Ilarold W. Baker, May- nard B. Johnson. • NAMES OF IuPII.S NEITHER ABSENT NOR. TARDY FOR TIIE YEAR. Evelyn Rich, Norton Nickerson, Viola Eldridge, Eva Baker, Roger \W. Eldridge, Forrest O. Eldridge, Ethel M. Ilurst, Robert M. Kelley. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITIIElt ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR TWO YEARS. Ethel M. Hurst, Forrest O. Eldridge, Roger W. ,Eldridge, Viola F. Eldridge. Present Corps of Instructors. Edward F. Peirce, A. M., Helen A. Eldridge, Zulette Potter, Mary F. Bass, Isaac Goddard, Blanche V. McRenne, Airs. E. D. Kelley, Ethel J. Cummings, Kate E. Maher, Isabelle Shove, Maria F. Grote, Louise M. Crowell, S. Isabelle Smith, Nigh Yarmouth Grammar Yarmouth Intermediate Yarmouth -Primary South Yarmouth Grammar South Yarmouth Intermediate South Yarmouth Primary West Yarmouth Grammar West Yarmouth Primary Supervisor of Sloyd Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking Supervisor of Music Supervisor of Drawing NITR111F.Ii OF ruins IN TILE DIFFERENT GRADES. DATA TAKEN DECEMBER, 1906. , NUMBER IN GRADE. 141.711001,8. 5 7 9 First Year. Third Year. Fourth Year. Room Totals. Ynrmenth. High. (lrammar. Intermediate, Primary, South Yarmouth. G rara nutr, Intermediate, Primary, West Yarmouth, Grammar, Primary, Grade totals, 11 10 4 10 10 6 7 4 10 8 3 11 9 1 8 4 15 4 10 8 5 4 5 0 9 25 26 10 21 21 16 24 2.3 : 0 9 7 5 5 24 19 29 28 21 27 13 Jr; 208 4'''110111111 ilia a�rri7i�iiuirrifrYllittllfrwlrul:Erirtba .00110.1 ,is SCHOOLS. School Statistics. TEACHERS. ti L 1. 8 x e. 0 0 O A 1, d 94 Yarmouth.- High, urmouth:High, Grammar, Intermediate, Primary, South Yarmouth. Grammar, Intermediate, Primary. West, Yarmouth. Grammar, Prhnury, Edward F. Peirce Helen A. Eldridge %motto Potter Mary Buss Isaac, Goddard Blanche V. McKenna Mrs. E. D. Kelley Maude Gay Kate Maher 23 18 29 28 25 24 25 14 21 0 8 26 12 10 23 16 12 14 2 13 29 28 222 24 25 12 21 21 6 0 0 2 0 21.75 21.06 96.80 17.05 15.41 90.25 27.00 24.60 91.94 26.00 23.00 88.40 22.80 22.13 96.82 23.58 23 21 98 43 23.26 20.98 90.31 12.68 12.27 96 76 17.54 16.29 92.92 53 91 76 62 38 77. 54 118 84 4 11 24 7 25 i2 7 16 2 0 47 49 13 £0 :nL 40 13 6 1 20 HIGH SCIIOOL.-FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM. History. United States, England. Foreign. Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra. Science. Physiology. English Language and Literature. SECOND TERM. History. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra. Science. Physiology. English Language Literature. THIRD TERM. History. States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra. Science. Botany. English Language and Literature. Manual Training, two hours each week throughout the year. History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin, French. • Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. SECOND YEAR. History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. History. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. Science. Astronomy. Manual Training for boys, Cooking for girls, two hom.each week throughout the year. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin, French, *Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology. Civil Government. United States, Massachusetts. 27 TIHIRD YEAR. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin, French, 'Greek, English. Language and Literature. Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology. Civil Government. United States, Massachusetts. Review of World's History. Foreign Language. Latin. French, 'Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Review. Algebra, Metric System. Business Arith- metic. ' Geography. Manual Training tor boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. English. History. Foreign Language. Latin, French, 'Greek. Mathematics. Advanced Algebra, Solid Geometry. Science. FOURTH YEAR. English. History. Foreign Language. Mathematics. Science. Review. • Final preparation for college and normal exami- nations. *Greek is not required. Any pupil intending to pursue a four years' course can elect Greek during the -third and fourth years. should be so desire. . Music, one hour each week throughout the four years; ten minutes every morning. Drawing, one hour each week throughout the four years. Book-keeping, two periods each week throughout the four years. Graduates of 1906. YARMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. June 28th. Hymn. • Greeting to 1906, Salutatory, Solo, Piano, The Motto, The Poem, Song, • The History; Duet, Piano, Essay, Song? The Prophecy, Essay, Trio, Piano, Valedictory, Presentation of Diplomas to Presentation of Diplomas to America. Payson Earle Allen Ethel Matthews Hurst Jennie Wallace Jaffray Hattie Mercie Crowell May Russell Howes Gladys .Anthony White Chester Warren Taylor Misses Hurst, White Miss Jaffray Miss Howes Irma Leontine Farris Henry Russell Francis Misses Hurst, Crowell, Farris Gladys Anthony White Advanced Class. 1906. i Alumni of Yarmouth High School. If any graduates or friends have information of the classes, especially of the necrology, will they, at any and all times, kindly forward same to the Superintendent or Principal of the School. CLASS OF '71. Abbie T. Long Mary A. Howes Kate W. Matthews Lucy E. Shove CLASS OF '72. Phebe T. Gorham Lizzie S. Hall Frank M. Swift Hattie B. Gorham CLASS OF '73. Alice Bray Maggie Coffey Fred. C. Swift D. G. Eldridge CLASS -OF -'74: - Winthrop'Sears Emma C. Baker Alice Shields CLASS OF '75. Kate Sears Annah Hallett - Dora Co. Holmes Kate Coffey Carrie Eldridge CLASS OF '76. Mary Ann Coregan CLASS OF '78. Emma J. Drew Lizzie W. Hallett Mary J. Howes Jennie W. Crowell Mary M. Park CLASS OF '79. Kate A. Shields CLASS OF '80. Carrie A. Gorham • Benj. T. Gorham Fred. Hallett Lila D. Howes Sarah A. Holmes Charles H. Taylor Hallett G. Thacker CLASS OF '81. Markle Chase Anna C. Eldridge Nellie H. Shields Carrie M. Swift Sarah W. Thacher E. B. Hallett C. R. Bassett F. O. Ryder L. M. Thacher CLASS OF Carrie D. Shields Mary L. Alley Elia W. Bray Sadie M. Swift Caroline A. Park CLASS OF '84. Carrie 11. Taylor Rebecca A. Bray Nelson H. Edson CLASS OF '85. Carrie M. Knowles . Mattie W. Howes Everett K. Haslet Wm. H. Thacher Chas. W. Swift CLASS OF '86. Charles D. Bray .' Imo 80 CLASS OF '87. Chandler M. Bray Henry S. linnet Clara Robbins Clara H. Ryder Bessie 11. Timelier Edward S. Timelier CLASS OF '88. Francis Alger, Jr. Carrie D. Bras Theodore Hallett Rebecca M. 11owe8 Mary G. Howes Jams Keveney - Fred. O. Prise. CLASS OF '90. Cora F. Bassett Ftrd.1.. Howes , Thos. S. Crowell .1. Hobert Bray CLASS OF '91. Joseph C. Rowes Eben F. Phillips Win. A. Robinson Sorauus W. Il. Taylor Russell Hallett Susan W. Dodge Alice T. 'billet Florence G. Howes Mary Matthews Mary A. Otis Harriet W. Ryder CLASS OF '9.2. Iso H. Taylor CLASS OF '93. Helen Andrews Eldridge Marietta Sears Hallett Mabel Howes Margaret Howes Chester Ruggles Stacy Clinton Eldridge Bray Joshua Allen Hamblin Christopher Halt Howes Ernest Megathlin CLASS OF '94. Sarah S. Alley Flora Baker Florence W. Baker Dora M. Baker Grace H. Crosby Etbel Davis Hannah A. Knowles (:corgis L. Iiallett Lizzie N. Ballet Henry E. 13aker Alfred C. Drew 'Phomas F. Matthews Arthur L. Megathliu Amos Otis CLASS OF '90. Edwin Stanley Bray Honda Elizabeth Bray Willis Franklin Cash George Harrison Chase Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Mary Standish Drew Franklin Matthews Eldridge . George Elwell Randall Nickerson Sarah Kelley i.ickersou Annie Freeman Ryder Elizabeth Parker Stetson CLASS OF '97. Mary Estella Cobb Annie Sturgess Crowell Isaiah Wilhatn Crowell 1 -;Cory Allen Ellis' Clifton Gordon Iiallett Edward Pulsifer Hallett Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Augeleue Frances Stetson CLASS OF '98. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker William Franklin Morgan Stuart Peirce • CLASS OF '99. Edward Tbacher Chase CLASS OF 1900. Gertrude May Arey Annie White Baker Esther Loretta Baker Florence Otto Cobb ' Ethel Williams Crowell Edith Glendon Howes Bessie Mabel Thacker CLASS OF 'OL Sarah Evelyn Bray Violet Estelle Vernon Chase Nathan Taylor Hallett Ralph Dudley Kelley Alfred Daniel Taylor Warren Alexander Tripp CLASS OF '02. Ora Nei Allen Clement Chester Bakor Isabel Baker Willis Howes Baker • Lfla (lose Chase Louise Amanda Chase Stanley Howes Crowell Nathan Kelley Crowell Rena Marshall Nickerson Wallace Fuller Purringtou Henrietta Frances Sears Lant'aa Helen Nears Stephen ilull Sears, Jr. CLASS OF '03. Willie Davis Baker Hazel Winthrop Chase Huth Bray Taylor CLASS OF '04. - Everett Ellsworth Arey • Edna Charles Brown • Sadie Louise Crowell 1 Gorham Pulsifer CLASS OF '05, 9 Payson Earle Allen Helen Maria Berry Mabel Patno Crowell Edna Belle Hale Sadie Nickerson Johnson Annette Louise Kelley Clora Mae Marehant Minnie Foster Matthews Florence May Purrington William Norton Stetson, Jr. CLASS OF '06. Mattie Mercie Crowell Irma Leoitiue Farris . Henry Russell Francis May Russell Howes Ethel Matthews Hurst -Jennie Wallace Jaffray Chester Warren Taylor Gladys Authouy-OM1'-bite— - 31 Advanced (or Fourth -Year) CLASS, 1896-'97, With Additional Diploma. Ruth Elizabeth Bray Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Elizab,th Parker Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1897-'98. With Additional Diploma. Annie Sturgis Crowell Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroliee Rust Pulsifer Augeleue Frances Stetson. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1898-'99. With Additional Diploma. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker Stuart Peirce Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1900-'Ol, With Additional Diploma. Annie White Baker Floren:,e Otto Cobb --------- Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1901-'02, With Additional Diploma. Ralph Dudley Kelley Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1902-'03, With Additional Diploma. Rena Marshall Nickerson • - 1-lenrietta Frances Sears Laura Helen Seare Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1903-'04, With Additional Diploma. Ruth Bray Taylor Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1904 -'OS. With Additional Diploma. Sadie Louise Crowell. Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS. 190.5-'06. Payson Earle Allen. 1.11 rim 1907. Town Officers. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of health. Charles R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, henry Blachfordy West Yarmouth, Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth Town Clerk. Benjamin T. Gorham~ Yarmouthport. Town Treasurer. William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. Auditors. George II. Loring, South Yarmouth. Charles R. Howes, Yarmouth School Committee. Edmund W. Eldridge, Yarmouth, Elisha L. Jenkins, South Yarmouth, Samuel II. D. Drew, West Yarmouth. Collector of Taxes. Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. Road Commissioners. P. E. Ilannan, Yarmouthport, Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth, Joshua S. Baker, West Yarmouth 1 (Stephen Sears, 4-- - Trustees Sears Fund. Tree Warden. Sylvanus T. Kelley. Thacher T. flatlet registrars of Voters. - Charles F. Purrington, Theodore F. Drew, Benjamin T. Gorham, Daniel B. Crocker. --.Seth Taylor, Constables. John 1I. Stetson Sealer of Weights and Measures. Albert C. Snow., Weigher of Coal. Ansel Hallett -- Surveyor of Lumber. George W. ITopkins. Inspectors of Animals. Isaiah Crowell, Patrick E. Ilannan *Seth Taylor, tP. E. Hannan, -- Francis W. Homer. Undertakers. Manton 1I. Crowell Joshua S. Baker, John G. Timelier. Burial Agent. Joseph 11. Robinson: - *Resigned. +Chosen to fill vacancy: 1 1 5 Superintendent Extermination of Gypsy and Brown -Tail Moths. Charles R. Bassett. Measurer of Wood and Bark. Charles M. Bray. • C Fence Viewers. aiah Crowell, _Albert C. Snow. Forester. Seth Taylor. Warren C. Brown Pound Keepers., Osborne White, David Kelley, 24 P. E. Hannan. (Elam S. Mecarta, James W. Ellis, Fred. A. Baker, Herbert F. Studley, Jonathan Usher, Jr,, Field Drivers. Henry F. Crowell, W. Franklin Any? Joshua Baker, W. Arthur Baker, - E. L. Sears. Selectmen's Report. ESTIMATES. A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen in the different departments for the year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, Support of schools, Roads and bridges, Town officers, Public buildings, Superintendent of schools, Miscellaneous, Snow, Interest, Sears fund interest, School supplies, Remittance of taxes, Suppression of crime, Transportation of scholars, Tree warden, Forester, • Sloyd, music, drawing, cooking and sewing, Moth fond, Tax collector's postr.ge, Town macadam road note, • *2,200 00 3,800 00 1,750 00 2,200 00 400 00 125 00 2,000 00 300 00 900 00 810 00 275 00 500 00 100 00 800 00 125 00 50 00 1,100 00 • 300 00 25 00 5,000 00 7 EXPENDITUIRES FOR TOWN DEBTS, 1906. P. E. Hannan, roads and bridges, $ 90 L. R. Brown, acct. labor on snow, " roads and bridges, 103 County, use of jail, .4 E. D. Payne, almshouse, supplies, 51 E. T. Baker, tax collector, 193 J. B. Hall, school supplies, . 3 II. P. Baxter, transportation, 21 Colonial club, precinct rent, 10 Owl club, precinct. rent, 10 Cape Cod Central club, precinct rent, 10 Win. A. Schwab, school committee, 30 Kelley d; Nickerson, supplies, almshouse, 1 Town of Mansfield, aid F. W. Chase, 144 Town of Dennis, medical aid, Morris Gray, - 4 Town of Dighton, aid to Walter Cash, 4 Town of Dennis, 5-14 repairs of Bass river upper bridge, 40 A. C. Snow, care weights and measures, 5 D. S. Taylor, repairs of pump, . _ 4 George B. Lewis, repairs of pump, 2 Yarmouth Register, 4 years, almshouse, 8 TOWN OFFICERS, 1907. 12 40 00 00 66 98 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 25 50 50 69 00 75 03 00 *742 38 Selectmen, assessors and overseers of poor, 1907, . *1,200 00 Win. J. Davis, town treasurer, .75 00 B. T. Gorham, town clerk, 200 00 Charles R. -Howes, auditor, 12 00 George H. Loring, " - - 9 00 T: F. Drew, registrar, 4`'2 00 C. F. Purrington, " . 28 00 Wm. J. Davis, " 10 00 8 Daniel B. Crocker, registrar, E. T. Baker, tax collector, Seth Taylor, constable, John H. Stetson, constable, Charles R. Bassett, moderator, Isaiah Crowell, inspector animals, F. W. Homer, P. E. Hannan, " E. W. Eldridge, school committee, 'C " taking school census,. E. L. Jenkins, school committee, taking school census, S. H. D. Drew, school committee, " taking school census, L. R. Brown, harbor master, A. C. Snow, care weights and measures, Board of Health, services and expenses, Seth Taylor,- truant officer, S. D. W. Mitchell, Joseph H. Robinson, K K Fish committee, T. S. Holway, election officer, Albert W. Matthews, K u Eben Baker, F. F. Collins, Wm. F. Kenney, Richard Sears, Lysander A. Chase, H. R. Usher, Oliver Hallet, Jr, P. E. Hannan, J. F. Currier, A. C. Snow, S. H. D. Drew, Daniel B. Taylor, u u K u u u u u u u K "- K " K K K if 44 K K u u *28 00 442 00 29 25 81 50 10 00 10 20 10 00 37 80 50 00 4 00 50 00 4 00 50 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 67 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 80 00 . 2 50 2 50 2 50 7 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 4 00 2 50 S. K. Crowell, L. E. Crowell, H. C. Robinson, Isaiah Crowell, S. D. W. Mitchell, Alfred W. Kelley, - A. A. Knowles, J. Usher, Jr., E. W. Eldridge, H. A. Cobb, D. A. Nickerson, C. H. Howes, E. C. Bray, 9 - election officer, K u u Amount raised by town, *2,200 00 " received by state, reimbursement inspection of animals, 29 00 Expended, over amount raised, 309 25 • • *S2 50 2-50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 *2,538 25 *2,538 25 *2,538 25 MISCELLANEOUS. INCIDENTALS. T. F. Drew, labor -at precinct 4, * T. E. Kelley, distributing town reports, Allen Montcalm, " K G. A. Nickerson, " Dr. S. II. Sears, 5 birth returns, Dr. E. M. Parker, 14 Dr. C. W. Milliken, 4 Dr. Hart, 4. Dr. Pease, 2 Dr. E. S. Osborne, 7 AIM I NOV cc 2 87 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 25 3 25 1 00 1 00 50 1 75 • 10 Manton H. Crowell, recording deaths, $ 3 50 " " " care of hearse, 5 00 Seth Taylor, " " " 5 00 " " 16 death returns, 4 00 " " labor at town house, 6 00 A. F. Sherman, recording deed, 67 I. B. Kelley, freight and carting, 70 A. C. Snow, labor and material, town office, 18 87 John Hinckley & Son, supplies, town office, 10 29 Morris Safe Co, town clerk's safe, 180 00 J. Usher, Jr., carting safe, 3 00 Wm. II. Eldridge, carting safe, 10 00 Little, Brown & Co, office supplies, 6 50 David S. Taylor, repairing pumps, 60 44 F. W. Homer, burning dump ground, 11 00 Jose, Parker & Co, office supplies, - 2 75 Alton S. Cole, damages on highway, 50 00 South Yarmouth library, 1-3 of dog fund, 70 39 West " " " l{. " 70 39 Yarmouth " " " " 70 39 Thorp, Martin & Co, office supplies, 7 35 " " 2 00 " 1 00 18 73 344 A. B. Day & Co., --Auto Pub. Co., Hobbs, Warren & Co, " A. A. Knowles, Emery Record Preserving Co., town records, Wm. M. Olin, ballot box, Ansel Hallet, town office supplies, J, B. Hall, " " " C. R. Bassett, justice, fees, T. T. Hallet, " Supplies, board of health, Town office, travel and expenses out of town, Freight, stamps, telephone, express, 146 00 50 00 70 3 50 11 75 25 5 25 191 91 26 76 11 . C. W. Megathlin, supplies, board of health, $ 2 88 James Gorham, sand, filling town pump, 40 John Silver and others, labor, filling town pump, 11 00 Joseph Thacher, painting signs, 12 75 N. Y., N. H. & H. railroad, mileage book, 10 00 T. B. Murphy, office supplies, 8 25 E. W. Hallett, stamped envelopes, 16 '20 Andrew F. Sherman, abstract book, 15 00 State aid officer, expenses, 3 00 J. K. & B. Sears, supplies, town pound, 1 93 Amos Arey, services to assessors, 2 00 H. A. Cobb, " " " 1 50 T. S. Holway, " µ " 1 00 L. Marchant, " " " 1 00 G. H. Loring, " " " 2 50 John Silver, labor, trimming roads, 4 00 C. S. Bassett, " " " 5 50 L. II. Baker, labor on wood, town office, 2 18 J. G. Sears, supplies, town office, 4 50 George B. Sears, labor and material, fire dept., 9 35 D. S. Taylor, buckets and axes, fire dept., 15 50 Daniel B. Taylor, supplies, " " 6 13 Henry Blachford, labor, " " 1.50 Manton H. Crowell, supplies, " ." 4 50 Ansel Hallet, " " " 10 54 David Kelley, 2d, painting signs, 3 50 Henry F. Crowell, labor, town cemetery, 3 00 Mary Phillips, cleaning town house, 3 00 George P. Matthews, labor, town house, 1 25 Benj. T. Gorham, postage and express, 5 38 E. A. Nickerson, labor, stocking fish ponds, 2 00 C. S. Bassett, team and labor, stocking fish pond, 3 50 12 J. B. Brown, guide boards, Dr. S. H. Sears, services, board of health, John Silver, 46 John H. Drum, damages on highway, Charlotte Hallett, hearse land rent, Oscar Homer, labor on hearse, D. S. Taylor, supplies, hearse, J. G. Sears, surveying road, L. R. Brown, committee, services, - Frank Thacher, insurance policy, K K K Fred. C. Swift, E. L. Jenkins, K F. E. Baker, labor, precinct 3, . E. L. Sears, Owl club, _ _ rent, _ Central club, Colonial K Henry Arey, David S. Baker, Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, C. L Handy, Hannah Lovell, Joseph II. Robinson, Mary A. Ryder, George W. Ryder, Elan S. Mecarta, K 2, K 3, 2, 1, STATE AID. 8835 2 00 2 00 80 00 3 40 50 1 25 2 00 6 50 10 00 32 31 15 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 *48 00 48 00- 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 36 00 48 00 28 00 24 00 *1,437..70 *424 00 18 FIRES. Seth Taylor, paid for labor, town fires, 8 107 65 . J. S. Baker, K K K K K 41 20 F. W. Homer, " " K K K 7 00 Joseph F. Nickerson, paid for labor, town fires, 22 00 James A. Baker, paid for labor, town fires, 21 71 Paid for labor and watching at Albert White's,- 14 00 Seth Taylor, paid for R. R. fires,. 1,225 57 J. S. Baker, K K K u 34 40 F. W. Homer, K K K K 338 77 Joseph F. Nickerson, paid for R. R. fires, James A. Baker, paid for 11 R. fires, Ansel L. Baker, " K K K MUSKRATS. 401 muskrat bounties paid, PRINTING. Yarmouth Register, F. B. Goss, STATEMENT. MISCELLANEOUS. Amount raised by town, Received from dog fund, county, 126- repairs, B. R. L. bridge, 11 50 155 82 41 86 *2,021 48 *100 25 *100 25 *285 25 5 75 *291 00 *1,400 00 • 211 17 142 30 JI 14 Received from Dennis, repairs, B. R. L. bridge, Received from trustees of Sears fund, 1906 interest, Received from state treasurer, additional Corporation taxes, Received from treasurer fish committee, " state, reimbursement state aid, Received from state, reimbursement, burial of soldiers and widows, Received from town clerk, fees, Paid out for incidentals, K " " state aid, " fires, " " " muskrats, K K " printing, Expended over amount received, SNOW. P. E. Hannan, paid for labor, L. R. Brown, K K " J. S. Baker, " " Amount raised by town, Expended over amount raised, *1,437 70 424 00 2,021 48 100 25 291 00 Received from hay sold, *284 60 " Isaac W. Baker, reimbursement, Seth Walker, 435 00 Paid for support of almshouse, " " " outside poor, 588 60 Unexpended balance, 570 31 384 00 70 00 41 78 146 67 *4,274 43 *4,274 43 *212 88 56 41 61 58 *300 00 30 87 *330 87 *330 87 SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by town, • Received from estate J. DeSilver, " A. A. Knowles, eggs sold, *2,400 00 371 40 28 48 * 904 50 1,095 97 879 26 *15 00 11 00 53 85 *2,879 73 *2,879 73 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. . Edward F. Peirce, services, teacher, Mary A. Bass, Blanche V. McKenne, Mfrs. E. D. Kelley, Isaac Goddard, Zulette Potter, Helen A. Eldridge, Ethel J. Cummings, Kate Maher, L. P. Case, Alice Lee, A. L. Butman, _ Frank H. Young, Ruth E. Hodgdon, Wm. E. Chaffin, supplies, Fred. E. Baker, janitor, " " " extra labor and supplies, Ernest Baker, janitor, " extra labor, . James Gorham, janitor, " extra labor, Leander Eldridge, tuning piano, Yarmouth Register, printing and supplies, A. K. Johnson, supplies, David Kelley, 2d, supplies, K K � K " K 44 K - K u *900 00 360 00 240 00 240 00 360 00 360 00 450 00 285 50 360 00 12 00 120 00 120 00 177 00 150 00 3 67 90 00 18 10 60 00 12 75 150 00 24 25 2 50 18 00 95 4 75 16 D. F. Parker, stamped envelopes, *10 60 C. B. Kelley, organ, 15 00 George B. Lewis, supplies, 2 40 M. G. Bradford, " 3 55 David S. Taylor, Lyceum Hall Co., George B. Sears, wood, Loring Fuller & Co., coal, E. W. Nash Co, oil, A. B. Baker, wood, E. L. Jenkins, supplies, express and freight, E. W. Eldridge, wood, " carting freight, " travel out of town, William E. Chaffin, telephone, Isaiah Crowell, wood,. Joshua S. Baker, wood, S. II. D. Drew, repairs, Matthews & Payne, fuel S. D. W. Mitchell, labor, Dr. E. M. Parker, medical services, Darius Cotell, cleaning schoolhouse,- Randall Crowell, " Mrs. A. Weller, F. Perry, Rachael W. Ellis, Nancy Cash, Cora Cahoon, Mrs. J. A. Montcalm, " Amount raised by town, Received, by trustees of Sears fund, " " state, tuition of scholars, Expended over amount -raised and received, K 44 ' a. 27 20 10 50 6 25 97 50 11 40 3 00 1 10 15 75 50 1 50 55 3.50 14 00' 1 00 91 66 4 00 14 00 2 40 2 20 1 25 4 80 4 80 4 80 13 70 8 00 *3,800 00 885 00 48 00 163 38 *4,896 38 *4,896 38 17 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Mary A. Bass,' American Book Co., E. E. Babb & Co., Milton Bradley Co, Easterbrook Pen Co., Silver, Burdett Co, • Maynard Morrill Co, Yarmouth Register, Beale Press Co., D. C. Heath & Co, supplies, K Public School Printing Co., " Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, *2 96 6 95 189 84 3 90 4 20 3 60 4 72 21 24 8 50 4 05 3 70 21 34 *275 00 *275 v0 *275 00 TRAINSPORTATION OF SCHOLARS. Horace P. Baxter, Charles W. Ellis, Isaiah F. Homer, Unexpended balance,, Amount raised by town, *351 20 76 50 501 00 .51 30 *980 00 *980 00 6+980 00 COOKING, DRAWING, MUSIC, SEWING AND SLOYD. Isabel * Shove, M. F. Grote, Louise M. Crowell, S. Isabelle Smith, E. D. Payne, A. Silver, Alfred Gorham, . teacher, L[ *708 34• 495 38 311 05 400 00 supplies, cooking, 27 65 K " 1 60 K K 4 38 S. W. Hall, Ansel Hallet, Ezra D. Kelley, Isabel Lewis, Ginn & Co., Silver, Burdett & Co, New England Music Co, Oliver Ditson Co, Chandler & Barber, E. E.Babb&Co., R. H. Harris, John Hinckley &.Son, Clark & Smith Co., Matthews & Payne, fuel, Ernest Bake; janitor, C. H. Baker, " James Gorham, janitor, S. Holway, 1* supplies, cooking, $ 7 54 " " 11 31 • sewing, 39 u u 5 97 • music, 4 02 1 15 " {t 1 00 • ' drawing, 8 26 " 9 79 12 24 « « 3 00 sloyd, 3 67 17 57 16 34 22 50 6 '100 100 00 6 00 Unexpended balance, 19 85 Amount raised by town, " received from Mrs. M. S. Agassiz, *1,100 00 1,100 00. *2,200 00 *2,200 00 • SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Wm. E. Chaffin, supt., Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, Received from state, *515 63 92 07 *175 00 432 70 *607 70 *607 70 19 TOWN HEARSES. George L. Brownell estate, 81,650 00: Manton H. Crowell, committee, services and expenses, 4 34 M. H. Crowell,supplies, 9 25 {{ " labor, 2 50 N. Y., N. H. & H. railroad, freight, 17 00 Seth Taylor, committee, services and ex- penses, 4 86 P. E. Hannan, supplies, 4 65 Unexpended balance, 819 40 Amount raised by town;-- *2,000 00. Old hearse sold, 12 00 *2,012 00 *2,012 00 NOTE: Purchase price of two new hearses, Amount allowed for two old hearses, Balance paid as above, ROADS AND BRIDGES. Luther R.. Brown, . " " " acct. Bass River lower bridge, Joshua S. Baker, P. E. Ilannan, Amount raised by town, Received by J. S. Baker, Expended over amount raised, e1.800 00 150 00 $1,650 00 *433 95 111 402 577 83 64 92 *1,500 00 25 26 09 *1,526 34 *1,526 34 • INTEREST. William J. Davis, cashier and treasurer, John H. Clark, treasurer, State treasurer, Trustees Sears fund, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, Received, by Englewood Land Co, *274 44 500 00 87 50 900 00 238 06 *2,000 00 TREE WARDEN. Amount raised by the town, Paid S. T. Kelley, acct. labor, *180 31 Unexpended balance, 119 69 • FORESTER. Amount raised by the town, Paid Seth Taylor, acct. labor, ff Ansel Hallet, supplies, u Johnson Sporting Goods Co, Expended, over amount raised, GYPSY AND BROWN TAIL M Amount raised by town, Received from property owners, - Charles R. Bassett, superintendent, paid, on acct. labor, *150 00 Luther R. Brown, acct. labor, 40 00 Joseph Breck it Sons, supplies, 2 00 Unexpended balance, 109 11 *1,900 00 100 00 *2,000 00 *300 00 *300 00 *300 00 *50 00 *62 13 -- 2 37 11 00 25.50 *75 50 *75 50 DTII FUND. *300 00 1 11 *301 11 *301 11 21 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. ALMSHOUSE. John' Hinckley & Son, supplies, E. L. Sears, labor, SCHOOLHOUSES. C. M. Bray, supplies, M. G. Bradford, George B. Sears, Zenas P. Howes, J. K. R B. Sears, H. R. Usher, Henry .W. Taylor, S. D. W. Mitchell, labor and supplies, u u u CC u u CC if K *35 25 15 98 71 25 4 65 9 40 4 77 5 00 1 25 1 00 *51 23 *27 03 HEARSE AND HOOK AND LADDER HOUSES. P. II. Baker, labor on ladder house, J. K. d: B. Sears, supplies, H. L. Taylor, labor, ff " " W. Y. pound, E. L. Sears, labor and material, hearse house, 100 48 John Silver, labor, grading hearse house lot, - 5 61 John Hinckley & Son, material, hearse house, A. D. Baker, material, Charles Wain, labor; Gilbert Studley, labor and material, hearse house, 55 21 II. W. Taylor, labor and material, town house, * 12 25 23 29 7 50 2 50 1 91 75 1 20 1 33 *212 03 22 .mount raised by town, Received, by shingles sold, Expended, over amount raised, *200 00 2 25 88 04 *290 29 SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. Amount raised by town, • Received from First district court, George W. Cash, J. J. Maloney, John H. Stetson, H. R. Usher, S. D. W. Mitchell, -v. H. Sears, Nelson Baker, Leston Gray. Clarence Baker, Unexpended balance, " special services, a 44 44 K a u K • K K REMITTANCE Amount raised by town, Paid E. T. Baker, tax collector, L. M. Parsons, Unexpended balance, 23 STATE HIGHWAY NOTES. Amount raised by town, *4,000 00 Paid Wm. J. Davis, treasurer, Yarmouth *290 29 library, *2,500 00 Paid John H. Clark, treasurer, B. C. M. Fire insurance Co., 1,500 00 *4,000 00 *4,000 00 • *100 00 86 * 1 00 17 85 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 300 3 00 3 00 54 51 TO PAY SEARS FUND NOTE. Amount raised by town, *1,500 00 Paid Stephen Sears and T. T. Hallet, trustees, *1;500 00 *15,00 00 *15,00 00 PILGRIM MONUMENT. Amount raised by town, *100 36 *100 86 Paid Kavanagh Bros. Co, Yarmouth me- morial stone, OF TAXES. *491 23. 8 44 33 *500 00 *500 00 *500 00 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE. Amount raised by town, *25 00 Paid E. T. Baker, .collector, *25 00 *25 00 *25 00 BURIAL FUND. *45 00 - *45 00 *45 00 *45 00 Paid Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, to be - invested, *150 00 Paid C. M. Bray, care of lots, 34 00 " D. B. Crocker, " a a .. 4 00 " Wm. J. Davis, °' a a 30 00 a Manton 11. Crowell, " a " .8 00 " W. B. Fuller, • a a a 4 00 a T. E. Kelley, a a a 4 00 a T. F. Drew, a a a 2 00 24 Received from New Bedford Institution of Savings, interest, Received from New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, interest, Expended over amount received, -$ 39 88 38 36 157 76 *236 00 *236 00 SOUTIIYARMOUTIH MACADAM ROAD. Luther R. Brown, John G. Sears, A. W. Cahoon, I. B. Kelley, John Lumber, L. II. Baker, . Benj. S. Cotell, Walter F. Cotell, George L. Ryder, Amos C. Ryder, Clarence Crowell, Joyce Taylor, Joseph U. Baker, David S. Taylor, Lane Quarry Co, stone, J. B. Hall, supplies, C. A. Claflin & Co, " A. S. Cole, David D. Kelley, Unexpended balance, Amount raised 'by town, • • labor and supplies, u u u K ti K K 25 TAXES PAID. Paid state tax, county tax, state highway tax, " national bank tax, COUNTY. 866 73 Paid Wm. J. Davis, town treas, 15 seal 54 57 bounties, 45 00 1 00 Paid L. R. Brown, 12,s repairs B. R. L bridge, 55 91 71 01 " damages . , to A. S. Cole, 25 00 " " " John Drum, 40 00 Received reimbursement, acct. A. S. Cole, u u u John H. 39 00 26 19 25 08 5 54 28 82 23 07 12 78 1 50 2 00 80 238 72 2 37 3 65 38 2 38 94 41 *700 00 *700 00 *700 00 Drum, Balance due from county, *2,320 00 2,370 19 439 90 1,534 30 *6,664 39 * 25 00 40 00 100 91 *165 91 *165 91 PAID FOR STATE AND TOWNS. Aid to state poor, * 46 85 Paid clearing state highways, 8 83 " Dennis, ,+„ repairs B. R. L bridge, 111 83 " acct. damagesincurred. on B. R. L. bridge, 130 00 Paid acct. Brewster, aid to poor, 175 22 " Falmouth, " " " " " ' Boston, - " K u Received from state, reimbursement acct. poor,. 52 00 18 84 ?1435 • 20 Received from state, clearing state high- way, Received from Dennis, acct. damages paid, 13alance due from state end towns, It 8 88 180 00 890 89 $543 57 *543 67 SELECTMEN'S STATEMENT. Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen and drawn upon the town treasurer: Town debts, " officers; Miscellaneous, Snow, Support of poor, " schools, School supplies, Transportation, Cooking, drawing, music, sewing and sloyd, Superintendent of schools, Hearses, Roads and bridges, Interest, Tree warden, Forester, :loth fund, .Public buildings, Suppression of crime, Remittance of taxes, Tax collector's postage, 0 742 88 2,638 25 4,274 43 380 87 2,000 47 4,896 38 253 66 928 70 2,180 15 515 63 1,692 60 1,526 34 1,761 94 180 31 75 50 192 00 290 29 45 85 499 67 25 00 27 State highway notes, Sears fund note, Pilgrim monniment, Burial fund, South Yarmouth macadam road, Taxes paid, state and county, Paid county, " state, Boston and towns, Amount of orders drawn on town rarer, treas- *38, 10 88 *4,000 00 1,500 00 45 00 236 00 605 59' 6,664 39 165 91 343 57 *38,710 33 *38,710 88 FINANCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN, DEC. 31, 1907, TOWN OWES. Sears fund note, Town highway notes, Bills unpaid, uwtimated, CREDIT. Uncollected taxes, 1904, K .1905, K K 1906, K K 1907, Due from state, K K county, K K Bo ton lL • K Brewster, it K Dennis, " " Falmouth, *13,500 00 18,000 00 200 00 *31,700 00 133 28 491 37 1,74.3 76 8,211 68 46 85 100 91 18 84 • 175 44 111 83 2 00 • 28 • Due from N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., acct. • fires, *1,766 06 •" " state aid commissioners, 424 00 Selectmen's balance in the treasury, 3,701 85 Outstanding orders, 1,747 99 $18,730 14 Net debt, Jan. 1, 1908, *12,969 86 NOTE. - Net debt, January 1,1907, oe •11 .". 1908, Decrease for the year, *19,788 85 12.969 88 $8,813 99 } CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, of • JESSE W. CROWELL, Yarmouth. 29 LIST OF JURORS. AS PREPARED BY THE SELECTMEN, JAN. 10, 1908. Joshua E. Howes, Charles R. Bassett, John H. Brice, Joseph W. Hamblin, William F. Bray, Edmund W. Eldridge, Charles L. Nickerson, Nathan H. Matthews, Jonathan Usher, Jr., Isaac H. Thacher, 2d, Theodore F. Drew, LYsander A. Chase, • David F. Sears, Manton H. Crowell, Luther R. Brown, Zenas P. Howes, Lester E. Crowell, David S. Taylor, Walter G. Hallet, Thomas E. Kelley, Elisha L. Jenkins, Ernest P. Baker, Joshua F. Crowell, Julius B. Brown, 1 CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, of JESSE W. CROWELL, Yarmouth. Assessors' Report. VALUATION, 1907. Real estate, land, " " buildings, 'Personal estate, *408,410 00 692,365 00 917,291 00 Total valuation, 1907, TAXES, 1907. Taxes levied on real estate, " " personal estate, " " - " polls, Total tax, 1907, Population census,1905, Registered voters, 1907, Number of polls, ." " houses assessed, " horses " " cows, " neat cattle other than cows, " sheep, " acres of land, " persons liable to military duty, " residents -assessed on property, " non-residents assessed on property, " all others assessed on property, " poll taxes only, Rate of taxation, *12.50 per *1,000.00. tt 513,759 69 11,466 13 890 00 *2,018,066 00 $26,115 82 14,022 400 445 711 211 127 3 28 10,901 • 125 524 - 453 70 134 81 TAXES RECEIVED FROM STATE. National bank tax, * 979 07 Corporation taxes, (additional 1906 taxes:,, 588 60 " 1907, 3,603 99 Total received, $5,171 66 TAXES PAID TO STATE AND COUNTY. State. tax, • " highway tax, County tax, Total paid, Increase in valuation over 190G, $125,925.00 *2,320 00 439 90 2,370 19 *5,130 09 JESSE W. CROWELL, Assessors HENRY BLACHFORD, -of CHARLES R. BASSETT, Yarmouth. l Report of Overseers of the Poor. Inmates of almshouse, Dec.,31, 1907: John Gray, Nathan Sears, Luther Buck, Number of inmates during 1907, 5. 44 u tramps ac " 3. Age. Committed. 63 1893 80 1898 57 1903 POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Amos Arey, salary, keeper, u a Iabor of horse, « paid for supplies, Frank H. Hinckley, supplies, S. W. Hall, ' E. D. Payne, David F. Parker, A. A. Knowles, Isabel Lewis, Ansel Ballet, B. T. Gorham, C. R. Bassett, T. T. Hallet, J. 13. Hall, Matthews R Payne, 1. B. Kelley, Laura Robbins, Edmund Walker, 44 K 66 at u 44 44 '4 K fuel, u i' *350 00 5 70 11 05 *60 75 23 82 .17 17 22 99 116 90 7 20 90 59 65 4 00 8 00 13 29 7 30 45 00 13 75 20 00 *366 75 Yarmouth Register, C. W. Ellis, Joseph Breck & Sons, E. L. Sears, E. W. Eldridge, 4' K 33 supplies, • * 2 00 • pig, 4 00 K and freight, a u labor, John Silver, Mary Phillips, S. H. Nye, Dr. H. B. Hart, medical attendance, Dr. S. H. Sears, u By eggs sold, li hay K Net cost, 1907, Ca. K u K OUTSIDE POOR. Adresta Humes. Paid, cash aid, " F. P. Haliet, fuel, u H. Blachford, u u Dr. F. A. Binford, medical aid, K Lucy Marchant, services, nurse, Mrs. Fred. Cash. Paid James E. Baxter, rent, Thomas Buck, K u A. R. Johnson, supplies, K S. 13. Marchant, u 9 67 10 22 15 79 9 10 1 11 12 40 2 00 2 50 17 55 *28 48 15 00 *70 00 30 50 7 00 5 00 25 00 *28 00 =5 00 73 27 4896 *537 75 *904 50 43 48 *861 02 137 50 34 Paid Jas. E. Baxter, supplies, *23 90 " Joshua S. Baker, fuel, 4 00 ". I1. Blachford, " 7 00 " F. P. Hallet, " 7 50 " II. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, * 15 00 " Dr. C. E. Harris, medical attendance, 32 00 Ida Chase. Paid Ruth Chase, support, " Dr. S. H. Sears, medical attendance, " T. T. Hallet, supplies, Paid E. D. Payne, B. T. Gorham, S. W. Hall, A. A. Knowles, T. T. Hallet, • " Oliver Hallet, Jr., labor on pomp, M. H. Marston, " " " M. G. Bradford, pump supplies, Alfred Howland, wood, William P. Bray, E. Walker, Matthews & Payne, fuel, " tG cc John Silver. supplies, LC " Mrs. Walter Baker. Paid Daniel Cole, rent, " fuel, Eben Baxter. Paid II. Blachford, fuel, " H. B. Chase AC Sons, " Melissa Baker. Paid I. F. Homer, rent, . " L 13. Kelley, fuel, " L. Fuller J; Co., ." 28 00 6 50 2 60 *264 63 *37 10 37 10 *29 33 _8_ 35 690 17 30 1 05 4 13 5 01 3 25 2 00 2 37 3 00 4 86 *60 00 20 54 87 55 80 54 5350 18 75 * 22 25 *40 00 8 00 15 50 63 50 35 • Ellis P. Baker. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, -A. K. Johnson, u William Lovell, Jr., James E. Baxter, R. K. Farris, A. L. Baker, Isaiah Crowell, fuel, II. Blachford, J. S. Baker, {{ J. F. Nickerson, rent, Dr. S. 1I. Sears, medical attendance, Dr. Allen Pease, " " " it CC " it u Paid. " 46 Cf " C6 $24 76 28 4 00 4 15 68 154 3 50 2 00 9 25 4 00 15 25 14 00 Archelus. Phillips. S. W. Hall, supplies, *44 93 A.A. Knowles, " . 64 04 B. T. Gorham, 65 Ansel Hallet, 1 00 Matthews & Payne, fuel, 4 30 E. •Walker, 6 00 . --- Sylvanus Robbins, • " 8 25. Dr. S. 11. Sears, medical attendance, 1 00 Harry W. Robinson. Paid Dr. E. M. Parker, medical aid, Mrs. Isaac W. Baker. Paid S. 13. Marchant, supplies, Refunded cash, *11.00. -- Morris Gray. Paid Marcus Hall, rent, .Tames T. Chase. Paid E. D. Panne, supplies, Iloward Gray. Paid Manton II. Crowell burial expenses of Mrs. Howard Gray, *83 41 130 17 * 7 75 44 00 30 00 3 00 35 00 36 Seth Walker. Paid Dr. H. B. Hart, medical attendance, * 2 00 Dr. S. H. Sears, — " 15 25 John D. Delphesne, services, nurse, 6 00 Henry A. Cobb, services and expenses, 2 50 town of Brewster, supplies, 4 82 C. R. Bassett, transportation from Brewster, 2 00 W. H. Mayhew, services, 2 00 P. E. Hannan, services, with hearse, 2 00 C. M. Bray, cemetery expenses, 3 00 K. M. Taylor, undertaker, 30 00 K ti " " " By cash received, *53.85. STATEMENT. Amount raised by town, Received from J. DeSilver estate, °" Isaac W. Baker, reimburs " Seth Walker estate, produce sold, almshouse, Paid for, support of almshouse, " " " " outside poor, Unexpended balance, u 4' PAID FOR POOR ement, • * 904 50 1,095 97 879 26 *69 57 *1,095 97 • *2,400 00 371 40 11: 00 53 85 43' 48 *2,879 73 *2,879 73 OF STATE, CITY AND OTHER TOWNS. Paid aid to state poor, " " " Boston poor, " " Brewster. poor, " Falmouth poor, " it * 46 85 18 84 175 22 52 00 *292 91 CHARLES R. BASSETT, Overseers HENRY BLACIIFORD, of JESSE W. CROWELL, Poor. Treasurers Report. DE: Balance on hand, January 1st, 1907, Received from county treasurer, viz.: Dog tax refunded, . acct. roads and bridges, Bass river lower bridge, dam- ages, Alton S. Cole, Bass river lower bridge, dam- ages, John Drum, " " town of Brewster, " "_.Falmouth, " " " " Dennis, 14" Judge F.C. Swift, fees, C. W. Swift, sale of safe, if Joshua S. Baker, sale of stone, g4 " " shingles, ti " " shovel, • school committee, sale of furniture, 2 if" Mrs. Ab ssiz, acct. schools, 1,100 " « trustees Sears fund, schools, 1,320 " J. W. Crowell, sale of old hearse, 12 • IT. Blachford, treasurer, Follins pond fishery, " est. Jose C. DeSilver, aid reim- bursement, • " Isaac W. Baker, reimbursement, " overseers poor, acct. Se::h Walker, " Frank B. Howard,- pool table license, *4,501 65 211 17_ 142 30 25 00 40 00 221 64 52 00 414 60 61 1 00 4 20 2 25 25 00 00 00 00 l[ " 570 31 371 40 11 00 53 85 2 00 Heceived from Luther R. Brown; pool table license, * W. II. Thacher, peddler's license, town clerk, fees received, Englewood Beach Land Co., acct. Berry avenue loan, E. I1. Howes, secretary, joint board school cr,mmittee, Chas. R. I-Iowes, removing: brown tail moth nests, • tt A. A. Knowles, eggs sold from almshouse, • « • sale of hay from almshouse, Treas. Commonwealth, viz.: state corporation tax, temporary aid, tuition of children, - _. compensation, inspectors animals, repairing highway, burial indigent soldiers, state aid, national bank tax, interest on burial funds, from. Elisha T. Baker, tax collector: for 1904, " 1905, " 1906, " 1907, " . t( It CR. • Paid orders drawn by selectmen, Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1908, ./ 2 00 6 00 41 78 100 00 432 70 1 11 28 48 15 00 4,192 59 22 95 48 00 29 00 8 83 70 00 384 00 979 07 78 24 568 28 1,419 25 8,023 91 19,455 71 *44,966 13 *39,516 79 5,449 34 844,966 13 Town owes: Notes for macadam roads, " " Hyannis macadam roads, " " Berry ave. " " Sears fund note, Due from collector of taxes: fear 1904, " 1905, __" 1906, " 1907, 7,500 00 8,000 00 2,500 00 13,500 00 *31,500 00 £. 156 74 467 91 1,748 76 8,211 68 *10,585 09 I\ ACCT. WITH SCHOOL COMMITTEE, STATE FUND, TOWN TREASURER, DR. Balance on hand, January 1st, 1907, Received from state treasurer, • CR. Paid orders drawn by school committee, Balance on hand, January 1st, 1908, BURIAL FUND. Invested as follows: New Bedford. Institute for Savings, '� Five Cents savings bank, Bass River savings bank, *765 82 706 50 81,472 32 *568 61 903 71 *1,472 32 *1,000' 00 • 1,000 00 15Q 00. *2,150 00 WILLIAM J, DAVIS, Town Treasurer. Date. 1507. Jan. 25. 31. Feb. 8. 4. 8. 21. March 2. 15. 25. 80. April 14. 24, June 13. 14., 14. 17. Aug. 17. Sept. 5. 0. 18 BENJ. T. GORHA,M, Town Clerk. •P N -4 00 O t.0 . O 0 O O 0 0 O 00. c. 0 0 O tJ N ..1 �1 ►+ O l� O t0 O 00 0 CT O CT 0 Vital Statistics for 'the Year 1907. BIRTHS RECORDED IN Name of Child. 'Alice May Darling, Rodley Sherwood Crowell, Gerald IIarte Collins, • Theodore Lloyd Cash, Allen Stenson Ellis, Male, Raymond Lee Ellis, Frances May Rose, Eva Belle Crowell, Lorene Vernon Johnson, Lillian Frances Keveney, Edward Lawrence Drew, Irving Linwood Nickerson, • William Fisher Nickerson, Priscilla Davis, • Mary A. Gray, Frederick Charles Bartlett, Harold Fletcher Montcalm, Frederick Howard Wheklen, Female (Nickerson), 1907. 0 Parents. Nathan II. and Lottie A. Stephen and Annie E. Franklin F. and Katie II. . Ensign S. and Margaret R. James W. and Lillie F. Russell D. and Bertha M. Joseph and Marie. Francis M. and Lena M. Francis M., Jr. and Annie L. . Michael and Maty G. Samuel IL D. and Mary E. Byron L. and Florence M. David A. and Lila N. Charles IL and Grace. Ifoward and Mary A. Freeman Charles and Inez E. Warren E. and Florence M. Isaiah Frank and Lydia C. Howard F. and Mary Date. 11107. Oct. 13. 15. Nov. 7. 13. Dec. 18. 25. . 1905. Oct. 22. 1000. Sept. 14. Nov. 9. BIRTIIS RECORDED. IN 1907. Name of Child. Clayton Crowell Mallet, William Mackey, .Jr., Edwin Matthews .White, jr., Raymond Thatcher Chase, Charles Francis Swift, /, Male (Warner), Morton Vernon Cash, Thalma Baxter, Christene Marguerite Coville, Parents. Walter G. and Fanny E. William and Sadie. Edwin M. and Sarah C. Ernest W. and Annie 14/ Charles W. and Anna M. Frederick and Cornelia L. Ensign S. and Margaret 11. Horace P. and Blanche C. Edward B. and Mary C. Date. 11107. January 2. 18. • 28. 26. 28. Fel). 2. 2. '27. 28. ,\larch 4. 18. 24. 29. April 1. 23. JIay 11. 3`3. 28. .Irate .18. 18. 28. V. 8. August 1. .11ily DEATIIS REGISTERED IN 1907. Nnnio of Deceased. John N. Sears, Lucy 6'. '1'hacher, Abby .L. ILuulllin, Patrick ]Morgan, IIcicn M. 11axter, :Olen 11. Knowles, Luther Baker, \Villisun Shields, Eunice re linker, \Villinin P.1)row, Marianne Mallet, :\nnah Hinckley 1lnckins, 1'he1e Matthews, Augusta Baker, 1hil en Baker, Allen ('ash, Jr., Laura A: llnl:er,. !Ionian Crowell, John M. Cahill, Mary A. Hilly, 1 hurrah Al. 'Taylor, It:hen S. Baxter, 11'II11tun S. Fisher, .Iuseph Crowell; Disease. Chronic cystitis, Arterio sclerosis, Chronic Bright's disease, Intestinal obstruction, Pneumonia, Chronic Bright's disease, Organic heart disease, Broncho pneumonia, Senility, • Diphtheria, Cerebral hemorrhage, Chronic cystitis, Old age, Apoplexy, Epithelioma of lip, `eptirrmin, Nephritis with heart complications, Interstitial nephritis, Pneumonia and congestion of lungs, Eclampsia following continewilent, Emphysema, intestinal paralysis, Chronic interstitial nephritis, Old age, Are. Y. ]l. 90 3 69 5 49 11 .78 10 51 4 54 1 81 74 98 58 80 89 73 78 62 72 10 28 48 24 72 62 76 87 22 24 21 17 17 6 .9 4 6. . 9 12 o 6 1 15 9 19 6 4 4 20 6 23 9 28 DEATHS REGISTERED IN 1907. ]tate. Nanio of Deceased. 1907. August 81. William Donne Loring, Sept. 17. N.Ikonah Dexter Payne, )et. S. Henry N. Brooks, 22. Mary Ann IEamblin, . Nov. • 22. Seth Walker, Dec. 8. I k rlutm I Iallett Taylor, 17. Itobena Jones, 20. Stephen Sears, Disease. Y. 'Debility and advanced age, 83 Carcinoma of pharynx, 67 Asthma with heart complications, 64 Hypertrophy of heart and anaemia, 66 Apoplexy, 76 Chronic bronchitis, organic heart disease, 75 Fibroid tumor, 52 General weakness and debilty, 85 13ROUGIIT TO YARMOUTH FOR INTERMENT. Date. Name of Deceased. 1907. January 4. Myrtle F. Cash, 18. Rufus E. Holmes, 19. Abram R. Wood, . July 28. Sarah L. Crowell, Oct. 9. Solon Baker, Nov. 11. Lydia J. Thayer, Dec. 6. Izette M. Alger, 21. Abbie F. Bolles, �1. 0 I r..1) co 50 e.r GC' 50 r Qi Disease. Interstitial pregnancy, Carcinoma, Carcinoma, Diabetis coma, Cerebral apoplexy,• Sarcoma, Broncho pneumonia, Cerebral hemorrhage, P rfu Q7 '4 `.1 Age. D. 7 30 7 28 1 4 2 17 8 3 27 3 11 5 10 Age. Y. M. D. 2.4 79 9 'l7 78 11 10 67 10 .26 66 68 1 23 58 5 5 63 3 20 ^�p~�rp�'Yrl'.. �'aCr1''�0 trly r'.1., ..'714 `�w%-caul>�;i,Z'r• J1 y; .7 + : p n. o p P. - a Ng 0 K co .1.1 et' y 'D m ge CY y a �r co e4 ry" cy' 2 '' ('y t-. 00 y tD P7 c9 e4 5.g 0 :9. ',9 `3 r+ O 0' y C m MI t -. I �, ,.� W F ct. p a !17 net tr, .-0 �, � ev c" M 4' � is .•t CD 8 tl dg 1;34rn�L is V- PO 5r1"g ►e+• P to�.'•' t c 9 P "ar"C Bji) nC,71 co E.: i't�1 '�'t? 4: i m'o g �4 to M o 44 O a� _M 0' m act, Y ' "C' .54 �t C �i' W rt 9 ppb p s° o. 3 m P ++w j';' :'- j' � ' P O '.j OD C� oho ib C O d1 prrC 4: IONig as g. s a • w" • o. itr Er cr a r a �d►c0 D w• r R R 0 'I."G zr 5 w N' 02 44 3;1 w g= C g O w z Tree Warden Account. Thomas Baker, 3 days, *2, Wm. Morgan, " " " Walter Cook, 7+ Oliver Hallet, • 2 Danforth Whelden, 2- Charles Bumpus, 1 Stanley Matthews, 1 A. A. Knowles, team and supplies, Edmund Walker; .per bill, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., freight,. Wm. Lack, 41 . hours, 25c., Edward Smith, • 16 " " " " team, 16 " 15c., E. C. Brown & Co., pump fixtures, Bowker Insecticide Co, supplies, S. T. Kelley, labor, etc, Walter Cook, " - Amount drawn from selectmen, K • " K " 8180 81 *180 31 $ 7 00 7 00 15 00 4 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 12 41 12 27 98 10 25 4 00 2 40 50 87 6 00 34 88 4 25 *180 31 SYLV ANI S T. KELLEY, Tree Warden. Road Commissioners' Report. P.E. HANNAH. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. J. E. Howes, 57 loads sand, 5c., Isaiah Ellis, 5 hours, u u 7 " with team, R. Howes, 30 Wm. F. Morgan, 205 Geo. Robbins, 1571 P. E. Hannan, 162 27 23 20,E 77 - cc. 44 " John Silver, Walter Cook, Geo. Baker, 72 " " it u K " horse, 16 Ze., with team, 55. c, horse and man, 38:c, . with team, Osborn Baker, 18 " " " " 28 loads loam, 5c., E. W. Eldridge, 3 hours, with team, Ansel IIallet, as per bill, Chas. R. Bassett, 84 loads loam, 6c., Estate II. Thacher, 27 " " 5c., Chas. Nickerson, 12 " " 5c, Henry Baker, 3" hours, J. Uglier, 107 " Elnathan Eldridge, 7 Ernest Sears, 12 - Thomas Baker, 27 Chas. Dixon, 18 wlai team, !:, c:, " 38;c., 4' " " Geo. Bray, 18 Ernest Bray, 18 8285 1 11 2 73 6 67. 45 56 35 00 27 00 15 00 8 94 4 56 17 11 28 00 7 00 1 40 1 17 2 34 5 04 1 35 60 7 11 23 78 1 56 2 78 6 00 10 00 4 00 4 00 48 Ed. Bray, 18 hours, henry Cobb, 18 " with team, 88gc, James A: Ellis, 18 u'° " " " " " 108 loads loam, 5e., henry A. Ellis, 18 hours, Isaiah Ellis, 16 " K - " 18 K with team, 88pc., Frank Whelden, 45 • 88gc., Millard Gray, 46 " 22ge., Oliver Hallet, Jr., 18 K K u 31 K with team, 381c., K • K K 4 K horse, 161c., Elam Mecarta, 271 K with team, 38/e., Frank Chase, 271 Seth Hamblin, 22 loads sand, 5c., P. Heffernan, 131 hours, A. A. Knowles, as per bill, Thacher Taylor, repairs on scraper, R. Howes, 14 hours, P. E. Hannan, 36 " with team, 88tc., Wm. F. Morgan, 181 Thomat Baker, 14 James Gorham, 19 loads loam, 5e., Henry Usher, repairs on scraper, William Matthews, 16 hours, R. Howes, 12 " K u boards for bridge, K K 14 loads loam, Ernest Sears, T. Taylor, Chas. A. Chase, James T. Chase, E. Bray, Geo. Robbins, W.F. Morgan, 7 . hours, 4 K 2 " li K. 10 days, $2, 131 hours, 4 " $ 4 00 7 00 7 00 5 40 4 00 3 56 5 25 17 50 10 00 4 00 12 06 67 10 69 6 11 1 10 3 00 75_ 1 25 3 11 14 00 4 11 3 11 95 1 25 4 46 2 67 1 00 • 70 2 13 89 44 33 20 00 3 00 89 49 John Ilinckley & Son, as per bill, Geo. Robbins, 8 days, *2, Walter Cook, 6 K K Thomas Baker, 5 Oliver Haslet, Jr., 5 " with team, $4, P. E. Hannan, 8 a " " *1.50, Elnathan Eldridge, 1 " *2, James A. Ellis, 1 " with team, 43.50, W. F. Morgan, 2 " *2, Isaiah Ellis, ' 2 " team, *1.50, Joseph Thacher, painting sign, u K K K R. Howes, 6 hours, K K 35 loads sand, 7e., Geo. Baker, 8 posts, K - K 4 lbs. nails, K u 41 hours, P. Ileffernan, • 221 " John Lundberg, 26 loads sand, 5c., - P. E. Mannan, laying out road, Amount due the town, Orders drawn from the selectmen, Stanley Matthews, William F. Morgan, B. W. Ellis, Alfred Baker, Warren Montealm, James A. Cash, E. L. Sears, Albert Taylor, SNOW ACCOUNT. 71 hours, 22;e., 10 K 121 it 171 11 K 17 131 K *577 92 $ 31 31 16 00 12 00 10 00 20 00 12 00 200 3 50 4 00 300 1 50 1 50 1 33 2 45 80 20 1 00 5 00 1 30 4 50 5 50 *57792 *577 92. 1 67 22 2 78 1 67 A :, 89 33 3.78. 3 00 50 Geo. Robbins, 71 hours, Gorham Pulsifer, 13 " Allen Cash, 131 Wm. Perry, 134 Henry Perry, 131 Williard Ellis, 121 John Olar, 10 E. W. Eldridge, . 5 Frank C. Baker, 9 " Elnathan.Eldridge, 4 A. Ray Cash, 4 " Charles Cash, 121 " Henry Cobb, 10 " with team, 44ac, James A. Ellis, 6 " " plough, 44c, Chas. Nickerson,'— 7 " • •K K K K K Geo. F. Bray, Wm. F. Bray, Chas. W. Ellis, James W. Ellis, Leston D. Ellis, J. Winthrop Smith Warren Ellis, John Delpache, B. Phillips, Jos. Chase, Ernest Bray, E. Bray, R. Howes, Chas. Cahoon, Thacher Taylor, James T. Chase, Geo. W. Ryder, Barry Chase, M. Keveney, John Keveney, a 3 7 -7 7 5 7 7 7 3 7 7 18 3 4 5 4 6} u K K K K " K K K K K K K K K ft K K K 8167 2 89 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 78 2 22 1 11 2 00 89 89 2 78 4 44 2 67 1 56 67 67 • 1 56 1 56 1 56 1 11 1 56 1 56 1 56 67 1 56 1 56 4 00 67 89 1 11 89 1 00 1 00 1 44 Henry Usher, Winthrop Smith, Edward Smith, Chester Chase, Chas. Chase, Harold Bassett, Frank Whelden, Millard Gray, David Whelden, Edgar Marchant, Jos. Sherman, Isaiah Ellis, P. E. Hannan, A. Howland, Osborn Baker, George Baker, W. F. Morgan, Ray M. Hallett, P. E. Hannan, Charles Brice, Chas. Nickerson, Chas. W. Ellis,. Chester W. Ellis, Joseph W. Smith, Ernest Bray, Russell Ellis, Geo. A. Bray, Warren Ellis, Henry A. Cobb, Joseph Chase, Ernest Sears, Geo. Robbins, Allen Cash, Chas. Cash, James A. Ellis, 51 4 hours, 5 ." 5 1 • " 1 " 4 " 15c, 5 " with team, 44tc, 5 " 5 " 5 K 5 " 17 " with team, 441c., 27 K K " " 4 15 15 K if K K 9 K 9 " 9. 2 horses, 3} " 8 8 8 10+ " 8 " 8 4 " -2- 10:4 " with team, 44:c, 2+ K 144 2 51 " 5} 7 " " 44 u $ 89 1 11 1 11 22 22 60 2 22 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 7 56 12 00 89 333 668 2 00 2 00 4 00 77 1 78 1 78 1 78 233. 1.78 1 78 89 44 4 67 56 3 22 44 1 22 1 2.2 3 11 W. F. Morgan, Jos. Delpache, Gorham Pulsifer, Henry Perry, Wm. Matthews, Willard Ellis, J. E. Olar, Frank C. Baker, Elnathan• Eldridge, _Frank Robbins, Wm. Bray, George Bray, Osborn Baker, Geo. Baker, R. Howes, Harry Chase, Charles Chase, Charles Bumpus, Chester Chase, E. F. Smith, Winthrop Smith, P. E. Hannan, Warren Montcalm, W. F. Morgan, Isaiah Ellis, Warren Montcalm, 52 19 hours, 2 ". 8 5 " 24 " 64 " Til " " 2 2 " 5 " 25 " with team, 32t 41 " 12 " 2} " 1 ' " 1 " $k " 27 " team, 10 " 13 " with team, 44tc., 5 K Amount drawn from selectmen, *212 88 *212 88 $ 4 22 44 67 1 11 56 1 44 1 22 1 44 1 44 1 22 . 44 44 1 11 11 11 7 11 1 00 2 92 56 22 11 11 6 00 2 22 1 00 578 1 11 58 LUTHER R. BROWN, ROAD COMMISSIONER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH.' Chas. Clark, R. J. Baker, rakes and shovel, George Bacheller, James A. Baker, post, J. K. S. Eldridge, C. Clark, L. H. Baker, G. H. Bacheller, Ahira Baker, E. P. Baker, F. A. Baker, H. E. Baker, W. H. Baker, H. E. Baker, sand, J. H. Stetson, loam, F. F. Collins, T. T. Nickerson, post, H. W. Oliver, G. II. Bacheller, U. H. Sears, Wallace Kelley, J. G. Sears, W. I.I. Fuller, F. W. Homer, I. F. Homer, I. W. Ellis, *212 88 I. B. Kelley, J. II. Stetson, loam, Geo. H. Loring, J. W. Baker, S. B. Baker, D. M. Chase, Albert T. Pierce, 8400 1 13 7 00 4 60 1 00 5 00 .500 8 75 5 00 5 00 1 00 15 75 17 00 3 75 12 00 8 75. 7 50 4 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 8 78 5 00 8 75 2 75 5 00 8 75 22 00 3 50 7 00 7 00 8 75 7 00 54 • C. B. Oliver, - Clarence Crowell, G. Studley, A. Berry, A. W. Cahoon, S. B. Baker, J. Falvey, T. Baker, T. Chase, F. W. Homer, G. 11. Loring, sand, D. Kelley, hrs., sand, R. A. Baker, post, J. G. Sears, - I. B. Kelley, . Jerry Eldridge, water, W. II. Hurst, J. 11. Stetson, sand, A. W. Cahoon, L. Baker, S. B. Baker, henry E. Baker, . John 11. Baker, II. E. Baker, washout, G. II. Bacheller, _ L. R. Brown, bill, • Expense of laying out road at Hyannis Park, .Amount drawn from selectmen, *433 95 Due L. R. Brown, 10 *434 05 *434 05 $ 7 00 10 50 7 00 1 54 1 00 8 75 3 00 75 8 00 5 49 5 22 6 00 10 50 10 50 2 00 8 15. 69 4 00 5 00 4 39 2 00 2 00 1 59 10 50 75 75 6 50 55 ' REPAIRS, BASS RIVER LOWER BRIDGE. John Hinckley & Son, lumber, $141 82 Willie Kelley, 44 G. Studley, •5 00 G. Studley, Jr., •5 00 E. N. Chase, 7 50 11. Clark, _ . 4 00 L. R. Brown, 6 75 W. Eldridge, 5 00 H. Clark; 2 00 « tt 4 00 lt it 387 J. U. Baker, 9 00 J. Rose, 5 87 Albert Pearce, 27 25 Nelson Baker, - 1 00 S. B. Baker, 2 50 J. G. Sears, . 75 M. II. Crowell, 26 68 Roger Eldridge, 5 00 S. B. Baker, labor and spikes, .4 14 L. R. Brown, 12 00 Amount drawn from selectmen, *279 57 County, 12, expense, Dennis, .itu tt Varmouth, .146. *279 57 *279 57 * 55 91 111 83 111 83 *279 57 S. B. Baker, Nelson Baker, R. C. Baker, G. II. Kelley, J. K. S. Eldridge, N. B. Chase, L. Berry, A. Berry, 0. II. Homer, J. H. Baker, E. S. Baker, Ahira Baker, Joseph Robinson, John G. Sears, L. R. Brown, H. E. Baker, J. G. Sears, S. B. Baker, 56 SNOW ACCOUNT. 7+ hours, 40c., 2+ " 20c., 2 it 4 " 3 4 61 2+ 2+ 94 " 2 44 44 .44 44 Henry E. Baker, 5 Ernest Baker, 91 F. B. Homer, . 14 B. S. Cotell, 24 I. B. Kelley, 16+ H. F. Kelley, 6 F. M. Johnson, 2 . Zenas P. Howes, 3 1. F. Homer, .. • . 5 Frank W. Homer, 291 I. B. Kelley, 3 F. W. Homer, 3 J. G. Sears, 2 L. R. Brown, 1+ Amount drawn from selectmen, 40c., 20c., 44 40c., 20c., 40c., ‘, $3 00 49 44 88 2 60 49 40 66 88 1 48 49 49 49 1 02 2 49 3 80 1 10 1 82 80 1 00 1 90 2 80 50 6 60 1 20 40 60 2 00 11 90 1 20 1 20 80 49 *56 41 856 41 856 41 57 J.S. BAKER. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF YARMOUTH, LABOR, ETC., ON ROADS AND BRIDGES. Arthur Baker, Ernest Baker, Adelbert Cotell, H. P. Baxter, . S. D. W. Mitchell,. Lock. Baxter, Nat. Baxter, W. F. Baker, Clarence Cotell, Lemuel Marchant, . Howard Gray, S. B. Marchant, D. Cotell, 21 days, *2, 8 hours, 6 " I " 39c., 6 days, 3 hours, *3.50, 2.00, 6 6 6 6 3 5 6 6 1+ Howard Nickerson, 5 " " work on bridge, - Henry Blachford; 5 days, ' A: L. Baker, 3 " 7 hours, " " team and boy, 6 days, (43, Joseph Nickerson, on bridge, . Gilbert Lewis, " " J. S. Baker, 8 days, " " 2 teams and men, 15- daysTS3.50, F. P. Hallett, 30 loads sand, Charles Crocker, 170 loads sand, A. L. Baker, 2 days, 7+ hours, *3.50, J. B. Brown; 1 " 7 " " S. 13. Marchant, 2 J. A. Montcalm, 12 " 20c., Foster Baker, 5 'toward Gray, 5 Arthur Baker, 3 44. . 3 $2,00, F. A. Abell, 50 loads sand, 4c., .A. K. Johnson, 45 " " F. I'. Hallett, 50 " 3.50, 44 tt 44 * 5 00 1 60 1 33 58 2214 12 00 12 33 i2 00 12 00 6 00 11 55 21 00 21 00 17 50 1 50 17 50. 13 16 18 00 3 00 1 70 16 00 52 50 1 20 6 80 9 90 6 22 7 00 2 40 1 00 1 00 6 66 2 00 1 80 200 58 N. Baxter, 2 days, *2.00, Albert Walker, 27 hours, 20c., J. S. Baker, 3 days, 2 men, 1 team, *4.50, 3 days, 51 hours, team and man, 88.50, 3 days, *2, John Hinckley & Son, J. K. 8& B. Sears & Co., Amount drawn from town treasurer, . *402 64 *402 64 LL K LL LL A. L. Baker, G. S. Taylor, Adelbert Cotell, . Clarence Cotell, J. A. Montcalm, Arthur Baker, D. Cotell, - R. S. Taylor, Foster Baker, Nelson Baxter, Horace P. Baxter, u u u SNOW ACCOUNT. 31 hours, 38„c., 15 LL 22gc., 5 K 11 5 5 10 12 K 15c., 17 LL .22*c, 23 K Lf K LL u • LL K LL K K 21 LL 161c., horse, Howard Nickerson, 5 LL 22ac, ” u 5. " 161e., horse, Lockwood Baxter, 14" yc:+ 20 L. Marchant, .Ansel Taylor, Clinton Taylor, John Kettler, 9 S. B. Marchant, 4 J. S. Baker, snow plough, K 2 snow ploughs and iron work, Amount drawn from selectmen, u u 9 9 LL K LL u *61 58 *61 58 * 4 00 5 40 13 50 12 63 6 00 29 19 4 55 $402 64 * 1 36 3 33. 1 11 1 55 2 42 1 11 1 11 2 22 1 80 3 78 5 11 3 50 1 11 83 2 44 4 4, '2 00 2 00 2 00 89 6 46. 11 00 *61 58 Auditors' Report. The auditors of the town of Yarmouth, having carefully examined the accounts of the several officers of the town, respectfully submit the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1907, * 4,501 65 Received from tax collector and all other sources, 40,464 48 *44,966 13 Paid on orders from selectmen, from .Tan. 1, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1908, 39,516 79 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1908, *5,449 34 Outstanding orders, Jan. 1, 1908, *1,747.99. SELECTMEN. CHARLES R. BASSETT, CHAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town .treasurer from Jan. 1, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1908, *38,710 88 amount of receipts and vouchers, - _.. *36,962 89 Outstanding orders drawn, 1,747 99 t38,710 88 MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1907, *781 35 Received from Mass. school fund, 706 50 • *1,487 85 Orders paid from Jan. 1, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1908, 584 14 Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1908, *903 71 • 60 . MRS. AGASSIZ FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1907, Refunded to Mrs. Agassiz, SCHOOLS. Drawn from the town, as per order of the school committee: Support of schools, • School supplies, Transportation of scholars, Repairs on public buildings, schools, Sloyd, music, drawing, sewing and cooking, Superintendent of schools, • BURIAL FUND. Deposited with town treasurer, Deposited in New Bedford Five Cents1,000 00 Savings bank,.. Deposited in. New Bedford Institution for Savings, 1,000 00 Deposited in Bass River Savings bank, 150 00 *2,150 00 *2,150 00 8148 87 148 87 *4,896 38 253 66 928 70 27 03 2,198 98 515 63 *8,820 38 *2,150 00 • TREE WARDEN. SYLVANtiS T. KELLEY. Amount paid out for material and labor on trees, Amouwit drawn from town treasurer, 61 FOLLINS POND .FISHERY. ' HENRY BLACHFORD, TREASURER. Amount received from sale of permits, Paid X. Howes, services, auctioneer, * 2 00 town of Dennis, • 570 31 « town of Yarmouth, 570 31 TOWN CLERK. *1,142 62 *1,142 62 *1,142 62 BENJAMIN T. GORHAM.. Amount received from all sources, Paid to the town treasurer, Paid to the county. treasurer, • *288 38 * 41 78 246 60 *288 38. *288 38 ROAD COMMISSIONERS. P. E. HANNAN. Amount paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, Amount drawn from town treasurer for roads and bridges, Balance due the town, SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid out for clearing snow, Amount drawn from town treasurer, LUTHER R. BROWN. Paid out for repairs on roads, u u « u « B. R. lower bridge, *180 31 180 31 .Amount drawn from town treasurer, *572 42 577 92 *5 50 *212 88 212 88 *483 95 279 57 *713 52 62 SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid out for clearing snow, Amount drawn from town treasurer, JOSHUA S. BAKER. Paid out for repairs on roads and bridges, Amount drawn from town treasurer, SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid out for clearing snow, _ _ _ Amount drawn from town treasurer, • SEARS FUND. Balance of interest in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, * 450 15,000 900 1907, Note of town in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1907, Paid trustees, interest on note of 1907, Note of town in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1908, *13,500 00 Received of trustees, interest, 1,320 00 Trustees' salary, 1906 and 1907, 30 00 Cash in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1908, 1,500 `00 856 41 56 41 *402 64 402 64 *61 58 61 58 00 00 00 *16,350 00 *16,350 00 TAX COLLECTOR. ELISRA T. BAKER. Jan. 1, 1907, amount due town, taxes of 1904, * 701 66 Jan. 1. 1907, " " " " " 1905, 1,887 16 Jan. T, 1907, " " " " 1906, 9,772 67 Jan. 1, 1907, " of additional taxes (stamp tax), 23 46 Jan. 1, 1908, " due taxes of 1907, 27,642 64 Jan. I., 1908, " of additional taxes, 24 75 *40,052 24 1 Amount paid 1908, taxes Amount paid 1908, taxes Amount paid 1908, taxes Amount paid 1908, taxes town treasurer of 1904, town treasurer of 1905, town treasurer of 1906, town treasurer of 1907, 63 to Jan. 1, _* to Jan. 1, to . Jan. 1, to Jan. 1, Balance due the town, Jan. 1, 1908, Balance due, taxes of 1904, " " " 1905, " " " 1906, " " " " 1907, " 568 28 1,419 25 8,023 91 19,455 71 *29,467 15 *10,585 09 * 156 74 467 91 1,748 76 8,211 68 *10,585 99 CHARLES R. HOWES GEO. H. LORING, Auditors. 4.4 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. B!.RNSTABLE, SS. • • To either of the Constables of the town of Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the Town House, in said town, on Monday, the tenth day of '+ EBRUARY next, at eight thirty o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act.on the following articles: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting. Article 2. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot under the Australian ballot system as adopted by the town, viz: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committeeman for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes and two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year, Tree Warden for one year. Also to see if the town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. . Article 3. To choose all other necessary officers. Article 4. To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon. Article 5. To hear the report of all other committees and act thereon. Article 6. To see what sums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committee fees, support of schools, repairs of roads _and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools 1 66 and transportation of scholars and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasurer with the approval of the selectmen to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the. collection of taxes such sums of money as may be necessary for the current expenses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. AU debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears -fund. Article 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. Article 10. To see if the town vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five (25) cents each on muskrats and appropriate therefor. Article 11. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate to clear the brush from the town roads. Article 12. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate to widen the road leading from South Yar- mouth to Yarmouth at the foot of "Deb's Hill" (so-called). Article 13. To see if the town will accept as a town road the road as laid out by the board of selectmen in South Yarmouth, over the land of Charles H. Abbott, leading from the Lower ltiver.road so-called, into Bass River, as per --plan filed with the town clerk. (By request). Article 14. To see if the town will vote to discontinue the town road now existing through the land of Charles H. Abbott, leading from the Lower River road so-called, into Bass River, commonly known as the Magnesia road. (By request). Article 15. To see if the town will accept as a town way the road recently laid out by the selectmen and road com- 67 missioners leading from Thacher street to Wharf street (so called), as per plan and description filed with the town clerk, the same to be built at the expense of Urs. H. C. Thacher and her children in memory of Ilenry C. Thacher, and to be known as the "Thacher Shore Road." Article 16. To see if the town will appoint a committee to represent the town in the matter of proposed legislation, in relation to the bill, now pending, to incorporate the South Shore Water company, with full power to act. Article 17. To see what action the town will take and how much money the town will raise and appropriate, annually or otherwise, for the purpose of paying the note of the town in the hands of the trustees of the Sears fund: - - Article 18. To see if the town will vote to repair the mill dam in West Yarmouth, and to raise such a sum of money as is deemed necessary for said purpose, to restore a public watering place, now destroyed. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant, by posting up attested copies thereof at five public places, three on the south side and two on the -north side; also one publica- tion in the Yarmouth Register in said town, seven days. at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk, at the time and place of meeting as afore- said. • Given. under our hands and the seal of the town of Yar- mouth, this twenty-fifth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hun- dred and eight (1908). CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, • of JESSE W. CROWELL, Yarmouth. A true copy. Attest: SETII TAYLOR, Constable. ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH 1906 i 907. YARflOUTHPORT, 11ASS.: C. W. SWIFT, PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. 1908. School Officers. SCIIOOL COMMITTEE. Term Expires. Residence. Edmund W. Eldridge, 1908 Yarmouth E. Lawrence Jenkins, 1909 South Yarmouth Samuel II. D. Drew, 1910 West Yarmouth CHAIRMAN. Edmund W. Eldridge. .SECRETARY. E. Lawrence Jenkins. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. William E. Chaffin. AGENT OF BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. William E. Chaffin. TRUANT OFFICERS. Joseph Robinson, South Yarmouth. Seth Taylor, Yarmouth. • •Stephen W. Mitchell, West Yarmouth. • School Calendar for 1908. WINTER TERM. ,Commences December 30, 1907. SPRING TERM. Commences April G. FALL TERM. Commences September 28. SESSIONS. Common schools from 9 a. in. to 12, and from 1.15 to 4 p. m., except during the months of December and January, when p. in. sessions will close at 3.45. • High school from 9.30 a. m. to 12 and from 12.15 to 3 p. m. Closes March 20 Closes June 2G Closes December 18 IIOLIDAYS. February 22, April 19, May 30, Thanksgiving day and the day following. • SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Last Saturday in. each month during the school year. The time of any meeting may be changed, or special meetings may be called by the chairman of the board. Report of the School Committee. In presenting their report for the year 1907, the school committee are pleased to be able to state that the schools are in a most excellent condition. While circumstances, beyond the control of the committee, made it necessary to provide new teachers for several of the schools, they feel that those who have taken the places of former teachers are doing excellent work, and that the schools will not suffer because of these changes. The committee realize the fact that it is detrimental to change instructors often, but in the present cases there was no dissatisfaction on the part of either the •committee or the teachers. The superintendent reports excellent progress being made in all the schools, and the committee would especially com- mend the work now being done by the special teachers, all of whom have been with us several years, and having become personally acquainted with each of the pupils, are thus able to bring out all the latent abilities that each one may possess. The various exhibits of the work of the schools in the line of special studies has shown what they have been able to accom- plish. While these exhibits have been mostly confined to the work of the sloyd, sewing and drawing classes, the music and cooking classes have been doing fully as good work, which can best be judged by a visit to the schools during the progress of a lesson. The committee feel that the work inaugurated by and through the great interest of Mrs. Agassiz should be appreciated by all who have the interest of the - schools at heart. The schoolhouses of. the town are kept in good repair, but inasmuch as all of the buildings are more than fifty years old, 6 each one or more of them have to be painted or shingled, or some other important repairs done upon them. A member of the state board of education, on his last visit to this section, in speaking of transportation of scholars, made the remark that he was afraid towns were doing too much for the children, who are thus apt to lose sight of the value of what was being done for them. At the same time, the com- mittee feel that if the town wishes to do these things, it has no protest to make, except to suggest that what is done for one section should be done for all, and if the children of one section are taken to and from the schoolhouse, the same accommodations should be provided for in each of the different sections of the town. It would seem, however, that to do this will require a sum of money more than twice the original amount which sufficed for years. The committee are of the opinion that if the town provides transportation for pupils who gn to the high school, that that is all they should be asked to do. This, however, is something that is left with the taxpayers of the town to decide for themselves, and not a natter that the committee feel lies with them, any more than to say that accommodations should be provided for each section alike. REPORT OF TIIE STATE FUND. Amount on hand, .Tan. 1, 1907, Received from state, 1907, PAID OUT. Teachers, *467 79 Transportation, 37 50 Janitor, 6 00 Supplies, . — - 46 50 *738 49 706 50 *1,444 99 557 79 *887 20 EDMUND W. ELDRIDGE, E. LAWRENCE JENKINS, S. It D. DREW, Committee. Superintendent's Report. To THE SCHOOL BOARD: In accordance with your regulations, I herewith submit my sixteenth annual report as superintendent of schools, the same being also the sixteenth in the series of reports : STATISTICS. Number of children enrolled in the public schools, Number, of children enrolled over 15 years of age, Number of children enrolled •under five years of age, Number of children enrolled between 7 and 14 years of age, Number of children enrolled between 5 and 15 years of. age, _Number of school buildings, Number of male teachers, . Number of female teachers, Number of teachers employed during the year, Number of teachers employed at any one time, Number of special teachers, Number of teachers who are graduates of normal schools, Number of teachers who have attended normal school without graduating, Average membership, - Average attendance, Percentage of attendance, 217 30 2 143 185 4 --2 11 13 13 4 4 1 190:63 178.35 93.55 The statistical returns from the schools for this report show a gain of 10 in the total school enrollment for the town. Though this gain is small, it seems decidedly better than recording a 1 8 decrease, as has generally been the case for many years past. At present no section of the town shows a decrease in enroll- ment. So long as this condition continues, there will be no need of closing any of the rooms. . For some years past the percentage of attendance for the . schools of Yarmouth has been very creditable to the town, especially so when our unfavorable conditions for enforcing the truant laws are taken into consideration. The.graduated attendance table in the latest report of the state board of education, in which all the towns and cities of the state are numerically arranged, according to the ratio of the average attendance of children upon the public schools to the whole number of children in town between 5 and 15 years of age, gives Yarmouth a rank of 43 among the 354 towns and cities of the state.- This is .well towards the front and is cred- itable alike to the efforts of the school board and the teachers and the thoughtfulness of the parents. The tardiness this year shows an increase over that of last year. The number of tardy marks found on the school regis- ters are as f ollows: Yarmouth high, West Yarmouth primary, West Yarmouth grammar,_ Yarmouth primary, Yarmouth intermediate, South Yarmouth primary, South Yarmouth grammar, South Yarmouth intermediate, Yarmouth grammar, 0 3 28 30 37 38 41 54 79 310 The work of the year in the schools has been one of quiet progress. No fads have been exploited and no new lines of work have been taken up. Stress continues to be placed upon 9 lines of work discussed in previous reports. More time and attention are devbted to the reading and teliing of stories by the teachers of the lower grades and to the telling of stories in good English by the pupils. Throughout the school year the schools continued under the instruction of the teachers mentioned in the report of last year, no change in the teaching force having occurred daring the year. At the close of the year, however, just one-half of the grade teachers resigned their positions. At West Tar - month, Miss Ethel Cummings resigned her position in the grammar department to accept a more lucrative position else- where. Mr. Goddard of the South Yarmouth grammar left us to fit himself to teach sloyd. Miss McKenne of the intermedi- ate and Mrs. Kelley of the primary also resigned their posi- tions. The work of Mrs. Kelley has been of the highest order, and her resignatiari'is a serious loss to the teaching force. We have been obliged to fill all these vacancies from out-of- town candidates. The girls who go through our own schools, after completing the normal school, can command higher salaries than we pay. If our own girls cannot afford to teach here and live at home, how can we expect to retain .competent teachers from away when those teachers have to pay one-half of their salaries for board alone? At present all but one of our grade teachers are from nut of town. Much is being said in the current educational literature concerning the advanced cost of living and the necessity of increasing teachers' wages. AAs is the teacher so is the school," is an old and a true saying. If we are to have good schools we must continue to have good teachers. In order to do this it is at least necessary to make i rovision for raising the salaries of the teachers who prove to be thoroughly com- petent. I trust this matter will not be overlooked when the time comes to make appropriations for next year. It will be noted in the statistics that some. children have entered under five years of age. The state. course of study, 10 likewise our own course, is intended for pupils entering school at not less than six years of age. It is found with us, ns elsewhere, that children entering at five years of age are" not mature enough to do the work of the first year. Such pupils at the very beginning of their school life are forced into the habit of going over lessons without learning them, ,into their confinement to a desk for the period required each day in school is likely to work physical injury to them. For these reasons your superintendent believes that children should not enter our schools until six years of age. NEDiCAi INSPECTION. Chapter 602 of the Acts of 1906 requires the appointment of school physicians. As this is one of the most important acts of school legislation in recent years, it is given below: Section I. The school committee of every city and town in the Commonwealth shall appoint one or more school physi- cians, shall assign one to each public school within its city or town, and shall provide them with all proper facilities for the performance of their duties as prescribed in this act: provided, however, that in cities wherein the hoard of health is already maintaining or shall hereafter maintain substantially such medical inspection as this act requires, the board of health shall appoint and assign the school physician. Section "II. Every school physician shall make a prompt examination and diagnosis of all children referred to him as hereinafter provided, and such further examination of teachers, janitors and school buildings as in his opinion the protection of the health of the pupils may require. Section 11I. The school committee shall cause to be referred to a school physician for examination •and diagnosis every child returning to school without a certificate from the board . of health after absence on account of illness or from unknown cause; and every child in the schools under its jurisdiction who shows signs of being in ill health or of suffering from infectious or contagious disease, unless he is at once excluded from school by the teacher; except that in the case of schools 1.1 in remote and isolated Situations the_ schnol committee may make some other arrangements as may best, carry out the pur- pose of this act. Section IV. The school committee shall cause notice of the disease or defects, if any, frorn which any child is found to be suffering to be sent to his parent or, guardian. Whenever a child shows symptoms of smallpox, scarlet,fever, _measles, chicken pox, tuberculosis, diphtheria or inflenza, tonsilitis, whooping cough, mumps, scabies or trachoma, he shall be sent home inrrnediately, or as soon as safe and proper conveyance can be found, and the board of health shall at once•be notified. Section V. The school -committee of every city and town shall cause every child in the public schools to he separately and carefully examined at least once in every school year to ascertain whether he is suff'ring from defective sight or hearing or from any other disability or defect tending to pre- vent his receiving the full benefit of his school work, or requiring a modification of the school work in order to prevent injury to the child, or to secure the best educational results. The tests of sight and hearing shall be made by the teachers. The committee shall cause notice of any defect or disability requiring treatment to be sent to the parent or guardian of the child, and shall require a physical record of each child to be kept in such form as the state board of education shall pre- scribe. Section VI. The state hoard of health shall prescribe the directions for tests of sight and hearing and the state board of education shall, after consultation with the state board of health, prescribe and furnish to school committees suitable rules of instruction, test -cards, blanks, record hooks and other useful appliances for carrying out the purposes of this act, and shall provide for pupils in the normal schools instruction and practice in the best methods of testing the sight and hearing of children. The state board of education may expend during the year nineteen hundred and six a snm not greater than fifteen hundred dollar, and annually thereafter a sum not greats that five hundred dollars for the purpose of supplying the raaterial required by this act. Section VII. The expense which a city or town may incur, by virtue of the authority herein vested in the school com- mittee or board of health, a`• the case may be, shall not exceed I2 the amount appropriated for that purpose in cities by the city council and in towns by a town meeting. The appropriation shall precede any expenditure or any indebtedness which may be incurred under this act., and the suis appropriated shall be deemed a sufficient appropriation in the municipality where it is made. Such appropriation need not specify to what section of the act it shall apply, and may be voted as a total appro- priation to be applied in carrying out the purposes of the act. Section VII. This acs shall take effect on the first day of September in the year nineteen hundred and six. (Approved .lune 20, 1906.) Pursuant. of the above act, blanks and directions for testing the sight and hearing of pupils have been sent us by the state board of education. The teachers have made the required tests in all the ,schools. The result of these testa is as follows: No. tested. Yarmouth high, 22 Yarmouth grammar, 19 Yarmouth intermediate, •29 Yarmouth primary, 28 So. Yarmouth gram., 26 So. Yarmouth int., 19 So. Yarmouth primary, 16 W. Yarmouth gram., 13 W. Yarmouth primary; 15 Total, Defective in sight. 1 0 2 4 6 5 2 4 6 187 30 Defective Parents in hearing. notified. 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 8 0 6 0 5 0 0 0 6 4 6 29 The commercial work in the.high school has been extended as was suggested in the report of last year. The work done in the special branches continues to be a credit to our school system. Concerning these matters you are referred to the special reports which follow. • Iry ' 13 Again, in closing, I wish to express my appreciation of the active co-operation of the school board, which hasdonemuch to strengthen my work in the schools. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM E. CHAFFIN, Superintendent of Schools. ci Principal of High school. • high School, Dec. 10th, 1907. Mr. Wm. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools, Dear sir:—The school is doing good work. The percentage • of attendance is Very high, proving the interest the pupils have for their studies. It must be remembered,' too, that the majority of the scholars ride five miles and return in all weathers. The school sent,one pupil to Wellesley in June last. She passed her examinations with honor, and reports from the. college speak in most complimentary terms of • the Yarmouth high school and its preparatory methods. This year, and in almost every year, each class has- one-7- or ne--or more pupils preparing for college. This fact makes it necessary that a thorough Latin course be continued in this school. Again, it would be a mistake to lower the standard of a school'that has received such strong commendation. Yet the time is arrived when the best possible practical business coarse should be added to the curriculum. This subject has - received the attention of superintendent, committee _and_ principal. The principal has, this year, more periods to give to the school, as the excellent -work of '_Hiss Grote relieves him of the French classes; Miss Grote, also, teaches one class in German. Under these new conditions, three periods weekly, during three Tears, are given to •book-keeping; three periods weekly, during two or three terms, are devoted to commercial arithmetic, and the same allowance of time is given to commercial geography_ This schedule of studies, which allows the school to prepare 15 students for college and normal school, while affording them practical business work, has met your approval and that of the committee, and is the best possible schedule for the school at this tiTne. If the day comes when two teachers can give all their time to the recitation periods, then two distinct courses, classical and commercial, can be arranged. Sincerely your friend, EDWARD F. PEIRCE, Principal. Supervisor of Sloyd. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools, Dear sin—The work this year is similar to the work of previous years and the result of this training has begun to show in various ways outside of the schoolroom. In a number of cases the boys or their parents have told of some work that .has been done at home, which seems to be the best proof of the usefulness of this work. I wish again to urge the parents and friends of the scholars to show their interest by visiting the school and seeing the children at work. Respectfully, ISABEI. SIHOVE. rr. Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools, Dear sir:—All the pupils of the sewing classes are, very busy in doing what is required of them. Most of them are doing it with zest and thought. The large garments are made by the eighth and ninth grade girls, as was done last year. Owing to the amount of plain sewing necessary on these large garments, with but one hour a week, not more than two of them can be made by the average pupil. The educational value the pupils receive from this work is the cutting and fitting, as they know all the stitches re- quired for these models. They need more practice regard- ing the cutting and fitting, therefore more garments ought to be made by them. In order that this may be possible we must have a little sewing machine, one which can be taken around to the different schools. With the help of a machine much more could be accomplished. - The young girls of the cooking class are interested in their work. The program is still the same as in previous years. As many of the girls leave school after graduating from the grammar school, would it not be a possible thing to have them instructed in this line during the last year in the grammar school? Respectfully, MARIA F. GROTE. Supervisor of Drawing. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools, Dear sir:—The work in drawing in the schools has been up to the standard and has shown a reasonable amount of improvement. In the primary grades the -little ones draw with freedom and animation. It is interesting as well as surprising- to see the conception and representation of some of the stories that they have been drawing the past term. The pupils of the intermediate grade have studied the simplest type forms and the laws of perspective so as to unconsciously modify every object to be drawn: Much interest has been shown in the grammar grades, particularly in regard to individual illustration and design.. Many a pupil has, through indifferent attempts at original design, been awakened to new desires and a little wholesome pride. The pupil grows mentally, develops his powers of observation and comparison and must, to do good work, com- prehend the laws of repetition, alternation and proportion. Taking into consideration the timc allowed for drawing in the high school, we have accomplished more than could be expected_ Some of the pupils have been interested enough to bring drawings made at home to school for criticism. Throughout the course we have thought it of great impor- tance to study proportion, learning to judge the largest proportion first and others in order of size and value. We have aimed to have the drawing course practical and so dhsigned and modified as to suit the environment of the pupil as well as develop a genuine love for beauty and a discrimi- nating taste. 19 I have appreciated the cordial support of all the teachers, as the hearty co-operation of the arts wit'a the school seems necessary for high-grade work. — Respectfully submitter S. ISABELLE SMITH, Supervisor of Drawing. Supervisor of Music. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintecident of Schools, • Dear Sir:—For the past year the work of music in the pub- lic schools has been steadily advancing. Written work has been done at regular intervals in all grades. Beginning with the little folks in the first grade, pupils are taught how to write notes, regardless of name or position. In the second and third grades, as fast as a key is learned, they write the corresponding scale.. In the upper • grades more difficult notation is taken up in connection with scale work. In the intermediate grades pupils can te]1 at sight all keys and key signatures in treble clef. In the higher grades they can tell keys and key signatures in.both treble and bass clefs. There has been marked improvement in sight reading. The lack of ability to read readily at sight is one of the greatest deficiencies to contend with, not only in the schools of Yar- mouth, but in many other schools The aim for this year is for a more thorough knowledge of fundamental principles, and this knowledge well applied will surely bring a greater facility in sight reading. --- Respectfully submitted, LOUISE M. CROWELL. Roll of Honor. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. West Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Albert Kelley, Everett Tripp, Minnie Doehiing. Winter term—Effie Taylor, Everett Tripp. Spring term—Effie Taylor,. John Kittila, Albert Kelley, Everett Tripp. West Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Fanny Valley. Winter term -Fanny Valley, Katharine Drew, Frances Drew,.C. Beulah Taylor. Spring term—Fanny Valley, Katharine Drew, Frances Drew, Enow Kittila. Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Helen C. Pulsifer, Lucy N. Montcalm. Winter term—Helen C. Pulsifer. Spring term—Helen C. Pulsifer. Yarinouth Intermediate. Fall term—Arthur Cash, Helen Crowell, Norton Nickerson. Winter term—Alice H. Baker. Spring term-llelen Crowell, Edith M. Dean, Florence S. Thacher, Ira R. Thacher. Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Wilbur Cash, Elizabeth Phillips, Dorothy Howes. Winter term—Ellen Morton. South Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Leon R. Campbell, Milton Chase, Roger Eldridge, Viola Eldridge, Daisy Kelley, Evelyn Taylor. Winter term -Evelyn Taylor, Viola Eldridge. 22 Spring term—Eva Baker, Thomas Chase, Amelia Rose, Viola Eldridge. South Yarmouth Intermediate. Fall term—Merrill E. Baker, Virgil. W. Campbell. Winter term—Roger W. Eldridge. Spring term—Virgil W. Campbell, Roger W. Eldridge, John II. Matthews. South Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Forrest O. Eldridge, Dorothy R. Baker, Ilarold 31. Kelley, Bertram I1..Kelley. Winter term—Forrest O. Eldridge, Leon Chase, Ilelen L. Ropkins. Spring term ---Forrest O. Eldridge, Dorothy R. Baker, Harold Crowell, 'Willie Rose, Bertram II. Kelley. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR TIIE YEAR. Ethel M. Ilurst., Ethel Baker, Robert M. Kelley, Everett Tripp, Fanny Valley, Helen C. Pulsifer, Viola Eldridge, For- rest O. Eldridge: NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR TWO YEARS. Ethel 31. Ilurst, Robert 31. Kelley,. Viola Eldridge, Forrest O. Eldridge. \• A'ilES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOlt TARDY FOR THREE YEARS. Ethel.31. Hurst, Forrest O. Eldridge, Viola Eldridge. Present Corps° of Instructors. Edward F. Peirce, A. M., Helen A. Eldridge, Zulette Potter, Mary Bass, • Francis H. Young, Adelaide L. Butman, Alice T. Lee, Ruth Ilodgdon, Kate Maher, Isabelle Shove, Maria F. Grote, Louise M. Crowell, S. Isabelle Smith, High Yarmouth Grammar Yarmouth Intermediate Yarmouth Primary South -Yarmouth Grammar South Yarmouth Intermediate South Yarmouth Primary West Yarmouth Grammar West Yarmouth Primary Supervisor of Sloyd Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking Supervisor of Music Supervisor of Drawing Graduates of 1907. YARMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. June 27th. Song, "0 Slumber." Greeting to 1907, Salutatory, Song, "The Convent Bell." Poem, Essay, Song, "The Sunflower." The Prophecy, The History, - Song, "The Clang of the Forge." Valedictory, Song, " Voices of the Woods." Presentation of Diplomas to Advanced Class. Presentation of Diplomas to 1907. America. Ethel Matthews Hurst Robert Morgan Kelley Maude Dora Parker Charles Danton Brice Shirley Blackinton Chase Stanley Hallett Matthews Harriet Morse Stetson •BNJuic £play ca.,33 32 '811396(m8(Q 0nl 'iy •8JO119iA JO •O\ 2231 Aa hg •aanapaally Jo a5vlaaoaad •aanapaally aag.caey •cluguaq m apa a7/ndaey •aaalanoj pus aaea9 aaaetlaq aegmnA •g capon aagwnx ',t aaeo aagmn 232E X22 FM.22 gS2 i s e84S2 2E2 23 a28 2:A41.4 6�2 274 QTY-� :l4 OC?CO OCN 00 c.coo Doo .+o •aaalJg Pae aeg aaae+aq aagmnx 4444 +pauoaaa 91!dnd o Joaagmns apogAi v TEACHERS. c'ia•.�$ $•.moi o �?� DATA TAKEN DECEMBER. 1007. NUMBER IN (TRADE. •eln$oy moon 'AURA gaanog 1.1 • • • • •anaA P•nnd, aneA pnoaeg I. -.wax 2 JI. Q ao ao w .w ti -r t7 ti ao co aD N co i, w Q • SCHIOOLS. (Trade totals, 27 IIIGII SCIN)OL.—FIRST YEAR. FIRST TERM. H letory. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematies. Algebra or Com'l Arithmetic. Science. Physiology. English Language and Literature. ''I'U`D TER%I- History. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra or Com') Arithmetic. Scienee. Physiology. English Language. Literature. THIRD TERM. History. States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra or Com') Arithmetic. Science. Botany. English Language and Literature. Manual Training, two honrs each week throaghont the year. History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language.. Latin. French. Mathematics. I'lane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. SECOND YEAR. History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. Freneh. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. History. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. S.^ience. Astronomy. Physics. Manual Training for boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin, French, *Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Science. Physics, . Geology. Corn 'I Geography Civil Government. United States. Massaehuset.ts. Manual Training for throughout the year. English. History. Foreign Language. Latin, French, — — •Greek. Mathematics. Advauced Algebra. Solid Geometry. Silence. 28 THIRD YEAR. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin. French, •Greek, English. Langungc and Literature, Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology-. Civil Government. Knifed States, Massachusetts. boys. Cooking for gir 'FOUI:TIL YEAR. English. History. Foreign Language. .Mathematics. Science. Review of World's History. Foreign Language. Latin. French. *Greek, English: Language rind • Literature, Shakespeare. Review. Algebra, Mel rte System, Comtnere'1 Arith- metle. Com Geography. Is, two hours each week Review. Final preparation for college and normal exami- nations. *Greek is not required. Any pupil intending to pursue a four yeare' course can elect Greek during the third and fourth years, should be so desire. Music, one bour each week throughout the four years; ten minutes every morning. Drawing. one hour each week throughout the four years. Book-keeping, three periods each week throughout the four years. Alumni of Yarmouth High School. If any graduates or friends have information of the classes, especially of the necrology, will they, at any and all times, kindly forward same to the Superintendent or Principal of the School. CI ASS OF '71. . CLAPS OF '80. Ahhie T. Long Carrie A. Gorham Mary A. Howes Bei }. T. Gorham Kate W. Matthews Fred. Hallett Lnoy E. Shove Lila D. Howes Sarah A. Holmes CLASS OF '72. Charles H. Taylor Phebe T. Gorham Hallett G. Tha. her _ Lizzie S. Hall Frank M. Swift /tattle B. Gorham CLASS OF '81. Markle Chase CLASS OF '73. Anna C. Eldridge Nellie H. Shields Carrie M. Swift Sarah W.Thacher E. B. Hallett C. R. Bassett F. O. Ryder L. M. Thaeber CLASS' 07 83. c'sr: ie D. Shield* Mary L. Alley Ella W. Bray Sadie M. Swift Caroline A. Park CLASS OF '84. Carrie H. Taylor CLASS OF '76. Rebecca A. Bray Mary Ann Coregan Nelson H. Edson Alice Bray Maggie Coffey Fred. C. Swift D. G. Eldridge CLASS OF Winthrop Sears Emma C. Baker Alice Shields '74. CLASS OF '75. Kate Sears Annab Hallett Dora O. Holmes Kate Coffey Carrie Eldridge CLASS OF '78. Emma J. Drew Lizzie W. Hallett Mary J. Howes Jennie W. Crowell Mary M. Park CLASS OF '79. CLASS OF '85. Carrie M. Knowles Mattie W. Howes F.verett K. Ballet Wm. H. Tbacber Chas. W. Swift CLASS OF Kate A. Shields Charles D. Bray 1 CLASS OF '87. Chandler M. Bray Heury S. Hallet Clara Robbins Clara H. Ryder Bessie 11. Thacher Edward S. Thacher CLASS OF '88. Francis Alger. Jr. Carrie D. Bray Theodore Hallett Rebecca M. Howes Mary G. Howes James Keveney Fred. O. Price CLASS OF '90. Cora E. Bassett Fred. E. Howes Thos. S. Crowell 3. Robert Bray CLASS OF '91. Joseph C. Howes Eben F. Philips Wm. A. Robinson Sorer.= W. H. Taylor Russell Hallett Susan W. Dodge Alice T. Hallet Florence G. Howes Mary Matthews Mary A. Otis Harriet W. Ryder CLASS OF '92. Isa H. Taylor CLASS OF '0:1. Helen Andrews Eldridge - Marietta Sears Hallett Mabel Howes Margaret Howes Chester Ruggles Stacy Clinton Eldridge Bray Joshua Allen Hamblin Christopher Hall Howes Ernest Megatblin CLASS OF '94. Sarah S. Alley Flora Baker Florence W. Baker Dora M. Baker Grace H. Crosby Ethel Davis 30 Ilannah A. Knowles Georgie L. Hallett .Lizzie 8. Ballet, Henry E. Baker Alfred C. Drew Thomas F. Matthews Arthur L. Megatblin Amos Otis CLASS OF '96. Edwin Stanley Bray Ruth Elizabeth Bray Willis Franklin Cash George Harrison Chase Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Mary Standish Drew Franklin Matthews Eldridge - George Elwell Randall Nickerson Sarah Kelley Niekersou Annie Freeman Ryder Elizabeth Parker Stetson CLASS OF '97. Mary Estella Cobb Annie Sturgess Crowell Isaiah William Crowell Henry Allen Ellis Clifton Gordon Hallett Edward Pulsifer Hallett Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Angelene Frances Stetson CLASS OF '98. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker William Franklin Morgan Stuart Peirce CLASS OF '99. Edward Thacher Chase CLASS OF 1900. Gertrude May Arey - Annie White Baker Esther Loretta Baker Florence Otto Cobb Ethel Williams Crowell Edith Glendon Howes Bessie Mabel Thacher CLASS OF '01. Sarah Evelyn Bray Violet Estelle Vernon Chase Nathan Taylor Hallett Ralph Dudley Kelley Alfred Daniel Taylor Warren Alexander Tripp CLASS OF '02. Ora Inez Allen Clement Chester Baker Isabel Baker Willis Howes Baker Lila Rose Chase Louise Amanda Chase Stanley Howes Crowell Nathan Kelleyy Crowell Rena Marshall Nickerson Wallace Fuller Purrington Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Helen Sears Stephen Hull Sears, Jr. CLASS OF '03. Willie Davis Baker Hazel Winthrop Chase Ruth Bray Taylor CLASS OF '04. Everett Ellsworth Arey Edna Charles Brown Sadie Louise Crowell Gorham Pulsifer CLASS OF '05. Payson Earle Allen Helen Maria Berry Mabel Patuo Crowell Edna Belle Hale Sadie Nickerson Johnson Annette Louise Kelley Clore Mae Marchant Minnie Foster Matthews Florence May Purriugton William _Norton Stetson. Jr. CLASS OF '06. Hattie Mercie Crowell Irma Leoutine Farris Henry Russell Francis May Rus -ell Howes Ethel Matthews Hurst Jennie Wallace Jaffray Chester Warren Taylor Gladys Anthony White CLASS OF '07. Charles Dation Briee Robert Morgan Kelley Maude Dora Parker Shirley Blaekinton Chase Stanley Hallett Matthews Harriet Morse Stetson • 31 Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS, 1890-'97, With Additional Diploma„ Ruth Elizabeth Bray Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Elizabeth Parker Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS. 1897-'98. With Additional Diploma. Aunle Sturgis Crowell Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Angelene Frances Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1898-'99, With Additional Diploma. Mabel Williams Baker Minuie Louise Baker Stuart Peirce . Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1900-'Ol, With Additional Diploma. Annie White Baker Florence Otto Cobb Advanced (,or Fourth Tear) CLASS, 1901-'02. With Additional Diploma. Ralph Dudley Kelley Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1902-'03, With Additional Diploma. Rena Marshall Nickerson Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Heleu Sears Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS. 1903-'04, With Additional Diploma. Ruth Bray Taylor Advanced (or Fourth Year) _ - CLASS. 1904-'05. With Additional Diploma: Sadie Louise Crowell. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS.190-'00. Payson Earle Alen. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS OF '07. Hattie Merc:ie Crowell Ethel Matthews Hurst ' Irma Leoutiue Farris Jennie Wallace Jaffray Gladys Anthony White Financial Report OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 3 1, 1 908. YARflOUTMPORT, fASS.: C. W. SWIFT. PUBLISIIIR AND PRINTER. 1VO9. 1908. Town Officers. f Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board of Health, Charles Y. Bassett, Yarmouthport, llenry Blachford, West Yarmouth, Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth Town Clerk. Benjamin T. Gorham, yarmouthport. Town •Treasurer. William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. • Auditors. George.II. Loring, South Yarmouth, • Charles R. Howes, Yarmouth School Committee. Edmund W. Eldridge,. Yarmouth, Elisha L. Jenkins, South Yarmouth, Samuel H. D. Drew, W est Yarmouth Collector of Taxes. Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. Road Commissioners.. - P. E. Hannan, Yarmouthport, . Luther R. Brown. South Yarmouth, :Joshua S. Baker, Nest Yarmouth 4 Trustees Sears •Fund. Thacher T. Hallefi, Manton H. Crowell Registrars of Voters. Charles F. Purrington, Theodore F. Drew, Benjamin T. Gorham, Daniel B. Crocker. Constables. Seth Taylor, John II. Stetson Sealer of Weights and Measures. Albert C. Snow. Isaiah Crowell, P. E. Hannan, John G. Thacher, Weigher of Coal. Ansel Hallet. Surveyor of Lumber.. George W. Hopkins. Inspectors of Animals. Patrick E. Hannan Francis W. Homer. Undertakers. Manton H. Crowell, Joshua S. Baker. Burial Agent. Joseph II. Robinson: 4. 5 Superintendent Extermination of Gypsy and Brown -Tail Moths. Charles R. Bassett. Isaiah Crowell, Measurer of Wood and Bark. A. C. Snow. Fence Viewers. Albert C. Snow. Foreet Warden. Seth Taylor. D. Frank Sears. Pound Keepers. Julius B. Brown, David Kelley, 2d P. E. Hainan. Fred. A. Baker, Herbert F. Studley, Jonathan Usher, Jr, Edward C. Bray, Warren C. Brown, W. J. Davis, Field Drivers. Henry F. Crawell, W. Franklin Arey, W. Arthur Baker, E. L. Sears, Charles L. Nickerson. Trustees Burial Lot Fund. George H. Loring. Richard Sears Selectmen's Report. ESTIMATES. A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen in the different departments for the year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor,. Support of schools, Roads anis bridges, • Town officers, Public buildings, Superintendent of schools, Miscellaneous, Snow, Interest, -Sears fund interest, School supplies, Remittances of taxes, Suppression of crinie�- Transportation of scholars, Tree warden, Forester, - Sloyd, music,, drawing. cooking and sewing, Moth fund, Tax collector's postage, Town macadam road note, -- Bass river lower bridge note, $2,000 00 3,800 00 1,800 00 2,200 00 300 00 125 00 2,000 00 400 00 950 00 720 00 275 00 500 00 200 00 800.00 '200 00 50 00 1,100 00 300 00 25 00 2,500 00 2,000 00 7 EXPENDITURES FOR TOWN DEBTS, 1907. D. S. Taylor, repairs town pump, ff " office stove, F. M. Ilinckley, supplies, almshouse, A. A. Knowles, f' 41 44 11 14- 14 $620 2 00 5 00 32 28 Arch. Phillips, 19 85 " town office, 63 P. E. Mannon, labor on hearse, 6 00 E. M. Parker, M. D., med. att'd Melissa • Baker, 22 70 C. M. Bray, officers services, • 3 05 Mabel S. Agassiz, unexpended sloyd fund, 9 93 A. C. Suow, labor, precinct No. 1, 1 00 1'. E. Mannan, acct. brushing White's path, 68 88 Town of Dennis, medical aid, Morris Gray, 46 00 Town of Dennis, 5-14 repairs upper bridge, 101 40 TOWN OFFICERS, 1908. Selectmen, assessors and overseers of poor, Wm. J. Davis, town treasurer, B. T. Gorham, town clerk, Elisha T. Baker, tax collector, Charles R. Howes, auditor, George H. Loring " T. F. Drew, registrar, C. F. Purrington " Daniel B. Crocker " Seth Taylor, constable, John H. Stetson " C. R. Bassett, moderator, x3324 79 $1.200 00 75 00 200 00 414 0/- 15 00 12 00 14 00 31 50 31 50 36 755 30 00 10 00 8 Isaiah Crowell, inspector animals, F. W. Homer " di P. E. Hannan [i « T. T. Hallet, trustee Sears fund, M. H. Crowell " " " E. W. Eldridge, school committee, E. L. Jenkins 44 S. H. Drew Amount raised by town, $2,200 00, Reimbursement by state inspector of ani- mals, 33 22 Expended, over amount raised, 67 99 $2,301 21 $2,301 21 41 13 05-- 10 00 43 40 7 50 7 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. INCIDENTALS D. Frank Sears, insurance policy, Frank Thacher, 44 44 E. L. Jenkins, 44 '44 F. C. Svift, t{ ".. E. W. Hallett, stamped envelopes, B. T. Gorham, town clerk, postage and expressage, Alton S. Cole, serving notices, 44 °° '` oil, town office, T. F. Drew, labor, precinct No. 4, Adalbert Cote11, distributing town reports, T. Tripp, " E. A. Nickerson, ' Thorp, Martin & Co., office supplies, Waterman & Leavitt, auto signs, Baltimore Anemil Co., A. B. Fletcher, " supplies, $ 900 10 00 12 50 37 18 32 48 6 82 1 24 65 2 85 1 50 100 1 50 tom. 4; 1 90 9 10 98 • 9 Auto Publishing Co., book, -- Frank H. Hinckley, posts and lumber, C. Calahan & Co., fire supplies, E. L. Sears, labor on auto signs, Hallowell & Hammond, legal services, W. H. Mayhew, Yarmouth England com- mittee expenses, Wm. N. Stetson, supplies fire department, Isaac B. Kelley, care of tramp, E. L. Jenkins, Yarmouth England com- mittee expenses, Ansel Hallet., fire supplies, Treas. South Yarmouth library, 1-3 dog fund. Treas. Yarmouth library, 1-3 dog fund, " West Yarmouth " A. A. Knowles, town office supplies, Southern Mass. Telephone Co., installa- tion of line, Town officers, travel and expenses out town, Town officers. telephone service, Express and postage, town office, A. W. Brownell. supplies, " " Registrar of deeds, abstract records, International Chemical supplies, board of health, Bond Brothers. repairs, town pump, Wm. II. Thacher, supplies, town office, Brown. entertaining county officers. C. W. Megathlin, supplies, board of health, W. M. Kelley, labor, auto posts, C. R. Bassett, justice of peaee, 2 00 20 83 18 90 47 03 75 00 1 50 7 80 1 50 250 8 10 70 00 70 00 70 00 1 74 177 00 172 43 18 86 18 31 3 45 15 00 200, 2'98 1 32 500 27 50 50 10 25 , 10 Luther Dean, crushed stone, town house shed, . 15 00 Henry Darling, labor, town house grounds, 6 00 Sidney Bassett, labor with team, town house grounds,. 10 50 Isaac 13. Kelley, coal, town office, 7 50 Cecil Bagnall Co. supplies, town clerk, 2 60 Pneumatic Stamp Co., sealer, 79 D. S. Taylor, repairs, " pumps, 7 91 Secretary of state, counting machine, 5 00 D. Kelley, 2d. supplies, town office,. 8 15 J. W. Ilamblin, services, watchman, 13 00 John Silver, burying dead animal, 1. 00 W. & L. E. Gurley Co., supplies, weights and measures, 72 73 Malden Specialty Co., supplies, weights and measures, 1 50 Carter Ink Ci., supplies. town office, 1 23 Bond Bros., repair, town pump, 1 00 F. E. Baker. labor, precinct No. 3, 1 50 John Hinekley & Son, material, town pump, • 54 John Ilinekley & Son, posts for town damp, 1 05 Joseph Thaeher, dump ground signs, 2 50 A. C. Snow, labor, precinct 1, 1 00 E. L. Sears, 44 " ` 2, 1 00 town pump, 35 Walter P. Cook. " dump ground, 4 00 D. F. Whelden, " 4 00 C. R. Bassett, horse, dumping ground, • 3 00 Wm. J. Davis, postage, - 50 Colonial Club, rent, precinct 1, 10 00 Cape Cod C. C.., ." " • 2, 10 00 Owl Club, " 3, 10 00 John Silver, labor, dump ground, 9 00 rl 1 11 Seth Taylor, labor, town house, d, " pump, Mary 'Phil]ips, house, Mrs. Isaiah Ellis, Claud Arey, T. T. Ila]]et, supplies, town office, telephone charges, justice fees, I'. E. Hannan, eare hearse, 1908, 8 death returns, Dr. II. 13. llart, birth Ansel Ilallet, oil, Il. F. Crowell, labor, S. Y. cemetery, Fish committee, services, 1908, School " taking school censns. A. C. Snow, town sealer, L. R. Brown, harbor master, Truant officers, Board of health, Election offieers. 1908, S. II. Sears, M. D., 4 birth returns, Dr. Pease, 1, " Labor. removing tree roots from side- walks, _1 {( ({ •(i « 44 4i /1 ,f 4' Henry Arey, David S. Baker. Mercy C. Crowell. Luey A. Currier, C. I. Ilandy. 1lannab Lovell, Joseph 1I. Robinson, STATE AID. 9 20 75 3 45 3 45 75 1 00 .95 25 6 00 2 00 1 00 1 30 4 00 30 00 12 00 500. 5 00 15 00 ?7 00 87 50 1 00 2.5 75 00 4S 00 4500 48 00 4-S 00 48 00 ti 00 $1.5011 10 1 Mary H. Ryder, Elam S. Mecarta, Gilbert Lewis, 12 48 00 36 00 . 16 00 $424 00 FIRES. Seth Taylor, paid for labor, town fires, $221 20 Henry Blachford," " " " " 13 50 Seth Taylor, " " " R. R. " 635 17 F. W. Homer " " ' " " " 36 18 T. T. Hallet, supplies, fire department, 1 68 $907 73 PRINTING. Yarmouth Register, printing and adver- tising, _ $266 58 Wakefield Daily Item, 1 50 F. B. & F. P. Goss, town clerk's printing, . 7 00 $275 08 STATEMENT. Amount raised by town, Received from county dog fund, " state, additional corpora- tion taxes, Received from state, additional bank taxes, Received from Follin's pond fisheries, " First National Bank, un- paid check, Received from N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., fire damage, $2,000 00 210 00 644 90 141 75 231 75 13 Received from state, reimbursement, state aid, Received from town of Provincetown, reimbursement, travel expenses, pau- per case, Received from sale of material, Bass river lower bridge, 148 47 Received from state, town's share of au- ; : • — tomobile licenses, 15 00 Received from T. F. Drew, auctioneer li- cense, 2 00 Received from L. R. Brown, _pool license, j 2 00 Received from B. T. -Gorham; town clerk's fees, 38 60 Received from John Hinckley & Son, re- imbursement, 22 .G7 Paid out for incidentals, $1,501 10 " " " state aid, 424 00 " " fires, 907 73 " " printing, 275 08 Unexpended balance, _831_18 423 00 • _980 MUSKRATS. Amount raised by the town, Paid 331 bounties at 25 cents each, 41 86 Unexpended balance, 7 29 $3,939 09 $3,939 09 $150 00 $150 00 $150 00 $82 75 67 25 14 SNOW. Amount raised by town, Paid J. S. Baker for labor, " L. R.. Brown " " " P. E. Ilannan " Unexpended balance, - $600 00 $53 81 62 00 19,1 24 292 95 $60(1,00 $600 00 SUPPORT OF POOR. Amount raised by the town, Received from A. A. Knowles, eggs sold, Provincetown board, hay sold, Ansel I1allet, reimburse- - -- ment, - - - - Received from rent, . tt " Isaac W. Baker, reim- bursement, Received from Winnie Cash, board, Paid for support of almshouse, $969 17 ttti " outside poor, 874 01 ..Unexpended balance, 452 77 tt tt tt tt it CC $2,295 95 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Edward F. Peirce, services, teacher, $700 00 " 400 00 Ruth E. Hodgdon, Kate E. Maher, ' Mary F. Bass, Zulette Potter, Ilelen A. Eldridge, Alice T. Lee, tt CC 320 00 320 00 332 50 450 00 320 00 $2,200 00 27 93 15 00 7 00 17 02 6 00 -- -14 00 9 00 $2.293 95 ..w Adelaide Butman, Frank II. Young, Mary C. Warren, P. II. Jewett, Fred E. Baker, janitor, " extra labor and Ernest Baker, janitor, extra labor. .Tames Gorham, janitor, extra labor, P. H. Baker, janitor, S. W. Mitchell, janitor, tt extra labor, .Tames 0. Gifford, labor on wood, Cora Cahoon, cleaning schoolhouse. Mrs. I. Ellis. Mrs. F. Terry, Mrs. Nancy Cash, " Chester B. Kelley, tuning piano, J. E. Baker, labor, David Kelley, 2d, services, Ansel Ilallet, supplies, David S. -Taylor, " Matthews & Payne, fuel, T. T. Hallet, " • George B. Sears, Henry Blachford. I.saac B.. Kelley, Edmund W. Eldridge, " Wm. E. Chaffin, travel. out of town. 15 services as teacher; if ft • tt CC '' it 420 00 358 00 80 00 200 Oil 84 00 material, 20 35 40 00 900 150 00 20 40 6 87 15 00 8 50 5 00 12 48 6 80 4 80 4 80 5 00 2 00 225 5 25 10 33 102 99 54 00 9 25 26-62 60 00 21 00 8 40 5 30 85 2 00 4 30 1 68 tt tt tt services. tt telephone E. L. Jenkins. teaching, tt tt tt charges. travel expenses. express, carting and justice. 16 E. W. Eldridge, travel expenses, J. B. Hall, suplies, M. G. Bradford. supplies, C. C. Weyser, George B. Lewis, D. F. Parker, stamped envelopes, Kenney Bros. and Walkins, supplies, Yarmouth Register, printing, E. W. Nash & Co., oil, W. F. Kenney, repairs, E. E. Babb & Co., supplies, Amount raised by the town, 44 '' received for tuition of " from trustees Expended over amount raised and received, 1-50 35 35 5 16 45 16 49 21 24 22 05 7 15 5 45 1 50 5 60 $3,800 00 scholars, 47 00 of Sears fund, 810 00 _ 74 66 $4,731 66 $4,731 66 SCHOOL SUPPLIES.. E. E. Bhbb & Co. supplies, Rand, McNally & Co., " Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Silver, Burdett & Co., Milton Bradley Co., American Book Co., Yarmouth Register, Wm. E. Chaffin, t Mary F.,Bass, Kate E. Maher, Alice T. Lee, Ruth E. Hodgdon, If t( Ct $193 14 3 10 14 46 3 97 9 27 26 54 14 40 4 34 3 00 2 35 90 70 17 E. W. Eldridge, express, E. L. Jenkins, " and freight, " " justice. fees, Amount raised by the town, Expended, over amount raised, 62 1 78 50 $279 07 TRANSPORTATION. 1 Isaiah F. Homer, Charles W. Ellis, Horace P. Baxter, S. T. Holway, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town, $351 00 _ 103 50 33 75 5 50 25 $800 00 $275 00 4 07 $279 07 $800 00 $80000 COOKING, DRAWING, MUSIC. SEWING AND, SLOYD. Isabel Shove,_ teacher, M. F. Grote, Louise M. Crowell; S. Isabelle Smith, E. M. Drew, Hannah A. Knowles, " .Tames Gorham, janitor, Ernest Baker, ' " 'Irving 'White, T. E. Chase, S. D. W. Mitchell, -- " - - - M. F. Grote, supplies, Louise M. Crowell, " • .Tames Gorham, labor, I{ '' CC $458 32 333 30 349 92 300 00 233 34 133 32 99 99 15 00 12 00 6 00 5 63 17 35 1 45 60 Kenney Bros. & \Valkins, Ginn & Co., Estate of Alfred Gorham Ansel Hallet, Chandler & Barber, Oliver Ditson Co., E. E. Babb & Co., John Hinckley & Son, Isabel Lewis, Anthony Silver, S. W. Hall, Charles Wain, Matthews & Payne. E. W. Eldridge,. Wadsworth, Howland & Co., Silver, Burdett & Co., Milton Bradley Co., Lewis Y. Eldridge; Amount raised by the town, Amount received by Mrs. M. S. Agassig, Expended over amounts raised and re- .ceived. 18 supplies, 4' le 11 IC /{ 4' 3 40 6 25 -- 5 64 • 10 85 27 56 3.67_ 15 95 47 21 13 20 1 94 - 3 89 2 25 25 37 3 50 32 42 16 84 7 78 7 00 $1,100 00 1,100 00 • 94 $2.200 94 $2.200 94 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Wm. E. Chaffin; superintendent, Amount raised by the town, Received from the state, Expended over amount- raised and re- ceived, $562 50 $125 00 432 70 4 80 $562 50 19 ROADS AND BRIDGES. Luther R. Brown, - Joshua S. Baker, P. E. Hannan, Amount raised by the town. Received by P. E. Mannon, Expended over limo -lint raised. INTEREST. $532 53 51399 825 84 $1,750 00 500 117 36 $1.872 36 $1,872 36 Trustees of Sears fund, State treasurer, . Wm. J. Davis. eashier and treasurer. John.11. Clark, treasurer, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town. Received from Englewood Beach Land Co., $8l0 00 87 50 240 00 409 56 362.94 $1.910 00 TREE WARDEN. Joseph Breck & Sons. supplies; Smith, Thayer & Co.. Ansel Hallett, T. T. Hallett. E. L. Sears. labor. John Silver. Paid tree warden, to pay for labor. A. D. Baker. " " " " Unexpended balance. Amount raised by the town. it it $7 00 8 25 12 95 2 25 1 89 • 50 38 24 85' 3 07 $1.710 00 200 00 $1.910 00 $125 00 $125 00 $125. 00 20 FOREST WARDEN. Seth Taylor, to pay for labor, $100 00 4C it paid Thacher Shore road tools, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by town, 300 97 00 $200 00 • $200 00 $200 00 GYPSY AND BROWN TAIL MOTH FUND. Paid state gypsy moth hunters, labor, " John G. Thacher, " L. R. Brown, to pay for " C. R. Bassett, Supt., to pay labor, . Amount raised by the town, Received for work on private property, state highway, Expended, over amounts raised and re- ceived, _ $74 DO 1 25 92 23 for 186 18 CLEARING BRUSH Joshua S. Baker, paid for labor, Luther R. Brown, " P. E. Hannan, 44 Amount raised by.the town, Expended, over amount raised, (L tC 300 00 1 78 20 00 31 88 $353 66 $353 66 ON ROADS. $99 20 94 41 159 18 $352 79 $250 00 102 79 $352 79 21 DEBS HILL. P. E. Hannan, to pay for labor, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town, $228 55 21 45 $250 00 $250 00 $250 O� PUBLIC BUILDINGS. C. M. Bray, supplies, almshouse, 30 Wm. Matthews, labor, • 1 86 John Hinckley, supplies; 4 35 Joseph Thacher, labor, town office, 25 50 T. T. Hallet, paint, 44 44 7 15 John Falvey,. labor and material, town office, 10 00 E. W. Eldridge, freight and carting, school building, 1 95 J. B. Hall, supplies, school building, 6 40 George B. Sears, supplies and labor, school building, 5 90 T. E. Baker, labor, school building, 2 00 Pittsburgh, supplies, school build. 29 29 Thacher Bros., labor, 128 92 Henry W. Taylor, labor, 6 40 John Hinckley & Son, supplies, " 1 69 L. A. Chase, labor, 4t 2 02 David S. Taylor, supplies, " 1 20 D.F. Sears, labor and supplies, " 216 92 A. C. Snow, labor and supplies,' school building, 6 40 M. H. Bradford, supplies, school building, 35 S. D. W. Mitchell, labor, " 2 05 T. T. Hallett supplies 4 75 22 Amount raised by the town, received from paint sold, Pitsbnrgh Plate Glass Co., refunded, - Expended, over amounts raised and re- ceived, *400 00 7 25 1 14 87 01 $495 40 $495 40 SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. Seth Taylor, special services, John H. Stetson, " II. L. Hart, ti Alton S. Cole, - tt. W. II. Hurst, tt " F. 13. Homer, it " J. J. Maloney, " " II. M. Percival, use of jail, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town.. . Receiv d for reimbursement, from first district court, $3 65 6'00 14 35 87 00 '300 4 00 44 30 3 50 43 38 $100 00 3 65 105 53 $209 18 $209 18 REMITTANCE OF. TAXES. Paid T. S. Howes.. $3 75 " R. W. Wright, • 63 " . E. T. Baker, 497 21 Amount raised by the town, Expended over amount raised. $500 00 1 59 $501 59 $501 -59 23 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE. Paid E. T. Baker, $25 00 Amount raised by the town, $25 00 *25 00 *25 00 TOWN MACADAM ROAD NOTE. Paid Join 11: Clark, treasurer, Amount raised by town, $5,000 00 • $5,000 00 $5,000 00 $5.000 00 TO PAY SEARS FUND NOTE. Paid' M. II. Crowell and T. T. Haliet, trustees, -- $1,500 00 Amount raised by the town, $1,500 00 - $1,500 00 $1.500 00 TAX NOTE. Paid Wm. J. Davis cashier, $3.000.00 BURIAL FUND. Paid Wm. J. Davis. treasurer, to be in- vested, . *585 00 Paid C. M. Bray. care of lots. 34 50 " Win. J. Davis. " " " 30 00 M. II. Crowell, " CL 00 " Wm. B. Fuller, " " 4 00 Thos. E. Kelley, " " " 4 00 Dan '1 B. Crocker, " " " 9 75 T. F. Drew, " " " 2 00 24 Paid Ida M. Menzies, care of lots, $ 8 00 " Chas. E. Emery, " " ` 1 20 Received from Francis Alger for investment, " Estate Sarah J: Lewis for investment, Charles A. Emery for in- vestment, Daniel B. Crocker for investment, George N. Smalley for investment, Pamelia Sears. for invest- ment, " Phebe M. Davis for invest- Znent, I3ass River Savings Bank, interest, New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, interest, New Bedford Institution for Savings, interest, Expended over amount. received, tt it it CC tt tt tt tt tt. tt Paid tt $125 00 100 00 60 00 100 00 50 00 10 00 . 50 00 13 70 40 40 40 40. 1 95 $681 45 $681 45 • THACHER SHORE ROAD, for land damage, $258 00 • " • express and freight, 1 75 James A. Ellis, use of stone dray, 2 00 A. S. Cole, serving notices, 3 40 George Baker, use of derrick, 5 00 II. C. Holmes, board of engineers, 21 00 Yarmouth Register, 2 25 T. T. Hallet, supplies, 2 27 25 Paid A. A. Knowles, supplies, $12 84 Ansel Hallet, 49 88 212 Loads of gravel, 12 72 John Ilinckley, supplies, 72 25. John Falvey, 13 bound stones, 19 37 . " dynamite and freight, 11 38 " Bass river lower bridge timbers, 3 23 " Ii. R. fisher, labor on tools, 2 62 " P. E. Mannan, labor grading, 2,163 30 " on stone, 354 52 fence contract, 320 64 Thacher family, sale of tools, plank, &c., t1 tt it Received from • tt tt Paid state tax, county tax, state highway tax, national bank tax, 4t It TAXES PAID. COUNTY. $3,280 27 38 15 $3,318 42 $3,318 42 Paid E. L. Chase, county treasurer, 2-10 material sold B. R. L. bridge, ?/% cost new bridge, B. R. L. bridge, $3,190 00 2,962 73 439 90 1,545 39 $8,138 02 $29 69 8.746 12 88,775 81 Paid acct. ll '' '' '' 26 PAID FOR CITY AND TOWNS. New Bedford, 'aid to poor, $3 75 Dennis, `l " " 24 00 :- 4-10 4-10 material sold. B. R. L. bridge, Paid acct. Falmouth, " " ' Boston, Brewster, Provincetown, Received from Dennis, reimbursement acct. poor, Received from Falmouth, reimburse- ment, - Received from frovincetown, Balance due from city and towns, Amou. t of bridge material sold, lly It aid to poor, ll it ll ll it ll ll ll ll 59 39 40 70 ,5 50 108 91 40 60 $4 61 28 00 40 60 •15025 59 39 $282 85 $282 85 SELECTMEN'S STATEMENT. Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen and drawn upon the town treasurer: Town debts, $324 72 " officers, 2,30121 Miscellaneous, 3,107 91 Muskrats, 82 75 Snow, 307 05 Support of poor, 1,843 18 " " schools, 4,731 66 School supplies, 279 07 Transportation, 799 75 Cooking, drawing, music, sewing and sloyd. 2,200 94 Superintendent of schools, 562 50 27 Roads and bridges, 1,872 36 • Interest, 1,547. 06 Tree warden, 121.93 Forest " 103 00 Moth fund, . 353 66 Brushing roads, 352 79 Deb's hill, 228 55 Public buildings, i 495 40 Suppression of crime, 165 80 Remittance of taxes, . 501 59 Tax collector's postage, 25.00 Town macadam note, - 5,000 00 Sears fund note, 1,500 00 Tax notes, 3,000 00 Burial fund, • 681 45 Thacher Shore road, 3,318 42 Taxes paid, state and county, 8,138 02 Paid county, 8,775 81 " cities and towns, 282 85 Amount of orders drawn on town treas., • $53,004 43 $53;004 43 $53,004 43 FINANCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN, DEC. 31, 1908. TOWN OWES. Sears fund note, Town highway notes, Bass river lower bridge notes, Bills unpaid, estimated, CREDIT. Uncollected taxes, 1906, " " 1907, 1908, • $584 06 1.456 63 9.136 80 $12,000 00 13,000 00 8,746 12 300 00 $34,046 12 28 Due from state, " " New Bedford, « L '' '' '' '' '' '' '' Dennis, Falmouth, • Boston, Brewster, state aid commissioner, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., acct. fires, 2,436 41 Trustees of Sears fund, 60 00 Selectmen's balance in treasury, 3,784 19, 46 85 3 75 19 39 12 70 5 50 108 91 424 00 Net debt of the town, Dec. 31, 1908, CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, of JESSE W. CROWELL, - Yarmouth. $18,079 19 $15,966 93 29 • LIST OF JURORS. As Prepared by the Selectmen, January 7, 1909: Joshua E. Howes, Charles R. Bassett., William H. Jennings, Patrick E. Hannan, William F. Bray; Edmund W. Eldridge, Charles L. Nickerson. Nathan H. _Matthews, Jonathan Usher, Jr. Isaac H. Thacher, 2d, Theodore F. Drew, Lysander A. Chase, Lester E. Crowell, David S. Taylor. _ Thomas E. Kelley, Elisha L. Jenkins, David F. Sears, Manton H. Crowell, Eben Baker, Franklin F. Collins, Ilerbert C. Robinson, Willis N. Hall, James E. Baxter, Charles H. Walter. CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen IIENRY BLACHFORD, of JESSE W. *CROWELL, Yarmouth. Assessors' Report. VALUATION, MAY 1, 1908. . Real estate, land, " buildings, Personal estate, Additional Valuation, Dec. 19, 1 Personal estate, Total valuation, 1908, TAXES, MAY 1 Taxes levied on real estate, 11 11 11 . personal estate, " 446 ,polls, $404,685 00 694,190 00 931,036 00 $2,029,911 00 908. $30,100 00 $30;100 04 , 1908. Additional Taxes, Dec. 19, 1908. Taxes levied on personal estate, " 3 omitted polls, Total tax for 1908,. Population census, 1905, Registered voters, 1908, . Number of polls, " " houses assessed, `` " horses • " 1t " cows i[ .$2,060,011 00 $13,735 94 11,637 95 892 00 $26,265 Si) $376 25 6 00 382 25 $26,648 14 ' 1,422 391. 449 - 711 204 106 Number .4i 11 11 11 11 11 Rate of of 11 11 11 L1 11 LL 11 31 neat cattle other than cows, sheep•, 'dogs licensed, of acres of land, persons liable to military duty, residents assessed on property, non-residents assessed on property, poll taxes only, taxation, $]2.50 per $1,000.00. TAXES RECEIVED FROM STATE. National bank tax, Corporation tax, Total received, $1,086 68 4,108 13 5 28 117 10,8271/. 160 536 434 135 $5,194 81 TAXES PAID TO STATE AND COUNTY. State tax, •" highway .tax, County tax, $3,190 00 439 90 2,962 73 Total paid, Increase in valuation over 1907, $41,945.00. JESSE W. CROWELL, Assessors IIENRY BLACIIFORD, of CIIAS. R. BASSETT, Yarmouth. $6,592 63 Report of Overseers of the Poor.- Inmates oor: Inmates of almshouse, 1908: Age. Committed. John Gray, 64 1893 . Luther Buck, 58 1903 Nathan Sears, died Feb. 2d, .81 1898 Number of inmates during 1908, 5. POOR DEPARTMENT. ALMSHOUSE. Amos Arey, salary keeper, $350 00 _ Frank 11. Hinckley, supplies, 59 55 S. H. Sears. M. D., medical attendance, 8 00 B. T. Gorham, supplies, 7 00 S. W. Hall, 24 16 John Hinckley & Son, 50 D. F. Parker, " . 13 25 E. L: Sears, tf- 11 10 C.' M. Bray, " 25 Alfred Howland, 'fuel, 14 00 Ansel Hallet, 98 00 Sylyanus Robbins. 64 fuel, 12 00 J 1 33 A. A. Knowles, supplies 116 08 Isabel Lewis, •7 15 Estate of Alfred Gorham " 6 32. Matthews & Payne, ' " fuel, " 61 22 C. R. Bassett, 4 00 J. B.. Ilall, and stove, 47 42 T. T. Hallet, It 3 30 Amos Arey, paid for 15 22 Manton II. Crowell, undertaker, 32 00 Rita Arey, labor,. 2 00 Arthur Varley, services funeral, 2 00 Massachusetts hospital, expenses, - 9 40 E. W. Eldridge, labor and supplies, 38 35 F. W. Arey, 1. cow, 20 00 D. S. Taylor, repairing stove, 1 40 Yarmouth Register, 2'00 F. D. Gage, pig, 3 50 CR. By eggs sold, r` hay " Provincetown reimbursement, " Ansel Hallet, `v Net cost, 1908, $27 93 7 00 - 15 00 16 02 $969 17 .$65 95 $903 22 .� f 34 • OUTSIDE POOR,. Archelus Phillips, Paid Cash aid; $ 3. 00 A. Howland, fuel, 2 00 Sylvanus Robbins, " 12 50 S. W. Hall, • supplies, 25 52 3 58 it if it Matthews .& Payne, B. T. Gorham, A. A. Knowles, D. F. Parker, F. H. Hinckley, Ansel Hallet, T. T. Hallet, S. 11. Sears, M. D.,- 'it it it • << Adresta Humes. 5 00 36 97 .4051 1 60 2 14 2 25 7 75 Paid, cash aid, $70 50 " C. W. Megathlin, medical supplies, 14 30 " H. Blachford, wood, 7 60 " II. Blachford, expense getting nurse, 2 50 Elnora Baxter nurse, 1 00 " Annie B. Robbins, 12 86 Rose Cobb, 8.00 " R. Whittemore, 30 00 Alice Ferguson, 1.5 00 it it Et $142 82 Paid 85 Lucy Marchant, nurse, 5 00 A. K. Johnson, supplies, • 8 05 F. P. Ballet, fuel, . 15 00 Edward T. Chase, _ " 7 28 Daniel B. Taylor, feel, 2 00 Mrs. Judah B. Chase. Paid L. Fuller & Co., fuel, Isaac B. Kelley,' " D: S. Taylor, stove, Mrs. Isaac W. Baker. $7 75 4 50 6 00 • Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies,, $52 02 " II: Blachford, ". 1 00 " - E. D. Kelley, id 3 10 " H. B. Chase & Sons, di • 7 50 Mrs. Fred Cash. Paid S. 13. Marchant, supplies,. " Henry Blaehford, fuel, " A. K. Johnson, supplies, " H. B. Chase & Sons, fuel, " M. G. 13radford, supplies, ". Jaynes E. Baxter, " $800 26 50 24 41 19 50 1 25 8 50 $199 09 $18 25 • $63 62 36 . Paid Edward T. Chase, supplies, " . Elisha T. Baker, " " Thomas Buck, rent, 90 200 65 00 Ellis P. Baker. Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, $29 64 " Wm. P. Bearse, " 1 88 A. K. Johnson, " 3 43, ` J. S. Baker, wood, ' 10 50 ". 11. Blachford, " 2 50 " . II. B. Chase & Sons, coal, 8 00 " S. B. Marehant, supplies, —3-02 " Elisha T. Baker, supplies, 1 50 " Joseph F. Nickerson, rent, 8 00 L. Pease, M. D., med. attd., 10 00. " S. H. Sears, M. D., med. attd., 6 90 " M. G. Bradford, stove, 9 25 Melissa Baker. Paid 1. F. Isomer, rent, " I' B. Kelley, fuel, " L. Fuller & Co., fuel, Morris Gray. • Paid Marcus Hall, rent, " Watson F. Baker, supplies, $40 00 8 00 15 00 $30 00 4 50 $156 06 $94 62 $63 00 $34 50 37 Willard Ellis. Paid T. T. Hallet, supplies, " S: II. Sears, M. D., med. attd., A. W. Cahoon. Paid D. D. Kelley,. supplies, Id A. S. Cole, Mrs. Walter Baker. $3 85 8 20 $12 05 $1500, 10 00 • $25 00 Paid Daniel Coal, fuel, $ 5 00 - rent, STATEMENT,..• 60 00 $65 00 Amount raised by the town, $2,200 00 Received from. John Delpeshe, 6 00 Ansel Hallet, reimbursement, 1702 " Isaac W. Baker, 14 00 Provincetown, 15 00 ti Winnie Cash, acet. board, 9 00 " Eggs, sold, 27 93 Hay, " 7 00 Paid for support of almshouse,. $969 17 " " outside poor, 874 01 Unexpended balance, 452 77 $2;295 93 $2,295 95 38 PAID FOR POOR OF CITY AND TOWNS. Paid aid City of New Bedford, poor, '' '' it {1 ti [( i( it '' Town of Dennis, " " Falmouth City Boston, Town Brewster, " Provincetown, 41 Ol $ 3 75 24 00 40 70 5 50 108 91 40 60 $223 46 HENRY BLACHFORD, Overseers JESSE W. CROWELL. of CHAS. R. BASSETT. Poor. • Town .Clerk's Report. Issued 2 marriage licenses, at 50c., « 5 " " 4$1, Recording permits, mortgage, etc., Certified copies of births and marriages, 2 auctioneer's licenses, at $2, Issued 106 male dog licenses, at $2, K 11 female dog licenses, at $5, 117 dogs, at 20c., Paid county treasurer, dog tax, town treasurer, fees, $ 100 5 00 2 90 2 30 4 00 $212 00 55 00 267 00 23 40 23 40 $243 60 $38 60 $243 60 38 60 BENJAMIN T. GORHAM, Town Clerk. Date. 1908. Jan. P. Female, Feb., 7. Pearl Leonard Campbell, March 9. William Anderson Abbot, 10. William Clark Enos, 16. Carl Lewis White, 25. Beatrice Homer, April 4. Henry Allen Gifford, 0. llelen .Estabrooko Kelley, 11.. Katherine Louise Delpeshe, 17. Elizabeth 'I'hacher Dean, 25. Richard Fitzsimmons, May 16: Raymond Chase, 24. Elide IIowes Sears, July 19. Gracie .Arlene Ellis, August 2. Barbara Drew, 3. Lester Monroe Betterley, 23. William Davis Crowell, • Sept. 8. 'Donald Alexander Finlayson, October 5. Charles Irving Cahoon, Nov. 19. Male (Ryder), o 4.3 G •C a!q p P h7 P w c t,D t.,D C.0 CTI ND to N 0.6- c, COCO © O tO o m o a, p w 0 G PW H y O 0 re �E9 f9 5 b 0 s g CD 0 •1 N g O O �d p ip O 'TJ t 0 p Sr ep+ b CD cn O• VS D2 cm Et om -- , 000- InnowavA �s9A •ap►ag pas mooJg jo amfH fro I A ID ARRIAGES REGISTERED IN YARMOUTH IN 1908. 0 s"JLC.::iii'.:�C'::.t:tt:.w."„''`+k.....'..rtl—.!�FsKy'baa"Fla^OY4'Vi�:.u'W...-.-lL�+-t Vital Statistics for the Year 1908. BIRTHS RECORDED IN 1908. Name of Cb11d. Parente. Frederick R. and Alice C. Ilenry W. and Isabel. Antoine and Mary. llerbert L. and Augusta M. Frank 13. and Geneva M. James F. and Edith W. Josiah M. and Maude L. Jonathan and Amanda. Edward F. and Marjorie. John M. and Mary M. David M. and Lucy A. John G. and Lillian. Warren E. and Grace M. Samuel 11. D. and Mary E. George W. and Annie B. Stephen and Annie E. Alexander and Elizabeth. Winthrop I. and Bessie M. Amos C. and Grace. . r.TMMCt"r. Date. 1908. Nov. Dec. 1905. March 1907. Dec. • -vl- f.rY: :k BIRTIIS RECORDED IN 1 Name of Child. 22. Female (Ditano), 12. Anna Lawton Davis, . 13. Male (Johnson), ' 15. Male (Cotelle), 29. Female (Eldridge), 28. Isabel Pearl Chase, 18. Joseph Warren Tripp, Date. 1908. Jan. 4. 9. 9. 20. Feb. 2. 11. 12. 16. March 5. 26. April 17. 26. May 6. 30. June 4. 5. 15. 25. July 13. 29. . August 16. • 81. Sept. 4. 29. 908. Parents. Leonardo and Amelia S. Charles II. and Grace. Francis M., Jr., and Annie. Adelbert L. and Ethel I j. Edmund W. and Lilla M.[ David M. and Lucy A. Joseph W. and Eunice H. • DEATHS REGISTERED IN 1908. Name of Deceased. Olive H. Berry, Mary Frances Flye, Female, Alfred Gorham, Nathan Sears, Lois Baker, James Allen Cash, Clara W. Johnson, Mercy Taylor, Osborn E. Baker, Lucy Ann Whelden, Richard Fitzsimmons, Mary M. Fitzsimmons, Isaiah Crowell, Eliza Newton, Jane Ellis, Charity A. Sears, Mercy Baker Crowell, Almira H. Abell, • Charlotte A. Fillebrown, Eliza A. homer, Nehemiah B. \Vhelden, Emily B. Studlley, Seth Hallett Hamblin, Dieence. Cancer of stomach, Pneumonia, Arterio sclerosis, Old age, Old age, Uremia, Acute brights disease, Senility, apoplexy, Acute gastritis, Cerebral embolism, Exhaustion, Puerperal septicwmia, Cerebral hemorrhage, . Multiple aneurism, Gangrene of foot; Cirrhosis of liver, Apoplexy, Carcinoma of stomach, Cholera infantum, Brights disease, old age, Chronic bronchitis, Cerebral hemorrhage, Multiple serebro, spinal aclerosis, Y. 89 59 63 86 92 77 45 87 59 61 Age. D. 9 14 6 6. 1 6. 14 4 21 8 16 11 4 9 1 40 7 75 10 26 69 76 5 67 71 7 20 70 82 87 72 87 8 11 9 7 5 19 5 2 5 25 CO N C% CO LEO C4 .r O .-i O if:. o .14 OOd, ci a N 41) :3 m a gi a" m .a REQISTERED IN Namo of Deoeased. 6c».66o 6 • r,r, .,cc t. .0 o o z . C• a r- t- c 0 .. • • 00 00 W 00 60 PICC 01 £ 00 Treasurer's Report RECEIPTS. cc a , - January -1, 1908, balance on hand, - $5,449 34 G m m Judge F. C. Swift, court fines, 105 53 A `O' 'a3' ce" Englewood Beach Land Co., 200 00 O :. .� F .5 &) ( County treasurer, dog fund returned, __ 210 00 - oaao...a 1 d! c 0 s ^ " bounty on seals, reimbursed, 45 00 o - 0 {f roads and bridges, 55 91 et o ?, Town of Brewster, 175.22 cnAU*4AU " " Falmouth, 52 00 " " " 28 00 " " Provincetown, 65 40-7- °' " Dennis, Bass River lower bridge, 1907, 111 83 it 64 444 61 A a City of Boston, 18 84 y, H Isabel Shove, moth nests destroyed, 89 0) c, Heirs Patrick Keveney, moth nests destroyed, 89 a.o m Auctioneer's license, T. F. Drew, 2 00 °' N °' >, p ' Pool license, Luther R. Brown, 2 _.00 E;�otm W W ,.. 0 ,;y Mrs. G. R. Agassiz, acct. schools, 1,100 00 0 0 `.b. • I Francis Alger, care burial lots, 125 00 E d t t r 0 t Est. Sarah Jane Lewis, " " lot, 100 00 r%xtiviJx " " " John W. Linzee, 100 00 George N. Smalley, " " " 50 00 Mrs. Parmelia E. Sears, " " " 100 00 ' Charles A. Emery, " " " GO 00 Mrs. Phebe M. Davis, " " • 50 00 a" - 0 Interest burial lot fund, 94 50 a a� a School committee, tuition out-of-town pupils, 22 00 W '',4' # - Name of Deceased. tioocc; cc; ci m r+ oi co 0411 r+ r, aa§ Joseph Thacher, reimbursed, $ John Hinckley cC Son, Isaac W. Baker, Ansel Ballet, P. E. Hannan, Winnie Cash, for board, Rent of house, Archelus Phillips, B. T. Gorham, town clerk, fees, New York, New Ilaven & Hartford R. R., acct. fires, Material, Bass -River lower bridge, sold, Discount on bill, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., • Thacher family, acct. Thacher Shore road, Sale of shovels, " " « P. E. Hannan, returned; " " " ({ T. T. Ilallet and M. II. Crowell, trustees Sears fund, E. W. Eldridge, paint sold, • II. Blachford, treasurer Follins pond fishery, E. H. Howes, secretary joint board school committee, First National Bank of Yarmouth, refunded cheek cost, Almshouse, acct. eggs sold, " hay " Note, anticipation taxes, Bridge notes, Received from State Treasurer: - Motor vehicles fees fund, Compensation of inspectors of animals, Corporation taxes, National Bank tax, State aid, Suppression gypsy and brown -tail moths, Tuition of children, E. T. Baker, taxes, 1904, t° 1905, " " 1906, t° " 1907, " " " 1908, " " {{ 3 65 22 67 14 00 17 02 5 00 9 00 6 38 148 1 3,280 3 35° 810 231 432 41 27 7 3,000 8,746 00 60 29 47 14 27 00 15 00 25 75 70 86 93 00 00 12 15 00 33 22 4,108 13. - 1,086 68 423 00 20 00 25 00 156 74 467 91 • 1,1(34 70 6,755 05 19,056 35 *58,536 61 :3 CR. Paid orders drawn by -selectmen, Balance on hand, January 1,1909, Town owes: For macadam roads, Bass River bridge, Sears fund, Due from collector of taxes: Year 1906, " 1907, " 1908, $53,568 59 4,968 02 $58,536 61 $13,000 00 8,746 12 12,000 00 $33;746 12. * 584 06 1,456 63 9,136 80 *11,177 49 ACCT. SCHOOL COMMITTEE, STATE FUND. Balance on hand, January 1, 1908, Deceived from state treasurer, CR.. Paid orders school committee, Balance on hand, January 1, 1909, BURIAL FUND. George N. Smalley, John F. Crocker, Estate Louisa Nickerson, • Edwin Bray, Benjamin Bray lot, Andrew Crowell, William B. Fuller, *903 71 847 49 *1,751 20 *1,186 16 • 565 04 *1,751 20 *500 00 250 00 50 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 Estates Hatsel and Ilatsel E. Crosby, Pcleg P. Akin, John Orlando, Charles M. Bray, Estate Deborah Hamblin, Nathan W. Grush, Francis Alger, Lot, Benjamin Matthews, « Sarah Jane Lewis, « Emery and Adams, John W. Linzee, Woodside cemetery, Lot, Isaac and Mary F. Smalley, " Rodman R. Nickerson, « Nathaniel Taylor, ti Invested: New Bedford Institution for Savings, New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, Bass River Savings Bank, *200 00 500 00 50 00 200 00 100 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 100 00 60 00 100 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 *2,735 00 *1,000 00 1,000 00 735 00 *2,735 00 WILLIAM J. DAVIS, Town Treasurer. Report of the Road Commissioners. NORTII SIDE. Jas. A. Ellis, 14 hours, $2.00 day, Walter P Cook, 18 Ray M. •Mallett, 18 " Isaiah Ellis, 41/2 " man & team, $3.50 day, I. L. Ellis, 41/ " " " 6 loads sand, P. E. Hannan, 3 days team, $1.50, E. L. Sears, labor on sign board, " " screws and paint, Henry Baker, , 71 hours, B. W. Ellis, •Henry Cobb, Joe Chase, Jas. T. Chase, Jas. A. Ellis, it tt 71/2t 9 " :with team, 9 tt 8 days, 4 hours, 16 hours, with team. $3.50 day. 3 " with team, " labor, on bridge, Ct. li Chas. Nickerson, labor on -bridge, $2.00 day J. • B. Keveney, 13 days, 11A hours, " " P. J. Tobin, 41% hours. " Geo. Hallett, 29 " with team, $3.50 day, Albert Taylor, 3 days. $2.00, - if 14 hours, team, Ensign Cash. Jr., 27 " $2.00 day. Frank C. Baker, 16 " " " Frank Chase. 13 " team, tt 27 tt tt David Cotelle, Jr., 34 " tt t{ tt tt 3 11 400 40fr 1 75 100 30 4 50 1 53 25 1 67 1 67 3 50 200 16 89 6 22 1 17 3 05 1 00 26 33.- 1 00 3100 11 28 7 50 '2 33 6 00 356 2 17 600 • 7 56 50 Jas. Gorham, 54 loads loam, 5c., - - Ensign Cash, 49 hours, $2.00 day, 12 " team, $1.50 day, P. E. Hannan, 4 days, man and horse, $3.50 day, John Hinckley & Son, as per bill, J. B. Hall, grind stone, Yarmouth Register, printing, Thacher IIolway, 2 days, with team, $3.50 clay, Chas. Nickerson, 4 days, $2.00 day, tf 21 loads of loam, 5c., Geo. Baker, 51/2 days, with team, $3.50 day, P. E. Hannan, team, Henry Cobb, 3 days, with team, *3.50 day, " " . .180 loads of loam, 5c., Z. Sherman, ' 3 .days, with team, $3.50. day, IC 44 Henry Ellis, 3 Chas. Ellis, 3 E. Robbins, 3 Chas. E. Chase, 2 E. Bray, • 4 " 140 loads loam, Henry Darling, Geo. Robbins, O. Iiallett, Jr., Frank Arey, H. C. Holmes, P. E. Ilannan, A. Howland, W. F. Morgan, W. P. Cook, II. W. Chase, 4 hours, 2 days,. 2 " with team, $5.00 day, '' $2.00 day, 2 70 10 89 2 00 14 00 8 63 550. 9 00 10 00 00 1 05 19 25 2 00 10 50 .900 10 50 10 50 10 50 6 00 4 00 8 00 7 00 K K 89 4 00 10 00 19 50 15 94 50 22 $3.50, 12 44 19 62 19 62 6 50 6 50 4 00 400 4 00 3 " Ii '' $3.50 day, 4 days, 5 hours, with team, $3.50, 12 " 5 " K " 3 " 5 9 " 9'' 5 44. 3 4,J Ensign Cash, Jr., 3 " Henry Baker, 2 " Chas. E. Chase, 2 " David Cotelle, 2 " 21/4 " 21/4 " $2.00, '' '' til Willard Ellis, Isaiah Ellis, Chas. Dixon, Thomas Baker, John Silver,. Henry Darling, R. Howes, . % 51 2 days, *2.00 2 " 2 " 9 hours, 4days, 71 " 8 {t 2 2 _. " '4 with team, *5.00, $2.00, '4 '' " " 5 loads of loam 5c., Chas. Nickerson, 20 loads of loam, Ansel Hallet, 'as per bill, Alfred Baker, 8 hours, John Silver, •21/_ " '4 O. Hallett, Jr., 9 " with team, A. C. Snow, as per bill, John Hinckley & Son, as per bills, 45 -hours, Isaiah Ellis. Willard Ellis, 45 J. E. Olar, -45 D. Cotelle, Jr, 41 D. K. Cotelle. 41 Frank Chase, 45 4' K LL $2.00, 4' " K '' Albert Taylor, 5 days, labor, etc., Geo. Iiallett, 5 " with team, -Jas. A. Ellis, 4 horse, - " 1 day, with team, Henry A. Cobb, 4 days, " " Ed. Eldridge, 4 " 6 hours," T. B. Pulsifer. 225 loads gravel 10c., K. M. Taylor. repairing scraper, S. L. Robbins, 2 hours. mowing. 25c., A. A. Knowles, as per bill, for tools, Isaiah Ellis. bill, labor and gravel, Walter P. Cook, 13+ hours, *2.00, W. F. '_Morgan, , 2 days, $2.00, P. E. Hannan, 2 " • horse, 4 00 4 00 10 00 00 9 67 16 00 4 44 • • 25 1. 00 2 70 1 78 56 5 00 9 80 25 60 10 00 10 00 10 00 9 11 9 11 10 00 12 25 50 $5.00, 013 $1.50, C 00 $3.50, 3 50 " 1400 —.�— 16 33 22 50 2 25 50 8 07 2 95 3 00 400 $1.50. 3 00 1 1 j 1. 1 52 W. F. Morgan, 7 days, 82.00, Albert Taylor, 1 day, P. E. Hannon, 45 hours. Walter P. Cook, 2 days, $2.00, P. E. Hannan, H. W. Chase, Henry Darling, 3 44 1 day, tt • team, $1.50, team, $5.00, R. Howes, labor on bridge, .19 hours, *2.00, Jas. Lack. 1 day, Chas. E. Hallett, 1 day, Ensign Cash, Jr., 1 day, Thncher Shore,froad., for.. tools, etc, SNOW ACCOUNT. Frank Whelden, 16 hours, 8 with team, 414 15e., F. Whelden, Jr., 16 Z. A. Sherman, 16 Geo. Whittemore, 12 C. L. Nickerson, 13 Geo. 0. Brine, 13 Jas. W. Ellis, 13 Chas. W. Ellis, 13 Jas. Flye, 13 Seth Ellis, 13 Jas. W. Ellis, Jr., 13 Sydney Holway, 151/2 Ed. Bray, 161/2 Cha.s. E. Chase, 161 Ernest Bray, '4 '' 4' $2.00 day, •44 4' 4t '' tt '' '' t, '' ,t 14 00 2 00 50 4 00 15 00 3 00 2 00 4 23 2 00 ' 2 00 2 00 7 $806 94 18 90 f• $825 84 $ 3 56. 3 56 2 40 8 56 2 67 2 89 2 89 2 89 2 89 2 89 2 89 2 89 3 44 3 67 3 67 3 67 • J. W. Smith, Jos. Chase, 151/2 John Delpeshe, 151/2 Jas.. A. Ellis, 8 4' 71/2 8 t, ,1 111/2 Geo. F: Bray, 14 Wm. F. Bray, 14 W. Montcalm, 18 Ernest Sears, 191/2 Geo. Robbins, 171/2 Freeman Cahoon, 14 —" Ray Cash, Chas. Cash, Allen Cash, Wm. Matthews, E. Bobbin's, John Olar, Amos E. Arey, -W. F. Morgan, Osborn Baker, Geo. Baker. Warren Ellis, Willard Ellis, 161 hours, Henry A. Cobb, '4 4' '' 4' '' tf f t I. L. Ellis, B. W. Ellis,— -- Paul M. Swift, W. P. Cook, A. Howland David Alce, Ray M. Hallett, Claude Arey, Gussie Dean, 51/2 8 173/4 9 14 13 9 10 10 10 101/2 8 10 13 9 8 9 9 41,4 9 8 9 4' CC ti '' 53 with team, with team, $2.00 day, it 40 15c., '' 44 44 -CC 41 ,t '' /0 04 44 '' 4C '' 40 tt with team, 15c., with -plough,- — $2.00 day, '' Ca 15e., $2.00 day, '' 4, '4 4/ 14 1 ,4 3 67 3 44 3 44 1 78 3 33 1 78 5 11. 3 11 3 11. 4 00 4 33 3 89 2 10 122 1 78 2.89 200 3.11 _ 2 89 2 00 222 222 4 44 1 .58 1 78 4 44 2 89 200 1 20 200 .200 100 200 1 7S 2 00 1 1 'I : ' i 0 I 54 Millard Gray, 16 hours, $2.00 day, Edgar Marchant, 16 " P. E. Hannan, 9 ti. ti 18 team, $2.00 day, 4C tt John Keveney 31. Keveney, P. Tobin, Jas T. Chase, John Silver, Harry M. Chase, Chester Chase, Harold Bassett, Leon Silver. R. Howes, ' 0. Hallett, Jr., Amos Arey, Frank Robbins, Henry TJsher, 16 16 16 131/2 15-} 18+ 111/2 11 12% 5 9 3 2 .31/0 it 44 it 4C di . a « a it 44 $2.00 day, with team, BRUSIIING TOWN ROAD. Ray Hallett, W. P. Cook, John Silver, Alfred Baker, Chas. A. Chase,. Stephen Fuller, Ed. Bray, Ernest Bray, P. E. Hannan, Ed gar ,Marehant, -Joe Sherman, • Frank Whelden, 3 days, 3 4, 3 " 3 hours, 3 - 3y, 1 day, 15 days, 14 " 5 it 5 5 44 5 4, with team, 3 56 3 56 2 00 4 00 3 56 3 56 3 56 3 00 3 39 3 00 2 56 1 65 1 88 1 11 5 00 67 Albert Taylor, Geo. Robbins, Frank Chase, W. F. Bray, G. F. Bray, Albert Taylor, Frank Chase, • Ensign Cash, Jr., Ensign Cash, Jas. A. Ellis, 44 David Cotelle, P. E. Hannan, 44 Ensign Cash, Jr., 78 David $191 24 $ 6 00 600 6 67 600 7 00 2 00 30 00 - 28 00 17 50 10 00 10 00 10 00 awitftworometilir', 55 1 day, 3 hours, 1 " 3 " 1 " 3 3 days, .3 it DEBS' HILL. 84 hours, 84 "- 76 61. 62 with team,, 10 " " double team, 11 18 " with team, 2 days, 8 hours, with team, Cotelle, 3 .". 4 John Falvey, amount of bill, P. E. Hannan, 2 days, it it 267\ 2 67 2 67 600 6 00 $159 18 $23 33 18 67 16 89 13 56 24 11 5 55 244 7 00 10 11 6 89 95 00 500 $228 55 P. E. HANNAN, Road Commissioner.. W. N. Stetson, G. H. Kelley, S. B. Baker, R. A. Brown, J. W. Baker, J. K. & B. Sears, J. H. Baker, R. C. Baker, W. H. Hurst, W. Cote11, A. C. Chase, L. Cotell, E. G. Baker, W. F. Kelley, Albert Pierce, G. H. Kelley, W. F. Cahoon, G. L. Ryder, O. H. 'Homer, I. F. Homer, W. N. Stetson, C. M. Brown, J. H. Stetson, 74 J. H. Stetson, J. W. Baker, G. H. Bacheller, N. Baker, J. G. Sears, J. G. Sears, . -.. A. Cotell, A. W. Cahoon, W. H. Fuller, 56 SOUTH SIDE. ' Hours. Per Hour. 9 39c. $•3 50 41/2 ' 22c. 100 18 39c.- 7 00 9 '4 •350 9 44 3 50 turning post, 2 75 12 22c. 2 66 9- 2 00 13 39c. 5 06 241/2 22c. 5 44. 21 4 66 12 2 64 18 4 00 18 4 00 24.E « 5 44 8344 7 33 27 39c. 6 00 27 " 600 27 10 50 18 7 00 27 '° _1000 18 7 00 loads loam @ 10c., 7 40 27 10 50 22 9 15 18 22c. - 4 00 27 g6 00 9 " 200 41 39c. 15 95 5 00 1 65 9 00 5.7 . Hours.. Per Hour. Thos. D. Brown, 18 39c. 7 00 G. Studley, 18 7 00. E. P. Baker, 27 4 i 6 00 I. B. Kelley, 9 44 3 50 F. F. Collins, 27 10 50 D. M. Chase, 27 10 50 G. H. Loring, 27 "' .10 50 John. Falvey, stone monuments, 4 47 F. W. Homer, washout, 2 00 D. S. Taylor, 2 shovels, 1 60 L. White, repairing scraper, 40 C. B. Oliver, . 9 39c. 3 50 W. N. Hall, • 51 "- 19 83 G. Crocker, 155 loads loam @ 10c., 15 50 R A. Brown,. 4 _4( 156 I. W. Ellis, 221/; 22c. 5 00 D. W. Chase, 9 3 50 F. F. Collins, 9 . " . 3 50 I. 13. Kelley, 9 " . , 3 50, J. K. Eldridge, . ' 9 4 L . 3 50 S. B. Baker, 18 44 4 00 Chas. Sherwin, 9 " 2 00 Ahira Baker, 27 `.` 6 00 D. S. Baker, 18 39e. 7 00 C. L. Nickerson, loam, 5 30 F. B. Homer, , . 34 4 1 37 , G. H. Kelley, 251/, 22e. . 5 55 S. B. Baker, 18 39c. 7 00 D. F. Sears, clu•hing, 80 13 F. W. Homer and others, sanding road, • 14 00 G. I1. Kelley, clearing gutters, 9 22c. 2 00 J. G. Sears, 9 39e. 3 50 0. II. Loring, 84 loads sand, 2 54 D. Kelley's hrs., sand, . . 2 16 58' Hours. Per Hour. J. H. Stetson, sand, 1 77 0. Baker, loam, . _ 2 85 B. Cotell, 9 22c. 2 00 C. H. Crowell, 9% Si 2 11 C. Clark, 18 4 00 Roger Eldridge and helper, laying up catch basin, 10 00 R. J. Baker, 2 rakes, 76 L. R. Brown, bill, 78 00 / Irvin White, R. B. Clark, ' Lawrence Cotell, Walter Cotell, 0. H. Chase, A. C. Chase, J. H. Baker, D. M. Chase, F. M. Crowell, Ralph Chase, J. R. Baker, M. Chase, I. B. Kelley, Chas. White, II. F. Kelley, E. P. Baker, T. Baker, I3. E. Baker, J. K. Chase, Irvin White; I3. R. Snow, M. M. Hallet, Roger Eldridge, SNOW ACCOUNT 1908: .21/2 20e. $ 50 41/, 85 41/, « 85 21/4 20e. 45 21/2. 50 21/2 " 50 11/2 ,44 30 82 40e. .3 40 5 20c. 1 00 5 1 00 4124 85 6 '° 1 20 18 3 60 3 60 5 1 00 51/4 1 05 5 ". 1 00 6} " 1 30 2 " 40 2+ " 50 3 " 60 31/„ 70. 4 .SO 59 • Hours. Per Hour. J. M. Kelley, 6 20c., 1 20 F. W. Johnson, -Jr., 4 80 F. Homer, 5 100 H. W. Taylor, 51/, 1 10 F. W. Homer, 5 2 00 W. F. Johnson, 3 2 60 F. Campbell, 5 " 1 00 J. K. S. Eldridge. 7 _ 1 55 N. B. Chase, 6 d< 1 33 G. H. Kelley, . 7 1 55 Leon Chase, 6 lOc. 60 C. B. Oliver, 6 22c. 1 35 W. 13. Oliver, - 3 - 44 66' Albert Pierce, 7 1 55 J. H. Baker, 1 55 Thos. E. Kelley, 7 1 55 R. C. Baker, 7 1 55 W. Taylor, 11/: 33 B. White, 11/2 4433 Hours. P. H. L. R. Chapman,7 22c. $ 1 55 S. B. Baker, 7 1 55 Thaddeus Baker, 7 1 55 L. R. Brown, ' 7 . " 1 55 S, B. Baker; 2 40c. 80 J. W. Baker. snow plough, — 3 00 L. R. Brown, 7 40c. .2 80 Balance due ton. $57 35 $5 35 L. R. BROWN, Road Commissioner. 60 WEST SIDE. . Nelson Baxter, 5 days, a $2,00, - Lemuel Marchant, 21/_ " " t` J. Allen Montcalm, 2 " H. P. Baxter and team, 41/ days, @ $3.50, John Hinckley & Son, as per bill, Thomas Nickerson, bound stones, D. Cotelle and team, 5 days, 7 hours, A L Baker, team, 6 " 7 CC LC S. B. Marchant, 5 " 7 " 11. P. Baster, 4 " 6 " • " " double team. 6 " • " $5.00, Henry Bllaehfoid, 5 " 7 " $3.50, S. *W. Mitcl}he,l, 4 " 7 `t " " • W. F. Baker, 5 " 7 44. $2.00, Lemuel • Marchant, 6 " 7 44 Nelson Baxter, 6 " 7 Lockwood Baxter, 6 LC 7 44 George Chase, 7- Timothy Cotelle, i _ " " $3.50, How? rd Nickerson, 4 " 7 " " James F. Gifford, 6 " 7 , 44" $2.00, J. A. Montcalm, 3 " 7 " tt " R. L. Taylor, • 1 " 44 Joshua S. Baker, team and man, 5 days, @ $3.50. 5 5 " " $2.00, " 5 days, 8 hours, a, $3.50, - fl {{ t{ 6 44 4 t{ {t t{ double team, 2 days, @ $5.00, A. L. Baker, 3 days, (a� $3.50, John IIinckley, lumber, &c., Mrs Clapp. 38 loads sand, @ 4e., Mrs. Iloward, 4 " " " 4c., Franklin Crocker, 34 " " 5c., $3.50, (( 1{ 0L i[ 44 .' (l It {l Ct 11 {f y= $10 00 5 00 4 00 15 75 26 32 5 00 20 22 23 72 •20 22 16 33 3 33 20 22 16 72 11 55 17 55 1355 13 55 1 55 1 75 .16 72 13 55 7 55 • 2 00 17 50 10 00 20 61 29 55 10 00 10 50 42 42 1 59 16 1 70 61 Mrs. Clapp, 10 loads sand, @ 5e., Daniel Blagdon, 165 " loam, " 6e., F. A. Abel, 12 " sand, " 4e., A. K. Johnson, 22 " " 4e., F. P. Hallet, 22 " " " 4c., Ferd Baker, 11/2 days, (a) $2.00, A. L. " 7 hours, @ $2.00, _ Lemuel Marchant, 2 days, @ $2.00, Nelson Baster,--2 days, @ $2.00, J. B. Brown, 1 day, 3 hours, @ $3.50, J. S. Baker; 8 days, @ $2.00, " " 1 day, 7 hours, @ $3.50, " 11/_ days, @ $3.50, S. B. Marchant, 2 days, 0 $3.50, F. P. Hallet, 30 loads sand, @ 4c., A. K. Johnson, - 21 . " - " 4c., 84 F. A. Abel, 32 " it " 4c., 1 28 Joshua Baker and team, 1/, day, @ $3.50, _ 1 75 H. Studley and team, 1 day, @ $3.50, 3 hours, @ $2.00, 6 09 .Joshua S. Baker and team, 41/, days, @ $3.50, • 15 75 50 9 90 48 83 8S 3 00 • 1 54- 4 00 - 400 4 66 16 03 6 22 5 95 7 00 1 20 SNOW ACCOUNT. Lemuel Marchant, - 141/2 hours Nelson Baxter, 111/, Lockwood Baxter, 111/_ William Duchesney, 111/2 Charles Perry, 111/_ Elnathan Eldridge, 4 Howard Nickerson, 111/, " horse, 4 Ilorace P. Baxter, 141/, " " horse. 13 << t{ [[ << {0 t[ {t 44 CS .[ 44 - « 44 44 22 2-9c., it 44 [t 4' '4 16 2-3c., 22 2-9e., 16 23c., $513 99 $3 22 -9-55.- 2 5--`2 55 2 55----- -255 89 2 55. 67 - •3 22. 2 1G PAN I I 11%1 11111111 011111111 1,I 62 William II. Thacher 3 hours, at 22 2-9c., Foster Baker, 10 44 44 " J. Allen Montealm, 8 " " " M. Johnson, 5 " " " • R. L. Taylor, 61/2 St 44 " Timothy Cotelle, 5 ," _ " " Prescott Baker, ' 6 " Warren Tripp, 6 " " " Byron• Nickerson, 5 " " " Mattias Maki, . 5 Ct " Frank C. Tripp, 7 . " Herbert Tripp, 6 12c., Wallace Tripp,, 61/2 22 2-9c., Darius Cotelle, 6 " IC Ferd. Baker, _ 11% " " " " horse, 3. " 16 2-3c.,_ Geo. S. Taylor, 112 " 22 2-9e., Everett Tripp, 3 " 12e., Julius Brown,. 5 22 2-9c., Arthur Baker, 41/2 Joshua S. Baker, horse, -.91A " 16 2-3c., Ernest Baker, 131/2 ` 22 2-9c., BRUSHING ROAD. • Herbert Studley, . 3 days, 4 hours. @ $2.00, R. L. Taylor, 4 " " CS Frank Tripp, 2 " " " Arthur Baker, 51/.: It" " Ferd. Baker, - 6 " A. L. Baker, 6 SS Joseph G. Monroe, 2 . 8 hours, " Leumel Marchant. 2 4, 8 67 2 22 1 78 1 11 1 44 1'11 1 33 1 33 1 11 1 11 1 55 72 1 44 1 33 2 55 50 2 55 36 1 11 1 00 1 58 300 • $53 81 $6 89 800 .400 11 00 12 00 12 00 5 77 5 77 63 • Nelson Baxter, 3 days, 8 hours, at $2.00, J. S. Baker, & horse, 6 " 7. 0 0 " 3.50, i 21 00 Joshua S. Baker, labor and tools, 5 00 $99 20' JOSHUA S. BAKER, Road Commissioner. Auditors' Report. The auditors of the town of Yarmouth, having carefully examined the accounts of the several officers of the town, respectfully submit the following report: TOWN TREASURER, WILLIAM J. DAVIS. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1908, * 5,449 34 Received from tax collector and all other sources, 53,087 27 *58,536 61 Paid on orders from selectmen from Jan. 1, 1908, 53,568 59 $4,968 02 to Jan. 1, 1909, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1909, Outstanding orders, *1,183.88. SELECTMEN. CHARLES R. BASSETT, CHAIRMAN. Orders drawn by selectmen on town treasurer from Jan. 1, 1908, to Jan. 1, 1909, Amount of receipts and vouchers, « " outstanding orders, *53,004 43 *51,820 60 1,183 83 *53,004 43 MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1908, *903 71 Received from Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, 847 49 Orders paid from Jan. 1, 1908, to Jan. 1, 1909, Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1909, 01,751 20 1,186 16 *565 04 1 I 65 BURIAL FUND. Deposited with town treasurer, in New Bedford Institution for Savings, *1,000 00 Deposited in New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, 1,000 00 Deposited in Bass River Savings Bank, 735 00 TREE WARDEN. CHARLES R. BASSE':T. Amount raised by town, Paid for labor and supplies, as shown by receipts and vouchers, *121 93 Unexpended balance, 3 07 *2,735 00 *2,735 00 *125 00 *125 00 MOTH FUND. Amount paid for labor and supplies, as shown by vouchers and receipts, $356 66 Amount raised by town, , *300 00 Received from Mass. State Highway Com-. mission, 20 00 Expended over appropriation, 36 66 • *356 66 FOLLINS- POND FISHERY. Amount received from sale of permits, Paid R. Howes, services, auctioneer, tt tt Yarmouth Register, Charles L. Nickerson, labor, town treasurer, treasurer, town of -Dennis, * 2 00 75 4 00 231 75 231 75 *470 25 *470 25 66 TOWN CLERK. BENJAMIN T. GORHAM. Amount received from all sources, Paid town treasurer, county treasurer, $282 20 * 38 60 243 60 *282 20 ROAD COMMISSIONER. P. E. HANNAN. Amount due town, account of 1907, Amount drawn from town treasurer for roads and bridges, Amount paid for labor and material on roads and bridges, Amount due town, Jan. 1, 1909, SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid for clearing snow, Amount drawn town treasurer, ' CLEARING BRUSH. Paid for clearing brush from town roads, Amount drawn from town treasurer, DEB'S HILL. Paid for labor, Amount drawn from town treasurer; THACHER SHORE ROAD. Paid P. E. Mannan, to pay for labor and material, *3,000 46 " by selectmen's orders, drawn on town treas- urer for land damage, material and supplies, 317 96 Amount of receipts and vouchers shown, • *3,318 42 Received from sale of tools, * 38 15 " Thacher family, 3,280 27 -*3,318 42' 50 825 84 *826 34 825 84 50 1x191 24 191 24 *159 18 159 18 *228 55 228 55 . 67 LUTHER R. BROWN. Paid for repairs on roads and bridges, Amount drawn 'from town treasurer, Amount due L. R. Brown, SNOW ACCOUNT. Amount drawn from town treasnrer, Paid for clearing snow, Amount due town, CLEARING BRUSH. Paid for clearing brush from town roads, Amount drawn from town treasurer, JOSHUA 8. BAKER. Paid for 'repairs on roads and bridges, Amount drawn from town treasurer, SNOW ACCOUNT. Paid for clearing snow, Amount drawn from town treasurer, CLEARING BRUSH. Paid for clearing brush from town roads, Amount drawn from town treasurer, SEARS FUND. $548 53 532 53 *16 00 *62 00 . 57 35 $4 65 *94 41 9441 *513 99. 513 99 *53 81 5381 •. *99 20 99 20 THACHER T. HALLET AND MANTON II. CROWELL, TRUSTEES. Note of town in hands of trustees, Jan. 1, 1908, *13,500 00 Cash " " " " " " " 1,500 00 Interest on note of town, 810 00 *15,810 00 • 68 Note of town in hands of trustee, Jan. 1, 1909, _ *12,000 00 Cash in hands of trustees, de- posited as follows: Deposited in New Bedford In- stitution for Savings, $1,000 00 Deposited in Bass River Sav= ings Bank, 1,000 00 Deposited in Wareham Savings Bank, 1,000 00 3,000 00 Paid town treasurer, support of schools, 810 00 $15,810 00 TAX COLLECTOR. ELISHA T. BAKER. Jan. 1. 1908, amount due town, taxes of 1904, Jan. 1, 1908, amount due town, taxes of 1905, Jan. 1, 1908, amount due town, taxes of 1906, Jan. 1, 1908, amount due town, taxes of 1907, Taxes for 1908, $ 156 74 467 91 1,748 76 8,211 68 *10,585 09 28,193 15 $38,778 24 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1909, taxes of 1904, $ 156 74 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1909, taxes of 1905, 467 91 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1909, taxes of 1906, 1,164 70 Amount paid town treasurer .to Jan. 1, - 69 1909, taxes of 1907, $ 6,755 05 Amount paid town treasurer to Jan. 1, 1909, taxes of 1908, -19 056 35 27,600 75 Balance due town, Jan. 1, 1909, *11,177 49 Due on taxes of 1906, $ 584 06 " " " 1907, 1,456 63. " " • " 1908, 9,136 80 $11;177 49 • , CHARLES R. HOWES, t Anditora. GEORGE H. LORING, • - Annual Town Meeting Warrant. COMMONWEALTH OF, MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable, ss. • To either of the Constables of the town of Yarmouth, in the County of Barnstable, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the Town House in said town on MONDAY, the EIGHTH day of FEBRUARY next, at 8.30 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. •Article 2. To elect the following named officers all on one ballot under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three years, one Assessor for three years, one Overseer of the Poor for three years, Town Treasurer for one year, one School Committeeman for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes and two Constables for one year, two Auditors for one year, Tree Warden for one year. Aho to see if the town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. Article 3. To choose all other necessary officers. Article 4. To hear the report of the Selectmen and act thereon. Article 5. To bear the report of all other committees and act thereon. Article 6. To see what sums of money :be town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committee fees, 72 support of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transportation of scholars and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treas- urer with the approval of the selectmen to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes such sums of•money as may be necessary for the current expenses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year, giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. All debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the. taxes of the present municipal year.. Article 8. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to the trustees of the Sears fund. . Article 9. To see if the town will accept the list of jurors as reported by the selectmen. Article 10. Shall an act passed by the General Court in the year`1908, entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of forest or sprout lands from fire," be accepted by this town? Article 11. To see if -the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be applied as a payment upon the note of the town in the hands of the trus- tees of the Sears fund. Article 12. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five cents each on muskrats, and raise and appropriate money therefor. - Article 13. To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the improvement of the town cemeteries. Article 14. To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the purpose of erecting headstones :1 f 4 73 or other monuments to the memory of persons who served in the military or naval service of the United States in the revo- lutionary war, and for keeping in repair and decorating such - monuments and the graves of such persons. Article 15. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of fifty dollars for the improvement of the town' — . – road leading from Pleasant street into Bass river in South Yarmouth, near the residence of Charles I3. Abbott. Article 16. To see if the town will vote to amend the by- laws of the town by adding to article six the following section, to be called Section 15, viz.: The Selectmen are authorized to grant licenses to suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second-hand articles. All persons conducting said business without a license as aforesaid shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each pffence. Article 17. To see if the town will vote to establish an ordinance under the provisions of Chapter 62, Revised Laws, providing that the Sealer of Weights and Measures shall be paid a salary, and that he shall account for and pay into the treasury the fees received by him, by virtue of his office, _the amount of said salary to be determined by the Selectmen. Article 18. To see if the,town will vote to accept as a.town road the road laid out by the Road Commissioners leading from the southerly end of South Sea avenue in West Yarmouth to Cove bridge, so-called, on Great Island, as per description and plan filed with the Town Clerk, and raise and appropriate -a sum of money -for the improvement thereof. Article 19. "To see what action the town will take relative to transporting the children in the southwesterly section of the town to and from the schoolhouse in West Yarmouth. To raise and appropriate a sum of money therefor, and to act thereon." [By petition.] Article 20. To see if the town will aparopriate a certain ; 74 •. • sum for the conveyance .of children from Barnstable line to schoolhouse twice a day, from December 1 to April 1 of each year. This to provide for children of the primary, intermedi ate and grammar grades.. [By petition] Article 21. To see if the town will vote to repair the mill- dam in West YarMouth, for the purpose of restoring the ]nilldam, and to raise a sum of money for said purpose. [By petition.] Article 22. To see if the town will appropriate a sufficient stun of money to repair Wharf road and Mill lane, so called, and the crossroad connecting the two, situated in Yarmouth - port. [By petition.] . • .Article 23. To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the improvement of the town road leading from the Dennis line in Weir village to the railroad crossing at the old -location of the South Yarmouth station. Article .24. • To see if the town will vote to instruct the Selectmen to prohibit the taking of seed quahaugs from the shores or waters belonging to the town of Yarmouth, and, to affix a penalty for all persons taking or having in their posses- sion any quahaugs measuring less than one and one-half inches. [By petition.] Article 25. To see if the town will vote to widen the culvert, and widen the county road as laid out by the County Commissioners on July 6, 1897, and appropriate money for the same. [By petition.] • - Article 26. To see if the town will vote to replace the top- . mast and flag upon the mast in Yarmouth, and raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money therefor. [By request.] And you are directed to serve this. Warrant, by posting up attested copies thereof in five public places in said town, three on the smith side and two on the north; also one publication in the Yarmouth Register in said town; seven days at least before the time of holding said -meeting. *Pf 75 • Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon; to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of xneeting,-as aforesaid. Given under our hands this twenty-fifth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine. 1 CHARLES R. BASSETT, Selectmen HENRY BLACHFORD, of .JESSE W. CROWELL, • Yarmouth. A true copy. Attest: SETII TAYLOR, Constable. c ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH r 907- i 908. YA RflOUTHPORT.11 ASS.: C. W. SWIFT. PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. 1909. • School Officers. SCIIOOL COMMITTEE. Term Expires. Residence. E. Lawrence Jenkins, 1909 South Yarmouth Samuel II. D. Drew, 1910 West Yarmouth Edmund W. Eldridge, 1911 Yarmouth CHAIRMAN. Edmund W. Eldridge.. SECRETARY. E. Lawrence Jenkins. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. William E. Chaffin. AGENT OF BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. William E. Chaffin. TRUANT OFFICERS. Alton S. Cole, South Yarmouth. Seth Taylor, Yarmouth. Stephen W. Mitchell, West Yarmouth. • 7.4 School Calendar, 1909. WINTER TERM. _Commences January 4. SPRING TERM. Commences April 5. FALL TERM. Commences September 27. SESSIONS. Common -schools from 9 a. m except during the months of p. in. sessions will close at 3.45 high school from 9.30 a. m. Closes March 26 Closes June 25 Closes December 17 . to 12, and from 1.15 to 4 p. m., December and January, when to 12, and from 12.15 to 3 p. m. HOLIDAYS. February 22, April 19, May 30, Thanksgiving day and the . day following. SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Last Saturday in each month during school year. The time of any meeting may be changed, or special meet- ings called by the chairman of the board. I 1 Report of the School Committee. The superintendent presents so exhaustive a report on the condition of the schools that the school committee finds that there is little to say in addition. From a perusal of his report the public will learn that the schools are in a satisfac- tory condition, and the outlook for another year is promising. There have been several changes in the teaching force for variousreasons, which seemed to be for the best interests of the schools. Some of these changes have caused considerable discussion, but as the members of the school committee take an oath to perform the duties to the best of their abilities, hones..ly and faithfully, and as they are in the position to judge what is best for the schools, the public should give them credit for honest intentions to place the schools on as high a grade of efficiency as is possible. The committee has only one aim—to make our schools equal to any on the Cape, and it feels that it is accomplishing that aim. The general public, that rarely, if ever, visits a school in regular session, is hardly in position to judge of a teacher's work, and the opinion _ of children should always be taken for what it is. Fifty years ago the committee in its report spoke of this same thing; but human nature has not changed, nor will it ever, but the com- mittee feels that the public should give it credit for having only this one aim,—the betterment of the schools. During the long vacation both Miss Shove and Miss Grote unexpectedly resigned. They had been in the service of the- town for many years and their resignations were greatly regretted. The committee takes this opportunity to express its appreciation of their ever faithful and commendable per - 2 • 6 formance of duty in connection with their work in the schools, and also of their great interest in the same. The committee wish here, also, to place upon record its regret that illness compelled Mr. E. F. Peirce to resign his position as principal of the high school. It has, on another occasion and in another place, expressed its appreciation of his many years of work and would simply add here' that only those who have come under his instruction and under his influence can fully appreciate the work he did for the young men and women under his charge. The committee ask the support and assistance of the parents and the public at large in the work of building up our schools; the teachers need such support, the superintendent needs such support, the committee needs such support, and in giving it, the whole town benefits. . REPORT ON TIIE STATE FUND. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 1908, Received from the state, Teachers' salaries, , Transportation, Books and supplies, Balance on hand, PAID OUT. *8R7 20 897 49 *1,734 69 *638 45- 268 5268 70 313 32 1,220 47 *514 22 EDMUND W. ELDRIDGE, E. LAWRENCE JENKINS,. SAMUEL 1I. D. DREW, • School Committee. Superintendent's Report. To the School Board: Gentlemen :—In accordance with your regulations I here- with submit Illy seventeenth annual report as superintendent of schools. the same being also the seventeenth in this series of reports: STATISTICS. Number of children' enrolled iii the public schools, 208 Number of children enrolled over 15 years of age, 32 Number of children enrolled under 5 .years of age, Number of children enrolled between 7 and 14 years of age, . Number of chip'lren enrolled between 5 and 15 years of age, • Number of school buildings, Number of male teachers. Number of female teachers, Number of teachers employed during the Year, Number. of teachers employed at any one time, Number of special teachers, Number of teachers who are graduates .of normal schools, Number of teachers who have attended normal school without graduating, - 0 Average membership, 190.43 Average attendance, 178.51 Pereehta ge- of attendanee. 93.74 0 131. 176 4' 9 11 13 13 4 3 a 8 The returns from the school registers for the past few years show that the town of Yarmouth is holding its own in school population, which at present seems all we can hope for in this direction. The regularity of attendance, always an important mat- ter in any school system has for some years been good in this town and is still slowly improving. In the report of last year it was announced that from the latest obtainable data from the state Yarmouth stood 43rd among the 354 towns and cities of the state in excellence of attendance. This year, from the same source, _it is found that Yarmouth stands 9th. This is indeed a high rank among the towns of the commonwealth. We can hardly hope to improve much upon this, and in fact it will be necessary to take measures to check the irregular attendance of some of the boys in the higher grades if we are to maintain the standard we have now reached. - - -- The returns also show that tardiness is on the decrease. Last year 310 cases of tardiness were reported;. this year the registers showed but 215 cases, distributed as follows: 10 11 12 12 15 18 29 43 65 . South Yarmouth primary, Yarmouth intermediate, South Yarmouth intermediate, Yarmouth high, West Yarmouth primary, West Yarmouth grammar, Yarmouth primary,. South Yarmouth grammar, Yarmouth grammar, 215 The high standard evidenced by our statistical returns is largely flue to the fact that the great majority of the par- ents are fully alive to the importance of prompt and regular attendance. 3 • g .. The attendance, the scholarship and the deportment of a few pupils have been materially injured by their parents' lack of interest in their school work and their failure to co-, operate with school authorities. The few parents who have been dissatisfied with teachers almost without exception have not taken the trouble to visit school or to consult the teacher about their children. • If parents would visit the schools and, in a friendly manner, consult with the teachers" concerning their children most misunderstandings ivould not occur and the teacher's work would be rendered much more helpful to the child. The schools began the year covered by this report with one-half of the teachers new to our schools. Notwithstand- ing this large percentage of change the work was taken up without disorder or loss of time and satisfactory progress. has been made in nearly every room in town. The schools continued without further change until the close of the year. In June it was decided to place a woman in charge of the grammar school at South Yarmouth. The grammar schools at Yarmouth and West Yarmouth have for year been suc- cessfully taught by women. In fact most of the country ;grammar schools are taught by women and -many city gram- mar schools have women for their principals. In this state the average male teacher's salary is more than $147 per month, while the average salary for female teachers is about $52 per month. In view of these facts it is felt that we may retain the services of competent women for our grammar schools but can hardly hope long to retain the services of competent men. Hiss Butman of the South Yarmouth inter- mediate on account of her excellent class work and marked ability as a disciplinarian was promoted to the grammar and :Miss Mary C. Warren was elected to the intermediate left. vaeant by the promotion of _hiss Butman. At the close of the school year in Julie Miss Shove' and _Miss (rote resigned their positions as supervisors . of the 10 industrial work. They were the first instructors in the in- dustrials to be employed by the town of Yarmouth and it is owing to their experienced, able and faithful efforts that the town has reached such high standard of excellence in industrial work. . In filling these vacancies it was decided to place the work in sloyd and drawing under the direction of one person, thus doing away with the services of one supervisor. Miss Emily M. Drew, formerly instructor in sloyd in Plymouth, was elect • - ed to take charge of the work in sloyd and drawing, and Miss Hannah A. Knowles of Yarmouth was elected super- visor of sewing and cooking. It seems that we have again been fortunate in the choice of instructors and at present work is progressing snioothly and uninterruptedly in all the various branches of the curriculum. Although matters are proceeding as_ above stated there is still chance for improvement. A lack of thoroughness is noted in the work of the upper grammar grades and much effort is being taken to remedy this defect. Information from many school systems indicates that in practically al] of the better grade of schools home work is required of the pupils in the upper grammar grades and in the high schools. The superintendent has directed the teachers to plan for the home study of pupils in the above mentioned grades. It. is difficult however to secure regular and effective home work unless the parents co-operate with the teachers in this matter. It appears that some of the pupils are allowed by their parents to be on the streets evenings when it would he much to their advantage if they were at home preparing some of their lessons for the next day. Parents can do much to improve the work of the grades mentioned by requiring their children to devote a certain amount of time regularly each evening to school work. 11 1 t MEDICAL. INSPECTION. The law of 1906 relative to medical inspection in the schools was quoted in the report of last year. 'Persuant of this Act medical inspectors have been appointed, but the inspection has hardly been carried to the extent intended by the law. The following relative to the character and degree of medical inspection is quoted from the state report; From what has been said it will be clear that the fundamental principle of section 13 of the new Act is the medical ex- amination and supervision not only of children known, or suspected, to be weakly or ailing, but of all children in the elementary schools, with a view to adopting and modifying the system of education to the needs and capacities of the child, securing the early detection of unsuspected defects, checking incipient maladies at their onset, and furnishing the facts which will guide educational authorities in relation to physical and mental development during school life. It is evident that—although-this work involves (a) medical in- spection of school children at regular intervals, (b) the oversight of the sanitation of the school buildings, and (c) the prevention, as far as may be, of the spread of infections and contagious diseases, including skin 'diseases—action in these three directions will be incomplete unless (d) the per- sonal and home life of the child are not brought under sys- tematic supervision. The home is the point at which health must be controlled ultimately." The character and degree of medical inspection will de- pend on the standpoint from which .the subject is viewed, the difficulty being, of course, to attainslue sense of propor- tion and uniformity, particularly as to fundamental points. Valuable to science though the findings of a more thorough and elaborate medical examination might be, it is the broad, simple necessities of a healthy life which must be kept in view: It cannot he doubted that a large proportion of the 12 • common diseases and physical unfitness in this country can be substantially diminished by effective public health ad- ministration, combined with' the teaching of hygiene, and a realization by teachers, parents and children.of its vital.im- portance. The spread of communicable diseases must be checked; children's heads and bodies must be kept dean; the commoner and more obvious physical defects •at least must be relieved, remedied or prevented; schoolrooms must be maintained in cleanly condition, and they must be properly lighted, well ventilated, and not overcrowded; the training of the mental faculties must not be divorced from physical culture and personal hygiene. It is these primary requirements which must first receive attention. It would seem that the iinportauee of this work' deserves the early attention of the town. ' By the resignation of Mr. Edward F. Peirce from the high school the .town lost the services of a valued and superior instructor whose eminent services through -a long period of years gave been of inealcuable benefit to the young people who have passed through the school. Mr., Philip Jewett, a graduate of the Boston university, was elected to fill the vacancy. - In closing I wish to express my appreciation to the teach- ers; the supervisors and to the members of the school board for the hearty co-operation that has given to the schools of Yarmouth another successful year. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM E..CIIAFFIN; Superintendent of Schools. Principal of High School. Wm. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools: Dear Sir:—In response to your request I submit here- with the annual report of the Yarmouth high school. In • • assuming the position, so acceptably filled for many years - by Mr. E. F. Peirce, I have endeavored, as far as possible, to conduct the school along the lines he followed. Some minor changes have been made which, appear to be for the better. The total membership is at present 27, divided as follows: Freshmen 14,.Juniors 5, Seniors 7, Advanced 1. The spirit of the school.is excellent and the progress made thus far is satisfactory, considering the conditions under which we work. The Freshman class is particularly encouraging and promises to compare favorably with the best classes of -the past. • My predecessor has for many years in his annual reports emphasized 'the need of an assistant teacher. After three • months' experience I am convinced that in this one respect • only the school is inferior to similar schools throughout the state. It is not that the principal desires -to lighten his own work. for as a matter of fact the presence of another teacher would doubtless complicate and increase the ditiiculties aris- ing in the administration of the school. The chief reason is, that so long as the present curriculum is followed—(and I should be the Last to suggest dropping any subjects therein • contained)—it is impossible to give more than half the time ordinarily given -and required by the subjects taught. With hut twenty minutes allowed to a subject we cannot expect . the pupils to compare favorably in knowledge with those 14 of neighboring towns where from forty to sixty minutes is allowed. It is at least a little incongruous that a high school which offers excellent courses in music, drawing, cooking and sloyd, should be lacking in what is considered the chief essential to a good rural high school—an assistant teacher. During the last few years Mr. Peirce has had an assistant teaching French and German. In order to avoid taking a backward step Mrs. Jewett has taken two classes with no compensation other than the knowledge that the school is not retrograding. If the town were to provide an assistant teacher and ex- tend the course from 36 to 40 weeks it would be entitled— with the approval of the board of education—to receive three hundred dollars from the commonwealth. It does not appear to me that the present time and conditions demand • the perpetuation of the so-called "cranberry vacation," and I think the'towu can not do better than to availitsclf of this opportunity to improve its high school.. I have ventured an innovation in issuing monthly reports to all pupils. They state clearly the student's standing in all subjects. In cases in which there are deficiencies it has been made clear that pupils cannot gradnate until such de- ficiencies are made up. The principal will not recommend for graduation any pupil who has not satisfactorily com- pleted every subject prescribed by the curriculums. Only by a strict observance of this rule can the diploma be made of real value. In closing I am glad to take this opportunity to thank the committee and yourself for the continued support and in- terest extended to the- school and myself, and I wish to give to all, especially the parents, a cordial invitation to visit us and actively interest themselves in the school. Respectfully submitted, PIIILII' H. JEWETT. Yarmouth Port. Jan. 9,1909. Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking. Mr: W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools: Dear Sir:—In accordance with the wishes of the com- mittee, all the pupils in the sewing classes are, this year, making garments for themselves, instead -of theF younger ones following thc_little models as has been done years be- fore. Most of the pupils feel great enthusiasm about their work and are very anxious to do it well. The older girls, under supervision. cut` their garments themselves; while the younger grades help to cut theirs. The- sewing machine is very useful. It has seemed ad- visable to teach the younger as well as the older girls the use of the machine, for although they need help for a while, yet by the time that they reach the ninth grade—the last year that they come to the sewing class—they ought to be able to do very creditable work on it. This use of the machine does not mean that the hand- sewing is neglected. A number of girls' in each of the schools are making articles entirely by hand, and even the larger pieces, where help from the machine is needed, con - thin a great deal of hand sewing. The work in the cooking classes is, I think, along the line of previous years. The girls seem much interested in their work and show a steady improvement. Five one -burner kerosene stoves have .been given, this term, by Mrs. Agassiz, and these. combined with the range, enable the girls to do some individnal work which is very beneficial. Besides learning how to cook, we also give time and thought to other branches of housekeeping. We are par: 16 ticular to always keep our kitchen and all of its utensils tidy, and several times during the year, we have the pleasure, as well as the profit, of entertaining our friends. - Respectfully, HANNAH A. KNOWLES. Yarmouthport, Dec. 23, 1908. Supervisor of Music. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools: Dear Sir:—The progress of music in the different schools varies each year. Everything depends on the interest and ability of the regular teachers and whether the pupils are, as a school, singing pupils. The singing of two-part work is steadily advancing in the intermediate grades; in our grammar school we are singing four-part music with excellent success. The work in notation is being done in all grades. The scholars, as a whole, can read music better this year than last and do better written work. The aim of the year's work is to stimulate the pupils' interest and create enthusiasm. Particularly careful work has been done in the lower grades. The special teachers are particularly favored this year in having an unusually good corps of regular teachers. Respectfully submitted, LOUISE M. CROWELL. Supervisor of Sloyd and Drawing. Mr. W. E. Chaffin, Superintendent of Schools. Dear sir:—The pupils in the sloyd and drawing classes have shown much ability and have manifested an increasing interest in their work during the past three months. In the sloyd department the usual custom of making ar- ticles of use in the home has been followed, and several new models have been introduced involving different exercises. In the making of tables and magazine stands, for instance, the key joint has been employed. This is an interesting form of construction and in many cases is of decided ad -- vantage as the articles made can be taken apart and easily • put. together again. The question of providing suitable manual work for the advanced pupils in the high school is one' that requires • careful consideration. The introduction of turning or metal work at this stage would doubtless be of great advantage. In teaching the two subjects of wood working and draw- ing, it has been interesting to notice the close connection which exists between the two studies; good proportion, careful observation, appropriate applied design and the value of working drawings are emphasized in each course. . All the classes in drawing have worked from nature during the fall in either pencil. crayon or water color, and have ap- plied their study of plant form to design. Planning a design for something of use has been considered of more value than the making of abstract design and therefore the former method has been followed. - The studt of measurements, and of freehand lettering 19 with practical application of the same, have been impor- tant points also. The subjects to be studied next term will be working drawings, convergence of lines and foreshortening of sur- faces. Respectfully submitted, EMILY M. DREW, Teacher of Sloyd and Drawing. Roll of Honor. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. West Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Lauretta Montcalm, Effie Taylor, Herbert Tripp. Winter term—Lauretta Montcalm, Effie Taylor, John Kittila. Spring term-Lauretta Montcalm, Effie Taylc?, Minnie Doehring, Fred Ilebditch, Pauline Morin, Julius Morin, Francis Morin, Edna Kelley. West Yarmouth Primary. Fall term—Ernest Cash, Fanny Valley; Hazel Reed, Gar- net Reed, Enows Kittila, Raymond Taylor, Mary Macky William ItIacky, Ansel Valley, Willis Taylor, Ida Valley. Winter term—Ernest Cash, Fanny Valley Nannie Kittila. Katherine Drew. Spring term— Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Annie C. Pulsifer, Helen C. Pulsifer. Winter term— • - . Spring term—Ira R. Thacher. Yarmouth Intermediate. Fall term—Freeman Cahoon, Norton A. Nickerson, Ruth Holmes. Winter term—Arthur Cook, Norton A. Nickerson. Spring term—Arthur Cash, Stanley Sears. i 21 Yarmouth Primary. Fall terns—Dorothy Howes, Elsie Sammet, John Usher, Ruth Usher, Lillian Vincent, Florence Vincent. • Winter term— Spring term—Louise Cash, James Morton. South Yarmouth Grammar. Fall term—Renter Eldridge, Milton IIallett, Walter John- son. Merrill Baker, Hattie Robinson. Winter tern—Roger Eldridge, Milton Ilallett, Merrill Baker. Spring term—Roger Eldridge. South Yarmouth Intermediate. Fall term—Hilda Helena,Baker, Forrest O. Eldridge, Ger- trude Parthenia Evelyn, Helen Lynette Hopkins, Ruth Esther Pierce, Bertram M. Johnson, Elroy E. White. Winter term--IIarold W. Baker, IIilda Helena Baker, For- rest Osmond Eldridge, Elroy Elsworth White. Spring term—Dorothy Reed Baker, Harold W. Baker, Ver- gil Western Campbell, IIilda Helena Baker, Forrest O. El- dridge, Florence Ilarriet Hurst,. Bertram Maynard Johnson, Elroy Elsworth White. South Yarmouth Primary. Fall tern—Arthur L. Baker. Foster R. Baker, Leon F. `s Chase. IIarold J. Crowell, Beatrice Crowell, Lyndon Evelyn,. Bertram Kelley, Addie V. Pierce. Marjorie Warner, Norwood _" Warner, Grace Crowell, Lillian Sherman. Winter term—John T. Robinson. Spring term—Bertram Kelley. 22 NAMES OF PUPILS NEITIIER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR THE YEAR. Ethel Baker, Viola Frances Eldridge, Hilda Helena Baker, Forrest Osmond Eldridge, Elroy Elsworth White, Roger El- dridge, Lauretta Montcalm, Effie Taylor, Ernest Cash, Fanny Valley. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR TWO YEARS. Ethel Baker,. Fanny Valley. • NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY FOR FOUR YEARS. - Forrest Osmond Eldridge, Roger Eldridge, Viola Frances Eldridge. Present Corps of Instructors. Philip H: Jewett, Helen A. Eldridge, Rena E. -Horton, Mary Bass, Adelaide L. Bdtman, Mary C. Warren, Alice T. Lee, Ruth Hogdon, Kate Maher, Emily M. Drew, Louise M. Crowell, Hannah A. Knowles, High School Yarmouth Grammar School Yarmouth Intermediate School Yarmouth Primary School South Yarmouth Grammar School South Yarmouth Intermediate School South Yarmouth Primary School West Yarmouth Grammar School West Yarmouth Primary School Supervisor of Sloyd and Drawing Supervisor of Music Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking +4a -s:rrr.�:rliyY�eLiril+Wwip� - — - - - SCHOOLS. TEACHERS. School Statistics. Number over 15. E. 9 z Dismissals. Tardy Marks. 4 0 z Yarmouth. High, Grammar. Intermediate, Primary, South Yarmouth. • C.,rnimmar, Intermediate, Primary. West Yarmouth. Grammar, Primary, Edward F. Peirce Helen A. Eldridge Znlette Potter Mary Bass • Francis H. Young Adelaide Butman Alice Lee Ruth Hodgdon Kate Maher 18 21 28 31 27 20 25 17 21 3 17 28 31 16 20 25 15 21 15 4 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 13 28 17 12 20 '14 9 18 16.62 16.03 96 30 . 20 12 19.25 17.47 90.75 30 65 27.75 25.64 92.05 66. 11 27.00 25.00 90.40 24 29 26.07 25.02 96.07 28 43 19.47 18.83 96 71 18 12 22.64 20.83 91.50 3.3 10 12.81 11.85 95 41 - 24 18 18.82 17.94 93.74 1 15 NUMBER; OF PUPILS IN TIIE DIFFERENT GRADES. DATA TAKEN DECEMBER. 1008. NUMBER IN GRADE. SCHOOLS. HIGH. 52: 88 21 91 201 118 55 43 . 80 , 1 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 First Year. Second Year. 8 •o 0 Yarmouth. • High. Grammar. Intermediate, Primary, South Yarmouth. 61111 -awn -kr, Intermediate, Primary, ' West Yarmouth, Grammar, Primary, Grade Eotals, .10 13 11 9 8 9 0 10 6 5 3 4 10 9 2 8 5 9 12 8 1 8 8 4 3 10 2 15 8 1 30 23 28 33 26 22 25 16 19 27 22 22 22 21 22 21 20 16 15 0 8 1 222 ;.i uT: a 4 26• 1 IIIGH SCHOOL. -FIRST YEAR FIRST TERM. History. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra or Coml. Arithmetic. Science. Physiology. English Language and Literature. SECOND TEltM. History. United States, England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra or Com'l Arithmetic. Science. Physiology. English Language Literature. THIRD TERM. History. United States. England. Foreign Language. Latin or French. Mathematics. Algebra or Com'l Arithmetic. Science.. Botany. English Language and Literature. Manual Training, two hours each week throughout the year. History. . Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. SECOND YEAR. • History. Medieval, Modern. Foreign Language. Latin. French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English. Language and Literature. ' history. Foreign Language. Latin, French. Mathematics. Plane Geometry. English.. Language and Literature. Science. Astronomy. Physics. Manual Training for boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. FIRST TERM. History. Ancient. . Foreign Language. Latin, • French, *Greek, English. Language and Literature, Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology. Com'l Geography Civil Government. • United States, Massachusetts. 27 • THIRD YEAR. SECOND TERM. History. Ancient. Foreign Language. Latin, French. *Greek, English. Language and Lit era to re. Shakespeare. Science. Physics, Geology. Civil Government. United States, Massachusetts. THIRD TERM. Review of World's History. Foreign Language. Latin, French, *Greek, English. Language and Literature, - Shakespeare. Review. Algebra, Metric System, Commerc'1 Arith- metic, Com'1 Geography. Manual Training for boys, Cooking for girls, two hours each week throughout the year. English. History. Foreign Language. Latin, - French, 'Greek. Mathematics. Advanced Algebra. Solid Geometry. Seience. Science. FOURTH YEAR. English. History. Foreign Language. Mathematics. Review. Final preparation for college and normal exami- nations. 'Greek is not required. Any pupil intending to pursue a four years' course can elect Greek during the third and fourth years, should he so desire. Music, one hour each week throughout the four years; teti minutes every morning. Drawing, one hour each week throughout the four years. Book-keening,three periods each week throughout the four years 55 Alumni of Yarmouth High School. If any graduates or friends have information of the classes, especially of the necrology, will they, at any and all times, kindly forward same to the Superintendent or Principal of the School. CLASS OF '71. CLASS OF '80. Carrie A. Gorham Beni. T. Gorham Fred. Hallett Lila D. Howes Sarah A. Holmes Charles H. Taylor Hallett G. Tbacher CLASS OF' '81. Markle Chase Anna C. Eldridge Nellie H. Shields Carrie M. Swift Sarah W. Thacher E. B. Hallett C. R. Bassett F. O. Ryder L. M. Thacher CLASS OF '83. Carrie D. Shields Mary L. Alley Ella W. Bray Sadie M. Swift Caroline A. Park CLASS OF '84. l'artie H. Taylor Rebecca A. Bray Nelson B. Edson CLASS OF '85. Carrie M. Knowles Mattie W. Howes Everett K. Hallet Wm. II. Thaeher Chas. W. Swift CLASS OF '80. Charles D. Bray Abbie T. Long Mary A. Howes Kate W. Matthews Lucy E. Shove CLASS OF '72. Phebe T. Gorham Lizzie S. Hall Frank M. Swift Hattie B. Gorham CLASS OF '73. Alice Bray 11ag ie Coffey Fred. C. Swift D. G: Eldridge CLASS OF '74. Winthrop Sears Emma C. Baker Alice Shields CLASS OF '75. Kate Sears Aunah Hallett Dora O. Holmes Kate Coffey Carrie Eldridge CLASS OF '76. Mary Ann Coregan CLASS OF '78. Emma J. Drew Lizzie W. Hallett Mary J. Howes Jennie W. Crowell Mary M. Park CLASS OF 'i9. Kate A. Shields CLASS OF '87. t'handler M. Bray fleury S. Ballet Clara Robbins Clara 11. Ryder Bessie H. Thacher Edward S. Thacher CLASS OF Francis Alger, Jr. Carrie D. Bray Theodore Hallett Rebecca M. lIowes Mary G. Howes James Keveney Fred. O. Price '88. CLASS OF Cora E. Bassett Fred. E. Howes Thos. S. Crowell J. Robert Bray • CLASS OF '91. Joseph C. Howes Eben F. Phillips Wm. A. Robinson Soranus W. H. Taylor Russell Hallett Susan W. Dodge Alice T. Hallet - Florence G. Howes -Mary Matthews Mary A. Otis Harriet W. Ryder CLASS OF '9'2.- Isa H. Taylor CLASS OF '93. Helen Andrews Eldridge Marietta Sears Hallett Mabel Howes Margaret Howes Chester Ruggles Stacy Clinton Eldridge Bray Joshua Allen 11a)nhi1n Christopher Hall Howes Ernest Megathlin CLASS OF '94. Sarah S. Alley. Flora Baker Florence W. Baker ])ora M. Baker Grace II. Crosby Ethel Davis 29 Hannah A. Knowles Georgie L. Hallett Lizzie S. Ballet Henry E. Baker Allred C. Drew Thomas F. Matthews Arthur L. Megathlia Amos Otis CLASS OF '98. Edwin Stanley Bray Ruth Elizabeth Bray Willis Franklin Cash George Harrison Chase , ' Alice. Maud Crowell ' Susie May Crowell Mary Standish Drew Franklin Matthews Eldridge George Elwell Randall Nickerson Sarah Kelley Nickerson Annie Freeman Ryder Elizabeth Parker Stetson CLASS OF '97. Mary Estella Cobb Annie Sturgess Crowell Isaiah William Crowell Henry Allen Ellis Clifton Gordon Hallett Edward Pulsifer Hallett Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsifer Angelene Frances Stetson CLASS OF '98. - Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker William Franklin Morgan Stuart Peirce • CLASS OF '99. Edward Thacher Chase ' CLASS OF 1900. Gertrude May Are Annie White Baker Esther Loretta Baker Florence Otto Cobb Ethel Williams Crowell Edith Glendon Howes Bessie Mabel Thacher CLASS OF '01. Sarah Evelyn Bray Violet Estelle' Vernon Chase Nathan Taylor Hallett Ralph Dudley Kelley Alfred Daniel Taylor Warren Alexander Tripp J CLASS OF '02. Ora Inez Allen Clement Chester Baker Isabel Baker Willis Howes Baker Lila Rose Chase Louise Amanda Chase Stanley Howes Crowell Nathan Kelley Crowell Rena Marshall Nickerson Wallace Fuller Durrington Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Helen Sears Stephen hull Sears. Jr. CLASS OF '03. Willie Davis Baker Hazel Winthrop Chase Ruth Bray Taylor CLASS OF '04. Everett Ellsworth'Arey Edna Charles Brown Sadie Louise Crowell Gorham Pulsifer CLASS OF '05. Payson,Earle Allen Hrleu Maria Berry Mabel Patuo Crowell Edna Belle Hale Sadie Nickerson Johnson Annette Louise Kelley Clora Mae Marchant Minnie Foster Matthews Florence May Purrington William Norton Stetson. Jr. CLASS OF '00. Hattie Mereie Crowell Irma Lenntiue Farris Henry Russell Francis May Russell Bowes Ethel Matthews Hurst Jennie Wallace Jaffray Chester Warren Taylor Gladys Anthony White CLASS OF '07. Charles Denton Brice Robert Morgan Kelley Muwle Dora Parker Shirley Blnckintou Chase Stanley Hallett Matthews 'Harriet Morse Stetson . CLASS OF '08. Lulu Johnson 30 • Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS, 1890-'97, With Additional Diploma: Ruth Elizabeth Bray Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Elizabeth Parker Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1897-'98. With Additional Diploma. Annie Sturgis Crowell Caroline Eliza Mayhew. Caroline Rust Pulsifer Augeleue Frances Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1898-'99. With Additional Diploma. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker Stuart Peirce Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1900-'01, With Additional Diploma. Annie White Baker Florence Otto Cobb Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS, 1901-'02. With Additional Diploma. Ralph Dudley Kelley Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1902-'03, With Additional Diploma. Rena Marshall Nickerson Henrietta Franees Sears Laura Helen Sears Advanced (or Fourth Tear) CLASS. 1903-'04. With Additional Diploma. Ruth Bray Taylor Advanced (or Fourth Tear) ' CLASS. 1904-'05. With Additional Diploma. Sadie Louise Crowell. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1905-'0G. Payson Earle Allen: Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS OF '07. Iiattie Mereie Crowell Ethel Matthews Hurst Irma Leontine Farris Jennie Wallace Jaffray Gladys Anthony White ' Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS OF '08. Harriet Morse Stetson Financial Report OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH FOR THE YEAR ENDING December 3 1, 1909. YARflOUTIIPORT, flASS.s C. W. SWIFT. PUBLISttER AND PRINTER. • DUO. .. r LA 11 77 fi1 Town _Officers.., Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of Poor and Board ofHealth.-- Charles R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, Henry Blachford, West Yar- mouth, *Jesse W. Crowell, South Yarmouth , Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth. Town Clerk—Benjamin T. Gorham, Yarmouthport. Town Treasurer—William J. Davis, Yarmouthport. Auditors—George H. Loring, South Yarmouth, Charles R. Howes, Yarmouth. School Committee—Edmund W. Eldridge, Yarmouth, Samuel H. D. Drew,. West Yarmouth, David;Kelley, 2d, South Yarmouth. Collector of Taxes—Elisha T. Baker, South Yarmouth. _ Road Commissioners—P. E. Hannan, Yarmouthport, Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth, Joshua S. Baker, West Yarmouth. Tree Warden—Oliver Hallet, Jr.; Yarmouthport. Trustees Sears Fund—Thacher T. Hallet, Manton H. CrowelL t Registrars of Voters -Charles F. Purrington, Theodore F. Drew, Benjamin T. Gorham, Daniel B. Crocker. Constables—Seth Taylor, John H. Stetson. . Sealer of Weights and Measures—Albert C. Snow. Weighers of Coal—Ansel Hallet, Edwin W. Lincoln. 'Resigned. 4 Surveyor of Lumber—George W. Hopkins. Inspectors of Animals—Charles H;\ Walter, Patrick E. Hannan, Frank B. Homer. Undertakers—P. E. Hannan, John G. Thaeher, Manton H. Crowell, Joshua S. Baker. Burial Agent—Joseph H. Robinson. Superintendent Extermination of Gypsy and Brown -Tail Moths— Charles R. Bassett. Measurer of Wood and Bark—A. C. Snow. Fencg Viewers—Charles H. Walter, D. Frank Sears, A. C. Snow. Forest Warden—Seth Taylor. Pound Keepers—Stephen W. Mitchell, David Kelley, 2d, George Robbins. Field Drivers—Charles M. Brown, Edward C. Bray, E. L. Sears, P. E. Hannan, Henry F. Crowell, C. L. Nickerson, Horace C. Holmes, Charles M. Perry, Julies B. Browne, Frank B. Homer. Trustees Burial Lot Fund—W. J. Davis, Richard Sears, George H. Loring. Selectmen's Report. ESTIMATES. A table of estimates as prepared by the selectmen in the differ- ent departments for the year, in accordance with the by-laws of the town: Support of poor, $2,500 00 Support of schools, 4,200 00 +i Roads and bridges, 1,800 00 Town officers, 2,500 00 Public buildings, 700 00 Superintendent of schools, 125 00 Miscellaneous, 2,200 00 Snow, - - 200 00 Interest, 850 00 Sears fund interest, 625 00 School supplies, 275 00 Remittance of taxes, 800 00 Suppression of crime, 200 00 Transportation of scholars, 1,000 00 Tree warden, 150 00 Forester, 50 00 it Sloyd, music, drawing, cooking, 1,100 00 Moth fund, 300 00 Tax collector's postage, _ 2500 Town macadam road notes, 4,500 00 Town debts, 600 00 6 TOWN OFFICERS. Selectmen, assessors and overseers of poor, Wm J. Davis, town.ffea.inu • B. T. Gorham, town clerk, Elisha T. Baker, tax collecI.oE,I.J, Charles R. Howes, auditor, George, H..ilLoring, auditor,: ; • T. EDretv,Iredistiari ! • . C. F. Purrington, registrar, Daniel B. Crocker, registrar, Seth: Taylor, constable, Joh. 11. Stetson, constable, C. W. Swift, moderator, E. E. 'Hannan, inspector animals, F. 7: Homer, inspector animals, E. W. Eldridge, school committee, E. W. Eldridge, School census, S. H, D. Drew, school committee, S. H. D. Drew, school census, q. R. Bassett, moderator, E. 11Sears, field driver, Geo 'Robbins, pound keeper, Seth Taylor, forest warden, A. 'd.' -'Snow, sealer, L. R.' Brown, harbor master, Board of health, Election officers, Amount raised by the town, ReiM,bursement by state, inspector animals, .4.:C:'Snow, sealer's fees, Eiiiended, over amount raised, • •F i‘; It $2,200 00 30 12 23 47 • 235 25 $2,488 84 $1,200 00 • 100 00 200 00 393 54 15 00 12 00 31: 50 38 5u 35 00 42 75 25 0(1 10 00 402 20 (111 50 00 4 00 50 uo 4 01 I 5 3 14 24 11; 25 1E 25, 00 5 fru 33 ou 97 00 $2,488. 17 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. ,iti144 J7 Incidentals. Register of deeds, abstract records-,' County, repairs B. R. L. bridge,,,q•-•:: II. A. Eliis, Mrs R. C. Baker case,- - Remington Typewriter Co., office supplies, ; • Fish committee, Iver Johnson Co., supplies, Frank Thacher; insurance policies, Fred C. Swift, insurance policies, L.,R. Brown, cutting trees, A. A. Knowles, town office supplies, : E:1V. Lincoln, town officesupplies, D. D. Kelley, town office supplies, - • • J. L. Fairbanks & Co., town office supplies, Hobbs, Warren & Co., town office supplies, - Samuel Ward Co., town office supplies, Thorp, Martin & Co, town office supplies, W. and L. E. Gurley, supplies sealer, Ansel Hallet, supplies fire dept., Austin Peters, board health supplies, Henry Shaw, pauper book B. T. Gorham, postage, W. J. Davis,4mst,age,_ M. F. Jones; Wood iiiviiiloffice; • II. Blachford, wood town office, •• E. L. Jenkins, insurance, James Gifford, distributing town repOrtf; J. E. Crocker, supplies town house, 1.D. Kelley, labor carting coal, Hurlbert, Jones & Cabot, legal services, H. H. Baker, legal services, F. B. Homer, labor dump ground, Directory Pub Co., supplies, • • .1• $15 15 54 89 30'.-00 • 7500 00 38.56 • 1.600 - 10: 94 460 -• 225 ':1i 165 l`,.3 :50 13 90 . 22 .65 - • 8 13 2 41 ‘40 3 45 _ 3 :18 ••• 5 26 _: 1 00 • 3 '00 ''• 1 75 - -12 50 If 1. 00 .1:;2 100 • ..f:•.; 75 20 00 2700 31 43 •200 • M. G. Bradford, supplies, D. A. Nickerson, repairs town pump, D. S. Taylcr, rt, airs town pump, Bond Bros., repairs town pump, H. G. Phillips, repairs town pump, E. D. Putnam, supplies town, office, Second district court, • L. H. Baker, labor town house, J. G. Sears, carting freight, A. C. Snow, labor precinct 1, E. L. Sears, labor precinct 2, T. T. Hallet, justice peace, C. R. Bassett, justice peace, So. Mass. Tel. Co., telephone service, Town officers, travelling expenses, Express and freight, T. F. Drew, labor precinct 4, _ E. M. Parker, 9 birth returns, S. H. Sears, 4 birth returns, H. B. Hart, 5 birth returns, M. H. Crowell, 16 death returns, M. H. Crowell, care of hearse, F. A. Binford, services board of health, - H. B. Hart, services board of health, S. H. Sears, services board of health, International Chemical Co., supplies board of health, J. Silver, labor board of health, J. W. Crowell, stamps, E. W. Hallett, stamped. envelopes, Paid for watchman, Yarmouth library, 1-3 dog fund, West Yarmouth library, 1-3 dog fund, South Yarmouth library, 1-3 dog fund, Seth Taylor, labor town house, Jane Ellis, cleaning town house, _ • _ . 3 75 46 60 9 23 21 80 13 90 1 00 50 1 25 5 00 100 1 00 75 13 00 30 10 183 86 14 18 2 00 2 25 100 1 25 4 00 6 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 75 1 00 5 00 32 48 2400 75 89 75 S9 75 89 7 50 1 75 4 .'s := t 9 Mary Phillips, cleaning town' honse; 1 75 Emery Record Preserving Co., labor on books, 21 50 Bank & Office Equipment Co., fittings for town vault, 151 25 E. A. Nickerson, distributing town reports, - -1 50 STATE AID. Henry Arey, David S. Baker,: Lucy A. Currier, Mercy C. Crowell, Charlotte I. Handy, Hannah Lovell, Gilbert Lewis, Joseph H. Robinson, Mary H. Ryder, Elam S. `Mecarta, Lewis' Y. Eldridge, G. H. Bacheller, Paid for labor town fires: Seth Taylor, J. S. Baker, R. L. Taylor, E. P. Baker, Luther Taylor, Hyannis fire district, Paid labor railroad fires: Seth Taylor, F. B. Homer, FIRES. $1,297__ 42 $48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 48 00 72 00 48 00 18 00 20 00 1600. $510 00 $108 45 1 00 1 25 1 00 _ 1 00 9 00 583 65 88 75 $794 10 10 PRINTING. P. B. Murphy, printing, New Bedford Printing Co., Southboro Printing Co., F. B. & F. P. Goss., printing, . Yarmouth Register, printing and advertising, $3 25 1.75 1 10 5 25 320 70 $332 05 STATEMENT MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT. • $2,000 00 Amount raised by the town, - Received from the State: Additional corporation tax, Additional national bank tax, Additional reimbursement, State aid, Town clerk's fees, Received from Follins pond fish committee, Received from D. R. Brown, material sold, Received from County, dog fund, Paid out for incidentals, Paid out for State aid, Paid out fox fires, Paid out for printing, unexpended balance, MUSKRATS: Amount raised by the town, Expended over amoimt raised, Paid 421 bounties @ 25 cents each, 498 98 133 53 • 431 00 37 20 119 81 2 25 227 67 $1,297 42 510.00. _. 794 10 332 05 516 87 $3,450 44 $3,450 44 $100 00 5 25 $105 25 $105 25 $105 25 TA 'i 11 SNOW. Amount raised by the town, L. R. Brown, reimbursement, 1909, Paid L. R. Brown, labor on snow, Unexpended balance, SUPPORT OF POOR. • Amount raised by the town, Reimbursement, acct contagious disease, Hay sold from almshouse, Expended over amount raised, Paid for support almshouse, Paid outside poor, - $200-00 '4- 65 $ 4 75 199 90 $204 65 $264'65 $2,000. 00 ;40,00 51.50 617.:87 $879 06 $1,830 31 $2,709 37 $2,709-37. SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. Paid teachers' salaries: C. J. Brown, L. E. Sweeney, P. II. Jewett, A. T. Lane, Helen A. Eldridge, Mary F. Bass, A: M. Goodwin, Rena Horton, A. Butman, A. T. Lee, R. E. H'odgdon, K. E. Maher, $100 00 195 00 700 00 220 00 400 00 320 00 135 00 264 00 360 00 360 00 • 300 00 320 00 M. C. Warren, F. E. Baker, janitor, \ F. E. Baker, extra labor, James Gorham, janitor, James Gorham, extra labor, S. D. W. Mitchell, janitor, S. D. W. Mitchell, extra labor, Yarmouth Register, printing, Lyceum hall, rent, Pittsburg Plate Glass Co., supplies, N. Y. & B. express company, I. B. Sears, wood, E. W. Eldridge, wood, H. Blachford, wood, , L. Baker, labor on wood, F. P. Hallett, coal, L. Fuller & Co., coal, Matthews & Payne, coal, H. A. Stevens, tuning piano, E. M. Parker, M. D., medical services, Mary F. Bass, supplies, A. T. Lee, supplies, P. H. Jewett, supplies, A. L. Butman, supplies, J. G. Sears, supplies D. S. Taylor, supplies, M. H. Crowell, supplies, R. K. Farris, supplies, E. E. Babb, supplies, D. D. Kelley, supplies, W. F. Kenney, repairing clock, D. Kelley, 2d, paid for plants, D. Kelley, 2d, diplomas, D. Kelley, 2d, repairing clock, D. Kelley, 2d, traveling expenses, • 360 00 120 00 16 40 150 00 24 45 65 00 19 51 18 05 5 00 13 00 70 9 50 7 25 17 50 1 55 37 50 62 00 88 28 4 00 6 50 3 00 1 74 1 30 25 2 25 9 35 59 1 00 5 10 1 70 50 2 35 4 90 2 50 11 20 13 E. W. Eldridge, traveling expenses, E. W. Eldridge, justice of the peace, E. W. Eldridge, express, • W. E. Chaffin, traveling expenses, C. R. Stacy, traveling expenses, V. R. Stacy, paid express and freight, W. F. Cahoon, labor cleaning, Benj Cote11, labor cleaning, F. Campbell, labor cleaning, F. Perry, labor cleaning, J. Ellis, labor cleaning, N. Cash, labor cleaning, Amount raised by the town, Rec 'd from trustees Sears fund, Ree'd tuition scholars, Expended over amt raised and received, • SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Samuel Ward- Co., supplies, E. E. Babb & Co., supplies, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., supplies, \V. E. Chaffin, supplies, Alley & Bacon, supplies, American Book Co., supplies, Silver, Burdett & Co., supplies, J. L. Hammett Co., L. E. Knott Co., Ginn & Co., supplies, I. B. Kelley, freight and cartage, Unexpended. balance, Amount raised by the town, 6 50. 25 40 4 50 - 14 00 5 09 6 25 5 25 1 00 4 80 4 80 4 80 $3,800 00 705 00 23 50 277 06 $4,805 56 $4,805 56 $ 2 50 143.48 1 27 8 35 3 25 5 15 26 81 93 4 52 14 40 3 03. 6 86 $275 00 $275 00 lx!` TRANSPORTATION. H: P. Baxter, L F. Homer, F. Whelden, Amount raised by the town, _ Expended over amount raised, $431.25 520 00 117 00 $925 00 143 00 $1,068 25 "$1,068" 25 COOKLNG, DRAWING, MUSIC, SEWING AND SLOYD. E; M. Drew, -services teacher, H. A. Knowles, services teacher, L. M. Crowell, services teacher, I. F. Nickerson, services teacher, F. E. Baker, janitor, T. Chase, services janitor, S. D.. W. Mitchell; services janitor, J. Gorham, services janitor., _ _ ._ J. Gorham„ labor, A. Gorham estate, supplies, cooking, J. B. Hall, supplies, cooking, J. Howland, supplies, cooking, E. W. Lincoln, supplies, cooking, A.`Hallet, supplies, cooking, A. -Silver, supplies, cooking; A,'A, Knowles, supplies, cooking, S. W. Hall, supplies, cooking, Hannah A. Knowles, cooking, Mrs C. Wain, • laundry, E. W. Eldridge, wood, Matthews & Payne, coal, C. C. Bowles & Co., sewing machines, I. Lewis, sewing supplies, R. M. White, sewing supplies, $716 67 416 64• 266 58 .133 29 6 00 12 00 22 50 100 00 50 5 30 2 45 400 8 02 13 70 •75 29 40 1094 �'5 50 "16 75 3 25 24 64 50 00 63 9C 93 15 Oliver Ditson Co., musical supplies, 548 W. Howes & Co., musical supplies, 654 __ -J. L. Hammett & Co., musical supplies, 32 34 Silver, Burdett & Co., musical supplies, 45 14. Boston Music Co., musical supplies, 4 51 " Chandler & Barber, musical supplies, 20 99 Milton Bradley Co., musical supplies, 49 03 John IIinckley & Son, sloyd supplies, 93 12 E. M. Drew, sloyd supplies, 1 22 C. M. Bray, sloyd supplies, 60 Vin Matthews, sharpening sloyd tools, 14 09 Underhill Bros., sharpening sloyd tools, 2 69 S. H. D. Drew, sharpening sloyd tools, . ' 8 75 C. L. Nickerson, sharpening sloyd tools, 800 Amount raised by the town, $1,100 00 Amount due from Mrs Agassiz, 1,100 00 Expended over amount raised and due, 6 21 $2,206 21 $2,206 21 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. •," - W. E. Chaffin, superintendent, C. R. Stacy, superintendent, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by the town, Received from the State, ; $289 09 259 62 8 99 . $125 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES. L. R. Brown, J. S. Baker, P. E. Hannan, Amount raised by the town, P. E. Hannan, reimbursement, Expended over amount raised, 432 70 $557 70 $557 70 • $1,800 00 • 50 5749 $1,857 99 $1,857 99 $700 00 426 69 . 731 30 1 i J l6 INTEREST. Wm J. Davis, interest paid, J. H. Clark, treasurer, interest paid, State treasurer, interest paid, Trustees Sears fund, Unexpended balance, Amount raised by. the town, TREE WARDEN. Amount raised by the town; Oliver Hallet, Jr., txee warden, Labor and supplies,. Unexpended balance, FOREST WARDEN. Amount raised by the town, Seth Taylor, forest warden, paid for labor, J. Breck & Sons, supplies, $579 84 240 00 43 75 720 00 86 41 $1,670 00 $1,670 00 $1,670 00 $150 00 $148 23 1 77 . $150 00 $150 00 $41 00 900 $50 00 GYPSY AND BROWN TAIL MOTH FUND. C. R. Bassett, supt., paid for labor, C. R. Bassett, paid for supplies, A. Hallet, supplies, E. W. Lincoln, .supplies, L. R. Brown, paid for labor, Unexpended .balance, Amount raised by the town, Reimbursements received, $50 00 $50 00 $154 50 8 50 55 25 137 00 11 93 $300 00 12 73 $312 73 $312 73 Arameieen 17 PUBLIC BUILDINGS. W. Matthews, labor at almshouse, Thacher Bros., labor at almshouse, A. C. Snow, labor at almshouse, T. T. Hallet, supplies almshouse and town office J. Hinckley & Son, supplies, almshouse, D. S. Taylor, repairs almshouse pump, Thacher Bros., supplies town . office, J. U. Baker, supplies town office, C. M. Bray, supplies town office, G. W. Hopkins, S. Y. school fence, W. L. Baker, Yarmouth school pump, M. H. Crowell, supplies repair school house J. Hinckley & Son, supplies to schools, J. B. Hall, supplies to schools, S. D. W. Mitchell, labor and supplies to school, G. P. Howes, labor and supplies to school; Paul Sears,supplies for schools, H. W. Taylor, labor and supplies to schools, D. F. Sears & Co., supplies for schools, F. E. Baker, supplies for schools, J. B. Browne & Co., supplies for schools, G. B. Sears, repairs for schools, W. F. Cahoon, supplies for schools L. A. Chase, supplies for schools, T. B. Kelley, supplies for schools, S. Alton Baker, supplies for schools B. P. Goodwin, supplies for schools, Amount raised by the town, Expended over amount raised, $250 49 80. 14.07 15 90 12 01 8'25 8 25 5 77 70 12 86 200 90 7 06 4,45 1 80 1 50 1 80 9 47 1 20 1 75 12 20 28 40 3 75 82 35 4086 4 48 86 $300 00 34 94 $334 94 $334 94- T. F. Drew, J. H. Stetson, H. M. Chase, A. S. Cole, H. L. Hart, F. B. Homer, A. Pierce, W. Cahoon, J. P. Brown, W. H. Cotell, 0. Hallet, Jr., J. W. Hamblin, H. S. Studley, A. Nickerson, • S. W. Fuller, S. W. Fuller, J. E. Eldredge, J. E. Eldredge, Amount raised by the town, Rec'd from 1st district court, Expended oven amount raised, 1b SUPPRESSION OF CRIME. services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services, services services, - expenses, services, expenses, REMITTANCE OF- TAXES. Amount raised by the town, Expended over amount raised, E. T. Baker, tax collector: Taxes 1906 abated, Taxes 1907 abated,:. Taxes 1908 abated, $ 2 50 10 00 1 00 12 00 6 03 750 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50-- . 750 7 50 4250 16 50 29 00 12 60 2 00 3 10 $10000 5 47 84 26 $189 73 $189 73 $500 00 69 48 05 326 61 126 03. $500 69 $500 69 19'7 TAX COLLECTOR'S POSTAGE. Ar:,oiitit raised by the town, E. T. Baker;' collector, MACADAM `ROAD'NOTE. Amount raised by the town, State treasurer,: knote paid, SEARS FUND NOTE. Amount raised by the town . Trustees Sears fund, payment on note, $25 00 $25 00 $25 00. • $2,500 '00•. $2,500 00 ' $2,500 00 $2,500 00 $1,500 00 $1,500 00 $1,500 00 $1,50000 - BASS RIVER BRIDGE NOTE. Amount raised by. the town, $2,000 00 First national bank of Yarmouth, note paid, $2,000 00 $2,000 00 $2,000 00 TAX NOTES. First national bank of Yarmouth, notes paid, $2,500 00 CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT. Amount raised by the town, E. B: Matthews, paid for labgr, E. B. Matthews, paid for supplies, 'Unexpended balance, $150 00 $4000 9.00 00 1 $150 00 $150 00- ' 20 HYANNIS PARK CULVERT. Amount raised by the town, Paid J. S. Baker for labor, ABBOT ROAD. Amount raised by the town, Paid L. R. Brown for labor, Unexpended balance, WEIR VILLAGE ROAD. Amount raised by the town, P. E. Hannan, paid labor and material, Unexpended balance, YARMOUTH FLAG POLE. Amount raised by the town, Paid G. B. Sears, labor and material, BURIAL FUND. Paid W. J. Davis, treasurer, to be invested, Paid C. M. Bray, interest, care of lots, Paid W. J. Davis, interest, care of lots, Paid M. H. Crowell, care of lots, ' Paid P. M. Davis, care of lots, Paid P. Sears, care of lots, $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 $50 00 $500 00 $482 13 $500 00 $500 00 $50 00 $50 00 $49 05 95 17 87 $50 00 $50-00 $50 00 $200 00 39_ 50 30 00 800 2 00 4 00 21 Paid Wm B. Fuller, care of lots, Paid T. E. Kelley, care of lots, Paid T. F. Drew, care of lots, Paid Ida M. Menzie, care of lots, Paid C. A. Emery, care of lots, Paid Daniel B. Crocker, care of lots, Received from Gilbert Taylor, for investment, Received from Carrie H. Taylor, for investment, Received from Bass River Savings bank, interest, Received from N. B. F. C. Savings bank, Expended over amount received, 4.00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 40 13 00 Paid State, State tax, Paid County tax, Paid State highway tax, Paid national bank tax, TAXES PAID. PAID FOR TOWN. Paid acct. Brewster, aid to poor, $150 00 50 00 29 78 80 80 2 32 $312 90 $312 90 $2,610 00 2,962 73 439 90 1,264 32 $7,276 95 SELECTMEN 'S STATEMENT. $92 25 Amounts paid by orders of the selectmen and drawn upon the town treasurer: Town officers, Miscellaneous, Muskrats, Snow, Support of poor, $2,488. 84 2,933 57 105 25 4 75 2,709 37 1 1 1 22 Support of schools, School supplies,' Transportation,' Cooking, drawing, music, sewing, and sloyd, Superintendent of..schools, Roads.and bridges,........,: Interest, Tree 'warden, Forest warden,' Moth fund, Public buildings, Suppression .of crime, Remittance of taxes, Tax collector's postage, Town macadamnotes, Sears fund note; Bass river bridge' note, Tax notes, Cemetery improvement, Hyannis Park culvert, Abbot's road, Weir road, Yarmouth flag pole, " Burial fund, Taxes paid State and County, Paid other towns, aid for poor, Amount of orders drawn on town •treasurer, rl 4,805 268 1,068 56:. ... . 14, : .. 25.' 2,206 21 54871`.::::. 1,857 99 1,583 59 . ; 14823 !., ..,. 50 00 300 80 334 94 189 73. 500 69 25 00 2,500 00 1,500 00 2,000 00 2,500 00 49 00 50 00 49 05 '48213 50.00 312 7,276 92 90 95 25 $38,991 90 $38,991 90 t 41 t. 1 23 FINANCIAL STANDING OF THE TOWN DECEMBER 31, 1909 . Town Owes Sears fund note, Town road note, B. R. L. bridge notes, Bills unpaid (estimated), Credits. Uncollected taxes, 1907, Uncollected taxes, 1908, Uncollected taxes, 1909, Due from the State, Due from New Bedford, Due from Brewster, Due from State aid commissioner, Due from trustees Sears fund, Due from New York, New Haven. & Hartford railroad, acct fires, Due from Mrs Agassiz, sloyd fund, Due from County (estimated), Selectmen's balance in the treas- ury, Net debt of town Dec 31, 1909, $10,500 00 10,500 00 6,746.12 . 600 00 28,346 12 $ 402 63 1,839 58 6,815 63 6 00 3 75 92 25 510 00 180 00 3,082 56 1,100 00 200 00 2,405 61 $16,638 01 $11,708 11 CHAS. R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, LUTHER R. BROWN, Selectmen of Yarmouth. 24 LIST OF JURORS; As prepared by the selectmen on January Joshua E. Howes, Yarmouthport, Chas R. Bassett, Yarmouthport, Wm H. Jennings, Yarmoutbport, P. E. Hannan, Yarmouthport, Nathan H. Matthews, Yarmouthport, Henry R. Usher, Yarmouthport, David A. Nickerson, Yarmouth, Thacher Taylor, Yarmouth, Charles R. Howes, Yarmouth, Lysander A. Chase, West Yarmouth George P. Drew, West Yarmouth, Edward T. Chase, West. Yarmouth, Lester E. Crowell, .South Yarmouth, John P. Brown, South Yarmouth, David F. Sears, South Yarmouth, Russell D. Robinson, South Yarmouth, Leonidas E. Taylor, South Yarmouth, Frank B. Homer, South Yarmouth, Walter G. Hallet, South Yarmouth, George W. Hopkins, South Yarmouth, Luther R. Brown, South Yarmouth, Ansel L. Baker, West Yarmouth, David Kelley, 2d, South Yarmouth, 13, 1910. Insurance Selectman Laborer Livery Carpenter Blacksmith Marble Worker Painter Commercial Traveler Painter Plumber Merchant Mechanic Mariner Contractor Mariner Mariner Butcher Foreman Carpenter Selectman Fisherman Jeweler CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, LUTHER R. BROWN, - Selectmen of Yarmouth. Assessors' Report VALUATION MAY 1,.1909. Real estate, land, Real estate, buildings, Personal estate, $410,130 00 709,770 00 966,949 00 Additional valuation, December 18, 1909. Real estate, land, Real estate, buildings, Personal estate, Total valuation, 1909, Taxes, May 1, 1909. Taxes levied on real estate, Taxes levied on personal estate, Taxes levied on 456 polls, Additional taxes Dec. 18, 1909. Taxes levied -on Teal- estate; Taxes levied on personal estate, Taxes levied on 7 omitted polls, Total tax, 1909. Population, census 1905, Registered voters, 1909, Number of polls, 1909, Number of huuses assessed, $2,086,849 00 $175 00 900 00 500 00 $1,575 00 $2,088,424. -00, 811,758 95 10,152 96 912 00 $11 29 5 25 14 00 $22,823 91 $30 54 $22,854 45 1422 399 463 717 • 28 Number of horses assessed, Number of cows assessed, • Number of neat cattle other than cows assessed, Number of sheep assessed, - - 4 - Number of dogs licensed, Number of acres of land,, Number of residents liable to military duty, Number of residents assessed on property, Number of non-residents assessed on property, Poll tax only, ,.;, Rate .'of . taxation, ._$10.50 per $1,000 00. .Taxes .received from State, National bank tax, Corporation - Taxes paid to State and County, State tax, State highway tax, County tax, •. • • Increase in valuation over 1908, 1.1 ' $1,056 16 5,139 93 $2,610 00 439.90 2,962 73 200 114 4 20 107 11,136% 150 5,57 431 435 $6,196 09 $6,012 63 $28,413 00 HENRY BLACHFORD, CHAS. R. BASSETT, LUTHER R. BROWN, - • Assessors of Yarmouth. Report of Overseers of the Poor. Inmates of almshouse, 1909: Name. John Gray, Luther Buck, .. ,, Age._ 65 59 ALMSHOUSE. Amos Arey, salary keeper, Oct 11, 1908, to September 11, 1909, Daniel D. Kelley, salary keeper, . Sept 11,:to Dec 1, 1909, Amos Arey, 'paid for supplies, D. D. Kelley, paid for supplies, D. F. Parker, supplies, Isabel Lewis, supplies, T. T. Hallet, supplies, E. L. Sears,. supplies, Ansel Hallet, supplies, - - C. R. Bassett, supplies, B. T. Gorham, .supplies, S. W. Hall, supplies, F. H. Hinc'kley, _supplies, A. A. Knowles, supplies, Matthews & Payne, supplies, W Hastings, pig, E. W. Eldridge, supplies, E. W. Eldridge, labor on farm, C. Danforth, whitewashing, C. R. Bassett, labor horse on farm, Committed. 1893 1903 $3255 0.0'7 106 95 - • 1 52 45 55 75•..•.::. 450` 3'35 19'33 :.:39 50 2581 1`"•. 50 50 126 50 .i 38• o . .. ' 1 68 10 03 • 300. • 5 00 28 Mary C. Phillips, labor, Dr S. H. Sears, medical attendance, Credit by hay sold, Net cost, OUTSIDE POOR. Mrs Fred Cash: Paid Edw T. Chase, supplies, Paid J. E. Baxter, supplies, Paid H. B. Chase & Son, fuel, Paid D. B. Taylor, wood, Paid H. Blachford, wood, Paid E. T. Baker, supplies, Paid T. Buck, rent, Adresta Humes: Paid Edw T. Chase, supplies, Paid cash aid, Paid Dr C. M. Baker, attendance and supplies Paid C. W. Megathlin, supplies, Paid L. H. Ferguson, nurse, Paid F. P. Hallet, fuel, Paid H. Blachford, fuel, Arehelus Phillips: Paid D. F. Parker, supplies, Paid A. A. Knowles, suppli' Paid S. W. Hall, supplies, Paid S. L. Robbins, supplies, Paid B. T. Gorham, supplies, • I2 00 31 80 5 20 5 90 11 25 2 00 6 00 3 65 20 00' $115 64 38 00 47 75 - 24 .70 I60 50 15 00 18 25 $69 70 130' 32 93 1 88 6 90 $879 06 51 50 $827 56 T $54 00 $419 84 28 Paid C. Danforth, labor and material, Paid C. R. Bassett, wood, Paid Dr S. H. Sears, med. at., Paid E. W. Lincoln, supplies, Paid T. T. Hallet, supplies, Paid M. Cahoon, nurse, Paid Mr Coleman, services, Paid P. E. Hannan, hearse, Paid Edwin Thacher, wood, Paid Edwin Thacher, use of church, Alexander W. Cahoon: Paid D. D. Kelley, supplies, Paid L. K. Chase, Paid L. Fuller & Co, coal, Morris Gray: Paid Marcus Hall, rent, Paid Town of Dennis, aid, Ellis. P. Baker: Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, Paid Dr L. M. Pease, med at., Paid hospital expenses, Lydia Baker: Paid Daniel Cole, rent, • 5 40 22 13 42 65 3 50 11 15 40 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00• $5 00 5 50 7 75 $22 50 28 50 $15 57 4 00 4 20 $25 00 $247 54- $18 25• $51 00+ $23 77- $25 00s 'no iiu1oi 1 1 1 9 Q Josiah F. Baker : Paid J. E. ,Crowell, Paid H. B,: Chase & Son, fuel, Clarencei3aker: Paid Dr. C. E. Harris, med. at, Melissa •Baker: .Paid. L..F._.Baker._rent, Paid: Dr E. M. Parker, med at., Mrs Isaac W. Baker: Paid S. B. Marchant, supplies, Paid J. E. Crowell, supplies, Paid H. B: Chase & Son, coal, Paid• Dr F. -A.-Binford, med. at., Albert Cotell: Paid D. D. Kelley, supplies, Mrs Mary Robinson: Paid Town of Harwich, aid, Paid Town of Dennis, aid, Paid Seth Taylor, services, Amos E. Ryder: Paid D. D. Kelley, supplies, Paid H. F. Crowell, supplies, _PaidC. _W._.Megathlin, supplies, Paid.,G. B. Sears, wood, $ 7 53 10 50, $18 03 $38 00. $38 00 $10 00 26 25 " $36 25 - -$20-00. 20 00 15 00 2 00 $5 00 $57 00 $5 00 $110 87 6 ..10...- .. .. _ 2 50 ' $119 47 $18 66 47 92 ,l,.„ 2 20 6 00 • Q� 3i • Paid E. D. Kelley, supplies, Paid L. R. Brown, supplies, Paid F. B. Homer, supplies, Paid R. J.. Baker, supplies, Paid F. A. Baker, supplies, Paid M. F. -Jones, supplies, Paid L. Fuller & Co., supplies, Paid F. R, Collins, carriage, Paid Dr H. S. Kelley, med. at., Paid hospital expenses, t-, Edith B. Cash: Paid Town of Dighton, aid, Howard Daily: Paid City of Boston, aid, Joseph L. Baker: • Paid E. T. Baker, supplies, Paid R. J. Baker, supplies, • Mrs Melissa Chase_ : Paid D. D. Kelley, supplies, Paid E. -D. Kelley,.eupplies, Paid L. R. Brown, supplies, Paid G. B. Sears, supplies, Paid Colony Stock Farm, supplies; Paid D., M. Chase, supplies, Paid R.' J. Baker, supplies, Paid M. G. Bradford, supplies, Paid J. U. Baker, supplies, Paid A. W. Cahoon, supplies, 22 ,Q7 70 p 49 5648 1.12. 0 7'75 1 25 ._3 70 80 75 $11 75 $90 00 $ 3 `95 24 88 • $277 09, $90 00 $28 83. $21 28 1 16 7,40. --- :—_ 1 50 7 10 ,3 65 36 '08` 100 " 00 _._ .. _ 1 50 60 ,32 Paid L. Fuller & Co., supplies, Paid Thomas D. Brown, supplies, Paid F. B. Homer, supplies, ..Paid T. T. Hallet, supplies, Paid Nelson Baker, repair pump, Paid G. L. Ryder, labor on wood, Paid A. Cotelle, labor on wood, Paid Cora Cahoon, nurse, Paid Alice Phillips, nurse, Paid Emma Baker, laundry, Paid P. Whittemore, nurse, Paid Jedida Phillips, Paid cash aid, Abner Wixon: _Paid E. D. Kelley, supplies, Paid L. Arenovski, supplies, Eva Legro: Paid Town of Dennis, aid, Contagious disease case: _Paid City of Newton, Total amount paid for outside poor, STATEMENT. Amount raised by the town, Received from W. E. Marchant, account of contagious case, Received A. F. Odin, hay sold, 800 2 00 10 09 1 25 11 25 35 45 36 00 3 00 450 48 00 10 50 1 00 $ 1 50 500 $9 71 $67 62 $225 66 $6 50 $9 71 $67 62 $1,830 31 $2,000 00 • 40 00 33.50 1 33 Ree'd Estate Alfred Gorham, hay sold, Expended over amount received, Paid support almshouse, Paid outside poo; Paid for poor of City and Towns: Brewster, Adeline Nickerson, cash aid, Walter Newcomb: Paid A. W. Cahoon, board, Paid E. T. Bake; supplies, 18 00 $879 06 1,830 31 $2,709 37 $2,709 37 $66 00 $25'00 1 25 $92-25 HENRY BLACHFORD, CHARLES R. BASSETT, LUTHER R. BROWN, Overseers of the Poor Town of Yarmouth. rS TfiKn .W BENJAMIN T. GORHAM, Town Clerk. o d M zoo y CT' co O. M mPs co ,.y e,. v ems. 21 CD CDCD 0 CD5 4. cow a Cop p g 0 c'1 co 00 I-', o p 0 CA m CD m M iV A A • m d Paid town treasurer, $51.70, {f} r Date. 1909. February 15 May 1 May 6 May 10 . May 20 Tune 24 August 6 August 12 August 25 September 12 September 21 October 4 _��.,.�:, :'fir. �,_•� w oa w co m CD CD Co 8 OP vii O O O a 0 co sia0 O 1 rt - a. . 0 0 w+ crg on 5. CD co 0 anco S) `G� p I _ _» *crt8(p Ipi mo! ..`� 8 p .J. O O t O v, cc0 Cn L3 O O 1-11 C11 01 O W G G MARRIAGES I;EGISTEHED IN YA1tMOUTHI IN 1909. Name of Groom and Bride. ' Age William F. Mulcahy Nellie Crowell Robbins James William Ryder Catherine May Guiney Walter. H. Gifford Ilazel W. Chase Fay Lewis Tekla Holmkvist • Iloratio Henry Melix Fanny Snow Ellis Leander C. Baker Anne M. Byrne Clarence Clark Martin Lillian Somers Curtiss Frederick ,Thacker Beatrice Thankful Wixon Eldridge B. Crowell Marion L. Cahoon Thomas L. Baker Hazel B. Greene Amos L. Phillips Mary S. Chase (Gray) John J. Delgard Geneva Vanputten (Cash) vodall sm1aj3 uMoJ Residence 27 Jamaica Plain 25 Yarmouth 31 South Yarmouth 22 South Yarmouth 31' Wareham 24 South Yarmouth 25 Peterboro, N. H. 25 Peterboro, N. H. 34 Yarmouth 18 Yarmouth 52 South Yarmouth 25 South Yarmouth 27 Summit, N. Jersey 26 Summit, N. Jersey 23 Yarmouth 19 Dennisport 22 Hyannis 19 . • South Yarmouth 26 . Yarmouthport 23 Barnstable 52 Yarmouth 59 Yarmouth 33 Yarmouth 27 Yarmouth. • 1 Date. 1909. October 20 October 27 November 24 MARRIAGES REGISTERED IN YARMOUTH IN 1909. Name of Groom and Bride. Age Chester E. Marchant Etta C. Robbins James E. Baxter Harriet Ormsby John Francis Crosby Gertrude May Arey Date. 1009. February 27. March 11. 30. April 2. 8. May 18. June 25. July 0. 23. September 1. 21. October 10. November 3. 80. December 23. 26 21 38 38 26 28 Residence West Yarmouth Hyannis West Yarmouth Hyannis South Dennis Yarmouth Vital Statistics for the Year 1909. BIRTHS RECORDED IN 1909. Name of Child. • Beulah Snow Haswell, Richard Stuart Chalk, Ida Elwood Cash. Doris Stone Fuller, Maude Beatrice Cash, William Francis Mulcahy, Henry Ryder Usher, Vina Martin Seyahlia, Mabel Louise Wheldon, Lawrence Edward Jowett, Menlo Ellen Cash, Gorham Parker Homer, Gerald Otto Cash, Edward Thaoher Chase, Janet Crosby Campbell, Samuel Foster Johnson, • Parents. Amos K. and Hattie M. Elting G. G. and Ella D. Ensign S. and Margaret R. Stephen W. and Grace W. William W. and Eva J. William F. and Nellie C. Henry R. and Sylvia M. John and Kana Isaiah F. and Lydia C. Philip H. and Edith Charles and Lillian M. Frank B. and Geneva M. Freeman S. and Florence O. Edward T. and Margery D. Frederiok R. and Alice C. Francis M., Jr., and Annie L. Date: 1909. January 14, 17. February 8. 22. March 14. 20. 23. 20. • April . 6. Maly 8. 22. Juno 1. 1. 12. 18. 20. August 6. 20. 29. 31. September 18. October 3. 9. 12. 22. November 3. Sn- DEATIIS REGISTERED IN 1909. Name of Deceased. Melissa Baker, Sophia C. Baxter, Ellen Polly Eldridge, Francis W. Honer, Bessie H. Baker, Joseph Rose, Bessie W. Crowell, Eliza J. Dudley, Alvin Jenkins, Grace L. Sherman,. Hannah I1. Baker, William II. Kenney, Edward L. Garcelon, August Myer, Lydia Newell Baker, Elam S. Meenrta, Deborah Bray Eleazer A. Nickerson, Adalino C. Yeppingatone, PrIaNila Mecnrt.a, Daviel G. Whelden, Mercy Clark It all, Fische G. Baker, Cornelia Gorham, Nn.than Bassett, Mary C. Chase, Alton Linwood Baker, 9. Ida Elwood (lash '30. Archelus R. Phillips, Date. 1909. April 8. June 7. July 22. Septetnber 14.. Disease. Y. Gastrin carcinoma, 80 Nervous prostration with heart trouble, 68 Ln grippe, old age, Mitral incompetency, cardiac, Asthenia, fibroid phthisis, Carcinoma of liver, Uterine carcinoma, La grippe, Nervous asthenia, le grippe, Myxodema, heart failure. 35 General senile decline, dropsy, 92 Accidental drowning, 38 Accidental drowning52 Apoplexy, Bright's disease, 44 Heart failure, la grippe, 65 Heart failure, 79 Old age, 87 Carcinoma on the neck, general paresis 70 Spicule tumor, pernicious anomia and 74 organic disease of the heart, Valvular disease of the heart, 75 Valvular disease of the heart, Old age, probably heart failure, Aortic regurgitation, mitral fusuf . oienoy, Died suddenly, probably heart failure, Fracture of the neok of the fewur, Paresis, Ptomaine poison, or acute Indigestion, causing convulsions, Acute nephritis, Cerebral hemorrhage, exhaustion. Age M. D. 9' 19 86 6 29 54 3 23 1 44 35 80 65 4 27 0 6 11 18 5 1 23 8 22 82 0 23 89 . 1 26 59 2 71 2 5 70 47 1 11 13 7 79 19 �,:. ,.. ..,'£�.�.. `+.�: i'F°+'RI�4 Xp,M1,.Wn "A�l., s.. •M....i ,..,+�, �i ,y r4 9 '�.v'.q• .+x .,r:.wr. ..4..4.•11.3+,. , X. tr,_. ,,..__._5..m... .a ,.. BROUGIIT TO YARMOUTII FOR INTERMENT. Name of Deceased. Grace E. Bray, Noah Willard. Elizabeth Jemmy, Almira Crocker. Disease. Dermatitis and operative shock, Dilatation of heart, Pneumonia, Disease of heart, • • Y. Age.M.D. 36 84 88 14 10 1 18 4-04 Treasurer's Report for 1909. 'Receipts. January 1, 1909. Cash balance, Court fines from Judge Swift, County treasurer, dog fund, City of Boston, Town of Brewster, Town of Falmouth, Town of Dennis, ' P. E. Hannan, reimbursement, Luther R. Brown, reimbursement, Walter E. Marchant, reimbursement, Tuition out of town pupils, Est. Oliver Matthews, moth nests destroyed, Edric Eldridge, moth nests destroyed, Est. H. C. Thaeher, moth nests destroyed, Mrs A. H. Knowles, moth nests destroyed, Isabel Shove, =oil nests destroyed, Moth fund, Charles D. Hall, license, Luther R. Brown, pool license, Freeman C. Bartlett, gasoline license, Chas H. Davis, gasoline license, T. C. Thaeher, gasoline license, Jos U. Baker, gasoline license, Geo W. Brooks, gasoline license, Wm B. Lawrence, gasoline license, J. F. Kelley, gasoline license, C. M. Wells, gasoline license, $4,968 02 547 227 67 5 50 108 91 12 70 19 39 50 4 65 40 00 23 50. 73 2 00 1 50 2 00 150 500. 6_00. _ :. 2 00 1 00 1 00' 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 100 •1 41 A. W. McDougall, gasoline license, B. F. Wild, gasoline license, Clias W. Ellis, dynamite license John Falvey, dynamite license, Victor Leeman, dynamite license, Gilbert Taylor, care burial lots, Carrie H. Taylor, care burial lots, Joint board school committee, B. T. Gorham, town clerk's fees, Luther R. Brown, sale of stove, Follins Pond fishery, A. C. Snow, sealer weights and measures, Trustees school fund, Notes, anticipation taxes, Ilay sold,. almshouse, Interest burial funds, Elisha T. Baker, collector of taxes, 1906, Elisha T. Baker, collector of taxes, 1907, Elisha T. Baker, collector of taxes, 1.908, Elisha T. Baker, collector of taxes, 1909, From State treasurer, Corporation taxes, National bank tax, State aid, Support sick paupers, Burial sick paupers, Compensation inspectors of animals; Paid orders drawn by selectmen, Cash balance Jan 1, 1910, Cr. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00' 1 00 150 00 50 00 432 70 2 25 2 25 119 81 23 47 705 00 2,500 00 51 50 110 58 584 06. 1,054 00 7,291 22 17,300 95 5,139 93 1,056 16 431 00 25 85 1500--__. 30 12 $42,581 34 '$38,871 91 3,709 43 $42,581 34 42 Town owes. For macadam roads, Bass River bridge notes, Sears fund notes, Due from collector of taxes, year 1907, Due from collector of taxes, year 1908, Due from collector of taxes, year. 1909, Account with school, committee. State Fund. Cash balance Jan -1, 1909, Received from state treasurer, Reimbursement, W. E. Chaffin, Reimbursement acct music, Cr. Paid orders from school committee, Balance on hand Jan 1, 1910, Burial Fund. George N. Smalley, John F. Crocker, $10,500 00 6,746 12 10,500 00 $27,746 12 $ 402 63 1,839 58 6,815 63 9,057 84 $565 01 650 04 2 05 49 95 $1,267 08 $839 25 427 83 $1,267 08 . $500 00 250 00 43 Est Louisa Nickerson, Edwin Bray, lot Benj Bray, Andrew Crowell, - •- i William B. Fuller; Estates Hatsel and Hatsel E. Crosby, Est Peleg P: Akin, John Orlando, Charles M. Bray, Est Deborah Hamblin, Est Nathan W. Grnsh, $ Francis Alger, Lot Benj Matthews, Lot Sarah Jane Lewis, John W. Linzee, Woodside, Lot Emery and Adams, • Lot Isaac and Mary' F. Smalley, r " Lot Rodman R. Nickerson, Lot Nathaniel Taylor, Lot Heman and Solomon Taylor, Lot Howes Taylor, Invested. New Bedford Institution for Savings, New Bedford Five Cents Savings bank, Bass River savings bank, 50 00 50 00 • •100 00 100 00 200 00 500 00 50 00 200 00 100 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 ]O0 00 1.00 00 GO 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 150 00 50 00 $2,935 00 $1,000 00 1,000 00 935 00 $2,935 00 WM. J. DAVIS, Town Treasurer. 11 L it IIIL 1 .1 1 1 Report of the Road Commissioners. NORTH SIDE. Ed Bray, 2 days, 5 hours, Ernest Bray, 2 days, 5 hours, Geo O'Brien, 3 days, 5 hours, — - Jas A. Ellis, " 3 days, 5 hours, @ 38 8-9c., 131 loads loam, @ 5e., 21 loads loam, @ lOc., - Frank Johnson, - 2 days, 5 hours, • - -- ' Henry A. Cobb,' 3 days with team, Jos. Sherman, -- ' 2 days, 5 hours, Joe Chase, 2 days, 5 hours, Jos. Winfield Smith, 2 days, 5 hours, Jas. W. Ellis, 2 days, 5 hours, with team, @ $3.50, Zoeth Sherman, - - 2 days, 5 hours, with team, @ $3.50, Winnie Cahoon, 2 days, 5 hours, David Cotelle, 2 days, 5 hours, $5 11 5 11 7 11 12 44 6 55 2 10 5 11 10 50 5 11 5 11 5 11 8 94 8 94 5 11 5 11 5 46 Benj Phillips, 2 days, 5 hours, Chas. Bumpus, 5 days, 5 hours, Horace C. Holmes, 1 day, 5 hours, with team, @ *5.00, John Keveney, 2 days, 5 hours, M. Keveney, 4 days, 5 hours, 0. Hallet, Jr, 6 days, 1 hour, with team, 107 loads loam, @ 10e.,. Edmund Walker, 5 days, with. team, @ $3.50, R. Howes, • 2 days, 8 hours, Geo Bray, 2 days, - 7 hours, William Bray, 2 days, 7 hours, Chas. R. Bassett, 25 loads gravel @ 10c, 23 loads gravel @ 6c., T. T. Hallet, 25 loads gravel @ 10e, Jas. Gorham, 33 loads gravel @ 5e, W. P. Cook, 12 days, 6 hours, Alfred Baker, 10 days, 1 hour, W. F. Morgan, 11 days, 6 hours, @$5.O0, 5 11 11 11 7 78 5 11 9 11 30 56 10 70 17 50 5 78 5 56 556 2 50 1 38 2 50 1 65 25 33 2023 23 33 Henry Baker, _ 10 days, 1 hour,- Harry ourHarry M. Chase, 10 days, 6 hours, T. S.' Holway, . 2 days, with team, @ $5.00, Sidney Holway, 2 days, Chas. Nickerson, 2 days, Loam,. Geo. H. Baker, 3 days with team,-;@ $3.50, P. E. Hannan, 17 ,days @ $2.50, 2 days with team @ $5.00, 10 days with team @ $3.00, 2 days with team @ $4.50, Frank Chase, 6 days, 1% hours, David Cotelle, Jr., 6 days, William Matthews, 6 days, 5 hours, Edwin Robbins, 6 days, 5 hours, David Cotelle, 5 days, 5 hours, John Olar, 5 days, 4 hours, Willard Ellis, 5 days, 5 hours, Isaiah Ellis, 5 days, 5 hours, 20 23 2133 10 00 4 00 4 00 47 Albert Taylor, 6 days, 5 hours, @ $2.50, 2 days, 4 hours, team, @ 1.50, Labor, Geo. Hallet, 5 days with team @ $5.00, 2 days, Jos. Hamblin, 4 days, 6'h hours with team, Edmund Eldridge, 2 70 5 days with team @ $3.50, Hu]da Barnthson, 141 loads of sand @ 5e, T. B. Pulsifer, 245 loads of gravel @ 1Oc., 42 50 Ebenezer Hamblin, 10 00 j 4 Labor, 30 00 Jas. Gorham, 9 00 13 loads gravel @ 5e., } Walter P. Cook, ] 2 38 1 day, Sidney Bassett, 2 days, John Silver, 2 days, C. R. Bassett, 1 day team, P. E. Hannan, 2 days team @ $3.00, 4 days with team @ $5.00, 1 day with team @ $3.50, 1 day with team, Kenneth Matthews, 1 day, 10 50 12 00 13 11 13 11 11 11 .10 8' 9 11 11 11 11 ii 16 39 3 67 50 25 00 400 16 52 17 50 7 05 24 50 1 00 65 2 00 400 4 00- 150 600 20 00 3 50 4 00 2 00 Chas. E. Bumpus, 2 days, Winthrop S. Smith, 6 hours mowing, John Olar, . 6 hours, Ansel Hallet, As per bill, P. E. Hannan, 2 days team @ $5.00, 48 - WEIR ROAD.-- Amount OAD. - Amount raised by the town, Paid for labor and material, Unexpended balance, 4 00 1 50 1 33 3 40 10 00 $731 30 $500 00 482 13 $ 17 87 P. E. HANNAN, = Road Commissioner. Hiram E. Baker, Hiram E. Baker, W. H. Baker, Alonzo Chase, Charles Clark, Geo H. Kelley, William Stetson, Thaddeus Baker, John H. Baker, Uriah H. Sears, Geo H. Loring, B. Berry's heirs, John G. Sears, widening Oscar H. Homer, D. M. Chase, widening Depot H. Clark, Isaac W. Ellis, 49 SOUTH SIDE 50 hrs @ 38 8-9c.,. 50 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 21 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c.,: . 18 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9. hrs @ 22 2-9c., 22% hrs @ 38 8-9c., 207 loads sand @ 3c., 37 loads sand @ 3c., Depot road 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c., road, - - - 41/Z hrs @ 22 2-9c., 13% hrs @ 22 2-9c., Alonzo Chase, 18 hrs @ 22 2-9c., Frank B. Homer and others, labor on Depot road, Thacher Holway, ploughing, Hiram E. Baker, Upper bridge road, C. H. Baker, Upper bridge road, Arthur Ryder, 13% hrs @ 22 2-9c., Albert Cotell, 18 hrs @ 22 2-9c., Willis N. Hall, Upper bridge road, Alonzo Chase, 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c., B. S. Cotell 18 hrs @ 22 2-9c., Joseph Cotell, 131 hrs @ 38 8-9e., William N. Stetson, 13% his @ 38 8-9c., Walter Cotell, 131 hrs @ 22 2-9c., Geo L. Ryder, 311,E hrs @ 22 2-9e., Lawrence Cotell, 22%z hrs @ 22 2-9c., Chas L. Nickerson, 102 loads loam @ 5c., $ 2 25 19 44 11 11 4 66 2 00 2 00 7 00 3 50 2 00 8 75 6 21 1 11 16 11 3 50 10 00 1 00 3 00 4 00 15 00 2 00 26 86 12 00 3 00 4 00 21 80 2 00 4 00 5 25 5 25 3 00 1 00 5 00 5 10-° :David M. Chase, Lemuel H. Baker, W. F. Cahoon, F. B. Homer, J. K. S. Eldridge, Geo B. Sears, catch basin F. F. Collins, Clarence W. Baker, Geo H. Kelley, Howard Gray, R. C. Baker, Nelson Baker, S. E. Baker, C. B. Oliver, Lennie Baker, C. M. Brown, Geo H. Bacheller, John K. S. Eldridge, J. H. Stetson, J. H. Stetson, T. Baker, , Nelson Baker, William H. Eldridge, R. D. Robinson, D. S. Baker, L F. Homer, A. W. Cahoon, John P. C. Goodwin, William H. Horst, F. F. Collins, W. H. Kenney, I. B. Kelley, I. F. Homer, Geo H. Baker, S. B. Baker, 50 36 hrs @ 38 8-9c, 31% hrs @222-9c., 31% hrs @ 22 2-9c., 13 hrs @ 38 8-9c., ]3 hrs @ 38 8-9e., and freight, 9 hrs @. 38 8-9c., 27 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 27 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 27 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 111 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 10 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 27 hrs @ 22 2-9e, 27 hrs @ 38 S -9c., 9hrs @222-9e,.' 27 hrs @ 38 8-9e., 18 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c, 93 loads loam @ 10c, 18 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c, 27 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9e., 13% hrs @ 38 8-9c., 13% hrs @ 38 8-9c, 18 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9e., 27 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c, 9hrs @388-9c, 22% hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c, Scraping road, 9 hrs. @ 38 8-9c, 10 50 7 00 7 00 5 25 5 25 22 00 3 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 2 55 2 20 6 00 10 50 2 00 10 50 7 00 3 50 3 50 930 7 50 2 00. 10 50 3 50 5 25 -5 25 4 00 200 10 50 3 50 3 50 8 75 3 50 3 00 350 Ahira Baker, F. Wison, Geo H. Bacheller, S. B. Baker, repairing scraper, J. M. Baker, building fence, Thaddeus Baker, Geo H. Loring, David Kelley's heirs, A. W. Cahoon, W. H. Hurst, J. G. Sears, Geo Crocker, John Hinckley & Son, lumber, John Hinckley & Son, lumber, L. Y. Eldridge, L. R. Brown, Harry Cole, R. D. Robinson, Part pay for road scraper, W. H. Kenney, L. R. Brown, services and team Simeon B. Baker, I. F. Homer and others, Depot Barber, Stockwell, catchbasin, 51 fi hrs @ 38 8-9c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c., 6 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 72 loads sand @ 3c., 48 loads sand @ 3c., 9 hrs @ 22 2-9c.,' 231/2 hrs @ 38 8-9e., 9 hrs @ 38 8-9c., 146 loads loam @ 10c., 9hrs @388-9c, 40 posts @ 180., sanding road, labor on road, 18 hrs @ 38 8-9c., as per bill, road, cover and freight, Amount drawn from town treasurer, Balance doe town, Town Landing—Abbot Road: Drew from town treasurer, Paid for labor and material, 4 00 2 00 2 34- 7 47 50 6 30 1 50. 2 16 1 44 2 00 9 14 3 50 14 60 8 59 6 24 3 50 7 20 5 50 2 50 25 00 7 00 106 62 6 00 10 00 10 90 $696 23 $700 00. $ 3 77 $49 05 49'05 Nat. Baxter, - S. B. Marchant, S. W. Mitchell, F. P. Hallet, F. A. Abell, Baxter Wharf Road: Rufus Gorham, J. S. Baker, A. L. Baker, Howard Nickerson, S. B. Marchant, Lem. Marchant, J. Hallet, Lockwood Baster, George Chase, J. S. Baker, John Hinckley & Son, Mrs Clapp, _ Theo. Drew, 54 - 2% days, 2 days @ $3.50, 2 days @ $3.50, 60 loads sand @ 4c., 75 loads sand @ 4c., 7 days @ $3.50, _ 2 days @ $5.00, 4 days @ $3.50,- 3 days @ $3.50, 1 day @ $3.50, 3 days, 3 days, 3 days, 23 hrs @ 22c., 3 days @ • $2.50, bill, 125 loads sand @ 5e., stone, 5 00 7 00 7 00 2 40 3 00 7. 4 } y Tree Warden Account. Oliver Hallet, Jr., labor on trees, 107% hrs @ 44 4-9c., $361 68 18 hrs ,@ 27 7-9c., $24 50 10 00 14 00 10 50 3 50 6 00 6 00 6 00 5 06 7 50 12 30 .6 25 3 40 $115 01 J. S. BAKER, Road Commissioner. Going for spraying outfit, Repairing hose and pump, Express, Postage and rope, John B. Keveney, labor on trees, Chas E. Bumpus, labor on trees, 61 hrs @ 22 2-3c., Kenneth Matthews, labor on trees, 120% hrs @ 22 2-3e., Chester Chase, labor on trees, 40 hrs @ 22 2-3c., Paid James W. Holmes for belts and straps, Paid Ansel Hallet, for poison, Paid Smith & Thayer Co., supplies, Paid J. Usher, Jr., with horse, Paid E. S. Carr, repairing climbing irons, Paid N. H. Matthews, filing saw, 52 hrs @ 22 2-3c., Amount appropriated by the town, $47 66 5 00 100 2 60 30 37 11 56 13 56 26 78 8 89 2 00 21 25 3 01 2 50 1 50 25 $148 23 $150 00 148 23 Unexpended balance, $ 1 77 OLIVER HATJLET, JR., Tree Warden. Auditors' Report.. The auditors of the town of Yarmouth, having carefully exam- ined the accounts of the several officers of the town, respectfully submit the following report for the year of 1909: Town Treasurer, William J. Davis.- Balance avis.Balance on hand, Jan 1, 1909, Received from tax collector and all other sources, Paid on orders from selectmen from Jan 1, 1909, to Jan 1, 1910, Balance on hand Jan 1, 1910, Outstanding orders, $1,303.82. Selectmen. Charles R. Bassett, chairman. Orders drawn by selectmen from Jan, 1909, to Jan, 1910, Amount of receipts and vouchers, Amount of outstanding orders, Town Clerk, Benjamin T. Gorham. Amount received from all sources, Paid State treasurer, Paid County treasurer, Paid town treasurer, $4,968 02 . 37,613 32 $42,581 34 $38,871 91 $3,709 43 $38,991 90 $37,688 08 1,303 82 $38,991 90 $363 30 $225 60 86 00 51 70 $363 30 -'E Massachusetts School Fund. With town treasurer. Balance of hand Jan 1, 1909, Received from Com.. Mass., Reimbursements, Orders paid from Jan 1, 1909, to Jan 1, 1910, Balance on hand Jan 1, 1910, Outstanding order, $3.00. Massachusetts School Fund. With school committee. Balance on hand Jan 1, 1909, Outstanding orders Jan 1, 1909, Reimbursement to town treasurer, Received from State fund,, Orders drawn from Jan 1, 1909, to Jan 1, 1910, Balance on hand Jan 1, 1910, Burial Fund. Deposited with town treasurer, Deposited in New Bedford Inst% tution for .Savings, Deposited in New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank, Deposited in Bass River Savings Bank, Deposited in Bass River Savings Bank, $565 04 650 04 52 00 $1,267 08 $514 22 50 82 52 00 650 04 839 25 $427 83 $1,267 08 $842 25 424 83 ' $1,000 00 1,000 00 735.00 200 00 $1,267 08 $2,935 00 $2,935 00 u.a.• atil fig ?6,.4 58 Tree Warden. Oliver Hallet, Jr. Amount raised by town, Amount paid for labor and sup- plies as shown by receipts and vouchers, Unexpended balance, Moth Fun& Amount raised by town, Received from private owners, Paid for labor and supplies by Chas R. Bassett, Paid for labor and supplies by L. R. Brown, Paid Ansel Ballet for supplies, Paid E. W. Lincoln for supplies, Unexpended balance, $11.93. Follins Pond Fishery. Amount received from sale of permits Mch 27, Amount received after Mch 27, $300 00 12 73 $163 00 137 00 55 25 $150 00 148 23 $ 1 77 ,fr 11 is f's $312 73 $300 80 $264 25 82 65 346 90 69 Paid R. Howes, auctioneer, John Hinckley & Son, lumber, James A. Ellis, labor, Chas •L. Nickerson, A. P. Baker, watching pond, A. T. Nickerson, watching pond, Seth Taylor, watching pond, Chas S. Bassett, watching . pond, .. Chas R. Bassett, labor and horse, Yarmouth_ Register, A. C. Snow, Postage, Town treasurer, Treas town of Dennis, Road Commissioner. P. E. Hannan. Weir Road. Amount raised by town, Paid out for labor and material, Unexpended balance, North Side. -- Amount drawn from town treasurer, • Paid for labor and material, Luther R. Brown, South Side. Amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid for labor and material, Balance due the town, $200 25 89 8 75 2 50 7 50 7 50 21 00 • 9 00 10 50 2 25 9 87- 52 119 81 119 81 $500 00 482 13 $ 17 87 $346 90 $731 30_--, 731 30 $700 00 696 23 $ 3 77 60 Town Landing. Amount drawn from town treasirer, Paid for labor and material, Snow Account. Amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid for clearing snow, Due L. R. Brown, Joshua Baker. Amount paid for labor and material, Amount drawn from town treasurer, Due Joshua Baker, Hyannis Park Culvert. Amount drawn from town treasurer, Paid for labor and material, Sealer of Weights and Measures. 61 Sears Fund. $49 05 Thacher T. Hallet and Manton H. Crowell, Trustees. 49 05 Note of town in hands of trustees Jan 1, 1909, $12,000 00 Cash in hands of trustees deposited as follows: Deposited in New Bedford Insti- tution for Savings, 1,000 00 $4 75 1 ' Deposited in Wareham Savings 5 10 Bank, 1,000 00 Deposited in Bass River Savings 35 = f Bank, 1,000 00 Received interest on town notes, 720 00 $426 99 426 69 0 $50.O'' 50 00 Albert C. Snow. 47 Received for sealing weights and measures for 1909, $2323 47 Paid town treasurer, 4.4 $15,720 00 Jan 1, 1910. Note of town in hands of trustees, $10,500 00 Jan 1, 1910. Deposited in Ware- ham Savings Bank, 1,000 00 Jan 1, 1910. Deposited in New Bedford Institution for Savings 1,000 00 Jan 1, 1910. Deposited in Bass - River Savings Bank, 1,000 00 Jan 1, 1910. Cash in Trustees' hands,. 1,500 00 Paid town treasurer for support of schools, 705 00 Paid trustees for services 1909, 15 00 $15,720 00 i Tax. Collector. Elisha T. Baker. Jan 1, 1909. Amount Jan 1, 1909. Amount Jan 1, 1909. Amount Taxes for 1909, Additional taxes, Amount paid town Jan 1, 1910, Taxes of 1906, Amount paid town Jan 1, 1910, Taxes of 1907, Amount paid- town Jan 1, 1910,. . Taxes of 1908, Amount paid town Jan 1, 1910, Taxes of '1909, due due due r: 62 town, taxes of 1906, town, taxes of 1907, town, taxes of 1908, treasurer to treasurer to treasurer to treasurer to Balance due town Jan 1, 1910, Due .on taxes of 1907, Due on taxes of 1908, Due on taxes of 1909, $ 584 06 1,456 63 9,136 80 24,086 04 30.54 $35,294 07 $584 06 1,054 00 7,297 22 17,300 95 $ 402 63 1,839 58 6,815 63 $26,236 2:3 $9,057 84 $9,057 84 CHARLES R. HONES, GEORGE H. LORING, Auditors. 3 Annual Town Meting Warrant. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. Barnstable, as. To either of the constables of the town of Yarmouth, in the County of Barnstable, GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yon are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the Town House in said town on MONDAY, the SEVENTH day 'of FEBRUARY next, at 8.30 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles: Article 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. Article 2. To elect the following -named officers all on one bal- lot, under the Australian ballot system, as adopted by the town, viz.: One Selectman for three years. One Assessor for three years. One Overseer of the Poor for three years. . Town Treasurer for one year. One Town Clerk for three years. One School Committeeman for three years. One Road Commissioner for three years. Collector of Taxes and Two Constables for one year. Two Auditors for one year. Tree Warden for one year. Also to see if the town will grant the sale of intoxicating liquors. Article 3. To choose all other necessary officers. Article 4. To hear the report of the Selectmen and act there - on. Article 5. To hear the report of other committees and act thereon. 1 i 66 Article 6. To see what sums of .money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committees' fees, sup- port of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transporta- tion of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. .Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasur- er, with the approval of the selectmen, to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes, such sums of money as may be necessary for the current expenses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year, giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. All debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to thetrustees of the Sears fund. Article 9. Shall an Act, passed by the General Court in the year 190S, entitled: An Act to provide for the protection of forest or sprout lands from fire, be accepted by this town? Article 10. To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be applied as a pay- ment upon the note of the town in the hands of the trustees of the Sears fund. Article 11.. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five cents each on muskrats and raise and appropriate money therefor. Article 12. To see what surn of money the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the improvement of the town cemeteries. 87 Article 13. To see ii the town will vote to amend the by-laws of the town by adding to article six the following section, to be called Section 15, viz.: "The Selectmen are authorized to grant licenses to suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk,' old metals ' or second-hand articles, and persons not holding such licenses are forbidden to carry on said business." Article 14. To see if the town will vote to employ no one but tax payers to work on town roads. (By Petition.). Article 15. To see if the town will vote toaccept as a town way, Broadway, leading from Berry avenue to Main avenue, as now laid out, and to see what sum the town will appropriate to repair the same. (By Petition.) Article 16. To see what action the town will take toward raising and appropriating a surn of money for the purpose of purchasing and applying oil or other material for laying the dust upon sections of the highways in the different villages. (By Pe- tition.) Article 17. _To . see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars for the purpose of surveying and charting the town, same to include one chart giving general out- lines of the town with roads, ponds, lines of precincts, etc., and one chart to give the shores and flats. Article 18. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate to repair the road leading from South Yarmouth station towards South Yarmouth. Article 19. To see if the town will vote to authorize and instruct its School. Committee to install a heating and ventilating system in the High School building. 66 Article 6. To see whatsums of money the town will raise for the support of the poor, town officers and committees' fees, sup- port of schools, repairs of roads and bridges, town debts, repairs on public buildings, miscellaneous expenses, school supplies, interest on town debts, superintendent of schools and transporta- tion of scholars, and for other necessary charges arising in this town. Article 7. To see if the town will authorize the town treasur- er, with the approval of the selectmen, to borrow during the municipal year in anticipation of the collection of taxes, sueli sums of money as may be necessary for the current expenses of the town, but not exceeding the total tax levy for the year. giving the notes of the town therefor, payable within one year after the date thereof. All debts incurred under the authority of this vote shall be paid from the .taxes of the present municipal year. Article 8. To see if the town will instruct its treasurer to sign the annual note of the town to thetrustees of the Sears fund. Article 9. Shall an Act, passed by the General Court in the year 1908, entitled: .An Act to provide for the protection of forest or sprout lands from fire, be accepted by this town? Article 107 To see if the town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to be applied as a pay- ment upon the note of the town in the hands of the trustees _of the Sears fund. Article 11. To see if the town will vote to pay a bounty of twenty-five cents each on muskrats and raise and appropriate money therefor. Article 12. To see what sum of money the town will vote tii raise and appropriate for the improvement of the town ceineteri,.s. 67 Article 13. To see if the town will vote to amend the by-laws of the town by adding to article six the following section, to be called Section 15, viz.: "The Selectmen are authorized to grant licenses to suitable persons to be dealers in and keepers of shops for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metals or second-hand articles, and persons not holding such licenses are forbidden to carry on said business." - Article 14. To see if the town will vote to employ no one but tax payers to work on town roads. (By Petition.) .Article 15. To see if the town will vote to• accept as a town way, Broadway, leading from Berry avenue to Main avenue, as now laid out, and to see what sum the town will appropriate to repair the same. (By Petition.) Article 16. To see .what action the town will take toward raising and appropriating a sum of money for the purpose of purchasing and applying oil or other material for laying the dust upon sections of the highways in the different villages. (By Pe- tition.) Article 17. To see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars for the purpose of surveying .and charting the town, same to include one chart giving general out- lines of the .town with roads, ponds, lines of_precincts, etc., and one chart to give the shores .and flats. Article 18. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate to repair the road leading from South Yarmouth station towards South Yarmouth. Article 19. To see if the town will vote to authorize and instruct its School Committee to install a heating and ventilating system in the High School building. 68 Article 20. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropri- ate, or to hire on a term of years giving the town notes therefor, a sufficient sum of money to install a heating and ventilating system in the High School building. And you are directed to serve this warrant, by posting up attested copies thereof in five public places, three on the South side and two on the North side, also one publication in the Yar- mouth Register, in said town, seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid. Given under our -hands this twenty-fifth .day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten. CHARLES R. BASSETT, HENRY BLACHFORD, LUTHER R. BROWN, Selectmen. of Yarmouth. A true copy, Attest: SETH TAYLOR, Constable. ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT OF THE TOWN of YARMOUTH 1908- 1909. YARHOUTHPORT, flA33.: C. W. SWIFT, PUBLISHER AND PRINTER. 1910. i•rOwn 0, rf fa/ l!J Note.—At a special meeting of the School Committee, held Jan 10, 1910, it was voted that the report of the Superintendent be adopted as the report of the Committee. • School Officers. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. For 1909. Term Expires. Residence. Samuel H. D. Drew, 1910. West Yarmouth Edmund W. Eldridge, 1911. Yarmouth David Kelley, 2d, 1912. South Yarmouth Chairman, Edmund W Eldridge. Secretary, Samuel H. D. Drew. Superintendent, Chester R. Stacy. Truant Officers: Alton S. Cole, South Yarmouth. Stephen W. Mitchell, Wast Yarmouth. Seth Taylor, Yarmouth. 1 s1 f. : • Report on the State Fund.. Balance on hand Jan 1, 1909, Received from the State, Reimbursement by town treasurer, Paid out. Teachers' salaries, Transportation, Books and supplies, Clerical work, $676 14 19 50 50 69 45 00 $514 22 650 04 52 00 $1,216 26 $791 33 Balance on hand, $424 83 EDMUND W. ELDRIDGE, S. H. D. DREW, DAVID KELLEY, 2D, School Committee. Superintendents Report. Yarmouthport, Mass., December 31, 1909. To the School Committee of•Yarmouth: Gentlemen—I present herewith my first annual report, it being the eighteenth in the series of the district superintendent's report Since my teriu of office has extended as yet over only six months, during three of which schools were not in session; it fol- lows, naturally, that 1 have not at the present _time that intimate and thoro acquaintance with all phases of the school situation that longer service should supply. Yet there are certain con- ditions and features now existing that have speedily revealed themselves, and which I believe are well worth your. consideration. These I shall treat under the following separate headings: School Buildings and Grounds. . Perhaps the most serious of the_ mechanical problems of the cotmtry school is that of heating and at the same time properly ventilating. In these days' the nee. of growing children for a constant supply of pure air is generally recognized, tho occasion- ally janitors and even parents are found who seem oblivious to this necessity. In the smallest of our schoolhouses we must con- tinue to use the stove, ventilating by the windows, but the former should be jacketed and the latter provided with suitable boards or screens for the protection of the pupils. In a large building, however, such as the four -room strue _ure at Yarmouth, I see no reason why a modern furnace could not be installed in the base- ment and each class -rows supplied with heated fresh air. I recommend that your hoard seek information regarding different makes and kinds of heating plants, their expense and suitability to our particular needs, and that an improved system be put into use as soon as is consistent with wise selection. r 6 The great prevalence of defective vision among pupils warns us that we must make the best possible provision for light in our school rooms. The buildings erected today make this provision but our buildings put up about fifty years ago fall short in this respect. I regard the grammar room at South Yarmouth as the most prominent example of this shortcoming and therefore deserv- ing of first attention: In the dull fall days it is frequently im- possible to use the eyes without strain as early as half past two o'clock. The room is unusually large and is lighted by only five small windows. Moreover, the blackboards are on the wrong side to receive the light, while outside large poplar trees, even when leafless, shade this room more than the others. I suggest the advisability of either putting in more windows or installing a system of lights that could be used thru-the short dark days of November, December, and early January. • The fences bounding the two sides of the front yard of this South Yarmouth building are in poor condition. It will be economy in the end to replace this worn-out fencing with a kind more durable than wooden. I believe that all citizens will agree that the grounds of a public building add or detract, in no small measure, to or from the gen- eral appearance of a town. ]n villages such as our own, the schoolhouse and the church are the chief, if not the only public buildings. Should it not be the care of the responsible officials that neat and attractive fronts be .created, particularly where there is ample room on the sides or rear for play grounds? The front yard most needing attention at the present time is that at West Yarmouth. I recommend that definite plans be formed for the conversion of that sandy and uneven slope into something more pleasing to the view. Such plans need not be carried out"in their entirety in one year, but certain divisions of the whole plan could be executed at a moderate expense each season for several years, and in the end a permanent and satisfactory result would' be attained. 7 Teachers. I wish particularly to bring to your minds, gentlemen, and thru. you to the minds of our townspeople, the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure and retain competent teachers. In the district of which this town forms a part, out of twenty-five teachers (special instructors not counted) thirteen, or over fifty percent., left to go to other fields this last summer. To fill these vacancies we have had to take, as a rule, instructors of little or no experience and the most capable of these are•likely to leave• soon for more remunerative - positions. Every one knows how the cost of living has increased within the last few years. Wages in most lines of labor have been raised to meet in part this great- er burden, but our salary scale remains practically the same as it has been for the last decade or two. Young men and women are not going into school work in such proportionate numbers as formerly, other kinds of employment offering more -nearly ade- quate recompense. According to the last report of the State Board of Education, the schools of Massachusetts required .last year about 1500 new teachers. The nine State normal_ _ schools (omitting the normal art school) graduated but 539. Thus we are confronted by either of these prospects, the salary schedule must be raised in the near future to enable us to attract well equipped teachers, or the standard of the efficiency of our corps must fall behind that of the more progressive communities of the Commonwealth. It is worth while to note in this connection that Yarmouth is well able financially to make this advance. Its valu- ationper pupil ($10,613) is forty per cent above the State, average valuation per pupil ($7,534). Of the 354 towns and cities of Mas- sachusetts, Yarmouth ranks as the 314th according to the amount appropriated to the public schools for each thousand dollars of valuation. That is to say: there are 313 towns doing more for their schools, in proportion to their abliity, than our own is doing. 8 Special Studies. I wish to take this, my first opportunity, to express the satis- faction I take, both as a school official and a parent, in the fact that our town is offering to its children a course of studies in harmony with the best modern educational principles. The intro- duction of sloyd, sewing, and cooking, that the initiative of a pub- lic-spirited townswoman and her generous contributions, together with the wise response of our people, marked one of the great forward steps in our school history and has made Yarmouth a leader in this section of the State. The old New England farm homes with their large families and varied manual activities are gone. Today the,boy is an exception who has to care for the horses, milk the cows, cut the wood, go into the field to plant, cultivate, and harvest, and use tools in mending and building. Few girls have to help regularly with the washing, baking, brew ing, and sewing. Under the earlier conditions "faculty was the greatest virtue, and shiftlessness the greatest vice, of the Yankee man or woman." The average home does not, cannot as a rule, furnish this manual training that made for capability, resource- fulness, and skilfulness. The public school must meet and fill this lack, as best it can. Thebook and pencil alone will yield but a one-sided education for life. I maintain that if it were a choice of one or the other condition, it would snake far more for the happiness and prosperity of the community for our girls to know how to darn stockings neatly, snake plain garments, and cook an appetizing and wholesome dinner, than to be able to translate a page of French or demonstrate a problem in geometry. And the boy who knows how to use a hammer, square, saw, and chisel, or make a working drawing need not be thought of as being pushed into a trade, but all his life long he will be able to do practical things for himself and others that would he impossi- ble without such training. The measure in which such schdol training has been furnished by progressive nations abroad andthe increasing measure in which.eities and towns over all our country tare providing it; proves how its worth is "being. recognized. If there should he afew\of our citizens who are yet --skeptical con- cerning the value of this sort of instruction, I commend to them the investigation and study of .the aims, methods and results of such teaching,- feeling certain that when informed regarding them none will be in more hearty accord with the work than they. • The High School. • In my opinion, there is in our whole system but one pronounced 4. weakness and that is to be found. in the high school. I quote, from, an agent of. the State Board of Education, who has recent- ly inspected the school: "Notwithstanding the fact that the teachers have been trying to do their best, I regret to say that the work of the school is very unsatisfactory. It cannot otherwise, for teachers cannot do the impossible, and it is impossi- ble for one teacher to hear daily from twelve to sixteen recitations in high school subjects with, all that is required in the way of illustration and discussion, and get good results. Consequently the school is below grade and the scholarship is poor. . . . a law of the State does. not reeognnize a school as a high school " ! that has less than two teachers • It seems to me that Yarmouth is amply able to maintain a high school that would be a credit to the town." At a recent meeting of the Cape Cod siperintendents, when the •E country high school was discussed at length, it was the uuaiL- i rious opinion of these officials that it is physically and mentally impossible for one teacher alone to do the wcerk of a standard high school and that a school so equipped should either be furnished with an assistant or placed upon a two years' course basis, with . provisions for.the pupils' finishing the regular four years' course at a neighboring standard high school. The need of an assistant has long been. recognized by the teachers who have labored con-_ seientiously in the school. To quote again, this time from toe principal's report of last year, "It is at least a. little incongruous that a high school which offers excellent courses in music, draw- 10 ing, cooking, and sloyd, should be lacking in what is considered the chief essential to a good rural high school — an assistant teacher." The present principal, also, emphasizes this need in his accompanying report. I believe the time is now ripe for this defect to be remedied and I earnestly recommend that steps to this effect be taken. Age of Admission to First Grade and Drinking Arrangements. I- am glad to record here for the benefit of parents two pieces of wise legislation lately passed by your board. _ In a' country school system, without the' kindergarten and with several grades in one room, it seems to most people familiar with school -af- fairs not beneficial to a child to eater him at so early an age as five years. The transition from home with its freedom to school with its necessary order and restraint is a serious event in his life. IIe is better able, in body and mind, to accommodate him- self to this change at six, experience showing a gain .in not only health but in scholarship also before the end of the course is reached. By your rule, as it- now stands, the child must be six years old when he enters in the fall, or six before the first of January following. The general drinking cup has been ordered abolished, suitable covered, earthen tanks equipped with a faucet are to be placed in 'eaeli room, and pupils are required to bring their own indi- vidual drinking cups, taking them home frequently for thoro cleansing. This will mean greater safety for ail as regards contagious diseases: - Smoking Among School Boys. I cannot omit a word of warning to parents in regard to this habit, which I have found to be prevalent among high school boys and, I regret still more to say, to a certain extent among grammar school boys. I am convinced that much of the poor scholarship now existing among these boys is due to this folly. The boys . of thirteen or fourteen, or even seventeen or eighteen, cannot do what a man twenty-five or thirty may do, with the same results. "Even the scientists who claim that `tobacco may be used with - 11 out bad effects when used moderately by people who are in con- dition to use it,' declare emphatically that tobacco `must not be used in any form by growing children or youths'." The italics are mine. The State in recognition of this truth has restricted the sale of tobacco to minors. The school has charge of pupils for about thirty hours of the week. For the other one hundred thirty-eight hours the home is responsible. The wise- and reso- lute father or mother can do much to save the boy from this or any other pernicious habit. In closing, I wish to thank the teachers for the kindly spirit in which they welcomed me to the school force and for their will- ing co-operation, also to gratefully acknowledge the ready sur - port extended me by your hoard from the very first. Trusting I may be able to administer the affairs of my office in the fut- ure so as to merit your continued confidence, I remain Yours respectfully,, C. R. STACY. ;.f 1116'1 11 1 1 1 NI1 • 1t , ,t. ,; t• { Principal of High School. the Superintendent of Schools, Yarmouth, Mass., Dear sir: I desire to present some of my views, based upon twelve years' experience in high schools, both rural and urban, as to a few of the existing conditions in the school under my charge, and as to the means that may, be taken to remove some of the more troublesome problems. Some of the more perplexing problems we have to face at the present time are,—first, how to secure a higher standard of scholarship, and to remove the lack of indi- vidual responsibility for daily tasks; second, how to arouse to an absorbing interest in study, the larger proportion of the stu- dent -body, who are conveyed by barges and have only • a few moments of, time per day for that personal oversight and direc- tion of the teacher that so often is the making of a student; third, how to follow up the daily work of each pupil in all sub- jects pursued, and to fulfill all that is usually demanded in a good three years' course of study; fourth, how to accomplish all this with the present equipment of the school in the limited time at the teacher's disposal; fifth, how to raise the discipline and tone of the school so as to eliminate a waste of time due to forms of distraction. ,The school, at present, when all are at work, • and discipline is excellent, could, under one teacher's instruction, accomplish only about enough work in the three years to meet the requirements of. the first. two years of an average modern high school course. .At present, we cannot do this. The schedule of 58 recitations per week besides sloyd, cooking; drawing, and mu- sic, made possible .by frequent combination of two -class -recita- tions, one oral; the other written, makes it impossible to do more 13 than to simply hear the pupils recite, and in most 'eases the lessons cannot be completed in the time allotted. Class explana- tions and elucidations are for the most part out of question. The results, therefore, cannot fail to be poor. To meet these difficul- ties, I see no method within our means except by the employ- ment of an assistant teacher. I am convinced that in this way, many of the present conditions 'of lax discipline,. weak seholar- ship, poor results, lack of personal direction of individual pupils, i will be in a -fair way of settlement. Two four-year courses, one preparing for the colleges, normal and scientific schools, could then- be easily arranged, making it unnecessary for any pupils to attend elsewhere for two or three years at a great expense before entrance upon higher schools of learning. Periods of recitation could then be lengthened from twenty and twenty-five min- utes each to forty and forty-five minutes. The ef-- ° festiveness of the school will be. thus increased, at least three- fold; the quality of instruction will be greatly improved be- cause each teacher will direct his own special subjects, and natu- rally, pupils will receive greater enthusiasm for endeavor. It will allow each teacher opportunity to overlook personally the work of each pupil in the several branches. The principal will be able to attend to many matters of administration not only in his own room, but in all parts of the building and the grounds. It cannot fail to improve the tone of the school both indoors and eat. As you are doubtless aware, there often arise many incidents • in every high school, where the girls need a lady teacher to con- sult and to direct. It will give time to secure closer co-opera- tion of parents with the teaching force. Measured by any stand- Prd you may apply, the town cannot but gain froiu such increase i❑ fhe efficiency of the school. No pupil should be compelled to spend three years' time in acquiring imperfectly what could more easily and more thoroughly be gained in two years' time under the better conditions afforded by having two teachers. I, therefore, most earnestly urge the employment at the earliest possible moment ofan assistant in our high school, and the plac- -: • r z 14 ing of the high school on such basis as to receive the approval of the State Board of Education and also the right of certification from the New England College Entrance Certification Board. Iam Yours respectfully, ALBERT T. LANE, A. M., Principal. Supervisor of Music. Mr Chester R. Stacy, Sup't of Schools, Dear Sir:—The work in music is progressing in a most satis- factory manner. The high and grammar grades are singing three-part music,– the intermediate two-part, while the little people in the primary are singing their songs with motions, which teaches them the sense of rhythm. Rhythm being an important factor in music, special attention has been given to time -beating in all the grades, and marked improvement is already shown.. • The third grade in the primary room is taking up sight reading and using books preparatory to entering the intermediate grades. Sight reading, ear -training and written work are being taught in every grade. Much credit is due the regular teachers_who _so heartily co- operate with -me for the advancement of the school music. Most respectfully, - - INA F. NICKERSON, Supervisor of Music. t{ t Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking, Mr C. R. Stacy, Superintendent of Schools, Dear Sir:—The pupils in the sewing classes, with the exception of the ninth grade, are this year following along the lines of last year's work, that is, making undergarments for themselves. The ninth grade girls are making their cooking caps and ap- rons, as usual, and are also making dresses. This introduction of dressmaking in the last year has been received by the girls with great enthusiasm. In order to benefit by it, they are will- ing to d� practically all the work at home, and let the one hour a week, which we have together in school, go towards planning home work for the coming week. These lessons in dressmaking seem to me very important, because they teach cutting and fitting as well as • sewing. A marked improvement is found in all grades of the sewing classes this year, probably because the children are now used to working on the larger pieces. They are not only doing better work, but they are working much more quickly. A sewing machine for each school is a great help to the super- visor and also to the pupils. The work in the cooking department is along very practical lines. The afternoon class, whiAh is the freshman class, for the first term do a great of individual work; but the morning class always gets a simple meaL We cook dur Cape Cod products in their season, and in as palatable and nutritious a manner as we may. • The recipes which the girls have used in school Friday they of- ten try at home Saturday; and any recipe which a girl has used at home and found satisfactory we are always glad to try in the schooL 1, The -chemistry of cooking we study_in a very simple manner,. but to the' hygiene of cooking we try to give our careful attention. Respectfully, HANNAH A. KNOWLES, Supervisor of Cooking and Sewing. Supervisor of Sloyd and Drawing. Mr. C. R. Stacy, Superintendent of Schools, Dear sir: In giving a report of the subjects which come under my supervision, it may be well to consider briefly some of the rea- sons for introducing sloyd and drawing into the public schools. Manual training and drawing are the only studies with the exception of sewing in which skill of hand is systematically taught, the only studies in which correct clear thinking is mani fested in skilful hand work. The aim in teaching these subjects is to make the manual arts of vital importance in the education of children; to give the pupils practical studies which are clearly related to their daily lives; to encourage industrious effort in the right direction; to help in the formation of habits of orderliness and neatness and to assist the children to recognize the satisfaction which comes from overcoming difficulties. The achievement may be the proper construction of a box, or it may be the correct perspec- tive drawing of some familiar object, but in either case, ability to conquer obstacles has been brought to light. The study of sloyd is not introduced for the purpose of making carpenters of the pupils, although such a course is, necessarily, a good preparation for further tool work. The real object is . to unfold those qualities in the student which go toward the mak- ing of an industrious, observing, honest, practical citizen, whatever the profession may be. With this in view, an effort has been made to encourage the pupils to think more of the quality of the work in hand than of the quantity of articles made, and . to remind them to control themselves as well as to control their tools; thereby seeking to maintain a higher standard of work and of deportment. • 19 With a . few exceptions the work has all been in three dimen- sions, and thus the finished product represents broad - surface - planing - planing as well as narrow surface and end planing. Although a general course of work has been outlined, it has often been - rvaried when it has seemed wise to do so. Staining, filling and shellacing has been taught and applied•to the finished pieces of" work when desirable. As the purpose in teaching sloyd is not primarily to make car- penters, so the aim in introducing drawing into the public schools is not to make artists of the children, although an earnest effort is made to lead the pupils to enjoy beauty of form and color everywhere. Drawing is a means of expression just as language is, and a neglect of the study of either may seriously handicap one. It is certainly true that a study of drawing develops ofle's powers of observation and gives one greater ability to appreciate the good work of others. It has been well said that "a person who de- signs even a poor book cover is forever after better able to ap- preciate a good one." As the time given to drawing is very limited, it was considered unwise to attempt many branches of work, interesting as they might be. "The greatest good to the greatest number" was taken into account. Consequently all the grades were taught in different degrees the fundamental elements of darwing, such as the position of objects, the perspective of objects - on a flat surface, geographical drawings representing land and water and geometri- cal forms as the foundation of object drawing. Freehand letter- ing has been studied and mechanical drawings have been made in connection with the sloyd work. In the spring and fall, studies from nature were made in pencil and color, and the necessity of such study illustrated in the application of nature forms to de- sign upon some article of use. Simple designing on squared paper has been studied as well as pictorial color work and sil- houettes. 20 Much is said nowadays of industrial training and its advan- tages. It has been helpful to me to remember that all training, whether it is classed under the head of sloyd or of drawing, is truly industrial training, and that this important training begins with the primary grades in our schools and is continued through the high schooL Respectfully submitted, EMILY M. DREW. Supervisor of sloyd and drawing. Changes of Teachers. Changes of Teachers.' Mr Philip H. Jewett resigned from the high school and was succeeded by Mr Albert T. Lane, A. M. Miss Adelaide L. Butman of the South Yarmouth grammar school was succeeded -by Mr Leroy E. Sweeney. Miss Ruth Hodgdon of the West Yarmouth grammar school resigned and was succeeded by Miss Clara J. Brown, who in turn was succeeded at the close of the fall term by Miss Mildred P. Young. Miss Rena E. Horton was succeeded by Miss Aroline M. Good- win in the Yarmouth intermediate room. Miss Ina F. Nickerson succeeded Miss Louise M. Crowell as supervisor -of music. a Present Corps of Instructors_ Albert T. Lane, High school. Helen A. Eldridge, Yarmouth Gzammar SchooL Aroline M. Goodwin, Yarmouth Intermediate School. Mary Bass, Yarmouth Primary School. Leroy E. Sweeney, South Yarmouth Grammar School. Mary C. Warren, South Yarmouth Intermediate School. Alice T. Lee, South Yarmouth Primary School. Mildred P. Young, West Yarmouth Grammar School. Kate E. Maher, West Yarmouth Primary School. Emily M. Drew, Supervisor of Sloyd and Drawing. Ina F. Nickerson, Supervisor of Music. Hannah A. Knowles, Supervisor of Sewing and Cooking.. Statistics. !"i STATI STICS. For school year ending July 1, 1909. Number of children enrolled in the public_ schools: Number. of children enrolled in the public schools, over 15 years of age, Number of children enrolled in the public schools, under 5 years of age, Number of children enrolled in the public schools, between 7 and 14 years of age, Number of children enrolled in the public schools,. 1 1 1 i Number of school buildings, Number of men teachers, Number of women teachers, Number of special teachers, _ - Number of teachers graduated from normal schools, Number of teachers who have attended normal schools with- between.5 and 15 years of age, out graduating,_ - -- , Number of teachers who have graduated from from college, Total membership, Average membership, Average attendance, Percentage of attendance, Number of eases of tardiness, 31 145 188 4 1 11. 3 4 1 2 217 205.65 193.34 942 ,,239 '�sY� School Calendar. For 1910. The winter term begins January 3rd and closes March 25th. The spring term begins April 4th and closes June 24th. The fall term begins September 26th and closes December 23rd for a vacation of one week. Sessions. Common schools from 9 a., m., to 12 m., and from 1.30 to 4 p. m. with the exception of the months of November, December and January, when the afternoon sessions will begin at 1.15 and close at 3.45. High 'school from 9 a. m. to 12 m. and from 12.45 t� 3 p. with the exception of the winter term, when the hours will be from 9.30 a. m., to 12.15 p. m., and from 12.45 to 3.15 p. m. School Committee Meetings. The last Friday in each school month.' The time of any ,meet- ing may be changed, or special meetings called by the chairman of the board. Roll of Honor. • School year ending July 1, 1909, Pupils neither absent nor tardy for one year: High school: Viola F. Eldridge. :.Yarmouth intermediate school: Warren Ellie. - South Yarmouth Hilda H. Baker. Milton M. -Hallett. intermediate school: Forrest O. Eldridge. Bertram M. Johnson. West Yarmouth grammar school: - - Effie. L. Taylor. West Yarmouth primary school: Millie Gorham. Pupils neither absent nor tardy for two years : Viola F. Eldridge. Forest 0. Eldridge. .Effie L. Taylor. Pupils neither absent nor tardy for five years: Forrest 0. Eldridge. Viola F. Eldridge. • Graduation of 1909. Yarmouth High School June 24. -. Program: _ Music, "Out on the Deep," Lohr. Greeting, Maude D. Parker. Salutatory, Paul M. Swift. Music, "Sea mg's Bride," Leslie, School. Essay, "The Merits of George Eliot's Style as Shown in Silas Marner," A. Laura Kelley. Prophecy, Marion L. Cahoon. Essay, "Tammany Hall," Lavaughny G. Douglas. Mac, "Barcarolle," School History, Hettie E. Crowell. • Valedictory, Ethel Baker. Presentation of Diplomas. Parting song, SchooL "America." Alumni of Yarmouth High School. • If any graduates or friends especially of the necrology, w kindly forward same to the the School. CLASS OF '71.. Abble T. Long Mary A. Howes Kate W. Matthews Lucy E. Shove CLASS OF '72. Phebe T. Gorham Lizzie 8. Hall Frank M. Swift Hattie B. Gorham CLASS OF '13. Alice Bray Maggie Coffey- Fred. offeyFred. C. Swift D. G. Eldridge CLASS OF '74. Winthrop Sears Emma C. Baker Alice Shields CLASS OF '75. Kate Sears Annab Hallett Dora O. Holmes Kate Coffey Carrie Eldridge. CLASS OF ;6. Mary Ann Coregan CLASS OF '7& Emma J. Drew Lizzie W. Hallett Mary J. Howes Jennie W. Crowell Mary M. Park CLASS OF ;9. Kate A. Shields have information of the classes, ill they, at a..y and all times, Superintendent or Principal of CLASS OF '80 Carrie A. Gorham Benj. T. Gorham Fred. Hallett Lila D. Howes Sarah A. Holmes Charles H. Taylor Hallett G. Thaeber ' CLASS OF '81. Markie Chase Anna C. Eldridge Nellie H. Shields Carrie M. Swift Sarah W. Thacber E. B. Hallett C. R. Bassett F. 0. Ryder L. M. Thacher CLASS OF '83. Carrie D: Shields Mary L. Alley Ella W. Bray Sadie M. Swift Caroline A. Park CLASS OF '84. Carrie H. Taylor Rebecca A.Bray Nelson H. Edson CLASS OF '85. Carrie M. Knowles Mattie W. Howes Everett K. Hallet Wm. H. Thacber Chas. W. Swift CLASS OF '86. Charles D. Bray 28 CLASS OF '87. Chandler M. Bray Henry S. Clara Robbins Clara H. Ryder Bessie II.'Ihacher Edward S. Thacher • CLASS OF '88. Francis Alger, Jr. Corrie Q. Bray Theodore Hallett Rebecca M. Hoe es Mary G. James Keveuey Fred. O. Price CLASS OF '90. Cora E. Bassett " ed. Howes Thos. S.Nrowell J. Robert Bray • CLASS OF '91. Joseph C. Howes Eben F. Philips Win. A. R l>so Sorauus W. II. Taylor Russell Hallett Susan W. Dodge Alice T. Mallet Florence G. Howes Mary Matthews Mary A. Otis Harriet W. Ryder • CLASS OF '92. Isa B. Taylor' CLASS OF -'93:- e MariettaiSearsHallHallett' Mabel Howes Margaret Howes Chester Ruggles Stacy Clinton Eldridge Bray Joshua Allen Ilamblin Christopher Hall Howes Ernest Megatblin CLASS OF 'Si. Sarah S. Alley Flora Baker Baker Florence W. Dora M. Baker Grace II. Crosby Ethel Davis Ginnb A. eorgie L. Hallette6 Lizzie S. Ballet Henry E. Baker Alfred C. Drew Thomas F. Matthews •ts Arthur L. Me8 Amos Otts GLASS OF,'90. Edwin Stanley Bray Ruth Eiizabet.h Bray • Willi,. F1'110k110 Cn,. George Harrison Chase Alice Maud Crowell Susie May Crowell Diary Stttttdish Drew Franklin Matthews Eldridge George Elwell Randall Nickerson Sarah Kelley Nickerson Amite Freeman Ryder • Elizabeth Parker Stetson CLASS OF '97. Mary Estella Colo Auuie Sturges,. Crowell Isaiah William Crowell Henry Allen Ellis Clam' Gordon Hallett Edward Polisher Hallett Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroliee Rust Pulsifer Angeleue Frances Stetson CLASS OF -'98. Mabel Williams Baker • Minnie Louise Baker William •Franklin Morgan Stuart Peirce CLASS OF '99. Edward Thacher Chase CLASS OF 1900. Gertrude May Arey Annie White Baker Esther Loretta Baker Florence Otto Cobb Ethel Williams Crowell Edith Glendon Howes Bessie Mabel Thacher CLASS OF '01. Sarah Evelyn Bray Violet E<telle'Vernon Chase Nathan Taylor Hallett Ralph Dudley ey Alfred Daniel Taylor Warren Alesauder Tripp • CLASS OF '02. Ora Inez Allen Clement Chester Baker Isabel Baker Willis Howes Baker Lila Rose Chase Louise Amanda Chase Stanley Howes Crowell Nathan Kelley Crowell Rena Marshall Nickerson Wallace Fuller Purrington Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Helen Sears Stephen Hull Sears, Jr. CLASS OF '03. Willie Davis Baker Hazel Winthrop Chase Ruth Bray Taylor CLASS OF '04. Everett Ellsworth Arey Edna Charles Brown Sadie Louise Crowell Gorham Pulaifer CLASS OF '05. Payson Earle Allen Helen Maria Berry Mabel Patuu Crowell Edna Belie Hale Sadie Nickerson Johnson Annette Louise Kelley Clore Mae Marehaut Minnie Foster Matthews Florence May Durrington William Norton Stetson. Jr. CLASS OF '06: Hattie Mereie Crowell Irma Leontiue Farris e Henry Russell Francis May Russell Howes: Ethel Matthews Hurst Jennie Wallace Jaffray Chester Warren Taylor Gladys Anthony White CLASS Or '07. Charles Denton Brice Robert Morgan Kelley Maude Dora Parker Shirley Blackinton Chase Stanley Hallett Matthews Harriet Morse Stetson CLASS OF '08. Lulu Johnson 29 Advanced (or Fourth Year)- CLASS, 1896-'97. With Additional Diploma., Ruth Elizabeth Bray L Alice Mnud Crowell Susie May Crowell Elizabeth Parker Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1897-'98. With Additional Diploma: Auuie Sturgis Crowell. Caroline Eliza Mayhew Caroline Rust Pulsiter Angeleue Frances Stetson Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1898-'99. With Additional Diploma. Mabel Williams Baker Minnie Louise Baker Stuart Peirce Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1000-'Ol. With Additional.Diploraa. Annie White Baker Florence Otto Cohb- • Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1901-'02, With Additional Diploma. Ralph Dudley Kelley • Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1902-'03, With Additional Diploma. • Rena Marshall Nickerson Henrietta Frances Sears Laura Helen Sears Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS, 1903-'04, W'th Additional Diploma. Ruth Bray Taylor Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS. 1904 -'05. - With Additional Diploma. Sadie Louise Crowell. Advanced (or Fourth Year). CLASS, 1905-'06. Payson Earle Allen. Advanced (or Fourth Year) CLASS OF '07. Hattie Mercie Crowell Ethel Matthews Hurst Irma Leoutine Farris Jennie Wallace Jaffray Gladys Anthony White Advanced (or Fourth:Year) CLASS OF '08. Harriet Morse Stetson •