HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 Nov 27 - Email from Jim Palmer, Wind River, with Attachments Florio, Mary Alice From: Jim Palmer <jim.palmer@commonwealthestates.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:40 PM To: Florio, Mary Alice Cc: 'John Palmer' Subject: FW:Your Wind River Order Attachments: WorkOrder-0217068991.pdf Hello Mary, I am one of the family members for our home at 79 Mass Ave in Yarmouth. We have a Title V on file with you guys that will be entering the second year and I wanted to send you a copy of the septic pumping report for your records to keep the Title V in the active status. Attached is the work order from Wind River and their receipt for your records. Please let me know if there is anything else we need to do to keep this Title V report active and up to date. We will have it pumped before year three as well unless we sell the home. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Jim Jim Palmer-The Palmer Brothers Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Real Estate 508-291-5108/Jim.palmer@commonwealthestates.com 266 Main Street, Medfield, MA 02052 "I'm Never Too Busy For Your Referrals & Rely On Them To Grow My Business!" w, (BMt BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY 1 Commonwealth Real Estate HomeServices From: noreply[mailto:noreply@wrenvironmental.com] Sent:Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:25 PM To:jim.palmer@commonwealthestates.com Subject:Your Wind River Order 1 f l r Thank you for choosing Wind River Environmental! THERE ARE THREE KEYS TO KEEPING YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM HEALTHY: X ROUTINE SEPTIC SERVICE Learn More T Your next service is scheduled for November P2019-Visit our website for more information on the importance of regular service. USE OF BACTERIAL ADDITIVE Get Bacterial Additive You are not currently using a bacterial additive- p.Visit our website for more information on why bacterial additives are important and to order yours today! USE OF FILTER Get a Septic Filter You are NOT using a septic filter. A filter is key to p p.protecting and maintaining your leach field. Wind 'River can install a septic filter for you and will clean it at each pumping service. a Summary of Your Order: Order Number: Location of Service: 0217068991 79 Massachusett Avenue West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Date of Service: 11/23/2018 a Summary of Services: Pumping 1000 Environmental Compliance- Residential Fuel/Energy Recovery Grand Total: $ 304.00 ❑- Technician's Notes: System Operating Fine. Normal water level. Light top solids. Light bottom sludge. Both baffles are intact. Main line Not Applicable . No filter is present on the tank; current tank can be outfitted with a filter. Recommended Boost additive, CCLS additive,Installing a filter. Cover(s) secured. Recommend boost combo to assit with system 2 year pumping. a Thank you for choosing Wind River! 2 I I i r Did you know that we offer a full suite of residential services, incuding Preventative Maintenance, Inspections, and Drain Cleaning? 13 El El fr<1 L7 = Wind River I 46 Lizotte Drive, Suite 1000, Marlborough, MA 01752 Have questions?Find your answers at www.wrenvironmental.com or call(800)499-1682 You are receiving this message because you have opted-in to order-related emails Q — - Virus-free. www.avast.com 3 \ I i Customer Service Report Schedule Now for Service Nov 2019 Workorder# 0217068991 Call (800) 499-1682 Customer Since: 2017 System Owner System Location Jim Palmer Primary Home 79 Massachusett Avenue 79 Massachusett Avenue West Yarmouth, MA 02673 West Yarmouth, MA 02673 (508) 291-5108 Palmer Jim : (508) 291-5108 Service Date: FRI 11/23/2018 10:00 AM Frequency: Household Occupancy Service Type: Standard Previous Service: 08/03/2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Approx. Gals: o CCLS: 1000 22 20 18 16 14 12 12 12 Depth Below: Custom Clean: ;� 1250 22 20 18 18 16 14 12 12 Cust Home: NO Filter: c 1500 24 22 20 20 18 16 14 14 ro Township: Inspection/T5: ~ 2000 26 24 22 22 20 18 16 16 County: Barnstable Build Up: V pt Qty Unit P --7- Score From Table \ 1 Pumping 1000 1.00 $ 271.1708 $ 271.17 Garbage Disposal? -6 Environmental Compliance - Residential 1.00 $ 3.0000 $ 3.00 Fuel / Energy Recovery 1.00 $ 29.8287 $ 29.83 System Age> 10 Years? -5 Seasonal Occupancy? +8 Bacteria Additive Used? +5 Total Adjustments Net Score Score Service Every: < 5 6 Months 6—'15 12 Months Subtotal: $ 304.00 16-_23 18 Months Tax : $ 0.00 Tatar : $ 304.00 24+ 24 Months ❑ System Normal Keep your system healthy by following these 3 steps: Schedule Now for Service • Regular Service NOV 2019 • Use CCLS Bacteria Additive • Use a Filter Call (800) 499-1682 ❑ Excessive Solids Use CCLS Bacteria Additive Payment Detail: ❑ Heavy Sludge Use CCLS Bacteria Additive visa Due on Receipt ElTee Missing/Broken Repair/Replace Tee ❑ High Liquid Level Possible system failure.Call for evaluation or custom cleaning. ❑ Distribution Box Issue See notes below for details. p Missing Filter Use a filter ❑ Other See notes below for details. To schedule repairs, custom cleaning, or system evaluation, call (800)499-1682 . Customer not on site X Technician :Jose A. Sindo Jr. Arrived at:10:27 AM Left at:10:40 AM Customer Signature Tech Notes: System Operating Fine. Normal water level. Light top solids. Light bottom sludge. Both baffles are intact. Main line Not Applicable . No filter is present on the tank; current tank can be outfitted with a filter. Recommended VaiS°.°11V Boost additive, CCLS additive,Installing a filter. Cover(s) secured. Recommend DST boost combo to assit with system ER)j` 2 year pumping. — ENVIRONMENTAL Remit payment to 46 Lizotte Dr Suite 1000,Marlborough,MA 01752 I E t lot tit u -Agew OLIN �V�115\1��1h1111711C1i��ll{ijh�,�,� p111�1N� 0 i I b6