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2014 Annual Report
Celebrating 375 Years
Thank you to the Town Boards, Committees, and Departments for submitting reports for
inclusion in this Annual Report
Front and Back Covers Designed by Linda Dennehy
Administrative Assistant to the Town Administrator
The Country Press
Middleborough, MA 02646
Harold Ralph Knight January 18, 2014
Deputy Shellfish Warden
Hugh Newell March March 18, 2014
Conservation Commission
George Allaire April 25, 2014
Department of Public Works Director
Virginia Newell April 26, 2014
Precinct Worker
Audrey L. Smith May 10, 2014
Precinct Worker
Barbara Wilson July 16, 2014
Town Accountant
Irene Wright July 29, 2014
Nancy Homer September 16, 2014
Board of Selectmen …………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Licensing …………………………………………………………………….................................... 4
Gifts Accepted by the Board of Selectmen ……………………………………………………….... 5
Finance Committee …………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Capital Budget Committee .………………………………………………………………………… 8
Town Administrator ..…………………………………………………………………………………. 10
Elected Officials, Employees and Committees ……………………………………………………… 12
Town Administrative Organization Chart …………………………………………………………… 18
Town Clerk and Board of Registrars ………………………………………………………………… 20
Annual Report ……..…………………………………………………………………………………. 21
Births …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 21
Marriages ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Deaths …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Brought Here for Burial ……………………………………………………………………………… 31
Annual Town Meeting, April 1, 2014 ………………………………………………………………… 32
Special Town Meeting, July 28, 2014 ………………………………………………………………… 74
State Primary Election Results – September 9, 2014 ………………………………………………... 77
State Election Results – November 4, 2014 …………………………………………………………... 80
Annual Town Election, May 20, 2014 ……………………………………………………………… 84
Old King’s Highway Regional Historic District Committee Annual Meeting, October 22, 2014 ……… 85
Board of Appeals ……………………………………………………………………………………… 87
Department of Community Development ……………………………………………………………. 88
Planning Board ……………………………………………………………………………………… 89
Affordable Housing Trust …………………………………………………………………………… 90
Community and Economic Development Committee ………………………………………………… 92
Community Housing Committee …………………………………………………………………….. 93
Community Preservation Committee ………………………………………………………………… 94
Conservation Commission …………………………………………………………………………… 97
Design Review Committee …………………………………………………………………………… 99
Historical Commission ……………………………………………………………………………….. 100
Old King’s Highway …………………………………………………………………………………... 101
Library Division ………………………………………………………………………………………. 104
Natural Resources ……………………………………………………………………………………. 108
Law Enforcement/Management ………………………………………………………………. 108
Shellfish ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 112
Animal Control ………………………………………………………………………………. 115
Harbormaster/Waterways ……………………………………………………………………... 117
Division of Senior Services ……………………………………………………………………….. 119
Golf Division …………………………………………………………………………………………. 120
Information Technology Division ……………………………………………………………………. 124
Recreation Commission ………………………………………………………………………………. 126
Parks & Recreation Division …………………………………………………………………………. 127
Parks Division …………………………………………………………………………………. 127
Recreation Division ……………………………………………………………………………. 129
Cemetery Division …………………………………………………………………………….. 130
Town Accountant ……………………………………………………………………………………… 133
Combined Balance Sheet ………………………………………………………………….. 134
Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Equity …………………………………………… 135
Schedule of Budgeted Revenue ……………………………………………………………. 136
Schedule of Appropriations and Expenditures ……………………………………………… 137
Town Collector/Treasurer ……………………………………………………………........................ 144
Trust and Investment Funds …………………………………………………………………… 144
Independent Auditor ………………………………………………………………………...... 144
Town Employees’ Salaries and Wages ………………………………………………………… 145
Board of Assessors ……………………………………………………………………………………. 161
Fire and Rescue Department …………………………………………………………………………... 163
Police Department ……………………………………………………………………………………. 176
Building Department ………………………………………………………………………………….. 187
Board of Health ………………………………………………………………………………………. 189
Department of Public Works ………………………………………………………………………... 208
Engineering and Survey Division ………………………………………………………………..... 210
Facilities Division …………………………………………………………..………………………. 215
Highway Division …………………………………………………………………………………... 215
Waste Management Division ………………………………………………………………………. 218
Water Division ……………………………………………………………………………………. 220
Agricultural Commission …………………………………………………………………………… 223
Barnstable County Human Rights Commission …………………………………………………..... 224
Cape Cod Commission ……………………………………………………………………………. 224
Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority ………………………………………………………………... 225
Cape Light Compact ………………………………………………………………………………….. 225
Cultural Council ………………………………………………………………………………………. 227
Energy Committee ……………………………………………………………………………………. 228
Open Space Committee ……………………………………………………………………………….. 229
Personnel Board ……………………………………………………………………………………... 229
Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee ……………………………………………………. 230
Town Scholarship Fund Committee ………………………………………………………………….. 232
Veterans’ Services ……………………………………………………………………………………. 233
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District ……………………………………………………….. 235
D-Y Regional School District Committee ………………………………………………………….. 236
Office of the Superintendent ……………………………………………………………………….. 237
Finance & Operations ……………………………………………………………………………… 238
Office of Instruction ……………………………………………………………………………….. 239
Pupil Services ………………………………………………………………………………………. 240
D-Y Regional High School ………………………………………………………………………... 241
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School …………………………………………………............ 242
Mattacheese Middle School ………………………………………………………………………... 245
Nathaniel H. Wixon Middle School ……………………………………………………………….. 246
Ezra H. Baker Elementary School …………………………………………………………….......... 247
Marguerite E. Small Elementary School ............................................................................................. 248
Station Avenue Elementary School ………………………………………………………………… 249
Food Service ………………………………………………………………………………………… 250
Technology Department …………………………………………………………………………….. 250
D-Y Regional School District Employees and Wages Paid in 2014 ………………………….......... 252
D-Y Regional High School Scholarships and Awards ………………………………………........... 271
D-Y Regional High School Commencement ……………………………………………………….. 279
D-Y Regional High School Class of 2014 …………………………………………………………... 280
Board and Committees ……………………………………………………………………………… 281
Reference Guide & Telephone Numbers ………………………………………………………………... 285
Talent Bank Form and Volunteer Information ………………………………………………………… 287
2014 was another exciting year for the Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen and the Town as a whole.
With the help of staff, our many volunteers, and other elected officials, we were able to achieve many of
our goals and made significant progress on many others. Some of the more notable accomplishments are
listed below.
• Through the long-term efforts of George Allaire, the late DPW Director, the Town of Yarmouth
is poised to become part of the Cape Cod Rail Trail (CCRT). Approximately $17M in state
funding has been secured to construct an extension of the CCRT from Route 134 in Dennis,
through Yarmouth, and into Barnstable. Phases 1 & 2 will extend the trail from Dennis to Peter
Homer Park along the existing railroad right-of-way. Phase 3 will extend the trail from Peter
Homer Park to Mary Dunn Road in Barnstable. The extension will include a 10’ to 12’ wide
paved pathway, three bridges over major roadways (Route 134, Station Avenue, and Willow
Street), and a bridge over the Bass River which will also serve as a tidal restoration project.
There are two trailhead parking areas proposed for Yarmouth, one located east of Station Avenue,
across from CVS, and one located north of the round-about on Higgins Crowell Road. Start of
construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2015 for Phase 1, 2016 for Phase 2, and 2017
for Phase 3.
• The Yarmouth Police Department evolved, through a free cash grant authorized by the tax payers,
to include a Proactive Anti-Crime Unit (PAC). The PAC Unit is a specialty unit that focuses on a
variety of quality of life issues that directly impact the citizens, businesses, and visitors of the
Town of Yarmouth. The PAC is better able to address current and emerging issues that cannot be
addressed by patrol, due to high shift activity, on a timely basis. Since the establishment of the
PAC Unit on September 1, 2014, and due to the increase in heroin and heroin-related crimes, a
significant amount of the PAC Unit’s enforcement focus has been to confront this growing crisis.
PAC conducted 35 follow-up checks to individuals who overdosed and survived, and our recent
partnership with Gosnold of Cape Cod, will assist and support the Unit with future follow-up’s.
Sex offender checks, neighborhood watch initiatives, emergency plan preparation, and many code
and licensing issues are among the other important functions the PAC performs.
• The Parker’s River Tidal Restoration Project, through the Town’s securing of a Federal grant,
will improve water quality and tidal flushing of Swan Pond by replacing the deteriorated 17’ wide
Parker’s River Bridge along Route 28 with a new 30’ wide bridge. Grant funding of $3.7 million
was awarded for the project through Hurricane Sandy Funds from the US Department of Fish &
Wildlife, and were distributed to the Division of Ecologic Restoration (DER), who is partnering
with the Town on this project. The 25% design plans have been completed, and work is currently
on-going in the preparation of permit applications and the 75% design plans which will include
streetscape improvements. Start of construction is anticipated for the fall of 2016.
• This year Yarmouth launched a new Permitting and Licensing application, consolidating Building
Permits, Health Permits and Licenses, Business Licensing, and Inspectional Services into one
application to more efficiently process the nearly 12,000 permits and licenses issued annually. As
part of the new Permitting and Licensing application, Yarmouth also moved forward with
offering the ability for the public to apply and pay for permits and licenses online, as well as
research property information via the Town’s website. We are excited to provide residents,
businesses and visitors access to government services online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In
this early stage, there are still issues to be addressed and new capabilities to be included but the
system is progressing to meet the Town’s goals of affordably increasing customer service for its
citizens and establishing the Town as a business-friendly community. For more information on
the Permitting and Licensing Application, see the Information Technology Annual Report.
• We were very pleased to receive an unusual “two notch” increase in the Town bond rating from
Standard and Poor’s (S&P) in March. S&P cited strong management conditions, financial
practices, and budgetary performance, low debt levels and improved reserves in increasing the
bond rating from AA- to AA+. This rating validates the efforts of the Board of Selectmen, Town
Administrator, and the Finance staff to stabilize the Town’s financial position in the years
following a steep recession. Together, we have prepared and adopted budgets that limit spending
levels based on a careful analysis of future revenues. Equally important, we have been able to
balance the budget without significant reductions in services during this time by negotiating
modest pay increases for Town employees and by streamlining the way the Town conducts
• This year marked a new chapter for two former elementary schools in South Yarmouth.
Renovations and new construction at the John Simpkins School property were completed by the
private developer who bought the property in 2012. Tenants began moving into new affordable
housing units in October and we have received many positive reports regarding the quality of the
housing that has been created. Additionally, the former Lawrence McArthur School property has
been leased to Bridgewater State University. The University completed the first of three
anticipated phases of substantial renovations at its own expense and began offering classes in
January 2015. We are hopeful the University will attract a growing number of students and
perhaps help the Cape attract and retain young adults. Both projects are the result of considerable
efforts of the Board and staff to creatively re-use school properties in ways that help to revitalize
the Route 28 Corridor and which meet the Board’s economic development and affordable
housing goals.
In summary, 2014 was a very positive and productive year for our Town and the Board of Selectmen
wishes to sincerely express its gratitude for your support. We look forward to making 2015 even better!
Respectfully submitted,
Erik Tolley, Chairman
Tracy Post, Vice Chair
Norman Holcomb, Clerk
James H. Quirk
Michael F. Stone
LICENSES RENEWED 2012 2013 2014
Annual Alcohol 54 55 54
Seasonal Alcohol 11 13 13
Entertainment (Weekday & Sunday) 59 58 62
Automatic Amusement 38 24 23
Auto Sales 12 14 14
Pool Tables 6 8 7
Bowling 1 1 1
Fortune Teller 0 0 0
Mobile Vendor 5 7 6
Christmas Tree Sales 3 3 3
ON A CONSENT AGENDA 2012 2013 2014
Special Alcohol 10 5 2
Special Entertainment 11 13 6
AT A PUBLIC HEARING 2012 2013 2014
New Alcohol Licenses 4 3 1
Alcohol License Transfers 2 3 2
Special Entertainment Licenses 6 1 2
Manager Changes 3 1 0
Changes of Premise 2 1 2
New Entertainment Licenses 2 1 1
New Class II 2 1 1
Change of Corporate 1 0
Change of License Type 2
Yard Sales 441 421 341
DPW – Streetlights Total Total
Barbara Gold $80.00 Fred Kaczor $80.00
Laurence MacArthur $80.00 B. W. Ladner $80.00
John Walsh $80.00 Gary Spurr $80.00
Joyce Dane $160.00 Ida Fiala $80.00
Fire Department Total Total
Sea Notes $25.00 Anne Boudreau $25.00
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ravalese, III $218.46 Station Ave. Elementary School
Sunshine Fund
Route 28 Auto Service $25.00 Sharon Jenny $25.00
Christopher & Suzanne Kenney $60.00 Eugene & Gail Homer $50.00
Cape Cod Area Philatelic Group $100.00 Joanne Jackson $25.00
TOPS MA #0487 $100.00 Dorothy Chase $50.00
Harold and Karen Fuller $25.00 TOPS MA #0487 $50.00
Carolyn Bates, Daniel & Margaret
Good, and Joanne Jackson
$245.00 William & Mary Ann
Joly Enterprises, Inc. $100.00 Anonymous $200.00
Donald & Sharyn Meyer $50.00 Cape Cod Area Philatelic Group $100.00
David & Debra Jones $25.00 Molly & George DeMello $25.00
Geraldine Mountain $25.00
General Fund - Administration Total Total
NARFE Chapter 818 $100.00
Libraries Total Total
Education Foundation for D-Y $450.00 Dorothy P. Smith $1,000.00
Marion Johnson $35.00 Maria Ann & Mathew Winslow $30.00
Joan Nickerson $25.00 Timothy & Sarah Leary $9.95
Carol Rawling $100.00 Stephen Pfaff $50.00
Karen O’Toole $50.00 Karen Everson $25.00
Barbara Beeler $50.00 Joline Diehl $50.00
David & Lena Bolton $100.00 Stop & Shop $1,000.00
Joan Nickerson $25.00 Dennis-Yarmouth Newcomers
Carol Rawling $100.00 Hyannis Public Library Association $26.95
Karen O’Toole $50.00 Brewster Ladies Library $30.16
Shelia & O’Neal Antonio Layles $50.00 Craig Johnson $50.00
Natural Resources Total Total
Janice & James MacNeary $25.00 Don Costa/dba All Cape Locating $100.00
Police Department Total Total
Estate of Wilhelmina I. Gomes $336.96 Weston Assoc. Management Co. $1,000.00
Nova SE University $300.00 Massachusetts Association of
Women in Law Enforcement
Joseph Ravalese III $205.40 Police App Committee $11,350.00
Estate of Wilhelmina I. Gomes $416.96 Charles Goldrick $100.00
MA Most Wanted TIP Program $500.00 Yarmouth Police Officers
Assoc. – IBPO Local 422
Worcester State University $170.00 Yarmouth Fire Dept. – Narcotics
Anonymous Group
Nova SE University $300.00 Council on Aging–Jean Jackson $18.00
Julia Blanchard $20.00 Council on Aging – AA $80.00
Sons of Erin Cape Cod, Inc. $250.00 Council on Aging – Swedish
Weaving Group in memory of
Barbara Kendrick
C.P.A. Graduates $260.00 In memory of Kathlyn Parrick $75.00
Irish Village Holdings, LTD $100.00 Yarmouth Restaurant Association $500.00
Red Face Jack’s, Inc. $100.00
Parks & Recreation Total Total
20/20 Window Cleaning Service $580.00 Julie Beach $25.00
Yarmouth Chapter #1721 Women of
the Moose
$250.00 The Friday Club $250.00
Memorial Bench Program $750.00 Massachusetts South Sectional Field
Hockey Association
Clyde Taakala (920 golf balls) $460.00 Susan Harrison $150.00
Yarmouth Police Relief Association $2,000.00 Yarmouth Seaside Festival
Wendy’s $100.00
Senior Services Total Total
The Foot Nurse $417.00 Health Fair $1,725.00
Cape Cod Men’s Club $200.00 Autobiographical Class $432.00
Anonymous $10.00 AA $40.00
Med Equipment $5.00 Programming $99.00
Low Relief Carvers for Tore Holmes $100.00 Margaret Taylor $52.50
Tax Donations – Anonymous $110.00 Joe Guardino $198.00
Sandra Taubert $20.00 The Foot Nurse $390.00
Joseph Guardino $190.00 Natalie LaFleur $50.00
Follen Family Trust $10.00 Jean Jackson $15.00
Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River –
St. Pius
$50.00 Margaret Taylor $47.50
James O’Connor $100.00 MA Association of Regional
Senior Services Total Total
Anonymous $411.00 AA $40.00
Joyce Rouleau $100.00 Anonymous $86.00
Carolyn Weeks $15.00 Jean Jackson $10.00
Maureen Cox $25.00 Jean Jackson $20.00
Marianne Miles $50.00 Mark Connelly $16.00
Dorothy McFarland $25.00 The Foot Nurse, LLC $282.00
Joan Minyard $25.00 Peter & Charlie Ellis $100.00
Fred Miller $25.00 Cape Cod Salties Sport Fishing $100.00
Arthur Brooks $20.00 Margaret Taylor $38.00
Joanne Brides $50.00 The Foot Nurse, LLC $138.00
Maribeth Nickelson $10.00 Anonymous $222.00
Wanda Loring $25.00 Margaret Taylor $36.00
Carol Coverly $100.00 Vozeolas $200.00
Pamela Newman $35.00 Casso $20.00
Marietta Fitzgerald $30.00 Bollea $25.00
Redding $50.00 AAA $40.00
Savage $50.00 Linda Donovan $41.00
Anonymous $20.00 The Samaritans $500.00
Marilyn McDermott $25.00 Jean Jackson $8.80
Raymond Rasicot $10.00 Medical Equipment $10.00
Jean Jackson $8.80 Linda Donovan $45.00
Miscellaneous $560.00 Anonymous $10.00
Margaret Taylor $41.25 Rose Fisler $8.00
Anonymous $403.00 Anonymous $109.00
Walking Program $160.00 Margaret Taylor $39.50
Anonymous $94.00 Tax Donation $10.00
From the receipt of the proposed Town budget in December, to the Annual Town Meeting in
May, the Finance Committee spends many hours on its budget review in order to make an
informed recommendation to the Board of Selectmen and the residents of Yarmouth. We take
our duties very seriously and strive to meet the goals of the Selectmen and the financial resources
of the Town.
We have been pleased with the continued recovery of the Town from the economic downturn,
but fully realize that we have only begun the journey. Our reserve funds have been increased by
a substantial amount. Revenues outside of real estate tax levy are increasing and we must do all
that is possible to maintain its maximum growth. In conjunction with these revenues, we must
produce a budget within the 2.5% levy limit while meeting the needs of the community.
We are very appreciative of Town employees in carrying out the work of the Town. Hopefully,
as the economy improves, the various needs of the departments can be met and additional
services provided.
As our Committee meets with Town departments and other committees, we greatly appreciate
the assistance we receive from Bill Hinchey and Peter Johnson–Staub. Without their input, our
task would not be attainable.
There have been many changes in the make-up of the Finance Committee during 2014. We have
added two new members to our committee, Robert Ciavara and Nate Ladley; we also lost Ed
Nato and mourn his loss. The Committee had a change of leadership due to Jack Moylan giving
up the chairmanship. Luckily Jack has remained on the Committee and his advice remains
unmeasurable. The Town, in 2014, approved lowering the number of members to seven, but we
remain one member short and continue to look for a new member and welcome applicants. It is,
after all, your Town.
Respectfully submitted:
Joseph Goldstein, Chairman
Cathy Romboli, Vice Chairman
Philip Morris
Jack Moylan
Nate Ladley
Robert Clavarra
Appointed by the Finance Committee, the Capital Budget Committee is charged with reviewing
the capital improvement plan as submitted by the Town Administrator. The capital improvement
plan described below was presented at a hearing on February 25, 2014 and pertains to fiscal
years 2015 through 2024. It includes all capital projects funded from borrowing, free cash,
enterprise funds, fire reserves, grants, and other funding sources. Staff support is provided by
the Assistant Town Administrator, Peter Johnson-Staub.
There are two criteria for a project to be included for review by the Capital Budget Committee: a
minimum value of $10,000 and a useful life of at least five years. The preparation of the plan
begins with each division and department head submitting their requests ranked in priority order.
Committee members are designated as liaisons to meet with each division and department head,
at which time detailed justifications are presented, including additional data and visual
inspections of equipment. The Committee meets regularly from September through March to
review the requests prior to voting its recommendations. The Committee has considered each
and every capital item recommended for funding at the annual town meeting and we are
confident that all of them are legitimate and deserving of our support as taxpayers.
The Committee presented preliminary recommendations to the Finance Committee and the Town
Administrator in the fall of 2013. The final recommendations submitted in January 2014
included $1.5 million for routine capital funded from the tax levy. At the time, this funding
source was supported in the Town Administrator’s recommended budget. Regrettably, the Town
Administrator and the Board of Selectmen were compelled to reduce this capital funding to
$1,125,000 in order to fund a greater than expected assessment from the D-Y School. This is
nearly the same amount as was spent on routine capital as far back as 1986 and is woefully
inadequate to address recurring needs in 2014.
On a more positive note, the Town continued its commitment to maintaining roadways by
allocating $1,127,500 for roadway improvements with funds authorized by the prior year
Proposition 2 ½ override vote. Enterprise and special revenue funds continue to meet the needs
of Water Division, Golf Division, and Transfer Station. Fire Department equipment needs are
likewise able to be met with funds from ambulance receipts.
At the request of the Town Administrator, the Capital Budget Committee undertook a
preliminary evaluation of all of the requests on the 10-year facility plan where we list major
capital projects that require borrowing. The Committee has grouped the facility plan requests
into four priority categories. In the year ahead, we will work with staff to develop a schedule for
funding as many of these requests as possible without increasing the tax burden. The top three
priorities to be funded are:
• West Yarmouth Fire Station – Finish Second Floor for Administration and Dispatch;
• Waterways – Revetment Repairs Engineering, Permitting, and Construction;
• D-Y School District – Facility Improvements and Repairs as prioritized by the District.
Detailed information on the Town’s capital improvement plan can be found in a report generated
in April of each year. The report for FY2015 – FY2024 can be found on the Capital Budget
Committee page of the website: www.yarmouth.ma.us.
Respectfully submitted,
Lu Matrascia, Chair
Carol Wall, Vice Chair (resigned 12/31/2014)
Sandra Blackman
Sandra Fife
Joseph Goldstein, Finance Committee Representative
Angela Philbrook, Planning Board Representative
Randall Stiffler
Chris Vincent, Planning Board Representative (term ended 7/2014)
Town Administrator
The Town of Yarmouth Board of Selectmen has set a clear goal of establishing an affordable,
fiscally sustainable municipal operation. The Board demands excellence in service delivery
within the spending limits of Proposition 2½. In order to achieve this goal, the Town must
demand more with less. Municipal staff has embraced this goal to the benefit of the taxpayers of
Yarmouth in 2014.
The Town municipal operations were severely challenged this year by the statutory “shift” in
CH. 70 funding to the D-Y school district. Prior to town meeting in April, the Town municipal
operation was required to absorb nearly $1.7M of additional D-Y spending in order to avoid an
After the spring Town Meeting, the Town, for the first time, was able to quantify the balance of
the CH. 70 shift that remains to be achieved in order to have a point of funding equilibrium with
Dennis for the D-Y schools. In late spring, the schools vowed to work hand in glove with the
Town to more effectively achieve that goal than in the recent past.
During the summer and fall, the Town worked diligently with the Board of Selectmen
in order to achieve operational efficiencies and revenue maximization. As the year
2014 came to a close, the Town’s hard work had enabled us to propose a municipal
operations budget which, if approved, will culminate in a fiscally sustainable operation.
The budget proposal will accomplish the following important goals:
1. To provide the full range of municipal services affordably to our taxpayers
2. To achieve a minimum of $2M in reserve
3. To provide a minimum of $2M in annual road funding
4. To provide a minimum of $300K in storm water management funding
5. To provide a minimum of $1.5M in routine capital within the existing tax levy
6. To begin to fund the Town’s Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability
7. To begin to set aside funds for our accumulated capital backlog, and
8. To begin to restore prioritized service deficiencies in the areas of:
a. Public safety training
b. Police Anti-Crime
c. Human Service Funding, and
d. Library and Senior Outreach
The Town has also set aside funding for the continued shift towards CH. 70 funding equilibrium.
However, as 2014 drew to a close, the avowed improved communication with the D-Y school
District had not as yet occurred.
In 2014, the Board of Selectmen’s vital goals of economic development and affordable housing
took a major leap forward. The Simpkins School Affordable Housing began its occupancy. The
neighboring MacArthur School had begun to be renovated for a Bridgewater State University
Cape Cod Campus. The former Mill Hill Club, also on Route 28, has been raised for the
construction of a modern Alzheimer residential treatment facility, and Town Meeting funded
acquisition and subsidy costs for new affordable housing construction on the site of a Route 28
motel. The Board of Selectmen recognizes that economic development, particularly the
redevelopment of Route 28 and affordable housing, will be the engine that drives a fiscally
sustainable municipal organization in the future.
Once again, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen, the Town’s dedicated volunteers, and our
hardworking staff, I wish to thank the citizens of Yarmouth for the privilege of working on your
behalf. We all look forward to continued great progress in the year ahead.
Respectfully submitted,
William G. Hinchey
Town Administrator
Erik Tolley, Chairman 2015 Maryann Walsh 2017
Tracy Post 2016 Bambi Rosario-Wyatt 2018
James Quirk, Jr. 2017 John Reed 2015
Norman Holcomb 2015 Naill Hopkins 2016
Michael Stone 2016
Daniel Horgan 2017 Richard Gegenwarth, Chairman 2017
Suzanne Courcier, Vice-Chair 2017
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional Peter Kimball, Architect/Contractor 2014
School District Committee W. Leslie Peat 2016
Andrea St. Germain 2017 James Liedell 2015
Stephen Edwards 2015 Judith Recknagel, Alternate 2014
Philip W. Morris, Jr. 2016 John Stuart, Alternate 2014
John Poole 2017
2014 Committees
William G. Hinchey, Chairman 2015 Steven DeYoung, Chairman 2019
Robert C. Lawton, Jr., Vice-Chair 2016 Bob Palmer 2018
Norman Holcomb 2015 Sean Igoe 2016
Tom Roche, CPC Rep 2015 Debra Martin 2018
Nate Small, CHC Rep 2015 Chuck Hart 2017
Richard Neitz, Alternate 2015
AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE Gerald Garnick, Alternate 2015
Nancy Cavanaugh, Chairman 2014 John Richards, Alternate 2015
John Holbrook 2014
Charles Adams 2015 Vacant
Sarah Fitzsimmons 2014
Bob Howard 2015 Joseph Sullivan, Chairman 2014
James Carroll 2014
John Serijan 2017
Tanya Daigneault, Chairman 2015 Marilyn McIntyre, Inspector 2015
Evelyn Hayes 2017 Karl vonHone, Assistant 2015
Hillard Boskey, MD 2016 Bruce Murphy, Assistant 2015
Mary Craig 2017 Phil Renaud, Assistant 2015
Charles Holway 2016 Don McIntyre, Assistant 2015
Donna M. Clifford, Chairman 2015 Gerald McMahon, Chairman 2014
Robert Chapman 2017 Robert Edwards 2014
Sandra Clifford 2016 Harris Contos 2014
Phil Gaudet, Town Clerk 2015 Alice Bowen 2014
Jane Hibbert, Town Clerk, ret. 5/14 2014
George Allaire 2014
Jack McCormack 2017 Richard deMello, Alternate 2014
Peter Smith, Chairman 2016 Nathan Small, Chairman 2017
Tom George, Clerk 2014 Michael Nardone, Vice-Chairman 2017
John Barker 2015 Debbie Bellows 2016
Jack McCormack 2015 Richard Carroll 2014
Jack Hynes 2016 Melissa Ellis 2017
Linda Jean 2015 Donald Sullivan 2017
Ken Driscoll 2016 Edward Blackman, Hsg Auth. Rep. 2014
Norman Weare, Planning Board Rep. 2014
Mary Ann Gray, resigned
Scott MacLean, resigned
Gary Ellis, Chairman 2017
Tom Roche, Vice-Chairman 2015
Dorcas McGurrin 2015 David Flaherty, Chairman 2015
Jack Mulkeen 2015 Ed Hoopes, Vice Chairman 2016
Tom Kelley 2017 Joan Carr 2015
Nathan Small 2017 Gerard Duffy 2014
Fred Fries 2016 Philip Johnston 2017
Tom Durkin 2016 Rick Bishop 2016
Audrey Russano 2017
Thomas Durkin, Jr., resigned
Hugh March, deceased
Airline Lowenthal 2015 Richard Martin 2014
Doug McHugh 2016 Sara Jane Porter 2014
Sharon Keller-Hughes 2016 Charles Adams 2014
Rachel Youngling 2016 Jack McCormack, CEDC Rep 2014
Joel Chaison 2016 Anthony Panebianco, Planning Rep. 2015
Angela Bikski, resigned
Crystal Gips, resigned FINANCE COMMITTEE
Joseph Goldstein, Chairman 2016
ENERGY COMMITTEE Cathy Romboli, V-Chair/Clerk 2017
Robert Palmeri, Chairman 2014 Jack Moylan 2015
Steve Gavin 2016 Phil Morris 2015
Joyce Flynn 2014 Nathan Ladley 2017
Steven Krintzman 2014 Robert Ciavarra 2016
Marilyn Holle 2015 Edward Notto 2016
Sandra Cashen 2014
Regina Wood 2015 GOLF ENTERPRISE
HISTORICAL COMMISSION Jim MacNeill, Chairman 2015
Julie Mockabee, Chairman 2017 Andrew Martin, Vice-Chairman 2017
Gina Lombardi, Vice-Chairman 2017 John Reeve 2014
Frederick Fries 2017 George Keefe 2015
Nancy Stewart 2017 Betsy Palmer 2014
Frederick Fries 2017 Wayne Kivi 2016
Sarah Horne 2017 Kristen Seymour 2017
Janice Norris 2016 Ralph Simonds, III 2017
Dorothy Caprera, resigned 2014 Chris Capobianco, Alternate 2014
Joseph Goldstein Maureen Tuohy-Bedford
Phil Morris
Andy Knowles
Irene Wright, Town Treasurer, deceased
Robert Churchill, Chairman
Richard Bilski, Vice-Chairman
Betty-Jane Burkhardt, Chairman 2015 Gerald Manning
Tom Nickinello, Vice-Chairman 2014 Richard Egan
Sharon Ladley 2016 Harvey Wright
Alice Bowen 2014 Keith Kesten
John Moylan 2014 Barbara Malcolm
Socrates Mitrokostas
Norman Weare, Chairman 2016 George Lucier
Ken Driscoll 2017 Bob DuBois
Chris Vincent 2016 Paul McBride
Thomas Roche 2017 Joe Tierney
Brad Goodwin 2015 Peter Slovak
Anthony Panebianco 2015 Karl vonHone, Staff Advisor
Angela Philbrook 2015
Dorcas McGurrin, Chairman 2016
ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RASWAC) Debbie Clark, Vice-Chairman
Joshua Medeiros
Charles Spooner, Chairman 2015 Steven Sozanski 2015
Joseph R. Sarnosky 2015 Beth Hollister, resigned
William Wade 2014 Mary Beth Capobianco, resigned
Frank Martinez 2014
James Cullen 2014
Jill Talladay
Rob Angell, DPW Director
Barbara Benoit, Recording Secretary John Mincieli, Chairman 2016
Sandy Rubenstein 2015
Thomas Kerr
Kim Pike
Ed Merrigan 2015 Carol Woodbury, School Supt.
Robert Churchill, Chairman
George Lucier
Elinor Lawrence 2015 James Hall, Alternate Representative
Al Keller 2017
Brad Hall, Alternate 2014 YARMOUTH LIBRARY BOARD
John Stuart, Alternate 2014 Harris Contos, Chairman 2016
John Lee Marchildon, Alternate 2014 Sally Guadagno, Secretary 2014
Karl vonHone, Advisor 2014 Robert Milne 2014
Conrad Caia, Advisor Helen Niedermeier 2015
Katherine Delaney 2015
FINANCE COMMITTEE Charyn Tietge, resigned
APPOINTMENTS Janet McDowell, resigned
Lu Matrascia, Chairman
Sandra Blackman
Randall Stiffler
Sandra Fife
Joseph Goldstein, FINCOM Rep 2015 Christine Greeley 2015
Angela Philbrook, Planning Board Rep. 2015 John Hannon 2016
Carol Wall, resigned
Jack Mulkeen, Chairman 2015 Karl vonHone
John Grebe, Clerk 2105
Mary Herberich 2014 William Bonnetti
Conrad Caia
Richard Nelson Elinor Lawrence
Alan Hibbert
Patricia Cunningham Eric Raiskio
Emily Baker Ed Tierney
Jessica Pearson John Coughlan
Faith Phillips Ted Marchildon
Eric Cruz
Conrad Caia Mark Finni, Jr.
Christopher Plummer
Karl vonHone Peter Markarian
William Bonnetti Thomas Reynolds
Bradford Hall Timothy Parsons
Allan Hibbert Dimitros Missios
Raymond Kittila
Lee Marchildon Dimitrios Missios Lieutenant
Eric Raiskio Michael Medeiros FF
Ed Tierney Alex Theoharidis FF
Robert Reardon FF
Dennis Police Officer Patrick McCaffrey Gaynor Foster FF
Matthew Kane FF
Frank Frederickson Sean Sullivan FF
Kenneth Couture FF
Sgt. Charles Peterson Michael Oliva FF
Russell Giammarco Conor Robertson FF
Eric Nuss
Christopher Kent
Steven Renzi
Gordon Gibbons
Chief Frank Frederickson Phil Bleicher
Deputy Chief Steve Xiarhos Alan Delaney
Lieutenant Kevin Lennon David Villandry
Lieutenant Michael Bryant Ryan Holmes
Lieutenant Patrick Carty Christopher Eccleston
Sgt. Gerard Britt Steven Miles
Sgt. Francis Hennessey Matthew Rossi
Sgt. Andrew O’Malley DNR Director Karl vonHone
Sgt. Walter Warren DNR William Bonnetti
Sgt. Thomas Hennessey DNR Edward Tierney
Sgt. John Fallon Sean Ryan
Sgt. Kalil Boghdan John Lanata, Sr.
Det. Sgt. Charles Peterson Raymond Scichilone
Sgt. Christopher McEachern Kevin McIssac
Acting Fire Chief Philip Simonian
Health Agent Bruce Murphy POLICE MATRONS
Building Commissioner Mark Grylls Nicole M.N. Bohane
Kenneth Bates, Building Department Colleen Nixon
Andrew Arnault, Building Department Dotty Lavin
Maria Curtis
Sandra Finstein
Margaret Mooney
Morgan Vermette
Amanda Lavella
Emily Tibbetts
Amanda Schwenk
Richard Carroll 2014
Mary Zepernick 2016
Rob Angell 2015
Town Clerk and Board of Registrars 2014
The Town Clerk’s Office went through major changes in 2014. Town Clerk, Jane Hibbert,
retired resulting in the hiring of Philip Gaudet, and George Edwards, as Assistant Town Clerk.
We all thank Jane for her years of dedicated service and wish her a happy and healthy retirement.
The department is continuing to make strides in the utilization of computers and digital storage,
greatly reducing the need for hard copy retention and reliance on typed documents.
Preparation of the Yarmouth Annual Census was amended to include inserts for the collection of
email addresses. This will enhance the Town’s ability to communicate with residents in a more
timely and efficient manner.
Through the Clerk’s Licensing and Permit programs, emails are also being collected to expand
the database.
For 2014, the Clerk’s office had three elections and two Town Meetings. Annual Town Meeting
was held April 7, 2014. Special Town Meeting was held on July 28, 2014. The Annual Town
Election was held on May 20, 2014. State Primary was held on September 9, 2014, and the State
Election on November 4, 2014. Greater usage of the state election hardware and software
enabled a more efficient accounting for absentee ballots and faster compilation of election
results, aiding in reducing overall costs for the process.
Prec 1 Prec 2 Prec 3 Prec 4 Prec 5 Prec 6 Prec 7 Total
Voters 2,515 2,671 2,088 2,441 2,236 2,273 2,923 17,147
Voters 131 154 193 151 116 244 122 1,111
Voters 419 335 268 412 388 290 351 2,463
Residents 3,065 3,160 2,549 3,004 2,740 2,807 3,396 20,721
Total Residents:
2011 20,221
2012 20,353
2013 20,607
2014 20,721
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all department heads, elected officials, election
workers, town employees, and especially my staff for their efforts and cooperation in making the
year a successful one for our office.
Respectfully submitted,
Philip Gaudet, CMC
Town Clerk
Town Clerk Annual Report
Disposal Stickers
Beach Stickers & Fines
Shellfish Permits
Dog Licenses and Fees
Certified Copies of Birth, Death, and Marriage
Business Certificates
Marriage Intentions
Certified and Photo Copies
Miscellaneous Licenses and Permits
Police and Court Fines
Garden Plots
Golf Teaching Permits
Computer Lists and Disks
Eel Permits
Miscellaneous Town Clerk
Total Amount Turned
over to the Town
2014 Births
Births are no longer published in the Town Report due to the passing of the Acts and Resolves of
Massachusetts 1991 which prohibits the sale or distribution of the names of children under the
age of seventeen. The total number of births in the Town of Yarmouth in 2014 was 158.
Number of Births:
2011 = 123 2012 = 157 2013 = 168 2014 = 158
7 Gift Chimwaza of Yarmouth, MA to Karen Allison Laflash of Yarmouth, MA
10 Kenneth Roy Hamilton of Yarmouth, MA to Jean Marie Scibelli, Yarmouth, MA
18 John Daniel Webster, III of Yarmouth, MA to Melisssa Marie Reilly of Yarmouth, MA
25 Konuralp Oz of Yarmouth, MA to Marie Claire LeBlanc of Northboro, MA
10 Phurbu Tsering of Yarmouth, MA to Sonam Diki Tamang of Yarmouth, MA
14 Janet Boardman Teglas of Yarmouth, MA to ThomasWalker Brooks of Waterville, ME
15 Michael Eugenio Crawford of Yarmouth, MA to Sharon Ann Sullivan of Yamouth, MA
16 Richard Edward Masi of Yarmouth, MA to Catherine Ann Farraher of Yarmouth, MA
1 Stephen William Henion of Naugatuck, CT to Debra Jean Chase of Naugatuck, CT
1 Lori Anne Gobbi of Yarmouth, MA to Jeffrey Joseph Hart of Yarmouth, MA
1 John Robert McNabb of Tampa, FL to Thomas Ansbro Sakser of Tampa FL
5 Barbara Anne Silva of Yarmouth, MA to Roger Thomas Gardiner of Yarmouth, MA
24 Christopher Paul Legere of Yarmouth MA to Christine Elizabeth Elliott of Yarmouth MA
25 Debora Palermo Gelio of Falmouth, MA to Stephen Joseph Antcil of Falmouth, MA
26 Christopher George Collard, Yarmouth, MA to Rachel Frances Arone of Yarmouth, MA
26 Christopher Paul Legere of Yarmouth MA to Christine Elizabeth Elliott of Yarmouth MA
28 Socheath Pen of Yarmouth, MA to Ryan Robert Beach of Yarmouth, MA
7 Maria Gallinaro of Yarmouth, MA to Darryl Lloyd May of Yarmouth, MA
9 Teodoro Esquivel IV of No. Richland Hills TX to Ken Ladet Bracey of No. Richland Hills TX
9 Elizabeth Katherine Whalen of Yarmouth, MA to Brian Alan Maguire of Yarmouth, MA
10 Amanda Elizabeth Williams of Yarmouth MA to Dale Killeen Bearse Jr of Yarmouth MA
10 Angela Marie DeNorscia of Yarmouth, MA to David Gerard Thornton of Yarmouth, MA
17 Corey Suzanne McAuliffe of Yarmouth, MA to Brady Scott Signs of Yarmouth, MA
17 Gregg Michael Almonte of Yarmouth, MA to Katelyn Ann Arledge of Yarmouth, MA
18 Christopher Francis Johnson of Dennis MA to Edith Vezina of L'Ancienne-Lorette, Quebec
19 Brendan Michael Goldblatt of Englewood, Co to William Guy Reedy, of Englewood CO
30 L.B. Bonnett IV of Yarmouth, MA to Gina Zablocki of Yarmouth, MA
6 Maximino Mesquita Miranda of Barnstable, MA to Renata Pigueiredo dos Santos of
Barnstable, MA
6 Deanna Lynn Arnold of Yarmouth, MA to Michael Cameron Jennings of Yarmouth, MA
7 Alden David Fallows of Morrisville, VT to Patricia Boucher Krusinski of Morrisville, VT
8 Howard Joachim Kendall of Yarmouth, MA to Ellen Joy Shlager of Yarmouth, MA
June (con’t)
14 Vanessa Clare Barnatt of Corallis, OR to Peter Shea Hartman of Corrallis, OR
14 Kristyna Anne Treggiari of Yarmouth, MA to Wayne Joseph Monteiro, Jr of Yarmouth, MA
19 Brittany Lee Carton of Yarmouth, MA to Zane William Fitzgerald of Yarmouth, MA
20 Jessica Dale King of Yarmouth, MA to Matthew Hokins Baecker o Yarmouth, MA
21 Matthew Kevin Teague of Barnstable, MA to Lindsey Frances Davis of Barnstable, MA
21 Andrew McClain Hershey of Brooklyn, NY to Sara Lilly Shapouri of Brooklyn, NY
21 Elizabeth Mary Boulay of Yarmouth, MA to James William DePasqua of Yarmouth, MA
21 Robert Francis Dunphy of Montgomery, TX to Marilyn Hall Butler of Yarmouth, MA
28 Steven Michael Sprague of Yarmouth MA to Carol Ann Sirois of Yarmouth, MA
29 Mareilia Alice Seta of Yarmouth, MA to Rodrigo Jose Aguiar of Yarmouth, MA
29 Aurelia Nijole Borges of Yarmouth, MA to William Thomas Tweedy Of Mims Florida
2 Elizabeth Mary Charlton of Yarmouth, MA to Iver Eric Olofson of Yarmouth, MA
3 Michael Robert Garcia of Yarmouth, MA to Dianne Corbeau of Yarmouth, MA
4 Shannon Merrill O'Loughlin of Northglenn, CO to William Joseph Uhlaender of Atwood, KS
10 Jonathan Towle O'Neill, Jr. of Yarmouth, MA to Stephanie Rose Daugherty of Yarmouth, MA
10 Jack Wilfred Hoffman of Yarmouth MA to Eva Katharine Nicholson Windisch of Yarmouth
14 Raymond Joseph White of Yarmouth, MA to Betty Jane Brouillard of Yarmouth, MA
17 Paul Raymond Monahan III of Atlanta GA to Rebecca Nan Smith, of Atlanta, GA
19 Melissa Anne Iamonico of Hartsdale, NY to Diego Alejandro Rendon of Hartsdale, NY
20 Jessica Dale King of Yarmouth, MA to Matthew Hopkins Baecker of Yarmouth, MA
21 Robert Francis Dunphy of Montgomery, TX to Marilyn Hall Butler of Yarmouth, MA
21 Elizabeth Mary Boulay of Yarmouth, MA to James William DePasqua of Yarmouth, MA
21 Matthew Kevin Teague of Barnstablee, MA to Lindsey Frances Davis of Barnstable, MA
22 Opeyemi Abraham Ojelabi of Yarmouth, MA to Lisa Anne Preston of Yarmouth, MA
28 Steven Michael Sprague of Yarmouth, MA to Carol Ann Sirois of Yarmouth, MA
29 Aurelia Nijole Borges of Yarmouth, MA to William Thomas Tweedy, of Mims, FL
29 Marilia Alice Seta of Yarmouth, MA to Rodrigo Jose Aguiar of Yarmouth, MA
1 Kathleen Jaya McNamara of Yarmouth, MA to Michael Eugene Porter, Jr of Yarmouth, MA
2 Thomas Arthur Slayter of Dennis, MA to Judith Diane Partelow of Harwich, MA
2 Katarina Marie Sprunk of Houston, TX to Malachi Causey Bennett IV of Houston, TX
3 Nicholas Alan Frangipane of Amherst, TX to Arielle Beth Douglas of Amherst, TX
7 Mark Ransford Rigby of Indianapolis, IN to Valerie Anne Houser of Indianapolis, IN
9 Jared David Titus of Yarmouth, MA to Molly Fox-Henning of Yarmouth, MA
9 James Gerald Fiala, Jr of Boston, MA to Robin Marie Hennessey of Boston, MA
August (con’t)
17 Tammy Marie Boivin of Yarmouth, MA to Emil Aleksandrov Berov of Yarmouth, MA
22 Heather Anne Beaton of Yarmouth to Darrin Evan Duty of Yarmouth
22 Matthew William Medeiros of Yarmouth, MA to Elvina Faizullina of Yarmouth, MA
22 John Arthur Cahill of Yarmouth, MA to Frank LaGreca of Yarmouth, MA
23 Elizabeth Ann Lyon of Horseheads, NY to Drew Eric Sommers of Horseheads, NY
23 Jeremy Patrick Bridges of Yarmouth, MA to Moly Elizabeth Hagopian of Yarmouth, MA
23 Michael Vernon Rilea of Yarmouth, MA to9 Deborah Lynn Kepner of Yarmouth, MA
24 Susan Regina Jones of Yarmouth, MA to Steven Alan Winchester of Yarmouth, MA
29 Susan Colleen Burnett of Covington, KY to Tracy Lou Wallace of Covington, KY
30 Alexander Nicholas Becrelis of Yarmouth, MA to Lecia Ann McKenna of Dennis, MA
30 Scott Adam Engerson of Long Beach, NY to Beth Frances Sokoloff of Brooklyn, NY
30 Morton Vernon Cash III of Yarmouth, MA to Allison Elizabeth Strumski of Yarmouth, MA
30 Ivan Volynkin of Yarmouth, MA to Alena Dzmitruk of Yarmouth, MA
3 Jessica Roessler of Krailling, Germany to Burke Patrick Dignam of Krailling, Germany
6 Dorothy Chapman Bradley of Yarmouth, MA to John Alexander Hollingsworth, Jr. of
Yarmouth, MA
6 Diane Emily Sevigne of Yarmouth, MA to Jason Edward Lancaster of Yarmouth, MA
6 Jacob Scott Silva of Summerville, SC to Melanie Catherine Walls of Yarmouth, MA
6 Leda Jo Hennessey of Yarmouth, MA to Christopher John Phillips of Yarmouth, MA
6 Aaron Marc Careaga of Bellingham, WA to Kathleen Elizabeth Murphy of Bellingham, WA
6 Catherine Donofrio Rybicki of The Villages, FL to Jeanne Dale Montross of The Villages, FL
7 Alessandro Salaris of Yarmouth, MA to Mercedes Hope Hart-Miller of Yarmouth, MA
7 Robert Keating of Jensen Beach, FL to Angela Lynn Varson of Okeechobee, FL
7 Brenden Gordon Davies of Twinsbury, OH to Heather Angelina Perez of Twinsburg, OH
10 Jessica Chandler Hoskins of Yarmouth, MA to Viktor Emilov Minkov of Yarmouth, MA
12 Dana De La Garza Moglan of Burbank, CA to Timothy Jason Fields of Burbank, CA
13 Elizabeth Anne Babich of Yarmouth MA to Charles Michael Harris-Warren of Yarmouth MA
13 Konrad Maciel Jazwierski of Yarmouth, MA to Aubrey Lynn Foster of Brewster, MA
13 Trevor Jon Meyer of Dennis, MA to Megan Baxter Homer of Yarmouth, MA
13 Ryan Walter Nelson of Brooklyn, NY to Vivian Doran Intermont of Brooklyn, NY
14 Daniel James Webb of Yarmouth, MA to Jessica Linnea Wandle of Yarmouth, MA
14 Patrick Quinn Hines of Waltham, MA to Kaatrin Lynne McCoy of Waltham, MA
19 John Damon Hines of Summit, NJ to Erin Elizabeth Kostinas of Summit, NY
20 Margarita Beatriz Ortega of Yarmouth, MA to Bolivar Eduardo Idrovo of Yarmouth, MA
20 Wendy Lee Boettcher of Yarmouth, MA to Wellington Herculano Marcilio of Yarmouth, MA
20 Harold Travis Bryant of Catskill, NY to Meaghan Marie Leach of Catskill, NY
20 Allyson Kelly Teatom of Glenside, PA to Sean Matthew Fullmer of Glenside, PA
September (con’t)
20 Melissa Ann LeBoeuf of Yarmouth, MA to Todd James Cantara of Yarmouth, MA
20 Patrick Ambrose Horgan of Yarmouth MA to Cheryl Krishna AnYoSprinkle of Yarmouth MA
27 Andrew Johathan Robertson of Yarmouth, MA to Kayla Lee Duarte of Yarmouth, MA
27 Michael Charles Esposito of Yarmouth, MA to Brianna Marie O'Boyle of Yarmouth, MA
2 William Joshua West of Dennis, MA to Sheena YvonnePlunk, Dennis, MA
4 Natasha Mary Jenkins of Yarmouth, MA to Daniel Christopher Enwright of Yarmouth, MA
4 Jason Rene Choquette of Randolph, NJ to Kathleen Aspen Sullivan of Randolph, NJ
4 Lindsay Anne Varisco of Weehawken, NJ to Kevin Patrick O'Neill of Weehawken, NJ
4 Matthew Douglas Layman of Baltimore, MD to Sarah Blackburn Warner of Baltimore
5 Eagan Charles Reed of Yarmouth, MA to Rebecca Evelyn Libby of Yarmouth, MA
10 Marshagay Christine Grossett of Brewster,MA to Mark Daniel Campbell of Yarmouth, MA
10 Christine Kathleen Garner of Yarmouth, MA to Richard Anthony Kirby, Jr of Yarmouth, MA
11 Nicole Baguley of Yarmouth, MA to Patrick Garrett Griffin of Yarmouth, MA
11 Shana Marie Boccia of Mesa, AZ to Brandon Douglas Wilson of Mesa, AZ
13 Aaron Eouard Kimmel of Yarmouth, MA to Barbara Michelle Quirk of Yarmouth, MA
13 Sandro Alberto Goncalves of Yarmouth, MA to Karen Leigh Roderick of Coventry, RI
18 Taylor Rene Buchanon of Yarmouth MA to Salahelhdin Abedelhamid Elsayed of Yarmouth
18 Christopher Ickrath Shaw of Yarmouth, MA to Mikaela Erin Ferry of Yarmouth, MA
18 Amanda Jane Albright of Barnstable, MA to Todd Christopher Mendes of Barnstable, MA
18 Jason William Fitzgerald of Yarmouth, MA to Kimberly Katherine Ernst of Yarmouth, MA
25 Joel Raymond Bois of Yarmouth, MA to Jessica Joy Grantham of Yarmouth, MA
25 Elizabeth Dabney Argo of Yarmouth, MA to George William Babcock of Yarmouth, MA
25 Zoe Elisabeth Clark of Bourne, MA to Shaun Ryan Neary of Bourne, MA
27 Eunice Aparecida Gonzaga of Yarmouth MA to Carlos Magno F. Madureira of Yarmouth MA
31 Kayla Wendy Lomba of Kyarmouth, MA to Robert Allen Chandler of Barnstable, MA
1 Samantha Lynne Gallagher of Yarmouth, MA to Johathan Paul Legere of Yarmouth, MA
8 Leonardo De Oliveira of Yarmouth, MA to Cynthia Betty Clifford of Yarmouth, MA
Day Name Age Day Name Age
4 Sarkas, Barbara Ann 60 17 Halbritter, Marion J. 17
7 Harrison, Samuel Edward 102 18 Congdon, Daniel J. Sr. 92
7 Economidy, Janet 80 18 Knight, Harold Ralph 88
8 Hillyer, Francine J. 60 O'Connell, Frances Marie 71
8 Warren, Arthur Hugh 87 22 Fruean, Joy 81
9 Carlaw, Theodora Barlow 91 23 St.Cyr, Henry Joseph 81
9 Wood, Marie L. 77 24 Atkins, Warren Bruce 46
9 McHarg, Owen Stanton 94 24 Waraksa, Walter E. 96
10 Joyce, Marjorie A. 79 25 Boguski, Anne G. 77
12 O'Keefe, Ronald K. 65 26 McNamara, Peter 97
12 Brockway, Barbara 87 26 Bolton, Nancy Marie 55
13 Gauch, Gail Ann 76 28 Olivadoti, Penny A. 88
14 Olozovy, Frances P. 96 29 Bechtel, Jane 86
14 Fields, Michael A. 49 29 Schauwecker, Jr., Frederick Charles 86
15 Holland, John S. 85 31 Reimer, Christopher James 31
16 Teglas, Jane Boardman 84 31 Hart, Barbara 90
16 Chase, Milton Earle aka Chase 99 31 Stimpson, Robert B. 79
Day Name Age Day Name Age
2 MacIntyre, Donald Joseph 79 16 Routhier, Mary Jeanne 85
2 MacDonald,Dorothy Lillian 95 20 McCullough, Theresa K. 80
2 Jamouzian, Simon 90 21 Justus, Bobbi Jo 44
2 Erwin, Jr. Robert Lawrence 83 22 Walz, Alvin Louis 92
3 Ainley, John James 84 22 Slapski, Grace A. 74
3 Kady, Walter T. 74 22 Whittemore, Margaret E. 93
4 Todd, Helen Elizabeth 98 23 Larson, Robert Paul 96
6 Kelly, Eleanor L. 80 23 Duncan, Frances M. 92
8 Hayes, Patricia T. 88 23 Crosby, Weldon Munson 74
9 Sandini, Mildred O. 94 24 Kelley, Maureen G. 81
9 Rubin, Barry L. 66 25 Hoyt, Edmund Donald 92
11 Edwards, Donald J. 79 26 Davis, Patricia 76
11 Cattan, David William 90 28 Menard III, Alfred John 80
13 Souza, Linda A. 69 28 McDougal, Andrew Adams 32
13 May, Sr. Gerald Stanley 84 28 Rogers, Ann C. 84
14 Falvey, Kevin Richard 46 28 Homer, Brian Randolph 69
14 Gerhardt, Betsy 83
14 Hudson, Dorothy W. 92
15 Lopes, Reginald M. 69
Day Name Age Day Name Age
2 DuBois, Frances Krim 86 17 Mobilio, Jane Willette 69
4 Moore, Richard Franklin 78 17 Lawrence, Donald Redmond 89
6 Beltrandi, Teresa A. 83 17 St.Pierre Jr., Robert Edward 56
March (con’t)
Day Name Age Day Name Age
7 Lavin, Louis 97 18 Eldridge, Marjorie Ethel 82
7 Woollacott, Violet D. 81 18 March, Hugh Newell 84
8 LeGrow, Barbara 92 20 Carpenter, George Parker 88
8 Cove, Robert Edward 82 22 Lawton, Hazel Marie 80
8 Snow, Jr. Joseph L. 86 22 Boyle III, Jeremiah J. 67
9 Watson, Kathleen M. 58 24 Almeida, Helen L. 86
10 Turro, Brian James 58 24 Parslow, Elizabeth 81
10 Colford, Lillian F. 99 26 Rosu, Cornel 83
10 Hodgman, Parker E. 76 27 Kuchar, Tamarah Ann 51
12 Doe, Lucy 91 27 Burse, Richard L. 78
12 Davidian, David B. 89 28 Banks, Effie Lucretia 92
12 Pratt, Stanley John 72 28 Nichols, Jr. Rupert L. 66
13 Murphy, Christine L. 94 29 Sissenwine, Evelyn 96
15 Goddard, Antoinette Z. 91 29 McCracken, Carol Ann 62
15 Walsh, Sandra M. 53 30 Briggs, Jr. Irving Fleet 89
17 Ianzito, Carmella L. 101 30 Messier, Raymond Ernest 82
Day Name Age Day Name Age
3 Barbara Ann Esposito 78 20 Sandstrand, Florence Harriet 89
3 Parsons, Robert A. 78 20 Mulcahy, Ann K. 79
Mahoney, Jr., Haynes
Richardson 94
21 Clayton, Mary Ann 82
6 Phillips, Jr., Charles Brum 45 21 Perella, Victor Arthur 70
7 Hines, Jr., Paul Vincent 75 22 Whitney, Helen Elizabeth 88
10 West, Alton H. 91 23 Melanson, Joan S. 85
10 Solomita, Mary Elizabeth 76 24 Lapsley, Marylouise 76
10 Knight, Alyce M. 96 24 Harding, Joan W. 89
10 Quirk, Joanne 93 24 Salmond, Linda Marie 62
10 Russell, Marguerite T. 93 25 Green, Beverly S. 85
11 Ormiston, Mary C. 95 25 Allaire, George R. 66
13 Burke, Joan Paricia 78 26 Watson, Robert Brewster 74
15 Loftus, Marion Kathleen 94 26 Reilly, Joan S. 87
17 Puccini, Richard E. 76 26 Newhouse, Virginia 88
17 Janikies, Mary 87 27 Swanson, Nancy 78
18 Levine, Jill Francine 61 28 Gannon, Richard Lloyd 85
18 Appleton, Geradline L. 83 29 Morrison, William Alexander 88
19 Cooney, Peter Hale 81 29 Bakker, Wilbert 98
20 Kane, Mildred Celia 95 30 Krakowski, Pamela Anne 40
Day Name Age Day Name Age
Thomas, Naemi (Naomi)
Gunborg 94
17 Gabick, Marguerite M. 88
3 Tarr, Ruth 54 18 Damory, William J. 88
3 Ramsey, Robyn M. 58 19 Lindstrom, Lennert H. 68
4 Beeler, John Howard 88 20 Lunn, Stanley R. 60
5 Smith, Kenneth W. 59 20 Erickson, Beverly Martha 78
May (con’t)
Day Name Age Day Name Age
6 Rorrie, Mildred Edith 92 21 Dowd, Thomas J. 84
8 McGaffigan, Anna F. 92 22 Cote, Joan Gladys 67
8 Olson, Martha Cecelia 85 22 Condon, Joseph F. 95
9 Ming, Patrica A. 72 23 DiCesare, Anne M. 65
10 Smith, Audrey L. 76 24 Giampa, Daniel T. 37
11 Vines, William Daniel 88 24 Long, Lucile Sydow 97
12 Finnegan, Emilie Hermine 93 24 O'Brien, Jr. John J. 83
12 Elliott, Joan Textor 88 26 Halunen, Dean Thomas 71
12 Mansur, Gary Harrison 84 27 Bernier, Raymond E. 74
13 Ruff, Margaret Olga 82 28 Watts, Kenneth Chandler 68
14 Colvin, Centa 92 29 Shull, Charlotte Mary 88
14 Mahoney, Joseph Finbar 82 31 Houser, Joy 76
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 Sims, Ruth Scott 76 16 Crockan, John Thomas 96
3 Olsson, Carl Alan 87 18 Glynn, Martin 89
3 Babineau, Carol Ann 77 18 Noto, Edward Ronald 80
4 Slattery, Sr. Robert G. 89 19 Dacey, James William 93
5 Ray, Jr. Ernest Walter 92 20 Gunther, Joan E. 73
5 Willson, Barbara 63 20 Kendrick, Barbara Jane 85
5 Walter, Jean Marion 95 20 Bennett, Sr., Richard Allen 89
6 Maddy, Shirley Ethel 85 21 Tedesco, Rose Marie 84
7 Rosman, Elizabeth J. 83 22 Prouty, Ernest Linwood 88
8 MacRoberts, Josephine Harriet 82 22 Finn, William C. 85
9 Liatsos, Elaine M. 75 24 Williams, Madeline M. 82
9 Cronin, Michael Thomas 62 25 Lippmann, Beverly A. 90
10 Wordell, Pauline E. 77 28 VanLare, Peter M. 53
10 Smith, Eric Everett 39 28 Burke, Pamella J. 70
11 O'Brien, Jr. Thomas Michael 77 29 Fisher, Jr. Frederick J. 60
11 Meinerth, Claire M. 87 30 Loughrey, Alyce C. 89
13 Maneely, James Raymond 77
14 Tharion, Roselle L. 90
15 Bray, Ruth E. 90
16 Stauble, Robert E. 85
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 Lee-Applebaum. Linda M. 66 15 Britton, Dorothy Edith 92
1 Vera, Alice V. 86 16 Romano, Mary Elizabeth 76
2 LaRosa, David 67 17 Douglas, Clara Lillian 93
2 Diluzio, Charlotte A. 78 18 Robinson, Peter H. 71
3 Ruemker, Dorothy Ann 88 18 Garland, Katherine R. 95
3 Miranda, Shawn Michael 43 19 Bass, Raymond A. 80
4 Avery, Robert G. 93 20 DeSantis,Daniel L. 83
4 Case,John Andrew 83 20 Greeney, Jr Edgar F. 65
5 Alto, Gail 79 21 Gulish, Joseph 87
5 Schneider, Lucien 84 21 Donovan, Patricia 84
July (con’t)
Day Name Age Day Name Age
6 Barrett, John Michael 76 21 Faragher, Harriet E. 94
7 Coren, Alice R. 93 22 Throckmorton, Jacob Wren 19
9 O'Malley, Virginia Marie 87 26 Robida, Jeanne P. 91
11 Murphy, Dorothy Jane 89 28 Parris, Arthur 58
12 Eldredge, Paul Stillman 78 29 Calarese, Mary 101
12 Nolan, Sr. John Edward 82 30 Bohane, Cornelius J. 84
13 Johnson, Donald C. 78 30 Kostinas, Pegeen 59
14 Morrison, Wendell Harry 93 31 Chadwick, Mary-Jane 41
Day Name Age Day Name Age
2 Hebard, Elizabeth A. 89 22 Yeaple, Douglas Clyde 76
2 Debarros, Carrie 43 23 Graham, Mary Innocentia 91
7 Preston, Joan 88 26 Murray, John Gerard 87
9 Marchant, Allan 77 26 Bedwell, Jerry Lynn 76
11 Bowser, Sandra Lee 63 26 McKeever, Christopher Winton 64
19 Deedy, Carol E. 49 27 Asmar, Louis H. 92
19 Erdmann, Horst M. 79 29 O'Neill, James B. 77
19 Montella, Philip Anthony 94 30 Gustowski, Eleanor Therese 67
19 Bell, Thomas Joseph Jr. 76 30 Murphy, Eileen R. 90
31 Ladd, Louise Angela 78
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 Redmond, John Paul 91 8 Tibbetts, Roberta F. 81
3 Donahue, Anne M. 81 9 Gurney, Laura K. 102
4 Ciulla, Anthony M. 76 11 Taber, Barbara Virginia 86
5 Hall, Betty Louise 87 12 Toomey, Richard Francis 82
6 Silva, Stanley A. 86 13 Whalen, Miriam Frances 90
6 Kennedy, Agnes Marie 93 13 Gaquin, Lois Marie 89
7 Smith, Bertram G. 87
14 Willoughby, Jr Kendall George 73 21 Kinch, Orin F. 76
15 Tormey, Elizabeth A. 78 22 Murphy, Timothy Alfred 89
15 Fisher, Lauren A. LeDuc 60 23 Tucker, Ann Bailey 80
16 Otto, Wendy Marie 60 24 Dowd, Thomas J. 86
17 Gough, Richard Stephen 53 26 O'Leary, Kevin P. 92
17 Der Hagopian, Mary 90 29 Wagner, Geraldine Mae 90
21 Sherwin III, Alden Arthur 71 29 Boesse, David Arthur 75
Day Name Age Day Name Age
4 Simonsen, Walter H. 87 17 Finn, Helen M 86
4 Beebe, Clarence C. 98 20 Kalazi, Ernest 87
5 Estus Sr., Charles W 84 21 Baker, Joseph B. 49
7 McCarthy, Scott James 43 22 Powers, Jr., Charles A. 96
11 Farnsworth, Anne M. 85 22 Bogden, Arthur Eugene 93
11 George, Helen P. 84 22 Winanas III, William Wallace 78
14 Groves, Jean N. 83 24 Brooks, Sarah B. 98
October (con’t)
Day Name Age Day Name Age
14 Rotast, Nikita L. 85 24 Coelho, John M. 84
14 Neske, Grayce N. 94 25 Ormberg, Albert Joseph 84
16 Leon Jr., John Matthews 96 26 Surro, Laura M. 96
17 Lally, John Patrick 81 30 Poulin, Erie Joseph 93
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 Chalifour, Margaret Anne 47 16 Fiscina, Anna 90
5 Gallagher, Judith Ann 78 17 Arsenault Jr., Harold T. 71
5 Froleiks, Robert R. 79 18 Martello, Angelo Charles 92
7 Forbush, Betty Ann 80 19 Appleton, Mary T. 82
8 Valentino, Maria 86 20 Murray, Mary E. 74
8 Bogert, Carla Mae 91 21 Ames, Evelyn Babbitt 100
8 Coombs, Dorene A. 96 22 Fowler, Erva G. 101
8 Page, Barbara Frank 81 23 Manesis, Dennis J. 63
10 Rust, Thomas P. 92 24 West, Rosemarie 85
11 Mercury, John 96 25 Johnis, Donna Emma 46
12 Kimball, William 54 28 LaCouture, Glenna Fern 83
13 Weckler, Richard Childs 81 28 Hanlon, John E. 68
14 Neske, Grayce N. 94 29 McMahon, Thomas B. 79
16 Dempsey, Irene E. 85 27 Berkley, William J. 89
27 Johnson, William F. 79
27 Curran, Theresa Florence 66
29 Adams, Marion S. 96
29 Whitney, Edward Dodge 85
Day Name Age Day Name Age
11 Hunter, Cody Ryan 25 22 Stoddard, Robin 52
13 Morrison, Paul Robert 59 24 Foster, Ann Marie 84
13 Dimaio, Mary 96 24 Fitzmaurice, Jr., Wallace Patrick 81
13 McCarthy, Emily J. 77 26 Cutter, Harold Sumner 89
17 Speers, Jr. Thomas J. 98 27 Curran, Theresa Florence 66
18 McDermott, Dorothy 76 27 Johnson, William F. 79
18 Sullivan, Rita 96 27 Berkley, William J. 89
18 Koss, Elaine C. 76 29 Whitney, Edward Dodge 85
19 Paquin, Thomas C. 67 29 Adams, Marion S. 96
21 Castanzo, Irene Marie 105
January February
Day Name Age Day Name Age
7 Econmidy, Janet 80 2 Jackson, Amy J 43
7 Harrison, Samuel E. 102 2 MacIntyre, Donald J 80
13 Snow, Betsey 84 16 Routhier, Mary J. 85
21 Celata, Mary D. -- 23 Crosby, Weldon M. 74
21 Phinney, Frederick C. 86 26 Davis, Patricia 76
23 St. Cyr, Henry J. 81
29 Schauwecker, Frederick C. 86
30 Looney, Elizabeth A. 79
31 Reimer, Christopher J. 31
March April
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 Doyle, Michael M 65 5 Carnovale, Anthony S. 67
3 Veary, Theresa 85 8 Bishop, John J. 89
4 Moore, Richard F. 78 10 Quirk, Joanne 93
7 Woollacott, Violet D. 81 13 Burke, Joan P. 78
8 Snow, Joseph L. 86 17 Janikies, Mary 87
12 Davidian, David B. 89 18 Appleton, Geraldine L. 83
29 Sissenwine, Evelyn 96 18 Levine, Jill F. 61
30 Holmorans, Anne M. 97 20 Kane, Mildred C. 95
24 Berry, Malachi --
24 Lapsley, Marylouise 76
26 Rielly, Joan S. 87
26 Newhouse, Virginia 89
28 Studley, Sarah B. 92
May June
Day Name Age Day Name Age
8 Olson, Martha C. 86 3 Babineau, Carol A. 77
10 Gouveia, Joseph A. 49 7 Rosman, Elizabeth J. 83
17 Madden, John 81 10 Wordell, Pauline E. 77
18 Damory, William J. 88 13 Maneely, James 77
20 Lunn, Stanley R. 60 14 Cusack, Elaine M. 77
21 Dowd, Thomas J. 84 15 Britton, Dorothy E. 92
22 Victor, Richard -- 16 Staff, Richard O. 90
26 Halunen, Dean t. 71 19 Cronin, Marion E. 85
27 Bernier, Raymond E. 74 22 Prouty, Ernest L. 88
28 Watts, Kenneth C. 68 23 Mopenson, Philip J. 69
July August
Day Name Age Day Name Age
4 Keany, Rose 94 1 Harrison, Frank A. 88
6 Barrett, John M. 76 11 Taylor, Nancy B. 59
12 Montcalm, Lloyd S. 71 11 Murphy, Dorothy J. 89
13 Johnson, Donald D. 78 13 Burns, Margaret J. 101
16 Andry, Jean G. 87 27 Gever, Jean 95
16 Romano, Mary E. 76 28 Burke, Nora A. 77
16 Wilson, Barbara A. 86 30 Kurpat, Adam --
19 Bass, Raymond A. 80 30 Gustowski, Eleanor T. 67
30 Bohane, Cornelius J. 84
September October
Day Name Age Day Name Age
4 Jacobs, Kelly A. -- 7 McCarthy, Scott J. 43
4 Perlmutter, Helen A. 87 14 Sullivan, diane M. --
5 Donahue, Anna -- 15 Thompson, William P. 44
7 White, Karen M. 58 17 Kaldis, Angelos 82
9 Deangelis, Edward J. 90 20 Kalazi, Ernest 87
16 Homer, Nancy J. -- 21 O’Connor, E. Virginia 85
20 Tormey, Elizabeth A. -- 27 Collins, Anne V. 95
22 Maresco, Carmen N. 76
23 Tucker, Ann B. 80
29 Wagner, Geraldine M. 90
29 Jaros, Frances --
November December
Day Name Age Day Name Age
1 McCarthy, Betsy A. 66 3 D’agostino, Bradyn 3
10 Morris, Paulina A. 85
18 Nikiforakis, Elisabeth 66
21 Nye, Sandra F. 57
29 McMahon, Thomas B. 79
APRIL 7, 2014
Barnstable, ss.
To the Constable of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable, Greetings. In the name
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the
inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet in the Mattacheese Middle
School Building in said Town, Monday, the 7th day of April 2014 at six-thirty o’clock (6:30
p.m.) in the evening, then and there to act on the following articles.
Prior to opening the meeting, Daniel Horgan, Moderator, went over the procedure of how the
meeting would be run. Mr. Horgan asked everyone to stand, he asked to take a moment of
silence for all residents that have passed away this past year, and for the men and women in the
military, then say the Pledge of Allegiance. The Moderator introduced everyone on the stage
and he thanked the Town Clerk, Jane Hibbert, because this is her last Town meeting as she is
retiring shortly after the Town Election. I just want to say that I will miss her and she has been
amazing. She has done a fantastic job for the Town of Yarmouth and she has made my job much
easier. She is going to be missed and I wish you well.
The Annual Town Meeting came to order at 6:50 PM at Mattacheese Middle School, Daniel E.
Horgan, Moderator, presiding: reading the warrant.
The Board of Selectman Chairman, Erik Tolley made an opening statement. The Finance
Committee did not make a statement.
Erik Tolley wanted to make two acknowledgments. I acknowledge Selectman Michael Stone to
his first Annual Town Meeting. I want to acknowledge one of a few people who has been under
the employ of the Town of Yarmouth. Jane Hibbert has served in the Town in varying capacities
from Junior Clerk to Town Clerk for the past 41 years. This will be her last Town Meeting as
the Town Clerk and will be retiring shortly after the Town Elections. She was presented with a
beautiful bouquet of flowers and a standing ovation.
ARTICLE 1: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate additional funds for the
FY14 operating budget as follows:
Dept. Request
Highway - Snow & Ice
Transfer and appropriate a sum of money from Stabilization
Police Department Wages Transfer and appropriate $50,000 from Stabilization funds.
Acting on Article 1. On motion made by Erik Tolley and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend to move Article 1 as printed in the warrant and to fund such
article: transfer and appropriate $50,000.00 from the stabilization fund for the Highway – Snow
and Ice account; and, transfer and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 from stabilization fund for
Police Department Wages. The vote on Article 1 carries unanimously. 6:58 PM
ARTICLE 2: Operating Budget. To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise or
transfer from available funds and appropriate such funds to defray the charges, expenses, salary,
and payroll obligations of the Town, including debt and interest for the ensuing year, to provide
for a reserve fund, and to fix the salaries and compensation for all elected officials of the Town
or act on anything relative thereto.
Cmte FY15
E-1 salary (1) 480 480 480 480
Cmte FY15
E-2 salary (5 PT) 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400
E-3 Expense 6,846 6,850 6,850 6,850
GG-1 salary (4.75) 415,691 424,880 435,408 435,408
GG-2 Expense 4,923 5,705 5,705 5,705
GG-3 employee increment 25,000 25,000 35,000 35,000
GG-4 unemployment compensation 4,287 25,000 25,000 25,000
GG-5 Energy 869,027 955,102 923,500 923,500
GG-6 Legal 117,972 70,000 70,000 70,000
GG-7 bargaining legal 29,166 20,000 20,000 20,000
GG-8 telephone 90,523 100,000 100,000 100,000
GG-9 general insurance 631,812 715,060 768,805 768,805
10 town report/warrant 6,338 6,000 6,000 6,000
11 wages 609 1,000 1,000 1,000
12 reserve 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
13 purchasing 91,252 81,950 93,745 93,745
14 expense 1,409 1,400 1,400 1,400
TOTAL WAGES 456,180 465,760 486,288 486,288
TOTAL EXPENSES 1,953,555 2,087,067 2,121,005 2,121,005
TOTAL ELECTED / GEN. GOVT. 2,409,735 2,552,827 2,607,293 2,607,293
Cmte FY15
MF-1 wages (4) 300,245 304,528 317,294 317,294
MF-2 expense 34,632 36,794 36,794 36,794
MF-3 wages (4.5) 226,715 229,615 233,897 233,897
MF-4 expense 102,031 102,589 108,589 108,589
MF-5 wages (3) 157,188 156,605 162,704 162,704
Cmte FY15
MF-6 expense 48,305 55,523 55,523 55,523
MF-7 medicare 274,772 307,000 307,000 307,000
MF-8 health insurance 2,108,076 2,285,574 2,360,364 2,360,364
MF-9 wages (3) 158,063 165,023 172,554 172,554
MF-10 expense 28,861 29,861 29,861 29,861
TOTAL WAGES 842,211 855,771 886,449 886,449
TOTAL EXPENSES 2,596,677 2,817,341 2,898,131 2,898,131
TOTAL MUNICIPAL FINANCE 3,438,888 3,673,112 3,784,580 3,784,580
Cmte FY15
CD-1 wages (6.5) 305,206 306,628 344,732 344,732
CD-2 expense 30,210 31,525 31,525 31,525
TOTAL WAGES 305,206 306,628 344,732 344,732
TOTAL EXPENSES 30,210 31,525 31,525 31,525
TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 335,416 338,153 376,257 376,257
Cmte FY15
CS-1 wages (9) 477,385 484,437 494,582 494,582
CS-2 expenses 163,915 168,339 168,339 168,339
CS-3 wages (7.75 + Seasonal) 515,952 525,327 538,904 538,904
CS-4 expense 122,539 140,558 140,558 140,558
CS-5 shellfish offset 7,000 0 0 0
CS-6 wages (6.6) 203,228 211,111 219,391 219,391
CS-7 expense 9,133 9,037 54,049 54,049
CS-8 wages (1.75 + Seasonal) 289,848 332,733 335,648 335,648
CS-9 expense 37,928 38,067 38,667 38,667
CS-10 Recreation Offset account (2.25) 437,910 503,378 474,900 474,900
Cmte FY15
CS-11 wages (6 + Seasonal) 437,249 404,833 407,527 407,527
CS-12 expense 79,837 123,479 123,479 123,479
CS-13 Beach Offset account 50,613 0 0 0
CS-14 wages (2 + Seasonal) 113,077 127,319 126,066 126,066
CS-15 expense 21,570 40,374 40,374 40,374
CS-16 Cemetery Offset account 23,494 0 0 0
CS-17 wages (16 + Seasonal) 1,254,236 1,270,000 1,317,219 1,317,219
CS-18 expense 1,741,230 1,852,817 1,820,748 1,820,748
CS-19 wages (3) 152,148 161,017 215,267 215,267
CS-20 expense 153,820 175,719 250,719
CS-21 wages (4) 201,866 202,085 211,249 211,249
CS-22 expense 13,173 22,025 22,025 22,025
CS-23 wages 5,016 4,600 5,020 5,020
CS-24 expense 66,919 36,427 69,300 69,300
TOTAL WAGES 3,650,005 3,723,462 3,870,873 3,870,873
TOTAL EXPENSES 2,929,081 3,110,220 3,203,158 3,203,158
TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 6,579,086 6,833,682 7,074,031 7,074,031
Cmte FY15
overtime in wages (798,077) (673,797) (663,402) (663,402)
PS-1 wages (75) 6,128,110 6,230,056 6,404,344 6,404,344
PS-2 expense 204,800 208,650 214,454 214,454
overtime in wages (1,224,215) (1,173,583) (1,173,583) (1,173,583)
PS-3 wages (67) 5,817,712 5,965,531 5,962,798 5,962,798
PS-4 expense 457,926 462,880 483,880 483,880
TOTAL WAGES 11,945,822 12,195,587 12,367,142 12,367,142
TOTAL EXPENSES 662,726 671,530 698,334 698,334
TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 12,608,548 12,867,117 13,065,476 13,065,476
Cmte FY15
MI-1 wages (7.3) 379,792 405,183 447,905 447,905
MI-2 expense 12,125 9,194 11,694 11,694
MI-3 Inspections Offset 8,486 0 0 0
MI-4 wages (7) 255,540 414,433 422,665 422,665
MI-5 expense 14,328 19,284 19,284 19,284
MI-6 offset account 156,080 0 0 0
MI-7 Veterans - expenses 187,000 185,000 198,000 198,000
TOTAL WAGES 635,332 819,616 870,570 870,570
TOTAL EXPENSES 378,019 213,478 228,978 228,978
TOTAL MUNICIPAL INSPECTIONS 1,013,351 1,033,094 1,099,548 1,099,548
Cmte FY15
PW-1 wages (2) 240,691 204,656 211,761 211,761
PW-2 expenses 682 2,300 2,300 2,300
PW-3 wages (4) 282,465 259,887 265,532 265,532
PW-4 expense 57,523 59,103 59,103 59,103
PW-5 wages (14) 609,507 675,869 682,824 682,824
PW-6 expense 122,665 122,292 122,292 122,292
PW-7 Tree expense 9,365 10,200 10,200 10,200
PW-8 greenhead fly 1,700 2,200 2,200 2,200
PW-9 wages 179,782 41,000 41,000 41,000
PW-10 expense 207,086 96,000 96,000 96,000
PW-11 wages (3) 107,402 141,549 146,864 146,864
PW-12 expense 116,506 110,684 110,786 110,786
PW-13 wages (7.25) 409,975 433,204 472,772 472,772
PW-14 expense 1,165,819 1,295,132 1,515,079 1,515,079
Cmte FY15
PW-15 wages (2.3) 111,972 113,379 114,892 114,892
PW-16 expense 18,813 30,000 30,000 30,000
PW-17 wages (7) 229,182 286,280 0 0
PW-18 expense 1,317,096 1,209,129 0 0
PW-19 expense 1,469,910 1,901,016 1,386,755 1,386,755
PW-20 wages (22) 1,185,043 1,240,876 1,327,844 1,327,844
PW-21 expense 1,125,124 1,337,226 1,398,221 1,398,221
TOTAL WAGES 3,356,019 3,396,700 3,263,489 3,263,489
TOTAL EXPENSES 5,612,289 6,175,282 4,732,936 4,732,936
TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 8,968,308 9,571,982 7,996,425 7,996,425
Code Actual
DS-1 Regular Debt 1,249,762 1,086,204 991,333 991,333
DS-2 Exempt Debt 3,206,497 2,073,442 1,870,737 1,870,737
TOTAL Debt 4,456,259 3,159,646 2,862,070 2,862,070
Town Actual
GRAND TOTAL WAGES (all Depts.) 21,190,775 21,763,524 22,089,543 22,089,543
GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES (all Depts.) 18,618,816 18,266,089 16,776,137 16,776,137
GRAND TOTAL Article 2 39,809,591 40,029,613 38,865,680 38,865,680
Acting on Article 2. On motion made by Erik Tolley and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend 3-2, to move that the various sums under the column headed
“Finance Committee FY15” be appropriated for their respective purposes and to fund such
article: Raise the sum of $474,000.00 from offset receipts for CS-10 Recreation Division Offset
Receipts, raise the sum of $1,386,755.00 from Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Enterprise
revenues FW-26 Septage Plant Expenses, transfer the sum of $300,000.00 from Yarmouth-
Dennis Septage Treatment Enterprises retained earnings for PW-26 Septage Plant Expenses,
raise the sum of $156,714.00 from Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Enterprise revenues for Indirect
costs of the Septage Plant appropriated in the General Fund, raise the sum of $1,317,219.00 from
Golf Enterprise revenues for CS-17 Golf Wages, raise the sum of $1,695,748.00 from Golf
Enterprise revenues for CS-18 Golf Expenses, transfer the sum of $125,000.00 from Golf
Enterprise retained earnings CS-18 Golf Expenses, raise the sum of $255,783.00 from Golf
Enterprise revenues for indirect costs of the Golf Division appropriated in the General Fund,
transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from Wetlands Protection Fund for CD-1 Conservation Wages,
transfer the sum of $19,000.00 from Waterways Improvement Fund for CS-3 Natural Resources
Wages, transfer the sum of $8,000.00 from Walter Gifford Fund for PW-3 Cemetery Wages,
transfer the sum of $114,892.00 from Recycling Account for PW-22 Recycling Wages, transfer
the sum of $31,250.00 from Recreation Facilities Fund DS-1 Regular Debt, transfer the sum of
$21,500.00 from Septic Betterment Account DS-1 Regular Debt, transfer the sum of
$1,200,000.00 from Fire Department Reserve for appropriation for PS-3 Fire Department Wages,
transfer the sum of $1,125.00 from Council on Aging Fund for CS-7 Senior Services Expenses,
transfer the sum of 36,000.00 from Ferry Tax for CS-3 Natural Resources Wages, transfer the
sum of $5,000.00 from Sale of Cemetery Wages, transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from Cemetery
Perpetual Care for CS-15 Cemetery Expenses.
The vote on Article 2 carries by the following: E1-1 thru GG-14 carries unanimously 7:07 PM;
MF-1 thru CD-2 carries by the requisite majority 7:07 PM; CD-1 carries unanimously 7:09 PM;
CS-1 thru CS-24 carries unanimously 7:10 PM; CS-14 carries unanimously 7:13 PM; C-6 carries
unanimously 7:14 PM; CS-13 thru CS-16 carries unanimously 7:15 PM; PS-1 thru PS-4 carries
by the requisite majority 7:16 PM; MI-1 thru MI-7 carries unanimously 7:17 PM; PW-1 thru
PW-21 carries by the requisite majority 7:18 PM; DS-1 thru DS-2 carries unanimously 7:19 PM.
Cmte FY15
E-1 salary (1) 480 480 480 480
E-2 salary (5 PT) 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400
E-3 Expense 6,846 6,850 6,850 6,850
GG-1 salary (4.75) 415,691 424,880 435,408 435,408
GG-2 expense 4,923 5,705 5,705 5,705
GG-3 employee increment 25,000 25,000 35,000 35,000
GG-4 unemployment compensation 4,287 25,000 25,000 25,000
GG-5 energy 869,027 955,102 923,500 923,500
GG-6 Legal 117,972 70,000 70,000 70,000
GG-7 bargaining legal 29,166 20,000 20,000 20,000
GG-8 telephone 90,523 100,000 100,000 100,000
GG-9 general insurance 631,812 715,060 768,805 768,805
10 town report/warrant 6,338 6,000 6,000 6,000
11 wages 609 1,000 1,000 1,000
12 reserve 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Cmte FY15
13 purchasing 91,252 81,950 93,745 93,745
14 expense 1,409 1,400 1,400 1,400
TOTAL WAGES 456,180 465,760 486,288 486,288
TOTAL EXPENSES 1,953,555 2,087,067 2,121,005 2,121,005
TOTAL ELECTED / GEN. GOVT. 2,409,735 2,552,827 2,607,293 2,607,293
Cmte FY15
MF-1 wages (4) 300,245 304,528 317,294 317,294
MF-2 expense 34,632 36,794 36,794 36,794
MF-3 wages (4.5) 226,715 229,615 233,897 233,897
MF-4 expense 102,031 102,589 108,589 108,589
MF-5 wages (3) 157,188 156,605 162,704 162,704
MF-6 expense 48,305 55,523 55,523 55,523
MF-7 medicare 274,772 307,000 307,000 307,000
MF-8 health insurance 2,108,076 2,285,574 2,360,364 2,360,364
MF-9 wages (3) 158,063 165,023 172,554 172,554
MF-10 expense 28,861 29,861 29,861 29,861
TOTAL WAGES 842,211 855,771 886,449 886,449
TOTAL EXPENSES 2,596,677 2,817,341 2,898,131 2,898,131
TOTAL MUNICIPAL FINANCE 3,438,888 3,673,112 3,784,580 3,784,580
Cmte FY15
CD-1 wages (6.5) 305,206 306,628 344,732 344,732
CD-2 expense 30,210 31,525 31,525 31,525
TOTAL WAGES 305,206 306,628 344,732 344,732
TOTAL EXPENSES 30,210 31,525 31,525 31,525
TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 335,416 338,153 376,257 376,257
Cmte FY15
overtime in wages (798,077) (673,797) (663,402) (663,402)
PS-1 wages (75) 6,128,110 6,230,056 6,404,344 6,404,344
PS-2 expense 204,800 208,650 214,454 214,454
overtime in wages (1,224,215) (1,173,583) (1,173,583) (1,173,583)
PS-3 wages (67) 5,817,712 5,965,531 5,962,798 5,962,798
PS-4 expense 457,926 462,880 483,880 483,880
TOTAL WAGES 11,945,822 12,195,587 12,367,142 12,367,142
TOTAL EXPENSES 662,726 671,530 698,334 698,334
TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 12,608,548 12,867,117 13,065,476 13,065,476
Cmte FY15
MI-1 wages (7.3) 379,792 405,183 447,905 447,905
MI-2 expense 12,125 9,194 11,694 11,694
MI-3 Inspections Offset 8,486 0 0 0
MI-4 wages (7) 255,540 414,433 422,665 422,665
MI-5 expense 14,328 19,284 19,284 19,284
MI-6 offset account 156,080 0 0 0
MI-7 Veterans - expenses 187,000 185,000 198,000 198,000
TOTAL WAGES 635,332 819,616 870,570 870,570
TOTAL EXPENSES 378,019 213,478 228,978 228,978
TOTAL MUNICIPAL INSPECTIONS 1,013,351 1,033,094 1,099,548 1,099,548
Cmte FY15
PW-1 wages (2) 240,691 204,656 211,761 211,761
PW-2 expenses 682 2,300 2,300 2,300
PW-3 wages (4) 282,465 259,887 265,532 265,532
PW-4 expense 57,523 59,103 59,103 59,103
PW-5 wages (14) 609,507 675,869 682,824 682,824
PW-6 expense 122,665 122,292 122,292 122,292
PW-7 Tree expense 9,365 10,200 10,200 10,200
PW-8 greenhead fly 1,700 2,200 2,200 2,200
PW-9 wages 179,782 41,000 41,000 41,000
PW-10 expense 207,086 96,000 96,000 96,000
PW-11 wages (3) 107,402 141,549 146,864 146,864
PW-12 expense 116,506 110,684 110,786 110,786
PW-13 wages (7.25) 409,975 433,204 472,772 472,772
PW-14 expense 1,165,819 1,295,132 1,515,079 1,515,079
PW-15 wages (2.3) 111,972 113,379 114,892 114,892
PW-16 expense 18,813 30,000 30,000 30,000
PW-17 wages (7) 229,182 286,280 0 0
PW-18 expense 1,317,096 1,209,129 0 0
PW-19 expense 1,469,910 1,901,016 1,386,755 1,386,755
PW-20 wages (22) 1,185,043 1,240,876 1,327,844 1,327,844
PW-21 expense 1,125,124 1,337,226 1,398,221 1,398,221
TOTAL WAGES 3,356,019 3,396,700 3,263,489 3,263,489
TOTAL EXPENSES 5,612,289 6,175,282 4,732,936 4,732,936
TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 8,968,308 9,571,982 7,996,425 7,996,425
Code Actual
DS-1 Regular Debt 1,249,762 1,086,204 991,333 991,333
DS-2 Exempt Debt 3,206,497 2,073,442 1,870,737 1,870,737
TOTAL Debt 4,456,259 3,159,646 2,862,070 2,862,070
Town Actual
GRAND TOTAL WAGES (all Depts.) 21,190,775 21,763,524 22,089,543 22,089,543
GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES (all Depts.) 18,618,816 18,266,089 16,776,137 16,776,137
GRAND TOTAL Article 2 39,809,591 40,029,613 38,865,680 38,865,680
ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town of Yarmouth, notwithstanding the terms of the Agreement
between the Towns of Dennis and Yarmouth establishing a Regional School District, as amended
in September 2006, will authorize a funding formula for one fiscal year only that permits the
Town of Yarmouth to contribute an increase of $1,370,180 (approximately 5.2%) over its FY14
Regional School District assessment, exclusive of exempt debt while the Dennis assessment,
exclusive of exempt debt, is increased by $381,986 which is 2.5% above its FY2014 assessment;
and to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $28,157,387 to meet said
assessment, or to take any other action relative thereto.
Actual FY13 Appropriated FY14 Certified FY15
$26,095,504 $26,674,417 $28,157,387
Acting on Article 3. On motion made by Erik Tolley and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and the Finance Committee recommend 4 with one abstain, to move Article 3 as printed in the
warrant. The vote on Article 3 carries by the requisite majority. 7:44 PM
ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to fund the
Town of Yarmouth’s share of the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School District budget for
FY15 and to see whether such sum shall be raised by taxation, or transferred from available
Actual FY13 Appropriated FY14 Certified FY15
$2,442,048 $2,459,069 $2,823,939
Acting on Article 4. On motion made by Chris Greeley and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and the Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 4 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 4 carries unanimously.7:51PM.
ARTICLE 5: To see what sums of money the Town will vote to raise or transfer, and
appropriate to purchase and equip the following goods and services.
Division /
Department ITEM/PROJECT Recommended
Facilities Police Station Ventilation System (R) 40,000
Facilities HVAC Repairs & Replacements (R & M) 25,000
Facilities Senior Center Kitchen Floor (R) 15,000
Facilities Library Restroom Improvements (M) 20,000
Facilities Building Repairs - Implement Study Recommend (R & M) 20,000
Highway Dump Truck, 10-wheel, 32-ton (R) 260,000
Highway Dump Truck, 20-ton, Body Replacement (R) 20,000
Highway Fuel Management System (R) 50,000
Natural Resources Boat, Engine & Trailer (R) 40,000
Natural Resources Waterways Dredging (M) 50,000
Cemetery Pickup truck with plow (R) 45,000
Parks & Recreation Zero Turn Riding Mower (R) 10,000
Cemetery Zero Turn Riding Mower (R) 10,000
Police Police Cruisers & Ancillary Equipment (R) 250,000
Police Tasers (R) 21,000
Police Equipment and Security Replacements (R) 229,000
Disposal Area Front Loader Bucket Assembly Replacement (R) 20,000
SUBTOTAL $1,125,000
Highway Roadway Improvements $1,127,500
ITEM/PROJECT Recommended
Fire Department Personal Protective Equipment (R) 50,000
Fire Department Ambulance (R) 270,000
Fire Department Inflatable Rescue Boat (R) 20,000
Fire Department Facilities Repairs 25,000
SUBTOTAL - Fire Reserve for Appropriation* $365,000
GRAND TOTAL - Article 5 Routine Capital $2,617,500
* Fire Reserve funds are from ambulance receipts
(N) = New, (R) = Replacement, (M) = Maintenance
Acting on Article 5. On motion made by Carol Wall and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
recommend and the Finance Committee does not recommend, to move Article 5 as printed in the
warrant and to fund such article: Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,956,500.00, Transfer and
Appropriate the sum of $296,000.00 from General Fund Free Cash; and Transfer and appropriate
the sum of $365,000.00 from the Fire Department Reserve for appropriation. The vote on
Article 5 carries by the requisite majority. 8:07 PM.
ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $1,161,000 for the use of
the Water Division for the purpose set forth in the Acts of 1928, Chapter 146, or under Mass.
General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 69B, and to fund such expenditure raise the sum of $456,579
and transfer the sum of $704,421 from Water fund balance.
ITEM Recommended
Water Meter Replacement (R) 75,000
Tank Painting, Inspections (M) 500,000
Distribution Improvements (R) 100,000
Undersized Main Replacement (R) 100,000
Repairs to the System (M) 100,000
Pump Replacement & Well redevelopment (M) 150,000
Pickup Trucks w/ Plows (R) 126,000
Update Chemical Feed Systems (M) 10,000
TOTAL - Water Special Revenue $1,161,000
Acting on Article 6. On motion made by George Allaire and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 6 as printed in the warrant. The
vote on Article 6 carries unanimously. 8:12 PM
ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate a sum of money from the
sources listed below to the Town’s unrestricted stabilization fund and to the special purpose
stabilization fund for Other Post-Employment Benefits for town retirees, or act on anything
relative thereto.
Overlay Reserve $100,000 $50,000
Water Retained Earnings $0 $50,000
Subtotal $100,000 $100,000
TOTAL $200,000
Acting on Article 7. On motion made by Tracy Post and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 7 as printed in the warrant; and to fund
such article appropriate $100,000.00 to the unrestricted stabilization fund from overlay reserve;
and appropriate $100,000.00 to the special purpose stabilization fund for OPEB liability from the
sources listed in the warrant. The vote on Article 7 carries unanimously. 8:14 PM
ARTICLE 8: To see if the Town will vote pursuant to Chapter 71 Section 16G½ to allow
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School to establish a stabilization fund for future facility
capital costs.
Acting on Article 8. On motion made by Chris Greeley and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 8 as printed in the warrant. The
vote on Article 8 carries by the requisite majority. 8:16 PM
ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will revoke the provisions of Chapter 44, Section 53F½ of the
Massachusetts General Laws, ceasing the Transfer Station as an enterprise fund effective fiscal
year 2015.
Acting on Article 9. On motion made by Tracy Post and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 9 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 9 carries unanimously. 8:10 PM
ARTICLE 10: To see what sums of money the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate
from General Fund Free Cash for the following purposes, or act on anything relative thereto:
Police Training 130,000
Revaluation 166,000
Human Services 60,000
Street Sweeping 75,000
Parks Maintenance 25,000
Roadside Mowing 50,000
Vehicle Repair 35,000
Non-Recurring Wage Increases 90,000
Route 6A Speed Signs 10,000
W.Y. Library 16,000
Licensed Social Worker 40,000
PAC Team 120,000
TOTAL 817,000
Acting on Article 10. On motion made by Michael Stone and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen recommend and the Finance Committee does not recommend. To move Article 10 as
printed in the warrant. On motion made by Thomas Sullivan and duly seconded, to indefinitely
postpone. The vote on Article 10 to indefinitely postpone does not carry. 8:35 PM. The vote on
Article 10 carries by the requisite majority. 8:37PM
ARTICLE 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $255,750 to
fund the Tourism Revenue Preservation Fund as authorized by Chapter 338 of the Acts of 2006.
Acting on Article 11. On motion made on by Norman Holcomb and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee, to move Article 11 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 11 carries unanimously. 8:40 PM
ARTICLE 12: To see if the Town will vote to reestablish a Town Beautification and Promotion
Revolving Fund under M.G.L. Chapter 44 Section 53-E ½ for the purpose of depositing money
from certain programs and fees charged by the Administration Department to be used for
expenses, capital items, and or personnel costs, to establish a limit for the total amount of
$20,000 which may be expended from such revolving fund during the fiscal year beginning July
1, 2014 and authorize the Town Administrator to spend such funds as received for the above
Acting on Article 12. On motion made by Norman Holcomb and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and the Finance Committee, to move Article 12 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 12 carries unanimously. 8:41 PM
ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to amend the Code of the Town of Yarmouth
Section 23 by deleting the existing Sections 23-2 and 23-3 and replacing with the following text:
Section 23-2. Duties - The Community Preservation Committee shall study the needs,
possibilities, and resources of the Town regarding community preservation, including the
consideration of regional projects for community preservation. The Committee shall consult
with municipal boards and committees in conducting such studies. The Committee shall issue a
report stating its findings and recommendations to the Board of Selectmen and Town Meetings
on projects to be funded by resources in the Community Preservation Fund. As part of its study,
the committee shall hold one or more public informational hearings on the needs, possibilities,
and resources of the city or town regarding community preservation possibilities, and resources,
notice of which shall be posted publicly and published for each of two weeks preceding a hearing
in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town.
Section 23-3. Recommendations - The Community Preservation Committee shall make
recommendations to Town Meeting for the acquisition, creation, and preservation of open space;
for the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of historic resources: for the
acquisition, creation, preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of land for recreational use; for
the acquisition, creation, preservation, and support of community housing; and for the
rehabilitation or restoration of open space and community housing that is acquired or created as
provided in this section; provided, however, that funds expended pursuant to this chapter shall
not be used for maintenance. With respect to community housing, the community preservation
committee shall recommend, whenever possible, the reuse of existing buildings or construction
of new buildings on previously developed sites. With respect to recreational use, the acquisition
of artificial turf for athletic fields shall be prohibited. In each fiscal year and upon the
recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee, Town Meeting shall spend or set
aside for later spending, not less than (10%) ten percent of the net annual revenues for
community housing purposes, not less than (10%) ten percent of the net annual revenues for
open space and not less than (10%) ten percent of the net annual revenues for historic resources
purposes. In each fiscal year, the Community Preservation Committee shall recommend that
Town Meeting spend or set aside for later spending the remaining (70%) seventy percent of the
net annual revenues for community housing, open space, recreation, historic resources, and
administrative and operating purposes.
The Community Preservation Committee may recommend the issuance of general obligation
bonds or notes in anticipation of revenues to be raised pursuant to Section 3 of the Act, the
proceeds of which shall be deposited in the Community Preservation Fund.
Acting on Article 13. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 13 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article carries unanimously. 8:50 PM
ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to allocate the following sums of money from the
FY14 supplemental annual revenues of the Yarmouth Community Preservation Act as required
by G.L. c.149, §298 of the Acts of 2004.
Appropriation FY14
Community Housing Reserve $ 40,000
Open Space Reserve $ 40,000
Historic Preservation Reserve $ 40,000
Acting on Article 14. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 14 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 14 carries unanimously. 8:52 PM.
ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to allocate the following sums of money from the
FY15 estimated annual revenues of the Yarmouth Community Preservation Act as required by
G.L. c.149, §298 of the Acts of 2004.
Appropriation FY15
Community Housing Reserve $ 200,000
Open Space Reserve $ 200,000
Historic Preservation Reserve $ 200,000
Budgeted Reserve $ 500,000
Operating Expenses $ 98,000
Acting on Article 15. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 15 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 15 carries unanimously. 8:53 PM
ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to close the accounts from prior warrant articles
and transfer the remaining balances to the Community Preservation Act Fund as indicated below
or take any other action relative thereto:
Project Name Original
Amount to Close
From Project
23 Sailing Center 26 New
$30,000 $950 to
18 Hands of Hope housing
rental assistance
$25,000 $18 to
22 Historical Society of
Old Yarmouth archival
storage unit
$5,225 $50 to
Acting on Article 16. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 16 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 16 carries by the requisite majority. 8:56 PM
ARTICLE 17: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate the sum of $38,625
from the Sale of Real Estate Fund to the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund.
Acting on Article 17. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 17 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 17 carries unanimously. 8:58 PM
ARTICLE 18: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for community housing
purposes the sum of $286,000 by transfer of $189,650 from the Community Preservation Act
Housing Reserve and $96,350 from the Undesignated Fund to the Town of Yarmouth Municipal
Affordable Housing Trust created under G.L. c.44, §55C to create, preserve, and support
affordable housing at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
Acting on Article 18. On motion made by Thomas Roche and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectman and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 18 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 18 carries unanimously. 8:59 PM
ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for community
housing purposes the sum of $155,004 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated
Fund to Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod, Inc. for the creation of up to six 100% affordable
single family homes to serve households at or below 80% of the Area Median Income on two
vacant parcels of land identified as 5 and 9 Virginia Street in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts;
consisting of 80,877 square feet (1.86 acres) more or less; recorded with the Barnstable County
Registry of Deeds in Book 23910/Page 89; as shown on Assessor’s Map 36, Lots 65 and 66; all
homes to have an affordable housing deed restriction in perpetuity, being the Massachusetts
Department of Housing and Community Development Local Initiative Program Deed Rider
which meets the requirements of G.L. Ch. 184, § 31; if construction has not commenced by
December 31, 2015 said funds shall revert to the Community Preservation Act Fund.
Acting on Article 19. On motion made by Nathan Small and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 19 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 19 carries unanimously. 9:03 PM
ARTICLE 20: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for community housing
purposes the sum of $25,000 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund Balance
to Hands of Hope, a non-profit organization, to assist Yarmouth households or individuals with
permanent housing.
Acting on Article 20. On motion made by Thomas Roche and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 20 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 20 carries unanimously. 9:05 PM
ARTICLE 21: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes
the sum of $166,535 by transfer of $73,626 from the Community Preservation Act Historic
Reserve and $92,909 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund to the Town of
Yarmouth Assessor’s Division for the preservation of historic Town Assessor record valuations.
Acting on Article 21. On motion made by John Mulkeen and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 21 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 21 carries unanimously. 9:06 PM
ARTICLE 22: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes the
sum of $44,868 from the Community Preservation Act Historical Reserve to the Historical
Society of Old Yarmouth for the rehabilitation of the roof at the Captain Bangs Hallet Museum
located at 11 Strawberry Lane in Yarmouth Port.
Acting on Article 22. On motion made by Nathan Small and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 22 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 22 carries unanimously. 9:07 PM
ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes
the sum of $21,156 from the Community Preservation Act Historic Reserve to the Cultural
Center of Cape Cod, Inc. for the reconstruction of exterior shutters and lamp posts at the Cultural
Center located at 307 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth.
Acting on Article 23. On motion made by John Mulkeen and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 23 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 23 carries by the requisite majority. 9:16 PM
ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes
the sum of $188,000 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund to the Yarmouth
New Church Preservation Foundation, Inc. for the rehabilitation and restoration of the decorative
finishes in the audience room of the Yarmouth New Church community building located at 260
Route 6A in Yarmouth Port.
Acting on Article 24. On motion made by Gary Ellis and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 24 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 24 carries by the requisite majority. 9:19 PM
ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes the
sum of $25,000 from the Community Preservation Act Historic Reserve to the Town of
Yarmouth Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Department for the rehabilitation of historic fences
on Town-owned cemetery properties.
Acting on Article 25. On motion made by Dorcas McGurrin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, and move Article 25 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 25 carries unanimously. 9:21 PM
ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for historic purposes
the sum of $25,000 from the Community Preservation Act Historic Reserve to the Town of
Yarmouth Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Department for the preservation of historic cemetery
Acting on Article 26. On motion made by Dorcas McGurrin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 26 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 26 carries unanimously. 9:23 PM
ARTICLE 27: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for open space
purposes the sum of $13,000 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund to the
Town of Yarmouth Conservation Division to remove invasive species (Phragmites) at the Bass
Hole and Gray’s Beach area located on Center Street in Yarmouth Port.
Acting on Article 27. On motion made by Dorcas McGurrin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 27 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 27 carries unanimously. 9:29 PM
On motion made by Ronald Daniels and duly seconded to adjourn. The vote to adjourn does not
carry. 9:33 PM
ARTICLE 28: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for recreational
purposes the sum of $235,000 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund to the
Town of Yarmouth Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Department to rehabilitate the Flax Pond
Recreational Area located at Dupont Avenue in South Yarmouth.
Acting on Article 28. On motion made by Dorcas McGurrin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen to Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 26 as printed in the warrant. The
vote on Article 28 carries by the requisite majority. 9:39 PM
ARTICLE 29: To see if the Town will vote to transfer and appropriate for recreational
purposes the sum of $125,000 from the Community Preservation Act Undesignated Fund to the
Town of Yarmouth Parks, Recreation, and Cemetery Department to rehabilitate the Route 6A
playground located on town-owned property at 460 Route 6A in Yarmouth Port.
Acting on Article 29. On motion made by Dorcas McGurrin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 29 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 28 carries by the requisite majority. 9:41 PM
On motion made and duly seconded to adjourn the Annual Town Meeting to April 8, 2014 at
6:30 PM at Mattacheese Middle School. The vote to adjourn carries unanimously. 9:42 PM
The Moderator called to order the Annual Town Meeting at 6:33 PM on April 8, 2014 at
Mattacheese Middle School.
ARTICLE 30: To see if the Town will vote to amend sections of the Zoning Bylaw to allow
for Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (RMDs), also known as Medical Marijuana Treatment
Centers, and amend the Zoning Map to create a new Registered Marijuana Dispensary Overlay
District, as follows:
1. Amend the Zoning Map to create a Registered Marijuana Dispensary Overlay District
(RMDOD) including the following parcels:
Map 73: Parcels:, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 6.1, 7.1, 9.2.1, 9.2.2, 9.2.3, 9.2.4, 9.2.5,
9.2.6, and 9.2.7.
Map 74: Parcels: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27 and portion of Parcel 5 north of the Cape & Vineyard Electric
Company Easement.
Map 83: Parcels: 7, 8.1, 8.2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.1.1, 14, 16.1, 17.1, 20.1.1, 21.1, and 22.1.
Map 84: Parcels: 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5C, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13C, 14, and 16C.
2. Amend Section 103.2.2 – Criteria (Special Permits), by adding the following new text at
the end of this section as shown:
In addition, individual sections of the Zoning Bylaw contain supplemental special
permit criteria for specific uses and types of development.
3. Amend Section 103.3.1 – Objectives (Site Plan Review), by adding the text “Installation
of Yarmouth Fire Department (YFD) Lockbox(es) shall be required to ensure building
and site access.” at the end of paragraph 3 as shown:
3. Adequate access to each structure for fire and service equipment is provided.
Installation of Yarmouth Fire Department (YFD) Lockbox(es) shall be required to
ensure building and site access.
4. Amend Section 103.3.2 – Applicability (Site Plan Review), by adding the following new
text prior to the last paragraph as shown:
Projects developing under Section 415 (Registered Marijuana Dispensaries) are
required to go through formal Site Plan Review.
5. Amend Section 103.3.4 – Plans (Site Plan Review), by adding the following sentence at
the end of this section as shown:
Projects developing under Section 415 (Registered Marijuana Dispensaries) shall
provide supplemental submittal information as required by Section 415.4.
6. Amend Section 103.4.2 – Applicability and Jurisdiction (Design Review), by deleting the
text “and 414” and adding the text “, 414 and 415” as shown:
103.4.2 Applicability and Jurisdiction. All commercial uses located south of Route 6
and all projects subject to the provisions of Bylaw sections 404, 411, 414 and 415 shall
be subject to design review.
7. Amend Section 103.4.4 – Design Review Authority, by adding the following new text at
the end of this section as shown:
5. The Design Review Committee shall be the Design Review Authority to review all
projects developing pursuant to Section 415 (Registered Marijuana Dispensaries)
for mandatory compliance with the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design
Standards, as adopted and from time-to-time amended by the Planning Board.
8. Amend Section 103.4.6 – Procedures (Design Review), by deleting it in its entirety and
replacing it with the following new text as shown:
103.4.6 Procedures. Design Review must precede Site Plan Review. Applicants for
projects submitted in conjunction with Bylaw sections 404 and 411 must submit 13
copies of the architectural building elevations, certified site plan, lighting plans,
landscape plans, and sign plans. Applications for development under Bylaw Section 415
(Registered Marijuana Dispensaries) shall submit 6 copies of the plans outlined above
plus supplemental information outlined in Bylaw Section 415. Applicants for
development under the VCOD shall provide application materials in accordance with
Section 414.3.2. Applicants for all other applicable projects within the Jurisdiction must
submit only 6 copies of the site plan and architectural elevations but are encouraged to
submit lighting plans, landscape plans, and sign plans for review. Application materials
must be submitted to the Community Development Department for scheduling with the
proper Review Authority.
9. Amend Section 201.1 – Classes of Districts, by adding the following class of district:
Registered Marijuana Dispensary Overlay District (RMDOD)
10. Amend Section 201.2 – Zoning Map, by adding the text “RMDOD” to the section as
201.2 Zoning Map. B1, B2, B3, AED, MU, APD, MOD, HMOD1, HMOD2, ROAD, all
districts of the VCOD, RMDOD and all residential districts . . . . . .
11. Amend Section 202.5 - Use Regulation Table, by adding a new column entitled
“RMDOD”, a new row entitled “R. MISCELLANEOUS” and a new row entitled “R1
Registered Marijuana Dispensary”, with the following new text:
202.5 Use
Res. RS-40 B121 B221 B321 RMDOD44 MU APD AED MOD HMOD
2 VC1 VC2 VC3 VC4
no no no no no BA44 no
no no no no no no no no
12. Amend Section 202.5 – Use Regulation Table Footnotes, by adding Footnotes 44 and 45
as shown:
44. Subject to the requirements of Section 415 – Registered Marijuana
Dispensaries. The RMD Overlay District (RMDOD) applies solely for use code
R1 – Registered Marijuana Dispensary. All other uses shall be subject to the
underlying zoning.
45. Except BA in the RMDOD.
13. Amend Section 203.5 – Table of Dimensional Requirements, by adding a row beneath
the “B3” row as shown:
Zoning or
Lot Size
in Sq. Ft.
in feet
Minimum Yard in feet
Front Side Rear
RMDOD 40000 100 30 (W) 10 (W) 30(W) (P) 22
14. Amend Section 203.5 – Table of Dimensional Requirements - Notes, by adding the
following note as shown:
W. Refer to Bylaw Sections 415.5.14 and 415.5.15 for additional setback requirements
to residential zoning districts and certain types of structures or uses.
15. Amend Section 303.1 Goals and purposes (Signs), by adding a paragraph at the end of
Section 303.1, as shown:
Refer to Section 415.5.10 (Signs) for supplemental sign regulations specific to
development under Section 415, Registered Marijuana Dispensaries.
16. Delete Section“415 Temporary Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers”
in its entirety and replace with the following new section “415 Registered Marijuana
Dispensaries” as shown:
415.1 Purposes:
1. To provide for the establishment of Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (herein
referred to as “RMD”), in an appropriate location and under specific conditions,
in acknowledgment of the passage of Chapter 369 of the Acts of 2012 - An Act for
the Humanitarian Medical use of Marijuana, and the Massachusetts Department
of Public Health (herein referred to as “DPH”) implementation regulations 105
CMR 725.000 - Implementation of an Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of
2. To minimize and mitigate the adverse impacts of Registered Marijuana
Dispensaries on adjacent properties, public ways, residential neighborhoods,
schools and other places where children congregate, local historic districts, and
other land uses potentially incompatible with said facilities; by regulating the
siting, design, placement, safety, and monitoring of a RMD.
3. To limit the number of Registered Marijuana Dispensaries located in the Town of
415.2 Applicability:
1. The acquisition, cultivation, possession, processing, transferring, transporting,
selling, distributing, dispensing, or administering marijuana or products that
contain marijuana for Medical Use is prohibited unless permitted as a Registered
Marijuana Dispensary under this Section 415.
2. No Registered Marijuana Dispensary shall be established unless permitted in
compliance with the provisions of Section 415 and only with the proper
registration through the DPH regulations 105 CMR 725.000.
3. Nothing in Section 415 is intended to regulate or prohibit uses or activities
conducted in compliance with 105 CMR 725.035 under a Hardship Cultivation
Registration issued by the DPH.
4. Registered Marijuana Dispensaries may only be allowed by Special Permit from
the Special Permit Granting Authority in the Registered Marijuana Dispensary
Overlay District (RMDOD), provided the facility meets the requirements of this
Section 415.
5. If any provision of this Section or the application of any such provision to any
person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this Section, to the
extent it can be given effect, or the application of those provisions to persons or
circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected
thereby, and to this end the provisions of this Section are severable.
415.3 Special Permit Granting Authority:
For the purposes of this section, the Special Permit Granting Authority (SPGA) is
designated to be the Zoning Board of Appeals.
415.4 Design Review and Site Plan Review:
1. Formal Design Review as outlined in Section 103.4 is required and adherence to
the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design Standards are mandatory.
2. Formal Site Plan Review as outlined in Section 103.3 is required. The Yarmouth
Police Department shall participate in Site Plan Review.
3. In addition to the submittal requirements outlined for Design Review and Site
Plan Review, the applicant shall also submit the following for a RMD:
a. Detailed floor plan(s) of the premises that identifies the square footage
available and describes the functional areas of the RMD.
b. Plan showing security measures for the Registered Marijuana Dispensary,
including, but not limited to fencing, gates, lighting, and alarms, to ensure
personal safety and to protect the premises from theft.
415.5 General Requirements and Conditions for all Registered Marijuana
1. The Town of Yarmouth shall have no more than two RMDs located within its
2. All aspects of cultivation, processing, sales, and dispensing of marijuana shall
take place in a fixed location or locations within fully enclosed buildings that are
monitored by surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and all other security
measures in accordance with 105 CMR 725.000. If requested by the Yarmouth
Police Department, all surveillance video shall be directly fed to the Yarmouth
Police Station at the expense of the applicant.
3. No RMD shall be located inside a building containing any other uses or tenants.
4. If green houses are used for cultivation, curtains shall be utilized to prevent light
pollution and illumination outside the greenhouse from dusk to dawn.
5. Industry Best Management Practices shall be utilized to control odors inside and
outside the RMD facilities. No odors from marijuana or its processing shall be
detectable by a person with an unimpaired and otherwise normal sense of smell at
the exterior of the medical marijuana business or at any adjoining property or use.
6. No Registered Marijuana Dispensary located within the Town of Yarmouth shall
have a gross floor area in excess of 10,000 square feet, which may include
cultivation, processing, and dispensing at up to two locations as allowed by 105
CMR 725.000.
7. Waste Handling: Waste disposal shall adhere to 105 CMR 725.000. No
composting of waste materials may happen at the RMD. Outside storage of
general solid waste not containing any usable marijuana shall be screened with a
locking fence. Solid waste containing any usable marijuana will be stored inside
a designated, locked, limited access area located inside a building or structure.
Liquid waste from processing or disposal of marijuana shall not be discharged to
surface waters or groundwater or septic systems.
8. Landscaping and Lighting: Landscaping and lighting plans shall endeavor to
balance the need for security with aesthetic concerns and impacts to abutting
properties and public ways. Trespass of light at abutting property boundaries
shall not exceed 0.1 foot candles. Height of light fixtures shall not exceed 15 feet
as measured from the highest point of the light structure to finished grade.
Landscaping shall adhere to Section 301 (Parking and Loading Requirements),
taking into consideration that trees, bushes, and other foliage outside of the RMD
shall not allow for a person or persons to conceal themselves from sight. Fencing
with lockable gates shall be provided around the perimeter of the RMD. Fencing
and gates shall be a maximum of 8’ high, and shall be decorative style wherever
viewed from a public way or abutting property. Style of fencing and gates shall
be approved by the Design Review Committee and Special Permit Granting
Authority. Chain link fencing shall be prohibited wherever visible from the
public way or abutting property.
9. Parking and Loading Requirements: Parking and Loading requirements for RMD
shall adhere to Section 301.5 – Table of Parking Demand, and shall be applicable
to mercantile use for that portion of the floor area designated for sales, plus
Industrial use for the floor area designated for processing, storage, and cultivation
of medical marijuana.
10. Signs:
a. RMD external signage shall not be illuminated except for a period of 30
minutes before sundown until closing. Neon signage is prohibited at all times.
b. Marijuana, Marijuana Infused Products (MIPs), and associated products shall
not be displayed or clearly visible to a person from the exterior of a RMD.
c. The main entrance to the RMD may have one attached wall sign, no larger
than four (4) square feet mounted to the building adjacent to the patient
entrance. A free standing sign for a RMD shall be no larger than 6 square feet
and shall identify the building by the DPH Registered Name only and shall
include the street number.
d. A RMD shall not display on the exterior of the facility advertisements for
marijuana or any brand name and shall not utilize graphics related to
marijuana or paraphernalia on the exterior of the RMD, or the building in
which the RMD is located.
11. The hours of operation of a RMD shall be set by the Special Permit Granting
Authority, but in no event shall said facilities be open to the public, and no sale or
other distribution of marijuana shall occur upon the premises or via delivery from
the premises, between the hours of 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM.
12. A RMD shall not have a drive through. Off-site delivery of marijuana or MIPs by
a RMD shall be conducted in accordance with 105 CMR 725.000.
13. Consumption of marijuana on the premises or grounds of any RMD is prohibited,
provided however that a RMD may administer marijuana for educational or
demonstrative purposes to the extent allowed by 105 CMR 725.000.
14. No RMD shall be located within 100 feet of a residential zoning district. This
distance shall be measured in a straight line from the zoning district boundary to
the nearest point of any component of the proposed RMD.
15. No RMD shall be located within 500 feet of any of the following structures or
uses in existence on the date of a complete application submission to the SPGA
for an RMD Special Permit:
a. Any school of any type attended by children under the age of 18;
b. Any licensed child care facility, day care center, or family day care home;
c. Any correctional facility, half-way house, or similar facility;
d. Libraries;
e. Family entertainment facilities;
f. Public parks, athletic fields, and recreation facilities;
g. Religious facilities; and
h. Any facility in which children commonly congregate on an organized,
ongoing formal basis.
This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest property
line of the lot containing any of the above facilities to the nearest point of any
principle building housing the RMD.
16. The applicant shall provide the Yarmouth Police Department, the Building
Department, and the Special Permit Granting Authority with the name, phone
number and email address of a main contact person and two back-up contact
people to whom notice can be given if there are operating problems associated
with the RMD.
17. The applicant shall allow for periodic inspections by the Yarmouth Police
Department, the Building Commissioner, and/or the Board of Health during the
hours when the premises are open for business. The purpose of the periodic
inspections is to determine if the licensed premises are operated in accordance
with the requirements of the special permit and the conditions outlined therein.
18. Information regarding the security measures to be implemented to deter and
prevent unauthorized entrances and protect the premises, dispensary agents, and
registered qualifying patients or their caregivers, shall be provided to the
Yarmouth Police Department, including amendments.
19. Emergency procedures, including a disaster plan with procedures to be followed
in case of fire or other emergencies, which was developed by a RMD as part of
their DPH registration, shall be provided to the Yarmouth Police Department and
Yarmouth Fire Department, including amendments.
20. All activities conducted by a RMD shall be conducted by employees of the
registered facility non-profit corporation and cannot be conducted by or
subcontracted to other entities.
415.6 Special Permit Requirements:
1. The Special Permit Granting Authority (SPGA) may grant a Special Permit for a
RMD, in accordance with G.L. c. 40A, §9, subject to the provisions and
requirements outlined in Section 415, and in allowed zoning districts as shown in
Section 202.5 – Use Regulation Table.
2. If an applicant is proposing two locations within Yarmouth for their RMD in
accordance with 105 CMR 725.000, information on both locations are required
and shall be submitted as two separate Special Permit applications.
3. Application Submittal Information: In addition to the application requirements
set forth in Sections 415.5, 414.6 and the SPGA application forms and
regulations, a special permit application for a Registered Marijuana Dispensary
shall include the following supplemental information:
a. Narrative on how the proposed project is in compliance with these
regulations, and how it has been designed to meet the Special Permit
granting criteria contained in Section 415.6.4.
b. Overall scaled context map depicting all properties, residential zoning
districts, and land uses around the subject parcel to verify compliance with
the siting restrictions outlined in Sections 415.5.14 and 415.5.15.
c. Names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of officers of the
d. Evidence that the RMD is eligible for and has applied for registration with
the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and shall not commence
operations until the registration is approved.
e. Evidence of the Applicant’s right to use the proposed site for the RMD,
such as a deed, lease, purchase and sale agreement, or other legally-
binding document.
f. If not grown and/or processed at the RMD, the applicant shall identify,
and provide contact information for the source of all marijuana that will be
sold or distributed at the RMD.
g. Supplemental information required for Design Review and Site Plan
Review as outlined in Section 415.4.3.
4. Special Permit Criteria: The Special Permit Granting Authority shall not issue a
special permit for a Registered Marijuana Dispensary unless it finds that:
a. The Facility is designed to minimize any adverse visual or economic
impacts on abutters and other parties in interest, as defined in G.L. c. 40A,
b. The Facility is designed to ensure personal safety of those working at or
utilizing the facility and to protect the premises from theft, while taking
into consideration aesthetics and impacts to abutting properties and public
c. Adequate measures have been taken to mitigate any noise, odors, or light
pollution at the property line, or to adjacent users if on the same parcel.
d. Demonstrate adequate waste disposal of products containing usable
marijuana that does not adversely impact the environment or aquifer.
e. The Facility shall provide documentation for all permits from applicable
agencies within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and be in
compliance with all applicable state laws and regulations; or demonstrate
that it will be able to meet all said requirements. If the facility is not fully
permitted at the time of the Special Permit determination, a condition may
be placed on the Special Permit indicating that the Special Permit shall be
null and void if these permits are not obtained.
f. The applicant has not provided materially false documents or testimony;
g. The applicant has satisfied all of the conditions and requirements of
Sections 415.5 and 415.6 herein;
5. Annual Review: The SPGA shall condition any Special Permit issued under this
Section to require the applicant to schedule a review by the SPGA to demonstrate
compliance with the conditions of the Special Permit and Zoning Bylaw, to
provide documentation of any inspections conducted by the Department of Public
Health and to provide documentation of continued registration of the RMD with
the DPH. This review shall be conducted within 30 days of the anniversary date
of the issuance of the Special Permit and shall be conducted on an annual basis
for as long as the RMD is in operation under the Special Permit.
6. Special Permit Duration: The Special Permit shall be valid for no more than a
period of two (2) years from the date of the decision, as long as the Special Permit
has not been revoked by the SPGA, and as long as the RMD retains a valid
registration with the Department of Public Health. A Special Permit shall be
issued to the owner of the RMD and shall not transfer with a change in ownership
of the business and/or property. A Special Permit shall lapse if not exercised
within one year of issuance.
7. Discontinuance of Use: The RMD shall notify the Yarmouth Police Department
and the Special Permit Granting Authority in writing within 48 hours of the
permit holder ceasing to operate the RMD or if the permit holder’s registration
with DPH expires or is terminated. An RMD shall be required to remove all
materials, plants, equipment and other paraphernalia prior to surrendering its state
Registration or ceasing its operation.
8. Special Permit Revocation: Any violation of this Section or conditions of the
Special Permit shall be grounds for revocation. The Special Permit shall be
revoked by the SPGA if the RMD registration is revoked by the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health. The DPH shall be notified of any known criminal
or zoning violations, and shall be notified of a revocation of the Special Permit.
17. Amend Section 500 – Definitions, by adding the following new definitions:
105 CMR 725.000 – Refers to the Department of Public Health (DPH) regulations
entitled, “Implementation of an Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana.”
means a registration issued by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to a
registered qualifying patient under the requirements of 105 CMR 725.035, allowing for a
registered qualifying patient or his/her registered personal caregiver to cultivate a limited
number of plants sufficient to maintain a 60-day supply of medical marijuana solely for
that patient’s use, at either the registered qualifying patient’s primary residence or one
personal caregiver’s primary residence.
MARIJUANA - has the meaning given “marihuana” in Chapter 94C of the
Massachusetts General Laws. The term also includes marijuana infused products (MIPs).
MARIJUANA-INFUSED PRODUCT (MIP) - means a product infused with medical
marijuana that is intended for use or consumption, including but not limited to edible
products, ointments, aerosols, oils, and tinctures. These products, when created or sold
by a RMD, shall not be considered a food or a drug as defined in M.G.L. c. 94, s. 1.
These products may only be created or sold by a Registered Marijuana Dispensary.
Registered Marijuana Dispensary (RMD).
a person, registered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) under 105
CMR 725.000, who has agreed to assist with a registered qualifying patient’s medical
use of marijuana.
entity registered under 105 CMR 725.100, also known as a Medical Marijuana Treatment
Center, that acquires, cultivates, possesses, processes (including development of related
products such as edible MIPs, tinctures, aerosols, oils, or ointments), transfers, transports,
sells, distributes, dispenses, or administers marijuana, products containing marijuana,
related supplies, or educational materials to registered qualifying patients or their
personal caregivers. RMD refers to the site(s) of dispensing, cultivation, and preparation
of marijuana.
qualifying patient who has applied for and received a registration card from the
Massachusetts Department of Public Health under 105 CMR 725.000.
Acting on Article 30. On motion made by Christopher Vincent and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen, Finance Committee and Planning Board recommend, to move Article 30 as printed in
the warrant. On motion made by John Mulkeen and duly seconded, to amend Article 30 by
removing from Map 74 parcel 9 and 14. The vote on the amendment of Article 30 does not
carry. 6:51 PM
On motion made by Thomas Sullivan and duly seconded, to Indefinitely Postpone Article 30.
The vote to indefinitely postpone Article 30 does not carry. 7:13 PM
On motion made by Peter Kenney and duly seconded, to amend Article 30 in section 415.5
number 14 in first line change 100 to 1000 feet and number 15 in the first line change from 500
to 1500 feet. The vote on the amendment of Article 30 does not carry. 7:22 PM The vote on
Article 30 carries by the requisite 2/3 majority. 7:23 PM
ARTICLE 31: To see if the Town will vote to amend Zoning Bylaw Section 415 – Temporary
Moratorium on Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers, to extend the moratorium to December
31, 2014, as follows:
Amend Section 415.2 – Temporary Moratorium, by amending the second sentence to delete the
text “August 1, 2014” and add the text “December 31, 2014” as shown:
415.2 Temporary Moratorium
For the reasons set forth above and nothwithstanding any other provision of the
Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw to the contrary, the Town of Yarmouth hereby adopts a
temporary moratorium on the use of land or structures for a Medical Marijuana
Treatment Center. The moratorium will be in effect until December 31, 2014. During
the moratorium period, the Town will undertake a planning process to address the
potential impacts of medical marijuana, consider the Department of Public Health
regulations regarding Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers and related uses, and adopt
new zoning regulations to address the impact and operation of Medical Marijuana
Treatment Centers and related uses.
Acting on Article 31. On motion made by Chris Vincent and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to withdraw Article 31. The vote on Article 31
to withdraw carries by the requisite majority. 7:23 PM
ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to amend sections of the Zoning Bylaw to adopt
the new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs)
for the Town of Yarmouth, address how building height is measured in AO Zones, and include
minor amendments to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
regulations, as follows:
1. Amend Section 201.1 - Classes of Districts, by deleting the text “Floodplain Zones: V, A,
B, C” in its entirety and replacing it with the following text as shown:
Floodplain Zones: VE, AE, AO, X
2. Amend Section 201.4 – Floodplain Zones, by deleting it in its entirety and replacing it
with the following text as shown:
201.4 – Floodplain Zones. The Floodplain Zones include all special flood hazard
areas within the Town of Yarmouth designated as Zone AE, AO, and VE on the
Barnstable County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) issued by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the administration of the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP). The map panels of the Barnstable County FIRM that are
wholly or partially within the Town of Yarmouth are panel numbers 25001C0557J,
25001C0559J, 25001C0567J, 25001C0569J, 25009C0576J, 25009C0577J,
25009C0578J, 25009C0579J, 25009C0583J, 25001C0586J, 25001C0587J,
25001C0588J, 25001C0589J, 25001C0591J, 25001C0782J, and 25001C0801J, dated
July 16, 2014. The exact boundaries of the District may be defined by the 100-year
base flood elevations shown on the FIRM and further defined by the Barnstable
County Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report dated July 16, 2014. The FIRM and FIS
report are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Building Division,
the Engineering Division, the Planning Division, and the Town Clerk.
3. Amend Section 203.4.2 – Table of Maximum Building Height, by adding a reference to
note “E” in the column entitled, “In FEMA Flood Zones A or V” as shown:
203.4.2 Table of Maximum Building Height
4. Amend Section 203.4.2 – Table of Maximum Building Height - Notes, by adding the
following note as shown:
E. If the building is located in a FEMA Flood Zone AO, height shall be measured
from 1 foot above the Depth of Water shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps,
measured from the average natural grade at the front face of the building
5. Amend Section 403.1 - Flood Area Provisions – Development, by deleting the text “as
amended,” from the first sentence as shown:
403.1 Development – All applicable development and uses in all Flood Zones A and V,
as identified on Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM) panels, whether permitted as a matter of right, by special permit, or by variance,
shall meet the effective provisions of 780CMR (State Building Code). These maps are
on file in the Building Department, the Engineering Division, the Planning Division, and
the Town Clerk.
6. Amend Section 403 - Flood Area Provisions, by adding the following new text at the end
of this section as shown:
403.2 Floodway Data
In Zone AE, along watercourses that have not had a regulatory floodway designated,
the best available Federal, State, local, or other floodway data shall be used to prohibit
encroachments in floodways which would result in any increase in flood levels within
the community during the occurrence of the base flood discharge.
Structure In FEMA Flood
A or V
On Upland with a
Negative Slope (C)
On Upland with a
Positive or Neutral
slope (C)
HMOD1 Motels Per 404.1.10
HMOD2 Motels Per 404.2.9
Other motels (not in HMOD1 or
30’ (A, D, E) 30’ (A) 30’ (A)
All residential structures 35’ (A, D, E) 35’ (A) 35’ (B)
All other structures 35’ (A, D, E) 35’ (A) 35’ (B)
VCOD (all districts) Per Section 414
403.3 Notification of Watercourse Alteration
In a riverine situation, the Conservation Administrator shall notify the following of any
alteration or relocation of a watercourse:
Adjacent Communities
NFIP State Coordinator
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600-700
Boston, MA 02114-2104
NFIP Program Specialist
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region I
99 High Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
403.4 Use Regulations
1. Within Zone AO on the FIRM, adequate drainage paths must be provided
around structures on slopes, to guide floodwaters around and away from
proposed structures.
2. Man-made alteration of sand dunes within Zones V1-30, VE, and V which
would increase potential flood damage are prohibited.
3. All new construction within Zones V1-30, VE, and V must be located landward
of the reach of mean high tide.
7. Amend Section 404.2.9 – Maximum Allowed Heights in the HMOD2, by deleting
Paragraphs “1.a & 1.b” in their entirety and replacing it with the following new text as
a. 48 feet high with a maximum of 4 stories, any or all of which may be habitable.
Height shall be measured from the existing average natural grade at the street side
of the foundation, as said natural grade was existing on April 8, 2008. If the
building is located in a FEMA Flood Zone AE, height shall be measured from 1
foot above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). If the building is located in a FEMA
Flood Zone AO, height shall be measured from 1 foot above the Depth of Water
shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, measured from the average natural
grade at the front face of the building foundation. If located in a FEMA Flood
Zone VE, height shall be measured from the top of “freeboard”, as defined in the
Massachusetts Building Code 780 CMR (as amended).
b. 35 feet maximum within 50 feet of the property line of any adjoining non-motel
residential use not owned, managed, or controlled by that entity. Height shall be
measured from average natural grade at the street side of the foundation, as said
natural grade was existing on April 8, 2008, with a maximum of 3 stories, any or
all of which may be habitable. If the building is located in a FEMA Flood Zone
AE, height shall be measured from 1 foot above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). If
the building is located in a FEMA Flood Zone AO, height shall be measured
from 1 foot above the Depth of Water shown on the Flood Insurance Rate
Maps, measured from the average natural grade at the front face of the
building foundation. If located in a FEMA Flood Zone VE, height shall be
measured from the top of “freeboard,” as defined in the Massachusetts Building
Code 780 CMR (as amended).
8. Amend Section 414.6.1.1 – Table of Maximum Building Height within the VCOD, by
deleting Note “B” in its entirety and replacing it with the following new text as shown:
(B) Height shall be measured from the existing average natural grade at the street side of
the foundation. No lot may be filled to a height greater than 4’, as measured from natural
grade at the street. If the building is located in a FEMA Flood Zone AE, height shall be
measured from 1 foot above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). If the building is located in a
FEMA Flood Zone AO, height shall be measured from 1 foot above the Depth of
Water shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps, measured from the average natural
grade at the front face of the building foundation. If located in a FEMA Flood Zone
VE, height shall be measured from the top of the “freeboard,” as defined in the
Massachusetts Building Code 780 CMR (as amended).
Acting on Article 32. On motion made by Thomas Roche and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen, Finance Committee and Planning Board recommend, to move Article 32 as printed
in the warrant. The vote on Article 32 carries by the requisite majority. 7:27 PM
ARTICLE 33: To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 401 - Accessory Uses, by
adding a new Section 401.4 – Temporary Commercial Outdoor Display, as shown:
401.4 Temporary Commercial Outdoor Display. The Building Commissioner may approve,
through application and permit, Temporary Commercial Outdoor Displays to take place at
commercial establishments in the B1 and B2 Zoning Districts, or for properties which
have developed under the Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD), with the following
1. A maximum of three events with a total maximum duration of 17 days per calendar
year per parcel.
2. Retail goods shall be for sale only and shall not occur outside of normal business
3. No temporary display, parking, or structures shall be located within required buffer
areas and/or yard setbacks.
4. Temporary commercial signs for temporary commercial outdoor display shall not
exceed 18 square feet and shall be permitted for the duration of the outdoor display
event. The location must be approved by the Building Commissioner. A permit
from the Building Commissioner is required and a fee will be charged.
5. Safe pedestrian circulation shall be provided between the temporary display area,
main building(s), and parking.
6. If located within a parking area, the remaining parking shall be sufficient to meet
the minimum parking requirements of Section 301.5 for the commercial use(s).
7. Location of temporary display shall not impede fire and public safety access or
8. No cooking, display, or sale of food shall be allowed outdoors, except in accordance
with Board of Health Regulations.
9. Applicant shall provide a sketch plan to include, but not limited to, dimensions and
location of the temporary display area, building(s), parking spaces, pedestrian
circulation, lot lines, buffer areas, and yard setbacks.
The Building Commissioner may require an applicant to go through the Informal Site
Plan Review process, at his/her discretion, if deemed necessary to obtain input from other
Town Departments.
Acting on Article 33. On motion made by Kenneth Driscoll and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen, Finance Committee and Planning Board recommend, to move Article 33 as printed in
the warrant. The vote on Article 33 carries by the requisite majority. 7:28 PM
ARTICLE 34: To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Map to remove the following
parcels from the Road Overlay Architectural District (R.O.A.D):
Map 32: Parcels: 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109
Map 33: Parcels: 32 & 33
Map 33: Parcels: 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,
106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124,
125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168,
169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 220, 221, 253,
286, 287, 288, 289, and 290
Map 34: Parcels: 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50
Map 41: Parcels: 28.2, 28.3, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43
Map 42: Parcels: 1, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31.
Acting Article 34. On motion made by Norman Weare and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen, Finance Committee and Planning Board recommend, to move Article 34 as printed in
the warrant. The vote on Article 34 carries unanimously. 7:30 PM
ARTICLE 35: To see if the Town will vote to amend sections of the Zoning Bylaw to require
projects requesting a change in use from motel to multi-family using Section 104.3.2(4) of the
Bylaw to go through Design Review and Site Plan Review, as follows:
1. Amend Section 103.3.2 – Applicability (Site Plan Review), by adding the following new
text at the end of the numbered paragraphs as shown:
Special Permit and/or Variances from Section 104.3.2(4) shall go through formal Site
Plan Review.
2. Amend Section 103.4.2 - Applicability and Jurisdiction (Design Review), by adding the
following new text at the end of this paragraph as shown:
All projects developing under Section 104.3.2(4) shall be subject to design review.
3. Amend Section 103.4.4 – Design Review Authority, by amending Paragraph 4 by adding
the text “, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4)” in the first sentence after
“Jurisdiction” as shown:
4. The Design Review Committee shall review all other commercial and mixed-use
projects within the Jurisdiction, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4),
and make recommendations based on the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design
Standards. Recommendations shall concern the conformity of the proposed actions
with the goals and objectives outlined in section 103.4.3 and may include such items
as building style and features, architectural details, lighting, landscaping, materials
encouraged, examples of craftsmanship, height and proportions, roof shape and pitch,
directional expression, relationship of building and spaces, and other considerations
as deemed appropriate by the Design Review Committee.
4. Amend Section 103.4.5 – Design Review Representative, by amending Paragraph 2 by
adding the text “and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4),” after “VCOD,” as
2. For design review of all other commercial and mixed-use projects within the
jurisdiction, except VCOD, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4), a
Design Review Committee member shall act as the Design Review Representative on
the Site Plan Review Team.
5. Amend Section 103.4.6 – Procedures (Design Review), by deleting the text “404 and
411“ in the second sentence and replacing with the text “404, 411 and Section
104.3.2(4)” as shown:
103.4.6 Procedures. Design Review must precede Site Plan Review. Applicants for
projects submitted in conjunction with Bylaw sections 404, 411 and Section 104.3.2(4)
must submit.
6. Amend Section 104.3.2 - Change, Extension or Alteration, by amending Paragraph
number “4.”, as follows:
Amend the second paragraph by deleting the text, “Bylaw Section 104.4.4”, and replacing
it with “Bylaw Section 104.4”, as shown:
A Special Permit may be issued for a hotel or motel located in the B2 Business
Zone or within that portion of the R25 Residential Zone located south of Route 28
and licensed as such on or before April 11, 2006, and for which a Special Permit
authorizing conversion to condominium form of ownership was issued under Bylaw
Section 104.4 on or before said date, authorizing a change in use to Use Code A12
multi-family use provided further that such hotel or motel is not located in the
HMOD1 or HMOD2 Zoning Districts and further provided that the Board of
Appeals finds all of the following:
Amend Paragraph “4.” by adding the following new text at the end of this section as
All Special Permit applications and/or Variances for this section of the Bylaw
shall include the following:
1. Design Review Comments: Applicants shall go through the Formal Design
Review process with the Design Review Committee (DRC) for advisory review
and recommendations based on the Yarmouth Architectural and Site Design
2. Site Plan Review Comments: Applicants shall go through the Formal Site
Plan Review (SPR) process.
3. Site Plan and Architectural Plans/Elevations showing proposed improvements
to meet the goals and objectives of Design Review and Site Plan Review.
Architectural Plans shall identify units proposed to meet the inclusionary
zoning provisions of section 412.2.
Acting on Article 35. On motion made by Brad Goodwin and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen, Finance Committee, and Planning Board recommend, to move Article 35 as printed
in the warrant. On motion made by Brad Goodwin to amend Article 35 to add paragraph 2 after
each “section 104.3.2 (4)” in the article which will read “Section 104.3.2 (4) paragraph 2”
throughout the article. The vote on Article 35as amended carries unanimously. 7:43 PM
The Town amends sections of the Zoning Bylaw to require projects requesting a change in use
from motel to multi-family using Section 104.3.2(4) of the Bylaw to go through Design Review
and Site Plan Review, as follows:
1. Amend Section 103.3.2 – Applicability (Site Plan Review), by adding the following new
text at the end of the numbered paragraphs as shown:
Special Permit and/or Variances from Section 104.3.2(4) paragraph 2shall go through
formal Site Plan Review.
2. Amend Section 103.4.2 - Applicability and Jurisdiction (Design Review), by adding the
following new text at the end of this paragraph as shown:
All projects developing under Section 104.3.2(4) paragraph 2 shall be subject to design
3. Amend Section 103.4.4 – Design Review Authority, by amending Paragraph 4 by adding
the text “, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4) paragraph 2” in the first
sentence after “Jurisdiction” as shown:
4. The Design Review Committee shall review all other commercial and mixed-use
projects within the Jurisdiction, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4)
paragraph 2, and make recommendations based on the Yarmouth Architectural and
Site Design Standards. Recommendations shall concern the conformity of the
proposed actions with the goals and objectives outlined in section 103.4.3 and may
include such items as building style and features, architectural details, lighting,
landscaping, materials encouraged, examples of craftsmanship, height and
proportions, roof shape and pitch, directional expression, relationship of building and
spaces, and other considerations as deemed appropriate by the Design Review
4. Amend Section 103.4.5 – Design Review Representative, by amending Paragraph 2 by
adding the text “and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4) paragraph 2,” after
“VCOD,” as shown:
2. For design review of all other commercial and mixed-use projects within the
jurisdiction, except VCOD, and all projects submitted under Section 104.3.2(4)
paragraph 2, a Design Review Committee member shall act as the Design Review
Representative on the Site Plan Review Team.
5. Amend Section 103.4.6 – Procedures (Design Review), by deleting the text “404 and
411“ in the second sentence and replacing with the text “404, 411 and Section 104.3.2(4)
paragraph 2” as shown:
103.4.6 Procedures. Design Review must precede Site Plan Review. Applicants for
projects submitted in conjunction with Bylaw sections 404, 411 and Section 104.3.2(4)
paragraph 2 must submit.
6. Amend Section 104.3.2 - Change, Extension or Alteration, by amending Paragraph
number “4.”, as follows:
Amend the second paragraph by deleting the text, “Bylaw Section 104.4.4”, and replacing
it with “Bylaw Section 104.4”, as shown:
A Special Permit may be issued for a hotel or motel located in the B2 Business
Zone or within that portion of the R25 Residential Zone located south of Route 28
and licensed as such on or before April 11, 2006, and for which a Special Permit
authorizing conversion to condominium form of ownership was issued under Bylaw
Section 104.4 on or before said date, authorizing a change in use to Use Code A12
multi-family use provided further that such hotel or motel is not located in the
HMOD1 or HMOD2 Zoning Districts and further provided that the Board of
Appeals finds all of the following:
Amend Paragraph “4.” by adding the following new text at the end of this section as
All Special Permit applications and/or Variances for this section of the Bylaw
shall include the following:
1. Design Review Comments: Applicants shall go through the Formal
Design Review process with the Design Review Committee (DRC) for
advisory review and recommendations based on the Yarmouth
Architectural and Site Design Standards.
2. Site Plan Review Comments: Applicants shall go through the
Formal Site Plan Review (SPR) process.
3. Site Plan and Architectural Plans/Elevations showing proposed
improvements to meet the goals and objectives of Design Review and
Site Plan Review. Architectural Plans shall identify units proposed
to meet the inclusionary zoning provisions of section 412.2.
ARTICLE 36: To see if the Town will vote to accept 79-24.1 Removal of dog waste from
public property or property of others:
79-24.1 Removal of dog waste from public property or property of others.
No person owning or having the care, custody, or control of any dog shall permit such dog to soil
or defile or commit any nuisance upon any sidewalk, street, thoroughfare, beach, or wetland, in
or upon any public property or in or upon the property of persons other than the owner or persons
having the care, custody, or control of such dog, unless said person picks up any such waste and
disposes of same in a sanitary manner. Anyone having custody or control of a dog in a public
place shall have in their possession a device or equipment to pick up and remove dog feces.
Individuals with disabilities aided by service dogs and law enforcement, emergency or rescue
officials with dogs carrying out official duties are exempt from this section.
79-24.2 Violations and Penalties.
Whoever violates any of the provisions of 79-24.1 shall be punished by a fine. A schedule of
fines shall be adopted by the Board of Selectmen. An individual seeking to appeal the issuance
of a fine under this bylaw shall make appeal to the Barnstable District Court.
Acting on Article 36. On motion made Tracy Post and duly seconded, the Board of Selectmen
and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 36 as printed in the warrant. The vote on
Article 36 carries by the requisite 2/3rd majority. 7:56 PM
On motion made by Thomas Sullivan and duly seconded, to propose that the Town Moderator
form a Government Study Committee to study which form of Town Meeting the Town of
Yarmouth should have in the future. The committee would be chaired by the Town Moderator,
with one member of the Board of Selectmen, one member to the Finance Committee, and at least
4 or 6 taxpayers from the Town, which would make a recommendation to the Board of
Selectmen no later than December 30, 2014 on what type of Town Meeting the Town should go
with and recommend to the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen to place the form of Town Meeting on
the ballot so the voters can decide what type of government we should have. This would include
the present form of Open Town Meeting, Representative Town Meeting, or going with a Town
Council with a Town Manager. The vote on the Government Study Committee does not carry.
8:08 PM
ARTICLE 37: To see if the Town will vote to accept c.93. Fingerprint-based Criminal History
Records Checks.
93-1 Purpose and Authorization
In order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of
Yarmouth, as authorized by Chapter 6, Section 172B ½ of the Massachusetts General
Laws as enacted by Chapter 256 of the Acts of 2010, this by-law shall
Require that:
a) applicants for certain Town licenses to engage in specified occupational activities
within the Town as enumerated in Section 93-2 below submit to fingerprinting by
the Yarmouth Police Department;
b) the Yarmouth Police Department conduct criminal history record checks based on
such fingerprints pursuant to Section 172B ½ of Chapter 6 of the Massachusetts
General Laws and 28 U.S.C. §534; and,
c) the Town shall consider the results of such background checks in determining
whether or not to grant a license.
Under this Chapter fingerprints shall be submitted to the Identification Unit within the
Department of the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of Criminal
Justice Information Services (DCJIS), or its successor, for a state criminal history records
check and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), or its successor, for a national
criminal history records check, as may be applicable and consistent with this bylaw. The
Town authorizes the Licensing Authority and Yarmouth Police Department to receive
and utilize these state and FBI records in connection with such background checks,
consistent with this bylaw.
93-2 Applicant's Submission to Fingerprinting by the Yarmouth Police Department
Any applicant for a license to engage in any of the following occupational activities
within the Town shall submit, within ten (10) days of application, a full set of fingerprints
taken by the Yarmouth Police Department for the purpose of conducting a state and
national criminal history record check to determine the suitability of the applicant for said
• Second Hand Dealers and Collectors-Chapter 94 (Selectmen)
• Peddling and Soliciting /Door to Door Sales- Chapter 114 (Police Chief)
• Ice Cream Truck Vendor-M.G.L. c.270 s. 25 (Police Chief)
At the time of fingerprinting, the Yarmouth Police Department shall notify the individual
fingerprinted that the fingerprints will be used to check the individual's state and FBI
criminal history records.
93-3 Police Department Processing of Fingerprint-Based Criminal Record
Upon receipt of the fingerprints and payment of the applicable fee, the Police Department
shall transmit the fingerprints obtained pursuant to this bylaw to the Identification Section
of the Massachusetts State Police, DCJIS, and/or the FBI or their successors as may be
necessary for the purpose of conducting the fingerprint-based state and national criminal
history records checks of license applicants specified in Section 93-2.
The Town authorizes the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Department of
Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), and their successors, as may be applicable, to conduct fingerprint‐based state and
national criminal record background checks, including FBI records, consistent with this
bylaw. The Town authorizes the Yarmouth Police Department to receive and utilize
State and FBI records in connection with such background checks, consistent with this
by‐law. The State and FBI criminal history will not be disseminated to unauthorized
The Police Department shall provide the applicant with a copy of the results of his or her
fingerprint-based criminal history record check and provide the applicant an opportunity
to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained therein, including in
the FBI identification record. The Police Department shall also supply applicants with
information regarding the procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of a
criminal record, including a copy of 28 C.F.R. Part 16.34 pertaining to FBI identification
The Police Department shall not communicate the fingerprint-based criminal history
record check to the applicable licensing authority pursuant to the following paragraph
until it has complied with the preceding paragraph and otherwise complied with the
Town's policy applicable to Town licensing-related criminal history record checks.
The Police Department shall communicate the results of fingerprint-based criminal
history record checks to the applicable licensing authority within the Town. The Police
Department shall indicate whether the applicant has been convicted of, or is awaiting
final adjudication for, a crime that bears upon his or her suitability or any felony or
misdemeanor that involved force or threat of force, controlled substances, or a sex-related
The Police Chief shall periodically check with the Executive Office of Public Safety and
Security (“EOPSS”) which has issued an Informational Bulletin which explains the
requirements for town bylaws and the procedures for obtaining criminal history
information, to see if there have been any updates to be sure the Town remains in
93-4 Reliance on Results of Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Record Checks
Licensing authorities of the Town shall utilize the results of fingerprint-based criminal
history record checks for the sole purpose of determining the suitability of the applicant
for the proposed occupational activity which is the subject of the license applications
specified in Section 93-2. A Town licensing authority may deny an application for a
license on the basis of the results of a fingerprint-based criminal record background
check if it determines that the results of the check render the subject unsuitable for the
proposed occupational activity. The licensing authority shall consider all applicable
laws, regulations and Town policies bearing on an applicant's suitability in making this
determination. The licensing authority shall not deny a license based on information in a
criminal record unless the applicant has been afforded a reasonable time to correct or
complete the record or has declined to do so.
93-5 Compliance with Law, Regulation, and Town Policy
Implementation of this bylaw and the conducting of fingerprint-based criminal record
background checks by the Town shall be in accordance with all applicable laws,
regulations, and Town policies, including, but not limited to, the Town's policy
applicable to licensing-related criminal record background checks which shall include
record retention and confidentiality requirements. The Town shall not disseminate the
results of fingerprint-based criminal background checks except as may be provided by
law, regulation, and Town policy. The Town shall not disseminate criminal record
information received from the FBI to unauthorized persons or entities.
93-6 Fees
The fee charged by the Police Department for conducting fingerprint-based criminal
record background checks shall be one hundred dollars ($100) per person fingerprinted.
A portion of the fee, as specified in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 6, Section
172B 1/2, shall be deposited into the Firearms Fingerprint Agency Account, and the
remainder of the fee may be retained by the Town for costs associated with the
administration of the fingerprinting system.
93-7 Severability
The provisions of this By-Law are severable. If a court determines that a word, phrase,
clause, sentence, paragraph, subsection, section, or other provision is invalid or that the
application of any part of the provision to any Person or circumstance is invalid, the
remaining provisions and the application of those provisions to other Persons or
circumstances are not affected by that decision.
Any By-Laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Acting on Article 37. On motion made by Michael Stone and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen does not recommend and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 37 as
printed in warrant. The vote on Article 37 carries by the requisite majority. 8:30 PM
ARTICLE 38: To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 27, section 2 of its Town Code,
“Finance Department Organization,” by deleting the word “shall” in the second sentence and
inserting in its place the word “may.”
Acting on Article 38. On motion made by James Quirk, Jr., and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 38 as printed. The vote on
Article 38 carries unanimously. 8:33 PM
ARTICLE 39: To see if the Town will vote to dedicate an area of land, approximately 80-100
feet in width and 1320 feet long to the uses of transportation and recreation, for the construction
and operation of a bike path, constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail located on
municipal water shed land adjacent to the Dupont Avenue entrance to the Flax Pond Recreation
area, said use areas being shown on a plan of land entitled “Plan of Area Dedicated to
Transportation and Recreation , Cape Cod Rail Trail Extension in the Town of Yarmouth, Mass.,
Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet, January 10, 2014,” a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk, and
to authorize the Selectmen to sign appropriate documents and take all actions necessary to
accomplish the foregoing, or take any other action relative thereto, and
To see if the Town will vote to dedicate an area of land approximately 60 feet in width by 245
feet in length to the uses of transportation and recreation for the construction and operation of a
bike path, constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail located on Town-owned land in the
Peter Homer Recreation Area, said use areas being shown on a plan of land entitled “Plan of
Area Dedicated to Transportation and Recreation, Cape Cod Rail Trail Extension in the Town of
Yarmouth, Mass., Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet, January 10, 2014,” a copy of which is on file with the
Town Clerk, and to authorize the Selectmen to sign appropriate documents and take all actions
necessary to accomplish the foregoing, or take any other action relative thereto.
Acting on Article 39. On motion by James Quirk, Jr., and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 39 as printed in the warrant with
the following amendment, in paragraph 1 delete 0-100 after “approximately” and before “feet”
and substitute “40”; delete 1320 before “and” and “feet” and substitute “299” so the first portion
reads as follows: “To see if the Town will vote to dedicate approximately an area of land. 40
feet in width by 299 feet long to the uses of transportation and recreation.” The vote on Article
39 carries unanimously. 8:36 PM
ARTICLE 40: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to enter into a
99 year Lease with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Transportation whereby
the Town will lease from the Commonwealth a portion of the railroad right of way in the Town
of Yarmouth for purposes of the installation, maintenance, and public use of a bike path
constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail located in the Town of Yarmouth as well as to
authorize the Board of Selectmen to assign such Lease to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Conservation And Recreation for the continued operation and maintenance of the
bike path and to authorize the Selectmen to sign the Lease, Assignment of Lease, and other
appropriate documents and take all actions necessary to accomplish the foregoing, or take any
other action relative thereto.
Acting on Article 40. On motion made by James Quirk, Jr., and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectman and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 40 as printed. The vote on
Article 40 carries unanimously. 8:37 PM
ARTICLE 41: To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 47 section 4 of the Town Code
“Finance Committee,” by deleting the word “nine” in the first sentence of section 4A and
inserting in its place the word “seven.”
Acting on Article 41. On motion made by Erik Tolley and duly seconded, the Board of
Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend, to move Article 41 as printed in the warrant.
The vote on Article 41 carries unanimously. 8:37 PM
ARTICLE 42 PETITIONED: To see if the Town will repeal Section 104-3 of the Yarmouth
Town Code, or take any other action relative thereto.
Acting on Article 42. On motion made by Norman Holcomb and duly seconded, to
indefinitely postpone Article 42. The vote on Article 42 to indefinitely postpone carries
unanimously. 8:38 PM On motion made and duly seconded to adjourn the Annual Town
Meeting. The vote to adjourn the Annual Town Meeting carries unanimously. 8:39 PM.
AND, also, in the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by
posting attested copies thereof at four public places, one on the north side of Town and three on
the south side and also by publication in the Yarmouth Register at least seven days before the
time of holding said meeting, as aforesaid.
Hereof, fail not, and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place
of said meeting. Given under our hands and the seal of the Town of Yarmouth, hereto affixed
this 4th day of March 2014.
Erik Tolley, Chairman Tracy Post James H. Quirk, Jr.
Norman Holcomb Michael Stone Board of Selectmen
July 28, 2014
Barnstable, ss.
To the Constable of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable, Greetings, In the name of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town
qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet in the Mattacheese Middle School Building in said Town, Monday, the
28th day of July 2014 at six-thirty o’clock (6:30 p.m.) in the evening, then and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 1: To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of MGL c.200A, §9A which authorizes the
Town to redeposit checks issued by the Town which have not been cashed or claimed by the recipient after the
Town complies with the notice requirements spelled out in section §9A; or take any other action relative
Acting on Article One: Erik Tolley made a motion which was duly made and seconded to move Article One as
printed in the Warrant. Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee both recommend. The vote on Article One
carries unanimously. 6:46pm
ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to dedicate an area of land totaling approximately 0.36 acres to the
uses of transportation and recreation for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a shared use pathway
constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail, located on Town-owned land in the Peter Homer Recreation
Area, said use areas being shown on a plan entitled “Plan of Area of Peter Homer Recreation Area Dedicated
to Transportation and Recreation, Cape Cod Rail Trail Extension in the Town of Yarmouth, Mass., Scale: 1
inch = 40 feet, June 11, 2014,” a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk and as may be amended, and to
authorize the Selectmen to sign appropriate documents and take all actions necessary to accomplish the
foregoing, or take any other action relative thereto; and
To see if the Town will vote to dedicate an area of land totaling approximately 0.58 acres to the uses of
transportation and recreation for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a shared use pathway
constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail, located on Yarmouth Water Department land adjacent to the
Dupont Avenue entrance to the Flax Pond Recreation Area, said use areas being shown on a plan entitled “Plan
of Area of Yarmouth Water Department Land Dedicated to Transportation and Recreation, Cape Cod Rail Trail
Extension in the Town of Yarmouth, Mass., Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet, June 11, 2014,” a copy of which is on file
with the Town Clerk, and as may be amended, and to authorize the Selectmen to sign appropriate documents
and take all actions necessary to accomplish the foregoing, or take any other action relative thereto.
Acting on Article Two: Eric Tolley made a motion which was duly seconded to move Article Two as printed in
the Warrant. Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee both recommend. The vote on Article Two carries
with requisite majority. 7:03pm
ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen, for purposes of establishing,
constructing, operating, and maintaining a shared use pathway constituting a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail,
and for open space and recreation purposes, and for all other purposes for which rail trails are now or hereafter
may be used in the Commonwealth, to acquire through all legal means, including donation, purchase, and
eminent domain, the following land parcels and/or rights in land parcels:
(a) all or any portion of the land, premises, easements, rights-of-way and other rights in
Yarmouth being a portion of the Cape Cod Rail Trail extending from the Town Dennis
boundary line to Peter Homer Park as shown on a plan entitled “Massachusetts Department
of Transportation Highway Division, Cape Cod Rail Trail Extension in the Towns of
Yarmouth & Dennis, Barnstable County, Preliminary Right of Way,” dated June 24, 2014,
prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., a copy of which is on file with the Town Clerk,
and as may be amended;
(b) Any permanent utility easement rights in lands adjacent thereto as may be necessary to
accomplish the purposes of this article.
Or take any other action relative thereto. 2/3 Vote required
Acting on Article 3: Eric Tolley made a motion which was duly seconded to move Article Three as printed in
the Warrant. Both Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee recommend this article. The vote on Article
Three carries with the requisite majority. 7:06pm
ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 47-1 of the Yarmouth Code: Town Meeting --
Election of Officers: appropriation of moneys, by eliminating the words “on the first Monday in April” and
inserting the words “on the first Saturday in May.” The paragraph as amended would read:
The Annual Town Meeting for the election of all Town officers shall be held in the several precincts, under the
general election laws governing the election of state officers, on the third Tuesday in May of each year. The
Annual Town Meeting for the appropriation of money for Town purposes and all other matters that may
properly come before it shall be held on the first Saturday in May of each year. The Meeting shall be opened by
the Moderator and the articles acted upon in the order in which they appear in the warrant, unless the meeting
shall prescribe a different order.
Acting on Article 4: Eric Tolley made a motion which was duly seconded to move Article Four as printed in
the Warrant. Both the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee recommend. The Vote on Article 4
carries with the requisite majority. 7:19pm
ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the stabilization fund, and/or from Free Cash, and
appropriate an additional $278,311 for the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District assessment as voted
under Article 3 of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting such that the amended appropriation totals $28,435,698, or
to take any action relative thereto.
Acting on Article 5: Brian Carey moved that Article 5 with amendments such that the article now reads in its
To see if the Town will vote to transfer from Free Cash and appropriate an additional $212,515 for the Dennis-
Yarmouth Regional School District Assessment as voted under Article 3 of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting such
that the amended appropriation totals $28,369,902
Both the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee do not recommend. This amendment was duly made
and seconded. The Vote on Article 5 passes by requisite majority. 8:34pm
ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to amend the following line-items within Article 10 of the 2014
Annual Town Meeting as follows, all other items in Article 10 shall remain as voted April 7, 2014:
Purpose Original Amended
Vehicle Repair 35,000 20,000 15,000 15,000
Route 6A Speed Signs 10,000 2,689 7,311 22,311
Roadside Mowing 50,000 25,000 25,000 47,311
Street Sweeping 75,000 40,000 35,000 82,311
Parks Maintenance 25,000 20,000 5,000 87,311
Police Anti-Crime (PAC) Team 120,000 0 120,000 207,311
Licensed Social Worker 40,000 24,000 16,000 223,311
Police Training 130,000 75,000 55,000 278,311
or to take any action relative thereto.
Acting on Article 6: Erik Tolley moved Article 6 as printed in the warrant with the following amendments and
it was duly seconded:
Vehicle Repair reduce the original appropriation from $35,000 to $15,000
Route 6A Speed Signs reduce the original appropriation from $10,000 to $2,485
Roadside Mowing reduce the original appropriation from $50,000 to $0
Street Sweeping reduce the original appropriation from $75,000 to $0
Parks Maintenance reduce the original appropriation from $25,000 to $20,000
Police Anti-Crime Team do not reduce the original appropriation of $120,000
Licensed Social Worker do not reduce the original appropriation of $40,000
Police Training reduce the original appropriation from $130,000 to $75,000
Both the Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee recommend. Vote on Article 6 carries by the requisite
majority. Meeting adjourned 8:36pm
Brian J. Herr 229 247 128 198 137 147 314 1400 78.92%
Write-Ins 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 5 0.28%
Blanks 60 56 30 40 44 59 80 369
Totals 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Charles D. Baker 225 249 130 174 146 177 322 1423 80.21%
Mark R. Fisher 57 54 28 61 30 27 64 321 18.09%
Write-Ins 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0.11%
Blanks 7 1 0 3 5 3 9 28
Totals 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Karyn E. Polito 240 265 140 206 158 167 348 1524 85.91%
Write-Ins 1 1 1 2 0 2 1 8 0.45%
Blanks 48 38 17 32 23 38 46 242
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
John B. Miller 235 260 130 201 144 147 328 1445 81.45%
Write-Ins 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0.11%
Blanks 54 44 27 39 37 59 67 327
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
David D'Arcangelo 234 251 130 198 138 144 321 1416 79.82%
Write-Ins 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0.17%
Blanks 55 53 28 41 43 61 74 355
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Michael James Heffernan 230 250 129 199 137 149 322 1416 79.82%
Write-Ins 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0.17%
Blanks 59 53 29 40 44 57 73 355
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Patricia S. Saint Aubin 225 247 126 193 134 146 312 1383 77.96%
Write-Ins 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0.11%
Blanks 64 57 31 46 47 61 83 389
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Anastasia Welsh Perrino 241 252 133 200 142 161 322 1451 81.79%
Write-Ins 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.06%
Blanks 48 52 25 39 39 46 73 322
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Leo G. Cakounes 228 245 130 202 139 150 316 1410 79.48%
Write-Ins 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0.17%
Blanks 60 58 28 38 42 56 79 361
Total 289 304 158 240 181 207 395 1774
Registered Voters 17,924
Ballots Cast 4,206
Suzanne M. Bump 789 772 528 681 570 585 895 4820 47.28%
Patricia S. Saint Aubin 713 721 450 649 521 524 888 4466 43.81%
MK Merelice 38 37 39 37 37 32 35 255 2.50%
Write-Ins 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 113 119 79 69 69 87 115 651
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
William Richard Keating 838 802 578 726 595 629 937 5105 50.08%
John C. Chapman 778 809 496 686 577 571 960 4877 47.84%
Write-Ins 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.04%
Blanks 35 39 22 24 26 29 35 210
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Joseph C. Ferreira 1044 1059 739 968 797 808 1233 6648 65.21%
Write-Ins 3 6 1 8 6 3 22 49 0.48%
Blanks 607 585 356 460 395 418 678 3499
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Daniel A. Wolf 957 910 629 805 641 682 1088 5712 56.03%
Ronald R. Beaty, Jr.621 658 417 568 503 481 756 4004 39.28%
Alan Waters 10 5 4 4 3 9 35 0.34%
Write-Ins 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 64 77 46 58 53 63 80 441
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Timothy R. Whelan 1st Barns.851 861 548 700 1000 3960 38.85%
Elisa Beth Zawadzkas 1st Barns.756 735 507 695 884 3577 35.09%
Brian R. Mannal 2nd Barns.587 590 1177 11.55%
Adam G. Chaprales, Sr. 2nd Barns.571 589 1160 11.38%
Write-Ins 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 46 53 40 41 39 50 49 318
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Edward J. Markey 857 812 593 744 603 661 955 5225 51.26%
Brian J. Herr 751 782 475 655 560 528 924 4675 45.86%
Write-Ins 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 6 0.06%
Blanks 45 56 28 36 31 40 54 290
Totals 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Baker & Polito 884 904 557 748 635 639 1059 5426 53.23%
Coakley & Kerrigan 668 651 475 591 476 526 777 4164 40.85%
Falchuk & Jennings 44 37 25 31 40 29 31 237 2.32%
Lively & Saunders 6 6 6 10 9 7 9 53 0.52%
McCormick & Post 32 32 21 41 25 19 42 212 2.08%
Write-Ins 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 7 0.07%
Blanks 19 20 11 14 12 8 13 97
Totals 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Maura Healey 874 842 583 764 613 650 970 5296 51.95%
John B. Miller 727 754 480 633 542 530 908 4574 44.87%
Write-Ins 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0.04%
Blanks 52 54 33 39 42 48 54 322
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
William Francis Galvin 994 985 661 855 704 750 1122 6071 59.55%
David D'Arcangelo 567 569 362 502 427 403 708 3538 34.71%
Daniel L. Factor 44 33 31 37 34 26 44 249 2.44%
Write-Ins 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 0.03%
Blanks 48 63 42 42 32 49 59 335
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Deborah B. Goldberg 744 725 511 662 558 578 844 4622 45.34%
Michael James Heffernan 799 799 486 675 550 545 974 4828 47.36%
Ian T. Jackson 34 36 39 42 36 40 33 260 2.55%
Write-Ins 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 5 0.05%
Blanks 76 90 60 57 53 64 81 481
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Suzanne M. Bump 789 772 528 681 570 585 895 4820 47.28%
Patricia S. Saint Aubin 713 721 450 649 521 524 888 4466 43.81%
MK Merelice 38 37 39 37 37 32 35 255 2.50%
Write-Ins 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 113 119 79 69 69 87 115 651
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
William Richard Keating 838 802 578 726 595 629 937 5105 50.08%
John C. Chapman 778 809 496 686 577 571 960 4877 47.84%
Write-Ins 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0.04%
Blanks 35 39 22 24 26 29 35 210
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Joseph C. Ferreira 1044 1059 739 968 797 808 1233 6648 65.21%
Write-Ins 3 6 1 8 6 3 22 49 0.48%
Blanks 607 585 356 460 395 418 678 3499
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Daniel A. Wolf 957 910 629 805 641 682 1088 5712 56.03%
Ronald R. Beaty, Jr.621 658 417 568 503 481 756 4004 39.28%
Alan Waters 10 5 4 4 3 9 35 0.34%
Write-Ins 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 64 77 46 58 53 63 80 441
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Timothy R. Whelan 1st Barns.851 861 548 700 1000 3960 38.85%
Elisa Beth Zawadzkas 1st Barns.756 735 507 695 884 3577 35.09%
Brian R. Mannal 2nd Barns.587 590 1177 11.55%
Adam G. Chaprales, Sr. 2nd Barns.571 589 1160 11.38%
Write-Ins 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 0.04%
Blanks 46 53 40 41 39 50 49 318
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Michael D. O'Keefe 938 927 582 796 661 681 1070 5655 55.47%
Richard G. Barry 658 665 471 598 510 499 798 4199 41.19%
Write-Ins 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0.03%
Blanks 57 58 43 41 27 49 64 339
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Anastasia Welsh Perrino 1190 1205 742 1054 872 866 1424 7353 72.13%
Write-Ins 6 6 1 9 3 4 13 42 0.41%
Blanks 458 439 353 373 323 359 496 2801
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Leo G. Cakounes 695 732 430 609 520 510 883 4379 42.96%
Mark R. Forest 870 802 595 759 610 633 940 5209 51.10%
Write-Ins 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 7 0.07%
Blanks 87 115 71 68 67 85 108 601
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
E. Suzanne McAuliffe 1211 1176 760 1022 856 901 1343 7269 71.31%
Write-Ins 5 9 4 5 14 11 13 61 0.60%
Blanks 438 465 332 409 328 317 577 2866
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Question # 1 Gas Tax
Yes 904 879 580 797 660 624 1020 5464 53.60%
No 687 681 465 556 481 518 827 4215 41.35%
Blanks 63 90 51 83 57 87 86 517
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Question # 2 Bottle
Yes 477 391 289 336 277 320 521 2611 25.61%
No 1155 1215 786 1085 899 855 1369 7364 72.24%
Blanks 22 44 21 15 22 54 43 221
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Question # 3 Casino
Yes 737 713 452 521 399 414 888 4124 40.46%
No 882 883 609 888 768 749 988 5767 56.57%
Blanks 35 54 35 27 31 66 57 305
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Question # 4 Sick Time
Yes 830 776 599 749 684 622 943 5203 51.04%
No 787 813 463 646 479 536 911 4635 45.47%
Blanks 37 61 34 41 35 71 79 358
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Question # 5 Nuclear
Yes 1077 958 650 870 740 757 1210 6262 61.43%
No 363 417 289 385 299 282 428 2463 24.16%
Blanks 214 275 157 181 159 190 295 1471
Total 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10196
Registered Voters 18,058.00
Ballots Cast 10,196.00
November 4, 2014
State Election
Registered Voters 2621 2805 2246 2559 2325 2498 3004 18,058
Ballots Cast 1654 1650 1096 1436 1198 1229 1933 10,196
63.11% 58.82% 48.80% 56.12% 51.53% 49.20% 64.35% 56.46%
MAY 20, 2014
SELECTMAN 3 Years (1)
James H. Quirk, Jr. 87 62 39 63 34 58 124 467
Write-In 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 5
Blanks 4 9 4 6 0 3 5 31
Total 92 72 44 70 34 61 130 503
D-Y Regional School District Committee 3 Years (2)
John B. Poole 71 49 37 59 28 49 115 408
Andrea V. St. Germain 79 55 37 56 29 51 119 426
Write-In 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 5
Blanks 34 38 13 25 11 20 26 167
Total 184 144 88 140 68 122 260 1006
Moderator 3 Years
Daniel E. Horgan 87 64 41 68 33 59 123 475
Write-Ins 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4
Blanks 3 8 1 2 1 2 7 24
Total 92 72 44 70 34 61 130 503
Annual Meeting of the Old King's Highway Regional
Historic District Committee
October 22, 2014
Barnstable, ss.
To the Constable of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable: Greetings: In the name
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the
inhabitants of said Town who reside in the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District and
are qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meet at the Yarmouth Port Fire Station
#2 Meeting Room in said Town of Yarmouth on Wednesday, the twelfth of November next from
7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., then and there to act on the following business: Polls opened at 7:00
P.M. for the election of one member of the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District
Committee for a term of four years.
1. The election of one member to the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District
Committee for a term of four years. Polling place open from 7:00 P.M., then and
there to act on the following business.
2. Other motions or resolutions from the floor.
Polls opened at 7:00 P.M. for the election of one member of the Old King's Highway Regional
Historic District Committee for a term of four years.
The meeting of the Old King's Highway Regional Historic District Committee came to order at
7:00 P.M., November 12, 2014 at the Yarmouth Port Fire Station #2 Meeting Room, Yarmouth
Port with Selectman Michael Stone presiding as moderator, reading the official warrant, and
returning of service in the presence of Philip Gaudet, Town Clerk.
The polls closed at 8:00 P.M. The results of the votes were announced by Philip Gaudet, Town
Clerk, there were 15 ballots cast for the following:
Richard Gegenwarth 15
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Also in the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting
attested copies thereof at three places with the Historic District, including the South Yarmouth
Post Office, the Yarmouth Port Post Office, and the Yarmouth Port Village Store; also by
publication in The Register at least fourteen days before the time of holding said meeting as
aforesaid. Hereof, fail not, and make return of this Warrant with your doing thereon at the time
and place of said meeting. Given under our hands and seal of the Town of Yarmouth, hereto
affixed this twenty second day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand and fourteen.
Board of Selectmen
Town of Yarmouth Michael Stone Norman Holcomb
Erik Tolley, Chairman Tracy Post James H. Quirk, Jr.
The Board of Appeals operates under the Yarmouth Zoning Bylaw as well as the Massachusetts
General Laws Chapters 40A and 40B (a copy of the Zoning Bylaw is available online at the
Town’s web site (www.yarmouth.ma.us). The responsibilities of the Board of Appeals are to
hear and decide petitions for special permits and variances from the terms of the Bylaw and also
appeals from the decision of the Building Inspector, as well as applications for comprehensive
permits for affordable housing developments. The Board consists of five regular members
(appointed for staggered five year terms), plus alternate members (appointed for one year terms),
all of whom are volunteers appointed by the Selectmen. The Board is scheduled to meet on the
second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The public is always welcome to attend
the hearings. The Board’s meetings are broadcast live on Channel 18, the Public Access
Television Station, and rebroadcast periodically throughout the week, and are now available on
the web at: www.yarmouth.ma.us.
The Zoning Administrators are an arm of the Board of Appeals and are appointed by the Board
of Appeals, subject to confirmation by the Selectmen. The Zoning Administrators carry out the
same functions as the Board of Appeals, operating under the same laws and procedures, but
generally handle the less controversial or less complex cases. The Board's Zoning Administrator
is currently Mrs. Debra Martin.
The Board is chaired by Steven DeYoung, and Sean Igoe as the elected Vice-Chairman.
During the year 2014, the Board of Appeals heard a total of 70 applications. Of these, 63 were
granted (in whole or in part) while 1 was denied and 6 were withdrawn.
I wish to thank our regular and alternate members and our Office Administrator, Sandi Clark, for
their dedicated and conscientious service to the Town throughout the year.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven DeYoung, Chairman
Sandi Clark, Office Administrator
Regular Members: Alternate Members:
Steven DeYoung, Chair Richard Neitz
Sean Igoe, Vice-Chair Gerald Garnick
Debra Martin Doug Campbell
Bryant Palmer
Chuck Hart
Department of Community Development
The Department of Community Development is responsible for overseeing the Town’s long-
range planning efforts, economic development, conservation, affordable housing, and historic
preservation initiatives and programs. Department of Community Development staff members
work with a number of local Boards and Committees including the following: Planning Board,
Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, Old King’s Highway Committee,
Historical Commission, Community Preservation Committee, Design Review Committee,
Community and Economic Development Committee, Community Housing Committee, and the
Affordable Housing Trust. Collectively and individually, these regulatory boards and advisory
committees are responsible for regulating and shaping the Town’s commercial and residential
development and redevelopment. Additional information for each of these Boards and
Committees can be found in their respective annual reports.
On a day-to-day basis, the Community Development Department provides assistance to residents
and businesses as they navigate the permit and development process. Staff members respond to
all levels of inquiries and provide help with filing applications as well as continuity through the
review process by various boards and committees.
Community Development staff oversee and administer the Town’s Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG), the Community Preservation Act (CPA), and Tourism Revenue
Preservation Fund programs. CDBG grant funds must benefit low- and moderate-income
households or persons and were utilized in 2014 for septic rehabilitation, septic pumping, Meals
on Wheels, homelessness prevention, affordable accessory apartments, and affordable housing
acquisition and rehabilitation. CPA funds may be used to fund affordable housing, open space,
historic preservation, and recreation programs. Additional information regarding CPA funds is
provided in the Community Preservation Committee’s report. Tourism funds are used for
marketing initiatives, physical improvements, and to fund a variety of special events that attract
visitors and which benefit Town residents. Additional information regarding the Tourism Fund
is included in the annual report for the Community and Economic Development Committee.
Over the past year, the Department has continued to work on a variety of affordable housing
issues including monitoring and updating the Town’s subsidized housing inventory, monitoring
the resale of affordable homes, working with parties interested in developing affordable housing
in Town, and assisting Yarmouth residents to acquire affordable housing. The Community
Development Department serves as the liaison between the Town and state and regional housing
entities and also works with the development community to help them navigate relevant state and
local regulations as well as to ensure that all projects are consistent with community character
and housing needs. Community Development staff also administers the on-going program
efforts of the Town’s Affordable Housing Trust, including affordable housing development,
motel transitions, Town-wide rentals, the Ready Renter and Buy-Down programs, and
preservation of the Town’s affordable housing inventory. Affordable Housing development
efforts are coordinated with other Town priorities including economic development. This
combination has led to a concentration of effort to encourage the redevelopment of Route 28
motels as affordable housing. These efforts are ongoing. In total, 2014 affordable housing
efforts resulted in approximately 50 units being added to Yarmouth’s subsidized housing
Over the course of the year, the Community Development Department has been involved in a
number of projects and initiatives that will positively impact the community in both the short-
and long-term. Noteworthy projects include a number of redevelopment efforts along Route 28,
ongoing assistance to developers interested in the redevelopment of Route 28 motels, turnover of
the Laurence C. MacArthur School to Bridgewater State University, ongoing efforts to update
the Local Comprehensive Plan, and leadership roles in the Rail Trail and Parker’s River Bridge
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers that comprise the Department’s
many boards and committees as well as my staff that provide support and administration of the
various programs. Your efforts and dedication to making the Town of Yarmouth a great
community are much appreciated!
Respectfully submitted,
Karen M. Greene, Director
Planning Board
The Planning Board had a busy and productive year with the development and passage of five
zoning amendments at the Annual Town Meeting. These amendments addressed provisions for a
Registered Medical Marijuana Overlay District, adoption of the new FEMA Flood Insurance
Rate Maps (FIRMs), providing for temporary commercial outdoor displays, amending the
Zoning Map to accurately reflect the parcels located with the Revitalization Overlay
Architectural District (ROAD) limits, and inclusion of review requirements for multi-family
housing conversions under Section, paragraph 2 of the bylaw. The Planning Board
also began work on the zoning amendments proposed for the 2015 Annual Town Meeting.
The Planning Board has taken an active role in the updating of the Local Comprehensive Plan
(LCP). Significant progress has been made on updating three sections of the LCP: Wetlands,
Wildlife & Plant Habitat, and Affordable Housing. The Board has advocated for inclusion of
these three sections on the 2015 Annual Town Meeting Warrant. The Board also provided
review and comment on a range of projects including the 25% Design Plans for the Parker’s
River Bridge replacement project on Route 28 and two Comprehensive Permit applications for
affordable housing projects which went before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
In the 2014 calendar year, the Planning Board held numerous business meetings, workshops, and
public hearings to conduct the regular business of the Planning Board. In addition to the
development of Zoning Bylaw amendments, the Planning Board reviews such projects as
preliminary and definitive subdivisions plans, approval not required (ANR) plans, scenic roads,
street names, and special permits for certain projects such as those developing under Section 404
– Motel Bylaw, and Revitalization Overlay Architectural District (ROAD) Bylaw and cluster
subdivisions. A comparison of the number of Planning Board actions taken over the last 4 years
is provided, below.
Planning Board Actions 2011 - 2014
2011 2012 2013 2014
Business Meetings 18 27 27 21
Workshop Meetings 27 24 4 1
Public Hearings 7 5 6 6
Planning Board Actions 2011 – 2014 (con’t)
2011 2012 2013 2014
Approval Not Required Plans 6 6 11 5
Preliminary Subdivisions 0 1 2 0
Definitive Subdivisions/Modifications 0 1 2 2
Special Permits 1 1 2 1
R.O.A.D. Projects 1 1 0 1
Design Review Hearings 0 0 0 0
Scenic Road Hearings 0 1 1 0
Articles Presented at Town Meetings 3 4 6 5
The Planning Board is pleased to welcome our newest member, Angela Philbrook. As an
attorney, her legal knowledge will be a valuable asset to the Board. The Board would also like to
thank Chris Vincent for serving as Chairman of the Planning Board for the past two years.
Planning Board members also served on other town committees and worked for other
community groups, as outlined in the table below:
Committee Assignment Planning Board Member
Community & Economic Development Committee (CEDC) Ken Driscoll
Community Housing Committee (CHC) Norm Weare
Capital Budget Angela Philbrook
Community Preservation Committee (CPC) Tom Roche
CPC Representative to the Yarmouth Affordable Housing
Trust (AHT) Tom Roche
Motel Predevelopment Fund Selection Committee and
Drive-In Site Utilization Committee Brad Goodwin
Design Review Committee (DRC) Anthony Panebianco
Respectfully submitted,
Norman Weare, Chairman Chris Vincent
Brad Goodwin, Vice Chairman Thomas Roche
Kenneth Driscoll, Clerk Anthony Panebianco
Staff: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Angela Philbrook
The Yarmouth Affordable Housing Trust was established in fall 2007, pursuant to a Town
Meeting vote as provided for by the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund Bill, Chapter 491
of the Acts of 2004 (MGL c. 44 Sec 55C). The purpose of the Trust is to provide for the creation
and preservation of affordable housing for the benefit of low- and moderate-income households.
The Trust looks to take advantage of the flexibility inherent in a housing trust by creating and
funding housing opportunities that need action more quickly than a yearly Town Meeting may
In 2014, the Trust met fourteen times and dedicated their time and resources on Motel
Redevelopment, the Buy-Down Homeownership Program, the Town-wide Rental Home
Program, the Ready Renters List, Affordable Housing Preservation, and coordinating efforts to
create new affordable housing with the Town’s Community Preservation Committee and the
Department of Community Development. The Trust continues to utilize the Request for
Proposal (RFP) process to build partnerships with developers of affordable housing such as
Habitat for Humanity on Cape Cod, Our First Home, Inc., and Building Dreams, Inc. In 2014,
three RFPs were issued and awarded $220,000 for the acquisition of affordable housing and
disposed of one lot of land for the creation of affordable housing.
To date, the Trust has preserved or created 34 affordable units. All 34 of these units are eligible
for our Subsidized Housing Inventory and count toward the Town’s goal of making 10% of
housing in Yarmouth affordable. Sixty-three (63) more units are planned for 2015 - 2016. The
Trust has also provided assistance to an additional 34 low/moderate-income households to find
safe and decent housing and to stay housed through financial counselling and payment of past
due rent, mortgage, or utilities.
Affordable Housing Trust - Production Summary 2014
In 2015, the Trust will focus its efforts to the development of new affordable rental and
homeownership units on scattered sites, on town-owned land, and through motel redevelopment.
Of particular importance to the Trust is the Motel Redevelopment Program which addresses the
need for high-quality affordable housing as well as the need for the redevelopment and economic
stimulus of Route 28. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for a motel site will be issued in early
2015, followed by an RFP for a developer. Priority will be given to proposals which would raze
Buy Down Program 13 14
Affordable Housing Creation by Our First Home 1 2
Affordable Housing Creation by Habitat for
Humanity 6
Preservation of Existing Affordable Units 4
Affordable Rental Units by Motel Redevelopment 0 20-30
Rental Units by Conversion of Properties 8 4
Rental Units Supported by Ready Renters List 8 17
TOTAL 34 63-73
Hands of Hope Homelessness Prevention 6
Hands of Hope Tax Lien Financial Counseling 4 1
Support for Individuals/Households Moving from Motels 24 -
TOTAL 34 1
and replace an aging motel property on Route 28 with a new development with a strong
affordable housing component.
The Trust would first like to thank our Administrative Assistant, Mary Waygan, of the
Department of Community Development for her support and dedication in creating safe and
decent affordable housing in Yarmouth. Secondly, we thank the Community Preservation
Committee for their financial support of our programs, and the Board of Selectmen and the
voters for approving our funding requests at Annual Town Meeting. We look forward to another
productive year in 2015.
Respectfully submitted,
William G. Hinchey, Chairman
Robert C. Lawton, Jr., Vice Chairman
Norman Holcomb, Board of Selectmen Representative
Thomas Roche, Community Preservation Committee Representative
Nate Small, Community Housing Committee Representative
The Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) was established in 2005 to
coordinate economic development activities and to broaden a sense of community among
residents and businesses in Town. The Committee is comprised of seven (7) members
specifically including a representative from the Planning Board and the Executive Director of the
Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce. The CEDC is also responsible for overseeing the Tourism
Revenue Preservation Fund (TRPF) which was established by Annual Town Meeting in 2008
and authorized by an Act of Special Legislation.
Funded by local rooms and meal tax receipts, Town Meeting has appropriated approximately
$1.25 million in funds to preserve the Town’s tourism economy. Programming has been focused
on three areas which strengthen our local tourism economy:
Physical Improvements – Funding for physical improvements is required to be between
20% and 40% of the overall fund. To date, CEDC has allocated 20% of funds, or
approximately $250,000, for this purpose. Physical improvements are intended to
beautify the community and to enhance recreational resources that are mutually
beneficial to residents and visitors. This past year, funding was utilized to purchase gate
houses to service South Middle and Bass River Beaches. Gateway signage and
landscaping is a priority for CEDC in 2015.
Marketing – Marketing Yarmouth as a destination for visitors and investment remains a
priority for the CEDC. Approximately $389,000 has been allocated to date towards
marketing. Marketing efforts have been consolidated and a contract awarded to the
Chamber of Commerce for “Marketing, Visitor Services, and Event Coordination.”
Through this contract, the Town has made strides improving its internet presence as a
tourism destination and greatly improved marketing materials used to promote the Town.
Special Events – Funding for Special Events has been a priority since the inception of the
TRPF, with approximately $500,000 allocated to date. Since 2008, 57 events have been
funded. Special events positively impact our local economy by fostering a sense of
community, providing a positive image of the Town, and by bringing visitors to the
community who stay at our lodging facilities, eat at our restaurants, and shop locally.
In the upcoming year, CEDC will continue their oversight of the Tourism Fund, evaluating
marketing efforts and the success of the special events program. CEDC will also focus on
physical improvement spending which will utilize TRPF funds to target improving our tourism
infrastructure town wide. CEDC will also continue to work to identify state and local strategies
such as the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP) that will facilitate investment in
the local economy.
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Q. Smith, Chair John Barker
Ken Driscoll, Thomas George
Planning Board Representative Jack Hynes
Linda Jean, Jack McCormack
Executive Director of Yarmouth Karen M. Greene, Staff
Chamber of Commerce
The Yarmouth Community Housing Committee is responsible for the oversight and coordination
of initiatives and projects that will increase the availability of, and access to, affordable housing
in Yarmouth. Affordable housing is safe and decent, serves households earning less than 80% of
the Area Medium Income, and limits housing costs to 30% of that income. The Committee
works to meet the 10% goal for affordable housing as set forth in MGL Ch. 40B, while
maintaining the quality of life of all residents. Currently, 494 units or 4.1% of Yarmouth’s
12,037 year-round housing units are affordable. In Yarmouth, there is a need for both rental and
homeownership units.
As the Town’s Housing Partnership Committee, the Committee
reviews and comments on proposed affordable housing, as well as
initiatives and plans to create more affordable housing and housing
opportunities for our residents. In 2014, the Committee met seven
times to review and monitor five (5) affordable housing
developments including two (2) new units at 908 West Yarmouth
Road, one (1) new unit on Ernest Road, six (6) units at 20 Neptune
Lane, and one (1) new affordable accessory apartment on West
Yarmouth Road.
The Committee is pleased to announce that in June 2014 the
Town’s housing specialist, Mary Waygan, received the Housing
Hero Award from the MassHousing Partnership for her
compassionate work to create affordable housing. Shown in the
photograph to the left is (left to right) Karen Greene, Director of
Community Development, Mary Waygan, Department of
Community Development, Clark L. Ziegler, MassHousing
Partnership Executive Director, and Laura Shufelt, MassHousing
Partnership Community Assistance Manager.
CPA Program Accomplishments Since
Preserved 15 historic properties.
Completed 8 recreational projects.
Protected 15 acres of open space land.
Supported 82 households with rentals.
Created or preserved 30 affordable homes.
Leveraged an additional $5 million
in private and/or other matching funds.
We are also happy to report two additional excellent events which
occurred in 2014 in Yarmouth. First, the Town hosted Housing
Assistance’s BIG FIX. On September 13, 2014, over 200 volunteers
made repairs and landscaping improvements to 11 homes of veteran,
senior, or disabled residents in Yarmouth. Second, the construction at
Simpkins School Residences was completed and our local seniors
moved into 65 new units of senior housing. The Simpkins Residences
are located at 134 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth. For more
information, call 508-394-7111. Household income limits apply. This
is an Equal Housing Opportunity.
The Committee looks forward to another successful year in 2015 and will continue to work
closely with our community partners to create safe and decent affordable housing. These include
the Yarmouth Affordable Housing Trust, the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board, local
property owners, and non-profit providers of affordable housing, such as, Our First Home, Inc.,
Habitat for Humanity, Building Dreams, Inc., Housing Assistance Corporation, and Harwich
Ecumenical Council for the Homeless. Affordable housing is vital to keep our families and long-
time residents here on the Cape, to secure an adequate workforce, and to secure a suitable living
environment for all of our residents. We thank you for your continuing support of affordable
Respectfully submitted,
Nate Small, Chairman Debbie Bellows
Richard Carroll, Melissa Ellis
HOME Consortium Representative Mary Ann Gray (resigned 2014)
Scott MacLean (resigned 2014) Ed Blackman
Norm Weare Housing Authority Representative
Planning Board Representative
Staff: Mary Waygan, Administrative Assistant
Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds are a dedicated funding source available to improve
Yarmouth under the four categories of Community Housing, Historic Resources, Open Space,
and Recreation.
The Community Preservation Committee (CPC)
makes funding recommendations to Town
Meeting based on many factors, including the
overall community benefit and the ability to meet
Committee goals as outlined in the Community
Preservation Plan. The CPC held 17 regular
business meetings and a majority of meeting time
was spent reviewing proposals, interviewing
applicants, and monitoring active projects.
A total of 17 CPA articles were approved at
Annual Town Meeting, including one article that
amends Chapter 23 of the Town Code to reflect
changes made to the Community Preservation Act legislation. There were four housekeeping
articles, three community housing, six historic preservation, one open space, and two recreation
The CPC hosted an Annual Public Hearing in October. With approximately 55 participants, the
hearing was a successful venue to garner input on the needs and project possibilities and it
provided an opportunity to review the Community Preservation Plan.
Each year the CPC recognizes an organization who has
worked diligently over the past year to complete a project.
This year, the CPC presented the “Project of the Year”
award to the South Yarmouth United Methodist Church
Building Committee for their hard work to complete the
preservation of the 1852 church building located at 318
Old Main Street in South Yarmouth. The building was
lifted off the existing foundation and stabilized. During
excavation, they discovered newspapers of the 1890s
reporting on church activities.
CPA Budget Summary
The CPA Program has generated approximately two million dollars annually since it was
adopted by Yarmouth voters in 2005. CPA funds are raised through an annual 3% property tax
surcharge. The local surcharge is then matched by State funds collected as part of the Registry
of Deeds excise tax. This year, Yarmouth received an increased State match of 57% reflected in
the figures below. For the past four years, the total CPA revenue, including State matching
funds, is: FY11 - $1,748,134; FY12 - $1,809,841; FY13 - $1,874,682; and FY14 - $2,342,114.
CPA Program Highlights
Since adopting the CPA in 2005, Town Meeting voters have appropriated the following total
amounts for each target area: $6,881,278 for community housing, $1,987,672 for open space
acquisitions, $4,048,541 for historic resources, and $1,991,074 for recreational projects.
This year was a productive year as we monitored 36 projects for CPA compliance and completed
a total of 12 projects to improve our community. We also reviewed 23 new applications for the
upcoming FY15 grant round. While there are many projects underway, we would like to take
this opportunity to highlight some major milestones of the year:
Community Housing Projects
• Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod has received two CPA grants totaling $395,004 to
create six affordable homes on Virginia Street in West Yarmouth. Habitat for Humanity
purchased the property in March and the homes are scheduled to be constructed in
December 2015.
• In June, Our First Home Inc., a non-profit organization, utilized $44,000 of its $100,000
CPA grant to acquire a parcel of land on Ernest Road. They will construct one single-
family affordable home. Furthermore, they have requested $75,000 in FY15 funds to
create two single-family homes on West Yarmouth Road.
Members of the Building Committee at
the groundbreaking ceremony.
Craig Chartier, a professional archeologist
and Jack Duggan, of the Taylor Bray Farm
Preservation Association present artifacts
recovered from Taylor Bray Farm.
The Yarmouth Agricultural Commission held
a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Buck Island
Community Gardens in May. The garden
beds were reserved this past spring.
• Hands of Hope Outreach Center received $25,000 in CPA funding to help Yarmouth
families currently living in unsuitable housing with first and last rental assistance. A total
of 37 families living in Yarmouth received funds to secure permanent year-round
• The Yarmouth Municipal Affordable Housing Trust is a municipal entity approved by
Town Meeting voters in 2007. Many CPA projects have been funded through the Trust
and project updates can be found in the Affordable Housing Trust section of this report.
Historic Resource Projects
• The Town completed the rehabilitation of the
Taylor Bray Farmhouse which has a restroom
for visitors. The Taylor Bray Farm
Preservation Association, together with a
group of volunteers, are working on
furnishing the house which will include
artifacts from the archaeological digs so the
community can imagine what life was like
when the Taylor and Bray families occupied
the homestead from 1639 through the 1900’s.
• The First Congregational Church located on
Route 6A in Yarmouth Port utilized $105,376
to rehabilitate the sanctuary windows and the
arched woodwork above the main entrance.
• The Yarmouth New Church Preservation Foundation completed the restoration of the
historic decorative surfaces of the interior upper level of the Yarmouth New Church
building located at 260 Route 6A in Yarmouth Port. Constructed in 1870 and currently
used as a community building, the New Church’s frescoed walls are unaltered and unique
to our region.
Open Space & Recreation Projects
• In June, the Town conveyed a Conservation
Restriction to the Yarmouth Conservation
Trust to permanently protect 32 parcels of
open space and recreation land. There are two
parcels acquired through CPA for recreation,
two parcels acquired through CPA for open
space, and 28 Land Bank parcels.
• The final phase of the former “1750 House”
site located at 281 Route 28 in West Yarmouth
was to convert the existing dock into a viewing
platform. Construction of the platform was
completed in November.
• Rehabilitation of the Yarmouth Sailing
Center Building at Englewood Beach on New
Hampshire Avenue is underway and it will be more usable for approximately 800
students who participate in the Town’s Sailing Program.
• Ten tennis courts at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School were fully restored and a
community event was held in October to celebrate the opening of the new courts.
• The Town utilized $235,000 in CPA grant funds to install a new gazebo, children’s
playground area, and changing rooms at the Flax Pond Recreational area.
Thank you for your continued support of the CPA program and we look forward to another
rewarding year. For more information on the program or to view a comprehensive list of nearly
70 CPA projects, visit the Town of Yarmouth website at www.yarmouth.ma.us.
We would like to acknowledge the loss of Hugh March, who was a dedicated member of the
Community Preservation Committee. We will miss his expertise, vitality, and enthusiasm.
He will be remembered for his kindness and dedication to the community.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Ellis, Chair (At-Large Member)
Thomas J. Roche, Vice Chair (Planning Board Representative)
Mary Ann Walsh, Clerk (Yarmouth Housing Authority Representative)
Tom Durkin (Conservation Commission Representative)
Thomas Kelley (At-Large Member)
Nathan Small (Community Housing Committee Representative)
Fred Fries (Historical Commission Representative)
Jack Mulkeen (Open Space Committee Representative)
Dorcas McGurrin (Recreation Commission Representative)
Staff: Jennifer Copeland, Program Coordinator
“Conservation is a state of harmony between man and land." Aldo Leopold
Commission Charge:
The Conservation Commission is charged with the "Protection of the Environment," having been
established by the Board of Selectmen in 1961 in compliance with the Conservation Act (MGL
Chap. 40, Sec. 8C). The Conservation Commission has been serving the community for 53 years
subject to the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act (M.G.L .Chap. 131 sec. 40) and Town of
Yarmouth General By-law (Chap. 143). These laws establish the regulatory authority under
which the Conservation Commission functions, setting forth a public review and decision
process. Twenty open meetings and 85 deliberations have been conducted this year in which the
following specific areas are regulated to insure their protection and quality: Coastal/Inland
Wetlands and bordering vegetated areas, as well as inland/ocean water bodies subject to possible
alteration. The Conservation Commission manages approximately 1,800 acres of conservation
land without a budgeted maintenance account despite repeated requests by the community for
conservation property upkeep and scenic enhancement.
2014 Accomplishments:
Environmental Quality - In cooperation with other Town Departments (DPW, Natural
Resources, Health, Recreation, among others), the Conservation Commission has been involved
in the following issues: storm water regulations, drainage, land management, Open Space, vista
pruning, and vegetation removal. The Conservation Commission continues to work on reducing
phosphorus and nitrogen pollution.
Grants - We received a grant from the Barnstable
County Land Management as well as funding through
the Community Preservation Committee for invasive
species removal at Bass Hole, part of the Callery
Darling Conservation Area. The grant provides
funding to restore a degraded saltmarsh, remove the
invasive species, improve wildlife habitat, enhance
scenic views, encourage outdoor recreation, and
promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Community Involvement - During Earth Day 2014, we
worked alongside Yarmouth Pride Day organizer, Stan
Kaczynski, Boy Scout Troop 50 of Yarmouth Port, Senior
Services, Senior Environmental Corps, Yarmouth Police &
Fire, Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation, and over 35
volunteers. Over 2 tons of trash was collected Town-wide.
The event was a great success and was followed up with a
news article and podcast in the Cape Cod Times.
AmeriCorps has also been a big help aiding with Town
land management. We have worked with the organization
and the Yarmouth Open Space Committee on several
Town properties.
Continuing Education - In order to remain abreast of environmental issues, Conservation
Commission has attended numerous conferences, webinars, and seminars conducted by: EPA,
Audubon, Waquoit Bay Reserve, Woods Hole Institute, Cape Cod Commission, and
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commission dealing with such subjects as:
Ecological Restoration, Protection of Water Resources, Invasive Plant Management, and
Conservation Trusts and storm water.
Community Relations - Conservation Commission has conducted over 150 "on-site visits,"
most of which have involved a discussion with the petitioner. Regulations are explained,
suggestions are made, or alternatives are suggested. The Commission works assiduously to
promote amicable, comprehensive, timely, responsive, appropriate, and informative personal
interactions with the community.
High School Senior Project - The Conservation
Commission has worked cooperatively with Mr. Connor
Huck, a high school senior in the carpentry program at Cape
Cod Vocational Technical High School. Mr. Huck built a
kiosk and revitalized the nature trail at the Horse Pond
Conservation Area. The kiosk, at the beginning of the trail,
describes the route and general points of interest along the
footpath as well as making available a detailed script which
directs the visitor to the unique flora and fauna of marked
stops along the way. This script was prepared in cooperation
with the Yarmouth Conservation Administrator. The Conser- Mr. Connor Huck installing the
kiosk he built at Horse Pond
Conservation Area
Volunteers at the Earth Day
Community Clean Up
vation Commission has unanimously recommended Connor for the Cape-wide Hyannis Garden
Club College Scholarship.
Eagle Scout Project - In the past, the Conservation Commission has worked with several Boy
Scouts in achieving their Eagle Scout project. The Conservation Commission supported Mr.
Alan Healy, who gathered community support, fundraised over $3,000, and planted 37 trees at
Flax Pond Recreation Area.
The Upcoming Year - The Commission is looking forward to 2015. We will continue to apply
for land management grants, provide friendly, courteous, helpful service in a timely manner, and
work with residents, businesses, and other Town departments to create a balance between
development and wetland protection in sensitive areas.
Special Acknowledgments - As in past years, the Commission would like to thank Town of
Yarmouth staff, especially the Engineering, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Natural
Resources Departments for their support and assistance during the year. They make our job that
much easier, and in turn the residents benefit. We would also like to thank Yarmouth Pride Day
organizer Stan Kaczynski, Boy Scout Troop 50 of Yarmouth Port, Senior Services, Senior
Environmental Corps, Mr. Alan Healy, and Mr. Connor Huck.
The Commission would like to recognize the extraordinary service and commitment of two
fellow Commissioners: Commissioners Gerry Duffy and Hugh March. Commissioner Duffy’s
term expired in June and Commissioner March passed away after a brief illness in March. The
Commission is saddened by the unexpected changes in 2014. In light of the recent board
changes, the Commission has welcomed two new members, Commissioners Rick Bishop and
Audrey Russano.
Respectfully submitted,
Edwin Hoops, Chairman Joan Carr
Thomas Durkin, Vice Chairman Rick Bishop
Philip Johnston, Secretary Audrey Russano
David Flaherty
Staff: Kerry Muldoon, Conservation Administrator
The Design Review Committee (DRC) continued their duties in 2014 by conducting design
reviews for all commercial projects located south of Route 6, and all projects developing under
Bylaw Section 404 – Motels (HMOD1 and HMOD2), Section 411 - Revitalization Overlay
Architectural District (R.O.A.D.), and Section 414 – Village Centers Overlay District (VCOD).
The DRC reviews projects based on their adherence to the Yarmouth Architectural & Site
Design Standards. The DRC provides advisory review for commercial projects, and reviews
projects developing under Section 404, Section 411 and Section 414 for mandatory compliance
with the Standards. The DRC is the Design Review Authority for commercial projects and those
motel projects developing in the HMOD1 motel district along Route 28. The DRC advises the
Planning Board, who acts as the Design Review Authority, on motel projects in the South Shore
Drive motel district (HMOD2) and on projects submitted to the Town under the R.O.A.D.
Bylaw. The Design Review Committee is also a member of the Site Plan Review Team.
The DRC reviewed ten (10) projects in 2014, including retail and commercial developments and
expansions, multi-family housing, Bridgewater State University Cape Cod Campus, and two cell
phone antenna projects hidden within a church steeple and a cupola.
The Committee members are looking forward to a busy and productive year that will continue to
provide visual improvements to site designs and commercial buildings in the Town’s motel
districts and commercial areas.
Respectfully submitted,
Dick Martin, Chairman Sara Jane Porter
Charles Adams Anthony Panebianco
Staff: Kathy Williams, Town Planner Jack McCormack
The Yarmouth Historical Commission was established by Chapter 40, Section 8.D. of the
Massachusetts General Laws for the purpose of the preservation, protection, and development of
the historical and archaeological assets of the Town. It may also recommend to the
Massachusetts Historical Commission places to be certified as historical or archaeological
landmarks. The Commission is comprised of up to seven Commissioners and five Associates
who are appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Commissioners’ terms are three years, and
Associates are appointed annually to provide specific expertise.
Again this year, the Judah Baker Windmill was open to the public for tours. Under the
leadership of Historic Commissioner Sarah Horne and dedicated volunteers including
Commissioner Fred Fries, Anne Seeley, Lorraine Loughlin, Irene Woodbury, Mary Lou Remon,
Gloria Aspesi, Kathy McCue, and Diane O’Brien, the Windmill was open three afternoons per
week and every holiday weekend from Memorial Day through Columbus Day. During that
time, more than 1,300 visitors from the United States and abroad stopped by to learn the Mill’s
history and enjoy the beautiful view of Bass River. The Guest Book was signed by travelers
from 34 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, several Canadian provinces, and 13 European and
Asian nations. Massachusetts’ visitors represented all areas of the state and included a large
number of Cape residents. Volunteers have continued to add to and improve Mill displays and
offer a number of items for sale. A longtime volunteer and friend of the Judah Baker Windmill,
Commissioner Nancy Stewart, is no longer available to be a guide. We miss her and are thankful
for her many years of service and for the wealth of knowledge she shared with both visitors and
her fellow guides.
The Commission continues to work with the Taylor-Bray Farm Preservation Association
(TBFPA) in support of many aspects of farm activities. This year’s archaeological dig
uncovered artifacts from the 17th and 18th centuries in the area of the original farmhouse. The
restoration of a later farmhouse is complete and the Town and TBFPA are working
collaboratively to furnish the farmhouse in the manner of an 18th century working farm.
Although sparsely furnished at this time, the farmhouse was open to the public at the annual
Holiday Festival on December 5th and 6th. There is a plan to find and train docents so that the
farmhouse can be open on a regular basis, both as a house museum and learning center. The
many animals continue to thrive and are popular with local visitors as well as seasonal visitors
from off-Cape. Volunteers of all ages help in the upkeep of this Town-owned property.
During 2014, the Town began work to evaluate the condition of the dam located at the Baxter
Gristmill site. Utilizing Community Preservation Act funding, the Town contracted with
engineering firm Tighe and Bond, who prepared a preliminary engineering study with a number
of alternative strategies to proceed with structural improvements to the dam. Efforts are
In addition to their work overseeing the Town’s three historic properties described above, the
Commission continues to monitor the Town’s historic property inventory through the Town’s
demolition delay bylaw. Additionally, the Commission continues to work to improve access to
the Town’s inventory and hopes to make the Town’s historic inventory available online this year.
The Commission would like to thank Associate Member Dorothy Caprera for her work with the
Commission. The Commission would also like to bid fond farewell to Colleen McLaughlin, and
to welcome Beth Vozella as our new Office Administrator. As always, we are grateful for the
assistance and professionalism extended to us by our Office Administrator.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Mockabee, Chairperson Gina Lombardi, Vice Chair
Frederick Fries, Commissioner Sarah Horne, Commissioner
Janice Norris, Commissioner Nancy Stewart, Commissioner
Dorothy Caprera, Associate Commissioner Staff: Beth Vozella
(resigned 7/14)
The Old King’s Highway (OKH) Regional Historic District is comprised of the six towns of
Sandwich, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis, Brewster, and Orleans. The District’s boundaries
generally start at Route 6 and proceed northward to Cape Cod Bay. The boundaries of
Yarmouth’s OKH District are from the Mid-Cape Highway (Route 6) north to the bay and from
the Barnstable to Dennis town lines. Old King’s Highway is the largest historic district in
America and includes 37 continuous miles along Route 6A.
Chapter 470 of the Acts of 1973, as amended, governs the Old King’s Highway Regional
Historic District Commission and the Yarmouth Old King’s Highway Historic District
Committee. The purpose of this Act is to enhance the general welfare of the inhabitants of the
District through the promotion of the aesthetic, cultural, economic, educational, and literary
traditions of the area by protecting and preserving its buildings and settings and to maintain its
heritage by protecting the aesthetic traditions established in the early days of Cape Cod. For
more than 40 years, the Yarmouth OKH District Committee has been committed to preserving
the architecture of the past, while blending it with the future.
An annual effort is made to inform owners of the 3,500 properties in Yarmouth’s OKH District
that the following exterior changes to their structures or settings require OKH approval prior to
the start of the work: new construction, additions, alterations, changes of color (except to white),
decks, fences and walls (of any height or material), reroofing, sheds, siding, signs, windows, and
demolitions (in whole or in part). Property owners within the Yarmouth OKH Historic District
receive an annual reminder of this requirement in their spring water bills. Additional reminders
concerning this issue are also posted on the local cable channel and the Town Hall information
table, and at the Building Department and OKH office.
The public is reminded that exterior changes made without OKH Committee approval may result
in a violation and possible fine imposed by the Building Inspector. In addition, the OKH
Committee’s designated inspector checks new construction at framing and occupancy permit
times for non-compliance with OKH-approved plans, which could delay issuance of an
occupancy permit.
In 2014, the Yarmouth OKH Committee held 22 public hearings at the Yarmouth Town Hall and
acted upon 131 Certificates of Appropriateness, 111 Certificates of Exemption, and 5 Certificates
of Demolition. These numbers do not include the approximately 50 “Like for Like” approvals
that were also granted this year. “Like for Like” is a category for projects involving routine
repairs and maintenance with no changes to the structure’s exterior appearance or setting; such
requests do not require a public hearing.
During 2013/2014, OKH Committee was involved in the development of plans to refurbish a
playground at 460 Route 6A. A variety of public hearings were held in which the community
was given the opportunity to express their views and opinions, with the final meeting
culminating in the OKH Committee’s approval of the project.
At the Commission level, the Yarmouth OKH Committee chairperson represents Yarmouth at
the monthly appeals hearings and regularly consults with James Wilson, Esq., the Old King’s
Highway Regional Historic District Commission’s attorney, regarding any legal questions that
arise. In 2014, the Commission continued to be involved in the ARC wind turbine case, which is
still going through the appeals process.
The Yarmouth OKH Committee experienced a personnel change in 2014. During the summer of
2014, Colleen McLaughlin resigned from her position as OKH Office Administrator. We thank
Colleen for her dedication and support over the past seven years. She will be missed. Beth
Vozella was hired as the OKH Office Administrator in November, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Gegenwarth, Chairman W. Leslie Peat, Member
Suzanne Courcier, Vice Chairman James Liedell, Member
Peter Kimball, Architect/Contractor Judith Recknagel, Alternate
Jon Stuart, Alternate
Staff: Beth Vozella
The Yarmouth Town Libraries keep up a brisk pace of programs and services at the South
Yarmouth and West Yarmouth locations. Our public libraries are a popular destination for
Yarmouth residents and summer visitors from all over the world. Did you know that during the
summer, the number of library visitors and materials checking in and checking out nearly triple?
In 2014, we counted 154,322 visits to the Library, including 4,953 children, teens, and adults
who came to the library for a program or special event. On the day of this year’s popular South
Yarmouth Cookie Stroll, there were over 975 visitors to the South Yarmouth Library in one day!
After welcoming a new Library Director in January, the staff and volunteers put together a
number of new programs for adults to complement the variety of activities the libraries host for
We started the year with a major software upgrade of our library software. Staff attended web-
based training through our regional network, and then “learned by doing.” Mitzi Krueger, Head
of Circulation, Joe LaBrecque, Senior Library Assistant, and Technical Services Librarian Terri
Kennedy were primarily responsible for training all staff. Reference Librarian Trish Cassisi
conducted Tech Talks for the public about online research and cyber security and many one-on-
one training sessions for those who use e-readers such as Kindle, Nook, or iPads and tablets.
The Book Teasers book discussion program continued at the West Yarmouth Library, with
funding from the West Yarmouth Library Association. The South Yarmouth Library’s book
group continued its monthly topic-based book discussions. In December, Toby Wilson,
Principal Office Assistant, organized a holiday-themed “Good Stories, Well Read” event
featuring Cape Cod actors doing dramatic readings of classic holiday short stories. There was a
good crowd for this program, cozy by the West Yarmouth Library fireplace, and we look
forward to hosting more Good Stories readings in 2015.
On February 16, 2014, at the South Yarmouth Library, there was an author talk by Don Wilding
of the Henry Beston Society on The Outermost House. In May and June, Ron Lasko spoke
about fly fishing on Cape Cod at both the South and West Yarmouth Libraries.
Over the summer, we hosted Australian mystery author Diane Hester and Cape Cod Author Chip
Bishop. Stephanie Foster, Cape Cod author, photographer, and farmer spoke in September on
Farms of Cape Cod.
Throughout September, the Yarmouth Town Libraries hosted talks on addiction and recovery
with speakers from the Duffy Health Center and Recovery Without Walls, about services
provided on Cape Cod for mental health, alcohol and drug addiction, and recovery. Trish Cassisi
offered a Pathways to Addiction and Recovery Resources workshop, exploring online databases
and nationally recognized websites on addiction and recovery.
These programs at the Library are free and open to the public. They are funded and refreshments
are furnished by our hard-working volunteer groups, the South Yarmouth Library Association,
and the West Yarmouth Library Association.
The Library staff, Director, and Town Library Board developed a strategic plan to help prioritize
library services for the foreseeable future. We held focus group sessions with many Yarmouth
residents in roundtable discussions. Staffer Mitzi Krueger participated in the focus groups and
input session. An online survey garnered nearly 300 responses from the community. In
September, there was a community input “wrap-up” session, and the conversation continued.
We appreciate everyone’s contribution in providing comments, questions, and ideas.
We were able to replace more public computers in 2014 with funding from the South Yarmouth
Library Association.
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014
So Yarmouth/
W Yarmouth
So Yarmouth/
W Yarmouth
So Yarmouth/
W Yarmouth
So Yarmouth/
W Yarmouth
So Yarmouth/
W Yarmouth
Circulation 199,085 192,446 195,314 184,427 174,081
Attendance* 193,565 179,340 174,697 163,671 154,322
Program Attendance 7,825 7,288 5,068 4,100 4,953
Ave. computer use/wk. 1,100 700 600 500 775
Items added 5,200 4,200 3,736 3,364 3,453
*Figures for FY10-FY13 are revised from previous annual reports, as those totals did not include the number of
visits to the West Yarmouth Library, and they should have been counted.
While the statistics appear to show a decrease in attendance numbers, it is still a hub of activity
on most days at the libraries, and people’s needs are becoming increasingly technical. The joy of
librarianship is that one never knows what the day will bring, and questions run the gamut from
simple information-seeking to advanced engineering or philosophy, and everything in between.
Children’s Department
Our children’s department provides learning programs for children of all ages. Traditional
preschool and Wee Read story hours, craft classes, literacy, music and movement programs, such
as “Groovin’ at Your Library” remain popular. We offered many special family programs
including Stories and Science, sponsored by the Families United Network (FUN), Lego Club,
Early Literacy Bookmobile visits, coordinated by the Mid-Cape Coordinated Family and
Community Engagement (CFCE), and Big Ryan’s Spooky, but-not-too-spooky, Tall Tales.
A program where participants learned about science and experimentation, entitled Concoctions,
was held. This program was funded through the Department of Early Education and Care and
presented by Mary Wilson of Cape Cod Child Development’s FUN Program.
The Coastal Explorer Vehicle visited the Yarmouth Town Libraries this summer, presented by
Cape Cod Cooperative Extension. This unique educational vehicle, equipped with hands-on
marine science displays, activities, and aquariums had 86 visitors during its stay in Yarmouth.
We appreciate the support of these local organizations in bringing lifelong learning to the
The Yarmouth Town Libraries were also actively involved in the Cape Cod Youth Services
Librarian Roundtable 22nd Annual Family Library Event in November. This year’s event
featured the performer Alastair Moock and was held at Cape Cod Community College.
Our Summer Reading programs, “Fizz, Boom, Read!”, “Spark a Reaction,” and “Literary
Elements” were great successes for all ages, again offering readers 24/7 participation through
online access. 139 children, teens, and adults participated and, through the community outreach
part of our summer reading program, provided 325 cans of pet food to the New England Society
for Abandoned Animals, as a “reward” to readers who met weekly reading goals. 41 programs
were offered throughout the 2014 program. With the continued support of our local sponsors,
we offered readers incentives to read all summer.
The Eleventh Annual Polar Express event in December was a great success. Nearly 300
children, parents, volunteers, and staff participated in the enchanted journey on the Polar
Express, based on the story by Chris Van Allsburg. Many local Yarmouth businesses supported
this popular program, as well as the South Yarmouth Library Association and the West
Yarmouth Library Association. We thank everyone who donates and volunteers for making the
Polar Express such a memorable event.
Children’s Department staff visited and celebrated Read Across America Day at Marguerite E.
Small Elementary School in March and promoted Summer Reading in local schools in June.
Library staff also visited Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School to get the word out about new
events for ’tweens and teens at the Library this year. Library Director Jane Cain was invited to
be a judge at the Lions Club Speech Competition in November. Yarmouth Libraries help make
the community of Yarmouth a vibrant learning environment for all ages.
Staff and Volunteers
We had staffing changes this year. Jane Cain became our new Library Director in January.
Chris Kaufman, a part-time circulation staff member, left to take on a full-time position at
another library on Cape Cod; our substitute circulation staff assistant Lynne Graziadei took on
more regular part-time hours in December. Staff members attended a variety of training
programs to sharpen their skills. The Yarmouth Town Libraries prosper thanks to our capable
staff members whose friendly customer service and technological expertise enhance library
services in the community. The library staff deserves praise and recognition for their hard work
and continued dedication.
We extend a special thanks to our 28 dedicated volunteers who volunteered a total of 1,581 hours
in 2014, for without them many programs and services would not be possible. Thank you,
Thanks to the Town Library Board, Associations, and Supporters
We wish to thank all those who helped us in so many ways in 2014: Town Library Board
members Harris Contos, Helen Niedermeier, Sally Guadagno, Robert Milne, Kay Delaney, Janet
McDowell, and Charyn Tietge; South Yarmouth Library Association Board members: John Fay
Rice, Charlie and Barbara Adams, Patty Creighton, Irene Woodbury, Bob Morris, Anne
Whittaker, Gene Fischer, and Linda Callahan; the West Yarmouth Library Association Board
members Pam Berube, Kay Delaney, and Gail LaFlash.
In the late spring, the South Yarmouth Library Association and Bass River Civic Association
provided landscaping improvements at the South Yarmouth Library – including painting the
fence on Old Main Street. At the West Yarmouth location, the West Yarmouth Library
Association hired Executive Landscaping to prune the hedges near the edge of the building.
We thank our many local retailers that helped provide prizes, refreshments, and supplies for
special programs at the library: Bass River Sports World, The Big E, BJ's Wholesale Club,
Candy Company, Cape Cod Creamery, Cape Destinations, Christmas Tree Shops, The Cultural
Center of Cape Cod, Friendly’s, Hearth ’n Kettle, Heritage Museums and Gardens, Hyannis
Whale Watch, Hy-Line Cruises, Pancake Man, Pirate’s Cove, Putter’s Paradise, Riverway
Lobster House, Ryan Family Amusements, Shaw’s, Super Stop & Shop, USS Constitution
Museum, Yankee Candle, the Yarmouth Garden Club, and Yarmouth Pizza by Evan all helped
out with donations this year.
The library associations again offered many book sales, yard sales, and raffles - proven
successful fundraising activities. The West Yarmouth Library Association offered a paperback
book sale, hosted the Village Crafters, and coordinates an ongoing book sale at the West
Yarmouth Library. The South Yarmouth Library Association conducted its popular annual
summer book sale and also maintains an ongoing book sale in the Cape Cod Room at the South
Yarmouth Library. In December, they hosted a very successful Ninth Annual Cookie Stroll &
House Tour - another sell-out. The staff and I continue to be most grateful for the support from
our two library associations, the Library Board, and from the community. It has been a great
first year for me. I thank you all.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane N. Cain, MLS
Library Director
In 2014, the Division of Natural Resources continued to answer a high volume of calls pertaining
to wildlife issues. The Division, as always, answered inquiries about nuisance animals,
answered general information questions, responded to all calls for sick or injured wildlife, and
addressed calls pertaining to wildlife exposures to humans or domestic animals.
As was the case last year, the highest amount of wildlife-related calls we received were calls
concerning foxes. With a marked increase in the red fox population over the last couple of years,
fox sightings were more common. We received many calls from residents concerned that there
was a fox laying on their property; this, in and of itself, is not an uncommon occurrence. Foxes,
like all wildlife, thrive on the edge of different types of habitat, sometimes being the edge of
people’s yards, which often times, indirectly offers a variety of food sources for them. Because
of this, these animals are accustomed to seeing, smelling, and hearing us at a certain distance and
at times seem unafraid of our presence or human activity in a relatively close proximity. We
suggest mild forms of harassment, such as throwing something soft (like a tennis ball) or
squirting a hose at them to scare them away and to instill a fear of humans in them, as this will
lead to a better coexistence. If the fox or other animal does not respond to these mild harassment
strategies, please call the Division of Natural Resources and we will come and assess the animal
for sickness.
Fortunately, we have not had issues with rabies or other viruses in our wild population this year.
We have seen a number of red foxes and coyotes with mange this year. The technical name of
this disease is sarcoptic mange, which is a skin disease caused by infection with the sarcoptes
scabei mite. The microscopic, female sarcoptes mites burrow under the skin, leaving a trail of
eggs behind, causing an allergic reaction which in turn, makes the affected animal extremely
uncomfortable and itchy. This allergic reaction and itching causes stress and loss of sleep to the
animal, as well as a reduced immune response. The affected animal’s appearance is
characterized by a loss of fur and scaly skin. As the condition worsens, the animal’s immune
system becomes even more compromised and internal parasites set in and begin to absorb any
nutrients that the animal may have been able to find, causing the animal to starve in the late
stages of the disease. If we are able to capture these animals in the beginning stages, they can
often times be treated, cured, and released back into the wild. Foxes and coyotes infected with
mange are not a threat to people or domestic animals. The increase that we’ve seen in the red
fox population should provide a benefit by keeping rodent populations in check which are host
animals and reservoirs for certain tick borne diseases such as Lyme disease.
We continued to receive a lot of inquiries about wild turkeys this year as that population has
remained very healthy. We even received numerous calls about one particular turkey amongst a
flock in the Captain’s Village area because it was a much lighter color than the rest; this
particular bird was primarily a very light gray, almost white. Other than the color, this turkey
was no different than the others; it was simply just another color phase of wild turkey. This
particular color phase in turkeys is referred to as smoky-gray. Other color phases of wild turkeys
include: melanistic (all black), erythritic (reddish coloration), and albino which is very rare. We
see different color phases naturally occurring in many of our wild species, particularly coyotes.
There are four color phases of the Eastern coyote, ranging from dark brown to blond or reddish
blond, though the most common phase is gray-brown, with reddish legs, ears, and flanks.
Rabies Investigation/Surveillance/Baiting
We continue to test all animals involved in potential rabies exposures with humans or domestic
animals immediately at the State Rabies Lab. Animals that exhibit signs of being sick or are
found deceased and are viable for testing but were not exposed to humans or pets, are collected
by us and submitted to USDA Wildlife Services for a confirmatory rabies test under their Rabies
Surveillance Program. This test is slightly different than the test used for public health
surveillance for human and domestic animal exposures. At the time of this report, there were no
positive animals tested on the entire Cape this year. There are four non-critical specimens
remaining from the Cape that have yet to be tested but will be in the coming weeks. The USDA
Wildlife Services once again conducted their density study in South Yarmouth. The density
study has been conducted here annually since 2006. The study site is within an area of coastal
recreational communities with high human densities, mostly comprised of backyards and small
The study follows the National Rabies Management Program (NRMP) standard protocol of 50
cage traps set on a target study area of 3 square kilometers (1.2 square miles) for ten (10)
consecutive nights. Raccoons and skunks are tagged, hand-vaccinated against rabies, and
released at the site of capture after recovery from anesthesia. Tooth and blood samples are taken
from the animals to determine if they held a titer from the vaccine, protecting them against
rabies. This year’s study indicates a slight increase in the raccoon population. The Oral Rabies
Vaccine Baiting Program was again conducted in both the spring and fall this year. Yarmouth
Division of Natural Resources staff, as well as staff from the Yarmouth Health Department,
again conducted the hand baiting part of this program which is where certain areas are baited by
throwing baits containing the oral rabies vaccine from the roadside into suitable habitat. In the
area south of Route 6A, baiting is now done through the use of bait stations instead of the
traditional hand baiting method. Bait stations are placed in critical wildlife habitat. The use of
bait stations started out as a pilot program in Yarmouth and is now being implemented
throughout the Cape towns that fall within the baiting area. Data collected from previous years’
density studies show that a large percentage of the raccoon population consumed baits with the
oral vaccine and held a positive rabies antibody titer. The Oral Rabies Vaccine Baiting Program
appears to be extremely effective with helping protect our wild population against the rabies
virus, in turn helping to keep pets and the public safe. The westward boundary for the baiting is
now well into Sandwich and Mashpee and the eastern boundary shifted from Orleans to RT. 124
in Brewster and Harwich. The goal is to keep moving that boundary towards the canal in an
effort to eliminate rabies from Cape Cod.
Wildlife Response/Education
The Division responds to hundreds of calls annually concerning wildlife. We will make every
effort to capture sick or injured wildlife that is reported to us. We continue to make investigating
potential exposures of people or pets to rabies vector species a priority as well as educating the
potential victims of the exposures about the rabies protocol.
We still receive many calls inquiring about how to deal with nuisance wildlife in and around
people’s homes. We are always willing to spend time with the public and coach them through
conflicts with nuisance wildlife, however our role with nuisance wildlife that aren’t sick or
injured or posing an imminent public safety threat is limited to providing information on how to
deal with the situation. The public, as always, is welcome to stop by our office and pick up
literature on how to coexist with our native wildlife, or if you are unable to, we are more than
happy to answer your questions over the phone. The Division continues to urge the public not to
feed wildlife. If the wildlife do not associate people or their yards with a food source it will lead
to a much better coexistence.
Wildlife Habitat Management
We would once again like to extend a big thanks to The Cape Cod Salties for their volunteer
efforts in cleaning debris and clearing obstructions from the Long Pond Herring Run this year.
Their efforts, great work ethic, and strong commitment to our unique ecosystem have been very
noticeable. This past spring showed another strong run of spawning adult herring. However,
come the early fall we had very low water levels and did not see any juveniles dropping out of
Long Pond. By the time water levels recovered later in the fall, we still did not observe any
juveniles. Our hope is that, as has happened in some previous years, we see slightly larger
juveniles drop out in great numbers this upcoming spring. We are currently working with the
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries to establish a written Operation and Maintenance
Plan (OMP) for Long Pond, as we are mandated to provide passage for anadromous fish. We are
still currently under a state-wide moratorium on the taking or possessing of river herring until
further notice. Hopefully, the continued commitment to this resource, as seen through state and
local efforts, will help river herring flourish, as they have historically played such a vital role in
our ecosystem as well as our economy.
We continue to have an abundance of juvenile osprey fledged from our nesting platforms
throughout Town each year. On any given day during the summer, one might see upwards of ten
or so osprey flying in the same proximity over Lewis Bay, Nantucket Sound, Cape Cod Bay, or
Chase Garden Creek. Residents and visitors alike are intrigued by these birds. We had to make
an emergency repair to our new pole at Dennis-Yarmouth High School this year as it was
accidentally backed into by a vehicle and knocked over at a crowded D-Y Red Sox game. There
were two adult and three juvenile ospreys inhabiting the pole with only one of the juveniles
having already fledged (started to fly). Staff from the Division of Natural Resources secured the
two juveniles that had not yet fledged in an animal carrier while staff from D-Y Schools and
Natural Resources re-erected the pole. Once the pole was re-erected, staff from Natural
Resources went up in a lift operated by school grounds staff and rebuilt the nest and placed the
two juveniles back in the nest. The remaining juvenile and adults returned to the nest as well. If
you feel that you have a conflict at your home with nesting osprey, please call us as soon as
possible, as often times, if we know about it early enough, we have more options in dealing with
the potential conflict.
We are pleased to announce that in 2015 we will be working with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, as Yarmouth has been selected as a site for habitat improvement under the New England
Cottontail Project. The work will be fully funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with
staff from the Natural Resources Division and the Yarmouth Fire Department providing
oversight and in-kind service. The New England Cottontail Rabbit habitat and population is
severely dwindling. The New England Cottontail needs young successional forest (forest less
than 25 years old) with a thick shrub layer to survive. .This project will revert 40-60 acres in
West Yarmouth to such a habitat through mastication and prescribed fire. .This habitat
improvement will greatly benefit other species as well. We are very excited to be a part of this
Land Management/Wildfire Preparedness
In partnership with the Yarmouth Fire Department, through Barnstable County Cooperative
Extension’s grant program, we were able to conduct a prescribed burn on April 10 of 2014. We
successfully burned a total of 6.5 acres, meeting burn objectives. A prescribed burn is the
controlled application of fire to the land to accomplish specific conservation and land
management goals, as well as address dangerous fuel loads thus reducing threat from out of
control woodland fires. Yarmouth’s pitch pine, oak forest woodlands contain many species of
plants and animals which benefit from prescribed burns. Periodic disturbance, to which many of
these species are adapted, prevents tall shrubs and trees from encroaching upon and out-
competing these species. Prescribed fire is a natural, effective means of managing these habitats,
and has been used successfully in Massachusetts since the 1980’s. Again this year, our staff,
along with volunteers from AmeriCorps, has performed maintenance on the walking trails that
dissect many of our conservation areas, providing access to those that wish to utilize these
beautiful areas. We would like to thank AmeriCorps for their assistance in opening up these
We also were fortunate enough to have one of our locations selected for two Eagle Scout projects
this year. One of these projects was installing a kiosk at the trail head at Horse Pond
Conservation Area to display informational material as well as a legend that corresponds with
numbered posts, marking items of interest throughout the trail system. The other was installing
trail markers to identify established trails as well as erosion controls on steep sections of trail.
This work was also conducted within the Horse Pond Conservation Area. We would like to
thank the Boy Scouts of America for all of their efforts within our community.
Law Enforcement Patrols
The Division continues to conduct patrols, checking sportsmen engaged in hunting for small
game, deer, turkey, coyote, and waterfowl as well as engaged in freshwater fishing in our local
ponds. These checks consist of the inspection of hunting, fishing or sporting licenses, stamps,
bag limits, and tags. Officers also ensure that the hunters they are checking possess a legal
firearm and that the individual holds the proper firearm license for said firearm and the proper
ammunition for the season. Shotgun season for deer starts the Monday after Thanksgiving and
goes for two weeks, and then the muzzleloader season for deer continues through December
The Division has a strong presence patrolling the area during these seasons to ensure that people
engaged in hunting are doing so in legal areas. These patrols have proven to be effective, as over
the last couple of years we have checked a good number of hunters, with nearly every sportsman
checked being fully compliant with state and local regulations. Town-owned parcels are
designated open or closed to hunting based on recommendations that were made in 1996 by a
Public Lands Safety Committee that was formed to review all Town parcels. The Division also
enforces all applicable state laws regarding hunting safety zones concerning public or private
Once again, we responded to many calls this year for dirt bike use, often resulting in destruction
of property in many of our conservation areas and other Town properties. We also investigated
numerous complaints of illegal dumping in these areas this year. Homeless encampments and
illegal camping activity continue to be a growing issue that we are dealing with in our wooded
areas. We have worked closely with the Yarmouth Police Department in addressing these issues.
We also worked closely with the Conservation Administrator and Conservation Commission in
investigating conservation area and wetland violations. We have continued to use photographic
surveillance technology to curtail these and other criminal activities in our areas.
Water quality monitoring continues to be a top priority of the Shellfish Section and
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). Many areas in the Town
continue to be classified as seasonally approved for the harvest of shellfish by the DMF. The
water quality standard for shell fishing is based on the presence of fecal coliform bacteria. Fecal
coliform bacteria are abundant in the feces of warm-blooded animals, including humans as well
as birds. These standards are very similar to those used to evaluate bathing beaches for
swimming, but more stringent.
Through many years of conducting marine water quality sampling of the Town of Yarmouth
waterways, we have managed to revert a total of 81.5 out of 129.51 acres of once “Prohibited”
shell fishing waters that were closed to the harvest of shellfish for both commercial and
recreational shell fishermen to “Conditionally Approved.” This will allow for the area to be
fished during certain times of the year. In 2014, the focus was on expanding the window of
opportunity (the amount of days the area can be fished by commercial diggers). This was
accomplished by performing extra water quality sampling runs in the closed months which are
determined by DMF to have water quality not fit for digging shellfish for human consumption.
The extra sampling will provide water quality information during this period to see if in fact the
water was acceptable for shell fishing outside of the current open dates as set forth by DMF in
Bass River Center, SC -34. This action is rarely considered by the Division of Marine Fisheries
and requires years of supporting water quality data and the commitment of the Town to address
pollution sources impacting our water.
Additional areas continue to be monitored and improvement projects completed, continuing our
efforts to revert other areas currently classified as “Prohibited” to “Conditionally Approved.”
We are slowly seeing improvements to our marine water quality associated with bacteria levels
and are grateful to the other Town departments as well as the state and federal agencies that are
assisting in our efforts. In cooperation with the Department of Public Works, point discharge
sites continue to be prioritized and engineered to reduce the amount of discharge being drained
directly into our embayment’s and estuaries. Most of Yarmouth’s shellfish beds are at least
seasonally approved for the harvest of shellfish, with the exception of the upper reaches of our
estuaries and the north side, Lone Tree Creek, and Bass Creek in Yarmouth Port. These areas
are currently being worked on.
In 2014, the Division continued sampling for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection (MDEP), Massachusetts Estuaries Project (MEP) water quality monitoring program.
The data collected over the past 12 years has been reviewed and has resulted in
recommendations as to what levels should be and how to reduce nitrogen levels in our estuaries
to meet the goals. Overabundance of nutrients significantly impacts our marine environment, in
particular nitrogen, which acts as an aquatic plant fertilizer. As abundant amounts of nitrogen
are released into the environment, changes to groundwater quality and surface water quality
occur. The nitrogen feeds invasive weed and causes algae blooms that adversely impact water
quality, ultimately causing fish/shellfish kills and loss of productive shellfish habitat. As these
conditions persist, attempts to restore habitat, including eel grass beds and shellfish populations
are inhibited. This abundant algae and weed growth makes our waters turbid (not clear) and
washes up along our beaches and marsh shorelines impacting those habitats and impacting the
coast line esthetics. The proposed Town of Yarmouth, Integrated Wastewater Management Plan
(IWMP) outlined important steps in addressing the water quality issues that we are facing.
Implementation of the IWMP, coupled with continued maintenance dredging and the planned
removal of the tidal flow restriction at the railroad bridge on Bass River and the Route 28 Bridge
on Parker’s River, will improve water quality. These efforts will aid us in restoring lost shellfish
habitat, increasing shellfish populations, and ultimately improving the quality of life as it relates
to our coastal environment which impacts residents, visitors, and our economy as a whole. We
are happy to report the Town is working with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation in
replacing the culvert with a larger one at the Parker’s River Bridge in the near future; the railroad
bridge crossing at Bass River will also be widened.
The summer of 2014 was rather mild in temperature and average in summer rain fall. The
existing tidal flow restriction at the railroad bridge on Bass River and the Route 28 Bridge on
Parker’s River prevented cooler water from the Nantucket Sound from entering these areas,
allowing the water temperature to rise to 80 degrees or above. This, coupled with the decrease in
dissolved oxygen levels caused by algae blooms (excess nitrogen), continue to adversely impact
our coastal ecosystems, resulting in shellfish mortality. We hope this reopening of the culvert
under Route 28 will allow Parker’s River and Seine Pond North to flush adequately enough to
bring back the soft shelled clam populations that once graced our rivers and supported our
commercial shellfishery.
The Division continues to be involved with the P.A.L.S. Program (Pond and Lake Sampling) for
the 14th year, where we sample six fresh water ponds throughout Yarmouth from which data
gets compiled with all of the information from other towns on the Cape. The information goes to
the County Commission Office where their water quality biologists put together all of the
information which produces a snapshot look at the status of most of the fresh water ponds on the
Recreational (family) shell fishing was open at Gray’s Beach, Lewis Bay, Mill Creek, Pine
Island Cove, Sweetheart Creek, Wilbur Park, and Lewis Pond with 1,230 bushels of quahogs and
one bushel of soft shelled clams being harvested. 30 bushels of bay scallops were harvested
from Lewis Bay.
The commercial shell fishing area of Follins Pond, SC-35 (Rte. 6 to Follins Pond) was open for
the harvest of quahogs and soft shelled clams for a total of 92 fishing days from May 15th
through November 30th under the conditionally approved status based on rainfall. The average
number of commercial shell fishing days over the last five years is 86 days. Commercial
quahogs were open in Bass River, Lewis Bay (including Uncle Robert’s Cove and Smith’s
Point), as well as Mill Creek and Hallets Mill Pond on the north side with 1,250 bushels
harvested. Commercial harvest of soft shelled clams was open in Follins Pond, Bass River,
Uncle Robert’s Cove/Lewis Bay and Swan Pond/ Parker’s River with 80 bushels harvested. Bay
scallops were open in Bass River, Lewis Bay and Nantucket Sound with 548 bushels having
been harvested. Bass River, Lewis Bay, and Nantucket Sound remain open from October 4, 2014
to March 31, 2015 for the harvest of bay scallops.
This was the 14th season working with the Barnstable County Seed Shellfish Program. The
Division of Natural Resources received 500,000 2mm seed quahogs around the 15th of June,
2014. With a fairly normal summer weather pattern, the production at the aquaculture farm was
on track. We broadcasted roughly 500,000 seed quahogs grown at the Town’s upweller facilities
into our recreational shell fishing areas in Lewis Bay, Lewis Pond, Gray’s Beach, and Bass River
at around 16-20 mm in size. The commercial fishery received around 100,000 16-20mm seed
grown at the Town’s facility that was broadcasted into commercial areas in Lewis Bay. The
algae produced in Parker’s River and Lewis Bay was abundant and the seed quahogs grew well,
resulting in great production in both upweller facilities. The Division of Natural Resources
Shellfish Section conducted its annual contaminated quahog relay in the spring of 2014. A total
of 1,200- 80lb. bags (96,000 lbs.) of quahogs ranging from seed to a four- inch maximum size
were planted by division staff. All of the shellfish were planted in the summer recreational
fishing area in Lewis Pond. This area is scheduled to be opened in the summer of 2015.
The three (3) private shellfish leases continued to operate and produce shellfish that are sold to
local markets and restaurants. These private leases generated $581.25 in lease revenue to the
Town of Yarmouth.
Recreational and commercial shell fishing licenses issued have been relatively consistent over
the past five years. Recreational resident and non-resident licenses issued were 902 and 19
respectively, as compared to the five-year average of 935 and 24 respectively, generating
$28,580 in revenue. In 2014, 19 commercial licenses were sold, which is right at the five-year
average of 19.
The Yarmouth Recreational Shellfish Volunteer Program (YRSVP), which was started in the
summer of 2013, was a fantastic success. With a core group of seven dedicated shellfish
enthusiasts, the workload at the shellfish farms was met head on. The 2014 season was no
different; everything ran like clockwork. Daily maintenance was performed without a hitch and
the outcome was an excellent production year. We also field-planted seed under protective
netting at the end of the growing season, the remainder of the seed quahogs were broadcasted
into all of the recreational areas throughout the Town.
We did quite a bit of work involving oyster restoration with the volunteers in the 2013 season,
but a glitch at the hatchery in Dennis prevented them from having successful oyster spawns in
2014. The Town of Yarmouth oyster program was set back a year because of the lack of
product. Our goal is to produce oysters in our waters with hopes of opening some kind of oyster
season in the upcoming years. We have secured a grant for $7,500, along with the Dennis
Shellfish Department, to establish a recreational oyster fishery located in Bass River for the
Towns of Yarmouth and Dennis. We would like to take this time to thank each and every one of
the volunteers for taking time out of their busy days to give back to the Shellfish Program here in
the Town of Yarmouth. Thanks to all for doing a fantastic job and we are looking forward to
working with our volunteer group again next season.
Yarmouth Animal Control takes pride in its work, assisting animals and citizens and helping to
improve the quality of life for people and their pets. Occasionally, we are called upon to handle
unusual situations that require creative solutions and we are pleased to be able to go above and
beyond our traditional duties whenever possible. Though the number of animals needing help
persists, we have had great success in finding positive outcomes for the many animals in need
and celebrate each and every happy ending.
Pet owners who find themselves financially unable to care for their animals are urged to contact
Animal Control to discuss solutions. We work closely with a number of area shelters and
agencies who can help, such as the MSPCA, Animal Rescue League of Boston, and New
England Society for Abandoned Animals, as well as breed rescue networks operating in the
region and across the country. There is no reason that any animal should be left to fend for itself
with the excellent services that are available.
The 27th annual Blessing of the Animals was held at the West Yarmouth Congregational Church
on September 13, 2014. Reverend Ellen C. Chahey and Reverend Chuck Soule blessed many of
our furry (and even feathered) friends this year, and we thank them for providing blessings to our
loved and cherished animal companions. This year’s Blessing was dedicated to the Friends of
Yarmouth Dog Park. We look forward to seeing all of you again in September 2015.
Thanks to the continued efforts and support of citizens, the Friends of Yarmouth Dog Park and
the Town of Yarmouth, the long awaited Yarmouth dog park is expected to become a reality in
2015. Design and construction bids were completed in 2014. Construction of the park, which
will be located at the Sandy Pond Recreation Area on Buck Island Road, is expected to begin in
early 2015 and completed by late spring. Funding for the park has been secured by the Division
of Natural Resources that will cover 90% of the design and construction costs. This funding was
secured from the Stanton Foundation. Yarmouth Animal Control would also like to thank the
Friends of Yarmouth Dog Park for their dedication and commitment to raising local funds for
operation and management of the park. We look forward to seeing our Yarmouth dogs and dog
owners enjoying this recreation area.
The annual rabies clinic was held on March 29th. The yearly event is organized by the
Veterinary Associates of Cape Cod, with help from Yarmouth Animal Control. As construction
was underway on Veterinary Associates’ new location, this year’s clinic was held at the Division
of Natural Resources. The annual clinic is an efficient and economical way to ensure your pet is
properly vaccinated against this deadly disease. Pet owners are reminded that Massachusetts
State Law requires a rabies vaccine for all dogs, cats, and ferrets. Rabies is a fatal disease that
cannot be treated in animals.
Dog licenses are required by law and are helpful in the event your pet is lost or injured. All dogs
aged four months or older must be licensed in the Town of Yarmouth. Dog licenses can be
obtained at Town Hall, and may also be obtained through the mail. Owners must present a
current rabies certificate to purchase a dog license. Please call the Town Clerk’s office or visit
the Town’s website for further information.
We continue to receive many calls regarding lost and found cats. Yarmouth does not require cats
to be licensed; they must be vaccinated against rabies and wear a tag on a collar. When a cat is
wearing a collar and identification tags, it is easy to determine that it is someone’s pet, rather
than a stray or feral cat. Yarmouth Animal Control strongly encourages cat owners to tag their
cats with some form of identification. If you have trouble keeping a collar or tag on your cat,
please call or stop by our office. We would be glad to offer suggestions on safe, foolproof
A new bylaw regarding dog waste was enacted this year (§ 79-24.1 Removal of dog waste from
public property or property of others). The bylaw states that “No person owning or having the
care, custody, or control of any dog shall permit such dog to soil or defile or commit any
nuisance upon any sidewalk, street, thoroughfare, beach, or wetland, in or upon any public
property or in or upon the property of persons other than the owner or persons having the care,
custody, or control of such dog, unless said person picks up any such waste and disposes of same
in a sanitary manner. Anyone having custody or control of a dog in a public place shall have in
his or her possession a device or equipment to pick up and remove dog feces. Individuals with
disabilities aided by service dogs and law enforcement, emergency or rescue officials with dogs
carrying out official duties, are exempt from this section.” Please pick up after your pets. Not
only is it courteous to other residents but essential to a sanitary environment. Failing to do so
may result in a citation.
Technology continues to expand and play a larger role in every aspect of our society. New
technology, including social media, has both assisted and impeded us in helping reunite missing
pets with their owners. We would like the general public to understand that they can continue to
do their part in helping owners find their loved pets, but should also always contact animal
control so that we can work together. Animal control officers are equipped with training and
information that is extremely helpful in locating missing pets.
Yarmouth Animal Control would like to issue a caution to those who may be considering
adopting pets through online pet adoption services. We’ve heard a few specific stories of people
ending up with problematic pets. Adopting a pet sight unseen can often leave the new owners in
a difficult situation. Remember, there are many cats and dogs on Cape Cod that need loving
homes. Yarmouth Animal Control works with our local shelters that take in local animals
needing homes as well as animals from other parts of the country. Local shelters provide
necessary temperament testing and behavioral evaluations, as well as medical care for the
animals they have available for adoption.
We would to thank all those who have donated food, bedding, and other supplies throughout the
year. These donations are used to assist pet owners who have fallen on hard times and to help
care for homeless animals while we attempt to locate an owner or place them in a new and caring
home. Yarmouth Animal Control continues to accept pet food donations at Stop & Shop on
Station Avenue. Donations can also be brought directly to Animal Control during normal
business hours. Our office is located on Forest Road in the transfer station compound.
We wish you a happy and safe 2015 for you and your pets!
Boating activity continues to be steady on Bass River, Parker’s River, Lewis Bay, and Nantucket
Sound. Local sailing programs continue to grow in our area as well as other water-based
activities such as kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing, and kite boarding. One of the latest popular
water activities that we have noticed in our waterways over the past few years has been paddle
boarding, in which one stands upon and uses a paddle to maneuver a board similar to a surf
board. The United States Coast Guard made the determination that stand-up paddleboards (SUP)
are considered vessels and thereby subject to certain boating safety regulations. All SUP users,
when not in a bathing or swimming area or surf zone, are required by law to have a Type I, II, or
III personal floatation device (PFD) onboard.
Investigations of negligent operation of boats increased in 2014. Incidents involving personal
watercraft increased slightly in 2014. This may be in part due to the increased activity because
of its popularity as a relatively inexpensive water activity. A total of 70 calls were received for
emergency assistance.
The Harbormaster section remains diligent in performing random safety inspections on the water
and at the boat ramps. Safety inspections were done, with the cooperation of the boat owner, on
57 vessels. This provides an opportunity for the Harbor Patrol Officers and the boating public to
interact. During a safety inspection, an overall safety equipment check is conducted. This
interaction also allows an opportunity for the boaters who are enjoying the Yarmouth waterways
to ask questions and obtain additional local knowledge of the area. In Massachusetts, any child
under the age of 12, must wear a personal floatation device while onboard any vessel that is
Efforts to improve water quality were continued throughout the Town of Yarmouth with the
utilization of a pump-out boat and the land-based pump-out station located at Packet Landing in
Bass River. Approximately 870 gallons of boat septic waste was removed from vessels, free of
cost to the boating community. We have seen the total amount of waste removed annually
stabilize between 850-950 gallons. This significant amount of waste removed each year is due to
the availability of the pump-out boat and the convenience of the land-based pump-out facility at
Packet Landing. Water quality tests have proven the effectiveness of the pump-out program as
marine waste along Yarmouth’s shoreline has continued to diminish. As a reminder, Nantucket
Sound is now designated as a “No Discharge Zone.” This will prohibit marine septic waste from
being discharged in all local and state waters in Nantucket Sound. Grant funding has been
secured from the Clean Vessel Act Program and the Town has appropriated the required
matching funds to purchase a new pump-out boat. This will replace a 1995 pump-out boat that
was purchased as one of the first in the state under the Clean Vessel Act Program.
Kayaking and canoeing remain amongst some of the most popular of our water-based activities.
We would like to remind citizens who engage in the sport of kayaking or canoeing that state law
requires any person aboard a canoe or kayak between September 15 to May 15 to wear, at all
times, a Coast Guard approved personal flotation device of Type I, II, or III (323 Code of
Massachusetts Regulations 2.07:10). For safety, we encourage all persons aboard a canoe or
kayak to wear a personal floatation device and carry a compass and whistle year round as the
weather can be unpredictable and it is easy to get turned around in the fog. We also encourage
boaters to attend a boating safety class. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, the
Massachusetts Environmental Police, and a number of other organizations offer these classes.
Even if you are a seasoned boater, these classes are a good way to refresh your knowledge.
Respectfully submitted,
Karl W. vonHone
Natural Resource Director
Division of Senior Services
The mission of Yarmouth Senior Services is to foster an age-friendly community that enhances
the quality of life for the Town’s older adults (60+) and their families by providing programs and
services in a supportive and accessible environment that contribute to vital aging through mental,
physical, and financial wellness.
With great honor, the Town of Yarmouth was selected by the World Health Organization Age
Friendly Community network. The eight categories of focus are: Outdoor Spaces & Buildings,
Social Participation, Transportation, Housing, Respect & Social Inclusion, Communication &
Information, Civic Participation & Employment, and Community Support & Health.
The Age Friendly Community Mission
Using a lifespan view point, which is a “cradle-to-grave” approach for identifying and
developing services and resources that focus on enablement and self-determination, the team will
work to promote and facilitate inter-generational involvement in a Town that is friendly and
welcoming to people of all ages.
The Age Friendly Community Team Vision
The Town of Yarmouth is an age-friendly community that provides and maximizes opportunities
for health, participation, and security for all residents of Yarmouth. The Town supports active
aging in an enabling community that maintains quality of life and well-being for everyone.
Thank You! – Yarmouth Senior Center Staff
The staff at the Yarmouth Senior Center is extremely dedicated and willing to produce best
practices for the benefit of all senior citizens. Our volunteers and tax work-off program
employees are treasures. The year presented many challenges as we applied for our National
Institute of Senior Center Accreditation Affairs and implementing “Myseniorcenter” data base.
We said goodbye to Cathy Flanagan as she retired from her position as Principal Office Assistant
and welcomed Dianne Kane as she took on the position. The whole staff worked tirelessly: Lisa
Noferi, expanding programming & newsletter; Karen LeBlanc and Jane Spallina, doubling as
POA; Jane Carroll, Ken Watson, and Lou Proulx increased van ridership; and Hilda Davenport
sustained essential outreach services such as fuel assistance and brown bag programming.
The Yarmouth Senior Center
The Yarmouth Senior Center had a record year of participation at our events, in our programs, as
volunteers, through newsletter outreach expansion, and more. Financial, physical, and mental
wellness are the three legs of the stool to positive aging in Yarmouth. Some of our programs
include: Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone (SHINE) counseling, fuel & food
assistance, housing, long-term care planning, care giving resources, AARP tax preparation,
transportation, legal counseling, SSI & Medicare enrollment, and volunteerism continue to be
high activity areas leading to financial wellness. Physical fitness through exercise, yoga, tai
chi, stretching, bocce, and dancing classes are ongoing and fully attended. Mental wellness
through arts & crafts, a variety of card games, lectures, bingo, and congregate events provide the
seniors with fun and interesting challenges for the mind. Nutritious meals through Meals on
Wheels, Senior Center congregate lunch, and Brown Bag groceries are essential elements of
healthy, independent living. We value our amazing wrap-around network of dedicated
professionals in agencies such as Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA), Barnstable
Health & Human Services, SHINE, Elder Services, Executive Office of Elder Affairs,
Massachusetts Council on Aging, National Council on Aging, AARP, and numerous other
With longevity comes the growth of mental health issues from alcohol and drug addiction to
abuse and Alzheimer’s disease. In FY14, the Town worked very hard to secure funds for Senior
Services to expand outreach to address these issues. A free cash grant for a licensed social
worker allowed the hiring process to begin for extending outreach to homebound elders with
mental, physical, and/or financial needs. Outreach expansion is critical and the Town of
Yarmouth has distinguished itself as a community committed to the needs of aging population
with this action.
Capacity expansion is very difficult on limited funds and lead to continued focus on improving
our volunteer participation. We welcomed Cape Cod Volunteers, led by Lisa McNeil, into a
small space in our building to partner with us on this effort. The goal is to increase volunteers
for a variety of municipal needs beyond that of Senior Services using the talent bank developed
by this organization.
Yarmouth Senior Center building improvements occurred with the help of many caring friends.
Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging (FOYCOA), now led by Christina Carey, installed a
beautiful new patio with tables and chairs for outdoor enjoyment. Thanks to all for the BOCCE
Court helpers: Parks & Recreation, FOYCOA, Kevin Enright, Thomas Williamson of Cape Cod
Aggregates Corp., Rob Angell, and Ray Petruccelli for their generosity of time and materials.
Beautification of our gardens was led by Joyce Jenks and Carol Coverly along with help from
Shea’s Youth Basketball with great support from Pat Armstrong.
Yarmouth Senior Center Program Improvements also occurred. Thanks to Davenport
Foundation for continued support of our grocery program “Brown Bag” for seniors. Thanks to
the YPD Road Race, and Deb Clark for helping us establish a “Helping Hand” grant for low-
income senior program participation. Thanks to Fallon Health and the Yarmouth Chamber of
Commerce for supporting our WHO Age-Friendly Community kickoff visit with our colleagues
from China. A Memorandum of Interest was signed with Zhejiang University in China to
continue best practice exchange, encourage tourism, and training development.
Yarmouth…..A great place to AGE…for a day or a lifetime!
Respectfully submitted,
Kathi Bailey
Director of Senior Services
The Golf Division continues improvements to the facilities and operations, including:
• Continued the successful administration of the lottery tee time reservations system providing
over 45,000 golf rounds to Yarmouth residents.
• Maintained the Non-Resident Annual Fee Component of our revenue at over $58,000.
• Continued our efforts to promote golf among the youth of Yarmouth by providing free
instruction through golf clinics and summer golf camps, as well as hosting high school golf
team activities and New England Professional Golf Association (NEPGA) and Massachusetts
Golf Association (MGA) Junior events.
• Hosted MGA Senior Men’s Two Ball Championship at Bayberry Hills.
• Successfully operated the golf shops, the Bayberry driving range operation, and the Bass
River and Bayberry Hills restaurants, generating over $500,000 in revenue at the two
courses, enhancing customer service to the patrons, and continuing to efficiently utilize
current golf shop employees, while still holding the overall golf operation wages to a figure
under the 2003 level of expenditures.
• Initiated an “Under 35” pass category and a “Young Adult” component as well. These led to
a 75% increase in members under the age of 30.
• Continued efforts to improve customer service at the courses as well as the maintenance of
our courses, eliciting awards as well as compliments from residents and guests alike.
• Collected a total of $3,319,380 in revenue, $37,959 over outlays for the year, the third
consecutive and the sixth of eight that the Golf Enterprise revenues have exceeded outlays.
• Continued to provide top tier golf instruction with former PGA tour player Jim Hallett;
NEPGA Teacher of the Year, Sue Kaffenburgh, Cape Cod PGA Chapter junior golf leader
and master club fitter, Bob Quirk, as well as PGA professional Ron Hewins.
• Provided equipment fitting, ball fitting, and demo days for course patrons.
• Hosted activities for the Spring Yarmouth Golf Festival including the Cape’s best equipment
demo day.
Restaurant bottom line grew from a negative $5,771 in Fiscal 2013 to a positive $57,794 in fiscal
2014, as costs have leveled out. The two restaurants are expected to continue to contribute
positively to revenues and to give the courses a competitive advantage in attracting outside
events and other group play.
The Division provides over 77,000 rounds of golf annually while maintaining overall financial
self-sufficiency to fund improvements in our facilities, enabling us to have exceptional courses
for the enjoyment of Yarmouth residents and Cape visitors.
The Town of Yarmouth golf courses generated revenues in excess of $3.3 million in fiscal 2014,
exceeding 2013 results. The gap between receipts and expenditures was positive, with revenues
exceeding expenditures by $37,959 for the 2014 fiscal year. Total contribution from annual fee
receipts dropped. The new “Under 35” and “Young Adult” passes have helped to stabilize
annual fee receipts and will hopefully result in long term benefits as well. We are continuing to
contend with the problems facing the entire golf industry, as well as with the lagging economy,
but we believe that our long-term outlook is positive.
Resident Annual Pass $ 775.00 Allows unlimited play at no additional charge.
Resident Senior Ten Play Card $ 69.00 Allows 10 rounds-9 holes each, for residents age
75 or older. Two per season (time restrictions
Resident Ten Play Card $ 183.00 Allows 10 rounds-9 holes each, for those under
age 75. One per season (time restrictions apply).
Junior Annual Pass $ 125.00 Through 18 years of age (time restrictions apply).
Non Resident Annual Pass $1,075.00 Allows unlimited play at no additional charge.
Non Resident Junior Annual Pass $ 125.00 Through 18 years of age (time restrictions apply).
Under 35 Annual Pass
Young Adult Pass
$ 445.00
$ 250.00 Must not have reached age 35 at time of purchase.
Must not have reached age 22 at time of purchase.
Resident Discount Card $ 15.00 Allows play at a reduced rate after 12:00 noon.
Resident Annual Pass $ 799.00 Allows unlimited play at no additional charge.
Resident Senior Ten Play $ 72.00 Allows 10 rounds-9 holes each, for residents age
75 or older. Two per season (time restrictions
Resident Ten Play $ 192.00 Allows 10 rounds-9 holes each, for those under
age 75. One per season (time restrictions apply).
Resident Junior Annual Pass $ 100.00 Through 18 years of age (time restrictions apply).
Non Resident Annual Pass $1,100.00 Allows unlimited play at no additional charge.
Non Resident Junior Annual $ 100.00 Through 18 years of age (time restrictions apply).
Under 35 Annual Pass
Young Adult Pass
$ 465.00
$ 260.00 Must not have reached age 35 at time of purchase.
Must not have reached age 22 at time of purchase.
Resident Discount Card $ 15.75 Allows play at a reduced rate after 12:00 noon.
Regular Green Fees: 2012 $1,387,830
2013 $1,394,304
2014 $1,418,511
Golf Car Fees: 2012 $677,830
2013 $616,843
2014 $598,624
Pull Cart Fees: 2012 $4,473
2013 $3,452
2014 $3,321
Resident Annual 2012 $699,610
2013 $712,678
2014 $686,518
Non-Resident Annual 2012 $69,375
2013 $57,850
2014 $58,825
Golf Shop (Includes HDCP Fees) 2012 $194,985
2013 $193,210
2014 $185,210
Range 2012 $74,378
2013 $70,289
2014 $67,592
Concessions 2012 $20,567
2013 $5,193
2014 $ 0
Miscellaneous 2012 - $67,236
2013 - $1,135
2014 $746
Restaurant 2012 $147,284
2013 $207,185
2014 $299,633
Interest 2012 $1,942
2013 $401
2014 $400
Total Revenue A. 2012 $3,211,038
2013 $3,260,270
2014 $3,319,380
Wages and Salaries 2012 $1,173,007
2013 $1,254,236
2014 $1,262,305
Expenses 2012 $1,178,203
2013 $1,334,671
2014 $1,380,210
Sub Total: Operating Expense 2012 $2,351,210
2013 $2,588,907
2014 $2,642,515
Debt – Land & Construction (Interest) 2012 $98,916
2013 $85,559
2014 $75,123
Other Costs (includes pension costs) 2012 $114,985
2013 $114,820
2014 $114,000
Overhead 2012 $115,015
2013 $115,180
2014 $131,783
Sub Total: Interest, Other, Overhead 2012 $328,916
2013 $315,559
2014 $320,906
Total Expenditure excl. Debt Principal B. 2012 $2,680,126
2013 $2,904,466
2014 $2,963,421
Subtotal: Revenue less Expenditure above (A – B) 2012 $530,912
2013 $355,804
2014 $355.959
Debt - Principal C. 2012 $434,000
2013 $321,000
2014 $318,000
Total of Revenues less Expenditure (A – B - C) 2012 $96,912
2013 $34,804
2014 $37,959
The role of the Information Technology (IT) Division is to address the continually increasing
demand for more effective ways to access, maintain, distribute, and analyze information
pertaining to the Town of Yarmouth. Toward this end, the Division seeks to ensure that new
data is developed properly, that Yarmouth’s existing data is being utilized effectively, that all
departments have proper access to data, and that the Town’s systems and equipment are being
used to their full potential. The Information Technology Division is responsible for fulfilling
these goals, as well as designing, acquiring, installing, operating, coordinating, and supporting
the maintenance of voice, data, video, and related telecommunications services for all Town
offices, as well as cable television broadcast. The Information Technology Division made great
strides toward these goals in 2014. The following sections list what was accomplished and what
is planned for 2015.
New IT Project Manager
This past year, the IT Division hired a new full-time staff member for the position of IT Project
Manager. The IT Project Manager position is responsible for working with individual
departments with the goal of maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of their business
critical software applications. The IT Project Manager’s initial focus is on the Public Safety
Department, but will grow to encompass all Town departments. In his short time here, he has
made excellent progress in achieving these goals.
Online Permitting, Licensing, and Inspection System
This year Yarmouth launched a new Permitting and Licensing application, consolidating
building permits, health permits and licenses, business licensing, and inspectional services into
one application to more efficiently process the nearly 12,000 permits and licenses issued
annually. As part of the new Permitting and Licensing application, Yarmouth also moved
forward with offering the ability for the public to apply and pay for permits and licenses online,
as well as research property information. We’re excited to provide residents, businesses, and
visitors access to government services online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, well beyond the
typical Town work day. To date, the system has increased efficiency in many ways. Here are
just a few:
1. Allows for efficient work routing between multiple Town Departments.
2. Inspections, using iPads on the job site are completed in the field eliminating the need to
redundantly type inspection notes into a system after handwriting them in the field.
3. System is tied to the Town’s document imaging system to allow for access to all
historical property information online.
4. Provides consolidated access to a wide variety of data for reporting and analysis.
The goal, moving forward, is to continue to develop the system. Evaluation of extending future
modules currently underway for Community Development (for Conservation, Historic, Planning,
and Zoning Board of Appeals), the Fire Department, the Water Department, and beach and
disposal stickers.
The link to this online portal can be reached via the Online Services button on the right side of
the home page, or by using the kiosks we are installing in Town Hall to provide the public with
the ability to use the online portal to conduct Town business if they do not have any other access
to a computer. There are still issues to be addressed and new capabilities to be included, but the
system is progressing to meet the Town’s goals of affordably increasing customer service for its
citizens and establishing the Town as a business-friendly community.
Channel 18
This year, Yarmouth’s public access cable television channel, Channel 18, continued making
equipment upgrades. New software and video equipment were installed in the Town Hall
Hearing Room, considerably increasing video quality.
Live video streaming over the internet continued to increase in popularity. This feature allows
users to access Channel 18 through any internet connection by visiting the Town’s website.
Users can also access an assortment of past meetings to watch “on demand.”
We have remained busy recording and televising a variety of public meetings and events on
Channel 18. Our part-time employees record and replay Annual Town Meetings, Special Town
Meetings, special events, and informational meetings, as well as weekly meetings of the
Selectmen, Board of Appeals, and Conservation Commission. The staff does an admirable job to
provide the best quality broadcast and programming possible with the limited resources and
equipment available.
The I-Net (which stands for ‘institutional network’) is a broadband fiber optic network which
links 26 municipal buildings within the Town, allowing for high-speed transmission of
information. Through the I-Net, these Town buildings currently share file, print, E-mail, and
have internet access. Each year is spent maintaining and expanding this resource. This year we
continued upgrading the backbone networking equipment between Town buildings. Existing
100 megabyte networking equipment was upgraded to gigabyte speed. This is particularly
important for the increasing number of departmental database applications being implemented
throughout Town. Additionally, this faster data throughput results in increased efficiencies of
many other software applications.
As always, the I-Net will continue to be developed and upgraded within the Town through the
design and implementation of effective and efficient methods of sending voice and video
information between Town buildings.
Web Page
The objective of the Town of Yarmouth website is to provide Yarmouth residents and the
general public with pertinent and up-to-date information. Last year the site received its second
E-Government award for its design and content. The site provides viewers with a schedule of
events, committee and board agendas and minutes, a listing of Town Departments, downloadable
forms, a map of the Town with pertinent landmarks, a phone directory, answers to frequently
asked questions, links to resources, and much more. Be sure to visit the site at
www.yarmouth.ma.us. The website is continually modified to provide visitors with a
professional looking site that provides access to information in an orderly and efficient manner.
Visitors can view many documents online, as well as watch board and committee meetings on
demand. Additionally, the site has a greatly improved search function, which provides visitors
with accurate and in-depth search results. The Town’s website continues its goal of providing
users with efficient access to as much pertinent information as possible. The excellent results
show the commitment made by all Town Departments towards this goal.
We have made considerable progress in improving information systems in recent years but there
is still much to be accomplished. The Information Technology Division will continue to move
forward with exciting projects while maintaining the existing information systems which the
Town depends upon to conduct its business. Finally, I would like to thank the employees in the
Town for their patience and cooperation while we implement these projects.
Respectfully submitted,
Shawn MacInnes
Director of Information Technology
This past year, the Commission continued to work on the goal of renovating the playground on
the Yarmouth Port Common. The application that was submitted to Community Preservation for
the purchase of the playground equipment and the repairs to the basketball court was approved at
the Annual Town Meeting for $125,000.00. The playground plans were reviewed by Old King’s
Highway and were approved.
An application was submitted to Community Preservation in September for funding the next
phase, which will upgrade the landscaping and add benches at the Yarmouth Port Common and
playground. Community Preservation voted unanimously in favor of the project and it will be
presented at the Annual Town Meeting. The Commission made a recommendation to the
Selectmen that the playground be named for Fred Thatcher. This was unanimously approved.
A brochure regarding donation opportunities at the playground was developed and distributed in
November. The Commission is partnering with Community Visions on this project. A grand
opening event for the playground is scheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2015.
Work on the Sailing Center is 68% complete and it is expected that the work will be complete by
the spring high school season.
With funding approved at Town Meeting from a Community Preservation application, a
playground has been installed at Flax Pond. There are new changing rooms and two shade
shelters, as well as 2,000 linear feet of handicap accessible paths to the water.
With the completion of the indoor restrooms at Flax Pond, the facility is now available for use on
a year-round basis. There are currently programs scheduled for preschool to senior citizens. The
Commission is also seeking more input and ideas on how to utilize the facility from the
community. There has been an increase in requests to rent the facility. In October, in
partnership with the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce, there was an Open House at Flax Pond.
In collaboration with the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce and the Arts Foundation of Cape
Cod, a new “Monday Night Concerts at Parker’s River Beach” was launched this past summer.
With donations, two competition bocce courts were created by the Senior Center. There was so
much activity generated here that an application was made to Community Preservation in
September to create an additional court and a shade shelter. Community Preservation
unanimously approved the application and it will be on the Annual Town Meeting agenda.
In this past year, there has been expanded use of the Yarmouth playing fields by Sturgis East and
West and Pope John Paul II High School.
The Commission recognizes the many members of the staff and volunteers who have devoted
countless hours to providing multi-faceted and quality recreation programs that enrich the lives
of the residents of Yarmouth. The Commission is very grateful to Beth Hollister and Mary Beth
Capobianco for their service as members of the Commission.
Coordinating the work assignments of twelve full-time, 140+ seasonal staff, and dozens of
volunteers requires a cohesive team of quality professionals who are willing and able to multi-
task and be creative in order to get the job done. A sincere thank you goes out to Mona
Solmonte who was promoted to the position of Administrative Supervisor in 2014 in recognition
of her contributions to our improved efficiencies and overall success. I also wish to recognize
Rhonda LaFrance, Principal Office Assistant, who is our face to the community and our
customer service expert. Working with them is Anne Monaldo, who handles summer
registrations, payment plans, marketing, and is the editor of our Monthly Motivator. Anne is a
familiar face to many of our customers and contributes a great deal to our overall operation.
These three women hold down the fort while the rest of us are in the field implementing
programs. Their work is the glue that holds the division together and helps keep us connected to
our constituents.
Parks Division
Our Parks Supervisor, Chris Myland, retired after 39+ years of service to the Town of Yarmouth.
It is rare in this day and age to find an employee with such longevity and dedication to one
employer. Chris had a hand in most aspects of our large and diverse operation. We thank him
for his service and leadership and wish him all the best in his retirement. Foreman Dave Carlson
has stepped in as Acting Supervisor to keep things running smoothly. We also say goodbye to
Mike Benson, B&G Craftsmen, who has moved to warmer weather. We thank him for his
service to our community.
We continue to make improvements to our operations and physical plant with the support of free
cash grants and other local sources. The Tourism Fund allowed for the purchase of new
gatehouses at Bass River Beach and Parker’s River Beach, as well as information kiosks at
Seagull and Bass River Beaches. Community Preservation Funds were approved at Annual
Town Meeting to fund a new picnic gazebo and a new playground at Flax Pond Recreation Area
as well as a new playground at the junction of Route 6A and Union Street.
Beach cleaning continued to be a priority and was handled by sharing responsibilities between a
number of full-time and seasonal staff. Trash and restrooms were the next priority followed by
grounds work and maintenance repairs.
Beach gate revenues were down for the summer of 2014 ($360,411) compared to 2013
($377,504). We are seeing a higher use of resident stickers which caused some of the reduction.
We continue to improve efficiencies to make the experience more pleasant for visitors and staff.
We continue to work at creating a more user-friendly drop off and parking system at the busier
beaches to make visiting the beach more enjoyable and accessible. We are pleased to see so
many familiar faces passing through the gates and hope that all of our residents take advantage of
our beaches and parks.
The daily maintenance of park and beach restrooms and trash collection was accomplished with
very little disruption. We were able to continue to employ three seasonal positions through a
free cash grant of $20,000 from the general fund which greatly improved our operations. One
seasonal worker was assigned to the trash truck for five days a week, another handled the
remaining two and helped with long-term maintenance deficiency remediation, and the third was
assigned to mowing and restroom cleaning. This freed up our full-time staff to work on
maintenance projects that have been backlogged. We are still evaluating additional efficiencies
to these two aspects of our operation. We feel our beaches are maintained at a very high
standard of cleanliness and operations.
We are very proud of the projects accomplished by our craftsmen. 2014 saw a new roof on the
bathhouse at South Middle Beach, replacement of half of the fencing at the 6A common and
playground, and installation of new fiberglass doors at Bass River Beach. The majority of effort
was placed on recapturing the groomed and finished appearance of our parks and beaches.
Numerous man-hours were put into thinning overgrown buffers at Homer Park, Sandy Pond
Recreational Area, Mill Creek Park, and Chase Brook Park. We have implemented a plan, in
cooperation with the Conservation Agent, to beat back the invasive species overgrowth that has
become overwhelming throughout our park system.
We could not have accomplished as much as we did if it were not for the support of our local
business and family partners. The Adopt-a-Landscape Program is very popular and successful.
The following is a list of those companies and organizations that help make Yarmouth beautiful:
Whitten Landscaping John Sears & Sons Morris, O’Connor, & Blute
The Davenport Co. McNamara Brothers The Hicks Family
March Landscaping Garden Club of Yarmouth Cooper Landscaping
The Xiarhos Family The Yarmouth Fire Dept.,
The Barnstable County Stations #1, #2, and #3
Trial Court Community
Service Program
Over the winter months, the crew was busy rebuilding some of the many Town-owned docks,
repairing lawn equipment, working on indoor construction projects, planning field use
maintenance, and supporting the Highway Division during snow storms with plowing,
dispatching, and shoveling assistance. Our crews are still out emptying trash barrels and
dumpsters, pruning trees and bushes, clearing overgrown sections of the parks and beaches,
rebuilding dunes, and supporting the Division of Natural Resources with trail and conservation
land projects.
We look forward to 2015 and are committed to providing exemplary services to our citizens
through concerted effort, positive attitudes, and the hope of good weather. We look forward to
hiring new staff that will bring with them new energy and focus.
Recreation Division
The Recreation Division has continued to provide quality programs at reasonable prices. Under
the leadership of Assistant Recreation Director, Mary Franklin, the division continues to work
hard to expand offerings, especially at the new Lorusso Lodge at Flax Pond.
During 2014, the Recreation Division filled 4,500 activity slots in 28 distinct programs. That
generated approximately $500,000 in user fees that were returned back to the economy in the
form of seasonal and full-time salaries and program services, equipment, and supply purchases.
This figure also includes $35,000 in field rental revenues which establishes a consistent need for
these facilities.
Financial Activity GL Summary Report
Account Paid
BC/AC FLAX BC/AC 15576.00
Credit from Account Credit from Account -9496.00
Credit to Customer Credit to Customer 10143.00
Donation Account REC DONATION 2674.35
Late Fees LATE CHARGES 70.00
Lodge Rental FLAX POND LODGE 485.00
OPEN 35+ BASKET 35+ 905.00
Waived WAVE 460.00
TOTAL 500370.53
The division is becoming more dependent on the support of local businesses in the form of
sponsorships. These local partners support our programs so that we can continue to keep the
quality high and the price reasonable. We thank them for their generosity and continued support.
Thousands of children benefit from participation in Parks and Recreation programming in
Yarmouth each year. We ask their families to show their gratitude by shopping local and
patronizing our sponsors.
We were pleased to host a number of special events in partnership with local businesses and non-
profits organizations. The Friends of Yarmouth Council on Aging hosted their 4th Annual Polar
Bear Swim on New Year’s Day at Bass River Beach. The Summer Kick-off Celebration in June
was a great week-long celebration that brought hundreds to the beaches and over 45 sand
sculptures to the community. The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod hosted the Summer Concert
Series in July at Parker’s River Beach. The Seaside Festival, once again, hosted a bonfire at
Bass River Beach and clean-up was successful.
The Recreation Division publishes a monthly newsletter, “Monthly Motivator,” that is sent out to
over 2,700 local and seasonal residents. We continue to work closely with our advisors, the
Recreation Commission, to address public needs, remain engaged in the pulse of the community,
and remain prepared to act on suggestions and concerns. We are dedicated to supporting their
renovation of The Fred Thacher Playground and are excited to continue to improve and expand
our services to the community.
Cemetery Division
The Cemetery Division is responsible for the maintenance and care of seven active cemeteries of
the 14 listed throughout the Town. Foreman Audrey Rano-Porter and her crew are responsible
for mowing, trimming, fertilizing, planting, and maintenance of equipment. The Cemetery
Division also performs our own burials and some exhumations. There were 83 burials in 2014.
The Cemetery Administrative Office oversees the sale of lots, deed creation, burial/exhumation
requests/documentation, and genealogical requests for information. Mona Solmonte has been
working for the past two years to modify procedures to enhance communication with staff and
vendors. Her exemplary work has resulted in better service to our business partners, less waste
in our operations, and improved record keeping. She has been promoted to Administrative
Supervisor so that she can continue her good work in the field and begin to supervise and train
others to support the efforts of the division.
Outside contractors are still on call in the event that the Cemetery Division needs coverage,
however since going to a six-day work week commencing in April and terminating in October,
we have been able to cover 99% of the burial requests. The Town performed 83 burials in 2014,
of which 45 were vault burials and the remaining 38 were cremains burials. There were 19
veteran interments. All burial revenues go to the general fund and are used to offset department
expenses. $17,250 was generated from a combination of vault and cremation lot sales. There
was one lot sold back to the Town for the original price of $500.00.
The Cemetery crew has worked diligently to landscape the new 40’ x 60’ building utilizing the
arborvitaes removed from Ancient Cemetery and replanted at Chandler Gray to create a screen.
Several trees were purchased from the Barnstable County Extension Service Municipal Tree
Farm and placed in strategic positions. Work was completed on the driveway of the building to
alleviate rain water runoff and to redirect it more efficiently. Hydrangeas were planted at
Ancient Cemetery along the fence line on Center Street and they seem to be thriving.
The Cemetery crew has been able to reorganize the garage and move all equipment inside the
new building, which will help maximize the life expectancy of the equipment. This additional
space allows the crew to work on the equipment in the heated garage of the office building.
The gull wasp battle continues with additional treatments to the infected black oaks and a
fertilization program to strengthen the trees for this battle. The removal of diseased and dead
trees was completed in Ancient and Woodside Cemeteries. We would like to thank the
Barnstable County Trial Court Community Services for the many hours of volunteer service
donated to the care and maintenance of our cemeteries throughout the year. Their assistance is
reflected in the well maintained cemeteries in the Town.
In an effort to ease the maintenance of the cemeteries and to enforce the Cemetery Rules and
Regulations, which have been in place since 1989, early last year a program was started to
request families to abide by the cemetery rules. Notices were posted and word was sent out via
Channel 18 and the newspaper. Once the deadline for removal had passed, the ornamentation
was bagged and placed at specific locations for pickup by family members. In an effort to ease
the displeasure this created, a public meeting was held at the Senior Center in late spring to hear
the concerns of the residents. The Board of Selectman, Town Administration, and the Cemetery
Director entertained questions and concerns. The Cemetery Rules & Regulations were
suspended until such time a committee, appointed by the Board of Selectman, could review the
existing regulations and recommend changes. We are still awaiting the creation of the
committee and hope to have updated rules & regulations soon.
The Community Preservation Committee approved the Cemetery Division applications for
funding for repairs to the ancient fencing around and in the cemeteries as well as grave markers.
Town Meeting approved these requests and work has begun on these two projects. Equipment
has been purchased to document and photograph these historic treasures. We are currently
awaiting a quote for the fence repair in three cemeteries.
Funding is in the budget for FY16 to digitize the cemetery records, allowing our burial/lot
information to be available on the internet, adding in research and efficiency of disseminating
information. We are hopeful that this funding will pass scrutiny at Town Meeting and we can
begin working with the consultants to transition the cemetery records for Ancient and Chandler
Gray cemeteries.
Fiscal 2014
2014 Real Estate Tax $- $50,631,882.95 $1,018,046.02
2013 Real Estate Tax $1,083,770.11 $22,258.71 $66.20
2012 Real Estate Tax $4,843.21 $- $-
2014 CPA $- $1,518,782.95 $28,902.32
2013 CPA $30,651.78 $667.78 $1.99
2012 CPA $145.32 $- $-
2014 Personal Property $- $1,053,242.08 $19,866.55
2013 Personal Property $20,182.06 $- $7,312.20
2012 Personal Property $6,303.34 $- $5,140.81
2011 Personal Property $4,783.28 $- $4,206.11
2014 Motor Vehicle Excise $- $2,765,633.65 $189,767.23
2013 Motor Vehicle Excise $218,153.63 $268,406.92 $42,937.78
2012 Motor Vehicle Excise $37,982.84 $- $19,416.07
2011 Motor Vehicle Excise $25,392.36 $- $17,404.31
2014 Boat Excise $- $47,082.00 $4,113.35
2013 Boat Excise $3,252.25 $- $2,884.25
2012 Boat Excise $1,471.00 $- $1,422.00
2011 Boat Excise $1,180.85 $- $1,149.85
Landfill $50,249.75 $299,257.00 $49,165.17
Transfer Station $720.85 $5,725.20 $-
Town of Barnstable $22,743.00 $56,526.28 $-
Town of Dennis $5,273.25 $23,679.75 $-
Septage $309,886.88 $1,743,545.79 $461,688.00
2014 Septage Betterment “A” $- $7,887.53 $445.50
2014 Septage Betterment “A” Int. $- $3,110.23 $222.75
2014 Septage Betterment “B” $- $810.26 $-
2014 Septage Betterment “B” Int. $- $243.08 $-
2013 Septage Betterment “A” $439.34 $- $-
Title V Septage $2,665.00 $- $-
Title V Septage Interest $8,658.60 $- $-
Fiscal 2014
Semass $128,839.36 $756,328.17 $-
Sludge / Septic $3,304.06 $4,611.98 $3,423.32
Septage Effluent $30,089.14 $25,584.33 $-
Trailers $984.00 $10,752.00 $948.00
Municipal Liens $43,001.84
Scholarship Fund $7,410.23
Miscellaneous Charges $268.26
Real Estate/Personal Property Interest/Fees $221,244.39
Miscellaneous Interest/Fees $3,252.35
Motor Vehicle & Boat Interest/Fees $123,033.86
RMV Markings $23,920.00
Prior Years Motor Vehicle & Boat $11,657.07
Water Interest & Fees $44,027.28
Water Service Payments $65,565.79
Water Rates Payments $3,375,606.47
Service Rates Interest & Fees $24,585.27
Non-sufficient check fees $1,170.00
Septage Interest $12,953.08
Balance 6/30/13 $34,105,246
Revenue & Non-Revenue Vendor/Payroll $101,192.685
Cash Receipts 7/1/13 –
6/30/14 $108,483,674
Total Cash $142,588,920 Total Warrants $101,192.685
Balance as of June 30, 2014 $41,396,235
Balances as of June 30, 2014 - $10,889,688
To view or request a copy of the full audit, please stop by the Town Administrator’s office in
Town Hall.
This year the Massachusetts Department of Revenue approved the tax rate on October 1, 2014 at
$10.04 per $1,000 of value.
We would like to thank the staff for the effort they put forth: Marty Golenski, Cheryl Wheeler,
Tara Monroe, Stephanie Cappello, and Margie Springer. We would also like to acknowledge our
Senior Work Off staff: Thelma LaPierre, Ann McCorkle, Peg Sanders, Joanne Graff, Susan
McAvoy, Donna Withers, Nancie Cortes, Nancy Murray, Carole O’Donnell, Marie Porazzo,
Therese Farr, Jamie Rice, and Maureen Boyce. Many thanks to our senior workers for helping us
complete our very large project. The office has received numerous written and verbal
compliments on its customer service this year.
The Classification Report, which the Board of Assessors submitted to the Board of Selectmen this
year, reflected little change from the previous year.
The tax bills were mailed October 17, 2014.
Classification, FY15 Classification, FY14 Classification, FY13 Tax Rate: $10.04/$1,000 Tax Rate: $10.19/$1,000 Tax Rate: $9.88/$1,000
of Value of Value of Value
Parcel Parcel Parcel
Class Count Valuation Count Valuation Count Valuation
Residential 15,903 4,780,801,456 15,887 4,534,617,768 15,881 4,573,445,040
Open Space 0 0 0 0 0 0
Commercial 1,294 396,669,344 1,294 397,124,232 1,294 397,263,360
Industrial 115 31,023,900 116 30,754,300 116 30,791,800
Total Taxable
17,312 5,208,494,700 17,297 4,962,496,300 17,291 5,001,500,200
Exempt Property 711 330,162,700 721 300,485,700 721 308,938,500
5,910 104,163,600 5,877 103,360,000 5,818 100,798,300
Total Valuation 23,900 5,312,658,300 23,895 5,366,342,000 23,114 5,411,237,000
As always, the Board of Assessors and the Assessor’s Office staff is here to help you in any way
we can.
Respectfully submitted, For the Board of Assessors
James W. Carroll
Matthew J. Zurowick Joseph R. Sullivan
Director of Assessing John C. Serijan
“We are dedicated to community risk reduction through the application of prevention, education,
and emergency services in the Town of Yarmouth.”
To the Citizens of the Town of Yarmouth:
The year 2014 was a very busy year at the Yarmouth Fire Department (YFD). The department
responded to 6,470 emergencies in 2014. We anticipate the call volume to continue to grow with
the new facilities being built in town including: Mayflower Place Addition, John Simpkins 55+
housing project, and the Memory Care facility at the former Mill Hill Club property.
Town of Yarmouth Structures Division, Dick Court and Bob Carlson, were instrumental in
assisting us with station maintenance and repairs; utilizing the talents of these skilled men results
in dollars saved and quick and timely repairs. The Fire Department was grateful for their help!
Our dispatchers continue to do a great job with Emergency Medical Dispatching despite the large
call volume. Our future plans, aligned with the Building Committee, would move dispatch and
administrative staff to Fire Station Three; with this move we anticipate possibly adding a second
dispatcher. We look forward to working with the Town’s Building Committee to achieve this
The Fire Department has not added additional staffing since 2002; we have only replaced
personnel as needed. We continue to evaluate the relationship between adding additional staff
verses paying overtime. We are hopeful that as things get better financially in the Town, we will
be able to increase our staffing to handle the call volume. We will continue to deliver an
efficient and professional service to our Town with the available funds, personnel, and resources
we have to work with.
In continuing to create efficiencies, we are working with the Town’s IT Department and Finance
Department, in conjunction with The Collins Institute, to collect and analyze data to see possible
savings. Other efficiencies include: our mobile mechanic that comes to the stations and
performs repairs and maintenance and a mobile inspection company that comes twice a year for
vehicle inspections. These efficiencies have saved the Fire Department thousands of dollars
from having our personnel driving vehicles out of Town for repairs, maintenance, and
inspections. The computerized vehicle checks have worked out well. The data is collected and
tracked, and the mechanic gets notice of repair promptly via email or phone call. Our
administrative staff logs all repairs and maintenance. We continue to save the Town money with
the management of vehicle purchases and utilizing our personnel on committees to buy the best
vehicle for the best cost.
2014 Chevy Utility Truck
Truck 561 replaced an aging military surplus pick-up truck; this new vehicle is capable of
transporting five people and has an onboard diesel fuel tank to provide fuel to station generators
and for fueling fire apparatus during major incidents. This vehicle will be used for towing rescue
boats and our various assortments of large trailers.
We want to thank Shawn MacInnes, Joseph Hevener, and John Morse from the Town’s IT
Department for all their help with our hardware, software, data collection, and our phone system
- without them we would be lost.
The Fire Prevention Division with Acting Deputy Jon Sawyer, Captain James Armstrong, and
Acting Lt. Inspector Matthew Bearse handle a large volume of permits, plan reviews, and
inspections in addition to public education and fire investigation. The intern program at D-Y
High School continues to be a great success with some of our students becoming call firefighters
for YFD and hopefully in the future full time with YFD.
Our administrative staff: Administrative Assistant Jeanne O’Keefe and Principal Office
Assistant, Sherry Theuret maintain the department’s web site, mountains of data, and human
resource information which they are able to deliver with amazing speed and efficiency. This is
the second year of online permitting for open burn season; we continuously look at ways to
improve customer relations with our citizens and visitors.
We will have a 9/11 Memorial for this fall's annual observance of that tragedy, thanks to the gift
of a small square of twin towers steel from fellow firefighters in New York City. Firefighter
(FF) Kevin Enright has been working with summer resident and retired FDNY firefighter Dennis
Meenaghan to create a 911 Memorial site that will be located at Fire Station 3 in West
Yarmouth. Mr. Meenaghan transported the piece of steel to Yarmouth this past summer. Mr.
Lee Ielpi, also a retired member of FDNY, is president of the September 11 Families Association
and was instrumental in securing us a piece of steel. Mr. Ielpi’s son was a FDNY Firefighter
who was killed on 9/11. Landscape designer, Mr. Phil Cheney, has helped by donating his time
and talents in designing the site. We are excited to see this project through to completion and
want to thank all those involved.
Our Captains, Lieutenants, and Firefighters are very professional and do a great job every day;
they are the reason for the success of the Yarmouth Fire Department.
I wish everyone a safe and healthy 2015.
Philip G. Simonian III
Acting/Chief of Department
We had several personnel changes in 2014. Lieutenant Robert Kittila retired in July with over 41
years of service to the Town of Yarmouth.
Lt. Robert Kittila
Three new firefighters were hired to fill open vacancies caused by two personnel leaving and one
retirement. We hired two firefighters from our Call Fire Department: Firefighter/Paramedic
William Carter and FF EMT Tyler Surdut. FF Paramedic Michael Perry was hired from West
Barnstable Fire District.
Capt. James Armstrong and Lt. Matthew Bearse
“To identify and reduce hazards in the Town of Yarmouth through education, inspection, code
enforcement, and fire investigation.”
Fire Prevention is responsible for issuing a variety of permits; Administrative Assistant Jeanne
O’Keefe and Office Assistant Sherry Theuret are a valued part of this process. Their dedication
and professionalism is an asset to the Fire Department. We issued 825 permits in 2014 with fees
totaling $42,150.00.
Plan review continues to be an important aspect of fire prevention; we would like to thank other
Town departments which help us in this process, specifically the Building Department. Building
Commissioner Mark Grylls and his staff are invaluable and are strong partners in public safety.
Several projects are nearing completion including the Simpkins School Residences and
Bridgewater State University. Both are exciting additions to the Town and we look forward to
working with them in the future. Welcome to the neighborhood!
Fire Prevention is responsible for investigating all types of fires to determine the origin and
cause of the fire. The Yarmouth Fire Department Investigation Team consists of both Inspectors
and specially trained shift members. When needed, we call on the state police fire investigators,
who are attached to the State Fire Marshalls Office. All fires are tracked in order to spot trends.
FIRE STATISTICS: Total Calls – 6,470
Situation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Misc. 42 50 77 45 57 53 83 72 47 52 54 34 666
Fire 4 4 6 10 11 16 11 8 6 3 9 1 89
Explosion, Overheat 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Medical 381 371 360 329 388 452 492 471 449 439 386 449 4967
Hazardous Condition 14 33 16 5 5 7 2 10 9 6 8 6 121
Calls for Service 17 16 17 12 11 8 16 18 12 8 14 7 156
Good Intent Call 9 3 11 7 9 9 13 5 9 11 6 9 101
False Alarm 41 31 23 23 35 25 30 33 40 31 22 24 358
Weather/Natural Disaster 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3
Special Incident 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6
Grand Total 509 510 510 432 517 570 649 618 573 552 500 530 6470
Grand Total
Education is the key to prevention and therefore it is a high priority for the Yarmouth Fire
Department. This year’s Fire Prevention Theme was: “Working smoke alarms save lives - Test
yours every month.” Fire prevention week is held every October and this year’s events
continued to be very successful. Our annual open house was held at Station Three and
attendance was very high. Special thanks to Papa Gino’s Pizza, Cape Cod Inflatable Park, and
Silvercloud Towing. The Barnstable County Safe Trailer was again present at the Seaside
Festival and safety classes were provided throughout the weekend. Our work continues with
Dennis-Yarmouth High School and the “School to Careers” program. Every year we welcome
new students to become Fire Department interns. The intern program has been very successful
and many former students are now firefighters throughout Cape Cod. We have enjoyed working
with the students and we are always impressed with their determination. Yarmouth is fortunate
to have such young men and women in our community.
Open House 2014
This year marks the one year anniversary of Lt/Inspector Matthew Bearse’s transfer to Fire
Prevention. Lt. Bearse has bought many unique skills to his position and his professionalism has
been an asset to this department. I have enjoyed working with him and look forward to working
with him in the future.
Captain Tom Lundquist
Yarmouth Fire Boat 563
Due to the large areas of marine and fresh water bodies located throughout the Town, it is vital
that the Town of Yarmouth maintains a fully trained and equipped dive team to be able to
respond immediately to any incident on or under the water or ice. The Yarmouth Dive Team
stands ready to respond 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The expense of certification and training limits the number of Yarmouth firefighters on our team.
This year the decision was made to join the Barnstable County Regional Dive Team (BCRDT).
The BCRDT is funded through a Federal Homeland Security grant and consists of 40
firefighter/divers from most of the Cape Departments. Members train on a monthly basis at
various locations throughout Barnstable County to ensure the knowledge, skills, and abilities of
the divers along with their response capabilities are maintained at peak operational readiness.
All dive team members are experienced recreational divers on the outside who bring their
knowledge, skills, and experience to the Fire Department. Every diver is trained to a minimum
certification of Advanced Open Water and Rapid Deployment Search and Recovery.
Diver Corey Kittila signals to shore
Our divers are called to respond to any number of scenarios, including cars in the water, a plane
crash, and recovering evidence for police. Routinely, we are called for swimmers and boaters
who get into trouble. We work closely with the Yarmouth Divison of Natural Resources and
depend on their larger boats, trained operators, and local knowledge of the marine waters in
Town. We would like to thank them for their continued support.
Having a regional team benefits the Town by reducing costs and makes for a safer team by
providing adequate divers for immediate response.
Yarmouth Fire Department Emergency Medical Services 2014 Report
In 2014, the Yarmouth Fire Department responded to 5,082 EMS-related incidents. Of those
responses there were approximately 3,830 incidents where a patient was transported to a medical
facility. Of the remaining incidents, there were 1,252 numbers of “refusal of care,” request for
“assistance only,” or were “treated and released.” Of the 3,830 number of patients transported
2,597 required Advanced Life Support (ALS) and 1,233 received Basic Life Support (BLS).
Currently, Yarmouth Fire Department has a total of 61 Emergency Medical Technicians; 30
Paramedics (EMT-P) and 31 Basic Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT-B). A Paramedic
differs from an EMT-B in that he or she can perform Advanced Life Support (ALS) skills that
are more invasive while providing care for patients. Some examples of these skills would be:
initiating an intravenous (IV) line, administration of drugs, patient intubation, trained in
obtaining and reading of electrocardiograms (ECG) to determine the stability of a patient, and
the possible need for continuum of care. However, even though the term “basic” is used in
describing the Basic EMT’s title, they play an important role in patient care. They (EMT-B’s)
are highly skilled and trained as well, and Yarmouth Fire has some of the best. Typically, they
offer assistance to paramedics in even the most advanced skills. The Basic EMT is comprised
of, and completes, the successful EMS “team” structure and concept at Yarmouth Fire.
Throughout 2014, Yarmouth Fire Department and its personnel continued to refine their skills
through an annual training schedule. The Yarmouth Fire Department continues to learn new
methods and places new equipment in-service annually, and maintains optimal training in both
emergency medical services (EMS) and firefighting tactics. In doing so, the Yarmouth Fire
Department ensures the best possible medical care for our patients and affirms the safety of the
citizens in this community as being our main objective.
EMS Training for 2014
The Yarmouth Fire Department continues to lead Cape Cod in incident responses and is one of
the busier, if not the busiest, fire-based EMS services in Massachusetts. Even though we are a
statistically high call-volume and response fire department, we continue training on new and
familiar equipment as well as train on new and old techniques whenever our run-volume allows
it. Throughout this past year, below are listed topics, equipment, and techniques that the
Yarmouth Fire Department and its personnel trained on:
Advanced Life Support Refresher: Paramedics are required to attend a two (2) week refresher
bi-annually on their skills. It is here that they receive training on new skills as well. Other topics
of training during this two-year span were: Pediatric Advanced Life Support, CPR,
Cricothyrotomy and Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) line maintenance.
Basic Life Support Refresher: Yarmouth Fire hosted an annual Refresher for Basic Emergency
Medical Technicians (EMT-B) to receive the latest training in Basic Life Support. This class has
been a requirement to be performed bi-annually (every two years) for EMT-B’s. It is here where
EMT-B’s acquire new skills and learn of any changes in how to treat patients. This class was a
four and half (4 1/2) day class and had 19 participants. In addition, other topics of training were
Medical Legal, Medical Toxicological, CPR, Selective C-Spine and Trauma, and CNS Injury.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation: A number of YFD personnel obtained their Cardio-Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) certification this past spring as well as in the Basic Refresher. This
certification is a state requirement to maintain your EMT licensure and is typically done bi-
annually as well.
Dennis-Yarmouth High School Docudrama: Members from Yarmouth Fire, Dennis Fire, Dennis
Police Department, and the Yarmouth Police Department held a joint-drill on May 1st 2014,
exhibiting to students the consequences of drinking and driving. This is an annual event and is
typically done near the end of the school year when these unfortunate incidents occur during
high school prom’s. It is always a powerful drill and helps to bring the harsh reality of what
could happen if you drink and drive. This docudrama sets the scene of an accident and depicts
the response by fire and police personnel.
Ebola Training: During the month of October, there was a heightened infectious disease scare
nation-wide with Ebola coming to the United States. All four (4) shifts as well as the call-
department received training on this topic. Many questions were answered to ease any tensions
amongst personnel and the possibility of coming into contact with ANY infectious disease, not
just Ebola. The Department’s Infectious Disease Standard Operating Procedure was reviewed
and modified, as well the creation of a new SOP for responding to an infectious disease.
Emergency Vehicle Operator Awareness: All four (4) shifts and the Call Department were
trained in November of 2014 on emergency vehicle operator awareness. This was the classroom
portion of a two (2) segment program that is an invaluable tool for YFD personnel. The driver
course segment will be held in early spring of 2015 to close out this training. This class was
sponsored by the Massachusetts Inter-Local Insurance Association (MIIA).
Global Harmonization Systems and “Right to Know:” Yarmouth Fire Department personnel
were trained in April of 2014 on a new labeling system for hazardous materials implemented by
the United Nations in 2008 and adopted by the United States in 2012. The system affects global
trade and requires all nations to adopt this universal labeling system. This training also included
the “right to know” segment, which is designed to improve safety training and worker
understanding of chemical hazards. This training is an annual OSHA requirement.
Ice Rescue: All four (4) shifts trained on ice rescue during the month of February in 2014. The
environment on these training days is typically harsh, but personnel are always eager for this
drill. The training is done on a frozen body of water in Yarmouth and was done on Long Pond.
Image-Trend Conference: From July 15th-18th, EMS Supervisor Fontaine and Acting Deputy
Sawyer attended a conference in Minnesota for the computer software vendor that Yarmouth
Fire Department currently uses. This was a three-day event that was attended to better
understand the current software as well as to view the latest and greatest equipment supplied by
EMS and fire service vendors across the country.
Massachusetts Pre-Hospital Patient Care Protocol Updates: This was a two (2) hour class for
state protocol updates for all of Yarmouth Fire Department’s Paramedics and EMT-B’s. This
training was performed throughout the month of August. All department Paramedics and EMT-
B’s are required to receive this training to maintain certification. This was done in August prior
to the October 2014 deadline.
Mortality and Morbidity (M&M) Rounds: YFD sponsored two (2) M&M Rounds: one (1) in
September 2014 presented by Jim Rodriguez of the Cape Cod Hospital and an emergency room
physician; and one (1) in October 2014 presented by the Department of Neurology at Brigham
and Women’s Hospital. Generally, these sessions discuss past YFD incidents and critique the
care that was given by EMS providers. These two (2) “rounds” are required for paramedics to
maintain their certification and can provide continued education hours for Basic EMT’s.
Patient Restraint Training: In March, all four (4) shifts as well as the Call Department were
trained on patient restraint (in accordance with M.G.L. c. 111C, § 18) to define the requirements
for EMT’s to appropriately use restraints for patients that present an immediate and serious threat
of bodily harm to themselves or others. Personnel were advised and trained in the process of de-
escalation, patient awareness, and use of chemical restraints, as well as the signs of a potential
hostile patient.
Selective C-Spine Training: Twenty (20) YFD personnel were given training on a newly
updated protocol. This training is paramount in the treatment of patients suffering from possible
trauma. The presentation was performed by Dr. Weinstein of the Falmouth Hospital ER. The
presentation depicted how a majority of patients placed on backboards was exacerbating their
condition. During the presentation, he shared statistics and medical evidence in how the use of
backboards should no longer be done on every patient. This training gave EMT’s tools on “who
SHOULD be” back boarded and “who does not.”
Transition to the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians: The Commonwealth of
Massachusetts Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) decided to transition to the
National Registry of EMT’s in the spring of 2013. This transition continues to be tedious and
painstaking at times. However, after April 1st of 2015, all personnel will have recertified once
since the transition and this process should get easier. The Yarmouth Fire Department personnel
had several workshops to get all personnel up to speed on the training and documentation
procedures. Since the transition, there have been very few issues. This change has created more
responsibility on the individual and agency EMS Officers to track one’s continued education,
and apparently has completely removed OEMS from the continued education recertification
Fire Training for 2014
Once again the highlight of the Yarmouth Fire Department’s training schedule in 2014 was being
awarded the “Free Cash Grant” of $100,000 for training from the Town of Yarmouth from years
past. Upon receiving this grant, the YFD was able to continue a fall (and add a spring) session of
Live Fire Training. During the months of April and September, YFD had five (5) days of “Live
Fire Training” at the Barnstable County Fire and Rescue Training Academy (BCFRTA). Each
of the four (4) shifts and the Call Department spent an entire day of evolutions performing “Live
Fire Training.” This training is a great opportunity to refine their firefighting skills. All of these
dedicated attendees worked hard, as did the instructors and support staff. Each day held up to
nearly five evolutions or scenarios. This past year during this training, junior officers and
members on the promotional list learned first-hand what it is like to be an incident commander.
All of these personnel were given the opportunity to command a scenario. This was done to
prepare these individuals for the next generation of leadership for the YFD. Every member who
attended this training was able to build much needed confidence for potentially finding
themselves in a life-threatening environment.
Acquired Structure Training: In May 2014, Yarmouth Fire Department personnel received the
opportunity to train on three (3) structures located on Evergreen Road, property owned by the
Mayflower Retirement and Rehab facility on Buck Island Road, before they were to be
demolished. All four (4) shifts and the Call Department were able to perform skills such as:
forcible entry, vertical ventilation, search and rescue, firefighter down, and wall breach, among
Boat Operations: Yarmouth Fire Department received an inflatable rigid hull 22’ boat with duel
115HP Honda outboard motors in late 2013. This sea craft was obtained through a Government
Surplus Program. Initially, this craft was used by the USCG and then used by Dennis Fire
Department for several years. After Dennis Fire obtained a newer craft through the same
program, Yarmouth Fire was awarded this vessel. In the spring of 2014, nine (9) YFD members
completed the training as an operator of this vessel.
Company Officer Boot Camp: Twelve (12) members of the Yarmouth Fire Department attended
training for the Company Officer Boot Camp that was hosted by the Barnstable County Fire
Chiefs Association. The class took place on Friday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 3rd, at Captains
Golf Course Pavilion in Brewster. The twelve (12) members chosen were junior officers or
members on the YFD promotional list.
Career Day at Dennis-Yarmouth High School: EMS Fontaine and Captain Armstrong of Fire
Prevention attended Career Day at D-Y to display fire and emergency medical equipment, as
well as answer any questions from students pertaining to a potential career in the Fire and EMS
Fire Instructor I: The Yarmouth Fire Department hosted a class sponsored by the Massachusetts
Fire Academy for Instructor I. There were approximately 28 participants from all over
Massachusetts that attended this six (6) day class that trained firefighters on becoming an
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Plant on White’s Path: All four (4) shifts performed an annual “site
visit” of the National Grid LNG Plant in November. Personnel are notified of any structural,
property, or operating changes to the plant during these visits. Personnel typically review a
“response” Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of this particular site as well.
Mass Maritime Academy Table Top Exercise: On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, the Barnstable
County Regional Emergency Planning Committee, the Town of Yarmouth, and the
Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s Emergency Management Program conducted an HSEEP
compliant Table Top Exercise (TTX). The exercise focused on a multi-agency response effort to
a hazardous materials release into the Town’s water supply. All disciplines were invited to
participate and share their expertise in a regional response effort, and be part of a unique learning
Massachusetts Fire Academy Maze Trailer: In October, the Massachusetts Fire Academy, at the
request of the YFD training officer, brought its mobile training prop to the Yarmouth Fire
Department. This prop was an SCBA Maze Trailer that assists in obtaining Self Contained
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) confidence. During this training, personnel were to don their
SCBA and enter the maze, where they were timed and their air consumption was documented.
This was a valuable tool in assisting personnel as to their mental and physical capabilities during
a working environment while donning this equipment.
Town Solar Farm Training: All four (4) shifts visited three (3) new solar farms located within
the Town. The purpose of the visits was to meet with the contractor and have any questions
answered as to the location and the possible procedures the Yarmouth Fire Department should
follow if we were to respond to any of these locations.
TL-41 Training: In August, a representative from Pierce Truck Manufacturing came to
Yarmouth Fire to do a “train the trainer” class. Tower 41 was purchased nearly ten (10) years
ago and some operations or information of the vehicle have been misconstrued or forgotten over
the years. We felt it necessary to have training to refresh individuals on this piece of equipment,
and to train department members of today and well into the future.
At times, new methods or suggestions will be presented either by a member of the Yarmouth
Fire Department or an individual from an outside agency or entity. Suggestions could be made
for new equipment or skills, or both. It is the role of the EMS/Training Supervisor to evaluate
these requests and present them to the Yarmouth Fire Department Administration to determine
the need for any such changes or modifications. Any changes pertaining to patient care must be
within the EMT’s “scope of practice” and authorized by the Massachusetts Office of Emergency
Medical Services (OEMS), and also remain within the Emergency Medical Services Pre-Hospital
Treatment Protocols. Along with OEMS, the Yarmouth Fire Department must follow Region 5
and the Cape & Islands EMS Systems protocols as well. Other changes can be mandated by the
state or region and would require personnel to be trained further. Generally, these changes
enhance pre-hospital patient care. This past year, there have been such changes to better serve
our community.
Other EMS Related News
CPR Instructors: The Yarmouth Fire Department has members that are certified CPR
Instructors. There are local businesses, medical facilities, retirement communities, and Town of
Yarmouth departments, among other establishments, that these individuals are requested to go
out and train the citizens and/or employees on CPR. Approximately 80 individuals have been
trained in CPR by YFD CPR Instructors this past year. This is an invaluable tool to the
community and will continue throughout 2015.
Blood Pressure Program: Citizens of Yarmouth have come to the Yarmouth Fire Department to
have their blood pressure taken. This is a program that YFD has done for many years and one
that will continue. YFD personnel do hundreds of these every year.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Acquisition: In the spring of 2014, the Yarmouth Fire
Department applied for and was awarded a grant for a fifty percent reimbursement of new
AED’s. YFD was able to purchase five (5) new AED’s with this award. The new units were put
into service in apparatus that did not have one, or replaced older AED units that were in service.
This endeavor helped to assist other entities in the community as well.
Press Release for July, 2014
The Yarmouth Fire Department has the pleasure of announcing that it was awarded grant monies
from the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Grant EPS FY14 AED through the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. After the
application process was finalized, a confirmation letter was sent on March 27th notifying the
Yarmouth Fire Department it was awarded this one-time 50% reimbursement grant. The
Yarmouth Fire Department participated in this program to purchase six (6) new automated
external defibrillators. These new AED’s will be an upgrade from several current and older units
in service, as well as placing additional units on two (2) YFD apparatus that currently do not
have an AED in service. With this award, the Yarmouth Fire Department was able to purchase
these six (6) AED’s and receive $7,155.
In addition, the Yarmouth Fire Department plans to allocate two (2) units from any remaining
AED’s to two of the Town’s libraries. This initiative was approved and supported by Acting
Chief Philip Simonian. One (1) unit will be placed in the South Yarmouth Library and the other
unit in the West Yarmouth Library. Several months ago, Jayne Chouinard, the Children’s
Librarian, contacted the Yarmouth Fire Department’s EMS Supervisor, Pat Fontaine, for
information regarding the cost of purchasing an AED for the Library after attending a HeartSaver
program. The Yarmouth Libraries had applied for the same grant, but unfortunately were unable
to obtain the award. Therefore, once the grant monies were awarded to the Yarmouth Fire
Department and the purchase of the AED’s was finalized, the proper place and destination for
any surplus of AED’s was simple. Library Director Jane Cain has been very receptive to making
the libraries heart-safe establishments. Currently, there is a plan to have these units in-service at
the libraries soon. END RELEASE.
The Future of Yarmouth Fire Department’s EMS
• In the spring of 2015, Yarmouth Fire is expecting the arrival of a new ambulance. This
new ambulance will replace ambulance 55; the oldest vehicle in the fleet of five (5)
ambulances. Yarmouth Fire maintains four (4) ambulances in-service and one (1) spare.
• This spring’s fire training will be comprised of all YFD personnel, in lieu of the Live Fire
Training, participating in a one-to-two day program of Rapid Intervention Team, or RIT.
This is a vital component on the fire ground to assist firefighters during operations, and
the need to assist firefighters in distress or even danger. This is a core component in
many major cities and towns’ fire departments in protecting the lives of its firefighters.
• In the coming years, Yarmouth Fire will continue to pursue the purchase of Automated
CPR Devices to better serve the community. Early research on these devices has shown
that these devices are saving lives at an astounding rate. These devices are beneficial to
patients and EMS crews. Patients receive continuous high quality CPR and crew
members are limited in being put in “harm’s way” during transport. Several surrounding
communities have already purchased these devices and have had positive patient
outcomes. It is our belief that soon these devices will be the “Gold Standard of Care” in
Emergency Medical Services.
• Whatever the changes in EMS or the Fire services, Yarmouth Fire will continue its strive
to keep up with technology. These are just a few examples of future changes to better
serve the Town of Yarmouth and its residents.
2014 has come to an end. As I reflect on the activities of the Yarmouth Police Department over
the past year, it amazes me at the extraordinary volume of work that a department undertakes.
We will again surpass 39,513 Police Service Calls. Included in this number are 7,166 officer
initiated area checks which generally take place during the overnight hours when most of you are
asleep. This underrated service acts as the primary deterrence to criminal activity. In addition,
there are thousands of interactions and activities by members of the department that take place
and are not accounted for in any numbers. Work such as planning, managing, budgeting,
communications, technology, emergency management, policy development, and many more
services that go unnoticed but are critical to the complex operation of a professional police
department. As Chief, I assure you that the service you are receiving from the sworn and non-
sworn members of the Yarmouth Police Department is remarkable and we are doing our very
best to live up to our motto “Excellence in Policing.”
Deadly police encounters in Ferguson, Missouri and New York City, New York, and subsequent
court decisions led to disturbing and violent protests against police across the country. As your
Chief of Police, I can assure you that the Yarmouth Police Department strives to provide the very
best of police service to all members of the community. We are transparent and accountable. I
insist on strong ethics and morals from every member of the department. It is my job to ensure
that Yarmouth Officers are properly trained, properly equipped, and have the necessary staffing
to do their jobs correctly, efficiently, and safely. I hope that every one of our citizens has
confidence in the department and that if you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free
to bring your thoughts directly to me. I will welcome every opportunity to discuss the Yarmouth
Police Department with anyone.
Patrol Division
The Patrol Division is comprised of a
mix of veteran and novice male and
female police officers. Led by
Lieutenant Kevin Lennon, there are nine
sergeants and 38 patrol officers which
operate on three separate shifts. I am
impressed with their pride and
commitment to providing outstanding
service to the citizens of Yarmouth. The
Patrol Division has the responsibility of responding to all calls 24 hours a day, 365 days of the
year. The primary mission of Patrol is to respond to all emergency and non-emergency calls and
protect the lives and property of all citizens and businesses, and provide a level of service which
creates a sense of security within the community.
The role of the Patrol Division is constantly changing and must keep up with societal changes.
The police are constantly looked upon to problem solve when there are tough problems in any
community. In 2014 there were two major societal changes that the Patrol Division has
confronted that were not as prevalent in the past. They are heroin abuse and mental illness.
Although the two issues are not new, both are now consuming greater amounts of Patrol
Officers’ time and department resources. They both add increased responsibility and liability to
the Patrol Division. Training and equipment has been added to respond to both issues. The
Proactive Anti-Crime (PAC) Unit is assisting the Patrol Division with specialized attention to
mental health, Alzheimer’s disease, and heroin-related enforcement and prevention. There is
more on the heroin crisis later in this report.
The Police Dispatch Center is currently staffed by eight full time dispatchers who must maintain
strict training standards. In addition to managing the annual 39,500 Police Service Calls, they
are responsible for many other duties such as walk-in service, thousands of business line calls,
administrative requests, coordination of necessary notifications, prisoner monitoring, and many
others. Additionally, they are the Public Safety Answering Point of all of the more than 9,000
Emergency 911 phone calls in 2014. It is rare that you hear of their importance to public safety
which is why I bring this to your attention. Our Police Department Dispatchers are vital to
providing professional public safety service to the citizens of Yarmouth and I applaud their
incredible contributions to the safety of the citizens of Yarmouth and our Police Officers.
The profession of Emergency Dispatch is constantly being infused with new technology and
training requirements and at the same time we are continuously looking for ways to improve
emergency communications. In 2015, we are contemplating plans to consolidate public safety
dispatch within the Town of Yarmouth with the sole goal of providing better and more efficient
public safety response particularly during life threating emergencies and crimes in progress.
The Detective Division is comprised of veteran police officers. Led by Lieutenant Michael A.
Bryant, the Detective Division consists of five detectives and two PAC officers. The Detective
Division continues to handle cases at an ever-increasing complexity and volume such as sexual
abuse and computer fraud. Detectives continue to be proactive in arresting and prosecuting drug
dealers and offenders. With the addition of new tools and technology such as the Pawn Shop
Database, cell phone, and video evidence, our detectives now have innovative and efficient
means to investigate and solve crime with high efficiency. The solvability rate on breaking and
entering into homes, businesses, and vehicles is short of remarkable considering the wide range
use of opiates. One detective solved 60% of his cases compared to the national rate of 18%. The
Drug Enforcement Unit has made unprecedented seizures of heroin and must continue to do so in
order to impede the crimes related to opioid abuse.
Proactive Anti-Crime Unit (PAC)
Thanks to the support of the Board of Selectman and the citizens of
Yarmouth, the PAC Unit was funded for one year. The PAC Unit
has the unique ability to perform a variety of community police
activities while also focusing on emerging crime and trends that
require concentrated attention. The PAC Unit is now an essential
function of modern policing that will result in a more responsive
department and safer community.
Community Policing
In 2014, the men and women of the Yarmouth Police Department continued to move strongly
forward through effective community policing as we follow our strategic plan and transform
Yarmouth into the “safest community in the region.”
Community policing emphasizes partnerships
with the community and other government
agencies; problem solving and prioritization;
and, most importantly, placing emphasis on
crime prevention and accountability as well
as transparency and inclusion. In addition to
preventing crime and apprehending and
prosecuting those who violate the law, the
Yarmouth Police Department conducts events
throughout the year designed to help those in
need and build trust and long lasting
Some of our Community Policing Programs that we developed and participated in for 2014 were:
• Polar Plunge for Yarmouth Seniors
• Operation ‘Safe Ride Home’
• ‘Learn To Cope’ Addiction Recovery and Support Meetings Every Tuesday Night
• 6th Annual YPD Blue Cape Cod Athletic Club Holiday Classic Run/Walk
• MADD ‘Tie One On For Safety’ Red Ribbon Day
• ‘Secret Santa’ for Seniors
• Special ‘Silver Alert’ Program for People At Risk
• ‘Blue Ball Open’ Fundraiser for Veterans Racquetball Tournament
• ‘Stuff A Cruiser with Food for Families in Need’ for Yarmouth Food Pantry
• Special Neighborhood Crime Watch Meeting Focusing on the Drug
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Olympia Fish House
• Wounded Warrior Project Motorcycle Escort
• Wounded Warrior Project Cape Cod Soldier Bicycle Ride
• ‘Bagged By A Cop’ Grocery Bag Bundling
• United States Marine Corps Reserve ‘Toys for Tots’
• Back to School ‘Shop with a Cop’
• Yarmouth 911 Memorial Garden Project Fundraiser
• National Night Out Against Crime
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod in Yarmouth Port
• 5th Annual ‘Big Nick’s Ride for the Fallen’ Memorial Motorcycle Ride
• Yarmouth Community Red Cross Blood Drive
• ‘Hot Dogs with the Chief’ at Olde C Dogs
• Alcohol Awareness Seminar for Yarmouth Liquor Licensees
• Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Sample Sale
• Mill Hill Club ‘End of an Era’ Demolition Day
• 8th Massachusetts Special Olympics ‘Law Enforcement Torch Run’
• 2nd Annual ‘First Responder Appreciation’ Motorcycle Ride
• ‘Chowdah with the Chief’ at the Skipper Restaurant and Chowder House
• 7th Annual YPD Blue 5K ‘Run To Remember’
• Buy an Ice Cream Treat and Support Independence House at Dairy Queen
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Peterson’s Market
• 19th Annual Mock Impaired Driving Crash at D-Y Regional High School with the YFD
• Celebrate ‘Earth Day’ in Yarmouth with Yarmouth Parks Department
• Drug Awareness Seminar for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals
• Neighborhood Crime Watch Block Captains Meeting
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Yarmouth Senior Center
• White Ribbon Day to End Violence Against Woman
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Big Al’s Breakfast and Lunch
• ‘Every Child Deserves a Toothbrush’ Community Toothbrush Drive
• Adult Drug Recognition and Awareness Classes at D-Y Regional High School
• 4th Annual US Marine Corporal Nicholas G. Xiarhos Memorial Blood Drive
• ‘Coffee with the Chief’ at Hearth ‘N Kettle
• Veterans Benefits and PTSD Awareness Assistance Day at YPD Headquarters
Heroin Use
Prescription painkiller dependence has been greatly reduced thanks to our government and others
working with doctors and drug companies. Unfortunately, many people have substituted pills
with inexpensive and highly addictive heroin. Mexican drug cartels, who are now the world’s
largest heroin producers, have flooded the United States with unprecedented amounts of cheap
heroin. Across the country and in Yarmouth, heroin use has risen to levels that have never been
seen. In response, the Yarmouth Police Department continues to be proactive and is working
diligently with Town officials, Town agencies, other law enforcement agencies, as well as public
and private health organization in order to reduce heroin abuse which directly affects the quality
of life of all Yarmouth citizens.
In almost all cases, police officers are first responders to overdoses. In order to provide a better
police emergency response to the surge in overdoses, in March of 2014 Governor Duval Patrick
authorized police officers to carry and administer Narcan (Naloxone) which is a nasal spray
used to reverse the effects of opioid overdose. All Yarmouth officers were trained in the use of
Naloxone and began to carry Narcan in September of 2014. In the last four months of 2014,
Yarmouth police officers successfully reversed eight life-threatening overdoses with the use of
In 2014, Yarmouth police officers responded to 78 overdoses; 56 were directly caused by heroin;
the remaining 22 were caused by another substance or could not be proven to be heroin. Below
are charts that further breakdown the 56 confirmed heroin overdose responses by the Yarmouth
Police Department in 2014. It is interesting to note that the Yarmouth Police did not get called to
any heroin overdoses of persons under age 21.
56 Heroin Overdose Responses
By Yarmouth Police in 2014
Refused Treatment -1
Fled Scene - 1
Dead -5
No Narcan - 16
Narcan By Citizen - 3
Narcan by Fire - 22
Narcan By Police - 8
2014 Overdose Response by Gender
Male 42
Female 14
Yarmouth Police Community Advisory Team (YPCAT)
The Yarmouth Police Community Advisory Team (YPCAT) has become an important volunteer
branch of the Yarmouth Police Department. Composed of a diverse group of retirees, local
business owners, and energetic volunteers, this group has become invaluable. With the help of
the YPCAT, we have grown our Neighborhood Crime Watch program from 11 blocks in 2011,
to 100 currently. The YPCAT was an important piece of our 2012 New England Association of
Chiefs of Police Community Policing Award and YPCAT has now branched out and has taken
the lead on all important Alzheimer Disease initiatives. The goal is to create a database of all
persons in Town who suffer from this condition should they wander, with the intent of returning
them home quickly and safely. The YPCAT is also looking to expand this to other segments of
our population who have a tendency to wander.
The YPCAT has recently created the Yarmouth Police Foundation. This 501c (3) non-profit
will operate as a separate entity from the police department and look to raise funds for police-
related equipment.
Cape Cod’s First Teen Police Explorers Group
In the fall of 2014, the Yarmouth and Dennis Police Departments, led by Yarmouth Police
Department School Resource Officer Nicholas Pasquarosa and Dennis Police Department
Detective Patrick McCaffrey, teamed up with the Cape and Islands Council of Boy Scouts to
create the first-ever on Cape Cod Yarmouth-Dennis Police Explorers Group Post 1. This special
group of 13 Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School students met once a week in the evening
over a 10-week period and received specialized training in many areas of law enforcement and
community service and became members of Yarmouth-Dennis Community Emergency
Response Team. Our Y-D CERT team supports Town departments and non-profit organizations
in the operation of planned events such as parades, road races, fireworks displays, flu clinics, and
food drives. The team’s core mission is to be of service during unplanned events such as
hurricanes and winter storms and is a key component of the regional shelter system.
There were three retirements of long-term Yarmouth Police Officers in 2014:
Detective Sergeant Charles E. Peterson - Detective Sergeant Charles “Chuck” Peterson served
over 34 years and began his career with the Yarmouth Police Department as a Reserve Police
Officer in 1979 and served in many capacities. Some of them were Patrol Officer, K9 Patrol
Officer, Field Training Officer, Detective, Drug Enforcement Detective, and Detective Sergeant.
In addition, Sergeant Peterson also earned three college degrees; a Master of Arts in Criminal
Justice, a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, and an Associate in Arts in Law Enforcement
and has been awarded over 40 official awards and commendations.
Patrol Officer Cheryl B. Nugent Gomsey - Patrol Officer Cheryl Nugent Gomsey served 27
years with the Yarmouth Police Department. Officer Nugent Gomsey began her career with the
Yarmouth Police Department in 1987 and served in many capacities such as Patrol Officer,
Acting Patrol Sergeant, DARE Officer, Adopt-A-School Officer, Sexual Assault Investigator,
and Citizen Police Academy Instructor. Furthermore, Patrol Officer Nugent Gomsey earned a
Master of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College, a Bachelor of Business
Administration Degree from the University of Massachusetts, and was the recipient of numerous
Police Department Awards and Commendations.
Patrol Officer Richard White – Patrol Officer Richard F. White served 27 years with the
Yarmouth Police Department. Officer White began his career with the Yarmouth Police
Department, also in 1987, and served in a wide variety of capacities such as Patrol Officer,
DARE Officer, Adopt-A-School Officer, Mountain Bike Unit Member, SWAT Officer, Honor
Guard Leader, and Military Support Officer. In addition, Patrol Officer White served three years
as an active duty soldier in the United States Army and 18 years as a Military Police officer in
the United States Army National Guard. Patrol Officer White also earned an Associate’s Degree
in Applied Science from Central Texas College as well as a Bachelor of Science Degree from
Western New England College.
I thank all three for their many years of outstanding service to the Town of Yarmouth. They
deserve a happy and long retirement.
New Employees
In 2014, the Yarmouth Police Department added Patrol Officer Connor B. Burnham of Harwich.
Patrol Officer Burnham graduated from the Municipal Police Officers Class of the Plymouth
Regional Police Academy in 2013 and has served as a full-time Patrol Officer with the Chatham
Police Department for almost two years. Patrol Officer Burnham earned a Bachelor of Science
Degree in Criminal Justice and
Homeland Security from the
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
in May 2012, and is a Class of 2007
graduate of Harwich High School
where he was a three sport athlete,
excelling in baseball, basketball, and
soccer, and was chosen as an All Cape
and the Islands All Star.
Police Dispatcher Sean M. Ryan was promoted from part-time Reserve Officer to full-time
Police Dispatcher. Police Dispatcher Ryan served for four years as a Security Officer at Cape
Cod Hospital and is a graduate of the Massachusetts Police Officers Training Council Reserve
Police Officer Academy.
Special Employee Transfer
After nearly 30 years of full-time service, Yarmouth Police Department Dispatcher Jayne
Fogarty applied for and was selected to serve in a new position with the Town of Yarmouth at
our Natural Resources Division. During her career at the Yarmouth Police Department,
Dispatcher Fogarty received numerous departmental awards, citations, and commendations for
honorable and excellent service. Dispatcher Fogarty is a graduate of Dennis-Yarmouth Regional
High School and earned an Associate in Arts Degree from Long Beach City College in Long
Beach, California. We were so fortunate to have Jayne as part of our team and she will always
be part of our Yarmouth Police Department Family. We all wish her continued success in her
new position.
In summary, I am quite proud of the level of professionalism and service that the men and
women of the Yarmouth Police Department provided to the citizens and visitors of Yarmouth. It
is important to know that as the Police Chief, I work for you.
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions. My email address is
ffredrickson@yarmouth.ma.us. I will also continue the monthly “Coffee with the Chief” events
around Town in 2015. They are a great opportunity to communicate and share information. I
hope you all have a safe and happy 2015.
Frank G. Frederickson,
Chief of Police
The Building Department’s objective is the protection of the lives and property of the residents,
guests, and visitors to the Town of Yarmouth, and contributes to the economic development
through enforcement of the Massachusetts State Building Code as well as other associated codes
and bylaws. These include, but are not limited to, Town of Yarmouth Zoning By-laws, National
Electric Code, Massachusetts Plumbing and Gas Codes, and the Architectural Access Board
(Handicap Access Code).
In enforcing these codes we review architectural and engineered plans, issue permits when
complete applications are received, and meet all of the legal requirements, perform inspections,
answer code and bylaw questions, investigate complaints, and write violations when necessary.
The Building Department also responds to emergency situations (fires, floods, storm damage,
and vehicle impacts) along with the Fire and Police Departments. The Building Commissioner is
Chairman of the Site Plan Review Team, and a member of the Motel Team, Projects Oversight
Team, and has staff present whenever the Emergency Operations Center is declared open.
All of our inspectors are required to be licensed in their respective field and maintain
certification using a state-approved curriculum. We receive these continuing education units
(CEU) through affiliations with numerous organizations. The credit hours are discounted to
members, with many classes available. Some of these affiliations are:
SEMBOA - Southeastern Massachusetts Building Officials Association
MBCIA – Massachusetts Building Commissioners and Inspectors Association
IAEI – International Association of Electrical Inspectors
MECA – Massachusetts Electrical Contractors Association
Cape Cod Plumbing and Gasfitting Association
New England Plumbing and Gasfitting Association
Every year the Building Department, in conjunction with other departments, conducts
inspections on over 3,500 hotel and motel rooms to verify that all rooms can be safely occupied
and are compliant with current building codes. Liquor license inspections totaled 68, not
including reinspections when found to be non-compliant. These inspections are required by state
law and also include several other departments as part of a team approach.
The Building Department began opening the public window at 7:00 a.m. in 2012, expanding the
hours. This has been well received by contractors and homeowners alike. In July of 2014, the
hours of operation were again modified in two ways: hours are Monday, Wednesday, and
Thursday: 8:00-4:30; Tuesday: 8:00-7:00; and Friday: 8:00-2:00. The creation of a full-time
front office assistant allowed the extended hours. We are also continuing work with the
implementation of an online permit application program that will allow other Town departments
and the public to better access permit and property information, which in turn allows us to
improve our services. The hours will continue until at least July 2015, at which time we will
review the usefulness of the extended hours and determine if this is the best way to serve the
We have seen an increase in permits since July 2014 and expect this trend to continue as the
weather improves.
The merger of the Health and Building Departments, creating the Inspectional Services
Department, has allowed for better communication between the departments and more oversight.
The Inspectional Services Department looks forward to continue serving the public in the
coming years and we appreciate your support.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Grylls, CBO
Director of Inspectional Services / Building Commissioner
Activity for Fiscal Year 2014, ending June 30, 2014, is as follows:
TYPE 2014 2013
New Dwellings 25 20 14
Multi-Family 0 1 0
Commercial 158 162 101
Additions/Alterations 1556 1649 1517
Demolition 33 27 23
Use & Occupancy 33 41 43
TOTAL 1805 1900 1698
2014 2013 2012 2014 2013 2012
Inc. Use & Occ. 1805 1900 1698 207,728.00 277,714.00 177,646.00
Wiring Permits 1771 1494 1217 134,220.00 109,397.00 88,896.00
Plumbing Permits 838 885 696 65,595.00 64,445.00 50,730.00
Gas Permits 1078 1114 807 60,951.00 61,520.00 42,220.00
Cert. of Inspection 181 209 225 27,906.00 29,332.00 2,805.00
New Sign Permits 122 150 158 4,010.00 4,640.00 4,880.00
Re-Inspections 233 116 90 18,610.00 9,270.00 7,230.00
Lot Inquiries 23 16 15 1,725.00 1,200.00 1,125.00
Apts. (Inspections
required every 2
26 0 3
640.00 0 75.00
Trench Permits 260 372 256 13005.00 12,250.00 12,800.00
Bld. Code
0 3 0 0 300.00 0.0
Multi-family 0 1 1 0 675.00 1,279.00
TOTAL 533,965.00 570,743.00 416,786.00
2014 2013 2012 PLUMBING/GAS 2014 2013
Building Insp. 5648 5007 4186 Permit Inspections 1941 1919 1806
Certificates of
Inspections 298 267 317 Fires
Code/Violation 265 218 200
Stop Work
Orders Posted 12 11 5
Stop Work
Orders Verbal 18 16 25 ELECTRICAL 2014 2013
Zoning Related 176 146 126 Permit Inspections 3356 2881 2540
King’s/Historic 6 4 0 Fires
Liquor License
w/o Certificate
of Inspection
15 9 20
Enforcement 15 12 12
Building Code-
Violation Visits 103 72 74 COMPLAINTS 2014 2013
Fire Responses 12 6 14 Building 109 64 127
Zoning 114 137 142
Motor Vehicles
45 30 38
2014 2013 2012 Boats & Rec.
16 26 11
Site Plan
17 25
Unsafe Structures
Permit Consult 131 115 122
Court Activity 6 17 31
0 0 0
Citations 28 56 68
Access Board
0 2 2
The year 2014 again witnessed the continuation of many Board of Health programs designed for
protection of the environment and public health.
The Board amended their Tobacco Regulation by increasing the minimum age to 21 for sale of
all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine. The Board also banned
the sale of all flavored tobacco products, and banned the use of electronic cigarettes in public
The Board continued to inform the public about the proper disposal of medications for the
protection of the community’s drinking water, as well as for the protection of ponds, rivers, and
coastal estuaries. The Police Department, which has been the lead agency for this program, now
has an unwanted prescription drug collection box, which is available 24/7, located at Police
This was the fifth year of the Town’s Farmers Market located at the Cultural Center in South
Yarmouth. The Health Division oversaw the weekly food and vegetable offerings.
The Department of Public Health beach regulations went into effect during the summer of 2010.
The regulations expanded the current water sampling requirements and addressed posting signs
informing bathers of water quality testing. The Health Division oversees the testing of twenty-
two salt water and ten fresh water beaches on a weekly basis, from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
The Department closed several beaches for a one-day duration due to high bacteria counts after
rain storms, or from water fowl. Testing results can be viewed on the Division’s website.
The Board of Health held 17 meetings in 2014. Discussions included the above topics, along
with discussions on septic system variances for new home construction and septic repairs, beach
water quality, rabies baiting, youth tobacco control, and flu shot clinics.
Ongoing programs include inspections, conducted by the Health Division Office staff, of
restaurants, retail food stores, motels, cabins, camps, public swimming pools and whirlpools,
rental housing units, along with responding to various complaints received by the Department
involving trash, overflowing sewage, rodents, and housing complaints of overcrowding, noise,
no heat or no water, etc. The Division office also performed soil analyses to determine
suitability of building lots. The Health Division Office staff reviewed all Building Division
permit applications to ensure adequacy of the septic system as required by state law, prior to the
issuance of any building permit. The staff also attended Commercial Site Plan Review meetings
to ensure that all new construction and renovations met with all health codes, i.e., septic systems,
and groundwater protection.
The Health Division Office continued to oversee three grants during 2014. The first grant was
from the State Department of Public Health for tobacco control, to offer education and cessation
programs, control smoking in public places indoors, and conduct compliance inspections. The
second grant was for assistance to moderate income families for pumping their septic systems.
The third grant was for the assistance to families for the repair of septic systems.
Amy von Hone, Assistant Health Director, coordinated the Rabies Control Program.
Rabies is a disease caused by a virus which attacks the central nervous system and the brain.
There are numerous strains of rabies that are species specific that exist throughout the world and
this country. Bat rabies have been endemic in this state for many years. Although certain
animals are more sensitive to a particular strain of rabies, the disease can be transmitted between
warm-blooded species, which includes pet cats and dogs, and even to humans. Because the virus
concentrates in the saliva of the infected animal, the disease is usually transmitted by a bite or
scratch, or by contact with the infected saliva.
Massachusetts has been infected by the Mid-Atlantic strain of raccoon rabies since September,
1992. In response to the discovery of rabies in Massachusetts, an Oral Rabies Vaccine Baiting
Program (ORV) was instituted to prevent the spread of rabies on Cape Cod. Bait containing
rabies vaccine was distributed along the Cape Cod Canal to vaccinate our wildlife against the
rabies disease. The program was successful for about 10 years. After the initial breach of the
disease to Cape Cod in 2002, Yarmouth’s first rabid raccoon was discovered in September, 2004.
Yarmouth has participated in the ORV program since 2005, as the baiting program has shifted
eastward from the canal to Provincetown. Yarmouth conducted two modified baitings (April and
October 2014) this year, targeting raccoon habitat within Town borders through the placement of
bait stations and distribution by hand with the help of Health Division and Natural Resources
Division personnel. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is the only
remaining funding source of the ORV program, continues to study and modify the program to
provide the most benefit with the limited vaccine supplies due to funding cuts.
For the last six years, there were no terrestrial animals, wild or domestic, that tested positive for
rabies from Provincetown to Yarmouth. The vaccine baiting zone for this year is
Brewster/Harwich westward to Mashpee/Sandwich, with the intent of pushing the disease back
toward the Cape Cod Canal and eventually off the peninsula. The success of the program due to
its collaborative efforts between the many federal, state, municipal, and private agencies has
been recognized nationally and is being used as a model for programs elsewhere.
Even though we have not had any rabies positive specimens over the last six years, the potential
still exists. All Town departments involved with our rabies response continue to make the extra
effort to respond to inquiries as quickly as possible to prevent any further exposures to both
humans and pets.
A tally of the animals tested in Yarmouth is listed below:
Tally of Animals
Tested 2014 2013 2012
Cats 2 1 2
Dogs 4 0 0
Raccoons 1 0 0
Skunks 0 0 2
Squirrels 0 0 1
Opossum 0 0 0
Woodchuck 0 0 0
Bats 6 12 13 (1 positive;
1 unsatisfactory)
Muskrats 0 0 0
Coyotes 0 0 1
Animals Total: 13
(0 tested positive
for rabies)
(0 tested positive
for rabies)
(1 bat tested positive
for rabies)
All animals tested were involved with either a human or pet exposure.
The Health Division is especially grateful to the Division of Natural Resources and Animal
Control, who have continued to be a key component of the Town’s rabies response team. Their
timeliness, knowledge and professionalism have made a potentially dangerous environment
much safer for our Town’s citizens and pets. Additionally, we wish to express our appreciation
to Animal Inspector Marilyn McIntyre for her professionalism with animal quarantines and barn
inspections, and to local veterinary offices, Hyannis Animal Hospital, Veterinary Associates of
Cape Cod, and Cape Wildlife Center (H.S.U.S.), for their help and expertise with ongoing rabies
and quarantine cases.
As always, the Health Division emphasizes the importance of vaccinating all cats and dogs, as
required by law, to prevent the spread of rabies. Because household pets, especially cats, are the
common link between infected wildlife and humans, pets must be properly restrained and
identified. Humans should avoid contact with all stray animals and wildlife and should notify
the Health Division Office or Division of Natural Resources immediately in the event of a
potential rabid exposure (human or pet) or the sighting of a strangely acting animal.
The Board of Health offers health preventative programs, such as preschool immunizations,
diabetic screenings, nutritional and adult health counseling clinics. The Board of Health also
monitors fifteen human service agencies, which provides various community health services to
the Townspeople. The fifteen Human Service agencies are as follows:
This agency provides care for people and families living with HIV/AIDS. They provide a full
range of HIV-related and supportive case management services such as nutritional support,
transportation assistance, facilitating access to medical treatment, mental health care, and
substance abuse services. They also provide a full range of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and other
sexually transmitted infection screening and prevention education. The Health Division
partnered with the Police Department in offering NARCAN workshops on overdose prevention.
This Human Services grant funds the “Connect Yarmouth” initiative. The program connects
visually and/or print disabled Yarmouth residents with vital and informative programming 24/7.
The “Connect Yarmouth” initiative provides special radios as part of the statewide radio
network. This allows the visually or print impaired to listen to daily and weekly newspapers,
shopping guides, etc.
This agency’s purpose is to help children cope with the special problems they face growing up in
single parent homes. The goal is to match children to dedicated and caring adults who will be
good role models and provide the adult friendship and guidance. The agency also provides all
children in the program, matched and unmatched, with activities that will enrich their lives
during their formative years and teach them how to get along with one another.
This agency provides vocational rehabilitation to handicapped citizens. Vocational services have
as a goal, after assessment and skill training, placement in a setting which optimizes an
individual’s level of functioning. CapeAbilities also offers a variety of rehabilitation services to
assist residents who have a disability to live more independently.
The Head Start Program was launched in 1965 as part of the War on Poverty by President
Johnson. It emphasizes parental involvement and comprehensive services to preschool children
(ages 3-5) and their families. The services include health and dental screenings, immunizations,
early detection of physical and mental disabilities, motivational development, nutrition and
general preparation of children for entry into public education. Studies have shown that the
children having experienced Head Start show lasting gains in school performance.
The Cape Cod Child Development Program, in addition to the federally funded Head Start
Program, furnishes day care services to working parents. These children and their families are
served in a variety of day care models including family day care, preschool day care, and after
school day care at their location in West Yarmouth.
The Early Childhood Intervention Program provides services to children from birth to three (3)
years of age who are physically handicapped, mentally retarded, brain damaged, or seem delayed
in their development. Services are also furnished to the families of children in weekly home
This agency provides multi-service outreach serving low-income families by providing
assistance with utilities, rent, and food. The center operates with donations from member
churches, the community, income from the thrift and furniture shops, along with some Town and
federal grants.
This agency provides 24 hour shelter/program for adults who are homeless and have a history of
substance abuse. The agency provides case management, AA meetings, counseling, employment
training, and life skills.
Duffy Health Center provides medical, mental health, substance abuse, and case management
services to persons who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness.
Yarmouth provides the second highest number of patients in the county.
Gosnold serves men, women, children, and families who are affected by problems of alcohol
and/or drug use and mental or emotional disorders (depression, anxiety, bi-polar, marital/family
conflict, eating, etc.). Gosnold provides 163 beds for inpatient care, outpatient substance abuse
services, and outpatient mental health services.
This agency provides, free-of-charge digital home monitoring blood pressure cuffs to patients
with hypertension. The agency also provides social services, health care, and dental services.
Independence House, established in 1979, is the Cape’s only resource center for battered women,
their children, and rape and sexual assault survivors. A program of services is provided to
women who have been threatened with or have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
The Independence House MVP (Mentors in Violence Prevention) project is offered at the high
school. The project works to empower teens to engage with each other to promote safe and
positive in-person and online dating and interactions with each other. Teens develop skills in
becoming active bystanders in prevention of teen dating violence and increasing healthy peer
relationships. The project focuses on empowering young people to support abused peers and
also confront abusive peers.
Sight Loss Services is the only Cape agency providing support and information services to the
newly blind, the visually impaired, and people with progressive eye disease.
The V.N.A. is contracted by the Town and provides health-oriented instructional care and
services to individuals and to entire families in the home or other appropriate locations. The
agency has been serving Yarmouth residents for over 75 years.
Comprised of nurses, home health aides, therapists, and social workers, the skilled V.N.A. staff
works closely with the Health Division Office to provide the highest quality and most advanced
home care available today.
On-going programs under the Board of Health include: health counseling/screening sessions,
such as diabetic, hearing and cholesterol; flu clinics; maternal/child care visits; adult home health
assessments; and monthly immunizations for preschool children held at the V.N.A. office.
Health promotional programs include information and encouragement to first-time mothers.
The services provided by the V.N.A. are as follows:
Office Visits
Special Programs
Walking Program
Medical Social Work
Office Immunizations
Ask a Nurse at the Senior Center
Visits for Maternal/Child Health
Children for Preschool Immunization
Hours for Health Counseling/Screening
Investigation of Communicable Diseases
Hours for Flu Clinic and Pre-filled Syringes
The Food Pantry provides food to low income families. The Food Pantry continues to grow with
3,688 clients from 1,700 households. The Food Pantry works with the Greater Boston Food
Bank and donations from residents and local organizations. There are more than 100 volunteers
who work tirelessly to feed those in need.
Additional or expanded services are continually under review by the Board. Again planned for
the upcoming year are the annual flu clinics (approximately 300 seasonal flu shots in October
2014), multiple educational programs, Skin Saver, breast mammography, cholesterol screening,
glaucoma clinics, a health fair at the Senior Center, and a walking program.
In conjunction with the Yarmouth Restaurant Association, the Health Division Office staff
offered a ServSafe course for food service establishments.
The Health Division Office also assisted in scheduling a series of pool safety certification
courses for motel personnel, which included C.P.R. and standard first aid.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health adopted a new regulation, which became
effective in April 2001, requiring bathing beaches to be tested weekly. The Department of
Public Health’s intent is to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of the users of bathing
The Yarmouth Health Division, in conjunction with the Barnstable County Health Department,
conducted multiple testing at 24 salt water and 10 fresh water bathing beaches on a weekly basis
from Memorial Day through Labor Day. A total of 435 samples were collected.
Over the course of the summer, a total of three beach closures occurred due to elevated bacteria
levels, probably caused by runoff from heavy rains. All beaches were reopened within 24-48
hours after successful retests.
The only way to protect yourself is to keep mosquitoes from biting you. Follow these steps
every summer if you live in or visit an area with mosquitoes:
Avoid outdoor activities after dark (between dusk and dawn), if possible, as this is the
time of greatest mosquito activity.
If you must be outdoors when mosquitoes are active, wear long-sleeved shirts and long
pants. Use mosquito repellent that contains DEET (the chemical N-N-diethyl-meta-
toluamide) and follow the directions on the label. DEET can be toxic if overused. Never
use DEET on infants. Avoid using repellents with DEET concentrations above 15% for
children and with concentrations above 35% for adults. Cream, lotion, or stick formulas
are best. Avoid products with high amounts of alcohol.
Take special care to cover up the arms and legs of children playing outdoors. When you
bring a baby outdoors, cover the baby’s carriage or playpen with mosquito netting.
Fix any holes in your screens and make sure they are tightly attached to all your doors
and windows.
To reduce mosquito populations around your home and neighborhood, get rid of any standing
water that is available for mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes will breed in any puddle or standing
water that lasts for more than four days. Here are some simple steps you can take:
Dispose of metal cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots, and other water holding
containers that have collected on your property.
Pay special attention to discarded tires that may have collected on your property. Tires
are a common place for mosquitoes to breed.
Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers that are left out doors, so that water can
drain out.
Clean clogged roof gutters.
Turn over plastic wading pools and wheelbarrows when not in use, and do not allow
water to stagnate in birdbaths.
Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish. Keep swimming pools clean and
properly chlorinated.
Use landscaping to eliminate standing water that collects on your property.
The Board of Health amended their Tobacco Regulation by increasing the minimum age to 21
for sale of all tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes and liquid nicotine. The Board
also banned the sale of all flavored tobacco products, and banned the use of electronic cigarettes
in public places.
The Board adopted a regulation prohibiting smoking within restaurants, lounges and bars,
effective April 3, 2000. The Massachusetts Smoke-Free Workplace Law and the Massachusetts
law prohibiting smoking within public places went into effect on July 5, 2004. Several
compliance checks were performed with six (6) violations observed. The Health Division
continues to work with the Cape Cod Regional Tobacco Control Program in offering education,
smoking cessation programs, and compliance checks to prevent youth access.
The Yarmouth Health Division continues to administer the State Title 5 Septic Regulations that
took effect in March of 1995, working with the public, handling inquiries, requests for deep and
perc tests, plan reviews, permits, and final septic inspections. Many of these were for the
installation of septic systems for real estate sales, new construction, construction/renovation, and
septic repairs. The Board has delegated authority to Health Division staff to approve septic
repair variances “in house” after review of engineered plans for maximum feasible compliance,
to expedite the permitting process. The staff reviewed and approved 91 septic variances under
this criterion. The new Title 5 Regulations also require the Health Division Office to review and
comment on septic system evaluation reports on every real estate sales transaction. There were
491 Septic Inspection Reports reviewed between January and December 2014.
Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems –
Breakdown of Information:
2014 2013 2012
Variances – Maximum Feasible Compliance 73 91 108
Septic Inspection Reports 491 503 565
Private Sewage Treatment Plant Reports 96 96 96
Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems –
Breakdown of Information (con’t):
2014 2013 2012
Final Sewage Installation Inspections 370 397 369
Engineered Sewage Plans Reviewed 1,031 941 921
Deep Hole/Percolation Tests 310 461 469
Repair Permits Issued 291 272 246
New Permits Issued 24 26 16
Field Visits 103 98 91
Starting in the year 2000, the State Title 5 septic regulations affected people living within the
Town’s Zone II drinking watershed areas. New construction and additions/renovations
increasing septic system flows are now required to size the septic system at 110 gallons per
bedroom per 10,000 square feet of land. This section of Title 5 is for the protection of the
drinking water. With this new section of the regulation in effect, the Board of Health rescinded
their 1986 Nitrate Loading Regulation, which placed a restriction on the number of bedrooms
and lawn area.
The Board of Health continues to monitor the first approvals in the State, from the Department of
Environmental Protection, to allow an alternative septic technology installation.
Alternative Septic Technology Systems: Residential Commercial
Bioren 1 0
F.A.S.T. 38 8
Bioclere 12 13
Singulair 22 0
Jet 1 0
SeptiTech 1 1
Waterloo Biofilter 1 0
Incinolet (Removed) 1 1
Amphidrome 0 2
Advantex 3 0
Pirana 0 4
White Knight 1 0
Aero-Stream 2 0
Perc Rite 3 0
Aerobic Hoot 1 0
Sludgehammer 1 0
Total Alternative Systems 88 29
This program, which is administered by the Health Division Office, was responsible for many of
the Town’s failing septic systems being upgraded. Continuing implementation of this program
includes: septic system maintenance pamphlets, consultations, along with sewage system
location cards and pumping histories that are provided by the Health Division staff to assist
homeowners in locating their septic system for routine maintenance pumping. As required by
State law, the Health Division Office reviews all building permits to determine the adequacy of
the septic system for all projects involving building alterations and/or renovations, and requires
upgrading of all cesspools to a new septic system, which is helping to ensure protection of the
Town’s groundwater quality.
As a condition of receiving federal and state assistance for the construction of the septage
treatment facility, the Board of Health was required to adopt a septic system inspection and
maintenance regulation to protect the public health and our vital sole-source water supply.
In order to ensure that a septic system continues proper operation, it is necessary from time to
time to remove the accumulated solids and sludge from the bottom of the septic tank or cesspool.
It is particularly important to keep the solids from being carried over into and clogging the
leaching system. The rate of accumulation of solids is primarily related to the intensity of use
(i.e., how many people are using the septic system; is the septic system used all year or only
seasonally; is a garbage grinder used - not recommended), so the time interval between
pumpings will vary for each home. Therefore, the regulation recommends that all systems be
pumped every four years. The free inspections offered by Town agents to determine if a septic
pump out is needed, was discontinued due to budget cuts.
The Yarmouth Board of Health was required to adopt regulations requiring the pumping of septic
tanks once every four years with certain waiver provisions. This requirement was a result of an
E.P.A./Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection grant of monies to the Town for
construction of the Septage Treatment Plant. This grant encourages assistance to low and
moderate income residents in complying with the regulation, as well as assistance in
repairing/replacing failed septic systems. Oil tank removal and replacement is no longer funded.
Carl Lawson oversees the installation and repair portion of the program, while Brian Heaslip
oversees the septic pumping reimbursement portion.
The statistics for grant awards are as follows:
Septic System Repairs: 2014 2013 2012
Low Income 1 2 1
Very Low Income 2 0 1
Extremely Low Income 1 0 4
Did Not Qualify 1 1 2
Withdrew 3 3 2
Septic Pumping: 2014 2013 2012
Low Income 8 1 11
Very Low Income 3 1 8
Extremely Low Income 2 4 6
The Health Division continued to monitor and review engineered plans, and monthly operational
and maintenance reports, along with the Department of Environmental Protection (D.E.P.), for
private sewage treatment facilities.
There are presently operating within the Town, the following private treatment plants:
1. Buck Island Condominium 94 Living Units: 50,000 GPD on 32 acres, 1978
2. Cove Motel Route 28 - 229 Time Sharing Units, 194 Seat Restaurant, and
Health Facility: 39,900 GPD on 23.6 acres, 1986
3. King’s Way Route 6A - 667 Living Units (including 191 “Senior Living
Units”), 123 Seat Restaurant, General Store, Post Office, Pool
Club House, Golf Club House, Health Facility, and 18 Hole
Golf Course: 1 65,000 GPD on 200 acres, 1988
4. Mayflower Place Buck Island Road - A congregate care retirement community
consisting of 102 Congregate Living Units, and a 72 Bed
Nursing Home: 25,000 GPD on 40 acres, 1989
5. Thirwood Place At Flax Pond, North Main Street - A congregate living facility
for the elderly comprised of 188 Living Units, and a 90 Seat
Dining Hall: 24,000 GPD on 45 acres, 1989
6. Mill Pond Village Camp Street – Housing complex consisting of 136 houses:
45,870 GPD on approximately 27 acres, 2006
7. D-Y Regional High School Station Avenue – 17,000 GPD, 2006
Carl Lawson is the Town’s Hazardous Waste Inspector. Carl’s duties include administering the
Board of Health regulation, “Handling & Storage of Toxic or Hazardous Materials,” to 186
businesses within the Town, to ensure all businesses are handling and storing hazardous or toxic
materials properly for the protection of the environment and public health. The regulation was
adopted by the Board of Health on March 26, 1990 and requires annual registration and licensure
for those businesses handling or storing toxic or hazardous materials or generating hazardous
waste in the Town of Yarmouth.
Board of Health Hearings 3 5 1
Businesses Contacted 81 242 239
Businesses Inspected 107 158 231
21E Site Research 2 2 5
Licenses Issued 185 155 172
Field Visits 75 149 127
Water Sampling 9 9 6
Hazardous Materials Complaints:
Radon 0 0 0
Asbestos 0 0 1
Fuel Tanks 0 0 0
Oil Spills 5 5 5
Toxic Chemicals 0 0 1
Medical Waste 0 0 0
HAZARDOUS WASTE ACTIVITIES (con’t): 2014 2013 2012
Mold 0 1 3
Miscellaneous 7 8 6
Follow Up’s 79 137 132
D.E.P. Confirmed Hazardous Sites: Active 32 38 37
Closed 101 93 93
Field Visits 1 1 0
Follow Up’s 0 1 0
Miscellaneous 55 15 43
Site Plan Review Meetings 2 2 3
Committee Meetings 7 10 10
Meetings Away 10 17 10
Overtime Hours 0 0 0
Bldg. Use/Occupancy/Commercial Reviews 540 325 92
HUD Grant Reviews – Septic Repairs 819 43 506
Board of Appeals Reviews 28 6 3
Emergency Management 830 319 232
Emergency Management Meetings 16 12 9
Lead Issues 0 2 8
Miscellaneous 1,109 1,385 1,585
Mileage 3,102 3,594 4,080
Fees Collected $29,650 $27,200 $26,270
The Annual Collection of Household Hazardous Materials was administered by the Solid Waste
Division, along with the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Service. One collection was held on
July 2 6, 2014 at the Senior Center. Three hundred twenty-two (322) cars, representing 379
households, attended the collection and disposed of 2,680 gallons or 11,500 pounds of hazardous
products. The average weight of waste per car was 35 pounds.
Carl is responsible for monitoring those sites listed as Confirmed Hazardous Waste Sites by the
Department of Environmental Protection (D.E.P.). Carl’s duties also include monitoring the
clean-up actions of these sites. In the past, these clean-up actions included the use of soil vapor
extraction systems, or the use of air stripping towers for cleaning groundwater. Other clean-up
methods involved the removal of contaminated soils and natural attenuation monitored by
sampling groundwater wells.
Carl coordinates public health emergency planning as required by the State Department of Public
Health. This planning includes emergency dispensing sites, KI distribution, attending state and
regional meetings, and monthly meetings with representatives from Police, Fire, the County
Health Department, the Department of Public Health, the Medical Reserve Corps, and the School
This program is administered by Brian Heaslip. Housing rental units are monitored and
inspected according to the 1976 Town Rental Bylaw. All rental properties are required to be
registered annually with the Health Division. Brian also enforces the Massachusetts Department
of Public Health housing regulations and is a member of the Town’s Code Enforcement Team
formed in 1998. The Team consists of representatives from the Health, Police, Fire, and
Building Departments.
Housing & Space-Use Bylaw Program Statistics: 2014 2013 2012
Water Shut Off’s Reviewed: 565 541 686
Housing Complaints Received:
Overcrowding Bylaw 43 25 18
Anti-Noise Bylaw 4 0 1
Trash/Rubbish 182 166 136
Sewage 35 17 27
Other – Utilities, Mold, Rodents, etc. 222 182 203
Follow-Up’s 348 1,028 345
Court Attendance 0 0 0
Meetings 90 30 56
Number of Registered Units 2,110 1,708 2,218
Housing Inspections 885 824 774
Permits Issued 1,736 1,714 1,676
Letters Issued 83 58 47
Fees Collected $126,600 $122,040 $133,080
Bulk Mailings 2 2 2
Property Loss/Transfers 632 0 12
Miscellaneous 372 324 375
Follow-Up’s 1,252 1,028 1,211
Mileage 6,699 6,638 7,288
The Health Division continues to add to and maintain many of its administrative functions for
monitoring the public health and environment, which includes the following programs:
underground gasoline storage tanks, hazardous waste, right to know, septage pumping data for
all residential and commercial buildings, nitrate loading restrictions, complaints, housing rentals,
dog bite reports, food service, swimming pools, well water analysis, along with pond, river, and
coastal water analysis.
As in prior years, 2014 saw the health inspectors continue to work toward higher public health
standards through their attendance of, and their involvement in, meetings, seminars, and
conferences, sponsored by the State Department of Public Health, the Massachusetts
Environmental Health Association, the Massachusetts Health Officers Association, Barnstable
County Health Department Seminars, and by serving on various state, Town and county
The Director of Health’s appointment by the Governor continues, for the twenty-sixth year, on
the State Board of Registration for Certified Health Officers.
The Board of Health held seventeen (17) meetings during 2014. Septic variance requests,
hearings, workshops, and updates were conducted by the Board as follows:
• Variance Request Hearings:
Repair of Existing Septic Systems – 7
Installation of New Septic Systems – 6
Storage of Hazardous Materials in Aquifer Protection District - 2
• Hearings:
Extension of Previously Granted Variances for Septic Systems – 1
House Renovations/Determination of Bedrooms – 5
Revocation of Septic Installer and Septic Hauler Licenses – 2
Yarmouth Poultry/Stable Regulations – 1
Violation of State Swimming Pool Regulations – 2
Violation of Town/Federal Tobacco Regulations – 5
Hazardous Materials License – 2
• Discussions:
Raze and Replace of Dwellings/Number of Bedrooms – 2
Violation of State Swimming Pool Regulations – 1
Town Swimming Pool Safety Regulation – 1
Draft County Fertilizer Regulation – 1
Town of Yarmouth Fertilizer Policy – 1
NSTAR Right of Way Spraying – 1
Proposed Use of Goats in NSTAR Right of Way – 1
• Discussion/Presentations – 2015/2016 Human Services Budget – 3
• Reconsideration of Board Decisions – 2
• Workshops:
Title 5 & Groundwater – 1
Definition of Habitable Space – 1
• Hearings/Discussions:
Increase in Board of Health Fees – 3
Change in Tobacco Regulations - 5
• Updates:
Barnstable Country Tobacco Control Program – 1
Annual Hazardous Waste Collections – 1
Yarmouth Police Department Drug Awareness Seminar – 1
Barnstable Country Regional Substance Abuse Council – 4
Bass River Farmers Market – 1
Route 6 Oil Spill – 1
• Executive Session – 1
Thanks go out to all the staff, Amy von Hone, Brian Heaslip, Mary Alice Florio, Peggy Rose,
Carl Lawson, and Philip Renaud. We would also like to thank Lynn McIntyre as the Town’s
Animal Inspector.
Licenses/Permits Total Permits Issued
Calendar Year 2014 2013 2012
Percolation/Deep Test 251 245 216
Cabins/Inns/Lodges/B&Bs/Camps 24 26 24
Motels 55 56 45
Licenses/Permits (con’t)
Calendar Year
Total Permits Issued
2014 2013 2012
Food Service: 0-100 seats 98 99 92
Over 100 seats 28 33 26
Non-Profit Organizations 21 15 15
Common Victualler 105 117 102
Continental Breakfast 20 29 24
Catering/Commissary 1 2 1
Catering/Temporary Food, per event 37 41 39
Retail Stores: Less than 50 sq. ft. 14 19 11
Less than 25, 000 sq. ft. 44 41 41
More than 25,000 sq. ft. 3 3 3
Wholesale 3 5 5
Frozen Dessert 12 14 13
Mobile Food Vendors, per truck 0 0 0
Ice Cream Trucks, per truck 6 7 4
Vending Machines – Food 1 3 1
Residential Kitchens 0 4 3
Sewage Collectors 38 33 30
Refuse Collectors 18 12 14
Board of Health Hearing Fees 12 9 12
(Only when abutter notification is required)
Funeral Directors 5 5 5
Poultry: 1-9 chickens 7 7 9
10+ chickens 7 10 9
Stables 4 10 13
Each additional horse 20 29 33
Swine/Sheep/Goats: 1-8 animals 2 2 2
9+ animals 0 1 1
Farmers Market – Vendors 6 18 11
Swimming Pools – Commercial 89 93 82
Vapor Baths/Whirlpools 34 36 29
Septic Disposal Installer’s License 87 72 70
Title 5 Septic Permits: New 29 26 21
Repair 298 268 222
Title 5 Inspection Report Filing Fee 568 602 586
Call Back Fees/Fines 8 5 0
Trailer Park 1 1 1
Xerox or Computer Generated Copies $35.00 $260.10 $172.00
Tanning Facilities, per tanning device 6 3 8
Tobacco Sales 38 33 40
Establishment Name Change 2 1 0
Hazardous Waste 21E Fees 2 2 4
Hazardous Waste Licenses 193 181 175
Rental Housing Registrations 2110 2,034 2,218
Licenses/Permits (con’t)
Calendar Year
Total Permits Issued
2014 2013 2012
Grand Total Licenses/Permits 4,342 4,245 4,252
Grand Total Fees Collected $280,733.00 $271,355.10 $269,487.00
Inspections Performed: 2014 2013 2012
Inns, Motels, Cabins, Camps, Lodges 16 9 15
Food Catering Apps. Reviewed/Issued 0 1 1
Soft Ice Cream Lab Results 102 78 59
Food Service – Restaurants 592 537 496
Food Service – Schools 1 12 10
Residential Kitchens 0 2 2
Continental Breakfasts 34 62 82
Temporary Food Booths 31 113 130
Farmers Market Booths 93 180 175
Mobile Food and Ice Cream Vendors 6 7 2
Retail Food Stores 132 141 92
Stables/Poultry/Swine 3 7 6
Swimming Pools - Commercial 177 201 221
Swimming Pool Lab Results 185 218 161
Whirlpool/Vapor Bath 72 42 70
Whirlpool Lab Results 143 68 72
Water Sampling – Beaches 27 28 42
Suntan Booths 42 42 40
Miscellaneous 64 64 67
Communicable Disease Investigations: 2014 2013 2012
Campylobacter 9 8 6
Group A Strep 11 1 1
Tuberculosis 0 2 3
Salmonella 4 6 3
Babesiosis 22 15 11
Meningitis 2 1 0
Head Lice 2 4 2
Hepatitis 50 32 45
Giardia 0 0 0
Lyme 73 59 80
E.Coli 7 0 1
Other 54 69 39
Stool Kits Distributed 39 33 12
Follow-Up’s 285 260 281
General Inquiries 255 274 316
AIDS Inquiries 1 8 0
Rabies Inquiries/Testing 13 12 15
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Communicable Disease Investigations
(con’t): 2014 2013 2012
Syphilis Pending <5 <4
Gonorrhea Pending <5 4
Chlamydia Pending 47 46
HIV/AIDS – Cumulative/Living Not available Not available Not available
Subsurface Sewage Disposal Reports
(for Real Estate Transfers): 2014 2013 2012
Conditionally Passes 32 25 20
Further Evaluation 2 2 4
Passes 396 422 493
Fails 61 54 48
Total 491 503 565
Complaints Received: 2014 2013 2012
Garbage, Debris, Rubbish 18 17 11
Swimming Pool - Commercial 21 1 0
Whirlpool 0 0 0
Hazardous Waste 5 4 2
Animals/Rodents 10 11 16
Housing 7 6 2
Sewage 6 8 9
Food 20 16 31
Food Borne Illness 2 2 3
Miscellaneous 35 18 13
Follow-Up’s 64 101 115
Miscellaneous Health Division Statistics: 2014 2013 2012
Burial Permits Reviewed/Issued 176 197 163
Flu Shot Clinics: Seasonal Flu Clinics 2 2 2
Overtime Hours of Health Department Personnel 31 22 16.25
Commercial Site Plan Review Meetings 5 3 15
Site Plan Review Comment Sheets 10 7 16
Committee Meetings or Other 272 171 195
Meetings with Town Counsel 2 8 0
Board of Health Meetings 17 19 16
Night Meetings 26 20 18
Meetings Away 70 57 72
Building Permits Reviewed 362 328 319
Board of Appeals – Review Comments 8 34 25
Planning Board – Review Comments 0 6 0
Mileage (Total Department) 20,496 20,339 23,438
Animal Inspector Statistics: 2014 2013 2012
Dog Bite Reports/Quarantines 80 122 127
Cat Bite Reports/Quarantines 58 64 56
Barn/Poultry Inspections 23 24 26
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce G. Murphy, MPH, CHO, R.S.
Director of Health
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Certified Health Officer
Registered Sanitarian
Tanya Daigneault, Chairman
Hillard Boskey, M.D., Vice Chairman
Mary Craig, Clerk
Evelyn P. Hayes
Charles T. Holway
Robert Angell, Interim DPW Director
In 2014, the Department of Public Works faced some new challenges due to the unexpected loss
of DPW Director George Allaire in April. George provided leadership to the department for
over 22 years and spearheaded many projects that will benefit the Town for the long term. Rob
Angell was offered the position of Interim DPW Director and continued through 2014 to provide
leadership and support to the Public Works Divisions.
The Cape Cod Rail Trail project, heading towards our neighboring Town of Dennis, continues
with the completion and submission of the 100% design plan by our consultant, Vanasse Hangen
Brustlin, Inc. (VHB). The construction contract has been drafted and bids were solicited in the
early fall. The bridge construction over Bass River, as well as bridges over Station Avenue and
Route 134, will require additional attention as this will require the resolution of unique issues,
which we hope will be decided in the near future. Funding for this project was supported
through Federal Transportation/MassDOT funds and Yarmouth and Dennis appropriations.
The extension of the Rail Trail into the Town of Barnstable was approved for 25% design, which
again will be overseen by VHB, Inc. This portion travels from Peter Homer Park on Old Town
House Road through Bayberry Hills Golf Course to Higgins Crowell Road and then to Willow
Street. Survey and initial field work has begun on this leg of the rail trail.
We wish to thank Kathy Williams, Town Planner, for taking over as the lead person with
engineering and oversight of the Rail Trail project in the absence of Director Allaire. Her
expertise and hard work has filled a gap at a crucial time in this project.
In 2014, we also participated in the Cape Light Compact LED Project, along with many other
Cape towns, to change out the high pressure sodium streetlights to LED (light emitting diode)
streetlights. The LED lights use less energy, reduce maintenance costs, and will reduce the cost
of electricity to the Town. A savings was immediately recognized on electrical bills. This
project was completely overseen by the Cape Light Compact who contracted with Siemens to
change the lights out and work with the Town to resolve any issues. This project also made it
possible for the Town to discontinue the “Red-Cap” program, where the Town had capped
around 400 streetlights that did not meet the Board of Selectmen’s standard criteria, in an effort
to save electricity costs.
The Parker’s River Restoration Project, which includes the widening of the Route 28 Bridge and
improving the Seine Pond tidal flow and water quality, continued as the Town worked with
Louis Berger Group (LBG). Through the use of Chapter 90 and Department of Ecological
Restoration (DER) grant funds, initial work began with the completion of a Hydraulic and Scour
Analysis. The goal of this analysis is to evaluate flooding impacts to meet MassDOT
requirements. The Town Engineering and Survey Division provided field and survey work to
support the needs of this project. Our interim DPW Director continues to work closely with the
state and local agencies on this project. Again, we wish to thank Kathy Williams, Town Planner,
for taking on this project, and providing the engineering expertise necessary to support the
Town’s needs.
The Operations and Maintenance contract with Weston & Sampson Engineers (W&S) to operate
the Yarmouth-Dennis Septage Treatment Facility has been extended for two years. This is
advantageous for the Town as Weston and Sampson requested level funding of the operations
budget for the extended two years, and the operation of the plant continues to run smooth under
their management. Bids were solicited for facility upgrades in March of 2014. Weston and
Sampson have overseen the ongoing improvements which are being done by R. H. White
Company. Rob Angell continues to meet with W & S and tour the plant regularly to review the
As of February 3, 2014, the Yarmouth-Barnstable Transfer Station began operation under
Covanta Energy Management, and the day-to-day operation by their contractor, Howland
Disposal Service, Inc. of Plymouth, MA.
Meetings continued with representatives from Cape Wind and Lawrence-Lynch Corporation on
the status of the project to install cement conduit and run major cable lines for wind energy up
Berry Avenue and Higgins Crowell Road into Barnstable. Cape Wind continues to attempt to
overcome issues which have prevented this project from starting. The Town’s plans to make
improvements to Higgins Crowell Road have been temporarily halted as it is advisable to
postpone these until this project is underway. The DPW Director continues to monitor this
Work continues at a slow pace with Cannon Design, who were hired to inventory and review all
Town-owned buildings and provide recommendations, schedules, and estimates for long-term
maintenance and repair needs. With this information, we are hoping to restructure capital budget
expenditures and prioritize where the needs are most critical. We are hoping to complete this
contract in early 2015.
The Federal Storm Water MS4 Regulations for Massachusetts towns and cities have been
redrafted and released by the EPA. It appears we are much closer to the approval of the permit.
Rick deMello, former Yarmouth Town Engineer, continues to work on the required submissions
and activities that we will be expected to meet once the permit is in place. Cost estimates have
been determined so that the Town can budget for anticipated expenditures.
The RMS (Roadway Management Systems) Program oversaw many projects during the
roadwork season. The combination of Chapter 90 funds and appropriated roadway funds
supported this work.
A new sidewalk, drainage, and road surface improvements were installed on portions of
Winslow Gray Road and Long Pond Drive between Buck Island Road and Long Pond
Drive. This connected the sidewalk and multi-use paths along Forest Road, Buck Island
Road, and Long Pond Drive.
In an effort to assist Massachusetts towns following the harsh winter of 2013, MassDOT
provided emergency funding for road repairs. Yarmouth received $128,233 which was
spent on pavement patching and repairs on sidewalks and roadways throughout the
Chip seal surface treatment work was completed in many locations. Rubber chip seal
(20%) was placed on portions of three major roadways: Highbank Road, Pine Grove
Road, and South Shore Drive. On approximately 100 residential roadways, chip seal
surface (10%) was applied. This surface treatment is a cost effective way to preserve the
integrity of our roadways and prevent major costly repairs. Both Chapter 90 and Town
funds were used.
The Highway Division was able to install and repair several drainage facilities during this
season from drain designs prepared by the Engineering Division.
Major sidewalk repairs were completed on Old Main Street and Setucket Road, and
repairs are underway by the Highway Division on Summer Street in Yarmouth Port. A
Paveshield surface was applied on the Setucket Road multiuse path and has created a
great surface for many activities.
Projects that were wrapped up in 2014 included:
The approval and release of the intersection improvements at Old Town House Road and
Forest Road were received. The new signals and intersection relocation have improved
the traffic flow and safety of this very busy intersection. MassDOT funded, designed,
and constructed these improvements.
The Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) permit was received. This allows for catch
basin cleaning material to be stored at the Highway garage on the approved landscape
mound behind the salt shed. This alleviates the large problem of special handling and
disposal of this material.
The FEMA flood maps were approved and finalized in July of 2014. At the 2014 Annual
Town Meeting, these maps were accepted by Town vote to insure that Yarmouth
residents would receive federal financial aid in the event of a storm-related disaster.
Many hours were spent by the Engineering staff to assist local residents in understanding
these amended maps.
The two-way radio system for the Town was upgraded in order to meet federal
communication licensing standards.
Plans in 2015 are for the DPW (and Engineering/Survey) offices to be relocated at the Water
Division at 99 Buck Island Road, West Yarmouth. We will continue to provide the same
services and assistance to the residents in our new location.
In the coming year, we will continue to prioritize public works projects and do our best to work
within the budgets provided us. Our main goal is to continue to serve and assist the residents to
the best of our ability. Thanks to the Public Works employees who continue to provide quality
customer service and dedication to the Town. Following are reports from the DPW Divisions
outlining the highlights of the past year.
Barbara Benoit, Administrative Assistant
In 2014, the Engineering and Survey Division continued to support the residents, the business
community, and Town departments with timely and quality engineering and survey services.
With staff deficiencies and budget limitations, the challenges have increased and we have done
our best to be efficient and stay within the budget.
Much time was spent reorganizing, scanning, and purging Engineering and DPW files, plans,
and historical data to accommodate the newly-renovated and smaller area at the Water Division
where DPW/Engineering/Survey will be relocated in early 2015. We have come to realize that
we have maintained and collected massive amounts of data that have been helpful to the
residents, developers, businesses, surveyors, realtors, and all the Town departments over the
years. Staffing changes are also anticipated when this move takes place.
We would like to recognize that the Engineering Division celebrated the retirement of Richie
Anctil after 23 years as the Town’s drainage engineer.
Following are some of the highlights of 2014 that will support our hard work and dedication to
the Town and its residents.
Flood Maps – The staff assisted many residents and realtors with FEMA map
interpretation and prepared specialized property prints for residents in areas in hazard
zones or questionable areas. As maps were finalized and approved by FEMA, increased
inquiries from residents in confirming their property status continued as they received the
newly assessed insurance rates.
Chapter 90 State Aid: Prepared and submitted project requests, reimbursement requests,
and required record keeping. Engineering managed and expended $1.7 million of state
aid funding for roadway projects in 2014.
Roadwork Projects: Managed contracts and remittances for miscellaneous milling/
patching; chip seal surfacing (10% & 20%); sidewalk installation and sidewalk
restoration, patching and Paveshield surface (Setucket Road and Old Main Street).
Worked closely with two contracted roadwork inspectors throughout season.
Reviewed E911 and Master Street List for accuracy to be used in field tablets for
Highway staff.
Assisted residents with transition of sodium streetlights to LED streetlights throughout
Databases maintained: Road Opening Permits/pavement cuts; enforcement signs; vehicle
repair records.
Continued maintenance and update of several GIS layers, including drainage, utility
pole/streetlights; and enforcement signs. These layers are used by several Town
departments in an ArcReader program
The Storm Water (MS4) Regulations have been redrafted and released by the EPA. The
Engineering Division is fortunate to have Rick deMello on staff to continue his efforts in
preparing the necessary reports, research, and cost estimates to support the projected
costs and Town requirements related to meeting these regulations.
Projects and Bids:
The Engineering Office prepared bid documents/contracts, assisted and/or provided oversight of
the following projects:
Long Pond Drive/Winslow Gray Road Sidewalk – C. C. Construction was awarded the
contract to furnish and install a new sidewalk, drainage, and milling and overlay of a
portion of Long Pond Drive and a portion of Winslow Gray Road. Chapter 90 funding
was used for this project, which was completed on schedule.
Pavement Patching, Overlays and Drainage Adjustments – R. J. Nardone Construction
was awarded this contract which included patching of Setucket Road sidewalk, including
a Paveshield surface; patching Old Main Street sidewalk; installing porous pavement; and
various patching on Town and private roads. Town-appropriated roadway funds were
used to support this project.
Two-Way, Town-Wide Radio Upgrade – The Town’s radio system was reviewed and
upgraded to meet licensing standards.
Higgins Crowell Road Improvements – Chapter 90 (also related to the Cape Wind
project). We continued to work with Green Environmental Affiliates on the engineering
design for improvements to Higgins Crowell Road. This project has been delayed as it
will be undertaken in cooperation with the Cape Wind Project if it progresses in a timely
Winter Rapid Recovery Project – MassDOT subsidized towns and cities with additional
state aid funds for roadway repairs as a result of the harsh winter of 2013. Yarmouth
took advantage of, and contracted with, Lawrence-Lynch Corporation to mill and patch
many areas of roadway that had suffered as result of the cold and wet winter. This was a
much appreciated extra $128,233 for roadwork.
Parker’s River Bridge Improvement Design – Work continues on this project, which
includes the widening and improvements of the Parker’s River Bridge and improved tidal
flow to Seine Pond. Chapter 90 funding has been used for a Hydraulic Scour Study to
date as this will be a MassDOT project.
Cape Cod Rail Trail 100% Design of Westerly Section – Chapter 90 and Town funds
(Yarmouth and Dennis) continue to support the progress of this portion of the rail trail.
We have been working with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) as the consultant that has
seen this project through.
Cape Cod Rail Trail – Worked with consultant (VHB) on 25% for the extension from
Peter Homer Park to Barnstable Town line as the next phase to be undertaken. Yarmouth
will be connected at both Town lines.
Barnstable County Roadwork and Materials Bid – Use of these bids provides for the
Town to do most of the roadwork that has been previously mentioned. This consortium
bid provides better prices for many of the common roadwork treatments used by towns
on the Cape.
Prepared and assisted Natural Resources Division with bid documents for a new pump-
out boat to be purchased in 2015.
Utility hearings were conducted at the request of NStar for the following projects that encroach
on Town right-of-ways:
440 Higgins Crowell Road – school photovoltaic array installations
Jessie’s Way – new subdivision
Outward Reach – underground electrical conduit installation
Road Opening Permits – Processed 217 permits for National Grid and their contractors;
Water Division; NStar; Comcast; and several private contractors doing miscellaneous
work within the Town road layouts.
Worked with National Grid for gas main upgrades; supplied drainage detail, road opening
permits, and pavement restoration requirements. We also reviewed work in the roadway
related to the water mains and services.
Committees, Associations, and Memberships:
Site Plan Review – Commercial building permits, new subdivisions, and proposed
renovations are reviewed for proper drainage and horizontal construction.
Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee – The DPW Director provides support
and information to this committee that works towards improved recycling and solid waste
disposal facilities. The DPW Administrative Assistant assists with meeting attendance
and creating agendas/minutes.
MALSCE – Two members of the Engineering/Survey staff are member of this
Massachusetts survey group.
BCPWA – The entire staff of DPW/Engineering/Survey are members of this county
public works group that meets once per month. Topics are timely and useful to local
public works departments.
Cape GIS Users Group – Two staff members are active in this county group relative to
GIS updates and cooperation between the county and state.
Fifth Annual Legal Perspectives in Land Surveying – Doug Wrock
Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers Convention – Doug
CommBuys – State Purchasing Training Seminar – Barbara Benoit
FEMA seminar on State Building Code Flood Standards – Doug Wrock
Drainage Projects:
Drainage designs were created on the following Town roads: Brush Hill Road, Bryar
Lane, Burnaby Street, Iroquois Boulevard, Mulford Street, Niagara Lane, Nightingale
Drive, West Great Western Road, Wimbledon Drive; and the following private roads:
Chesley’s Way, Driving Tee Circle, Elm Lane, and Ocean Spray Lane. The Highway
Division will attempt to complete some of these improvements as timing and staffing are
available. Limited funding prevented this work to be bid out as a Drainage Bid for 2014.
Long Pond and Winslow Gray Sidewalk – Bio-retention pond, Conservation and DEP
Maine Avenue – Attempted to improve private dirt road needing assistance with low
lying properties.
Beneficial Use Determination – use of catch basin cleanings as a berm/wall at the
Highway property. Storage and disposal of this road waste can be difficult. This was
timely and helpful.
Flood Maps – printed large-sized maps for assistance to residents; attended FEMA
meetings to gather information; and spent many hours assisting residents with questions
and concerns. Kept abreast of changes to the FEMA website resources that pertain to
Yarmouth flood zone information.
Continued update of parcel and building layer data for Assessors maps.
Continued to update the centerline layer, which improves geolocation in the GIS and
related programs.
Worked closely with Assessor and Assessor’s Office for various data collecting projects;
vision quality control updates; condition factor maps.
Plans for DPW projects: Flax Pond Improvements, Winslow Gray Sidewalk, Cape Cod
Rail Trail (including PowerPoint slides).
Community Development: Village Overlay; Marijuana Dispensary; Revitalization
Overlay Architectural District; CPA maps; mixed zoning in Route 28 corridor.
Mass GIS: Town boundary; Town maps; reconciled Mass GIS boundary with Yarmouth
GIS political boundary; Mass GIS parcel map; interview and field visit with former Town
Surveyor to locate boundary monuments.
Cape Cod Commission: Reviewed county data and supplied GIS data for Yarmouth for
county GIS.
Senior Center: monthly calendars and special event posters.
Recreation/Cemetery: Worked with staff to update the data on the maps for several
cemeteries; plans of Route 6A playground; architectural plans for Sailing Center; Flax
Storm Water: Maps showing outfall pipes and other detail for field use.
Added Cape Light Compact data as a layer in Yarmouth GIS to be used in the Utility
Poles Layer.
Provided site plans for presentations by several departments (Golf, Community
Development, Recreation) seeking CPA funds.
Continued to manage ArcReader program which allows departments to access many GIS
layers of pertinent data.
Sidewalk Construction – Long Pond and Winslow Gray Road Sidewalk – Performed an
existing conditions field survey and created existing conditions plans and construction
plans using AutoCad Civil 3D. The construction plans included the realignment of road
surface and the proposed sidewalk’s relationship to the roads Right of Way and property
lines. Potential Sidewalk Construction: Existing conditions survey and creation of an
existing condition plan on Seaview Avenue; Camp Street.
Cemetery Division – Staking for new section of burial lots at Chandler Gray Cemetery.
Cape Cod Rail Trail – Easement plans; recovered bounds; abutters’ concerns addressed.
Flax Pond Phase II – continued setting benchmarks for grounds and building
improvements, as-built septic system, gazebo and shade shelter pads.
Reviewed road layouts and located property lines to determine encroachments, location
of trees, fences, driveways, etc., at the request of residents and Town departments.
Assistance to private surveyors seeking benchmarks, historical data, road layouts.
Researched, assigned (new) and changed (at resident request) street numbers and
addresses. Advised USPS of changes that occurred to assure mail delivery.
Natural Resources: Dog Park; elevations Herring Run at Swan Pond.
CCRTA – Survey and site plan for locating bus shelter on state property near State Police
Barracks, Route 28, South Yarmouth.
Recreation - Sailing Center; Flax Pond.
Seaside Festival layout for vendors at Simpkins Field
Provided address confirmation to Verizon E911; newly assigned house numbers and
processed new road names.
Processing of 2013 recorded plans received from Barnstable County Registry of Deeds to
update the Assessor’s Office records.
Plan Reviews: 130 Plot Plans, 27 New Home Plans; 5 ANR Plans; and 1 Definitive Plan.
Dick Court, Facilities Manager
The Facilities Division is a staff of two specialists and the Facilities Manager and together they
have been vigorously working on numerous projects throughout the Town in 2014.
The following is a list of the larger projects either completed by or overseen by the Division: the
exterior renovation of the Operation Facility at Chandler Gray Cemetery; completion of phase
two at Bray Farm Farmhouse; HVAC renovation at the Police Department Building; renovation
of the dispatch office at Fire Department Headquarters; Senior Center kitchen renovation; new
offices at the Recreation Division; and new DPW offices at the Water Department Building. The
Facility Manager sits on the Building Committee of most projects and is a member of the
committee that is having a study done to assess all buildings in Town.
During the winter months, the employees assist the Highway Division with snow removal, along
with keeping the sidewalks at Town Hall and other buildings clear and safe.
These projects are significant accomplishments for a small division but what has not been listed
are the many, many responses and repairs to all the Town departments, such as the moving of
furniture, the replacing of lights, restocking copy paper, the set-up of meeting rooms, along with
many HVAC and electrical problems.
We will continue to do our best to improve the condition of the Town properties and assist other
departments with building issues as time permits. The Facilities Division would like to thank all
of the other Town employees for their assistance on many of these projects.
I. Richard Kelley, Highway Superintendent
Starting in 2004, the Highway Division had been run by the Assistant DPW Director. The
sudden and unexpected passing of George Allaire, our long time DPW Director, left a vacancy in
our leadership. Rob Angell, the Assistant DPW Director at that time, stepped up and has been
filling that void. The efforts of Rob, along with Town Administrator, Bill Hinchey, and
Assistant Town Administrator, Peter Johnson-Staub, allowed us to continue to provide the
services expected of us with as little impact as possible on the public. I thank each of these men
for their guidance and support as we underwent this change.
The main function of the Division is repair and maintenance of Yarmouth’s roadways, and snow
and ice removal during the winter.
Road and sidewalk surfaces including pavement treatments, paving, patching holes, berm
installation and repair at the edge of the paved roadway, grading unpaved Town-owned and
private roads with petitions, catch basin cleaning and repair, roadside brush and litter cleanup,
roadside mowing and trimming, tree trimming and cutting, weed control, sign installation and
repair, street sweeping, pavement markings, snow and ice removal, and special projects for other
divisions and departments.
Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings
Long time sign maker Ron Ramirez has moved up to become the Operations Supervisor. Your
new sign man is Bernie Malone. There are many regulations regarding signs and Bernie has
been very busy learning those regulations while keeping your signs maintained. His
responsibilities include maintaining all Town signs as well as getting all of the lines in Town
painted. Special markings, such as stop bars and pedestrian crossings are also part of the sign
man’s responsibilities.
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
The Division has two full time mechanics responsible for the repair and maintenance of all the
vehicles and equipment. Some of the vehicles are: pick-up’s, heavy trucks, heavy equipment,
snow and ice equipment, and medium to small power equipment. At times during the winter
months, the mechanics may need additional help from within the Division; and during the slower
summer season the mechanics help out the Division as heavy equipment operators. The
Division’s two mechanics repair and maintain many other Town vehicles. The mechanics also
maintain the fuel depot at the Highway Division, including daily readings to make sure there are
no gallons of fuel missing from inventory.
Roadway Management System (RMS)
The Highway Division does all the trimming, much of the patching, drainage repairs and installs
smaller drainage systems in support of this program. In 2014, 20% rubber chip seal was installed
on a portion of Highbank Road, Pine Grove Road and South Shore Drive. 103 neighborhood
roads were completed with a 10% rubber chip seal. The Highway Division works closely with
Engineering in support of the RMS Program.
Snow and Ice Storms
The snow season of 2014 was very busy, resulting in 27 callbacks for snow and ice events, nine
of which were plowing events. The season started on 12/9/13 and our last call out was on
3/26/14. The Highway Division is striving to provide the best service possible during storms,
with much of the work being done by Yarmouth equipment, with contract trucks assisting during
plowing. I want to thank the many divisions within Town that assist Highway with snow
removal. Without this effort we could not provide the service that is required to get the roads to
a safe condition as soon as possible. Disposal, Water, Parks/Rec/Cemetery, Facilities, Natural
Resources, Engineering, and Inspectional Services all contribute to this effort. Because of this
commitment, we have been able to reduce the amount of salt and greatly reduce the amount of
sand being used during the winter. This makes spring clean-up easier and most importantly,
saves money, not only during the snow and ice operations, but also reduces the time needed to
sweep and clean catch basins. Federal storm water regulations are becoming more stringent and
expensive and the snow and ice operations are an area where we can both help the environment
and work toward compliance in a cost effective manner.
Roadside Vegetation Management Program
The Highway Division has the responsibility for all roadside trimming operations within the
Town. This includes mowing the roadsides, trimming for sight distance at intersections,
trimming roadsides to maintain shoulders for pedestrians, snow removal, trimming low hanging
or dangerous limbs, and removing trees that pose a threat to the public. Again this year, the
crews were busy with trimming all over Town. Some of the trimming is the result of a call or
request for the trimming and some of the trimming is maintenance trimming. Our goal is to be
proactive and reduce the need for the calls through maintenance trimming whenever possible.
Timely trimming also helps with aesthetics and we want to present our community in the best
possible light for both our residents and our visitors.
The Highway Division swept all main roads and parking lots in Town. A contractor swept
neighborhood roads in the spring and all the sweeping was completed by early July. Federal
storm water regulations require a second sweeping of a number of roads as required under our
2003 permit. We received a draft copy of a new permit that the EPA released in September.
Initially, it appeared we might be able to return to one sweeping per year but found that unique
circumstances on the Cape will likely continue to require a second sweeping of Town roads that
discharge to the storm water system.
Storm Water Program
The EPA, through the Clean Water Act, runs a program frequently referred to as NPDES –
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. Under this program, the Town is required to
have an MS4 permit – Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System - in order to discharge storm
water to waters of the United States. The Town received its first permit in 2003, and that permit
was intended to be for 5 years. In September of 2014, after a few draft issues, the EPA released
what is supposed to be the final draft prior to issuing a new permit. The Town is working
towards compliance with both the existing 2003 permit and the new draft regulations. Much of
the required work has been accomplished through the diligent efforts of Rick deMello, our
former Town Engineer, who now works for us part time. You will be seeing and hearing much
more about this subject in the coming months and years. The Highway Division will have a very
active role in helping to fulfill the Town’s requirements for the new permit once it is issued.
Yarmouth, like many towns, has taken advantage of a comment period on the new draft
regulations and with the assistance of our Conservation Administrator, Kerry Muldoon, we
submitted comments that will hopefully clarify our responsibilities regarding certain
requirements in the draft permit. The Conservation Commission has also been a big help in
permitting us to locate and maintain outfall pipes as required by the permit. There is a lot of
work still ahead of us and continuing to work as a team, I know we will do all we can to improve
our local waters for generations to come.
Robert B. Angell, Interim Director of Public Works
The Waste Management Division oversees the operation of the Yarmouth Disposal Area and
formerly the Yarmouth-Barnstable Regional Transfer Station (YBRTS).
Yarmouth Disposal Area
The Disposal Area has three different activity areas within the facility located at the very
northern end of Forest Road. The first area is the Residential Drop-Off Area, where the residents
dispose of their household garbage and recyclables. The second is the Compost Area where
leaves, grass, and small prunings are deposited so they can be processed into compost on site.
The third is the Scale Area where any paying customer (contractor or sticker holder) can deposit
such items as construction material, metal items, brush, and residential coolant-containing
(CFC’s and HFC’s) items, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, for a fee.
With technical assistance from CDM Smith, our contract engineering/technical consultant, we
oversee the gas collection system beneath the landfill cap; air quality, groundwater monitoring,
and impervious liner cap of the former landfill that was closed in December of 1995 and is
currently the 7 holes Links portion of Bayberry Hills Golf Course.
We ended our working relationship with New England Organics. We are keeping the compost
site under control. Budget cuts have forced the Division to use less fuel per year and one of the
largest fuel uses is turning compost every six to seven weeks to break it down efficiently. Now
we turn the compost every fifteen to sixteen weeks, leaving us with an incomplete and less
desirable end product that needs extra screening.
We continue to remove a substantial amount of mercury bearing products from the waste stream;
items such as fluorescent bulbs, thermometers, thermostats, etc., are recycled through a grant
from SEMASS. We held two Hazardous Household Collections in 2014 at the Yarmouth Senior
Center with assistance from Barnstable County’s Cape Cod Cooperative Extension and the
Yarmouth Water Department, collecting 14,377 pounds of hazardous waste.
It is important for residents to understand that everything brought into the facility must, at some
time, be hauled away to another destination, most of which are off Cape. The following list is
the volume handled and hauled over the past three calendar years:
Material 2012 2013 2014 Measurement
Antifreeze 265 325 125 Gallons
Auto Batteries 3.07 1.8 4.72 Tons
Brush 632.16 1001.3 1146.6 Tons
CFC’s/HFC’s 49.33 34.49 45.08 Tons
Cathode Ray
Tubes 2608 3328 3125 Units
Commingle 553.61 580.59 614.58 Tons
Material (con’t) 20122012 2013 2014 Measurement
Construction 7809.59 8880.6 10,302.71 Tons
Cardboard 340.74 355.53 29.48 Tons
5 ¢ Returnables
& Glass 28.91 32.85 36.27 Tons
Waste 7809.59 8796.4 8369.97 Tons
Magazines 60.29 55.86 52.38 Tons
Metals 458.58 416.43 390.7 Tons
Motor Oil 3225 3950 2025 Gallons
Paper 444.84 432.03 420.8 Tons
Propane Tanks 384 334 368 Units
Textiles 135.03 130.18 119.32 Tons
Tires 19.13 24.8 27.68 tons
The hours of operation are 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., seven (7) days per week, closing on all legal
holidays. The facility operates with 9 full-time and 2 part-time employees.
The Division was forced to close the Swap Shop. It is the intention to reopen in a better location.
Yarmouth-Barnstable Regional Transfer Station (YBRTS)
This was the final year the Town of Yarmouth operated this facility. On February 3rd, as part of
the Town’s long term goals for residents’ solid waste and recycling needs, the station was
privatized, with a lease, to Covanta Energy.
YBRTS received waste from the residential drop-off facilities in the Towns of Yarmouth and
Barnstable, as well as commercial waste from all over Barnstable County. This waste was
received in a variety of commercial collection vehicles.
YBRTS operated with a staff of 3 full-time and 2 part-time employees. The facility was open 7
days per week, year round, with the exception of New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day,
and Christmas Day.
The following are the amounts that were processed for shipment to SEMASS:
Material 2012 2013 2014 Measurement
MSW & Recycling 69,242 75,852 9,146 tons
Railcars 1,298 1363 192 number
Trucks 0 72 0 number
I would like to thank my staff at both facilities for their excellent work and continued
commitment to the Town and its residents. They work well together and move an exceptional
amount of material every day.
Danny J. Mills, Superintendent
2014 2013 2012
Gallons of water pumped (Millions) 1,227.7 1,285.1 1,331.9
Rainfall for the year (Inches) 45.54 46.7 36.2
Total number of water services 16,394
Total number of hydrants 2,112
Number of pumping stations 24
Number of corrosion control facilities 17
Number of water storage tanks 3
Total water storage capacity 9.3 Million Gallons (MG)
Total acres for Water Supply Protection 965
Yarmouth Water’s Mission Statement
The Yarmouth Water Division is committed to serving the needs of
Yarmouth’s residents, businesses, and visitors by providing high-quality
drinking water while providing for future economic growth via progressive
planning. We are also committed to creating a satisfying, safe, and productive
work environment where a philosophy of win-win is the imbedded culture.
By DEP regulation, the Water Division staff is on-duty 24/7. The staff is available at all times to
serve and protect the public. We are a dedicated collection of highly motivated and
conscientious water professionals proud to be delivering the very basic of ingredients for human
life itself – Clean Fresh Water.
We would like to offer a most sincere thank you to all Town departments, agencies, and to the
citizens of Yarmouth for their support and assistance during 2014.
We pumped a total of 1,227.7 million gallons of water to the residents of Yarmouth during the
calendar year 2014 as compared to 1,285.1 million gallons for the year 2013.
Water production decreased during 2014 by 4.5%. That is 57.4 million less gallons than was
pumped in 2013. In July, we pumped slightly more than 198 million gallons of water.
Rainfall measured was 45.54 inches. This amount of rain equates to 20.7 billion gallons of water
falling on the Town of Yarmouth, replenishing our water supply. We pumped, from the ground,
roughly 1.2 billion gallons of water, which is equivalent to 2.8 – inches of rainfall. Yarmouth, as
an entity, continues to be most favored in its abundance of water resources.
The Division continues with our many programs including: Inspection and testing of backflow
devices, inspection and maintenance of hydrants, water main leak detection, water meter
replacement program, and the on-going DEP-mandated water sampling program, which ensures
the quality of our potable water. The Division has continued the Pump Station Rehabilitation
Program wherein all the public water supply wells and associated structures will be
reconditioned and modernized. Presently, some of the structures and associated equipment have
outperformed their useful life expectancy. This program is addressing the issue.
We would like to extend special thanks and shout out to the unsung heroes at the Water Division.
They responded to water emergencies in the middle of the coldest nights and the hottest days.
They responded with gusto and enthusiasm. Although we experienced many water main and
water service breaks, our heroic distribution crews prevented backflow conditions and prevented
contamination from entering the system. The crews acted in a competent and timely manner to
isolate the breaks, prevent flooding, and the subsequent devaluation of private property. Best of
all, they acted as ambassadors of the Town of Yarmouth in their daily contact with the citizenry
of our community.
The Agricultural Commission continued in its mission to provide oversight of the Bass River
Farmers Market, as well as the Forest Road and Buck Island Community Gardens.
Installation of the new community garden behind the Buck Island fire station (The Buck Island
Community Garden, aka: BICG) was completed in the spring with an official dedication on May
1, 2014, which was attended by new members of the BICG, the Agricultural Commission, and
Jack Mulkeen of the Yarmouth Community Preservation Committee, plus Jennifer Copeland,
coordinator of the Community Development Program. A wonderful picture of the dedication/
reception was printed in the Yarmouth Register.
The Commission is very appreciative of the work and efficiency of Roby Whitehouse of the
Yarmouth Highway Department for her efforts in helping out with the reservation process. All
25 beds, 18 (4’x12’), 5 (2’x12’) and 2 (2’x8’) were utilized. Ease of use was further enhanced
by the Fire Department mowing the access area, thus enabling parking directly by the garden
Reservations for the BICG will begin April 1, 2015. Although we expect many of the gardeners
to return in 2015, there may still be plots available. Please contact the Commission for more
The Commission further expresses their appreciation of Kathi Bailey and Karen LeBlanc of the
Senior Center. The Forest Road Community Garden (FRCG) had 21 of 23 plots utilized, 18
(4’x8’) and all 3 of the handicapped accessible (2’x8’) beds. This spring, the Commission hopes
to continue with site improvements including:
1) removal of a few trees and offending branches in an effort to provide more sun;
2) soil enhancements to under-utilized areas of the garden; and
3) installation of raised beds along the north fence line. The Yarmouth Senior Center
continues in its role overseeing the gardens and reservations can be made directly with the
receptionist at the Senior Center beginning April 1, 2015.
The Commission became involved with the Community Garden at Taylor Bray Farm in
Yarmouth Port in late fall. Plans are being explored to do some selective tree thinning and
pruning prior to spring in order to bring some additional sunshine to this valuable agricultural
resource. This garden is overseen by The Taylor Bray Farm Preservation Association. Plot
information and reservations can be made at the Town Clerk’s office.
The Bass River Farmers Market (BRFM) completed its 5th season under the leadership of the
BRFM Board of Directors and the continued involvement of Market Manager, Carlene Veara.
The BRFM continued seasonal operation on Thursdays and Saturdays from early June to early
October. The market unified its hours of operation to 9:30 to 1:30 on both days, with each
Saturday building in popularity among vendors and patrons to become as busy a market day as
each Thursday.
The Town property on which the market operates was further improved with the assistance of the
Yarmouth Recreation Department and other supporting departments to trim the trees on the
property’s perimeter to clear low lying brush on the south side of the lot, and to reseed the grass
and improve the turf quality through the season. The Town’s commitment to the quality of the
maintenance of the property and the market’s growth in the past few years is a testament to the
partnership of our Commission, the Town, and the volunteers that make the market a unique and
special venue for vendors and patrons alike.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Cavanaugh, Chairwoman Charlie Adams
Sarah Fitzsimmons, Secretary Tom Howe
John Holbrook
As Yarmouth's Town Representative on the Barnstable County Human Rights Commission,
along with the other towns’ representatives, I am responsible for responding to reported human
rights violations in the Town. For example, these may involve a workplace situation, a housing
problem, or discrimination of various kinds. Generally, the first step in responding to a reported
violation is for the Town representative to meet with the person or persons who feel their rights
were violated in some way. The Town representative takes the facts and reports them to the
Commission itself. Depending on the complaint, the problem will be referred to the appropriate
persons for investigation and a recommended redress of the violation, if found factually accurate.
I have spoken before the Yarmouth Board of Selectmen on the Human Rights Commission,
including the issue of racism and racial justice. I have also met with the Yarmouth Deputy Chief
of Police on the issue of forging a closer relationship with the police and the HRC. He was quite
enthusiastic and I will follow up soon. I also have strong ties to the Yarmouth Senior Center/
Council on Aging. I serve on the HRC Fundraising Committee, which is planning a fundraiser in
the spring. If you experience or encounter an actual or probable human rights violation, please
contact me at 508-398-1023.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Zepernick
Yarmouth Town Representative to the
Barnstable County Human Rights Commission
The Cape Cod Commission continues to assist Yarmouth in completing its Local Comprehensive
Plan. In addition, two knowledgeable Yarmouth residents have been chosen as stakeholders for
the update of the Regional Policy Plan. Commission staff continues to assist in the extension of
connecting Yarmouth to the Cape Cod Rail Trail, including the bike trail bridge over Bass River.
As FY15 Chairman, Yarmouth's Representative to the Commission presided over several
controversial decisions, including the proposed Lowes in Dennis, the proposed National Grid gas
line in Sandwich, and the Cape-wide District of Critical Planning Concern Fertilizer Regulations.
The Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA) has provided (in Yarmouth) 62,240 one-
way passenger trips from July 2013 through June 2014 (FY14).
CCRTA provided 628 ADA and general public clients in Yarmouth with DART (Dial-a-Ride
Transportation) service during FY14. These clients took a total of 30,588 one-way passenger
trips during this time period. Total DART passenger trips in the fifteen towns of Cape Cod were
200,536 in FY13 compared to 220,637 in FY14.
CCRTA FY14 records for the Boston Hospital Transportation service indicates 77 Yarmouth
residents took 322 one-way trips on this service.
The fixed route Hyannis to Orleans (H2O) serves the towns of Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis,
Harwich, Chatham, and Orleans along the Route 28 corridors. A total of 29,344 one-way trips
originated in Yarmouth for the H2O route for the period July 2013 through June 2014; total
ridership for the H2O route for this period was 168,114.
CCRTA supplied the Yarmouth Council on Aging with one Mobility Assistance Program (MAP)
vehicle that provided 2,308 rides from July 2013 to June 2014.
Route maps, schedules, fares, Google Transit Trip Planner and the latest news about Cape Cod
public transportation services are provided at www.capecodrta.org, as well as links to many other
transportation resources.
Cape Light Compact is an award-winning energy services organization operated by the 21 towns
and two counties on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. The Compact’s mission is to serve its
200,000 customers through the delivery of proven energy efficiency programs, effective
consumer advocacy, competitive electricity supply, and green power options.
Pricing in 2014 continued to be driven by regional natural gas concerns. The winter of
2013/2014 saw an even more pronounced price spike than was experienced during the preceding
winter, as cold weather drove increased demand for natural gas for heating and electricity. This
resulted in periodic constraints on the transmission used to transport natural gas into New
England, driving natural gas and electricity prices to record highs. While oil units were
dispatched to help ensure reliability in the face of limited gas supplies, this further contributed to
increased electricity costs.
The repeated winter price spikes led to regional conversations about how to resolve the issue.
The six New England governors, through the New England States Committee on Electricity
(NESCOE), discussed a proposal to procure additional gas pipeline capacity by adding a fee onto
the rates of all New England electricity consumers. While the proposal generally received
consensus from all six administrations, Massachusetts, following the failure of several Patrick
administration-supported energy bills to pass, withdrew its support of the plan. Instead, the
Commonwealth chose to focus on other potential solutions, most importantly, energy efficiency.
While the incoming Baker Administration may decide to support the NESCOE proposal, several
federal approvals would still be needed before it could be enacted. Even if these approvals were
awarded, it would still likely take several years before a major expansion in pipeline capacity
could be completed.
This means that prices are likely to remain high over the next several years. Pricing periods
covering the first half of the year, which includes the most expensive months, are likely to stay
very high, while second half pricing will likely be slightly lower. Gas pipeline owner Spectra is
pursuing a modest expansion of its existing Algonquin pipeline, but the limited size of the
project is not likely to significantly impact prices, and won’t be completed before the end of
2016, at the earliest.
In 2014, Cape Light Compact provided energy to residents and businesses in accordance with a
competitive electricity supply contract negotiated by the Compact with ConEdison Solutions.
For 11 months in 2014, the Compact’s price was lower than NSTAR’s. The Compact issued an
RFP for a new supplier contract starting in December 2014. The contract was awarded to
ConEdison Solutions for residential customers and NextEra for commercial and industrial
customers. As of the most recent count, the Compact had approximately 12,150 electric
accounts in the Town of Yarmouth on its energy supply.
Since 1997, Cape Light Compact has advocated for the rate-payers of Cape Cod and Martha’s
Vineyard at the local, state, and federal level. In 2014, the Compact focused much of its
advocacy on grid modernization and time-varying rates. Both issues will have far-reaching
impacts on customers on the Cape, affecting reliability, the cost of electricity, how prices are set,
and the ability of our systems to accommodate increasing amounts of renewable energy. In
March of 2014, the Compact also submitted to the Department of Public Utilities revisions to its
Aggregation Plan, a document originally submitted around the time of the Compact’s inception.
The Compact is currently awaiting a final order from the Department.
Funding for the energy efficiency programs (i.e., energy audits for homes and businesses, rebates
on the purchase of energy efficient appliances, and energy education in our schools) comes from
a monthly customer “energy conservation” charge ($0.0025 cents multiplied by the number of
kilowatt hours used during the month) and a portion of the “distribution charge” ($0.01510 for
residential customers and $0.00972 for commercial and industrial customers) that appears on
each customer’s electric bill.
Here are some examples of CLC energy efficiency programs at work in Yarmouth:
• A total of 2,163 streetlights in Yarmouth were retrofitted with LEDs, saving
approximately 407,000 kWh and $110,000 in energy and maintenance costs annually.
Jan. – Dec. 2014 # of
Savings kWh Saved Rebates/Incentives
Paid to Customers
Low Income 132 $27,796.40 138,982 $179,631.27
Residential 1,522 $288,385.80 1,441,929 $1,835,147.36
Commercial 49 $644,869.80 3,224,349 $1,373,718.11
Total 1,703 $961,052.00 4,805,260 $3,388,496.74
Other Compact-funded efficiency projects saved the Town an additional 62,000 kWh
• 2 ENERGY STAR® qualified homes were built in the Town of Yarmouth.
• Cape Light Compact continues to support STEM integrated energy education to students,
parents, and teachers at D-Y High School, Mattacheese Middle School, Station Avenue
School, and M. E. Small School through field trips, teacher workshops, materials, and
classroom support through our National Energy Education Development Project.
Students from Eastham Elementary School presented an Energy Carnival to students at
the Wixon Innovation School in the spring of this school year.
“I’m proud to serve as Yarmouth’s representative to Cape Light Compact, and proud of the long
partnership between the Town of Yarmouth and CLC.”
To promote and support the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences to benefit people
in the Towns of Barnstable and Yarmouth.
The Mid-Cape Cultural Council (MCCC) is part of a network of 329 local cultural councils
across the state that works in partnership with the Massachusetts Cultural Council. MCCC, the
only regional council on Cape Cod, has members appointed by both Barnstable’s Town Council
and Yarmouth’s Board of Selectmen. Members in fiscal year 2014 included four Yarmouth and
six Barnstable members. MCCC is administratively attached to Barnstable’s Growth
Management Department.
The MCCC’s core activities are awarding grants and providing services to connect cultural assets
to community needs. In 2014, we:
• Were honored as the 2014 “Council of the Year” by the Massachusetts Cultural Council
at a State House ceremony in February;
• Supplemented our state grant by raising funds with the help of seven local businesses;
• Attracted 172 followers on Facebook;
• Held five grant-writing help sessions in both Towns;
• Reviewed 34 applications and awarded 16 grants, amounting to $9,700, to cultural non-
profits, schools, libraries, and artists for projects benefiting people in one or both of the
Towns we serve;
• Staged a program to celebrate and promote funded projects, ranging from youth programs
at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod, to African dance and musical theatre programs for
senior centers, and nature and poetry programs for school children. Held at the Cape Cod
Museum of Art, about 100 people, including local and state elected officials, enjoyed
grantee performances and displays.
• Developing an online “Mid-Cape Cultural Directory” in partnership with the New
England Foundation for the Arts;
• Creating an event to celebrate and promote Mid-Cape region artists and craftspeople.
For more information: www.mass-culture.org/Mid-Cape
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MidCapeCouncil
Contact Person: Becky Lawrence, Chair Email: midcapecouncil2@gmail.com
Membership: Sandra Cashen, Joyce Flynn, Steve Gavin, Steven Krintzman, Marilyn Holle,
Robert Palmeri, Regina Wood; members Emeriti: Jack Howard and Ed Voelker; Roby
Whitehouse, representative to the Energy Committee to replace the late George Allaire.
In 2014, the Energy Committee is proudest of its creation of the George Allaire Memorial Fund
to promote interest in science through scholarships to deserving local middle school students.
George earned a degree in mechanical engineering and had long been interested in renewable
energy technologies.
The first award was made to Justin Maquines, a Mattacheese seventh grader, to attend the 4C’s
“Summer of Science” program in August 2014. Prospective donors and applicants may contact
the Energy Committee Chairman for more information.
• Energy Committee members Bob Palmeri and Steve Krintzman spoke at a Department of
Public Utilities hearing in support of Cape Light Compact’s (CLC) revisions and updates
to its Aggregation Plan.
• The Energy Committee voted to support the Town’s intent to sign a Power Sales
Agreement (PSA) with the Cape & Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC) to purchase
excess Net Metering Credits (NMC’s) that are becoming available as its photovoltaic
(PV) projects come on line.
• It also reviewed subsequent amendments to that PSA. Ultimately, the Energy Committee
reviewed and approved a proposal for the Town to sign a PSA for excess NMC’s with a
private company, Revolution Energy Corporation..
• Steve Krintzman, after extensive consultations with Town officials, Golf Committee
members, and renewable energy experts, concluded that the 9-hole Bayberry Golf
Course, while technically a good location for a photovoltaic installation, was legally
designated as recreation land and could not be used for other purposes.
Public Education and Outreach
• The Energy Committee reviewed the Solarize Massachusetts program to promote private
solarization activities as a possible direction for Yarmouth, but took no action.
• Sandy Cashen participated in the CLC’s C.A.P.E. Presence Pro Energy for residential and
commercial customers, a pilot program to help residents monitor household electricity
Respectfully submitted:
Bob Palmeri (Chair) Sandra Cashen Steve Krintzman
Steve Gavin (Vice-Chair) Joyce Flynn
Regina Wood (Secretary) Marilyn Holle
The Open Space Committee continues as it did under Land Bank with an updated and formalized
charges and procedures. Its purpose shall be to assist the Town in the acquisition and
preservation of open space for conservation, passive recreation and vistas by purchase, and
conservation restrictions by willing owners or by eminent domain.
The Committee was active in several areas in 2014, despite the lack of properties available for
open space consideration that met our criteria for acquisition but continue to look at all
properties offered.
The most significant accomplishment in 2014 was the establishment of conservation restrictions
on approximately 32 Land Bank and Open Space properties that did not have restrictions on
them. This will protect these lands in perpetuity from misuse or sale and will be overseen by the
Yarmouth Conservation Trust.
A meeting was held with representatives from NStar regarding the purchase of 10 acres of land
on Strawberry Lane owned by NStar purchased from the Boy Scouts in 2005 for construction of
a sub-station. As a result of the meeting, a draft action plan was drawn up and agreed upon by
both parties. Progress has been slow, but is moving forward on this acquisition.
A new sign was erected on the site of the new park on Route 28, formerly the 1750 House, now
known as Mill Creek Park, which has extensive improvements, including a viewing deck,
benches, and landscaping.
The Committee met with Elvio and Judy Rodrigues, asking the Committee to pursue the
acquisition of the 10 acre property on Forest Road by eminent domain, owned by the Yarmouth
Housing Authority. The Committee was unsuccessful in their efforts due to the autonomy of the
A lawsuit filed by Mr. Rodrigues accusing the Committee of a violation of the Open Meeting
Law was dismissed by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office due to procedural
deficiencies and after the Selectmen found no cause to pursue the complaint.
The Committee continues to concentrate on property maintenance, specifically Homers Dock
Trail and Chase Creek Park.
Respectfully submitted,
Jack Mulkeen, Chairman
Jack Grebe, Secretary
Mary Herberich
Heather McElroy
The Personnel Board is an advisory board to the Board of Selectmen and the Town
Administrator. It is comprised of five members, one of whom is appointed by the Finance
Committee. The Board’s duties include:
1. Recommending personnel policies, procedures, and regulations for non-union
2. Approving the content and format of all job descriptions, subject to collective
bargaining where applicable;
3. Acting on requests for changes in pay classifications for permanent positions; acting
on requests to modify pay rates for seasonal and temporary positions; and
4. Other related duties as assigned by the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator.
A position classification review is the process by which the Town determines the appropriate pay
grade for each permanent Town position or job. The process begins with a review of the job
description by the employee(s), the supervisor, the department head, the Assistant Town
Administrator, and the union, if applicable. The Personnel Board then reviews the content of the
job description for clarity and consistency with Town practice and conducts a numerical rating of
the position using the Town’s position rating manual. Often, the employee and a supervisor may
be present to describe the position and answer any questions the Personnel Board may have, and
in some cases, additional information is requested and the decision is made at the next meeting.
There were five meetings held during the year. Reorganization again resulted in a review of
various position descriptions. Position descriptions reviewed and rated by the Personnel Board
were: Information Technology Senior Support Specialist, Information Technology Project
Manager, Treasurer/Collector, Assistant Treasurer/Collector, Highway Superintendent,
Economic Development Planner, and Administrative Supervisor - Parks & Recreation. In
addition, the Board met with the Director of Parks/Recreation/Cemetery to review and discuss
proposed position description changes which are to be presented to the Personnel Board in
In addition, some changes were made to the Miscellaneous Compensation Schedule for various
temporary/provisional positions, as well as updating the Personnel Policies Manual to be in line
with negotiated changes in union contracts.
The Personnel Board is most appreciative for the staff assistance provided by Peter Johnson-
Staub, Assistant Town Administrator, and Pamela Barnes, Administrative Assistant. The
Personnel Board meets as needed at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Betty-Jane Burkhardt, Chair
Thomas Nickinello, Vice Chair
Alice Bowen
Sharon Ladley
John Moylan Finance Committee Representative
Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee
In 2014, the Recycling and Solid Waste Advisory Committee (RASWAC) met with Dave Quinn,
Regional Waste Reduction Coordinator based at the Barnstable County Complex. Discussion
included status of Pay As You Throw programs in other Cape towns, public education, county-
wide programs and initiatives, market research and incentives, and how to achieve positive
results for these activities. The Committee continues to support the need for this full-time
County-based position. Mr. Quinn receives the monthly meeting agenda and packets and shares
the Cape Cod Solid Waste News with the members.
The Committee championed the idea of regional recycling activities and a centralized facility
that could take advantage of market incentives and handling options. Towns have various ways
of handling waste, so it was difficult to arrive at a beneficial cooperative result. Mr. Quinn
supplied the results of a Cape-wide survey showing the cost comparisons and handling options in
many Cape towns.
The Committee met with the Town’s Finance Director, Ed Senteio, to discuss the full cost
anal ysis of the operations, wages, disposal costs, and the impact on the proposed annual sticker
fees of the next few years. The Committee attended and supported the Fee Hearings to increase
disposal fees which was held by the Board of Selectmen.
Efficiency and cost savings for the operation of the facility garnered a lot of discussion and
ideas. Programs to offset costs that were researched included license plate readers. Several
committee members met with a representative from a firm that provides this service. Funding
was not available at the time to run a pilot program to see if this program would assist with
enforcement of regulations and eliminate abuse. It is hoped funding can be found in the next
fiscal year.
Other items researched, completed, or planned for outreach by the Committee were:
• The installation of the new signs at the Drop Off Area was completed. The Committee
feels the new signs will encourage and provide guidance to residents on the best way to
recycle and dispose of all waste. This was done in conjunction with Earth Day.
• Discussion on Plastic Bag Ban. This initiative has been addressed in a few other Cape
towns and the Committee frequently discussed the possibility in Yarmouth.
• Addressed visual improvements to the bottle drop off area. The Committee discussed
available options for recycling of colored glass (none available within Massachusetts).
• Opportunities for the public to have local drop off sites at businesses and facilities for
items that can be easily recycled (i.e., used ink cartridges from computer equipment).
• The Committee fully supported management’s decision to keep the Swap Shop closed
until an appropriate solution can be funded.
• Given the upcoming price increases and no desire in Town to go to Pay As You Throw at
this time, the Committee is keenly interested in increasing education efforts geared
toward reduce, reuse, and recycle. We reviewed a staff-prepared brochure to go out in
mailings to households, and through our new committee member, Jill Talladay, will work
with the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce to inform and educate businesses about their
opportunities in this area through their website and newsletters. RASWAC will continue
to provide informative and helpful material.
• Having strongly recommended that a second Hazardous Waste Collection Day be added,
the Committee was pleased that this was scheduled and was successful.
We regretfully report the resignation of Doug Wade in February of 2014. Mr. Wade was a loyal
committee member and a great supporter of the recycling and solid waste efforts in Yarmouth.
We welcomed a new member to the committee in April, Jill Talladay, who shows a great interest
in recycling and our community.
The Committee thanks Rob Angell, Barbara Benoit, and the Disposal Area staff for performing
at a high level of excellence in 2014!
RASWAC will continue to support the activities at the Waste Management Division in their
efforts to serve the public efficiently and economically at the Town’s disposal facilities. The
Committee feels very strongly about public education, particularly of the costs associated with
waste disposal and how recycling has economic and environmental benefits. They will continue
to provide the information needed to assist the residents in realizing this objective.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Spooner, Chairman
Joseph Sarnosky Jill Talladay
Frank Martines Rob Angell, WMD Representative
James Cullen Barbara Benoit, Recording Secretary
The purpose of our committee is to assist the young people of Yarmouth in their pursuit of
higher education. This year, we had the privilege to give scholarships to nineteen deserving
individuals toward that goal, with awards ranging from $400 to $1000.
A grand total of $12,950 was distributed, thanks to the foresight and generosity of our citizens.
Endowment monies totaling $5,523 came from the Frederick Howe Fund, the Ellen Chase Fund,
and the James Knowles Fund. The taxpayers of our Town donated the remaining $7,427. This is
extremely noteworthy considering the economy and today's high cost of living. The Committee
would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all who contributed. Since the Scholarship Fund
was established twenty-two years ago, the Town has awarded 511 scholarships totaling
Scholarships are based on academic achievement and financial need, as well as school and
community involvement. High school seniors, and those currently matriculating in an
undergraduate degree program, may apply for a Town scholarship. Applications are posted on-
line on the Town's website beginning in early February.
The scholarship committee is currently comprised of the D-Y School Superintendent, Carol
Woodberry, Dr. Thomas Kerr, Ms. Sandy Rubenstein, and Mr. John Mincieli, who serves as
Chairperson of the Committee.
We believe this is an investment in the future that that will benefit our Town and the community
as a whole. Therefore, we welcome and encourage donations to the Scholarship Fund. Should
anyone like to contribute to the ongoing effort of our Town to make scholarships available for
our young adults, you may do so simply by bringing or sending a check to the Town Clerk's
Department, Yarmouth Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664, payable to the
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund.
Respectfully Submitted:
John Mincieli, Chairperson
One of the two primary functions of the Veterans Services Agent is to administer State low-
income benefits under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 115 for veterans who are honorably
discharged, who establish need and worthiness, and are residents of the Town of Yarmouth.
During the year, the Town of Yarmouth, through our office, provided local aid to qualified
veterans totaling more than $174,100 for housing, food, heat, medical, and other related costs.
The amount expended was reimbursed to the Town by the Commonwealth at a rate of 75% of
total expenditures.
We also provide services to veterans in obtaining the full range of federal government (Veterans
Administration), state government, and local government benefits. Over the past year this office
obtained $6,775,600 in VA cash benefits for Yarmouth veterans and widows/widowers for
service-connected injuries and VA non-service-connected pensions. These federal funds greatly
reduced the demand on our local aid fund.
We encourage any veteran or dependent of a veteran to contact us at 1-888-778-8701, Monday
through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. We can also schedule appointments in one of our
offices, at your home, or any location that is best for you.
We extend our thanks to the Board of Selectmen, the Town Administrator, and the Town
Finance Director for their outstanding support throughout the year.
In Service to Veterans,
Edward F. Merigan
Director/Veterans Agent
Brian Carey, Chairperson 2017
John Poole, Vice Chairperson 2017
Andrea St. Germain, Secretary 2017
Stephen Edwards, Treasurer 2015
James Dykeman, Jr. 2015
Maryellen McDonagh-Angelone 2016
Phillip Morris 2016
Gloria Lemerise, Director of Instruction
Judith Dion, Director of Pupil Services
Larry Azer, Director of Finance & Operations
Christopher Machado, Director of Technology
Lory Stewart Santos, Director of Instructional Technology
Shirley Smith, Early Education Coordinator
Rooney Pirini, Food Services Coordinator
Suzanne Kenney, Adult Education Supervisor
Maureen Burnham, Admin. Asst. to the Supt./Sec. to School Committee
Janice Butler, Administrative Asst. to the Director of Instruction
Sandra Clifford, Business Affairs Administrative Assistant
Joan Damore, Admin. Asst. to the Director of Finance & Operations
Beverly Haley, Benefits Mgmt. Administrative Assistant
Sharon Ladley, Admin. Asst. to the Superintendent for Personnel
Janet Doda, Human Resources Coordinator
Mary Ann Mulhern/Tara Holt, Admin. Asst. to the Director of Pupil Services
Susan Nelson, Asst. Treasurer/Accts. Receivable
Joyce Proudfoot, Bookkeeper
Dawn Selfe, Payroll Administrative Assistant
2013 – 2014 Retirements
Ms. Elizabeth Bader Title I Teacher E. H. Baker School
Mr. James Cavaliere Computer Technology Teacher Mattacheese Middle School
Ms. Deborah Cole Special Education Teacher Mattacheese Middle School
Mr. Paul Fazzina Applied Technology Teacher DY Regional High School
Ms. Patricia Ferguson School Nurse Mattacheese Middle School
Ms. Ellen Ford School Nurse Station Avenue School
Ms. Carol Gonsalves ESP Assistant E. H. Baker School
Mr. Michael Grenier Asst. Principal/Athletic Director DY Regional High School
Ms. Nancy Mastin Special Education Teacher DY Regional High School
Ms. Mary Ellen McTague ALP Teacher DY Regional High School
Ms. Lorraine Mucci Cafeteria Worker Mattachese Cafeteria
Ms. Carol Robbio Special Education Teacher Mattacheese Middle School
Mr. Francene Ryan ESP Assistant E. H. Baker School
Mr. David Sherman Plumber/Energy Manager DYRSD District
Mr. John Sinopoli Middle School Teacher Mattacheese Middle School
Ms. Jane Tucker Elementary School Teacher M. E. Small School
It is my pleasure to submit an annual report for the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School
Committee. The school year has brought about many changes and advancements in the Dennis-
Yarmouth Regional School District.
Technology has progressed greatly over the past year in our District as our iPad initiative, in its
second year, has been expanded to include fourth and fifth graders being provided iPads for use
during school. Students in the sixth through ninth grades now have iPads for use during school
and at home. Our District continues to be in the forefront in the field of technology.
This year the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District Committee’s Online Policy Manual
was activated and is accessible on our district website. It has been a long process, but the School
Committee has diligently reviewed and revised each policy with the assistance of the
Massachusetts Association of School Committees. Many thanks go to our Policy Review
Subcommittee for the hours they have spent analyzing these policies and bringing them forward
to the full Committee.
On a more difficult note, the Ezra H. Baker Innovation School was greatly challenged when it
suffered severe structural roof damage in its building causing the areas housed by the roof to be
unusable for several months. Through the strong dedication of the staff and assistance from the
District, the Baker community was able to carry on and provide for its students throughout that
difficult time with everything completed by the start of school in September!
In October of 2014, the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District and many members of the
community celebrated with a ribbon cutting to mark the construction completion of the school
district’s six photovoltaic projects. These projects, achievable with the help of the Cape and
Vineyard Electric Cooperative, represent just under three megawatts of renewable energy. In
addition to the financial advantages these projects provide, there are also educational and
environmental benefits to be realized too!
With student assessments such a prominent part of our discussion, the Dennis-Yarmouth
Regional School District was selected to administer the PARCC field test assessments to random
classrooms throughout the District. These field tests were designed to familiarize teachers,
principals, curriculum directors, and other educators with the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers online assessments before they are used universally.
On behalf of the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School Committee, I’d like to express our gratitude
to our Town officials, our Police and Fire Departments, the wonderful D-Y staff, and the many
members of our communities who so graciously support the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School
Respectfully submitted,
Brian F. Carey, Chairman
As we look back on the bold beginnings of the United States of America, we are reminded that
our founders believed that the country they were creating could only thrive with a well-educated
populace and that public education was fundamental to maintaining a free, democratic society.
At Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District, we take this responsibility seriously each and
every day.
We work to ensure all students will graduate with the ability to participate meaningfully in
society. Some of our students struggle when they first join our District, but the longer they
remain with us the more they learn and grow. Currently, American education is focused on
closing achievement gaps between varying groups of students. We are proud to be part of this
important work and to report that the graduation rate of low income students attending Dennis-
Yarmouth is almost ten points above state average. Our students whose first language is not
English have a graduation rate that is almost twenty points above state average.
Principal Jenks has reported on college attendance rates in his report. We are encouraging more
of our students to continue their education beyond high school. Today in our world, additional
education has become more necessity than luxury as the kinds of employment for low-skilled
citizens is far less than in previous times in our history. Through our partnership with
Bridgewater University, every grade 3 student visited the college campus. It is important to talk
to children about their future, their goals, and how they might get there. One young man from
Ezra Baker Innovation School said it started him thinking about what he might like to do when
he got older. As they say, “out of the mouths of babes.”
This year across Cape Cod there were only five schools that were given level one status. Three
of these five are Dennis-Yarmouth schools: M. E. Small, Station Avenue, and E. H. Baker
Innovation. The number of third grade students from these schools achieving proficient or
advanced scores in math grew 17 percent in two years. Working with our K-3 math coach, our
elementary teachers have raised the bar in the area of mathematics, resulting in significant
Further improvements at the early elementary level are attributed to the implementation of Tools
of the Mind at the kindergarten level of all schools. Research on this educational approach
indicates that use of the methodology improves a child’s ability to “avoid distractions, focus
attention, hold relevant details in working memory, and regulate impulsive behavior.” These
skills are important for learning to take place and have proven to be especially effective in high
poverty schools.
Lastly, at the early elementary level we have embarked on a multi-year project with Lesley
University to improve literacy achievement. We look forward to describing the results of these
efforts in future reports.
While Mattacheese Middle School remained in level 3 status this year, our students showed
gains in ways that are not always visible to the public. When we looked at the individual student
performance of those that had received interventions during the last school year, we noted
significant growth and improvement.
While some continued to score in the “needs improvement” range, they moved from the lower
end to the higher end of “needs improvement” and had growth scores in the “high growth” range.
Others moved out of the “needs improvement” range into the “proficient” range. Some students
moved from the “warning” category to the “needs improvement” range. Given more time and
support, we know we will get them to the “proficient” or “advanced” levels before graduation.
Every year we watch as this becomes the reality for many individuals.
To assist in the continuous improvement at Mattacheese, we utilized some Title I funds this year
for an additional math support teacher and two additional reading teachers. This is an example
of how our increased regionalization has helped our budget and our students. Instead of trying to
staff two middle schools with extra support, we could put all three teachers in one location to
maximize this resource. We are confident that we are supporting students who need it to fill in
achievement gaps.
We have continued our successful extended-day program at the Wixon Innovation School.
Further regionalization has made it possible for all Dennis and Yarmouth 4th and 5th grade
students to experience this wonderful program. Such an initiative has a positive impact on both
academics and the social/emotional aspects of a well-rounded education.
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is compelling
districts to move toward a more computerized assessment system. Last year we piloted PARCC
Assessments in several schools. This year all students that traditionally took MCAS will take
PARCC tests with the exception of Grade 10. Our iPad initiative has helped our students
become more acclimated to do school work through the use of a technology platform. During
the current year, our 1:1 iPad initiative spans grades 4-10.
Finally, we are pleased to announce that our enrollment is holding steady with just 29 fewer
students than in the previous year. We are at an all-time high for the number of students
choosing to attend Dennis-Yarmouth from other districts. For the first time ever, the number of
students leaving the District through the choice and charter programs has been reduced by fifteen
students. D-Y has a great deal to offer and people are seeing the advantages!
Thank you for all your support throughout the year. We sincerely appreciate it, and could not
make the progress we have made without the support of the citizens and the elected and
appointed officials in both Dennis and Yarmouth. Your partnership is the key to ensuring a well-
educated populace and maintaining our free, democratic society.
There is much to report for the last 12 months. We closed out the FY14 budget year, we are
managing the current FY15 budget, and we are in the midst of preparing the FY16 budget.
While our Excess & Deficiency (E&D) fund was drained after closing out a fiscally challenging
FY14, we did set another all-time high for incoming school-choice students, and have stemmed
the tide of outflow to charter schools – a net reduction of 30 students in the past two years –
continuing to prove there is a strong D-Y advantage!
While stagnant state and federal revenues are putting more pressure on cities and towns to
support public education, we have been working cooperatively with officials in both towns to
maintain a high level of programs and services for our students. I would like to thank all of the
school administrators, staff members, and the School Committee for their diligent work during
these challenging economic times.
The 2013-14 school year was the first with a newly-configured middle school alignment, with 4th
and 5th graders from both towns attending the Nathaniel H. Wixon Innovation School in Dennis,
all 6th and 7th graders attending Mattacheese Middle School in Yarmouth, and all 8th graders
moving to D-Y Regional High School. This realignment, coupled with the closure of Laurence
MacArthur Elementary School in Yarmouth, has led to greater efficiencies by merging
resources; and the results have been solid.
As part of updating a District-wide facilities master plan last year, we are working with the
member towns to develop solutions to much-needed capital improvements, as our buildings are
beginning to show their age. The District continues to pursue support from the Massachusetts
School Building Authority (MSBA) to undergo renovations to the Mattacheese and Wixon
schools, but has thus far not been invited to participate in their program. For example, we
narrowly avoided a catastrophe with the gymnasium at the Ezra Baker Innovation School last
year when the ceiling nearly collapsed and had to be replaced. We also remain steadfastly
vigilant in upgrading security systems in all of the District’s school buildings.
Our Food Services and Facilities Departments continue to be led by Rooney Pirini and Sandra
Cashen, respectively, who both do a wonderful job overseeing those essential functions. We
continue to implement federal nutrition guidelines into school menu choices and are focused on
providing a nutritious breakfast for students who may not have other options. Our Maintenance
Department relies on a small group of mechanics to handle smaller repairs more effectively and
efficiently, and our grounds crew maintains some of the best-kept playing fields in the area.
In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve the students of the
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District. I look forward to continue working with the
families, residents, staff members, and community officials in the upcoming year.
Submitted 1/12/15
The Office of Instruction is responsible for the planning and coordination of all aspects of
learning, mandates of federal and state accountability, and providing and supervising
professional development. To support and extend these key efforts, the Director must also be
deeply involved in grant writing. Nearly a half million dollars have been obtained from
numerous grants for FY2015. These receipts provide a major funding stream for professional
development efforts and partial funding of instructional coaches that improve the instructional
expertise of all our professionals. As we support the District strategic plan, develop
improvement plans, and organize professional development, we continually focus on learning for
all – students, teachers, administrators, and support staff.
Research has shown that professional development is most effective when the content is based in
schools and embedded in the work of the participants. In Dennis-Yarmouth, this is accomplished
in various ways. We have eight District instructional coaches, including K-8 literacy coaches, a
language acquisition coach for English as a Second Language (ESL), math coaches for grades
PreK-3 and 4-8, a STEM coach, and a kindergarten coach. These content professionals specialize
in providing effective support and guidance for teachers as best practices are transferred from
district initiative to classroom instruction. They are invaluable as the District moves toward
adopting and adapting to the new curriculum frameworks, assessment systems, and other state
Dennis-Yarmouth schools work closely with higher education partners to enhance and update all
our programs. We continue our long-term partnership with Lesley University to establish the
Literacy Collaborative model, which supports literacy coaching in primary grades. This project is
in year two and includes extensive professional development for grades 1 and 2 staff as well as
on-site coaching support. This effort will continue next year as kindergarten and other
educational professionals begin studying the Literacy Collaborative model.
Grades four through eight continue to work with researchers, funded by a five-year grant from
Wheelock College and Harvard, on vocabulary and reading instruction. At the kindergarten
level, we use the Tools of the Mind, a comprehensive, research-based curriculum focused on
cognitive and social-emotional development at the same time as academic skills. These projects
have received positive results and contributed to high quality research that has influenced
education nation-wide.
As outlined in the strategic plan, curriculum and assessment projects continue. Several staff
members work at the state level curriculum units and on task forces for early education. This
active involvement enables the District to learn of new trends and take advantage of additional
professional development opportunities that benefit our students.
The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District continues to educate students who will become
productive members of our global citizens. In partnership with our families and communities,
we look to fulfill our mission, Empowering Each Student to Achieve Excellence with Integrity.
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District’s Pupil Services Department provides special
education services including related services to students with disabilities from age three to
twenty- two years old. The October 2014 Student Information System report indicates that 469
students were receiving special education services.
Preschool programs are located at the Marguerite E. Small Elementary School in West Yarmouth
and at the Ezra H. Baker Innovation School in West Dennis. Mrs. Shirley Smith is the program
coordinator and her office is located at the M. E. Small School.
The benefits of quality early education are immeasurable. They improve cognitive abilities,
behavioral traits, sociability, motivation, and self-esteem. The growing research base from
National Institute for Health and other national researchers supports the importance and value of
early education for later success in both academics and life for the individuals and society!
Currently, there are 50 preschoolers with disabilities and 60 students without disabilities in our
programs. Some English Language Learner students also participate, providing them with a
jump start to learning English earlier. Inclusive classrooms bring typically developing preschool
age children into the program to serve as role models and give these students learning
opportunities in a high quality early education experience. Grant funding supports this portion of
the program.
Last year, the District created a partner classroom with the New England Center for Children
(NECC) at the Wixon Innovation School. The students with an autism spectrum disability who
participate in the program are making remarkable strides. Because this program has been so
successful, the District has decided to invest in beginning the curriculum portion of the program
into the SPEEK and STAR programs at the Ezra H. Baker Innovation School. The two
classrooms from pre-school to grade three are receiving professional development to implement
the Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia developed by NECC. Weekly support is also provided by
a Board Certified Behavior Analyst from Cape Cod Collaborative. Early indicators are
demonstrating success!
Another initiative begun in earnest in September is having each school develop Positive
Behavioral and Interventions Support Teams (PBIS). Last June, teams from each school
participated in professional development to identify areas that impact student performance and
design a plan to improve academic and behavioral outcomes. Each school developed a common
vision and common language to teach rules and expectations in the context of routines and
environments. The consistency with all of the staff using the same language across
environments is having a positive impact! Mrs. Sherry Santini is coordinating this initiative.
It’s a busy and productive year!
As is customary, I begin my annual school report by respectfully thanking the citizens of Dennis
and Yarmouth for supporting our students and our school. We are able to provide students with
a quality education because of the support provided by our two communities. The high school’s
October 2014 enrollment was 1,017 students, a slight increase over the previous year. The
graduating class of 2014 illustrates the strengths of the high school program: eighty-two percent
of the class of 2014 planned to attend college: fifty-seven percent planned to attend a four year
college or university, and twenty-five percent planned to attend a two year college. Many of our
students in the class of 2014 pursued other opportunities: twelve percent planned to enter the
workforce, two percent planned to go to a technical school, three percent planned to join the
armed forces, and the remainder were undecided about their future plans.
The students in the class of 2014 collectively received over $225,000 in scholarships and awards
at the annual Academic Awards Night, a significant amount of this support coming from local
sources. On behalf of our students, families, faculty, and staff, I thank the many generous
individuals, organizations, and businesses that provided this vital financial support for our
D-Y remains committed to our motto of Pursuing Excellence, Demonstrating Character. The
high school stresses a core program of English, foreign language, math, science, and social
studies. D-Y offers an extensive range of courses and programs that are designed to prepare our
students for the increasingly competitive world of the 21st century. Our 8th grade program, with
its emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math, continues to enjoy great success.
D-Y also provides a wide range of college level Advanced Placement and honors-level courses
for students who want to pursue the most rigorous and challenging academic options.
This year, over ninety D-Y students are enrolled in an online class through the Virtual High
School program. Our school values a well-rounded experience for all of our students, and as a
result, our graduation requirements call for students to complete course work in elective areas
including art, music, technology, and health and physical education. We support career-oriented
options including work-based learning, and over ninety students participated in internships with
local businesses and organizations this year. We have a strong working relationship with Cape
Cod Community College and many of our students take classes at the community college level,
including participation in the STEM-focused Bridge to College program. D-Y students can also
pursue alternative paths to graduation through participation in our very successful day and
evening alternative learning programs.
In April of 2013, Dennis-Yarmouth was recognized as one of “America’s Best High Schools”
with a silver rating, by US News and World Report. D-Y earned this recognition, in part,
because of our District’s commitment to successfully engaging and educating all of our students
in a rigorous academic program. D-Y also continues to offer many unique opportunities for our
students. For example, D-Y students have again worked this year on a local archaeological dig,
supported the Wounded Warriors Project, presented winning essays at Law Day, and competed
in the Poetry Out Loud program. D-Y students have also won recognitions in the Voice of
Democracy competition and the Lions Club Youth Speech Contest. We continue our partnership
with the Global Technology and Engineering Consortium (GTEC) and we have established links
with classes in England, France, Mexico, and Russia. D-Y students continue to skype with
students in other countries and compare the results of their science experiments and research.
In other realms, D-Y art students continue to be recognized for their work. One of our students,
Thomas Coute, earned a gold medal at the national level for his artwork as part of the Scholastic
Art and Writing Awards competition. The music program enjoyed another very successful
season in 2014 as the marching band and guard earned a three peat by winning their third US
Bands Division IVA State and New England title in three years. Our athletes continue to be
competitive and many teams have enjoyed winning seasons, earned league championships, and
also qualified for post-season play. Our field hockey team won the Division 1 South Sectional
championship this year, their strongest showing since 1988.
The Student Council, as well as other service groups, including Interact, Key Club, the Leo Club,
and the National Honor Society continue their strong commitment to community service and
consistently donate to charities and to our communities. The high school has enjoyed another
very successful school year and we look forward to continued growth and improvement in the
future. Our entire school community appreciates the strong support from parents, citizens, and
the leaders of our two communities.
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School District
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School will provide an opportunity to acquire high quality
technical, academic, and social skills preparing our students for success in our changing world.
Cape Cod Regional Technical High School (CCRTHS) was established in 1973 as a public
technical high school. The CCRTHS District draws students from 12 towns extending from
Mashpee to Provincetown. For our school year 2013-2014, we had 655 students enrolled in 17
different technical programs with an operating budget of $13,505,905.
The Town of Yarmouth had 167 students enrolled at CCRTHS as of October 1, 2013. The
assessment for Yarmouth in FY14 was $2,459,069.
Technical Areas of Study
Auto Collision Technology Dental Assisting Health Technology
Auto Technology Early Childhood Horticulture
Carpentry Electrical Information Technology
Cosmetology Engineering Marine Services
Culinary Arts Graphic Arts Plumbing
Heating, Ventilation, and Welding
Air Conditioning
Highlights from Cape Cod Tech 2013-2014 School Year
• Graduated 137 seniors in June 2014, 40 from Yarmouth.
• CCRTHS had the highest graduation rate of 95.6% in June 2014 for Cape Cod public and
charter schools.
• CCRTHS students meet the same academic standards required by the State for all of the
sending schools.
• Improved public and community relations by servicing community members in our shops at
the school. Community members saved $501,496 in labor charges overall.
• Thirty-eight students received John and Abigail Adams Scholarships, 10 from Yarmouth.
• Thirty-nine students were inducted to the National Technical Honor, 20 from Yarmouth.
• Fifteen juniors in Health Tech passed the State Certified Nursing Exam, 6 from Yarmouth.
• At the SkillsUSA State level competition, sixteen students won medals, 4 from Yarmouth.
Examples of medals won: Marine Service Technology, Career Showcase Arts &
Communication and Non-Traditional Career Portfolio, Career Showcase Human Services.
• At the SkillsUSA District level competition, eleven students won medals, 4 from Yarmouth.
Medals won: Computer Maintenance, Marine Service Technology, Commercial Baking,
Cosmetology Over 500 Hours, Teamworks Carpentry, Teamworks Electrical, Teamworks
Mason, Teamworks Plumbing, Collision Repair, Computer Maintenance and Nurse Assisting
• At the Massachusetts 2014 FFA State Convention, CCRTHS won Best Dressed Chapter
Award, 100% Membership Award and Membership Growth Award. One student won third
place for Individual Safe Equipment Operation Career Development Event and one student
was elected 2014-2015 Massachusetts State President.
• Computer/21st Century Learning Course senior students participated in the hands-on personal
finance simulation Credit for Life Fair. Forty-two local employers attended our CCT Job
Fair to recruit our skilled student technicians.
• The English Department piloted the PARCC exam in grades 10 and 11.
• The Advanced Placement Language Course completed its second year.
• A freshman Health class was designed to address the physical, mental/emotional, and social
health needs of ninth graders.
• The Library was successful in maintaining before and after school hours for students to work on
homework, papers, and projects. Approximately twenty students utilized this on a daily basis.
• The Math Department fully implemented the MA 2011 standards at 11th-12th level with new
Algebra 2 texts for the new curriculum.
• In Physical Education, pedometers were assigned to students and steps per day were recorded.
• In Science, the 2013 MCAS results show 100% of students who took the Bio MCAS passed and
94% of students who took the Engineering/Technology MCAS passed. Modern Chemistry is
being implemented to support Chemistry 11 and 12.
• In Social Studies, a quality Advanced Placement course was implemented for grade 11 World
History. Eighteen students completed the AP world history course and took the AP exam.
• Six students were honored for the Cape Verdean essay contest and one was the winner selected
by the Harwich Historical Society.
• The Spanish Department attended Philanthropy Day with four students from CCRTHS.
Students participated in workshops and presented their experience to School Committee.
• Special Education held after school support providing sports, bowling, food pantry visits, school
play, and the talent show. Two students received the Rita DeSiata Scholarship.
• Our School Counseling Department sponsored a weeklong “Break Free from Depression”
curriculum from Children’s Hospital to all ninth grade students during health. Also, each of the
four counselors ran a support group for a targeted population of students.
• The Art Department sold several pieces of student art work to CCT faculty and community.
The proceeds went to individual students.
• Auto Collision Department increased shop output by 20 percent.
• Auto Technology established one-to-one computing with a fully web-based textbook. At the
Mass Auto Dealers competition, students won first place in the state then placed twelfth in the
national competition. One student received the highest written test score in the Ford/AAA
competition, and we placed second overall in that competition.
• Carpentry Department was heavily involved with the refurbishing of the Gilmore House, a
structure on campus. All senior students completed the OSHA Training Program.
• In Cosmetology, all five seniors who took the Cosmetology State Exam passed, all eight juniors
and five sophomores who took the Nail Technician State Exam passed.
• Culinary Arts provided the food service for the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce Home and
Garden Show as a shop fundraiser for the Jean Gage Memorial Scholarship. A web page for
The Hidden Cove Restaurant was developed.
• Dental Assisting seniors participated in five weeks of internship and worked alongside staff in
local dental offices. This experience resulted in two job offers for students. All sixteen Dental
Assisting students assisted in the Ellen Jones Dental Clinic as part of their shop training.
• Early Childhood Education staffing model allowed the preschool to remain open an hour longer.
• Electrical students completed a huge outside job wiring eight cabins in Brewster and updating
electrical distribution of the whole camp. Project offered great experience for students and a
major assistance to a non- profit camp for families with a child that has life threatening illness.
• Graphic Arts made a solid connection to Cape Cod Community College by paving the way for
students to earn college credit through their high school level work.
• One hundred percent of Health Tech students passed the state written and practical CNA exam.
• Horticulture built walkways on campus and serviced the campus grounds irrigation system.
• Roots and Roses Floral Shop utilized Facebook and public venues with the goal of increasing
opportunities for student hands-on experiences.
• HVAC students repaired equipment in the school such as installing air conditioning in Adult
Education Office, and in two shop areas.
• Welding students made visits to both large industry sites and local shops and were visited by
two technical colleges who presented opportunities after graduation.
• The Information Technology shop instituted a new safety program for students aligned to both
state and OSHA frameworks.
• All freshmen passed the Engineering Technology MCAS with proficient or advanced scores.
• In the Plumbing Shop, ninety percent of students passed the tier three test.
• Eighty-three qualified students participated in placements for Cooperative Education,
Internships, and Student Practicums for real-life work experience.
• CCRTHS continued to address capital needs from the long range capital plan this summer
with the replacement of the school's electrical switchgear (approximately $380,000).
However, CCRTHS also continues to seek a partnership with the Massachusetts School
Building Authority (MSBA) for a major renovation or replacement of the facility because
remaining physical plant issues exceed the capacity of the operating budget.
Please visit our website: www.capetech.us for more information.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine K. Greeley and John Hannon
CCRTHS School Committee
It is my honor to share the 2014 annual report for Mattacheese Middle School. This is our
second year in a 6th and 7th grade configuration. The faculty and staff continue to work to
promote a system that provides every child with the opportunity to succeed. In this time of
transition, we have placed emphasis on collaborative leadership, a personalized learning
environment, and student outcomes. These factors have contributed to a change in school culture
and improvement of student achievement at Mattacheese.
Our program seeks to instill the 21st century skills that business and community leaders
recognize as essential. Our students continue to grow in our 1:1 (an iPad for every student)
community as we took part in a Day of Code with the world community. Our library is presently
expanding its book collections to include eBooks. Our science teachers are moving into the next
generation science standards while Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and
Math are the basis of our curriculum. Beyond academic goals, we encourage collaboration,
communication, critical thinking, and creative innovation to prepare our students for their future.
As a school, we have adopted the expectations of Respect, Responsibility, and Resourcefulness
as part of the District Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports program. As we transform
practices, the staff works to provide frequent recognition and encouragement. The school-wide
expectations are consistent and communicated in a positive way in order to guide our students
academically, behaviorally, and socially.
We work to develop interconnected abilities through our comprehensive After School Activity
program that extends our school day on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for three, seven-week
sessions. The offerings focus on art, creativity, crafts, exercise, special interests, music, and
academic support. Our ability to expose our students to a variety of opportunities can enhance
confidence and curiosity.
Beyond the classroom we “make strides” with full school “walk-runs” throughout the year. Our
wellness program has been augmented by team sports, intramurals, and Project Adventure. This
year we added volleyball as an interscholastic sport.
We continue to build valuable partnerships like The Yarmouth Rotary Club, connected with the
Rotary Club of Greater Hyderabad in India, to renovate infrastructure at the Maktha School.
Mattacheese has become involved in the Rotary project as pen pals to Maktha students thus
helping our students become successful, responsible global citizens. Additionally, foreign
language students benefit from an annual French trip to Quebec and a Spanish trip to New York
Students are engaged through our meaningful leadership programs including an Executive Board
and 6th and 7th grade Ambassadors. By giving our students a voice, we better equip them to
support others to be more involved and increase our existing positive culture.
Once again, I thank our caring teachers and staff who are committed to providing a safe,
positive, supportive, yet challenging school environment. Additional thanks go to our
Leadership Team, PTO and School Council, as well as our community. Our top priority is, and
always will be, our students.
It is with continued pride that I share the second annual report of the Nathaniel H. Wixon
Innovation School. Four hundred seventy-six fourth and fifth grade students arrive daily, each to
participate in a warm, welcoming school environment.
Highlights of our second year include: excellent learning opportunities with an increased focus
on aligned curriculum, pacing, and assessment; continued strong parent involvement, and
excellent support by the Dennis community. These ingredients blend together and result in a
fabulous experience for our students.
Our additional forty minutes daily remains the cornerstone of our Innovation. This time, when
added to each of our one hundred eighty school days, is the equivalent of an additional seventeen
days of school! Time alone does not enhance our students’ learning, what our dedicated faculty
does with the time is the key to their fabulous educational experience.
Parents continue to enrich our students’ education. The PTO fundraises to ensure opportunities
extending beyond the classroom. This past year, these trips included three Boston experiences, a
trip to the Cape Symphony, and several onsite programs. The School Council has completed a
three year School Plan as part of their leadership responsibilities, with clearly defined goals for
enhanced student learning, a supportive school culture, communication, and safety. On behalf of
our students and staff, we thank the parents for their dedication to volunteerism on behalf of our
We continue to feel the ongoing support of the Dennis community. We have begun planning for
a new playground, based on the $75,000 awarded by the Town’s Community Preservation
Committee. The playground will be utilized by our students during the school day and will be a
wonderful resource for the Town’s residents beyond school hours. We again participated in the
VFW Post 10274 Veterans’ Day Essay Contest that concluded with a magnificent assembly at
our school. Selectman Bergeron continued to help our students enhance their understanding of,
and empathy for, our homeless population, with over one hundred students writing essays.
Seven of the students read their essays as part of the annual Shelter Cape Cod Telethon. Ann
Gallagher, Volunteer Coordinator for Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, coordinated
the return of our volunteers for another fantastic year. We are fortunate to be part of a vibrant
community that enthusiastically supports the educational opportunities we provide for our
Our incredible sojourn as a new school continues. An intensely dedicated staff, caring parents
who so willingly give time and resources, a community that embraces us, and four hundred
seventy-six enthusiastic students join together to make an exceptional school. On behalf of us
all, I thank the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District and the Town of Dennis for their
ongoing dedication to our community.
I am pleased to report the progress of the Ezra H. Baker Innovation School. When we began in
September, we greeted 388 kindergarten through third grade students, slightly more than when
we ended our school year in the previous June. We also welcomed students in our pre-school
class, as well as in our classrooms for students with medical challenges or autism.
Three long-term staff members ended their careers in 2014. Ms. Elizabeth Bader was a Title I
reading and math support teacher who championed school-wide events for our school, most
notably our annual Math Fair. Mrs. Francene Ryan was a kindergarten assistant for many years,
working with our youngest and most impressionable students. Mrs. Karen Beauchemin, the
administrative assistant to the Principal, was for many the person who greeted visitors at the door
and the voice at the end of the phone line. These women set a powerful example of dedication
and excellence for our students and staff.
As a Commonwealth Innovation School, our Innovation Plan centered on 2 major tenets ~
increasing both academic opportunity and wellness for our students. All students studied
Spanish as a second language, and spent longer time in Art, Music, and Physical Education.
Second and third grade students had additional opportunities with before school classes in
science, technology, engineering, and math, as well as weekly in-school challenging literature
lessons. Students had the opportunity to choose salad bar or yogurt parfaits for healthier options
at meal times. We continued to expand options for after school activities. Last year, students
had the opportunity to take yoga, rocket design, and even cross-country running.
When designing our Innovation Plan, we wanted to make sure that our students realized that they
too could make a difference in the world. Our students completed three community service
projects throughout the year. In the fall, students prepared cards and letters for elderly citizens.
In the winter, we partnered with the Comcast Cares Program and sent letters to men and women
in the armed services. Finally, our annual Penny Harvest raised more than $1,782.00. The
student-philanthropists of the Baker Innovation School provided grants to Homeless not
Hopeless, the New England Society for Abandoned Animals, Wild Care Cape Cod, and the
American Cancer Society.
As we began 2014, we discovered a serious structural problem with the roof of the building that
houses our gym, music room, art room, medically fragile program, and various small group
support rooms. Those areas were unusable throughout the winter, spring, and summer. This
challenge forced us to work collaboratively and creatively to continue to provide students with
top notch opportunities. Our entire District opened their doors to us, and some EHBi students
traveled to the Wixon School to participate in after school activities, and the Dennis-Yarmouth
Regional High School became the home away from home for our SEALS program students. Our
faculty, most notably our related arts staff, rose to this challenge and kept students on track while
our Dennis community mobilized to remedy the problem. In September, we once again had full
use of our building!
As we begin 2015, we look forward to another great year filled with excitement, challenge,
wellness, and, of course, innovation.
It is an honor to submit this annual town report for Marguerite E. Small Elementary School (M.
E. Small). M. E. Small is one of six outstanding schools in the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional
School District. We are a proud and diverse PK-Grade 3 community of learners located on
Higgins Crowell Road in West Yarmouth. Identified by the Department of Early and Secondary
Education as a top Level 1 school, we provide a safe, enriching environment where every child,
in his or her unique style, has the opportunity to achieve success. We continue to foster
school/community relationships and cohesive partnerships with families, community members,
and the Towns of Dennis and Yarmouth to meet and exceed our goal of excellence in education.
According to the October 1, 2014 enrollment report, M. E. Small has a total of 225 students and
60 staff members. Our class sizes range from 17-20 students. Eleven of our students attend M.
E. Small as a School of Choice from neighboring communities. Forty-four of our students come
from multi-lingual homes. The five classrooms of the Dennis-Yarmouth Early Education
Program for 3 to 5 year-old children with and without special education needs is an integral part
of our school community. We also offer affordable daycare before and after school.
Our highly qualified and dedicated staff is committed to student achievement, school safety, and
parent partnerships. We believe in a balanced literacy approach in which students have daily
opportunities to read, listen, speak, write, and think critically. Through individualized, small,
and whole group instruction, teachers are able to differentiate lessons in order to best fit the
needs of students. We implement the Tools of the Mind program in all our kindergarten classes.
Our rigorous EngageNY math curriculum engages students in key problem-solving activities
while attending to the MA Common Core Standards. We are members of the Literacy
Collaborative in partnership with Lesley University and offer Reading Recovery as a reading
We at M. E. Small have embraced a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) model
of discipline. This school-wide, research-based system provides students with proactive
strategies to support healthy choices throughout the different settings of the school. At M. E.
Small, we are Respectful, Responsible, Ready, Caring, and Safe.
Our 51 year-old building is well maintained. M. E. Small offers a variety of after-school
activities and embedded enrichment opportunities for our students.
M. E. Small has an active and resourceful Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). All parents are
invited to participate in the monthly PTO meetings and activities. Our School Council also
meets monthly and develops School Improvement goals, oversees the school budget, and makes
recommendations to improve our school for all children. Yarmouth residents interested in
serving on this important committee are encouraged to contact our school at 508-778-7975 for
more details.
Visit our web page to learn more about our great school and stay up to date with events and
activities: www.dy-regional.k12.ma.us/marguerite-e-small-elementary-school
It is again a pleasure to submit my Annual Report as Principal of the Station Avenue Elementary
School (SAE). For the 2014-2015 school year, we continue to have a very strong enrollment of
434 students divided between 22 classrooms in our beautiful facility. This coming September
marks the twentieth anniversary of the founding and opening of Station Avenue Elementary.
Students at SAE are provided with a full range of academic and social curriculum opportunities,
which help them to grow as students and future citizens of our community.
Our professional staff engages in weekly Professional Learning Community meetings with
common team goals centered on assessment and focus for instruction in the classroom based on
the Common Core Standards in Literacy and Math. Our Math and Tools of the Mind coaches
continue to serve as valuable consultants for our staff. We are now in our second year of
membership in the Literacy Collaborative based at Lesley University. This partnership includes
ongoing training of our Literacy Coach who, in addition to working directly with students in
classrooms, will provide graduate level professional development in the latest best practices for
reading and writing instruction in classrooms. Our school is now in the second year of an
enrichment STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) block where Related
Arts teachers partner with classrooms to make academic connections and expand critical thinking
This year our District adopted the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports model (PBIS).
At the school level, we developed a common language for expectations of behavior - At Station
Avenue we care about being: SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and CARING. These
behaviors are modeled and students have an opportunity to show them in action. Monthly, All
School Meetings bring us together to celebrate and participate in school rituals. As role models,
our D-Y High School neighbors are frequent visitors through volunteering, work-based learning,
Physical Education Pals, and our annual Pep Rally. In addition, with the construction of the
solar array on the edge of our property, we were happy to have representatives from our grade
three classes share their writings about solar energy at the ribbon cutting ceremony held in the
Our School Council will be revising our School Improvement Plan to be modeled after the
recently adopted Strategic Plan for the District. Our active and energetic PTO continues to
provide family events such as the Scholastic Book Fair, Holiday Fair, Spaghetti Supper, and Ice
Cream Social. Their generous support of programs and field trips at SAE is much appreciated.
In the larger community, we are pleased to welcome many volunteers to our school including
high school students, parents, grandparents, Rotary Club, and Elder Services. This year we are
very grateful for the generous support and donation of school supplies and coats for our students
in need by the Masonic Angel Fund of Yarmouth. Once again, the Elks Lodge #1549 of Hyannis
donated a dictionary for each of our grade three students. Finally, our partnership with the
Yarmouth Police and Fire Departments in support of school safety is greatly appreciated.
On behalf of the entire SAE community, thank you to the good citizens of Yarmouth for the
support of our school community. We invite you to stop by and visit our vibrant learning
The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District Food Service Department was excited to be able
to reach beyond our normal school year to help serve free lunches to children over the summer
months. D-Y Food Service participated in a fully-funded federal Food Service Program over the
months of July and August. The Station Avenue Elementary, Ezra H. Baker, and Mattacheese
Middle schools served free lunches to all children who arrived at the schools during the one hour
lunch service. We were also pleased to work with the Recreation Departments from both Towns
to offer free lunches to all children at the Flax Pond Recreation Area and the Johnny Kelly Park.
The program was a great success, serving over 8,100 free lunches over the course of the summer.
Helping to keep our children fed through the summer months was the true success of this
Currently, 52% of the D-Y District qualifies for free or reduced priced meals. This is a true sign
of the difficult times within our school community. It is important to us to make sure all of our
students receive healthy and nutritious meals. There are many families that may find it difficult
to pay the full price of a school lunch. If any family needs a little help, or believes that they may
qualify for a reduced price lunch, it is important for them to fill out a meals benefit application.
Once again this year, the Federal Guidelines for the National School Lunch Program have made
changes to our menu standards. All of our breads, pastas, rice, breakfast items, snacks, and
breaded entrees are all whole grain. There is a variety of vegetables offered each day and
throughout the week. Fresh fruit is offered at both breakfast and lunch daily. All of our milk
options are low in sugar and are either low fat or fat free. This year’s nutritional standards also
include a reduction in sodium levels regarding all foods served in our cafeterias. With these
healthy changes to the foods we serve, we are proud of the nutritional meals we provide to our
With the purchasing of healthier foods, unfortunately, the prices of these foods increase costs.
Through our cooperative bidding and the use of local vendors, we have been able to keep costs
under control. For the 2013-2014 school year, the food cost ran at 45%, labor costs were 40%,
and all other costs were 15%. The Food Service Department finished the school year in the
We have great participation in our cafeterias throughout all grade levels. The schools always
have plenty of healthy and nutritious options to choose from. It is a pleasure and a privilege to
feed all of the students of the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District.
The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District Technology Department provides services to all
schools and the central office. The Department supports the infrastructure necessary to maintain
our District networks, repairs hardware, installs software, files for grants - both entitlement and
competitive, works with students with special needs to incorporate assistive technologies into
their Individual Education Plans, and provides professional development to staff to integrate
technology into the curriculum. In addition, this past year, we have provided support for the new
online Partnership for Assessment for Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing and
other online District Determined Measures to assess student progress toward meeting the
Common Core State Standards.
Our technicians work diligently to maintain the computers, printers, iPads, and other
instructional technology. The office staff maintains the district databases of hardware and
software, assists in managing the work order system, supports the District’s technology help
desk, and assists with data input and retrieval of student assessments.
This year Ezra H. Baker Innovation School and Station Avenue Elementary School had their
wireless networks completed. With this completion, all the schools in the District have wireless
Our iPad initiative continues and is in its second year. All iPads were redistributed to students in
the first few weeks of this school year and the Grade 6 students received their iPads at parent
orientation nights by the end of September. As you walk through the halls of Nathaniel H.
Wixon Innovation School, Mattacheese Middle School, and Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High
School, one cannot help but notice the active engagement of students using their iPads.
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District continues to have an active recycling program for
our ink and toner cartridges. This year we were able to use recycling points to procure three
laser printers and forty e-Printers to print from the iPads.
In December, in honor of Computer Science Education Week, all Dennis-Yarmouth schools
participated in the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is organized by Code.org, a public 501c3
non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science by making it available in
more schools, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color.
Students in Grades K-12 are encouraged to participate in the Hour of Code. The learning of
basic programming nurtures problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity. By starting at an early
age, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path.
The Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District Technology Department makes every effort to
stay current on emerging technologies to best serve our school community and ensure strong
support of its technological needs.
Dennis – Yarmouth Regional School Wages
Name Position Wages Other
ABERNATHY, SUSAN M Adult Education Instructor $252.00
ABRAHAMSON, KATHARINE A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,917.22 $2,632.02
ADAMS, ALISON J Teacher $85,888.65 $12,788.35
AGRESTI, MARY-ANN After School Activities Instructor $572.85
AIGUIER, REBECCA ANN Psychologist $51,211.22 $11,708.18
AITCHISON, MARK J ESP I/Teacher Assistant $5,688.42 $943.37
ALLANBROOK, GEOFFREY A Teacher $71,064.00 $700.00
ALMONTE, JODY-LYN Secretary II/School $43,895.72 $1,200.00
ALTIERI, WILLIAM H Soccer Coach $5,004.00
AMES, HEIDI M Teacher $73,456.64 $7,589.30
ANAGNOSTAKOS, DEBORAH A Secretary I/School $30,317.07 $815.82
ANARINO, SUSAN M Teacher $71,064.00 $5,478.80
ANDERSON, COREY L ESP II/CABA $19,632.53 $34.68
ANDERSON, GINA E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $6,482.00 $810.58
ANDERSON, MAUREEN F Librarian $31,243.84 $2,706.14
ANDERSON, PATRICIA D Teacher $68,346.00 $2,722.00
ANDOLINA, MICHELE Substitute $65.00
ANDRE, TINA L Teacher $83,392.77 $700.00
ANNESE, OLIVIA J Substitute $211.36
ANNESSI, JILLIAN P ESP I Day Care Worker $8,537.70 $25,960.20
ANTONUZZO, JOHN R Teacher $71,064.00 $400.00
ARADO-OLSON, FILOMENA J Substitute $1,878.36
ARLEDGE, CANDEE A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,497.58 $2,202.87
ARMY, PATRICIA A Substitute $65.00
ARNONE, JESSIE R Substitute $195.00
ARONE, PATRICIA I Teacher $56,111.25 $6,716.06
ARSENAULT, BERNARD E Teacher $72,143.00 $2,302.00
ARSENEAUX, MARIA ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,291.27 $1,430.95
ATTERSTROM, SUSAN E Speech Pathologist $7,379.25
ATWELL, KRISTY J Psychologist $83,078.03 $11,948.80
AZER, LAWRENCE Director of Finance and Operations $107,681.46
BAACKE, SHAWNA ESP I/SpEd Assistant $18,007.37 $1,301.50
BACCARO, DANIEL W Guidance Counselor $10,717.84
BACH, MAUREEN A Secretary I/School $23,838.06
BADER, ELIZABETH Teacher $58,139.93
BAKER, BEVERLY J ESP I Day Care Worker $1,278.54
BAKER, RICK A Teacher $78,214.00 $2,110.00
BARANDAS, LINDSAY JEAN Teacher $55,667.78 $1,507.50
BARBI, JEANNE Substitute $209.13
BARCZAK, SUSAN E Secretary I/ESP I/Day Care
$30,766.07 $3,231.10
BARNATCHEZ, SARAH E Substitute $146.36
BARTLETT, JOANNE M Substitute $1,330.28
BARTLETT, MARYANN E Teacher $51,535.47 $4,495.46
BARTON, PAMELA M Substitute $2,016.32
BATTAGLINI, MICHAEL Assistant Coach $1,882.67
BEACH, DONNA T Substitute $2,535.72
BEACH, JOHN A Psychologist $78,214.00 $1,511.19
BEATTY, BRIAN D Teacher/Assistant Coach/
$24,301.12 $17,084.95
BEATTY, TERESA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,240.96 $1,567.33
BEAUCHEMIN, KAREN P Secretary II/School $7,732.12 $5,991.11
BECO, MARTIN H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $12,694.81
BEDWELL, KAREN V ESP I/Day Care Worker $21,898.91 $2,263.31
BELESS, CAROLYNNE J Teacher $86,054.00 $700.00
BELESS, NANCY L Substitute $3,038.86
BELFIORE, LYNNE Substitute $4,853.26
BELL, ALAN Assistant Coach/Tutor $30,984.10
BELLEROSE, PRISCILLA A Social Worker $77,904.00 $700.00
SpEd Assistant
$34,446.94 $7,320.94
BELTRANDI, LISA A ESP I/Day Care Worker $22,506.72 $2,995.13
BENJAMIN, KIMBERLY A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,291.27 $2,743.80
BENSON, MELISSA A Substitute $349.54
BERGENFIELD, LESLIE Substitute $6,671.52
BERGERON, JANINE M Tutor $10,231.25
BERNIER, JOSEPH C Teacher $79,214.00 $2,412.00
BEYNOR, SAMANTHA P Tutor $6,476.16
BILLINGS, DAVID B ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $9,675.76
BITAHI, ADAM L Substitute $7,928.49
BLAUNER, MARIA A Secretary I/School $29,286.70 $1,200.00
BOBERG, MARYANNE Tutor $648.22
BOGLE, ADRIAN J Teacher $34,480.63 $88.86
BOLAND, MAUREEN A Substitute $2,451.56
BOMBANTI, LAUREN C Teacher $71,064.00 $144.63
BONASIA, MICHAEL Teacher $76,066.00 $1,700.00
BONO, SONJA A Social Worker $68,300.90 $526.16
BOOTH, PAIGE C Teacher $46,737.72 $400.00
BORGATTI, JULIE L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $12,070.97 $161.90
BOSKUS, CHRISTIE J Teacher $48,877.41 $320.00
BOTTOMLEY, JAMES C ESP/Duty Assistant $9,522.51 $1,172.94
BOUDREAU, ALEXANDRIA E Teacher $71,064.00 $1,700.00
BOUDREAU, NICOLE J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,611.33 $2,028.75
BOVINO, MICHAEL J Teacher $63,843.49 $7,526.16
BOWES, ANNETTE C Guidance Counselor $80,018.24 $1,978.40
BOWES, ELIZA M Substitute $40.68
BOWIE, HANNAH O Substitute $1,138.60
BOWIE, OLIVIA C Substitute $1,252.68
BOYLE, JAY S Substitute $65.00
BOYLE, JAYNE C Teacher $79,784.72 $1,678.91
BRADLEY, CASSIE ANNE ESP I/SpEd Assistant $18,759.00 $1,293.30
BREDA, KRISTINE E Visually Impaired Teacher $67,986.05 $1,723.60
BREMBT, BEVERLY A Teacher $78,438.00 $17,795.50
BRENNAN, SHANE L Teacher $64,620.44 $5,740.35
BRENNAN, STEPHEN A Teacher $68,346.00 $1,100.00
BRENNER, CHRISTOPHER D Teacher $78,996.00 $2,003.00
BRETT, JENNIFER W Substitute $13,766.78
BREWER, CATHERINE L Substitute $1,430.44
BREWER, SEAN W Coach $2,092.00
BRITTON, BRIDGET A Teacher $58,301.00 $2,523.52
BROCHU, HARRIET F ESP I/Teacher Assistant $9,791.86 $111.50
BROCK, SUZANNE Substitute $260.00
BRODT, CRAIG C Teacher $71,064.00 $1,145.23
BROWN, CHRISTOPHER JOHN Teacher $50,404.07 $400.00
BROWN, KELLY K Instructional Coach - Math $81,144.99 $1,422.50
BROWN, LYNN N Teacher $76,581.78 $350.00
BRUNETTI, ALFRED F ESP I/SpEd Assistant $22,412.12
BRYANT, LINDSEY E Teacher $71,445.36 $211.05
BRYSON, SANDRA H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,332.53 $1,000.00
BUNCE, REBECCA A Teacher $72,143.00 $700.00
BURGESS, MARY L ESP I/Duty Assistant $5,831.82
BURKE HAYES, MARJORIE ESP I/Duty Assistant $3,685.68
BURKE, PAMELA A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $19,999.65
BURLINGAME, ERIN E Teacher $17,270.35 $3,174.80
BURNHAM, MAUREEN A Administrative Assistant to
$62,476.00 $1,000.00
BURNS, DUNSTAN Summer School Teacher $2,500.00
BURNS, ROBYN JO ESP I/SpEd Assistant $9,254.86
BURON, SAMANTHA E Teacher $72,423.70 $1,929.30
BURTON, WILLIAM J ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $14,821.04 $1,348.30
BUSCO, ANGELA L. Adult Education Instructor $1,008.00
BUTKEVICH, KERRY L Substitute $260.00
BUTLER, BRIGID A ESP I/Teacher Assistant $4,854.48 $1,566.32
BUTLER, JANICE I Secretary III/Administration $49,352.50 $1,400.00
CAHOON, KAREN T Teacher $46,190.43
CAIN, PATRICIA E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,148.25 $793.90
CALDER, JEAN E. Substitute $1,157.17
CALDWELL, EMILY Teacher $60,930.87
CALISE, JOSEPH R Teacher $71,064.00 $400.00
CALL, JEANETTE M Teacher $71,064.00 $452.25
CAMPBELL, BERNADETTE M Speech Pathologist $72,143.00 $1,300.00
CAMPBELL, JEANNE M Teacher $64,620.44
CAMPBELL, THOMAS Assistant Coach $5,004.00
CAPOBIANCO, CHRIS A Assistant Coach $5,004.00
CARCHEDI, BRIAN Assistant Coach $941.33
CAREY, CHARLENE A Teacher $78,533.95 $2,653.00
CAREY, CHRISTOPHER J Teacher $46,190.43 $460.30
CAREY, JOHN M Technology Maintenance
CARLETON, RICHARD J Substitute $1,441.00
CARLSON, SHANNON S Teacher $71,299.57 $271.35
CARNATHAN, SUSAN M Substitute $195.00
CARPENTER, MARY L SpEd Team Leader $78,996.00 $886.86
CARROLL, JOHN G Video Production Specialist $2,370.00
CARSON, LESLIE T Substitute $90.45
CARSTENSEN, ERIN R Teacher $72,143.00 $700.00
CARTY, PATRICK S Substitute $112.00
CASEY, PATRICA G Teacher $24,599.07
CASH, ROGER S ESP II/CABA $19,227.11 $5,015.60
CASHEN, SANDRA J Facilities Manager $71,570.00
CASTANO, RAYMOND JOHN Teacher $60,930.87 $400.00
CASTELONE, THERESA M Teacher $71,299.57
CASTLE, TABATHA L Substitute $5,029.47
CATALANO, ALYSSA B NEED Naturalist $19,337.11
CATON, DEBORAH A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,086.70
CAVALIERE, JAMES A Teacher $72,223.00 $2,032.00
CAVANAUGH, EILEEN Substitute $5,826.34
CEVOLI, CHRISTEN Teacher $50,815.12
CHAMPA, MAUREEN M Substitute $53.78
CHASE, RICHARD P Teacher $71,064.00 $700.00
CHAUSSE, AMY S Teacher $68,346.00 $1,250.00
CHAUSSE, DENISE M Secretary I/School $31,521.27 $1,200.00
CHIARADONNA, SHEILA Substitute $5,850.44
CHICOINE, GERALDINE L Substitute $2,911.50
CHRISTENSEN, STEVEN E Teacher $20,775.42
CHRISTIE, SUZANNE M Teacher $73,783.53
CHRISTINAT, FRANCES A Substitute $910.88
CHURCHILL, SARAH E Substitute $2,785.34
CIAVARRA, CHRISTINE M Substitute $747.72
CIOBANU, VICTORIA G Substitute $97.50
CLARK, DEBORAH M Teacher $71,064.00
CLARKIN, JOSHUA S Guidance Counselor $78,371.52 $400.00
CLEARY, BARBARA Substitute $1,560.00
CLEMENCE, DEBORAH R Professional Development
CLEMENCE, JOHN T Sports Personnel $986.00
CLIFFORD, MARK Substitute $3,000.00
CLIFFORD, SANDRA Secretary III/Administration –
Business Affairs
$49,400.26 $1,400.00
CLOSE, CATHRYN L Teacher $78,996.00 $3,154.23
COBILL, DANIEL J Substitute $125.30
COCOZZA, RACHEL B Substitute $390.44
COELHO, JANE E Secretary II/School $46,404.21 $2,553.54
COLBERT, MEREDITH ESP I/SpEd Assistant $32,797.53 $7,209.34
COLBY, JANET C Substitute $2,080.00
COLE, MARY C Sports Personnel $2,092.00
COLGAN, KATHERINE A Teacher $68,346.00 $6,060.90
COLLETTE, ALLYSON J Substitute $648.78
COLTON, LESLIE J ESP I/Teacher Assistant $4,332.24
COLTON-MUND, DAWN E Teacher $78,706.00 $1,832.00
CONLON, LINDSAY B Substitute $437.31
CONNELLY, KATHERINE M Substitute $162.50
CONNERY, JACKI A ESP I/Duty Assistant $974.92
CONNORS, SUSAN M ESP I/Day Care Worker $27,186.42 $1,000.00
CONNORS, TANNER P Substitute $235.68
CONWAY, CAROL S Teacher $75,938.00 $1,300.00
COOKE, CHERYL A Substitute $81.36
COPENHAVER, VICTORIA L Teacher $51,462.07
CORBETT, DANIELLE K Cafeteria Worker $16,932.43
CORCORAN, SANDRA L ESP I/Teacher Assistant $23,409.42
CORNA, CHRISTOPHER A Teacher $24,599.07
CORNWELL, DIANE A Substitute $7,882.24
CORRIGAN, JACQUELINE M Teacher $14,580.72
COSTA, CHARLES C Teacher $85,264.00 $1,700.00
COSTA, ELEANOR S Substitute $8,125.81
COTE, GIORDANA M Instructional Coach - Kindergarten $73,035.86 $1,200.00
COTE, SUSAN S ESP I/Teacher Assistant $10,361.65
COUGHLAN, WILLIAM P Sports Personnel $280.00
COUGHLIN, CAITLYN L Substitute $634.52
COUGHLIN, JOANNE L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $17,597.40 $3,395.00
COUGHLIN, JUDITH A Substitute $2,529.68
COUITE, ANN D Nurse $72,408.10 $6,476.62
COYLE CURLEY, SUSAN M Teacher $71,064.00 $241.20
CRAFTS, ROBIN L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,356.81 $6,907.94
CRAIG, REBECCA K Teacher $69,337.93
CRICCO, NICHOLAS R Groundsworker $10,995.04
CRISER, SUSANNAH R Teacher $43,455.35
CROCKAN, CHERYL T Secretary II/School $47,249.16 $3,261.90
CROKER, KATHLEEN J Cafeteria Worker $13,190.83
CROSSETTI, MATTHEW S Teacher $45,113.22 $7,210.00
CROWELL, BRENDA G Occupational Therapist $33,633.00
CROWELL, PETER J Principal $101,968.03
CROWLEY, MAUREEN L Teacher $68,346.00 $1,000.00
CUFF, ELAINE M Substitute $3,892.04
CURLEY WELSH, JAN M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $17,553.58 $692.64
CURLEY, JAIME L Psychologist $75,699.46 $8,241.38
CURRAN, JOANNE T Cafeteria Worker $9,422.96 $826.06
CURRY, JOHN J Substitute $504.00
CUTLER, ADAM S Teacher $60,293.79 $870.50
CUTLER, KERRY A Teacher $73,385.50 $2,636.10
CYR, TRAVIS E Technology Maintenance
DADMUN, THOMAS J Teacher $19,507.85 $400.00
DAHLBORG, JON PETER Coach $3,714.00
DALRYMPLE, RICHARD P Coach $6,164.01
DAMORE, JOAN E Secretary III/Administration $46,235.32 $1,200.00
DANNE-FEENEY, SHANNON M Teacher $34,418.41 $123.62
DAVALOS, MARINA B Teacher $23,906.40 $200.00
DAVIES, MARY N Cafeteria Worker $15,125.32 $129.52
DAVIS, JODI T Teacher $66,593.54 $5,549.46
DEAN, ELIZABETH M Secretary II/School $43,506.10 $1,400.00
DEAN, MAURA C Teacher $72,164.84 $2,951.72
DeGROFF, JACQUELINE A Teacher $68,346.00
DEIGNAN, REGAN M Substitute $658.40
DELUGA, KATHERINE L Substitute $211.05
DEMANCHE, CATHERINE M Teacher $60,138.96
DEMANGO, JENNIFER M Teacher $78,214.00 $2,842.43
deMARTIN, SHAWNA M Cafeteria Worker $17,724.84
DeMELLO, MOLLY M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,978.57 $2,083.56
DEPIN, CAROLE J Teacher $66,589.00 $1,300.00
DEPIN, HANNAH M After School Activities Instructor $559.37
DEPIN, KELLY K Librarian $55,667.78
DEPIN, KEVIN F Principal $105,728.00
DEPUY, CARL P Teacher $66,568.65 $2,838.50
D'ERRICO, NICOLE S Guidance Counselor $71,724.26 $6,289.02
DESMARAIS, PATRICIA C ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,157.78 $1,200.00
DEVEAU, KATHLEEN M ESP I/Teacher Assistant $8,213.73
DEVINE, MICHELLE A Cafeteria Worker $7,699.83
DEVLIN, LORRI ANN Nurse $52,329.93
DIDSBURY, SHIRLEY J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $17,506.54
DiFILIPPO, HILARY ELIZABETH Speech Pathologist $59,273.74
DILLEY, THOMAS GEORGE Teacher $57,769.20
DION, JUDITH D Director of Pupil Services $115,131.92
DIPRETE, SHARON A Substitute $14,370.97
DODA, JANET F Human Resources Coordinator $13,058.82
DOHERTY, NICOLE L Teacher $24,599.07
DOLBEC, JANE A SpEd Driver $22,370.72
DONLAN, MARK C Substitute $2,894.40
DONNELLY, VIRGINIA A Teacher $68,346.00 $700.00
DONOHUE, NEAL P Coach $6,164.00
DONOVAN, CINDY L Substitute $3,269.02
DONOVAN, LYNNE M Teacher $80,155.00 $1,300.00
DOWNING, KATHLEEN ANN Nurse $66,985.59
DOYLE, JUDY B ESP I/Teacher Assistant $25,853.20
DRAKE, BARBARA J Teacher $68,346.00 $1,600.00
DUFFY, ERIN M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,709.06 $7,936.19
DUGGAN, ELIZABETH E Teacher $78,214.00 $1,300.00
DUMONT, LINDA A ESP I/Teacher Assistant $24,595.82 $1,000.00
DUNBAR, BRIDGET A Substitute $1,219.96
DUNN, MICHELLE E Teacher $72,604.65 $2,961.18
DURMIS, JULIE L Early Literacy Specialist $1,386.90
DWYER, MAX Teacher $71,604.00 $1,753.75
DYE, ANNA M Teacher $71,169.53
DYKEMAN, HEIDI Substitute $1,684.83
EDWARDS, JENNIFER M Librarian $44,848.35
EDWARDS, TAMMY E ESP I /SpEd Bus Assistant $18,471.33 $813.60
EGAN, JUDITH P Teacher $44,547.47 $6,596.78
EGAN, MARISSA Teacher $64,620.44
EGAN-WALSH, PAMELA A Teacher $78,484.72 $1,090.45
EICHNER, CAROLE A Principal $105,627.03
ELDREDGE, COLLEEN A Teacher $72,470.25 $700.00
ELIZONDO, MINOR J Substitute $146.00
ELLIS, KATHARINE D ESP I/Teacher Assistant $23,777.00 $1,200.00
ELLIS, RAQUEL M Teacher $45,680.11
ENDICH, TAMARA Teacher $47,173.58 $2,503.50
ESPERSON-GOLDEN, JEAN Teacher $44,128.28
ESTEY, ALIZABETH ANN ESP I/SpEd Assistant $26,852.83 $1,200.00
EVANS, ALIZABETH ANN Speech Pathologist $63,597.93
FALCO, EILEEN B Cook Manager $34,550.80 $4,725.52
FALLON, ROSA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $17,373.61 $1,082.25
FANNING, LINDA O ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,321.59 $1,400.00
FANNING, NATHANIEL O Substitute $23,678.72
FANTARONI, ROBERT Teacher $78,214.00
FARRIS, BEVERLY M Substitute $3,547.84
FAUCHER, BRANDON L Substitute $91.14
FAUCHER, STEVEN A Assistant Facilities Manager $65,985.00
FAZZINA, PAUL J Teacher $50,727.54
FEDELE, MOLLY L Teacher $44,074.02
FEDY, LISA J Teacher $71,719.76 $400.00
FELLOWS, CHRISTINE L Substitute $1,885.88
FERGUSON, PATRICIA N Nurse $46,714.93
FERGUSON, SUSAN J Substitute $7,837.36
FERREIRA, AMY K Teacher $35,801.36
FERREIRA, SUZANNE M Teacher $71,124.30 $700.00
FIEDLER, KAREN S Substitute $65.00
FILMER-GALLAGHER, HEIDI M Teacher $77,216.32 $700.00
FILOSA-WILLS, JUSTINE M Teacher $69,046.00
FINN, CATHERINE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,310.35
FIORENTINO, EDWARD J Teacher $44,916.31 $400.00
FITZGERALD, PATRICIA A ESP I/Teacher Assistant $9,800.36
FITZPATRICK, SEAN T Substitute $1,560.00
FIUZA, ELIZABETH F ESP I/Teacher Assistant $24,062.47 $1,000.00
FLANAGAN, ELLEN MARY Dean of Students $72,758.00 $700.00
FLYNN, JOANNA C ESP I/Teacher Assistant $3,033.71
FOLAN, ALICE R Teacher $73,998.00 $700.00
FOLEY, EILEEN M ESP I/Duty Assistant $30,372.87
FOLEY, LYNNEMARIE Cafeteria Worker $8,521.58
FONT, CHRISTINE Substitute $382.04
FORBES, ALICE M Substitute $4,440.00
FORD, ELLEN B Nurse $53,667.20
FORKER, KEITH B ESP I/SpEd Assistant $28,260.27 $1,245.00
FORNOFF, DALE A Guidance Counselor $84,369.68 $5,339.96
FOUNTAINE, BARBARA A Cafeteria Worker $13,326.39
FOURNIER, MARA Teacher $75,910.70
FOX, KRISTINE M Teacher $54,714.60 $2,637.49
FRANCIS, JESSICA Teacher $48,685.79 $4,792.38
FRANKLIN, KATHY Teacher $20,517.27
FRANKLIN, MARSHA Cook Manager $26,160.00 $1,200.00
FRASER, COLLEEN E Teacher $33,807.65
FRATUS, DEBBIE ANN Teacher $54,260.93
FREEMAN, KELLI J Substitute $1,105.66
FREEMAN, MARY M Secretary II/School $43,597.74 $1,303.10
FREEMAN, MICHAEL R Teacher $43,063.40 $4,190.00
FREEMAN, NEIL J Substitute $593.18
FRENCH, JOHN S Teacher $74,278.00 $700.00
FUNK, PAUL A Assistant Principal/Coach $95,735.24 $14,561.00
GAGNON, KATHRYN A ESP I/Teacher Assistant $12,774.41 $3,878.46
GAINEY, CAMERON M Substitute $15,407.12
GALLAGHER, EMILY ANN Teacher $51,635.62 $3,636.09
GALLANT, JOANNE M Substitute $1,820.00
GALLANT, RYAN K Summer Grounds Maintenance $4,145.29
GALLERIZZO, WILLIAM O Substitute $195.00
GALT, REGINA M Teacher $61,987.06 $603.00
GANHINHIN, ROBIN J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,046.82 $340.00
GARDNER, JANICE B Teacher $68,346.00 $700.00
GAUVIN, MELISSA B Cook Manager $25,102.41 $2,269.33
GEARY, MOLLY C Substitute $195.00
GEARY, SEAN P Assistant Coach $3,081.00
GENT, ALEXANDRA M Substitute $471.58
GEREMIA, KATHRYN E Teacher $72,143.00
GIFFEE, SUSAN C Cafeteria Worker $10,916.73
GILREIN, JANET C Teacher $68,436.00 $2,748.70
GIROUARD II, KENNETH W Assistant Principal $78,030.00
GOGOL, GREGORY L Teacher $71,064.00 $1,100.00
GOGOL, MARCY L Teacher $69,337.93
GOMES, JOHN A Substitute $3,252.20
GONSALVES, CAROL A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $14,939.59
GONSALVES, SHAWN A Grounds Maintenance Foreman $54,793.15 $343.98
GOODE, MICHELLE J Teacher $85,104.28
GORDINEER, SHARON J Cafeteria Worker $9,696.00
GORDON, ASHLEY M Substitute $2,973.03
GOTSILL, THOMAS W Substitute $1,072.50
GOVONI, JENNIFER A Assistant Principal $83,250.00
GOVONI, MARY JO Teacher $74,088.11 $3,144.59
GRADY, BEVERLY V Cafeteria Worker $9,963.63
GRAF, SCOTT E Teacher $67,611.79 $1,266.30
GRAHAM, MALCOLM J., JR Teacher $71,064.00
GRAMM, MARGARET W ESP IV/Medical Assistant $5,550.48
GREEN, GREGORY ESP I/SpEd Assistant $30,568.89 $1,400.00
GREENE, ROBIN E Teacher $27,541.28
GRENIER, MICHAEL P Assistant Principal $58,818.42 $2,507.00
GRIECCI, DEBRA R ESP I/SpEd Assistant $25,867.52 $1,994.83
GRISWOLD, DONNA L Teacher $46,190.43 $180.90
GUARIGLIO, BRENDA Teacher $7,901.00
GUBBINS, SUSAN E Teacher $43,833.12 $700.00
GUERRINI, JO ANN ESP I/Teacher Assistant $9,843.23 $2,195.56
GUILFOYLE, MARINA A Teacher $44,687.79
GUNNING, THOMAS M Social Worker $86,836.14 $6,840.00
GURANICH, MARY E Teacher $63,815.02 $3,515.58
GWYNNE, SHAWN M Teacher $45,485.35 $105.53
HADDAD, NANCY A ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $25,001.79 $1,200.00
HALEY, BEVERLY J Secretary IV/Administration –
Benefits Management
$52,374.40 $1,400.00
HALL, DEBRA L ESY ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $1,753.55
HALL, ERIN MARIE Teacher $53,035.35 $452.25
HAMILTON, COLLEEN M Cafeteria Worker $8,990.79
HAMILTON, JEAN M Substitute $4,524.80
HAMILTON, SUZANNE L Secretary II/School $43,059.37 $1,200.00
HAMSHIRE, DAVID G Coach $5,369.00
HANSCOM, LEE J Teacher $71,064.00 $700.00
HANSEN, KRISTOFER A Teacher $73,128.73
HARDIGAN, SUSAN T ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,250.02 $1,000.00
HARDIGAN, ZACHARY R Assistant Coach $5,650.00
HARMON, JANET E Teacher $73,747.35
HARRIS, TAMMIE D ESP I/Duty Assistant $7,019.41
HART, CHARLES A Substitute $4,348.80
HART, JANET E Teacher $16,609.20
HAY, ELOISE M Substitute $650.00
HAYDEN, KRISTEN L Social Worker $69,252.06 $1,100.00
HAYES, AMY M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,235.00
HAYLES, SHEILA H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $9,051.68
HEDIN, NICOLE D Substitute $1,654.32
HEENAN, MICHAEL F ESP I Duty Assistant $7,897.70
HELEEN, ALISON E Teacher $27,441.96 $65.00
HEMEON, GRETCHEN C Substitute $10,906.22
HENN, DIANE F Substitute $1,886.98
HENNESSEY, BETH A Teacher $76,581.93 $1,521.00
HENSHAW, CHRISTOPHER A SpEd Driver $32,689.43 $920.00
HENSHAW, MARY ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,917.28 $1,000.00
HERRING, DEBRA L ESP II/CABA $27,688.45 $1,239.81
HESTER-BELYEA, CAROL A Substitute $634.08
HICKS, JERRICA L Substitute $1,572.96
HIGGINS, EMILY ANN Substitute $522.25
HIGGINS, MEGAN ERIN Teacher $52,374.22 $3,289.37
HILL, TRACEY E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $5,304.26 $4,907.41
HOAR, DIANNE M Teacher $75,938.00 $1,300.00
HOLLINGSWORTH, PAMELA L Substitute/Tutor $11,224.00
HOLLISTER, BETH A Teacher $50,912.84 $1,500.92
HOLMES, MAUREEN T Cafeteria Worker $9,119.37
HOLT, TARA N Secretary III/Administration $45,960.33 $1,000.00
HOLTON-ROTH, EMILY R Teacher $42,175.59 $633.15
HORN, REBECCA Substitute $9,243.14
HORTON, LYNNE M Teacher $67,685.56 $400.00
HORTON, STACEY B Substitute $1,010.74
HOTTE, JOCELYN R Substitute $195.00
HOULAHAN-TUBMAN, SUSAN Physical Therapist $24,599.07
HOWARD, SHARON A Teacher $78,996.00 $2,000.00
HOWELL, JEFFREY S Teacher $77,095.00 $1,440.00
HUDOCK, JENNIFER M Teacher $66,293.00 $3,304.45
HUDSON, MELISSA M Social Worker $73,456.64 $12,095.00
HUGHES, DIANE M ESY/ESP I/SpEd Assistant $1,280.66
HULL, MARGARET ALISON Teacher $66,494.99 $6,007.61
HUNT, KATHLEEN G Secretary I/School $30,879.87 $1,200.00
HUNT, MARTHA L ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $14,571.23 $2,705.50
HURD, SCOTT R Mechanics Helper $43,586.40 $4,252.36
HUSE, JESSICA J Teacher $69,705.49 $75.38
HYATT, RACHAEL E Adult Education Instructor $280.00
HYDE McGUIRE, BETTY L Teacher $46,274.26 $5,203.58
JACKSON, BARRETT Coach $2,305.00
JAMES, THOMAS A Construction Supervisor $17,459.68 $504.00
JAMIEL, JOSEPH A Assistant Coach/Substitute $10,006.00
JAMISON, JOHN Winter Percussion Director $5,002.00
JAROSZ, CHRISTINE ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,208.75 $1,158.78
JASIE, LAURA P Teacher $80,315.42 $1,600.00
JATKOLA, ROSS J Assistant Coach $6,004.00
JECROIS, BERMANN ESP I/SpEd Assistant $2,400.12
JENKINS, COURTNEY Coach $1,299.00
JENKS, KENNETH T Principal $117,055.03
JENNINGS, WILLIAM Sports Personnel $106.50
JOHNSON, HELEN A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $15,670.10 $2,282.37
JOHNSON, KENDRA D Teacher $72,143.00 $1,130.63
JOHNSON, PATRICIA L Teacher $69,337.93 $361.80
JOHNSON, RORY D Substitute/Tutor $34,449.38
JOHNSTON, STEPHANIE Substitute $74.69
JOHNSTON, ZACHARY NEED Naturalist $9,314.96
JULIAN, EMILY S Substitute $195.00
Day Care
$45,960.84 $1,638.46
KANE, SANDRA M Cafeteria Worker $11,813.32 $768.21
KARRAS, ASHLEY E Advisor Majorettes $1,072.00
KARRAS, KEVIN Advisor Flag Corps $6,127.25
KASTLI, PATRICIA ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,394.42 $1,422.10
KASTRITIS, JAMES P Substitute $195.00
KATCHMAR, ALEXIS J Substitute $5,014.26
KEITH, KIM F Teacher $44,448.35 $331.65
KELLEY, CAROL E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $13,346.43
KELLEY, DIANNE M Secretary II/School $43,746.65 $1,610.00
KELLEY, NORMA J Teacher $68,346.00 $1,300.00
KELLY, JAMES F Substitute $3,618.01
KENNEY, SUZANNE R Adult Education Supervisor/
KESSLER, ALEXANDRIA R Substitute $2,644.20
KESSLER, MAUREEN M Teacher $71,064.00 $2,198.00
KILMARTIN, PATRICIA A Substitute $292.72
KING, ALEXIS C Substitute $446.12
KINGSTON, SUSAN M Teacher $75,938.00 $1,400.00
KLIMENT, KYLE S Teacher $45,136.82 $3,685.54
KLIMM, THOMAS F Teacher $37,267.76 $400.00
KNELL, ANN P Principal $104,580.03
KOCHEN, ALLISON M Teacher $71,299.57
KOLACZYK, KIM F Substitute $2,100.00
KOSCHER, ADELINE C Teacher $80,576.00 $1,606.00
KOTOSKI, WILLIAM P JR Sports Personnel $1,082.00
KOUMANTZELIS, LEEANN Teacher $78,996.00 $2,350.00
KRAUS, DANIEL R Substitute $4,440.61
KRAUS, LYNN T Teacher $78,214.00 $2,192.43
KRYSTOFOLSKI, JASON T Teacher $70,377.42 $2,129.50
KUCHA-STONE, CAROL A Substitute $280.00
KUCIA, LISA A Teacher $71,410.64
LAASKO, MELISSA Substitute $1,183.11
LADD, COLLEEN Teacher $7,040.94
LADLEY, SHARON L Administrative Assistant for
$57,148.86 $1,000.00
LAFERRIERE, DANIELLE S Substitute $455.44
LAFERRIERE, LYNNE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,233.57 $3,418.86
LAFLASH, CINDY E After School Activites Director $65.00
LAFRANCE, MARY B ESP I/SpEd Assistant $24,797.26 $1,010.00
LAMMERS, ANDREA M ESP I/Day Care Worker $23,780.80 $4,993.35
ESP I/Duty Asst.
LAMOUREUX, MARYELLEN T Substitute $4,819.50
LANGELIER, MEREDITH Teacher $66,930.00 $241.20
LAPPEN, WILLIAM J SpEd Driver $27,111.05 $3,302.25
LARKIN, KAREN R ESP I/Duty Assistant $6,750.58
LARRAIN, MARIA CAROLINA Teacher $31,559.92 $3,993.27
LAUB-PERSICHILLO, ANYA M Teacher $66,568.65
LAURIA, ELIZABETH A Teacher $78,214.00 $2,014.00
LAURIE, CHERYL L ESP I/Duty Assistant $6,750.58
LAWRENCE, PAMELA J Substitute $2,904.20
LAWSON, ELLEN LISA Substitute $2,437.50
LEAHY, JAMIE Teacher $47,790.36 $4,211.92
LEAVITT, GAIL M Substitute $2,860.00
LEBOEUF, KIMBERLY M Cafeteria Worker $11,955.90
LEDWELL, LEO P Teacher $71,064.00 $400.00
LEE, AUDREY Secretary I/School $30,106.01 $1,768.75
LEE, RENEE E Teacher $39,449.89 $3,402.46
LEFAVE-NOON, CHRISTINE I SpEd Driver $25,812.92 $3,021.03
LEGGE, M. JENIFER Teacher $78,484.72 $2,415.90
LEIDNER, BROOKE E Teacher $71,445.36
LEITERMAN, ADAM C NEED Naturalist $452.35
LEMERISE, GLORIA E Director of Instruction $112,891.92 $1,000.00
LEON-FINAN, PATRICIA A ELE Language Acquisition Coach $81,661.67 $1,000.00
LePAIN, EILEEN G Teacher $78,484.72 $1,700.00
LEVESQUE, JENNIFER H Substitute $1,722.72
LEVINE-NEWMAN, CHERYL H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $25,036.07 $2,013.60
L'HOMMEDIEU, LISA J Technology Maintenance
$42,653.00 $1,612.26
LILIE, CORINNE M Substitute $224.00
LINBERG, JENNIFER M Teacher $75,938.00 $1,000.00
LIVINGSTONE, JUDITH L Substitute $10,952.50
LOCKE, SANDRA E Instructional Coach -STEM $46,928.40 $1,273.62
LOEBIG, MARY E Teacher $85,264.00 $1,700.00
LOHSE, CATHERINE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $25,059.47 $1,000.00
LOMBA, DIANE M Substitute $89.62
LOMBARDOZZI, SHARON M Cafeteria Worker $13,795.12
LONCICH, JOAN T Teacher $69,644.00 $120.60
LONERGAN, THOMAS J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $28,772.80 $14,502.76
LOPES, JOSHUA N Assistant Coach $4,706.67
LOSCHIAVO, MARY ESP I/Duty Assistant $17,556.28 $1,266.76
LOVECCHIO, MICHAEL J Assistant Principal $83,000.02
LUBASH, ERIN MARGARET Teacher $50,404.07
LUCAS, LAUREN B ESP I/SpEd Assistant $5,754.68
LYON, JENNIFER S Teacher $56,891.07 $60.30
MacARTHUR, CHRISTINE A Substitute $11,266.35
MacARTHUR, PATRICIA A Teacher $71,064.00 $1,000.00
MacDONALD, MARY LOU Substitute $291.57
MACDONALD, TRACY L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $19,317.16 $6,999.40
MACHADO, DAVID C Director of Technology $98,549.07 $3,540.00
MACKEY, MARY C Substitute $14,974.44
MACKIE, DONNA L Substitute $44.81
MacNAMEE, COLLEEN T Teacher $78,214.00
MACOMB, ELIZABETH S Teacher $75,204.35 $2,700.00
MacPHERSON, LOUISA J Teacher $71,064.00 $1,000.00
MAGUIRE, CLAIRE NEED Naturalist $7,450.00
MAHEDY, CAROL A Instructional Coach - ELA $83,338.08 $4,329.56
MAHRDT, MARGARET C ESP III/School-toCareer Assistant $22,292.00
MALKASIAN, KATHY J Teacher $69,705.70 $4,214.60
MALLANE, ANN D Substitute $2,163.12
MALONEY, GERALDINE ESP I/SpEd Assistant $22,116.63 $1,000.00
MANEIKIS, FRANCES M Substitute $65.00
MARCHESE, NOREEN L ESP IV/COTA $18,508.88 $1,065.00
MARCOTTE, REBECCA L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $6,121.13 $289.15
MARINO, SALVATORE S Assistant Coach $3,081.00
MARTIN, DANIEL J Coach $2,054.00
MARTIN, MARILYN G Nurse Leader $74,278.00 $1,300.00
MARTIN, NEELEY S Teacher $75,938.00 $700.00
MARTINELLI, JUDITH Substitute $669.97
MARTINS, EILEEN M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,051.84 $1,218.36
JANICE L Teacher $71,064.00 $700.00
MARVULLO, KATHERINE M Substitute $15,294.97
MARZIGLIANO, DOMINICK SR SpEd Driver $26,970.99 $3,722.47
MASON, DOUGLAS H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $20,458.32 $162.00
MASON, TARA M Teacher $73,747.33 $2,441.42
MATHEWS, NICOLE M Substitute $959.30
MATHEWS, SUZANNE D Substitute $3,092.33
MAURO, ANGELA E Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $3,710.00
MAURO, KAREN S ESP III/Day Care Coordinator $49,531.59 $3,175.70
MAURO, KELLY E Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $3,729.12
MAXWELL, LEILA R Assistant Principal $91,555.00 $340.45
MAYO, DOUGLAS R Teacher $63,567.78 $827.46
MAZZUR, BROOKE Assistant Coach $1,885.00
McCAULEY, MEAGHAN T Teacher $2,738.75
McCUISH, DONNA M Teacher $63,416.43
McDONNELL, SALLY A Teacher $71,299.57 $2,510.13
McDOWELL, THERESA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $11,384.84 $436.45
McFALL, MEAGHAN E Teacher $68,890.78
McGEE, PENNY A Teacher $59,517.36 $5,103.08
McGUIRE, PAULA F Teacher $71,445.36
McKENZIE, MORGAN T Substitute $2,282.60
McKENZIE, PATRICIA A ESP I/Teacher Assistant $11,852.39
McLAUGHLIN, LINDA M Substitute $5,827.52
McNAMARA, MAURA E Tutor $2,336.64
McNAMARA, ONELIA L Teacher $51,458.14 60.30.
McNULTY, ERINN M Teacher $78,214.00 $1,060.30
McPHERSON, CAITLIN A Substitute $5,948.08
McSHANE, WILLIAM J Assistant Coach $2,826.00
McTAGUE, MARY ELLEN Teacher $58,464.93 $1,145.53
McWILLIAMS, BARBARA D Teacher/ESP I/SpEd Bus Assistant $49,553.02 $2,937.87
MEAD, MOUNA E Teacher $50,404.07 $271.35
MEAGHER, SEAN C Teacher $58,301.00 $400.00
MEALEY, RUSSELL E Mechanics Helper $44,167.47 $7,213.18
MEDEIROS, ALLYSSA R Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $3,601.50
MEEHAN, KARIN M Cafeteria Worker $25,596.07 $3,486.41
MEEKER, KEVIN Substitute $750.00
MENARD, SUZANNE ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,253.64 $160.30
MENINNO, SANDRA M Teacher $69,708.14 $60.30
MEOLI, STEPHEN C Occupational Therapist $62,571.20 $19,898.44
MERCK, JOHN J Substitute/Tutor $13,695.00
MERRICK, KURT W Substitute $309.08
MERRILL, COLIN J Substitute $2,092.00
MERRILL, KYLE Teacher $51,194.43 $4,422.23
MERRILL, SUSAN M Nurse $22,601.07
MERRIMAN, SLADER R ESP I/SpEd Assistant $10,344.12
MEYER, NINA L Secretary II/School $39,416.67 $5,695.63
MEZZETTI, EMILY A Principal $107,462.00
MICHAEL, DAVID S Coach $9,090.55
MILLAR, CHRISTIE ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,666.72 $848.61
MILLER, CLIFFORD Teacher $63,567.49 $5,706.16
MINOR, KATHERINE E Substitute $5,799.34
MIRANDA, RENATA F Teacher $20,738.39 $195.68
MITCHELL, JAMES P Teacher $75,204.35 $400.00
MIVILLE, DANIEL J Coach/Sports Personnel $5,159.00
MOBILIO, SONJA B ESP I/SpEd Assistant $20,085.89
MONROE, BRIAN HOWARD Teacher $23,906.54
MONTEIRO, STEVEN Maintenance Laborer $30,430.78
MOODY, ELEANOR A NEED Director $65,650.00
MOORE, GREGORY E Assistant Coach $2,824.00
MOREE, THOMANDA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant/Teacher $32,736.80 $886.08
MORRIS, APRIL Substitute $498.00
MORRIS, CREIGHTON J Psychologist $57,090.32 $9,419.74
MORRIS, DEBORAH M ESP II/CABA $23,587.59 $1,458.04
MORRISON, GEORGE A Assistant Principal $95,958.00 $250.00
MORRISON, TIA R Substitute $5,575.74
MOULTON, PATRICIA E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $15,893.62
MUCCI, LORRAINE F Cafeteria Worker $88.95
MUDIE, CRAIG EDWARD Teacher $76,545.48 $400.00
MULHEARN, PATRICIA M Nurse $68,253.65
MULHERN, MARY ANN Secretary III/Administration $38,668.32 $1,400.00
MURPHY, CARRIE H Substitute $2,826.00
MURPHY, GAIL K ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,229.38 $1,410.00
MURPHY, JANET ANN Teacher $64,505.16 $5,386.48
MURPHY, KATHRYN L Teacher $78,214.00 $1,400.00
MURPHY, MELISSA B ESP I/Teacher Assistant $16,174.62 $2,754.66
MURPHY, RYAN P Substitute $951.12
MURRAY DANIELS, JANICE L ESP III/Instructional Technology
$46,312.50 $1,460.30
NAPHEN, PETER H III Groundskeeper Leader $46,922.54 $2,661.15
NARBONNE, TONI-ANN Speech Pathologist $63,571.20
NEE, RUTH D ESP I/SpEd Assistant $25,577.08 $7,036.78
NELSON, MALLORY A ESP I Duty Assistant $955.98
NELSON, MARY I Teacher $68,346.00 $1,752.25
NELSON, ROSALIE A Coach $422.10
NELSON, SUSAN M Secretary IV/Administration-$53,774.40 $1,400.00
Assistant Treasurer
NETER, TAMMY A Teacher $71,064.00 $700.00
NEW, JOHN E Teacher $782,114.00 $1,600.00
NEW, LISA M ESP I/Duty Assistant/
Teacher Assistant
$17,068.87 $29.90
ELIZABETH Teacher $62,228.75 $5,786.46
NEWHARD, BRIDGET Substitute $2,175.19
NICKANDROS, ELAINE K Substitute $8,122.90
NICKERSON, JENNIFER Teacher $51,253.02 $6,516.18
NICKERSON, JEREMIAH Teacher $51,253.02 $6,930.15
NICKERSON, ROBIN G Substitute $11,870.96
NICKINELLO, FRANCESCA Substitute $6,822.43
NORTON, MICHAEL J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,685.48 $1,000.00
NORTON, SANDRA A Substitute $8,739.80
NORTON, SUSAN F Cafeteria Worker $10,265.22
NUGNES, ASHTON D ESP I/Teacher Assistant $7,901.19 $182.58
NYHUIS, KATHLEEN A Substitute $207.35
O'BRIEN, KRISTEN F ESP I/SpEd Assistant $19,162.30 $3,297.61
Duty Assistant
$11,683.59 $1,840.13
O'CLAIR, JEANMARIE After School Activities Instructor $211.05
O'CONNELL, DIANNE G Teacher $78,996.00 $5,034.60
O'CONNELL, ELEANOR L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $20,434.26 $2,205.43
O'CONNOR, KATHLEEN M Teacher $72,197.54 $11,473.15
O'CONNOR, MARGARET A Teacher $71,064.00 $400.00
O'CONNOR, MARY B Teacher $71,064.00 $11,188.00
OLANDER, KAREN L Assistant Coach $3,503.10
OLDACH, MARY M Teacher $70,388.14 $452.26
OLKKOLA, JUDITH A Teacher $51,259.50 $1,000.00
OLSON, JODY M Teacher $69,337.93 $1,266.30
OLSON, MORGANNE M Substitute $400.44
O'MALLEY, JOHN Crossing Guard $837.55
O'REILLY, MELISSA H Teacher $72,928.53 $8,067.57
ORMON, MARY J Teacher $68,346.00 $1,000.00
OSTROM, TAMI L Teacher $66,568.65
OWEN, SEAN P Assistant Principal $78,030.00 $1,869.30
PACIELLO, LAUREN M Teacher $67,615.21
PANNONE, ROBERT A Adult Education Instructor $672.00
PANTOJA, DANIEL Delivery Driver $26,261.24 $226.96
PANTOJA, FELICIA M ESP I/Day Care Worker $23,054.03 $1,200.00
PARESEAU, JENNIFER F Teacher $61,296.00 $2,442.16
PASCHALL, MARY L ESP I/Day Care Worker $8,529.66
PATENAUDE, RITA M Substitute $995.44
PEACE, WILLIAM E Teacher $15,000.00
PEARSON, AMY S Teacher $43,967.56 $3,807.16
PEARSON, REBECCA L Teacher $65,895.61
PEMENTEL, CAROL A Teacher $59,527.52 $1,000.00
PEN, SOCHEATH Cook Manager $25,387.33 $6,696.74
PENDLETON, ALEXANDER M Teacher $77,791.22 $10,242.00
PENDLETON, LIISA OV Tutor $1,989.90
PEREIRA, SHYER Substitute $9,952.26
PERKINS, KATHERINE L Substitute $545.40
PEROS, BARBARA J Substitute $284.76
PERSECHINO, ANGELA M Teacher $71,464.00
PETERS, PATRICIA M Teacher $68,346.00 $1,000.00
PETRILLO, CHRISTINE After School Activities Instructor $120.60
PHELAN, MELISSA B Teacher $46,368.90 $400.00
PHILLIPS, DONTAGREN Assistant Coach $1,238.00
PHILPOTT, THOMAS M JR Teacher $75,938.00
PIEKOS, LINDA A Substitute/Tutor $4,399.60
PILLARELLA, LANI C Substitute $130.00
PIRINI, ROONEY P Food Service Coordinator $56,148.29 $68.34
PLAUSKY, KAREN J Substitute $9,317.30
PLUCINSKI, PATRICIA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $20,468.67 $86.85
POLICE, JENNIFER L Guidance Counselor $55,667.78 $4,855.09
PONTIUS, ELIZABETH J Instructional Coach - Math $66,224.60 $9,154.55
POOR, HOLLY M ESP I/Teacher Assistant $8,617.80
PORTER, ERIN K Teacher $78,214.09 $1,390.45
POTTER, ELIZABETH A Substitute $89.63
POTTER, NANCY G Teacher $71,064.00 $1,715.57
POWER, KIMBERLEY A Teacher $66,568.65 $400.00
POWERS, JACQUELINE M Substitute $960.00
POWERS, MARIA A Substitute $146.36
POWERS, MARISA A Substitute $620.35
POWERS, MAUREEN B Teacher $75,938.00 $714.00
PRESSWOOD, DENISE M Substitute $11,405.44
PROUDFOOT, JOYCE Secretary IV/Administration-
$52,349.22 $1,400.00
PROVENCHER, JUDITH D ESP I/SpEd Assistant $18,438.84 $1,247.80
PROVOST, ALLISON NAGLE Teacher $60,930.87 $9,720.25
PULIT, JOHN JR SpEd Driver $30,381.68 $2,682.43
PUOPOLO, GAIL A Secretary I/School $31,262.64 $1,000.00
PURCELL, KAREN L Teacher $71,064.00 $3,214.00
QUEALEY, ELEANOR J Teacher $75,938.00 $1,600.00
QUILTY, CAROLYN E Teacher $76,993.25 $1,300.00
QUINK, DIANE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,363.49 $1,200.00
RACINE, JENICA M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $1,040.00
RAMEY, MYLES NEED Naturalist $9,314.96
RAMSAY, ANNA CLARK Teacher $47,774.72
RANDALL, JULIA A Teacher $71,064.00 $572.85
PATRICK Teacher $48,138.86 $422.10
REAM, COURTNEY R Substitute $14,254.42
REDMOND, MARY ELLEN Teacher $79,019.00 $1,000.00
REED, KAREN G Teacher $35,532.00
REEVES, KIM A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,332.54 $1,200.00
REEVES-ROWLES, KIM M Teacher $71,064.00 $1,300.00
REILLY, EILEEN M Substitute $130.00
RENDON, HANNAH Teacher $20,060.15 $621.38
RENZI, KELLY M Teacher $78,214.00 $211.05
REVERE, STASIA ANNE Teacher $55,670.78 $1,132.00
REZENDES, MARCELLA B Teacher $64,684.04
RICE, JENNIFER L Substitute $65.00
RICE, THAD R Teacher $85,692.93 $3,562.57
RICHARD, JOHN R Maintenance Laborer $32,272.16 $1,847.28
SpEd Assistant
$30,648.09 $2,814.40
RICHARDS, LINDA L Cafeteria Worker $8,248.09 $106.02
SpEdBus Assistant
$23,691.22 $4,086.66
RICHARDSON, LAURIE A Social Worker $81,461.22 $3,075.99
RICHER, PETER A Substitute $1,230.08
RICHTER, KATHERINE L Teacher $42,867.18
RILEY, PATRICK M Dean of Students $77,757.03
RILEY, STEPHANIE M Teacher $60,748.41
RITA, ANNMARIE E Teacher $66,968.65
ROBBIO, CAROL M Teacher $51,231.79
ROBERTS, VICTOR F Teacher $30,783.09
ROBICHAUD, THOMAS J Substitute $3,000.00
ROCKWELL, COREY N Technology Maintenance
$38,492.16 $2,265.13
RODERIQUES, DERRICK A Assistant Coach $5,004.00
RODRICKS, CARRIE A Substitute $3,113.07
RODRIGUES, CLAIRE J Substitute $1,007.50
ROGACZ, JENNIFER M Teacher $45,485.35
ROOD, KAREN Z Secretary III/Maintenance $49,400.00
ROSS, DIANE B Teacher $72,143.00 $495.45
ROUNTREE, ANNETTE R Substitute $5,446.52
ROWE, AMY B Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $4,292.93
ROWLES, KELLY M Substitute $840.72
ROZA, TANYA G Social Worker $78,983.00 $1,000.00
RUFFINO, CATHERINE W Cook Manager $22,165.08 $1,966.36
RUPNOW, GARNET L Substitute $813.60
RYAN, FRANCENE A ESP I/Day Care Worker $12,932.56
RYAN, JEANNE M Teacher $78,999.00 $1,300.00
RYDER, DANIELLE M Teacher $45,264.35
SALLEY, TRACEY A Teacher $75,938.00 $2,762.58
SpEdBus Assistant
$21,810.53 $2,144.97
SANDS, KATHLEEN Guidance Counselor $49,659.72 $3,098.93
SANTANIELLO, ANTHONY J Seasonal Grounds Worker $4,711.88
SANTERRE, LINDA M SpEd Team Leader $86,125.79 $4,752.21
SANTINI, SHERRY A Assistant Director of Instruction
and Pupil Services
$87,495.08 $5,762.61
SANTOS, LORETTA A Director of Instructional
SAVINI, NANETTE L Substitute $1,973.16
SAWYER, STEPHANIE M Cafeteria Worker $11,305.47 $872.98
SCAPICCHIO, DEBORAH A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $14,156.64 $1,057.68
SCHLEICHER, CHRISTY L SpEd Driver $24,150.59 $1,217.13
SCHUCK, ELENA C Librarian $78,996.00 $934.65
SCINTO, GREGORY D ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,739.50 $1,707.43
SCOFIELD, ALEXANDER Teacher $32,360.78 $460.30
SCOTT-CASH, JUDITH M Secretary II/School $46,145.17 $4,543.30
SEARLES, FRANCINE A Nurse $68,346.00 $1,300.00
SEARLES, MEGAN ANNE Teacher $45,360.74 $6,708.05
SEGEAR, THOMAS A JR NEED Naturalist $6,476.16
SELAWSKY, NANCY E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $2,417.07
SELFE, DAWN H Secretary III/Administration-
SERIJAN, VALERIE A Teacher $48,140.93 $1,639.73
SERPICO, ALLISON TAYLOR Substitute $917.66
SEVERDIJA, JEANNE M Teacher $70,388.14 $3,213.99
SEYMOURIAN, NICHOLAS C Substitute $65.00
SHAW, JOHN H Coach $2,054.67
SHEA, DEBRA ANN Speech Pathologist $69,337.93
SHEA, JOSHUA J Teacher $57,489.17 $5,640.36
SHEEHAN, TAYLOR E Substitute $1,197.63
SHEEHAN, TRACIE E Teacher $68,346.00 $361.80
SHERMAN, DAVID G Energy Manager/Plumber $16,956.79
SHEYTANIAN, JUDITH K Substitute $820.90
SHOEMAKER, ROGER D Teacher $12,871.22 $9,923.65
SHRAMEK, WENDI M Teacher $7,696.37
SIBILIA, KENDRA Teacher $18,088.52
SIEGEL, TRACIE C Teacher $78,210.00 $1,300.00
SIGALOVSKY, JULIA Teacher $78,620.00 $400.00
SILVA, ROBERTA H ESP I/SpEd Assistant $26,289.56 $1,000.00
SINERATE, JOANNE P Substitute $1,267.05
SINERATE, JOHN R ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,011.97
SINOPOLI, JOHN J Teacher $49,901.75 $7,000.00
SISSON, DRU V Coach $5,004.00
SKALA, RENEE G Secretary I/School $31,292.97 $1,400.00
SLATTERY, ANITA L Teacher $70,377.42 $2,526.03
SLAVIN, SHARON E ESP I/SpEd Assistant $12,400.82
SLEVIN, ELIZABETH G Teacher $50,404.07 $3,738.60
SLOVAK, JENNIFER Substitute $380.94
SMITH, JANICE M Teacher $67,266.00 $542.70
SMITH, LAURA C Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $30,408.13
SMITH, SHIRLEY L Teacher $104,267.97 $1,600.00
SMITH-CABRERA, PATIENCE M Adult Education Instructor $560.00
SPADA, MARGARET C Teacher $47,517.01 $400.00
SPANO, BRIAN STEVEN Teacher $39,897.37 $150.75
SPRAGUE, ALYCIA M Substitute $501.72
SPRINGER, DANIEL Teacher $80,382.75 $5,728.25
ST PIERRE, LINDA L Substitute $150.75
STAFFORD, RITA M Cafeteria Worker $13,472.75
STEAD, KYLE R Coach $3,588.00
STEFANSKI, JAMES Social Worker $63,567.78 $4,523.22
STEWART, VIRGINIA T Teacher $86,970.47 $2,397.61
STIDHAM, MADELEINE P Summer ESP I/Day Care Worker $2,942.52
STOECKER, CATHERINE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $25,045.60 $1,400.00
STONE, JONATHAN DAVID Teacher $60,930.87 $5,966.58
STONE, LEAH M Psychologist $73,439.64 $72,600.00
STREET, SUZANNE D Teacher $78,214.00 $1,300.00
STRIMAITIS, LINDSAY Teacher $9,545.32
SUDBEY, MARY BETH ESP I/SpEd Assistant $20,596.98 $50.00
SUFFRETI, LORRAINE P Teacher $65,597.54 $5,466.46
SUGERMEYER, DOREEN M Tutor $2,434.62
SULLIVAN, BRENDA A Substitute $926.58
SULLIVAN, CHERYL A Substitute $4,843.26
SULLIVAN, DONALD J Substitute $1,081.34
SULLIVAN, JUDITH G Substitute $3,959.52
SULLIVAN, KAIRON Secretary I/School $355.73
SULLIVAN, KIM P Teacher $78,241.00 $2,747.20
SULLIVAN, MATTHEW J Teacher $31,847.57 $6,078.31
SULLIVAN, MAUREEN M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,250.01 $1,200.00
SULLIVAN, PATRICIA M Substitute $10,645.62
SULLIVAN, VALERIE A Substitute $65.00
SUSKO, ANNE C Teacher $25,794.49
SUTTER, CHERYL J Substitute $2,748.34
SWANSON, HEATHER S Substitute $65.00
SWEENEY, DEBORAH D Librarian $71,445.36 $850.75
SYLVIA, DAVID S Substitute $9,407.84
SYMINGTON, ASHLEY Guidance Counselor $8,652.00 $2,133.78
TANCA, LAUREN E Teacher $42,504.89 $5,585.54
TAYLOR, DANIEL J Assistant Coach/Substitute $12,172.04
TAYLOR, LISA L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $21,110.88
TERRANOVA, TIFFANY E Teacher $41,641.80
TERWILLIGER, EILEEN HELEN Teacher $46,394.45 $4,009.62
THERIEN, ANNE R Teacher $78,112.79
THERRIEN, SYLVIE Teacher $76,314.93 $445.23
THIBEAULT, CARLA G ESP I/Duty Assistant $16,338.80
THIELE, JUTTA M Teacher $77,791.23
THOMAS, CHRISTINE M ESP I/Duty Assistant $7,019.41
THOMPSON, BENJAMIN L Teacher $63,567.78 $580.90
TICE, ALEX J Substitute $3,800.59
TIERNEY, ERIN E Teacher $56,300.93
TIERNEY, JOHN P Teacher $63,147.49 $5,306.16
TIERNEY, MARCIA ALICE Teacher $71,064.00
TIMONEY, NANCY J Speech Pathologist $67,183.65 $2,154.28
TIMPER, SUSAN J Cook Manager $16,976.44 $1,395.00
TISHUE, PAUL MICHAEL Teacher $53,035.35 $44.23
TODD, CHRISTINA Teacher $1,760.73
TOMASETTI, KATHRYN A Substitute $4,169.28
ALEXANDRA Teacher $51,535.47 $4,495.46
TOTTEN, BARBARA A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $23,023.08 $1,400.00
TRAN, MY T Substitute $65.00
TRAVERS, AMY L Substitute $4,186.69
TRISCHITTA, DARLENE Substitute $786.48
TUCCI, MARY J Substitute $325.00
TUCKER, JANE M Teacher $54,649.66 $741.69
TYO, JOHN A Substitute $3,081.00
SpEd Assistant
$8,990.28 $2,426.18
VALENZUELA, KATRINA Substitute $740.45
VAN GORDEN, KEVIN A NEED Naturalist $6,476.16
VATH, EILEEN E Teacher $66,568.65 $723.60
VEARA, WENDY L ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,702.00 $2,284.50
VERANI, MARYBETH Teacher $78,996.00 $1,750.00
VIGLIANO, GARY J ESP I/SpEd Assistant $16,649.46 $6,276.00
VIOLET, MARY J Teacher $43,285.80
VISCEGLIO, LAUREL A Cook Manager $30,527.37 $7,735.06
WALKER, KATHRYN H Teacher $68,820.40 $8,704.16
WALKER, SAMANTHA N Substitute $487.50
WALKER, WENDY M Teacher $71,064.00 $1,600.00
WALLACE, JOAN F ESP I/SpEd Assistant $22,837.41 $1,000.00
WALLS, LYNDSAY G Substitute $2,464.45
WALSH, DENNIS M Electrician $32,061.44 $2,623.87
WALSH, SEAN M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $2,956.00
WALSH, YVETTE M ESP I/SpEd Assistant $12,380.28 $2,501.82
WALTHER, KRISTEN L Substitute $32.50
WARD, KAYLA E ESP II/SLPA $15,957.47 $4,786.03
WARREN, CHERYL A Teacher $81,205.30 $1,000.00
WARREN, MADELINE F Substitute $471.36
WASLEY, RICHARD S Substitute $252.00
WATSON, JOANNA M Teacher $78,214.00 $4,979.80
WATSON, PATRICIA A Teacher $68,346.00 $5,744.17
WATTS, CAROLYN S Cafeteria Worker $16,707.55 $1,637.50
WEEKS. ADDISON JANE Substitute $5,461.89
WHALEN, EILEEN M Secretary II/School $46,350.75 $1,300.00
WHINNEM, READE S Teacher $72,143.00 $2,848.75
WHITE, KELLEY A Substitute $8,765.66
WHITE, KELLY P Teacher $28,608.24
WHITE, MIRANDA SARD Substitute $1,146.68
WHYNOTT, STEPHEN R Teacher $48,918.14
WILKEY-FARRELL, VALERIE S Teacher $26,197.82 $2,817.73
WILLIAMS, COURTNEY E Teacher $43,495.68
WILLIAMS, KATHLEEN Teacher $10,410.26
WILLIAMSON, KAREN M Cafeteria Worker $8,519.62 $109.36
WILSON, SCOTT J Substitute $227.50
WINSLOW, MARYBETH Substitute $3,714.00
WIXON, JANICE L Teacher $46,930.40 $399.49
WNEK, DANIELLE L Teacher $34,151.27 $475.38
WOOD, REGINA K Teacher $48,823.43 $943.05
WOODBURY, CAROL A Superintendent of Schools $156,426.41
WRIGHT, DILLON J Substitute $629.38
WRIGHT, STEFANIE E Teacher $68,252.00 $8,134.05
WRIGHT, WILLIAM R Substitute $1,672.55
WROBEL, DOREEN J SpEd Driver $5,497.66
WYSE, TRACI L Teacher $65,597.54 $9,948.53
XIARHOS, LISA A ESP I/SpEd Assistant $12,383.67 $1,532.87
YAM, VICTORIA J Teacher $29,262.85
YOCOM, BARBARA J Substitute $1,235.00
YODER, SAMUEL D Assistant Coach $3,081.00
YOUNG, AMY C Occupational Therapist $48,611.72
YOUNG, TRISTAN H Teacher $70,377.42 $2,198.00
ZAINEH, ABIR Teacher $77,458.78 $400.00
ZARCARO, ELISE M Substitute $16,561.90
ZELLERS, CAROLYN M Teacher $71,064.00 $1,300.00
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School
Scholarships and Awards 2014
Scholarship Recipient Amount
Advocates for a Community College Education Rushelle McIntosh $1,000.00
Albert J. Bohlin Memorial Scholarship Patrick Kroyak $1,000.00
ALP Awards "Outstanding Effort - ALP" Savannah Spencer $50.00
American Legion Post 197 Andrew Tardiff $1,000.00
American Legion Post 197 Kayla Ralston $1,000.00
Amherst College Book Award Romaisa Khan Book
Andrea Holden Thanksgiving Race Scholarship Emalee Peterson $500.00
Andrea Holden Thanksgiving Race Scholarship Mary Stafford $500.00
Andrea Holden Thanksgiving Race Scholarship Keith Barnatchez $500.00
Andrea Holden Thanksgiving Race Scholarship Zachary Drown $500.00
Ann Castonguay Memorial Awards William Blake $1,000.00
Art Award: Daniel Springer Art Excellence Award Edward Calle-Huerta $500.00
Art Award: Joan Shostak Award (Art Award for supplies) Edward Calle-Huerta $100.00
Art Award: Best Senior Portfolio Edward Calle-Huerta $100.00
Art Award: Yarmouth Art Guild Scholarship Edward Calle-Huerta $250.00
Art Award: Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod Scholarship Edward Calle-Huerta $500.00
Art Award: Peter Maxtone Graham Art Award Edward Calle-Huerta $200.00
Arthur S. Manaselian Private Foundation Scholarship William Campbell $1,000.00
Arthur S. Manaselian Private Foundation Scholarship Maggie Pirini $1,000.00
Arthur S. Manaselian Private Foundation Scholarship Kayla Ralston $1,000.00
Arthur S. Manaselian Private Foundation Scholarship William Blake $1,000.00
Award to Salutatorian Hannah Depin $250.00
Award to Valedictorian Kyle Pina $400.00
Barbara Ardito Memorial Scholarship Doyle McGuinness $500.00
Barnstable County Agriculture Society Scholarship Paris Jamiel $2,000.00
Bass River Rod & Gun Club Adrian D'Orlando $500.00
Best Senior Portfolio Edward Calle-Huerta $100.00
"Betty" Pietrowski Memorial Scholarship Angelo Hardaway $400.00
Bill Booker Memorial Scholarship Nicholas DeSouza $50.00
Bradford Hemeon Memorial Scholarship Alayna Anderson $500.00
Brewster Band Scholarship Elizabeth Romano $500.00
Brown University Book Award Jacqueline Terasconi Book
Bryn Mawr College Book Award Tess Ciarcia Book
Cape & Islands Art Association Hilary Fitzgerald Memorial Eddie Calle-Huerta $500.00
Cape & Islands Art Association Linda McNeil-Kemp Scholarship Eddie Calle-Huerta $500.00
Cape & Islands School Counselor Scholarship Audra Crowell $1,000.00
Cape Cod Art Association Eddie Calle-Huerta $500.00
ZINCK, EMILY G ESP I/SpEd Assistant $3,411.00
ZOPATTI, CARL Sports Personnel $794.00
Cape Cod Association Scholarship Katherine Lynch $1,500.00
Cape Cod Community College Presidential H. S. Scholarship Tiffany Moore $500.00
Cape Cod Community College Presidential H. S. Scholarship Maylla Pretti $500.00
Cape Cod Five Charitable Foundation and Tech Council Alayna Anderson Laptop
Cape Cod Salties Stan Daggett Memorial Scholarship Samantha Terasconi $1,000.00
Cape Cod St. Patrick’s Parade Colleen Pageant Margaret O'Sullivan $500.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Laura Heilmann $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Matthew Menard $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Dylan Monick $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Pierre Yves Parent $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Kyle Pina $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Danielle Baril $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Benjamin Ellis $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Ethan Alexander $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Liam Breen $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Jessica Ball $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust John Choukri $1,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Nicholas Kelly $1,250.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Deja Pen $1,250.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Chase Orava $1,500.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Shelby Darrah $2,000.00
Captain J.E. Fairbank Trust Sarah Ruell $3,500.00
Christian Herter Memorial Scholarship Kristin Buotte $15,000.00
Chatham Chorale Book Award Elizabeth Romano Book
Chester W. Ellis Scholarship Marilyn Donovan $1,000.00
Clarkson University Book Award Neil Foley Book
Daniel Snowden Memorial Scholarship Christen Cook $500.00
DAR Good Citizen Award (Daughters of the American
Hannah Depin Certificate
Dartmouth Book Award Hiroto Watanabe Book
Dennis Firefighters' Association Scholarship Katelin Oberlander $500.00
Dennis Firefighters' Association Scholarship Tori O'Dea $500.00
Dennis Firefighters' Association Scholarship Hannah Smith $500.00
Dennis Golf Association Judy Curcio Memorial Award Jacob Eno $1,250.00
Dennis Golf Association Judy Curcio Memorial Award Tori O'Dea $1,250.00
Dennis Golf Association in honor of Jack Seaver Sean Donahue $1,250.00
Dennis Recreation Scholarship Rachel Bunce $250.00
Dennis Recreation Scholarship Michael Morlock $250.00
Donald Trepte Memorial Scholarship Jonathan Cabot $800.00
Donald Trepte Memorial Scholarship Rachel Bunce $800.00
Donald Trepte Memorial Scholarship Samantha Terasconi $800.00
Donald Trepte Memorial Scholarship Daniel Brogan $800.00
D-Y Custodians Cassandra Thomas $100.00
D-Y Custodians Kyle Pina $100.00
D-Y PAC Scholarship Samantha Smith $250.00
DYEA Educators Scholarship Makaila Whatley $250.00
DYEA Educators Scholarship Jack Tuohy-Bedford $500.00
DYEA Educators Scholarship Taylor Leidner $500.00
DYEA Educators Scholarship Laura Hoffman $500.00
DYEA Mike Michael Dr. McCaffrey Scholarship Daniel Brogan $1,000.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Jessica Benoit $500.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Michael Morlock $1,000.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Samantha Terasconi $1,000.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Daniel Brogan $1,000.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Hannah Smith $1,000.00
East Dennis Ladies' Aid Society Scholarship Jonathan Cabot $1,000.00
Elms College Book Award Emily Kennard Book
Excellence in ELL Isabella Simao $50.00
Excellence in English Manon Garulay $50.00
Excellence in English Hannah Depin $50.00
Excellence in Fine and Performing Arts Edward Calle-Huerta $100.00
Excellence in French Hannah Depin $50.00
Excellence in German Daniel Brogan $50.00
Excellence in History & Social Sciences Daniel Brogan $50.00
Excellence in History & Social Sciences Samantha Terasconi $50.00
Excellence in Mathematics Emily Terrio $50.00
Excellence in Mathematics Chase Orava $50.00
Excellence in Music Margaret O'Sullivan $50.00
Excellence in Music Jonathan Cabot $50.00
Excellence in Physical Education/Health Augustus Ijams $50.00
Excellence in Physical Education/Health Katelin Oberlander $50.00
Excellence in Science Adrian D'Orlando $100.00
Excellence in Spanish Patrick Kroyak $50.00
Excellence in Special Needs Nicholas Cricco $50.00
Excellence in Special Needs Craig Griswold $50.00
First Citizens' Federal Credit Union Scholarship Emalee Peterson $1,000.00
Fred Thacher Memorial Scholarship William Campbell $500.00
Fred Thacher Memorial Scholarship Jack Tuohy-Bedford $500.00
Friday Club Scholarship Ryan Labonte $500.00
Friday Club Scholarship Marisha Smith $500.00
Garden Club of Yarmouth Paris Jamiel $1,500.00
George H. & Nina L. Riley Memorial Scholarship Shontae Davidson $3,000.00
Grand Lodge of Masons William Blake $5,000.00
Grand Prix Driving School Scholarship Zoe Shenk $200.00
Harvard Prize Book Award Courtney New Book
Harvard Prize Book Award Andrew Antonitis Book
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Thomas Ice $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Sawyer Jones $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Zachary Andrade $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Rachel Bunce $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Kara Plucinski $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Taylor Leidner $1,500.00
Harwich-Dennis Rotary Club Scholarships Patrick Kroyak $5,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Alex DeMartin $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Cory DeSimone $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Nicholas Desouza $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Angelo Hardaway $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Michael Karras $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Catherine Kierce $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Jason Lavallee $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Alexandra McClay $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Erin McNamara $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Maggie Pirini $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Isabella Simao $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Mary Stafford $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Makaila Whatley $1,000.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship Christen Cook $1,500.00
Hazel W. Gifford, Trust u/will Scholarship John Downs $1,500.00
Holly Young Volleyball Scholarship Breann McGee $1,000.00
Holy Cross Prize Book Award Hannah Davies Book
Honey Dew Donuts Scholarship Jacqueline Smith $250.00
HOPE Scholarship Augustus Ijams $3,000.00
Horatio Alger Scholarship Isabella Marino $6,000.00
Howard Lodge A.F. & A.M. Scholarship William Blake $500.00
Howard Lodge A.F. & A.M. Scholarship Rachel Bunce $500.00
Hyannis Lodge of Elks Kyle Pina $750.00
James Moruzzi Memorial Scholarship Kristen Buotte $1,000.00
Jason A. Fedele Memorial Scholarship Hannah Smith $1,000.00
Jean Hamilton Memorial Scholarship Jessica Ball $500.00
John McBride Memorial Scholarship & Plaque Sean Donahue $500.00
John Owen Hart Scholarship Sagar Bhagat $250.00
Joseph W. Aldridge, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Morgan Rosetta $500.00
Joshua S. Sears Memorial Scholarship Tori O'Dea $250.00
Joshua Sears Memorial Award for the Dramatic Arts Marilyn Donovan $250.00
Keith D. Witherell Music Scholarship Cassandra Thomas $500.00
Kiwanis Club of Lower Cape Cod Sean Donahue $1,000.00
Knights of Columbus, St.Pius X Parish Council 10346)
Scholar/Athlete Award Jessica Benoit $200.00
Knights of Columbus, St.Pius X Parish Council 10346)
Scholar/Athlete Award Keith Barnatchez $200.00
Louis B. Thacher Scholarship Dayna Rose $100.00
Marcia Howe Scholarship from The Printmakers of Cape Cod Edward Calle-Huerta $1,000.00
Marion A. Tiernan Memorial Scholarship Katherine Lynch $250.00
Martha White Memorial Scholarship Michaela Donahue $1,500.00
Martha White Memorial Scholarship Alexandra Wall $1,500.00
Mary E. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Casey Allen $1,500.00
Mary E. McCarthy Memorial Scholarship Aurea Nunes $1,500.00
Massachusetts Elks Scholarship Paris Jamiel $750.00
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Meaghan Turner Book
MIT Club of Cape Cod Scholarship Kyle Pina $1,000.00
Massachusetts State Track Coaches' Robert McIntyre Scholarship Kayla Ralston $500.00
Mattacheese Middle School Award Erin McNamara $250.00
Mattacheese Middle School Award Matthew Menard $250.00
Matthew Warren Memorial Scholarship Rachel Bunce $2,500.00
Michael Bean Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Romano $500.00
Monday Painters Jacqueline Smith $250.00
Mount Holyoke College Book Award Allison Moulton Book
Nicholas Xiarhos Foundation Scholarship "Does Most for Others" Samantha Terasconi $500.00
Nicholas Xiarhos Foundation Scholarship "Does Most for Others" Zachary Drown $500.00
Notre Dame Book Award Maxwell Allen Book
Outstanding Effort - PM School Dayna Rose $50.00
P.E. Pals Isabella Marino $300.00
P. E. Pals Spencer Tyler $100.00
Peter Maxtone Graham Art Award Edward Calle-Huerta $200.00
Principal's Leadership Award Hannah Depin $250.00
Red Jacket Inns' Scholarship Chase Orava $1,000.00
Regis College Book Award Emily St. Onge Book
Richard & Georgetta Waterhouse Scholarship Hannah Depin $100.00
Richard E. Howard Scholarship Jacqueline Smith $500.00
Richard J. Terrio Scholarship Adrian D'Orlando $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Interact Scholarship Kristen Buotte $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Larry Putman Memorial Service
Above Self Scholarship
Paris Jamiel $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Paul E. Sullivan, Jr. Memorial
Liam Matheson $1,500.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Paul E. Sullivan, Jr. Memorial
Kayla Ralston $1,500.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships John Downs $500.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships William Campbell $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Jessica Benoit $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Hannah Depin $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Adrian D'Orlando $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Manon Garulay $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Patrick Kroyak $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Tori O'Dea $1,000.00
Rotary Club of Yarmouth Scholarships Hannah Smith $1,000.00
Ruth B. Sears Scholarship Fund: Jessica Benoit $450.00
Ruth B. Sears Scholarship Fund: Rachel Bunce $450.00
Ruth B. Sears Scholarship Fund: Dayna Rose $500.00
Ryan M. Fiala Memorial Scholarship Adrian D'Orlando $500.00
Ryan M. Fiala Memorial Scholarship Paris Jamiel $500.00
Samuel Robbins Awards Sean Wisse $50.00
Samuel Robbins Awards Alyson West $50.00
School to Careers Award Kolby O'Brien $200.00
Scott Brewster Austin Memorial Scholarship Maylla Pretti $100.00
Scott Nicholson Memorial Scholarship Keith Barnatchez $100.00
Sons of Erin Kayla Ralston $1,000.00
Sons of Erin Connor Coughlan $1,000.00
Smith College Book Award XinLin Huang Book
St. Michael’s College Book Award Nicholas Castelone Book
St. Michael’s College Book Award Breanna Whitney Book
St. Patricks Day Parade Colleen Pageant Margaret O'Sullivan $500.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Samantha Terasconi $1,000.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Hannah Depin $250.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships William Campbell $250.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Katelin Oberlander $250.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Michael Morlock $250.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Patrick Kroyak $500.00
St. Pius Tenth Parish Scholarships Paris Jamiel $500.00
Station Ave. Elementary PTO John Downs $276.00
Station Ave. Elementary School Craig Griswold $276.00
Ted Jamison Music Scholarship Margaret O'Sullivan $500.00
Ted Jamison Music Scholarship Sarah Bowles $1,500.00
The Lion Marshall K. Lovelette Memorial Scholarship Katherine Kierce $250.00
The Lion Marshall K. Lovelette Memorial Scholarship Audra Crowell $250.00
The Printmakers of Cape Cod - Marcia Howe Memorial
Edward Calle-Huerta $1,000.00
Thirwood Place Scholarship Breann McGee $1,000.00
Thirwood Place Scholarship Hannah Smith $1,000.00
Thirwood Place Scholarship Cassandra Thomas $1,000.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Jack Tuohy-Bedford $75.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Alexandra McClay $100.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Taylor Leidner $100.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Michael Karras $75.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Thomas Ice $100.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Adrian D'Orlando $100.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Alex deMartin $50.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Connor Coughlin $75.00
Thomas Embler Soccer Boosters' Scholarship Alayna Anderson $100.00
Top Twenty Students: #1 - Kyle Pina Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #2 - Hannah Depin Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #10 - Keith Barnatchez Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #11 - Kayla Ralston Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #12 - Manon Garulay Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #13 - Kristan Buotte Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #14 - Zachary Drown Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #15 - Taylor Leidner Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #16 - Jonathan Cabot Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #17 - Emalee Peterson Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #18 - William Campbell Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #19 - Tiffany Moore Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #20 - Augustus Ijams Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #3 - Samantha Terasconi Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #4 - Paris Jamiel Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #5 - Michael Morlock Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #6 - Jessica Benoit Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #7 - Adrian D'Orlando Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #8 - Patrick Kroyak Thesaurus
Top Twenty Students: #9 - Hannah Smith Thesaurus
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Cape Cod Alumni Club Jessica Benoit $2,000.00
United States Marine Corps Corporal Nicholas G. Xiarhos
"Does Most for Others"
Samantha Terasconi $500.00
United States Marine Corps Corporal Nicholas G. Xiarhos
"Does Most for Others"
Zachary Drown $500.00
Village Garden Club Jonathan Cabot $3,000.00
West Dennis Garden Club Adrianne D'Orlando $1,000.00
West Dennis Garden Club Dorothy Trapp Memorial Paris Jamiel $1,000.00
Wixon Middle School Scholarship Thomas Ice $50.00
Women of Moose, Elizabeth Douthwright Memorial Scholarship Mary Stafford $500.00
Women of Moose, Elizabeth Douthwright Memorial Scholarship Michaela Donohue $500.00
Women of Moose, Elizabeth Douthwright Memorial Scholarship Mikaila Whatley $500.00
Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce Connor Coughlan $1,000.00
Yarmouth Police Relief Association Family Scholarship Mikayla Donohue $1,000.00
Yarmouth Police Relief Association Scholarship Craig Griswold $1,000.00
Yarmouth Police Relief Association Thomas Robinson Memorial Fabian Elizondo $2,000.00
Yarmouth Police Relief Association Thomas Minckler Memorial Hannah Green $2,000.00
Yarmouth Restaurant Association Connor Coughlin $1,000.00
Yarmouth Restaurant Association Yessinia Pagoaga $1,000.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund Maggie Pirini $1,000.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund William Blake $750.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund William Campbell $400.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund Connor Coughlin $400.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund Deja Pen $750.00
Yarmouth Scholarship Fund Kayla R alston $400.00
Yarmouthport Christmas Stroll Scholarship Tyler Hayes $500.00
Y-D Red Sox Michael Diebolt Scholarship Will Campbell $500.00
Y-D Red Sox Michael Diebolt Scholarship Michaela Donahue $500.00
Y-D Red Sox Michael Frick Memorial Scholarship Isabella Simao $500.00
Y-D Red Sox Michael Frick Memorial Scholarship Bree Jopson $500.00
Y-D Red Sox Sandi Hoyt Memorial Scholarship Tori O'Dea $1,000.00
Y-D Soccer Adrian D'Orlando $750.00
Y-D Soccer Pierre Yves Parent $750.00
Dennis - Yarmouth Regional High School
Commencement Exercises ~ Class of 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Prelude Dennis-Yarmouth Band
“Pomp and Circumstance”
Presentation of Colors* Police Departments of Dennis and Yarmouth
National Anthem* Dennis-Yarmouth Band
Welcome Kenneth T. Jenks
Commencement Message Brian F. Carey
On behalf of the School Committee
Carol A. Woodbury
Commencement Address Hannah Mae Depin
Kyle Richard Pina
Recognition of Graduates Connor Seamus Coughlan
Senior Class President
Class of 2014
“Pomp and Circumstance”
Dennis-Yarmouth Band
*Please Stand
Following the program, parents and friends are invited
to congratulate the graduates
Ethan Joseph Alexander
Michael James Alker
Casey James Allen*
Alayna F. Anderson
Chastity Anderson
Michael Joseph Anderson
Zachary Curtis Andrade
Amanda Arone
Jefferson Torres Arruda
Jessica Ball*
Danielle Baril
Keith Michael Barnatchez*
Nicholas R. Baroni
Carlie Patricia Beatrice
Jessica Sarah Benoit*
Sagar Bhagat
Keith Anthony Birch
William H. M. Blake*
Sarah Katherine Bowles
Liam Michael Breen
Daniel Patrick Brogan*
Rachel N. Bunce*
Kristan Buotte*
Jonathan Michael Cabot*
Eddie Calle
Corey James Campbell*
William R. Campbell*
Roberto Andree Campos
Joshua Matthew Cass
Kyle Leger Cavatorta
John D. Choukri
Christen Claire Cook
Anna Margaret Copenhaver
Connor Seamus Coughlan*
Susanna Rose Creel
Nicholas Ryan Cricco
Audra Elizabeth Crowell*
Shelby Elizabeth Darrah*
Shantae Davidson
Todd Joseph Davis
Olivia Marie Dean
Alex Michael DeMartin
Hannah Mae Depin*
Cory Desimone
Nicholas DeSouza
Sarah Jeanne Dickie
Sean Patrick Donahue*
Michaela Dempsey
Marilyn Leona Donovan*
Adrian D'Orlando*
John Thomas Downs
Zachary Joseph Drown*
Danielle Mendes Duarte
Jonathan Emerson Dunakin
Fabian Esteban Elizondo
Benjamin L. Ellis
Jacob R. Eno*
Romaine Ewin
Keyshla Marie Feliciano
Neil Foley
Olivia Adamaitis
Molly Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
Joshua Clinton Ford
Mackenzie Taylor
Manon Alexandra Garulay*
Matthew Ryan Golliff
Robert F. Golliff
Hannah Gosselin Greene
Craig Bryant Griswold
Courtney Irene Gurll
Angelo Terral Hardaway
Nicolas Albert Harriman
Brandon David Haughton
Tyler Hayes
Laura Emily Heilmann
Danielle Nicole Helman
Tiffani Marie Horrigan
Thomas Ice*
Augustus Ijams
Paris Joseph Jamiel*
Noelle Lynn Johnson
Sawyer Jones
Bree L. Jopson
Michael J. Karras Jr.
Alexander Lee Keith
Nicholas Anthony Kelly
Catherine M. Kierce*
Patrick John Kroyak*
Ryan LaBonte
Jason Michael Lavallee*
Jake Lawson
Taylor Gregory Leidner
Jeffrey Randall Lewis
Jeremy Ryan Lucyk
Katherine E. Lynch*
Joseph Machado
Michael Shawn Macleod
Michael Douglas Mann
David James Marceline
Cristina Marconcini
Isabella Maryann Marino
Sydney Palmer Martin
Liam Charles Matheson
Lucia Mattos
Alexandra C. McClay
Matthew Jonathan
Breann L. McGee*
Doyle J. McGuinness
Rushelle Abigail McIntosh
Erin Rebecca McNamara*
Josef Elias McNamara
Matthew Michael Menard
Dylan Monick
Tiffany Abigail Moore*
Michael James Morlock*
Alexis Brianna Motes
Jadon Murdock
Aurea Nunes*
Katelin Elizabeth
National Honor
Kolby Francis O'Brien
Tori Monique O'Dea*
Tristan O'Leary
Camila Molly Oliveira
Chase Timothy Orava*
Winnifer Maria Ortiz
Margaret Mary O'Sullivan
Yessenia Marie Pagoaga
Lindsey Paolini
Joseph, Antoine, François,
Pierre-Yves Parent
Jack Parlow
Jacob Edward Pawlina*
Deja Srey Pen
Emalee Ann Peterson*
Kyle Richard Pina*
Maggie Elizabeth Pirini
Kara E. Plucinski
Maylla A. Pretti
Kayla Ralston*
Sugeidy Regis*
Abbie Richards*
Leon Ring
Federico Rocchi
Elizabeth Louise Romano*
Dayna Marie Rose
Morgan L. Rosetta
Sarah Elizabeth Ruell
Zoe Shenk
Isabella Costa Simao
Hannah Marie Smith*
Jacqueline Smith
Marisha Smith
Samantha Smith
Danielia Souverain
Savannah Spencer
Joseph Stafford*
Mary Stafford*
Ellie Rose Tallman
Andrew Tardif*
Samantha Marie Terasconi*
Emily Elizabeth Terrio
Cassandra Marlene Thomas
Jesse Michael Thomas
Kevin Michael Traficante
Jack Tuohy-Bedford
Spencer James Tyler
Alexandra P. Wall
Christian Weigert
Alyson Lee West
MaKaila Janet Whatley
Alyson Lee West
MaKaila Janet Whatley
Zacharee Roger Williams
Sean-Michael Wisse
Allison Moulton
Hiroto Watanabe
AGRICULTURAL COMMISSION To serve as an advisory role to the Board of Selectmen and other committees
on issues relating to agriculture. To work with the Planning Board to develop
“right to farm” agricultural zoning bylaw while also working to create a
seasonal farmers market and developing a community garden. 5 members (3
year staggered terms)
Yarmouth representative to the Barnstable Airport Commissioners.
Responsible for representing Yarmouth’s position on issues of concern,
especially noise, traffic, and safety issues that affect the Town and its
Operates under Yarmouth Zoning By-Law, as well as the Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 40A and Chapter 40B. The responsibilities of the
Board of Appeals are to hear and decide petition/appeals for special permits,
variances from the terms of the by-law, and appeals from decisions of the
Building Inspector. M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 12 ATM 1946, Article F. 5
members (5-year term) and Associate Members (1-year term). Associate
Members sit in case of absence, conflict or vacancy. Vacancy: Successor
serves until the qualification of his/her successor. Removal: For cause, upon
written charges, and after a public hearing.
Reviews and inspects all real estate on a rotating basis. Appraisal of property
to achieve a fair and equitable assessment. Preparation and presentation of the
Annual Classification Report to the Board of Selectmen. Reviews, assesses,
and determines abatements. M.G.L. Chapter 40A, Section 24. ATM 1985. 3
members (3-year term).
Works with the Town’s licensed cablevision supplier in meeting the needs and
services of the Town. Periodic review and recommendations to the Board of
Selectmen of license approval. Acts of 1971, M.G.L., Chapter 1103, Sec.
166A. Selectmen Policy 1969. 5 members (3-year term). Town
Committee reviews all requests for capital items from Town departments and
makes recommendations to Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, and
Town Meeting. ATM 1984, Article 40. 7 members (4-year term) consists of 1
Finance Committee member, 1 Planning Board member, and 5 At-Large
Responsible for the oversight and coordination of initiatives and projects that
will increase both the availability of, and the access of, affordable housing in
Yarmouth. 10 members and 3 Alternates (staggered 3-year term). A full
member shall be a representative from the Yarmouth Housing Authority and
an Alternate shall be a member of the Planning Board. Alternates shall have
the right to vote in the absence of a regular member and partake in all
discussions. Quorum: 5 members.
Committee studies the needs, possibilities, and resources of the Town
regarding community preservation. Recommendations made to Board of
Selectmen on projects to be funded by resources in the Community
Preservation Fund. ATM 2005, Article 10 9 voting representative positions
(3-year term).
Coordinates economic development activities in the Town. Defines and
becomes familiar with local resources that may aid the economic development
process. Works with existing businesses to facilitate expansion and
encourages retention. Monitors regulations that will impact the Town.
Monitors and reports on expenditures of economic development funds. 7
members (5 at-large; Director of Chamber of Commerce; 1 Planning Board
Regulatory review and issuance of permits, pursuant to the Massachusetts
Wetland Protection Act. M.G.L. 131, Section 40, and the Town of Yarmouth
Wetland By-Law (M.G.L. Chapter 143). The Commission also manages over
1,600 acres of conservation land throughout the Town. M.G.L. Chapter 40,
Section 8C. ATM 1961, Article 87. 7 members - not less than 3, no more than
7 (3-year staggered team). Removal: For cause, after a public hearing by the
The Council serves the elderly by sponsoring health-related education and
recreational programs beneficial to senior citizens. M.G.L. Chapter 40,
Section 8B. ATM 1968, Article 92. ATM 1983, Article 3. 9 members (3-year
CULTURAL COUNCIL Meets summer through fall once a month and, as needed, depending upon the
volume of grants received. Local committee supported by monies from
Massachusetts Cultural Council to review and award grants for the furtherance
of cultural pursuits in and for the Town. May have ex-officio or advisory
members with no vote. May reappoint after 1-year absence. Members should
show scholarship or creativity in or distinguished service to the arts and
humanities. Vacancy: Successor serves for a 2-year term until the
qualification of the successor.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD The Board shall work to promote and encourage the recognition, revitalization,
and replication of the distinctive and historical elements of Yarmouth which
give its unique character and identity. The Board shall prepare and submit
relevant comments for all projects reviewed through the Site Plan Review
process, which are located south of Route 6. BOS Vote 5/24/05 3 members
(staggered 2 year terms). Voted 2/14/06 to increase membership to 5
DISABILITY COMMISSION Coordinates and carries out programs designed to meet problems of
handicapped in coordination with the Office of Handicapped Affairs. Reviews
and submits recommendations on handicap accessibility for the Town and its
handicapped citizens and visitors. Also works with monitoring program on
handicapped parking violations. M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section J. No more than
7 members, 3-year terms. Vacancy until expiration of term.
FINANCE COMMITTEE Oversees and advises on the Town’s financial matters. The Committee works
throughout the year, although more concentrated work, typically involving a
two-per-week meeting schedule is required as the proposed budget for the
coming fiscal year is reviewed prior to the Annual Town Meeting. The
Committee reviews, in detail, all monetary proposals to be brought forward at
Town Meeting and provides recommendations on each article for the benefit
of the voters. M.G.L. Chapter 39, Section 16. ATM 1977, Article 5. 7-9
members (staggered 3-year term).
Assists the Fire Chief in studying specific administrative inquires. The
Committee analyzes data and studies problems as requested by the Fire Chief.
The results of these studies will assist the Fire Chief in administering the
department and be reported to the Government Oversight Committee and the
Board of Selectmen for their review.
Concerned with all aspects of public health as they relate to daily living
standards and is active with such issues as environmental standards, pollution
control, land development septic system standards, hazardous waste
mitigation, and public health programs and measures. M.G.L. Chapter 41,
Section 21. ATM 1980, Article 57. 4 members (3-year term).
Established for the preservation, protection, and development of the historical
and archeological assets of the Town. The Commission conducts research for
places of historic or archeological value and cooperates with the state
archeologists and seeks to coordinate the activities of unofficial bodies
organized for similar purposes, and may advertise, prepare, print, and
distribute books, maps, charts, plans, and pamphlets which it deems necessary
for its work. Makes recommendations for the preservation of historic sites or
objects to the Board of Selectmen. M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 8D. ATM
1977, Article 22. 7 members (3-year term), Alternate (1-year term). Removal:
For cause, after public hearing by the authority.
Provides all residents of the Town with modern, comprehensive, and readily
accessible library and information services. Reports on library governance and
policy and planning issues on a regular basis to the Board of Selectmen. STM
August 1994. Selectmen Policy December 6, 1994. 7 members (3
overlapping terms). 3 At-Large from other than existing library association
boards. Each library association shall have 2 members; 1 voting, and 1
Alternate. The final and 4th Alternate shall come from a majority vote of the
remaining 6 Yarmouth Library Board Members. A Yarmouth junior and
senior high school student shall have a non-voting membership.
Administers the historic arts which pertain to building and/or alterations to
existing buildings in the Historic District, which extends from Route 6 to Cape
Cod Bay. Interprets the Act and coordinates the over-all operation of the
District. M.G.L. Chapter 470, Section. 7 Elected, serving 4-year terms, except
for builder/architect and alternates, who are appointed Alternates and
builder/architect serve 1-year terms. Builder/architect must have 5 years’
experience in the building trades.
Works with Natural Resources Director and Town Engineer to develop plans
and specifications for construction of a marina on former drive-in site on
Route 28, West Yarmouth. The Marina Development Committee is comprised
of 8 members (4 residents, one of whom must reside in general area of
proposed marina); 3 business representatives; 1 member of current Yarmouth
Waterways Committee).
Establishes policies, procedures, and personnel policy guidelines. Approves
classification for positions and recommends content and format for job
descriptions. M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 1088. 5 members (3-year term).
Board acts as the Town’s local planning committee which reviews plans,
projects, subdivisions, and zoning by-laws. Also instrumental and active in
preparation of Yarmouth’s Local Comprehensive Plan and presentation of by-
law recommendations at public hearings, Selectmen, and Town Meeting.
Careful study of resources, possibilities and the needs of the Town with
respect to conditions injurious to public health, rental dwellings, development
of municipality with special reference to proper housing. M.G.L. Chapter 41,
Section 81A. ATM 1979, Article 58. 5 members serving 5-year staggered
terms. Annual Report at Town Meeting Vacancy: Unexpired term until next
annual election.
Plans and coordinates recreational activities for the Town. Works on the
development of the Town’s recreational acquisitions and recreational area.
M.G.L Chapter 45, Section 14. ATM 1979, Article 35. ATM April 1984,
Article 28. 7 members (staggered 3-year term). 3 Alternates (3-year term).
Vacancy: Until expiration of term.
The Committee is a State-mandated committee whose membership consists of
approximately five to seven members. Their charge is to study disposal and
recycling methods and costs and make recommendations to the Board of
Selectmen, public education, the SEMASS contract, and residential and
commercial recycling are major issues addressed by this Committee.
Serves as the chief executive goal-setting and policy-making agency of the
Town, and as such, appoints an administrator to carry out day-to-day policies.
All executive powers of the Town are vested in the Board of Selectmen and it
has all the powers and duties given to boards of selectmen under the
Constitution and General Laws of Massachusetts and such additional powers
and duties as may be authorized by the charter, by-laws, or Town Meeting
vote. Also, the Board of Selectmen is the licensing board for the Town. 5
members (elected at-large for 3-year overlapping term).
Reviews coastal projects, policies, rules, regulations and ultimately provides
recommendations to the Department of Natural Resources and the Board of
Selectmen who consider all aspects of coastal resource management. ATM
April 2002, Article 23.
Elected representative to represent the Town’s interests in all matters
encompassing the regional aspects that Cape Cod faces.
Protection of the Town’s interest in preservation of the County’s unique
character, public health, safety, and general welfare, to maintain and enhance
sound local and regional economies, and to ensure economic development. 3-
year term, no temporary appointments. Removal: Cannot remove member
prior to expiration of 3-year term and only if that member voluntarily resigns,
fails to meet residency or registered voter requirement.
Protection of the Town’s interest on impact, revitalization, and waterway
issues. Attends monthly Commissioner’s meeting and reports concerns to the
Board of Selectmen.
(TOWN HALL MAIN NUMBER: 508 398 2231)
Police Department Fire Department
All Purposes 508 775 0445 All Purposes 508 398 2212
State Police 508 398 2323
Administration Building 508 398 7600 D-Y Regional High 508 398 7630
Mattacheese Middle 508 778 7979 Station Avenue Elementary 508 760 5600
Marguerite E. Small 508 778 7975
Barnstable County Complex 508 362 2511
Senator Elizabeth Warren Senator Daniel Wolf
Boston 617 565 3170 Barnstable 508 775 0162
Washington, D.C. 202 224 4543 Boston 617 722 1567
Senator Edward Markey Representative Timothy Whelan
Boston 617 565 8519 District Office 508 385 2561
Washington, D.C. 202 224 2742 Boston 617 722 2090
Congressman William Keating Representative Brian Mannal (Precincts 3, 5, 6 Yarmouth)
Hyannis 508 771 0666 Barnstable 508 771 5422
Washington, D.C. 202 225 3111 Boston 617 722 2080
Selectmen 508 398 2231 Ext. 1271 Town Administrator 508 398 2231 Ext. 1271
Town Departments/Divisions
Accounting 508 398 2231 Ext. 1299 DPW Office 508 398 2231 Ext. 1290
Appeals, Board of 508 398 2231 Ext. 1285 Disposal Area 508 760 4870
Assessors 508 398 2231 Ext. 1222 Dog Officer 508 394 4422
Cemetery 508 398 2231 Ext. 1513 Engineering 508 398 2231 Ext. 1250
Clerks 508 398 2231 Ext. 1216 Golf Courses
Collector/Treasurer 508 398 2231 Ext. 1233 Bass River 508 398 9079
Community Development 508 398 2231 Ext. 1275 Bayberry Hills 508 394 5597
Community Preservation 508 398 2231 Ext. 1277 Health, Board of 508 398 2231 Ext. 1241
Conservation 508 398 2231 Ext. 1283 Highway Division 508 398 2231 Ext. 1511
Inspection Division Natural Resources 508 398 2231 Ext. 1615
Building 508 398 2231 Ext. 1261 Old King’s Highway 508 398 2231 Ext. 1292
Gas and Plumbing 508 398 2231 Ext. 1262 Park Division 508 775 7910
Inspector of Signs
508 398 2231
Ext. 1265
Planning Board
508 398 2231
Ext. 1276
Wiring 508 398 2231 Ext. 1263 Recreation 508 790 9133
Libraries (Flax Pond) 508 760 4815
South Yarmouth 508 760 4820 Senior Services 508 394 7606
West Yarmouth 508 775 5206 Technology Division 508 398 2231 Ext. 1297
Yarmouth Port 508 362 3717 Treasurer 508 398 2231 Ext. 1217
Licenses 508 398 2231 Ext. 1268 Water Division 508 771 7921
TOWN HALL FAX 508 398 2365
(This service offers answers to questions about State government and directs citizens to the proper State office for help)
The Board of Selectmen would like your experience and expertise to serve on a Committee,
Board or Special Study Group. Please complete this form and file it with the Town
Administrator’s Office at Town Hall, 1146 Route 28, S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 if you are
interested or call 508-398-2231 ext. 1270.
Name Date
Address Precinct No.
Phone # Email
Residency: Full Time Part Time None/Business Owner
Indicate below the areas you are especially interested in:
Board of Appeals Energy Committee
Board of Assessors Finance/Capital/Investment*
Board of Health Golf Enterprise Committee
Cable Advisory Committee Historical/Old King’s Highway
Charter/Government Oversight Library Board
Community & Economic Development Comm. Open Space Committee
Community Housing Committee Personnel Board
Community Preservation Committee Planning Board
Conservation Commission Recycling & Waste Management
Council on Aging Recreation Commission
Cultural Council Scholarship Fund Committee
Design Review Committee Waterways/Shellfish Advisory
Disability Commission Other __________________________
Please complete the reverse side of this application with more detailed information about yourself.
* Not appointed by the Board of Selectmen
1. Work Experience/Occupation:
2. Educational Studies:
3. Community Service Record:
4. Personal History (Optional):
5. State briefly why you are interested in serving the Town in the area of government
*Applicants may attach copies of personal resumes if desired and available.
Permanent Settlement
Three Englishmen, all farmers, were responsible for the first permanent settlement of Mattacheese in 1639. They were
Anthony Thacher, John Crowe and Thomas Howes. (A year before, Mayflower passenger Stephen Hopkins was granted
a leave of Plymouth Colony "to erect a house at Mattacheese, and cut hay to winter his cattle, provided it not to withdraw
him from the town of Plymouth.")
Old Mill on Mill Pond in Yarmouth Port
By 1640, Mattacheese had been renamed Yarmouth, probably
after a seaside town in England, and 28 families made their
homes here. The first generations of Yarmouth settlers were
farmers - the principal occupation -- and their bountiful vegetable
and corn crops provided the food staple upon which a growing
town depended. The newcomers also brought skills with them
and developed trades to support the business of the village.
Blacksmiths, cobblers, wheelwrights, furniture makers, coopers,
and other craftsmen all practiced trades that were vital to the de-
velopment of Yarmouth
Food was plentiful; these settlers didn't go hungry, as had their
brethren in the early days of the Plymouth Colony. Cape Cod
Bay and its nearby coves overflowed with lobster, mackerel and
cod, sometimes referred to as "Cape Cod Turkey." Nantucket
Sound to the south provided much the same fare. Scallops, qua-
hogs, clams and oysters found their way to the supper table as
did geese and ducks hunted on the salt marshes. Dense forests
hosted a plentiful supply of game, and many of the town's twenty-
two glacier-carved "kettle" ponds yielded pickerel and perch
Although the first settlement of Yarmouth's territory occurred on the north side of the Cape, settlement of the "South
Seas" area soon followed. In 1643 Yelverton Crowe, believed to be a brother to John Crowe who settled on the north,
obtained a large parcel of land bordering Lewis Bay. According to legend, Crowe is said to have acquired the land in a
peculiar way. An Indian sachem told Crowe he could have as much land as he could walk over in an hour in exchange
for an "ox-chain, a copper kettle ... and a few trinkets." Crowe must have been a fast walker, as his lands included much
of what is today West Yarmouth.
Once much larger than its present eight square mile radius, "Old" Yarmouth, as originally established, included the lands
of Chatham, Harwich, Brewster, Dennis and the Barnstable village of Cummaquid. Dennis was the last land holdout, initi-
ating a successful, friendly split in June 1793.
In the later half of the 17th century, the Indians began to sell off chunks of their land to European farmers and in 1713 a
reservation in South Yarmouth was set aside for Indians' use. By that time disease had already reduced the native popu-
lation to a very small number and a smallpox epidemic in 1763 virtually wiped out the remainder. The town set aside a
few acres of "Indian Town" for the last remaining native, Thomas Greenough, and ordered the remaining lands be sold
Quakers bought up much of the Indian lands along Bass River, and took up residence in what was to be appropriately
called Friends Village.
Back Cover Photos
Main Street Looking South , corner of Main and Bridge Streets (circa unknown)
Map of South Yarmouth / West Dennis (circa 1858)
4 Corners, South Yarmouth (circa unknown)
Bass River Bridge. From left is Dr. E. M. Parker, Joseph Allen, Mrs. Seth Kelley & Mr. Seth Kelley (the driver of the
steamer) and George B. Sears. This is the first car to cross over the bridge (circa unknown)
Parade float for the 250th anniversary celebration of Yarmouth on Sept. 3, 1889. The women are wearing sashes with
name of state on them.
Town of Yarmouth
Incorporated 1639
Celebrating 375 Years
1146 Route 28, S. Yarmouth, MA 02664 ~ www.yarmouth.ma.us ~ 508-398-2231