HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness Certticate BUILDING DEPARTMENT t.
51 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 026�
of :N)5; 508-°8_2 31 e;.1. i Zo 1 •ax 50S-39 -€8 36 ISEP 27 2019
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The purpose of this form is to determine whether your business complies with the Town of Yarmouth
Zoning Bylaw. The applicant shall complete ete the top section of this form and file it with the Building
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Once the Building Department/Board of Health has made a determination, it will be forwarded to the
Town Clerk.
The Building Department willdetermination sethefollowingfactors: ?
` r Et_t render a u t t�..u.a4� �based on (• , The c•_s.
.�.� • 1 The� _on district i" whichthe business � located Allowed a a use re based n Zoning B
Q.CLI� 7'7 ��! zoning axi.-�i1 i( r_. c+:t.5":J. C.f1 is to �located. :iSi.}�r�'ss �S � Bylaw
?0).5 c. r'*'t-revi Storelieffro�. he Zoning Board 4-noe r
s fl:':•E t G32� ( Previous tC;iiiT new toning from a-c;, i+:c. _v.tC...of •r.•.G:s l�
Date 0 �� Applicant's co- tact number D eg
Business Address J 00 Zo tie} ZsE5 W ciw') 6 �
• Name of Applicant L-a/It S \) (3'7 YZft
Mpiiiyi5 Address 100 IZ(XA 2.6) b ) tot (primal-Wit1'I1A, (4,2673
Description of Business Acti itr ii" k _H telne--`y 1P1ifez-\--
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The applicant acknowledges that a determination will be made by the Building Department based on the
information provided on this date and any changes in the business use and/or act itF will.reouire
additional approval. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the Business Certificate and/or
appropriate Zoning Enforcement, h. . be determined that thechanges are no1-CoEplia nE.
• pplicant'sSignatur Daze`%€ • t
(office use only)
• Approved
Comments 1/--L Oc—Cc/P --”v/Q Pi2 L( l/-'
D iSapp rov edl •
Reason for Disapproval
Building Offici 's
Si wature Date 5/2��''