HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD-20-2951r r a L GENERAL NOTES (See also Project Specifications): 1. The deneral Conditions state that the Contract Documents are complimentary. 2. Provide the services of a Massachusetts Registered Surveyor to layout structure on site and establish existing elevations_ Elevation of finished floor shall be established by Architect with elevation information provided by Surveyor. 3. The General Contractor is responsible for all the work. A. Build and install parts of the Work level, plumb square and in correct position. B. Make joints tight and neat. If such is impossible, apply moldings, sealant or other joint treatment as directed by Architect. C. Under potentially damp conditions, provide galvanic insulation between different metals which are not adjacent on the galvanic scale. D. Apply protective finish to parts of the Work before concealing them. For example, paint door tops, bottoms, glazing stop$, glazing rebates, and hardware cutouts before hanging doors, and paint corrodible mounting plates before installing parts over them. E. Where accessories are required in order to install parts of the Work in usable form and to make the Work perform properly, provide such accessories. If special tools are required to maintain, adjust and repair products, provide them. F. Follow manufacturer's instructions for assembling, installing and adjusting products. Do not install products in a manner contrary to the manufacturer's instructions unless authorized in writing by the Architect. d. Adjust and operate all items of equipment, leaving them fully ready for use. H. The division of the Documents into Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Civil components Is not intended as division of the Work by trade or otherwise. I. Provide utility installations from lot line to house including underground electrical, water, telephone and CATV to comply with all local codes and requirements. J. Concrete shall have compressive strength of 3000 psi ® 28 days for walls and 3500 psi @ slab work, and reinforcing rods & woven wire fabric (WWF) per drawings. Where noted, provide hard steel trowel finish on slabs. Dampproofing shall be factory manufactured semi—mastic consistency from asphalts and mineral fibers, and installed on all walls and footings. Piers for decks shall be concrete filled Sonotube forms. 4. The General Contractor shall verify all dimensions at the site and shall notify the Architect of any discrepancies before proceeding with the Work or purchasing materials or equipment. Verify critical dimensions in the field before fabricating items which must fit adjoining construction. 5. All details are typical unless otherwise noted and are not necessarily shown in the Documents at all locations where they occur. 6. The Architectural Documents govern the location of all Electrical and Mechanical items installed as a part of the Work. 7. Existing items which are not to be removed and are damaged or removed in the course of the Work shall be repaired and replaced in like new condition without cost. ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS TO THE COOPER RESIDENCE 8. Existing surfaces disturbed during the course of the Work shall be reconstructed and finished to match adjoining surfaces. Patched areas shall be finished in such a manner as to provide visual and structural continuity across the entire affected surface. 9. All voids created or surfaces disturbed I resulting from cutting, removal or installation of elements as part of the Work shall be filled and finished to match adjoining construction. 10. Except as provided in the Documents, 'Ino structural member or element shall be cut without written approval of the Architect. The General Contractor shall coordinate all cutting and shall advise the Architect Iof any potential conflicts with new or existing structure. 11. Demolition work shall only be carried lout once all temporary shoring and bracing is in place. Removal of all temporary supports shall be completed only after new work is secure and complete. 12. All materials, equipment and workmanship shall conform to the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction of the Work. 13. All materials and equipment shall comply with the Occupational Oafety and Health Act, including all amendments. 14. All materials and equipment shall conform to the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction regarding not using or installing asbestos or asbestos—containing materials. 15. All paint used on all products and assemblies shall conform to A.N.S.I. Z66.1, Specifications for Paints and Coatings I Accessible to Children to Minimize Dry Film Toxicity. 16. All warranties, guarantees and service l maintenance agreements shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the Work or of the item being guaranteed, whichever is later, so that the Owner may receive I,full use of the item for the guarantee or warranty period. 17. dENERAL WORK TO BE PERFORMED AS PART OF THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: A. Seal cracks and openings to make the exterior skin of the building tight to water and air entry. B. Provide adequate blocking, bracing,l nailers, fastenings and other supports to install parts of the work securely. Blocking, bracing, nailers, fastenings and other supports shall be of a type not subject to deterioration or weakening as the result of environmental conditions or aging. C. Perform cutting and patching for all trades. Patch holes where ducts, conduit, pipes and other products pass through or are being removed from existing construction. D. Provide chases, furred spaces, trenches, covers, pits, foundations and other construction required in conjunction with the Work. If such construction is not shown on the Drawings, coordinate l with Architect for sizes and placement. E. Provide and coordinate access doors and panels as required for access to equipment requiring adjustment, inspection, maintenance or other access and as required for access to spaces not otherwise accessible,! such as attics and crawl spaces. F. Check Drawings and manufacturers' literature for requirements for bases, pads, and other supporting structures. Provide such structures. Remove supporting structures associated with removed equipment and patch remaining 'surfaces. C. As part of one year warranty specified in the General Conditions, repair cracks and other damage which occur as a result of settlement and shrinkage during the first year after Substantial Completion. 18. All work shall conform to the applicable sections of the Massachusetts State Building Code, Ninth Edition. For residential projects, particular attention shall be paid to Chapter 36 — One & Two Family Dwellings, especially Table 3606.2.3 "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members" and Guide to Wood Frame Construction 110 mph in high wind areas for One & Two—Family Dwellings. ABBREVIATIONS AS. ANCHOR BOLT JT JOINT AF.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR LACI LACI BOLT ACT ACOUSTICAL TILE LAM. LAMINATE - ALUMALUMINUM - LAV. LAVATORY - ru 45 ANODIZED MFB CTH MANUFACTURER 0 BSMT AT BASEMENT N.O. MASONRY OPENINd BIT BITUMINOUS MAT. MATERIAL BLK - BLOCK MAX MAXIMUM BLKG BLOdKINd MEdH. MECHANICAL BOTT BorroN - MIN. MINIMUM B.O.W. BOTTOM OF WALL NTD. MOUNTED BM BEAN NO NUMBER - BLDG BUILDING NOM. NOMINAL CPT CARPET N.I.C. NOT IN doNTRACr dSMT CASEMENT N.T.S. NOT To SCALE dK OAULK(INd) - O.C. ON CENTER dLd dElliNd - - OH OVERHEAD CLOS dLOSET OPN6. -OPENING - COL COLUMN - PNT. PAINT CONd. CONCRETE PTD PAINTED dMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNrr PNL PANEL dONST. dONSTRUCrION PART. PARTITION CONT. CONTINUOUS PL PLATE di doNTROL/dONSTR. JOINT -PLAS. PIASTER CrSK COUNTERSUNK P.LAM. PLASTICLAMINATE DET. DETAIL - PLBd.- PLUMBING DIA DIAMETER PLYWD PLYWOOD - DIM. DIMENSION P.T. PRESSURE. TREATED DR DOOR - Q.T. QUARRY TILE DH DOUBLEHUNd REQ'D REQUIRED DRWR DRAWER REF. REFIdERATOR - DWd(S) DRAWINd(S) REV. REVISIONS - DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN - R RISER DW DISHWASHER - RD ROOF DRAIN ELEd.. ELECTRid(AL) - RM. - ROOM EL ELEVATION R.O. ROUGH OPENINd ELEV. ELEVATOR SECT. SECTION EMER EMERdENdYSdRED. SCHEDULE - EQ EQUAL SPEC. SPECIFICATIONS EXIST. EXIS'TINd SL SIDELIdHT or EXd. STD. STANDARD EJ- EXPANSION JOINT S&P. SHELF&POLE EXP EXPOSED - STL STEEL EXT, EXTERIOR SUSP. SUSPENDED FIN FINISHED THK THICK - FA FIRE ALARM T&B TOP&BOTTOM F.B.O. FURNISHED BY OWNER T&d TONdUE&GROOVE - FE FIRE EXTINdU1SHER T.O.F. TOP OF FOUNDATION FL FLOOR(INd) T.O.W. TOP OF WALL FLUOR FLUOREBdl - T - TREAD - - FT FOOT TYP. TYPICAL. - FTd. FOOTING UNFIN. -UNFINISHED FND. FOUNDATION V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD FURR FURRED(INd) - VIN - VINYL d--. SAS - VCY VINYL COMPOSITION TILE - CALV. do GALVANIZED GENERAL CONTRACTOR VWd VINYL WALL COVERING - (IL CLASS/dIAZINd Wo WATER CLOSET OR ORADINO W WIDE/WIDTH dYP.BD. dYPSUM BOARD W/O WITH WITHOUT HDBD HARDBOARD W,W.M. WELDED WIRE MESH HDWD HARDWOOD WD WOOD HVAd HEATINd,VENTILATINd, - & AIR CONDITIONING HDWR HARDWARE HdT HEIGHT H.M. HOLLOW METAL INSUL INSULATION - - INT. INTERIOR JT JOINT - SYMBOLS 11 TOWN OF YAC 7,MO 9TH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CCDE COMPLI- ANCE. ERRORS OR GM'AISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPON LITYOF'ASBUILT' COMPLIANCE. DATE: BUILDING FFICIAL SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS T-1 SECTION INDICATOR - LETTER A TOP HALFdIFI OF CIRCLE INDITHE ATES ,L�R�\ NUM THE SPECIFtd SECTION. THE NUMBER T A-1 AND LETTER IN THE BOTTOM HALF FIRST FLOOR PLAN/ INDICATES THE DWd. ON WHICH I o THE SECTION APPEARS A-2 NEW SPOT ELEVATION 45.50 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION - ru 45 NEW CONTOURS ru 45 EXISTINd CONTOUR '�' LEVEL LINE OR - - - WORKING POINT to COLUMN COORDINATES & REFERENCE GRID LINES 171 _0_1 I ROOM NUMBER- . O DOOR NUMBER ® WINDOW TYPE WALL TYPE l - INTERIOR ELEVATION 0 NUMBERS INDICATE ELEVATION nl NUMBER & LETTER INDICATES - THE DRAWING WHERE THE o ELEVATIONS ARE LOCATED Qj REVISION MARK - I. • - : i - CONCRETE - PLAN OR SECTION BRICK.- PIANS OR SECTIONS CONCRETE BLOCK PLANS OR SECTIONS PLYWOOD - STEEL, LARGE SCALE ROUGH LUMBER ® FINISH LUMBER INSULATION - RIGID ® INSULATION - BATT EARTH �z COMPACT GRAVEL �;—x—.— WELDED WIRE MESH z PROPERTY LINE CENTER LINE TOWN OF YAC 7,MO 9TH REVIEWED FOR BUILDING AND ZONING CCDE COMPLI- ANCE. ERRORS OR GM'AISSIONS DO NOT RELIEVE THE APPLICANT FROM THE RESPON LITYOF'ASBUILT' COMPLIANCE. DATE: BUILDING FFICIAL SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS T-1 TITLE SHEET SP -1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN/ w I o INTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-2 C ELEVATIONS/SCHEDULES A-3 w ELEVATIONS A-4 o FOUNDATION PLAN A-5 to FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN/ L._l_ NAILING SCHEDULE A-6 ROOF FRAMING PLAN A-7 0 CROSS SECTIONS DRAWING S ARE REPRESENTATIONAL ONLY DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS STAMP: BID- a0- 00 1* } U M 0 w O z 0 N - w I o o O C z w w cr_ I DO O o ry to LLJ L._l_ 2 a O z o 0 U ' I l 0 LID Cf) o W > J W (,J vi zCf) �z Q z 0� xo m� mU) �0 a� U z w O z Q w > o O C z w w cr_ o ry LLJ L._l_ C O z o O_ U ' I 0 0 TITLE: COVER SHEET DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: TI E moi,. r n L STAMP: cl) W O U Q M M O O Uj N I O �Z n z O �Z 0 xo 1 00 O O m F- In Lo 2 a _ 4 V ) N cl) W O U Q (n j J O� M W W Uj ZV) Q �Z n z �Z 0 xo nm (n O m F- In LLJ V ) O U �Q Ld > Li — � O co cr) E_-- � III f— ryory Qzry od w Un U) O w zo O u n �- F W �D o = �0 o �(J� Q TI TLE: FIRST FLOOR PLAN DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: ADDITION FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: /4' _ '-0' ALL TRIM, SIDING, ROOFING, ETC. TO MATCH EXISTING 1111 IIIHII 111H1111 11111111 11111111 1HI__ 1111 11111 - 11 111111 ® ®DEl] LEAD FLASHINGLl - ® F AS REQUIRED - WINDOW SCHEDULE SYMBOL Manufacturer Model TYPE SIZE NOTES WIDTHR.O. HEIGHT R.O. A ANDERSSEN ADP2650 DBL HUNG 2'-6" 5'-O" BOTTOM SASH TEMPERED GLASS B ANDERSEN C34 CASEMENT 6'-0 3/8" 4-0 1/2" TEMPERED C ANDERSSEN ATAD4820 FIXED 4'-0" 2'-6" -- D ANDERSSEN ADH2O34 DBL HUNG 2'-0" 3'-4" -- E ANDERSSEN A21 AWNING 2'-0 5/8" 2'-0 5/8" -- a�JLL NOTE5: I. GRILLE PATTERNS ARE A5 SHOWN VINYL SNAP IN GRILLES .[1L1jJ 11111111111111 2. ALL WINDOWS ARE ANDERSEN ("STORP1WATCH" IF REQUIRED) TILT WASH 400 SERIES jjIIj[. 11111111 111111 -WHITE W/ PRE FINISHED INTERIORS 3. ALL WINDOWS TO HAVE (1) - STANDARD SASH LOCK 6 KEEPER WHITE FINISH A. ALL WINDOWS TO HAVE (I)- CONTEMPORARY SASH LIFT WHITE FINISH _LLji J 1. 1111111 1111111 11111111 5. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ROUGH OPENING ON WINDOW SCHEDULE PRIOR TO ROUGH FRAMING. 6. PROVIDE "TRU5CREEN" INSECT SCREEN (FULL HEIGHT) @ EACH OPERABLE WINDOW, NEW COVERED PORCH RIGHT SIDE ELEVATIO SCALE: /4' =1'-0' DOOR SCHEDULE SYMBOL Manufacturer Model DOOR SIZE NOTES WIDTH HEIGHT 01 SIMPSON OR EQUAL TO BE DETERMINED V-0" 6'-8" -- 02 ANDERSEN FWG8068 8'-0" 6'-S" - 03 ANDERSEN FWG8068 8'-0" 6'-- 04 ANDERSEN FWH2G68 2'-8" 6'-- _ mIU) 05 SIMPSON OR EQUAL TO BE DETERMINED 2'-8" 6'-8" -- 06 SIMPSON OR EQUAL TO BE DETERMINED 2'-8" 6'-8" FIRE RATED DOOR 07 TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 2'-6" 6'-8" -- 08 TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 2'-0" 6'-8" -- oq TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 5'-0" 6'-8" -- 10 TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 2'-4" 6'-8" -- II TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 2'-6"-- 12 TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED 2'-0" 6'-8" -- ,7 TO MATCH EXIST'G ADDITION STAMP: M 0 0 (V I 0 I 0 0 x a O cD CN DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: (n Ld O C) Q (n J L+U W r, (N Z U) Q V) z CZEX0 _ mIU) O mN LU a� 0 U �Q Q Q � = 0 Un (n W Cr 0 0 ry Ccr-- Q Q:� a_ Q Q Cn 0 Z0 0 U n Li o _ 0 (n Q TITLE: ELEVATIONS DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: GARAGE ADDITION ADDITION REAR ELEVATION SCALE: /4"=1'-0' FULL LENGTH SHEAR PANELS PER WCFM 110 WINDLOAD GUIDE. PERIMETER NAILS= Sd @ G" O.C. FIELD= 8d @ 12" O.C. 33%x2G'-G"=8'-10" REQUIRED SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE PER WFCM 110 MPH EXPOSURE B WIDTH = 36' LENGTH = 2io.5' ASPECT RATIO (L/W) = < 1.00 W I DTH N PER TABLE 10 33% FOR �" SHEATHING w/Bd COMMON NAILS LENGTH PER TABLE II 33% FOR 6" SHEATHING w/Bd COMMON NAILS LEFT SIDE ELEVATI ADDITION N STAMP: DRAWN BY PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: M O O N I O n I 0 O to 2 n. O (n p W U (n j J r W W TO Zcn Q �Z Z DZ oxXwp O m� m1-- �o a� U) Li O Q Wry W Q 0 _ O un cn f-- LLJ O Q ry ry LJ U) Q I Q U O w Z O -� O�_— �_ w D c� _r1r) O r-) cn Q TI TLE: ELEVATIONS DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: STAMP: CONTINUOUS 2x6 P.T. o 0 10" GONG. WALL w/ SILL PLATE/SILL INSUL. N 2-#4 TOP €BOTTOM ON w/5/8" DIA GALV. A.B. m 20"x10" CONC. FTG. w/ 72" O.G. MAX 2"x4" CONT: KEY & 6"-12" FROM o END OF PLATES to w/3"x3"x4" PLATE WASHERS a IS' -6.. O 8" DIA. CONG. - - - - - - - - ON SONOTUBE, TYP.�� W �qJJ-------- --- — — — — -1 I _ 0 d BM. PKT-TYP. z I I J 4 BRG MIN. . I o w W W r N I.=1 �I I Quj �z 10" CMU WALL w/ I I N I Q I I O p 2-tt4 TOP 4 BOTTOM ON I I w� r- - w I m W m 10" CONC. FTG. I w m I I V I I dLd � 2-P.T. 2x8 GIRT I i N X 1 I I o il r- " I - - ZTv4- 4' v -J� r-------------- I °°P cvl c0 <I I (n --- i LLJ N w z r -t - Q I DROP WALL O U Q N I m I w I I m -j OV I I I J I I 8" FOR BULKHEAD o p o 1_J m V I (VERIFY DIM. i Z W 4" I I i L FOR BULKHEAD) m m L1� - - - - - - - Q 3 _0 CRAWL SPACE FLOOR L- 1 I \ Q CONC. SLAB (FTG) OVER REMOVE 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER p O ( 1 - - O F EX. BULKHEAD FND OVER 6" COMPACTED GRAVEL a FULL BA EMENT-' ( v v Z W D BLOCK UP Lu/CMU ` in Lo w ry O PROVIDE i I I O CUT Z CELLAR VENTS CUT UT EX. WALL OFOR I ACCE55 I I I - - - - - - - I 0 Q OUT EX. FND. F _Lij 1 I o Q Q I I CRAWL SPACE FLOOR L_'- 3 1/2" GONG. SLAB OVER I 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER BASEMENT F OOR N I I O W 3 1/2" CONC.;SLAB OVER w II- - 0 Q —) OVER 6" COMPACTED GRAVEL q -1 z EX. FOUNDATION 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER J I I GALV. ALUO U I DRILL B GROUT OVER 6" COI IPACTED GRAVEL w I AREA WELL-TYP. 2-tt4 @ 12" O.C. I - _ p I I I VERTICAL-TYP�— Lo -- — I DRILL 8 GROUT -- - N 2-tt4 @ 12 O.C. r IL---------� - VERTICAL-TYP --------------------- I Q 8" DIA. GONG. 10" CMU WALL w/ SONOTUBE, TYP. _I 2-#4 TO='4 BOTTOM ON ::j 20"x10" CONC. FTG. w/ 2"x4" CO T. KEY TITLE: 2-P.T. 2x8 GIRT FOUNDATION 10'-01 5'-8" 18'-0" 6'-4" PLAN PER WFCM 110 MPH EXPOSURE B WIDTH = 32' LENGTH = 18' ASPECT RATIO (L/W) _ < 1.00 DATE ISSUED: FOUN DAT I ONPLAN 1 07/30/2018 ANCHOR BOLT SCHEDULE REVISIONS: PER WFCM 110 MPH EXPOSURE B 01/21/2019 I.) ALL BOLTS TO BE a" DIA. GALVINIZED 2.) ALL BOLTS TO BE SECURED w/HEX HEAD NUTS w/3"x3"x4" GALV. PLATE WASHERS 3.) BOLT '';SPACING: MAX 72" O.C. MAX 12" FROM CONCRETE CORNERS OR END OF PLATE MAX 7" FROM END OF PLATE AT SOLICE DRAWN BY: _--- 4.) BOLT ',EMBEDMENT MINIMUN 7" DEPTH PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: ;T -v 1 BUILT OVER EX. FLOOR 1 I i 1 I I I I I I I I 1 i— i i I i i I 1 1 I I EX. FLOOR r -- (IrTIr-i _ 2-P.T. 2x8 GIRT BELOW PT 2x8 FRAME C@ 16" O.C. 2x @ 16" O.G. FLOOR FRAMING PLAN k I SCALE:I/4' _ '-0' PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING @ 45" O.C. FIRST (2) JOISTS FROM END WALL-TYP. TO MEET CODE REQUIREMENTS CONT 2x10 RIM - JST F— F --T— 1--� I;�---I --� -,-- ---- II---L--- 1---J-- ,' III +�_�,I------- III ------- 1 III ----+-------- '.T. 2x8 GIRT III OW --------m-------- III 2x8- FRAME I ------- til ------- I G" O.C.----------I�------- ------ --- I4-- --- ' III _ _ IL _ L JIL J.III --- III - --- IL IL Ill IH ----- III I -----ltd------ 'L 111 r 111 I 1(1 ------III I r IU _ III ----III IIIIr 200 @ 16" O.C. I . '4 *Corrosion resistant 11 gage roofing nailsand 16 gage staplesare permitted, checklBC foraddilionalrequirements. Nails- Lhlessotherwise stated, sizes given for nails are common wire sines Box and pnuematic nails of equivelent diameter and equal or greater length to the specified nails maybe substitutued unless otherwise prohibited. STAMP: V) w v J W ED _ w Z Cf) az tzl � 3--0 M 0 0 N I 0 I 0 0 LOx n- 0 r` 0 N O Numberof Number of Box Joint Description Common Nails Nails Nail Spacing Fbof Raining O Blocking to Rafter(roe-nailed) 2-8d 2-10d each end dim Board to Rater (End -nailed) 2-16d 3-13d each end Wall Flaming Q Top Plates at Intersections (Face -nailed) 4-16d 5-16d at pints Stud to Stud (Face -nailed) 2-16d 2-16d 24" o.c. Fleaderto Header(Face-nailed) 16d 16d 16" o.c. along edge RoorRaming 0 Joh to 911, Top Plate or Grider (roe -nailed) 4-8d 4-10d perjoist Blocking to Joist (Toe -nailed) 2-8d 2-10d each end Blocking to 911 or Top Plate (roe -nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each block LedgerEtrip to Beam orGrider(Face-nailed) 3-16d 4-16d each joist Joist on Ledgerto Beam (roe -nailed) 3-8d 3-10d perjoist Band Joist to Joist (End -nailed) 3-16d 4-16d perjoist Band Joist to 911 orTop Plate (roe -nailed) 2-16d 3-16d perfoot Fbof Sheathing z Wood Structural Panels —' �- rafters ortrusses spaced up to 16" o.c. 8d 10d 6" edge / 6" field rafters or trusses spaced over 16" o.c. 8d 10d 4" edge / 4" field gable endwall rale orrale truss w/o gable overhang 8d 10d 6" edge / 6" field gable endwall rale or rale trussw/structural outloolers 8d 10d 6" edge / 6" field gable endwall rake or rake trussw/ioot0ut blocks 8d 10d 4" edge / 4" field Ceiling Sheathing Gypsum Wallboard 5 d coolers - 7" edge / 10" field Wag Sheathing Vtbod Structural Panels studs spaced up to 24" o.c. 8d 10d 6" edge/ 12" field 1/2" and 25!32" Fiberboard Panels 8d* - 3" edge ! 6" field 1/2" Gypsum Wallboard 5d coolers - 7" edge / 10" field Floor Sheathing Wood Structural Panels 1" or less 8d 10d 6" edge / 12" field greaterthan 1" 10d 16d 6" edge / 6" field *Corrosion resistant 11 gage roofing nailsand 16 gage staplesare permitted, checklBC foraddilionalrequirements. Nails- Lhlessotherwise stated, sizes given for nails are common wire sines Box and pnuematic nails of equivelent diameter and equal or greater length to the specified nails maybe substitutued unless otherwise prohibited. STAMP: V) w v J W ED _ w Z Cf) az tzl � 3--0 M 0 0 N I 0 I 0 0 LOx n- 0 r` 0 N O TITLE: FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY. PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: z w O U �Q W W Q Q O (nLd cn �- 0 W Cr O O Q ry 8d W Q n Q U� O w� z O —' �- O U LJ `— C) = r� O Q TITLE: FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY. PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: 2x6 LAI I 2x(o STAMP: SER c�3 LTJ u� Q _Y LEDGERO W >- \T-TYP z o o U °- ~ LJ O INq o �- Q TI TLE: ROOF FRAMING PLAN DATE ISSUED: D7/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: V) p w U Q J cr W Vj W ZU Q MZ Z o�Xo _ mc() O mLli 0 CL z w O U Q �-_- w Q IZ > -T- o cn cn �- w ry i— 0 ry O � Q ry SER c�3 LTJ u� Q _Y LEDGERO W >- \T-TYP z o o U °- ~ LJ O INq o �- Q TI TLE: ROOF FRAMING PLAN DATE ISSUED: D7/30/2018 REVISIONS: 01/21/2019 DRAWN BY: PROJECT #: DRAWING NO.: STAMP: M _ - O O N O O n - - O to d O tD (A o L)i v Q Ln > = J ()f W Lil r� V) _7 U) nZ Q LLIZ X _ O C� U) m �o cn a� U ~ Q �— W w � Q o cn un E— z III D III r O ry Ory Q w (� In Q oQ TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION U) O W ASPHALT SHINGLES ON O J 15# BUILDING FELT ON z In 1/2" CDX PLYWD. O U 2x10 RAFTERS @ 16" O.C. w/ SIMPSON H2.5A CLIPS @ 16" O.C. 7— D CON'T RIDGE VENT R38 INSULATION Q _ O 2x12 RIDGE BD. 2x8 @ 16" O.C. Q n n n n n n u n u u n n u n n u i Q 2x6@ 16" O.C. h n h n u u u u u n u u u u n n n u u u u u u u u u t7 12 n n n n TO MATCH 4 If u u u u u u u u u u ExIST'G 2x10 @ 16" O.C. if 11 it u u u it ii u it It - ALUM. GUTTERS ON n 11 It u n u u n n n u u u n n n u n i Ix FASCIA BDS u n u u u n n u u n TO MATCH EX15TNG TITLE: z Ix SOFFIT TO MATCH EX. 1— o w/ CON'T VINYL SOFFIT N p VENT TYP, IST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION x — 3/4" T 8 G PLYWD SUBFLOOR w TYPICAL WALLCONSTRUCTION GLUED NAILED OVER CROSS pOSS SECTIONS W.C. SHINGLES 5 1/2" EXPOSURE 2x10 @ 16" O.C. Fu TYVEK HOUSEWRAP R30 INSULATION 1/2" CDX PLYWOOD 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. R21 INSULATION 1/2" GWB—PAINTED � 10"x4'-0" CONC. WALL ON DATE ISSUED: 20"x10" CONC. FTG. w/ 07/30/2018 2"x4" CONT. KEY REVISIONS: CRAWL 50, FLOOR 01/21/2019 3 1/2" GONG. SLAB OVER 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIER OVER 6" COMPACTED GRAVEL DRAWN BY: CROSS SECTION ---- PROJECT : C SCALE: 0' # DRAWING NO.: A7 II