HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-20-1695 N° TOWN OF YARMOU'ITH BUILDING D KPARTNENT 114.6 Route 28 South Yarmouth,\TA 02664 SOS-39S-2231 ext. I161 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION • Dam 71251/ 9 Application Acoe d p=at No. j5 070 07/4- App1calli istraci or c 1) Applicant complete both sides of application. 2) One app iicaton foT r is re i r ed for each si Each sim will be assi ed its own.perrrfi Briber. 3) Applicant shal attach separate 8 11" sheets inclurli�g the following diagrams: A) Dcsi°a, riii nsions and colors of the proposed sib B) Freestanding S i om s:provide cered pis-n by a professional 1l7 d surveyor that describes how the proposed Sign- Mee-2 the g regriern-r-s included in ZorHg Bylaw 3035.E or 3035.4. (as applicable), A stamped and sealed"as built" will be required before the pei will be issued. C) Ar fr .ed Signs: show length of portion of f o' t ge I-1-1st iiss occupied by applicant. D) Temporary Sig,s: show local on for sign ROad 39> gr - 4) Sim pe�m� `re.S40.00 each,payable atth- e of,applrf 2o • A ri r=-es s of proposed g, ioF -i O/3, on-,ri rir !i 61 Y t'V 11ypaz Di c i NP-,P of B-- Less for proposed D n I Arci-oy7A'1? or anC rTPS5 own 4 l/r /I Ii 4 aa--mg zri riress of Bn ciTiess (($ * " "`-'! g.it 11 . �' 1 l!n1-TvJ'e. Bees s O wD.e Phone:Business JUDO -7600 - / O X) Dme _ -333 !V o (Cell) Name of Br l ri m g Owner Phone ����5 , �.�je, Si�Maieria>���I't l J Sim Builder Address • Phone Singly OccupiedBuildiag Business Center Internal fight BLitt FreestannTzn Sty, Size: Attached.Si 031 Size: r Temr►orary Sim Size: g I X 3 ' S i 1�G U lo x + ,heri Dates: � - Q1 �y¢� WV/ asuzute_ Li b 1 ?D M sec/ l�I S1 p S '�.� ns 17 Place complete other Sign Permit AppI1c on. or -1700 toe. w c cri L / 1)1110. A TT p ermJts are sub i ect to the ap-p royal of the Si 6n Inspector I hereby a2ree to Mat. .u� t0 the provisions of low.L of Yarmouth Zon7ng Ey-law SecUou SOS gov sip �`�u�-era�ze-uazis siu�rs'of.15e'61;:��Ta���o:��cdtrgYW:Ytss a new permit has been issued. Sin Permit are not valid until the FnlrFns Commi si0ner 1SSLes ZIP e old . Occ-grncy Perziat (where applicable). PreestRnding sip peuuiLs are not valid until the "as btlf ' om. a professional land sul v eyor h PR been received of h ppli � 2'. 62. Dane 406 l 9 Property vtTher or17P on.: I hereby asho -7 e-te applicant to ar.on my b alf aIl matters rela d to tfiis sign arplc oa? (S; nR r ) t Dam k ppr v by. Daim 9- - -7'�' With the foliow411q con_ri nas: 6f'e7-a)/ ) Praef-fty� 1 -/7/7 77/94( syxy / /?e 0`> , cries$ I have read and-on 6,- suod the con r'it ons of this P 12it Bd above: • . ,,„:: ,....... .41 ._,:„-. i� . i .. ,14' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..; : ,.. „.. ,,,,..L 4.,„; ,L*.,:." r .i"x 41. ' r lifill am • 0 C3 •T' - o r - : i„..-4,4 .. ,, ia) �ar._, 0 - rS '_ z to UPI zo: ci 4lic u.) co °o z 0- Z ° ' 'de" a) i w �_ '- Z o6. un a) . _ ^'_ , gg - 1 Y .ry ice. j d„g,fir 9M �. � �- F 3FJ 4.5 s v - L.Y^. d 4.Ly x.$ > i w" .F`. , z,/C/ r� }