HomeMy WebLinkAboutdoor replacement 1.7.2020lutlce usc unly ,o7 PerrDil cxpircs 180 days from rissua datc EXPRESS BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF YARMOUTH Yarmouth Building Department I 146 Route 28 South Yarmouth, MA 02664 (508) 398-2231 Ext. l26l -. A ^.,cH-.\tt a ,i.'r ,. 1-.r ,'r Rc\ Y.i.r)\c; cr l-\,-r(CONSTRUCTIO\ -{DDRESS: .l.SSESSOR'S NTOL\L{TIO\: Parcel o\,!-r-.ER: lD.a t -,1 PRESTNT ADDRESS 2 )-/ -7q1 - 6-/u-7 TEL * CONTR{CTOR N.T.\IE \L{ILNG.ADDRESS TEL i tr Residential I Commercial Esr Co$ ofConsrrucrion $73 c, c,Q C)c) Home [mprovement Contractor Lic. #_Construction Supervisor Lic. #_ $ orqna, j Compensarion lnsurance (check one) Ag rhe homeo!,lner I am rhe solc proprieror I I have Worker's Compensation [nsurance \1'ORK TO BE PERFOR\IED (Fire Retardant Certifi cate attached?) lnsurance Compaily Name: Worker,s Comp. policy*_ '1.Tent _ .\pplrcant s S rsnaorre Orfoerr Signature (o Du ration r rttschment) or designee) LocatioI of Faciliq- E\tl]L ,.l.DDRESS S rJ- Data Date Wood Stove Replacement doors o-;-..it|,3** )\r Siding: # of Squar "" / { Replacement windows: #_ Roolingj . # of Squares_ ( ) Remove eristing+ (max. 2 layers) tg&\,tllflffir,,,,1ni,to.ic Dist. ( vfRepracing rike ror rike rTh. debns !,vill be disposed of ar: Oi.< I dcclar' under penalties of perjury fiat hc statemenE herern contained &c true and corract to de besr ofmy knowledgc ard bclief I undentand lhar any false a.!$wer(s)wlll bcjust cause for denial or ravocatton ofmv licens. and for prosccution under \l.G L. Ch. 26g, Sacio. I b,l t'l Date )- Zoning District Hisbrical Districr: I yes - No Warer Resource Protection DisEict: ,--l Yes a No Flood Plain Zone: _. Yes lNo Within 100 ft. of Werlands i Yes : No Approved By Burldms Official +o -!iap; Itrsulation_ Pool fencing T I E I I t SS;I I I +..: .J t I t a I F I x.t a, \ftx ry r ry l mr''w vr a*Gl TI a a il f, H # I 1l s:ftnlvr-s$+t$\$!-{d\ \J{r+t,s 3\ +CrjS{\o o c. s. t f,-s r) Jt q t.t.t I ',1,": b,E3 ( t I I -qi T"'-.ry m &tn-st"P stock Doors 6 dard setup: 4-9116" primed finger-joint jamb and standard brickmould exterior casin0, zinc brasstone hinges, standard lockset bore, mill finish ;tabte composite sill. Priced for one door or one sidelite. Specify 12" or 14" sidelite. For pricing and availability ot doors not shown, please call your branch. Unfinished doors shown are available from our Londonderry, NH manufacturing facility with a one week lead time. ( d lo.xu I !- --\t Irl tl,,tl IL SDL s0L !L SDL s601 LE Privt $336 $336 $447 $457 $447 $457 $382 $382 $447 ^ *\"L?a"ot s896 Clear LE s606 LE Pri$ s607 LE Prifi s608 Priyt $491 $501 $491 $501 $54 $54 $535 $545 $535 $545 78 $588 78 $588,/ \, \*\$5 5 5 5 5 $53 $53 _l L s771s609 Maple Park c s682 IB,tE s708 Clear s755 Solid Panel s770 Clear Blacl$lone c.D 3066 1068 sa6r $593 s3B1 $336 $423 sl190 ;v/v)' t =_ c9t t UE s773 Concorde A,C 3068 $642 s774 We lesley A,C $642 s810 $615 $768 $796 s925 IB,l.E s960 Solid Panel $521 $336 _-..r------.-.1- 4-block dentil shell for Craftsman Style dmrs only $75 s912 Concorde A,C s769 s971 Clear ]B/LE $531 s972 Blackstone c $1258 qlso stocked in Bainglass privacy glass Dentil shelf to be applied at jobsite if door is unlinishedi prefinished doors ship with factory applied shelf -.nt pricing available 2417 on cuslomer secure sjte. Visit harveybp.c0m t0 login H HAFIVEY ve 3/l /1B a.BUILOINO PFIODUCTs 97 .L LI s600 Solid Panel s605 LE Privl s602 Saratoga c.0 $564 $564 LI L i LI s752 Clear GBG LII tt !Ll