HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-A042-A4RECEIVED JAN TOWN OF YARMOUTH RE cEt V ED TO SOUTH I lt6 ROUTE 28, SOL'Tlt YAR\lOL:TIl. ]t ASS..{C H US ETTS 0266{-,t.t5l Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292 Far (508) 398-0836 OLD KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE Phone # Preferred notification method: _ Phone Email \ur t ho tt IovenV bvu'tl jLN 7 3 z0;]0 YABMO KI HI AMENDMENT FORM ("MrNOR CHANGE REQUEST") A minor change request must be submitted within one year of the original approval date or while the work is still in progress. Only a minor change may be approved by the Committee without the filing of a new application. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY '-f. n )a/9 Address of proposed work \owne(s):S ./{"\ t / tv\ch!-\c hwnl Phone # Mailing address ?a swi (U h-Ld s h mla^t\A (,IIVI Preferred notification metnoa:fi u1 H H 0 Emair (Yt Agent/Contractor: Email none {emait-Us Mait Jo&- G\r.zt1l u.. Please describe proposed change(s) ahd attach plans/photos (as necessary) Ch tY I fr. Signeo (Owner or Agent) / Approved by OKH Reason for Denial: _ Denied by OKH New C/A required? _yes _No ../,.rl\ I t Z!Z! OLD KING'S HIGHWAY Date '/y .o26 1112015 /2PD/.4. nueruouerur * /?-4n ,/s - n1 /'-''l() Original Applicationx' /Q- *A I2-f*r,e a,,*\ originat Approvat Date: rI o"" lll3l ZaL) Signed OKH Chairman STATEIV ENT CO LLECTI O N' Your market's most popular products and colors Plank, Panel, Shingle and Batten Color offering AXCT1C WHITEARC]ICWHITE COBEI.E STOIIE NAVAJO EEIGE MONTESEYTAUPE KHAKIBROWN COBBLE STONE MOTITEBEY TAUPE TIMBER BABX PEARL GRAY LIGHT MIST GRAY SLATE EOOTHBAY BLUE EVENIIIG BLUE NIGflT GBAY AGED PEWTER IRON GRAY DEEP OCEAI{ HardiePlank HardiePanel HardieShingle" SEI-ECT CEOABMILLO & SMOOTH SELECI CEOARMILI.6 & SMOOTH Si2e ColorPlus Pcs./Pallet 4ttx10ft 50 STRAIGlIT EDGE PATIEL Heighl 14 in 15.25 in Exposure 5in 7in ColorPlus 120 86 width Exposure ColorPlus Pcs./Pallet 5.25 in 6.25 in 4in 5in 324 280 HardieTrim 4/4 SMooTH BATTEN EOABOS RECE,Y€B JAN 11?O?O courPflxftf,llfl,ur Thickness Length widtn ColorPlus Pcs,/Pallet .75 in l2ft boards 3.5 in 5.5 in 312 208 s/il StlmTH 1in 12 tt boards 3.5 in 4.5 in 5.5 in 225 in 11.25 in 240 200 160 120 80 4/4 S 00Dl & BlrSrIC GBAt[c .75 in 12 tt boards 2.5 in 190 225 in 11.25 in 156 r04 Looking for even more design flexibility? Ask about our new Dream Collection" products, providing you the ability t0 customize a wide array 0f products in over 700 ColorPlus tinishes. ouestions about our ColorPlus otferings? Please contact your local James Hardie Sales Bep, or call 866-4-HARDIE JamesHardie RECE!VEO .tAi,l 1 E 2020 0fferin JAN I 4 2020 HI AP PRov E D THRMOU Colors shown areas accurale as printrn! nrethodswil permt. Please see aclualproducl sample lortruecolor @20l9JamesHadieBuldingPrcductslnc.AltStghlsffsserv€d.TM SM and (o denote trad!fiark or rclistered ladema s o, James Hadie Technoloqy Limiled flSlg221 0Ul9 1fl, 4a,tr>-fr\Siding I Trim KHAKIBBOWI{ TIMBER BARK IBON GRAY Trim