HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Jan 10 J.M. O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. LETTER OF Engineering&Land Surveying Services �T 1573 Main Street,2nd Floor,P.O.Box 1773 �_` `- --,, TRAl�SMITTAL Brewster,MA 02631 (508)896-6601 JAN 1 3 2020 Fax(508)896-6602 HEALTH DEPT. TO: DATE: JOB NUMBER: Town of Yarmouth 01/10/2019 8402W Board of Health 1146 Route 28 REGARDING: South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4492 Locus: 41 Pheasant Cove Circle Shipping Method: Yarmouthport, MA Regular Mail ❑✓ Federal Express n Certified Mail El UPS Priority Mail ElPick Up ❑ Express Mail ❑ Hand Deliver COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 12/20/19 Routine Operation and Maintenance Checklist for Perc-Rite Drip Dispersal system For review and comment: n For approval: As Requested: For your use: 1 REMARKS: cc: John M. O'Reilly, P.E., P.L.S. Matthew J. Wrobel, E.I.T. Client Oakson, Inc. From: MJW If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once f ROUTINE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST FOR PERC-RITE DRIP DISPERSAL SYSTEM Address: 41 Pheasant Cove Circle, Yarmouthport Date: 12/20/19 Homeowner: Gerald McClellan Operator: John O'Reilly, P.E., P.L.S. Lic#:17746 Job #: 8402W HISTORICAL DATA and CURRENT READINGS Previous flow meter reading:46,382 Design flow: 330GPD Date of last visit: 10/25/2018 Current flow meter reading: 99,961 Calculated water usage: 127 GPD Start-up dose rate Current dose rate ZONE 1: 2.9 GPM 2.9 GPM ZONE 2: ZONE 3: ZONE 4: FIELD CONDITIONS A. Drip dispersal field: visible wet spots YES❑ NOD Comments: B. Air release valves: erosion YES❑ NOD leakage/spraying YES NOD Comments: PUMP CHAMBER/FLOAT OPERATION A. Floats match pin lights in control panel YESD NO❑ Comments: B. Alarm float working YESD NOD Comments: C. Solids or scum present YESD NOD Comments: CONTROL PANEL A. Switches in AUTO position YESD NOD Comments: B. Peak Level light on YESO NO❑✓ Comments: C. Power and Run lights on (microprocessor) YES❑✓ NOD Comments: • PUMP and VALVE OPERATION A. Pump in HAND position: flow meter running YESD NOD Comments: B. Zones 1-4 (one at a time): flow meter running YES© NOD dose rate correct YES❑✓ NO❑ flush rate > dose rate YES NOD Comments: C. Disc filter back flushing: working properly YES El NO❑ Comments: D. Disc filter inspection: excessive residue YES El NO cleaning required YES NOD Comments: E. Switches returned to AUTO position YES NO❑ Comments: F. RESET/CYCLE START: functioning properly YES❑✓ NO 0 Comments: G. Hydraulic Unit: leaks, crimps, or other issues YES❑ NO❑✓ Comments: SEPTIC and/or PRE-TREATMENT TANKS Not inspected.No covers to Grade. A. Examine and clean effluent filter: excessive residue YES❑ NO 0 Comments: B. Septic tank pumping recommended YES 0 NO 0 1. Sludge depth: 2. Scum depth: Comments: C. Service pre-treatment system YES❑ NO❑ Comments: N/A Operator signature License No. 17746 Comments/Observations: Since the previous inspection piping for the septic tank return line was rerouted back to the inlet side of the pump chamber.This was due to the system experiencing alarm events due to incorrect pipe pitch to septic tank.The issue has since been resolved and the system is functioning normally.