HomeMy WebLinkAboutApp-Permit-ComplianceNo. �I"t -' 1q---�-boS o 1t UML,-1(- xou FEE LW CO IMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS SETTS Board tfHealth, _AP IV10111 }+ MA. 09 ➢PLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT e(.pplication for a Permit to Construct( ) Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) -IGoinplete System ❑ Individual Components [ � 11, e'W,, j a- 9 Location / n orolc Owner's Name Map/Parcel# L Address it, N Lot# Telephone# D �. 77 G , Installer's Name (,. L,� �' �� Designer's Name Address pov 6 Address Telephone# 7LI-'Z4- 69U Telephone# .. ` - S Type of Building r r a Lot Si2C I /Z06� 6 sq. ft. Dwelling - No. of Bedrooms F/ Garbage grinder( ) Other - Type of Building �P Ley No. of persons Showers O, Cafeteria ( ) Other Fixtures � Design Flow (min. required) [7 t! U gpd Calculated design flow WO Design flow provided t/-/95 gpd Plan: Date i',.,jJ /Q 12 1.0 Numberofsheets_ti Revision Date Title Description of Soil(s) _ Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OFREPA116ORALTERATIONS I^S'�`' t r� Fp.F_�'!Lpr—4Z The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and further agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance been issued by the Board of Health. Signed Date �S//`1 aoA No. 7:.`i.) 6;0 )" �.(...a„,(r a OL- FCL Tw"a`:A (la.! G ,f COMMONWEALTH BOE I SSACIIUSETTS$F;tr ( Board of Health, ' idl-l`='d"4i01714 MA. CERT JEICATE OF COMPLIANTCE -2;,Iola �,r> of Descripiion'of Work: l] Individual Component(s) , I Complete System ,, The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( ), Repaired ( ), Upgraded �;`+*�, Abandoned ( ) by. pr 1E6 ,. LG G� f ,a bar C xi v g gg `,qq at has been installed in accordance with the n'ot rolls of 310 CMR 15.00 (Tide 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. °' rte` rr , dated ` 5' r*.. ``e Approved Design Flow t IV (gpd) Installer A L - N r C Designer: Dt — s6;=a s"--*rarer,Ilr.-, Inspector (,�`" N _Date: The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. FEE e `j � O0 No. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Healll,, ° Z,,410:. , ,VSA. DISPOSAL SYSTF I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permissionisherebygrantedto; Construct( ) Repair(;) Upgrade,(V', Abandon( )an individual sewage disposal system at P � a ¢ ' fps; l`°lX as described in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. / "'dated V� Provided: Construction shall be completed within.thre o 'tlie date of this permitpAll local conditions must be met. ,� Boardo£Health Form 1255Rev. 6/900..M. &ulNin Co Ch99RAtlN0.6A{� Date �