HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Nov 19 - Email from Capewide with attached Engineer Certification Letter C./ CAKIATV Florio, Mary Alice From: Steve Goulet <Steve@capewideenterprises.com> ;V;V ; _, Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 12:19 PM To: Florio, Mary Alice NOV 0 2019 Subject: 300 Buck Island Road - letter Attachments: Lt 11-19-2019 Health Dept.pdf HEALTH DEPT. +; 3 Asa , § ten.'fie "°' 'sz ,..,,,,-*?:74V4-4:1;17,-- *' 7 .f ? _ _ v, + nAa � .. 9 . �L+,.. .. ... k, ».+...amu ash'1111-4' �- " .... >' ^sear 4 �'"�e'+. x"�+�'T`. Hi Mary Alice, Looks like they are sending a letter but this was emailed to me so I figured I would forward to you. Stene Steve Goulet On-site Consultant Capewide Enterprises A(Robert B. Our Co., Inc.) Company 153 Commercial Street Mashpee MA 02649 508.477.8877.office 508.477.4977 fax 400111 11.--.1111 allt- -vi www.robertbour.com www.capewideenterprises.com From: LarryCarreiro [mailto:carreiro@holmesandmcgrath.comJ Sent:Wednesday, November 20, 201912:12 PM To:Steve Goulet<Steve@capewideenterprises.com> Subject: 300 Buck Island Road -letter Steve, Please find attached letter as requested from Yarmouth Health Dept. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Larry Carreiro 1 carreiro@holmesandmcgrath.com halmes and mcgrath, inc. land surveying environmental pemirtling civil engineering wastewater treatment 205 worcester ct, suite a4 falmouth MA 02540 Tel. 508-548-3564 Fax 508-548-9672 www.holmesandmcgrath.com 2 November 19,2019 Town of Yarmouth Health Division NOV 2 0 2019 Bruce Murphy,Health Director 1146 Route 28 HEALTH DEPT. South Yarmouth,MA 02664 Septic System Installation Completion #300 Buck Island Road,Building#9,West Yarmouth,MA Our Job No. 216172 On January 15th, 2019, Holmes and McGrath and Amy von Hone were on site to observe the bottom of hole soils inspection at the above referenced property, the soils observed were medium sands. On January 17th, 2019, we observed the installed septic system components. This observation was made in the company of the system installer (Capewide Enterprises) and the health agent (Amy L. von Hone) to verify that all the components were constructed and installed in substantial compliance as shown on the approved plan titled "Plan of Proposed Septic System Repairs Prepared for Horse Pond Corporation #300 Buck Island Road, Building #9 in West Yarmouth, MA" and dated August 31,2016 with revision date of 10/29/18. On the day of the inspection we observed that all four leaching trenches, the two • - compartment tank, pumps and control box were installed. The proposed leaching field installation was rotated 90 degrees due to existing gas services found on site, this was approved prior to construction of the leaching field by the board of health. The revised system location complies with the Title 5 minimum setbacks to the building foundation and the existingwater main line as shown on the designplan. On February 1 st, 2019 the SAS was manually dosed to confirm proper distal end head and proper alternating function of the pumps and to confirm visual and audible alarm. From our observations we conclude that the system was installed with changes but in accordance with state and local regulations. I recommend that the Town of Yarmouth Health Department accept this septic system as installed. Sincerely, Holmes and McGrath, Inc. e, Larry C eiro Project Engineer cc. Steve Goulet(Capewide Enterprises—by email)