HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 Jan 28 - Sign Off Transmittal, Floor Plans, Infoot.Y?�rr TOWN OF YARMOUTH ° HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET To be compleled by Applicant: Building Site Location: C L� �✓� f5 2 V(; Proposed Improvement: ' �?v,�t Applicant: t " ' l` Address: 6 C.v v,- rn e�, f tri rU rm') 02"6v ""Ifyou would like a -mail nolificallon ofsign off, please provide e-mail Owner Name -12")- ^r Tel. Nolel e,I/`/- �S Filed:Z6^' uw Owner Address: �' C " �In SU 0 "- t r .v. r r y Owner Tel. N074?/ 1:511/ 75 L' RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: 1 Robert Autenzio us; i.e., Requirements 1 auTs Project Estimator ies. .; Landscape .zllL—Service & Supplies, LTD. lelude: ® Asphalt Paving 917 Main Street M water line location, IN Disposal & Recycling Wilmington, MA 01887 ® Excavation 978-658-7285 ® Facilities Service Provider Fax: 978-658-7288 M n building M Installations bob@paulslandscape.com ® Maintenance Quality & Dependability Since 1985 '.(/S, fUl/2(ZOiVS, P00 (q %- g; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. ..................... .. .. ........... ....... .... ........................................... ..... .... ....... . ............ REVIEWED BY: _ _DATE: PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: / y c--c-ISr:' ce- S Trifmay, Lc / 0CT� — Date AR.cEiv c.cEiv G c3 /tote Notes eyq 6-- Project Notes • �� i I _ ► C i.. e. w..tlt,, 1..K'eN C Lostc 1r171 i L. t". � Row. 6-Th D I3 HracR �E7 • ' �r Veil'\ n _ '/,}011-1 01455c41.. 3c.i.„2,) � ,„4„, c.1AMA.t LA,Wei, (i?-~n2 4;1. 11,01 05124.4n 1-1-AL L thaiwy2 Tog"(lt V V Syymil Comments .01e-1 To Ac ces s b a c tb,Sidtod•c) aRC d, itoporro Date (, C QCs 7 R+V t' v f // /to re, Action Notes Project Notes LT L;►�.ee� C LOSC - ! 2'p FLS.. !� , rH 00 etA r Ali & 1344110K-a:40) LA/ fLtTaif►I ! 4" l 0 nn (�trc� i `'t9JN1 14AL Ll.whyl U, rtr C V c Sas+ Comments nitA Evc Core 3aN pc2R0 HEALTH DEPT. aRc ie . .:, ei #'7".744/ N . ..(.. 6:....,:__ ___Hs-:-- 4,,,,-74L79 . . ex., ..! Application for a Permit to Build LOT RELEASED BY. ofreC't'o14, (///06 +M r/ 14r PLANNING OARD. wee must accompany o�this application ,BATE Yarmouth »..».... DISPOSAL INSTALLER ✓� K. f vtiaffifiid f;.fri 1 TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN /0 S s' 2.3 ' . /if. -." a 6 — .z.3 The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build, according to the following specifications:. �( 1. Name of Owner G . P -r-soP 0 P1 Address i OD I l O Tc- Sr. h-x� C K q 2. Name of Architect (if any) • - • 3. Name of Builder / 1 4-11 99-()e)vt/Sr. 0`1+,/i e-.�-E IVmJl S i I J ka 4. Precinct Not, Lot No. g(0 Plan: Name or No. o/6 0,6 5. Name of Street m plots' c r - Girl' 6. Purpose of Building t M --5 7. Material Wryob , g GI"..'#4 47vd r! 1%7 nook; ".' . / =:;cI/. 8. Estimated cost of building 401#2171 '7,f9 80. Dwelling v $.4 / 9 9s- • 10. Cottage ��. 9 7.73- 3 gb-p ar o o.+s a Heat t / �;a,( C!`ii+�c c ° / �r�& r-7i S 4‘41.Basement a c i°".'.� / Pee K ! S n r 4,Z.o t£ 1 paec/S g)4/(1' O J GLft Garage i wt. o c c-u P 144 z r o cs /.. fct x-,.( Ace K 14. Store -14..." / 7'i / - P x/ el -1)6'c K 15. Shop 144, 18. No. of stories Z 17. Is there to be a Store in the lower storey 18. Size of Lot. No. of feet front ........6.1................. No.of feet rear ..15Y-.........»». No. of feet deep J.e.S...».. 19. Size of building. No. of feet front ....._:".02......._... No. of feet side ... No. of feet rear ••• ,4.- 20. 20. Distance from nearest building: Front ...--....-..... ft.; side...........»-..„..ft.; side ft.; rear»...»......»..». / / 21. Distance back from line or street.................... from rear lot line » ..T..„..»..»., side line C,/... /( ' „. Show by diagram the location of propsed building with relation !stances room adjoining lots, on reve side. Namd”C/11 �.`..Y.�S.Y (4)fP ». tea. Address:R.CIL .. E t x,vis.....&.e 0264/ Z 5I Vision Government Solutions Page 1 of 3 6 COMPASS DR Location 6 COMPASS DR Mblu 19/75/// Acct# 825 Owner AUTENZIO ROBERT P JR Assessment $723,400 PID 825 Building Count 1 Current Value Assessment 1 _. Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 2019 $223,700 E $499,700 $723,400 Owner of Record Owner AUTENZIO ROBERT P JR Sale Price $717,500 Care Of Certificate Address 23 MILAN AVE Book&Page 32593/252 WOBURN, MA 01801 Sale Date 12/31/2019 Instrument 00 Qualified Q Ownership History Ownership History Owner Sale Price Certificate Book&Page Instrument Sale Date AUTENZIO ROBERT P JR $717,500 32593/252 00 12/31/2019 TSOUMAS STEPHANIE C TR $0 1 11409/0015 1 05/06/1998 [TSOUMASGEORGEP $01 /0 Future Owners Ownership History Owner Sale Price Certificate Book&Page Instrument Sale Date AUTENZIO ROBERT P JR $717,500 32593/252 00 /31/2019 Building Information Building 1 : Section 1 Year Built: 1977 Living Area: 2,184 Building Photo Replacement Cost: $271,385 Building Percent 80 Good: http://gis.vgsi.com/yarmouthma/Parcel.aspx?Pid=825 1/14/2020 f �QD rs) 1 . & - M �� Commonwealth RECEIVED of Massachusetts PA'55 p1 ' Title 5 Official Inspection Form oEc u,a#gf8 -.: Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessme �f 6 Compass Drive HEALTH DEPT, Properly Address Stephanie Brackett i F Owner Owner's Name ,j,� i L1- inronnatlon b South Yarmouth red for every City/Town MA 02664 11-8-18 Slate Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection results must be submitted on this form.Inspection forms may not be altered in any way.Please see completeness checklist at the end of the form. #tiN 1(;Ipi 744 n ao t o °n A. Inspector Information 17.:"..°' :-A:A:11::INN. on the computer,use onlythe tab James D.Sears key to move your Name or Inspector a ; SEARS cursor..do *: • •co "use the a Capewide Enterprises . c, o *z key. Company Name IsIsu urs`.Rr1r��,.;, ...4.$ 153 Commercial Street iNS4, \������ �' Company Address Mashpee MA 02649 City/Town State Zip Code I A/I 508-477-8877 S1623 Telephone Number License Number B. Certification I certify that:I am a DEP approved system Inspector in full compliance with Section 15.340 of Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000);I have personaNy inspected the sewage disposal system at the property address listed above;the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as of the time of my Inspection;and the inspection was performed based on my training and experience in the proper function and maintenance of on-site sewage csposal systems.After conducting this inspection I have determined that the system: 1, ❑ Passes ��t��-�- a2,(� 2. ►_. Conditionally Penne 661 3--D �A, -00.4, t 1 o1 2� ,, ivi_4( .fi 3. ❑ Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority if I- ' U 4. 0 Fails *c°1 e�,I .� 11-8-18roir pector's Signatu a Date The system inspector shall submit a copy of this inspection report to the Approving Authority(Board of Health or DEP)within 30 days of completing this inspection. If the system has a design flow of 10.000 gpd or greater,the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate regional office of the DEP.The original form should be sent to the system owner and copies sent to the buyer,if applicable,and the approving authority. Please note:This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions of use at that time.This inspection does not address how the system will perform In the future under the same or different Conditions of use. Snap deo•rev.swans Title 5 Olrkl.l Inspecson Form.Subsurface Sewage Disposal System•Pagel of 18 , F Commonwealth of Massachusetts ►� _w ' Title 5 Official Inspection Form fl Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments L.. 6 Compass Drive Properly Address Stephanie Brackett Owner Owner's Name informadlwr is South Yarmouth MA 02664 11-8-18 required for every page. Cityrrown State Zlp Code Date of Inspection D. System Information 1. Residential Flow Conditions: NA Number of bedrooms(design): Number of bedrooms(actual): 4 DESIGN flow based on 310 CMR 15.203(for example: 110 gpd x#of bedrooms): 440 Description: 1000 Gal.Tank D Box and three chamber's. Number of current residents: 2 Does residence have a garbage grinder? 0 Yes ® No Does residence have a water treatment unit? 0 Yes ® No If yes, discharges to: Is laundry on a separate sewage system?(Include laundry system inspection 0 Yes ® No information in this report.) Laundry system inspected? 0 Yes ® No Seasonal use? ❑ Yes ® No Water meter readings, if available(last 2 years usage(gpd)): 2016.36,000Gals 201 i-39,000Gal's Detail: Sump pump? ❑ Yes ® No Last date of occupancy: Present Data . 0. 2018 08:09 HP Fax page 34 1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts :, Title 5 Official Inspection Form �L.J Subsurface Swage Disposal System Form-Not for Voluntary Assessments 44 ,; 6 Compass Drive Property Address Stephanie Brackett Owner Owner's Nine info ill South Yarmouth • MA 02664 . 12- 048 WfM, City/Town , State Zip Code Cate of Inspection D. Systein Information (cont) • 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: Provide a view of the sewage disposal system,including ties to at least two permanent reference landmarks or benchmarks.Locate all wells within 100 feet. Locale where public water supply enters the building.Check one of the boxes below: _ hand-sketch in the area below drawing attached separately • aplM" A t7tsic �didc 'rD T i -4-1 A-/-/3 3 6-i- 32 , ITa411 i Q-aS 9s' 121 A-3: XV- I te-1= 31' 51nep.dac•rat 71261L015 Trio sarwiinw.aanFOAM ewnimoeSOWN DI.00a+e •Pw.+eala r— Vision Government Solutions Page 3 of 3 Extra Features r".____w. Extra Features Legend Code [ Description Size Value Bldg# { 1 FPL3 12 STORY CHIM 1.00 UNITS $2,200[ 1 EOS 1 End Outs Shwr 1.00 UNITS(1 $0 1 I FPO €EXTRA FPL OPEN 1.00 UNITS( $600€ 1 Land Land Use Land Line Valuation Use Code 1012 Size(Acres) 0.2 Description OCEAN FRONT Frontage 0 Zone Depth 0 Neighborhood 0070 Assessed Value $499,700 Alt Land Appr No Category Outbuildings I Outbuildings Legend Code Description Sub Code Sub Description Size Value Bldg# DCK1 1 DOCKS RES TYPE ; 152.00 S.F.i $3,800 1 Valuation History Assessment I Valuation Year Improvements Land Total 12020 H $223,700; $499,700; $723,400 12019 $205,3001 $499,7001 $705,0001 12018 $205,3001 $474,7001 $680,000 (c)2020 Vision Government Solutions,Inc.All rights reserved. http://gis.vgsi.com/yarmouthma/Parcel.aspx?Pid=825 1/14/2020