HomeMy WebLinkAbout4610- Signsl &v Tbt0 ,--4-f Otd King's Highway Regional Ilistoric Distriot Couuuittee in the To$n of Y6rmoulh for g CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATEN DSS l. Extcrior Building Construclioo : CIIECK CATEGOBIES TIIAI APPLY: Nav Duilding E Addition fl Altention lndlcatr t}?c of buildin8: 2. Extcrbr Painting: E f] llousc p tiarage El Commcrcial O Otfi er 3. Sigu or Billboards: I New Sign Q Exising Sign E Rqnhring cxisling sigD ,1. Studrc: O Fcncc E Wall tI Flaefnb (Plcssc rcld othcr si& tor TYPE OR PRINT LECIBLY thc chc*k list fu cxphnations and rcquircme[ls) . DATE E other NORTHSIDE CROSS ING ADDRESSOFPROPOSEDWoRK^qrrBnrvrsroN (ROUTE 6A & ASSESSORS MA-P N0 ALEXANDER DRIVE)'l' AssEssoRs LoT No t29 Bgl)vEE ! s24+s38OWNER NORTH SIDE REALTY TRUS HOME ADDRESS P.O. BOX 599!MASHPEE,MA 02649 lELEPtloNENo. 5O8-4"77-OO23 FULL NAMES AND ADDRESSES Of ABUTTING OWNERS. lncludc nsnc of ldjrcent Eopcfiy or.?rrcnl scnr3 sny prbl- ltta a way, (Us! ltl.aH $c?t includcd with thc packct) SEE ATTACHED SHEET AGENT OR CONTRAC'IOR NORTH SIDE REALTY TRUST 'l ELEpltgNE No. 5O8-477 -OO23 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK: Oivc atl particuhrs of wotk includint mat ids to bc urd. lfspccification! tkr not acompany phns. ln casc ol signl ploposcd locatins ofnew signs. (A(rc'h additiond shcrt if ncc6s8ry). /^.*""-' -''*' "'"*i'L \\?," nClfn to bc d(mc (scc No. 8. olher sidc['] givc k cations ofexlsting signs and e\S DONALD N.JTRUST E ESESTLY '()ontractor.Ascnt Sre bclow f(r Cornmitter usc on Rccrivcd by llD.C. DsE Thi rtificrts i3 l)/, /^J : 7lfccdlficd! b q,provd aJrpruval is sub.pa lo thc l0 dry epPcal tE iod pmvklc<tAIPROYEDO IMPORTA D!SA?iROVEI, tr Phss! tltum to: ln thc Act. Ysrmouth OKIIC Dbhlr Committec iarmouth Tovm llall I 146 Routc 2t. S Ysnnouth MA 02664 Application is hereby rmrle in triplicate, for the issuance of a Certilicate of Appropriatene;s urrder S$tion 6 of Chapter470, Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts, 1973, for proposed wolk as descrilred below and on plans, drawings or photographs accompanying this application for: Tinc_ By-_ I I ADDRESS P.O. ,BOX 599 MASHP -f , ; oI tA oz $JA'i SEAR XE lb * -9fol0 ,64 ROUTS zontl KH E] E'rl ts e l-l$.8lod(, c!) 2oI N PoP\'\-(^ r,@ .,___rll$ft' TE: l.ti\- =:-] -a \o -N.s \N : q 13. $ f (o I t govER noAD iv.tr I o o , l6 Hy 4y R OUT E .a B I l I I I I , +- + ta r \ , I I I I I I I I .ir -, ,> .,iL r---, f sEAR IIAY /r,'^,rc,, Irt 'sq I t?, ,.rtt E tt $! a IBLE H ILL D& g. 3 'E rIrtx zo m, ( 13 s 6A rj o' \-t'\ffim f' NA!,IE OF.1 OllNER(Sl: ir.l,tuii,,., NOR TH sTDn n nlT,Tv 'rDrrqrrr -lbt6 FOUNDATION (18" max. exp.): STEPS (indicate brick/cement/other) SIDING TYPE: \ CHIMNEY (indibate brick/ s tuc c o / wood faced )... ROOT MATERIAL:PITCH (7/12min.l MAX. EXP . II TRIM: (alI windows & doors trimmed SHUTIERS (wood/vinyI) : GUTTERS (wood/aluminum) : GA&AGE DOORS: SIZE e STYLE: Ix4 / 1x5 ) WINDOWS (griIles required) --Indicate sizes if not listed on elevations: DooRS (indicate sizes if not listed on elevarions:COLOR: CONCRETE/OTHER COLOR: COLOR:r,tS- ',n*ul$lol'l$*",'t COLOR: COLOR: COLOR: COLOR: COLOR: STORM WINDOWS & DOORS 3(Indicate sizes. if not listed on elevations.) DECK: SIZE E T1ATERIAL: LORqo =:,o COLOR - \o O RETAINING WALL: (P.T. (Show layout & running or fieldstone--concrete footage on site plan. ) inappropri\ate ) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: S IGN - S€€ +-lT tu)eo ,N Hen+Tt olt NOTES: Attach color chips. electric meter on site Plans Indicate landscapino, exterior light:;:g for new houses. :9 /95 .. COLOR: SKYLIGHTS: TYPE/SIZE: FENCLNG (max. ht.6'): STYLE: (Show layout I running footage on s:.te plan. ) Y\,\\a-)n}{' otr 11 A9 :01 qu0 cogy{.c44 DAYSIGNCOMPANY 451 Route 151 Mashpee, MA 02649 5 "X6 " cedar : e' hish r^,ith cap: from ground to cap Sign heighth to top of sign 6',. Heavy duty black bracket .--' POS T : li i/li haf lnnr SIZE: 3'Hish 4' Nide = 12 sq ft. STYLE: mahogany carved sign wiLh routed edge LETTERING SIZE: 4.75" & 1.5A' COLORS: Navy blue background t",hite I6tter i ns Compass & pin stripe 23K gold leaf rl CPO66INC H Q] ,rBuo$[u poBf