HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E009C) REC TOWN OF YARMOUTH RE'c EI D 1 146 ROUTE 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Ext. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 FEB a 4 2020 Rino UIH .orrtoffififfi, r^ Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 4ZO of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. FTB T 5 2020 KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMI APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION TvDe or orint le qiblv: Address of proposed work h f L:rn", zb* Roa V),1 a zrA e&,A pnonet: bl 7 -C.')/ ''O'l 7.5- ons must be submitted by owner or by letter m owner approving submittal of application. 1,<X1 kac.1 ('+accomoanied'A)e",t l'*,14/t Phone r/enait pnoner,r5?8 -L1l- 3 r)3 All applicati Mailing address Email 6co ',->flO cz,le 1t2a4-..te I Preferred notification method Aqenvcontractor: Scr+[ *," ,,1 IJ 2)2 I.^JIC 3,t 4r4^ Preferred notificati on method Description of P \-t ll<_;.'1 crLc.tb Date rooosed Work (Add al Daqes mav be attached if necessarv) ,/.-)'Srrta, \ E-."Cq) ?. ^e Ie*J-zr"*.-dpJ<- ? cglr,, * L),aclo,.t f D-r. i-t.. n 7o *e-l +L-t 1n,,.), '+.r , &c.Li " -:r( ,4!.,-)..7 3trt b?,i '--o -: r t v) ?"^ J t^) ^ a/-o...i /I.o'- ^ -d dt .e-L a r-,- rgl-y,.i ,SLL l,t-{ t oc< 4 - Owner/contractor/agent js aware that a permrt may be required from the Buitding Department. (Check other departments, also.)2 This certiflcate is good for one year from approval dale or upon date of erpiration of Buitding Permil, whicheve; date shal be later Date: 2-u/'Joza Amount a C Rcvd by 4+ Approved with changes +PPROVED YARMOUTHnl n kr^r/:'c v5 2017 Signed €r1 APPLICATION #: ;/6'f@? Map/Lot # _ Owner(s): Yearouttt: l4 68 Mailing Address:?o Email: Casntcx*: 3/4 ,./epprou"a Reason for denial: l4nonu -Emait _Denied .{-o.^ Signed (Owner or agent): ",t For Committee use onlv: o.t"s'sn"a, 2k/2.2, FEB 0 5 2020 s. $,\'$ \ a@ :t- 6G6 :i6F(/)"i Exo(!F o a,E a) t! o a, Il o Elt .? cl! CI '6 o E'' E o.(E ] .=: .o o(, o 'o =o o ! tl, a, (, .; lt o !(, a,t o E E c o= 6E .c. o co9E !ttro.= dr 'E\.98: >.E):l,c d (! E;i6;P= " < EEI t6 f- oo- c N ; .9 o oNoN o ii oo ,i o- (t) N it o .t-lol ! GtotEl<ol E l'! J (!l lEl i o,) (! 6 (, Eo o =r-F o = E tlJJ()z B P itrJ o tIJoul IF:l xoEci eA Fs1tr ?gE 8EO :esqEEUEi >r 5(o E +Es*se Pol sEE sEaEl--E s-vEe u .c ^L --7 - Ot e#eB".E eE:=.aai;'E I ;;;tEtq;T g E,Is Ert:Et *.iDEE--h E;6 i,D I o lg$=iEiaE lo' =Z (l)> => !or.E oai55 uJet- @_-F*r3ll. ('B-; (6 .l: 5oE--o8 E-(Ea, o.H(,.i -c@E =.-93 -!,B:>1ro';-o3-(E l!oo9 Eq _x NE?plj] :iBro L/J oxi:39UL,9rE: EEfltEor9o-.!ho d. .q) = o-c rc =d)- -c= o) - >-L . =_> =x Eg orE = pEEB S E:E Ho r9;o-i- (/)6Eq,F rYO-E-:u EI a^EEa, =-'(E4 drNrD"acrd6 o 2.9 aoo tsgsiE rU-(A(J (no o;o.D o 6u,)g Y o a.l oalr- 6' o- IJJ o-: co .! oJ ,No E{) = o ooo E.) .9 ] 5 a(\a 1rl et co LL'lr T lo a a Al € 6 rr-J u_ ra a \ ,&-ll { 16. )tr Er o(\JOc! 'J1 I CD LrJtr.- 5 5 S 6LU tJ._ 6 Ui tr,c UJE o lrJ ttJo IIJt, toA t( rf 3o ta crl ' (n x \IJ F -r-iI \trr I IIJ -i r-L L 3rd ,'tr 1f