HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication and WC /.4;;"---ik'•-• ,...... \ TOWN OF YARMOUTH BOARD OF'i...,iALTH lti_ITV\ APPLICATION FOR LICENSETERM-'.'="-2020 *Please complete form and attach all necessary thwFrnents by December 13.2019. Failure to do so will result in the return of vi:.:. application packet. NOTE:ALL BUSINESSES WITH LIOUOR LICENSES MUST Ri`T:,..-!.!`,N?FORMS BY NOVEMBER I5". ESTABLISHMENT NAME: q.)1750-irifi MA-OS TAX ID: LOCATION ADDRESSa'2 c. - 0 4 Oa/iii.0 ore ifeij,,,f-,YkoitEL.#: 06ci- --S -- tt, , -c MAILING ADDRESS: 2 "P -old ac04;c Rof iSotok jeiren -i/r)4 -a E-MAIL ADDRESS: 4 s i t! A al 1. i 02..) ((hay.Cori- OWNER NAME: Bta. .rail, ,' - CORPORATION NAME(IF APPLICABLE,: g,. A,,T CO7, MANAGER'S NAME: cefell kola , TEL.4: ?CS-9/0.3 MAILING ADRSS: tan&frg Arew &c-7-1 POOL CERTIFICATIONS: The pool supervisor must be certified as a Panl t%ieratcr,as require",' : State law. Please list the designated Pool Operator(s)and attach a copy of the certifization to this form. I I. a -. W CD P hull Pool operators operators must list a minimum of two elnplo:,ees currently certif ' ,-: standard First Aid and Community --I c) 6,.0 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR),havhia :ir,„:.certified em.,ploye,.. . ;yr,::thises la all times. Please list the I co [gil employees below and attach copies of their certiiiimtions te this term.Ti.., ,--!litaith Department will not use past years'records. You must provide net' copla.:i.r-1:1 itta;..t.tt-eit t,file i ' 'le place of business. I. , ti:J _. -,, ................. — ., FOOD PROTECTION MANAGERS-CERT C-AI-IONS: All food service establishments are required:o have at leas; one full-'. . . eapioyee who is certified as a Food Protection Manager,as defined in the State Sanitary Code for Food Sa, '.,i,-Establishments, 105 CMR 590.000. Please artaeh copies of certification to this appliaatioa. The Health Dep a.-,:rent will not use past years'records. .. , You must provide new copies and maintain 2 file at your establisat. -.. . ... 1 ,,367f, PERSON IN CHARGE: Fath food establishment must have at least one'!k-..-•-son to Charge(,P1C' .: ,l'e curing hours of operation. th 1. _ ALLERGEN CERTIFICATIONS: Ali food service establishments are required to have at least one full-tirni. .,i);oyee who has Allergen certification. as defined in the State Sanitary Code for Food:San ice Establishments. '.`','MR 590.009(0)(3)(a). Please attach copies of certification to this applicaticn. Th?Pealth Department w:: -' rise post years'records. You must provide new copies and maintain a file at yr•-,,,,r.astablishrnent. 1. . HEIMLICH CERTIFICATIONS: All food service establishments with 25 seats::.,-1-It-ire mils:,have at la'a . ne employee trained in the Heimlich Maneuver on the premises at all times. Please list you:employees tram l.1 anti-chokine procedures below and attach copies of employee certifications to thit:::'aea-i. I he iieliKt Depar.:,.:cnt will not use past years'records. You must provide new copies and maintain a fie at)ciau place of h:::,..,ess. 1. . ___.-... 3. 4 ,.. RESTAURANT SEATING: TOTAL# 66 pcf—I S---151 3-05 ,,,..._____ea S- --- OFF:"CE USE ONLY LODGING: LICENSE REQUIRED FEE Pt Rmn-4 Licy,Ns REcItiR'=.0 F'- ?E.RMI: - LICENSE REQI.111E1) FEE PERMIT 4 MB $55 cAilii.., 555 MOTEL $110 --INN $55 CAI,T 555 —SWIMMING AXIL$110ea. 7-LODGE $55 _._ :TRAii.,.:k?ARK 511)5 WHIRLPOOL SllOca. FOOD SERVICE: LICENSE REQUIRED FEE PERMIT 4 LICENSE:n.QUIRED I-El. FERMI-. LICENSE REQUIRED FEE PERMIT II 0-100 SEATS $125 CON-,INZN I AL 'i35 N;UN-PROFIt $30 >100 SEATS $200 .`..j.".”,f,,:u:\VT.(' :-.,.z,- ,,,:i,')LESA LE $10 __:-.- -.4'.ES1D KITCHEN $80 --- RETAIL SERVICE: LICENSE REQUIRED FEE PERMIT; LICENS;-.1-1i.'OCIM;.D ;',.:1.., 'E?\41 1,.C:.NSE REQL:IRED FEE PERMIT 4 <50 Nit. $50 --,25-p.10 sc-' 5L5 VENDENG-FOOD $25 4-'25-000 49.fl• $150 IsLtil --FRGzHN bEssER r .:34i- __ ' '.)EV2C0 £110 -4---ZIO NAME CHANGE: $15 p - ..11374iT DUE = S --,4Cct.T.i'.CC '****PLEASE TURN OIL F.:.7 .)COMPLETE OTHER I: ._7 OF FORM"- '" ADMINISTRATION Under Chapter 152,Section 25C.Subsection 6.the Town of Yarr.nouth required to hold issuance or renewal of any license or permit to operate a business a ',pers.on or company not have a Certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, THE ATTACHED STATE WORKER ..7:01VIPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED,OR CERT.OFl!'..S...,...;RANCL A'r 1ACI1ED OR WORKER'S COMP.AFF DAVIT SIGNED AND.4:7'. AC. Town of Yarmouth taxes and liens must be paid':prii tr to renewal or issueein of your permits. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATELY IF PAID: YES V NO MOTELS AND OTI1ER L01)-(7NG ! ST .,1.17i4IMEN TS TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY: For purposes of the iirrzilations of Motci or Henn tee Transient occupancy shall be limited to the temporary and short term occupancy.ordinarily:tel customize-4 assoinated )n: octet and hotel use. Transient occupants Must have and be able to demonstrate that they maintain a principal):place of re.i Teen elsewhere.Transient occupancy shall generally refer to continuous occupancy of not more than thirty(30)days,and ;ggregate of not more than ninety(90)days within any six(6)month period. Use of a guest unit as a residence or detcnene unit shall not be considered transient. Occupancy that is subject to the collection of Rome Oncupancy Excise.as de M.O.L.c.640 or 830 CMR 640.as amended,shall generally be considered Transient. POOLS POOL OPENING:All swimming,wading and whirlpools which have been nnee ror the season must be inspected by the Health Department prior to opening. Contact the Hazen Department to schka ,.7::the inspection three(3)days prior to opening.PLEASE NOTE:People are NOT 0110Wej to sit in the pool area mni'. pool has been inspected and opened. POOL WATER TESTING: The water must be teate.J.for oseudamonas, ::;J:.fforrn and standard plate count by a State certified lab,and submitted to the Health Department three(3)days prior to on e,and quarterly thereafter. POOL CLOSING:Every outdoor in ground s' iL poo in .t be drainer. ,u‘,,,ered within seven(7)days of closing. ram)SER7VICE SEASONAL FOOD SERVICE OPENING: All food service establishments must be inspectec lieHealth Depart-men': to opening_ Please contact the Health Department to schedule the inspection three(3)daya Fkpr c ups CATERING POLICY: Anyone who caters within the Town of Yannoath Depanmerit by filing the required Temporary Food Service Application form 72 hours prior to the cater:d eyed. .Hhose forms can be obtained at the Health Department or from the Town's website at www..varrryyatt_nta.as LiadtT Heats Downioadahte Forms. FROZEN DESSERTS: Frozen desserts must be tested by a State certified 7.ab prior to opening and mc 'fr.' etereaftenenith sample results submitted to the Health Department. Failure to de so will res"in the inspension of your Frozen Dessert Permit until the above terms have been met. OUTSIDE CAFES: Outside cafes(i.e.,outdoor seating with waiterAvaiirasa s;.,--rvt.:f.,must!uve p... 7,1.)rova)from the Board of Health. OUTDOOR COOKING: Outdoor cooking,preparation,or display of any fore c.,,roduot bye etail or icoO :,,.f.rvice establishment is prohibited. TOBACCO PRODUCT PERMIT sP A tobacco permit holder who has failed to renew his or her permit V/Ah , 'Lhirty(3 )days of the previous year's permit expiration date is considered an expired license.and the lohaen).). cap is reduced. NOTICE:Permits rim annually from .-1-]..eceni,er 37. IT IS, RESPONSIBILITY TO RETURN THE COMPLETE!)RENEWAL APPIA('ATICY4S)AND REQUIR T`';EE(S)BY DECEMBER 13.2019. ALL RENOVATIONS TO ANY FOOD OR POOL (i.e., PAINTING, NEW EQUIPMENT.ETC.).MUST BE R.E.PORTED TO AND i'IPPROVED THE BOARD OF HEALTH PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT. RENOVATIONS MAY REQUIRE A.)SITII DATE: 9 SIGNATURE: x,e,„zzi PRINT NAME& 8h.cid/rj), it-11d OarW) Rev,10/35;19 pli 01111Wril..., IiiM11111.1•01 ..r. ..........,V .9 01 I reP!....:'!?,f,i,,fil-,?-.. • `... =...i. , i.st, ....,11,:rm 4. •B6.it-iiiii AIA 02114-211;7 •,.... ---• /4.4, *-•:.:,„'w V •••,•-i.iiriv.iiiiiss...w,..7--..,-.id.z.f.:z• Workers' Compensittif:!ii insurance :1,..-.Ciitixt :::.,.. :_,:2nerat Businesses Applicant rformtiun im-ieiise P!-Int Legibiv _ ...., ..,..,._ IIiisific;ssff.)ri2F!,,,777..tion N.;,,,Imo (44.71-(014.er< Al-e4..ord)(4 i-A t. a itctioeca- (61?lig Address. :42 - - CD Id 661110y/it& led ,,,, _ on _ t , CiStatelLp:T , lk.. tY0-yrnatil—gl -026'T O&-3F - 1 „--- c cinc- 7: 0°o '0‘1 r- 0 , K0 I 1..F Lam. a.employer vp-ith eznplo:-ees;,7-TE:sti fmili i i :::• v"....;-0.:;:':- f i t t i . l..--' - . .. ,, .,:...1`.;1111. ,- 17:, i it L.Lii i awk 1..4,-_-,;(-,prc,cti-i‹,--Ai)v orryartrtc:rship;I17-3.6 i -., 7 ',- ::3-.• ' ::-,;.-2,..::i :..--„: :--...ii,-,-:;:l. ii:....,11.;"....-;;12,-.1...:;:iii;0.CI.C.; 3"--..- ri\i'o,workers. colnp. insr.ratqc-c: rc.7-4-,iiiiiiT, i _ i--, i i their rigla of exettiption per L. 152 j§1(--1,;-;,-,_„:11ye In:.-e. i , ,i., i , -,,_.,• ._„,,,-,,,,„, .! f 1 1-14)i.:33.ipisii:-.•,.-.-. !NI"-t.v.ys, :r•t: itiIii ip i il,,,:i:-.;;:-. i• 4.Li -1:_-_", , , . . :. -. . With BD er.:,...r.)10:k•ees.1-2--:i0 7±..--,ers';,o-f_4-_-_iLiYciniiiCt•it-,6-.; i , -• .•-•,----, - : c-Tgatlizntic.tr:,.•-h,Y11,!..±,-.,-k t.,-.,y_-1 7 iial i.e.e11i4 e;t,§er 1.;czti.iii I..sit;1;SrAl2f i Vt II f.t.irA Ai ..I,L t 1-,1 3,,,,,,i a Ali i O t.ilL,Li.ad tl.,-. ,,,.-%.7 i' .i:2 ' :'22.L',V.,B. t 1,.;I 1 ti. tik Ule.Ili 1;.J... ;riff fraliii failL. '........:-.*F-c:-F337,7i-•--- ;:(iTi•::..- CO V —g- -, 2-?1')---1—Ce•d'' Li--C 9f, Drai41-yq' Hill al4e4Sqii-elt-.2_0_6,,• f,-:ii-,,,F:itaitc.i7ii). 8rcon-1)/fe ,a1/1- 0-eleci-1 POlifii#or Self-ins.Lic.# 01-ki 0 005a*?'"? ,.Of't `i :--..-•.,,,i"...-..7,7i."-,r1 .- -.--...-....---........- - AttRe.lit 9:cgry II tipiff vipork,f-rig.fyf-, .7:-.. .,--c-.;.if.fitir,,,:-Fh-ii';,,,.....,....y, -6,,,,,,,,._ ..-,...,, :-,-..-7- jr,-.;,-7:77,7.7r,,i-ii.,.7.-,Frriiii i.,--F-!-,irfiiiilf_i tjiiir:y., FaittliZ tO socuro co-c-orroc-of,-11ro4-un4o7-_-_-;' -or: 25A of ,.1.G1, : ::'.'f co f.: .-:" :Itt-: '.17.'... 0-',t:o.i-,..of•„:1-iffln,-.-11 pona!tiot-,of;:i ri-iii-.- iip i.;.:;,741..!-i: ),:-:.. „„„);,„ ,...-„.:•„__,,,,,, iTi !_._•,,.,,,,"..4,7:,, .:i-. -ç..0-,,..,...:,- -- --::,..c, ,_ .- .,,,:, ..• ::., ::- -. ,-.._-._ :_;-..!3:,',.!. iiii4.;.;.2.• rir,t,--, 01 UP ti..?-5251),10 t11-.F:' a.,-,:din,i1. th,:-,,i,Als-ivr, F2,.:tid--i's:,,I ihntl.ii:f...9.-y, y iJ,i,,.-'.-1 - - )1 7,:-, - b,2 •'.,'7,•`:i!".,je-'2 t,,:J!'.:(:111i,:(:Of: ir.„..votal:za_Liall:c.., :11-c- .2 t.,''..f..c.,-::::::sizzlIc.,-:z.,-_-:.:‘,•;,-:_:',7 :, .,2:-.:',;: tIon. c,iic•-;-,:in-LR-.: *ift.01--ei --'-'-'-'. 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