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Misc. Letters, Notes, Info
December 30, 2003 Dear Mr. Murphy: Just wanted to wish you and take this o yours a Happy New Year and to opportunity to thank you for all your help this past year in approving my': loan through the town for the installation of new septic system for my property ate-- 36 Camp Street . When I received check from Ili: Ayres , I endorsed check and hand delivered to Ellis Brothers Construction Co . They did locate that 2nd cesspool which was only 2 or 3 ft . from the other one . It was filled in. As you know it was never located and if it had been and pumped perhaps the problem wouldn 't have had escalated to such an emergency nature. Ellis Brothers did say it was not deep enough to pass Title 5 Inspection , I have had topa alot to pumped year and stilloweover $500vtoe csepticicompanies . Ipast understand there is a program that the town has on reimbursing, on cesspool pumping costs if you are owner-occupied and Istill consider myself owner-occupied so hope I will be eligible since this has been a financial hardship on me this past year . I am in receipt of the 2004 Rental/Lease Registration Form from your office which I noticed needs to be completed by years end . I am aware of what needs to be done before inpection passes for permit because you made it clear on your last visit this year . If you can recall bathroom floor and hardwood floor adjacent to it needed to be repaired , kitchen floor repaired or replaced . I have repaired kitchen floor and have contacted contractors for bathroom floor but none were available to do it by years end , so was hoping I could have an extension to later in January 2004 if possible . -There are 2 operable smoke detectors, only 4 occupants and 1 vehicle of a renter . I apologize for disturbing any neighbors in the past and will be sure that will not- happen in the future . I have new found respect for town government and thank you and Mr. Heaslip for all your time . I will in contact with your office in early Thanks again . 'egards , _. r 47_ Sony, Stoc Cer-Vu josevrc 1 V r YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPT. As of 05/31/97 MAP: 045 36 CAMP ST PARCEL: .31 MILAN VUJOSEVIC DatePumped DESCRIPTION GALLONS- HAULER 7/17/1998 ST? 842 SEP-TECH 6/22/2000 ST? 1002 SEP-TECH 10/10/2000 ST? 1166 SEP-TECH 10/30/2000 CP 1000 CANCO 4/6/2001 CP 1000 MACOMBER 4/16/2001 CP 1004 MACOMBER 6/21/2002 CP-OVERFLOW 1062 MACOMBER,JOSEPH&SONS 11/7/2002 CP 999 MACOMBER,JOSEPH&SONS 1/7/2003 CP-TRI-TOWN 637 WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL 6/16/2003 CP 1000 WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL $142003 CP 1000 WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL 8/16/2003 CP 971 MACOMBER 8/22/2003 CP-OVERFLOW 288 COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICE 8/28/2003 CP-OVERFLOW 460 COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICE 9/6/2003 CP-OVERFLOW 1000 COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICE 9/102003 CP-OVERFLOW 800 COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICE 9/19/2003 CP 974 COASTAL SEPTIC SERVICE f/ , AkA4 Pl `` J`t' ' b, • -1. 7 ' YAR ni oci-1-1-1 7 E-t 2c3- OCT 16 2003 SY YAteshrq -thiNil- 02-669 (t HEALTH DEPT. 1 ; At+ ; 14(- 3rci6. Nurphy Hecli-k. ieff-t-• 2) 1 1 # ri ND -6n c a prcLpo_scds cr t) 51-01101-i9N f r --- 0 -+ --ii,...ti , s- se_rkc s_i - ty-) a cArnp -5-bi W . YofryiapikriA . -a---- 5-pct.KE 46 _ Nk. -ei1,3 OND kiS Co 5---i ocS 4 -7) ) C3 Wiii if) JUDg ille. pUrnfir19 ei —olin, up D Ce-551? 01 -ite) a -t )103 n-eu0z. II-eel() ,r[0:;,6q -keRS, rnamail ni afS© sc.-43 -1-t r: -141) r-e- ckl,A) i'eell' nci a sc -i- .-rote P) y re Co re_ci S , - : (. *e5) -ern(( S 5-sc'e-V4- ` --rezierd-V- ---zr(1°-e- - • i PROPOSAL 3200 ELLIS BROS. CONST. CO. PAGE 1 OF 1 P.O. Box 59 23 Enterprise Road YARMOUTH PORT, MA 02675 362-6237 Or 1-800-696-6237 PHONE DATE TO: SONYA STOCKER—VUJOSEVIC 508-280-8442 10/06/2003 36 CAMP STREET JOB NAME/LOCATION WEST YARMOUTH MA 02673 SONYA STOCKER—VUOSEVIC 36 CAMP STREET WEST YARMOUTH, MA 02673 JOB NUMBER JOB PHONE 03-200 775-5053 We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: INSTALL TITLE 5 SEPTIC SYSTEM AT 36 CAMP STREET, WEST YARMOUTH, MA AS DESIGNED BY DOWN CAPE ENGINEERS, INC. , CIVIL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, 939 MAIN STREET, YARMOUTH , MA 02675, PHONE 508-362-4541, JOB NUMBER 03-271, 7,760.00 DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2003 WITH NO REVISIONS. GRASS SEED ON EXCAVATED AREAS AND TREES REMOVED AS NEEDED BY SEPTIC DESIGN. PERMIT WITH YARMOUTH HEALTH DEPT. 50.00 WITH ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL A FLOOR PLAN OF HOME IS NEEDED FOR PERMIT( HAND MADE OK ) PLEASE SEND IT TO US AT THIS TIME. ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, PLANT GROWTH, UNDER GROUND UTILITIES, COST FOR CHANGES ON SEPTIC DESIGN AND ENGINEERS FEES ARE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY. WORKER'S COMP. WITH ROGERS AND GRAY 775-0011. ANY QUESTION CALL REID AT 508-362-6237. BILLING ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS / ninc PHONE NUMBER Service You Can Trust � eveoouusaanaglety Iundred Tena and o0o/lOUieDollarsance with the above specifications,for the sum of: 7,810.00 dollars($ )- P���er �oLka ro§filpwsONE HALF DUE DAY WORK IS COMPLETED. All material is guaranteed to be as specified.All work to be completed in a professional ki1,31‘ manner according to standard practices.Any alteration or deviation from above specifications Authorized involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders,and will become an extra Signature charge over and above the estimate.All agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents or delays beyond our control.Owner to carry fire,tornado,and other necessary insurance.Our Note:This proposal may be workers are fully covered by Worker's Compensation insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within 45 days. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL—The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are Signature authorized to do the work as specified.Payment will be made as outlined above. Signature Date of Acceptance: [magi To Reorder: 800-225-6380 or nebs.com • PRODUCT 131287 FOLD AT)<)TO FIT COMPANION 771 DU-O-TUE ENVELOPE. PRINTED IN U.S.A. A • ROBERT B. OUR CO., INC. Proposal Great Western Road• P.O. Box 1539 NORTH HARWICH, MASSACHUSETTS 02645 PECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE (508) 432-0530 FAX (508) 432-7057 AI�LR-VUJOSEVIC 75-5043 508280-84 003 ; �! 7AMPT STREET JOB t >: ( UIFH; MA 02673 ";,ioa LOCATION .> �t . r t• f 3 ., * '" fix; ✓^°+ ,� �, '' ,� f ' i �i?#E•®b' >� I' [�I We hereby propose to furnish materials and labor necessary for the completion of: s • 1. INSTALL 1500 GALLON H - 10 TANK 2. INSTALL D - BOX 3. INSTALL 4 - 500 GALLON DRY WELLS WITH 3-0 STONE 4. REMOVE BRUSH FOR ACCESS TO INSTALL LEACHING 5. OVER DIG TO ELEVATION AS SHOWN PER PLAN - ANY ADDITIONAL FILL AND EXCAVATION IS AT $16.00 PER CUBIC YARD 6. LOAM AND SEED WORK AREA DOWN CAPE ENGINEERING 9/16/03 vi z 0 WE PROPOSE hereby to furnish material and labor.�-complete in accordance with above specifications,for the sum of EIGHT THOUSANCYO 0 AND 001100 s;000 0o g !�TI~i D FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($2,400 00) DEPOSIT WITH RETURNED ED PROPt SAL, c CE ON COMP .ETION N metedai fs�,to b9 es , . a substantial� wed *** =deviation► x akerafen, r frararge o- r � � ba+aeaAak�` bef�aple":604era d+mpe,rnaer art g6cAre ,'' ,� • z es rata M + be Note Ike proF�d racy f 1 r' 4 g �s, sa .`' • O fi ! ? �a.,+ a E "E '' , s S•t.��#t�°ia"r*g':r't4 at tet`.': ' -- a:,k�' �y.+ ;'"'"3+ �s, " y Tc ACC a d Ni" V�' r ea ct pr s, q ,�k :• z.'i A d_Y, '"J, §b; a r You ale�d to da specified. a ps e nets of An.interest c targe,of 1Ye.*per month,(18%per annum will be; � on.ail utcrotc�s-nver30 days EF, , ' ` ,. J a 350 MAIN STREET TEL:(508)775-2800 WEST YARMOUTH MA 02673 (800)698-3993 /� FAX:(508)778-9628 Septic Service �`� Mechanical Services Pumping & can=s` Heating&Plumbing Installation Fire Sprinklers Since 1930 October 3,2003 Sonya Stocker-Vujosevic 36 Camp Street West Yarmouth,MA 02673 RE: Updating Septic System—36 Camp Street A& B Canco proposes to install,with the approval of the Board of Health of the Town of Yarmouth,a system not designed for a garbage disposal,designed for four(4)bedrooms, per an engineering plan drawn by Down Cape Engineering dated September 16,2003. One(1)H-10 1,500 gallon pre cast septic tank connecting to one(1)H-10 5-hole distribution box to four(4)H-10 500 gallon leach chambers to be surrounded with 4' of washed stone. We'will connect where the plumbing exits the dwelling with#40 PVC piping and continue it throughout the system. We will remove all necessary trees and limbs to install the system. Access covers will be raised to within 6"of final grade. The existing cesspools will be FILLED IN. All affected areas will be machine-graded and hand-raked with existing on-site materials. UPDATING SEPTIC SYSTEM—FOR THE AMOUNT OF: $8,525.00 OPTIONS—FOR THE ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF: 1. INSTALL TWENTY(20)LANDSCAPE TIES ALONG EDGE OF DRIVEWAY PER PLAN $475.00 This price includes all labor, materials, taxes and permits. Also included are pumping and disposal fees at the time of installation.TERMS—We require a 50%deposit upon acceptance of the proposal;balance upon job completion. Important Notes:This quote is based upon suitable soils for leaching. This proposal is based upon the requirements of the State Environmental Code, Title 5: Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage. Unless itemized in the above scope of work, we are not responsible for the following: any plumbing adjustments or verifications, any utility relocations,any damage to irrigation systems, private utilities,asphalt or concrete. Any changes or modifications to the plan by the Town of Yarmouth or any other agencies will result in an adjustment in the contract price. If loam and seed are included in this proposal,all maintenance is the owners'responsibility. Respectfully' submitted, `VCClUULf.R,tk Jeffrey D.Cannon JDC:akb DISCLAIMER:This Proposal subject to revision if not accepted within 30 days. Subject to Mass.Sales Tax-where applicable It is expressly agreed that title to all materials is to remain with A&B CaYiC0 until contract is paid in full. Unless otherwise stated-progress billings will be presented each month for all labor and materials on the job site. Failure to make payment as above stated shall constitute work stoppage and a bookkeeping and finance charge of 1 Y% per month or an annual percentage rate of 18%on balance past due 30 days and over. If not paid when due,the buyer agrees to reasonable costs of collection including attorney's fees. All labor and new materials furnished and installed by A&B casco are guaranteed for one year. This installation shall be in accordance with all local,state and utility codes governing such work. Master Plumber#11305 Master Pipe Fitter#M8703 Master Sprinkler#4229 Septic Lic.#18 ACCEPTED BY: ACCEPTED BY: copy 1 - canco copy copy 2- customer copy copy 3- file copy