HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Approval Letters '% 7\7 • Thr2, 7,D (---) i _
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Mr. Robert Callachan
Variance from Provisions of Title 5:
90 Cove Road
South Dennis, MA 02660
Tc ,n �-e�:w e is: ction: 3.7
Rte_• Lot 3 Cochesett Path April 26, 1990
As Shown On Encineerec Plans By :
C.P.P. Everett Hinckley R.L.S.
Lear Mr. Callachan ,1 4/25/90
Dammed .
The Ya- uta: Board of Health th hreyour
the �rovi si cns of Reg'.:.1 . . Title ic.�ti cn for a varia�:ce ..=
5 " _
ry � �r.._onof of the S�.�e L.^vircr�`.-
,c and/or S.-=,--tion 3.7 of the t� ._:uL '� ._e1
^'� of '- Townof i..'":;' `:"1 h�e_^C::;e_`;�. far ,C.L'.."`.�..:_-'r'e
Disoosal Se-.%acre. -"�
Havinc deter--Lned that strict ern orceme_nt of the above Regulations
� ih this
�n uld dO Ir.am fest injus ce and further, iin-
does not Conflict^Wl.t"1 the �" �-;it theState� i�^ that your r�"'�cter var:�c:_Ce
i�- Environmental'.tal Code or t%
laticns of the Tai ,-- .. ,_.. .. - '= R�.�-
1 ti ris o April 26, of Y cath r_�.e_....i tints, the valance is hereby granted cit
l.. , as follows:
To allow the top of the foundation to be 1.16 feet below the high point of the fronting
road. This is a total variance of 3.16 feet. Top of foundation is elevation 45.5.
**Engineer to inspect and certify final grading prior to occupancy permit being issued.
You ids t provide a 3/4 inch ne =�_.-e grade for fifteen feet
foundation. ..c
You t. a:. ,ar-aec
c�- nte= here=- "=11 =
Ln 90 6:_a-s_-o1 date of issueu,l`.ss all : ork a th- - ^ =lV
by said
cr_or to the date of as.-:ti-ration.
a�-G%Ce hasbe-n
In granting this variance the Town of Yarmouth will not be resxnsible far any
water da:Tage to the foundation, sec tic system systam or adjoining-
I have read and fully understand the
conditions of the above variance and •L dice ii.n', ? C O _
accect them as wri ti. Lf_C°.Y'
L.Gn. Town of
� � ,r cc: BL�_C.�:_.:,
fel e - LeG- -tn-c_.n
Date: 724
-r,--. - , � �• i-•- SOUTH iGUTE' 'f --S.'_,C11 .ct_iJ O.:(;64 •
Mr. Robert Callachan
Variance from Proms. i sions of Title 5:
90 Cove Road
South Dennis, MA 02660
Tc;•,n A end -is: Stic 3.7
Lot 3 Date: 3/29/90
Cochesett Path, W.Yarmouth
As Shown On E:-:cine`rza Plans Ey :
Weller & Associates
D`== Mr. Callachan to : 3/29/90
The Yarmouth Board of Health has received you= acolicat; for
the provisions of Peculation of Title-- of� cn a Variance from
Code and/or Section 3.7^ of t_�e Town, 1 `--e 5 �:e S .:�e E.^.Vircr=�::.a1
ofY �� �
✓;i V ofl�.,. :. -r~'�.0 �-��-:c;:er-: for S'��_:_.= ce
�.CSal SEwa.ge.
Havinc determined that strict enforcement of the above Regulations
stance would= do manifest injustice, and farther, that
not � your reC',:ested variance
does conflict with the sc , it cf the State ��t
l .t C the Town - Yarmouth Environmental Code or t_e R` �.
a..� ns.cf March of
. tints, the variance is h ery
this date29, 1 a_^c� �- �=a..�_� cn
, as follows:
To allow the top of the foundation to be 0.34 feet above the high point of the road.
This is a total variance of 1.66 feet. Top of foundation is elevation 47.0.
Yo'a must crcvide a 3/A- inch .- - _ e ..., .
You are hereby adv i==-7'
.. � t =_ varia:cD
herei- will e�-c- ~-e 90day=.
s_-az cafe of issue u^ ess all work authorized
by said va_lance has been -
_for to the ofc e
In Granting this variance the
T crn of Yarmouth will
not rAvyons; at
e fcr anyka-� - damage to the foundation, seztic
system or ad]of.'1in cts.
I have read and fully understand the
conditions of the above variance and Bruce 11r-- R. _
ac^ ,t hem -s • itten. of _y, R.
To;‘,-i Yarmouth
cc: Building ng Deo