HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-E010RECHIVHD FEB 0 7 2020TOWN OF YARMOUTH 1,146 ROUTE 28. SOUTH YARIVIOUTH, MA 02664.4451 Telephone (508) 398-2231 Exl. 1292-Fax (508) 398-0836 /AhruOtJTl-i RECEIVE G'HI D KING'S HIGHWAY HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMITTEE FEB 10 2020 TOV1N CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA Application is hereby made for the issuance of a Certificate of Exemption under Sections 6 and 7 of Chapter 470 of Acts of 1973, as amended, for the proposed work as described below and on plans, drawings, or photographs accompanying this application. TyDe or Drint leqiblv Address of proposed work:lVap/Lot #1321101 Owner(s)William Corcoran, Aileen Keatin phens; 617-671-8375 All applications must be submitted by owner or accompanied by letter from owner approving submittal of application. lilailing address: 45 Camelot Road Yarmouth MA 02675 year buitt: 1968 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Emait bcorcor9S@verizon.net Preferred notification method Phone X Email AoenUContractor Mailing Address: Skylights of Cape Cod/Fraser Construction LLC pnone * 508-428-2292 31 Bowdoin Road lVlashpee, MA 02649 Emajl OfflCe@fraserconstruclioncapecod.com preferred notification method. X Phone Emait DescriDtion of ProDosed Work (Addi I Daoes mav be attached if necessarv): Replace two existing skylights with same size units; one skylight is in the front and the another is on the back of the house. The internal window seals on the existing skylights are broken, the opening mechanisms are inoperable, and the units leak during heavy rain. The manufacture, Roto, no longer makes skylights or replacement parts. Request to replace the units with Velux skylights that will be the same dimensions as the existing units. Dare: 7 Febtuary 2020 > Owner/contractor/agenl is aware lhat a permit may be required from lhe Building Department. (Check olher departments, also )z This certificate is good for one year from approval date or upon date of expiration of Building Permil, whichever date shall be later Eq!-e.9EE!E9.c-sses!v: Date aa,ab Approved with changes Denied APPROVED YABMOUTH OLD KING.S HIGHWAY \15 2017 Signed 45 Camelot Road Yarmouth Port N4A 02675 Signed (Owner or agent): / oro,,uuo Reason for denial: o.r" ston o, {, o fza , a nrount dL cash6* 315\-- Rcvd by: _ APPLtcArtoN#: ah - EC)/0 Google Maps 45 Camelot Rd Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 https://www.google.com/maps/place/45+Camelot+Rd,+Yarmouth+Po... Map data @2020, Map data o2020 20 ft Directions Save Nearby Send to your phone o@ ao.y"t0 EIVED FEB 0 7 Zozr, D REC HNH YARMOUTH Y APPR o VED GHKN YARMOUTH I of2 Photos Share 2/712020. '7:36 AM 45 Camelot Rd - Google Maps 45 Camelot Rd r7t,' t , I F.GiT**. )^r:tvta I I vl \ L Google I )''l $, ..-!1r , q.. I / L-.t ..#'' .,? lt,I l r|. t t { RECEMED FEB 10 ?0?0 sourlolAf;bErff, r,ra FE8 I 0 2020 RE CE tvE,D FEB 0I 2g2g YAF MOUI KI N HI H H!h--1.'-fconY -n!g! E H?o tllE ], oc-li a) I EGEIVED lot0 \i a) f / ;- U ! I I ]I FEB 10 2020 TOWN CLERK SOUTH YARMOUTH, MA AP PR ot/ED RECE nI ED YAAMO UfHSkfrE-T C tJ FEB 0 | 2s2g Y<ED(Eae eGo A Division of Fraser Construction, LLC www. fraserconstru ctioncapecod.com cs# 97668 HICL# 112536 Skylight clalist vDt.un. Date 2 3 Name Bill Corcoran Email LBcorcor9&rveriz<r l1. n( Phone Job Address rt45 Camelot Rd Yarmouth SKYLIGHT PROPOSAL FRASER COISTRUCTIOI herebv proposes to perform the following services in a.eat' professional rnanner i. accordance with the manufacturer's specificario.s and local building code s I o t Iovela t toith d.eck mou nt Skylights \ tssoo (blind included) REC IVED FEts 10 liJ?o souJroffififfi, ro 1u e0' Good B Fixed, non-venting Manual Va;i*-f Tempered Low-E Argon Gas frlled Tempered Low-E Argon Gas filled IFactory Interior -lntegra Control Pad -No hands rain sensor -Factory installed ower blindsolar $1995 each +$5O0 solar $2495 total each blind $ 2575 each +$5OO solar $3075 total each blind lo 31 Bowdoin Rd. Mashpee, MA 02649 phone: 5O8-428_2292Email: ,r!'ice,,i frascr<'r Fax: SOg_42g-O123 sz f-sl"c - 3ovo FEB 1 0 2020 r***t 20 617-671-8375 O su"t I Venting Solar Powered, " Fresh Air" Glass Clean, quiet Laminated Safe Glass Pre-finished White Pre-frnished White Pre-finished White Extra Features -Operating Hook t -White insect I screen I Investment IAP PROVED /nFEB I 0 2020 Ec EI D $zv,yBknn Y c.EDatoc (G 31 Bowdoin Rd Email: , rt1lr Mashpee, MAO2649 phone: Soa-42a-22g2 '.r fi-asercollstrlt('tioltcapccocl.cont Fax: 5Og-42g-0123 www. fraserconstructioncapecod. com cs# 97668 HICL# 112536 Skylight Speclalist SKYLIGHT PROPOSAL Date 2 20203 Name Bcorcor9&a verizon. net Phone 6t7 -671-8375 Job Address | 45 Camelot Rd. yarmo uthport FRASER colrsrRucrroN herebv proposes to perform the following services in a ncat. prolessional manner in accordance u,ith the manufacturer's specific2ti6ns and local building code s hto tions femowe and. re lace 7 bo.ck Skylights Manual Venting Glass Tempered Low-E Argon Gas filled I Tempered Low-E Argon Gas filled Pre-finished White -finished Whi -Operating Hook -White insect screen nlt u.tith curb mou nt O se"t O Venting Solar Powered, " Fresh Air" Clean, quiet Laminated Safe Glass Pre-finished White solar $3795 (blind included) Factory Interior Extra Features $2825 each +$50O solar blind total each 0,/D)0" Good Better I Investment +-lzq{ se 15) A Division of Fraser Construction, LLC VELUX' Bill Corcoran Email 5O6 for lou.t pitched applications, FEB 10 ?r,ZO souJaolAfibiif, n,,e Fixed, non-venting -lntegra Control Pad -No hands rain sensor -Factory installed power blind $2450 each +$50O solar blind $2995 total each The t{o Leak Sky{isht Unit Skylights Solar-Powered Skyliqhts Solot- Powered "Fresh A ir" No Leok Skyliqht . VSS For nDrc otNut Go Solor soviigt see pdges 48-49. tr eE. .EB 0 ? 2020 urH H Roof pitch for VCS skylight tlo Leok Skylighl . VC. APPROVED FEB I 0 2020 YABMOUTH HI Y l F t : a VELUX ACTIVE NETATMO The VELUX Solar Powered "Fresh Air" Skylight, our most innovative skylight yet, opeos your home to a world of crisper, cleaner air and brighter days. With its striking design and effortless functionality, this skylight can boost your home,s enerqy efficiency, while bringing in an abundance of natural light and fresh air. Solar-powered technology effortlessly opens and closes your skylight, no electricity needed. Ventinq feature maximizes the chimney effect, releasing hot, stale air trapped at the top of a ceiling. The equipped rain sensor automatically closes your open skylight at the first siqn of rain to ensure your home and valuables below stay dry. The solar-powered, rechargeable battery continuously collects available daylight, even minimal amounts, to ensure your skylight is ready to use at any time Pairs to a variety of VELUX factory-installed blinds. 13712 B5 3:12 OtI2 60 20:12 3oo/o Frdor.rlT.r\ Crcdit RECE'VEE\ FtB 1o 2o2o Compatible with VELUX ACTIVE, giving your skylight the ability to open and close automatically to match your home's ideal indoor climate. 0 ootrff#tffiiffi, ue a0 ,7.01V \ il 't t GO SOLAR Blind option, See p,roo B2 A A Roof pitch for VSS skvli(hts Go Solar and be eligible to reccr! thc 30olo Federal Tax Credrt on product and inst.ill.ttio . I