HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineered Plan - 20190� \ /' ' �� S� Location Map: 0 ')g ° COTTAGE FLOOR PLAN 1 "=2,000±' 1 Sty w/f 4� Cottage NOT TO SCALE ro}/ . _ aAe .Z. \\ \ \\ ""• Sill=13.2' x / Flood Zones: �, � \ , mss• ci)� X (0.2% Chance of Flood) & VE(EL 13) i^} Based on Map # 25001C0589J July16, 2014 t , \o ,H-2 eQ�°� `---;Zxj. +6 Local References: 5�ow \\ 5' Stripout if . '•�� ltiiy CB/DH \ °� \ Encbuntered.�!'•. y �d .` : .. ors Map 4 Assess 3 \ o% Parcel 26 a'go i :i�UN ��+A Zone: »R-40" (Residential) 5Ps Setbacks; 30'(front), 20'(side), 20'(rear) °� \ � �` "Se f �� _�� Max Building Height is 35' O c r \ \ Q� 32.0et° S e Parkin Area '• `♦ ;9��0 i Or _ _ - _ - - - - - - - -- -- ----- - _ _<Z- _� Q:. + 5s.o' `` SEPTIC NOTES ..OH to be o\ `� / \ �` Removed `\ *? Prop qse • ' `'` '� p o ° v �\�\ \n-+ 1' ' n ",7 \ '� 1. Location of Utilities Shown on This Plan Are Approx. At Least 72 Hours -> (� St ° s' °s\ i` I Prior to Any Excavation For This Project the Contractor Shall Make ei ti \ \\ � �\ \ � I �� the Required Notification to Dig Safe (1-888-344-7233) and contact \� I \\O� \`� �\ l ~ � � .n \ � , `- Sullivan Engineering &Consulting Inc. (5081128-3344). O� 'G ,2x2 ❑ \\-�\ '� 6 sty w/f 21.s' s 2. The Contractor is Required to Secure Appropriate Permits From Town T \ ❑ * \ 0 ` `� ,ti+ Shed �.:. Agencies For Construction Defined by This Plan. �°% o ❑ �O \� \ ) 3. Wherever Sewer Lines Must Cross Water Supply Lines Both Lines Shall o ❑ siu=l3.o \ Be Constructed of Class 150 Pressure Pipe and Shall be Water Tested to c �a N-` - Gm��" €� /�% o Assure Watertightness. In General, Water Lines Shall be Constructed in lJ............. E Met inAccordance \G J,,,. and Shall be Meter Coordination With COMM Water, I • - 0 /�\ �� L With 248 CMR 1.00 - 7.00 & 310 CMR 15.00. # 232 _ `, lzxa - \ 3 Sty W/f 0 . ` ' u '....•••f - 4. A Minimum of 9" of Cover is Required for All Components. End O f Building !awn / i 5. All Structures Buried Three Feet or More or Subject ° Dwelling 5' Strip -out if I / Parcel Area to Vehicular Traffic to be H-20 Loading. It is the Engineer's to be Removed si„=,3.0 Existin Dwellinc untered •, 9 9 �� / 49, 250±SF t o ML W cy Recommendationthat H-20 Always be Used t0 be Remodeled 6. Install Watertight Risers and Covers to Within 6" of Finished Grade is _ on New Foundation Over Septic Tank Inlet and Outlet, D -Box, and One Leaching Chamber. All covers are to be maximum 18" for concrete or 24" Cast Iron. o Pro FFE 15.5' \ �n� 7. Septic System to be Installed in Accordance With 310 CMR 15.00 & J+1 Pro TCF- 15.1 1�+ti \ �� • c 248 CMR 1.00 - 7.00 Latest Revision and the Town of Barnstable y 1 ...:.. sin 12s l Board of Health Regulations. / ::' / 0 8. All Piping to be Sch. 40 PVC. 9. D -Box Shall Have a Minimum Inside Building Wing '6,. i -{-Cr 1me o 12", and a Minimum to be Removed 1 as Dimension f o Sum oft". 10. The Separation Distance Between the Septic Tank Inlets and Outlets Shall be No Less than the Liquid Depth. Inlet Tees Shall Extend C \�?� " • a Minimum of 10" Below the Flow Line. Outlet Tees Shall Extend 14" Proposed / l , \ Below the Flow Line and Shall be Equipped With a Gas Baffle. ° Step ,2x3 -- b 11. All joints connecting pipes to foundation, tank, d -box and SAS are to be i21 z' . Sealed with hydraulic cement. �\ �•, nd cii o Finish Grade corn Filter �C� ° \ �n Fabric INN - Compacted Fill AND/OR O o �� ° ).- -i2- c° ® 8 ® ® ® ® Pea Stone .� .J \ r ® ® ® ® o (� Lawn ,�v' 3/4" - 1 1/2 Double Washed �' \ Aj Off. � I i 4' -.I Stone o \ ` ,\ h' 12' \ , / cr / CROSS SECTION OF FLOW DIFFUSOR , ° TBM E1=12.2' I�AVD'88 NOT TO SCALE � Tap of CB/DH a,, \. CB/DH Fnd \ oCIO 1 PERC TEST / AND PE - SULLIVAN ENGINEERING • CHARLES ROWL \° a PERFORMED BY. / & CONSULTING, INC. *r \ SOIL EVALUATOR NO. 13586 WITNESSED BY: PHILIP RENAUD - TOWN OF YARMOUTH \ ° SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 \ SITE PASSED \ ° ��� \ ` >>>>- 12.0 TEST HOLE - 1 EL. \� ' \ \ `•. •' •' •' - . -' # / 2 St W f ..'.... :•:•:WN:-:': VERY.DARK GRAYISH BRO' 6.. .......................................... ••�,•••••.'.'.'.•.-.'.•,�.'.SANDY-LOAM.�.-.'.'.�.�..'.'.�.'.'. 1 1. Bw LAYER ...:'.'...'.' H.l0Y...... -LLQ�:-:�::•:':':':': 30" "•' ' ..... • ' . '•':-I:oA1v1Y-SAND ...............9.5 12.3 N PERC TEST 25 GALLONS GONE IN 10 MIN. � PERC RATE < 2 MINAN (LTAR = 0.74) T2; -C LAYER l OYR 8/2 8.5 VERY PALE BROWN 124" M -FINE SAND 1.7 ° , GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 12.0 TEST HOLE - 2 EL. 13.0 \� ' \ \ `•. # / 2 St W f O/A.LAYERJDYR.3/2:...:.:...:.:...:. o - , t ` Dwelling :'::i�ERY DARK GRAYISH BROWN 5 8° -,*••.•.'.'.•.'..... ,'SANDY•LOAM.•.-.'.'.•.•.'.'.•.'.'.'. 12.3 N 'i9� Bw LAYER.i0YR.6/6'.'. • • ..,., ..' � • 1s.3' :•:':�:$RQWIsIISITYELLQV� . \ , •x„ 38" �•'�--'•'•-,�•'•'-�.'•':�:'LOAMY•SAND .•.•.�.�.'.�.�.-.•.•.�.� 9.8 ° , C LAYER l OYR 8/2 \ 1 \ VERY PALE BROWN 138" M -FINE SAND 1.5 ° GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED A nce J \ cd / SL 0 Re °ter wf% Foo 8 01 Cotta2e F.F. EI. 13.2 * _ * To Be Access Cover (tYP) F.G. EL. 12.7± Final Foundation Grading (See Note 6) La Coordinated With Landscape Plan F. G. EL. 12,71 i CB/DH o /i •i Fnd \ 1 / '� •,/ '� / 29,' Pitch Min• EL. 10.15 Flow As Required X1 f '�-:.. ,,/ / /• / / /�- \ , 0d EL. 11.50 1q Pitch Min. 0 1500 Gallon o o --' EL. 10.40 --' ' Installer To Septic Tank H-20 1z Pitch Min. ToD El. 10.13 Confirm Prior H-20 Required EL 10.00 D -Box To Any Work EL. 9.84 s o / / e (See Note 5) J Q ®e a e e Bot: EL. 8.63 CB/DH e ,2�\, EL. 9.54 Flow Diffusor Fnd \ i i �.•\ ....................... To Be Installed On ;:;;: H-20 S able Compacted Base DESIGN DATA D „" a ffe Is Cottage Bedding, T s' & :......errio:ve 2&:'QP..:.::::::::::::.::::::::................. EL. 1.7' i g r .:........::::::::::::::::: as Per Title 5 ae:;SD:td::aNi:ti>i::5:::bf::::..;;:::;;;::; Observed Groundwater / .................................. - 3 Bedroom Min Design @ 110 GPD A(1::;Uii:Stria6b e S`:::feiri :::: Elevation. Similar ar as observed ' No Garbage Grinder ::::::::::::::.:.:.............:........... ..::::......... g :;;3...... Oi. ter:;.Per1m.. ter.... f Th .:::::::.................... Total Daily Flow = 330 GPD ........................ on abutting properties. Use a 1500 Gal Septic Tank <400' to Tidal River. COTTAGE LEACHING AREA 330eGPDwall 20.74 (12'+3AR.91'=89SFRequired DEVELOPED PROFILE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM Sidewall= 2(12' + 32')0.91' = 80.1 SF V Bottom Area = (12'x 32) = 384.0 SF Total Provided --"464.1 SF (343.4 GPD) NOT TO SCALE LEACHING CHAMBER DESIGN All Pipes to be Schedule 40. Use 3 Flow Diffusers in a 12'x 32' Double Washed Main House F.F. El. 13.0 Access Cover (typ.) Stone Field as Shown. F.G. EL. 12f* - *Final Foundation Grading To Be 6) r _. (See Note Permit valid for REPAIR .OF SFPTIC SYSTEM ONLY, clue to State and Local septic variances. Board of Health review :inti approval is required for any future additions/ren ovation siaIterations to sewage facilities and/or structures/dwelling. Yarmouth health Department APPROVED 2 Z� 2d1 - Name Uzte FF8 17 2070 HEALTH DEPT. DESIGN DATA Single Family - 3 Bedroom @ 110 GPD No Garbage Grinder Total Daily Flow = 330 GPD Use a 1500 Gal Septic Tank LEACHING AREA 330 GPD / 0.74 (LTAR) = 446 SF Required Sidewall = 2(12'+ 56)0.91'= 123.8 SF . Bottom Area = (12'x 56) = 672.0 SF Total Provided = 795.8 SF (588.9 GPD) (Over Design for Future Bedrooms) LEACHING CHAMBER DESIGN All Pipes to be Schedule 40. Use 6 Flow Diffusers in a 12' x 56' Double Washed Stone Field as Shown. Title: Site Plan Proposed Improvements At 232 Pleasant Street Yarmouth, Massachusett Date: September_ 18, 2019 1 "=20' EL. 11-00--ZC Installer To Con firm Prior To Any Work 290' pi EL. 9.85 Flow Equilizers tch Min• EL. 0.10 As Required 19' Pitch Min. H-20 190 Pitch Min. EL_9.75 D -Box EL. 9.59f77Top El. 9.79 _., r777710888088 Bot. EL. 8.29 EL. 9.20 Flow Diffusor Tn P. ,ncfnlle-.- ri nn / H-20 PREPARED BY.• PREPARED FOR: •Engineering &(;a-*­&eSurV ivaim"ih consulting,Ine. G (508)428-3344•seci@sullivanengin.com 23 West Bay G MA Rd, Suite uite PO Box 659.7 Parker Road Ostery Osterville MA 02655 (508) 420-3994 / 420-3995fax Swww.sullivanengin.com Field: WHK/ASK Review: RRL Comp.: WHK/RRL Proj. # C-311.7 Draft: RRL Drawing # C311_7G1 ext NOT TO SCALE John Richards 20 0 10 20 40. Notes/Revision: 1.) The property line information shown was Cn compiled from available record information. 2.) The topographic information was obtained from on on the ground survey performed on or between 20/JUN/1998 and 241OCT118 j O 3.) The datum used is NA VD '88, a fixed mean 80 sea level datum. Benchmark used: "8148" II .1500 Gallon Septic Tank H-20 Required (See Note 5) As Required 19' Pitch Min. H-20 190 Pitch Min. EL_9.75 D -Box EL. 9.59f77Top El. 9.79 _., r777710888088 Bot. EL. 8.29 EL. 9.20 Flow Diffusor Tn P. ,ncfnlle-.- ri nn / H-20 PREPARED BY.• PREPARED FOR: •Engineering &(;a-*­&eSurV ivaim"ih consulting,Ine. G (508)428-3344•seci@sullivanengin.com 23 West Bay G MA Rd, Suite uite PO Box 659.7 Parker Road Ostery Osterville MA 02655 (508) 420-3994 / 420-3995fax Swww.sullivanengin.com Field: WHK/ASK Review: RRL Comp.: WHK/RRL Proj. # C-311.7 Draft: RRL Drawing # C311_7G1 ext NOT TO SCALE John Richards 20 0 10 20 40. Notes/Revision: 1.) The property line information shown was Cn compiled from available record information. 2.) The topographic information was obtained from on on the ground survey performed on or between 20/JUN/1998 and 241OCT118 j O 3.) The datum used is NA VD '88, a fixed mean 80 sea level datum. Benchmark used: "8148" II