HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 Feb 21 - Sign Off Transmittal, Plans - New Foundation, Finish Enclosed Porch k TOWN OF YARMOUTH °- HEALTH DEPARTMENT',...4j -, PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN OFF TRANSMITTAL SHEET i To be completed by Applicant: jj Building Site Location: ,23 i.,J► I I di- 4 . (Je, MC vii-, 174, f file 1 Proposed Improvement: c'1,5,;.51. ._v,e�as e pore 1y Art w {u U h 0( a,, `)6�' 1 Applicant:-' 9�r ' - / . G0 vic��e /r�G Tel. No.: s?A-ZY6"t2.V_ Cs' / ret 6repos c kne..., Address: ^ i , ' r r Ar .. , . . Date Filed: 2., Z1 2 0 **!f you would like e-mail notification of sign off please provide e-mail address: Owner Name: ,414 h 1 -3-7c.� 14 i 1 Owner Address: 21 /V1,/l i c v frr Au o�b fofi Owner Tel. No.: 7/ 7- 7O1--S'-'7.3 RESIDENTIAL AND/OR COMMERCIAL BUILDING HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Determines Compliance to State and Town Regulations;i.e., Requirements For Septage Disposal and other Public Health Activities. Please submit three(3) copies of plans, to include: (1.) Site Plan showing existing buildings, water line location, and septic system location; (2.) Floor plan labeling ALL rooms within building (all existing and proposed) — Note: Floor plans not required for decks,sheds, windows,roofing; (3.) If necessary, Title 5 application signed by licensed installer with fee. REVIEWED BY: 07DATE: a I i),0 ‘1)-0--\"\___/ /K.'''. PLEASE NOTE COMMENTS/CONDITIONS: ..., MORTCA3E iNSPECTION PLAID �' Applicant O'1!1 Vocation: Yarwict plithv th • t tett rCEIVED f JAN 1 6 2020 li/ . YARMOUTH �e 7 •LD KING' HIGHW • � !, qt l' - 11") .Y IA eat 4s 4? t , pool Zil cot . 46 barn L Ara. . • , 15. 2.*Or/ 1 C6 . porch- • I .0 ; '44 tot.45 411. via • • A ROVE • l ,1 E'� tl'e ' _ FEB 1 0 2020 • • tot Configuration is . r , l�0 D YARMOUTH on assessors . EcU 2 1 2020 � information and •�� ING' H+ HW Y may not be exact. HE,,,LTH DEPT. 020 . ro vUTN y,, ERK Vie ref: 2• lVAgs flood panel:- 25d aiCO 51/ 0"- .3i�,�ej iivi `, 9 hereby terrify iha this mo a,e ins tion was prepared •r r The dwelling shown hereon ter ... "f!"or"V";with an e 1�fall in aspecial .E.M.,Q,flood zone ,; '� ,`;;,�- ffective date of 716-14 and the location of the dwelling '� -''� oleo conform to the local zoning by-laws in effect at the time of Scale l'',. • ' construction with respect to horizontal dimensional setback requirements Date: or is exempt from violation enforcement action under M.Q£.eh.40A,sect? No. (7-/ 52 .. pease nota:-The�shover on this mart i are shown aeteuse mitrea basion and t�a�k+ ospect retr !usedi r+ntscrn�y is iv ringaced slons � roust no� vanaxeor ��'r 'sthotbe oses.Valg 'rer rr��, information than lenassarbta Damm veacro plishe rby� ��purposes. nF whatisshownhery t. NOTE:: THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARSURVEY AND IS FOR MORTGAGE PURPOSES O Y. COLONIAL, LAND SURVEYING COMPANY, BOXARo«,MA 02047 • 781-P326-7186 • 'F SI ILCOM• . 0 - A009 VISION in IN wil m mooll I ;a ;a I milm I j EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION y� - I FT. EX1 3 EXISTING FOUNDATION PLAN q�' I FT. EX1 y EXISTING SIDE ELEVATION 3 - i FT. E%I q EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN 3 - I FT. E%1 P EXISTING PHOTOS E%1 CAPE Aa DNITE eTuaE : 6... B M.aAA...aETIe sso� T-SCG..T.... E FMB®CAPEAREMITE4T GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL ENFOUDR WALLS SHALL BE BX6 @I W O.C. ONLEBS NOTED OTXERWISE. 1. ALL INTERNAL WALLS SHALL X BE I 6 0 1 B D.O. YNLEBB NOTED OTXERWIBE 3. CONTRACTOR BXALL VERIFY L WINODW OPENING PRIOR TO ORDERING WINODWS 4. CONTRACTOR BXALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO CONSTROC I... CDNTRAGTOR AIII RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY MISSING DR INCORRECT DIMENSIONS NSIONS NOT BROYSMT TO THE DESIGNERS ATTENTION. JOHN C SPINK 57 CLAY STREET, MIDDLEBORO. MA REV. I NOTES. DATE REVISIONS: SCALE: V - I FT DATE: 10041 PROJECT: PROPOSED REMODEL EXISTING BIDE ADDITION LOCATION: 23 WILLOW ST. YARMDYTHPORT, MA I OWD. TITLE: EXISTING PLANS. ELEVATIONS AND PHOTOS PROJECT ND. 2006 DWS. NO. EX1 CAPE ARCHITECTYRE EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON lAW II.I.ICM THESE PLANE ARE NOT TC BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN ANY MEN WITHOUT FIRST 0BYUNINB THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF CAPE ApCH1TECTll0.E